#They all went through traumatic shit
shinysparklesapphires · 9 months
the way that the danganronpa Fandom still compares the warriors of hope's trauma fucking disgusts me
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luna-lovegreat · 4 months
Currently obsessed with the idea that the boys go to Time for love advice, since "he's married so he knows this stuff right?"
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I mean they couldn't recognize a wedding ring??? And neither did he???
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And time was saying this in his youth I mean cmon
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Twilight: So ancestor. What would you do if like. Malon left to another world and never came back
Time: ... bro Malon called me fairy boy and then we were married like what
Hyrule: So uhh old man. How does one. Meet a girl.
Time: By speaking to her I guess? Or not, Malon did the talking for me
Hyrule: riiiiight...
Wild *no tact*: Hey so like... what if your redheaded wife who's name started with M died.
Time: what?!?!
Wild, undeterred: but like before she proposed.
Time: ...
Wild: and you don't remember if you would have said yes. What's your advice for dealing with that?
Time: ... vent to a fairy?
Warriors: hey old man
Time: no no no not this one asking me please
Warriors: how do I get women to stop coming after me. So I can ya know. Choose without war trying to force me into relationships
Time: I can safely say I've never had that problem captain
Wars: of course not *smirks*
Wars: ok but seriously how do I make them go away
Time: ... wear a wedding ring so they think you're taken, I've got a shiny extra
Time: no no why- they won't stop, I don't know how to do love!
Time: ok well at least I have legend. That kid would never ask for advice, I'll sit by him.
Legend: so old man.
Time, looking forward to a normal conversation: yeah?
Legend: hypothetically, what would you do if you found out Malon didn't exist.
Legend: And her whole world didn't, but it did, and now it doesn't
Time: ...Excuse me for a minute.
Time, writing a letter as fast as he can: MALON HOW DO I GIVE LOVE ADVICE THEY THINK IM WISE
Malon: lol
Happy Valentine's Day guys, have a headcanon :P
The boys go to Time for love advice and Time spouts whatever wise-sounding bs he can, before shoving them all on Malon for therapy when they visit the ranch
Art and comic by Jojo @linkeduniverse! :D
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
I've been thinking about what each Batkid would score on the ACE (adverse childhood experiences) test.
It is a very shallow measurement of how fucked someone's childhood is. It isn't comprehensive and isn't eligible for comparing trauma. It's merely a list of shitty things that could happen to a kid (and there's no measurement for frequency or intensity). You can look into it more yourselves.
For scores, the higher the number, the worse it is. 10 is the max. The questions are about someone before they turn 18. For these questions, I included Bruce as one of their parents. I didn't include Barbara or Duke because I wasn't confident in their answers.
Alright. Here's the scores I got:
At the top of the list, we have Jason. He has 10/10 on the ACE test :)
Next up, Steph and Damian are tied at 9/10.
Cass and Tim are tied at 8/10.
Finally, we got Dick at 7/10.
I used the americanspcc.org questions for them. If you got different scores or have numbers for Barbara and Duke, feel free to respond.
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quuerbee · 6 months
Just saw a picture of divine dragon chung myung before he got that title and it really hit me how small Cho Sam's body was when chung myung came back. This little thought has spoilers for chapter 400+ (I think anyway) and vague spoilers for everything past ch 400 until like. Ch 800
GOD OK so we as the reader understand chung myungs situation very very intimately. WE understand that he is an 80+ year old man mentally. WE understand that he is not in fact 15, then 17, then 19, 20, etc. Everyone around him, however, truly believe that he is those ages.
It's brushed upon multiple times throughout the novel, especially whenever chung myung is down for the count/recovering after a fight. The facade he makes around himself, the strong reliable leader, fades away and the "truth" of who he is reinstates itself to those close to him in this second life. His back, every time he wavers, is described as small. This is always through the perspective of anyone but himself. This is even more apparent whenever he is unconscious after a serious fight. I don't know exactly chapters, but i KNOW that baek cheon (and the rest of the 5 swords plus soso and hye yeon), at least once, has had the reality of Chung myungs apparent age dawn upon them. That they're youngest sajae (sahyung in soso's case) is constantly spilling his own blood to protect them. (This fact is straight up said by yu iseol after the particularly bad fight with Jang ilso, spitting her frustration with only getting in chung myungs way instead of protecting him).
This phenomenon is hardly limited to the main group of disciples. After the first myriad men siege on Mount hua (while The Gang is in Xian), everyone subconsciously gains courage with the thought that soon enough chung myung will come, that he'll protect them. The disciples (soso being the most prevalent since she's one of the main disciples focused on in the novel) of course correct this thought, realizing that they cannot rely on chung myung forever. Anyways moving on from just describing this arc. What I mainly want to focus on is Hyun jong and chung myungs interaction AFTER the siege is finished, after un gum is fresh off of his amputation, after chung myung has barely gotten treatment for his own (quite serious) injuries.
What do you think when through Hyun jong's mind, seeing his youngest disciple, the one who brought back the hope that had almost died out with his sect, ruthlessly kill the enemy, return heavily wounded, and then try to sneak out almost immediately to go back to smite those who have harmed his home? To us, Chung myung is more than capable. He's the plum blossom sword Saint, the one who (even with all the regret he holds over this) severed the head of the heavenly demon. He's an 80+ year old man trying to protect the only thing besides bloodshed that is familiar in this second life. We understand the guilt he has over not being able to protect his home the first time. We understand that he would rather die than allow Mount Hua to fall again.
Hyun jong does not know this. He does not understand chung myungs rage (and guilt and grief and longing and-). He looks at chung myung and sees an 18 or 19 (I don't remember) year old boy, covered in wounds, trying to sneak out of his home on a suicide mission of revenge. He sees a boy. He knows that if he let's this boy go, he will never see him alive again. So he uses chung myungs borderline (who are we kidding, it is way past borderline) unhealthy loyalty with mount hua to dissuade him from walking to his death.
ANYWAYS long story not so short, I need need need more analysis over what everyone but chung myung thinks about him. Everyone sees this young teen, then young adult, bend over backwards to the point where he has almost died so so so many times just so mount hua can flourish. They've seen him kill ruthlessly, they've seen him sob over the skeleton of an ancestor (one of his brothers, a reminder of what he has lost, what he will never get back), they've seen him silly and carefree, they've seen him almost mad with bloodlust.
To us, he is chung myung, the old plum blossom sword Saint, slayer of the heavenly demon. To them, he is chung myung, the scrawny 15 year old that changed their lives, that faces unknown traumas, that has had a life so, so unkind to him.
Sometimes I look at chung myung pre time skip, how small he is, how he looks like a child, how he acts nothing like one, and remember that only we, the readers, get the full context behind his actions.
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khickuwa · 1 year
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The Aftermaths of Luke’s Episode 4... [PART 1]
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anyway. the uk sucks ass and living here sucks ass too! NHS is sooo amazing until its soooo not!
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autistic-fandom-trash · 9 months
if jon sims made a choice that unknowingly and unintentionally ruined my life because he was scared and uncertain and wanted me to stay close to him and then desperately tried to prove to himself that he could still trust me while literal eldritch gods were messing with his head and making him think everyone was out to get him but ended up hurting me more in the process without meaning to and did everything in his power to protect me through all of it even when it put his own life in danger but even that wasnt enough and later went on to avenge my violent death by beating our evil boss to death with his bare hands i simply wouldnt get mad at him about it <3 rip to tim stoker but im built different <3
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yourhoeshorses · 8 months
Wait a second... can someone with more understanding of fandom cultures explain something to me?
Do people ship characters because they believe they are going to be a cannon thing????? I thought it was just for fun?? I'm like, oh these two characters seem fun together, what if they dated. I just be mixing and matching these bitches I legit dgaf if it actually happens or not.
Maybe it's just whatever weird end of tiktok I'm on, or maybe it's just something I never picked up on until now, but like,,, people will say, "oh these ships are invalid cuz they won't be cannon" OK????? AND??? It's just fun
Like I remember being a kid and watching shows and my friends being like oh did you see that (insert ship name) scene???? Like girl I don't care. Two characters could never have interacted and I'm gonna ship them.
And that's all I thought it ever was? Is it like,, different now or some shit?
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why does it have to be this way
#Why#I was doing so good this past year#There were times I was literally crying tears of joy because I haven’t felt as happy as I was in years#Now shit’s coming back and I don’t like it#Every fucking time man#“Well life is supposed to have its ups and downs” HAVE YOUVE WENT THROUGH WHAT I WENT THROUGH#summer through all the way to the end of 2023 was one of two of the most miserable times I ever went through#I was almost never happy#Had cheap laughs for like 20 minutes then back to misery#There wasn’t a single day were I didn’t wish i was dead#Literally I would wake up and i immediately wanted to start crying#Thats how bad things were#You could see it in my face how lonely and miserable i was#I hadnt felt that empty for like a good few years since then#It was to the point where I thought there was never going to be light in my life ever again#I went through some fucked up shit and now im traumatized 10x more then i was before#The first day of school was a weak after some extremely traumatic stuff happened man#Then the new year started and everything was starting to get better#I started taking medication#I was much more happier#My self esteem boosted up#I started working on myself and became a better person#I dont think i ever had a period of my life where i felt THAT BETTER#Like I said i was crying because I had felt a massive weight lifted off my shoulders#It literally felt like i saw the light#I legitimately thought things were getting truly getting better#It’s just gonna be the same damn cycle over and over again huh?#For several months I feel depressed as shit#Then for a few months things start to clear up#Then suddenly and abruptly things go back to the shit
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capinejghafa · 9 months
I really hate explaining the long way that I'm depressed and I would rather spend my time with my cats than with actual people right now... instead, I have to be like hey, I'm tired and I don't have the energy, this year has been so long and I need to be by myself to process some things.
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perilegs · 10 months
not an astarion defender in the traditional sense, but in the sense that the whims he gets approval from are funny. i would also approve of someone throwing shit at people who asked them to smear their face with said shit
#it's funny to be a menace in a video game and im not going to pretend its not#killing a clown IS funny#his 'whim approvals' are so funny#leevi liveblogs#on another note ive seen people be like ''astarions traumatized so he acts like that :(' or 'despite all that he could still be an asshole#both true but i feel like both are reductive#when it comes to his more cruel approval it's clear he acts the way he does due to his past. (i know thats like a duh no shit we all do tha#) but i mean like. if you look at all the trauma he's gone through and think about how it has affected him as a person#it makes sense for him to be selfish and maybe even cruel#and there are reasons he acts the way he does. but it doesn't mean he's done nothing wrong ever. it means he's an asshole who has reasons#to act like an asshole.#no ones past is an excuse for the way they're acting. yes it's a reason. but just because you went through unimaginable horrors doesnt mean#that everyone should ignore how you act toward others. he can still be held accountable while understanding where he's coming from#but i also don't like people ignoring his past experiences and seeing him as just a selfish asshole who is and has always been#and will always be an asshole just for funsies#does that make sense#also sometimes people read too much into what was meant as a funny little option#like. you know how some games have a serious main story and the most batshit silly side quests and no ones holding the side quests as the#absolute truth of it all#does anyone know what im talking about#idk talking in the tags with the character limit is a pain in the ass i have a lot more to say
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kumoofthemaken · 2 months
[As a Misterian, Kumo possessed enhanced hearing as opposed to a Windarian's enhanced sight. Though this is an old shared headcanon, rest assured I shall be writing my own metas soon ^^ however, I want to bring a special lil thing to your attention...]
[Kaze's heartbeat is a uniquely calming sound to Kumo. It feels different due to coming from within the Magun, reverberating powerfully in its metallic chassis. Though he is unlikely to admit such to strangers, Kumo often likes to lay his head on the Demon Gun's sarcophagus when resting with Kaze.]
[When the two aren't bickering, that is. Kumo will not readily do this when a third party is present, at least initially. Perhaps it's part of his petty streak (or, as Kaze would put it, childish streak) but he wants to uphold a distanced persona and give the impression he has a degree of disdain for Kaze. He will sass the other Unlimited with additional intensity, seemingly for show.]
[In reality, sass is his love language, lol.]
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starbuck · 3 months
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johndoe-lesbo · 2 years
I just watched Ready or Not for the first time tonight and ummmmmmmmm
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racke7 · 6 months
I did NOT crash my car today.
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briefcasejuice · 1 year
for the take game: it would actually be really awful for marty after the events of bttf having to actually actively figure out how many things in his life were different after he changed everything during his adventures through time. like the whole, butterfly effect of it all. something truly significant,to him, may not have ever occurred and he wouldn't even be aware until he stumbles over it later on and everyone would just like 'wtf are you talking about marty that never happened.' and it was really special but it no longer ever existed.
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— send me an ask with your hottest/worst take and i can only respond with a single reaction picture
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