#They are drinking tea because they’re not allowed alcohol
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Oni Lloyd will murder you in your sleep
Original Image from Pinterest
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wordbunch · 1 year
the fellowship in a college dorm
a/n.... uhhHHH this is a thing..... i have nothing to say in my defense. have fun 💛
warnings: mentions of alcohol and weed i guess? but literally just mentions.
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Aragorn + Boromir: they actually bicker a surprising amount, but they’re the only ones allowed to talk shit about each other // every other night they accidentally end up talking until like 2 a.m. and having a heart-to-heart // neither of them likes cleaning but they will definitely grumpily do it when it’s their turn // Aragorn makes tea a lot and he has a collection with various tea flavors // also he is outside a lot so he isn’t even in the room that much and on the outside Boromir is like hell yes 😎😏 but actually he’s like 😔😔😔 // Boromir wants to have a pet but it’s not allowed so he feeds birds or stray cats outside // Aragorn will eat whatever is in the fridge, no matter how old, and miraculously never get sick // Boromir’s guilty pleasure are long showers // Faramir is the lil brother who studies abroad but likes to come visit and then he crashes in their room but he lowkey hates the mess and he gives the room a deep clean every single time // in return Boromir and Aragorn take him to cool places and buy him food and they act responsible when Faramir gets wasted (he is a total lightweight) // their room is right underneath Merry and Pippin and they often wonder WHAT is happening upstairs🤨 // generally they’re very decent neighbors to have except for when Faramir comes to visit, then they get up to shenanigans because they wanna be those Super Cool Big Brothers who do all sorts of “forbidden” things with the lil bro and living it up 🤪// surprisingly (or not??) Boromir is the one who always organizes things like ‘the secret santa’ for the dorm squad also he is the designated “bring the bluetooth speaker” guy // Aragorn likes to make and build DIY stuff + Boromir is prone to accidentally breaking things = bad combo // however it will usually get smoothed over with a beer or two, which is usually how they solve their lil conflicts 🍻
Legolas + Gimli: the LIGHTEST sleeper sharing a dorm with the one who snores like a truck and cannot be woken up, if not by a nuclear attack // Legolas immediately invested in ear plugs and he just lays down looking at the ceiling for hours on end while Gimli happily sleeps // Legolas tries to have aesthetically pleasing decorations and he definitely has quite a few plants on his side of the room, but he really. loves. stickers. so his aesthetic goes out the window pretty quickly, and suddenly there’s stickers everywhere // Gimli has posters of like, rock and metal bands on the walls and one pinboard dedicated exclusively to concert & festival tickets // he also likes to play loud music with open windows and sometimes Legolas wants to STRANGLE him, but eventually he realizes he will miss it when the semester is over (and he will miss the snoring too)  🥺🥺🥺// strands of fallen hair everywhere. everywhere. // also both of them have lots of hair products, but obviously for very different hair types so… chaos ensues if they accidentally switch them (accidentally? Merry and Pippin have entered the chat.👀) // Gimli eats all of Legolas’ leftovers // Legolas 100% asks super weird questions at like 3 in the morning and he most definitely has a 13 step skincare routine // once he was doing skincare in the middle of the night, because he can study well at night and then he needs to unwind, and fsr Gimli woke up and was scared shitless by Legolas in a face mask // Legolas lounges around in tights and always ALWAYS has a witty comment for any situation or person // out of everyone, they’re the pair of roommates with the biggest differences, but they bully each other affectionately the most and they bond A LOT over secretly talking shit about others; however, nobody else in the 500 mile radius isn’t allowed to say a single bad thing about their friends // Gimli will drink straight outta the carton/bottle/whatever, while Legolas uses fancy thrifted champagne glasses to drink WATER✨
Merry + Pippin: their room is the designated hangout place // more often than not there’s at least one more person in the room just chilling // also they got The Weed…so maybe that’s why?? ☘️☘️ // literally never a quiet moment // the room is a mess but it’s never dirty! it’s just organized chaos and both of them always know where everything is // posters, random trinkets, a collection of random bottle caps or something like that // Merry has fairy lights and quite a few books and he’s used to completely tuning out Pippin’s random rambling while reading/studying // Pippin sings in the shower (basically canon actually) and loses track of time and suddenly the whole floor is complaining about not having warm water // they go over to hang with Boromir when Aragorn is off to who knows where // they wear each other’s clothes almost always and have a pretty much shared wardrobe at this point // accidentally almost burned down or flooded the room more than once but they REALLY like scented candles!! // Merry has some miserable old acoustic guitar and thinks he is A Musician and Songwriter™ (everyone except Sam is like no <3) // pre-drinks before going out are ALWAYS in their room and then others accidentally leave some of their stuff there; the following week Pippin just appears in a band tshirt (of a band he doesn’t even know) that might have belonged to Gimli at some point… 🤫// when Pippin talks gibberish in his sleep, Merry records it and plays it during hangouts // Merry, Frodo and Legolas have a mini book club but a wildly different taste in books // when Pippin goes to someone else’s room, he will point at things on the shelves/walls and ask a hundred ‘and where’s that from’s’ 👀// so many times something (better than someone!) accidentally fell through the window and then Aragorn or Boromir caught it downstairs // they would really like a pet but they can’t so once Pippin caught a butterfly in a jar as a pet substitute, but felt too bad and released it almost immediately🥺 // Merry likes to play therapist for others but… take his advice at your own risk
Frodo + Sam: literally the quietest room ever, others sometimes wonder if they’re alive // of course Sam has as many plants on the windowsill as possible // Frodo has a nice little book collection and some old maps as wall decor and also he likes collecting nice stuff like postcards or magnets  // they have an air humidifier and scented candles and it’s the coziest room for sleeping 😌😌😌// so their friends will gladly crash there for a nap, especially after an exam or a party // also they have some nice herbal soaps // obligatory classical/instrumental music for studying // Sam obviously uses the common kitchen the most, and he always makes too much of everything and then feeds his friends, and even leaves some leftovers in the kitchen so that others from the building can freely take it 💖// Sam and Aragorn are those that are called when something needs a quick fix, like a leaking tap in the bathroom or sth // Frodo is one of those people that are like, resident advice giver, but Legolas is surprisingly nosy?? so he will just drop by (with an obligatory snack) to listen to whoever is spilling their woes to Frodo // neither Sam nor Frodo really have the heart to yell at Merry and Pippin when they’re being too wild, but ONCE it was just too much and it was during exam season, and they enlisted Gimli to help them pull a prank in which he pretended to be a security guard threatening to throw out Merry and Pippin 😈// Gimli has a really soft spot for these two idk, he’ll be like “if anyone EVER bullies you-” // Sam falls fatally in love with someone every other week and he will literally sit by the window and sigh and stare into the distance while Frodo is trying not to die laughing // they have a little projector that they bring for movie nights // Frodo made a groupchat for all of them… resulting in even more tomfoolery <3
i’ll be sappy for a moment and say i’m grateful for all the fun and crazy times i’ve had in my dorm life... it’s been good thanks 4 everything 🥰
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​​​​​​ @starlady66​​​​​​ @queenmeriadoc​​ @entishramblings​​​​​​ @thesolarangel​​​​​​ @silversword7000​​​​​​ @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog​​​​​​ @averys-place​​​​​​ @valkyriepirate​​​​​​ @emmaarenstarr​​​​​​ @noldorinpainter​​​​​​ @asianbutnotjapanese​​​​​​ @adamgetawaydriver​​​​​​ @fenharel-enaste​​​​​​ @ironmandeficiency​​​​​​      @starryeyedrogue​​ @dinofromspac3​​  @wisheduponastar​ @lady-of-imladris​ @frodo-cinnamonroll​  (i sincerely apologize for putting you through this)
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sadie-bug345 · 2 months
gang as sodas‼️‼️🫶🫶
i’m BAAAAACKKK i had a minor mental breakdown over stupid guys but it is okay because we are back in the game🫡 ANYWAYS LETS GO
hard sprite fan
probably accepts sierra mist or starry WHATEVER ITS CALLED NOW
but he does so begrudgingly😐
also probably vibes w Hi-C or brisk tea or smth random like that
8/10 mcdonald’s sprite lover
dr pepper for sure
that or some other cola
but he enjoys the sweet perfection that is dr pepper🤌
probably cracks one open like every three hours
the caffeine keeps my boy running
which is real cause who has the naturally occurring energy that allows him to stab socs and hide out in a church for a week🤷‍♂️
9/10 iconic
hot take but i feel like my guy either LOVES and CRAVES soda OR he is just like meh about it
like his name already is a lot
so some days when he’s more down he’s just like
usually though he’ll lean into it and accept his love for soda and himself
probably doesn’t like the carbonation or ice in it or smth
like he’s got some weird excuse for not enjoying it (my dad asf)
but when he does give in and drink one, it’s like tab or something so random for no reason😭😭
maybe he’ll ask the waitress for some specialty soda he remembers as a kid and then has a lil fit whenever they’re just like “🧍‍♀️…what?”
5/10 for the nostalgia
chooses alcohol anytime
but if he CANT
it’s so random but my guy will down glasses of root beer like it’s nothing
he just thinks it’s the “toughest” soda ??
idek really why he does the things he does
8/10 cause i love me some root beer too
pretends to get super mad whenever the waitress is like “we only carry pepsi products😔”
he’s like “😟…NO‼️”
probably a cream soda enjoyer
which is actually so real
like you kinda ate with that
typa guy to get every soda from the soda fountain and combine them all just for laughs
and then actually chugs it
6/10 bc why are you torturing your taste buds like that
grape soda enjoyer😭😭
im sorry i cannot with grape soda it tastes like medicine to me
also probably likes orange soda which is actually solid
he likes the fruit flavors more than anything which does hit but like not 24/7 my guy
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mega-punani · 4 months
For your Pirate AU, what are all the boys favourite food/dishes/treats/fruits/veggies and drinks(alcoholic and non alcoholic)? I don’t think anyone has asked this, but I was curious, for all of them? Sans, Papyrus, Blue, Stretch, Red, Edge, Razz, Cash, Bear and Cinnamon?
Also are people allowed to use your vers of AUs or even your AUs in stories with different twists?? Like say pirate AU(since I already mentioned them), and like doing the dragged from they’re universe of one piece to a total new that’s kinda modern time? Dealing with an MC that’s trying to keep them outta trouble as well as hide they’re secret but also it’s where a true pacifist route happened??
And of course give you credit but can they use your make, vers, variant, au, whatever you wish to call it in this case, in stories and other works?
Yaw! People can use the pirate stuff for whatever honestly. The au is kinda my idea but not really cause I'm just smashin 2 things together lol. I don't mind. Of course, designs are made by @the-skeleton-in-ur-closet so if you end up drawing or using the designs you GOTS to credit them (or I will hunt you down /hj) Also, the dragging the pirate au to a modern Y/N would be so FUCKING FUN. I loooove those tropes saur much.
Sans: Anything greasy and bready. Bro loves his carbs. Is a big fan of Ketchup too! Favorite drink is a hot mug of cocoa.
Papyrus: SPAGHETTI! And a wide range of pastas. He is also a huge fan of anything tomato. Looooves drinking iced teas, refreshing and sweet!
Blue: Huge fan of sugary and carbonated sodas but hates sparkling water. Blue is also a great enjoyer of greasy foods loaded with meat (like tacos). Likes fruits that are sweet and tropical.
Stretch: A refreshing jug of beer and potato based foods. He also has a deep love for spicy foods, even if he can't handle them well.
Red: MEAT. Bro loves him some bbq, steaks, and grilled goodies. He doesn't really have a favorite drink, but he'll enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning. 2 cubes of sugar and a dash of cream.
Edge: The stronger Edge's morning coffee, the less he will yell at the crew. This man needs his caffeine NEOW. Pasta is his guilty pleasure but he tries to suppress the fact that he wants to eat it constantly. He must set a good example by eating healthy...
Razz: Tea, wine, and cheese. Razz's holy trinity. Will nibble on a block of cheese in the middle of the night (scaring tf out of Bear)
Cash: A lover of alcohol. Every to all, especially the strong ones. He's a little embarrassed about this, but chocolate. Just cause he didn't get much as a kid,,,
Bear: Spicy foods and dairy. Spicy foods cause he can feel a strong kick from the food and it makes him all warm on the inside. He likes his dairy because it is still pretty new to him. (unfortunately, he is mildly lactose intolerant-)
Cinnamon: Desserts of all varieties. He loves him some sweet pastries, and he loves him some fudgy brownies. Cupcakes, muffins, cakes, donuts. Cinnamon got quite the sweet tooth. All of it can be paired with a hot cup of coffee that is 4 times more cream than coffee.
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alcoholandcakes · 2 years
𝓢/𝓸 𝔀𝓱𝓸’𝓼 𝓪 𝓹𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓬𝓲𝓼𝓽
<Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara, Atsushi Nakajima, Akutagawa Ryunnosuke, Yosano Akiko>
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Dazai Osamu
- you have a lot of medicine at home
- please lock it away from him so he won’t try another attempt
- you only keep those ones around that he cannot overdose on
- “ osamu I do love you but I won’t give you pills on which you can overdose- get that out of your mind right in this instant!”
- you can be pretty strict with him
- but it’s because you’re worried for him
- when he’s sick you always make sure that if you give him medication he doesn’t drink it down with alcohol
- he likes whiskey a little too much
- all in all he is fascinated by the fact that you know every medication, their side effects and what they’re for
- and he likes how you don’t allow him to just take it without your presence but he wouldn’t admit it
- it shows Him you care
- plus you bring him free bandages so it’s a win-win situation for him
Chuuya Nakahara
- you don’t need to worry about him trying to overdose with the pills you keep at home
- but you need to worry about him trying to drink it down with FUCKING WINE
- you always need to remind him to not drink wine
- one time he was a bit irritated and reminded him he started yelling
- you just stayed calm looking at him with doe eyes and he apologized right away
- there wouldn’t be way too many arguments about it but he would get mad once in a while
- once he got sick and you were at work he tried to find himself some pills but there were so many he literally got lost 😭
- he needed to call you for assistance
- you assisted him as much as you could
- he loves how you can tell him right away what medication is for what
Atsushi Nakajima
- he doesn’t get what medication is for what so he keeps his distance
- you don’t need to worry about him really
- when he’s sick you stay at home with him because he won’t take pills
- he would rather suffer
- you usually give him only painkillers nothing more or herbal tea
- that helps him, he has a strong immunity
- you would even teach him what is for what
- he gladly learns because you’re passionate about it
- he loves to learn about it really
- so he knows the primary ones like frontin, Xanax, ibalgin
Akutagawa Ryunnosuke
- he’s pretty sick
- he has problems with his lungs so yeah
- you actually met him when he went to buy some medicine
- once when he came again you gave him your number on the bill with the text “call me up if ya wanna”
- well he called you out to go on a tea with him
- so you went out and got to know each other better but you mostly talked about pills and what he should take instead if he had bad side effects
- you started calling him after work and brought him his medication without him needing to pay
- first he looked weirdly at you and thought you wanted something from him
- he hardly realized that it was only your kindness
- you did this pretty often because you felt like he needed it
- after you got together with him and move in with him you made sure to always have at home what he needs
- when his condition gets worse you always stay home with him even when he’s so stubborn wanting to go to work
- but you force him to stay at home so he gets atleast a bit better
- he really loves you for it but doesn’t wanna show it
- you always take such a good care of him and now gin doesn’t need to worry so much because he’s in good hands
Yosano Akiko
- when she was getting a re-fill she met you
- she really liked you (love at first sight)
- she gave you her number right away that day
- you called her at the end of your shift and things just happened
- now she doesn’t even need to come to the pharmacy
- she just calls you and at the end of her shift you bring her the medication she needs
- she just loves the fact that your interest kinda match
- you can talk about work and you’ll understand each other
- you guys take care of each other
- when she has time she will bring you lunch to work
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A/n: so rn I’m having ideas so yeah<3
I hope you guys stay well hydrated and safe I luv you guys so much <33
28.08.2022- Cali
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What do you think are the biggest vices for each member of the knife polycule? Favorite guilty pleasures?
So an interesting question because one, I feel, is a lot more serious than the other but I'll do my best to answer both.  To me a vice is a flaw or temptation they're particularly susceptible to, but a guilty pleasure is generally harmless. Bit of a long post but here goes.
To be generally Good Vibes First and not get bogged down in a lot of analysis, I’m gonna do guilty pleasures first.
I think Jarlaxle, as much as he is very proud of being “fuck the hierarchy” with his baldness, absolutely misses having hair to style and it is something he enjoys.  He has definitely strongarmed Kimmuriel at minimum into being allowed to brush/braid/style his hair.
It’s probably not canon but I feel like Zaknafein doesn’t actually hate spiders all that much.  He won’t hesitate to kill one but you know they’re fine, cute even.  Of the knife polycule, Zaknafein is probably the most okay with letting a spider walk on him and sometimes when he’s sitting around, he’ll just casually pick one up and start petting it.  Artemis finds this horrific to witness.
Artemis is much fonder of street performers than anyone in the knife polycule.  Yeah, bards are annoying when you have to walk with one for more than an hour, but Artemis isn’t about to deny the simple pleasure of walking along a city street and being drawn in by the tones of a scratchy fiddle or a slightly out of tune lute.
Kimmuriel has a sweet tooth, point blank.  It’s not a well-known aspect of his likes but I’ve always had this amused mental image of Jarlaxle trying to sneak a sip of the tea Kimmuriel’s drinking only to discover, to his horror, it has like 5 cubes of sugar dumped in.  I also think when he’s not feeling well, he tries to subsist off of sweets and it drives literally everyone who notices up a wall.
As for vices:
I think Jarlaxle's biggest vice is his own hubris, and I think he knows this.  I joke about how he surrounds himself exclusively with mean little shits, but what he does is surround himself with people willing to dissent, willing to contradict him when he's letting his pride get the better of him.  The reason his hubris is his biggest vice is that sometimes (often) Jarlaxle intentionally ignores those dissenting voices or tries to actively hamper their ability to dissent.
Zaknafein’s is his own anger or more accurately, how he displaces it.  I’ve delved into this a bit in The Smiling One but Zaknafein has a very well-recorded habit of taking his anger out on unrelated parties, usually whichever acceptable target is available.  He has rules, like all men with a semblance of a moral code, but he still does it.  We already know his preferred target is priestesses but if I’m remembering correctly he also targets Nalfein with his anger, someone who already has to be someone else’s punching bag and spends his scenes in Timeless being meek and quiet.  I don’t think I need to say out loud that taking your anger out on someone weaker than you because no one will stop you is a vice, and it’s one of Zak’s most prominent.
For Artemis, I’d define his biggest vice as his habit of shoving down the emotions that are bothering him.  He’s getting a lot better with this as the books go on, steadily getting comfortable with his own feelings and his past, but it’s been such a prominent part of his personality up until this point that it’s a documented habit.  He spends most of Promise of the Witch-King taking an emotional nosedive and then barrelling headfirst into alcoholism outright because his emotional control up until then was “if I keep all my emotions in this corner where no one can see them, I will never have to deal with them” and when they started kicking him in the teeth he realized that just because he was ignoring his trauma didn’t mean it was gone.
Kimmuriel’s biggest vice…truly his disregard for boundaries.  It’s another thing I delved into in The Smiling One.  House Oblodra definitely did affect this, and he’s probably still used to the social cues of a community where mental privacy doesn’t exist and if it does it can still be easily walked over.  Kimmuriel has functionally been the architect of his own isolation in this way, invading the privacy of people in his circle, until most of them don’t trust him.
Anyway, that's the vibe for me.
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dmagedgoods · 1 year
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink? It strongly depends on his mood and the situation. When he’s working, especially paperwork, and it takes all day, he prefers hot drinks, black coffee, or black tea (with lemon, sometimes with milk). During his free time, he likes cold drinks a lot as well, especially if they’re magically iced. His favorite alcoholic drink is expensive high-quality wine, red more than white and rosé, rich flavors, dry, often Chelish wine, and Sangwine. He also enjoys harder drinks: gin, rum, whisky, as long as it's the right brand. His favorite non-alcoholic drink is black tea. 🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears? Spiders are his number one regarding irrational / mundane fears. 😂 – Spiders and certain kinds of insects with long or especially prominent legs. But yes, his arachnophobia truly is serious. Of course, Salvadore tries his best to hide it. As surprising as it sounds, Daeran is the one in their relationship who brings the bugs and spiders outside again (or their servants). Regarding his biggest fear: There is nothing that causes Salvadore stronger horror than being the puppet of another being and not the master of his own thoughts and decisions anymore. His willpower is very high in general. This prideful persistence comes in handy because he can’t bear it when someone tries to break into his mind with magic and will fight it with all he got. In general, you could say that his worst fear is losing control: 1. Due to overwhelming emotions or due to an inability to function or perform in the way he expects from himself because of injury, illness, weakness, or magic. It always becomes a literal nightmare for him when his mind or body won’t obey for this reason or that. 2. Due to failure in an outside situation he’s responsible for. The second version comes connected to his other biggest fear: To fail those he’s responsible for, that they suffer or die due to a mistake he made, or because he wasn’t able to predict the outcome, miscalculated or things literally went out of his hands. Another strong fear of his is the thought to die a nobody and without reaching any of his high ambitions, without bringing any improvement for anyone, and just being forgotten. 🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.? Salvadore appears very conceited and cold, with a smug side and a little joke here and there when the situation allows it, but mostly serious, focused, and occasionally quite imperious (in a quiet and demanding way) to different degrees, depending on the situation and if he just talks to someone or gets a report / gives orders or even holds a speech. During social gatherings or with political peers and allies, he shows his charm, firm in his opinions and goals, but great at phrasing them with diplomatic elegance. If necessary, he lies or gracefully twists the truth just enough to get the results he hopes for. If he gives his word, he always keeps it though. He never pretends to be someone he isn’t and never abstracts his own main goals in a way that would make them something else entirely or utterly unrecognizable. Standing true to what he wants to achieve and much too prideful to hide behind a mask, he only withholds or changes facts out of political and strategical reasons and also doesn’t show the parts of him that are only meant for those he loves. He doesn’t trust easily and doesn’t allow people to see his private self unless they manage to get close to him. Those who succeed in it (or take some time to observe him beyond first impressions), find out that the cold he shows the world is only a part of the whole picture and one that fades in private and reveals what’s underneath: strong passion – for his goals and the people he loves, friends, his partner, children if he has any –, idealism, warmth, tenderness and an intensely romantic side. Some may find it surprising, but with people close to him, he acts quite playful too, flirty, enjoying quit-witted jokes and exchanges and affectionate teasing. 💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart? Leave him. It would break his heart If his partner would pick someone else, someone “better”, and replace him with this person. It would also break his heart if his partner would tell him or show him that he’s not important to them anymore or that he never has been and just was useful to them for a certain purpose (protection or prestige for example). Salvadore is the forever kind of person and he means this very literally. He doesn’t start a relationship and takes the risk (Eneas’ teachings still sit deep) to become this vulnerable unless his feelings are extremely serious. If Daeran would act in cruel ways beyond his usual level of provoking, sometimes even dangerous pranks and jokes and do something completely against Sal’s principles – like actually harming or killing someone (who isn’t an enemy and an immense threat to them) –, it would break his heart too and cause a crisis in their relationship. But there is nothing, literally nothing, that could happen to make Sal give up on him as long as Daeran still wants and loves him too.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
208 of 2023
A personal about you.
Created by dogbreath8592
Oh, what about you? What do people call you?
Jelle. Or Jelle-tje for the reference.
How many years have you been on this earth?
Almost 33.
What's your brothers/sisters like? If you don't have any, do you wish u did?
I only have one younger sister and she’s more serious than me, and we have a different appearance.
What's your scale say?
Mild thinnes. Pfff.
Parents, what's there names, where they at?
Ellen and Stefaan, they’re in another country.
Your thoughts... reactions, whatever.
Dinner time.
There's a place called heaven, and a place called hell... where you goin?
Wherever. I’m gonnza stay on Earth.
Music, what does it mean to you?
What's life like for you? do you like it, or what?
It’s been tough, but there’s some beauty to it anyway.
Where do you stand on religion?
Not my cup of tea.
Do you smoke, drink, or do drugs?
None of these. I’m not allowed to drink anymore.
Were you honest on the last question?
I’m not 12.
What does virginity mean to you? Is it a mental or physical thing?
It’s just a concept.
What's going on in your head today?
Work, physiotherapy, dinner.
Have you ever had your heart broken? How did it feel?
I have, it feels devastating.
Do you think you need therapy?
Might be, for my eating disorder.
Has anything traumatic ever happened to you?
Where do I start. Does sexual abuse and brain haemorrhage count as traumatic?
What's your views on life and death?
It’s just the way it is.
Family Matters Do your parents live together?
Why wouldn’t they?
Are there any members of your family that you just don't talk to anymore?
We rarely talk in general, it’s normal here.
Is your intermediate family close?
Kind of.
How about your cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents?
My grandparents are deceased. My further family is distanced and that’s normal in my country.
Do you have any nieces or nephews? How about any cousins with babies?
Three of my cousins have children and that’s it.
Your parents ever abusive?
My mum, let’s leave it in the past.
Any family members with mental issues, or drug/alcohol abuse issues?
No. Just smokers.
Do you spend the holidays with your family?
Usually Christmas.
How do you feel towards your family members?
I love them, but we don’t need one another 24/7.
Do you consider pets family?
Of course I do.
Do you even have any pets?
Yes, two cats.
Did you ever go on family vacations?
Only some travelling with my dad.
Have you lost a family member recently?
No, not recently.
School (gonna skip this because it’s on hiatus) Where do you go to school? Favorite class? How are the teachers? The students? Do you have a main group of friends? Does the cafeteria food suck? Do people smoke in the bathrooms? Do you hate or like school? How are you grades? Do you consider your school to be shitty? Did you ever go to school high or drunk? Did you ever cut class? Did you ever smoke in school? Do you sleep in class sometimes? Which class do you hate the most?
More personal questions... What goes on in your head when you're feeling sad?
I hardly ever feel sad.
What about when angry?
Whatever makes me angry at the moment.
Whatever makes me happy at the moment.
Whatever makes me anxious at the moment.
Have you ever felt suicidal?
Yeah, when I was much younger.
Is there a person that you love more than anything in this universe?
More than one.
Have you ever been in love?
Maybe twice. I love many people in different ways.
What do you do when someone dies?
...what do people do in such situations??
If a friend ditches you, or uses you, do you stay friends with them anyway?
Do you have social anxiety?
Not social.
Do you have any mental disorders?
OCD and generalised anxiety disorder, also an eating disorder.
Have you ever had a drug or alcohol problem?
What do you dream about most?
Does it ever feel like time just disappears?
Quite often. Days pass fast.
Is there anyone you would take a bullet for? If so, who?
I don’t think so.
Past What was your childhood like?
Bad, but with some good memories here and there.
If you had to sum your personality up in one word, what would you use?
Is there anything that you wish never happened?
I guess I mentioned two things before.
(typical question)Is there anything you would go back and change?
If possible, but the past is the past.
Did you enjoy your childhood?
Not in particular.
Do you have any friendships that are still strong from way back?
Not really, but I do keep in touch with some people.
Did you change schools, or move?
Moved, but as an adult, so never changed schools.
What did you think highschool or middleschool would be like?
Our education system doesn’t work like that.
Is it what you thought?
That ship has sailed long ago.
Present How was today?
Very nice. I did really well at work.
What was the last fight you had about?
I don’t remember. I don’t engage in fights.
How much do you think you've changed?
Well, I’ve grown up for sure. I’ve changed for better.
What's one thing that you are proud of accomplishing?
Regaining my mobility after being paralysed.
How come you're so great?
Because I’m always myself.
What are you feeling right now?
I’m tired, but content.
What are you wearing?
Another hoodie because I was in the shower.
Is it cold out?
It is. It’s winter, after all.
Are you listening to music?
Yeah, I am. Lange Frans & Baas B - Supervisie.
How come you're taking a survey and not doing something... useful?
It’s evening. I’ve done lots of useful things today already.
What do you think about this survey anyways?
It’s going.
What's going on after this?
Who knows what the future brings.
Future Do you see yourself in college?
I already have a degree, doing another one.
What do you think you would want to do?
The same job I’ve had for the past 9 years.
Do you believe you'll be successful?
On my own way.
What about a wife/husband and kids?
Married already, but no kids for me.
Our two cats are enough.
Where would you like to live?
Where I live now. Or back in my hometown.
What type of house would you like to live in?
What we have is okay.
Do you plan to stay in the same state and country?
The country I live in doesn’t have any states.
Do you see the future being better or worse than now?
We’ll see what life brings.
Do you even think about the future?
Not much. I live day by day.
How much time do you spend planning for it? (if any)
None. I’m too old for that.
Do you just live for the moment?
Just said.
Are you afraid what you're doing now, is going to screw up what comes next?
Friends Do you have any really good friends?
More than one.
Would you consider any of them to be like brothers/sisters?
Yeah, most of them. Some are like uncles.
If something was really wrong, who would you go to first?
My husband.
Have you ever had a friend that you swore was just like you?
Not really. We’re all different and that’s beautiful.
Did you find that you were wrong?
Has a friend ever seemed amazing and then crushed your heart?
Yes, but I found out why and I’ve forgiven him.
Can you forgive your friends easily?
Yes, if there’s a reason.
What's the worst thing that happened between you and a friend?
Ghosting me.
Have you ever began to like/love a friend in a boyfriend/girlfriend way?
All my relationships have started like that.
Has a friend ever began to like you like that?
I said.
How much crap can you take from your friends?
My friends are not like that.
Do you have more female friends or male friends?
Male, definitely.
Which friend do you feel knows you the best?
More than one.
Any friends you hang out with just for the sake of it?
I don’t think so.
Which friends do you think you'll grow old with?
Hopefully all of them.
Anybody you wish you could be friends with? (for the first time or again)
Yes, there are a few people.
Miscellaneous What time of day is it?
What's your favorite season?
How much longer until you go to sleep?
After this one.
Are you alone?
No, my husband is sitting next to me.
Is there someone that claims to be your boyfriend/girlfriend?
No. We’re not school kids.
Ever consider killing someone?
What a stupid question.
If you were given a consequence free chance, would you?
What do you do before you go to sleep?
Put the TV on.
How about when you wake up?
Get up and take my meds.
What do you want right now?
To sleep.
Have a nice day, and you say
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What are some ways to boost immune function naturally?
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Feeling like you're always catching the latest bug that's going around? Or maybe you're just aiming to give your immune system a bit of a helping hand? You're not alone, and the good news is, there are plenty of natural ways to boost your immune function. Stick around, because I'm about to spill the beans on how you can give your body's defense system the upper hand, all without relying on magic pills or quick fixes.
Key Takeaways
- Regular physical activity can strengthen your immune system. - A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats is crucial for immune health. - Adequate sleep and effective stress management are essential for maintaining a robust immune system. - Staying hydrated supports various bodily functions, including the immune system. - Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and support immune function. - Lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake, can improve immune health. - Certain vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements can support immune function. - Good hygiene practices are vital in reducing the spread of germs. - Incorporating immune-boosting foods and supplements can provide additional support to your immune system.
Engage in Regular Physical Activity
Benefits of Moderate Exercise Strengthening the immune system Regular exercise is like a tune-up for your body's defense system. It gets the blood pumping and mobilizes your white blood cells, the tiny soldiers that fight off infections. Enhancing overall health Not only does it bolster your immune system, but it also keeps your bones strong, your heart healthy, and your mood lifted.
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Adopt a Nutrient-Rich Diet
Importance of Fruits and Vegetables Providing essential vitamins and minerals These colorful foods are not just for show; they're packed with vitamins and minerals that your immune system craves. Think of them as the fuel that keeps the engine running smoothly. Supplying antioxidants for optimal function Antioxidants are your body's rust protection. They fight off free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, which helps your immune system operate at its best.
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Healthy Fats and Their Role Sources like olive oil and fish Healthy fats, such as those found in olive oil, avocados, and fish, are like the lubricant that keeps everything moving without a hitch. They help reduce inflammation, which is crucial because chronic inflammation can suppress your immune system. Reducing inflammation By incorporating these fats into your diet, you're essentially helping your body fight against potential threats more effectively.
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Antioxidant-Rich Foods Berries, dark chocolate, and green tea These are not just treats; they're packed with antioxidants. Indulging in these can be a delicious way to support your immune system. Avoiding Harmful Dietary Choices Reducing sugar and processed foods Cutting down on sugar and processed foods is like removing the kryptonite from your immune system's vicinity. These foods can lead to inflammation and can lower the efficiency of your immune cells.
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Prioritize Sufficient Sleep
Sleep's Role in Immune Health Repair and regeneration of the body When you're snoozing, your body is in repair mode. It's the time when the maintenance crew comes out and fixes any wear and tear, ensuring that your immune system is ready to face another day. Keeping the immune system strong Lack of sleep can leave your immune system running on fumes, so make sure you're getting those precious Z's.
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Manage Stress Effectively
Techniques for Stress Reduction Mindfulness practices Mindfulness and meditation are like a spa day for your mind. They help reduce stress, which in turn, prevents your immune system from going haywire. Meditation Taking time to meditate can keep your stress hormones in check, allowing your immune system to function without any added pressure.
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Hydration and Immune Function
Importance of Drinking Water Essential for bodily functions Water is the essence of life, and it's also essential for your immune system. It helps in the production of lymph, which carries white blood cells and other immune system cells through your body. Supporting the immune system Staying hydrated is a simple yet effective way to keep your immune system humming.
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Maintain a Healthy Weight
Impact on Chronic Diseases Carrying extra weight can lead to chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease, which can, in turn, compromise your immune system. Support for the Immune System Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the burden on your immune system, allowing it to protect you more effectively.
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Lifestyle Changes for Immune Health
Smoking Cessation Improving overall health Kicking the smoking habit is a no-brainer for boosting your immune health. It not only improves lung function but also allows your immune system to recover from the constant onslaught of toxins. Enhancing immune system function Quitting smoking can lead to a significant improvement in your immune system's ability to fight infections.
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Limiting Alcohol Intake Preventing immune system weakening Alcohol can be a bit of a party pooper for your immune system. Limiting your intake can prevent it from becoming compromised.
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Supplementation and Immune Support
Vitamins and Minerals Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc These are the A-listers when it comes to immune support. They play various roles in supporting your immune system and can be found in supplements or, better yet, in a variety of foods. Probiotic-Rich Foods and Supplements Supporting a healthy gut microbiome A healthy gut is like fertile soil for your immune system. Probiotics help maintain this environment, allowing your immune system to flourish. Herbal Supplements Echinacea and Elderberry These herbs have been traditionally used to support immune function. However, it's always a good idea to consult with healthcare providers before starting any new supplement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRoWmaDUTuc
Practice Good Hygiene
Reducing the Spread of Germs Regular hand washing Good old soap and water can go a long way in keeping germs at bay and supporting your immune system's defense mechanisms. Supporting the immune system's defense mechanisms By practicing good hygiene, you're giving your immune system less work to do, which means it can focus on the bigger battles.
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Incorporate Immune-Boosting Foods and Supplements
Foods High in Vitamins and Minerals Foods like citrus fruits, leafy greens, and nuts are packed with immune-boosting vitamins and minerals. Make them a staple in your diet for an extra edge. Herbal Supplements with Immune-Boosting Properties Herbs like garlic, ginger, and turmeric have properties that can help support your immune system. Add them to your meals or take them as supplements for a natural boost. Remember, these tips are part of a holistic approach to health. For more on how everything from your mindset to your meal choices can impact your well-being, check out the connections between mind-body wellness and the immune system, explore the world of holistic health, or dive into nutritional therapy. And if you're curious about other natural methods, such as using essential oils for healing, there's a wealth of information waiting for you. Boosting your immune system naturally is about making small, manageable changes to your lifestyle. It's not about quick fixes; it's about building a foundation of good habits that support your body's natural defenses. So, take it one step at a time, and remember, your body will thank you for it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTPdY7DqE5o
Boost Your Body's Guard: Unveiling Natural Secrets to Immune Strength - FAQ
What foods can help strengthen my immune system?A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can bolster your immune system. Foods particularly known for immune support include citrus fruits for vitamin C, berries for antioxidants, garlic for its antimicrobial properties, and leafy greens for their vitamin and mineral content. Including fermented foods like yogurt and kimchi can also promote a healthy gut microbiome, which is crucial for immune function.Can regular exercise improve my immune response?Absolutely! Regular, moderate exercise can improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and strengthen the immune system. Activities like brisk walking, cycling, swimming, or yoga for 20-30 minutes a day can make a significant difference. However, it's important not to overdo it as intense and prolonged exercise without adequate recovery can suppress immune function.How does sleep affect my immune system?Sleep is a critical time for the immune system to repair and regenerate. Lack of sleep can reduce the production of cytokines, proteins that target infection and inflammation, effectively weakening immune response. Adults should aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to support optimal immune function.Are there any natural supplements known to boost immunity?Certain supplements like vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and echinacea have been studied for their potential immune-boosting properties. However, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any supplement regimen, as they can advise on appropriate dosages and potential interactions with other medications.Does stress impact my immune system?Chronic stress can suppress the immune system by releasing hormones like cortisol, which can inhibit the effectiveness of immune cells. Managing stress through mindfulness practices, meditation, regular exercise, and adequate sleep can help maintain a strong immune response.How important is hydration for immune health?Hydration is essential for all bodily functions, including the immune system. Water helps in the production of lymph, which carries white blood cells and other immune system cells. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day to keep your body well-hydrated and your immune system functioning properly.Can quitting smoking and reducing alcohol intake affect my immunity?Yes, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can weaken the immune system. Smoking damages the immune system by reducing the effectiveness of immune cells, while excessive alcohol can impair the body's ability to fight off infections. Quitting smoking and moderating alcohol intake can significantly improve your immune function.Is there a connection between mental health and immune function?Mental health and immune function are closely linked. Positive emotions and a good mental state can lead to better immune function, while depression and anxiety can weaken it. Engaging in activities that promote mental well-being, such as socializing, hobbies, and therapy, can therefore indirectly boost your immune system.How does sunlight exposure influence my immune system?Sunlight exposure helps the body produce vitamin D, which plays a crucial role in immune function. Moderate sun exposure, about 10-15 minutes a few times a week, can help maintain adequate vitamin D levels. However, it's important to protect your skin with sunscreen to prevent damage from harmful UV rays.What role does body weight play in immune function?Maintaining a healthy body weight is important for immune health. Obesity can lead to a state of chronic, low-grade inflammation, which can impair the immune system. A combination of a balanced diet and regular physical activity can help manage body weight and support a robust immune system. Read the full article
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oralhealthnerd · 1 year
What Tooth Enamel Is
Tooth enamel is something that our dentists love to talk about, but most of us people don’t really know the importance and purpose of enamel. It’s imperative to know what enamel is for your own personal health, and here, we’ll go over what it is, and some of the other benefits of this as well. 
What Tooth Enamel Is 
This is actually one of the hardest substances the body produces, and it’s essentially a material that goes over the tooth, creating an outer layer that’s tough and can handle a lot. The tooth surfaces are made out of this, and every single one of them has a specific look to them.
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Enamel is tough because of the hydroxyapatite that will make up the enamel that’s there, and it also comes with sodium, fluoride, magnesium, along with carbonate. The appearance can vary due to the semi-translucent nature of this.  it can usually have a light yellow, or a gray white, and that's considered normal. This is a big part of the overall health of the body and the like, and enamel is one of the few things that actually impacts the tooth color.
Why’s it So Important 
It’s important because basically enamel is the thing that protects the fragile parts that are within the teeth, known as pulp and dentin, and it’s one of the most important defense lines that are there when you’re trying to fight off tooth decay. In the event that the enamel gets damaged, it can cause cavities to form, and you might develop temperature sensitivity, and also the infection of the teeth.
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Tooth decay is very common in many people throughout the world, and it’s important that you protect it. the right routine will help you improve your body and mind, and you’ll be able to keep it as a major part of the dental routine that's there.
How to Preserve this 
The enamel of your teeth tends to break down over time when bacteria, plaque, along with too many acids and sugars form, and this causes cavities to form over a period of time. decay also happens when acidic types of substances start to impact the mouth, especially in the foods and drinks. The plaque also increases the cavities that are there through the conversion of sugar directly into acid.
The saliva of the mouth is vital to your health, since it protects the teeth from enzymes, and further restores the trace minerals to teeth that are weakened. Anything that allows for you to have more saliva and produce it will also help with the teeth, and anything that slows this down will in turn hurt this.
The foods that fight tooth decay include: 
Fruits and veggies high in fiber 
Sugar-free gum to chew that improves saliva production 
Green and black teas because they fight against the bacteria that are there 
Dairy which produces saliva, and also is very high in calcium 
Anything that has fluoride in it, to strengthen the teeth that are there 
If you want to keep your enamel in place, make sure not to consume too many of these: 
Sweets and sticky candy 
Sugary drinks and sodas 
Foods that are easy to get stuck between parts of the teeth 
Alcoholic drinks, as they’re high in sugars, and will dry out your mouth in a lot of cases 
This, along with brushing and flossing whenever you can, and seeing the dentist, will help with improving your oral health and wellness, and improve your chances of having healthier teeth as well.
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nayelichang · 1 year
Why you shouldn't wrap your food in aluminium foil before cooking it
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If you’re baking fish, roasting vegetables or preparing a piece of meat for dinner tonight, chances are that you’ll wrap your food in aluminium foil. What you may not realise is that some of the foil will leach into your meal – and this could be bad for your health.
Research that I conducted with a group of colleagues has explored the use of aluminium for cooking and preparing food. Aluminium doesn’t just appear in foil: it is the most popular cookware material used by people in developing countries. Pots and pans are lined with it and it is found in some kitchen utensils like large serving spoons. Copper used to fulfil this role, but over time it’s been replaced by aluminium because it is cheaper to mass produce and easier to clean.
But while cooking your food in aluminium pots or pans isn’t a bad thing, placing it in foil and putting it in the oven is problematic. This is especially true with acidic or spicy food that’s prepared at high temperatures.
Aluminium and health Human bodies can excrete small amounts of aluminium very efficiently. This means that minimal exposure to aluminium is not a problem: the World Health Organisation has established a safe daily intake of 40mg per kilogram of body weight per day. So for a person who weighs 60kg the allowable intake would be 2400 mg.
But most people are exposed to and ingest far more than this suggested safe daily intake. Aluminium is present in corn, yellow cheese, salt, herbs, spices and tea. It’s used in cooking utensils, as described above, as well as in pharmacological agents like antacids and antiperspirants. Aluminium sulfate, which is derived from aluminium, is used as a coagulant during the purification process of drinking water.
Scientists are exploring whether over-exposure to aluminium may be posing threats to human health. For instance, high concentrations of aluminium have been detected in the brain tissue of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists have examined the community of old people with Alzheimer’s and concluded that it is a modern disease that’s developed from altered living conditions associated with society’s industrialisation. These conditions may include high levels of aluminium in daily life.
Aluminium poses other health risks, too. Studies have suggested that high aluminium intake may be harmful to some patients with bone diseases or renal impairment. It also reduces the growth rate of human brain cells.
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Avoid foil when cooking Given all of these proven risks, it’s important to determine the aluminium concentration when cooking. Pots and other cookware tend to be oxidised, providing an inert layer that prevents the aluminium from leaching into food. The problem is that when you scrub your pots after cooking, that layer is worn away and the aluminium can seep into your food. This is easily avoided: when you get new aluminium pots, boil water in them several times until the base becomes matt. This creates a natural oxidation that prevents leaching. They may look nicer when they’re scrubbed and shiny, but a matt base is better for your food and your health.
But cooking your food in foil is a different story. Aluminium foil is disposable and you will not be able to create that inert layer prior to using it. My research found that the migration of aluminium into food during the cooking process of food wrapped in aluminium foil is above the permissible limit set by the World Health Organisation.
Aluminium is significantly more likely to leach into food, and at higher levels, in acidic and liquid food solutions like lemon and tomato juice than in those containing alcohol or salt. Leaching levels climb even more when spice is added to food that’s cooked in aluminium foil. Anything acidic sparks a particularly aggressive process that dissolves layers of aluminium into food.
This research suggests that aluminium foil should not be used for cooking. Instead, we’d recommend using glassware or porcelain when preparing baked dishes. It’s safe to wrap cold food in foil, though not for long stretches of time because food has a shelf life and because aluminium in the foil will begin to leach into the food depending on ingredients like spices.
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yume-x-hanabi · 1 year
Oooh can I ask for Minah for all the questions? And Wingul too?
(five thousand years later...)
Doing it for Minah. Might do Wingul separately later :3
What is the character’s go-to drink order? Alcohol-wise, she just goes with whatever the bartender recommends. One thing she's very particular about is tea though; when eating out she always asks a million questions about the available blends, their origins etc, before carefully choosing one.
What is their grooming routine? Pretty simple and efficient. Wakes up, takes quick bath, dresses, does her hair up, now she's ready for breakfast and then work.
What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go? Herbs, medicinal plants etc. She's pay a good price for rare, high quality ones, or anything she can experiment with. She's pretty frugal when it comes to her own life though--she wears her clothes until they're too worn, and hasn't bought new furniture in decades. One thing she does like to collect is pretty (/decorated) containers. She has a box for everything.
Do they have any scars or tattoos? She has a few scars on her hands from handling thorny plants or sometimes knife accidents.
What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? Probably at her father's funeral. She's had a rather peaceful, if a bit lonely and monotonous, life after that. She's pretty emotionally stable, too, and doesn't cry easily. She'd probably cry if something happened to Lin though, she's grown quite fond of him.
Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child? Only child, which is why she was allowed to learn so much from her father and uncle. They doted on her quite a lot. Her dad would have wanted a son to succeed him, but he was quite proud of how assiduous a learner she was. And he realized that she was as skilled as any boy, so that got him to question the system a bit, but well, rules are rules.
Describe the shoes they’re wearing. Uuuh I never really thought about that. Just standard practical flat shoes.
Describe the place where they sleep. Her bedroom is kind of an organized mess (just like her shop and the rest of the house honestly), there's always stuff hanging somewhere it probably shouldn't but she knows exactly what is where. She's got a snug canopy bed with extra blankets because it can get chilly at night.
What is their favorite holiday? She doesn't really have anyone to celebrate with, so she doesn't care much about the holidays themselves, but she likes festivals that come with decorations of the town/castle because it's pretty to look at and she likes to watch people run around being festive.
What objects do they always carry around with them? A small knife, different pouches (in case she finds some rare herbs on the side of the road or something), a first aid kid in case she's needed for an emergency, money, and her castle entry token (though she doesn't technically need it, all the guards are familiar with her by now).
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choonxie · 4 years
on splurging and little hungers
Today’s afternoon tea is weak Indian Chai, a forgotten cup from the morning brew that I was only reminded of when I lifted the insulated mug to my lips. Blegh.
I really should replace this antique thing with one of those expensive flasks I’ve been seeing at the boutique store since forever ago— I’ve already begun to earn my own keep after all, as pitiful the paycheck is compared to those of my peers.
I shake my head. My parents will stop working in a few years. Every peso in my bank account matters. No time to think of frivolities that don’t matter.
Said the same thing for the books at the recent fair, and the cute dress at the market stall. The me before would have bought both in a heartbeat.
With age comes responsibility, and responsibility changes you— both in ways you do and do not want. That’s life.
One thing I never scrimped on, however, was food and drink— a carry-over from lessons during recess time in grade school.
I used to not have an allowance back then. I’d get a sandwich instead, while everyone else bought from the school canteen. It was enough, until it wasn’t.
I was a growing girl of eleven or twelve years, just at the cusp of beginning puberty, although the growth spurt didn’t happen yet. (That would come at thirteen or fourteen.) I still got a sandwich every day for recess— a single slice of bread with cheese spread, folded in half.
That slice of bread was enough to fill my small belly every day for the past seven or eight years, but soon I discovered that growing girls needed more than that.
I didn’t want to spend my angpao, though. I only get those once or twice a year. I was supposed to save that for big things, my parents said. And they’re right, of course— which parents were ever wrong?
So I stayed at the end of the line, waiting until the rest of the students had finished. And I would mill before the counter, debating whether I should buy food, too, or not.
It was there that my friend found me, a couple of minutes before the bell rang. “Aren’t you going to buy? We go back to class at 10:15.”
I still couldn’t decide, looking at the sealed red envelope in my wallet, then at her. Bell rings in two minutes, though. “Nah, I won’t. Let’s go.”
She looked at me in disbelief. “Girl. Buying food is never a waste of money. You’re gonna eat it, right?”
I nodded slowly, also in disbelief. Of course I would. Food must not be wasted.
“Good,” she smiled. “I’ll be waiting here.”
My outlook had been changed since then.
As I grew older, I eventually got pocket money of my own— to save, to spend, to do whatever I wanted with. I discovered the other joys and frivolities of life, and spent on those, too. Those made me happy, so why scrimp on them?
Nothing ever topped buying food and drink, though.
Every time I was happy or sad or mad, I would treat myself— to two or more meals in one sitting, to milk tea or dessert. Those dates with myself were the best, really, because I had the quality time I needed while filling my belly.
My wallet and BMI had suffered for it, but eh.
The habit stuck even until med school and beyond, when I ate to celebrate and to cope, and drank (not alcohol) to drown my sorrows and joys. Looking back, that may have been me torturing myself in a way, convincing myself that this was the way to do it.
Temporary, physical joys.
Eating never took the problems away, but they helped me deal with them a little better. Allotting a large part of my budget on food and drink is always worth it.
It was easy to do it when I wasn’t home, where no one from the house would judge me for having no control over my huge appetite and even larger spending. (Avarice, they whispered, impulsive and untempered.) So I would always go home later than my clock-off time, stopping for a bite to eat where no eyes would see and no ears would hear.
Couldn’t do that anymore since the pandemic started.
On days I’m not in the hospital, I’m at home instead, where I’m being watched like a hawk and my spending, likewise, being monitored. “We’ll run out of money if we’re not careful,” Mom once said. And she is right— she is always right.
Soon, they’ll both stop working, and I’ll have to shoulder the financing of this household. (On what, my paltry stipend?) I felt a twinge of regret, counting all the things I didn’t need to buy or eat but did anyway, all because I was too happy or too sad or whatever.
That helped me control myself, at least.
Good things came out of it, in a way. I track everything in a notebook now. I ask myself whether I really need something or not, before I make a purchase (or not). When I buy something, it’s after much careful consideration that I do, and I am happy with it.
I got thinner, too.
I guess that puts my life somewhat back on track, too, all things considered— not that it had been drastically derailed to begin with. (Still have a job. Still have a family and three meals a day and a roof over my head. Stuff to be grateful for, despite everything.)
I sip more of my afternoon tea, weak and cold because it was not properly insulated by an antique mug I’ve owned since forever. It fills my belly, still, and I smile— I’m content with all this, for now.
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pizzaheresblog · 2 years
Japanese Craft Beer
Beer and Humans
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Beer and humans have a long and storied history.
In fact, historians believe that beer’s history is so long that some of the first writings from Babylon, which mentioned beer in the Code of Hammurabi included laws regulating beer and places to buy beer. Beer even has its own goddess, Ninkasi, who is often praised to be the goddess of alcohol.
Nearly every country in the world consumes beer, and that has made it the third most drunk beverage around the world – behind water and tea. Is whiskey more your kind of beverage? Dekanta has some stunning Japanese whiskeys and they deliver worldwide in a few days.
Japan's Beer History
Japan also has its own history with beer, though not quite as long as the Babylonians.
Beer was first introduced into Japan in the 17th century when Dutch sailors, who were stationed in Dejima, Nagasaki, wanted somewhere to drink. The Dutch traders at the time opened a beer hall strictly for those sailors working between Japan and the Dutch Empire.
Over time, and as Japan became more open to trade, other countries began to import their beer, with Bass Pale Ale and Bass Stout being two of the more popular brands at the time. Despite beer being popular, it wasn’t until the mid-19th century that the first domestic brewery was opened up by a Norwegian-American called William Copeland.
While he might not be well-known, the brewery that he opened was called the Spring Valley Brewery, which later became the Kirin Brewery Company, and in what became a full circle, later became Kirin Brewery’s efforts to crack the craft beer market.
Japan's Big Four: Asahi, Kirin, Sapporo, Suntory
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When you think about beer in Japan, no doubt you will think of one of the big four brands: Asahi, Kirin, Sapporo, and Suntory. Those four beers have dominated the beer scene for so long in Japan that the image of a beer is synonymous with the plump white head of a beer on top of the golden hues of a lager-style beer.
Those beers have become massive hits because they all hit different niches in the market.
Asahi Super Dry with its clean flavor is used to pair against Japanese cuisine, which is light in flavor. Kirin Ichiban has a full malt flavor that is good for the first beer after a day at work. Sapporo evokes the image of Hokkaido and German-style pilsners. While Suntory is at the higher end of the beers and is used to show off quality and workmanship.
Some of these beers have become so popular that it possible to buy them overseas, with Asahi Super Dry, Kirin Ichiban, and Sapporo Draft being three examples that can be bought in many countries.
Birth of The Japanese Craft Beer Market
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However, since 1994, the craft beer market has been steadily growing and has gone through a variety of changes after the government relaxed the limitations for making beer.
In the past, breweries needed to produce a minimum of 2 million liters of beer per year to obtain a license, well beyond the capacity of all small breweries.
In 1994, the government reduced this limitation down to 60,000 liters per year for a beer license, where only water, malt, hops, and yeast are allowed, or 6,000 liters for what is known as a happoshu license, where a certain amount of the ingredients have to be non-beer ingredients, such as tea, fruit, or in some circumstances salmon.
Pale Ales and India Pale Ales
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The craft beer market in Japan has its focuses on beers that are primarily not lagers – why try to imitate the big four brands when they have been doing what they’re good at for years? Moreover, lagers tend to take a long time to make, with anywhere between 3 to 6 weeks for the whole process to be complete.
Craft beer breweries, those that produced smaller amounts of beer than their larger counterparts, have been influenced by both styles that were originally brought over by the brewers employed at the time, with a heavy focus on German-style beers, but also styles that are popular in America, so pale ales and India pale ales.
Craft Tasting Notes: Characteristics and Communities
The flavors tend to vary wildly compared to lagers, with pale ales and IPAs focusing on more hops in the beers.
So citrus, tropical, and earthy flavors are more prominent; wheat beers focus more on the wheat portion so creamy and oat, stouts and porters have a richer, darker flavor profile so chocolate, coffee, and cocoa are often noted.
Then there are the fruit beers using a variety of produce from local communities, so fruits like yuzu, hyuganatsu, grapes, and oranges can be found throughout the year.
Contact us:
8004-1 Nishiminowa
 Ina City, Nagano Prefecture
Website: https://www.inadazebrewing.com
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hakkais-hoe · 2 years
Random Headcannons
Aight yous know the drill, m in a vv depressed state so let’s do some hc’s about my lovely tokyorev baby’s 🙃
Age rating: read at own risk ig, nothing is 18+ but take it all with a pinch of salt if ur offended by ought tho u shouldn’t be.
Warnings: honestly dk, swearin ig, n usual drug n alcohol abuse, crack n stupid shit that my brain comes up with. So these somehow got a bit sad
Sanzu once called a woman a “whore” in front of Kakucho n got straight up backhanded into next week (ran n rin cried laughing on the floor)
Takeomi carries around food for Mikey n just leaves it on his desk when he’s in a mood
Rindou cried when ran chopped his hair off
When Koko got the Bonten tattoo on the side of his head he was bullied for days
Ran, rindou n Sanzu have matching tattoos of stupid ghost emojis on their feet
Wholeheartedly believe that Mochi is the only one out of all of Bonten that’s married
Takeomi is the one who gets broken up with very fuckin fast
Sanzu has a son somewhere cos he doesn’t believe in contraception
Kakucho can’t keep an s/o because he brings up Izana (rip bby)
Ran and Rindou still live together, refuse to get separated apartments even if they’re in a relationship, straight up break up wi anyone who suggests it
Koko calls himself a “feminist” but then says he’s s/o should be in the kitchen, this is also why he’s single
Kakucho has cats; Izana and believe it or not Shion are their names
Sanzu isn’t allowed pets, he keeps pills as his pet instead
Koko has hairless cats because “it doesn’t get gross fur on my clothes so it’s fine” and doesn’t let anyone near them (calls one inupi ofc)
Sanzu still has his first bike in his house
Mikey falls asleep at the office more than his apartment and has to be taken home
Sanzu once wiped blood on Kokos new jacket and got himself shot in the process
Koko takes over 2 hours to get ready each morning with his meticulous skin routine, eyeliner, makeup and long fuckin hair care routine.
Koko, Ran and Kaku smell amazing! Like so good you could happily smell em all day (tho that’s a tad weird)
Takeomi stinks and I mean stinks of smoke
Rindou has an unhealthy obsession with oranges, always has on in his car, office and bag, boy whips it out at very unconventional times to munch on one. Throws the peel at people too.
Sanzu n rin once fell asleep on a couch together and that was the picture for Bonten Christmas cards that year, drool n all
Mochi once made the mistake of bringing his wife into the office, never again will he fall for “we wanna meet the angel that’s put up with you” Takeomi and ran tried to steal her, Sanzu showed her the basement, Rindou gave her an orange like a weirdo, Mikey and Kaku told her she should find someone better and koko beinh the angel he is handed her a wad of cash and asked if she wanted help with the divorce papers
Mikey likes to fall asleep to the sound of whales
Also really loves Kakuchos cats
Rans favourite animals are goats, he’s bought 4 of them but had to keep them on a farm after the landlord got a noise complaint from their neighbours
Takeomi only drinks scotch or red wine
Sanzu has never had a really relationship, can’t hold one down for the life in him
Contrary to popular belief Ran and Rindou have never slept with the same person once
Ran and rin do however share a bed if one of them has had a particularly bad day they find it comforting to know that the other is safe
Rindou gets panic attacks if he can’t reach Ran for a few hours, he once got one after Ran had been gone a long time on a mission with Sanzu and the phone kept ringing out, cried a lot when they got home that night and made Ran make him dinner and several cups of tea.
On that note, Rindou, Mochi, Koko and Kaku are all tea drinkers while Ran, Sanzu, Mikey and Takeomi are coffee drinkers.
Koko has a tea room in his house, stores premium tea leaves and very expensive tea sets in there
Sanzu almost broke down when Mikey broke his arm once, he fell out of bed.
Defiantly not proofread ngl
Tag list: @bontensbabygirl @loonashadow @roppongiperfume @soushswag @haitink @bachibachibee
~ think there were more people to add but can’t remember, let me know if you want to be added.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
33 of 2022
1. What’s the last thing you ate?
Some soup.
2. What’s your favourite cheese?
Cheese from Bruges, this one.
3. What’s your favourite fish?
Codfish and salmon. I don’t eat meat, though.
4. What’s your favourite fruit?
Strawberry and cherry.
5. When, if ever, did you start liking olives?
Never. Olives are disgusting.
6. When, if ever, did you start liking beer?
At the age of 12 or something.
7. When, if ever, did you start liking shellfish?
Never. I must be a strange Belgian, not liking seafood. I only like these tiny grey shrimp.
8. What was the best thing your mum/dad/guardian used to make?
Rice pudding and oatmeal. My dad was cooking them himself for me when I was a little kid, and then also for my sister.
9. What’s the native specialty of your hometown?
I don’t think my hometown is known for anything particular.
10. What’s your comfort food?
Oatmeal and soups, no kidding.
11. What’s your favourite type of chocolate?
I’m not a big fan of chocolate in general, there’s too much of chocolate in this country.
12. How do you like your steak?
I don’t like steak at all.
13. How do you like your burger?
With no meat.
14. How do you like your eggs?
Scrambled or hard-boiled.
15. How do you like your potatoes?
As in fries. Typical.
16. How do you take your coffee?
With milk and sugar and it’s the only sweet thing I really like.
17. How do you take your tea?
I’m not a big fan of tea, but if I happen to drink one, it’s Earl Grey or fruit tea.
18. What’s your favourite mug?
The one I broke yesterday, but it’s just one of three favourite mugs of mine. One is black (I’m using it right now) and one is green.
19. What’s your biscuit or cookie of choice?
I wish I could say Speculoos, but I prefer soft gingerbread.
20. What’s your ideal breakfast?
Oatmeal with fruits, definitely cooked in whole milk because I don’t get the idea of skimmed milk. And some croissants would be nice as well.
21. What’s your ideal sandwich?
Cheese and lettuce and that’s it.
22. What’s your ideal pizza:
Lots of mushrooms and cheese.
23. What’s your ideal pie (sweet or savoury)?
Cherry pie, or apple pie with cinnamon, or rijstevlaai, it’s a kind of a rice pudding pie. They’re not as sweet.
24. What’s your ideal salad?
Any salad would go, I love salads.
25. What food do you always like to have in the fridge?
26. What food do you always like to have in the freezer?
Frozen veggies for soup.
27. What food do you always like to have in the cupboard?
Oat flakes for cooking oatmeal.
28. What spices can you not live without?
Pepper and Herbes de Provence.
29. What sauces can you not live without?
I can live without sauces, but I like my mayo on my fries.
30. Where do you buy most of your food?
31. How often do you go food shopping?
Every Saturday.
33. What’s the most expensive piece of kitchen equipment you own?
I don’t know, our pots and frying pans? A microwave? An airfryer? A waffle maker. We have them amm.
34. What’s the last piece of equipment you bought for your kitchen?
Some forms for cupcakes.
35. What piece of kitchen equipment could you not live without?
36. How many times a week/month do you cook from raw ingredients?
As often as possible.
37. What’s the last thing you cooked from raw ingredients?
A soup.
38. What meats have you eaten besides cow, pig and poultry?
Lamb, but it was long ago and I don’t even like meat.
39. What’s the last time you ate something that had fallen on the floor?
What? I’d never eat anything that’s been on the floor. My cats don’t mind, though.
40. What’s the last time you ate something you’d picked in the wild?
It’s illegal to pick wild things in Flanders.
41. Arrange the following in order of preference: Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Thai, Sushi.
Italian, sushi, Chinese, Mexican, Indian, Thai. Sorry to say that, but I hate Thai food.
42. Arrange the following in order of preference: Vodka, Whiskey, Brandy, Rum –
Rum, whiskey, brandy, vodka. I’m not allowed to drink strong alcohols, though. The medication I take affects the central nervous system.
43. Arrange the following in order of preference: Garlic, Basil, Caramel, Lime, Mint, Ginger, Aniseed –
Garlic, basil, aniseed, caramel, lime, mint, ginger.
44. Arrange the following in order of preference: Pineapple, Orange, Apple, Strawberry, Cherry, Watermelon, Banana.
Strawberry, cherry, orange, apple, banana, pineapple, watermelon. Again, I hate watermelons.
45. Bread and spread:
Yay. We do it often here.
46. What’s your fast food restaurant of choice, and what do you usually order?
I don’t like fast food. If ever, I’d go to Brussels and order in KFC because chicken is the only meat I sometimes eat, besides fish.
47. Pick a city. What are the best dining experiences you’ve had in that city?
Brussels and they served a really good waterzooi in the restaurant me and my friends have been to, even though the dish itself is native to Ghent.
48. What’s your choice of tipple at the end of a long day?
You mean alcoholic drinks? Beer or white wine.
49. What’s the next thing you’ll eat?
I don’t even know, I won’t be eating in long time today.
50. Are you hungry now?
Nope, I’m eating.
51. Do you eat your breakfast everyday?
Yes, for my medication.
52. At what time do you have breakfast?
Around 8:00, after taking my meds.
53. At what time do you have lunch?
At 12:00.
54. What do you have for lunch?
Whatever floats my boat. Sometimes it’s just a snack.
55. At what time do you have dinner?
At 18:00.
56. What do you have for dinner?
Probably a soup today.
57. Do you light candles during dinner?
What’s the point, actually?
58. How many chairs are there in your dining room and who sits in the main chair?
Six and there is no main chair lol.
59. Do you eat and drink using your right hand or the left one?
Right by must, I’m naturally left-handed, but my left hand has some damaged nerves. I’m trying to train it, though.
61. Mention the veggies that you like most:
Cauliflower, broccoli, carrot, green peas, bell pepper, onion, lettuce, cabbage. No particular order, except for cauliflower.
62. What fruit and vegetable do you like the least?
Cucumber, spinach and avocado. For fruits, watermelon, mango and all related things.
63. You like your fruit salad to have more:
Strawberries and blueberries.
64. You prefer your vegetable salad to contain more:
65. What’s your favourite sandwich spread?
Egg salad. Yes we eat it on a sandwich.
66. What’s your favourite chocolate bar?
Snickers, if ever, because I don’t like sweets.
67. What’s your favourite dessert?
68. What’s your favourite drink?
100% fruit juices and vanilla flavoured coke.
69. What’s your favourite snack?
Fruits or veggies.
70. What’s your favourite bubble gum flavour?
Cherry or strawberry.
71. What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?
72. What’s your favourite potato chip flavour?
I don’t eat crisps.
73. What’s your favourite soup?
Veggie soup, I love them all.
74. What’s your favourite pizza?
The one with cheese and mushrooms.
75. What’s your favourite type of dish?
Type of dish? I don’t get the question.
76. What food do you hate?
Most of meat.
77. What’s your favourite restaurant?
There are a few, can’t recall them by name now.
78. Do you eat homemade food, or food delivered from outside?
Both, actually. Depends on how busy or lazy I am.
80. Who cooks at home?
We both do.
81. What kind of diet (e.g. low-fat, high-fiber, high-carbohydrate, balanced diet etc.) do you have?
I don’t have a diet.
82. How do you keep yourself fit?
Doing a daily workout.
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