thecoolkidsbasement · 4 years
WIP Wednesday (Saturday)
Another tag from the ever lovely @hellektr0 which I am hilariously late for, but figured better late than never in any case! Since the WIP I posted of Lover’s Lament seemed to go well on my last post here, I thought I’d post another little fun tidbit from the same chapter :3c Enjoy under the cut! :D a bit spoiler-y I guess but hopefully not too much LOL ~Faerie, signing out (and I, as always, tag anyone and everyone who’d like to partake in the fun challenge!! please tag me if you do so I can read whatever you’ve written!)
Emptying his pockets of the spoils of one standard vault vending machine’s entire stock of snack cakes—save for one, to bring to Winona immediately—Butch’s jacket was next, left shucked off his shoulders to drape over the back of the dining table chair he claimed to be his. Boots were pried off with the help of the opposing foot, and the Tunnel Snake finally made his impatient entrance into Winona’s back bedroom, following the idle flutter of her humming. It wasn’t accompanied, as it usually was, by the racket of her tinkering (read as, hammering) loudly away on her latest project, like expected. Peering around the doorway to her workbench in the corner, Butch was immediately rooted to the spot by the visage which graced him.
Winona sat perched on a stool, a leg threaded lazily through the foot ring with her hips drawn back on the seat, causing a delicious curve to her bare back as her forearms held her weight on the edge of her work station counter, wearing the bottom half of a tattered jumpsuit with that God damn halter top that was going to be the death of him one day. Her hair fell in rebellious alabaster curls over her shoulder despite her best efforts to keep it contained under a printed kerchief, and a hand came to thoughtlessly brush them away, a blackened eraser pinned between graphite-smudged fingers, so they went spilling down her bare back instead in twisting tendrils.
She continued with her sketching on a huge furl of graph paper, and he watched her, quite silent and nearly admiring, until she took notice of his presence in the doorway with the lifting of her gaze. The moment her eyes caught his, his heart thrummed in response—but it wasn’t until she smiled, honest and tender like she was genuinely happy to see him—did it stop dead in his chest, like it was holding its breath in anticipation of something.
Or maybe that was all just him, because he felt a sharp breath leave him in that second before he remembered to breathe.
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thecoolkidsbasement · 5 years
I have a question for Amata and Winona: what's your favorite thing about the other? How much has it changed over the years?
Winona: My favorite thing about Amata?
Amata, snickering playfully: I bet it’s a long list.
Winona, smirking back in challenge: Anyway, my favorite thing about Amata--... well, there’s a lot. I love how brave she is, how she won’t take no for an answer. She’s independent, a forward thinker, and I like how she’s the one person who will always just ‘get it done’. She doesn’t rely on anyone else.
Amata, blushing through a sheepish grin: God, stooop, I change my mind, this is really embarrassing!
Winona: Hey, don’t leave me hanging! C’mon, tell me what you like about me. Cater to my ego, I deserve it for putting up with you!
Amata, laughing: Alright, fine, but you asked for it! My ultimate favorite thing about Winona is tied into her creativity and her diplomacy. She’s constantly coming up with new ideas and inventions--and I admire how nothing seems to rattle her. She just takes a deep breath, says ‘I got this’, and moves on. As for how our friendship’s changed--... it’s hard to put into words. It’s... mature? I guess?
Winona, nodding: Yeah, yeah, I get what you mean.
Amata: I’m seriously glad you didn’t say your favorite thing about me was my vocabulary.
Winona, grinning through a laugh: The maturity thing, though? Yeah, our friendship’s matured with us. When we were kids there was trust and loyalty and whatever, but trust back then is keeping each other’s secrets. Now, it’s--... it’s something else. She could tell me the craziest, most unbelievable thing and I wouldn’t doubt her for a second. Our support of each other has become more mindful and honest, too. Like, when you’re young you think supporting a friend is positive and non-questioning even if you disagree with their decisions, of if they’re self-destructive.
Amata: That’s exactly what I meant, trying to put it into words. It doesn’t register to you that support of a friend might also mean having to stop them from themselves. Having to tell them “hey that’s not a good idea”. As we’ve grown we’ve realized that support sometimes means that you have to tell the other person the hard truth, that you have to shine a light on the bad and that it’s never with malicious intent. You only ever want to see the other person grow. It’s also really hard to be away from each other, sometimes. She’s seriously like my other half, I don’t know what I’d do without her.
Winona, an arm around Amata’s waist and her head on her shoulder: My inventions probably would’ve killed me half a dozen times if you weren’t around.
Amata, laughing gleefully in a returning embrace: You’re the crazed inventor and I’m the one with the fire extinguisher, that’s how this friendship works! (thanks for the question, doll, and I hope you enjoy the long read! <3)
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thecoolkidsbasement · 6 years
heya sport
been a while, hasn’t it? *whistles* like, two months, and gosh golly heck fuck me silly I’m so sorry
(sorry I’ll cut back on the swearing) ((maybe))
Anywho, I’m coming back from the dead to let ya’ll know that a new chapter of Inventor’s Absolution will be posted! T-minus now! The reason why it took me so long was because I had l i t e r a l l y a million ideas that I wanted to put in it, and I had to weed out the scrap and make some tough decisions on what really needed to be there, and what really didn’t need to be there. Then I dragged my feet on the ending because I didn’t know how to end it, and lemme tell you, ho boy, that was another million ideas that I had to sift through to get this 22-page bad boy wrapped up.
Sorry lost my temporal form for a sec there.
Hope to see you guys there, and I hope you enjoy the latest installment before I disappear for another 2000 thousand years (wot) kthxbai
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thecoolkidsbasement · 6 years
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Another awesome dedication to Inventor’s Absolution and aaAAAH MAH GAD I really love it <3 <3 <3 photomanipulation made by the so sweet @tothecommonwealthandbeyond, with the models being the handsome Johnny Depp as Butch DeLoria and a gorgeous Instagram model by the UN “melvnin” as Winona Parker! Thank you again for the gift, I love it so much!!! Constantly humbled by my readers and I can’t thank them enough for the birthday wishes, haha! ~Faerie
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thecoolkidsbasement · 6 years
OC Biographies
They’re finally here! I finally got around to posting them! *tears of joy roll down my face* I am victorious! *side eyes all the other biographies I haven’t done yet* ...We’ll just ignore those. But seriously! If you’re on my blog, check the “Meet the Kids” side link under the header and you’ll be taken to a list of most of my OCs; and from there you’ll see that the names of my OCs from Inventor’s Absolution are now linked to their biographies! I’m hoping that this’ll start up some conversations, or open up questions, about my bbys. FAIR WARNING THAT SOME OF THEM HAVE SPOILERS FOR THE STORY SO BROWSE WITH CAUTION MKAY? MMMKAY. Thanks for reading! c:
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thecoolkidsbasement · 6 years
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Sumner’s Message
Those were Sumner's orders, hidden behind the cramped bathroom's mirror where it was scored into the old, craggy paint for whenever Glasgow regained consciousness. He never was taught how to read, and so knew only very few basic words like doctor, food, and free, and so Sumner—as their squad leader—always had to relay information to him in his own secret code of quick drawn pictures if he wasn't around to directly deliver his orders.
A bulls eye target; shoot to kill.
A head with x'd out eyes; high casualties tolerated.
A hollow triangle with a skull in the middle; danger near, use caution.
A light bulb, which was Winona's call sign, followed by a question mark; target missing. (stock photo found through google, edit and markings done by myself, quote is from Inventor’s Absolution - Chapter 36 - Custom of the Wasteland (P4))
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thecoolkidsbasement · 6 years
Sumner: So if Glasgow has 40 boxes of Abraxo--
Harriet: Wait--why does Glas’ have that much Abraxo???
Glasgow, suspiciously dumping 40 boxes of Abraxo into a trashcan full of lighter fluid: MIND ‘YO FUCKEN’ BUSINESS, ZHANG
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thecoolkidsbasement · 6 years
Milestone! (03/23/18)
INCOMING TRANSMISSION: TENPENNY TOWER PERSONAL TERMINAL USER: Whiz_Kid ...Commencing Audio Log... ”For anyone who receives this message, I’ve got my hands on some--... interesting information from a frequency of unknown origin. It details some kind of important landmark involving a text called Inventor’s Absolution, and how it’s reached 200,000 words. The creator of this radio frequency seems to be expressing immense gratitude for those who’ve read whatever this story is... I’ve never heard of it myself, but apparently it’s a big deal. Big enough that it’s hit all corners of the Capital and it’s jamming up most other radio stations with it’s call. If anyone has more information on this mysterious radio frequency, send yourself to Tenpenny Tower and ask for Winona Parker. I repeat; go to Tenpenny Tower and ask for Winona Parker. She knows what to do.” ...Ending Audio Log...
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thecoolkidsbasement · 6 years
Chat us up!
About to post the newest chapter of Inventor’s Absolution! Chapter 32 - The Writing on the Wall, another Butch DeLoria centered chapter, to be exact. The chapter will feature an important update so please read it, lovelies~! Otherwise, don’t be afraid to chat me, or any one of the kids here on the blog; you can find a full list of who you can talk to under the “Meet the Kids” link under the header c: you can even ask those burning questions about Inventor’s Absolution (or any other one of my fanfics) if you so choose! Just make sure you address firstly who you’re meaning to talk to so I can wrangle them to the terminal LOL Or, if you’d prefer to talk to just me, go ahead and shoot me a message. I’m friendly I promise ;A;
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