#This is where Vergil was for the past 10 or more years
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Happy re-birthday Vergil
(It's not 1 am on the 16th; I don't know what you are talking about)
I'm glad you could make it out of the ocean only to rip off your son's arm, seppuku yourself, and cause ✨mass destruction✨
What a good little scrimblo 🥺👉👈 I love him so much
Lil angry DILF man 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 my lil meow meow
(I am really tired I'm sorry)
(Also anyone have any good Nelo Angelo refs that aren't in like 240 or 480 p? Like I couldn't find much; I had nothing that gave me a behind view so I just guessed on his cape. OH YEAH BTW IF YOU LOOK AT NELO'S ART AND STUFF HIS FUCKING ARMOR ISN'T CONSISTENT LIKE AT ALL AND IT REALLY BOTHERS ME)
Edit (16th June 2023): I added the correct version up top but here's the old one if you want it (with the old Alt. as well lmao)
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Nemesis (Vergil x Reader) - Chapter 3
Pairing: Vergil x Reader
Summary: The Abyss opening is a rare occurrence. In his youth, Vergil wanted to harness its power, but never thought he would meet his greatest adversary along the way. Years later, the Abyss is once again open and that might call for some rather unlikely alliances.
Chapter 1 (Prologue) | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 (you are here!)
Age restriction: 18+ - there’s a lot of blood, violence, cursing and all those things people want to forbid younger audiences of seeing. Also, cosmic horror is a thing here. Procceed with caution.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Deals with trickster entities and death omens :)
Special Thanks and Credits: @furyeclipse is the wonderful creator of a very main character in all this plot, Ovid - the trickster being the reader will be dealing with and who will have many interactions with the crew. Fury helped me to write some of Ovid's key moments, their realm, their appearance and their mannerisms - after all, it was all Fury's creation and I'm just honored to be able to share such a rich character and worldbuilding!
Thank you so so much for allowing me to add your character to Nemesis and for being such a wonderful friend!
You can check Fury's work on their Ao3, which you can find here: FuryEclipse Ao3
Strongly suggest you guys reading Devoid of Purpose, where you can understand Ovid better ;)
Author's Notes: It took me a little while for this one and I do apologize, but my health isn't the best currently. I will have to go through some medical exams in the upcoming weeks and I'll start taking some meds, so I might have some delays/disappearances from writing. But I will ALWAYS come back to post Nemesis!!
This was a very fun chapter to write. I do enjoy Ovid a lot and their interactions with the reader are 10/10 based on knowledge seeking. Get ready for fighting (and annoying) Vergil on the next chapter, though ;)
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Chapter 3
The city reeked of blood and destruction.
After so many years from your city’s incident, you never expected your memories to feel so alive. But there they were, haunting every corner of a new disaster – ghosts of a past you longed to forget, back to cling to your slivers of sanity like demons burying their claws in human flesh.
That city had fallen into chaos. People were crying, screaming, running around in despair looking for solace – for something or someone to save them from whatever the Abyss had attracted.
They first looked at you with hope and admiration – only to change to fear and horror when they realized that, even if your victims were demons, you were a killer after all.
And a very skilled one. Behind your footsteps, no demons were allowed. To fall into your protection meant to be safe; to find salvation amidst all that hell. Even if people feared you and your bloodstained hands, they were grateful for being their only hope of survival.
“Is everyone out of the city already?” You cleaned the blood that spilled on your face while walking towards the captain of the city’s guard, in charge of the evacuation.
Even the soldiers looked at you with a certain unease in their eyes. No one would want to get into a fight against you.
“The last two safe buses are just ready to go.” The captain, though, was the only one able to look into your eyes without hesitation. He could use a soldier like you. “Next one is for me, my crew, and you, y/n.”
“Thank you, but I’m not going with you.”
Your comment sent a wave of whispers among the soldiers. Before the captain could answer, you explained yourself.
“The Abyss is far more dangerous than we know. Someone has to stay behind and make sure it’s going to close without anything going in or coming out.”
Of course, you’d never say it was the only place you would certainly find the blue coated devil who almost killed you back in your city. You were certain he would be there but, so far, no blue demons crossed your view.
And you were especially aware of it.
“Well. You have a good point there. Just make sure to come back alive, alright?”
“Will do. I have to help a friend with laundry next week.”
No one understood your comment, but they also wouldn’t ask. You swinged your silver blade to get it rid of the blood and paced back into the city.
It was time to meet an old enemy.
As your steps echoed through the streets of the abandoned city, you had this uncomfortable feeling at the base of your stomach. It seemed like eyes were fixed on the back of your head and hands rested heavily on your shoulders.
But no one walked those streets except you.
Keeping your silver sword in hand, you didn’t stray from your path. The Abyss was close: you had learned to discern between how demons and the Abyss felt like as you started working as a devil hunter. While demons were certainly unnerving, the Abyss had something of… Uncertain. A sense of unknown – and the knowledge of what that was could be worse than fatal; probably better left in the realms of shadows.
But there was a… Third energy. Something else you couldn’t quite pinpoint its origin. It was unnerving, yes, but it felt… Old. Older than whatever demons you could’ve met.
Your steps approached an ancient building – probably a public school; you couldn’t exactly tell what it was. And you would’ve remained focused on your main objective if you hadn’t glimpsed inside the building.
A pair of eyes observed you from the shadows. It stared at you before disappearing deeper into the darkness, but you could swear those eyes were yours.
“What gives…?” You murmured to yourself, barely feeling your feet unconsciously following those eyes, as you crossed the derelict entrance.
You should be going towards the Abyss. That was the reason why you were there, it was the main purpose of you being hired that day. But… How come you saw a being with your eyes inside that building? As you entered the main hall, you found nothing but a reception desk and paper tossed around, ripped and burnt as people fled. Observing into the darkness, that place was a library.
Infinite rows of old mahogany seemed to go deep inside the shadows – until your eyes could barely make out any shapes. It was all probably in your head: dealing with demons made one prone to hallucinations, sooner or later.
As you prepared your feet to leave, you heard a scratchy metallic noise – faint, in the distance, but still there. Turning around, you stared into the shadow and you could swear your eyes picked up something moving.
You couldn’t tell what it was – if it was a demon, a creature or a human. But it was someone. If it was a human, it needed your help. If it was a demon, it deserved to die.
You decided to let your steps follow the sound.
Upon entering the rows of destroyed bookcases and rotting books, you kept on following that light metallic noise – like gentle knifes scratching at the floor, wood or any surface it could touch. Your eyes caught glimpses of a shadow, but never its full form. You turned your head around, your feet followed with precision – your curiosity leading you further and further into the labyrinth of old pages and decaying wood.
When you reached what it seemed to be the center – a round open space, surrounded by aisles and aisles of mahogany bookcases – your white rabbit seemed to have disappeared. There was no other indication of which path you should follow to find it, and you couldn’t deny you were certainly lost inside the library.
Your steps circled the room, slowly, trying to find your way out or the creature leading you further inside. Perhaps… Perhaps it was him. The devil who defeated you that fateful day, the one you longed to rematch. Maybe it was his way of leading you into a trap – and, if it was, you would be ready. Holding your silver sword with certainty, you wouldn’t be caught by surprise.
That library certainly looked like a proper place to defeat him and hold your sword to his neck, while one of your feet held his chest down on the floor, keeping him in his place. No demon was superior to a human, and you would prove him that.
The metallic tapping brought you back from your thoughts, dissipating the image of you finally subduing the blue coated demon. Turning around, you found your eyes again at the end of a long, dark aisle. With resolute steps, you plunged into the darkness, without flinching or thinking twice.
The eyes disappeared as soon as you started to follow them – but, upon reaching the end of the aisle, you found a great wooden door with an old plaque by its side. Cleaning the dust to see it better, you read what it was: “Forbidden Session – Entry allowed only upon authorization”.
Indeed, the door had an old black iron lock, probably requiring an iron key to enter. You tried to force it open a few times, but it was to no avail. With a deep, slightly frustrated sigh, you turned around to look for a way to open it – but your search wasn’t needed: as soon as you rotated on your feet, you found a great, heavy iron key waiting for you in one of the shelves filled with dust.
It didn’t escape your eyes the key was clean despite how abandoned the place looked.
Without questioning, you took it on your hands and finally opened the heavy door. Its hinges complained as you pushed it open and your steps entered the room.
Your heart slightly jumped inside your chest for a couple of quick seconds. It seemed like your eyes got used to the darkness, but soon you realized that session of the library was lit in a procession of warm candles that seemed to never really burn out. The door behind you was closed, and the reception desk had an old, heavy guestbook ominously waiting for you between two candles lit with purple flames.
You didn’t let go of your weapons. Strengthening your grip around the silver, you walked over the guestbook – finally noticing your steps weren’t the only sound to be heard: a faint, albeit calm, piano song filled the air. You didn’t know where it came from, but it was weirdly… Soothing.
“Traveler from afar, if you wish to drink upon the knowledge of forbidden and forgotten books, you must let go of your protections and sign your name. Only then, the library will welcome you among its pages and endless words. Beware, though, not to get lost in other worlds: some writings are tricky and the search for knowledge might claim your soul.”
Those were the words written on a blank, old page of the book waiting for you at the reception. Let go of protections and sign your name. Both conditions were tricky and asked too much of you: the protections were your weapons, and your name could be used in ancient spells for many purposes. The book asked you to be completely vulnerable and you weren’t comfortable with that.
“Hmmm…” You wiggled your nose while thinking, murmuring to yourself. That presence remained around you, but there was no reason to believe someone was really watching you. And, if there was indeed a being following you, they could at least try to answer any questions. “I wonder if this place has information about the Abyss…”
As you muttered, something seemed to fall in the inner part of the round reception desk. There was no one to receive you, so you took the liberty to inspect what made that noise. You found another book on the floor – this time bigger, older, and seemingly infinite: clearly a product of magic. There were no doubts you had crossed into another realm and, even if you didn’t know how to go back, your curiosity was bigger than your fear.
Taking the leather cover into your hands, you leaned the book in one of your arms, opening it with your free hand. Your eyebrows raised in delight as you realized you were staring into a library Index: all books and their subjects were noted down in beautifully crafted calligraphy, with a note on their location inside the library.
You turned page after page in what it seemed like an endless passing of time – as if Time itself didn’t exist in that wonderful realm of books and knowledge you had found yourself into. That presence seemed to keep watching you; intently, carefully… Curiously. As curious as your eyes running on the pages searching for more knowledge on the Abyss.
“Aha…” You finally found what you were looking for. The Abyss and other Ancient Realms – that was the only title on that theme. It was in the Restricted Session, and that could only indicate you would have a price to pay for that knowledge. “Alright. Let’s find the Restricted Session then.”
As you murmured those words, a path of purple flames lit the way to said Restricted Session. You wouldn’t have to worry about becoming trapped or never finding your way back: the library would show where the knowledge you needed was – your will would have to bring you back.
With a deep breath, you let go of your silver sword, leaning it on the reception desk. You placed your guns by the side of the guestbook, taking an inking pen and, after dipping it in the deep purple ink, you signed your name in the old, yellowish pages.
You were completely vulnerable, but you could use your arcane knowledge to your advantage. You had tested it before in several situations: the blood spell you did on your silver sword was very efficient in bringing it back to you in dire need. The blood inside it felt the calling of the blood in your veins, it didn’t matter the distance. It could take some time, but your trusted sword would be there to protect you – and that gave you some peace of mind.
The Restricted Session was less ominous than you thought it would look like. Behind the black iron bars of the gate that kept curious hands at bay, lied an obsidian box that could keep just one book inside, framed by the light of many sparkling purple candleflames.
“You who search the oldest of secrets must leave something in return.”
An old, golden altar stood beside the bars of the Restricted Session, keeping you between the knowledge of the Abyss. It was at your hand’s reach, so close and yet, so far away. You wanted it with your whole heart, but that altar was a warning and a deal: you had to sacrifice something if you wanted to learn something new.
No small offering would be enough for that book – no, it had to be a big one. Something beloved, something cherished. Something your heart would break to part.
Your guardian angel’s deep blue shawl.
You touched the soft fabric, your heart jumping inside your chest. Of everything you were willing to part of, that was your most prized belonging. It was the only thing that reminded you of some protection, of some gentleness. You didn’t want to let go – you wanted to keep the memory of your guardian angel close to your heart forever.
But you could never attain the knowledge you needed without making sacrifices.
You closed your eyes, taking a deep and slow breath. It was stupid to cry over a piece of fabric, so you wouldn’t – even if your heart wanted to weep. Unwrapping it from your neck, you once again opened your eyes, carefully placing your beloved shawl in the ancient golden altar. The purple flames reflected a beautiful dance in the only memory you had of your guardian angel… Of you being cared for and remembered, at least by someone.
With your heart sinking in your chest, a heavy click opened the gates of the Restricted Session, allowing you to go in.
The obsidian box was open, revealing a big, ominous book with a deep blue leather cover. The Abyss and Other Ancient Realms – the letters were in silver, slowly fading with time, but beautifully crafted inside a gothic frame of vines. You took it into your hands, the weight almost heavier than your sword. It shouldn’t be, but some books held more knowledge than others. Some enchanted books, with infinite pages, impossible to run out of space in its binding.
You left the Restricted Session, looking over your shoulders one last time to catch a glimpse of your cherished blue shawl. It seemed like leaving a piece of your heart behind, but you took a deep breath and kept on your path back to the reception desk – you wouldn’t cry, at least not with your eyes, and you wouldn’t turn back once more either.
What was done was done. You had made your choice, and you wouldn’t go back.
As you approached the reception desk once more, though, a dark figured towered around it – and the eyes. It had your eyes.
It looked like a Eurasian Eagle-Owl, feathers in deep purple and black, glistening with the trembling candle flames. Its chest carried a blood red glow, faintly able to see under its jet-black wings. It stood tall, far taller than you, smart eyes mimicking yours as it followed your every move with interest and mischievous curiosity. Only when your careful steps got close enough you were able to see it had two sets of wings – one close to its body, another resembling the mannerisms of human arms.
You had your eyes in it – carefully drinking its every move. You didn’t know if it was friend or foe; if it tried to attack you, your sword, peacefully laying behind it, would have to make its way to your hand.
“If you’re looking for that white rabbit, he’s not here.” Its voice reverberated through walls and the floor, catching your ears and your heart. You’d say it was a demon, but something about its energy was… Different. Ancient. “But I sense that you seek a knowledge that is worth pursuing to the darkest depth of the Underworld to find it.” As it finished speaking, a small laugh followed the words, clearly enjoying your curiosity that led you to that realm. “How will curious little Alice accomplish such a dangerous feat?”
“With courage. You have to be curious in order to be brave.” Your answer was certain albeit careful. Never before you had encountered a demon that resembled the creature standing before you – and the Codex Daemonica had no information about that. “I wonder. If I was led here but there’s no white rabbit to be seen, who am I talking to? The Cheshire Cat?”
Once again, that laugh reverberated through your chest, while its feathers shook with delight. Of all creatures you had met, that was the first who made you unsure. As far as your knowledge went, you could be talking to a trickster, like the ancient Norse deity, Loki.
“Alice should know better that names are not to be given so lightly.”
You just stared back into your own eyes, a small unsatisfied smile coloring your lips. You had signed your name; you had given it already. But words have power, especially the ones voiced by one’s own lips. If you wanted its name, you had to give yours – you had to voice it so it could voice its own. An eye for an eye, a hand for a hand, a name for a name.
“Y/n. My name is y/n, as I signed in the guestbook already.” You said after a deep breath. You could be making a huge mistake, but the book in your arms was worth whatever price. You had already left your guardian angel’s shawl – there was no going back now.
“It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, little Alice.” The creature bowed its head slightly, making you mirror its chivalry. “You can call me Ovid, master of this realm.”
“You certainly have a wonderful library, Ovid.” You couldn’t keep secret the fact that you had a Restricted Session book in your arms: Ovid probably knew what you had given up for it already and you had every intention to check that book out. For good or for bad. “With knowledge that even the best arcane libraries in the human realm only dream of.”
“Indeed, y/n, indeed… How far would you go fur such knowledge, little Alice?”
“As far as necessary, dear Cheshire Cat.”
Its eyes reflected the same fire that burned in yours – but you didn’t look down. You had already met that stare before: years ago, when fighting the blue coated devil, it was that sort of glance that commanded you to give up and made you only ignore it and remain stronger in your own will.
It was rare for Ovid meeting such a strong-willed human. A journey alongside you could be quite interesting, after all.
“I see you have already accessed the Restricted Session…” Ovid murmured back, glancing quickly at the book in your hands. “To check out such knowledge, in the other hand, there are a few conditions.”
“As I said before, I’m willing to go as far as necessary. I already gave up something dear to me.” It was rare for you to put yourself in such a vulnerable position, but there you were. That book was worth much more than you could ever dream of and, if you needed to, you would fight that creature for it – even if you didn’t know what it was.
“And you can read it in my realm whenever you see fit, as long as your offering remains in the altar.” Once again, it bowed its head slightly, only to turn those bright, cunning eyes back to you right after. “But in order to return constantly, I shall need something in return.”
You smiled. There was always a catch. That’s how it was when dealing with demons.
“What is it?”
“For which purpose does little Alice needs such a book so desperately…?” You could hear it in its voice: they knew you had a goal, that you needed that book not only for curiosity, but for something else.
You had to be honest and vulnerable – something you avoided with all your strength. There were no cards left up your sleeve and the only thing you had in your advantage was that you could summon your silver sword at any moment – unless Ovid had sensed that spell already.
“There are no books in the human realm with knowledge on the Abyss. Whatever it is, I need to know more about it to keep it from destroying entire cities like it did to mine.” You took a deep breath, never lowering your eyes from Ovid’s cunning stare. “I will write a Codex Abyssae, just like there is a Codex Daemonica, so other hunters may be able to protect other people. This…” You looked down at the book in your arms, furrowing your brows. “This is the best source I found to this day. I can’t let it go.”
As your eyes went back to Ovid’s, you could swear it was smiling – after all, you knew how your eyes looked when you were doing so.
“Well, well, little Alice…” There was a tinge of delight in its voice, and you couldn’t refrain your heart from being wary. “It seems that the Fates brought our paths together, then. This book can only be read on my realm, however you might be able to come and go as you please for your research as long as you keep its information updated.” Those eyes, your eyes, glinted with a smart burst of energy of something that hadn’t had that much fun in centuries. “You see, my collection, sometimes, gets obsolete. Inside this book, you will find everything you need to know on the Abyss, but I’m afraid there is so much more yet to be discovered. It will be an honor harboring a copy of your Codex Abyssae along my many pages and oceans of words.”
One of their wings pointed back at the book. As you observed the cover, The Abyss and other ancient realms title disappeared, only to give room to the carefully crafted, gothic silver words of Codex Abyssae.
That was your book. That was your research. If you accepted it, all that knowledge, all that power would be yours – and you would get to update it, as well as write your own version for the human realm. It was really a lot more than you could have wished for, even if it bounded you to that creature you knew so little about.
“What happens when I am done?”
“You cannot return.” Ovid’s voice was calm, acting as if it was just another day in their eternity. Their eyes, though, glinted with delight. “The Codex will return to its safety in the Restricted Session. Your shawl will be returned. You will have your knowledge, and I will have mine. Our deal will be over.”
Of course, it was a deal. Something like that always had a price.
And you were willing to pay it.
“How do I access the library to read the Codex when I need to?”
“You can always summon me with one of my feathers, dear Alice.”
It seemed like you hadn’t noticed it before, but right by the guest book, there was a golden dish with a silky, long black feather in it. Like you imagined before, you would be bound to that creature to a certain extent, as long as you kept your part of the bargain. They would give you knowledge if you delivered knowledge in return.
It was a small price to pay, in your point of view.
“Well, then. You have yourself a deal, Cheshire.” You took a deep breath, declaring your will out loud. “I will keep the Codex Abyssae updated as long as I can come and go from the library and read it for my research, Ovid. Deal.”
That laugh reverberated through the library once more as you reached for the feather. You could finally leave the Codex on the reception desk, knowing you could come back any time and spend hours and hours reading it to your heart’s desire.
“I have to finish the job I was hired to do, but when I want to come back…”
“I will be there to guide you into my realm, little Alice.” Ovid made a small signal with their head, making you slightly bow in return.
“Thank you for allowing me to have access to your library, Ovid.”
“Thank you, little Alice, for giving me such knowledge to build upon, but do be careful on the road ahead.” Their warning caught you off guard, making you stop as you were ready to get your weapons once more. “You have been close to death once before, I can see that.” As those words filled your mind, you furrowed your brows. “Before you go, I shall give you a piece of advice to mull over. The next time you end up on death’s doorstep, it will take you without hesitation. So, live a fruitful and fulfilling human life, with the time you’ve got left. Death does not give second chances lightly.”
That warning placed a heavy weight on your heart, taking your breath away for a few seconds. You had defied death once but, as it seemed, you wouldn’t be able to do it twice.
With so much left to do, you kept that warning in a place you could think about later. You struck a deal. It was done. You couldn’t turn back now.
As soon as your feet left the door that got you inside the library, you found yourself back into the derelict building that led you there. You glanced back, hoping to see the purple flames and the reception desk once more – now with your weapons back to your grip and the feel of your trusted sword hilt calming your heart – but you only found an old empty room, with books and paper scattered all over the dusty floor.
You were back – and it all seemed like a lifelong dream. You would consider it all to have been just your imagination, if Ovid’s feather didn’t weight inside your coat’s pocket. Checking once more, your fingers found the silky touch of the feather and you knew; it was all true. You had struck a deal with a trickster, maybe a demon, maybe something older – you weren’t sure. But you had done it for a knowledge and a power the strongest demons could only dream of.
Your steps quickly led you back to the round hall surrounded by the labyrinth of mahogany aisles, lit only by a sheer light that entered through the cracks in the walls. Soon, you would find your steps away from that building, back to your job, to make sure the Abyss would close, and nothing would be able to go in – or get out.
“This time, I will not allow you to go any further… Little human.”
That voice. It was his voice. You were certain of it.
Turning around, you smiled as you saw a very well-known silhouette lit only by the stray rays of light, framing his shoulders and his conceited head held high in the air – the sword on his hand, ready to attack; the smirk framing his arrogance… His eyes, defying yours with a fire burning in silver. The blue coat gracing him as a frame.
You smirked back, holding your head high and staring back with your burning eyes.
“Long time no see… Demon.”
To be continued...
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prototypelq · 7 months
video game ask let's gooooo
5. Game(s) coming out that you’re looking forward to
12. A character you particularly like in the game you’re currently playing (or any other game really)
13. Quick, name the first song from a game that comes to mind
20. A boss you think is really cool
22. A game ending that’s really stuck with you
26. Realism or stylized?
Thank you for the gaming ask my beloved mutual! )))
5. That's a really tough one. While I do follow gaming news, I am not so attentive to actual game releases. Mostly because I have never really played on a 'current' platform. I have been using consoles for gaming most of my life, I played on x360 up to 2017, then I got a ps4, which was/is my most go-to platform till this year. This year was a change for me, because I finally surrendered to pirating at the beginning of the year, and played through a number of awesome low-spec indies that way. Though, I have been very lucky to get a new pc recently, and oh boy is this a big change for me. It's still crazy to think this machine can run something more than pixelart now xD (no disrespect to low-spec games in this house allowed, the more accessible the game the better, weak hardware optimisation my beloved)
I have also found a way to get past the payment blocks and have bought all those games I pirated, that was a big weight off my shoulders) So, uh, yeah. I don't follow releases. I would have said Alan Wake 2 is you asked earlier this year tho, CONTROL had me transform into a Sam Lake devoted follower xD I'll gladly watch a letsplay of it sometime soon, before I catch any spoilers. All the other game series I'm interested in are either on hiatus (Darksiders when), or the latest entry made me lose interest (Horizon 2. I love the world, so I'll follow the series anyway, but the story of the sequel is a mess I didn't like at all, and it doubled down on this new direction too). That was a long and roundabout way of saying I don't really look up to any new games currently, lol.
12. Currently - Lohse from the DOS2. This game has an extensive player character creator, however, you could play as basically one of the companions of the game, with full custom story and questline. And Lohse is a Very special case, as my dear bard woman is currently posessed)
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The game has some amazing moments, where it will throw you a persuasion check to 'prevent you from throttling a character because the demon inside you didn't like them' for example. Funnily enough, in this moment in particular, if you succeed on the first check (which is hard to do early-game), if will throw you Another one with other stats to use. And Another. There's three persuasion checks in succession here, which is normally literally impossible to do, unless you mod the game to hell and leave the balance there as I did, and STILL this is the only option the dialogue will leave for you. Lohse becomes uncontrollable after this, and your other party members have to subdue her.
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It's incredible, amazing time, 10/10. Other origin characters are great too, but I think this fourth-wall-meddling makes Lohse simply the best origin character to play as.
I also greatly enjoyed playing as Delsin Rowe in Infamous Second Son, I love that game, it's super fun and has great style, plus Delsin is adorable. He's a bit punk, he is witty, he is a geek, an artist and his grafitti-drawing mechanic is adorable.
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Also Death from Darksiders 2. His parkour is superb, his abilities are super cool, he has an amazing horse, and he is Literally Death Rider Of The Apocalypse.
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13. First song that comes to mind would be Bound Together, since I mentioned it a lot the last few asks...excluding that one, Subhuman + BTL, and Black Dog for the fun of it, All Is Soft Inside which was featured for a virtual concert of AURORA in Sky: Children of the Light (adorable game, which will hopefully come out sometime on pc, mutuals I would hold your hands in that game so. much.)
20. A really cool boss. Sorry King Cerberus and Vergil, you are cool by definition. The first that comes to mind is the Guardian fight from the Darksiders 2, which is honestly the most badass fight in the series. THAT MUSIC HITS SO HARD. And that finish animation, oh my, pure epic.
22. A game ending that’s really stuck with you. ooops already did a too-long and roudabout post about that one xD
26. Realism or stylized? Stylized anytime. Realism is honestly kind of boring, though I admit sometimes seeing your fave very detailed is cool. For example, dmc5 Dante design is my favourite out of them all, because it is finally (kind-of) down-to-earth. The game is about fighting demons and being cool about it, but the story is of human struggle and issues, and the character design finally reflects that. And I do enjoy the Impressive hair physics in Horizon games, but that's it for realism. Stylized is literally better in every possible way: it makes the design more flexible - it can be expressive or constrained, depending on your direction; it is cheaper to produce and easier to optimize and easier to run. Plus 'realism' is a forever-outdated style. Games that were considered 'realistic' in 90s, 00s and 10s don't look so realistic to us now. Even Delsin Rowe I mentioned above - he looks great, the motion capture and animation for the game looks awesome, but his face is kind of baby-smooth and the pupils of every character in the game are just a bit too-wide, it makes them all look like they all collectively had some hallucinogens xD. Meanwhile, stylised games can never go out of style, as they are the ones dictating it. Beyond Good and Evil still looks good, Fables look good, Psychonauts does too, etc. These games always exist in the state they were meant to be viewed in, while realistic games are always reaching for the not-really-but-sort-of unattainable standards, which change with time and available technology.
Stylized is Always. Better. In. Every. Way. Also make games optimized again and lower the hardware reqs. I swear, it's like every new title requires you to buy an entire basement full of rocket-science multi-computers, each with a videocard which name will make the math-lovers cry.
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hexitca · 11 days
So I've been staying at my friend's place watching her apartment and dog while she's on her honeymoon. I offered for free (as a wedding gift other than the glasses I bought them bc I love her and also a win for me bc this has been a nice relaxing vacation lol) but her husband being awesome buys the DMC5 game for me to play while I'm here!!! I was so blessed he just offered and I was like "woh! you don't have-" Him: "I don't mind! You're doing us a big favor! :)" omg so sweet ToT so I finished it last night and here are my thoughts:
Warning: a lot of rambling lmao
TLDR: 10/10 best game overall
10/10 on plot, characters, game design like it was just perfect!! I loved the whole game and while I had to play it on human mode in order to just get through the game for my short time here, I would love to play it on the harder modes and explore more. I can't wait to get a gaming computer so I can do that lol.
Obviously I'm bias bc I love DMC but having played all the DMC games at least once (never finished DMC2 and DMC4 but I at least played enough to get a sense of the games) DMC4 was my fave in game play, plot, and characters. That's not to say DMC1 and 3 are lesser like DMC3 is RIGHT behind DMC4 for me (I just loved Dante's character in DMC4 more and of course Nero and Kyrie with Trish haha). I hope to finish DMC2 next but I think that's gonna be the least liked but we'll see.
Looking at the time line of DMC and having it wrapped up pretty decently in DMC5 was amazing! I haven't played many series with continuous plot lines often but this would be top of the list. Even with something like DMC2 where it is the odd one out from all of them, how they handled it was very well done. When I saw that the game included a recap of the other games/plot I thought that was a nice touch. Especially since the games exist across different consoles (DMC 1,2,3 all being on PS2 and DMC4 PS3 and DMC5 PS5 (I know they are on other consoles but I'm a Play Station girlie haha I never played any of the game on PC but I never had a computer strong enough) like it's hard. I got the first 3 on PS2 and on the Switch for portable play but that's it. I hope they put all on switch but I'm gonna end up getting it for PC in the future lol)
It was nice of them to include that in DMC5. I do encourage ppl to play all the games once bc obviously a recap doesn't stand up to actually playing the plots of the other games. I think due to my past plays of the other games it really made me appreciate the wrap up in DMC5.
I know we all want a DMC6 (trust me I want to see Nero and Co. again plus to see the twins back from hell) but if the series ended now it would be a perfect end. Obviously again I never want this series to end I love it and the characters so much but again compared to most game series it's rare to have a clean wrap up.
Some personal gripes that is more on me than the actual game/characters/etc:
I wasn't happy with Dante's character it felt really mean spirited but in the whole context of the plot/his history it fits. I guess going from DMC4 Dante to DMC5 Dante (yes 5 years had passed and depression etc I totally get that that's why I'm like it fits honestly) but Idk. I just felt that it could have been more...smoother? if that makes sense? His lines/actions etc make sense but were choppy at times. AGAIN Idk how to explain it it MADE sense (trying to protect Nero, the drama/trauma between Vergil/Dante, the actual chance that the world is ending) but idk threw me off a little. Just a major asshole lol but not the loveable asshole that he usually is. Again like yes in the whole context of it all he was gonna have to kill his brother (again) but again I wasn't a huge fan.
I wish we got more of Lady/Trish/Kyrie. I LOVED that Lady and Trish were used as mini bosses like that was perfect but I also think they should had have some gameplay/more than just that. Of course the story is about the Sparda kin and there's time constraints etc but idk...I always felt that the DMC games could have had the ladies featured a little more lol. ESPECIALLY WITH KYRIE. She is Nero's love, voice of reason, his tie to humanity and she only got mentioned/a voice call that wasn't that long. Idk I just need more Kyrie love dammit
Not a lot of gripes lol again just 10/10 and the gripes are just my personal hang ups but everything was amazing despite those gripes.
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questionnete · 2 years
Pls don't read this because this is my rant post. I don't know what I'm saying here so ye
Loving these obviously side characters is difficult. Why would you choose these ones who you barely knew about cause the author doesn't give too much care about them? Oh yeah you have that Side Character syndrome.
URGGGHHHH being a Tobirama fan sucks. They only give you small scraps of content in canon and making him look like a weak character even though he was really on par with the other two. The 'Haha Uchihas are dead lololol' memes about him isn't funny anymore and many people are really taking it seriously. Listen he ISN'T racist, He doubts and distrusts them (more specifically Madara who he knows he messed up big time) but isn't it the same for other clans who are also at war during that time (if not, then you're really a bad shinobi that could lead your clan into a massacre), they had been in a war with each other for kami how long by that black 'oh I'm the one who planned these wars and conflicts all along' turd. Izuna didn't die on the battlefield, he has a major injury and it could possibly be healed by the Senjus. So did he accept peace between them? No, it was his choice and it was understandable that his distrust with the Senju is strong that he'd rather die, so what do you call that, racism? No, it's just the distrust between two enemies who had been fighting who knows how long that they don't even know the reason why. Izuna and Tobirama didn't talk and became friends like Madara and Hashirama did, so how would they understand each other? The moving of the Uchiha compound was Danzo's doing (I'm not reading that Itachi's POV novel) and I know there are more conflicts between him and the Uchiha clan people keep talking but personallt the two things he did wrong is that 1. He died too early. Sacrificing himrself is a stupid move that could lead the downfall of the village , and 2. Picking one of his YOUNG (probably) politically naive students as Hokage where you only know he'd sacrifice himself for the village rather than having someone who is very capable at handling the village, not everyone can be as good as you Tobirama I still love you doe and you should have a rest day or a vacation once in a while (well I blame it to the writers/Kishimoto with these kinds of unexpected events that the characters could easily solve) and the Edo tensei thing he did? He's not even half complete at finishing it wtf, at least he stopped when Hashirama told him not to continue. And people talking about his questionable morals... is he really the worst one? It's more like new generations are being direspectful and manipulating what Tobi's abandoned inventions/jutsu. He's basically a inventor or scientist, they experiment on new stuff that they don't know if it would be harmful or not and my boy is scarily dedicated and curious plus I like morally grey characters better most of the time.
Being a Vergil fan is...sad and fun. There's the thing where you have fanarts with his nice outfit and the legs and a good dad Vergil who takes care of Nero with Uncle Dante. Looking at his past in canon works, we don't fully know what happened to him when he lived on his own after the incident, when he was Nelo Angelo for like 10 years and after Dante defeated Mundus. We see tadbits from VoV but there's still a mystery
Being a Tenten fan sucks because people look at her as a joke. Saying that she's useless and weak even though she is a fuinjutsu master and a weapon master who has perfect aim (but why in the future episodes she only uses long-range weapon not close-range weapons), these people probably just watched the anime that censored the scenes so the young audience could watch it. She had a dream of being like the legendary kunoichi Tsunade when she was younger unlike some of the girls who's main or only goal is to be with a boy! When she realized that she isn't qualified enough and saw a talent at fuinjutsu she enhanced it and went to a new path to be a great kunoichi. She's so versatile (with what she can put and obtain in the scroll may it be a jutsu or a bbq stand), her personality is great, and the chemistry of Team 11 is just- really the best team imo. People say she's useless, well its probably because Naruto is technically wizards that are ninjas, they have jutsus and chackras, what's the use of weapons when the main characters here are basically dragonballZ and the power limit is ??? If her skills at weapons are useless in Naruto she might as well fit in DMC where she can fight demon ass and new weapons she could use. (Am I the only one who thought that if Neji was still alive and ended up with Tenten, would Himawari still exist or they made her because there's no new gen characters who has the Byakugan. Maybe I'm wrong that there are young Hyugas cause I'm not watching boruto any time soon.)
Being a Green Arrow fan sucks. Oliver gets little screen time (I know there's a show but I like animated movies better) and some characters are babying him because he's just a man with a bow and arrow. My boy here is funny and capable thank you very much. (And I love the comic Injustice- not the Injustice animated movie- where he met with AU Dinah and other characters there)
Being a Tenzo/Yamato fan is sad. I'm really am desperate for more Tezo content. I know he was only created as a plot device and becoming a babysitter afterwards. He doesn't even have a manga backstory (well he explained it to sakura) and it's just a filler episode (that I am still thankful cause I reaaally want more Tenzo content). He doesn't have someone he can call family maybe except Kakashi, but seriously, this guy is as dedicated as Tobirama if you ask me. I still can't believe that after his usefulness is done, he was thrown to a job to watch the captor who experimented on you since he was a child for what? 12-15 years? This guy needs a vacation
*sighs* being...a...Dr. Fate fan... is sad. Knowing that the reason no one made a movie about him is because it'll be BORING. Excuse me sir, this is Wendy's that's what a lazy ass director/script writters right there. My dude is interesting af, if it's too difficult for your supposed creative brains then fine, let him be the npc. I still wait for the day for him to have his own movie or story, Constantine has many movies but Fate? *Cries at the corner*
I know there are wrong grammars but I should sleep rn
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skvaderarts · 3 years
Hello! I wanted to give you a proper greeting that wasn't through an AO3 comment (I'd left a rather long one on Soliloquy already gdfhjfd). I've just recently begun reading your AU series and I'm going through your second book for it a little quicker than I thought I might omg. Actually, I wanted to let you know that I really dig how you're handling this post-DMC5 AU and that you really deserve a ton of encouragement for it. It takes a certain amount of bravery to go ahead and diverge from canon while not caring what naysayers try to do devalue your work and spirit. Like, I've seen some comments on your first fic that are so astoundingly nasty I've experienced secondhand whiplash from reading them. I'm so sorry you have to deal with shit like that, it's totally unreasonable. I seriously don't understand why some people can't just chill and scroll past. I, like you, gave V an AU of his own where he isn't a half of Vergil and it's something I've discovered is actually very strangely toxic to a number of people. ??? So, yeah, I commend you for giving V what I feel he deserves. No hate for the canon source material, but folks like us want a taste of a different experience, so we create it for ourselves. I totally get that. It'd be great to discuss AU things and general DMC stuff with you! c: Perhaps there may be an opportunity. Well, I will leave you to it. Keep doing what you're doing and best of luck!
First of all, I want to thank you for this wonderful comment. And second of all, I wanted to say that I'm so sorry for taking so long to respond! Sometimes I just don't get the notifications, or I read a post and for some reason think that I responded when I didn't! I totally wasn't ignoring you! Far from it, actually. I love this comment! Thank you so much!
I couldn't tell you what it is about V and Canon divergency in this matter that just drives some people up the walls! I think I've honestly seen less hatred for the incest fics and the fandom in the 10 plus years that I've been part of the community. I'm not single in the matter or anything, but I'm just saying I find it really odd that that doesn't seem to make people even nearly as upset. It's odd. I always try to keep my cool and not play into the hands of people I know are going to say something just to get on my last nerve, but yeah, you're totally right. I've had some really awful comments, and I still get them sadly enough. But I just sort of roll with it. That's all I can do at this point. I've come way too far to give up now!
As for what you said about the concept of having nothing against Canon but just wanting to do your own spin on it, I couldn't agree with the sentiment more! I realized that nobody had written the fix that I wanted, so I decided to create it because I had the time and I had the vision to do it! I write this story because I genuinely love it, not because I hate DMC5 or don't understand the story or don't like Vergil like some people seem to think! Quite the opposite! I have nothing but love for the series, especially the fifth game! It's probably in my top five games ever, and I've played a absolute crap ton of games. Probably more like top three!
I love that game so much I actually broke down crying playing it the first time, and there's parts to still get me playing it again! I've got like 68% of the achievements in the game at this point because I like it so much! I think it takes a certain level of understanding of the source material to even write an AU for it, so I've never understood the argument that disliking or wanting to change an aspect of the story meant that you didn't understand it. Far from it, you just had a different vision for how that could have played out. And there's no harm in that! That's the whole idea behind fanfiction: to write something or read something that brings you joy in a specific way!
I'm happy to talk about DMC with you literally anytime! I noticed that you dropped in to my messages, and I'll get with you on there really soon! Just have to take care of some stuff first! It's great hearing from you! Thanks for reaching out and take care! Nothing makes me happier than people actually like something that I did for once. Doesn't happen very much in my day to day life if I'm being honest. I think it literally only comes from writing.
Sorry for any mistakes! I used voice to text to write this, so I might have made a couple of mistakes. I'll fix them as I see him, but the dyslexia is real lol!
Thank you @whothehellisdante!
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amethystaqua · 5 years
Of mugs and secrets (Or how Dante found out about your relationship with Vergil)
I finally finished after entire week of writing and editing! I never thought my first fanfic would be of 2223 words! I really hope you enjoy it! :D
The room was still dark as calmness reigned; the only sounds were the soft breathing on your ear of the man sleeping next to you. Vergil was spooning you, the warm feeling making a real struggle having to get up to start your day. You wiggle trying to move the least required, not wanting to disturb your boyfriend’s sleep, you almost made it, until he made some soft grunts. You froze fearing you might have woken him up, but he just turned to his side of the bed.
A smile found its way into your lips as you approached to kiss him ever so lightly on his mouth, then proceeding to leave the bedroom. You started to go through your day’s agenda in your head, the pendant paperwork waiting at work, visiting Nico to pick up your beloved, just repaired sword Polaris, and the appointment with a possible client. However, all your plans came to a halt the moment you notice a dark figure lying on the living room’s couch. Quietly you summon your spear Morgenstern out of thin air and approach the figure, looking around to see if something else was hiding in the shadows.
“Well now this is what I an exciting welcome (Y/N)” a sleepy familiar voice said making you jump out of the impression.
“My god… Dante! I was this close to stab you!”
“As you know, you wouldn’t be the only one sweetie” he sat on the couch while stretching his arms with an audible pop from his bones.
You met Dante when you were just a kid, with no family left, he rescued you from being a sacrifice for a greater demon since you were a Nephilim, however that seemed to be only the beginning of your problems. Demons appeared to be drawn to your blood like moths to a flame and thus, the week that you hadn’t been attacked by a demon, extremely uncommon. So instead of going to every orphanage or school you assisted to save you, Morrison decided it was for the best if Dante just adopted you. That way he could keep an eye on you, so no more civilians were put on danger, and also train you. Dante wasn’t in any sense qualified to adopting a little girl, but with your help (The motherly interventions of Lady and Trish, and some extra cash from Morrison) you two worked it out and in the process, perceived each other a bit like father and daughter.
“What on earth are you doing here?” you made Morgenstern disappear, heartbeat slowing down now that there was no real danger “And how did you get in?”
“Perks from my brand-new powers, and as for your first question… Let’s leave it I had kind of an emergency”
“Ok let’s review your concept of emergency” You leaned into him, taking carefully his face on your hands checking for any sings of cuts or bruises “does it involve injuries?”
“Not this time” he chuckled as you were still inspecting the rest of his body. After confirming the man was in one piece, you decided to head to the kitchen to start making breakfast with Dante following right behind you.
“An angry Trish or Lady?” you opened the fridge to start looking for the ingredients to make pancakes, you really stomach really needed some food now.
“Nah we just had drinks last week” he took a seat on the small kitchen table.
“Another powerful demon king about to be resurrected?” once you gathered everything you needed; you poured some flour along milk on the crystal bowl you took from the kitchen cabinet.
“Funny (Y/N) but no, not a demon, and somehow way more terrifying then one…Patty wants go out on a date with me” you almost dropped the egg you just grabbed for the batter, staring at him in disbelief on what he just said heard.
“Wait… so you broke into my apartment at” you looked at the clock next to the fridge “at 7:00 am just because you’re scared of a 19-year-old who wants a date with you?”
“I was coming back from a job! Morrison called me and he said a miss was waiting for me at DMC! Then I heard her voice on the phone! I’m not going anywhere with her when she’s faking a promise!”
“Dante…” Calm, take a deep breath you thought as you focused on inhaling deeply, he sure had a talent for making you lose your temper sometimes “are you serious? Both Morrison and I were there! I perfectly recall you saying when she’s turned old enough you would date her!
“Damn, so you’re saying she isn’t lying and I must keep my promise?”
“Yeah sure because I definitely want Patty to come on our already uncomfortable family dinners at Nero’s home” you answered sarcastically as you mixed the bowl’s ingredients “Just take her out to eat pizza or something, keep it as casual as possible so she doesn’t get her hopes up”
“Or... you could allow me to stay for a few days”
“Please (Y/N) only 2 days!” he lifted up the chair and moved next to you “Just until she’s tired of stalking me!”
“Since you’re here not like I have much of a choice, do I?”
“I knew I could count on you!” Dante said while lifting you off the ground, on really strong hug just like he has done all these years since you were a kid.
“Be quiet!” you whisper loudly, squirming a bit in his tight embrace “Vergil is still sleeping!”
“Wait, what’s Verge doing here?”  he dropped you while looking at you quite confused.
Oh, you just fucked up big this time… Dante was the only one who didn’t know about your relationship with Vergil. Unknowing of your past together when he was V, Dante’s father instincts awakened, as he warned you to stay away from Vergil, after noticing the constant glances you shared with his twin, fearing his brother got interested in you just because you were a Nephilim.
“He uh... went on a job yesterday, and uh he got poisoned by a demon so he needed someone to cure him!” That was the only excuse your sleepy brain was able to scheme in those few seconds, thinking Dante would buy it… then you remembered the eldest son of Sparda never asked for help.
“So, he decided to come here was the best idea?”
“Yeah” you tried to smile at him to look as convincing as possible.
“My brother looking for you to heal him?... All right never thought I’d see the day the dumbass put his pride aside and ask for help!”
“Heh… guess he still remembers one of the times I cured him when he was V” You sighed in relief, turning your attention on the coffee machine to prepare some, thinking you got away with your little lie until…
“But why he didn’t return to Devil May Cry?”
“I-it was really late and cold outside so I suggested he spent the night here “blush adorned your checks, once you realized the size of the stupidity you just said. “Al-also, I needed to be certain I cured the wound properly.
Dante just hummed and returned to his seat, whether he believed that poorly made answer or not, he didn’t say it. You were about to change topic, but were interrupted by a growling.
“Geez...” you couldn’t help but laugh lightly “I suppose you haven't eaten anything”
“Can’t lie at this point” You smiled at him. Once the coffee machine finished you poured some coffee on 3 cups that you placed on the counter. With all the noise, probably Vergil would join you both for breakfast.
“Stay right here, and don’t touch anything” you said as walking past beside him.
A shower was really much needed. You were already a bit late and didn’t want to waste more minutes, after all, you could always buy something to eat at work if you didn’t have time left. On the hallway to the bathroom you found the elder son of Sparda already got up.
“Oh, hi I thought you were still asleep” you stood on your tiptoes to give him a quick peck on his cheek “Didn’t want to wake you up”
“To whom I must thank for making Dante grace us with his presence this early in the morning?” his icy blue eyes showing an evident annoyance.
“That would be Patty… apparently the poor girl really wants a date with your brother to the point she’s waiting for him at Devil May Cry as we speak”
“I’m afraid that doesn’t justify why he’s here” a frown taking over his features.
“Well… “you played with a loose lock of your hair “Lady and Trish aren’t home, Nico still wants to bang him and I’m not letting that happen, and finally Nero made crystal clear last time I spoke to him, he wanted Dante at least 10 mts away from Kyrie and Credo” Your best friends had just had their beautiful son, the last thing Nero needed was having Dante in their house with Kyrie so delicate after her pregnancy.
“Hmpf still he isn’t staying here” Vergil crossed his arms, his answer just as you predicted.
“Please I can’t kick him out of the apartment just like that! I bet if you were the one in his…”
“I would never find myself in such a ridiculous situation like this”
“Right, forget what I just said” you said a bit ashamed while scratching your head.
“Even if I did unlike Dante, I could find a solution on my own”
“My point is! He needs help” you cupped his face in your hands “I know we had plans but come on, it’s going to be just a couple of days” you gave him the best puppy eyes you could.
It wasn’t as frequent as you wished for Vergil to stay in your apartment, between your jobs and the constant efforts to hide the truth to Dante. That’s why those days where two of you just sat on a couch to read, or did any other silly activity together, became so precious memories.
“I promise I’ll make it up for you when he leaves” you whispered in his ear face turning red with the possible implications.
He pushed you carefully against a wall lifting you face and grazing with his thumb your plump lips.
“You should not take promises so lightly my dear angel” you melted at his words, his lips mere inches from yours “I fear you may have acquired my brother’s demeanors”
“Have I ever broken my word before?”
An almost imperceptible smile, one only you got to recognize adorned his face as he claimed your mouth on a passionate kiss, that to your perception didn’t last enough. But you didn’t complain once Vergil separated from you, the risk of being caught by Dante was way too high.
“He’s in the kitchen” you cleared your throat, trying to control your small gasps for air.
“I expected no less” he fixed his hair and clothes, erasing any sings of the kiss you just had.
“Welp I’m going to shower now, not taking long” you passed beside him and closed the bathroom’s door only to open it a few seconds later “Vergil wait! Geez I almost forgot; I left some coffee for you and Dante on the kitchen counter. I’m pretty sure you’ll know which mug is yours since your favorite mug broke in our tiny accident a few nights ago”
You winked playfully at him, but he only limited to clicked his tongue in disapproval and directed to the kitchen. Once Nico knew about your relationship with Nero’s deadbeat father (as she always called him) the mechanic wasted no time to tease, giving you a little present: a white mug with big blue letters that read I’m your daddy for your boyfriend to use. Obviously, once Vergil found out the existence of the mug, the first thing he wanted was to toss it on a trash can, but you didn’t allow it being a gift from Nico.
While you showered the guilt took over you for hiding Dante about you and Vergil. Maybe it was time to tell him the truth, after all, didn’t he always wanted for his brother to embrace his humanity and live a somewhat normal life? You stepped out of the bathroom once you finished, so deep in these thoughts that it wasn’t until you were on your way to the kitchen, that you noticed how quiet the house was. At this point you were so used to whenever the twins were together their heated conversations escalated quickly to an argument that sometimes required a third-party intervention, so the silence was really unusual.
“Ok now, is it okay for you guys to eat pan…cakes...”
Your voice lowered the volume as you looked at the scene before your eyes. Vergil and Dante were staring fixedly at each other with a murderous gaze, each one with a hand around the infamous cup, now you knew the real reason for the unusual silence, Dante must have assumed the mug was his.
“So…” you laugh nervously “I guess the cat is out of the bag.
The end
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sonicasura · 4 years
Sonic May Cry
Today is Groundhog Day and the entire internet is going into a huge 'Into the ___Verse!' shtick. Basically an Into the Spiderverse based trope where alternate universes cross into one another specifically the characters. This story came from a recent What If situation involving Sonic the Hedgehog that was stewing in my brain yesterday.
And taking alternate universes thing, I delved in deeper with an another alternate universe involving the original Devil May Cry. Mix them both together and I got this.
Time is a very fragile thing and the wrong move can break it. Or: Classic Sonic/Kid Sonic gets blasted into the Devil May Cry universe and causes some big changes.
"Sonic! Run! The rift is closing! If you don't get out of there, you'll be lost in time and space forever! No! Don't do it! Don't leave me! Please! Sonic!!!"
Time was a very precious thing to have. It should never be taken for granted and should never be toyed with. The mechanized menace called the Time Eater had done more damage than either Robotniks could've estimated. The rifts were closing even faster than they should. Someone was going to be left behind with no choice. His best friend Tails wasn't going to be that person if he could help it. His best buddy would be fine without him. For this was his end not Tails. The end of Sonic The Hedgehog. And he welcomed it with open arms.
Great sacrifice comes with a greater reward. Fix their broken hearts, brave little warrior. Heal the wounded hearts of the Sons of Sparda, Sonic the Hedgehog. Right now, they need you the most.
Mitis Forest on the outskirts of Fortuna, a light shone brightly in an open flowerbed. The soft daffodils, petunias and dandelions were greeted by the weight of a small light blue furred hedgehog. The little beast barely reaching 2 ft in height with both face and stomach round with baby fat showing he was quite young. White gloves and red running shoes were the only clothing worn. His muzzle was light peach along with the center of his stomach.
Quills slightly long just like the ones on his back and stubby little tail. Black pupil like eyes slowly opened to be greeted with a vast starry night sky. 'Huh?' Thought Sonic the Hedgehog as he took in his surroundings. He was alive yet… 'What happened? I should be dead.' Sonic thought for a moment. 'This isn't my world that's for sure. And why does my back feel stiff?' The hedgehog then he picked himself off the ground and looked at what he was previously lying on.
Shock became evident as eyes widened when they laid on 7 gray lifeless stones amongst the grass. They looked to be cut into perfect diamond shapes but to Sonic these gemstones were far more precious. 'The Chaos Emeralds?! Why are the Chaos Emeralds here? No better question, why do they look so dead?' He thought picking up one of the lifeless emeralds. It felt really cold to the touch but the hedgehog could feel a tiny bit of energy in the stone.
'Could the emeralds have saved me? No… It did something else. Before I blacked out I thought I heard something. I also feel different too. I feel the same but I can't shake the nagging feeling that something about my body had changed.' He thought before looking at the lights coming from up ahead. He picked up the stones before hiding them in his quills. It was sorta weird on how the Emeralds could hide themselves in his fur like they weren't there but he never bothered about the details.
Sonic walked a bit closer up the hill to see the lights were coming from a large city. What struck him as odd were the large demon statues scattered about the whole place. 'Ain't getting any answers standing here. That city looks like a good place to find out where I am.' With a goal set in mind, he disappeared into a streak of blue as he ran over to the city at supersonic speed.
This city was very odd and quite creepy to the blue blur. Everyone was wearing hoods over their heads, there were armed soldiers about and the place seemed...tense almost ominous. It was the kind of feeling he got running into Robotnik's base or places like Chemical Plant Zone. That something nasty was brewing on the surface. A feeling that no town or city should have.
Speeding past everyone had earned a very unexpected cry of sorts. "Demon! There's a demon!" Demons? This was even stranger to him than meeting his older counterpart that could TALK. His voice box was stunted so he couldn't actually talk but the problem would resolve himself once he turned 10 years old. A few years didn't look so bad though it'll suck if no one can read his charades well.
A tiny hand grabbed his nose surprising the little hedgehog that he nearly crashed into a dumpster when he skidded to a halt. Plucking the nose grabber wasn't as shocking as finding out who had done the deed. A little human baby with white hair and blue eyes had managed to hitch a ride on him. A baby boy in a blue onesie had hitchhiked a ride on the FASTEST thing alive.
'#$#!@ How the heck did you get on me?! You must have insane reflexes to grab me in mid-run!' Sonic thought looking at the baby. His brain halted upon spotting what was really odd about the infant. His right arm was blue with little red scales and had tiny blue claws! It was even glowing light blue through the cracks of each scale! 'Nevermind. You ain't no normal baby because human babies don't have an arm like that.' He thought with a deadpanned expression.
The baby merely babbling as he tried to grab Sonic's nose again though Sonic pulling the baby away from his prize. The child was giggling and all happy before he immediately began to cry strangely. The hedgehog easily catching onto the sound of what he could guess were soldiers behind him yet they were talking about a 'project Nero'. Sonic immediately looking at the baby or Nero in his hands and couldn't help the rage bubbling inside him. He pushed it down before cradling the child in his arms and breaking into a sprint.
'No way those jerks are getting ya little buddy! They're insane to think babies are some kind of science fair project! Time to ditch this crazy island!' Sonic thought as he began to steadily speed up. He needed enough speed to run across ocean surface and he didn't want to accelerate too quickly or he would end up hurting Nero. It was a good thing to know that city was an actual island so he had many places to go from there.
The hedgehog glimpsing a map about a port town that was the closest to Fortuna or the island he was on. A smile grew on his face as he saw what looked like a pier leading straight towards the wide open blue. Without hesitation, Sonic sped up further before using the pier as a ramp. Both hedgehog and baby flying high into the air as a blue streak of light amongst the starry sky.
Nero giggling happily at the sight before him and the rush of wind going by his form. 'Glad you like the wind as much as I do. Have zero clue on caring for a baby but I could find some way to take care of ya.' He thought with a smile before looking down to see they were getting closer to the water. Being quick he immediately began to run after touching the top gliding across the dark blue surface.
Finding land once more was a good feeling considering he had been running for quite a bit. Truth was that the hedgehog wasn't fully recovered after waking up in this new world. The effects were beginning to show as fatigue was starting to slowly wash over him. He rather not drown with a baby in his arms. Sonic sped up a bit more so he can at least reach the beach.
He could rest there with Nero for the night before picking up his search for answers tomorrow. The hedgehog quickly slowed down as he skidded off the water and into the soft beach sand though not without tumbling up a bit at the end. Seaweed had gotten tangled around his legs leading the blue blur to take a header though taking the brunt of the impact so Nero wouldn't.
Something hard hitting his head was the last thing he felt before falling to his side and vision going black. Yet for a short second, he felt saw something red and blue coming closer to him. Everything was whispers leading to silence.
"Are you sure that woman wasn't hallucinating on what she saw? Humans tend to easily be mislead." A cold male voice said with irritation. Two twin males with snow white hair and pale skin walked across the beach shores sand. One whose hair was slicked back, eyes verdant, dressed in black shirt, long blue coat embroidered in gold and blue katana being the only difference to his twin.
The other had his hair down, bright blue eyes and wore no shirt but a black shirt, red coat, and had a giant black broadsword on his back yet walked easily as if the blade weighed nothing. "Lady swore on her own mother about what she saw Verge. Something was travelling across the ocean. A blue blur faster than even you! She said it was heading towards this very beach." The male in red fired back.
"My name is Vergil. You know that so use it foolish brother. I don't know why you took her words or judgment to account so quickly Dante." Vergil growled back at his twin. "Says the guy who raised a giant tower in the middle of the city." Vergil was ready to stab his twin when a streak of blue grabbed their attention. It was coming from over the distance as it glided upon the watery surface.
It slowed down enough for both twins to see what it actually was: a small blue hedgehog in red running shoes. They didn't question the absurdity upon noticing the little guy tripping before rolling into a rock head first knocking the fella unconscious. The brothers running to inspect the injured animal who was nearly balled up into a perfect sphere.
"A demon nestling? No, the little guy doesn't feel like it yet he does have some odd energy. Yet there's something demonic on him." Dante spoke loosening the hedgehog's balled up form to uncover a sleeping Nero cuddled into the hedgehog's fur and stomach. Vergil's eyes widened upon the baby's demonic arm and the energy flowing from it. 
Dante quickly catching onto who the baby actually was. An amused yet heartfelt grin growing on his face at the very conclusion he came to on Nero's identity. "Holy shit. The little fuzzball must have took all the impact so this little fella wouldn't. Never suspected ya to be the first to get laid without protection." Dante quipped only to earn a snarl from his brother.
Verdant eyes soften upon the sight of the infant before looking at the hedgehog that shielded his child from harm. 'The little furball is a mere nestling in age yet it's unfathomable for him to have that type of speed. If trained properly, this young creature will be a powerful force to be reckoned with. A worthy comrade and general." Vergil's devil hissed within the depths of his mind. Neither of them weren't blind to the massive potential the little hedgehog had.
"Vergil! Earth to Vergil!" Had snapped the young man out of his thoughts. He realized that he was cradling both his child AND the hedgehog in his arms. "Looks like someone's demonic maternal instincts decided to kick in. You snatched both the tykes and growled at me." Dante joked with a mischievous grin on his face. Vergil secured the two children into his left arm before pulling out his sword, the Yamato.
He brought the blade slicing a rift in the center of time and space revealing the interior of a shabby shop. He sheathed his sword while a blue spectral one stabbed into his laughing brother's chest. Dante recoiled from the sudden weight yet was still laughing as he followed his brother into the rift. He'll clean up the blood later. Teasing 'Mama Vergil' was more important.
After all, it isn't everyday that a little hedgehog who can run at supersonic speed across the ocean before crashing onto the beach with your older twin brother's baby with him. Or said brother instantly going into papa devil mode and growling at you for even trying to help take care of the unconscious tykes.
It was hilarious on how quick Vergil's personality just swapped because of his primal maternal instincts. The little hedgehog had a nasty bruise and cut on his head from hitting stone at how fast he was going earlier. Vergil threatening to stab his brother if Dante didn't get any bandages to wrap around the injury or any baby products for his son Nero which was the name on the tyke's onesie.
Yet, when Dante came back to seven lifeless stones on the counter of his desk as Vergil sat on the couch with a sleeping Nero nestled into a long silver black tail fast asleep coming from said brother's spine. The little hedgehog was on Vergil's lap while the older brother applied some ointment to the little guy's injury. The hedgehog wincing from the sting but not fighting back or even screaming in pain. "Looks like Sonic is quite the trooper. Despite being conked out, he ain't even letting out a whimper." Vergil gave his brother an odd look.
"Sonic?" The oldest asked in pure confusion. "Got to call him something until he wakes up. Since he was running across the ocean at Mach 1 speed, I thought the name Sonic suited the little guy. He must have some insane pain tolerance though. A bump to the head with your crappy homemade medicine would have me howling." Dante quipped as he handed the medical tape and bandages to his now growling brother.
"By the way, why are there a hunk of rocks on my desk?" The younger male pointed out casually picking up one of the stones. His eyes widened a bit upon detecting the small bit of peculiar energy hidden deep inside the stone. "It was on 'Sonic'. Hidden amongst his fur and quills when I went to inspect for any other injuries despite the absurdity. There is or was some intense power within all 7 of the stones. Something must have drained them dry except for a miniscule amount." Vergil explained giving his brother a serious look.
"Another mystery added about our fuzzy little guest until he wakes up. Glad you still follow the rules that I've set up after the 'recent' incident. 'No hoarding or using any items of potential magic or otherworldly power without Dante's knowledge.'" Dante joked before getting stabbed with another spectral sword in the stomach. The youngest twin had locked the jewels into a lockbox before stuffing them away. After treating both children, Vergil retired to his room upstairs.
Laid both Nero and Sonic down onto his bed before curling his warm body around them followed by his blanket. His demonic nature giving him the incentive to have both in his 'nest' and to keep watch of his 'young'. The thought had him let out an amused snort. Vergil rested his eyes and arms holding both kids near his chest before drifting off to sleep. It was the first night in years that his dreams weren't plagued by gruesome nightmares.
That's it! Kid Sonic basically babynapped Nero from Fortuna, ran across the ocean all the way over to the beach in Capulet before accidentally knocking himself out.
Sonic is like 5 years at the time during the events of Generations. This takes place after the events of Devil May Cry 3 but Dante didn't let Vergil fall into hell. Vergil is under 'Dante' arrest hence that rule until he can be trusted.
He isn't as distant since the events in later games didn't happen so expect this Vergil be a bit softer.
Plus neither of the brothers are blind to the potential our blue blur has and Vergil is going to take the initiative quicker than Dante. This Sonic is going to be OP as hell.
Until next time folks! Jambuhbye!
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chloca-cola · 5 years
(Un)Corruptible Chapter 5
TW: none that I can think of
Word count: 1,757 ish
“Hey...now might not be the coolest time for this, but...can I come in and see Cassiel...it’s been ages.” Nero asked, clearly nervous on how Meande would react to his request, which she smiled softly at, and she nodded. She knew how close Nero had gotten to her mother as they were growing up, she was like a mother to him just as much as she was to her, and Meande knew it hurt Nero just as deeply when they thought she was dead.
    Meande, Nero and Nico walked up to the doors of Devil May Cry and Meande inhaled deeply through her nostrils, letting the breath out slowly. She steeled herself and pushed the door open, and Cassiel, Dante and Vergil all looked at her.
    “Oh good, you’re ok babycakes.” Dante went to Meande, she was barely in the door, and he pulled her into a warm embrace, which she meekly returned at first, still warring internally if she should forgive him, but she quickly melted into the hug, breathing in his familiar scent deeply. “Meande, I’m so sor-”
    “Is there anymore shit that needs to be piled on me right now while I’m open to it?” She spat acidly, still hugging Dante tightly. Cassiel gasped and Meande pulled back from Dante to look at her.
    “Nero...is that you?” He gave her his usual smirk and she laughed. “My, you’ve grown into quite a handsome man.” She complimented causing a slight dusting a pink blush to heat his cheeks.
    “C’mon, Mrs. LaSalle...don’t be like that.” Cassiel laughed.
    “Oh, right, I forgot, you’re a punk.” She stated, waving her hands apologetically, and they embraced quickly.
    “Cassiel.” Vergil said curtly, bringing her back to the issue at hand, and she shot him a cold glare, before turning back to Meande.
    “Well, a demon named Maltheal is coming for you. I don’t know why or when, but...it looked as if he was torturing you.” Meande gave her a sardonic smile, releasing Dante to clap in the same sarcastic  manner.
    “Oh, don’t know when or why? Goodie! It’s like a game, huh?” Meande knew she wasn’t being fair, but it’s like she couldn’t stop herself, she knew it wasn’t easy controlling some psionic powers.
    “Meande, this is serious, react appropriately.” Vergil warned, standing from Dante’s desk, coming around to stand next to her, and she craned her neck to look up at the taller man, the sarcastic smile dropping from her face.
    “Oh, really. How am I supposed to react?” Tears flooded her eyes, and for some reason she felt ashamed to cry in front of Vergil, so she wiped her eyes angrily, growling in frustration. “I’m pissed, scared, hurt, happy, sad, conflicted. Which is right, Vergil?” She was up on her tiptoes now, trying in vain to get into the elder Sparda twins face, which he was unamused by, and she felt Dante’s arms wrap around her waist from behind. “I dunno what to do, I just know I feel like that weak girl from five years ago!” Vergil watched her as he breaths quickened and her pupils dilated, eyes darting from him frantically, he tucked his chin slightly before rearing his hand and back handing her across the face. 
    The force caused her to ragdoll in Dante’s arms, nursing her cheek tenderly from the shock of it, and a litany of shocked dissent filled the room. Dante let her go to shove Vergil, who barely reacted to it, pushing Dante aside to grab Meande’s arm and pull her back towards him.
    “It’s ok, everyone. I needed that, thank you Vergil.” She commended, and he gave her a quick nod.
    “You were going into hysterics.” He explained in his matter-of-fact way, and she sighed, turning to face her mother.
    “Anyone have any idea why this Maltheal is coming for me?” Cassiel looked at everyone but shrugged.
    “You know how limited promotions are, they’re more like guidelines than anything really.” Meande sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose, knowing how true that was.
    “I guess then we will just have to be vigilant…” Meande hated not knowing what was going to happen, what’s the point in having abilities like precognition if you can’t use it when needed. She then turned to Dante, running her hands up his chest to grab two fistfuls of his jacket lapels. “I love you, Dante.” She purred, before yanking him down to be face to face with her. “But if you ever lie to me again about something like this, I’ll kick your ass.” She promised, and he gave her a cheeky smirk.
    “Sounds kinda kinky babe.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her, and Meande tried in vain not to laugh at him, but she couldn’t help it, and he pulled her into a kiss.
    After dinner, Cassiel went into the kitchen to help Meande wash the dishes. It was a tense silence, and the two women kept sneaking glances at each other as they worked. Meande had forgotten just how beautiful her mother is, and she found herself wishing she looked more like her, Meande was a near perfect balance between her parents.  Porcelain skin from her mother, a spray of cinnamon freckles across her nose and cheeks from her father. Short like her mother, but slightly stocky from her father. Meande sighed.
    “I like what you did with your hair.” Cassiel complimented, breaking the silence and Meande hummed, looking down at her shoulder length dreads.
    “Thanks…” She muttered, smiling slightly.
    “Is that like a mohawk hairstyle?” Meande nodded, shrugging as shoulder as she cleaned the last dish.
    “I think it’s more of a death hawk really. I’m not a punk like Nero.” They both shared a small laugh.
    “Anymore…” Meande let out a small indignant squeak, looking at her mother, mouth agape.
    “You’re really just gonna call me out like that?” Cassiel then let out a loud laugh, hip bumping her daughter playfully. “I really did miss you, you know?” Meande finally admitted once their mirth ended and Cassiel smiled softly.
    “I missed you too, baby girl.” The two looked at each other before finally hugging and Meande let out a cathartic sigh. She could choose to let this make her mad at the world, turn her back on everyone, but how many people really get a second chance to have their mother back? She wasn’t going to squander it on mistakes made in the past in a panic. She didn’t agree with how it was done, but there was care behind it.
    “Ooh, hang on, I got something to show you.” Meande ran from the kitchen to her desk in the lobby, searching through her drawer until she found the lone photo album she saved from her old home. “I kept this.” She announced, plopping down at the table, motioning for her mother to join her look through the album.
 They made hot chocolate and browsed the memories, laughing at the funny pictures her father had taken. Life had seemed so much simpler then. Meande sat forward slightly when she came upon a picture she had forgotten about. It was the first time Nero came to her house to play, she was 10 and he was 4, no other kids seemed to want to play with him, so she quickly befriended him.
“Hey, mom...I’m sorry...but I need to find Vergil.” Cassiel narrowed her eyes at Meande.
“Why?” Meande blinked at Cassiel’s tone, her forehead knitting and she realized, her mother doesn’t know.
“Vergil is Nero’s father.” Her mother's eyes widened to dinner plates.
“Oh, jeez, Meande, I’m sorry...I thought...nevermind…” Meande blinked, tilting her head slightly.
“I love Dante, mom.” She nodded waving her hand dismissively.
“I know that, I’m sorry.” She took a drink of the warm creamy liquid, watching as her daughter left the room.
    Meande trotted up the stairs to Vergil’s room, knocking softly on the door.
    “Vergil?” She called, smirking after no response. ”Vergie, I know you’re in there, I can hear you brooding.”
    “Don’t ever call me that again.” He deadpanned, causing her to laugh, as she cracked the door open, peeking her head in.
    “I’ve got something for you.” She offered, stepping inside, once he marked his book, snapping it closed and setting it aside. She walked over to him, holding out the picture for him to take. “It’s a picture of Nero when he was like 4, sorry I’m in it too.” She stated, clasping her hands behind her back, watching him as he looked at the picture. “I know you weren’t there for whatever reason, so I figured you’d like a picture of him.” She smiled sweetly at Vergil when he looked up at her, the look eliciting a weird stirring in his chest that caused him to shift in his seat.
    “Thank you, Meande.” She nodded, moving to stand beside him to look at the picture over his shoulder, before turning her face to look at his profile.
    “I’m sure I’ve got more in that photo album, you’re welcome to them, if you want them.” She leaned against his shoulder, patting his chest where her hand dangled. “He’s a good guy, Vergil.” She pushed herself off of him, walking back towards the door.
    “Meande.” She turned, clasping her hands behind her back again, taking a few steps back towards him, smiling again. “I want you to know I do not agree with how your mother and my brother handled this situation . You deserved the truth from the beginning. If I had been in Dante’s place, I would not have kept it from you.” Meande’s smile faded and her eyes averted from him to the floor.
    “I know, and I agree, but it's in the past, and we can’t change the past. All we can do is not let us hate.” Meande looked up at Vergil, who seemed almost taken aback by her answer and her brows furrowed. “You ok, Vergil?” His face returned to it’s stoic nature, before he gave her his trademark curt nod, but she didn’t believe him. “Well...ok…” She began, tilting her head at him. “But, if you ever wanna...talk, you know I’m here, right?” Vergil watched her for a long moment and she could almost see the gears turning in his head, as if he was trying to work out if opening up to her would hurt him in the end. He finally gave her a small smile, and she nodded and left the room.
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demonslayvr · 5 years
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HEADCANON 112 / TIMELINE.   so after days of sitting on what the fuck my timeline is going to be i’ve finally come up with this  --  it’s a running timeline and will be added on and/or edited as i write more on certain NPCs or events that i might add between games or parts of the timeline. 
>  born younger sibling to vergil and things go on as normal until the fire where the two get separated and presumes vergil dead.                       >  with him being a terrified and emotional mess of a kid at this point                         he didn’t  100%   follow eva’s instructions to begin with as he runs                         (   with rebellion in arms   )   straight to authorities and ends up                         having to ID her body later.  he lies in saying he knows her but                         breaks in days later in the middle of the night to steal her body                         and  bury her on the family’s grounds.   (  there was no real grave                         marker made due to dante wanting to leave red grave   but    dante                         knew 100% where it was pre dmc5.  i say  was  because with the                          qliphoth pretty much showing up in the backyard and the destruction                         of the house later  . .  the grave was   HUGELY  disturbed.  obviously.   )  >  tries to live on the street                      >  doesn’t last longer than two months before CPS finds                          and identifies him.  at this point he’s too tired to really run away                         and gets put into the foster system.  >  in the foster system and going from family to family.                     >  runs from some fosters due to figuring out that the only                         reason he was taken in was due to government checks                         and he given bare minimum care.  he’d jump back to the                         streets,  do a bit better due to his older age but end up                         back to an orphanage or in the foster system.                     >  ends up with   gavreel,  comfortable and starting to settle in                         on staying with the cast out angel and her family only to find her                         dead due to demon’s looking for  him  which starts to breed a deep                         guilt.  picks up what he can ;  mostly money and anything small or                         valuable before ending up back in the system.                     >  last foster with gaia  ;  follows devil may cry’s anime canon with how                         dante ended up on the coastal town morris island before gonyakzu                         appeared and massacred the town in trying to find dante himself                         and feast upon him. gaia and dante   --   now known as tony   --                           escape the town with blame on their backs.  dante knowing that                         gonyakzu was after him and the people dead are essentially are                         on his hands.  he parts with gaia with gaia after her death soon                         afterwards,  product of being injured at some point in the escape.   >  starts testosterone at age 15  -  16 under the table with money held tight after gavreel’s demise and him running along with earnings made with gaia’s bakery business and after a deal to take care of an annoying demon for the doctor.   >  finally starts mercenary work still under the alias of tony redgrave and frequents bobby’s cellar for jobs and actually makes a couple friends  -  meets nell goldstein
>  DMC novel  /  pre dmc3 novel canon events.  (  15 - 16  )                    >  diverges off here at this point between my blog canon and canon’s                         that will depend on the vergil i write with.   my blog canon   is that                         his past again rolls up to try and grasp at him which doesn’t entirely                         fly.  the bobby’s cellar massacre occurs and it   was not    gliver                         who caused it here,  it was a set of demons looking for dante  --                           all end up dead and dante leaves leaving the death of his friends                         behind him and holding ebony and ivory in hand from nell.  leaving                         tony dead where he lay and reclaiming dante as his name.                    >  with vergil’s that   do   have gliver as part of their canon and following                        novel timeline instead then,  sure,  i’ll follow your canon events.                          basically with vergil’s that follow the novel canon i follow that canon                        with them   only  where gilver showed up,  looked around and made                        a goddamn fucking mess >  literally nothing  /  taking mechanical,  what’s left of merc and / or demon work     from information brokers that are willing to hire his demon / investivatigve     services  (  16 -  18  )
>  pre devil may cry 3 manga’s events.  (  18 - 19  )                      >  gets top surgery at age 18 - 19 with with the use of a mixture of left over money and cash he’s saved from mercenary work  /  demon hunting  /  sex work    
>  devil may cry 3′s events  (   19  -  early 20s  )                     >  post dmc 3.  meets clementine,  dates her for a bit,  almost proposes                         to her,  ends in a mess.                      >   meets edmund lowell one year after clementine leaves,  has his child                         whom he names fortune before giving them away due to being unable                         to support them properly  /  feel like he could properly protect.                         (   not 100% canon but compliant with @strwberryglr​  )                     >  partial canon to timeline but only counts to marvel character                         interactions:   marvel vs capcom game events.  kinda all over.                          gag canon for fun. >  devil may cry 1′s events  >  episodes 1 - 12 of the devil may cry:  the animated series  /  anime >  devil may cry 4′s events                            >  POST GAME:  starts an emotional  /  mental health decline                                that pretty much has him pushing people away as his                                depression gets worse over time.  has a go at not caring a                                lot as his empathy tanks but still trying to keep humans out                                of harms and do his job which leads into dmc 2′s events                                and how he is as a character.  the novel completes his                                decline and almost shatters it many times over >  second DMC novel  /  pre dmc2 novel canon events.                            >  dante’s in the other dimension for 2 months  /  six months at                                home >  devil may cry 2′s events               >  dante’s stuck in hell 10 years real world time  /  5 years underworld time               >  returns and struggles to regain his footing in a world he’s not been in for                   ten whole years. >  devil may cry:  before the nightmare’s events                >  meets lucia again,  throws hands with balrog and receives him as                   a devil arm after breaking the fragment of the yamato.  >  devil may cry 5′s events                >   returns home from hell at some goddamn point with                       (   or without   )    vergil.
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polarisbibliotheque · 4 months
You are currently one of my favorite DMC writers! I love re-reading your stuff because it always puts me in a good, comfy mood! I just adore how you portray casual intimacy, too. It just seems so gentle and natural. I also love your portrayal of the boys. They always feel like they have a depth and soul to them, which is amazing!
Thank you so much for sharing your gift and your creativity! While I'll always eagerly look forward to your next piece, know that your older works are still regarded fondly 💖
And here I am today, 2 a.m, Carnaval going hard in Brazil, sitting here and smiling stupidly while re-reading your message.
Thank you very very much, anon. From the bottom of my heart.
I've read your wonderful message the day you sent it, I think it was earlier this week - maybe Tuesday...? I couldn't answer it before, but it came right in a day when all hell broke loose in my home and this made me smile so much. It really felt like a safe port.
I'm not gonna get into too much detail because it's very personal - but, you know, family fights. Between all my mom's siblings, involving lawsuits and home evictions threats. I was just fucking fuming the whole week, and I almost put on my full Axl Rose attire and side of my personality to literally drop-kick and suplex some 6ft tall man built like a brick house because someone has to put some sense in his head.
I'm starting to sound like Nero
To top it all, this gave the opportunity for someone in my family who abused the hell out of me for more than 10 years to come back like a freakin' death omen.
I did end up going to therapy dressed up as Axl Rose for Carnaval, but it's so close to my usual style no one noticed it. I count as a life-win.
I still don't know what I'm feeling, (I talked to my therapist, don't worry) but that fucking threw me off everything. I don't know what to do about this, about this person, I'm scared and angry at the same time - and I got so SO overwhelmed, I had to get away from everything.
Social media, exercising, drawing, writing, reading, just living like a normal human being. The only thing I've been able to do is listening to music, because music has always been my safespace.
The only way I could explain how I'm feeling to my therapist, is a scene from a Julia Roberts movie, where she forged her own death to get away from her abusive husband, only to be found in the end by him and have him go like 'you're never going to get rid of me' and the fucking horror in her reaction - that's it. That's the feeling.
I have this dreadful feeling that I'm never gonna be rid of that, of all that abuse I want to leave in the past, until this person dies or I die.
Amidst all that, along came your message in my inbox. It felt like a ray of light in a dark stormy skies. A glimpse of hope that things can be better and that people are good. That I can have that experience as well.
Whenever I write about some more sensitive subjects, I hope it can be seen as a safespace for people - right now, for instance, my survival instincts that have always been alert have gone berserk, and the gods know how much I needed to feel safe enough to hug someone and ask for protection.
Vergil is ominously standing in the distance, staring back with the resolve of Achilles in the field of battle to get Hector's ass
I don't have that, but I can have it through fanfiction with characters, I think, would understand it. And I hope I can give the very same thing to other people who also don't have that sort of support and need to find it somewhere else.
I'm happy to know my writing has the good, comfy vibes I always try to convey! Despite the death, blood and dismemberment
And I wrote all of this so you can understand how thankful I am - and how much your kindness and nice words are so much needed in this world.
So, once again, thank you. Very very much.
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adaru32 · 5 years
My Devil May Cry V Review
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Felt that I’d like to share my thoughts on a sequel of my most favourite video game series. Would’ve done so much sooner but of course, distractions and other obstacles getting in the way. I apologize for the long read, and have tried to sum it up as much as possible. I can't decide whether this game or DMC3 is my most favourite. (My most to least favourite would be DMC3 and DMCV tied, then DMC1, DMC4, and DMC2. Gameplay-wise, DMC4 would be the least favourite despite DMC2 being easy. Not counting the reboot since it's not a part of the Devil May Cry universe, and I didn't really care much for that game). I had a lot of fun with this game. Even V was a nice, fresh character to play as (Felt more could've been done with him gameplay-wise, though). I even had a fangasm with the tracks playing on mission 18.
Other things I liked about this game:
1. The main 3 Sparda bois finally getting some badass-looking ultimate forms. 2. The concepts and visuals of everything, despite how minimal some of them are. 3. Nice to see my 2nd favourite character back (Vergil). 4. The variety of things to do. 5. The references/easter eggs used from the past games, and others. 6. The story, despite some plot holes from the previous games still not filled yet and how rushed the pacing went in some parts. 7. The fluidity of everything. 8. The characterization and impact with some scenes (Hard to explain but it has to do with the whole 'actions speak louder than words' kind of thing). 9. Photo mode...Must I say more about that.
The things that I didn't really like and can criticize about:
1. The music style I feel suits a JRPG game or a dance club more than a Devil May Cry game. Didn't really stick with me that much and felt I had to mute it completely in my 2nd playthrough (Plan to keep it muted in my future playthroughs). Not as memorable as the previous games' tracks in my opinion. I know I can use some of the previous tracks' music as battle themes, and I stated above that mission 18's music gave me a fangasm, but I don't really wanna listen to the music in the rest of the game since I don't really care much for it. I admit Cavalier Angelo's theme was all right and sounded pretty Castlevania-ish. 2. The ending boss battle was cheap (I hear it does get more challenging in the much harder modes, though). I understand it's for story progression purposes but there could've been more done, and even more of a challenge. Even when Dante battles Urizen Vergil on mission 17, I expected some type of crazy transformation and other stuff to happen after he eats the fruit. Would've been a cool idea if he did like a 2nd transformation half-way through the battle because the fruit's power would be too much for him, and then have Nero show up with V around that time, and Nero ends up fighting alongside you after setting V aside to safety. 3. Like what's stated in point 6 above, there are still plot holes and contradictions from the previous games in the story that don't fully explain what really happens, and why things are the way they are now. One example, how Vergil was able to hook up with someone and get it on with her. Hopefully they save that info for another title, or something. 4. It would've been nice to have more unlockable costumes for the characters. But I can see why they wouldn't really allow that. It has to do with not wanting to make the same mistake like they did with another one of their games where it was basically a costume unlocking simulator. And  that would also mean more development time which would push the game's release date (And you know how some people can get heated over delays). Plus there's the mod community so those that have DMCV on PC can have fun with custom stuff. At the same time, CapCom needs a bit of a breather from working on this game, and they want to progress on getting other things out of the way before coming back to Devil May Cry. Like what DMC3 and DMC4 went through, there most likely will be a Special Edition with most of the features added that the fans have asked for. They probably want to keep that hush-hush till the time comes, though (And most likely some time after the next gen consoles come out). 5. I understand that part of Devil May Cry is about cheesy dialogue and some silliness. But I felt the dialogue got a little too cheesy, and some parts got a little too silly (Not as bad as the reboot and DMC2, though). 6. Like what's stated in the other point 6 above, some parts of the game felt rushed. With what they have in this game already I feel deserves to have a couple more missions added, or so, to add more to its story and gameplay. This may come off as selfish but this is just how I feel. Even for the ending (Which was a nice ending by the way), it felt like something was missing...I can't describe it but I felt that something else could've been done or added in the ending and the secret ending. That alternate ending is hilarious, though. It's like the game gets mad at you for finishing it too early, which explains its bluntness 😆 7. Even though the animations and everything else in the game were nice and smooth, I felt that some of the characters' facial movements didn't sync well with some of the dialogue in the cutscenes, and some of their expressions became stone faced or puppet-like at times. A couple examples are when Dante says, "Guess I get to see with my own eyes". And Trish saying, "It's the other way around, Dante". I shouldn't complain about that kind of stuff because I know video games aren't all about graphics and visuals, but just thought I'd express a little thing I can nitpick at. 8. CapCom did an amazing job on the characters but (Y'all are probably gonna hate me for this) there are some facial features I can nitpick at with everyone. Nico, Morrison, V, and the civilians I have no problems with since they have their own concepts. The rest, there are some things that kinda bug me. I understand that they're supposed to be based off of real life models (Which are all good-looking) with some tweaks made to make them look like the characters, and are meant to look as realistic as possible. But they could've at least fixed some of those features a bit more to make them look exactly like their previous selves, only a bit older. I'm aware that humans' looks can keep changing over time, and look completely different than they did before without the use of surgery. Even Matt Walker gave a brief explanation on why Vergil's not Dante's identical twin anymore, which can make sense. But...I dunno how else to explain it. 9. Trish, Lady, Patty, Morrison, and Kyrie were wasted potential. I understand they brought these characters back for fanservice purposes, a little bit of story progression, and CapCom was on a budget and timer for how many figures they can add. But more could've been done with these characters to bring more characterization and impact. I expected Kyrie and Patty to make physical appearances in this game as well. Let alone Lucia, but I can understand from the DMCV prequel novel on why they couldn't/wouldn't make Lucia appear again. It also would've been nice to see more flashbacks of the Sparda bois from their childhood, and even add Sparda in a scene. In conclusion, I loved this game and I consider it as one of my top favourite Devil May Cry games (And overall video games) of all time (Like what I stated above). It was definitely worth the 10+ years of waiting. I feel that there are some other points (Both positive and negative) missing in my review, but I think this is pretty much all I can think of what I liked and didn't like about this game.  Can't wait to see what else CapCom comes up with for this series.
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gelum-lumen · 5 years
nsfw + triggering hcs below the cut
(( OKAY so. please read with caution if youre triggered by csa rape brainwashing etc etc 
so lets start from the top. vergil has psychologically induced ED. which isnt a huge deal for him since hes just not interested 99% of the time. its a bigger deal why he has it though
after people realized “hey this kid has no family and hes just wandering the streets shouldnt we do something?” vergil gets put in a home at 11. naturally he hates it his foster parents were nice enough and he wasnt rude but it was clear he wasnt meant to be there and had no intention of letting them into his life emotionally. after the fire and losing dante and eva he completely shut off emotionally as a child. 
so once he felt like he was wasting his time and his life siting around in a bunch of strangers homes he runs off at 15. he cant get a job bc..no address no papers. so he goes and does odd work for a little while until he can get an apartment. it takes him until hes 16 to get it all together but once he GETS the apartment he realizes how hard itd be to pay rent on time making money how he does so he ends up going into shadier work and winds up selling himself on the street. 
the clients dont seem to notice how young he is since he hit puberty pretty fast and “acts mature enough to pass for 20″ but they do notice that he cant seem to get it up at all. naturally they complain but vergil is already disgusted enough with them that he just kills them and takes their money regardless. he ends up having to buy pills so he can keep up with his clients.
neros mother was much older than him easily 10+ years but he wasnt sure how old she was since he wasnt allowed to ask. all he knew was that she had a LOT of money and was willing to pay him three times the amount everyone else did. her one request broke his rules though but since he was making so much he figured hed let it slide once since she insisted she was clean and the risk was low.
after that he quits. she had taken him to some fancy hotel and he hadnt felt more sick to his stomach with any of his other clients. he realized how debased and pitiful he had become in the eyes of mere humans like a cheap toy to be played with instead of a son of sparda who was the savior of their kind. at which point he switches gears. he goes into mercenary work and demon hunting instead since he has far fewer qualms with murder. 
dmc3 happens and hes cast into hell. at which point all of demon kind are upon him. he spends a full 3 years fighting constantly just to stay alive before hes captured by mundus whos eager for revenge. mundus is of course as unkind of a master as you can get. vergil is the direct spawn of the general who betrayed him so sorely so vergil is tormented and sexually assaulted into submission and only AFTER he feels hes been sufficiently broken does he corrupt him into nelo angelo
after dmc 1 hes cast into hell once more and fights his way out. after everything thats happened in his life hes become apathetic, immoral, touch starved, emotionally bankrupt, incapable of both romantic and sexual arousal, and literally stumbling towards his own death. in certain verses where he meets dante before the events of 5 he would slowly open up about his past and heal from it with some careful prying from his brother since dante is the only one hed ever have a care for but even then its hard for him.
after 5 hes still generally impotent but his emotions arent as hidden. his time as v gave him a lot more of the emotional strength he needed to internally go through his trauma and work it out so while hes not  fixed hes getting to a place where hes willing to let people into his life. just..very slowly. 
since hes been through a lot so any sort of physical contact outside of battle is still a lot for him to process and he tries to avoid it especially if you arent his son or brother. or v in some verses. he struggles with expressing his emotions but its even harder to externally admit exactly what happened to him and just how BAD it was. mainly because he doesnt want to admit it was that bad and that hes stronger than what happened to him but rationally he knows he still has to work through it with SOMEONE and that he has a long way to go ))
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biscuitreviews · 5 years
Biscuit’s Favorite Games
When it comes to a great game, there are a few factors at play. “Is the gameplay good? Is the story great? What cool memories do you have associated with the game? Did the game leave an everlasting impression?” All of these I feel are what help create a favorite game for a person.
Now normally people would countdown to their number one game and although I do have a number one game. There are many other games I enjoy as well and have left impressions on me that I carry with me to this day. 
With that I’m not going to do a “traditional” countdown, but rather give my favorites before going to my all-time favorite (which for some of you shouldn’t be a surprise because I’ve gone on record with it a few times already). With that, let’s go over some of my personal favorite games.
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Halo: Reach
I love the Halo series. I love the setting, I love the idea of you being a badass super soldier, and  I love the soundtrack. I have more memories with the Halo series playing online with my friends and Halo: Reach for me has the best memories.
We would often get large groups going into big team matches and when we couldn’t get a large group we would go into the small team games and have tons of fun with either matchmaking or custom matches. There are many times we would stay up until 5 or 6 a.m playing Reach. Reach also spawned off quite a few inside memes with my friends, memes that we still quote to this day. With Microsoft’s recent announcement of Halo: Reach being re-released on PC, we’re looking forward to remembering the good times as we exchange teabags with a new generation of Spartans.
But aside from multiplayer, Reach also had in my opinion the best campaign. It was emotional, it had some amazing epic set pieces, it was challenging, and most importantly Noble 6 was your Spartan model from multiplayer which gave a more personal attachment to the story.
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Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal
I was on the ground floor of the Pokemon Hype in the 90s. When the follow-up to the amazing Blue/Red/Yellow came out, many of use were ready to embark on a new Pokemon adventure in a new region eager to catch the new Pokemon.
It made great improvements from the original game, adding additional Pokemon types, a story with Team Rocket trying to make a comeback, and the biggest surprise of them all, going back to Kanto and fighting the Kanto Pokemon Gym Leaders. This made the world of Pokemon feel much larger and connected. Ever since then, it’s been a highly requested feature to have a previous region in another version revisited or ot have a nice dense post game. Although, revisiting regions has yet to happen since Silver/Gold/Crystal, each Pokemon game has been released with a good sizeable post game adventure to embark on.
The remakes HeartGold and Soul Silver are just as fantastic.
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Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening
There are games that we complete at 100%, then there are games we complete until there’s nothing left. Devil May Cry 3 was the first game that I ripped apart inside and out in terms of content. I completed every single difficulty as both Dante and Vergil, acquired every skill, every alternative costume, and every challenge.
I did it because I had a lot of fun with the game’s combat and it was also my first Devil May Cry game. How I got the game was interesting as well. A friend of mine had Devil May Cry 3 and a relative of theirs gifted them another copy of the game for their birthday unbeknownst to them that my friend had the game already. They asked if I wanted their extra copy and that’s how I got into the Devil May Cry series. One day Devil May Cry 5, one day.
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Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
The Metal Gear Solid series is one of my favorite game series of all-time. The first entry of the series for the PS1 taught me so many things. In fact, the original Metal Gear Solid also greatly influenced my playstyle, which is emphasis on stealth.
Metal Gear Solid 3 was a great game that challenges your stealth skills. Not only did you have no radar, but you had to be more aware of your surroundings. Not only could you encounter guards, but you could potentially encounter wildlife in the jungle that could and will also harm you. You would also have to eat to keep your stamina up, wear the proper camouflage for the environment for optimal stealth, and you would have to heal injuries through various methods. All of these considerations added a new challenge to the stealth game to where the systems served as an extra layer rather than an annoying chore to keep up with.
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Mega Man X4
This game was actually my first exposure to the Mega Man X series. I was already familiar with the classic series and I was eager to play this particular game and learning what the deal with having the X in the title was. It was then I learned that you could play as two different characters, the ever familiar blue bomber, which my 8 year old thought, “Ok, that must be a new model of Mega Man.” However, Zero was what immediately caught my eye, a robot using a lightsaber (which I would later learn it was called Z Saber) as an attack, sign me up!
The gameplay was super fun and there are slight differences in the story depending on who you play as. Granted it’s clear that this entry was catered for Zero rather than X, it’s still a really fun game no matter which character you picked. Similar to its predecessors, the game has also aged really well graphically.
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Skies of Arcadia
To me, this is the perfect summer adventure in gaming. You’re a Robin Hood-esque air pirate who comes across a woman from a thought to be lost civilization. This was a turn based RPG where you had use the correct element on your weapon to effectively fight in battles. Not only that but there was also ship battles where you can engage in fighting other Airships.
It’s also a game that I feel constantly gets forgotten by Sega whenever they do Dreamcast collection releases. Skies of Arcadia is great and is one of the few games that I will 100% buy whenever it finally gets the HD remaster that it deserves.
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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
As far as the Legend of Zelda series goes I love every entry. There are a couple that I don’t like as much, but they still have qualities about them that I find enjoyable. Although Link to the Past was the first Zelda game I played, Ocarina of Time was the first one I would ever own and complete to 100%. At the time of its release it was a open area for you to explore with tackling temples and finding secrets. It also had a neat time travel mechanic with the story having some areas that would have effects on the future.
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Telltale’s The Walking Dead Season One
This is a title that revived the the point and click adventure as well as popularize the episodic format. I got into this game during my Walking Dead craze and this game touched me in an unexpectedly emotional way. So much so I got teary eyed on the season finale and if a game manages to invoke such an emotional response within you, you know it did something right. I got attached to Lee and Clementine and the writing for the season was superb. Choices were respected and although there were many events that still happened no matter the choice, it was more reflected in the dialogue and for what Telltale was trying to accomplish, I thought it worked well.
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Borderlands 2
Everyone that loves Borderlands 2, loves Handsome Jack and he’s an amazing video game villain. However, I do have a personal connection that cemented this as a favorite. This is a game that my wife and I would completely co-op with no handicap of any kind. What do I mean by a handicap. When it comes to playing co-op games on PC I am hopeless with a mouse and keyboard, where as my wife is completely running the show. Similar to consoles, my wife is hopeless with a controller and I’m taking point.
I used to not be much of a PC gamer. When I got a Windows 10 laptop my wife and I decided to get Borderlands 2 as Windows 10 allowed you to plug in a Xbox One controller without having to download any additional programs or anything. My wife was mouse and keyboard on her PC, and I was plugged in with a controller on my laptop and it changed everything. We no longer had to babysit one another, we could go into a camp of enemies and come out with barely a scratch on either of us. We even got to better understand one another’s playstyle and it complimented each other very well for an amazing co-op experience. Now I have evolved more into a PC gamer and have started playing so more co-op games with my wife.
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The Witcher III: Wild Hunt
This is a game that I’ve been replaying and going back through since I played it in 2016. The detail of how character dialogue reacts to your decisions is just amazing. Also the way you go about fighting monsters is amazing as well. You have to study them, research them in your bestiary, drink the appropriate potions, apply the proper blade oil, use the propers signs and bombs in the fight. It gives you the sense that you are preparing for a fight.
CD Projekt Red used a branching story writing program called Articy Draft. It’s a program I myself actually use in my day job. I’m constantly going back to this game and studying it to try to imagine how the writers wrote certain decision points and how it branched out within Articy. Making different decisions and doing quests in a different order are just some of the things I do to further study this game in how they approach it in dialogue with Articy.
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All Time Favorite - Final Fantasy X
As I mentioned in a few of my posts Final Fantasy X is my favorite game. I love everything about this game: the story, the setting, the characters, the combat system, the sphere grid progression system and the soundtrack. The way that Square had the player go through the world and learn more about it was genius and allowed for a deeper connection between Tidus and the player. There have been other games that have done this method of relaying plot information to the player, but to me Final Fantasy X was the one that got it right.
One day I will review this game, but I have no plans to review it for a good long time.
Those are my favorite games! I’d love to hear some of your favorites as well!
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skvaderarts · 4 years
Chapter Thirteen: Ensnared
You can check out the Masterlist Here for more links to places to read!
Chapter Thirteen: Ensnared 
Note: My eternal gratitude to SkylarMorgan1899, Random Reader Nothing Special, HunterJamie, Aureux, RubixaSeraph, and newcomer Psyco_Karma for their kind and helpful comments. Thanks for the ideas and Inspiration! I’m glad that the void scene at the beginning of the chapter was well received, and that you seemed to be looking forward to chapter thirteen! I had a great time writing this one wide awake at 6:10 am when I should have been sleeping so that I could spend another day doing nothing productive and slowly questioning my life in isolation. This is much better. Enjoy the chapter!
It didn’t take a keen intellect or inherent superpowers to realize that she was being followed.
There was just something wrong in the air, the darkened sky radiating a supernatural quality that she couldn’t help but notice and be wary of. Shortly before calling Vergil’s brother’s office, she had called to check in with Nero. Thankfully, nothing sinister had befallen them. The storm had been merciful to the island, but was still raging nonetheless. It would have been leagues easier to just ask Vergil to use his incredible Devil Arm to grant her safe passage to the island, but when she had called the office, he had not answered. She could only assume that he was not home or that he had fallen asleep away from the phone, as when she had called him in the past (what few times that she had needed to) he had always answered or called her back immediately, regardless of the fact that he had some sort of prevalent dislike of speaking on the phone. Something about it being too impersonal. Perhaps they didn’t have a caller ID function built into the mainline there? Regardless, she needed to go and check in on them. While the spell had gone better than planned, alchemy could be volatile, and she wanted to make sure that the child she had assisted had come through from the far beyond unscathed. Or as close to it as possible. No one was ever completely fine.
As the middle-aged woman made her way towards the pier, she had noticed that there were two individuals following her. While they could also be looking for passage by boat to some other part of the region or perhaps even work at the docks, she knew that that wasn’t the case. Magnolia had always possessed a sort of sixth sense for things like this, and she made a point of not giving up the fact that she knew they were there to them. It was still the middle of the day, storm or no storm. She was working off of the assumption that they would not be stupid enough to accost her in a normally highly traffick area of town. But that didn’t mean that she was unintelligent enough to completely throw caution to the wind and just march up to the docks without assuring her safety. She hadn’t lived this long by being stupid, even with Vergil in the underworld where he couldn’t get her into anymore of his chaotic schemes.
Magnolia shook her head as she walked, giggling to herself. She was only three or so years younger than him, but this wasn’t the first time he had come to her or her family for their expertise or assistance. As much as she knew it loathed him to admit it, when it came to matters of alchemy, Vergil was not incapable, but he had dabbled more in curses and wards by way of necessity than anything else. He had always been a diligent student of the craft, possessing something of a natural gift with dead languages, but she had feared his entire life that he might be indulging his desire for knowledge with the wrong sort of literature. She was a student of an entirely different field of study, even where most of her family was concerned, but that hadn’t changed her stance on the darker pieces of literature in her family’s library. Her lineage’s rueful relationship with curses had been half of the reason that he had sought her out in the first place, but that had been half a lifetime ago. She needed to focus on the here and now. There would be time to reminisce and catch up with him later on. Still, she had noticed something different about him that she couldn’t quite place. Perhaps he had learned from his mistakes and grown wiser with age? Not likely. At the end of the day, he was still Vergil. It would take something profound to trigger that sort of change in him, as it had taken that to morph him into the person she had known for two-thirds of her whole life in the first place.
Just moments later, she stepped around the corner and slowed her gait to a near stop. These were the last of the back streets. And in the middle of them were two hooded men wearing long black street coats. But they were not the same two that she had sensed tailing her before. No, they were probably with them, but those two were still following her. As if to prove this, they stepped around the corner she had just rounded a moment later, slowing to a stop behind her about the same distance she was from the two individuals in front of her. Magnolia placed her hands in her pockets casually, tilting her head to the side as her medium length brown and grey hair drifted in the strong breeze.
“Well, what’s this then? Planning to mug a lady in the street? Or is there a toll I’m not aware of?” She spoke playfully, aware that this tactic had prevented unneeded violence and bloodshed in the past. People were free to mistake her for being dim at their own peril.
One of the beings standing before her stepped forward, dropping his hood in a movement that she assumed he thought was menacing to her. He stopped just shy of eight feet from her, not quite close enough for them to touch, but enough to unnerve the average lost soul on the street. She was not fazed in the slightest, however. Although the man before her was a full head taller than her, they were about the same size. And if he posed a threat, he could never close the distance between them before she could make a move anyway. Magnolia never went into a fight assuming she was in full control of the situation, but she felt secure in this situation. Nothing about them appeared to be life-threateningly dangerous quite yet. She was a grown woman. She could handle this.
“You’re going to Fortuna, I presume?” The man asked it as though it were a question, but he seemed to already know her answer. Magnolia shrugged, meeting his gaze.
“Perhaps I am, or perhaps I’m just out enjoying the weather. I don’t see what business of yours that would be.” Her tone was stern, hinting at her lack of concern. Perhaps showing how little they intimidated her would make her point ring true to them.
The man leered, unamused by her commentary. “Everything is our business once you set foot on this street. So I’ll ask again. Are you headed to Fortuna?”
“I’m afraid I have to insist that my goings-on are absolutely nothing you should be concerning yourself with,” She used her hands to toss her hair back behind her shoulders, fixing the collar of her long coat in the process. The mist in the air was starting to dampen her normally frizzy hair and soak her soft knee-high boots and knit legging, adding to the chill that already permeated the air between them. “I’ll be going now, dears. Do take care of yourselves.”
With that, she stepped wide to her right, preparing to give the man plenty of room as she proceeded to her destination. Word had reached her through her contemporaries that a freight ship had just recently started taking shipments to Fortuna again. It would be the first since the storm had started yesterday, most docking due to the inclimate weather. But the slightly volatile water was nothing to a ship of that size, especially considering the fact that it didn’t possess sails that could be adversely affected by the winds.
Incensed by her lack of cooperation, the younger man in the black coat stepped forward as if to seize her to prevent her from leaving. She jumped back, the four men forming an arching around her in an attempt to corner her against a nearby building. They stepped closer than they had before, clearly expecting her to yield and surrender, proving them the answer to the question that the man she assumed was their leader had just asked. Instead, he stood her ground, unwilling to be pushed around and intimidated.
“I’m not going to ask you again.” The formerly hooded man said smugly,” Were not here to play around. And the man we represent doesn’t take no for an answer.”
Magnolia removed her left hand from her pocket, allowing it to rest at her side. Her right hand remained in its appropriate pocket. 
“Well, that’s quite unfortunate. Truly a shame,” her focus intensified as she assessed the men before her. Disarming any potential weapons they possessed was her first priority. It was a good thing there were no cameras on this part of the block.” I won’t ask you to leave me be a third time.”
Without speaking, the leader gestured towards her, and the other three men that accompanied him rushed forward, descending upon her like a pack of wolves. Magnolia exhaled and removed her right hand from her pocket. She placed her right hand behind her back and raised her left, speaking a single inaudible word under her breath. A moment later a blast of invisible energy shot forward, slamming into them with enough force to knock them off of their feet. One of the men slammed into a nearby building, more than likely knocking himself out cold. The other two rolled to a stop against a set of trash cans, one bashing his back on the edge of the alley. Their leader slid back several feet before regaining his balance, standing up to face her. He cursed under his breath before rolling his shoulders, cracking his neck and fingers. After doing so, he flared his coat and spoke under his breath, placing his hand on the ground.
 As she was trying to discern what he had just said, the ground cracked open and several sets of stone coated legs crawled out of the opening. She jumped back, landing on her feet as she prepared to fight back against the giant stone beast that now stood before her. The large stone arachnid screeched at her, it’s huge glowing green center eye-locking onto her. It planted it’s front legs firmly into the tar coated street, opening it’s oversized mouth in preparation to attack. Magnolia’s eyes went wide. She couldn’t place the last time she had seen a Kyklops, and this kid had just summoned one? What the… 
This didn’t bode well.
Despite the fact that the young man had just brought it into this realm, he didn’t seem to have a great deal of control over the creature. He stood behind it, obviously struggling in his fight for control. She could only guess that this was the first time he had attempted this, and his lack of focus and experience showed. That was the issue with untethered summons. They could just as easily turn on their masters and kill them as they could destroy their summoner’s opponents. Luckily for him, the demon seemed to be more focused on her for the moment than it did him. It sucked in a breath before blasting out a large chunk of stone, several smaller fragments following it. She put up both hands, spreading them out in front of her as she used an altered version of her last spell to force the rocks back where they had just come from. The largest one cracked upon impact with her barrier, blasting backward in a shower of jagged stone that caused the demon to shriek in pain. It figured that it would take something equally hard to pierce its rough, stone coated exterior. 
Several of the larger pieces made impact with the distracted summoner as she lowered her right hand and used it to force several pieces of the stray stone towards the other two men who were in the process of clambering to their feet. They all toppled over, crying out in discomfort. The demon charged at her, bashing right into her barrier as she pushed forward and slammed into it, meeting it head-on. The demon cracked further as the pieces of sharp stone buried themselves deeper into it than they had before, effectively immobilizing it. In a final attempt at taking its attacker with it, it buried it’s damaged front legs into the ground and charged up a second attack. Magnolia braced herself as a second equally sized rock made contact with her barrier spell, this time at less than half the distance that it had been at before. 
She tumbled backward, rolling to a stop against a light pole as her shield dropped and the demon howled in pain, dropping dead and disintegrating into a pile of useless rock. She coughed, the air returning to her lungs as she climbed to her feet. The summoner was now unconscious, bleeding badly as his cronies lifted him to his feet while carrying their other comatose friend. One of them shouted curses at her, guaranteeing that she would be sorry for this when they returned. She stepped forward, ready to finish what she had started. The middle-aged woman noted how they practically jumped away from her in fright, startled and clearly unwilling to tango with the person who had just destroyed their first -and possible only- line of defense with deflection magic alone. Magnolia was willing to wager that they had not banked on her possessing a few tricks of her own. They hurried off as she yelled after them, unwilling to take their bullshit.
“I would advise against coming back here and starting anything with me again,” She said as they tucked tail and ran as fast as they could manage considering their condition and the state of half of their group,” You wouldn’t like to see what I can do when I’m not out of practice!”
As they hurried out of her line of sight, she turned and ran off towards the docks, acutely aware that she couldn’t afford to miss the opportunity to get on board the vessel now. This may be the cult she had heard about on the news. She hadn’t paid them any mind until now, but if they possessed even a single summoner, regardless of how inept, then they posed a potential threat to her and her associates. She would attempt another call to Vergil when she was on board the ship, but she urgently needed to reach Nero and V in order to warn them of the possibility of danger. Magnolia could only hope that none of them had reached the island already.
This was what she got for being nice to Vergil Sparda.
“I’m quite intrigued,” V said as they walked along the icy ledge that encompassed the upper path around Lamina Peak,” I failed to notice before that you possessed wings.”
Nero laughed slightly at the statement, trying not to acknowledge the fact that it was literally cold enough up here to freeze them both solid. Thankfully, he had thought to lend him one of the trench coats that he never used anymore. A purple one with a black shoulder scarf. It fit V surprisingly well, something that he attributed to the fact that he had received it as a teenager. Although V was taller than him (which made the coat about four inches shorter at the bottom than it had been when he’d worn it last), it was still long enough to almost reach his knees. Nero was not as bone-thin as his guest, but he had possessed a different physical structure at the time he’d worn it. Not by much, but it was enough. And regardless, it was strange to see V in so many layers of clothing.
Getting V up the mineshaft had been quite an ordeal. He’d not thought to take the time to explain to him that he wouldn’t drop him when he’d informed V that the only way out was up. Practically tossing him up to the top using his new wings had been the only way to facilitate V’s entry. Nero liked to think there was another way in and no one had found it in a long time, but the odds were against him. The mining town had been rebuilt in the time since his original visit, but the mineshaft had barely been touched and mostly sealed off since. Most of Fortuna’s residents avoided the castle before everything had happened, regarding it as a sacred place. Now, they viewed it as a permanent mark on the land, the laboratory, and its experiments, something they wanted to pretend had never happened. No one wanted to think about the number of souls that had lost fueling Agnus and the Order of the Sword’s ambitions. Anything that made it easier to go there had been completely swept under the rug. But regardless, the two of them were now here, heading to the one place Nero was happy to never set foot in again for the rest of his life. He had had enough of the place and its endless traps during prior visits. Hopefully, this would be the last time he’d have to visit this cursed place.
“I guess neither of us notices things like that,” Nero said as they carefully rounded the corner, the near-blizzard conditions that seemed to plague this place not relenting in their passive-aggressive attempts to kill them both,” I never noticed you had white hair.”
V smirked knowingly. He had made a point of that. While the time had come on a few occasions to explain himself during their ordeal in Redgrave City, he had counted the concealment of his natural hair as an added bonus to possessing Nightmare. While he had come to terms with his unusual genetic quirk a long time ago, having a short time in his life where he mostly blended in with everyone else had given him much needed levity and clarity. He didn’t really miss it now, but it had been nice at the time.
As the castle came into full view, V stumbled slightly, catching himself before he could pitch forward and fall face-first into the snow. Nero reached to grab him, fearful that he might tumble off the edge of the mountain to his death. Upon realizing that he had regained his balance, he lowered his hand. But he kept the notion that he might need his assistance in the back of his mind. That had to be the dozenth time that he had almost fallen during their trek through the snow. It seemed that his balance issues were exacerbated by the unsteady ground. Nero was starting to see why V walked with a cane, despite the fact that he wasn’t entirely sure what was wrong with him. 
“You want me to just carry you, or are you good,” Nero asked lightheartedly,” Wouldn’t want you to fall after all that shit I said to Vergil about you being safer here.”
V scoffed at the statement, slightly amused. Considering their previous interactions, V wasn’t entirely sure his father cared about what condition he was in. But, considering their relation to one another, some part of him wanted to believe that. As they stopped at the end of what seemed to be the remains of a balcony or tower of some sort, he stared across the vast ice field at the monstrous structure that loomed over them. Even at this distance, Fortuna Castle was an intimidating structure. It made him wonder how old this place truly was. What a stupendous work of art.
“If I needed you to carry me, you would know,” V said quietly as he admired the building, slightly entranced by its magnitude. He couldn’t have imagined that it was this big when Nero had first described it to him,” You said this castle supposedly belonged to the Dark Knight Sparda, correct? It’s rather impressive, wouldn’t you say?”
Nero nodded, joining him at what remained of the rail. The blizzard was behind them now, the chilly air quiet. Everything was rather serene, especially considering the circumstances that had led them here. He hoped the trip was worthwhile and that whatever books V was looking for were written in a language he could actually read. Nero himself had scanned through a few pages during his first visit and couldn’t make out much of it. It consisted of mostly strange symbols and what he assumed to be Latin. The writing had been foreign to him, even after having such an old faith shoved down his throat his entire life. It wouldn’t surprise him if he could read some of that, considering the type of shit he quoted on a regular basis, but still.
“It’s pretty big, yea,” Nero said plainly. Perhaps his experiences here had diluted the magic for him,” Last time I was up here, a tower almost fell on me. Let’s get out of here.”
V looked down below them. What remained of the staircase was broken, cracked, and iced over, a literal nightmare for him considering his lack of a cane. At that moment, he longed for the familiarity of his old improvised weapon. It had proved to be quite versatile. It hadn’t occurred to him until now that he was walking into a potentially dangerous situation totally unarmed. Nero started down the steps, looking back at him as if he were going to ask why he wasn’t following him but then thinking better of it. He was pretty sure he knew why. “I’m not gonna make fun of you if you change your mind”
Upon hearing his statement, V turned to look at him. He had a thoughtful look on his face, his mind combing over the probability of dying here. While he trusted Nero implicitly, putting his life entirely in his hands was a huge step for him. He’d never really had anyone he could actually trust in the first place. He was hoping that he’d live long enough to think back on this moment and dismiss it as his overactive mind trying to push him away from a perfectly logical space. He really was.
After a moment, he followed him down the stairs, immediately aware of how nither of them should be on them. Part of him felt immense guilt about the fact that he was the sole reason Nero was here right now, quite clearly in danger on his behalf. They made their way down them carefully, Nero extending his arm for him to grip when he had to step across particularly precarious spots. When they reached the very last large gap in the stairs, Nero jumped across first, gesturing for V to follow him. The older of the two glanced over the side. There was about a thirty-foot drop to the ground below them, if they actually cleared the rubble. V sighed. This was uncomfortably risky. While they might not die should they fall, he was relatively sure that they could be seriously hurt. The idea of breaking a leg and laying in the snow until they both froze to death was very low on his list of ways he’d like to die.
“Just jump across, V. I’ll catch you,” Nero assured him from the other side of the gap,” I’d fall over this rail before I dropped you. You’re fine. Don’t worry about it.” 
But somehow, that was the exact opposite of what V wanted to hear. He didn’t doubt that, but he still didn’t want to see any harm come to Nero on his behalf. But his rational mind reminded him that Nero was nowhere near as fragile as he was. If he had survived an entire tower nearly falling on him on a previous trip, he could handle this.
“Oh, I have no doubts about that. I know you wouldn’t,” He said idly but sincerely as he used his eyes to guestimate the distance between himself and the other side,” It’s just that the last time I traversed an unstable structure, it collapsed and I nearly drowned in a river.”
Nero mentally kicked himself. Why did that sound so familiar? He was so sure he hadn’t been there when that had occurred but, somehow, he felt like he’d seen it happen. Perhaps from a distance? How weird.
A moment later, V finally worked up the nerve to attempt to join him. He stepped back before carefully jumping across. In an act that took them both by surprise, he overshot the space, practically catapulting himself into him. They both tumbled backward, knocking against the frozen railing with a hard thump. Nero caught V with his arm, stopping him from somersaulting over him and going head first over the railing. Despite the uncomfortable closeness and the fact that they were thoroughly tangled in on another while laying on a frozen staircase, Nero stifled a laugh. This was a mess. They were a mess. How the fuck had this even happened?
“See this, this is what I was trying to avoid. We-”
V attempted to sit up at the same time that Nero did, the two of them still tangled in one another. His sentence was cut off, however. Suddenly, there was an audible bumble as the ground beneath them vibrated. They exchanged a startled glance before the staircase crumbled and they both went careening towards the ground. As the staircase crumpled in on itself, Nero managed to grab a hold of V with his free hand, using his translucent blue wings to slow their fall by forcing them outward and up with a rapid twist, safely away from the collapsing structure. V yelped in surprise as they came to a comparatively gently landing, his knees buckling as his feet made contact with the ground. Nero slid over him, landing just a few feet in front of him.
After a moment, Nero exhaled and turned to find V steadying himself as he tried to climb to his feet. The younger of the two extended his arm to him, fully willing to lend him a helping hand. V took it this time, aware that he couldn’t quite regain his equilibrium. They stood for a moment in the center of several vertically and horizontally aligned stone pillars that were positioned on either side of the bridge that they needed to cross in order to enter the building. V could only hope that it was warmer inside.
They nodded to one another in confirmation before turning to make their way towards the massive front doors that led into the building. They were here for a purpose. Get in, find what they were looking for, and then leave. Pretty straight forward. What could possibly go wrong?
Note: Thanks for reading this chapter! It was really fun to get to work on! See you guys on Friday the 12th of June for the next installment! And thanks again for your ongoing support! I’d love to hear what you think about Magnolia’s abilities and the chapter as a whole. See you soon!
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jessthewerewolf · 5 years
Let’s talk about DMC5
*So a little disclaimer before I start - I’m a fairly new fan of the DMC series. The first gameplay I’ve ever watched on youtube was DmC: Devil may Cry, and back then I thought it was awesome and really wanted to buy it. I still like it though, since it was what got me into games. But after watching gameplays of all DMC series (unfortunatelly I only have a laptop and it’s not suited for gaming) I got sucked into its glory and now i can proudly call myself a DMC fan. Also, I’ve seen the E3 trailer when it came out, but kinda forgot that DMC5 was a thing because I have to write my bachelor’s degree thesis and it’s been very busy these past 3 months. Then came Christmas and I finally got some time to catch up. Okay, I’m done explaining myself.*
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Yaaaaaas he’s back! I know som of the fans are not happy with his old look, but to me he looks very good. He’s got that sexy, cocky uncle-type guy that nobody  dares to ask how old he is. He slightly resembles his DMC4 design, but maybe it’s just me. 
As for his overall design: I love they went with the cowboy theme again (did you see that tiny demon flowing around him when he uses faust hat? SOOOO CUTE); I’m also pleased with the toned down color palette - this game goes with the more modernised look, so it’s understandable none of the characters wear flashy colours. I mean Dante does look like he’s got only like 3 or 4 identical shirts, and he’s been wearing that coat for a loooooong time (I mean it is $8000 and we all know he must’ve saved for at least 10 years to buy it. Ma’ poor boy ;_______;). I’m not down for his shorter hair, but still it’s incomparably better than Donte’s hair - pretty much everything is better than Donte. I’m a simple girl, I love male characters with longer hair. 
Good thing they changed his theme, ‘cause that was horrible. From what I’ve heard in the TGA trailer, it sounds way better. Not sure if this genre suits Dante, though. I thought he was more of a Nothing More/ Łydka Grubasa/ Nocny Kochanek type of guy (two last ones are polish rock? bands with very funny lyrics, I recomend you listen to them). 
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My boy Nero... what can I say, I love this version of him. He looks more mature, and more defined (I mean look at his jaw) as opposed to his previous design where he looked like a generic anime boy version of Sparda twins. He felt bleak and not very interesting. And now? My boy’s got a character! Totally love the short hair - I legit believe he looks like Jack Frost after some hard life decisions, but still a badass character - and his coat. Also it’s a lovely little detail that he’s got the same eye color as Dante. His Devil Bringer design looks so much different than before, but with a more realistic touch. *It’s totally Vergil who ripps his arm off, no doubt. Honestly best father of the year* 
I’m afraid this will be the end of our beloved KYRIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! screams every second sentence. Hm. wonder what she’ll look like...
Ah, his theme. I cannot stress hard enough how awesome his theme is. I could listen to it for hours (and I have, for about 4h straight when I had to study for one of my kanji tests) and not be sick of it. Ughhhhh it’s just such a banger. 
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Not gonna lie, he’s my favourite one of the three. Honestly, I’m a sucker for a mysterious dark character with tattoos. He looks younger than Nero, so I’m guessing he’s in early 20′s? I think he and maybe Trish were the least altered from their models. And his voice! Ughhhhh so erotic. His VA, whoever he may be (from what I know it’s his first VA job), he is doing it right! I hate poetry but please read me some Blake! I know most of people call him Kylo Ren, but I don’t really see the resemblance; he’s more like you put Byakuya (the later version) and Noctis into one person. Not sure about those sandals tho. Weird flex but what can we do, it’s not like he can fight for himself...
And while we’re at this topic - his familiars are all bosses/enemies from the original game, what’s up with that? I’ve seen countless theories on who V might be, but at this point it’s probably gonna be something nobody thought of and we’ll all lose our shit. *Also, his hair being originally white is some shady shit*
His theme is a banger, too; I only like it slightly less than Devil Trigger. It honestly suits him. Like, V does have a industrial/ etheric/ poetic vibe and it shows in his theme. Some people may think that the metal cover is better (and yes, it does sound very good), but V doesn’t look like he’d listen to this type of music. 
On the sidenote: I love how most people thought he had a corset under his coat. I thought it was something like a vest, but now that it was revealed it’s just there to close the coat and he’s practically half naked I’m so down for it. How confident you have to be to wear nothing but a coat, pants AND SANDALS TO A BATTLE!? That’s some Big Dick Energy right there.
And I think that’s it from me. I can’t wait for the premiere and I would gladly play this game if I had a chance.
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