#U is for unicorn fish
neetagardner · 2 years
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inf3ct3dd · 5 months
streamer!ellie pt.2
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summary: i hated the other one of this that i made, so REMAKE TIEM!!!
warnings: miiinor sexual content, shit talking, gay people 😒
authors note: heheheh ples don’t flop this time..
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- during her faceless days, she opened up a po box so ppl could send her things, and she made an amazon wishlist and she unboxed stuff on stream 😍😍
- one day she was unboxing a giant box of cat toys. string, those little feather stick things, even that weird automatic flapping fish thing (that she secretly loves and taped to her back one time)
- she was playing with this one toy that was a little fishing reel, and it had string and a little fish on the bottom. she went on and onnn about how shes a self proclaimed “fishing master” while garf chased it around, letting out little meows and growls of frustration.
- eventually, she lost her grip and let go of the pole. she bent down to pick it up, forgetting that her face would be in view. thus, the chat started blowing up.
ewwwbruh: FACE REVEAL
ewssidechick: her nose looks so rideable…
- she got distracted petting garfield, and didn’t realize anything until she stood up. she was getting tagged over and over again on twitter, blurry pictures of her face (curtesy of the shitty webcam) circulating through her subreddit.
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- “guys. im gonna erase this from ur memory…” and she literally held up this goofy ass hypnotizer pendelum and started fake hypnotizing everyone like “that never happenedddd” “you don’t know what i look likeeee” “that was fakeeee” “chat that was not reallll”
- and everyone literally js went along with it and pretended it never happened. like ppl were tweeting about it and everyone was like “huh??? what are u talking about bruh??”
- she did the same thing after falling off her rainbow unicorn scooter 😞
- one time she revealed that the “ew” in her username stood for her initials, and everyone was making the most horrendous guesses. elliam willace being the favorite one.
- “guys, my name is not edward wilson??? i am…not a man”
- shes gotten into so much drama…multiple notes app apologies have been issued via her instagram story.
- people would ask her opinions on other streamers, and she’d literally just be like “…i have no idea who that is.” and people would get so MADDDD but homegirl is literally just blatantly unaware
- or she would know , and would literally be like “they’re honestly super annoying and i would rather kill myself than watch them but whatever floats ur boat ig!”
- she played that “womp womp womp womppp” sound effect on her soundboard afterwards.
- SPEAKING OF. she abuses that soundboard sooo much. its so obnoxious and annoying like I SWEARRR!!! she’ll tell a horrible pun and play the crowd laughing and cheering sound effects while literally no one laughed.
“guys. whats the best way to watch a fly fishing tournament??”
“…live streaming.”
(crowd cheering sound effect)
“nooo thank you thank you, you’re all too kind, really!!”
- meanwhile chat was dead silent.
- every time she gets to choose her own name on a game its some dumb shit like "jizzmaster" or "chris fucker"
- “it appears you have entered innapropriate content.” “OHHH LOOK AT EPISODE LOOK AT THESE CORPORATE BIGWIGS TRYING TO CONTROL THE LITTLE MAN???”
- she just ended up naming him “chris phucker”
- like when she played episode on stream and made up really annoying voices for all the characters and made her character look like an elderly man, and made the love interest look like you 😍😍
- she messes up sm on games when she streams normally, but when you're there? she is LOCKED THE FUCK IN. sitting there so focused the entire time just to show off
- whenever she randomly goes silent she just starts SINGING. it's either nicki minaj or some fucking fnaf song
- speaking of, her favorite fnaf song is def “stay calm” cuz she loves saying “hey kids. Nice to eat ya.”
- bought one of those "i paused my game to be here" tshirts…ironically. you refuse to let her wear it in public
- beefs w kids on fortnite sm... she has definitely gotten banned for saying she was gonna bomb a kids house or fuck their mom 😞
- every time she plays a game, she'll literally sit there and watch an 8 hour long video about the lore. she'll plop down on the couch and watch it like a movie
"did you know everyone actually thought that fnaf one took place in 1993, but it was actually 1992?"
- she definitely had you sit next to her when she played through fnaf because she was lowk scared the entire time whenever she heard you walking around the house while she was playing she'd hear footsteps in the hallway and be like. WHAT THE FUCKKK
-she'd have you right next to her, laying your head on her shoulder and messing with her free hand. if you fell asleep, she would be sitting there slapping her hand over her mouth whenever she gets jumpscared bc she doesn't want you to wake up 😞
- sometimes, while she streams , she plays one handed games and lets you sit and draw on her arm for fun. even got you a whole set of those skin markers so u could go ABSOLUTELY HAM. she got one drawing you did that said “r + e 4eva” tattooed in ur handwriting���such a sap
- she loves watching fan edits of herself...AND OF YOU. she'll be on her burner account with a whole collection on tiktok of edits of you.
ewwsbiggestfan: shes so bad i want her to hit me w her car...
- speaking of. imagine her using that account to make shitty capcut edits of you like
- shes ur biggest fan ongod
-WHILE WE’RE ON THE TOPIC OF “fans”…what if i made a completely new origin story for streamer!ellie and reader. what if they were both streamers….
- you had started streaming about a year before ellie did. butttt, you two did very different types of streaming.
- you weren’t very into like, SERIOUS video games. sure, you played some stuff, like animal crossing and roblox and the sims, but nothing more than that.
- that wasn’t what you were streaming though.
- ever since you were younger, you had been wayyyy into…literature.
-by literature i mean fanfiction. heaps of it.
- actors, anime characters, BOOK CHARACTERS, you were in DEEP
- sometimes, for fun, you used to read them out loud in stupid voices. when you were alone, or with your friends, it was very entertaining
- that’s when you got the idea to start streaming it. if it could entertain your friends, and you, whos to say it wouldn’t entertain other people.
- well, it definitely did. in your first year, you hit 10k followers. people loved you. theyd make edits of you, send in requests of fics for you to read, everything.
- a while later, ellie started gaining more and more popularity. out of all the incomes of fame, fanfiction was the most. abundant!
- one day, you got a request to read an ellie x reader fic. at the time, you barely had any idea who she was, but you decided to just go with it 🤞🏽
- “who the fuck is elliam willace???”
- the fanfic was definitely very…graphic!
- “your hips rolled onto her thigh, her slender, tattooed hand palming at your waist. ‘you’re doing so good babe, fuck.’-“ “GUYS. ISN’T SHE NOT ON MUTE RIGHT NOW???”
- you couldn’t help but giggle the rest of the fic, feeling a nagging heat in your core. you didn’t even know who the girl was, but if this fic was accurate, someone would have to sedate you.
-“im actually. gnawing at the iron bars of my enclosure. GUYS. who is this woman…is she real… if she is. things are about to get WICKED.”
- not very thankful to you at the moment, she was very real. apparently, you and her were streaming at the same time, and your followers raided her stream telling her she was reading about you. her curiosity was obviously piqued, and why would she NOT join the stream?
- creeperewman: im definitely real!
- the text on your screen literally made your stomach fall into your ass. you stood up and legit just walked out of the room, camera still on. was she there the whole time???
- creeperewman: aww 😞 where’d she go she’s so badddd
- you eventually returned after a minute of calming yourself down, and low and behold, she gifted you 100 subs and followed you on instagram.
- she was definitely very real!! and that fanfic was…lore accurate. to say the least 😊
- after you two started dating, the two of you would often show up on eachothers streams. ellie, teaching you how to play cod, and you, reading with her.
- she secretly loves reading the fics people write about her and making fun of them, and every time you stream with her shes “subtly” hinting that you should read about her
sitting there pulling on her collar, looking away like “gee, wonder who you’re gonna pick today” with the worst fake laugh ever.
- “ellie can barely ride a scooter, idk why she’s in the mafia rn…” “you fall off ONE TIME and all of a sudden you cant ride a scooter. bullshit.”
- she makes fun of all the dumb pet names like “babygirl” and “darling” and randomly calls you them and bursts out laughing
- you still read those fics when you’re bored sometimes. and ellie MERCILESSLY makes fun of you for it
“yknow, if you missed me that bad, you should’ve just told me.”
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dangopango00 · 22 days
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YIIPEEE finished the rest of the brothers with my hcs 😮‍💨😮‍💨
Notes utc
- Grey streaks from like stress or sth
- Tired eyes (Honestly ik i put his eyes should be straight before but i decided itd be soooo kewt if he had downturned eyes like belphie)
- Kept his eye color bc it shows how hes aggressive but not all the time like silent but deadly bc muted colors
- dilf
- Made his hair more greyish bc his and solomons hairstyles are so similar
- Was also sick and tired of the messy anime boy hair so i made his hair messy in a diff way; more clean since hes a model and all
- His ahoge is supposed to look like a little wing kinda
- A few black streaks (dyed) bc of how much he respects luci
- Remnants of freckles (light seasonal freckles)
- I hate the eyebrows and eyes going through the hair thing if its fully covered but i had to show that hes being mischievous
- Im so sorry to everyone who loved him the way he was but I HAD TO GREMLINFY HIM its in character trust
- He blushes the most imo like i feel like his whole face and neck would turn red
- His hair would be super messy like he would NOTT brush that shit its a waste of time in his opinion
- Made his messy hair in the shape of a fish fin (top) and tail (right)
- Made his mouth widest bc hes a lizard
- Gave him slight snake eyes (ok but imagine if it intensified whenever he was envious like how cats do but opposite)
- Angelic ahh beautiful man
- Hair grows fast so its always a lil long
- Always looks a lil mad RBF
- Same hair swoop thing as Asmo
- Single ahoge is supposed to represent a unicorn horn kinda
- Little rat braid that supposed to resemble scorpion tail
- fake mole (hes not one of us yall.) (we let it slide bc hes chill)
- Similar swoop to satan (purposeful. Asmo styles his hair since he was “young” and he just kept doing it that way)
- #softgirl vibe
- Ik i said idk what to say for him but i got a bunch of random inspo bye
- Looks like he was raised by wolves. Ok well thats an exaggeration but his hair is very unkempt doesnt get haircuts until his hair is down to like his shoulders and def doesnt style it
- FRECKLS ❤️ mostly on his cheeks
- Lighter streaks of hair naturally n it matches belphie 🥺🥺
- ahoge is supposed to look like fly wings but he also looks like a bnnuy and thats so kewt
Belphie if u havent seen him!
All the hcs i made more in-depth than on here
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maddytheintrovert · 7 months
Ok so OFMD S2 Ep8 spoilers, you’ve been warned.
What the everloving fuck was that. I just. I am devastated. Ok well I’m happy for Ed and Stede because of course I fucking am. But. What THE EVERLOVING FUCK.
1- I refuse to let it sink in that a certain someone was gut stabbed and is now buried under a lovely cross (the unicorn leg, the scarf with the ring, get out stop). I will be anxiously awaiting the fanfic writers to fix this. Plz. I’m going to go on Ao3 immediately after I post this.
2- is that dream sequence of Stede’s actually foreshadowing? Because while Izzy does not die at his hand, Izzy dies due to Stede’s plan. Idk.
3- if Izzy doesn’t fucking haunt someone on the crew I’m done. He better show up like the Badmintons to call everyone cocksuckers or I sue.
4-Lucius and Pete got married and that brings me joy (in this pit of despair)
5- aw Ed. ED. I was cackling when he sucked at fishing and Pop pop was ready to fucking beat the shit out of him. Iconic. Also him just staring at the burning ships and being like “stede”. Stop. Also the I love you and the like I saw u do all that “cool” pirate stuff. And BABE. And THE LETTER.
6- Ed pt.2 IZZY AND ED. THAT SCENE STOP. While I don’t feel like Izzy should have died I think he was awesome this episode and definitely like came full character arc this season (the talk with our least favourite pirate wannabe and final words with Ed - I.e., Ed has so much family now. He can just be Ed)
7- Spanish Jackie being awesome and the bit about poison tolerance amongst the hubbies. I love her and the Swede and the Swede is finally getting some fucking respect and love and aw.
8- the seagull on Izzy’s grave. Hey buttons, love u
9- and the quad lives (shoutout to my lovely 4 Jim, Archie, Oluwande and Zheng Yi Sao). Also that moment between Zheng Yi and Auntie. Also Jim patching Auntie up.
10- ok gotta circle back to Izzy and the pirate wannabes chat and how much I love Izzy
11- how are we feeling about ep 8 Bonnet. I personally think he still needs some humbling. Idk because I’m happy about the progress he’s made re being made out to be a failure his whole life and coming to terms with that and becoming this more confident version of himself (I mean he had confidence from Day 1 but he was mighty plagued by all the Shit he went through in his youth). I enjoyed him “trying to protect” Zheng Yi when she wouldn’t run away when the navy because she was mighty fucked over losing Auntie and her crew (which my poor baby). Also I like Zheng Yi calling him out on his bullshit 24/7. But also idk I wanted him to like apologize or smtg because he was being a right dickhead the previous night. Also idk so happy Ed told Stede he loves him but like life’s a dick but so were u Stede… basically I love that Stede is unapologetically himself this season but also sometimes u do need to say ur sorry for being a dickhead.
12- the crew when Izzy died. The look on Jim’s face. Stop. I need to rewatch and look at Al their reactions but Jim’s caught my eye of the pain and sorrow because WE ALL LOVE IZZY NOW.
13- once again, Izzy better haunt someone or I sue
Ok I’m going to go try to not thing about the fact they killed Izzy now. What I don’t believe can’t hurt me or some shit.
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totaldrama-showdowns · 4 months
Submissions for the Non-Human Showdown! Including ones that are invalid!
Fang (x2)
“He's Fang ❤”
Cody Jr (x2)
“Cody Jr! No! Not Aunty Heather!”
Mr Coconut (x2)
“The og. Should have won every season /serious”
vince the alligator (x2)
“The lore… so immaculate”
the don box (x2)
“bzzz i have a stupid fucking clue for you. ah fuck the interns put me in a lame outfit again”
“what id don on about he's slaying in that shirt”
wt pineapple (x2)
Irene the fish (x2)
“shes so beautiful i’d kiss her too”
“The final remaining member of Team Victory after DJs elimination, Irene went on to win the million and the hearts of many.”
the chrarry baby (x2)
“Goo goo gaa gaa”
“ive got my eye on u chris mclean”
Princess Beth Doll
“I WANT TO BUY ONE SO BAD IRL!!!!! Also, this too is yuri”
Old Jester from reboot S2ep9
“I love when Damien hugged him! That's scene is soooo cute. Also I love fluffy animal!”
Bobo :)
“SEASON 2 SPOILERS Bobo is the name of the bear that had the Raj mask in season 2 episode 12 :) idk I just think he’s silly”
DJ’s bunny
the Chris-shaped cake that Julia's group made
“I wanna eat that thang”
Dramarama Cody
“He's an alien”
Theodore (MK's stuffed unicorn)
(the arts and crafts) Shed (from season 1)
“shed sweep”
that evil little seal from wt
“sooo little and evil. who can hate him”
caleb rock
“possibly the best version of him out there”
the skull duncan carved for courtney
“you cant deny how iconic it was”
eva’s mp3 player
“the most important character in td history”
heather’s various hairstyles
“possibly the most diverse and versatile entity in td historu”
pahkitew island
“The best one”
ryan seacrests car
“very fast”
chef's car (total dramarama and gen 4)
“MY CAR!!!!!”
alien clone cody
“AAAAAAA*explodes into green goo*”
chris's wig
heather's wig
total drama yum yuk happy go time candy fish tails
“You ate it!”
trents five finger shirt
princess courtney CD
“all the greatest hits!”
owens butt
anne maria’s hair style
“Ey im walkin here”
bridgettes surfboard
the fake antlers from the paintball ep
manitobas fedora
beary <3
“it’s LITERALLY beary”
ripper’s world record breaking fart
“he did it”
the portrait of cody as blue boy in wt
“funny looking”
sierra’s pizza box-cum-laptop*
“she uses the internet AND eats witj it. shes a genius”
*Mod Note: this refers to cum meaning: combined with; also used as (used to describe things with a dual nature or function).
waynes accent
“Eh we play hockey eh”
mal ventriloquist doll
“aaah im evil mal doll”
alejandro puppet
“we do a little trolling”
Chef 2.0
“He made him from a cashew”
Mt. Kīlauea
“She has the mercy to have her lava not hot enough to kill Alejandro, Ezekiel, and that random intern like... Everyone say "thank you" or somethin idk. Do you think she feels bad that Alejandro ended up in a robot suit because”
Immunity idol s4-5
“They ruined it's design in the reboot boooooooo”
MK's infernape
“Listen, she's a gamer and she's based. She would totally pick chimchar in bdsp. She probably hates people who tells her to "play platinum" because that was a game made for old people.
Try and exclude this submission, I dare you. There's nothing that says I can't submit theoretical non-humans. There's a non-zero chance that MK has an Infernape and I know it's been raised to have some awesome sneaky move. If you exclude this, I bet you'd allow "Mike's Torterra" because only a grass type fan would be a fire type and MK hater!!
Julia would keep her piplup unevolved and beat her console into tiny bits when she gets to Cynthia btw”
the drone of shame
“[picks up victim and flies away] wheeee”
that giant bowl of rice they fall into in japan
“mm giant bowl of rice”
noah’s dog
“his epic dog”
celine dion cardboard cutout
“love fucking wins #duncney”
the face huggers from Area 51
“rip tyler”
ezekiel MISSING milk carton
“Sad! He died.”
the eagle chris shot and killed
“someone arrest this man. again”
the confessional
“it’s always there for you”
geoff’s splinter
the bread from codys pants
“man i need to rewatch island. i fucking love the pants bread”
That ice cream snowman from SMS
“the one from raptear specifically. let's go lesbians”
that pizza chase threw the challenge for
“clearly he should be with it rather than emma. chemma? chipper? chazee? nope never fucking heard of them”
Momma's Spice
“*sprinkles it on op's head* mmmm tasty”
The Gilded Chris award
WT barf bags
“give a real f to those guys. never appeared after episode 7.”
the toxic marshmallow of loserdom
“killer of staci's hair”
The lavatory confessional
“bitch is iconic. 6/8 is a passing mark!!!”
Courtney's PDA
“why wouldnt they call it a phone idk but its so camp”
The Cassowaries
“Male cassowaries are responsible for raising the young. We love an involved father.”
Fire-breathing winged mountain goats
“You could make an Undertale reference with this (also they're really cool)”
Giant Beetle
“Dott shippers will like this one”
Mutated Maggots
“They're pretty cute!”
Six-Legged Rats
scott bird
“what a beautiful bird”
Chef's car
“It may play a role in mkulia canon”
that rainbow porridge in episode 8 of the reboot
“aw hell naw chris cookin up the gay porridge”
The cassowary that fell in love with Zee
“We love an iconic single mother looking for love”
The rat in the cargo hold that appears on screen for 0.5 seconds during Ezekiel's solo in "Come Fly With Us"
“That rat really carried the whole song. Iconic. Astounding. Never before seen talent. Lady Gaga is shaking in her Demonias.”
The Erymanthian Boar
“It wrecked Duncan's shit in Greece.”
The dock of shame
“So many teens walked on her, i think she deserves some recognizion”
gwen's blender necklace
Zoey's hamster (Miss Puffycheeks)
“It's cute and can punch a cat, need I say more?”
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aquaquadrant · 11 months
Heeey absolutely love this au, its jus- mwah! Great!
I was just wondering if you've thought about what other types of hybrids they are. Like how tango, is a blaze hybird, and how jimmy has wings, hels pearl-moth, etc? Like what else could there be or something?
just think it would be interesting!
ps. this is absolutely so cool, i love it so much, the world building, the story, all of it.
ahhhh thank u so much :] the answer to that question is: literally anything. there are mob hybrids that exist for every mob in minecraft, and plenty outside of it (i mean, minecraft doesn’t even have birds but it’s known that jimmy is part canary. idk how that works, i’m just running w it LOL)
the ones in the au so far (besides the ones you’ve already mentioned) are ren and his hels, rend (wolf hybrids), xb and his hels bx (guardian hybrids), gem (deer hybrid) and her hels, capricornslays or cap for short (unicorn hybrid), scott and his hels, sean sminor (unspecified fish hybrids??), grian (parrot hybrid) and his hels, scáil (some other unspecified bird hybrid), bigb (goat hybrid), zedaph (sheep hybrid), jevin (slime hybrid) and his hels, helvin (magma cube hybrid), doc (technically part goat hybrid?? but also part creeper hybrid and part mech) and… maybe some others i’m forgetting. hopefully not. but YEAH u can have hybrids of basically any animal or mob except for skeletons, zombies, and villagers- things that are like. already humans in some capacity? or, were human. cuz that’d be weird.
so like, for example, cleo isn’t a zombie hybrid, she’s literally a zombie. a player that somehow got turned into a zombie. their hels, cloe, is a normal human player. but i don’t have the deets of that particular backstory worked out yet ;0
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ae-neon · 1 year
A LucNes drabble?
Context: acotar but Nesta went to Spring.
Nesta tried not to groan as the unicorn beneath her climbed the hill, away from the stream in which Lucien had caught their fish.
Each lurch of the beast agitated the ache between her legs and the pain in her back. She hadn't rode since the day she'd been brought to Spring and before that it had been years since they'd been able to afford anything but a work horse.
She fought against the incline, muscles burning, to not lean her weight into the body behind hers.
Lucien guided the beast back towards the treeline, not deep into the forest but among enough trees they wouldn't easily be spotted from the air.
Nesta had heard the manor staff whisper about dark wings, heard the sentries talk of arial watch. Whatever they feared could fly.
And yet they were heading east, further from the Manor and it's defences. The day was dragging to an end and still no word had come for them to return.
"Are we meant to be out all day?" She asked eventually.
"In a rush to return? I'm sure the High Lord will be pleased." Lucien said dryly.
It was a particularly hard poke. Nesta had ignored the High Lord for almost two weeks when she first arrived. And his own displeasure had been hard to miss.
Things were better now, Nesta had eavesdropped on enough conversations to understand why he'd kept her there even after she lied about killing the fae, but it didn't mean they got along in the way the others seemed to hope they would.
And Nesta was not going to be a pawn in whatever game was being played between the High Lord and the Queen. It would be foolish for the powerful, immortal Fae of Prythian to bet so much on a human woman.
And Tamlin didn't seem eager to put on a play to win her affection either, which seemed to both irritate and entertain Lucien to no end.
Lucien was an enigma. All at once the wicked, alluring portrait of a faerie and yet with the manners and polish of a gentleman.
He was clearly as High Fae as Tamlin, Bron and Hart; nothing like the winged and plant-like creatures who quieted themselves in Nesta's presence but there was something off about him too. He looked out of place, as much a stranger to the effervescence of Spring as she was.
He was too sharp, too quick, too red.
"I'm not sure I trust whatever you plan to concoct with those fish."
They rode a little longer before Lucien stopped the beast and smoothly dismounted, holding out a hand for Nesta to follow. She tried not to wince but the pain had her almost doubling over.
"We can't go back tonight."
Nesta frowned, "And where, exactly, are we supposed to sleep?"
Lucien shrugged, one corner of his mouth tugged into a grin, "Under the stars, wrapped in each others arms."
He reached for the saddle bags and the fish before giving a nod to the unicorn who seemed to understand and began running in the opposite direction. Nesta's irritation flared but before she could say a word, Lucien wrapped a free arm around her waist and a sudden wind whipped through her hair and clothes. Had her feet not been on the ground, Nesta would have sworn they'd just fallen.
The trees around them were gone, changed, flowers bloomed on spindly branches among yellow and red leaves. They now stood before a tiny, thatched-roof cottage; smaller even than home and clearly meant for only temporary shelter. Nesta was not surprised to find the only furnishings were a bed and a small table, not even a chair.
She gingerly sat on the bed, relieved to find it clean and comfortable, while Lucien set to fill a pot with water from an outside well and begin boiling it. He handed her a knife, saying he'd only be gone for a moment while looking for herbs and a vegetable or two. Nesta nodded, biting back any remark, happy she'd have a moment to herself.
She scooped out a cup of the water before it began to boil and wet a tail section of her cloak before wiping at her skin - the closest she'd get to a bath before they returned to the manor.
She unravelled the braid of her hair, using the last of the water she'd taken, dipped her fingers in then brought them to her scalp and finger-combed them through her golden locks.
Nesta found herself feeling better, still in pain but less likely to snap at Lucien despite the pain and anxiety.
She found Lucien had already gutted the fish so she set about removing the bones, heads and tails. When he returned, he seemed a little surprised to find her quietly working but quickly set about peeling and chopping what he'd gathered.
Nesta watched him and noted as she had, earlier by the stream, the efficacy at which Lucien worked. He had the manners and speech of a gentleman for the most part but both he and Tamlin had a common streak about them - as if they had always worked for what they had. It reminded her of Feyre.
They ate in relative silence. An unusual occurrence, in part because Nesta was still in pain but in greater part because, for once, Lucien didn't seem intent on talking either.
Finally, she moved, gingerly stood from where she'd sat on her folded cloak. They would have to share the bed, she knew, and on any other occasion she might have protested it - but her body demanded rest.
Lucien was sitting on the bed, his back against the wall, long limbs spread out. She might have worried about whatever danger was out there if she hadn't seen him wield a blade.
His eyes - one bronze, one gold - roamed over her, "You're in pain."
Nesta couldn't quite meet his gaze, "It's just the riding, I'm not used to it."
He moved, giving her space to climb into the bed on the side closest to the wall and furthest from the door. Nesta watched in the dim firelight as he undid the hooks of his belt and pulled off his boots.
She looked away, turning to face the wall as she heard more rustling before the bed dipped with his weight.
Surprised, she turned back to face him and found him seated, offering a salve.
Nesta winced as she tried to sit up, her muscles burning and her skin swelling with irritated heat.
Lucien sighed, sweeping a hand through the front of his red hair, "Lie back, I'll do it."
"Don't be ridiculous, you-"
Quicker than she could react, he had a hand on her ankle and tugged her towards him. It was not harsh by any standard of Fae strength but it was enough to set her back flat on the mattress.
Heat flooded Nesta's face. A small part of her demanded she use that same leg to kick him in the face. And yet the small relief of lying down was enough to almost put her under.
She would simply think of him as a healer, impersonal and task oriented. Tricked her mind into being mildly less mortified when he stuck his arm under her skirts, hand finding her knee. Nesta flinched as his fingertips brushed the raw skin of her inner thighs and Lucien took note of where to apply.
The touch of the salve was surprisingly cool and Nesta felt the tension in her body wash away as Lucien dabbed the salve on her skin. She sighed in relief when he began to rub it in, her skin tingling and no longer burning. She bit back a groan as he applied pressure to the sore spots where her thighs met her hips, barely aware or even caring that the hem of her dress had rode up her thighs.
Her lids were heavy when she finally risked a glimpse up at the Fae looming over her. His face was half covered in the deep shadow cast by the dim firelight, the other half washed in the orange glow. Everything about him seemed to drink it in, the colour of his hair and skin deepening. The contrast of the smooth gold of his eye and the dark scars that cracked his face. He looked beautiful and terrifying, like some god of old.
I have no idea where I was going with this and it's just sitting in my drafts, but I felt like it would be a waste to delete.
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mareeemow · 2 months
fishposting #2
1. TURT. OMG LOVE TURTS. not a fish but oh man it was so pretty 11/10
2. weird dude with streaks and spots of all different colors. definitely on the fruity side 8/10
3. PUFFER. white with spots!!! he was super cute i named him herbert 9/10
4. a group of volor changing bastards with boomerang tails. spotted on tail. they were SCARY and looked like GANG MEMBERS 3/10 for being fish
tomorrow will be no.3 :3
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lagt-duck · 1 year
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I wanna do something silly and like
Explain the plushies in my room
So bed.
We got Kermit and Hamtaro: both were in the show business, nowadays they are kinda just retired and enjoy chilling
Then u have uuuh Christmas Donald, who is still in the show business, he is overworked and would just like some days to go out and fish with his nephews please
Then u have the children tm
Cupcake Pompompurin and my panda unicorn squishmallows : pompompurin also works but he isn't as overworked as like Donald
Then you have twitch streamer girl and her little brother squishmallows (the beluga is called Jaiden) and at the end you have the old father who looks very gruff but is actually a Sweetheart
His name is Fat shark, he costed me more then kermit
That is I bought him for 3€ while Kermit costed me only 1€
Hamtaro costed me 6€ because the guy who sold me wanted to get rid of it and his wife wasn't near
Then you have the shelves
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As you can see at the bottom we have Boris and Sylvester the marmot who are probably having gay uncle conversations (they aren't married with each other)
Going up we have rat omens, and rat Bruno plush, who exists because i am broke and good at sewing
Made by yarn you can also see the frog and Jeremy the dinosaur who i am very proud of making
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We then have the actual merch shelf
Butterfree was made by me, woobat is original.
The Oswald plushie is also original and i got it from Disneyland Paris!
We then have my tiny lion plushie Who i named Garibaldi, because one of his back legs is a lil shorter, and my friends that year kept singing how Garibaldi was wounded to the leg
And at last we have soldier. The duck. Who is a Tru trooper and deserve the world
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Special mentions to the giant Eevee stuffed with polyester under my desk. His ears are floppy and he isn't great to hug
But he was won at one of those games in a park so i am happy with it
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cringefailfagcat · 1 year
hi guys!! I'm briefly off hiatus to share my liveblog of the bakuten movie that finally just came out on crunchyroll and :'))))) god I missed these boys so much agggggggh
spoilers below the cut!!
- Tsukidate!!!! augh I've missed you
- Masamune getting Futaba to feed him the takoyaki :’)
- he's flying! just like mothman
- the animation quality has improved so much :’)
- sobbing watari mum so milf
- onagawa’s dad/brother being those dig fish tinder guys lmaooo
- rip watari
- they're actually so cute I'm gonna die
- the spark effects for them oufhogofohhj
- they're so fucking. silly boys. aggg
- mashiro so autism 😌
- gay ass captains
- the pep talk :’)
- why would you make them all cry like this. why.
- agagghhhhhhhhhhhggggggggg the third years leaving T-T
- the fact misato and futaba go outside alone together at night only supports the mothman theory
- futaba )’’:
- misato baby…
- watari god… he's really going through it
- why does misato dress so yuri?
- sobby sob they're everything
- mashiro like a fucking wild kitten
- mashiro just like. I only like them when they suck <3
- 'i thought you were stupid like me’ AJDHDKSJDJ
- they're having a sleepover :’’)
- mashiro :’’) you little weirdie
- masamune :’) you're making him cry 😭
- THEY PASSED!! they passed :’’)
- misatos disappointed face when masamune fluffed it up ajdbdkkd
- shida ilysm can I be the unicorn w u n ur wife?? 🥺🥺
- they're gonna do it!!! eeeeee
- new routine??!
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kirkwall · 6 months
OC + Random Associations
tagged by @dekarios and @gautiersylvain tysm ily <33
couldn't pick which oc so i'm doing it for rethan (bg3, they/them), amrynn (ffxiv, he/they) and adaline (ffxiv, she/her)
not sure who to tag bc i've seen so many already getting tagged so if u haven't yet feel free to say i tagged u 🫶
Rethan: scorpion, magpie, cat Amrynn: starling, italian greyhound Adaline: mayfly, barn owl, shrike, bearded dragon
Rethan: black, maroon, purple, gold Amrynn: purple, black, white, silver Adaline: forest green, royal blue, brown
Rethan: october Amrynn: april Adaline: december
Rethan: i never told you what i do for a living - my chemical romance Amrynn: for your love - måneskin Adaline: cruel world - phantogram
Rethan: 15 Amrynn: 4 Adaline: 13
Rethan: atropa, datura, rose Amrynn: lavender, olive tree, tobacco Adaline: snowdrops, mimosa pudica, ghost plant
Rethan: blood, leather, mint Amrynn: moss, sandalwood, sweat Adaline: dusty books, smoke, ozone
Rethan: diamond Amrynn: amethyst Adaline: obsidian
Time of day
Rethan: night Amrynn: morning Adaline: evening
Rethan: autumn Amrynn: spring Adaline: winter
Rethan: hidden places, make-shift camps, by the campfire Amrynn: the woods, taverns, on the road Adaline: libraries, a dark office, in the skies
Rethan: mint leaves, stirfry, dried/salted meat and fish Amrynn: charcuterie boards, gelato, pesto Adaline: cinnamon cookies, bread, onion soup
Rethan: water, mint tea, red wine Amrynn: beer, mate, chamomile tea Adaline: tea (black, green and rosehip)
Rethan: earth Amrynn: fire Adaline: air
Rethan: mint, ginger, chili Amrynn: oregano, basil, garlic Adaline: cinnamon, vanilla, salt
Rethan: overcast night sky, full moon visible Amrynn: bright blue with a few clouds Adaline: dusky and overcast
Rethan: heavy fog, slightly cold Amrynn: sunny, warm with a slight breeze Adaline: heavy rain, thunderclouds rolling in
Magical power
Rethan: faerie fire Amrynn: musical spells to empower others, healing light Adaline: destructive fire and ice, corrupting light, calculated healing
Rethan: dual daggers, hand crossbow, poison Amrynn: longbow Adaline: meticulously crafted spellbook
Rethan: mint chocolate, tangyuan Amrynn: chocolate glazed fruit, tiramisu Adaline: werther's originals, licorice
Method of long distance travel
Rethan: hitchhiking Amrynn: his bestest boy chocobo Adaline: on dragonback
Rethan: realism, symbolism, street art Amrynn: post-impressionism, pop art Adaline: baroque, art nouveau, neoclassicism
Rethan: loss of control, the future Amrynn: abandonment, disappointing loved ones, missing out on life Adaline: loss of self, her powers, purposelessness
Mythological creature
Rethan: hellhound, alp, ghost Amrynn: unicorn, siren, incubus Adaline: banshee, changeling, dragon
Piece of stationery
Rethan: letter opener, paperclips Amrynn: leather notebooks and a ballpoint pen Adaline: high quality paper, inks, quills
Three Emojis
Rethan: 🗡️💸🌕 Amrynn: 🏹🎶💦 Adaline: 🐉📖🤓
Celestial body
Rethan: the moon Amrynn: the sun Adaline: black hole
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rainbowxocs · 1 year
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Remember: Daisy loves you!!
Name: Daisy, Daisy, Bell!
Alt Name: Ana Liddell.
Old Patient Number: Patient 101. :)
Nickname: Daisy Mayzie, Monster, Eve, Your Best Friend, Real Ana, @daisydaisyanswer .
Chronological Age: 25.
Age: 18!!!!
Pronouns: She/Her!
Sexuality: Lesbian!
Gender: Glitchgender, Lostgender!
Species: Unstable Hybrid.
Hybrid Information: 20% Angel, 20% HB Demon, 20% Mimic, 20% Litch, 20% Glitch.
Disorders: CPTSD, BPD, Insomnia, Autism, Schizophrenia.
Physical Conditions: Chronic Pain, Migraines.
Religion: I don’t really follow any of the religions in the hospital or in the real world! I just go my own way.
Job: I don’t have one ROFL XD.
Lives in: Floor 1, Section 1. Floor 9, Section 3, Subsection 1. But now I just live with my friends haha!
Speaks: English, Fae, Morse Code, Ciphers, Wing Dings, Leet Speak.
Height: 5’8”
Race: White.
Spirit Level: Acceptance.
Spirit Form: Deformed, in pajamas, has mushrooms and ice all over her, and has no face.
Powers: Reality Manipulation, Plant Magic, Teleportation, Technology Manipulation, Hypnosis, Creation Magic, Ice/Snow Magic.
Weapons: Knives.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Text Color: Pink!!!!
Hobbies: Painting, Gardening, Exploring, Sewing, Singing, Sculpting, Writing, Doll Creating, Playing Pretend, Video Games.
Favorite Drink: Almond Water, Bloxy Cola, BSODA, Sleepytime Tea, Witches Brew, Grimace Shake, Rosa Monster Energy, Grape Juice.
Favorite Meal: Musubi, Bacon Soup, Cheeseburger, Sour Dough Bread.
Favorite Snacks: Potato Chips, Zesty Bars, Golden Apples, Popcorn, Flintstones Vitamins, Communion Wafers.
Favorite Candy: Bubble Gum, Gummy Bears.
Favorite Dessert: Black Forest Cake, Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Turkish Delights.
Favorite Flower: Daisies.
Scent: Old TV, Decaying Earth, Plastic.
Birthday: December 20th 1999! (I am a Sagittarius!!)
Fun Fact: I LOVE YOU!!!
Special Interest: It’s y o u hehehe. :) I also like Roblox and the Internet!!
Comfort Objects: Dolly, Teddy, Ducky, Noob Plush, Unicorn, Gloomy Bear, Freddy Plush, Imac G3, Fuggler, Flip Phone, IBook G3, Idog.
Soul: Wrinkled Pink Mushroom.
Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashionboard: LINK
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(This Render was created by Zack Sinner on Roblox!)
Family Tree!!!:
Camilla Liddell. (My mother… I don’t know how to feel about her..)
My real dad?? (Uhhhhh I have no clue LOL.)
The Cultivator. (My… Dad…? It feels weird to call him that now… after everything that happened..)
Cosmo (MY DAD!!) :D
Ana ThoroughGood. (She’s, my twin I guess… If you could even call her that.)
Friends: You! :) and Mouse!
Crush!!!!!: Eyeris Cataract (I likkkeee her. Hehe~)
Pets: Mel! (Brown, Three Eyed Cat.)
Brief Personality: Daisy is quite odd, She seems to act like a teenager from the early 2000s, and because of that a lot of her language is incomprehensible. She is quite possessive and controlling, she was so used to being in control of every little part of her world that now that she is in the real world she has no clue how to handle it. She is trying to be normal and likable so much that it’s almost to her detriment.
Brief Backstory:
Daisy a very long time ago was named Ana, Ana was born into a very abusive home, her mother often locked her up in her room and ignored her for days. Ana would imagine worlds of her own, with what few toys she had and scraps of paper. She ended up with a very old computer and would play games like Roblox, imagining and building different things. This was her routine for a very long time, until she was ten.
One day, her mother left the house, and Ana heard a voice calling out to her. She walked outside into the snow, except when she did, she was transported into a different world or so she thought.
She walked through the fog and snow, before reaching a giant apple tree, a tall creature offered her the ability to have her own world, where everything would go her way, she could have a family, and friends, and happiness. And of course, Ana, being a child, accepted without question, biting the metaphorical apple.
Ana, now naming herself Daisy. Created her very own world, called the hospital. The Cultivator had given her so many things to play with, including people. Daisy hadn’t even realized that she had died in order to get this place.
Daisy, for years, stayed in her very own paradise. Until two girls defeated the cultivator, reanimating her and destroying her world. Now Daisy, is lost. She has never been good at being in the real world, what is she supposed to do now that she’s not in control..?
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creepycute-puppy-gf · 11 months
So I imagine I forgot some flavors for this list but here is my revised list of every energy drink I've ever had ranked best to worst, all 80 for now.
Monster Java Irish Blend - Wonderful (Sorry) G FUEL Black Ice (Blackberry Pear Vanilla) - Wonderful G FUEL Sour Power (Sour Raspberry Candy) - Wonderful Dubby Dubsludge (Sour Green Apple + Bubble Gum) - Wonderful Freshen Up Cherry Limeade - Wonderful GHOST Swedish Fish Can - Wonderful Rogue Tiger's Blood - Wonderful Monster Ultra Violet - Wonderful G FUEL Rainbow Sherbet - Wonderful GHOST Cotton Candy Can - Wonderful Monster Ultra White - Wonderful G FUEL Candy Corn - Great but Candy Corn so it's wonderful to me Monster Ultra Sunrise - Wonderful Advanced Cotton Candy - Wonderful G FUEL Cotton Candy - Wonderful G FUEL Lingonberry - Wonderful Dubby Dragonade - Great G FUEL Power Pellet Can (Cherry Lollipop) - Great G FUEL Blueberry Muffinz Can - Great GHOST Strawberry Splash Can - Great G FUEL Mystery Flavor - Great G FUEL Tropical Rain - Great GLYTCH Moonbow - Great G FUEL Kamehameha Can (Strawberry Lychee) - Great G FUEL Black on Blackberry - Great G FUEL Soda Ice Candy Can - Great Monster Aussie Lemonade - Great G FUEL Watermelon - Great Monster Khaos - Great GHOST Cherry Limeade Can - Great Monster Ultra Paradise - Great G FUEL Strawberry Banana - Great Monster Papillon - Great Rockstar Recovery Fruitpunch - Great Monster Ultra Rosa - Great Advanced Strawberry Shortcake - Great QT Rooster Booster (Strawberry) - Good GHOST Redberry Can - Good Monster Java Loca Moca - Good Monster (classic) - Good Monster Ultra Gold - Good JuJu Caramel Apple Squeeze - Good Advanced Dream Team Punch - Good Mtn Dew MDX - Good (Listen,,,,OKAY LISTEN it tasted like Slurm, like a made up drink that couldn't exist. I liked that a lot) GLYTCH Dragonsweat (Dragonfruit) - Good G FUEL Wumpa Fruit Can (Apple Peach Candy) - Good G FUEL Tetris Blast Can (Grape, Apple, Passionfruit, Orange + Candy) - Good G FUEL Blue Ice Can (Blue Raspberry) - Good G FUEL Battle Juice (Pineapple) - Good Gamersupps Strawberry Lime - Good Gamersupps Pineapple Cocktail - Good Bawls - Okay Jolt Cola - Okay Monster Java Mean Bean - Okay Monster Ultra Peachy Keen - Okay Poggers Cream Dream - Okay (Ashwagandha root so advised against) Bang Rose - Okay Advanced Blueberry Acai - Okay Monster Ultra Fiesta Mango - Okay Full Throttle Blue Demon - Okay G FUEL Blue Ice (Blue Raspberry) - Okay Advanced Magic Rainbow Sherbet - Okay Gamersupps Blue Razz - Okay Venom Death Adder - Okay Redbull - Okay NOS - Okay Full Throttle - Okay SoBe Adrenaline Rush - Okay Rockstar (2005) - Bad Mtn Dew Amp - Bad Tab Energy - Bad Full Throttle Fury - Bad (Great if u have had enough vodka) Monster Assault - Bad Full Throttle Blueberry Acai - Bad Monster Ultra Watermelon - Bad (Made of cigarettes) Bang Rainbow Unicorn - Bad (but trans colored,,,,,,,,,,,,) G FUEL Snow Cone - Bad (flavorless??) Mtn Dew Kickstart Pineapple Orange Mango Can - Bad (salty fruit beer) Crunk!!! - Horrible (Damaged me psychologically and physically in ways I can't recount) GLYTCH Falcon Smash (Sour Blue Raspberry) - Horrible (fart smell and flavor? is there sulphur in this??)
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konphair · 2 years
~ Basics: Sentient Races ~
As it stands, here is the super bare-bones list of every sentient people living on Konphair! This list excepts individuals (such as spirits, gods, deities, etc.) and further classifications (they all have variant species separate from their genus. This is a list of genuses, separated into their families, and all sharing the same order. However, do note that this is how we would classify them, not how they would classify themselves) VERY long post so I’m gonna keep everything under the cut!
A couple important notes that I’m going to cover about races now and not touch on again: - This list only covers anatomy/bio basics and, like, maybe an additional important fun fact or two. I’m going to make a more in-depth post for each of them covering more biology, culture, origin, and the like. These descriptions are going to sound a whole lot like describing animals, but every genus here is fully intelligent. - On that note! Races in Konphair function a little different to races on Earth, considering they don’t mean the same thing, like in a d&d setting. Every race is a different animal entirely that also happens to be intelligent. Due to shared origins, needs, instincts, etc., members of the same race tend to group together to form mono-genus civilizations and cultures intrinsic to the race itself. This is not always the case (diverse cities, mixed cultures, and completely unique beliefs are all common), but it is a phenomenon that happens a lot. I.e., there exists a ‘dragon place’ and a ‘gryphon place’ and a ‘unicorn place’. - And on the note of Earth, as you can probably tell, I’ve pulled both inspiration and entire concepts from all over real-world mythos. However, only the names and appearances of these creatures have been kept. All bio and customs and suchlike are my own creation, as much as I can manage. I’ve used the name Kirin, for example, because the race it describes are scaly, horned equines. This is exclusively for ease of use referring to each race, and does not at all resemble what they are actually called in canon languages or attempt to associate any non-cosmetic details with their mythology counterparts. - In other words, this is all just for fantasy fun, and nothing is meant to represent anything or anyone on Earth. If something is accidentally really offensive and I didn’t catch it, please politely let me know or discuss with me through PMs. - Yeah they all lay eggs. Yes the 'mammals’ too. What r u gonna do about it Now, all the gunky clarification aside, here’s the people of Dynasty!
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(A scanned copy of That One Time I listed and doodled all their basic anatomy. There’s a couple typos, but I don’t currently have the paper to fix them. ‘Lindrakes’, ‘Kerwyverns’, ‘Dracofeirs’, and ‘Camares’ are made-up names that you won’t find if you look them up. ‘Hypogriff’ is an intentional misspelling of ‘Hippogriff’ to fit better with the ‘Gryphon’ name)
Piscan Family (Fishies) Leviathans - Long, massive, marine-exclusive people, possessing a variety of limbs and enormous fin structures between species, the most fish-like in nature. Amphibious, though with little reason or faculty to traverse land (contact with surface dwellers is not commonplace whatsoever), and omnivorous, prone to eating anything they can graze upon at the ocean floor and sifting through sand beds. Webbed tails, claws, and facial crowns for as effective underwater movement as possible. Although they can share any number of intimate relationships, close bonds, marriages, and the like, they do not reproduce, and instead create huge, democratic communities and civilizations around a local hydra. Hydras - Significantly larger, rarer, and longer-lived beings, characterized most notably by their multiplicity of heads. Each head possesses a different name and personality, though the collective receives a unifying title and shares a common mind. Four limbs, sometimes varying, and smaller, less used fins. Marine-exclusive, well in deep waters, likewise amphibious, but almost never leave their homes for centuries at a time. Omnivorous, consume anything gifted to them. They are responsible for independently birthing both all leviathans and new hydras, the latter through a special nourishment/heating process similar to the raising of ‘queen bee’ eggs. Ninki Nanka - Significantly smaller and more distant leviathan relative. Freshwater-exclusive and almost always land-dwelling for permanent arrangements, though they can safely reside for any amount of time in bodies of water and move much faster through currents than on foot. No fin structures, rather slick, smooth, and heavily coated in mucus for water travel. Always require moisture and some body of water to survive; this leaves them in swamps, wetlands, rainforests, etc., only travelling outside these areas for small amounts of time. Carnivorous, eating large prey whole thanks to stretching jaws and a large throat. All have identical organs and reproduce by, at a certain age, releasing or receiving airborne material. Eggs always laid in numerous clutches in bodies of water for a few to end up surviving, but there exists no cultural expectation to keep the eggs if not desired. Annelid Family (Worms) Wyrms - Beings of enormous magnitude, perceived as psuedo-gods in the same way hydras are, but with a much greater amount of importance and reverence from the world as a whole. Only a couple to a handful on the planet at one time and born with a few pre-fertilized eggs, one or two of which they lay over a lifetime. Dwell solely underground in massive tunnels and community nests, often going into hibernation for years upon years at a time. Body coated in stone-like scutes, unused eyes inlaid beneath flaring scales, mouth made up of three huge, extending jaws, and a throat filled with fire. Only consume rock and other inorganic earthy material and have no necessity for water. Can live longer than any other race, but are usually unseen by the public. Lungs (Reptilian Ancestry) - Large, long-living people who reside in cold, high-altitude regions, built with spiraling bodies that can be used for personal warmth. The only Annelid with fur or horns as well as a commonplace set of four clawed legs, closely likening them to their dragon relatives. Not nearly as rare in any way as hydras or wyrms, but still a grand and impressive sight. Don’t always find a partner or another of their own kind, but when they do, they tend to settle down monogamously and are capable of producing a few eggs. Not always entirely isolated, but almost never create lung-based civilizations, preferring to adapt into a mixed city if at all. Herbivorous, with powerful crushing jaws for eating huge swathes of fruit or vegetables at a time. Survivors of the winter. Salamanders (Distant Piscan Ancestry) - Many-legged, smaller underground annelids that spend the majority of their time deep in the earth or in moist regions. Unlike Ninki Nanka, their nearest relative, most of the water content they require can be created themselves or collected infrequently at large pools and water bodies. Nearly always coated in a mucus layer and will soften up and muddy the ground around them as they create tunnels. Infrequently form permanent bonds, instead gather in nesting groups to lay a swathe of eggs in one cavern before moving on. One of the only races to commune with wyrms, often serving as messengers between the will of the wyrms and the rest of the world. Lindwurms (Reptilian Ancestry, Close Amphiptere Relation) - Has a lindrake variant which lacks wings. Nearly the smallest race on Konphair, second only to Amphipteres; tiny, forest and woodland-based people who form huge city networks in treetops, trunks, and any organic material they can hollow out. Some of the largest metropolis-adjacent civilizations in the world, territory often spanning behemoth plots of land thanks to a distinct minority of other races who populate densely wooded areas. Gliders (and the first of this list with wings thus far, wyvern-like and serving as taloned forelimbs when down), incapable of long-term flight, but tend to do most movement climbing, running, or jumping. Can ‘puff up’ to appear larger than they are. Fruitarians and insectivores, often gathering as much food as possible at once and slowly sharing it over a certain period of time. Having children, partners, and a growing population is immensely important, and although only two are required to reproduce, they often group into large polyamorous bands that will readily accept new members and raise a family as a collective. The only race in Konphair which can mate with another genus and create another copy of itself rather than a hybrid (lindwurm & amphiptere parents will produce either a lindwurm or amphiptere). Amphipteres (Avian Ancestry, Close Lindwurm Relation) - Share diet, reproduction, biological needs, basic anatomy, and civilizations with lindwurms. Feathery, soft, and sharper-toothed than their scaled counterparts. Frequently do more of the hunting rather than gathering in smaller city systems and villages. Reptilian Family (Lizards) Dragons - Has a drake variant which lacks wings. Tall, horned, heavily scaled people that often exhibit fur around the head, neck, and keel, with occasional patches closer to a powerful, prehensile tail. Heavy but with hollow, gas-filled bones and large leathery wings that fold in at the shoulder. Four clawed legs, back more powerful for lifting off. Excellent fliers, though reside on the ground in dry climates and build up high architecture for air travel. Complete carnivores, consuming all bone and cartilage whole, as well as stone material to crush and digest these parts. All rock is, eventually, converted into methane and moved into the mouth for fire-breathing. Highly bird-like organs, including reproductive, proving to make sexing extremely difficult. Require two individuals to produce eggs and usually join in monogamous relationships, but it is exceptionally commonplace to go through many partners before settling down. Wyverns - Huge, especially long-lived, isolated beings, continuously growing over their lifespan until they are immensely larger than lungs. No horns but stronger scales than dragons. Largest wings of any race, leathery and joined to the fore ankles with talons for grasping. Capable of flight, but after passing a certain age and weight, it becomes more of a hassle than it is worthwhile. Hefty back legs, though frequently go unused, and extended, slender tail much like a whip. Live in extremely warm, arid environments in mountain ranges or rock nests, virtually never interacting with both others wyverns and other races. Will, if they so chose, briefly track down another long enough to mate, but promptly depart afterwards whether or not they bring the clutch with them. Consume exclusively meat and can digest bone matter, no rock necessary. Can brew smoke and embers from their chests and throats but lack the ability to spew real fire. Kerwyverns - Far smaller wyverns descendants with a more upright posture and lighter structure. Much closer in body type to dragons, but with the same wings, talons, tail, and lifetime growth as their parent genus. Likewise non-horned and thick-scaled. Proficient fliers, spending the most time of any reptilian or reptilian-adjacent genus in the air. Carnivorous and extremely adept in smoke, smolder, and spark production. Form independent cities but often not whole mono-genus nations, instead either staying individual or requesting to be annexed into larger collectives. Live primarily in rocky, mountainous regions with moderate temperature conditions, but can dwell anywhere from forests to plains. Usually lay eggs with their first partners, but unification and marriage ceremonies are extremely uncommon. Dracofeirs - The smallest of the reptilians, an offshoot of the dragons’ drake variant. The only of the four that are runners and solely ground-based, as well as, though small, bulky and horned for carrying materials. Four strong small-clawed legs for quick movement. Soft, leathery scales but bulky, tough bodies, excellent for moving quietly and unharmed. Omnivores with a carnivorous lean, lacking any trace of fire or smoke completely. Moderate climates preferred, but almost all locations can be suitable; civilizations (and partnering customs) vary wildly between environments, local culture, and community preferences. Large cities and nomadic parties, and anything in between are all fair game. Equine Family (Horsies) Unicorns - One-horned, four-hooved (though separate into claw-like toes) people who are nearly identical in size to dragons, though with a taller and length-wise shorter stature. Dense manes of hair down the back of the neck and puffing out at the end of a furred tail. No scales or chitin whatsoever, rather relying on a thick pelt and skin for protection. Obligate carnivores with some of the biggest ripping-and-tearing teeth of all Konphair’s races, second to members of the mammalian family. Long, sticky tongues for grabbing like those of a giraffe. Skilled runners with practice, but civilians in large cities don’t often use the ability. Live in moderate, verdant areas, preferring woodland, forest, and lush plains. The first in this list capable of using magic, harnessing sorcery through their horns, hooves, and mouth. This arcana is extremely significant to any unicorn society, and those who don’t have the resources to hone their skill are considered unfortunate. Possess sexual organs but cannot reproduce naturally together, instead creating eggs with magic to be fertilized. Partnership is not necessary for offspring, but it is significantly easier to create eggs through sorcery with two or more individuals. Kirin - Slightly resemblant of unicorns, but in no way related to them, instead being classified by their appearance. Shorter and more slender, possessing two horns, a thick, wintery mane which covers the entirety of the neck, and a sweeping broom of tail fur which begins at the base and grows larger all the way to the tip. Scaled along their backs, hips, and faces, though coverage can vary between individuals. Extremely secluded to kirin-based civilizations in frigid, flat environments, very rarely interacting with other races at all. Do not reproduce whatsoever, instead relying solely on their mother spirit, Awnscha (more on the spirits later), for new kirin. Made up entirely of magic from Awnscha’s hands, thereby requiring food only for energy and not survival, as well as capable of changing their bodies at will - such as into solid ice. Small permanent changes to the body are considered perfectly fine, but the form Awnscha has gifted a person is considered largely sacred. Partnerships are uncommon but not unheard of. Survivors of the winter. Qilin (Hybrid Offspring of Dragons and Kirin) - Traditionally, the two races despise each other in a way irreconcilable. However, during a brief burst of a peace attempt, many kirin and dragons joined together and, thanks to kirin magic making them compatible with any peoples if they so choose, ended up producing a new hybrid race entirely. No other kirin hybrid has exceeded a single generation but qilin went on to thrive. Huge, bulky people with a combination of kirin and draconic horns. Heavy, rectangular heads fit with sets of omnivorous teeth and a wide tongue. Massive manes that cover the chest completely, run down the back, and flare out again into the fluffiest tail of any race. Scaled down the back most frequently, but coverage varies wildly (always more than a kirin’s few patches but less than a dragon’s full skin). Muscular legs and big, snowshoe paws for travel; nomadic wanderers that often group together with either other races or more kirin and dragons, interacting occasionally with mono-genus cities but preferring to mingle among mixed civilization. Viable hybrids, meaning that either two qilin or a kirin and a dragon can produce a new qilin. Survivors of the winter. Avian Family (Birds) Gryphons - Large, muscular people covered entirely in feathers aside from a firm beak and talons on all four legs. Fanned, bird-like tails that can open or shut during flight, as well as feathered wings that fold in at the shoulder. Omnivorous, though teeth are extremely small and only for grinding up little foods and pieces. Plumage flares out around the base of the neck then gradually becomes smoother and smaller along the back. Three individuals are required to reproduce, and, even if not unified, all three tend to care for their offspring together. The best fliers of every race by a long shot. Highly magical, though in a different way than unicorns. Rather than abstract sorcery, they utilize a robust spell system more akin to wizardry. Magic is used on a day-to-day basis, but usually not new magic - gryphons use passive spells to set up systems, houses, and the like, tending to and upkeeping these spells daily. This has served to make architecture, agriculture, and other trades exceptionally fast and unique. Prefer high-altitude and sunny areas, most civilizations tending to claim land and then create enchanted cities in the clouds above it, forming a summer and winter-home system. Hypogriffs (Equine Ancestry) - The gryphons’ closest relative, stockier, slightly less feathered people with hooved back legs and equine heads lacking a beak. Omnivorous with a herbivore lean and capable of chewing through much larger, tougher food items. Though with a lot of practice they can also be skilled in the magical arts, they are exceptionally less naturally talented than their bird-like counterparts. Decent fliers, but prefer to spend more time on the ground and in fields. The same reproductive and environmental needs as grpyhons, frequently choosing to mesh with their civilizations and take up wide expanses of land that would go unused by gryphons. Cockatrice (Hybrid Offspring of Kerwyverns and Gryphons) - Being great fliers and having a tendency to mix themselves in other communities, kerwyverns repeatedly lean towards gryphon civilization, becoming strong trade partners if not adapting into gryphon nations and cities entirely. This has resulted in the cockatrice hybrid - but, strangely enough, cockatrice are not skilled fliers whatsoever and spend virtually no time in the sky. Initially were relocated closer to hyprogriffs where they could be on the ground, and, eventually, due to being viable hybrids, spread out completely independent from either parent race and formed their own culture and communities. Modern day, they are usually found in tribes and large bands on wide open plain spaces as well as, occasionally, hotter, more rocky areas. Omnivores with a carnivorous and insectivore lean. Beaks, fanned tails, and feathered wyvern-like forearms. One of only two konphair races with a unique back leg structure that allows them to stand on two legs for an extended period of time. Carried a little magic over from their gryphon parentage, but only enough for small enchantments. Mammalian Family (Cats) Manticores - Hardy, lion-like people, bearing horns, four paws, and fur all along their body with larger manes and tufts around the neck and tail. Nowhere near hydras or wyverns, but particularly large when compared to the other average-sized races. Massive wings, larger than a dragon’s but smaller than a gryphon’s, webbed and useful for short flights. Despite this, they spend most of their time on the ground, in the hottest climates that exist on Konphair. Carnivorous, as little plantlife grows in the volcanic and desert regions they thrive in. Venomous fangs fold in beside canines, a product of the unique bacteria in their stomach interacting with blood of prey, which can then be transferred to a pouch in the mouth. Much like dragons, this venom can be ignited into flame, but it is usually used in its liquid form. Very often form tight bonds with one partner and children are seen as an incredibly important step in these bonds. Camares - Quite similar to dracofeirs in build, though larger, stockier, and generally more robust. Strong legs, the front two clawed and the back two pawed, as well as huge, scooping horns for lifting and carrying. Although furred across their whole body, they have a particularly large mohawk of fur that runs from the forehead back to the base of the tail, well-maintained in order to serve as protection from the sun while working. Muscular prehensile tail and wide, bulky hips. Stronger venom but weaker capability of fire breath. Share similar dietary, environmental, etc. needs with manticores, often found in regions as close as possible to them. Partnerships are also quite strong, but often less attention is given to them comparatively to their big cat cousins. Chimeras (Hybrid Offspring of Manticores and Camares) - Manticores and camares share needs almost exactly and thereby are often required to ‘share’ land, but this has left the two in an ongoing feud most anytime their communities are close together. Although their hostility is much less violent and set in history than, say, the enmity between dragons and kirin, this likewise produced the occasional peace movement that promptly fizzled out and left behind the remnants of a hybrid. But chimeras have been appearing since manticores and camares have been anywhere in a close vicinity to one another, and the importance placed on couples and children in both cultures left the unusual parents extremely defensive of their hybrid offspring. As a result, although chimeras are not viable and cannot reproduce with each other, they are not all that uncommon of a sight near manticore or camare civilizations. Carnivorous and two-headed, each with a different personality and mind but capable of reading the other effortlessly. That’s about where the uniformity in chimeras end, though; they almost always have manes, horns, and paws, but a variety of fur placement, claws, wings, horn shape, head shape, and the like can appear. Do enjoy partnerships although rarely go out of their way to have them sanctified, and adopting children is quite common. Dinonek - The largest and longest lived of the mammalian family, carrying a substantial scaled shell on their back with dense fur along their body anywhere the scales don’t reach, especially prevalent under the chin and tail. Sizeable curved horns, rigid, scaled noses, and clawed forelimbs, all great for digging holes, burrows, and nests, as well as sturdy back legs for standing up in a posture similar to a pangolin. Venomous barbs hidden under tail fur that can be retracted or extended at will, but are omnivorous and use them mainly for self defense. Live in arid deserts and sandy areas, making anywhere from temporary nests in the ground for a span of a night to intricate underground rock and sand systems that can permanently house many. Almost always form small clans and family clusters of dingonek that sleep, build, trade, and travel together, but will often accept trusted non-dingonek members in as readily as they would their own children. Require two individuals to produce eggs but will happily partner with more people depending on personal preference. Tatzelwurm (Annelid Ancestry) - Only a few times larger than amphipteres and lindwurms, tatzelwurms are the smallest mammalians by far. Carnivores with a taste for small birds, rodents, and large insects. Long, slender bodies with pawed forelegs and no hind legs. Fluffy across their whole body with a mane that races their spine. Thin, tall horns and small sharp-toothed jaws excellent for crunching fragile bones in prey. Thrive in humid woodland areas, one of the only peoples who share territory with amphipteres and such. Burrow in shallow holes or under tree roots. Mostly individual, usually only forming small family groups with just a partner and children if at all, but this serves them well to travel outside their home territory to other civilizations.
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omgkalyppso · 1 year
your plushie question had me wondering about your ot4/5! would any of them have plushies? 👀
Thank you for the ask! 💜💚💗💛💖
I think Hilda would be the most likely to have plushies. S/anrio stuff and the gimmick characters from shows or movies she likes such as pink p/okemon, k/irby — the dragons from h/ttyd, except toothless which she gave to Claude. Most of hers would be left with her parents / given away as she moves in with a partner(s).
Claude either has no plush toys except one from childhood that he hasn't had the heart to throw out — maybe a white camel to match his story from his Hilda support. Or else he is burdened (affectionate) with them as being the dragon / wyvern guy, so that whenever a friend or relative has to get him a gift / didn't know what to get him — there's another one; and he does like them.
Lorenz is more likely to be attached to a particular character, or even a dozen, but for the most part I think he would prefer figurines and art. However, while Lorenz and Hilda's supports have him planning strategy with his tabletop board pieces, and while this could be interpret in a modern setting with something like Risk or (as I have done before) Civilization, it could also be interpret as tabletop roleplaying, and he is definitely not beyond commissioning (or even attempting to make) a custom plush of an indulgent original character.
I've referenced Fae playing A/nimal C/rossing (for the fishing minigame) in an oc ask ages ago. So I'm giving Fae a Hopper plushie, one of my faves. And plushies of the triforce trio...
Avery would have a few video game plushies also. For him, I'll say from U/ndertale: N/apstablook, F/lowey and Muffet. And otherwise a dragon and / or unicorn s/quishmallow.
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nothingbizzare · 1 year
your art style really has the vibe of extremely obscure east european old movies with your shapes and colors and how beautiful it looks... and also the last unicorn!
Bro ...
GOSH u got a big chunk of my inspiration JESUS !!!LIKE I AM ORIGINALY A EASTER EUROPEAN !!LIKE little thing soo my Grandpa was an hobbyist slav artist and I watched like hundreds of old 70-90' cartoons of that era (still rewatching them for inspiration like nature stuff like this)
I haven't seen the last unicorn but yes reminds me of my childhood cartoons like чебурашка ,калабок and "the golden fish" if I translate it well
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