#The worst part of these is when I try to talk and I physically cannot even get a sound out
dbphantom · 2 years
Man you know I'm fucking stressed when I start having sleep paralysis episodes again lmao
#Cruddy rambles#This time I saw a big ol demon kitty lounging on the chair in my room and heard someone banging on my bedroom door and turning the knob#The worst part of these is when I try to talk and I physically cannot even get a sound out#I always wondered. What it sounded like to other people#Because to me in the half asleep state I am screaming with a closed mouth and all that's coming out is like. Those whisper yells.#But I imagine it's making next to no noise at all. Which sucks bc like. I'd at least LIKE help if it were possible#Not that I want to just start screaming randomly in the middle of the night. But being able to call 4 help would be nice.#Sigh...#Anyway. Yeah. That was a great experience 10/10 do not recommend#It's funny how I had 1 (one) sleep paralysis experience at college. And now that I'm home I'm having them on the reg again#Funny how that works. I'm sure it's unrelated.#They're not even that scary bc Im half asleep for them. they're just panic inducing bc they're loud and I can't move and I hate it#SO loud. It's always lots of banging. One time I heard my Grammy laughing from that same chair while something huge and with many limbs#Banged all across my closet doors from every direction. Fuckin rude#I've also only ever had 1 physical hallucination and it was the college one#A demon walked into my dorm room while my friends slept in the common room (initially I thought it was one of them coming in to wake me up)#And walked over to the side of the bed and stood there and stared at me until it started shaking the bed violently and laughing#And I just kinda rolled over and fell back asleep despite the shaking and laughing bc like. What u gonna do#I have to emphasize that you're barely conscious during these which is why ur brain hallucinates in the first place#So literally ur only action is to force yourself to wake up but deal with the horrors (like I did tonight) or just. Fall back asleep#Which is my usual option but I couldn't fall back asleep bc I'm hungry#I'm gonna go tho. I'm tired af and I wanna try to sleep some more b4 I have to get up today#I just came here to calm down bc talking calms me down and well. I can post here without bothering anyone with dumb messages.#So I'm go back to sleep now#Goog nite
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floppydiskettess · 1 year
featuring - sage, killjoy, cypher, yoru, sova, gekko, viper
a/n : cyphers part contains a lot of angst and alcohol talk. i couldnt let it ALL be fluff 😋
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✮~ Sage ~✮
literally the sweetest ever, but this doesn't need to be said
if its a minor injury, she will definitely be giving you a talk about being safer and how to prevent that from happening
"but what if it was something more serious? something even I couldn't heal? you must be more careful angel."
if her s/o was harmed badly, she would do two things.
one, she would immedietely drop everything and rush towards healing you, this woman will stay up all night trying to heal you and make sure that there is not so much as a scratch left on your body. she would definitely overwork herself but making sure you are alright is all that matters.
two, the second you are stable and resting, she is going to find out whichever enemy agent hurt you and fuck. them. up.
im talking full battle sage, she will have no mercy if the injury they caused was threatening enough.
she may excude sweet and kind energy but she is one scary lady when the people she loves are harmed
she knows exactly how damaged a body must be for it to be unfixable.
"I'm so sorry I couldn't be there my dear, but they won't be hurting you again."
she will be watching you carefully, even asking brimstone to take you off of missions for a short time or asking him to keep an eye on you.
she doesn't know what she would do if she lost you..
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☻︎~ Killjoy ~︎︎☹︎
she blames herself, how could she not? she designed most of the stuff...it must be a error in her inventions.
she will work night and day trying to figure out what happened. was it a weapon error? did the gun she designed for you malfunction? oh no was she to blame for anyone elses injuries?!
it would take a lot of reassurance for her to calm down. after all, this wouldn't have happened if she had been more careful...right?
"Mein gott...you scared me. I thought I lost you schatzi..."
she is going to be by your side after sage discharges you from her infirmary. expect lots of physical affection (if your comfortable with it.) and care.
she will treat you as if you were glass about to break. you will not be doing any chores while you recover.
oh you need to work on a mission report? its already finished and submitted. you are hungry? she would cook a lovely meal her parents would make her when she was sick. (with the help of some other agents...shes probaly not a great cook lets be honest..)
"KJ...Sage gave me the all clear! I can do it!"
" Nein nein! You are going to rest mein Häschen! I don't want you straining yourself!"
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♖~ Cypher ~♖
if you get injured, be it minor or major. this man will WORRY.
he already lost everything, he cannot lose you either. if he did...he would have nothing.
when sage showed up at his door covered in blood and bruises. he knew something went wrong.
you told him you were going on a small mission. just an in and out radianite extraction at an abandoned lab. he had no reason to worry...right?
when he heard what had happened, he was devastated. what was supposed to be a quick mission turned out to be a setup. what makes it worse? you were alone at your site.
he will be thinking the worst. what if you...? if he had only done a more detailed check on the lab...maybe he could have protected you. but he didn't. he feels like he failed.
you spend weeks in the recovery bay, lying unconcious.
he spends those weeks without you in his lab drinking the memories away and trying to figure out what happened.
he just cannot function with the thought of losing you at the back of his mind at all times.
he knows he was caught when viper appears at his doorway with a concerned glare and a solemn looking sage in tow. he can't remember most of it, but viper was worried? about him?
soon he was also transported to sages infirmary. getting put on nutrients and oxygen. it was obvious he was not taking care of himself without your presence
when you wake up, he would be right there cradling your cheek with his hand. his mask nowhere in sight. all that matters was that you were safe now
"يا حياتي..i was so scared i lost you"
he will never forget his past, but he looks forward to his future with you.
can you tell i like cypher guys :)
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☁︎~ Yoru ~☁︎
do not even get me started on this man
he would be extremely angry.
but is it at you, the others, or maybe himself?"
upon hearing the news, he would immediately check on you. seeing your unconcious body just makes something in him snap. the thought that someone had done this to you...he plants a soft kiss to your temple, before storming out of the infirmary.
for the next few days, he would lash out at everyone around him. sage came around to bring him some food as he had not left his room and he just...lost it.
he wasn't even sure who he was yelling at, who he was blaming for what happened. poor sage looked petrified and the others seemed to gather the idea yoru didn't want to be talked too right now.
with no word from anybody about your condition, he lay down on his bed and cried numbly. every night he would teleport into where sage had kept you to heal. he would sit in silence staring at your asleep face before always kissing your forehead goodbye. in hopes that somehow, you would wake up.
he went to your room and grabbed some sweaters of yours, every night he slept with them for comfort, clinging onto them as if they were going to leave him too.
when you wake up, he won't care about keeping his mysterious "badass" persona up. he will be at your side holding your hand and crying.
"please be more careful 私の日光...i don't know what i would do if i lost you."
when sage discharges you, he will be glued to you. he will simple little things for you (such as opening doors for you.)
his love language is definitely acts of service
if you teased him about this though, he will never admit to it.
he will be doing simple things such as cooking meals, cleaning up, and helping you finish any work you have
he is so domestic
he may not be super outwardly affectionate, but with each small favour he does for you he is putting all of his love into it.
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𖦹~ Sova ~𖦹
sova is literally the most caring boyfriend...like ever..
if its a minor injury, he will treat it (if sage and skye are off on a mission).
he will definitely lightly scold you, not to be mean! just because he hates seeing you hurt and in pain.
"ангел. please be more careful next time..you know i hate seeing you upset."
if it was a major injury though, he is relatively the same.
he isn't scared to cry infront of the others, when he gets the news that your mission went south he was crying into sages shoulder.
he would stay with you the entire recovery. sage had to keep kicking him out at nighttime but eventually she realized she couldn't stop him. she simply would bring meals for him whenever he would forget to eat.
he would sit and tell you about his day, how the missions were going, even the silly schenanigans that the younger agents were pulling
"yoru tried to get revenge on phoenix for his prank but it went so bad ангел. he entered his rift and jumped out to scare him, but reyna happened to have just been passing by! she was absolutely livid родная. i have never seen our dear riftwalker so terrified!" he chuckled
when you woke up, he was still there lightly snoring against the chair sage had brought him.
when he woke up, he was thrilled, his eyes immediately lighting up like a childs
"have you been sitting here the whole time?"
"of course my dear. as if i would leave you."
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߷~ Gekko ~߷
as the newest agent, he hasn't known you for very long. your relationship was coming up to a few months old but he hadn't told you how much he loved you yet.
so naturally, when he heard you were injured he was terrified
he knew this job was dangerous! he just never thought it would be you getting injured...he also never really thought of anyone getting badly injured
he was training with harbour when he overheard a mission going wrong...a mission you were on.
he would rush to the infirmary overloading sage with questions about you
"Sage!! Finally...que pasó?? Neon told me something happened on the mission?!"
Appariently, you had gotten caught in a fight with the enemy Breach and he hit you with his aftershock.
He didn't know much about Breach, but he knew that man had quite a bit of strength in his abilities (being like...bionic you know?"
After some skillful and strategic convincing (pathetic and annoying begging) Sage agreed to take him to see you.
When he caught sight of you lying in the bed staring up at the ceiling, he let out a big sigh he didn't even know he was holding.
"Mi sol! Oh mierda I was so worried! What happened?"
He would be sitting patiently listening to you explain what happened. All while staring at you softly.
"Shooottt...sounds like you had a busy mission! I am just happy you made it back cariño."
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☠︎︎~ Viper ~ ☠︎︎
if you were minorly injured, it was probably from tinkering with her poison vials and one leaked onto your fingers
after hearing your grunt in pain, she turns around and her eyes widen, rushing towards you.
"Idiot, I said not to touch anything!"
she swears under her breath before wiping it away and rubbing some sort of cream onto your hand
"Honestly..who would touch something containing poison WITHOUT protection?"
her biggest fear? her poison causing you harm.
so what if a mission were to go wrong and you happened to step into a bubble of her poison?
it was a genuine wrong place wrong time situation. she had a poison bubble deployed and sitting on the ground, as she activated it she looked up to see your frame walking overtop of it.
she shouts to get you to move, but you don't hear her in time. next thing she knows, you are on the ground out cold with green and purple lines all over your face.
she quickly would call for backup, holding you tight but trying to avoid the chemical burns.
when she is back to safety, she rushes to sage's infirmary with your barely warm body in her arms
unfortunately, the poison had seeped into some open wounds you had. causing it to spread throught your body. viper leaves sage alone to do her job, pacing back and forth outside.
she knew how strong her poison could be, but she also knew how strong your body was. you would survive. you had too.
after a few hours, a tired sage walks out and nods, signaling it went well.
viper rushed into the room and immediately looked at your sleeping face, wincing at the fading bloodshot lines on your face.
"i'm so sorry love..please wake up soon"
she would wait by your side holding your hand and occasionally planting soft kisses to the back of your hand.
she knew you would be ok, but she couldn't help but feel bad that her miscommunication and carelessness caused this to happen to you.
when you wake up, she would be whispering soft apologies into your ear
"i promise...you will never feel this pain again my dear."
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a/n : holy shit guys!!!! this took a while!! i spent a good 4 hours writing all this JDJSBSJSKSKSN its probably cringe im sorry
but yeah! i tried my best to write this with a gender neutral reader in mind but in some of these its definitely a bit more fem reader leaning! also i do not speak any of the languages spoken in this so if i made a mistake or used something wrong PLEASE let me know so I can fix it!!!
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bangtanficsforyou · 10 months
Vérités Cachées (JJK)
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader.
Summary: You try to make an escape from a beast, that you happen to have encountered while on a vacation with your boyfriend.
Genre: fluff, mild angst, smut.
Word count: 8K (it was supposed to be a 1K drabble)
Warnings: steamy stuff, or^l (f receiving), ti^^y sucking, fing^^^ng p in v s^x, mild d^^ty talk if it counts, s^x out in the wild (against a tree to be very specific) (p.s: it feels so awkward writing it with all the '^' but idk man apparently Tumblr flags it or something otherwise? And I have seen other writers do the same, so yeah)
Based on this request.
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Faster. Just a little bit faster. 
The leaves scrunch underneath your feet as you try to work them as fast as you possibly can. 
You have lost track of how long you have been running. All you know is that your knees feel weak and they are this close to giving out. 
But you cannot stop. 
"Y/N, stop."
No matter what you do Y/N, do not stop. 
Your lungs beg you to take a break and let them have their share of oxygen. Your throat runs dry and the saliva you have been gulping a little too frequently is just not enough anymore. These things should have been enough of a sign for you to realise that even if you willfully don't give up, your body will. 
And that is exactly what happens the very next moment. 
You feel a sharp pain in your left leg. The muscles cramp in protest and make it impossible for you to keep your pace up. You falter and somehow limp to lean against a tree for support. 
Your mind goes to lactic acid and how lack of oxygen can have your muscles doing anaerobic breakdown. Geez, you should have gone to the gym and have been a little more familiar with physical exercises. Maybe then your body wouldn't have burnt out this easily. 
You try to move your legs and examine the damage. The good thing is the cramp doesn't seem severe, the discomfort should be gone soon. The bad news is, for the recovery to be fast, you need to take deep breaths and relax for the lactic acid to be washed from your system.
All these calculative thoughts are brought to a stop when you hear footsteps approaching. Shit. 
You bend down and take hold of a piece of rock, the only thing available that can be used as a weapon. 
"Y/N," a breathy voice reaches your ears and a figure soon comes into sight. 
The figure happens to be of someone you know very well. Jungkook's. Your boyfriend.
Which is the absolute worst part. 
The man comes closer to you with his eyes locked on yours and you notice the fury in them.
A shiver runs down your spine and you raise the stone in a threatening manner. "You come one step closer and I'll hit you with this."
The man doesn't react in any manner. Almost as if the words don't register, as if he's in a world of his own. 
He doesn't stop walking towards you which makes you hold the piece of rock firmly, ready to aim. However, he suddenly is a little too close to you and with one flick of his hand, he manages to throw your so-called weapon to the ground, leaving you defenceless. 
You don't even try to hide how terrified you feel like this, all weaponless against something you don't even properly know what it is. 
You're about to plead for your life when he speaks. 
"Are you okay?" 
The voice. Even the voice is an exact replica of Jungkook's. Whatever this man is, he sure as hell is dangerous if he can imitate a person this flawlessly. Lord knows what other tricks he has up his sleeves. 
You don't answer his question for you know he could possibly not have any interest in your well-being. 
"What are you? Why are you chasing me?" 
Something about your shaky voice has a visible effect on him and he puts a little distance between the two of you. It's enough for you to release the breath you were holding but you also don't miss how he keeps a close eye on your movements for any time you try to escape. 
"I–I am Jungkook," the man speaks and despite the stutter in his words, he speaks with confidence. 
You manage a weak scoff. "As if I'd ever believe that. Do you think I didn't see? You think you can fool me?"
"What did you see?" His senses go full-on alert.
"I know–" you look away from the man in fear when the scene replays in your mind, "–I know you are no ordinary human. You're a beast."
You don't know what happens next, for there's a pause. A pause, that is long enough for you to hope that he's gone. You would have liked to check if your assumptions were right had you not been this scared to open your eyes. 
However, you do not have to keep guessing for much longer, for moments later there's a hand being placed under your chin, which slowly and gently guides you to turn your head towards the man.
"Open your eyes."
Initially, you don't oblige. You keep your eyes tightly shut. But as the silence lingers and the hand under your chin refuses to leave, you open your left eye to take a peek. 
All you see is the man looking at you with the same intense gaze, something burning bright behind those orbs that intimidates you to no end. Aside from that, you also deduce that he's not in the mood of giving up. He seemingly wants to talk to you or worse, wants to do something to you and is willing to wait for it. 
You think it's rather wise to cooperate with him while he's still calm and patient. Maybe that way, you'll be able to fool him and while given the chance, make an escape. That way you will also buy yourself time for your muscles to relax and recover.
You slowly open your eyes, apprehensive of what he might do next. 
He only repeats his previous statement. "I need you to believe me when I say, I'm Jungkook. The same Jungkook you have known for so long."
You know you shouldn't argue with him. You're in no position to take the risk of igniting a fire you know you'll not be able to put off. But despite your logical reasoning, you feel deeply irked with this man's audacity to claim he's Jungkook. Just how dare he? 
Against, your better judgement, all thoughts of cooperating with the man are forgotten.
"I do not believe you for a second." 
"I don't blame you for it. But I need you to give me the time to explain myself," he speaks in the same calm, confident tone. "Stop panicking, I won't cause you any harm–"
"What are you?" You interrupt him, mid-sentence, knowing you need to have some idea of what he is for you to consider his words of not harming you, seriously. 
For the first time, he looks away, "I'm a werewolf." 
Werewolf. So now you know, what this man is. 
You search your brain for all the information that you have ever come across about werewolves. How dangerous are they? Do they eat human flesh? Do they murder people? 
The more you come up with questions and their respective answers, you realise that none of these answers are reliable for all you know about werewolves are solely based on fictional books or movies. There's no guarantee that anything these movies and books portray is anything barely similar to the way a real werewolf is.
How can it be anything close to the real thing, when werewolves were supposed to be completely fictional? Heck, you wouldn't have believed it had you not seen it yourself. 
You sigh when you realise despite now having the crucial information about him, you literally know nothing. You are still as vulnerable as you were before. 
"Can I speak now?" 
You look at him and reply with a nod. You may not know how reliable his promise of safety is but as long he's talking, you're safe.
"I don't mean to cause you any harm, I'd never. I understand why you're so scared but let me...let me just explain."
You nod again, urging him to speak. 
"Some werewolves, like me, live among humans considering that there isn't much forest left in these areas and if we were to move to rural places, it would cause a problem for the werewolves living there. It also increases the chances of gaining unnecessary attention.
I have always lived quietly and never interacted with humans unless necessary. But I had to join the company because apparently there was a documentary on werewolves being made which had footage of real werewolves. A few of us were assigned the job to stop the documentary from being made available to the public."
As a journalist, if there's one thing you have learned over the years, it's the ability to tell when a person is lying. And somehow according to your analysis, he isn't. 
However, you shoot that thought down telling yourself he's not a human. He's a werewolf, lord knows what they can do. You're used to interacting with people who lie, not with supernatural beings. 
"If I had to get a hold of the files and clips, I had to interact with people. I had to get friendly with them and had to get as much information as I could. Which is how I started talking to you."
The mention catches your attention. 
"I was not supposed to fall for you but I did. I did not realise that at some point I had started talking to you not in order to get information out but because I genuinely wanted to. I looked forward to meeting you, talking to you and spending time with you. I fell for you when I was not supposed to.
Falling was a different thing but dating was a whole other story. I simply, simply did not know how to tell you the truth. When we started dating, I was far too deep. I wanted to call you mine and take you places but at the same time, there was this guilt gnawing at me for hiding my true nature from you. 
However, when you said that you were in love with me, that was the day that I decided I would do whatever it takes to protect us. Even if it means not telling you the truth." 
The man stops, probably done with what he had to say. However, you find his words extremely suspicious. How can you not? The man you have known and loved for a whole year, suddenly turns out to be a werewolf? As if you wouldn't have caught it sooner had it been the case. 
You try to move your leg a little to check the condition of your cramp but you make sure that your movements are subtle so that it doesn't catch his attention. You find a bit of relief when you realise that the majority of the pain has subsided.
"Let's say what you're saying is true, how come I have never caught you before?" 
"We werewolves do not shift that much. Irrespective of what TVs and films may have made you believe, we do not turn into a wolf against our wishes on a full moon night. If we do change into a wolf, it's only when we want and choose to do so."
You furrow your brows. "You mean you chose to turn into a wolf today? It wasn't an accident?"
He nods. "I booked a vacation in the middle of a forest because it is comforting for the wolf in me to be here. I wanted to just turn into a wolf and go around for a stroll. Never did I think you'd end up seeing me in the middle of a transformation."
You look away when you realise he's done answering. You need to come up with another question, something, anything to keep him occup–
"You do not believe me." 
His words catch you by surprise and you gulp in fear. You cannot let him know that you're not playing whatever game he's playing, who knows it might just make him lose his cool. You can't have that. It's better to play dumb. 
"That's not true, I am just trying to piece the puzzle together."
The man scoffs with a small chuckle. "You think I can't tell when you lie? I've known you for a long enough time to be able to do that." 
Oh shit. 
"I understand that you're in total disbelief. As if learning werewolves exist wasn't enough, you also learnt your... boyfriend is one. That can't be easy." 
You still do not believe his words but nod nevertheless. 
He gently puts your hands in his and his thumb fiddles with the promise ring that Jungkook had given you. 
That's weird. Jungkook used to do that whenever he was nervous and needed to calm down. 
No, no, no. Just because he is fiddling with your promise ring doesn't mean he's Jungkook. He can't be. 
You withdraw your hand from his and look at him with a determination that you didn't have before, a little annoyed with yourself for considering the possibility that this man might just be Jungkook. "I do not know who you are and what you want from me but I know one thing and that is, you're not Jungkook." 
"What can I do to make you believe me?" 
You shake your head vigorously. "You cannot be Jungkook. My Jungkook is gentle, sweet, and caring. You seemed so scary, my Jungkook is not like that." 
"Please look at me," after your withdrawal from him, he does not choose to make you look at him. He realises that irrespective of how gentle he might have been, you may still be uncomfortable with it. Thankfully, you do look at him even if it's after, what seemed to be a moment of contemplation. "I am so sorry that you had to find out this way. But I promise despite my appearance as a wolf, I am still the same Jungkook you know. There's nothing that you don't know about me."
Something about his eyes makes it impossible for you to look away. Maybe it's just the strong emotion that shines through his orbs but for the first time, you notice that his eyes aren't filled with fury. 
Out of both curiosity and anxiety, you keep your eyes fixed on his' to understand what exactly is it he's feeling. 
A few moments later, you still keep looking. Not because you can't figure out the emotion being reflected in his orbs but rather because you can and you think it simply cannot be so. You must be seeing it wrong. Because what you see is......fear. A lot of fear. He's terrified. 
But that can't be it. Why would a werewolf who's been filled with fury, suddenly be so scared? Unless...unless, he wasn't furious in the first place and it was your fight or flight mode that had made it look like he was furious. 
Does that mean he has been terrified from the very beginning? 
"What...what do you want from me?" Your question comes from a place of confusion. So far you had been under the assumption that this man wants to harm you. But if that were the case, why is he so scared? Things aren't adding up! 
"I just want you to realise that I'm Jungkook." 
His words play on repeat in your mind. That's the only thing he's been claiming since the beginning, that he is Jungkook. 
"Why would Jungk–No, Jungkook would have told me if he was a werewolf. He would have never kept it hidden." 
"Maybe Jungkook was too scared that he'd lose you and you'd stop seeing him with love. That the love and adoration you have for him will turn into fear."
He looks like his whole world is falling apart and he's barely holding on. 
Fear. This is the source of his fear. This is exactly what he's been so terrified of.
You frown in a state of confusion that turns out to be painful for you. Could this man really be Jungkook? Is Jungkook, him? Are they the same person? 
"Would it be so bad if Jungkook were to be a werewolf?" The question is asked softly, a little too softly for your liking and your head spins as it only confuses you even further for you once again, entertain the possibility.
Jungkook. Your sweet, cute, bunny-eyed Jungkook whom you love so much, is a werewolf? It's absurd because you still can't make peace with the fact that werewolves are real. But if it is the Jungkook you know and have grown to love, would it matter? You don't think so. But it's not a question of whether Jungkook is a werewolf. Right now, it's a question about whether this man, who's a werewolf, is Jungkook. 
You calmly go through everything he has said so far. Him, joining the company because he had to stop a documentary from being released, which could threaten the truth about werewolves being released to the common public. You recall how he was when he joined, he was distant, and his conversations looked forced as if he was doing it because he doesn't have any other choice. Or the way he was a little too curious about the itsy bitsy details, that no one else paid mind to. Even the time you had found him going through a series of tapes from the office room. Could it all be because he was trying to gather information about the documentary? Could he be saying the truth?  
"What happened to the documentary then, did you get a hold of it?" 
The man shakes his head. "As it turns out, no such documentary existed in the first place. It was just a rumour which had gotten out of hand." 
You immediately shoot him with another question. "Why then, are you still working in our company?" 
He chews on the inside of his cheeks, contemplating if you'd even believe his answer. "Because of you." 
Something entirely unexpected happens. Your heart skips a beat. In the midst of all the confusion and fear, your traitor heart skips a beat! 
You immediately scold yourself for it. What if he's lying to you? What if he's not actually Jungkook?
But, the way he's looking at you....it's the same way Jungkook looks at you. How can it feel like Jungkook if he's not Jungkook? This man could be lying and pulling stories out of his ass but his eyes? What do they say about eyes being the window to the soul? If so, why does it remind you of Jungkook so much? 
You shut your eyes close tightly and ask him a question as your last resort. "Tell me something only Jungkook would know."
It doesn't even take him a second and words come pouring out of his mouth. "You like your noodles a little less boiled because that's the way your mom cooked them. You like it when it rains because the weather comforts you. You enjoy it when I play with your hair because you find it soothing. You haven't talked to your brother for months after that fight even though you really want to. You have a little scar on your thighs from the time–"
"You're Jungkook," you whisper to yourself, finding your walls crumbling and your guard lowering. There's no way anyone except Jungkook would know these things. 
Jungkook is hit with a tremendous wave of relief which you do not miss. His body visibly reacts as if a huge bag of stone has been lifted off his shoulders.
"I am Jungkook," he whispers back, repeating your words to confirm what you have just said. As if he cannot believe that he has managed to make you trust him. "I am sorry you had to find out this way,"
"You really are a werewolf? You always have been a werewolf? Every time we have talked, you were a werewolf?" 
Your set of questions causes Jungkook to get nervous again and he takes a step back. Now feeling sure that you won't try to run away from him, he only manages a weak nod as an answer to all of your questions.  
"Wow," your mouth forms an 'o' as you let all of it sink in. Jungkook is a werewolf. Your Jungkook is a werewolf. "I wish you had told me sooner."
"I was so scared I'd lose you," he mutters, his voice wavering, all the confidence and firmness he was showing before, now gone. It's only now that your previous thoughts are confirmed that he's been this scared from the very beginning and you realise his confidence was merely a facade to calm you down. "You being scared of me is an absolute nightmare." 
You don't speak for a moment. Now that you feel like you aren't in danger, you take a few seconds to observe him. He is nervous, that much is obvious. But it's the little details about him that call for your attention. You know how he avoids eye contact when he feels small, you know how he runs his tongue against the inside of his cheek when he feels annoyed with himself and you know how he craves to have some part of his body to be in touch with yours because it grounds him. His clenched fists are a sign enough, that he wants to hold onto you, but is resorting with every fibre of his being.
Looking at him now, you wonder how you had not noticed these things before. How you could, even for a moment, think that he was not Jungkook. It's him, everything about him is Jungkook. 
He is Jungkook. Your Jungkook. 
You take a step towards him, to reduce the distance he had put between the two of you. 
"I think the fact that you're a werewolf hasn't quite sunk in, a part of me still is in disbelief," you place your palms against his cheeks and hold his face gently. "But something in my heart tells me you're my Jungkook and that's all that matters. Werewolf, vampire, human, I don't care."
Jungkook closes his eyes and releases a shaky exhale. "Can I hug you?"
You wrap your arms around him and let your head rest against his chest. The sound of his heartbeat washes away any remaining doubts or anxiety you might have had as you relax in his warmth that is so familiar. 
Jungkook goes completely limp in your hold as he too wraps his arms around you and pulls you in tightly. He lets go of all the tension in his body and the both of you stand there in the middle of a forest embracing each other. 
You would have liked to stay like that a little longer but a sniffle from Jungkook makes you break the embrace. You look at him to find his eyes misty. Jungkook saves you from asking the reason behind his watery eyes, as he himself tells you. 
"I thought you wouldn't believe me and that you'd find me disgusting and unappealing," he confesses. "I didn't know what to do to make you see that I'm the same Jungkook. The way you were scared, scared me." 
You run your fingers through his hair, knowing it has a soothing effect on him as well. "When I saw you transforming, I was scared but it was because I never even imagined that it was you. I thought it was some scary supernatural being that wanted to harm me."
"And you're not disgusted to know that I am, in a way, partially a wolf?" 
The way his voice sounds so small and unsure pulls at your heartstrings and urges you to comfort him. Placing a soft peck of reassurance, you smile against his lips. "Nah, you're still my cute little baby."
Jungkook looks surprised as he looks at you with wide eyes, not having expected that action from you. You giggle seeing his expression. He's your cute little baby, indeed.
His expression turns into that of shyness and a blush appears on his cheeks. "Could you do that again?" 
You laugh and the very next moment kiss him again. Your lips mould against his as you kiss him gently, silently apologising for scaring him like that. You kiss him with passion in hopes that it eases his anxiety and makes him feel reassured that you still love him the same. 
Jungkook kisses you with a softness that is desperate and needy at the same time. He needs it to fully relax into the fact that you're here, right in front of him and that you haven't left him. He needs to let it sink that you're kissing him with the same amount of love that you always have, that him being a werewolf, doesn't come in the way of your love. 
However, when he feels that reassurance hit him, he pulls you impossibly closer and his kissing starts getting harder. It holds the same amount of desperation, as before but this time Jungkook holds onto you tightly as if he's scared to ever let go of you, again. He feels like he needs to apologise to you, needs to love you better than he did before and most importantly needs to express how incredibly grateful he is for you sticking with him.
He could literally worship you right now. 
A brief fleeting thought occurs in his mind as to what were to happen if he were to get down on his knees and make you scream his name in the middle of this forest? 
That thought is a tell-tale sign that he should pull away, because with each passing second that your lips remain on his', the thought becomes a little less fleeting. 
With a groan that has your heartbeat accelerating, Jungkook pulls away and smiles at you. "We should head back." 
Your breathing had just started to get faster, your chest had just started to heave and the wave of excitement that makes goosebumps rise all over your skin, had just started to take over. The prospect of having Jungkook in a way where he doesn't have to hide himself makes you curious and crave that intimacy.
"We could head back a little later, we have time until it gets dark," you suggest lightly with a shrug. 
Jungkook looks confused at your suggestion. "What do you want to do staying here?"
"I don't know, maybe we could kiss a little more," you suggest with a shy smile on your face. 
"While that does sound nice, I do not think it's a good idea." 
"Why not?"
"Because I might get greedy and end up wanting to do unspeakable things to you," Jungkook reasons, trying to be the voice of logic.
 "Who says I do not want to do that already?" 
There are a million questions in Jungkook's mind. Would you be okay with it, when you were so scared moments ago? Would you be comfortable with it? Would you regret it later?
You get on your tiptoes and press a small kiss on his cheek, having noticed the concern on his face. "I want you, trust me."
"Are you sure?"
You nod with a reassuring smile.
The glint that takes over his eyes, makes a shiver run down your spine. It's a look you have seen plenty of times, one that you're extremely familiar with.
However, you sense he's still hesitant. Taking a step closer, you make the first move and kiss him hard. Starting it slow be damned, you want him to know the desire you hold for him. 
Anything that might have been holding Jungkook back, disappears. He holds you by your waist and pulls you closer. Groaning into your mouth, he bites into your lower lip before capturing it passionately between his lips to soothe any sting the action might have caused. 
Your desire increases and you gently prod his lips with your tongue, eagerly waiting for him to let you in. As soon as he does, you could not be more delighted, something which is made extremely obvious by how excitedly your tongue greets Jungkook's. 
There's no battle of dominance. Rather, both of your tongues entangle together as if dancing to their favourite song.
Your body starts to feel hot and you keep feeling the need to have him closer. When you part your mouth from his, it's not because you've run out of air, it's because you need to feel more of him. 
An emotion which Jungkook replicates. 
"You'd need support," his breathy voice reaches your ears. 
"That's what the tree is for," you reply in a tone that's quite similar to that of his. 
"The surface is rough, it'd scratch your back," he reminds you of the consequences of having your back against the tree trunk when you'll be naked later.
"Well you could always offer me your blazer," you counter, with a sultry smile. 
Having been caught in the middle of turning into a wolf, he had to stop right away. Unfortunately, the fur doesn't disappear immediately. At that point in time, his main priority was not scaring you any further. Hence, Jungkook had grabbed the nearest thing he could find, to put on. Anything that could cover the fur until it disappears. Which so happened to be the black blazer he's now wearing.  
The image that comes to his mind as a result of your words, is one which makes him come to the conclusion that the thoughtless choice of the blazer, is one of the best decisions he has ever made. After you, of course. But if he has to put the blazer to good use, he needs to get you naked first. 
Kissing your neck with newfound vigour, he holds you firmly against himself as his hands start to wander behind your back to find the zipper that serves as the key to get you out of this dress.
Having found it, he wastes no time dragging the chain down and sliding your dress halfway down your shoulders. 
You whimper when the cold air hits your skin, taking you by surprise. He kisses, nibbles and leaves his mark on the newly exposed skin and curses to himself when he realises that you're not wearing a bra. The new discovery entices him to slide the dress even lower so that he can get his mouth on your soft supple breasts. 
His entire mouth dries up when your nipples are revealed and he realises how hard they have been all this while, as if just as eager to get sucked as he is to suck them. Wasting no time he puts your left breast in his mouth while playing with the right one with his other hand. 
"Fuck," you throw your head back at the new sensation and grab a hold of his hair. It's when he sucks a little harshly, that you look at him with eyes filled with pleasure. You notice the deep frown on his face while he plays with your tits and it does something unspeakable to you, it makes you want to skip everything and just have him inside you.
He gives equal amounts of attention to the other breast and then when he feels satisfied with the work of art he's left, he decides it is time to wander lower. 
He slides the dress off further, now exposing your stomach. His palm gently runs across the area and he leaves light kisses on his wake. The sensation makes you sigh for how in contrast they are with his previous demonstrations, which were rather rough and desperate. While these touches are soft and sensual, with a hint of teasing to them. 
Finally sliding the dress all the way down, he looks at you with anticipation in his eyes, "Step out of it." 
You oblige and step out of the dress that now pools around at your feet.  
"The underwear too," Jungkook asks, dying to see you naked. 
You smile a little at his words, understanding that he's getting impatient and you thrive in the thrill of what's to come. You hook your fingers around the band of your underwear and tug it down, getting rid of it. 
Jungkook's pupils dilate seeing every inch of your skin exposed to his eyes.
He experienced the most vulnerable part of him getting exposed and it made him want to crawl inside a hole and never come out. Anything was better than you being scared of him, being disgusted with him or feeling betrayed by him. But here you are, willingly standing naked, right in the middle of a dense forest with eyes filled with want for him. 
The wolf in him feels a deep fire ignite at the sight of you not shying away even though theoretically, anyone could step in at any moment and see the both of you in this compromising position. It assures him that you're not ashamed of him. It makes the beast in him feel accepted. 
Although he would like to have you naked like this a little longer, he reminds himself that he needs to put the blazer on you, for you'd need support for the sinful things he wishes to do to you and truth be told, he cannot hold himself back any longer. 
Removing the piece of garment, he drapes it on you. Taking a few steps back he curses when he takes in the full view of you in nothing but just a black blazer. His blazer. 
You're a tad bit disappointed when Jungkook closes the distance, for you were enjoying the sight of his glistening chest but your disappointment is gone when you realise this allows you to run your hands all over his body. 
You and Jungkook feel each other like you both are starved of touch and as if it's the air you need to survive. It's also while Jungkook feels every inch of your skin that he slowly and gradually, corners you against the tree, finally having you the way he wants to. 
He litters kisses in a straight line from your neck to your navel and then gets down on his knees. The new position has his face right in front of your sex.
"Please do something," you plead, shivering when his exhale hits your core. 
He merely hums, enjoying the sweet smell of your arousal that hits his senses. Using the tip of his thumbs, he gently parts your folds for your wetness to be revealed. "You smell so sweet, sweetheart." 
"Do you want me to have a taste?" He continues, now locking eyes with you. A soft whimper from you is all he needs to put his mouth on your nether region. 
He doesn't start gently, oh no, he straight away starts drinking all you have to offer as if he's been thirsty for ages. His tongue runs messily all over your insides, sometimes messaging your hole, other times stimulating the bundle of nerves that have you wildly arching your body with pleasure. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you chant repeatedly, the forest being the only audience of your sinful words. As much as you'd like to drag it out and take it slow, you don't think you'd be able to hold yourself from orgasming any longer. It feels like it's only been a minute since Jungkook started eating you out and you're already about to fall over the edge. But can you really be blamed when Jungkook has gone completely wild with his tongue down there? "Shit, I'm about to come."
Jungkook slows down. 
His tongue all of a sudden, turns gentle, languidly cleaning up your arousal but somehow still holding the same amount of passion as before. 
You're not complaining but the switch of pace has you craving more, because you oh so desperately, need to cum. "I need to cum, Jungkook."
"Not yet, sweetheart, I need your cunt on my mouth for a little longer," he whispers, his words which practically vibrate against your folds. 
The words are on the tip of your tongue as to how he could have just started slow and gradually built the pace, rather than snatching away your high right when you were about to hit it. However, you keep the words to yourself when you realise just how much Jungkook is enjoying softly lapping at your essence as if it's his favourite treat. It also doesn't take your body long to forget the stolen high and to start enjoying the slow pace. This time instead of wild loud moans, soft gasps and broken whimpers leave your lips. 
You know Jungkook is teasing you, he likes doing that. He likes giving you pleasure in a way, which with time gets a little too much and which has you begging for relief of any sort. It's not like you cannot cum like this, you can. After all, Jungkook is a little too good with his mouth but if you let go this way, the pleasure will be one that will hit you in the form of gentle waves. However, what you crave is a wave that hits you at once like a tsunami. 
Hence, you beg. "Don't be gentle. Make me cum. Hard."
Your words are desperate, a plea to Jungkook for you will lose your mind if he doesn't let you have your relief. And that's all Jungkook wanted, for you to beg in a helpless voice. Feeling satisfied, he sucks on your clit harshly. To add to your pleasure he inserts two fingers and pumps them in and out at a slow pace until you get adjusted. Once you seem to have no difficulty with his fingers, he starts a ruthless pace, one which has you seeing stars. 
While he fingers you with one hand, his other shimmies up and slides underneath the blazer to play with your tits. He squeezes your tits to his heart's content and pinches your nipples until your eyes roll back. 
Your head thrashes wildly and you grab a fistful of his hair. "Fuck, you feel so good."
Jungkook has a bit of a dirty mouth. One which you clearly enjoy. And there's so much he wishes to say right now. He wants to tell you how sweet your cunt tastes, how tightly it's clamped around his fingers and what a sight you're from down here. But he cannot afford to not have his mouth on you, while you cum. That'd be such a waste. And if he were to go by the way your hole clenches around his fingers like a fucking vice, you're close. It only motivates him to increase his pace. 
That paired with the stimulation he provides on your clit and your tits, has your whole body heating up and the very next moment it all explodes. You cry out loudly, and your grip on his hair tightens even more as the wave hits you like a tsunami, making you lose all control over your senses. All you feel is the overwhelming pleasure that consumes you.
Jungkook smiles against your cunt at the way you fall apart, thinking to himself, you for sure would have lost your balance had it not been for the tree you lean against.
He helps you ride your high and once you seem to have caught your breath, he places a few more kitten-like kisses before getting up on his feet. 
You feel weak but you cannot not kiss him with everything that you have got in you. A hum of satisfaction escapes your lips when you're greeted with your essence and it urges you to have a taste of him.
Your hands find their way to his belt and you attempt to unbuckle it. Jungkook chuckles against your mouth, noticing how your hurried actions, instead of getting the job done quickly, lead to you messily fumbling with the belt. Taking matters into his own hands, he stops kissing you for a brief moment to get rid of the belt himself. 
"Fuck, thank you," that's all you say before roughly tugging his trousers down.
Your mouth practically salivates at the sight of his hard length that begs to be free from the confinement of his boxers. The dark wet patch against the piece of clothing serves as an invitation for you.
Thankfully, you do not have to put your patience to the test to get rid of his boxers. It's done swiftly without much struggle causing his length to spring out. You immediately have your hands on him. Collecting the precum from the tip, you rub it all over his length. 
Jungkook groans right next to your ears, his breathing accelerates the more you run your hands on his cock. "Yes, baby, just like that."
You feel his tip leak more beads of precum and it adds to your desire of having a taste of him. "I need to have you in my mouth."
Jungkook stops you before you can get down on your knees. His lust-filled eyes, spark with a shred of amusement. "You will hurt your knees, baby."
It's only then that you are reminded of the fact that you're in a forest and that you indeed will end up hurting your knees if you were to get down on them on the forest floor. 
"Then fuck me," you say with a gruff, a tad bit annoyed that you cannot have what you want, at this very moment.
"That I will," Jungkook chuckles darkly. Saying so, he presses his length against your folds. "Do you know how wet your pussy is?"
"Why don't you do something about it?" You mewl softly, enticing him to just fuck you rough and hard. 
"Oh don't worry, darling, you won't be able to walk after this," he promises.
It isn't just his words that affect you, it's also the way he's looking at you. You have noticed there's something more carnal about him today and if you're not wrong it has everything to do with him not having to hide anymore. It's him expressing his need without having to hold anything back, now that he knows he's accepted and loved wholly. 
"I'd like that very much." The sultry, seductive tone is intentional for you know that Jungkook plans on teasing you. But you cannot wait any further. You need to have him inside you now and you only wish you can make him as impatient as you. However, Jungkook seems to have understood what you're trying to do. It's not to say that your tactic doesn't work, it does. He starts rubbing himself against you faster but he's not willing to give in, just yet. 
You make another attempt by pinching his nipples. In the various occasions that you've been intimate with Jungkook, you've learnt that those two buds are perhaps the most sensitive spot for him.
It's once again proved right when he lets out a low growl and the next thing you know he's pushing his cock inside you. "You couldn't wait a bit longer, could you?" 
"When it comes to you, I do have a habit of becoming impatient," your voice comes out hoarse, the pleasure from having his length inside you clouding your senses. You just feel so full. 
Jungkook hums in approval and once you give him the green signal, he builds up a slow and steady pace. 
"Fuck baby, your cunt is so tight," the words are whispered against your neck, as you feel Jungkook gradually set up a brutal speed. 
You tug on his hair harshly to get a grip on reality as your vision starts to blur. You whimper, wail, scream and cry his name repeatedly, all of which fuels Jungkook to go faster and deeper. 
He notices the lightheaded look in your eyes and swiftly hooks his arms around your thighs to lift you. You instinctively wrap your legs around his waist and secure your position. 
The effects of your previous orgasm hasn't completely faded yet and from this angle, his dick hits the golden spot which makes your high approach faster than you had anticipated. 
"Jungkook, I'm gonna cum," the words are broken and breathless. 
The new information earns a few slow determined thrusts from him, before he speeds up again. His forehead touches yours and you feel the sweat that has built up on his skin. You notice the way he is so focused on your pleasure, on every moan that escapes your lips and every expression on your face. 
It all gets to the point where you can't hold yourself back anymore. Throwing your head back, you reach another high and hold to any part of Jungkook that you can to hold onto your sanity. 
"Baby your pussy just got so tight," he speaks in a hushed voice, the fucked out look in your eyes and the essence that he feels on his cock, as an after-effect of your orgasm, now making him chase his high.
"Cum inside me, please," you say in a weak voice, your cunt still convulsing. 
"You know I'm a werewolf right?" He queries, with a dark look in his eyes. Receiving a nod from you, he speaks again, "Do you know what that makes you?"
"My mate."
That's the only warning you get before he's pounding into you like his life depends on it. The sound of skin slapping makes you dizzy and you feel so desperate to feel him spill inside you. Thankfully, it takes a few more thrusts before he paints your insides with ropes of thick cum. 
You both stay in that position, foreheads resting against each other as you breathe heavily, feeling totally spent. 
"That was something," you mumble when you seem to have regained enough energy to speak.
"That was intense," Jungkook agrees, removing the strands of hair that had fallen on your face.
"I enjoyed it though," you smile up at him, finding it kind of silly how you ended up getting railed against a tree from running for your life. 
As he slowly feels himself coming down from his high, he feels the disbelief resurface again. Did he just fuck you after you found out he's a werewolf? And you just let him and confessed to enjoying it? And are you still here looking up at him with those bright eyes? 
"You're unreal," he sighs, closing his eyes and inhaling your sweet scent. 
"You're the one who's a werewolf and you are telling me, I am unreal?" Your brows quirk up as you tease him.
"I–It's just unbelievable that you're still here–"
"So a good round of fucking wasn't enough for you to believe that I'm here?" Your words earn a small chuckle from him which soon turns into a warm smile when you place a kiss on his jaw. "There's never gonna be a good enough reason for me to stop loving you, Jungkook."
"I promise I'll never hide anything from you again," his nose gently rubs against yours.
"I hope you don't ever feel the need to," you hum. "But for now, you need to do me a favour and carry me on your back."
"Told you, you won't be able to walk after," he winks, with a proud look. 
"That and the fact that I got a cramp due to all that running."
His worry is immediate. "You got a cramp? Why didn't you tell me? Shit, did I hurt you while having sex?"
"Nope, it didn't cause much trouble," you shake your head to ease him. It's the truth, the cramp doesn't seem to have had much of an affect. It's only when you try to stretch you legs, that it causes the slightest of sting. 
"Let's head back, I'll massage the area for you, that should help," he comments as he quickly starts collecting the clothes that you two have dropped on the ground without a care. 
Once he has his trousers back in place and has collected everything that is needed, he asks you to hold the clothes. Then swiftly, in the blink of an eye, he is picking you up in bridal style. A surprised gasp escapes your lips but it soon turns into giggles when you realise that Jungkook's upper half is still unclothed and you get exclusive access to it on your way back. 
"Walk slow, take as much time you need," you quip, your hands slowly and dramatically inching closer to his chest. 
He rolls his eyes, pretending to be done with your silly behaviour when in reality, it's one of the things that he so dearly loves about you. 
He knows you tend to get sleepy after sex and the only reason you're being this talkative and playful, when your body is probably trying to doze off, is because you want him to be at ease. You know him a little too well and know that in your silence, he will probably overthink again. Its not just your words and touchy hands but it's also this unspoken thoughtful gesture, that makes Jungkook finally relax and let go of the notion that you'll regret or change your views about him.
Oh, how dearly he loves you. 
Bless whoever had started the rumour about the documentary. Had it not been for them, he would not have you in his arms right now, making him feel like the luckiest man alive.
Gosh, he cannot wait to spend the rest of his life with you.
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tlou-reid · 1 year
visitor's list ✰ spencer reid
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warnings ✰ angst, cursing, prison spencer
summary ✰ when spencer goes to prison, his visitor's list seems to be missing a name
notes ✰ idk if i like this but it's an idea i had since i first saw s12 lol i hope u like it!
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you don't know if anything has ever hurt as much as this. you've had emily prentiss tell you bad news before, this was definitely not the first. but, damn, this was the worst. every word felt like a gunshot right into your heart.
"spencer was found in mexico."
"we are still trying to figure out how and why he ended up there."
"he was, thankfully, extradited back to the united states due to a complication in the case."
"we are still figuring everything out but for now he's here and he is safe."
okay, that part felt good. knowing he was safe was comforting, a little. but, that feeling did not last long. emily had that look on her face. her sad eyes with a soft tilt of her head. she was hiding something. "emily, what else?"
well, she was actually hiding a lot from you. she was hiding that there was drugs involved. she was hiding that reid was on said drugs. she was hiding that he decided not to take a plea deal and was going to have to remain in jail. she was hiding that the fbi would not be helping him at all. she was hiding that he is not in protective custody. she was hiding that you were not on his visitors list.
"we're still figuring everything out, there's a lot of details i don't know and even more i cannot tell you," she takes a sigh, "he has been allowed to have visitors, garcia is going to the first-"
"why not me?" you interrupted with a furrow of your brain. you were spencer's lover. spencer's person. spencer's other half. sure, you did not go out in the field with him. sure, you weren't equipped to handle the legal side, but you knew spencer. physically, mentally and emotionally; you knew spencer. he needed you. he needed you more than someone to talk about what he is missing on the field. he needed comfort, stability, love. all of these things only you could provide for him.
"y/n," emily says, her eyes even sadder, "there are some," she takes a breathe, letting the statement hang in the air for a couple seconds, "complications".
"what kind of complications?" your voice is harsher than you intend for it to be. the tears that have been welling up in your eyes since she knocked on your door are threatening to fall. your whole body is tense as you rush out each inquisitive statement.
"y/n, you cannot see spencer." her tone was more authoritative, but her look, that fucking stare, that was full of pity. full of sadness. god, you hated it.
"what the fuck do you mean?" you rush out, tears finally falling. they had changed their composition. the tears that had welled up in your eyes were full of sadness, full of fear. but the ones that hit your cheek were full of anger, full of distrust. of course you could see spencer, he's yours. he's more yours than any of the bau agents, that's one thing you were sure of.
"spencer, he uh, he had to create his list. the list of people who could go visit him while he is in prison. your name was never put on it."
bang. bang. bang. bang. bang. bang. bang.
emily tried to break the news gently, she did not want you to be hurt and she did not want to be the one hurting you. but there was no way to prevent it. your knees started to wobble and your hands started to shake. your breathing became ragged. this was a new feeling, one you'd never experienced before. you felt sad, angry, distrustful, resentful, jealous. you felt so many things.
emily reached out to put a gentle hand on your shoulder but you dodged it. "he chose not to let me see him." you declared, not leaving any room for emily to reply. emily prentiss is a smart woman, one who rarely doesn't know what to say or do. but she was speechless. she hurt for you. she was sad for you.
"i need to go," you stepped away from her, closing the door and walking into your house. she didn't come in when you invited her and now you knew why. she had nothing but bad news for you.
your tears were flowing freely. you didn't know what to do, so you sunk to the middle of the living room floor, trying to find comfort within yourself. what did this mean for you? what did this mean for spencer? what did this mean for your relationship? here you were, laying in the middle of your shared living room, surrounded by his books, the art he liked, the blanket jj's mom made for him. and yet, he was behind bars not even acknowledging your feelings, your hurt, your uncertainity. upon this realization, the tears turned into sobs, echoing through your home that now felt so empty.
but you were so wrong. so so so wrong. every single thought that wracked his brain was you. from the time he had enough clarity in his brain to think after coming down off of the drugs, you were on his mind. he had written his list with your name at the top, before recalling all of the things he'd been told.
"You just gotta learn how to survive"
"But if you keep this up, keep thinking the normal rules apply in here, then I cannot help you"
"They're gonna beat you again. Might even kill you"
the first time he removed your name from the list, it was selfish. he was struggling in here already, how would he get by if they knew he had a beautiful, loving, kind woman coming into to see him? being happy he was alive? feeling protective over him? loving him? sure, he knew he was a good person, and he knew he was probably the smartest person in here, but he felt so weak. he felt exposed, vulnerable. he did not want them to use the one thing in the world that made him feel those things in a safe, positive way, and run with it. so, for the first time, he removed your name from the list. he was being selfish, he knew that. but he also knew he needed to survive. otherwise, he wouldn't get to come home to you. so, going a few months, just until his team proved his innocence, without you seemed like the best course of action.
once he got over those fears, he decided he'd need to see you eventually. he missed you. he missed your smile. he missed talking to you. and so, he put your name back on the list. he might've even smiled as he went to turn it in, thinking about the day he got to see you.
and then he pictured you. your radiant smile and bubbly energy, walking into such a dark, desolate place. he looked at himself in the mirror, and he imagined you. he imagined you with dark circles under your eyes, the smile wiped off of your face. he imagined you in his spot, weak, scared and unsure of the future. he ripped the list up, re-writing it one last time. to any normal person, it was irrational. obviously visiting a prison and being imprisoned are two very different things. but to spencer, it was the same. you were an extension of him. you felt the things he felt, you saw things the way he did. and he knew that him seeing you, and you seeing him, would not be good for you. so, the list was ripped up. then, it was rewritten with the bau members, then it was turned in.
and then it was forgotten. by him, at least.
as time went on, he had other things to prioritize. he was focused on his safety, as well as the safety of the other inmates. he feels as though he has a duty to protect them, so he moves on and takes action in the prison.
you, on other-hand, are never going to forget his list. the pain you felt because of that stupid fucking list.
so, you keep yourself busy. you work longer hours, picking up extra work in your job. you meet up with your friends, not spencer's friends, your friends. you don't tell them about where he is, just some off handed comment about his job when they ask.
your favorite activity becomes visiting ms. diana. spencer's mom has grown to love you, and you enjoy your talks, even if she doesn't remember all of them. you make it a point to be there when the nurse is taking her lunch, just because you know that jj comes later than lunch time, and you do not want to see her. so, naturally, you do not see the nurse or jj, getting to enjoy your time with ms. diana all by yourself.
you have not seen any of the team. penelope and luke have both left messages on your phone that you haven't bothered to listen to. jj has called and texted, you even answered one time. but when she told you she was on her way to see spencer, you quickly, but politely, ended the call. it wasn't that you didn't want to hear about spencer or didn't want to talk to the team, it just hurt too much. it's been over a month and you haven't gotten to see spencer, or even hear his voice. because of a choice he made. so, seeing those who did get those privileges was too much and you avoided it.
until rossi was knocking on your door, and luke was creeping in your windows. the knocks were quick and heavy, clearly indicating that they needed you. reluctantly, you opened it.
"y/n," rossi smiles, "we did it." you thought you knew what he was talking about, but just in case you were wrong, you furrowed your eyebrows and cocked your head. "reid's out," luke calls from behind rossi. they are expecting you to look excited, to move to the car to go see him right now. but you don't.
your body relaxes. it was a natural instinct. despite all of your feelings about this situation, knowing he was both innocent and out of prison was a comforting thought. a lot of the pent-up negative energy releases from your body once you know he is safe.
"he is coming to the bureau, we came to get you so you can be there when he arrives," rossi clarifies, slightly confused by your lack of excitement.
"he doesn't want me." you were going to say 'he doesn't want me there', but your brain stops you. it's not that he didn't want you at the bureau; spencer did not want you. he did not want you to visit. he did not want to call you. he did simply did not want you.
"what are you talking about?" luke asks. you were getting real tired of crying in front of fbi agents, but here you were. standing in your doorway, crying over spencer reid, just as you had done a few months ago. rossi's face softens, understanding your pain now.
"he didn't let me visit, he didn't call. he didn't want me, luke. he didn't want me when he needed me most and he definitely doesn't want me now." you feel bad for talking to luke the way you were, he was always nice to you. but, fuck, you were hurting.
"he loves you so much," rossi starts one of his speeches, "he was scared, y/n. please, give him a chance. the spencer you knew was not the same spencer in prison. he asked about you every time anyone went to see him. he tried to explain and apologize. not seeing you destroyed him. please, just come with us."
you had never heard rossi beg for anything before. you could see the sincerity in his eyes. right now, rossi knew spencer better than you did. you felt like you didn't know anything about him. so you decided to listen to the person who does. you climbed into the car, letting rossi and luke take you to see spencer.
you arrived before him, taking the elevator up to the bau floor. you were familiar with this room, having dropped off plenty of lunches that spencer had forgotten at home. your eyes fell on his desk. there was a picture frame that you knew had a picture of you and him. despite keeping a neat, proper desk, he always made sure to have a way to show you off. everyone in the room was looking at you with sad expressions.
what felt like hours, but was probably only minutes passed before the elevator dinged, signaling his arrival. when he stepped out, his eyes immediately fell on you. he looked so tired. so scared. so weak. he didn't even glance at anybody else, making his way straight to you. as he approached, you looked at his chest, too sensitive to bring your eyes to meet his.
"i'm sorry," was the first thing he said. he couldn't imagine the pain you were feeling. he had a million things to say but also nothing at all. he let this statement hang in the air before he continued, "and i love you. so much."
you finally looked him in the eyes. you didn't say anything, just looked at him.
"can i hug you?" he asked cautiously. you hesitated and then nodded. you were quickly enveloped by his arms, his scent, his love. him.
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Stray Kids! Mafia: What Bang Chan is like in a relationship (according to me)
Warnings: mentions possessiveness and over-protectiveness
A/N: Thank you for this request! <3 I'm sorry it took me so long to write it, I hope you like it
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Firstly, just like with his work, Bang Chan is very assertive and dominant in your relationship; definitely not in a sense that he overpowers you or anything like it - he worships you - but rather, he always knows what he is doing; he is calm and confident
This makes Chan a great person to rely on and to feel safe around
He is very understanding and will do just about anything to make your every wish come true; your happiness is the most important thing to him
Nevertheless, he can go overboard sometimes, blinded by the threat of you getting hurt. Chan can even become possessive, especially when you are out with him in public
He is well aware of his position and his work and how it represents a liability for your safety; but he is unable to distance himself from you - Chan would rather go the extra mile and take extra security measures than be without you
On the other hand, when his fears do not get the worst of him, Chan is the most devoted, generous (in every way) and loving partner; he absolutely adores you; worships the ground you walk on
Being able to spoil you and shower you with gifts, quite literally turns him on. Seeing you wear jewellery or clothes that he bought you, gives him so much pleasure and satisfaction;
Speaking of satisfaction, as Bang Chan is one of those people who receive pleasure by giving it, he is more than willing to try anything you suggest intimately
Once he realizes what it is that you want, he makes it his mission to give it to you; he is incredibly confident and even cocky sometimes (but are you really cocky if you can back it up?)
Although what separates Chan from becoming yandere (despite his occasional possessiveness) is that he respects you infinitely; he respects your power and individuality - he would never consider controlling you because he trusts you
Chan is very emotionally intelligent; understanding feelings comes very naturally to him
He knows when he is too overbearing and although he is usually able to restrain himself, sometimes Chan gives into his paranoia and over-protectiveness which lead to a fight
During a fight, Chan is very calm and assertive. He never shouts or even raises his voice. In truth, it is even more frightening when he just sits and watches you as you defy him, his expression entirely unyielding
However, when the two of you can't come to a compromise and you avoid him or don't want to talk to him, Bang Chan is more than able to admit he is too stubborn and protective. In fact, in that moment Chan is able to do anything for you to forgive him; if there is anything in this world that he cannot do is live without you
Bang Chan has all of his weapons hidden from you; he does not want you even seeing them because he does not want you to think or even become a part of this side of him
His love language is absolutely physical touch; hugs, neck and chest kisses, cuddles, sex, sitting on his lap, sleeping together, anything. Also, gifts and words of affirmation
I think Chan would want a family and children but I genuinely think he would be a feminist although he is in the mafia business; and would respect any choice you make regarding your body and whether the two of you would start a family
Weekends are for you and you alone; no business, no calls or work
Moreover, Chan loves the smell of your body, the hair oils you use, the body mist, the perfume, the lotion; it drives him crazy
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dungeonpuppykai · 10 months
AHHHH! I am so glad you liked it! Since requests aren't open and I cannot do a drabble or oneshot rn, here's a little something I whipped up. Sorry if you had something specific in mind (you can always talk about it 🥴)
Note: This is a part 2-ish headcanon of my ABO oneshot Proud No More.
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Warning(s): Dub-con, dark enhanced!Alpha Steve, Alpha!Reader, mean!Steve and dark stuff. Browse at your own discretion. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
After the events of part 1, Y/n remains curled in his legs on the floor after cleaning up and bringing everyone their drinks. 
Steve is drinking his as he discusses the sport on the tv with the other Alphas.
She whimpers each time their eyes meet, him sitting on the couch with his legs spread, her snuggled up to them underneath him. 
Her whole body is wrapped around his but he is not touching her at all.
His blue eyes are so cold to the puppy eyes she is looking at him with. 
He knows it. 
He can see it.
Smell it.
She wants it.
Needs him.
So, so bad.
Y/n spends the remainder of the time peppering soft apologetic kisses to his knees, legs and thighs, hoping to earn some mercy.
Because Steve is the worst when it came to denying her where she needs him most. 
Which is his go to punishment for her besides spanking. 
She doesn't even care about the rest of the pack looking at her anymore. 
Pleasing him so he would fuck her pussy numb is the only objective on her mind now.
But Steve doesn't falter.
The Alpha Supreme is a master of endurance.
She's so desperate by the time they finally leave the packhouse and walk towards his vintage Camaro. 
Her eyes are glossy and lips only slightly pouty (because Steve doesn't tolerate brats and she's trying her best to not piss him off more than she already has) when he orders her to go over to get inside with a brief nod towards the vehicle.
She whines just a little, trying to move his hand (that she's desperately holding tight between both of hers) towards her aching core. 
Yes, she forgets all rationality when she's needy. 
What is remaining of her bottoms is covered in a wet mess of her slick and his cum. 
But one sharp look from Steve has her scurrying away to the backseat, not wanting another punishment.
Whenever Y/n acts out, she loses the passenger Princess privilege. 
Because Alpha doesn't like to look at sorry misbehaving puppies.
So she's sniffling and hiccupping as she moves to the back of the car before settling her very sore ass on the seat.
Her head lowers itself as her cheeks burn in humiliation.
He has a way of making her feel so small and pathetic.
Her form feels so tiny against the leather seat right now.
As if she's nothing but a small kicked puppy.
She can not decide if it's the inferior Alpha in her or if she actually feels sorry. 
But all her senses are wrenching with regret.
The stunt was completely unnecessary and not worth it at all.
She's quiet and ashamed behind him, pulling her best sorry puppy expression. 
The Superior Alpha starts the car and drives it off the porch onto the main road.
It is after a few minutes that her whimpers start to get louder to try and attract his attention.
Needy eyes shoot pleading glances up at the blonde man, knowing that he can feel them through the bond.
Steve continues to ignore her, still irritated by the antic she pulled in the packhouse. 
It will take her days of worship and cocksucking to make him happy again.
It always does.
He is very hard to please. 
Until then, the Supreme Alpha will, no doubt, be even stricter than usual.
Calling her out on the smallest of slip ups, punishing her for even breathing the wrong way, denying her as much physical touch as possible (she doesn't like to admit it but the puppy in her is always making her pathetically cuddle into one of his limbs). 
The cruelest cold shoulder. 
It has happened before.
And only Y/n is to blame for it happening again.
Yes, no matter what Steve does to her, she always dry orgasms. 
It is just the effect he has on her.
But nothing compares to his touch down there. 
Nothing, no orgasm, ever satisfies her more than the one his cock fucks out of her. 
And until she can have one of those, she can neither think nor function right. 
On days when she has to face denial as a consequence of her own actions, his dick is all she can think about. 
Even if she refuses to admit it.
That is where the punishment aspect comes in. 
Steve knows how hopeless her body is for his touch.
She can lie to herself all she wants.
But Y/n cannot change the effect the bond has on her.
And that's exactly why he uses her everywhere but in her pussy following an episode of her acting out.
The begging, sobbing, kneeling, writhing, hissing, worshipping and trembling for his mercy strokes his ego in the best way.
Nothing makes him harder than all the promises she desperately makes.
All the ungodly things he makes her say.
Because she gets so cock starved during these punishments that she is always willing to do whatever he wants in the end.
Anything at all. 
Just so he would fuck her like the puppy that she is.
Fuck her until she has basically lost consciousness.
Only to make her thank him once she comes back up.
Every time. 
How her pride gradually breaks down.
Peeling away from her stiff form like the clothes that he makes her strip out of. 
There is no better sight or feeling.
To him, that state looks the best on her.
She's so fragile and vulnerable for him then.
It is perfect. 
She is perfect.
When she is proud no more.
Compliant and respectful on her knees. 
Stroking his ego and kissing his feet.
Steve smirks to himself as he turns a corner, refusing to look at the crying mess of drool and cum hanging by his seat.
He has turned a deaf ear to her pleads. 
But his monstrous knot is so worked up by how she's doing her best to remain as silent as possible because she is not allowed to be loud especially when interacting with her Alpha. 
Yet, every part of her body is aching for him (he can feel it through their bond) so bad that she cannot stop the begging even if she wants to. 
It is impossible for her to sit silently (as is expected of her).
Thus piling more and more punishment for herself.
Steve is not complaining though.
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dangermousie · 7 months
To me, this sequence is the crux of why Xie Wei is the endgame for JXN in terms of suitability - in terms of someone who allows her to be most at peace with herself and live happily. It's not just because with ZZ, she will always strive for an ideal and hide the "uglier" parts of herself. It's because as others pointed out - she needs to learn to love herself and she is mired in guilt around him - but also, XW doesn't just see her the way she is and loves that, he is also someone who is determined, obsessed even, with looking forward not back.
In some ways, he's the most driven by the past out of all the characters (he wants justice/vengeance for what happened during the siege, this is his cause) but that's the thing - his attitude is "this horrific thing has happened, it cannot be changed, now we will figure out how to deal with this and address it" (which in his case is a lot of murder :P) is something JXN needs - she's been trying to change the past emotionally, as well as physically and I think she needs to accept that she is irretrievably changed, you can't unring the bell, you can't make her pure naive girl who (in her belief system) is worthy of ZZ (btw any relationship where you constantly work to be worthy of the other person is unhealthy at best and doomed at worst), you can just move forward, in whatever way possible.
In a way, what he says here is quite straightforward and in keeping with his "moving forward" attitude - if you can't let go, don't. Her guilt won't allow her to hear that.
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Lady, he talks a good talk but he's already 85% to losing control over you.
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And that is when all red flags that did not manifest before, manifested, in terms of that relationship. ZZ is a good man, probably the best of the characters. But any relationship where you are doing Jesus and Mary Magdalene imitation, viewing someone as literally flawless, as someone who shouldn't be touched by anything even if you tear out your heart, because you are so unworthy is not a romantic relationship, that's a medieval nun's attitude to her God. No go in real life. It wouldn't work and if somehow it did, would never make her truly happy. JXN should be in a relationship not even of mutual pedestals but being seen and seeing the other person as messy flawed being but still worthy of love.
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I laughed. I adore XW but what he knows about people's hearts in terms of romance is equivalent to a turnip.
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Time-out for haaaaaaands!
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And despite my snark, it's not a turnip of an answer at all, it's perfect (I think he's terrible at telling his own heart but not others.) That is what she needs to hear - as I mentioned - not ignoring what's in the past but moving on.
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I love it so much!!! And I love that he's genuinely heartbroken for her pain and just wants to fix it - there is none of that "my chance is here" attitude.
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It's an angsty moment but I giggled because I remembered wailing after my first high school boyfriend dumped me "I am never going to love anyone like this! I could never find someone like this!" Spoiler - I was wrong :P (And probably wouldn't be able to pick the guy out of a line-up now.)
But, more importantly, I was screaming into my hands, when he said "find someone more suitable." Not just because this is XW in a nutshell - he accepts the situation as it is, no arguing with the premise and offers a different solution (nobody is better? OK, accepted, then how do we deal in this situation) but because this is the crux of the OTP. What JXN (and every other person looking for a partner) needs in this world is not the person who is the smartest or saintliest or w/e, they need the most suitable person for them, whoever that is, to be happy. Objectively saintly ZZ is not particularly suitable for her; goodness is not happiness, not always, and she needs to accept that and fully accept herself.
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Yes, there will be!
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yellowocaballero · 2 months
Been a fan of your fics for YEARS. I was just telling my friend how despite how much I read fics I never actually love them, with some of your fics (especially TMA) as the exception. Felt the need to reread some of them and saw you reblogged some ISAT fanart. So. Any thoughts on ISAT you'd like to share?
Hope you have a wonderful day!! So happy I found your fics again!!
I avoided answering this for a while because I was trying to think of a way to cohesively and coherently vocalize my thoughts on In Stars and Time. I have given up because I don't want to hold everybody here all day and I have accepted that my thoughts are just pterodactyl screeching.
I love it so much. I have so much to say on it. It drove me bonkers for like a week straight. I have AUs. It's absolute Megbait. They're just a little Snufkin and they're having the worst experience of anybody's life. Ludonarratives my fucking beloved.
I am going to talk about the prologue.
The prologue is such a fascinating experience. You crack open the game and immediately begin checking off all of the little genre boxes: mage, warrior, researcher, you're the rogue...some little kid who's there for some reason...alright, you know the score. You're in yet another indie Earthbound RPG, these are your generic characters, let's get the ball rolling.
Except then you realize that these characters are people. You feel instantly how you've entered the game at its last dungeon, at the end of the adventure. They have their own in-jokes, histories, backgrounds, adventures. They get along well and they're obviously close, but not in a twee or unrealistic way. They have so much chemistry and spirit and life. I fell in love with them so quickly.
But Sif doesn't. Sif kind of hates them, because they will not stop saying the same damn thing. They walk the same paths, do the same things, make the same jokes, expect Sif to say the same lines. They keep referencing a Sif we do not see, with jokes we never see him make and heroic personality he never shows - they reference a Sif who is dead - and Sif can't handle that, so he kills them too.
They become only an exercise in tedious frustration. Sif button mashes through their dialogue, Sif mindlessly clicks the same dialogue options, Sif skips through the tutorial, Sif blows through the puzzles. Sif turns their world into a video game. Sif is playing a generic RPG. Sif forgets their names. They are no longer people with in-jokes, histories, backgrounds, adventures. They're the mage, the warrior, the researcher, and...some random kid.
I did not understand the Kid's presence at first. I had no idea what they contributed to the game. They didn't do anything. As a party member in a video game, they're a bit useless. Why is the Kid there?
Because Sif's life isn't a video game. Because the kid isn't 'the kid'. They're Bonnie. Bonnie, who the party loves. Why is Bonnie there? Because they love them. There is no room for Bonnie in the boring RPG that Sif is playing. And then you realize that Sif is wrong, and that they've lost something extremely important, and that they'll never escape without it.
Watching the prologue before watching ISAT gave ISAT the most unique air of dread and horror, because you crack open ISAT and you see the person Sif used to be. You realize that Sif used to be a person. Sif used to be the person who made jokes, who gave real smiles, who interacted with the world as if they are a part of it. And you know you are sitting down to watch Sif lose everything that made them a person, to lose everything that made them a member of this world, and turn them into a character in a video game who doesn't understand the point of Bonnie at all.
At the climax of the game, when the others realize that something is deeply wrong and that Sif physically cannot tell them, they realize that there is nothing they can do. So Bonnie declares snacktime. And for the first time they have snacktime.
What is snacktime? Classic JRPGs don't have snacktime. There's literally no point to a snacktime - not in a video game, and not in Sif's terrible life. It's not fixing this, because nothing can fix this. But Bonnie gives Sif a cookie and Sif eats it.
It's meaningless. It's a cutscene. It didn't save Sif and it didn't change a thing. It will make no difference in the end.
But it did make the difference. It made all of the difference in the world. Bonnie is a character who you really don't understand the point of before you realize that Bonnie was the entire point.
ISAT is about comfort media. Why do we play the same video games over and over again? Why do we avoid watching the finale of our favorite shows? What is truly comforting: a story with no conflict, or a story where you always know what is about to happen? Do you want to live in a scary, uncontrollable world, or do you want to play Stardew Valley? Do you want a person or a character?
When I beat Earthbound for the first time (and if you don't know, the prologue/ISAT battle system is just Mother) and watched the ending cutscene where the characters part ways and say goodbye...I felt a little bit sad. I wanted them to be together forever. But that's something only characters could ever be.
#these aren't deep or unique thoughts they're just the specific aspect of ISAT that made it one of the most interesting gaming experiences#i actually like the prologue much more than ISAT for just this reason#its honestly a video game art piece that's created to give the player a very specific experience#that makes them an aspect of the narrative that is told#it's. incredible.#in stars and time#start again start again start again#start again: a prologue#isat#god and there is so so so so much more to say here#what a rich and complex and fascinating game that made me cry like a baby#i dont even kin sif. we arent similar at all.#i cant imagine how devastating this game would have been if i did#but I do have a deep relationship with escapsim#and i write about it a lot#and video games about being video games are wonderful#as are stories about being stories#and why we consume stories. how we use them. how they save us and hurt us.#never played a video game that used its medium so well#i bet undertales also pretty good at that but this is more so i think#stories about stories have to be about why we love stories#and im not an artsy person and i roll my eyes a bit when people talk about the spiritual neccesity of art#i think people need stories because the world is sad and hard and boring and we want to think about something else for a while.#some people need to be anywhere but here#and sometimes if you're Lil Depressed-Ass Snufkin that looks like being here forever#baby cringe-ass snufkin big hat idiot
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
re: tme discourse. did these people forget about gnc men?? gnc men are ABSOLUTELY affected by transmisogyny despite not being transfem. but that's not convenient for the argument so it doesn't matter (sarcasm)
I mean they literally do not care. The answer to this will always be "that's just misdirected transmisogyny, its not the same". I've seen people claim that homophobia towards queer men is essentially transmisogyny-lite (and the two are connected but imo its about the misandry/antimasculism directed at queer people perceived at transgressing male gender roles, and I have a feeling TME/TMA proponents would Not like that interpretation lmao).
The thing is I do understand part of the use for TME/TMA. In that transfems are the targets of transmisogyny, tend to be the ones most aware of it because of this, and therefore transfem voices should be central to its discussion*. But thats true of every single form of bigotry, and we don't use this "affected/exempt" system for literally anything else. Because its entirely unhelpful to imply that who can be affected by a bigotry is based on their identity. Not only can you be targeted for the wrong reasons, but it can be physically and mentally damaging and occur often enough to be a fundamental part of your life experience. And this is why I mean that "misdirected bigotry" is never used for anything other than possessiveness over being the victims of a certain type of bigotry. Its only ever used to tell other people that their victimization was less harmful and that they do not have a right to speak about that form of bigotry, creating a dichotomy between "real victims" and "fake victims", which alienates a large portion of the people being directly affected by that bigotry.
I try to do the opposite on this blog: while transmascs should be centered in discussions of transandrophobia, I actively encourage anyone to discuss their experiences with it, or antimasculism/misandry, or exorsexism, or anything I talk about! Because it helps us learn more about the functions of bigotry, and creates solidarity between all victims regardless of who they are. People who otherwise would not have had their pain validated (bc they are not in communities where it is addressed in the first place) are helped, and we get so many more comrades in our fight! And we can be open and supportive of non-transmasc transandrophobia (or non-transfem victims of transmisogyny) without decentering transamscs(/transfems) from the discussion.
The reason why creating this victim binary is important for TME/TMA is because imo these acronyms cannot be divorced from the baeddelist idea that transmisogyny is the worst form of transphobia/oppression, and non-transfems are oppressors of transfems... and therefore cannot be allied with, or can only be allied with if they act subservient**. Its fundamentally tied to the idea that other trans people have systematic power over transfems (& the sister belief of "transphobia isnt real its all transmisogyny" and "transfems are the only real trans people"). Which is antithetical to transunity. The belief that transmascs/afab trans people(/maybe amab trans people depending on whos talking about who) have an oppressor/oppressed relationship with transfems should be a major red flag; it's the source of a lot of people's feelings of not having the authority to talk about transphobia or transness in general. It's the source of uncomfortable dynamics between transmascs&fems where transmascs are expected to be differential to transfems and see themselves as oppressors obliged to "give back" to their victims. It's the source of transmascs being told they aren't in danger and have an obligation to serve as human shields for transfems, which puts can put people in real, serious danger.
ANYWAYS. My point is that there is no group you can pull out to prove TME/TMA proponents wrong. Even intersex people are either completely ignored, demonized, or heavily criticized and nitpicked when talking about how this binary is intersexist, and same with black women, despite intersex cis black women being a main target of a lot of transmisogyny. The fact that non-AMAB transfems experience transmisogyny will not do anything to make them change their minds because it can and will always be labeled "misdirected" and therefore insignificant.
*before anyone says some shit: transfems helped create transunity, many transunitist are explicitly following the beliefs of transfems they know and have learned from. anti-transunitist transfems are not the only ones to have valid opinions on how transmisogyny works. stop erasing the work transfems have put into constructing transunity theory. its okay to admit you disagree with transunitist transfems you don't have to act like they don't exist while harassing them off the internet
**no this is not about all transfems. there are many transfems outspokenly against this & many transfems who have been hurt by this. it is not transmisogynistic to address the real, serious harm certain transfems have done to trans people, which (as can be read abt in the link) very much includes abusive behavior towards transmascs which (imo) mirrors a lot of the rhetoric I see online about how "TMEs" should behave.
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princelylove · 5 months
yknow dio is a little freak. all of them. all of them dios are just freaks. they're a little weird. a bit silly. your peon that's rewatching phantom blood--- 🌸 anon
I think every Brando is a little Off, no matter how hard they try to present otherwise. 
Giorno is a little too perfect, DIO is… himself, Diego’s mood swings will always ruin the act he puts on for you… you really cannot win. 
There’s a very consistent theme between my interpretations of them, and it’s fairly obvious what links them! Ambition and possession drive their very beings. There’s always more in the world, and it’s going to be theirs. Why settle when their goals are, arguably, extremely obtainable? 
The hidden theme is violence, by the way. Giorno may be calm, but that’s arguably the worst part. Would you rather deal with Diego, who could rip your head off of your shoulders whenever he hears something he doesn’t like, or with Giorno, who smiles softly while telling Guido to shoot only your legs? They don’t take kindly to transgressions. 
They all smell nice though! It doesn’t matter that you’re isolated, you smell roses constantly. Roses and orchids, in Giorno’s case. 
I, ironically, see DIO as the most romantic. He cares about you choosing him, about wanting him, and about how you generally think of him. In his old age (Which is crazy to say about a mental 25 year old, physical 125 year old…) he’s calmed down, if you prefer the Dio that’s in constant fight or flight mode then you need to go back a few parts. 
You can get away with a lot more if you’re dealing with an older DIO, he finds it amusing to see your little tantrums. Aw, my poor thing, it’s alright. Walk out of the room, blink, and you’re back where he’d prefer you to sit. You arguably have more freedom with him than his counterpart and son, he actually lets you out of his sight, as long as you have an escort. Vanilla isn’t so bad, and if you don’t like him, you can take someone else. Mariah won’t give you a hard time if DIO tells her to behave, and you know what? Hol Horse can be entertaining when he isn’t in one of his “I could totally shoot DIO…” moods. I recommend taking Vanilla, as he doesn't try to amuse you the entire time. 
Younger Dio, DIO in general actually, just wants to be loved. If you can’t do that for him, he’ll break you in. You get whatever you ask for- gifts, quality time, lack of quality time… of course, if you’re not spending time with him, you’re spending it alone. You’d be a free range darling if you weren’t so bent on denying him the simple thing he requires. All of those privileges I just mentioned won’t be happening until you give him something. Anything. 
He stares at you like he needs to study you and you’re ever-changing. Dio cares about you more than he cares about himself, which is a pretty bold statement. The man who announces his every word is suddenly gently whispering to talk to you- he’ll even physically lower himself to get on your level. DIO’s adjusted fairly well to modern culture, but not modern courtship. His face has been carrying him in his endeavors. 
Giorno takes after his father in many, many ways, but with him, you’re meant to choose him from the beginning. There isn’t a need to break you in if he can successfully lure you in. Whenever you argue against him, he always brings up the very simple fact that you chose him. He didn’t kidnap you, he never forced you, these are all your choices that got you here. He extends this philosophy to his subordinates in Passione- it doesn’t matter if they die for him because they willingly joined, even if they joined because “Oh my god Boss is kinda hot…” 
He does love to play, though. This little prince loves his toys, and more often than not, he’ll take up your offer to play with him. Let’s play chase, or wrestle. He may not be strong, but he fights dirty. He knows you’re not playing, and genuinely trying to kill him, so it’s hardly fair if he doesn’t. If you pin him while he has a bodyguard working, he’ll pretend to be in distress (Which, he actually is, but he’ll play up the damsel in distress act to make Mr. Mista act quickly), and soon you’ll find yourself on the ground with a gun to the back of your head, or on the ground struggling to get Sheila E off of you. 
Perhaps you should pick chess next time. 
Although, Mr. “We have to steal a hundred cars!” is just not normal in general. Who comes to that conclusion naturally? Odd. The way he just knows things is weird, too. Things you haven’t mentioned to anyone are treated as if they’re common knowledge. His presence is unnerving, and it’s difficult to point out why. His voice is charming and, if anything, soothing to hear. He has the voice of someone you could listen to for hours without a hint of fatigue, he always smells wonderful, he doesn’t overstep any of your personal boundaries, which must be a natural thing, since you never gave him a formal list. 
Diego has no such luxury of bodyguards or a humanoid stand that can pin you for him (Except in the alternate universe where he has the world), so it’s up to him to restrain you himself. He has….. So many complexes that I’d have to do an independent character study from this post to truly get into it. Diego likes to play too, sure, but he won’t call it playing- he calls it you giving him attention and finally worshipping him. While DIO and Giorno are you-centric, Diego is no such thing. Love him. Worship him. Be obsessed with HIM why does he have to be obsessed with a stupid human being like you.
Diego can be a little rough, but it isn’t intentional. All of his fake gentlemanly habits went out the window when he transformed for the first time- Which he mourns a little bit, but won’t make the effort to get back into, so he can’t possibly miss prissy, aristocratic life that much. Hotpants has to regularly put him in his place, and when she learns about you… she’ll give you a couple tips for it, but won’t help you out. That’s your problem. Sure, vent to her about how he’s eating rocks again, whatever, she’s not helping you escape. 
Diego naturally tilts his head to the side to see you better despite being human and not needing to. Whenever you get up to leave he pounces on you and digs his nails into your legs so you can’t move, and he’ll smell you whenever he lost track of you for a bit to check who you’ve been around. If it’s not someone he trusts (Which is about two people, one being dead.), then you’re in for a new scar or two. 
But even with their yandere ‘tendencies,’ they’re also just…. Odd! All of them! What do you mean do I believe in fate you are a STRANGER.  This list is so funny. Princely/Angelic type who can’t be left alone, man with a god complex who learned self control just for you, and a feral dog you trained on accident.
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inbabylontheywept · 21 days
So: You have depression.
I'm 27 now. The last time I had a major depressive episode was when I was 16. I still have depressive episodes every now and then, but the worst tend to be a month, and most I can generally get through them in about a week. It took me a while to kind of figure out how to handle depression as a recurring thing, and so I thought I'd make a little welp-I-got-diagnosed-now-what guide.
So, first part of the guide: When I first got depressed, I thought that depression was the terrible, sad hopeless feeling that I had. It isn't. That terrible sad hopeless feeling is a symptom of prolonged depression. By the time I get to that point, I'm pretty well cooked and it takes a lot longer to bounce back. Avoiding getting to that point is a vital part of living with depression.
So what does depression feel like?
I am going to hammer this point home a lot of times while writing this: Depression is an anesthetic. It is not felt as a presence, but as an absence. The first absence, for me at least, is when life stops being fun. Every movie feels boring, I can't get more than a few pages into any book, and everything just seems... bland.
This is the best point to catch it at. I have found that consumptive patterns of entertainment do not do anything to help depression. Some people have told me that producing art at this time really helps them, but personally, I can't imagine trying. Instead, I just do tasks that I know inspire physical satisfaction. Which sounds like jerking off (I don't actually reccomend that route) but really means things like: Going for a walk in the sunshine. Working out. Cleaning the house in a fairly exhaustive way. Scrub the baseboards, wash the sink, clear the fridge, etc.
I recognize that doing those is really, really hard while depressed because depression causes physical weakness and exhaustion. The best I can do is, unfortunately, encourage vigillance. If you suspect you're getting into a funk, start on this before you get really deep into the mire. People that get into the mire can get out, but it's not self-help read-a-book type shit, it takes therapy and medication and patience and it is so much easier and cheaper and faster to just avoid letting it get that bad then crawling out once it's sunk its teeth into you.
I have found that for things that work almost by exposure alone, spending time in the sun and talking to people are borderline magical, with the caveat that talking to people about being depressed tends to make things worse instead of better. Talking about anything that cuts through the anesthetic of depression is ideal, or if it's sunk in deep enough that you're having trouble finding anything, talking to someone else about what they're passionate about. Ideally, you'd find someone passionate about a thing you know you're passionate about but are struggling to enjoy right then, and then you'd just let your mirror neurons run amok. Bonus Points
So, you're already depressed. Like, pretty fucking depressed, and you fucked up, and you let it slide. What then?
This is my I-Fucked-Up-And-Got-Big-Sad, Salvage-My-Weekend, depression routine. You'll need to make one for yourself at some point, and yours will work better for you, but this is mine and I think it'll work okay-ish for you. Until you get your own, at least.
I have to get up before 10 am. Staying in bed later than that gives the depression such a huge head start on my day that I just basically can't catch up. If I can't just brute force get myself out of bed, I will throw my blankets and sit cold on my sheets until that gives me the motivation I need. If I cannot work up the guts to throw my blankets, I will actually roll off the bed, flop gracelessly onto the floor, and then stare wistfully up until I can will myself to stand. It helps that every bedroom I've had either had freezing cold tile, or itchy coarse carpet. If you have a comfy floor, maybe buy a very scratchy rug? I cannot emphasize how important this step is. It's like, half of the whole thing.
After getting up, immediately go outside and sit in the sunshine. This provides free executive function, and getting it ASAP will make everything go much smoother.
Talk to someone while outside. If you have a roommate, they work great. Face to face conversations tend to be the best, but phone calls with loved ones are like at least 80% as effective. Calls to family members tend to be better than in face conversations with acquaintances or people you're mostly ambivalent about. Don't do chat messages. Worse than nothing.
This should have scrounged up enough free energy that you can clean something. I always start by trying to clear a part of my counter off. If that's all I got, that's all I got, and I still feel good about it. If that inspires me to do more, I'll run with it until a whole room is up to snuff. I don't do more than one room while I'm this crispy: The goal is not really to clean the house, but to work through a series of tasks that require some initial level of executive function but provide a larger amount back once completed. Life has a lot of these deals that are like, give me $10 and I'll give you $12, give me $12 and I'll give you $20, on and on, and the hard part is really just getting the $10. Some people wake up with $10. Most days, you will wake up with $10. But not when you're like this. You're gonna have to earn it. I'm sorry.
I am going to reiterate: This is what I do when I feel a funk coming on. My life and my schedule are not always this regimented. Living with depression doesn't mean never sleeping until 10, or having a weekend where you don't talk to someone, or take a break from cleaning. Living with depression just means never, ever, leaning into the depression when you feel it coming on. Even when it starts out feeling cozy. Even when you want to just snuggle into it and sleep and sleep and sleep. The first day or two will feel luxurious, and the next week will feel terrible, and the longer you wait the harder it will be to get out. You are always going to have to worry about that. Again, I'm really, truly sorry.
Bonus Bonus Points
I am not a psychologist, but I do have a theory about why depression exists. Remember how I said it's anesthetizing? I think that's what it's there for - getting rid of emotional pain when it isn't being helpful. People often get depressed after a major injury. Boredom is normally nature's way of punishing you for just curling up and doing nothing, but depression can be the emergency override on boredom. It makes sense for you to sit still and do nothing while your body is healing, so maybe nature temporarily removes all your motivation with depression and then just lets you be a limp noodle until you're healthy again. Maybe?
Back to the emotional level, though, depression might also be a way to muffle pains that would otherwise be so intense that people might not remain in control of the faculties. The pain of losing a parent is notorious for driving people so mad with pain that they ruin their lives, but depression is there to at least try and keep us sedated until the nadir has passed.
It is helpful to know what the purpose of depression is, because you will eventually get it from an "intended" cause, and reflexively fighting it then probably isn't good for you. And at the very least, knowing why this stupid thing exists makes the world feel like less of a cruel place.
There are a lot of interesting studies on the physical effects of depression - things like muscle weakness, increased pain tolerance, muscle relaxation, etc. that I won't go into, but it does so many things at once that it almost doesn't feel like a fuck up, but a feature that we just kind of lost the plot on. Not gonna deep dive on it, but it is something that probably shouldn't be confined to just a mental disorder.
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atlasoftheunknown · 1 year
I used to hate anybody and everybody was radqueer. I don't anymore, for one reason in particular;
I'm concerned. Honestly everything you guys do is more concerning than anything. You all clearly have something going on, and I have a feeling it's either from the echo chamber you've dragged yourselves into or you are genuinely delusional. You all need therapy. Before one of you tries to argue why you shouldn't go to therapy, you need to understand that I am well aware therapy won't necessarily fix what's wrong, however it will give you healthier coping mechanisms than cosplaying as a minority. Three things in particular I want to criticize about radqueers however are; 1. TransAbled. I've heard the argument that "transids" are the same as transgender, a misalignment of the body and mind. I'm white and therefore do not feel comfortable speaking about transrace, however I'd like to know how you can physically not have autism, depression or anxiety, but mentally have it. That's not exactly how that works. Unlike sex and gender, mental disorders are entirely mental. It's in the name. And wanting to have a physical disability is weird at best, horrifically diminishing at worst. I guarantee if you were actually disabled you would not want to be. This is not trying to say that disabled people cannot be content with being disabled, but it's really strange to want to struggle in life. All the disabled people I've met, talked to, heard from, they don't hate their disability. They don't want to have it either. It's just their circumstances. 2. Transbody, transopinion and transoccupation These are three things I've seen a lot of and they honestly just feel like an attention grab. Transbody terms are mostly just insecurities, "feeling as if you should have [x feature]". Either that or they're unrealistic, which I'm becoming concerned is causing more insecurities for confused kids that they didn't even know could happen. Transopinion is one of two things. It's either people who are so desperate for labels they're clinging to stuff they know is bad, or is literally just changing your mind, except apparently you're not allowed to do that. This also ties into the concept of "stances" which seem to be immovable ideologies that once you express you're not allowed to change. That's a topic for another day though. Transoccupation is genuinely just having dreams and aspirations, or finding something interesting. You guys know you're allowed to have interests right? 3. Paraphilias (specifically the "big three" and other harmful ones) Paraphilias should not be accepted in the way you all think they should. There should absolutely be a little less shame involving it so that individuals can get access to the proper help, however we should not be normalizing paraphilias. They are not normal, and they are absolutely not queer identities. I'm genuinely terrified for "radqueer" kids who are saying that pedophilia is okay. What happens if it does get normalized and you get SA'd? Or when it's your kids? Or does it only apply when it's other kids, ones you don't know? This is honestly just a breeding ground for grooming and sexual abuse. It is absolutely not okay.
For the record, I still support bodily autonomy, obviously I cannot stop you from doing whatever you want with your bodies, however please stop claiming to be part of communities you were never part of, and stop trying to push your voice into our conversations.
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rist-ix · 5 months
So, I was thinking about that, in chapter 16 tbhtbhs, the chapter bloom runs away, she didn’t kill valtor because she’s kind feel something for him, or because she thought she has no chance?
Hahaha HA, tumblr user supremevaltor, you have fallen right into my trap! For you see, now I have an opening to prepare my favorite attack: analyzing my own fic!
If we jump a few paragraphs back in the very same chapter, we get to see Bloom have an existential crisis over the fact that she COULD convince herself she feels SOMETHING for Valtor, if she tried.
And this vaguest tiniest confession of not-hatred (to herself, mind you, not even to Darcy, who’s witnessing All That) has her absolutely spiraling to the point it’s physically and visibly affecting her.
By the time she gets to the library she has mostly recovered from that realization, and by recovered I mean she’s buried that shit and is politely refusing to look at it.
Now, fast forward to the library. Valtor, for the first time in almost four years, has been completely and utterly honest, is drunk and in a uniquely vulnerable position, and does not demand honesty from Bloom (which she’s struggling with) but a comforting lie (which she’s bad at, but shouldn’t be opposed to).
Betraying him at this point instead of besting him in combat does not feel good for Bloom, but she can rationalize that away pretty easily.
Now though. Now she has a problem.
For ensuring her long-term freedom and the overall safety of the dimension, she should definitely kill him here. Valtor says as much, she will never get a better chance.
Here’s where it gets complicated.
What you mentioned definitely plays a role here: she doubts her chances of success. Valtor has blindsided and overwhelmed her by feigning weakness in the past, every battle so far has gone in his favor, he always has an ace up his sleeve and so on. He’s also - desperately - trying to goad her into attacking, which to him is a way to keep her here until the handcuffs’ spell runs out, and to Bloom seems highly suspicious.
But to attempt to kill him now would also mean to be confronted with the loss of him. Which would mean reopening that Pandora’s box of “What do I feel for him”. And Bloom, due to her feeling of immense guilt and debt to her friends, cannot acknowledge that her hatred for him has softer impurities. If Valtor died, she would not only physically feel the loss of their connection, she would never hear his voice again. She prides herself on being able to predict what he’ll say sometimes, to interpret and understand him in a way no one else can. That would end, immediately.
If he died, she would lose someone whose company she’s grown so used to and familiar with. Someone - maybe the only one! - she has no fear of disappointing, who has unwavering faith in her and who she CANNOT hurt emotionally no matter how angry and violent and bitter she gets. (Because a) he definitely always deserves it, and b) he enjoys fighting verbally almost as much as he enjoys fighting physically. He already knows all the worst impulses of her, and he’s never disapproved.)
It’s a comforting thing to know and be known so fully. Losing that would be daunting, no matter the nature of their relationship.
There’s a reason I chose the library as the setting for this encounter btw. And that’s that libraries are sexy. But also, the book they read the night before is still on that table, page marked. Bloom looks at it very briefly before she runs.
Not only did they have a pleasant time and a very emotionally honest conversation here, Valtor has also surprised her. There’s a point after he realizes Bloom can’t read Domino’s language where he apologizes, and cuts himself off when he starts to look for a scapegoat. (It was Faragonda. He always blames Faragonda.)
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Bloom doesn’t know that last part, but it still stood out to her that he stopped talking mid-sentence. (Valtor!!!!! Stopped talking!!!!!)
It’s a short glimpse of a Valtor who does not prioritize control of the situation over Bloom’s feelings, and allows (forces) himself to not make this a power struggle, but a moment of understanding, and connection.
(The page is marked! Symbolizing clear intent to continue! They can go back to it whenever they want, and revisit that genuine and sincere part of their relationship! Bloom looks at it and runs!)
To kill him here, face to face with what he already is to her and who he could be, is not something Bloom can stomach. And this is a Bloom who has killed better people for less, when it meant the immediate safety of her friends.
If Valtor paused long enough to examine that, which I’m undecided on whether he has, he might feel a lot better about that day.
Alas, he goes apeshit.
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comradekatara · 1 year
can you please tell us about dr professor sokka phd x 7
this ask inspired me to make a sokkademia tag. peruse at your leisure
sokka brings a certain philosophy professor energy to the physics department and a certain physics professor energy to the engineering department thats got all the students complaining to the dean bc he refuses to grade on a curve.
his standards are extremely high, but the worst part is he’s convinced his standards are like. the bare minimum and everyone’s just too STUPID to meet them. 
he’s so divisive as a professor that students get in physical altercations upon debating his reputation. he has clear favorites and speaks to them specifically. the rest he dismisses as stupid and doesn't even bother trying to remember their names. but he respects the students who actually put in the work and they LOVE him and will go to bat for him like their life depended on it, even when faced with a (not uncommon) student who’s like “he told me to drop out,” they’re just like “and? sounds like you should’ve taken his advice.”
when katara learns how sokka treats his students she yells at him for hours. sokka’s just like “sorry but I can’t coddle and befriend my students like you do katara. we’re doing actual work instead of just playing with water” and she nearly kills him.
the university really wants sokka to give huge, accessible lectures that are open to anyone, since it’s great for business for obvious reasons. at first, sokka is just happy that he’s considered worthy of such a position, but he quickly realizes that he hates this setup. and since he basically has unlimited freedom since he’s in no danger of being fired, he’s instead allowed to construct very exclusive seminars in which he personally vets everyone who applies based on vibes. 
after sokka starts playing favorites even more explicitly than he already had been, some students protest that sokka is “gatekeeping academia” and “being an intellectual elitist.” sokka’s just like “well that’s rich coming from people born in the upper ring of ba sing se. I invite students from all over the world to my seminars, including women btw.” that shuts them up real quick. (they also start admitting women.)
since sokka’s position as BSSU is basically kuei’s bribe to keep sokka as his advisor despite the fact that sokka cannot stand him, the university has no choice but to let him teach whatever he wants however he wants, since firing him would basically be treason against the earth king. sokka takes advantage of this privilege to the fullest. (and let’s be real. he’s earned it.) 
he mainly teaches courses in the physics and engineering departments, but in his classes he discusses everything from art history to epic poetry to ontology. he barely even has a curriculum planned, he basically just talks about whatever he and his students feel like discussing. it’s nice to have a part of his life where he doesn’t need to adhere to a strict schedule. he knows it’s a privilege to not have a syllabus or a defined curriculum in academia, and he makes the most of it. his students know how lucky they are to work with him.
when he admits students into his class, he doesn’t actually care about prerequisites or what field they’re studying. in fact, despite officially teaching physics and engineering, he doesn’t like that most of them walk around with unearned superiority complexes, and is more likely to admit students who actually read and engage with art for pleasure. being "bad at math" is a way less egregious crime than not being curious and open-minded, in his opinion. 
sokka doesn’t like giving tests, essays, or psets, since he thinks busywork is a waste of time, and he doesn’t wanna have to grade all that (for the first year, when he was giving lectures, it wasn’t an issue, since he had ta’s, but now that he exclusively does seminars, he has to grade everything himself, which is a fucking pain. he doesn’t have time for that!) so instead he just gives them one big research project with the open-ended prompt of “teach me something new.” nothing is off-limits. the weirder the better. 
his students know that he is prone to go on tangents that can take up the entire class time, and it’s really easy to get him going. they’ll spend whole periods listening to him tell them about that time he got stuck in a hole while hunting and thought he was going to die, or debating the merits of airships vs sky bison as transportation.  
ba sing se is a very insular city, and in it sokka has a reputation as an elitist, angry curmudgeon who keeps to himself aside from his inexplicable friendships with an elderly tea shop owner and that gloomy girl who sighs a lot. in the southern water tribe, on the other hand, sokka is seen as a goofy extrovert who knows everyone by name and is always looking to help out in any way he can (to the point where his compulsive need to help people is actually a little concerning). everywhere else, sokka’s reputation is generally somewhere in the middle, but these are the two poles. which means that whenever someone from his tribe meets one of his students, they experience this disconnect where they’re both just like “are you sure we both know sokka?? the sokka you’re describing is the same sokka as the one i know??? for real???”
sokka eventually gets sick of spending so much time in ba sing se. he suggests to katara that they should build a university in the south pole so that he can work there. katara’s like “guess what we actually do have a school in the south pole and i happen to teach there, only we don’t study book-learning for eggheads.” sokka reminds katara that the only academic universities in the water tribe are in the north (where they don’t admit women) and immediately katara decides to build a university in the south, and also it was her idea btw.
sokka does a lot of research in bending theory, and he occasionally uses katara’s students to help him with his experiments in hydrodynamics. katara doesn’t like that sokka thinks he can just steal her students like that, so she decides to turn the tables on him, see how he likes it. she finds his least boring looking student to ask out, and they get through a couple dates until katara finds his condescension too unbearable to continue. by the third time he’s told her that the only reason she doesn’t like math is because she doesn’t understand it, katara blurts out “my cat is sick i should go home and check on her bye” and leaves to punch the snow until she feels better. and they didn’t even hook up. what a waste. 
toph, on the other hand, hooks up with many of sokka’s students. this is because toph likes women, which comprise a far less insufferable demographic. 
no one in the gaang has read sokka’s books. zuko tried, he really did, but it gave him a really bad migraine. no one else even bothered the attempt. azula, mai, and ty lee on the other hand are all like, “you haven’t read it? sokka merely presents a theory of the particle composition of the spirit world via the notion of it as a fifth dimension interposed over space and time. it’s actually quite elementary stuff… that is, if you comprehend the foundations…” 
wan shi tong has a few of sokka’s books in his library. the kitsune snuck them in there without his knowledge. 
sokka coauthors a lot of his papers with yue, but since they’ve long since agreed that anyone but a select few being aware of their rendezvous in the spirit world is probably not a good idea, yue is happy with being anonymized. after all, the other spirits knowing that she divulged the secrets of their plane to such an insolent mortal would probably ruin her street cred. 
sokka doesn’t really get along with the other professors. sure, they’re nice enough for the most part, and he admires their dedication to their fields, but the problem is that for all their knowledge in one extremely specific area of study, they have no actual practical knowledge or any understanding of the real world whatsoever. sometimes sokka will agree to go out with them for drinks, and even though they’re all older than him, he feels like he’s babysitting.
suki doesn’t spend much time in ba sing se, since they both agree that it’s preferable to hang out on kyoshi island or in the southern water tribe, or even the fire nation. but sometimes she’ll come if the earth king is throwing a party or if iroh has invited them for tea (at which point their reunion is extremely dramatic, as always, even if they saw each other just last week). one day the dean pulls sokka aside and is like “just because you’re a special case doesn’t mean you can date students” and sokka’s like “what??? why would i date a student???” and the dean says “well someone informed me that you were kissing a young woman on campus yesterday” and sokka’s like “suki??? you mean my girlfriend suki??? she doesn’t even live in ba sing se.” and the dean is like “nevertheless. you shouldn’t do that. i hear it’s making people jealous.”
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otomes-and-tears · 5 months
Wondering what your thoughts and opinions are on the rest of the jerk squad boys, especially Nate?
Know that asking me this was a mistake because I’m RABID for them. I’m FOAMING at the mouth and shaking just at being asked to ramble about my boys because I am plagued by thoughts of them that I’m absolutely going to unleash upon you now.
This is not going to be coherent at all. I apologise for that.
By the way— since I already talk about Shiloh way too much, he’s not going to have his little section here. If you want to see my rambles about him, please check my masterlist!
I’m probably going to talk about Jeremy separately because…. I actually haven’t finished his route. It’s the only one that’s left.
Since you asked about him first, Nate is one of my favourite boys. I have a special place in my heart for him because he kind of reminds me of my girlfriend, and I do think that his dynamic with JB is one of the most entertaining in the bunch. He’s always snapping back at her and it’s so fucking funny. Every time they’re out together I keep getting this mental image of JB being strapped in a baby leash with Nate trailing behind her like an exhausted parent.
Like Shiloh, he’s also a character that I think about a LOT, particularly about the way he handles (or does not handle) his emotions and his obsessive need to have control over everything around him.
I think it’s really telling that Nate continuously strives for perfection and frequently neglects his own emotional needs when he practically raised himself, admittedly saw the school as his home, and when we know for a fact that he was seen and treated as a mini-adult throughout his life.
Like, you cannot tell me he wasn’t praised endlessly as a child for being independent and self-sufficient and then when he grew older people were constantly exasperated that he was too independent and didn’t know when to ask for help when needed! Nate is probably endlessly confused as to why something that was touted as being such a good trait for a good portion of his life suddenly became a problem.
Anyways, I think it’s kind of tragic how he spent most of his life at that school and I legit teared up when they graduated. It’s also very sweet how despite being a perv and living to make him uncomfortable, JB is surprisingly respectful of his boundaries regarding physical touch and doesn’t push him to kiss or hug her. Yeah, she teases him about missing the perfect moment but she’s happy to let him decide when he’s ready to do all of that!
It’s also nice that she tries to support him, even if she isn’t exactly good at it. SHE’S TRYING HER BEST BC THEY LEGIT LIKE EACH OTHER EVEN IF THEY BOTH HAVE ISSUES!!
Regarding Everett… I didn’t expect to like his route as much as I did, but he has SO MUCH ANGST POTENTIAL.
Like, his whole relationship with Nate? The fact that he’s a momma’s boy?? HE WAS REJECTED BY PRAN In like, the WORST way possible??
It’s just, chef’s kiss. A whole lotta angst wrapped inside a tiny, hipster-shaped package. Pure perfection.
My only issue with his route is that the whole time, I felt like JB was getting in between him and Nate. This is my headcanon, but I feel like after high school, if JB and Everett don’t immediately have an explosive, dramatic breakup there are only two possible routes: either he leaves her for Nate or they add Nate into the mix.
I’m sorry, but no other alternatives compute for me, not after their conversation in the tunnel of love. That shit goes way past just a codependent friendship.
I think I’ve mentioned this once before but Bae is likely my second favorite jerksquad guy. I can’t really explain why his condescension is so funny to me, but it might be because my favorite parts of the game were the group meetings and Bae’s borderline paternalistic attitude towards the other characters (because he’s mAtURE and knows what’s best for them) and his sarcasm made for some really great dialogue and some of the funniest scenes in my opinion.
Just as a side note— I played xoxo blood droplets and Bae’s route made me realize how much potential he has to be a yandere in an au! And now that I’m thinking about this I NEED to write about it. Even if it’s just headcanons or something.
I love him in game. I’d probably throw hands with him three minutes into a conversation if he existed IRL. I sent my girlfriend screenshots of his sons of his scenes while I played and she said that I was a bit like him. It made me reevaluate my life LOL
Okay so, I’m going to be real with you: Pran is my least favorite of the boys. I’ll admit that when I played through his route last year I kept complaining about not having that much fun and not liking him a lot as a character. My view changed as I got to the end of the game:
Pran’s is still my least favorite route but he’s one of the most interesting guys to analyze.
In the end, even if it took me a bit to get into it, I still ended up enjoying it immensely anyway.
I think what made me dislike him at first was that, ironically, I think that Pran as a character works best in group scenes. He’s a contrarian and he’s very quiet most of the time, which makes his very occasional interjections some of the funniest moments in the meetings, but that’s also why I didn’t find his dates as fun LOL
I think that with the other characters I had a better time because how they played off JB during their dates, while with Pran it was funny to see JB trying so hard to engage with him or get a rise out of him just for him to barely react (and it makes the instances where she does manage to catch him off guard very rewarding) on the first few times, but it started to get old for me. There’s only so many times I can hear him say no, and that he doesn’t care before it gets annoying.
For me the highlight of his route was seeing Shiloh have a weird, one-sided beef with him. Shiloh pretends to like everyone but this is where he draws the line apparently 😭
Anyways, you might be wondering why I said he’s one of my favourites to analyse if I didn’t have much fun playing through his route. That’s mostly because of his backstory, which I genuinely find to be fascinating.
He’s basically a textbook example of avoidant attachment, which is due to the severe neglect he suffered as a child. Honestly, I could make a whole post about this alone if anyone is interested.
That coupled with having to adopt a mentality where nothing he ever did or said was ever right, because either his parents or grandparents would get upset, which led to him always being quiet or choosing the contrarian option, and you get a pretty fascinating character to think about. It’s interesting to examine his relationships through this lense: it makes complete sense that Pran has a difficult time engaging with JB and connecting to her emotional needs. The few relationships he has maintained exist out of necessity! And he tries so hard to push her away, in the same way he pushed everyone else away, but she just refuses to leave. Refuses to accept defeat. She’s fully determined to figure him out and make their weirdass relationship work and it’s something I admire JB for. That girl is a TROOPER.
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howlingdemon13 · 5 months
Something that I think we don't talk about enough is Beetlejuice and all the cartoonish sound effects that follow him.
This is rambly, but I'm making this surface-level analysis/speculation/headcanon everyone else's problem. >:3c
Ignoring the cartoon (since that's expected in the soundscape of an animated show aimed at younger audiences), Beetlejuice himself is accompanied by over-the-top sound effects in the film and musical that just aren't really present for other characters (at least not in the same way they are for him). While it's obviously to make his scenes funnier, I love the idea of them being an extension of his magic. Either he finds it funny for his actions to be accompanied by goofy sounds and times them himself for comedic effect, or they're a totally subconscious thing/he doesn't even need to think about doing it.
Especially in the context of moviejuice being more malicious than his counterparts, it's an unsettling dichotomy of this centuries-old conartist/manipulator being accompanied by goofy noises. And, if he chooses to actively magic these sounds into exiestence when he's interacting with the people he's tormenting, it implies that he enjoys the victims' suffering and finds it funny enough to go the extra mile to make it humiliating. They do seem to be tied more to when his magic is being used rather than happening in response to what he's physically doing.
I feel like the idea of intentional sound effects is true of musicaljuice, too. Yeah, he's meant to be more sympathetic while still being manipulative and selfish, so I feel like he does it to make himself goofier since he's so painfully lonely and lacks social skills (literally being invisible will do that). It could also be because of some anxiety, but I don't want to project too hard. I'd even go so far as to say that he thinks the sound effects make him less-intimidating.
There's some evidence to suggest that the sound effects are intentionally done since musicaljuice breaks the fourth wall in multiple instances across slight variations of the show (DC, Broadway, tour). Whether it's putting on a show to intentionally mislead the Maitlands/Deetzs (and by extension the audience), or trying to come off as funny in the hopes that it'll make up for his more obvious flaws, it's anyone's guess. Personally, with how desperate he is for friends and for someone to break his curse (we know he's not above manipulating people), I'm more inclined to believe it's a little bit of both.
That said, I also like the idea of them being a result of how Beetlejuice (musicaljuice specifically) interacts with the material world. He's an anomally (half-ghost-half-demon) at best and an abomination at worst. There's a part of me that wonders if the physical world outside of the Netherworld cannot handle his very existence without an assortment of "glitches" happening as a result of his mere presence (like the stretching sound that happens when he phases through walls and tables for example).
And, to really stick to my wishy washy thoughts on the whole thing, the toony sound effects are a bit of both. A reminder that the world of the living can't really handle his existence, but he's embraced it and made it his own. It's now a part of his shtick. It defines him as different, but he owns it and has as much fun with it as he can, or manipulates the ability when he sees fit.
And you know I will be abusing the toony sound effects thing in anything I end up writing.
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