#Tif 2023
wasutazone · 9 months
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wasuta @ TIF 2023 sky stage
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sumiretranslations · 9 months
Tomorrow! Tashiro Sumire (23.08.03)
I'm Tashiro Sumire💜
Today too we had rehearsals!
Rehearsals make me more nervous than the actual shows、😖笑lol
I'm excited for our performance the day after tomorrow🫶🏻
We'll be waiting at Zepp Shinjuku💜
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Today's photo、笑lol
Also!Tomorrow at TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL 2023
We will be performing 🌟
Saito Madoka-chan has tested positive for Coronavirus so she will unfortunately be absent、but we'll do our best with the power of 10!💪🏻🩵🔥
I wanna see Madopi soonー😭🩵🩵🩵
Madopi being unwell makes me cry。。
Madopi will be in my heart tomorrow!!!!!
Rest up and get well soon okay🌙
LOVE you Mado-chan!!!😭🫶🏻
I'll do my best tomorrow too🔆
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
For all of your likes・comments
Thank you very much ❤︎‬
Well thenn!
This has been Tashiro Sumire〜
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pigeonflavouredcake · 5 months
i'm so close to finishing the edits on my theory chapter so here's a extract about Terf witches
I'm directly taking this from my grimoire Book of Magic (BOM), literally just copy and pasted. I'm sharing this page specifically because I'm trans and I experience this everyday so understanding the signs of TERFism in the witchcraft community was something I had to learn.
All references will be at the bottom.
-Feminism Appropriating Radical Transphobes-
TERFism (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism) and gender essentialist ideology in spiritual spaces are a common sight but often overlooked as a necessary part of spiritual practice. They’re not. There are some well-known dog whistles used by TERFs that are very commonplace; “we are the daughters of the witches you didn’t burn” “divine feminine” “pussy power”. Many TERFs deal with misogyny or internalised misogyny disguised as "pussy power girlboss" feminism.
The idea behind TERFism is that gender is a patriarchal construct and that your sex assigned at birth is the only thing that can tell you if you’re a man or woman. (Wynn, N. (ContraPoints). 2019)
The problem with that is that because no-one is able to tell what someone’s sex is at a glance, TERFs use gender essentialism and white centric stereotypes to point out who they think is a man or woman and often getting it wrong which puts both transgender and non-conforming cisgender people in danger, more so if that person is also a person of colour. Due to the racialization of masculinity and femininity and the pervasive white standards of beauty it makes it near impossible for feminine presenting people of colour to be perceived as such without leaning into hyper feminine styles akin to Barbie or Marylin Monroe.
How one would recognise a TERF out in the wild may be tricky considering many of them are self-aware enough to never share their true feelings out in the open. Many of them use covert statements or gaslighting techniques in order to portray the narrative I spoke about in my previous section on cults, a narrative of heroism. A TERF isn’t spouting dangerous ideologies that put transgender people at risk of political, medical, and social discrimination, they’re just looking out for what’s best for you, they want to protect young gay men and lesbians from being influenced by a predatory agenda and to fight for the rights of women. 
A TERF will do a lot to portray themselves as the hero of an oppressive regime in order to experience the power and respect they may have been denied in life due to their own minority status as women.
Examples of Transphobic/Gender Essentialist Ideology
(primarily: Cambridge SU. 2021-22. Other sources as specified)
Refers to themselves as gender-critical, radfem, adult human female/male.
Refers to trans/nonbinary people as ‘TRA’ (Trans Rights Activists), ‘TIF’ or ‘TIM’ (Trans Identified Female/Male). (Stone, G. 2020) 
Refers to trans-feminine people as predators and trans-masculine people as victims of the patriarchy/woke agenda.
Conflates gender affirming care with gay conversion therapy aka torture, another method of attributing transgender people to confused children or victims of an agenda. (Corry, W (Sci Guys). 2020)
Refers to trans women as ‘transwomen’, the removal of the space is an intentional othering and separation from women and womanhood. (Mildred & Thorn, A. (Thought Slime. 2023)
Disagrees with the term cisgender or asking for pronouns saying “i don’t have pronouns i’m a woman/a man/normal”.
Believes certain traits are, by nature, more exclusive to men/women and believes women are inherently more powerful because of maturity, periods, childbaring etc…
Sides with LGB spaces or argues to “keep penises out of lesbian spaces”.
Uses the term ‘womxn’ referring to women as people with XX chromosomes exclusively.
Uses 1st/2nd wave feminism to exclude the transgender/nonbinary/intersex/bi/pan/poly community from feminist spaces (essentially excluding anyone that could potentially not not have a vulva/uterus or who interact with people who may not have a vulva/uterus).
Covertly refers to nonbinary people as women adjacent through women and nonbinary spaces and stereotyping.
Uses dinosaur emojis and/or the colours of the British suffragette flag (purple, white, green). (Stone, G. 2020)
TERFism in Spirituality
In the witchcraft and pagan communities TERFs abound spewing this kind of nonsense with a spicey, new age flavour masking the rotten fruit beneath. You can learn about how TERFism is portrayed specifically in Hellenism on another page but generally speaking a TERF witch is one who excludes the title of ‘witch’ to cisgender women, denying and demonising anyone adjacent to men and masculinity, including cisgender men and the whole transgender and nonbinary community citing the points listed above. TERF witches believe that this community is a super special ‘girls only, no boys allowed’ club which gives them power over misogyny and sexism that caused them so much pain and frustration in their life however they forget that everyone is a victim of misogyny and sexism, including men and trans people. 
I am using Lisa Lister’s book Witch as an -admittedly obvious- example of how TERF rhetoric is displayed in spiritual spaces. In their book, Lister outlines who is a witch and her power as a force of nature and a “creatrix” making constant references to “divine feminine” periods, wombs and using exclusively she/her pronouns.
The Introduction
“The part of us that was once anaesthetized, domesticated and kept numb by food (or by shopping drugs and media) is now awakening in each of us. It’s our wholeness, our intuition, our magic and our power - the power that lies between our thighs” (p xiii)
“Waking up and reclaiming the witch within us takes really big ovaries. It takes womb-deep recognition that you are: a woman who is powerful: you bleed for five days and don’t die. A force of nature who knows the ebb and flow of the moon, the seasons and mumma nature and her own body….” (p xiv)
The Witch Wound
“The pelvic bowl is a witch’s most powerful magic making tool, a place where we create, make life and connect directly to the source” (p 90)
Lister directly infers that the title of witch is exclusive to women and only the ‘working’ cisgender ones. This is dehumanising by reducing a person's power to their genitalia and only if it ‘works'. This correlates with the TERF belief that women are inherently more powerful because of a female reproductive system as opposed to women being powerful because of their autonomy as human beings. If the latter is the case, then what is stopping cisgender men or trans/nonbinary people from becoming practitioners? The answer is nothing. 
My thoughts
While a spell or task one may find in specific kinds of magical/holistic practices may call for the excrement produced by a specific genitalia -such as menstrual blood used as plant fertiliser- I firmly believe an individual does not need any specific anatomy or gender to practise witchcraft. However I also think that believing your magical power comes from your own sexual anatomy isn’t necessarily bad if that is as far as the concept is taken. As long as you don’t take it upon yourself to enforce that idea upon others and deny different concepts of power and magic, it’s harmless, even empowering.
I personally try to avoid any reference to power coming from genitalia as I find the idea redundant to my own practice. I believe power comes from individual autonomy and what the natural world provides but that does not make nature a mother figure in my eyes. Nature simply is, it is its own force, always creating, destroying and recreating itself, always demanding balance. It is sexless, genderless and bodiless but it is none-theless a god.
Finally I cannot emphasise this enough, you cannot ‘always tell’ when someone is trans. Butch cisgender women being perceived as predators and harassed for using the women’s loos is evidence enough. (Maurice, E.P. 2021)
Cambridge SU Women’s Campaign (2021-22) How to Spot TERF Ideology 2.0. Cambridge SU. [PDF] https://www.cambridgesu.co.uk/pageassets/resources/guides/spottingterfideology/How-to-Spot-TERF-Ideology-2.0-2.pdf
Corry, W. (Sci Guys) (2023). The Science of Conversion “Therapy” | Sci Guys Podcast #239. Youtube. [Video] https://youtu.be/sFI5Ycs-nig?si=NYVKe0YydykcWsTp&t=3359
Lister, L. (2017). Witch: Unleashed. Untamed. Unapologetic. Hay House. London. [Book]
Maurice, E.P (2021). Butch lesbian harassed ‘tens of times’ in public toilets as anti-trans hostility spills over. Pink News [Web Article] https://www.thepinknews.com/2021/01/19/public-toilets-trans-bathroom-butch-lesbian-harassed-gender-critical-feminists/
Mildred, Thorn, A. (Thought Slime). (2023). Is This the Weirdest Transphobic Lie Ever? - Cringe Corner Ft. Abigail Thorn & Sophie From Mars. Youtube. [Video] https://youtu.be/EfzUtEcGluA?t=2039
Stone, G. (2020). A glossary of Transphobia. Medium. [Web Article] https://medium.com/@notCursedE/a-glossary-of-transphobia-a31a001d279
Wynn, N. (ContraPoints). (2019). Gender Critical. Youtube.com [Video] https://youtu.be/1pTPuoGjQsI
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bnna5813 · 1 year
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BTS vocalist Jimin is Tiffany & Co.’s latest brand ambassador. The South Korean artist’s work with Tiffany begins immediately and his first ad campaign for the jeweler will be released later this year at an unspecified date.
OMG!!!!! JIMIN you are so beautiful! We were all waiting for this announcement. I'm so happy for him and a big congratulations to TIF for being able to get Jimin as an ambassador.
Jimin has chosen brands that really suit him. Understated, sophisticated, sleek, and elegant. He is making power moves as THE IT BOY of 2023. I can't wait to see his campaign. It's going to be so pretty!
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montavillanews · 9 days
82nd Ave and East Portland TIF Exploration
Over the next 30 years, more property tax dollars collected in parts of East Portland could go directly towards projects in that geography. If evaluators recommend new Tax Increment Financing (TIF) expansion to Portland City Council later this year, Portland could gain new TIF Districts along 82nd Avenue, East of Interstate 205, and in the Parkrose-Columbia Corridor. In 2023, Portland City…
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mobsprooftheweb · 2 months
めろん畑a go goがニューシングル「SICK IDOLS」をGOGOの日(5/5)にリリース!
アイドルグループ・めろん畑a go goが2018年に発表し、その存在を一気に世に知らしめた楽曲「SICK IDOLS」を現メンバーで再録し、GOGOの日(5/5)にリリース!
「SICK IDOLS」は、2022年ギュウ農フェス主催ギュウゾウ(電撃ネットワーク)氏が、井口昇監督とタッグを組み制作された、憑依リープ青春SF映画『IDOL NEVER DiES』の主題歌にも抜擢され、地下アイドルを語る上で、時の”楽曲派”の代名詞的存在の曲である。
表題曲の他にも、日本のサイコビリーバンド・SPIKEのカヴァー「NO LOOKING BACK」を含む、全3曲のシングル。
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[めろん畑a go go プロフィール] IDOL FROM OUTER SPACE!!  "遙か銀河の彼方よりやってきたマスクドアイドル『めろん畑a go go』"は 2015年結成。2023年より現体制にて活動。 現在、中村ソゼ・琉陀瓶ルン・崎村ゆふぃ・知世千世・玖月琴美・皆野うさこからなるアイドルグループ。プロデューサーはバンド "THE MONSTER A GOGO'S"木下盛隆。 ガレージサイコな楽曲と"THE IDOL FROM OUTER SPACE"のコンセプトを掲げて、都内を中心にライブ活動を行なっている。 アイドルシーンとは一線を置いた独自の活動が人気を集める。またそのスタイルは地下アイドルシーンの様々なアイドルグループ によって支持され、2019年に初のメジャー流通盤をリリース。その後 ギュウ農フェスやTIFなどの大型フェスに多数参加。 初の海外公演やZepp DiverCity(TOKYO)でのワンマンライブを成功させる。 2021年には渋谷CLUB QUATTOROでのワンマンライブや、KT Zepp Yokohamaでの主催ライブも開催。 2022年全国ツアーに加え、川崎CLUB CITTA'、横浜1000 CLUBでもワンマンライブを成功させ、秋には新メンバー合流後初の海外遠征となるアメリカアリゾナ公演を行う。 2023年に新体制となり初めての全国ツアーを敢行し、ツアーファイナルを川崎CLUB CITTA'単独公演にて成功。 2024年、既にリリース全国ツアーを発表し、更なる行動の年となっている。
---------------------------------------- イベント情報 【CDリリースイベント】 3/17神奈川 タワーレコードビブレ横浜 3/19東京 新星堂エンタバアキバ 3/28東京 新星堂エンタバアキバ 4/5神奈川 タワーレコードビブレ横浜 4/6(昼)名古屋 新星堂アスナル金山 4/17東京 新星堂エンタバアキバ 4/29東京 新星堂エンタバアキバ 4/30東京 リブロ汐留シオサイト 5/2東京 タワーレコード錦糸町パルコ 5/4東京 新星堂エンタバアキバ 5/5(昼)東京 ヴィレッジヴァンガード下北沢 5/5(夜)東京 下北沢Flowers Loft 5/7東京 リブロ汐留シオサイト 5/8東京 新星堂エンタバアキバ 5/9東京 リブロ汐留シオサイト 5/12宮城 HMV仙台
【CDリリースツアー】 3/23東京 幡ヶ谷ヘビーシック 4/6(夜)岐阜 MAGICISLAND 4/7岐阜 MAGICISLAND 4/13千葉 本八幡LIVE HOUSE Route Fourteen 4/27栃木 岩下の新生姜ミュージアム 5/5東京 下北沢FlowersLoft 5/11宮城 仙台space Zero 5/12宮城 仙台BIRDLAND 5/18栃木 塩谷自然休養村センターモガフェス 5/19栃木 塩谷自然休養村センターモガフェス 6/15大阪 大阪livehouse STARBOX 6/16大阪 大阪livehouse STARBOX 6/18ツアーファイナル 東京 新宿LOFT
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sptnmbr · 3 months
"kamu berubah, cepet bgt sensi" ucapmu.
Entah hanya alibi atau memang kamu merasa aku berubah, aku tidak tau.
Tapi..akupun merasa aku lebih sensi-tif, gampang menangis dan merasa buruk setelah tahun 2021. Aku akui 2021 tahun terburuk yang pernah dilalui, banyak perasaan tidak terima, marah, mungkin juga kecewa. Perasaan itu terbawa hingga tahun-tahun selanjutnya, lalu aku merasa butuh ditolong untuk mengatasi ini.
November 2023 aku memberanikan diri untuk "berobat".
Jadi..bukan cuma kamu yang merasa aku berubah, aku pun merasakan. Dan sudah ku coba menolong diri. Mungkin...masih butuh waktu untuk sembuh dan aku akan menemani diriku sendiri.
Soal kamu, aku membiarkannya untuk bebas.
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wikimediauncommons · 3 months
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file: Kirova street 49 2023-12 1702748831.tif
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guest-walter · 3 months
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Cover art for the upcoming Love is in the Air EP, based on the 2023 TiF skit of the same name.
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wildwechselmagazin · 4 months
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phonennumberdatabase · 4 months
2023 年专业年终讯息的提示和示例
专业的年终致辞是向客户展示您的心态的机会。有时,您只是想告诉他们您很欣赏您所建立的专业关系的质量,有时,您想与他们重新开始合作。每条客户问候语都代表着一个不同的项目、一种独特的关系。因此,您必须谨慎选择措辞,以便您的客户以适当的方式接受您的善意想法。 无论如何,无论您是想以专业的方式祝圣诞快乐,还是向公司员工致以2023年的美好祝愿、幸福和成功,请遵循三个主要原则:真诚、精确、专业!解释和文本模型。
真诚地表达你专业的2023年问候语 要想
成功地传达年终节日 亚美尼亚电话数据 祝福语,你必须真诚,否则听起来很假! 如果您需要 15 天回复每封电子邮件并需要 3 个月才能向您付款,那么感谢客户的回复就没有意义了!在内心深处,他很清楚自己不是被动的。 要写下详细的愿望,您必须首先问自己正确的问题,然后适应最好的愿望。 要撰写高质量的年终贺词,请在撰写前做好准备 在发送节日快乐祝福之前,您必须问自己与你们的关系有关的三点: 您想发送什么消息? 你们在一起工作多久了?
您与客户的距离有多近 然如果
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您有引用的想法,可以将它们作为挂钩插入到文本的开头。以下是一些适合商业世界的模型,可伴随新年祝福或圣诞快乐卡: 雄心勃勃的名言 :“敢于梦想。敢于尝试。敢于欺骗自己。敢于成功。前进。我挑战你!»(金斯利·沃德) 诗意引言 :“圣诞节到了:是时候再次点亮星星了……”(纪尧姆·阿波利奈尔) 哲学名言 :“对于未来,这不是预测它的问题,而是使它成为可能的问题。
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有趣。“ (保罗·科埃略)。 哲学和诗意的名言 :“你不应该试图延长你的生命,而应该尝试为你的岁月增添生命。»(约翰·菲茨杰拉德·肯尼迪)。 根据收件人的情况调整专业的年终问候内容 如果您想维持已经建立的合作关系,请抓住机会根据此模型通过电子邮件或卡片感谢您的客户: “我感谢您的信任,并对“name_of_the_company”所完成的工作感到高兴/自豪。
我向您致以 2022 年最美好的祝希望新的
年对您来说同样富有成效。我也希望这种心态能够巩固我们的联系,使我们的合作变得如此珍贵。我特别感谢您在我们的交流中的响应能力/效率/友善/适应性/add_a_quality_with_sincerity。 如果您想重新启动即将消失的协作并提醒您的客户,这里有一个模型: “我向您致以 2022 年最美好的祝愿,并希望新的一年为您的项目带来成功和成功。我也希望我们有机会在这种让我们的交流变得如此有价值的心态下重新开始合作。我特别感谢我们的合作以及您的“insert_a_quality_with_sincerity”。
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则此模板可能适合以下情况: “我感谢您的信任,并且仍然为“name_of_the_company”所完成的工作感到自豪。我祝愿你和你的家人(或你的儿子、你的女儿、你的孩子、你的妻子、你的丈夫、你的婆婆��我2022年最美好的祝愿。我希望新的一年对您来说无论是在职业上还是在个人上都将富有成效。我也希望这能让我们在这种心态下继续合作,使我们的工作如此有效,我们的交流如此有价值。我特别感谢您的响应能力/沟通/效。
下文写“我们希望您”或“我们的团队希望您”。 忘记群组问候消息! 没有什么可以阻止您将上述所有内容进行一些混合来个性化您的问候语文本 !关键是要先回答问题,以免成为汤汁里的一根头发丝。你会发现,那时不可能写群组消息,它们很快就会出现,没有灵魂或兴趣。 就我个人而言,我喜欢为某些客户添加一点诗意,选择色彩缤纷、闪闪发光、充满活力的文字,那些只能写一次的文字。
告诉我他们喜欢读书,我祝愿他们一整年都好好读书,遇到令人难忘的人物和充满惊喜的作者。如果他打网球并参加比赛,我祝愿他取得巨大成功并跻身排行榜前列。最后,如果我们讨论过家庭,我有时会提起。Per-so-na-li-sez!否则,在收件人到达终点之前,您的消息就会被遗忘! 无论客户的项目是什么,我们总有机会祝愿他们成功。想法并不缺乏。 至于幸福、健康、成功的愿望,虽然被过度使用,但也能找到自己的用武之地。另一方面,对于爱情的愿望,最好在职业环境中保持谨慎,不要接近它们。
可以尽情享受分享和传递美好氛围的乐趣。我不,或者更确切地说,不再与我不喜欢的客户一起工作,所以我没有问题真诚……而且说好话从来没有任何坏处。谦虚有时会阻止我们这样做,但我们剥夺自己的谦虚是错误的,因为时间过得很快,不像后悔!因此,新年贺词是一个不容错过的机会! 在你的专业年终信息中要具体 收到随机消息的客户不会受到特别的感动,他们会很快继续前进,而您的愿望将被淹没在一月份发送的数十条其他短信中。 此外,如果您不提供任何个性化详细信息,他就不会被愚弄,他会知道您正在向每个人发送相同的消息,因此从您那里收到的消息没有什么价值。
的职业关系。 因此,尝试在一张纸上写下客户价值观的特征。注意您所工作的公司或客户的品质,并找出您喜欢与他们合作的原因。 如果他不做出反应,也许他会更加冷静和友善? 如果他不是很热情,也许他是高效务实的? 这就是你如何用代表他们、感动他们、感动他们的词语来称呼你的客户。 保持专业的新年问候 在专业信息中, 避免幽默 ,这在写作中会很糟糕,尤其是在短文中。您此时不知道收件人的心态。如果你冒险的话,你一定很清楚。 如果您是一名网页编辑,那么现在是时候展示引擎下的内容了。
用你的才能带来生活的冲击力和乐趣、创造力,简而言之,就是你的身份的组成部分,以增强你的信息。 在那里,没有建议,这是你的工作,这取决于你想寄回什么!但不要忘记,您必须展示您的专业以及编辑才能! 年终留言 是非常有效的练习,可以锻炼你的综合能力、公式感和选择正确单词的能力!还要注意的是,你可以毫无顾忌地不做SEO优化! 但最重要的是, 要 PO-SI-TIF !这是 充满希望、幽默和分享的时刻 !没有负面的句子或悲伤的提醒,你将有一整年的时间来解决问题! 请记住,根据每个人个性化您的信息很重要,但也要提前考虑是 什么让您的职业关系有价值。
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pentata · 5 months
「楽曲派」と呼ばれるグループは大ダメージを受けた  今年を振り返ると、「景気のいいところと、そうじゃないところがはっきり分かれた」という印象です。アイドルの世界で何が面白いって言ったら、「地上も地下もローカルアイドルも同じフェスに集まって盛り上がるボーダレスさ」でした。それこそ、TIF(TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL)のように、ピンからキリまでのグループが同じ舞台に上がって、何でも見られる文化があったんですよね。  ただ近年は、若くてキラキラした、チェキが売れそうなグループしか呼ばれないイベントが増えてきています。そうじゃない、いわゆる「楽曲派」と呼ばれるようなグループは、ファン層の高齢化もあって、動員的に致命的なダメージを受け、フェスにもほとんど呼ばれなくなりました。良い楽曲があって、ライブ活動を頑張っているグループがたくさんいるのに、知名度は思ったように上がっていない現実があります。
「いまはチェキが売れそうなグループしかイベントに呼ばれない」吉田豪が語る2023年アイドルの“光と闇” 「女性に刺さらないとどうにもならない」(みんかぶマガジン) - Yahoo!ニュース
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redtnjalisco · 5 months
*Se fortalecerá la membresía, se impulsarán las exportaciones y se iniciará una campaña de promoción del sello TIF Se seguirá impulsando y mejorando la capacitación y asesoría para fomentar que las empresas productoras de cárnicos exporten sus productos a los mercados internacionales que cuentan con alianzas o tratados con México. Así lo expresó Alonso Fernández Flores, al tomar posesión como nuevo presidente de ANETIF para el periodo 2023-2025, en sustitución del presidente saliente Jesús Huerta Urquides, y agregó que un papel importante de ANETIF, entre otros, será auxiliar a la autoridad en la organización de las auditorías extranjeras para mantener... https://talajalisconoticias.com/fortalecer-a-anetif-e-iniciar-campana-pro-sello-tif-objetivos-del-nuevo-presidente-de-anetif-alonso-fernandez-flores/?feed_id=15399&_unique_id=657e24716e6bf
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foodagriculturenews · 5 months
Cultivating Sustainability: Mulch Films Market Set to Reach USD 10.6 Billion by 2028
The mulch films market is poised for substantial growth, with an estimated value of USD 7.8 billion in 2023, projected to achieve a CAGR of 6.5% and reach USD 10.6 billion by 2028. As per the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the landscape of mulch film utilization is evolving, with a notable surge in popularity of biodegradable and bio-based options, offering a more sustainable choice for farmers.
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Major industry players, situated in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, such as BASF SE, Berry Global Inc., Dow, Kuraray, Exxon Mobil Corporation, RKW Group, Novamont S.p.A, Plastika Kritis S.A., Armando Alvarez Group, and Achilles Corporation, are steering the market's trajectory. These key players are adopting diverse growth strategies, including strengthened partnerships and novel product developments, to expand their presence in the mulch films market.
Berry Global Inc.: Pioneering Innovation in Agricultural Films
Berry Global Inc., a global leader in innovative packaging and engineered products, stands out in the mulch films market. Operating across various business segments, the company's commitment to sustainability, innovation, and circular economy principles is evident. Berry offers a range of mulch films, including Total Blockade TIF Mulch and Black-White Panda & Premium Film, addressing the need for crop protection from adverse weather conditions.
In a strategic move, Berry Global Inc. partnered with WPO POLYMERS, enhancing its biopolymers business and extending reach into the Spanish and Portuguese markets. This collaboration includes the distribution of BASF's Ecovio film product range, featuring certified compostable shopping bags and organic waste bags, contributing to the advancement of sustainable solutions.
BASF SE: Advancing Agricultural Solutions with Biodegradability
BASF SE, specializing in chemical manufacturing, has positioned itself at the forefront of sustainable agriculture. With a diverse portfolio spanning agriculture solutions, the company's ecovio M2351 stands out as a certified soil-biodegradable biopolymer designed specifically for mulch films. This innovative solution not only aids in increasing yield and speeding up harvesting but also eliminates the need for post-harvest removal and recycling, reducing plastic pollution in agricultural soil.
In a collaborative effort with Cleanfarms and Poly-Ag Recycling, Berry Global Inc. spearheads a closed-loop recycling initiative, contributing to Canada's circular economy. This initiative focuses on reclaiming used agricultural films, processing reclaimed grain bag materials, and utilizing recycled content to create new products, aligning with the company's commitment to sustainability.
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Dow: Pioneering Durable and Environmentally Friendly Solutions
Dow, a global leader in chemical production, has been pivotal in developing resilient agricultural film solutions. Through continuous collaboration with academic and agricultural institutions, Dow has introduced new polyethylene resins that enhance durability and versatility in various agricultural applications, including mulch films. INNATE ST50 Precision Packaging Resin, a clear and transparent mulch film, showcases Dow's commitment to providing exceptional abuse resistance, leading to increased crop productivity and environmentally friendly farming practices.
As the mulch films market evolves, these industry leaders remain at the forefront, driving innovation and sustainability in agriculture.
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millingroundireland · 5 months
The Mills and Bibbys on 1848 Warren County, NY map
In 1848, J. Chace, E.A. Balch, William Otis Shearer and Robert Pearsall Smith contributed to a map of Warren County, New York, now held by the Library of Congress. It would be a "cadastral map showing towns (townships), numbered township survey sections, large property tracts (with owners' names), rural buildings, and householders' names," along with having an "agricultural statistical table, population statistical table for 1855, and business directory for [the] Glens Falls inset." In the process, the Mills and Bibby families were put on there for eternity, in this map, which was published in 1858.
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The name "J. Mills" is underlined in yellow, and the dot representing his dwelling is circled. This is undoubtedly John Mills. Interestingly, in 1850, the Mills family is recorded as living in Glens Falls, but perhaps they were only there briefly, returning to Bolton not long after. This is supported by the fact that John is not on the list of subscribers listed on the 1851 Glens Falls map, which is currently housed by the Warren County Records Center. However, the 1855 census shows varied Mills families around Bolton, despite a Thomas Mills dying in Chester in March 1850. This census shows some of the Mills family neighbors as the Reynolds (2 families), Fish, Noble, Burton, Watson, Shutluff, and Philo families, the same ones that are mentioned on the above map! [1]
Below is a zoomed out version of the region, with the yellow dot at the top of the screen representing where the Mills family is living.
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Doing some sleuthing, it is clear that A. Mills is Alphonzo Mills, whom is not related, but is part of another Mills line as  he s listed as born in Vermont, married to his wife Eliza A., possibly with the last name of Chandler, living in Chester, with Chestertown part of the same municipality. [2]
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It is not known who W.F. Mills was, but he may have been related.
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This post was originally published on WordPress in January 2019.
Looking at the 1855 census, it is clear that T. Mills is 49-year-old Irish-born Thomas Mills, whom was married to 43-year-old Irish-born lass named Margaret, whose last name may have been Yancy, due toe the presence a 65-yearold Elon Yancy in the household. Thomas and Margaret have 8 children: Joseph (age 17), Mary (age 17), Rachel (age 17), John (age 13), Edward S (age 11), Margaret (age 9), Phoebe (age 4), and Thomas (age 1). [3] While the census lists him as living in Chester, New York, Pottersville was a hamlet of Chester. The connection of the individual above to the map is clear: the neighbors of the Mills family are the Ferrisses, Virgils, Rowlands, Witneys, and two families: one headed by Isaac Mills (shown as I. Mills in the above map) and another headed by George Bibby (shown as G. Bibby on the above map). There is also an E. Beebe living the area, I'm seeing now, who is likely Elias Bibby or an unrelated Beebe family.
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The above statistics of the region show that it was broadly agricultural, with much of the population in Queensbury.
Thanks to the Warren County Historical Society's TIF of the map, since it wasn't loading on the Library of Congress's site,  I was able to look at the inserts of Warrensburg, Pottersville, Caldwell, and Chester, but no Bibbys or Millses were mentioned there. By 1875 John would be in Chester, specifically Northwest of Pottersville, as indicated in an 1876 atlas, where he was called "J.R. Mills," published the same year of his death in Minerva. Nearby was T. Bibby (undoubtedly Thomas Bibby), G. Bibby (undoubtedly George Bibby), and I. Mills (undoubtedly Isaac Mills).
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Courtesy of the Warren County Atlas of 1876, with the above taken from a TIF download of the map on the Warren County Records Center website.
That's all for this post. Until the next one!
© 2019-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[1] "New York State Census, 1855," database with images, FamilySearch, John Mills, Bolton, Warren, New York, United States; citing pages 10-12 on Family Search, line #21, family #140, county clerk offices, New York; FHL microfilm 474,178.
[2]"United States Census, 1860", database with images, FamilySearch, A D Mills, 1860; "New York State Census, 1855," database with images, FamilySearch, Alphonse D Mills, Chester, Warren, New York, United States; citing p. , line #37, family #251, county clerk offices, New York; FHL microfilm 474,178; "United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch, Alphonzo Mills, Chester, Warren, New York, United States; citing family 52, NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.
[3] "New York State Census, 1855," database with images, FamilySearch, Thomas Mills, Chester, Warren, New York, United States; citing p. 4 to 5 on Family Search, line #18, family #76, county clerk offices, New York; FHL microfilm 474,178.
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volleytimes-com · 6 months
Challenge Cup: Calcit Kamnik destroy Viking Tif Bergen and progress to the next stage
🏆| Challenge Cup: Calcit Kamnik destroy Viking Tif Bergen and progress to the next stage. Today’s result: • Viking Tif Bergen (NOR) - Calcit Kamnik (SLO) 0-3 (14:25, 10:25, 17:25) Read more on #volleytimes_com 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Just like in a belated first leg, played yesterday, Slovenia’s Calcit Kamnik down Norway’s Viking Tif Bergen in straight sets – 0-3 (14:25, 10:25, 17:25) to become the last team to progress to the next stage of 2023/24 CEV Challenge Cup, with 14 winning blocks and all 14 players who entered to the court. Both games were played at Sportna Dvorana Kamnik. ____________________ 🏆| 2023/24 CHALLENGE…
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