#These tags are all the hyperfixations I have so you know the amount of insanity going on in my brain
alphyadventures · 8 months
I swear there is no way anyone else does this right?
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wellgoslowly · 9 months
Lockwood and Co. How do I begin to talk about this insane universe that has literally changed my life in so many ways in such a small amount of time?
I think it was probably January 27th that I actually got the notification for the trailer for the show from Netflix’s Youtube. I don’t know exactly what it was that made me interested in the trailer in the first place and set it apart from the hundreds of trailers that netflix has posted that I’ve ignored, but there was just something about it that made me think “oh, this looks interesting, let me take a look at the trailer.” Thank god I did.
If I were to go back in time to that version of linnie and tell them that their life was about to be changed, I think they would’ve laughed. At that period of time I’d had a 2 year long hyperfixation on the grishaverse and I couldn’t think of anything that would’ve possibly broken me out of that long ass period of chaos. And then I watched Lockwood and Co and I immediately fell in love with an entirely new world.
Lockwood and co means so much to me for so many reasons. One of them is that I’ve never seen myself more reflected in a character than I see myself in Lucy Carlyle- hence the name Linnie. I didn’t even realize it until Aaron ( @queer-and-nerdy ) pointed it out (after I pointed out how much of a George kinnie they are) and then everything made sense in a way? Like Lucy Carlyle is the truest form of a comfort character for me because we are basically the same person and I never realized how special a character could be until I met Lucy Joan Carlyle.
Another reason why I love this universe so much is because I love found family, and I love the found family that Jonathan Stroud has written. The Iron Trio will always be so special to me because of how often it is shown and how deeply it is known that they love each other unconditionally, Even George and Lucy, who have their differences when they first meet, grow to love each other in their own way and I genuinely believe that the family found within the Iron Trio is one of the most beautiful relationships I’ve ever read or seen portrayed on screen.
I also just truly love the worldbuilding. The world that Jonathan Stroud has created has such an amazing homely feel to it that I will never tire of. I love literally everything about it- the lore, the execution, the way that he was able to make ghosts even more terrifying for such a young audience.
Lastly, I love the fandom. I’ve talked a little bit about how much a kind and welcoming fan space like the l&co tumblr means to me and how I have had rocky situations in a fandom in the past, but I truly cannot even begin to talk about how much this online space has truly changed me in so many ways. I feel like I can have open, honest, and constructive opinions on here without being scared to speak my mind or fear the repercussions of not being 100% happy all the time. This fandom is the most accepting and loving fandom I have ever known, and I’d like to tag a few of the people who have made this place so loving and enjoyable to partake in. Shout out to @ikeasupremacy @oblivious-idiot @losticaruss @youmanynotrestnow @neewtmas @thisgameissonintendo @readyafterthesunrise @waitingforthesunrise @yveni @uku-lelevillain @impossibleclair @donutcats @jesslockwood @kazbrekkerfast @krash-and-co @carlyleandco @biscuitrule @maraschinomerry @lockwood-lover @lvockwoods @givemea-dam-break @someonetooksendnoodles @nomolosk @thedonutdeliverygirl @neverendinglabyrinth @tangledinlove - I defo missed a lot of people but these are just the few that I could remember right off the top of my head <33
All in all, I love this show and these books and this world more than I could ever possibly express. Happy 10th Birthday to The Screaming Staircase, and a very Happy Lockwood & Co Day to all whom I have the honor of celebrating with. I love you all very dearly, and remember: “just reckless enough”.
linnie <3
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theotherbuckley · 8 months
Get to know me :)
Tagged by @thewolvesof1998 <3
Last song:
Favourite color: Purple
Currently watching: Unforgettable
Last movie: RWRB I think
Sweet/spicy/savoury: I have a major sweet tooth but I also love spicy food
Relationship status: Single
Current obsession: 911 (I am so hyperfixated on it, it is not okay, my uni work does not appreciate this, I am so very excited for Ao3 wrapped because my words read is gonna be insane)
Last thing you googled:  I look through my search history and its all just Ao3 so..
nicknames: Purple, Mayz (my name is Mayzie)
zodiac: Aquarius
height: 5'0 😭
favorite music: uhhhhhhh I never know what to say for this.. maybe like pop rock I think is what Spotify calls it
followers: 140
following: 111
do you get asks: I have had like a total of 4
amount of sleep: I get 8+ hours of sleep every night and wake up tired regardless :) my body loves me so much
what are you wearing: Hoodie and track pants - it's supposed to be spring but I'm cold
dream job: Doctor (don't ask what type I'm not there yet)
languages: English (both my parents are bilingual in different languages but nobody taught me 😔)
random fact: my go-to is normally that I know like 112 digits of pi so
aesthetic: uhhhhhhh, idk man. Whatever I like I like.
currently reading: Well I just finished the new PJO book yesterday... and then I will be reading exuberant amounts of fanfic (I have so many open tabs on my phone)
No pressure tags: @wildlife4life @your-catfish-friend @rainbow-nerdss @cal-daisies-and-briars @ladydorian05 @king-buckley @housewifebuck @eddiebabygirldiaz
I am once again saying that idk who to tag! If you want to do it pls do! if you don't wanna be tagged in future tag games please let me know
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mjsakurea · 2 years
On Guardian and Creativity (we could all use to be a little more handwavy sometimes)
I’ve been ruminating for some time on why I find the Guardian fandom one of the most creative ones I’ve been in during my long tenure on Tumblr and other fandom spaces. After much thought (and some encouragement on Discord *waves to everyone there*) I decided to write out my feelings in a little bit of an analytical essay meta. So, I will begin this reflection under the cut
But the TL;DR of it can be summarized in this meme:
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So, Guardian. A fairly small fandom with  just over 4,000 English-language fics in the general tag on AO3 (as of October 2022). Although the show aired in 2018, I only started watching earlier this year and quickly fell into a deep hyperfixation. I devoured every fic I could get my hands on like Ye Zun devours his enemies (I know, bad joke, sorry). I can wholeheartedly say I have encountered some of the most creative fics I have ever had the honor of reading--fics I return to over and over and over again and new ones that completely blow me away. So, just how does one small fandom manage to contain so much creativity? I would like to point to some reoccurring fandom AO3 tags to explain why.
1) Handwavy-ness 👋
Let’s be honest here, the ending of the Guardian drama is painful, agonizing, brutal, all of the above. If anyone walked away from it without tears falling down their face they’re a stronger person than me. So, what can one do when canon throws you into the pit of despair and kicks you while you’re down? Look for fix-it fics of course! And oh boy does Guardian have plenty. The generic Fix-It tag has 308 fics in it, and the Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies tag has 137, undoubtedly with some overlap. But this is not what I want to focus on; I would like to draw your attention to some of the tags I have collected below:
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[ID: a series of screenshots of AO3 tags that read in order, handwavy post-canon, (handwavy everybody lives), hand-wavey fixit, Handwavey Post Canon, assume a handwavy fix, But Hand-Wavy Fixed, (the handwavey fix-it version), (of the handwavy everybody lives kind), Hand wavy post canon happy ending, handwave-y post-canon, (just a bit of handwaving), handwaving the canon timeline, and handwaving canon events. End ID]
These are all just from the first 21 pages (aka 10%) when sorted by kudos, and some repeat multiple times within that. Sometimes you don’t want to have to do the work to fix the tangled mess of the ending, it is a lot of work! I have seen it done and it is insanely admirable, but it no doubt takes a lot of brain power that my two brain cells just cannot keep up with. So herein lies the Guardian fandom’s alternative--just handwave it! Nothing is stopping you from writing a post canon fic and just never explaining how we got here. All you need to know is that everyone is alive and happy. I have been in other fandoms where this technique would be questionable at best, but not here. There is such an overarching acceptance for this attitude of handwavy-ness and I think this is a large part of where the abundance of creativity comes from. But let’s also look at some more tags.
2) Dixing powers can do what they want
Although we can all laugh at how the show turned ghosts into mutant aliens with dark energy powers, I for one love this choice, the dark energy powers especially! They add a completely new avenue for creative freedom. The Dixingren powers in the show that come up during various cases are so random and contrived, there is no judgement whatsoever for making a character in a fic have the most random and contrived dark energy power either. We have a guy in canon whose power is literally “hardening the lower body” for goodness sake! On top of that, we have a main character who can learn any power he sees. ANY. Including the lower body hardening one if he so chooses to. The amount of options this gives fic writers? Unparalleled I tell you! You can give a Dixingren OC any power you want and make Shen Wei learn any power you want. Fic authors in this fandom have already taken full advantage of this! Cue part two of tags in the top 21 pages by kudos:
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[ID: a series of screenshots of AO3 tags that read in order, Dixing powers do whatever I want them to, Dixing powers work how I want them to, Handwavy Dixing plot device, Dark energy does what I want it to, completely contrived Dixing plot devices, Dixing powers do what I want them to, dixing artifacts do what I want them to do, and weird dark energy powers. End ID]
I have seen similar handwavy logic applied to the Hallows in fics too, because they are also the most random and contrived things in existence, but I wasn’t able to encounter any tags for those, so I will not get into it here as much. 
In any case, already with just the freedom of handwavy-ness and Dixing powers, the Guardian fandom already has such a big playground to mess around in! It is absolutely no wonder why Guardian fandom creators are some of the most creative people out there. I am so happy to be a part of this amazing fandom and I hope it stays active for many more years to come. Current and future Guardian fandom friends, go forth and be as handwavy as you want! You have a permit to do so!
Thanks for reading
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decaflondonfog · 10 months
fun little get to know me game!!
thanks for the tag @greenautumnleaves <3 your special talent is SO COOL i am shit at accents in any language and i'm so jealous!!!
Are you named after anyone: hmmm. marion is my chosen pen name but i chose it because i was raised by many marias, marianas, mauries, maries, marys and mariannes, so i guess in a way, yes. that's not the name i use irl (that's not after anyone, that's just me) nor the name i was given by my parents. my first name is the name of a local war hero, and my middle name is the name of the saint and military leader who i allegedly share a birth day with :)
Favorite subject in school: i was a history girlie!!
Do you have kids: i have a lovely little dog, he is my sun and son
When was the last time you cried: like 7 minutes ago
Do you use sarcasm a lot: NAHHHHHH (lol)
What sports do you play/have played: what is this 'sports' you speak of? oh wait... like hockey from the fanfics? exy? that's one, right? (i played rugby in school, for thinly-veiled homosexual reasons, but i'm not a team sports kind of person at all)
What's the first thing you notice about people: usually their eyes :)
Any special talents: yes i can hyperfixate on things really quickly and learn an insane amount of facts about it in a very short amount of time!! fun, right?
Where were you born: lisbon, portugal
What are your hobbies: wtf do you think, i'm here aren't i
Do you have pets: go back like seven or eight questions
How tall are you: 166cm which is about 5ft4 AND A HALF
Dream job: to quote whoever that was... i do not dream of labour (ideally like i dunno... dillydallyier, day drinker, sex toy tester, picnic haver — at least one of those is a 'real job', surely)
tagging @babooshkart @slytherco, @nv-md and @whataboutmyfries <3
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shakingparadigm · 3 months
Heyy just wanna say thank you for fuelling my alien stage brain rot <333 I love reading your little ramblings and headcanons/theories and I get super excited when I see you postrjrfnrf, if I wasn't super terrible at communicating with other people about my hyperfixations, I'd honestly love to talk your ear off about alnst (I'll explode if I don't talk to someone about alnst/j)
Also your art is SUPERR pretty just.. aughhh. I love the colours you use and the way your render <33 and the way you draw Mizi is just *chef's kiss*
Sorry for my little ramble-- excuse me while I crawl back into my hole
(Hope you have a wonderful day and stay hydrated!!)
thank YOU FOR FUELING MY ALIEN STAGE BRAINROT?? I remember when I first started this account id scroll through the alnst tag longingly wondering if I should post or not and I'd see your art while scrolling!! Your art is absolutely amazing too!! I love the linework in your art!! everything seems to flow so nicely and I find myself staring at it for a concerning amount of time. like. zooming in on every corner of the art type concerning.
please do talk my ear off about ALNST!!! I'm actually not that great at communicating myself but my adoration for ALNST is like a curse that wills me to talk about it ALL the time seriously my brain is actually deteriorating. I will also explode if I don't talk about it I just don't know what to do with myself. I'm so grateful people actually have fun reading my stuff even though I'm insanely inaccurate a lot of the time!! it genuinely means a lot to me because honestly it's been torture just holding this interest in with no one to properly talk about it to. I get so happy when I read the tags you put in the reblogs aaaaaaa thank you for being very kind!! I seriously appreciate it a lot you have no idea!! If you're ever in need of someone to dump all your ALNST thoughts to my inbox/messages are WIIIIIIIIDE open like so excruciatingly wide the cover fell off.
I hope you have a wonderful day too!! Take care of yourself as well!! Thank you for your sweet message <3
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allmightyscroll-swag · 10 months
Thinking about the fact that on my other social media, (that I will not link here,) I am constantly masking somewhat, making "normal" posts, making sensible and short captions, and overall just Acting Like A Neurotypical. All because people I know in real life follow me there.
But on this fucker? Tumblr dot com? I am free
I can caption something "choo choo mother fucker!!!! I Did A Thing. I AM. NOT OKAY :D"
There's like. One person who knows I exist here that also knows me irl. But they're just as batshit mentally ill as me (if you're reading this, I mean that as /pos bestie) and it's like. HELL YEAH??
I literally wrote a whole post about me gushing at Guardian's of Ga'hoole. I am live reblogging Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I am very, very mentally ill about Legos. Like, worryingly so. I can express my neurodivergent love for my hyperfixations.
And I think that's like, the beauty of Tumblr. You can be mentally unstable. Insane. Post all you want without having to censor it extensively like on other platforms. You just have to tag them accurately. It's called a hellsite but I call it that lovingly, for this hell may be filled with horrible people, (as does everything) but it is mostly pawed with the dedication and inspiration of others.
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lookineedsleep · 1 year
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I posted 14,520 times in 2022
That's 4,657 more posts than 2021!
134 posts created (1%)
14,386 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 919 of my posts in 2022
#asks - 74 posts
#fave - 62 posts
#me - 13 posts
#prev - 10 posts
#/j - 9 posts
#tma - 8 posts
#the umbrella academy - 8 posts
#the magnus archives - 8 posts
#please - 7 posts
#thank you - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i will try to eventually i promise i just need the brain to relax and i need to relax for a few hours and watch a show that isnt a hyperfix
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Kugelblitz makes no sense
aka, Explaining how the Grandfather Paradox should have worked, and the ways it doesn't.
This is the tl;dr, for a full explanation, it's under the cut:
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Now, I will try to keep things clear cut and explain anything that is less than, as well as keeping a somewhat intriguing writing style to attempt to keep you engaged. I will waffle on. You'll get used to it. And now, to start talking about the thing you actually want to hear:
Now you're probably looking here because you looked at my pin board and thought one of several things:
- Is this man insane?
- How long did that take you wtf??
- Can you explain that?
And to that, I can firmly answer two. It took me 4 hours with soft-tissue damage and yes I can explain it. As for the first question, I will leave you to decide.
As I hope you know, the Grandfather Paradox is one of the main plot themes in series 3. However, the explanation of it makes absolutely, completely and utterly, no sense. If you're a casual viewer, you probably haven't even thought twice about it, but if you're anything like me, and you sit and think about the timeline for hours at a time, and spend a healthy amount of time thinking about the solution of the paradox's solution, the Kugelblitz, I'm sorry to say, is just wrong.
So what does this mean in terms of TUA?
To start off, I will give you, directly the solution to the Grandfather Paradox:
"At the time that movie was made in 1985, the 'parallel world' explanation of the grandfather paradox was merely a philosophical conjecture. In 1991, however, it was put on firmer ground by the physicist David Deutsch. Deutsch showed that, while parallel timelines are normally incapable of interacting with each other, the situation changes in the vicinity of a closed time-like curve (CTC), when a wormhole curves back on itself. Here, just as the sci-fi writers imagined, the different timelines are able to cross over — so that when a CTC loops back into the past, it's the past of a different timeline. If that's proven, then you really could kill an infant grandparent without paradoxically eliminating yourself in the process. In that case, your grandfather would never have existed only in one parallel world. And you, the grandfather-killer, would only have existed in the other."
Well, it means that there is 2 (and a bit) timelines, to which I have affectionately nicknamed the Umbrella timeline (season 1) and the Sparrow timeline (season 2 and 3). We know the Sparrow timeline is separate to the Umbrella timeline because it it mentioned a few times through series 3 that it is a different one.
You see, I firmly believe that when the Umbrellas time travelled back to Dallas in the 1960s and onwards, they managed to cause the CTC as described above, and go back in time into the Sparrow timeline.
This is where the show would believe that the actual grandfather paradox happened when Harlan started killing the mothers of the other 27 children before the time where the sparrows and the other 9 kids were born. This would imply that the Umbrellas went back in time to the Umbrella timeline, and Harlan still got the powers but didn't accidentally kill the mothers. This doesn't work at all.
We know that The Kennedy Six doesn't exist in anything but the Sparrow timeline, and in the Umbrella timeline, it is (largely) history as we know it. This is the problem. If the Grandfather Paradox doesn't start before Haran gets his powers, that means the Kennedy Six would have to exist also in the Umbrella timeline, which they don't, which causes all sorts of problems.
And here's where I propose a solution.
The Sparrow timeline splits off on February 11th 1960, aka the day Klaus and umbrella!Ben arrive in Dallas, due to this being the first instance of them travelling back in time to this separate timeline as the Grandfather Paradox's solution would suggest. The Sparrow timeline stems off to contain the changed history of the Umbrella timeline, and it also allows the Umbrellas to exist in the Sparrow timeline, where they were never born in the first place.
The one main question you may have now is, well if all of this is the case, then why didn't the Kugelblitz form in Dallas? Well I have an explanation for you on that too. To put it simply, there was already an apocalypse coming in Dallas, and there was no need for the Kugelblitz so come in and destroy the world for it. And then, once the Umbrellas left Dallas, nothing was in that timeline to disrupt the flow of it (I'll explain Harlan in a moment) for the next 56 years, so the Kugelblitz wouldn't need to form due to the peace of space time.
Harlan is okay to exist the way he does because, while he is an anomaly compared to the Umbrella timeline, he works in the Sparrow timeline because that's how their history flows.
So, the disrupt in space time and the trigger of the Kugelblitz stems from the Umbrellas going into the Sparrow timeline, where they don't exist. This is where the Kugelblitz becomes the problem child, because to my understanding of the Grandfather Paradox, because the Umbrellas exist in the Umbrella timeline leading to them having a stable form of existence, just elsewhere, they should be fine to be in the Sparrow timeline and co-exist with the Sparrows.
So yes, that is my problem with the Kugelblitz, sorry for ruining your fun with the show, trust me, it frustrates me too, but I genuinely don't understand how the Grandfather paradox can cause the Kugelblitz when it's largely solved itself.
To that I pose the question to the rest of you tua!Tumblr, what the hell do you think happened?
(I am also ignoring the new new timeline from the end of season 3 until season 4 gives us more content to work with because I don't even want to begin thinking about that one.)
23 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
Why do Five and the Handler give off the same hate-dynamic as Holt and Hunch from B99
30 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
I think I'm alone in thinking the handler and agent were a lil fruity-
36 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
48 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Tua Season 3 meme dump
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See the full post
88 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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formulinos · 2 years
a few life updates and other stuff
hi besties i hope some of you are well!
i've been thinking lately and i thought it would be nice to talk a bit around here since i've been sporadically coming and going out of this blog for the past few weeks. first of all, i would like to tell you how life has been personally since last year:
- i left my home country and moved to [redacted] to continue my studies - got super anxious, took me a while to deal with those feelings and didn't have a stellar debut grade wise - did make a lot of friends, had some amazing experiences, started living on my own (did you guys know that taking care of your own house is so, SO GOOD?) - got a job at [redacted], feel impostor syndrome everyday over it even though i only start in april - no bitches :/
as you can see, sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit but so is life! taking the time to adapt has been time consuming especially because, overall, i've taken my time with university at home and avoided full time studying not only because i wanted to work and research but also because i don't function really well taking full 30 credits a semester. in here, they ONLY take full semesters so i wake up super early and get home super late, have to cook and clean and shower and STILL study a bit because of the harsh amount of tasks we are given. this means i don't have the time to follow my hobbies during the week, and on weekends i have actually been trying to leave my comfort zone and not stay isolated at home working dae computers. last week i tried to learn how to ride a bicycle and my legs still have the bruises.
this all comes to say that i miss A LOT the work i've done here during my primadonna rise and before my primadonna fall. i have another blog i kept my work in, because my original plan was to fully delete this one, but i forgot the password and the email i used for it, so i still keep tabs here because i like to check the stuff i did every once in a while since i don't have a lot of time to do new stuff instead. i'm actually moved, truly, because i never get a note-free day. someone is always showing love either to the edits i did, even some of the more obscure ones, or the things i wrote. not only that, but with proper tag commenting, calling up their friends to check it out, etc. this makes me truly proud to know not only that i'm the absolute best at being talented in every single task i set myself to do, but also that it pays off not to be scared and throw yourself out there because people will always be able to give you feedback with the same love you applied in making something. and since it's been so frustrating not being able to keep working on all of this, it means the world to me to see formulinos live on. thank you so much for your support.
that being said, in my farewell letter i say i wasn't a nico rosberg type pre-retirement, but i absolutely am a post-retirement nico. my goal is to be confusing and annoying. i want to sound like i'm right but also i know i'm wrong but it's avant garde and post ironic, and also i want to be my own gender - i actually managed to do this last part as the woman in the bakery shop still doesn't know if i am a ma'am or a sir. anyway, i'm going to keep popping up sporadically but i fully have decided to keep myself away because i was advised by my right hand maisie (@jedivszombie) not to. she is an amazing person and so i trust her to know what's best for me. that being said (2), i will come back for another hyperfixation corner insanity i've been working on since last year on and off. half of it is written and it's all mapped out, i think it will be very much worth it to keep working on it because i have learned so much. i hope you guys enjoy it too! i don't know when i will be done but Soon...
if any of you are confused by this or want to reminisce the good ole days, remember all the nice pics and gifs i have edited here! i think it's mainly seb and/or ferrari, which works. if you are more of a reading person, i can give you my hyperfixation corners! 
the 2005 united states grand prix rush 2: senna x prost jean-marie balestre lewis ♡ nicole 5eva robert kubica: the prince that was promised a special: understanding and ranking the landogates the 1982 formula one world championship a special: oops!… they did it again - the friendship of jenson button and nico rosberg (this one is in dire need of an update since last year's FP3 extravaganza and The Podcast) the 1993 SEGA european grand prix a special: donkey does hyperfixation corner
at last, since we are in race week, remember that f1blr is as good as you make it. if you don't like it here, you are part of the problem. take a good hard look at the mirror and think about why you need a stage to enjoy a hobby. just kidding, it's not that serious. but don't be asses, have fun and be yourselves <3 see you around!
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ourstarscollided · 3 years
jatp fanworks appreciation - day 1 (writers)
motivation - so in true me fashion and my aversion to brevity, i've made three (3) posts (see also artists, gifs/edits) to celebrate the wonderful people in this fandom who have made my jatp tumblr experience what it is; a community of people who simply shout into the void about their love of a ghost band and their fearless female leader. i've enjoyed simply being on the sidelines admiring everyone's love for the show, but i thought this would be a good time to really show my appreciation for all these wonderful people, because if i've learned anything from this pandemic, it's that there is NEVER a wrong time to tell someone that they are simply ✨the best✨.
disclaimer: i don't interact with most of these people personally and i simply absorb their content from afar and scream about how wonderful they are in the tags.
This list kind of became a fic rec, so if you're looking for some wonderful fics to read (or reread), I've also included my favs from the author here as well.
Okay this is gonna get a little long so please bear with me. But I just wanted to preamble this by saying that the fanfiction written by the jatp fandom is what resparked my love for reading fiction after about 3-4 years of not reading for leisure (be an adult they said. it'll be fun they said.). So I'm really grateful for that? I don't interact with a lot of people, just because it makes me a little anxious, but I will constantly yell about your content in the tags as if I were on a set of bleachers with a megaphone.
I also know there are so many wonderful fic writers out there (on Tumblr and not on Tumblr) that make amazing pieces of work, and this is just a tiny peek into that, and is not at all conclusive.
Without further ado here are some writers who live rent free in my head, in alphabetical order, so feel free to just skip to your name to avoid my rambling:
@bluefirewrites -> your Merry Ex-Mas fic had me on the edge of my seat every single time you updated. I am so in love with how you wrote the characters into this and at how many words you churned out for this fic. This was filled with so much adventure, and it was really welcome during a time when the world wasn't allowed to travel. And I simply love all the other drabbles and fics you write, but I especially enjoy the hilarity of Ray Molina, Crime Scene Photographer and Matchmaker.
@captainkippen -> I'm pretty sure Love Drunk was one of the first fics I ever read in this fandom. Your stories and your writing feel so goddamn real and I find myself so immersed in the worlds that you've created. I have reread most of your jatp fics and I still manage to find myself stupidly grinning at my phone each time. Your stories flow so easily and are such perfect characterizations of the characters we know from the show, but elevated to fit into your verse. I cannot say enough how wonderful your writing is and how talented you are!! (also a slight nudge that I am still very much following along with The Key and the Crown and I hope you continue it!)
@catty-words -> Your???? Exhaustive??? Music??? Lists???? The amount of work and dedication and microanalyzing that you put into pulling out every detail from each scene is so admirable. You not only manage to find the details, but you also give us EVIDENCE via your intricately selected gifs. You could've just put the video of the performance, but no, you take your time to find that specific 1 second shot to emphasize your point. And your little fics that you sometimes throw out into the world? They're so beautiful, and so fun to read and I enjoy them so much! (I am STILL screaming about this band's a snack) Thank you for validating my yelling in the tags, and for feeding my hyperfixation to this show. (I'm sad these lists are ending soon, but it's about the journey ya know?)
@lydias--stiles -> I don't even know what to say here because I've yelled so much about your fics that I feel like there's really nothing else to yell. Your Road Trip AU was also one of the first ones I read in this fandom, and really just made me go absolutely feral. Pretty sure I absorbed the rest of your fics in an ungodly amount of time and I just simply think you are incredibly skilled and talented. Every time you post a new fic I always wonder what it's like to be in your head because the ideas you come up with are so unique and so well thought out. Thank you for all the art you create for this show, I will constantly be in awe of you. (Special shoutout to the 5+1 fic that became a 31 chapter monster)
@pearlcaddy -> This list would not be complete if I didn't mention you. First of all, thank you for suggesting this wonderful week, it has been so lovely to see so much love being spread around today. Secondly, I never thought I'd find myself reading a Buffy or a Wizarding World crossover fic, considering I know nothing about those two things. And yet I found myself on various nights after work at 3 in the morning just silently screaming and/or crying into my phone. Your writing is so insane. Your world building is so insane. Your banter/dialogue is insane. The way you capture the love between Julie/Luke in different universes is so perfect. Thank you for gifting us these beautiful pieces of art, and I hope you know that you have at least made one person (me) a very happy reader. I also really admire your dedication to "this will only be a oneshot", only to write like 4 other POVs for it. (Special shoutout to 100 Bad Days)
@ruzek-halstead -> Literally every single fic you have written lives rent free in my head. The way you've managed to build this universe of different Julies and Lukes, and each one still captures the essence of them is astounding. You've extended their characters beyond what we know from the show and I am just in awe of everything you write. Please know that dead of night is both triggering to me and yet the most hilarious thing I have read. (Special shoutout to the Fake Dating Christmas AU and of course the Cinderella Story AU)
@serendipitee -> Your stories and your writing are absolutely magical. I think Write It Down was one of the first multi-chapter fics that I followed super closely and whenever you updated, I would literally drop what I was doing and read it instantly. You have such a way of building the plot and the characters for all of your fics and drabbles, and making the reader just want more. Please know that I am so obsessed with Oh, She Waltzed With the Dead and I cannot wait to see where you take the story!
@sunsetcurbed -> I have no words for your writing. I am simply in awe every time I read something from you. The way you've got down Alex and Willie's voice to a tee is so crazy good. You write their characters and their stories with such grace and care, especially with how you approach the topic of mental health. Thank you for all the research you do and for also writing in your own experiences. I literally binged the Princes Diaries AU during work and lost a good half day to it, and I regret nothing because that fic left me in SHAMBLES. I secretly adore the way you say you're going to keep a fic short, and end up writing an insane amount of words for it. (I have not yet left my obligated long-ass comment on Chapter 4 of the College AU yet because I am still processing the fate/destiny concept.)
@tangledstarlight -> Gahh. Rosie. Please. This is going to sound a little repetitive considering I just screamed at you last night, but now I guess I will just have to publicly confess my adoration for you!!! Thank you for being my first online friend in a very long time, and for putting up with me yelling at you about everything (and also nothing at the same time). I can't believe all it took was one message about your Royals AU for you to post it, but I will gladly take that credit any day. You are so so so incredibly talented with your writing, and your ability to transport me to another world while I read your fics is unparalleled. I adore the way you can come up with a new story to write every day, and then proceed to throw it into your pot of other WIPs. I am so so so so lucky to have gotten to know you and am incredibly grateful that I now have someone to cry about everything with 🧡 (If you read anything from Rosie, you need to read her Seasons/Long Distance Juke "friendship" fic and the Reggie x Photography oneshot that made me bawl my eyes out.)
@thedeathdeelers -> No thoughts. Just soulmates. Jk jk, you know I love your Reggie x Ray x Carlos fics, and I will scream in the tags about it until the day I get more of those fics from you. This is lowkey a threat, but wrapped in kindness. You are so wonderful to see on my dash (albeit scary at times because of the sheer amount of headcanons and theories running through your head), but you radiate such positive energy that it's impossible to not want to jump in and scream about soulmates with you.
Some special mentions to fics that also live rent free in my head:
@sunsetsandcurves wrote a Willex Cruise Ship AU inspired by a Simple Plan song and it’s something I never knew I needed until I read it. 
@phantom-curve wrote a Juke fic based off of Coney Island and I would just like to say, yes, it did shatter me. (Here’s the fluff sequel that makes up for it though)
@unsaidjulie wrote the Juke dog fic of my dreams and I simply cannot express how much I want the Molina’s to have a dog now. 
@pawprinterfanfic managed to get me incredibly invested in a Star Wars AU even though I know absolutely nothing about Star Wars. I just know that I would die for two (2) space boys. 
@sanssssastark  your Later universe made me realize that I do very much want there to be more mature content for this fandom (and you constantly deliver).
@theobligatedklutz wrote a Tangled Willex AU that makes me screech every time there’s an update. Just read it.
@alexthedrummerboy your talent knows no bounds when it comes to your Social Media AU. Also she’s written ORIGINAL songs for Alex and Willie?!?!?! 
@gennified has this really wonderful modern take on pride and prejudice for Willex and I’m so obsessed with how much miscommunication there is.
@bananaleaves okay, I just found your Tumblr today, and I know you don’t know me in any capacity, but allow me to scream about THIS FIC RIGHT HERE. If anyone in this fandom is to read ANYTHING, it’s this fic. This was one of the best things I’ve read in a long time and absolutely wrecked me. Please just read this.
This turned out WAY longer than it was supposed to, and I’m SO SORRY. (I also tried to make sure I got everyone’s pronouns right, so PLEASE let me know if they’re wrong!) A final sincere thank you to everyone in this fandom who writes. Your talent knows no bounds. Gonna stop talking now before this becomes an essay....
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doctormage · 3 years
ok as promised here's my whole thedosian astrology spiral in one big post
underneath a read more bc i love you all
starting w my tags from the first post bc context:
#bc i saw a post that put the zodiac seasons (for thedas) roughly from the 20th of one month to the 20th of the next #like it is irl #but the zodiac seasons coincide w the actual seasons #the start of aries season is the vernal equinox #the start of cancer season is the summer solstice #the start of libra season is the autumnal equinox #the start of capricorn season is the winter solstice #and (to my knowledge??) the seasons in thedas start with their annum holidays or whatever #wintersend = beginning of spring #summerday = beginning of summer #all souls day = beginning of fall #satinalia = beginning of winter #(someone PLEASE correct me if im wrong on that) #well i know summerday and satinalia are right but #ANYWAY #using that logic the zodiac seasons would also start on those days #thedas-aries season would run from the 1st to the 30th of guardian #thedas-taurus would be 1-30 drakonis #thedas-gemini would be 1-30 cloudreach #so that thedas-cancer aka the start of summer aka summerday aka THE FIRST OF BLOOMINGTIDE #kSLFdfslkdFDKs #anyway. now i have to be Right about this#my previous hyperfixation and my current one.....coming together....to make me into a Massive Bitch<3
when would the zodiac signs' seasons take place in the thedosian calendar?
so bc the zodiac signs are based on constellations and all the lore etc that accompanies them i'm not even gonna touch that (YET.....yet...) but since spring, summer, autumn, and winter start on the first days of guardian, bloomingtide, august, and firstfall, respectively, so would those particular seasons of the zodiac
thedas-equivalent-of-aries season would just be 1-30 guardian, bc irl the beginning of aries season coincides with the beginning of spring and continues until the sun moves into taurus; all the cardinal signs (aries, cancer, libra, capricorn) begin on the first of the season like that, so we can assume that – IF there are 12 zodiac signs in thedas – the sun is in each sign for approximately a month. so that in 3 months the next cardinal sign can coincide w the beginning of that season
imo it makes sense that (if we're assuming thedas also has 12 signs and that their sun spends roughly equal time in all of them) four of them would coincide w the beginning of the seasons. so like yeah thedas is fake and for all we know they have 10 zodiac signs and they all start on wildly different days, but then everything is just shooting in the dark and where's the fun in that. obviously the changing of the seasons is important to them bc their holidays center around them, therefore i don't think it's wildly out of the blue to think that whatever star sign system they have going on would similarly coincide w the changing seasons
again i'm not currently bothering with picking constellations/symbols/stories/traits/etc for each sign so i'll just say first, second, third etc. point being the seasons of the zodiac would actually be like they are below, rather than how they are irl (aka the 20th-ish of each month to the 20th-ish of the next; it's like that irl bc our calendar is stupid and the beginning of the seasons randomly happens 2/3 of the way thru the month):
first sign = begins spring, 1-30 guardian
second sign ≈ 1-30 drakonis
third sign ≈ 1-30 cloudreach
fourth sign = begins summer, 1-30 bloomingtide
fifth sign ≈ 1-30 justinian
sixth sign ≈ 1-30 solace
seventh sign = begins autumn, 1-30 august
eighth sign ≈ 1-30 kingsway
ninth sign ≈ 1-30 harvestmere
tenth sign = begins winter, 1-30 firstfall
eleventh sign ≈ 1-30 haring
twelfth sign ≈ 1-30 wintermarch
okay so we have cardinal signs, what about fixed and mutable signs?
the cardinal signs are CALLED the cardinal signs bc they begin the seasons; they're the ~get up and goers~ of the zodiac, motivated, leaders, trail blazers, energetic, etc. they litchrally bring in the changes of the season so that makes sense right
so IF we are to continue w that logic — and here's where i'm getting (even more) conjecture-y, but i feel p confident that since 4 of the 5 major holidays in thedas are based on the changing seasons aka thats important — then the traits of the thedas-equivalent of those signs would also have similarities to the irl cardinal signs (namely the traits listed above)
but there are also FIXED signs and MUTABLE signs: so called bc fixed signs are firmly planted in the middle of each season (taurus in spring, leo in summer, scorpio in autumn, aquarius in winter) and bc mutable signs precede the major change from one season to the next (gemini from spring to summer, virgo from summer to autumn, sagittarius from autumn to winter, pisces from winter-to-spring)
and again bc these are based on the seasons, it also makes sense to me that, generally speaking, the signs in the middle and at the end of the seasons would also be distinct in some way. and probably have similarities to irl fixed and mutable signs, tho i'm not as obstinate about that as i am abt the cardinal signs. but anyway MOVING ON
[the one section with the fan-made sky map ended up being relatively useless even tho the sky map was in fact very cool]
general disclaimer that at this point i’m literally just. straight up guessing lmao
also since we only have so many constellations we see in-game, and since they each come with a codex giving us at least a little background info (aka CRUMBS), any suggestions of which constellations are part of the zodiac are based on those specifically. obviously in real life theres a bazillion constellations that aren’t part of the zodiac, but we do not have the luxury of knowing every constellation in thedas so i am going with what we got
the thedosian constellation map (the canon one) is different than the fan-made sky map, but because i highly doubt anyone at bioware could’ve predicted someone would be As Insane As I Am Being Right Now about it, i don’t think they probably put a lot of thought into making it lmao. the fan made sky map DID have thought put into it tho, and it actually features the constellations we see in-game, so i’m going w that one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
AND. i’m gonna look at the names of the months (both the fancy ancient tevinter names and the ~low/common~ names) in comparison w the constellations we have at our disposal bc why the fuck wouldn’t they be related in some way. this has no basis in any deeper logic than “maybe the fact that the ‘common’ name for this month is drakonis has somethinng to do with the constellation draconis idfk” but like. it’s literally the same name but with one letter (that makes the same sound) changed. i don’t think i’m asking too much here lmao
signs that start the seasons
wintersend is canonically associated with the old god urthemiel; the codex entry for the constellation bellitanus states it (is believed that it) was originally associated with urthemiel. using the same reasoning as with satinalis/satinalia, i’m gonna assume that bellitanus-as-a-zodiac-season would start with wintersend and last through the whole of guardian
summerday was once called andoralis, dedicated to the old god andoral; the codex entry for the constellation servani states it is thought to be representative of andoral, but where the wiki says andoral is the god of unity, the codex says andoral was the god of slaves. (doesn’t clarify if andoral is like, a figure to which the enslaved would turn to in their plight, as like a savior? or whether andoral is...just associated with slaves in some way.) i have no idea what the fuck to do w that except assume bioware is back on their bullshit! i’m gonna come back to this later
all soul’s day was once funalis, dedicated to dumat, old god of silence; the codex entry for the constellation silentir (which literally means ‘silence’ lmao) is usually said to represent dumat. so by this logic we might say the zodiac season for silentir begins with all soul’s day and ends with the last day of august
the constellation satinalis is canonically associated with satinalia, so it makes sense to me that if satinalis is part of the zodiac, its season would start with satinalia / last through the month in which the holiday takes place. aka firstfall
with these in mind, we have (tentatively) 3 of our 4 cardinal signs aka the signs that begin the seasons: bellitanus for spring, silentir for autumn, and satinalis for winter
looking at the fan-made sky map, these aren’t super evenly spaced apart (but then again neither are irl constellations perfectly proportioned so whatever!) HOWEVER. they do still, at least vaguely 😭, follow a clockwise pattern in the correct order of guardian/spring → summerday/bloomingtide → all soul’s day/august → satinalia/firstfall. it’s about the small victories ok *inquisitor ameridan voice* take moments of happiness where you find them or whatever
what about the other 8 signs???
great question!!! haha!!!
✨I Am Once Again About To Start Guessing Wildly✨
because even tho the “cardinal signs” go clockwise and in order, there’s still an uneven amount of constellations BETWEEN them. there should be 2 between each but, for example, silentir and satinalis only have tenebrium between them. and there are fucking....TEN constellations between satinalis and bellitanus so we’re going to have to get even more creative somehow<3 lmao these are all taken from the codex entries for the constellations (the names are links!)
TOTH: tevinter old god of fire, thats p much it. the codex does say sometimes toth is depicted as a “flaming orb” which maybe i truly have succumbed to the brain worms but i hear ‘orb’ and ‘god’ and ‘flame’ (aka light/energy/etc or perhaps idk a fucking explosion) and yall already know where my dumb ass is going w that 🥴
since the rules are made up and the points dont matter, i have decided Fuck Bioware, toth is going with summerday now. i dont give a rats ass about andoral since apparently they dont care to tell us what he was actually god of, so welcome toth you are now in charge of the beginning of summer bc i said so
TENEBRIUM: associated with lusacan, tevinter old god of darkess/night. also obvious associations with falon’din, elven god of death, whose sacred animal is an owl
pea brain analysis: its dark in winter lol; slightly larger, maybe lima-bean-sized brain analysis: the beginning of a new year (aka first day aka first of wintermarch) could hypothetically be associated w the past ‘dying.’ and also the holiday was originally an annual check to make sure everyone was alive, so i don’t see why gods of death can’t be associated w making sure all your loved ones weren’t taken by said god of death lol
ELUVIA: commonly called “sacrifice,” it’s (apparently) based on an orlesian tale in which a woman is saved from a “””lustful mage””” (i love bioware i love this frachise) by being placed in the sky and becoming a constellation. before this inspiring tale that is definitely not anti mage propaganda, eluvia may have represented razikale, tevinter old god of mystery. the imagery of this constellation is a seated woman with a cloud right above her - literally like her head is in the clouds (also bc it sounds like ‘eluvian’ i’m like 👀)
i’m inclined to pair this one up with cloudreach both bc the ancient tevinter name is “eluviesta” and bc the woman in the story is literally. in the clouds. simple enough
PERAQUIALUS: it’s a boat! but apparently a “primitive vessel” sailed by ancient peoples like the neromenians. according to the codex the translation is usually ‘across the sea’ rather than ‘boat’ but that doesnt rly help me lol
sorry my beloved. before me stand 10 beautiful constellations but i only have 9 pictures in my hands. you are not thedas’s next top zodiac sign
DRACONIS: obviously its a dragon lol
i think the drakonis (the month) / draconis (this constellation) correlation is. pretty evident lmao and since we have all but thrown credible hypothesizing out the window, why NOT?? why not make drakonis the season of draconis!!! 🤡
FERVENIAL: an oak; some believe it could be representative of andruil, elven goddess of the hunt, as the vir tanadhal (“way of the three trees”) is her whole thing
sigh idk *spins wheel* leaves start changing color in mid-late autumn so *spins wheel again* fervenial can go with harvestmere which is thedas-october it’s fine
JUDEX: a big ol sword, sometimes called the “sword of mercy,” referring to pre-andrastian concepts of justice in ancient tevinter
speaking of pulling ideas right out of my ass, if this constellation is associated w justice it makes sense to me that its season would be in the month of justinian. bc again why the fuck not!
EQUINOR: the stallion / a horse, sometimes depicted as a seated griffon. some speculate the original imagery was a halla, linking the constellation to the elven god ghilan’nain aka “mother of the halla”
i am really grasping at straws here HAHA but the word haring (as a gerund/present participle of the verb ‘hare’) can mean to run or go with great speed. horses go fast, ghilan’nain is invoked when elves want to travel quickly, blah blah blah. whatever
SOLIUM: the sun; one interpretation is that it indicates an ancient fascination with ALL objects in the sky (aka both the sun and moon[s]), another interpretation associates it with the elven god elgar’nan, aka “eldest of the sun”
alright i know the name ‘solas’ means pride in elvhen and the word ‘solace’ means like comfort/consolation, neither of which have jack shit to do with the sun, so i shouldn’t assume solis is associated with solium exclusively bc they start with ‘sol’ and sol means sun in...a lot of irl languages lol HOWEVER. i have an even worse reasoning we can fall back on which is that it’s in summer and it’s...fucking sunny??? LMAO im so sorry
FENRIR: the white wolf 👁👄👁 scholars apparently dont know wtf to do w this one; obviously there is a case to be made about its association with fen’harel
i have talked myself in circles on this one but whenever i try to type it out it makes Zero Fucking Sense lmao so. i may come back and edit this but for now just know it’s going with kingsway and i want yall to know i do have some stupid nebulous reasoning for that in my silly little brain but communicating it is simply not in the cards for me today god bless 🙏
alright so what bullshit have you proposed at the end of all this EXTREMELY shaky guesswork, queen?
Bellitanus: begins spring, 1-30 Guardian
Draconis: 1-30 Drakonis
Eluvia: 1-30 Cloudreach
Toth: begins summer, 1-30 Bloomingtide
Judex: 1-30 Justinian
Solium: 1-30 Solace
Silentir: begins autumn, 1-30 August
Fenrir: 1-30 Kingsway
Fervenial: 1-30 Harvestmere
Satinalis: begins winter, 1-30 Firstfall
Equinor: 1-30 Haring
Tenebrium: 1-30 Wintermarch
next time i have a death wish i will come back and speculate what kind of traits would be associated w these signs (based on the ~lore~ surrounding the constellations, their tentative places as cardinal/fixed/mutable, etc) but i just wasted precious hours of my life on this and i cant look at it anymore!!!
also want to reiterate that, regarding the post i saw earlier that i disagreed with, my refutation of that argument ended like 2 reblogs many sections ago lol. the only thing i feel confident defending is that the different seasons of the zodiac would – based on the actual changing 4 seasons – start on the first of each month and end on the last day of each month, as opposed to the way it is in real life western astrology
all this other bullshit is just for fun (??? i guess????) and based ALMOST entirely on my own assumptions. informed by actual shit from the games ofc but mainly me just
Tumblr media
EDIT: would like to add that i don't have world of thedas or any other supplementary shit; all i have at my disposal is the 3 games, their DLCs, and the wiki lol. so if there's anything here that WOT (or smth else) contradicts please lmk! and also sorry for any typos lmao
hope yall enjoyed witnessing this fully unhinged moment w me bye<3
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toxicpineapple · 4 years
HI IM ANON THAT ASKED FOR HCS and i just wanted like hmm a general like hcs for the whole cast,, but i would gladly appreciate a ‘taro ramble too <33
okay, well, to begin with, i do have a post of drv3 character headcanons already, so you can go and check this post out for your outdated juice. i honestly made this post months ago though so a lot of the headcanons on there are. kind of wonky. i’m gonna go ahead and correct the ones that have changed real quick and then add on new ones.
- bi kaito and maki? LAME!!! kaito and maki are homoromantic asexuals and i don’t take constructive criticism. (bi kaito and maki headcanons are so valid i just prefer them as homosexual now LFKDSJFKJD anyway akamota rights)
- actually they’re all asexual? hehe. the love hotels aren’t real they can’t hurt me. i’m gonna list ace headcanons now
- shuichi: sex positive asexual
- kaede: sex indifferent asexual
- kaito: sex repulsed asexual
- maki: sex repulsed asexual
- miu: sex indifferent asexual (side note, if anyone comes at me for my ace miu headcanons i’m literally gonna commit a murder)
- kokichi: sex repulsed asexual (but good at repressing his sex repulsion)
- rantaro: sex repulsed asexual
- himiko: sex repulsed asexual
- tsumugi: sex repulsed asexual
- tenko: sex repulsed asexual
- angie: sex positive asexual
- kiyo: sex positive asexual (but experiences sex repulsion due to trauma)
- ryoma: sex repulsed asexual
- gonta: sex indifferent asexual
- kirumi: sex repulsed asexual
- kiibo: sex indifferent asexual
- um. i lost my train of thought. oh. okay. so i gave kokichi depression back when i made this post and i think that was a weird thing in particular to saddle him with. i don’t think kokichi is like, a-okay and all the time, but i think he tends more towards manic than depressive. which isn’t to say that he can’t be both, but there’s a vibe and kokichi doesn’t have it
- regardless i gave kaito depression. suffer bitchboy
- while we’re talking about kaito, HOO BOY, i am a kinnie. sorry about this, anon. kaito has asthma, which isn’t a kinnie thing, but he also plays the ukulele, which IS a kinnie thing. i mentioned that he can knit. that was true. he also bakes!!! and he has had a series of hyperfixations throughout his life in this order:
- disney movies (ongoing)
- pirates (elementary school)
- musical theatre (first year middle school)
- frogs (second year middle school)
- tennis (third year middle school)
- also kaito has a crush on ryoma! haha! did i mention i don’t take constructive criticism! anyway
- let’s talk about trans headcanons :)
- shuichi, kokichi, maki, kaede, himiko, and tenko are all binary trans no matter what work i’m writing them in. even if i don’t tag it and it doesn’t come up at all, assume they’re trans! because they are and i don’t take constructive criticism
- BIG fan of nb kiibo, rantaro, kiyo, angie, kirumi, and kaito. just, real big fan
- all trans headcanons are valid periodt!!! except transmasc tenko we don’t.... we don’t like that in this house. please take your transmasc tenko elsewhere
- while i do think that himiko’s master committing suicide was One Hell Of A Take on my part, i’m pretty sure he just left. he just ditched a child because she was better than him. that’s all. y’know that one oumeno fic where he dies and everything is nuanced? yeah. he was just, a shitty person, that’s all it was. i’m sorry himiko you deserved better
- ummmmmmm himiko autistic! himiko autistic. she cannot STAND the texture of denim or sweats, it is just. The Unhappy Texture
- delicately eyezooms. low empathy mugi? low empathy tsumugi? hewwo, low empa
- kokichii is very good with kids! just exceedingly good with children. it’s because he is one himself
- kaede has two dads :)
- himiko’s parents are divorced. she lives with a single mother. as one does from time to time
- rantaro, if he finds all his sisters, eventually settles down as either a teacher, a therapist, or a school counselor. so like the first two or a combination of them
- kaito knits under the bed. why does he do this? i don’t know. he doesn’t know. it’s a thing, just go with it.
- rantaro sees a lesbian and thinks, “hmmm. she could use an emotional support himbo” and then just does it. kaito does this too but he hyperfocuses on like. two or three lesbians at a time. rantaro spreads himself thin between the lesbians. amamota and lesbians guys get into it
- mwahahaha (pushes my amamota agenda onto you) they’re dating and in love!
- coffee headcanons :)
- shuichi: black. as black as his soul. which is to say very black. not because he’s emo he just likes the colour
- kaede: a bit of cream and sugar, nothing excessive. kaede stays up late on hyperfixation energy alone she doesn’t need no coffee
- kaito: a couple sugar cubes but no cream
- maki: ... a lot sweeter than she’ll admit
- rantaro: milk and sugar with a side of coffee
- gonta: gonta prefers tea! but he’ll take coffee when it’s offered, as gentlemen do. he likes it with a bit of cream, but no sugar
- kirumi: black.
- ryoma: black
- himiko: she prefers apple juice. himiko gets nauseous on coffee
- angie: angie doesn’t drink coffee either but when she does you have to fill the damn thing with mostly milk or she will be absolutely unbearable
- kokichi: you really wanna give this little adhd gremlin coffee? are you insane? (he’ll take it with an egregious amount of cream and sugar but he doesn’t mind it black)
- miu: black and like six or seven cups of it at a time
- tsumugi: a little bit of cream but no sugar!
- korekiyo: he really prefers tea but kiyo will take coffee either black or with a touch of cream
- kiibo: haha.... he’d like to know what coffee tastes like.......
- scent headcanons :))))
- shuichi: books, cinnamon, rose tea, coffee
- kaede: honeysuckle, morning dew
- kaito: axe body spray, banana bread, old spice
- maki: fresh snow, dry cleaners
- tsumugi: fabric stores, honey, lemons
- korekiyo: incense, perfume, old books
- kiibo: metal
- kokichi: linen, sugar
- rantaro: evergreen trees, fresh laundry, incense (finesses jim’s hcs)
- miu: coffee, machinery, rosemary shampoo
- kirumi: mild floral perfume, dark chocolate
- gonta: trees, camp fires, pine needles
- angie: paint, clay, daisies, salt water
- himiko: strawberries, clean laundry, hot chocolate
- tenko: cherry blossoms, tatami, maybe a little bit of sweat
- ryoma: mint, rubber
anon i probably have more but my spoon count just went down, i hope you appreciate this list, such as it is FLKSJDFKLSDJFj i’m!! really passionate about these guys. i’d also love to talk about rantaro’s specific relationship with each member of the v3 cast so like........ shoot me an ask if there’s interest i guess FLKDSJFLKDSJF
or if there’s interest in anything else!! i love answering these you guys are so sweet, tysm <3
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msindrad · 4 years
an insanely long crazy-ass post about the dollars trilogy, I’m so sorry y’all
I FOUND THIS POST. I DID IT. I FOUND IT. JESUS. I spent the entirety of my yesterday searching for it.
I’m going to tag everybody who participated in this discussion and whose posts I‘ve found while searching for this discussion on the off-chance that they still might be interested in, yeah, discussing these films.
@clinteastwood-blog @geekboots-blog @istadris @sybilius @bleak-nomads @thenotsobad-thebad-andtheugly @bloncos @mcicioni-blog @unrealthings @stephantom @colonelmortimer
Also, please feel free to ignore me and my analytical outburst if you don’t feel like talking about the films or talking about them with my crazy hyperfixated ass specifically, lol. I didn’t mean to be rude by calling you out of nowhere, it’s just that sometimes people get excited when there is an enthusiastic newbie in the fandom and gladly return to their beloved canons.
Anyway. The dollars trilogy.
I’ll start with The Good, the Band and the Ugly (and will probably make myself instantly unlikable by nitpicking things, (sigh)).
As stupid as it might sound – the film being an absolute masterpiece, a cultural milestone that is timeless, epic, work of genius, love it, will write and draw about it with pleasure etc. – I’m kind of inclined to find the GBU the weakest film in the trilogy storywise. Don’t get me wrong: the plot is interesting and strong, every scene is entertaining, smart, and instantly quotable… But.
There are a few things that make the story, taken holistically, weak to a degree, especially in contrast to the other two films. Now, let me explain my bold-ass claim.
The first reason I couldn’t even pinpoint for myself until my best friend asked me: yeah, it’s all cool and fun, but what has really changed at the end of the film? They stopped the battle/blew up the bridge (kudos for the pacifist message), they killed a few folks on the way including Angel Eyes, but what did the story amount to in the end? Was their relationship changed? Have they themselves learned something about life, universe and everything? Tuco is still on the rope, Blondie still shoots the rope. They both got their money, split it 50/50. Sure, now it’s an insane amount of money but will it make them reconsider their ways of life? I don’t know, and I don’t necessarily think so. They’re really back to square one. If you consider the graphic novel The Man With No Name canon, then (spoiler) Blondie gives his money away to help rebuild the monastery of Tuco’s brother, and Tuco himself doesn’t really invest his share in anything other than booze, and sex, and troubles, so. Then, Angel Eyes got killed off, but he had even less backstory/character arc than, for instance, Captain Clinton, not to mention that his image, as memorable as it was, kind of lacked certain complexity, so, does it really matter storywise (although he is a great, stylish character, but I hope that you get what I mean)? (Note: Angel Eyes should have been the film’s ultimate personification of the war (inhumanely ruthless, only interested in money, extremely goal-oriented etc.), which, the war, kind of is the main antagonist of the film if you think about it; but the way he was used in the plot, the way he acted, and was generally presented, communicated it only in a limited way, imo).
Everything about the adventure was fun, smart, entertaining, one of the best films ever made, I agree 100%, and I rewatched it with pleasure many times. But I believe that stories have to bring about some palpable change in their world in order for them to be successful and finished. The GBU, in my opinion, doesn’t do it because it doesn’t want to be a story-story, and it’s fine with just letting its characters exist in a magic Western/a cowboy fantasy/a fairy tale. And I guess it’s also one of the reasons why the story didn’t go anywhere from the GBU – there is nothing to add to a basis like that. And I can’t help noting that it’s super ironic that the only film in the trilogy that truly seems to be all about money-money-money has no “dollars” in its title.
Another thing that I think is super important: there is almost no female energy or presence in the film. And it’s not even a matter of representation that bugs me, although I think it’s very important. It just feels like there is a deficit of something vital that renders everything even sort of unrealistic. In AFOD we have Marisol and we have Consuelo Baxter, and they’re relevant for the plot, and they have goals, motivations… lines. In FAFDM we have Mary, who has only a few brief moments, but she’s memorable, endearing, and she has a small story/motivation of her own, and we also have Mortimer’s sister, who is EXTREMELY important, and who also isn’t just symbolic, she herself makes a plot-relevant decision on screen, although a really horrible one from my personal moral standpoint. In the GBU we have what? A prostitute that’s beaten up by Angel Eyes (I never watch this scene), another woman at the hotel where Blondie stays in that is shut up and called an old hag or something like it, and another woman that makes a comment about Tuco’s hanging. None of them are memorable or have motivations on their own, and to me it makes the film lacking some really important counterpoint in terms of dynamics etc.
And nobody needs me to describe all the things that the film is awesome at because everybody knows that the film is one of the best films ever made, so painfully gorgeous that it’s difficult to praise it. So, I’ll move on to the other two films but will briefly talk about Tuco and Eli Wallach.
Eli Wallach is considered one of the best actors ever to appear on film for reason, so, I’ll just say about my personal impressions from his performance: he really made me emphasize with Tuco. His acting is incredibly rich, nuanced, concentrated, and, imo, just leaves you no choice but to think of Tuco as a real complex human being, not a film character. And Tuco is a superb character. Over the course of the story he gets to be loathsome, humane, funny, silly, terrifying, and cunning, - often all those at the same time. That’s one hell of a captivating character who’s just very, very interesting to watch and to analyze, regardless whether you like him or not.
Then, we have A Fistful of Dollars. I’m a huge fan of classic adventure stories that are gen, plot-driven, and have smart main characters figuring out a way to get what they want without being destroyed by other characters for wanting or trying to get it in the first place. I think it’s very difficult and very rewarding to write a good story in this genre. AFOD is exactly this kind of story, and this kind of stories is only as good as their protagonists’ maneuvers are. And Joe is, like, a tactical genius (the barrel! the fire!). And it’s much better to rewatch the film to remind yourself of how smart he is than have me talking about it, so.
But apart from that he is also humanized by his deeply personal motivations that appear completely irrational especially in contrast to his clever manipulations of the Baxters and the Rojos. And he doesn’t do it egotistically, to “get the girl,” which wouldn’t make him particularly sympathetic one way or another. Sure, he makes a good buck at the end, but his primary motivation still is justice for Marisol and her family (and then protection of his friend). Additionally, Joe gets his fair share of punishment for providing said justice, which further humanizes him and kind of makes you worry about him. And Silvanito with his scolding, humor, and skepticism helps with it a lot, too.
And then, there is the fact that the film wants the audience to either want to be Joe or want to be with him, sometimes both at the same time. Everybody on screen is a single Joe’s wink away from swooning because how he practically oozes charisma (only Silvanito is immune to his charms). I can’t blame them, though.
And I also want to point out the last lines of the film: Joe says that he doesn’t want to get involved into politics because that would be too much for him, and I think that it’s very fitting. The film just showed how cool he is, but he knows his limits, and he knows that he operates on a different plane.
So, all in all, it’s a masterfully done story.
Finally, we have For a Few Dollars more. I love all three films, but FAFDM is my favorite, there’s no doubt about that. I’ll start with the fact that it’s perfectly structured and perfectly balanced. We have three big players, Mortimer, Manco, and Indio, and the film shows how dangerous and how smart each of them is, so that the conflict between them ends up being very, very suspenseful. Not to mention the fact that it takes Manco and Mortimer almost 40 minutes, I think, to finally properly meet – by that time we are already speculating who will be the winner in the end, how will they react to each other, how will they interact, how will they work together etc. We get to know them quite well first, and then their relationship allows us to explore their characters even deeper through their interactions, their differences, and their similarities. For some time, storywise they become a single unit. While the story of Indio’s assault on Mortimer’s sister is revealed parallel to the plot.  
Indio himself is terrifying as hell without being cartoonish. He is a really dangerous, broken man that is also methodical, smart, and ruthless. He is so bad that he kills the opponent’s family just to make him bitter enough to draw on him. And he is so bad that he is okay with killing off his own gang.  
Speaking of which, Indio’s gang is colorful. He has interesting interactions with them at the beginning, in that church. And Klaus Kinski made his Wild stand out to me. I swear, the moment he almost cries in that saloon when Mortimer takes away his cigar, I feel bad for him every single time. And when he recognized Mortimer, it was tense. He even had a cool witty one-liner after Mortimer said that he should come to him in ten minutes to help him light that match and smoke: “In ten minutes, you’ll be smoking in hell!”
By the way, Indio’s tendency to get unnecessarily physical with his gang looks even more unnerving when he touches Manco to check his wound/shares a smoke him with some clearly visible eroticized subtext, which gets even creepier when you realize that he is a rapist. I swear, I was worried about Mortimer when I saw the film for the second time – that is even though I knew the plot – because Manco brought up that family resemblance between Mortimer and his sister, and we all know what Indio did to her.
What else? I could bring up all sorts of things, the action, the final duel, the small smart details that allow the plot to happen the way it happens (e.g. how Manco manages to hide the bag with all the money on that tree before Indio’s gang capture him and Mortimer – only to re-collect that bag at the end of the film), the humor, the street kids and all the other cool-cool secondary characters (Joseph Egger’s informer probably is my favorite), the opening sequence and the title card (oops, already rambled about this one) really, anything and everything including the perfect chemistry between Manco and Mortimer.
But I’ll just say that the music in this film is special to me. Every single composition by Ennio Morricone is special, unique, memorable, and intriguing, it’s true, and so it feels redundant and banal to say something like this. The Ecstasy of Gold is almost extraterrestrial, the main theme of Two Mules For Sister Sara imitates actual mule sounds, how genius is that, etc., and you must be dead to not be enticed and mesmerized beyond words by the main theme of the GBU, which is a hymn of all spaghetti Westerns now, a universal call for adventure (I feel like a bad person saying this, but I’ve always wanted to joke that Ennio put sexy back into the “waah-waah”… no, I regret nothing).
BUT. To me personally, the music in FAFDM is as personal as the film itself, and dare I say even more important to the story than in the GBU, despite the theme of the GBU being a kind of Greek choir throughout the film. The personalized sounds for Manco and Mortimer accentuate their personalities to the point where they almost create a reflex in you. The pocket watch chime is literally part of the story and plays a huge, crucial role in the plot! And it’s decidedly one of the saddest musical scores I’ve ever heard. It’s minimalist, mournful, and yet also nostalgically bittersweet. It feels like a reminder that there’s no going back whatever that might mean in the actuality. And the famous moment where Manco asks Mortimer whether his question was indiscreet and Mortimer says that the answer could be… I feel personally touched whenever I watch the scene. For me, it doesn’t feel like just an amazing scene, it triggers some deep emotion that is hard to express and almost gives me the urge to cry. Something along the lines of respectful and compassionate “I’m sorry that it happened to you,” “I’m sorry that I can’t help you.” The feeling of personal tragedy is conveyed infinitely better than a three-volume backstory ever could.
And then, there is this huge potential for all the stories about Manco, and Mortimer, and Blondie, and Tuco, and Angel Eyes, and even Joe to explore... Well, I better stop here.
So, yeah. It turned out to be a crazy long post, and I‘m grateful to anybody who reads it till the end. And if you haven’t watched these movies please do. Cheers.
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yvixtrae · 4 years
A Teeny Tiny Tad Bit of a Re-Write of the Bad-Boy AU I Wrote for Park Jisung About a Year Ago or Something
Oh boi—
A bad-boy AU with Jisung??
Let’s set this boi somewhere in highschool then
Because why not though lmao
Mayhaps a sophomore or junior, per say
Honestly, bad isn’t the proper word for it
I guess it’s more like… He’s a tad bit rough around the edges??
Like I dunno bro but he’s just not that bad
Mainly keeps to himself and stays really quiet
Just skips classes a lot
And sometimes skips school altogether
But like...
He just usually spends time on the rooftop or something like that instead
Somewhere peaceful to have his earbuds in and be alone to just like, vibe
Because nothing really beats listening to things like i prevail, starset, hollywood undead, and even black veil brides or all time low--unless maybe you wanna listen to things like chillstep, melodic dubstep, and electronic which is valid too
And despite listening to both, he also has spare room in his music taste for things like a fair amount of neffex and random songs from either troye sivan or older get scared songs
You might find him roaming the halls too, if he for some odd reason isn’t tucked away on the rooftop or something
Nonetheless, always has headphones in, with his music playing quietly
Never really pays attention to the school uniform dress code, so you’ll find him in something like…
Either hella casual or a bit more on the edgy side
Maybe something like a dark but faded baggy blood red zip-up hoodie or red and black flannel over some sort of band or general fandom t-shirt or something paired with plain black skinny jeans and converse
Or maybe you’ll find him in something along the lines of...
Maybe something like a slightly oversized seemingly almost pastel galaxy-colored sort of hoodie with a strip of simple black and white checkering down the sides of the sleeves paired with ripped light or dark grey skinny jeans and heeled gothic boots
No matter what though--he’s typically wearing something with long sleeves just to wear one as a sweaterpaw and roll the other one up to his elbow
Almost always has accessories of some sort like a simple and delicate choker or super pretty but dangling celestial earrings or even a bit of chaining for his jeans
Sometimes he puts on a teeny tiny bit of eye-liner on because why not
There are times where the teachers try to say something about his apparel but he just can never find it in him to care and listen
But since it’s not too big of a deal in general, he hardly ever gets in actual trouble over it
Has gotten into a few fights before due to things like standing up for the few people he associates with when they’re being picked on and whatnot 
But this is where you come in
He’s had his eye on you for a while
You’re not really someone who entirely fits what’s expected of you--at school at least
If that makes sense??
Like, you’re kinda just the artsy-fartsy day-dreamy wallflower that not many people really pay attention to and you’re always doodling/sketching or writing in your extra notebook that you take everywhere 
And you can be found most of the time listening to music through one earbud while attending class and things like that
What’s cool though is that you actually share almost the exact same music tastes as precious mochi boii
The teacher’s aren’t thrilled at your lack of undivided attention in class but like
It’s whatever since you still make insanely good grades in most of your courses
Overall though, you’re quiet too--at least when you’re in school unless you’re chilling with you friends at lunch or after school
You’re pretty smart, and generally sweet—when you aren’t riled up
Someone was picking on your friend, and you stepped in to try and get them to leave your friend alone
But as soon as the person went to lay a hand on you for intervening, Jisung was already there to take care of it
Literally came out of nowhere, but you didn’t question it
To be fair though he happened to be roaming the halls for once and saw what was going on
Anyways—from then on out
He’s just tagged alongside you and your friend through the halls in between classes
And again, you don’t question it
You just sometimes make small talk with him
Like saying how the day went for both of you
Or maybe if something new happened at home
You learn some of the little things
Like how he doesn’t like cockroaches and how his favorite colors are green and black
Your friend gets along with him just fine too
Every few days actually, you all hang out after school for a few hours or so
Y’all just kinda vibe and walk around town or something and maybe talk either a little or a lot there’s just no in between
At some point, he even starts showing up to class more often
You actually share all of your core classes
Granted, even though he shows up, he falls asleep most of the time
He just somehow still manages to keep pretty good grades though
But he particularly struggles a little bit with science
His sleeping through class doesn’t help with this
But the notes you take for him do
It would be a few months before you turn out to really develop feelings for him
His feelings were there from the start of the year before and one-sided since he just kept to himself
It’s just one day that you’re running late to school for the first time in a while
Late enough to where you’ve missed first period and only have a little over half of second period left
But to be fair you just didn’t go to bed until like 4 or 5 in the morning because you were hyperfixated on sketching a few things and actually inking and coloring them in
And thus you slept through your alarms and then had to rush with chugging your coffee and slipping into your uniform and just haul ass to school
You find yourself pacing the halls, but mainly keeping to the wing that your third period is in
But passing an empty room, you see through the cracked door that Jisung’s there
He’s there and dancing
To what?? You dunno
But you’re gonna guess it’s to something along the lines of general electronic because even though there’s no music audible to you, you see that he’s got earbuds in as per usual
You’re surprised since you’ve never seen him dance but like
Here it is now and you watch him, thinking that despite not knowing what he’s listening to, he’s really good at it nonetheless
After a solid few minutes, he stops and pulls out his earbuds, turning to the door
And he sees you
He kinda just stands there for a sec
Just kinda shocked since no one’s really like, crept up on him and was able to do so without him knowing before
But then he greets you with a small smile and a wave, moving to exit the room and walk with you to find your friend and talk as you walk in between classes
Before you make it to third period though, you casually compliment his dancing from earlier and miss how his cheeks flare red
Like, how does one handle one of their favorite people taking the time to compliment them on one of their favorite things to do?????
With a simple thanks and a blushy smile
That’s the way he does
But with turning his head to make sure you miss his blush, of course
The day continues as per usual
And so does a few months more into the school year, actually
Yes, you consider the days that he shows up to school with messy and vibrant blue hues in his hair as usual when it happens
You actually love the sight of the color on him
Because it just makes him look even cuter somehow--if that’s possible??
It’s how the habit of ruffling his hair suddenly pops up
Like, it was kind of a thing beforehand since his hair is fluffy
But now it’s even more of a thing since his hair is blue
Y’know?? lmao
It’s only towards the end of the school year that he decides to try to ask you out
Spending so much time with you, he finally had the opportunity to get to know you and like, feel as if he had great reasons to list on why he liked you so much
How you always smile whenever you see him and how it always lights up his day and makes his heart do all kinds of flips in his ribcage
How nice your voice sounds to him and how cute he thinks your laugh is
How he finds you to be both pretty and cute
Heheh--he thinks you’re “pretty cute”!! *ba-dum-tss!!*
Sorry, just had to say it like that lmao
He also thinks that you’re pretty funny at times
And that it’s super duper cool that you’re so smart and know random fun facts and have the ability to do crafts so well
All that good stuff
The list goes on though, just know that, okay?? lmao
Anyways—onwards to how this bean asks you out
It’s honestly super casual and simple
Just during a hangout after school
Walking around a nearby park
The stereotypical, “Will you go out with me??”
But what makes it so cute is that he’s struggling to even start to say it
And he stutters a bit
Literally takes him a solid minute to ask
Your friend who’s with you both is now slinking off to give you two some time alone
You’re pretty grateful for that but at the same time ready to thwack them upside the head for how they’re barely containing their laughter at Jisung’s struggle to speak
But it’s all aight when they make their way to elsewhere
As soon as the words have fell from his tongue though
You’re smiling to yourself for a few moments to just bask in the joy that sparked through your system at this, your heart just screaming for you to say yes
So you do
And you don’t think his smile’s ever been so bright
You’re shocked when he suddenly picks you up in a hug and twirls you around with an ecstatic laugh
But anyways
Dates with him are very simplistic
Random as well
Like, he’ll show up in the middle of the night and climb through your window to just chill
Just clad in something like a plain hoodie and sweatpants
Sometimes you’ll go out to eat fast food
Or maybe a small corner café to just simply vibe and chug caffeine
You sometimes watch him play games or vice-versa
Maybe you guys even chill on a rooftop and share earbuds to vibe while staring up at the sky in a verbal silence
Sweet little clichés
But you love it all
When dates end, it’s always him walking you home if you’re not already chillin’ there in your room
Always gives you a forehead kiss or something before he leaves
Honestly, even your parents have come to know him as a regular visit at your house
But they don’t mind
At least, not too much since he’s made a very good impression on them
As the relationship progresses, he’s bold enough to give you fleeting pecks in public alongside holding your hand or something along those lines
But staying in to just cuddle and look at memes has become a big thing now as well
You two take turns being big spoon lmao
He loves laying his head in his lap and how you always comb your fingers through his hair during those times
There’s also sometimes munching on mochi together, actually
Melon mochi, specifically
But also
Since he’s babie
You like to boop his nose
And sometimes bro
He just scrunches in response with a shy little smile and giggle
And it’s so precious that you almost cry lmao
He swears up and down at some point that he loves you
But to himself of course
Until one day the words spill a year later
And you return them, making him the happiest boi on the face of the planet
Oh god, he’s such a soft bean for you
Or in general, but specifically for you
Just please love and protect this baby lmao
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sweetestrequiems · 4 years
Out of a Book Headcanons
actually posting these today! i’m really happy with some of these, and feel free to add on to them once you start reading the fic.
. / -. / .--- / --- / -.-- (this is just gonna be a thing i do now and no one can stop me.) (there’s also images for every queen. or rather, who i’m basing appearances/voices off of.)
you may look under the picture for your headcanons (aka the cut!)
Tag List: @watercolored-lemonade​
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Catherine Parr (Maiya!Parr)
~She swears by coffee. It does not matter if it’s black coffee or flavored, she will drink it. ~When she’s writing for hours on end to not lose her train of thought, she puts on special blue-light filtering glasses to help reduce the strain on her eyes. ~In those moments, Cathy doesn’t really leave her room. If it’s the weekend, and Aragon is home, Aragon will bring her food inside of her room. ~She’s an insomniac, but she tries to sleep every night. If she’s unsuccessful in falling asleep, she’ll curl up in her bed with a book and have soft music on until she dozes off. ~Despite being praised for her writing, Parr doesn’t talk much about her awards. She finds humility to be a much better quality than bragging. ~Catalina is her closest friend. The two met during their university days as dorm mates, and hit it off from there. Despite the different majors, the two found common ground to bond over. ~They are literally inseparable. If Catalina goes out in public, Parr is always with her. ~On her first date with Anne, she barely talks. She’s in such awe that someone so beautiful actually asked her out on a date to begin with. (When they do start dating, Parr loves giving Anne a lot of hugs. She loves the fact her girlfriend enjoys said hugs too. She’s very soft with Anne.)
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Catalina de Aragon: (Grace!Aragon)
~Parr’s best friend. Quite literally, the two are always together at some point in the day. ~A high school teacher! She teaches Spanish, and loves all of her kids. Except for when she doesn’t, which is the one day they go rowdy and drive her insane. ~If it weren't for her being home on the weekends, Parr would probably not eat because of her hyperfixation on writing. ~Want a killer paella recipe? Ask Aragon for it. She will give it to you.  ~Aragon loves her job. She will always brag about her kids and she will praise them until the end of the time. ~She tends to come home late because of said kids, though. She tutors groups after school to help them and the woman comes home exhausted. ~Part of her will always wonder how Parr is not dead from drinking so much coffee.
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Anna of Cleves (Nicole!Cleves)
~Parr’s publicist. She helps Parr coordinate and prepare for press interviews, helps her maintain her social media image, and loads of other things. ~Cleves and Parr met through Parr’s editor, and Cleves immediately loved the positive energy Parr gave off. ~The two originally started with a strictly professional relationship, but grew to be very fond of each other and became friends. This also ended with Cleves meeting Aragon. ~When Parr is about to go on a talk show or something, Cleves always has her back. If she's nervous, you bet the woman is grabbing a cup of coffee for Parr to drink. ~SHE IS THE HYPE WOMAN PARR NEEDS. She will get Parr all pumped up and excited for something. ~Especially when Parr is about to go on her first date with Anne. She sits Parr down in front of the mirror and showers her in encouragement. Cleves will not hesitate to literally shake the nerves out of her, either. ~Aside from being her publicist, Cleves is a food blogger. She’s a home cook, and loves sharing her ideas with other people.
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Jane Seymour (Abby!Seymour)
~The very proud owner of the bakery right next door to the café Parr visits. In fact, she knows Parr because of Catalina. ~Jane and Catalina both met at a park. Catalina was having trouble walking because of her ankle and Jane offered to help her get to the nearest bench. The two sat down for a while and ended up talking, to discover she was owner of the bakery and Catalina LOVES her baking. ~Jane always has a special box for Catalina when she comes to pick up her order. That box is for Parr. Parr, however, does not know this until they meet. ~Catalina drags Parr out of the apartment for a walk and takes her to the bakery, and that’s how she meets Jane. Jane turns out to be very fond of Parr because her adopted daughter, Katherine, finds her to be a very positive influence. ~Parr will always show up once a week to the bakery to buy something. She does not care. She just wants sweets. ~When Parr came up to Jane asking for a special cookie cake for Anne, Jane was elated to be able to help. She even helped Parr give it to Anne. ~Parr was beyond grateful for Jane’s help. Jane also decided to teach Parr how to bake, just so she could surprise Anne whenever she wanted to.
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Katherine Howard (Sam!Howard)
~When Kat first meets Parr after coming home for her winter break, she almost cries. She looks up to Parr and is super happy to have someone she considers a huge influence in her life before her. ~All of her books get signed by Parr. All of them. Even the Polaroid Kat takes of them both. Jane honestly loves seeing Kat happy, and this was beyond Kat’s dreams. ~She remembers hearing Parr coming in asking Jane for help with the cookie cake. Knowing she could offer some help, she’s the one who decorates it. She helps Jane around in the bakery when she’s home just because she loves her mom. ~Kat teaches Parr how to decorate cupcakes. She also gives Parr her red velvet recipe. ~When the café starts doing open mic nights, Kat is there to sing. And everyone is there to support her. EVERYONE. This includes Anne. ~Upon finding out Parr was dating Anne, Kat almost started crying. She also looks up to Anne, because Anne is super comfortable in her body and unapologetically herself. ~And Kat swears she died the day she met Anne because of Parr. It made her little heart happy. Anne ends up stealing Maggie’s camera and giving Kat a taste of her daily life. It can go without saying that Kat was super happy to have such amazing women as influences in her life.
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Anne Boleyn (Millie!Boleyn)
~If the saying “looks can kill” were a human. Anne is the textbook definition of a femme fatale by looks. She’s a model, and the internet knows this. Look at her Instagram. She’s really fit. ~Secretly, though... she’s just a huge nerd. She loves curling up with a book on a rainy day, and she loves spending time alone. This time alone can go from books to cooking, or just sleeping. She actually doesn’t do too much on her free days. ~Her childhood best friend, Maggie, always visits. Maggie is also her photographer. Anne and Maggie always spend time together. ~She’s about as big of a fan of Parr’s books as Katherine Howard is. No questions asked. She will not hesitate to say Catherine Parr is her favorite author. ~The amount of brands that sponsor her is something she still struggles to grasp. Anne, although she likes the attention, has her days where she struggles to comprehend it. She’s eternally grateful for her blessings, but sometimes, she does ask herself if she deserves them. ~On her first date with Parr, she was super nervous. Before that, she had sat in her apartment with Maggie, trying to figure out what would be the right things to say. Hell, she was struggling with coming up with a look. The nerves and excitement got to her for a good while until Maggie managed to reel her back into reality. ~When her and Parr started dating, she was excited to get to know more of Parr’s personal life. This leads to her meeting Catalina, Anna, Kat, and Jane. The group of six women all get along, and they all go to open mic nights to support Kat.  ~In private, Anne is very cuddly, and tends to cling on to Parr when they’re together. She loves showing affection. Anne is also not afraid to give her girlfriend all of the kisses in the world. 
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Top Fave Fandoms
@akai-vampire tagged me in one of these fun little tag games. Thanks darlin! <3 <3 <3 I appreciate the thought! 
Rules:  Name your top 10 fav character from 10 different fandoms (and tag 10 people).  
Most people are putting in .gifs for each fandom... but I wrote a ... well a paragraph about my experience in each fandom instead because I am feeling some deep sort of nostalgia these days and felt like reflecting... so its all under a read more tag if you are interested in my ramblings. 
In order of my own discovery, and not importance! 
Twilight: Team Edward. don’t @ me, it was my first fandom experience and I wrote SO MUCH fanfiction before I knew it was even a thing. I published it on DeviantART thinking I was so clever, and finding fanfic dot net was WILD. My interest in that fandom was immediately crushed dead the day after Breaking Dawn was officially released and I realized I had read better fanfiction then what cannon gave me. I never even saw the movies because my interest was just gone. *shrugs* But the re-emergence of Twilight recently is giving me life. 
Teen Titans: BBRae... Then RobRae.... then RaeX.... then StarRae... then CyRae... listen.... Raven deserves all the love and attention??? Also, I was in this fandom back when the original series was being released and was in complete denial when it got canceled. And for years I was just reading fanfiction that had been completely abandoned as fanfiction authors just kinda disappeared one by one? It was like, interacting of pieces of history left behind in a void. I was still deep in the Teen Titan fandom when Teen Titans GO! Got released. So during that very very long time of zero new content, I got to re-evaluate all of my fanfiction standards and completely read most every single Teen Titan fic ever written in my thirst for more. Suddenly ships didn’t matter as much to me, I’d take anything and everything. So when Teen Titans GO! Came out, I LIKED IT AND STILL DO. I still think the years and years and years of being in the Teen Titans fandom and being pretty damn isolated from social interaction kinda ruined me for fandoms that are still alive. Social fandom interaction??? hahahahaha, whats that??? 
Akagami no Shirayukihime: Obiyuki... this was a complete accident and I only fell into this fandom because my fave Teen Titans fandom author was writing for it, and I was reading the fanfiction without ever seeing the show, and like, kinda loved these characters a TON??? Oh no??? Real talk, I read most of the fanfiction published by the fandom before ever actually watching the actual tv show or reading the actual manga. But the fanfiction was so good and so engaging and I was learning all about these characters through this mystery game of putting all the parts together by all the different authors??? I loved learning about these characters through the people who love them the most, and it was magical. But then that became my dirty dark secret as I was suddenly welcomed into one of the most kindest and generous online communities I have ever met??? I have nothing but absolute love for the Obiyuki fandom and family. I had never experienced that kind of community before and looking back on it I still don’t think it was real, stuff like that you can only dream of sometimes. I sat down and actually read that manga and Fiona sat with me so that I watched the tv series so that I could properly engage with them because I liked the people so much. And when life hit me square in the face and I had a complete mental breakdown in grad school, and socializing with people online would give me complete anxiety attacks... and I had to step away from it. But I still mourn loosing that, and I keep trying every so often to see if I can interact again but I fear some chapters just close, and I hold the time I had with it, and the memories from then very lovingly. I will finish those fanfictions though. Even though I have no idea what has happen in the manga anymore I want to at least finish those stories like what they deserve. 
Miraculous Ladybug: Love Square. Sooo much love square. All the love square. Only the softest, gentlest, most innocent fluff to cope with the world and all my anxieties, and this stupid show gave me all of that. Plus, there was so much fanfiction to choose from that I was actually able to use tags and warnings to be able to navigate finding things that were safe and not feeling like my options were limited? It was so good to me. I also had never actually watched this show, and was only reading fanfiction of it for... honestly a full year. And when I did actually watch the first 2 seasons... I still didn’t watch the new episodes when they got released, because I much prefer watching the fandom loose their collective mind and getting to play the mystery game of what the hell happened in the show according to the little spoilers and the things people were screaming about. It was fun spectating, and putting it all together. Then reading the fix-it fanfiction and being like “whoa wait, hold up CANON DID WHAT???” ... Honestly I am pretty certain I still haven’t seen at least 10 episodes. But I know everything that happened now! Have I mentioned that I have an insane amount of anxiety of actually watching tv shows on my own? I must have company or else it will never happen. Shout out to Fiona for sitting down and watching Ladybug episodes with me while I screamed into a pillow. And for the record, I did start writing a fanfiction for this one. But I learned my lesson and decided not to post anything until it was finished so I didn’t have to live with the guilt of yet another unfinished story to my name. It was a little mermaid AU, and Adrien is the mermaid princess obviously, while Marinette is a badass pirate. It was fun to outline and write like, 3 chapters but i doubt I will ever actually finish it. 
Greek Mythology: Hades/Persephone. Yoooo this is my current thing. I am living for the walking contradiction of the powerful stern Lord of the Underworld falling for a little tiny goddess of Spring... and then finding out the little tiny ray of sunshine is really a complete force of nature to be reckoned with and he just crowned her Queen of the Dead. Beautiful. Poetry. *chefs kiss*  Also. I DON”T HAVE TO WATCH ANYTHING. AND ALSO. ITS AN ANCIENT STORY SO LIKE, NO SPOILERS TO NAVIGATE. lol. But honestly this is just a re-awakening of little middle school Becca who was obsessed with the Odyssey and was learning how to throw pottery so that she could actually date her pots, to help out the archaeologists in the future. (honest to god, that one of my main motivations as a little 6th grader making her first pots on wheel) And she was making these super shitty small greek pots and giving them to her English teacher because her English teacher loved the Odessey too. And then Greece had a complete economic collapse and crushed all of baby-Becca’s dreams to get to travel to Greece and see the greek pottery. And she delt with that heartbreak by pretending it didn’t matter and went and found other cool pottery to fall in love with instead. But now its back with a vengeance and once again Becca’s plans to go to Greece got destroyed by yet another economic collapse but this one is just Pandemic style. I am going to get to Greece so help me gods.  And yes, I have written fanficiton for this one too, and its honestly like, pretty fleshed out and written down heavily in my notes. I just have to like, type it all out and polish it. But, we will see. I am not allowed to have nice things until I finish the stories that are already posted. :[ 
Hadestown: Hades and Persephone, love that made the world go round. This gets its own bullet because its a different category because its a Musical even if its also a Greek Myth. And talk about reading all the fanfiction before seeing the source material. But isn’t that the case with most Broadway musicals? LOL. But its okay, I actually went and SAW the musical for this one, and once again, Fiona joined me. I’m starting to wonder if my Fiona is just my fandom anxiety buddy. Also shout out to the Rona for canceling my plans to see it again, not once, but twice now. (I have to go back because I didn’t get to see Amber Gray perform the first time, and hello I am obsessed with Persephone she is my favorite and I really really really just need to hear Amber growl in person okay???) I do have nightmares that she has left the show for good and I will never see her perform Persephone. Like legitimately have had that nightmare multiple times this week. I am just recently trying to navigate the Hadestown fandom on tumblr and still fumbling around with that. No fanfiction for this one yet, but I am making fan-pottery so like. That counts. 
Aaaaand you only get 6 fandoms because these are the only 6 that truly matter. Anything else I have been interested in has only been a passing fancy and never one of the true hyperfixations. Also if you got this far and actually read everything, well done, I am impressed. Thanks for taking interest in my ramblings.  <3 
If I am tagging you its cause I want to play the game, don’t feel pressured if you don’t want to play. <3
@bookloverfio @ruleofexception @wingsofgossamer @claudeng80 @puns-are-funs65 @ourladyoftheundcrground @peachdoxie 
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