#Twitter Deal
baronfulmen · 2 years
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Oh god.  This math actually checks out.
I mean, he couldn’t have ACTUALLY done it, because of how the deal was structured and everything - he wouldn’t have had that much liquid cash for personal payouts (nor do I believe killing Twitter was his actual goal).
But like... sweet jesus, just think about how this puts it in perspective.  All those people who lost their jobs, and it would have been CHEAPER in the end to pay them $5,000,000 EACH to just quit.  Musk would have saved $6,500,000,000 which is just absolutely ridiculous.
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grumpywiltedlettuce · 2 years
Saw a post that saying the Twitter downfall was planned because it was one of the main global platforms for the spread of news and means of political organizing and activism as well as where investigative researchers post breaking news. Honestly makes me scared that the rich and powerful will go as far as buying a company for 44 billion and purposefully tank it
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nymnomicon · 2 years
back to this hell site 😔✌️
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transpidergwen · 2 years
The Twitter situation is literally playing like an episode of fucking Veggie Tales. You remember, that episode about greed where she filled her house with too much stuff and it literally came crashing down. Musk is a cartoon billionaire villain and we're actively orchestrating his third act breakdown. Let's finish him.
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shut-up-rabert · 2 years
Yes. I’m aware that Elon bought twitter. No, I don’t think its the end of the world.
“B-but hate speech” most of us already know that the said “hate speech” can be dealt with via blocking and reporting. A clear political bias at the top level isn’t the answer. It is, however something that you personally require because 80% of the “hate speech” you get is people telling you to get off your high horse and look at the real world. It isn’t hate speech you are afraid of, its dissent.
“But it gives platform to homophobes, transphobes, etc.” it has been giving platform to people who say stuff like “cishets should die”, “kill all men”, “xyz character is gay or you’re a homophobe who should kill themselves”. What’s the special problem with the opposite Kind of venom? Free speech is for everyone, even if just to spill vitriol. People are smart enough to divert from such stuff. We have seen what giving platform to only one type of people has caused in the US, it has lead to an intolerant culture slowly developing where people can outright call you names and get hailed, or tell you the truth and get booed, depending on their political wing.
“Free speech isn’t always good” Again, its the fact that it will lead to dissent that has you saying that. You cannot have people telling opposing facts because it ruins your agenda, ruins the hive mind effect that you strived to create. If you are the harbinger of human rights or women rights or queer rights or animal rights or centuar rights or whatever, why does a fact that increases knowledge and efficiancy on working towards the matter hurt you?
“Elon is this biased rich capitalist guy he will ruin twitter” really? What was Dorsey, dirt poor? Not a biased liberal?
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
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khalsagan · 2 years
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facts-adda · 2 years
Why Elon Musk Fired Twitter CEO |Story Cover
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On 28th Oct twitter once again in new controversy After Elon musk twitted “the bird is freed” & next tweet Let’s the good times roll. After the tweet, Elon musk take control of the Headquarters of San Francisco. He takes Twitter command under the 44 billion dollar deals.  Read more
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treasurefindz · 2 years
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baronfulmen · 2 years
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“Okay everyone the office is closed until Monday.  Wait.  No.  Okay wait I need the engineers to come in and explain to me how Twitter works.  Also, please justify your existence by showing me code, keeping in mind that I don’t know how any of this works and am only impressed by quantity and how cool it looks.  If you made things better in a boring way or by DELETING code, fuck off.  Anyway, please come in to the totally-not-closed office immediately.  Or do a Zoom call.  Uh, but really you should fly over here.  I mean.  Legally I guess some of you can’t be required to but... just come do this in person, I want to see your frustration as you try to justify your existence to me using up to ten screenshots of code I can’t read.  Thanks.”
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politijohn · 1 year
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rainbow-taishi · 10 months
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myemuisemo · 2 years
Please, someone write a Justified fanfic in which Raylan Givens is a fish-out-of-water U.S. Marshal at a Silicon Valley office and he gets to raid a Twitter expy on behalf of the FTC.
Bonus points if he remarks that Boyd Crowder could have run the company better.
(I can't write it myself -- the Elmore Leonard style is outside my skillset.)
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tsrupdates · 2 years
Elon Musk announces $8 monthly fee for the Twitter blue tick
The Siliconreview 02 November, 2022
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shrimplovercat · 2 years
tumblr dot com is just ran by wizards and trans women
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Divya Dharm Yagya Diwas
This program will start on 7th November and run for three days until 9th ​​November 2022. During this, for 24 hours, continuous recitation of the Sad Granth Sahib (Amar Granth) of Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj will also be organised.
7_8_9 November
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