#The studio i go to is so damn supportive. If PE class was this supportive growing up I probably would have been a jock.
ordinarytalk · 3 months
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jupitermelichios · 4 years
DC: The High-School AU: The Series: The Staff (the musical)
So I finally cast the school staff and teachers for my DC High School AU, which I thought some of you would have some fun with! I took the subject list from a fairly fancy looking private school, because only schools you have to pay for have their subject lists online, so I’m probably offering way more classes than your average state school, but hey, it’s my AU and I wanted to cram in as many supervillains, obscure heroes, and bad jokes as possible.
Admin & Staff
Principle - Amanda Waller
Deputy Principle & Treasurer - Noah Kuttler (the Calculator)
Nurse - Myra Mason (she was Dr Midnite’s nurse and love interest in the 40s & 50s, then got fridged, but I’m unfridging her and giving her a job with much better survival prospects)
Councillor - Ethel Peabody (she’s a psychiatrist from the Gotham TV show, and also in my headcanon, Amanda Waller’s sister)
Librarian - Stanislaus Johns (The Librarian. I considered bookworm for this job but he’s literally called the Librarian, what was I supposed to do, not use him?)
Admin Staff - Laura Conway (Superman supporting cast and occaisional vampire), Mabel Martin (Riddler’s secretary), Theresa Collins (Goldstar, also Booster Gold’s secretary)
Loren Jupiter (aka Mr Jupiter the richest and therefore most thrustworthy man in the world) - Business 101, Business Law, Entrepreneurship
Wesley Dodds (Sandman) - Business Communications
Annabeth Chamberlain (Brimstone) - Marketing, Hospitality & Tourism (she doesn’t work in tourism, but I figure anyone who can waitress while also having the power to set people on fire and damn them to hell and keeps her job probably knows a whole lot about customer service)
Family & Consumer Science
Miss Tribb (Lobo’s childhood teacher who inexplicably survived the extinction of their species) - Childhood Developement, Early Childhood Education
Neil Richards (The Mad Mod) - Texiles/Sewing, Fashion
Tenzil Kem (Matter-Eater Lad) - Food & Nutrition
Noah Kuttler (The Calculator) - Personal Finance
Foreign Languages
Matron Bertinelli (Nu52 Huntress, who I’m declaring a sepperate character and the aunt of pre-52 Huntress because they’re radically different characters and I like both of them) - ASL, Italian
Chang Jie-Ru (Nu52 Yo-Yo) - Chinese, AP Chinese
Yolanda Montez (Wildcat II) - Spanish, AP Spanish
Barbara Minerva (Cheetah) - Latin
Health Sciences
Myra Mason - Emergency Medical Responder training
Charles McNider (Dr Midnite) - Anatomy & Physiology, Health Class
Brian Durlin (Savant) - Computer Programming, Web Dev
Jennifer Lyn-Hayden (Jade) - Digital Art 101
Arnold Wesker (Ventriloquist) - 3D Animation, 3D Graphics (I don’t know why but the idea of Wesker as an animator just tickled me. Obviously his real passion is stop-motion, but he learnt 3D because there were more jobs)
English (the fancy private school called this ‘language arts’ which is so prentious it makes me feel slightly nauseous)
Wesley Dodds (Sandman) - English Language, AP English Language
Rac Shade (Shade the Changing Man) - English Literature, AP English Literature
Chloe Sullivan (the worst character in the Smallville TV show, a hotly contested position) - English Language, Communications 101, supervises the School Paper and the Yearbook
Shelly Gaynore (The Whip III) - Englist Literature, Creative Writing
Basil Karlo (Clayface) - Intro to Shakespeare
Nick Scratch (officially his supervillain name is just Scratch, but I refuse to consider that a code-name, looking at you Drake) - Communications 102: Public Speaking
Mathematics (which has a 100% villain make-up, which seems accurate from what I remember of high-school maths)
Noah Kuttler (The Calculator, because I think I’m funny) - Pre-Calc, Calculus, AP Calculus
Harlan Graves (The Underbroker) - Stats, Algebra 1, Algebra 2
Angelo Bend (Angle Man, becuase I know I’m funny) - Geometry, Trigonometry
PE (I realise this is probably too many PE teachers but there are a lot more caonical althetes than just about any other job in the DCU except maybe scientist)
Lawrence Crock (Sportsmaster, you knew this was coming) - Gym, Weight Training, coaches Baseball, Basketball, Tennis & Hockey
Lisa Snart (Golden Glider) - joint-coaches Cheerleading, coaches the Drill Team, Wrestling
Randy Hanrahan (Stallion) - PE, joint-coaches Cheerleading & Cross-Country, coaches Football
William Everett (Amazing Man) - PE, joint-coaches Cross-Country, coaches Track & Field
Matron Bertinelli (Huntress, sort of) - coaches Soccer & gymnastics
Performing Arts
Lisa Snart (Golden Glider) - Dance
Hartley Rathaway (Pied Piper) - Music 101, Music Theory, Composition, teaches Guitar & Percussion
Isaac Bowin (The Fiddler) - Music 101, AP Music Theory, leads Jazz Band, Orchestra, Marching Band
Siobhan Smyth (Silver Banshee) - part-time, leads the Choir and teaches singing
Basil Karlo (Clayface) - Theatre, Theatre 101
Simon Trent (Grey Ghost) - Theatre, Theatre 101, Film Studies
Ted Kord (Blue Beetle) - Theatre Tech
Mary Louise Dahl (Baby-Doll, from B:TAS) - Film Studies, Video Production
Betty Bates (Lady-at-Law, who is technically owned by DC now due to corporate buy-outs) - Debate
Science (do you have any idea how hard it is to pin down areas of specialisation for comic book scientists? TNT is on this list entirely because he’s the only actual honest-to-god professional chemist I could find)
Kirk Langstrom (ManBat) - Biology, AP Biology
Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy) - Biology, Environmental Science
Thomas “Tex” Thomas (TNT) - Chemistry
Achilles Milo (Professor Milo, again not really much of a code name) - Chemistry, AP Chemistry
Will Magnus (I refuse to even dignify it as a code-name) - Physics, Earth Sciences
Ray Palmer (The Atom) - Physics, AP Physics
Adam Strange (DC is just doing this to fuck with me, personally) - Astronomy
Social Studies & Humanities
Barbara Minerva (Cheetah) - World History
Maxie Zeus (ffs) - World History, AP World History (fun fact, Maxie was canonically just a normal history teacher before he got lightning powers, became convinced he was Zeus incarnate, and set out to become a criminal, making him my favourite DC mobster by a country mile)
Terry Long (aka one of the only characters to really deserve to get fridged) - US History, AP European History
Eobard Thawne (every code-name he has is stupid, but lets just go with Reverse-Flash as the least awful option) - US History, AP US History
Nick Scratch - US Government, AP US Government, AP Comparative Politics
Rex Tyler (Hourman) - AP Art History
Magdalene Kyle-Burton (Sister Zero, she’s a sometimes-nun and a sometimes-sister to Catwoman) - Comparative Religion
Michael Carter (Booster Gold) - Economics, AP Microeconomics, AP Macroeconomics
Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) - Psychology (there is exactly one heroic psychiatrist in all of comics, and I’d already used Dr Fate elsewhere. Scarecrow seemed like the least bad option of the remaining pool for being around children, and he does at least have teaching experience)
Adam Strange - Sociology
Betty Bates (Lady-at-Law) - Law
Richard Occult/Rose Psychic (it’s complicated, lets just say Dr Occult and leave it at that) - part-time, Criminal Justice
Technology & Engineering
Ted Kord (Blue Beetle) - Electronics, CAD, Woodworking
John Henry Irons (Steel) - Engineering, Metalworking
Will Magnus - Robotics
Visual Arts
Linda Lee/Danvers (she’s Supergirl, but I’m making her a different character from Kara Danvers/Kent because the DCU is really short on artists and I needed someone to teach the damn class, although the only thing that really makes her distinct from other supergirls is that she fucked a horse that one time and IDK how that will translate into a personality...) - Ceramics, AP Studio Art: 3D Design, Art 101
Rex Tyler (Hourman) - Graphic Design, Drawing, AP Studio Art: Drawing
Jack Knight (Starman) - Painting, AP Studio Art: 2D Design, Art 101
Jennifer Lyn-Hayden (Jade) - Photography
So there you go - I’ll be honest I still don’t really understand how high-schools in the USA work, and I have no idea what Design studio art even is so I kind of assigned those ones at random, but now it’s done and cannot be changed.
As always this universe is open to prompts so if you want a chapter focussing on any of these characters just drop me an ask or a comment and I’ll see what I can do. Making Dr Occult & Rose Psychic a single gender-fluid person is already on my list to do, since that’s who I thought they were for a longest time when I started reading comics and I’m still kind of annoyed that isn’t canonically what’s going on.
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melaninkpopimagines · 6 years
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Author: Admin Jazzi
warning: language ****Please dont read if you have r*pe triggers*****
word count:2k
“is it wrong to blame him for leaving you?”
Middle school was a struggle. Being poor, on a scholarship to a very prestigious school, you were constantly bullied. Your only friend in the world was Kim Namjoon.
He was your light, but you could swear you imagined him. There was no way he could have actually existed in your life.
You met him in sixth grade. He walked up to you out of the blue and put his arm around your shoulder. You ducked down but he cutely smiled and held you close.
“The kids won’t mess with you, if I walk you to class so just be chill.” Namjoon said. You didn’t know his name, you had honestly never seen him before (but what was that tell of? You walked around with your eyes in a book, so you hadn't noticed anyone, made any friends, in fact you hadn’t learned any names really. So this strange boy, you’d honestly never seen before, walking up to you and being nice was a shock.
Despite his advice for you to play it cool, you moved away from him, and just out of his reach. You looked him up and down. He was tall and slim asian kid, with a bowl cut and round glasses. He was wearing the red uniform sweater most of the other boys wore, and a pair of big studio headphones around his neck. You recognized his face some. He always got awards at assemblies for his academics, in fact he was probably the top of your class. You knew he was older than you, everyone in your grade was, sense you’d skipped a few grades. You were so damn smart. That’s how you’d gotten your scholarship, the school practically begged you to come to their school. You knew why. Schools  were fighting to have the genius black girl, from the hood, join their school. It was the perfect chance for them to brag about their charity work.
You took the school closest to home, plus this one offered you the chance to skip as many grades as you could test out of. Even being lazy you managed three.
Unfortunately you never managed to beat this kid. He was always a couple points ahead of you.
“I've been watching you lately. I’m kim namjoon.”he said.
So he’s korean. You thought. “Why? What do you want?” you spoke up.
He smiled, a big goofy grin.
“I’ll tell you while i walk you to class.”he said. He turned you around and started leading you towards your next class.
This creep knows my schedule you thought, clenching your fist but you decided not to comment on that.
“Well first I wanted to know why you never showed up to receive your awards. I thought maybe you were ashamed of getting second place and i wanted to rub in your face: but then i realized you were skipping because you didn’t want the attention and -” you cut him off.
“What does that have to do with you?” you asked.
He chuckled. “Listen huh?  We’re both in competition with each other here. These people look at us like charity cases even though were obviously superior to all the other kids. We should stick together.” he said.
“Why should i do that? Do you think I’m stupid? You’re just trying to make sure you keep your place.” you said.
He smirked. “That’s half it….but i also think you’re really cute, and it sucks to see you looking sad with your head in a book.” he said.
You scrunched your face, feeling your cheek heating up.
“Don't worry about me. How about that?” You managed to spit out.
He gently gave your head a pat. “I’m your friend now. So stop being mean and go to class.” He said pointing inside.
You rolled your eyes and walked in.
He didn’t let up. But after a while he wore you down. He was cute and funny. He was definitely the only one who wanted to talk to you, and in a school of rich white kids, you welcomed any friend of color.
Namjoon was popular. People liked him. Walking down the halls together was more attention than you wanted; but you liked how happy he was.
Namjoon had become your best friend, not just your only friend. In that year he became a constant you needed him in your life. Your parents loved him, you loved him. More than you’d admit to him. Because he was perfect. Smart, funny, and sensitive. He held your heart in his hand. And maybe...you had imagined this perfect boy.
You didn’t realize how fragile you’d become. How dependent on him you’d become; until he disappeared.
Out of the blue.
The day before the first day of high school. You were as nervous as ever. Like he always did to calm you down he brought ice cream over.  
Your mom had no problem with him being in your room alone, despite your dad’s protests, they gave you privacy.
The two of you sat on your bed, watching a new movie you’d gotten on DVD.  One thing Namjoon wasn’t allowed to do was watch R rated movies. So he always came to your house. You’d binge watch movies until his mom called worried to death about him.
It was one of those nights, just to calm your nerves.
“I hear the kids at this school are assholes.” You sighed, “I don’t know how I’m gonna get through this without you.”
You stuffed your face with ice cream, trying to focus less on his beautiful face and on the bloodbath on your tv.
He didn’t say anything for a moment. Then he sat up.
“Y/N. Do you really think you can’t get through high school without me?” He asked.
You nodded. “You’re my best friend. I need you there for support and stuff.”
He laughed. “I know you can’t bare to be without me.” He teased. You rolled your eyes about to comment that you were happy he was going to a different school; but he stopped you in your tracks.
“That’s why, I asked my parents to let me transfer to the same school as you!! And they agreed!”
Your eyes widened and at the same time you jumped up and tackled him into a hug.
Namjoon laughed hugging you back.
“I know, I know, I’m the greatest.” He beamed.
You smiled, hugging the boy tightly.
In that moment you couldn’t help but staring at his beautiful dimples smile. You didn’t realize you were lot in it until those beautiful lips met yours. Namjoon leaned up and kissed you. A passionate kiss, sweet and soft. Then he pulled away. “I’m always gonna be here for you, okay?”
“I should go before my mom is worried.” He said pushing you off gently, and kissed your cheek before rushing out of the room.
“Leaving all ready? It’s not even dark out. Are you trying to get in good with your mom?” You could hear your mom joking with him as he passed.
He quickly said goodbye and was leaving as you made your way to the kitchen.
Your face was heated. You hugged your mom, listening to her call Namjoon’s Mom to let her know he was taking the bus home. Of course your older brother would walk him like he always did. Your parents always made sure he got home safely.
Your mom gently patted your hair. She had a knowing smile. Like she knew something happened.
That night she made your hair look nice, straightening it; because you never did that. You asked her for a whole new look and she delivered.
You couldn’t stop thinking about him. His lips against yours, his cute blush, and his body against yours. It was so nice.
The next morning, you woke up early. You let your older sister do your makeup, nothing major, just a little lipstick and eye makeup.
You picked out your favorite plaid overall dress, with a black top, a pair of black grunge boots you’d bought with your birthday money, hoop earrings, and a gold necklace.
You skipped into school, hugging your books. You looked around for Namjoon; even after the bell rang and you were ordered to class. In fact you didn’t see him all day. Even trying to call him did no good. Even your mom couldn’t get in touch with his.
Weeks turned into months, everything was a blur, until that particular day. You remembered it way to clearly.
You were wearing a large blue and red sweater, red shorts, fishnet stockings, leg warmers, and boots. For some reason you wanted to dress cute, just Incase Namjoon decided to show up again. Your hair was back into a bun.
A tall boy with long blonde hair and blue eyes,  walked up to you.  
“Hey…you’re y/n right?” He looked you up and down. You clenched your books and backed up, bumping into another boy with short brown hair.
He smirked at you.
“I wanted to invite you to a party, tonight.” He winked, touching your arm. You pulled it away.
“I don’t go to parties. Sorry.” You tried walking away but he grabbed your hand, the boy with brown hair pulled your phone from your pocket.
“I’ll put my number in..and if you decide different text me and I’ll give you the address okay?”after he finished he slid it back in, making sure to feel you up a bit.
You walked as quickly as you could, hear them shouting for you to text them.
For the entire day that party was all anyone was talking about.
A few girls came up to you, saying how lucky you had been to be invited by brad and Daniel personally. How could you feel lucky when you had no idea who they were?
Walking home you thought about it. Namjoon would want you to take this opportunity, right? He always told you that you needed to get out more. So you decided to give it a chance. What could it hurt?
You dressed up. A red satin dress, that stopped mid thigh, lacy stockings, a pair of black heels you borrowed from your sister(borrowing without asking of course), and a black leather jacket because your dad said you couldn’t leave dressed so skimpy.
You walked down the street, ignoring the cat calls from men asking where you were going looking so pretty.
You had your hopes up that this would be amazing.
That was a mistake.
You wished you’d never went there. You wished you had worn something harder to rip off. You wished you’d been able to fight back. You wished Namjoon was there.
Even after Brad and Daniel had took away your innocence, you were thinking about namjoon. Maybe you missed him so much. You wanted him to take care of you like he said he would. You were hoping he was okay as you picked yourself off the floor and snuck out of the room.
The party was still in fool boom, that's probably why no one heard your scream. Would they even have helped if they did?
You  walked out of the front door, and it was like no one had seen you. Your stockings were ripped, your shoe was missing and your nose bleeding. You hurt in places you’d never hurt before. Physically and emotionally you were broken.
The only thing you held onto for four years, even when your school labeled you a slut(just for what those two did to you); but you held onto the hope that Namjoon would come back, because he didn’t want to leave you. Convincing yourself that he was fighting to come back to you and protect you like you promised.
…...you couldn’t be more wrong.
Your first year of college started normally. You moved as far away as you possibly could, on a small campus, where you lived in a small apartment by yourself. You were barely able to turn around in it; but it was yours, and all you could afford.
You were looking through your phone, and sipping your coffee, next to the window. As usual your mind drifted off to wondering what Namjoon was doing.
You didn’t have to wonder long.
YouTube feed recommended a video, from bts. ‘No more dream’. Curious by the cute boy in the beanie, with a gummy smile, as the thumbnail, you clicks on it.
That’s when you saw him. Namjoon, definitely kim Namjoon . He was rapping. He was on YouTube.
You couldn’t think properly. Your hand shook so you carefully sat down your mug.  You watched the entire video, tears running down your face. “So this was what he was doing.” You said to yourself.
You searched them up more.
He joined the company, trained, and debuted without telling you a word.
Kim Namjoon….Rap Monster.
The boy you once adored, who promised to protect you….left you alone, exposed, wondering if he was okay. To be in BTS.
thank you for reading!! i reposted because i messed up the original post lmao but part two  is coming soon.
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archivepolarisornah · 4 years
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“I cannot believe I broke my phone on my first day!” The girl was almost to scared to pick her phone up. She had this one for years, and now it was broken. I surely hope this isn’t some bad omen telling me my freshman year is going to be hell.
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“Oh. Damn, I’m sorry,” Hallie said with a sympathetic frown. “Is it like … actually broken or is the screen just cracked? Maybe it won’t be that expensive to fix?” She wanted to suggest a thicker case, as well, but she wasn’t sure how well received that suggestion would be, knowing now might not be the best time. 
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Lilo sighed before noticing someone had noticed her. Awkward. “Uh-yeah no I mean there is nothing to apologize for.” She rambled before starting to laugh. “I’m sorry, first impressions always are the worst with me.” She looked at her phone and frowned. “I think it’s just the glass I’m not sure.” Either way, she’d have to work a bit longer at the dance studio now. “Maybe, I’ll go to the store to see what they can do. Oh, right! My name is Lilo. Nice to meet you, as you might have guessed I’m new here.” 
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“Oh! A freshman!” Hallie said with a friendly smile. “It’s really nice to meet you, though I wish it were under better circumstances.” She looked at the broken phone with sympathy. “I’m sure there’s like … coupons or something you can get for repairs. Maybe there’s a student on campus who could fix it for credit on an assignment or something.” She didn’t really know what else to suggest, she just felt bad for the girl and wanted to do something to help.
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Lilo was quick to jump back on her feet and offer the other a handshake. First impressions were important after all, especially to upperclassmen, or well women in this case. She gave the stranger a weak nod. “I can try, I’ll first check at the store if it can be saved. Could you give me the time, I really have no clue now if I’m running late or not?” Moreover, the campus was far larger than she had pictured and she could see herself getting lost with ease.
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“Oh, sure,” Hallie said, giving her the time. “Do you have summer classes?” she asked curiously, wondering if the freshman was taking extra classes before her school year officially started. It was a good idea to get ahead of the curve, and Hallie admired the younger girl for it. Hallie had never been able to take on extra work due to needing a job while she was in school, but she thought it was a good idea in general.
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“I am.” She had been worried that she would end up being behind if she didn’t. “I mean I don’t know what is waiting for me, and I’m someone who gets lost quite easily. I thought if I attended summer classes then I can get familiar with the place and lower the risks of coming across as a big…idiot.” Well, she didn’t really have a world-class first impression now did she?
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“I think that’s a good idea,” Hallie said with a nod. “Not that I think you’d come across as an idiot otherwise, but it’s always nice to go the extra mile and get an advantage.” She smiled. “I’m sure you’ll quickly get used to things and know this place like the back of your hand. Do you like exploring normally?”
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“I don’t know, I’ve been a bit…” Well, could she call it bullied? “Having some issues with a girl I went to school with, she kept calling me out and since then I’ve always been a bit wary about my image.” Or what she represented. They were becoming adults and she wanted to be likeable, gain lots of friends and offer support instead of being the clutz that ended things in disaster. “I do LOVE exploring. you know how everything can seem mysterious with a bit of imagination. It’s a bit what I do when I look for a place for my pictures- search the magic of a location.”
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“Oh, pictures? You do photography?” Hallie asked, latching onto that topic of conversation. She felt bad for the girl when she mentioned having issues with someone, and she didn’t want to dwell on any painful topics. Besides, she thought people with a gift for photography were really interesting. They saw the world in an entirely new way, kind of like how Wallace did. She wished she had the same eye for beauty in unconventional places like that. “What’re your favorite things to take photos of?”
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“Yes, I love holding a camera and creating memories wherever I go.” It was her magic wand in some way and at the same time something she could hold on to. She regrets the lack of pictures of her parents, that’s why she held onto the pictures of other things in her life. “The world changes through the eye of a lens you know, you start to appreciate the rain, how light reflects on any ordinary object and with some artificial things, it’s like you create magic.”
She took a map out of her bag showing a recent picture she had taken. “I’ve been playing around with colour a lot lately.” She smiled. “And certainly people. People have something magical around them, especially their eyes. You can cover their mouth and you’ll still be able to read their emotion.” Lilo explained. “Do this with the eyes and you can fool the world.”
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“Oh wow, this is really cool,” Hallie said with a nod, looking at the photos then up at Lilo with a faint grin. “I love color. Are eyes the thing you notice first about people, then?” she asked curiously. “I tend to notice their smiles, first. My best friend Wallace has the best smile. But eyes can be really expressive, you’re right.”
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“Thanks.” Lilo smiled, watching her stare at her portfolio. “I love colour as well, and actually that’s not the first thing I notice. It’s more often their hands.” Do they tremble, where do they place it when they are with their partner, do their veins show, do they hold scars. The hands at time tell a story about the person, and how they treat others.
“Wallace is quite a unique name.” She smiled. “And they aren’t called the mirror to the soul for nothing.”
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“Oh, hands,” Hallie repeated with an interested look. “I never would’ve thought to look at hands. Can you tell a lot about a person by their hands?” She tried to think if she’d ever noticed Wallace’s hands. Not unless they were touching her in some way, she supposed. She noticed a lot about Wallace in general, but not ever anything super specific, except for his smile.
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“Actually you should be surprised how sometimes you can even read the profession in someone’s hands.” She smiled. “Like how sometimes a hairdresser still has dye on their hands, how a surgeon has two lines that indicate they stitch a lot. “But also age.” There could be spots due to age appearing. “Also their health can be indicated in the hands, example liver, lung and heart illnesses could be found in your fingernails.
“And the way they move their hands while holding the partner can even reveal if they are a great partner or a douchbag.” She shrugged.
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“Oh, wow, I guess you’re right,” Hallie said, never having considered all those things, but once Lilo mentioned them, she could see how that all made sense. She looked down at her own hands and wondered what they said about her, before her mind went to Wallace’s, wondering what they said about him.
“That’s really insightful of you,” she said, looking back up at Lilo with a smile. “You could probably do a whole project on the stories people’s hands tell.”
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Lilo nodded. “You learn some things looking at one’s hand, and eyes. People really are amazing.” It’s like everyone had a story, and some people just want to read the book without making someone else uncomfortable. She had the urge to twirl around but refrained. It still was the first meeting, so she couldn’t be too eager in expressing herself.
“Well, that’s something new.” She laughed. She was bullied before so she wasn’t used to being complimented, other’s just saw her as that weird kid without any parents. “I could, but I guess it depends on what the teacher assigns. I do want to include people in it.”
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“I think you totally should. I know sometimes the professors will work with you on a certain concept if you really want to incorporate it into your assignments. They like it when you’re engaged and interested,” Hallie said with a nod and a smile. “At least, the ones I have always are. Some of them seem really tired and like they’d rather be anywhere else, but most of them like being there because that’s usually the subject they’re interested in too, you know? Not like in high school where you’ll get, like, the PE teacher also teaching math or something.”
She nodded toward Lilo’s phone. “I know of some really cute cases you can find at this kiosk at the mall. Once you get it fixed, you should check them out!”
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“I really hope so, I’m curious to get to know my teachers. I’m still waiting on my schedule for when actual classes start.” Lilo tapped her feet, crossing it. “Ah, I wonder what I look most forward to, photography or dancing!” She clapped her hands, glowing with excitement, she was trying to go for classic ballet, so it was quite challenging with her hip hop background. “I understand what you mean, it’s a wonder some people are even allowed to teach, one of my math teachers actually spend his time on Facebook instead. It was horrible. He didn’t even have a textbook so most of it was self-study.”
“OH! I SHOULD!” It would lower the chance of her phone breaking as well. “Thank you.” Before she knew it she already hugged Hallie, but was quick to let go. “Woops, sorry I get a bit too excited sometimes, I hope I didn’t offend you.”
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“Oh!” Hallie jumped slightly as she was suddenly in a hug and then not again. She smiled, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. “It’s okay. I like hugs,” she assured Lilo. “It’s cute how excited you are about starting school. Most people wouldn’t be.” She shook her head. “But I’m glad you are.”
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“Sorry, I am known to be a bit of a ball of energy.” Lilo really needed to start and try to respect boundaries, she was lucky that Hallie didn’t mind. “Well, it’s a new start. I had a lot of problems in my previous school, so I wish to make lovely new memories now.” She wanted to link school to a positive experience. “Thanks.”
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“Oh, I bet you will,” Hallie assured her. “You make really good friends in college. I’m sure you’ll find a lot of people with a common interest in photography and dancing and before you know it you’ll have your own posse.” She grinned. “I think it’s a lot easier to find your people in college than in high school.”
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Lilo wasn’t that sure about it, but she wanted to believe she would meet some wonderful people. “I hope so, I love to dance and photography with every part of my being, it would be nice to meet people with that same love. Yet I also would like to get friends with people interested in other things as well.” She hoped that with her being open to the teachers about her anxiety, things would go easier now than it had been in high school.
“Well, I think I should go now, It’s very nice to meet you, Hallie. I don’t think I can postpone things too long without getting late for my class. If you want we can meet up afterwards, if not then who knows we might bump into school.”
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“Oh! Yeah, of course,” Hallie said, realizing she’d held up the girl a lot longer than she’d meant to and the other had been on her way somewhere. “Sorry, I guess we got a little carried away.” She smiled, nodding. “I’d love to meet up sometime. Why don’t you give me your phone number? Then when you get your phone fixed I’ll text you and we can get coffee sometime or something?” She got her phone out and held it out to Lilo so she could put her number in.
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starlightkeybright · 7 years
persona 5 not quite writings, more ramblings/summary of an AU i thought of earlier
high school teacher AU with the PTs but mainly with akira and goro akira is just a standard PE teacher, he loves being outside and encouraging the kids to exercise and all that goro is a teacher teacher that teaches criminal justice then there's the others; ann teaches english, ryuji is another PE teacher but also coaches for the track team, yusuke is an art teacher, haru is an economics teacher but also has like a "garden club" where she has a patch on the school grounds where she helps students grow random plants especially vegetables, futaba is the computer/keyboarding teacher that often has subs for her class but she's there enough for it to be ok, and makoto is a math teacher and helps kids see that math isn't all that bad and also on the side/at another location she teaches self defense courses and some of her students are students there as well anyway akira and the PTs are a whole group of friends and they go out together to hang out and sometimes party, akira often goes on one off dates with each of them and the rest do that as well with each other akira and goro actually started dating over the summer, it took some convincing on akira's part to get goro to go out with him in general, goro was very the "alone teacher", he got along enough with the others but wasn't really friends with them, y'know, but akira pushed him into being friends with his friends, so the friend family gets one more finally when they start dating, akira gets the go ahead from goro to let the others know and they're all super supportive of it and also promise to not spill the beans when school starts so when summer is over and everyone goes back to school, akira starts making it a habit to keep going to visit goro during class, even if it's for a minute or for some errand he was "forced" to run for someone else the kids are smart little shits though, and some get suspicious on why a random PE teacher keeps coming into class to hang out, and they fucking notice the looks and hear the hints akira is a little fucking tease, he could say something that's completely normal but the WAY he says it makes some kids go "...wait, was that a innuendo" goro is embarrassed by it all at first, but he starts having fun with it too, so they end up making a competition about it they start having sass offs and they almost get heated and it's the fucking middle of class and the kids are all "ooooo!!!" at certain responses and shit and it's all one big game goro then starts his own habit of going to visit akira, when he has a free period and nothing to do, he goes outside to where akira is with his kids and sometimes just sits and watches, sometimes he catches akira on a 5 minute break and they just talk, but of course the kids are noticing all this cue the fucking rumors going around school with all the kids and them thinking at first that maybe they hate each other but then thinking "wait, what if they're a couple" "nah, they're just being weird men" and of course some of the kids know that akira and goro are friends with the other teachers from the interactions they spy, so they ask the others if they know anything, but the PT group swear that nothing is going on slight sidetrack, but akira going to harass the others during their classes and some of them going out to talk with him akira helping for a bit with the plants with haru, akira giving some advice to the track team with ryuji, akira going into the studio and asking yusuke very loudly if he should strip and model for the kids (of course he legally can't but some of the kids want it), akira stopping in ann's and makoto's classes to make some teasing remarks about whatever they're currently teaching, akira stopping into futaba's class whenever she's there just to go "OH HEY, YOU'RE ACTUALLY HERE TODAY" goro sometimes goes to sit and have some coffee with makoto and discuss different topics, goro going to help haru with her plants, goro stopping by the studio to compliment the students' work, goro stopping in ann's class and helps for a bit with a certain topic, goro also sometimes watches the track team (sometimes with akira), goro going into futaba's class sometimes to help the sub get control of the kids and sometimes to practice some keyboarding himself anyway, most of the school year goes like this and the kids and just on and off with the rumors and theories about akira and goro and whether or not they're together then during spring break, akira proposes to goro, even though it was a little fast and all, but he feels so confident and so right being with goro (they also moved in together before the xmas break), that he just wants to seal their friendship/relationship properly and of course goro says yes goro debates on wearing his engagement ring when they get back to school cuz the kids will just go crazy about that and ask him a million questions, so instead he keeps it safely in his pocket during school hours akira however is fucking loud and proud and wears his ring no matter what and the kids do question him but he won't tell them anything concrete after about a couple weeks of the kids going crazy over akira's ring and goro's lack of a (visible) ring, akira decides to end this shit once and for all he goes into goro's class one day like usual and sits down off to the side and just watches goro for a while goro is a little suspicious cuz akira seems much happier than usual and he knows that he's up to something, but doesn't want to make a big deal out of it in front of the kids finally at a random point during class when goro isn't talking, akira suddenly gets up and looks at the class and he goes "hey uh, everyone? there's something i want to tell you" and goro's just frozen at his desk and he knows EXACTLY where akira is going and he debates hardcore on whether or not he should stop him, but he knows it's already too late, he has the kids complete attention "so there have been many rumors flying about about a possible relationship between me and mr akechi here. don't think i didn't notice, they've been going on all damn year. well, today i'm here to put a stop to those rumors" the kids are listening so fucking intently and also some of them are already being loud and asking questions, but he quiets them down "ok, ok, so. some of them think that me and mr akechi are dating, like we're an item. and you know what? no, we're not" cue some kids disappointed as fuck but goro is already putting his face in his hands cuz he knows what's coming up "we're engaged actually" cue the kids FUCKING EXPLODING WITH ALL SORTS OF SOUNDS AND YELLING AND SCREAMING AND THEY'RE ALL SO FUCKING HAPPY BUT SO FUCKING CONFUSED AT THE SAME TIME "WAIT, YOU WERE DATING? YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED? WHAT?" akira steps over and makes goro stand up and goro is still covering his face with one hand and his face is so fucking red but he's smiling anyway akira then just smiles at goro and goro rolls his eyes and digs his ring out of his pocket and puts it on and akira holds his hand up to show his AND THE KIDS EXPLODE FUCKING AGAIN haru is the closest to the classroom and she comes in all concerned cuz why the fuck are the kids screaming so much and she sees them standing there with their rings on and she's just "OH! you guys decided to announce it, i'm so happy for you!" and the kids turn to her just "WHAT THE- YOU KNEW?" and akira explains which teachers knew about the two of them and for how long AND THE KIDS ARE SO DONE AT THIS POINT, LIKE WHAT THE FUCK, THEY PLAYED THEM SO HARD word quickly spreads afterwards about it so eventually the whole school knows akira and goro get constantly teased for a week or two straight by the kids "look mr kurusu, your fiance is coming over" "mr akechi, your fiance wants to talk with you" "so are either of you changing your names? are we going to have two 'mr kurusu's or two 'mr akechi's?" "mr akechi, can you ask your fiance to leave the bedroom talk in the bedroom?" (akira "boy, this is not bedroom talk, you would know when i do bedroom talk" goro "oh my god, please stop") backing up a bit, akira takes goro out to dinner the night he made the sudden announcement as an apology, he knew goro would be/was uncomfortable with bringing light to their relationship at school but goro just shakes his head and smiles, saying "i was worried, but once you started, there was no stopping you. besides, even though i did feel that bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, it went away pretty quickly. to see them so happy about us, so happy for us, i just...i almost cried, believe it or not. i'm so lucky to have someone like you and i'm lucky to have such good students. i feel more sure now about our marriage" "what, you were having second thoughts?" "shut up, you know what i mean. i'm happy to get so much support and i'm happy to be with you for the rest of my life" "i'm happy about that too"
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apsbicepstraining · 6 years
4 Thoughts Spin Class Taught Me About Self-Love
Exercising isnt always the best part of my era. Sure, there are some periods where I cant wait to hop on my bicycle and get going, but there are some periods where Im genuinely merely not appearing it.
Maybe I had a shitty daytime at work, maybe its that time of the month or maybe its precisely not my epoch and the last happening I want to do is try to touched a new PR at Flywheel. As much as spinning sometimes isnt my number one priority, I adoration it. But most importantly, Ive learned a lot from it.
Yes, Ive properly learned how to tap back without interrupting my back, and how to make 105 RPM without looks a lot like a madman, but Ive also learned a lot about myself.
And thats not from sitting on motorcycle for 45 hours, its from listening to my instructors.
Ive been anointed with some of best available fitness coaches is not simply in Boston, but also in the country. And after a year of revolving my little tush off, this is what Ive learned from them
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1. Love yourself.
This probably seems counterintuitive or super clich, but its true. The reasonablenes I started revolving is because I couldnt appears to love my organization for what it was. And as much as the workouts have changed it, my teaches changed it even more.
Their crazy confidenceand cherish for everything they do is so ridiculously inspirational. Every time I move to class, I merely detect myself strutting down wall street because thats what theyve taught me to do.
Signing up for class each week, stepping through a rainstorm and many other things dont make going to class easy, but were doing it. So love it, and love yourself because youre beating some serious odds.
Love yourself because youre beating some serious odds.
2. Youre not ever going to hit a PR.
Im crazy, crazy competitive. Even as a little minor, I always wanted to be first in line or the fastest at finishing my banquet( apparently because PE was my worst subject ).
And yes, Flywheel hinders my competitive tone alive, which Im absolutely grateful for. But Im not going to be at the top of the Torq Board every day, and thats totally OK.
Were all going to have bad daylights epoches where we just cant appears to punched a balance between our torq and RPM but those are also the days we will continue to, against all odds, sitting on that damn bike and knocking butt.
We night not ever be kicking best available laughingstock, but regardless of your rating, you are still KICKING BUTT.
What Happens To Your Form When You Stop Labor Out[ LABS]
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3. EAT.
This might also seem like the most ridiculous gratuity in the world, but if you dont eat and if you dont eat health, for that are important you wont be able to work out.
I cant even tell you how many times I didnt snack or lunch before my workout, and I came severely close to fainting.
Your body requirement nutrients so you can work even harder. If you dont dine, you wont have energy. And your person wont have anything to burn.
And then what happens? Youll have serious potbelly aches, and youll disintegrate. Not good.
4. Be patient.
I am one of the least patient people in the world, so this one is a genuine life assignment. Your organization wont change a few weeks into your workout, and you wont be the best in class after a couple of spins.
It takes time to change, and so what? Youre still purporting for change and purporting for a better you every time you walk into that studio. Be proud!
I absolutely hated exerting before I discoveredspinning. I always, always dreaded it, and now its something I( largely) look forward to.
Yes, I feel great after my workouts, but the lessons Ive learned from it and my instructors are worth a blaze of a lot more than any calorie Ive burned.
Give it a try. Who knows, maybe youll love it as much as I do.
Are in favour of Elite Daily’s bureaucrat newsletter, The Edge, for more stories you don’t want to miss .
The post 4 Thoughts Spin Class Taught Me About Self-Love appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 6 years
4 Thoughts Spin Class Taught Me About Self-Love
Exercising isnt always the best part of my era. Sure, there are some periods where I cant wait to hop on my bicycle and get going, but there are some periods where Im genuinely merely not appearing it.
Maybe I had a shitty daytime at work, maybe its that time of the month or maybe its precisely not my epoch and the last happening I want to do is try to touched a new PR at Flywheel. As much as spinning sometimes isnt my number one priority, I adoration it. But most importantly, Ive learned a lot from it.
Yes, Ive properly learned how to tap back without interrupting my back, and how to make 105 RPM without looks a lot like a madman, but Ive also learned a lot about myself.
And thats not from sitting on motorcycle for 45 hours, its from listening to my instructors.
Ive been anointed with some of best available fitness coaches is not simply in Boston, but also in the country. And after a year of revolving my little tush off, this is what Ive learned from them
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1. Love yourself.
This probably seems counterintuitive or super clich, but its true. The reasonablenes I started revolving is because I couldnt appears to love my organization for what it was. And as much as the workouts have changed it, my teaches changed it even more.
Their crazy confidenceand cherish for everything they do is so ridiculously inspirational. Every time I move to class, I merely detect myself strutting down wall street because thats what theyve taught me to do.
Signing up for class each week, stepping through a rainstorm and many other things dont make going to class easy, but were doing it. So love it, and love yourself because youre beating some serious odds.
Love yourself because youre beating some serious odds.
2. Youre not ever going to hit a PR.
Im crazy, crazy competitive. Even as a little minor, I always wanted to be first in line or the fastest at finishing my banquet( apparently because PE was my worst subject ).
And yes, Flywheel hinders my competitive tone alive, which Im absolutely grateful for. But Im not going to be at the top of the Torq Board every day, and thats totally OK.
Were all going to have bad daylights epoches where we just cant appears to punched a balance between our torq and RPM but those are also the days we will continue to, against all odds, sitting on that damn bike and knocking butt.
We night not ever be kicking best available laughingstock, but regardless of your rating, you are still KICKING BUTT.
What Happens To Your Form When You Stop Labor Out[ LABS]
To deem this video please enable JavaScript, and mull upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video
3. EAT.
This might also seem like the most ridiculous gratuity in the world, but if you dont eat and if you dont eat health, for that are important you wont be able to work out.
I cant even tell you how many times I didnt snack or lunch before my workout, and I came severely close to fainting.
Your body requirement nutrients so you can work even harder. If you dont dine, you wont have energy. And your person wont have anything to burn.
And then what happens? Youll have serious potbelly aches, and youll disintegrate. Not good.
4. Be patient.
I am one of the least patient people in the world, so this one is a genuine life assignment. Your organization wont change a few weeks into your workout, and you wont be the best in class after a couple of spins.
It takes time to change, and so what? Youre still purporting for change and purporting for a better you every time you walk into that studio. Be proud!
I absolutely hated exerting before I discoveredspinning. I always, always dreaded it, and now its something I( largely) look forward to.
Yes, I feel great after my workouts, but the lessons Ive learned from it and my instructors are worth a blaze of a lot more than any calorie Ive burned.
Give it a try. Who knows, maybe youll love it as much as I do.
Are in favour of Elite Daily’s bureaucrat newsletter, The Edge, for more stories you don’t want to miss .
The post 4 Thoughts Spin Class Taught Me About Self-Love appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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