#There are worse things in the world
sanguistra · 3 months
being a man is so expensive...
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
I love Raph and haven’t said that enough so to be more specific I love that Raph is a soft boy who loves bear plushies, a gross boy who eats an assortment of things that are definitely better left alone, a smart boy who is more than capable of taking down villains through planning and fortitude alike, a strong boy who is dedicated to training his muscles and fighting prowess, a teenage boy who loves his brothers but is more than happy to tease and roughhouse with them, an angry boy who sometimes lets his anger take a hold of him to cover the fear, a gentle boy who is generous with hugs and affirmations to those he loves, a capable boy who takes on more than should ever be expected of a teenager, a good boy who just wants to be a hero and slowly comes to realize the cost of that duty, a good boy who has no reservations about putting himself in the way of harm coming to his family, a good boy who’s a great brother and son and person and deserves only the best the world has to offer.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt raph#rise raph#he’s so wonderful frfr#my poor boy is traumatized but still so proud of what they accomplished because they’re HEROES#what started as something fun - Saturday morning cartoon-like heroes vs villains esque - soon becomes his calling#and he loses himself a little along the way#because the world is TERRIFYING now#if they don’t do something about the bad things in the world then worse things will come#and Raph CARES too much to let it happen#even at the expense of his own happiness and youth#and he luckily reigns back that fear - knowing his family is there to keep an eye out with him#and he finally lets himself be a kid again#he’s very well rounded and his flaws are so good because (like the others) they are ALSO his strengths#I like how it’s softly implied that bears are his fav animal too bc that’s cute af#headcanon that he likes them so much because a stuffed bear was the first toy splinter managed to get Raph#but yeah one of my favorite things about tmnt is that the characters are well rounded and rottmnt exemplifies that immensely#with raph being no exception!!#amazing big brother and character#there’s a REASON in my tmnt main character tierlist he’s S tier!!!!#hot take but in terms of who should be leader I think it should be less who’s the better leader-#-and more who’s the better leader FOR THIS SPECIFIC MISSION#bc all four can be great leaders fight me on that#APRIL can as well 100%#doesn’t need a designated leader for them to succeed#they just need ~communication~#one of my favorite things tying Raph and Leo together is that they both *hide*#I’ve talked about Leo’s many masks a lot but Raph has one too#and it’s the mask of a hero - the mask of the protector
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the-force-awakens · 4 months
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Still not used to this life or death situation stuff. That's good, 'cause I'm not either. You never get used to it.
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From now on every time i want to apologise for existing i will look at a picture of Crowley and think "he would not care for it"
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
the way some of y'all speak so condescendingly to & about vegans & vegetarians or just people trying to recycle or do a little better for the world is sick actually. sorry corporations are the real problem & everything is hopeless but I'm a receptionist lmao I won't fix that in my lifetime but I can minimize the animal products I buy & recyle & try not to buy aersol products & be nice to people. sorry the idea of doing the bare minimum infuriates some of u guys to ur cores but like. get fucked
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mispatchedgreens · 2 months
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oh, to be an absolute ten while a repressed belligerent asshole administers to you the kiss of life
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kelocitta · 1 year
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Deeply obsessed with this orange lizard i saw whos entire bodymass was localized in its head
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aethersflood · 5 months
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Just don't say I didn't warn you. You're Cid now, and if anything happens to him, we're finished.
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hazel2468 · 10 months
Something that I need people to understand, especially on this hellsite. Is that oppression does not depend on who you actually are.
It depends on how the world sees you.
If the world sees you as X identity. They will treat you as X identity, whether you are or not. If the world sees that you are not X identity, but they can use the oppression of X identity as a cudgel to make you act the way they want you to? They will use it.
Oppression is NOT dependent on who you actually are. It depends on how the world sees you. It depends on how people see you and what they decide to put on you because of that.
Oh. And when someone experiences a form of oppression that is NOT based in the reality of who they are? It's still that kind of oppression. It's not "misdirected"- it is still that kind of oppression being leveraged to maintain the current social climate.
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canisalbus · 4 months
sorry im emotonal and going off of the other asks sent about machete and just i need to stress how beautiful it is to me that machete sees himself so undeserving of love and affection and feeling as if vasco's too good for him but despite all that he is so incredibly devoted to vasco and loving towards him (in his own way) but is so incredibly clear to anyone with eyes that just how in love he is with vasco. like it's not done out of a "oh god please never realize that you're too good for me here here let me overdo it with the affection" its done with the "i love you, and will always love you, no matter what happens to us or separates us, and i will give it to you as long as i am able, and if you ever leave, i won't be okay, but will still love you, and want you happy". like he doesn't use his own feelings of being undeserving taint his love or the way he loves for vasco, and it's so, so beautiful
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jujoobedoodling · 3 months
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Phantom of the Opera Spire anyone? Jaina is once again the nerdy skeptic just can't let the ghost rumours go. She finds more than she bargained for - namely, a hot and broody elf named Sylvanas Windrunner.
inspired by this femslash february prompt list
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batcavescolony · 4 months
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Shut up she's doing her best and sometimes your best hurts.
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prismagirlart · 7 months
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waiting for the doctor to get here sure hope he doesn’t diagnose me with terminal christianity
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mysterycitrus · 9 days
whenever i think about the constant slog of world-changing, massive events that writers keep pumping into detective comics comics i think about miyazaki and his mastery of portraying ma in his films — breathing space amidst action and movement. nothing feels important if everything is important. there are no stakes when the world is ending every other week. those quiet moments between tragedy and loss — trainsurfing, eating lunch together, sitting quietly on page while the world isn’t on fire — feel smaller and smaller each year. let moments pause long enough to mean something
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ickypuppi3 · 2 months
only child steve who never learnt to share, being so extra and possessive when it comes to things that are his. steve getting real weird about billy hopping off his case all of a sudden and hanging around with other people. steve pushing back, getting on billy’s case ‘cause- that’s his, that attention is his, billy is his
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demonicchicken1121 · 7 months
since he doesn’t have a digestive system and can’t really eat, I think Michael would take it upon himself to try every gum in existence. Like the gum chewing was bad before he got scooped, but afterwards it reached a whole new level. He misses the familiarity and humanity of eating, so he chews gum instead. He has tried the weirdest, most vile sounding gum anyone could think of. He’s tried every flavor of every brand. Henry, Jeremy, and his other friends don’t mind because despite how much gum mike buys every month still costs less than groceries.
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