#User research
verybadatcardgames · 11 months
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We all like to laugh at this scene, but Pegasus basically provided the qualitative data that made Seto Kaiba create the Duel Disk as we know it.
I can imagine Seto thinking "Pegasus you manipulative wuss you're a grown ass man not a child just throw the damn thing," but after Mokuba was dragged out, tension and terror aside, he probably looked back on the memory when he reached the lab, thinking:
"Crap, there are people who may not have the strength or skills to throw this properly."
So he totally scraps the yo-yo concept and redoes the Duel Disk to make it more user friendly by the time Battle City comes around.
Ergo, Pegasus being genuinely awful at sports contributed to making the Duel Disk better.
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alica-tech · 1 year
A Crash Course to Design Thinking: Empathy
●~•──────── Introduction  ─────────•~●
Hello! Today I wanted to talk about UX design. This post was supposed to be longer but Tumblr deleted my draft and I’m feeling (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ so here is just part one.. We’ll be covering the “Empathy” step which includes:
Exploring the problem space
Conducting User Research
Defining User Personas
I believe that taking time to do design thinking when creating a product avoids bad door knobs and confusing app interfaces. Here’s a handful of hilariously bad UI demos for taste: https://mattw.io/bad-ui/.
Here’s some other common pitfalls: 
Too many choices for a user (overcrowded toolbars)
Not enough options for users (accessibility)
Poor feedback (“Did that form actually go through?”)
Inconsistent interfaces (“Do I push or pull on this door…It says push, but has a pull handle!”)
●~•────────What is a prototype? ─────────•~●
A prototype is an early model mock-up of the product you want to build. We’re focusing on digital products in this case, so the product can be an app, website, or any other applications. Prototypes are useful for conceptualizing and visualizing your ideas for the product. It's also meant to showcase the "flow" of using the app from a user's perspective, as well as show the layout and organization of your product.
●~•───────What is the design thinking process? ────────•~●
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The design thinking process is an iterative process to approaching designing products. It's not necessarily linear, but we'll walk through what you should consider at each step. In practice, you may find yourself revisiting steps to refine your problem, ideas, and mock-up itself after getting user feedback. Let’s talk about the first step, empathizing!
Part 1: Empathize
●~•─────── Step 1 ────────•~●
⭐ Pick a problem space.
What problem are you trying to find a potential solution for? It could be as simple as "Tumblr’s draft system sucks" or maybe your friend just said "This book tracking app could be better.." Sources of inspiration are everywhere! 
Coming up with your own: Think about your own experiences as a user of different products or services. Have you encountered any frustrating issues or pain points that could be addressed with a potential solution? Maybe you struggle with finding parking in your city and wish there was a more efficient way to find available spots. Or perhaps you find it difficult to keep track of all your passwords and would like a more secure and user-friendly password manager. Consider your own needs and experiences as a starting point for identifying potential problem spaces.
Interacting with others: Talk to people in different industries or fields, or attend events or conferences related to areas you're interested in. This can give you exposure to different perspectives and potential problem spaces that you may not have considered before. For example, if you're interested in education technology, attending an education conference could help you identify common challenges and needs in that space. Or even reading through r/professors or talking to your own instructors!
📚 Resources:
https://www.uxchallenge.co/  - List of problems 
https://uxtools.co/challenges/ - Walkthroughs on tackling specific problems focused on UX skills
●~•─────── Step 2 ────────•~●
⭐ Understand the users affected by the problem.
Once you have a problem space, don’t jump ahead and start thinking of solutions! First, we must understand the problem from a variety of user perspectives. Why? Because by understanding the users affected by the problem, we can gain insights into their needs, pain points, and behaviors. This understanding can help us develop effective solutions that address their needs and improve their experiences.
There’s a variety of user research methods we can use to collect user perspectives, this is just a handful of them:
Survey: If the product already exists (and it’s yours), you could add a survey in-app for feedback on a specific feature. Otherwise, you can create a survey assessing a user’s impressions on a problem they might have (“Do you encounter this..?”, “Would you be interested in a product that..”, “What kind of features are most important to you?”).
User Interviews: This involves talking to users one-on-one to gain insights into their experiences, needs, and pain points. It's important to ask open-ended questions and actively listen to their responses to understand their perspectives fully. 
Online Research: Checkout user impressions on products by looking up existing reviews online. This can be from Amazon, Reddit, the app store, whatever. To make this kind of data useful, you can identify patterns of what is often mentioned or common pain points users express online. It’s going to be better if you can connect more directly with users about your specific problem area, but this is something to start with.
📚 Resources: (I love nngroup…)
●~•─────── Step 3 ────────•~●
⭐ Create User Personas to represent the types of users your product will be addressing the needs of.
The user persona shouldn’t represent a specific (real) person, rather it should represent a realistic archetype of a person. I think of it as like a character sheet. For example, if we’re creating an app for book tracking our user personas might be “Reader Rhea - A college student looking to organize books from her classes” or “Bookworm Bryan - A young adult looking to get book recommendations”. The persona should be based on the research you did prior. Creating user personas will help you better understand and empathize with your users, and make design decisions that align with their needs and goals.
Here’s a quick checklist of what to include in a user persona:
Name: Give your persona a name that reflects their characteristics and needs.
Demographics: Include details like age, gender, occupation, and location.
Goals: What are the persona's primary goals and objectives when using your product?
Pain points: What are the main challenges or problems that the persona faces when using your product?
Behaviors: What are the typical behaviors and habits of the persona when using your product?
Motivations: What motivates the persona to use your product?
Personality: What are the persona's personality traits and characteristics?
Scenario: Describe a scenario in which the persona would use your product or service.
Quote: Include a quote that summarizes the persona's attitude or perspective.
📚 Resources:
https://www.justinmind.com/blog/user-persona-templates/ - lots of examples and explanations here
●~•─────── That's All! ────────•~●
Phew, ok that is all for now! In a future post, I will go over the second step in the design process. If you have anything to add to this topic, pls share! :D Thanks for reading
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alovelydesolation · 1 year
Help me conduct some user research about how people play tabletop roleplaying games online!
Answer the survey, and get a link to a free digital copy of my tabletop game Roar of Alliance, a tame of WW2 tank action.
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kchro3 · 1 year
i'm new here and my feed is stale. what do
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melxxxn · 1 year
Pet App Research Survey
I'm working on a case study for my UI/UX portfolio and I would like some help with my user research. I'm new to writing case studies so I don't know what professionals do in this case so I'm just asking for help here haha 🥹
This time I'm working on a case study for a pet app that lets pet owners track "everything" about their pets. Age, gender, occupation, and location are essential critical factors in collecting data since they will help with the app's demographic, so if you're okay with sharing that, it would be a great help!
Click here for the survey!
Thank you so much for your interest!
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mattygrovesfic · 2 years
I'm doing user research on online clothes shopping habits and looking for survey takers! It'll take about 2-5 minutes if you have a chance!
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gaussmultimedia · 1 year
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Curso de Especialista en UX-UI 2019-20. Proyecto Final de Adrián García Hurtado: estudio y diseño de app para Truvé.
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genz-uxresearch · 1 year
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yujofficial · 3 months
Overcoming roadblocks to enhance the EV charging experience
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Despite the EV revolution, a robust charging network remains a roadblock in the USA. This article explores the hurdles – from scarce stations to complex standards. As a UX design studio, we believe design thinking can unlock the key. By easing range anxiety, attracting investment, and crafting intuitive experiences, we can pave the way for a seamless EV future.
To know more read the article here
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Unlocking the Power of User Research in Digital Marketing
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In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, understanding your audience is the key to success. User research, a cornerstone of effective marketing strategies, goes beyond demographics, delving into the psyche of your target audience. In this exploration, we will uncover the significance of user research in the realm of digital marketing and how it can be a game-changer for businesses seeking to connect authentically with their customers.
The Foundation: User research in digital marketing
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, staying ahead requires more than just a compelling message and a visually appealing website. It demands a deep understanding of your audience — their preferences, behaviors, and pain points. User research lays the foundation for crafting marketing campaigns that resonate with your target demographic.
Understanding user behavior for strategic insights
User research involves studying how users interact with digital platforms, from websites to social media channels. By analyzing user behavior, marketers gain insights into what drives engagement, influences purchasing decisions, and fosters brand loyalty. This data becomes a goldmine for shaping digital strategies that are not just appealing but also effective in achieving business goals. Segmentation and Personalization: Tailoring Experiences One of the key advantages of user research is the ability to segment your audience based on their preferences and behaviors. This segmentation allows for personalized marketing efforts, delivering content and experiences that cater to the specific needs of each segment. Personalization, in turn, enhances user satisfaction and increases the likelihood of conversion.
Optimizing User Experience (UX) for Maximum Impact
In the digital realm, user experience is paramount. A website or app that is difficult to navigate or lacks relevance to the user is likely to lose their attention quickly. User research guides the optimization of UX by identifying pain points, understanding user expectations, and streamlining the overall digital experience. Headline: Crafting Seamless Journeys with User-Centric Design User-centric design is at the core of effective digital marketing. Whether it’s a landing page, an email campaign, or a social media post, each touchpoint should be crafted with the user in mind. User research informs the design process, ensuring that every element contributes to a seamless and enjoyable user journey.
Enhancing Digital Marketing Strategies with User Insights
User research acts as a compass, guiding marketers in developing strategies that align with the needs and preferences of their audience. From content creation to social media engagement, insights garnered from user research inform every aspect of a digital marketing campaign. Keyword Presence: Unveiling Opportunities with User Research In the digital marketing landscape, the keyword is not just about SEO; it’s about understanding the language your audience speaks. User research uncovers the keywords and phrases your audience uses, providing valuable insights for optimizing content and reaching your audience effectively.
Linking Insights to Action: The Role of Analytics
Analytics tools play a crucial role in translating user research into actionable strategies. By tracking user interactions, marketers can measure the success of campaigns, identify areas for improvement, and adapt their strategies in real-time. Analytics, when combined with user research, create a powerful feedback loop that drives continuous improvement. Headline: From Data to Action: Maximizing Analytics in Digital Marketing Analytics is the bridge between raw data and strategic action. By leveraging the insights gained from user research and analytics, digital marketers can refine their approach, allocate resources more effectively, and ensure that every campaign contributes to the overall marketing objectives.
Navigating the Digital Landscape with User Research Tools
In the digital age, an array of tools is available to facilitate user research. From surveys and heatmaps to A/B testing, these tools empower marketers to gather quantitative and qualitative data. Integrating these tools into the digital marketing strategy enhances the accuracy and depth of user insights. Anchor Text: Dive deeper into user research at Digital Marketing Kirtesh’s blog. For a comprehensive exploration of user research tools, methodologies, and case studies, visit Digital Marketing Kirtesh’s blog. Gain valuable insights into optimizing your digital marketing strategies and staying ahead in the competitive digital landscape.
Conclusion: Elevating Digital Marketing through User-Centric Strategies
In conclusion, user research is not just a component of digital marketing; it is the catalyst that propels strategies to new heights. By understanding the nuances of user behavior, preferences, and expectations, marketers can create campaigns that not only capture attention but also foster long-term relationships with their audience. Embrace the power of user research and unlock the potential for unparalleled success in the dynamic world of digital marketing.
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kimbapeukidding · 3 months
Looking for participants for a study on Goodreads 🥺
i am conducting a usability test as part of an evaluative uxr (user experience research) study of the web version of goodreads. i am looking to conduct the tests with readers who are either already users of goodreads/readers who have never used goodreads before but might be open to trying it out.
the test is remote and moderated; depending on your preferred platform, we can use the audio and screen-sharing features on either discord, google meet, or zoom. i will talk you through and get your feedback on three small tasks on goodreads, with a few questions preceding and following the tests. it will take approximately 30 minutes.
if you’re willing to and have the time to participate in this session, please let me know—either through a comment or a message! i’d be grateful for your help and love to know what you think.
i don’t have the monetary resources to compensate you for your time >.< but as a student who has been frequently working on written assignments over the last few years, my editing and copyediting skills are still fresh. so i’d be happy to assist with any editing/copyediting work should you require it—if you think i can reciprocate your help that way.
thank you for considering my request, and do reach out if you have any questions! 🥺
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designbyrobin · 4 months
U.X. User Persona and Journey Mapping
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After conducting user research through remote surveys and general market research, I created the foundation for 2 user personas. A few revisions resulted in these graphics above, detailing the background, motivations, and challenges of the company's potential client base.
These graphics serve as guides for better understanding and meeting the needs of the company's customers.
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jobaaj · 5 months
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🌟 Are you curious about what a product manager or executive does on a day-to-day basis?
😃 Do you dream of a product management career but are unsure where to start?
🚀 Our workshop offers end-to-end knowledge of product management, giving you a comprehensive understanding of the role and the skills required to succeed.
📚 During the workshop, you'll learn about product strategy, market analysis, user research, design thinking, agile methodologies, and much more.
🧠 Our experienced instructors will guide you through the entire product lifecycle, from ideation to launch, and provide real-world examples to help you understand the concepts and tools you need to excel in the field.
🎓 Whether you're a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or looking to switch careers, our workshop will provide you with the insights and knowledge you need to succeed as a product manager or executive. Join us today and take the first step toward a rewarding career in product management!
🌠Link to the Workshop 📌🔗👉
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fastlivenostress · 7 months
Before You Write: Why Research is Crucial for Every Writer
Pixabay As a writer, you might have experienced the frustration of getting stuck while working on a piece. You sit down to write, and the words just don’t seem to flow. Or maybe you’ve published a piece only to find out that there are factual errors or other mistakes that could have easily been avoided. In situations like these, it’s important to remember the value of research. By taking the time…
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View On WordPress
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onegayhipster · 7 months
Banking App ( Week 1 - User Research in UX)
Over the last few weeks, we have been designing a financial app targeting the gen-Z demographic that not only acts as a one stop shop for all of your banking accounts, but improves the user's financial literacy passively through use and incorporates a social aspect to banking much in the way that Venmo does ( more on that later). Additionally, we plan on incorporating a crowd sourcing element where users can create public " envelopes" that functions similary to an allotment but can be funded by community member similar to a GoFundMe.
To begin, we needed to create a foundation to base our design around. To do so we needed to know what our demographics pain points are, what features could be improved, and test the attitudes towards specific features we have in mind. With our limited time we figured that a google survey would be the easiest way to start.
What we set out to learn is the following:
1.) How does Gen-Z report their understanding of financial literacy and what is their preferred learning style on such topics.
2.) What goals does Gen-Z set for themselves and how do they keep track of those goals.
3.) What social media feeds does Gen-Z resonate with the most and how could those be incorporated into our design.
4.) What types of charities do they interact with and their experience with mutual aid and crowd funding sources.
5.) What do users want to see first when opening the app.
The information received from our 35 testers was extremely beneficial to creating a empathy driven design. That said we realized the limitation of the survey. For example, when asked to rank in order which features they would prefer to see on their dashboard, we found that the data collected couldn't be used.
Today in class we discussed UX-research methods. In hindsight, it may have been beneficial to use a card sorting method to better understand how a user would like to see a snapshot of their finances. Although we do not have time to go back and test our users again, we were successfully able to create user personas/ archetype to better inform our design going forward.
With a foundation laid out, our next step is to create a brand identity, the 6 core pillars of our design, and a flushed out stylescape that reflects the aesthetic direction of our app.
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tvsnext · 8 months
User Research Methods Within Constraints
User Research is done to inspire your design, evaluate your solutions, and measure the impact of your product/project. When working with limited resources, conducting user research can seem daunting. While it’s true that having more resources at your disposal makes the task easier, there are still plenty of ways to effectively do user research, even while working within constraints. In this blog, we will take you through some essential user research methods to do effective research without breaking the bank or feeling overwhelmed.
Dive in to find out what steps you can take today to gather meaningful user insights despite restrictions.
How to do User Research with Budget Constraints
Research can be established with a minimal budget using these innovative user research methods.
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How to do User Research with Time Constraints
Using a framework for optimizing engagement and data
Time is always a constraint for many companies. Several frameworks are available online, depending on the outcome they want to achieve. A framework also allows us to prioritize our teams’ research efforts better.
Using impactful users
Choosing the right users for the research is essential. Every user has a different perspective based on his experiences and exposure. For example, if your research is about building a new experience for drivers, you need to ensure your users know how to drive. Otherwise, you will not get meaningful results. Sometimes we need users with domain experience or expertise.
Prior documentation
Documentation is often not given the importance it deserves. We need to make sure we capture the different stages of the research and design so that everyone can understand why certain design decisions were made and why.
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There will always be constraints that we will have to work in. Keep refining your process, starting with these tips, until it works for you and your team. We will need to get creative with our ways to accomplish user research!
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