#The little merhog
srkizer · 1 year
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i think garfield and jon also live on mobius
shame that grounder missed out on garfield's advice to keep an open box of baking soda next to refrigerator
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krissiefox · 1 year
Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog - The Little Merhog (Screenshots & Review)
Despite what the episode name is clearly spoofing, this isn't a story about a young girl running off to marry some dweeb she just met who eats her friends, but is thankfully instead another undersea adventure episode!
The story starts with...oh, wait. Maybe this is closer to The Little mermaid than I thought. * mr plinkett voice*  oh no.
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The little hair stubbles on Lt. Bananas exposed butt are a nice touch. 😉 😅 So.....Sonic and Tails are fishing, which implies that they're planning to physically maim and/or eat the same kinds of sea critters who end up saving their lives later and also seem to be friends with the lady they're about to meet. That's awkward.
Tails accidentally snags his fishing line on a merhog gal named Merna, who tells Sonic that her home is under attack by a Captain John Paul Memo (and his assistant, Lt. Bananas) . Sonic begins flirting with her, which she is surprisingly okay with as Sonic and Tails are clearly carrying fishing poles. Either she doesn't know what fishing is, or she's as messed up as Ariel....
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Tails ends this awkward moment by showing that he has produced scuba suits for him and Sonic, which they can use to safely deep dive underwater to help the merhog folks. The scene transitions to the Mertopia, home of the merhogs, and the inside of Captain Memos ship. It's interesting in this episode that Captain Memo is the primary antagonist for quite a while, as opposed to the usual Robotnik. He's also a pretty funny villain, with the odd personality quirk of constantly having his assistant - he is pantsless for some reason - write down notes for him,even when the two of them are in danger!
Captain Memo is planning to bulldoze the homes of all the merfolks and replace them with condos that he will charge folks to live in. Darn these old 90s cartoons, with their liberal woke anti-capitalist politics!!1 (that's sarcasm, by the way). Sonic, Tails and Merna try to fight his octopus ship, but it's big tentacles quickly grab hold of them. Merna reveals her "Aquaman" powers - she can communicate with all the other species of ocean dwelling critters, and calls to them for help! This is why I found it messed up that she seemed fine with Sonic and tails fishing...
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Zapped in the dick! Merna is able to summon a pair of electric eels to zap the heck out of  Captain Memo's ship - we even see inside that he is getting electrocuted right in the dick! This lets our heroes escape the tentacles, but Sonic finds he is not able to cut through the ships hull, so they have to retreat into Mertopia. Merna introduces Sonic to the queen, who looks more human than merhog but maybe her strange facial deformities are why she was deemed queen? *shrugs* The conversation between everyone is cut short when Memo starts breaking into the cave, but thankfully Sonic and Tails get an idea on how they can still help save the little kingdom.
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The ships hull is so tough it gives Sonic butthole eyes!
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Big gal! She doesn't look very hedgehog-like though....
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The scene cuts to Scratch and Grounder, who are hard at work cleaning the kitchen. One of the nice things in this episode is that these two get a good amount of screen time and cuteness, especially little Grounder.  🙂 Poor Grounder is trying to deal with a lasagna fridge monster when Sonic and Tails show up with faked pizza delivery order (and did I mention that the pizza have anchovies on it, which is really messed up as they now KNOW they’re killing Merna’s friends!). They use this opportunity to tell Scratch and Grounder that Memo is trying to take over the entirety of Mobius’ oceans. The two badniks rush off to tell Robotnik the news, as Sonic and Tails wait to see how Robotnik will react.
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Poor Grounder! Beware the lasagna fridge monster!
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Yeeeah, look at Tails, he’s so cool with his 90s shades! (He does look pretty adorable in overalls, but he’s Tails, he probably looks cute no matter what!) When Robotnik gets the news, he does just as Sonic and Tails hoped he would - he becomes jealous that Memo is trying to take over a place he himself wants to invade, so he orders Scratch an Grounder to build him an attack sub. They do so, and the trio head out in their new sub to pick a fight with Memo. Th two blast at each-other for a while, until Sonic says just a little too loudly to his friends that it is was a trick, and Scratch and Grounder end up telling Robotnik. Because of this, Robotnik then makes a pact with Memo instead, and they team up to attack Sonic! But thanks to Merna's fish talkin' abilities, she's able to call on a big army of sea beasties to sink both the villains ships and save the day. She and Sonic share a kiss, and hopefully Sonic realizes that maybe eating the friends of the gal he just smooched on is something he shouldn't be trying to do.
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Another one for the hug collection!
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Robotnik’s submarine looks very pleased with itself, like it just ate the tastiest burrito ever. 😃
In the Sonic Says segment, Sonic teaches Grounder not to play with matches "even if he thinks its safe". My friends and I  played with matches and magnifying glasses as kids, and had quite a bit of fun, never burning ourselves or starting a house fire. However, I do acknowledge that there's a lot of dumbass motherfuckers in the world would probably would accidentally burn their own house down or incinerate their own asshole - so I think the more fair advice would be "if you're going to play with anything that can start a fire, do so with adult supervision and make sure you have a means to quickly put the fire out!".
While the beginning of this episode makes most of what Sonic and Tails do in it have a creepy context to it, it does have a fun villain in Memo, lots of cute Scratch and Grounder moments, and introduces a new location and new race of mobians, the merhogs (who seem to either be mostly or all female-coded). So, it's a pretty decent one, still.
Til next time folks, stay cool and be good people!
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maareyas · 1 month
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12:54 04:05:20XX - Mariana Trench Mission Objective: Investigate whale fall - An unknown creature was already present at the site when the deep sea probe arrived. He immediately fled from the probe's line of sight after seemingly recognizing what it was. - The probe was then brought offline by an unknown assailant; Most likely the creature.
My interpretation of a merhog Silver for Mermay ✨
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Caught myself thinking about how much Post-SGW Archie and Sonic Forces had affected Sonic character design for the worst
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niko-jpeg · 30 days
hi. merhog silver artist here and sorry for suddenly appearing in your asks but PLEASE feel free infodump about benthic areas in my tags. if you want. no pressure (⁠◕⁠ᴥ⁠◕⁠) (I think learning about the environment/planet is cool) (and i will use this knowledge to think about merhog silver in Situations™️)
MY TIME HAS COME :D!!!! Thank you so much, I would love to talk about the bottom of our oceans. I love mer aus because I have a special interest in the ocean and it’s biosphere, and I’m glad you’re open to my insanity fhskbslauslsj!!!!
So the ‘benthic zone’ is really an umbrella term for the sea floor, or the floor on any body of water. In this case in the Mariana’s Trench, the bottom layer would be below the “Abyss”/abyssopeleagic zone, in a zone called the Hadal Zone. That’s where Challenger deep is!
Deep sea zones are always very full of life, even if it doesn’t look it. Because of the extreme pressure, in a fictional setting Silver would have to spend a lot of time repressurizing and whatnot on the way back to the surface to not accidentally kill himself with the expansion of oxygen in his blood and also his tissue could turn to mush (I mean, take a look at the blowfish). Realistically, an animal that can go that deep probably can’t go to the surface, but since this is a fictional hedgehog mermaid, creative liberties can be taken out the wazoo. So feel free to pick and chose which details you keep and do away with for plot or situations ™ reasons!!
The ecosystem on the benthic areas of a body of water can vary, depending on how deep the water goes. In a No Light zone, as I like to call them, you begin to see animals with bioluminescence, and this luminescence can vary in color, as it serves a different purpose for each animal. Some may have red, which they have developed a special eye to see (as red is the first color to fade when you start to dive. I did a fun little activity showing this off in my marine science class, it turns almost a brownish), or the bioluminescence may be blue, which is the color that sticks around the longest. It depends on the animal and purpose, and for a character like Silver, maybe if he possesses bioluminescent traits (like in his hands, quills, where ever) it’s for warning off anything that may try to eat him. Though, in a real setting, a creature as big as him down there may be the apex.
Speaking of apex predators and whatnot, I’ll talk about the ecosystem! Most food is provided to the animals so deep through marine snow (excess nutrients that have fallen to the floor from the surface) and whale falls, which are when whales die and drift to the bottom. They will then be a source of food for months, and every creature, from the initial fish who get the muscle tissue to the bacteria that eat the bones, everyone benefits from the death! In a fictional setting, there is a chance you could have creatures in the deep terrorizing Silver, or he could be from an are with a lot of hydrothermal vents, which have their own ecosystems as well, though mostly of the krill and plankton variety. But they are EXTREMELY hot.
Silver, by the looks of it, may eat the flesh from the whale falls, other fish, crabs, and scavenge whatever corpses he may find. He also may be a slightly slower mer to begin with (which kind of matches his in game lack of speed in his levels in 06), as energy is a rare and valuable resource. If he continues to have psychokinesis, he may use it to speed boost and defend himself, or not understand the extent of his own abilities until in a photic (light) zone, like in a reef, which I’d imagine is what Green Hill would be. He might make himself sick hunting and eating whatever he can find in a safer environment, because wow! So much food, so much energy.
The deep isn’t quiet either! It has the echos of everything above it, and though the sand may cause a little dampening, it’s certainly not silent. I think he could probably be able to flare his quills too, as well as flatten them to streamline. But it is lonely down there. Animals don’t cross paths too often outside of hunting or going to a whale fall, and Silver may be on his own a lot of the time, which is sad :( hopefully he makes some friends closer to the photic zone. Maybe light may hurt his eyes a little? He’s spent his whole life in the dark with a limited color palette, so it’s a possibility! If you have any questions about anything ocean related, feel free to ask!! I’d love to share. The ocean is a wild and fun place, and mer aus make me so happy because it shows that people are willing to give it a chance, and by extension, spread knowledge and an adoration with the ocean.
Thank you for letting me ramble <3
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genesisxlivia · 1 year
Rewatched The Little Mermaid trilogy recently....
Xen’s a siren and Sonic’s a merhog teeheeee
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(also yes sonic has boobs, hes still trans but top surgery obvs wouldn’t exist underwater so he’s turned ripped pieces of a sail from a sunken ship into a makeshift binder instead)
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estellardreams · 6 months
Imagine how cool a Merhog Sonic focused game would be!
Sonic would be cursed as a Mercreature and forced to face his fear during a good portion of the game, because the only way to restore the Gaia temples is UNDERWATER.
Think of the levels being open-zone where you can do small quests, explore, and complete objectives until you eventually locate the temple and restore the emerald, slowly but surely fixing the world and letting the water recede until it's back to normal ocean level.
Sure, Sonic can't swim in his normal state, but as a merhog it's as natural as running to him.
And if you wanted both sides, why not use boost for land levels, like going around Angel Island or on top of buildings, leaping between them so you could complete your objective.
And the hub would be a MASSIVE ship filled with your friends, all doing their thing. You could even talk to them and do some of their individual quests, gaining bonus content or additions as a reward! You could head above or below deck, and everyone's position could change depending on the time of day.
Think of the ✨cosmetics!✨ What about different merling fin colors or prints? Or unique shoes and gloves? What about different particle effects underwater? Or what about small little wings on the back for the form for better propulsion? That'd be cool!
As for the story... Its similar to Sonic Unleashed, but also different. Eggman awakens a water spirit through a massive earth quake that floods the world, and that water magic gets filtered into the chaos energy draining machine and gets into Sonic's system. So now, every time he touches water, he transforms. Kinda like... The movie Luca, for comparison. And the more Sonic transforms, the worse the affects get, as in... He starts having issues on keeping himself in control, often reverting to a natural mercreature momentarily without knowledge. The mission is still to set up the emeralds, but sometimes Sonic doesn't even know why he's doing this.
Oh yeah, and Eggman likes to fight with his underwear bosses and such... Idk.
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rinkunokoisuru · 11 months
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Here's the self indulgent AU sketches I mentioned lol
The left is basically a merhog AU inspired by The Little Mermaid where instead of giving up his voice or something, he gives up the ability to swim, just in general. Then on the right it's a bit harder to tell, but it's one I've been thinking about that I'm calling vigilante cryptid. Basically it's a version of canon where Eggman is one of the only humans that knows about the anthros and is trying to prove their existence to his fellow scientists. Inspired by the early episodes of Sonic X and the events prior to the movies. Idk, I like this one a lot, might try doing something with it later.
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sunnydust2003 · 1 month
The Little Merhog but it's only Scratch and Grounder.
Man, this two need have a break.
I'm hope you guys enjoy it.
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the-sky-queen · 3 months
Sonic is a Angy little merhog and I love it
You and every other anon it seems like! (Seriously, this is like the fourth or fifth time you guys made a smol and angy Sonic in the Ask Multiverse and it's hilarious. XD)
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spinoskingdom875 · 1 year
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Somewhere in the ocean, in a colorful coral reef, was a beautiful little Merhog. She sits on a rock, gazing at the colorful, lively ocean around her.
NOTE: Don't re-upload my Pictures anywhere without consulting me first. Thank you.
(Credits:  Amy Rose (c) SEGA & Sonic Team.
Logo made by: ShadowNinjaMaster. Mermaid tail: Centrixe the Dodo.
(Stage: Coral Reef: www.renderhub.com/shredder. 
Amy Rose: Spinosaurusking875.
Flower: Tiffli.
Sea Creatures: BubbleCloud, Moogleoutfitters.
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genoartus-inactive · 2 years
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The Auros World Map
Yaay maps
Update 1: More kingdoms were added, the desc updated, as well as some new rules after talking to some people. Still learning after all Update 2: 1 new kingdom as pending, while another got a name. Update 3: One got a name, meanwhile the kingdom Lamidas was changed to Orophia Update 4: Another kingdom has been set to pending Update 5: Pending kingdom has been named Arcanis, and the kingdom of Nyx was added and some rules were removed Have the kingdoms of Auros. (I'll plan on giving them a proper list or smth with descriptions)
Aetherus, Sheterra, Vesta, Camelot, Crirus, Thalassos, Transylvania, Nyx and Direne belong to me Parashia, Astrum, Orophia and Niyevu belong to @maareyas Literra belongs to SilverWingInk on DA Olympia belongs to Dorotheala on DA
Daemonias and Fruorista belong to @666lea666
Sha - Mira belongs to @picardj Midas belongs to PopularBeast965 on DA Arcanis belongs to @justanamartins Next to the kingdoms, merhog colonies have been drawn in too. The dark blue "islands" on top of the merhog colonies are merhog cities like Thalassos, who are less one united kingdom an more each their own settlements. Amarosa was also drawn in, though they are just the name of the island, not of the kingdom which is still a ?
Speaking of ?, as you guys probably notice there are a lot of them XD They will be filled with time and currently serve as stand-ins for future to be mentioned/used kingdoms as me and maareyas see fit.
However, they can also be filled up by you!
Since Silverwingink made a kingdom in the Auros AU and I let them pick an island to make Literra, why not let more people claim a ? kingdom if they want to? As long as you actually make smth out of it, I see no reason why not, it might be fun.
This AU is still very small, but why not let it be sandbox other people can throw their ocs in to play? So if you want to basically have one of the ? kingdoms, I say go for it. Comment, send a note, dm, and we can talk about it, and I can update the map to reflect the new kingdoms name.
Once you have made a kingdom, it's likely to be mentioned at times (with credit) in stories of mine, though ofc if it ever plays a bigger role, or a character comes from there, I will go and consult you. Something I hope you guys do to if you decide to include the kingdom of someone else.However, to make things clear, this is not a kingdom *for* anyone but you. Make on to tell a story, to have fun, to add to the world, to create new ocs, whatever you want.
If you ever lose fun at it and/or want to remove the kingdom from the AU, tell me and we can remove it, putting the land it was on back up for grabs, or if you want to, we can give the kingdom to someone you think will take care of it. Some rules exist: - Whoever claims the ? next to Camelot automatically gets Amarosa too, which already has a little story - The 3 ? islands around Sheterra are in an alliance with it - The surrounding kingdoms of Astrum have higher accessibility for books - The neighbors of Niyevu are extremely cold - Have fun with it! This is a fantasy AU after all, so as long as you stick to some ground rules laid out through Auros lore, go wild! I hope what I wrote makes sense and that you guys will like it
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maareyas · 1 month
Hey hey hey its been a hot minute, i hope life is treating you well? (It better - if not ill fight life for you in the ring)
I’m giving you the opportunity to info dump about anything. And i mean anything be it something to do with one of your aus (we love lore) or even about any interests you may have (i know you like the fun-guys, whats your favourite shroom👀?)
Sidenote i just thought of this when typing the shroom question, i really thought that during feb that you mightve dabbled with the funguary prompts. Idk i thought you’d really like those. Like pair up a shroom with a character or something and go wham with it. Idk where i was going with this… yeah
I JUST STRAIGHT UP FORGOT to answer this ask hhdhdhdg whoops. I lost whatever idea I had to ramble about so I'm going to use this as an excuse to ramble about my thought process thus far behind the merhog Shadow I'm working on
(I keep forgetting Funguary exists and my database of Fungi Knowledge is unfortunately not specific enough for me to parcipate ahfhjdjsjsj)
Anyways. With merhog designs, I tend to have a "speculative biology" approach to it, i.e the different merhog design elements make some sense in context. I think I mentioned before that designing Creatures and Robots scratch a similar itch in my brain; and this is why. You can tell a bunch about how a Creature moves, eats, and lives just based on their physical traits. Same goes for robots!
Of course, I'm still an artist first and foremost. So when it comes to creature design, I still put aesthetics and Vibes™️ first before realism XD
with that out of the way, here's the rambles about the In-Progress merhog shadow design. No images because I'm lazy ahdhdjs
My first thought with the merhog shadow design was that "I have to throw a little bit of Godzilla inspo in there". I've had Godzilla on the brain since I watched the new movie with Kong a few weeks ago lol. And bc I like bioluminescence way too much, he's gonna be a glowy boiiiii.
I'm thinking he does actually have atomic breath and can subsist off/absorb nuclear energy. In the hypothetical au this design is from, the ARK would be an underwater facility that was destroyed in a nuclear explosion of some sort. Shadow was the only survivor and he "haunts" the spot to this day.
Shadow's concept isn't as clear to me as Silver's was. Vaguely, I want him to be more reptile-adjacent as a callback to the Biolizard and the Black Arms. I feel like going full reptile would make him look too bulky and slow so I'm still working it out.
This is the current iteration of the design so far:
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barely anything, but it's what I got XD
I like the idea of merhog Shadow having two huge front flippers that can sort of act like extra hands. the flippers were partially based by a winged Black Arms enemy I forgot the name of + humpback whale fins. the little bumps on the front side of the fins? they're for speed, like with actual humpbacks. The little claw is NOT biologically realistic at all, but it looks cool and im already planning to take inspo from godzilla anyways so. yeah.
In general I think I might just take a more fantastical approach to Shadow? It feels fitting with his canon origins being weird.
For his head, I decided to turn his quills into tentacles, specifically of the Vampire Squid. There are spikes underneath to protect the back of his head from roundhouse kicks (bc he's the only one allowed to do that lmao). I'm thinking he might also have a false eye pattern in the center of the tentacles? A deterrent to potential predators + as a callback to Doom's Eye.
His eye markings get a little change too. They can emit red light, just like Stoplight Loosejaw (yes that's a real fish name) which have organs underneath their eyes that emit red light to hunt prey with. I imagine merhog Shadow would also have its extremely messed up jaw configuration ✨ I don't know how I would draw it though ✨✨✨
As far as solid inspiration goes, that's what I have so far. I'm considering giving Shadow more whale-adjacent features. With how huge his front flippers are, I think it'd make sense that he'd be more of a power swimmer? aka he has a big tail that does most of the work propelling him forward, and the flippers are to reduce the energy cost while also increasing speed and maneuverability. It would be a close enough analog to his skating, maybe????
He doesn't sound very fast but then again, I imagine neither is merhog Silver lol
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suna1suna1 · 2 years
So! To start off with, hi! My name is Sunai, but you can also call me Sunny! I’m in the 18-21 age range, and I write Sonic fanfics and draw fanart! ^^
My favorite Sonic ships are:
Fave characters:
Amy Rose
Shadow the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
Whisper the Wolf
AUs I've created:
Hedgehogs and Privateers, a pirate-ish fantasy au with polyamorous Sonshadamy, magic, and lots of angst and fluff all in one story lol
Un-named bountyhunter Sonadow AU, still a wip, but Shadow is a bountyhunter working for Eggman and Sonic has the highest price on his head he's ever seen. He's also the most annoyingly charming little devil he's ever encountered. Probably more of a futuristic sci-fi setting once I get around to developing it more.
Un-named merhog Shadamy AU, I've done a one-shot for it that I'm hoping to turn into something bigger after I finish H&P. Shadow is a merhog and Amy lives on land in an au where the events of SA2 never happened. Shadow is very shy at first and makes every effort not to be noticed by Amy despite his curiosity, but Amy is just as curious about him.
Un-named Ghost Amy Sonamy AU, which I have done very little for and is more of a vague concept floating in my brain but basically Amy is just a ghost that randomly started following Sonic around and I would just love to play with the concept when I have more time lol
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I just watched The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog 1x60 "The Little Merhog"
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drawloverlala · 5 years
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Some more Hedgehogs! a small continuation of this compilation of hedgehogs,
these are my redesigns as well, although i’d say Scourge is just a little tweaked but not exactly completely redesigned :D
so here are Queen Aleena, Jules the hedgehog, Breeze the hedgehog, Merna the merhog and Scourge the hedgehog ^_^
there’s still some more hedgehogs to draw so, someday i’ll also add them :D
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