#The Dark Arts of Gabrielle Rose
francescaswords · 7 months
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INDIE WEEK: my favourite artists and creators! Go follow:
@tatchianamichaela (Crowley and his plants)
The Dark Arts of Gabrielle Rose (deliciously creepy illustration of a tower cough cough from my last book it is gorgeous)
Bernadette Marbrow (that's not a photo, that's a watercolour painting)
Dreams and Skylarks (bags and accessories)
Perfidious Jewellery (jewellery! With skulls and funny sayings!)
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hrokkall · 5 months
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Mirage is now constantly presenting me the date btw
This is a fantastic use of my art holy shit and also thank you
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The next gen kids and...
- who they look like the most (which parent)?
- who are they like the most when it comes to personality (which parent)?
- who (except their parents) are they simillar to?
Victoire looks a lot like Fleur when she’s younger and grows to look like her Tante Gabrielle, especially after having children. She’s tall and beautiful, and she grows into her curves and figure.
I would say her personality is a lot like Bill’s and he hates it lol. She’s a rebel with a cause and also a mother hen to her siblings. She does come off as a bit standoffish like Fleur can, but she means well in the end.
I would say she is the most like Ginny, headstrong and stubborn and not afraid to fight for her own rights and happiness.
She looks so much like Fleur, just throw on some freckles and a wild mass of red curls she likes to call her lion mane. She is tiny and is often mistaken for being the premee baby of her siblings, not the one that was over ten pounds.
She is just like Bill, a Weasley through and through. She makes fast and rash decisions and it does bite her in the ass, but she grows from it
Speaking of which, I would say she is most like Percy. When it comes down to it, he is defined by his two biggest moments in canon, leaving and coming back. Dominique is made of the same stuff, fitting for the godfather/goddaughter duo
If you held up a photo of Louis and Bill at sixteen, even Molly would have trouble telling who was who.
He is quiet and calm and delicate, Fleur’s baby through and through. He loves art and to dance and to live his life the way he wants to, even if he has to burn some bridges
Not only is he named after Charlie, they are great friends and pen pals. Louis takes after Charlie like a duck to water and they both enjoy it
She looks like Audrey, but with those Weasley freckles and brown eyes and that unmistakable shade of gingery-orange hair. Really she and Lucy are the perfect mix of their parents
Molly is so bright and happy and hopeful, very much like her mother and the Hufflepuffs she finds kinship with. She has had so much pain and sadness thrown on her that she needs some happiness and lightness in her life
She’s like George, they both have this warmth and happiness they can bring out of themselves while also holding onto a deep trauma
She looks like Percy the same way Molly looks like Audrey. She does have Audrey’s blue eyes but Percy’s eyesight and she does tend to walk a little taller than she really is, but sometimes she needs that extra confidence
Lucy is very emotional, she’ll cry at the drop of a pin and her moods change so quickly from happy to sad to confused to happy to angry, she tends to just let everything out because for so long Molly didn’t or couldn’t
Lucy takes after her “Uncle” Oliver Wood, one of her dad’s closest friends and quite the emotional man (when it comes to his Quidditch team lol)
He looks like George, a bit tanner and a little taller, but he looks just like George.
Freddie is a bit troublesome, but not as bad as his dad. He’s playful and silly, but has a tendency to doubt himself at times. He loves deeply and fiercely and will fight for those he does love. He’s a good son to his parents even if he made them grandparents much too young
He takes after Ron really, his confidence goes up and down and he can crack a good joke while being in love with the smartest girl he knows
She looks like her Aunt Roxie, but with some dark red curls she loves to braid and play with
Like her brother she is a bit troublesome and does have some confidence issues. Her issues manifest into a horrible eating disorder and an abusive relationship, but through a lot of work and love she comes out on top
I really feel like she takes after Hermione, she’s stubborn and headstrong and used to being listened to as the smartest person in the room, but her insecurities do hold her back at times
She looks like Ron, red hair and blue eyes, freckles and that playful smile, but Hermione’s curls and her short stature
Her personality is a great mix of her parents, the good and the bad. She also tends to mother hen her cousins, which they jump on and take advantage of at times
She takes after Harry, he’s her godfather and uncle and in many ways her third parent. She learns so much from him and he’s a great source of comfort to her
He looks like Hermione, but he does have the Weasley red hair and he’s sooo tall, the tallest of the Weasley grandsons with only Louis within inches of him
He’s happy, he’s hyper, he loves to have fun and joke around but come exam times, his head is in the books and won’t come out until it’s all over. He is very competitive, but who can blame him when he wants to be the smartest person despite his set backs
He’s like Fred, funny and sweet but sometimes with a mean streak that he hates and a hyperness that holds him back until he overcomes it
James is the perfect mix of Harry and Ginny, he has the messy red hair and tan skin and brown eyes and freckles and lanky limbs that are both Potter and Weasley
He is definitely a goof ball, but also has a heart of gold. He is protective and loving and often doesn’t think before he talks, but it doesn’t matter because he’s so good and honest to those he loves. He has made his mistakes, but he honors them and lives up to his names and the men his mother named him after
He is very much like Bill, taking the weight of all the family in his shoulders with pride and love even if he sometimes puts his foot in his mouth
He looks just like Harry, but he had freckles on his nose and cheeks and it reminds Ginny of Fred. She will never compare her second son’s looks to Harry, always her brothers
Al is dramatic and moody and always rolling his eyes, but he loves his family and gets along with everyone despite his dramatics. Rose is his ride or die and she is the reason he made it to adulthood and he knows it
Honestly, I want to say he’s most like Ginny, but if I can’t pick a parent I would say Percy. He is a bit high strung and prideful, he’s ambitious and wanting from the world, but his family comes first over and over and over again
Merlin she looks like Ginny, she has hazel eyes like her grandfather James and can’t see anything closer than her outstretched hand without her glasses, but honestly she and Ginny could be twins if they were the same age
She is a bit of a brat, being the only girl in her immediate family and then the youngest granddaughter, she takes full advantage of being the baby. But she does grow up and levels out and becomes more than just her wants. She ends up finding a peacefulness in being unknown and called out on her more selfish behavior, and it’s good for her to see reality a bit
He takes after her Grandad Arthur, taking interest in something small but oh so important to her and finding her own ways to be brave and just in front of not only herself and others. She also takes a bit of happiness in hiding away at times, even if she’s always watching
He looks like Draco, but Astoria’s features have made there way in. It’s in the slight tan of his skin tone and the curls of his white blond hair, but otherwise he is all Malfoy
He is literally the kindest and sweetest person, sure he’s also ambitious and cunning, but people notice his presence through his polite and kind demeanor
He takes after Theodore Nott, who has proven himself to be kind and wholesome and a great father. He loves every lost child that comes into his home and has made his home open and accessible to anyone that needs a place to stay, but especially his children’s friends
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What Went Wrong With… SAS: Red Notice (2021)?
A review of SAS: Red Notice by What Went Wrong Or Right With...?
SAS: Red Notice is the latest Sky Original film to premiere on the satellite platform and unfortunately it’s another dead duck. Based on the book of the same name by Andy McNab, the plot is about a family-based, terrorist group known as the “Black Swans” who take over the Channel Tunnel. Interpol’s “Red Notice” (which alerts police worldwide to internationally wanted fugitives) gives this film its title (at least I think it does, although in S.A.S. terms it could mean a government sanctioned hit). Regardless of its meaning, the main part of the storyline (the hi-jacking) takes almost half-an-hour to get to, and once it does, it’s not exactly enthralling. The film begins with a preamble about “psychopaths” delivered by Tom Wilkinson’s character William Lewis who goes on to say “psychopaths who can learn to love are as rare as a black swan”. This I assume, refers to his baddie daughter Grace played by Ruby Rose or possibly the good guy Tom played by Sam Heughan. This kind of wannabe poignant dialogue is pointless to ponder over however, since this isn’t a character study of someone taught to kill and the parallels between the military and terrorists, or whether someone can switch off their violent tendencies and become compassionate. What this is, is a load of D-list actors saying “awight mate” a lot, posturing, chewing gum to look butch, and shooting guns, largely in the dark. Oh, and apparently, the elite of the elite in the S.A.S. are also bilingual botanists.
I’ll admit that I haven’t and probably never will read an Andy McNab novel, so I’m judging this adaptation against similar action movies. The plot to me, seems very late-80s or early-90s, very much like Ruby Rose’s bowl hair cut. SAS: Red Notice wishes it was in the same company as the original The Taking Of Pelham One Two Three, Die Hard, and every classic derivative action movie such as Speed, Under Siege, and Executive Decision but it’s instead more of a Chuck Norris or Michael Dudikoff-type flick.
Directed by Magnus Martens, the look and feel is more “TV” than cinema, and bad television at that. Magnus can’t seem to coax a believable performance out of anyone, and that’s alongside his appalling framing and camera movement, not to mention the seemingly non-existent art direction which leaves us with what looks like a home-made movie. The cast aren’t much better. Aside from the always decent Tom Wilkinson, the acting talent is also firmly in made-for-TV territory. We have Noel Clarke looking as convincing as Major Bisset as his Detective Inspector in Bulletproof, Anne Reid who played Jean in dinnerladies is still Jean from dinnerladies, and Andy Serkis plays Clements by overacting and probably wishing he was dressed in spandex and covered in white dots playing a different kind of gorilla.
We also have the aforementioned Sam Heughan as Tom or Thomas Buckingham III, a contrived yet somehow unbelievable rich, posh, heterosexual white male who lives in what looks like Wayne Manor with a butler not too dissimilar to Batman’s. Sam is a terrible, soap-opera-esque actor and as the lead, he’s the main reason why this film looks so cheap and tacky. Bad acting doesn’t end with Heughan however; we also have Ruby Rose playing his arch-nemesis Grace Lewis.
I suppose it’s progress to see a British Prime Minister played by a person of colour (Ray Panthaki) and someone from the LGBTQ community play the villain or antagonist in an action film but Panthaki is essentially a one-term baddun, and Rose is so lacking in charisma and acting skills that she won’t be spoken about in the same breath as Alan Rickman’s Hans Gruber or even Eric Bogosian’s Travis Dane, which kind of defeats the purpose. Grace Lewis is instead, in the same league as Thomas Gabriel or Alik from the inferior Die Hard sequels. Rose can’t even act like she’s been shot in the neck or smile convincingly with her “this isn’t a disguise” wig on whilst trying to ward off authorities, let alone look menacing or have a knife-fight (or spoiler alert: die).
Whilst on the topic of Grace, her tactic of “kill the men and the boys, leave the women to spread the fear” conveniently leaves out the all-too-common rape and torture. Make no mistake, this is a sanitised view of conflict where mercenaries, contractors, war criminals, and terrorists are completely unconnected to any military unit. The film begins with contractors tasked to clear a village in Georgia in order to lay a pipe line, and this seems very War On Terror and Black Water-esque (especially the name “Black Swans”) but the way in which this story is told, it’s less Iraq and more Tie Rack with a bunch of suits trying to make some soulless and shallow money from militarism. There’s no real opinion on whether contractors should be used in war, it’s more “it’s okay until they leave witnesses” which is a dodgy message to convey. That being said, even our hero Thomas hears his butler recount a story of Buckingham’s forefathers chopping off a Maharaja’s finger during an Indian “uprising” in order to take their ring, which means even the protagonist has a lineage of wrongdoing but I’m sure viewers of this trash will glaze over this. In order to bolster the concept of “good guys can do no wrong”, the wedding vows at the end of the film are cringe-worthy and go to show how not only the writers, but everyone involved in making this crapfest, love the idea of the infallible war hero who cannot and should not be criticised (or prosecuted) because they do such a difficult job… “For better, for worse, in war [and] in peace, knowing that in war, your crazy brain is always right”. 🤮
Whether pro-war or anti-terror or just unadulterated militarism, all this criticism is of course pointless to mention, as nobody watching Red Notice is looking for deep, meaningful subtext and opinion-challenging concepts. The camouflage-covered cinematic cliches of “this isn’t what I signed-up for!” and “take the shot!” are both present which means this is a hackneyed, straight-to-streaming, non-action, action film. I wouldn’t have minded if this shite contained a plot about what great jobs snipers do or how difficult counter terrorism is, instead it’s another mindless, gung-ho release. And while I’m at it: who gives a toss about what happens to a fictitious government and this film’s uninteresting characters during the end credits? Please don’t make a sequel or try to start a franchise about the exploits of Tom effing Buckingham the pissing Third!
As a Sky Original, I have to mention the inclusion of Sky News presenters Gamal Fahnbulleh and Jayne Secker (and Ben bloody Shephard of ITV’s Good Morning Britain) doing some suspiciously, similar-to-real-life acting. Similar to Jeremy Thompson in Shaun Of The Dead, the news casters’ or broadcasters’ acting looks as convincing as the actual news and their “breaking news” bulletins are read with the same vigour. Ignoring the fact that Sky are both feeding and eating itself in the creation of this film, it’s always disconcerting to see real-life news presenters read scripts as well as they do on air, which goes to show they’re not journalists but actors who err… read scripts for a living. But I guess that’s for another article.
Back to the film, no matter its formulaic-ness, it would have been a much better idea for John McTiernan to direct SAS: Red Notice, for the sole purpose to try and get his post-prison reputation back to the level of his original Die Hard and Hunt For Red October heyday. I’d like to think that the maker of the original action masterpiece from which all others originate could surely make even the lamest of scripts buzz with exhilaration? Instead, thanks to a director who cannot direct, especially action scenes, I wasn’t thrilled or excited at all.
Apparently notices of the rouge variety are very popular right now because confusingly, there’s a Dwayne Johnson “Red Notice” movie in the works too, unconnected to the McNab book but an action flick nevertheless. One thing’s for certain: this version isn’t the one that stands out. Even with a large Andy McNab fanbase, this is gonna go
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This is the time to remember! the time is not gonna change 😬
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steelbluehome · 20 days
"The two leads are fantastic: Stan navigates from naïve wannabe to glowering mogul and never loses his way or slips into parody. His vanity about his hair and his looks is on display from the beginning, but in the early years he is unsure of himself and there is a vulnerability about him. Strong is also utterly believable as Cohn, a man as vain as his disciple and certainly as dangerous."
The Standard
The Apprentice review: Sebastian Stan shines in drama about how Donald Trump went from wannabe to mogul (click for article)
This origin story does an excellent job of showing the rise and rise of Donald Trump
Jo-Ann Titmarsh
4 out of 5 stars
One of the hottest tickets in Cannes this year is Iranian director Ali Abbasi’s The Apprentice, his tale of the rise and rise of Donald Trump.
The apprentice in question is Trump himself (Sebastian Stan), while the master he serves and later usurps is Roy Cohn (Jeremy Strong), a lawyer who hobnobs with leaders and has the ear of the president.
Cohn is ruthless and will stop at nothing to attain what he wants, often in the name of a patriotism which equals hard-right conservatism.
The film opens in 1970s New York. Donald is a baby-faced teetotal rent collector for his dad, but he yearns to break free of his father’s grip and strive for greater things, obsessing over the tycoons and millionaires that frequent Le Club.
This is where he meets Cohn who takes Trump under his wing and instructs him to follow his three essential tenets, which are all about achieving, denial and how even a defeat can be turned into a win.
Abbasi deftly recreates the feel of the city and the darkness of those years. And what starts gritty becomes colourful once Ivana (Maria Bakalova) appears her platinum blonde hair, scarlet dress and matching glossy lips.
The other important people are his family members. Martin Donovan plays Fred, the abusive and monstrous family patriarch. Donald’s mother Mary (Iona Rose MacKay) is a less forceful presence, while Trump’s brother Freddy (Charlie Carrick) is sympathetically depicted as a man slowly but irrevocably broken by his father’s contempt.
As the film moves into the 1980s, the look changes completely as the Eighties vibe comes clearly into focus, like walking into the neon-lit bathroom of a dingy club.
There is nothing but tackiness here, that harsh lighting revealing the deals in Atlantic City, the over-the-top décor of the Trump home and the gaudiness of the couple’s life together, even as their relationship falls apart.
The harshness also highlights Trump’s ascension as Cohn begins to falter and the apprentice becomes the master.
The film ends with Trump drafting his book The Art of the Deal, in which he dictates those three tenets drummed into him by Cohn. Nothing about Trump is original. Nothing has been gained by him alone. And there is nothing he won’t do to get what he wants.
The two leads are fantastic: Stan navigates from naïve wannabe to glowering mogul and never loses his way or slips into parody. His vanity about his hair and his looks is on display from the beginning, but in the early years he is unsure of himself and there is a vulnerability about him. Strong is also utterly believable as Cohn, a man as vain as his disciple and certainly as dangerous.
It’s hard not to bring up comparisons with Succession here: a New York dynasty, a tyrannical father, the wealthy elite, the presence of Jeremy Strong who played Kendall Roy… there’s even a fleeting glimpse and mention of Rupert Murdoch, whom Cohn says Trump should cosy up to. And then there’s the excellent music by Martin Dirkov, which has echoes of the Succession theme.
There are some problems, the story is too linear and the screenplay, by Gabriel Sherman, full of scenes seen many times before, such as Cohn chasing after Trump in the street begging for an audience or Donald refusing his calls, and the director could have been more inventive in the fil. However, there is a lot of humour here, particularly thanks to the character of Cohn, and almost always at Trump’s expense.
The Apprentice is not going to change anyone’s mind about Trump, who is so vain that he will almost certainly love this film, despite the references to his plastic surgery and big butt.
But Abbasi does an excellent job of showing us how and why Trump became the Trump of today and how his path to presidency was paved.
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balioc · 5 months
This list counts only published books, consumed in published-book format, that I read for the first time and finished. No rereads, nothing abandoned halfway through, no Internet detritus of any kind, etc. Also no children’s picture books.
(There were so many children's picture books.)
Hand of the Sun King, J. T. Greathouse
Anne of Green Gables, Lucy Maud Montgomery
The Circus of Dr. Lao, Charles G. Finney
When the Angels Left the Old Country, Sacha Lamb
Strangers to Ourselves: Unsettled Minds and the Stories That Make Us, Rachel Aviv
Elder Race, Adrian Tchaikovsky
Yamada Monogatari: Troubled Spirits, Richard Parks
Victory City, Salman Rushdie
Achieving Our Country: Leftist Thought in Twentieth-Century America, Richard Rorty
Cage of Souls, Adrian Tchaikovsky
A Morbid Taste for Bones, Ellis Peters
One Corpse Too Many, Ellis Peters
Priest of Bones, Peter McLean
Priest of Lies, Peter McLean
Demon Summoner: Apprentice, Greg Walters
By the Sword: A History of Gladiators, Musketeers, Samurai, Swashbucklers, and Olympic Champions, Richard Cohen
Tsalmoth, Steven Brust
Priest of Gallows, Peter McLean
Priest of Crowns, Peter McLean
Waybound, Will Wight
Convenience Store Woman, Sayaka Murata
The Tatami Galaxy, Tomihiko Morimi
These Violent Delights, Chloe Gong
Death in Venice, Thomas Mann
Alchemy: The Dark Art and Curious Science of Creating Magic in Brands, Business, and Life, Rory Sutherland
The Man Who Was Thursday, G. K. Chesterton
Storming Heaven, Miles Cameron
Against Worldbuilding, and Other Provocations: Essays on History, Narrative and Game Design, Alexis Kennedy
From Ritual to Romance, Jessie L. Weston
To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf
Rats and Gargoyles, Mary Gentle
Labyrinth's Heart, M. A. Carrick
Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships, Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, Gabrielle Zevin
The Long, Long Goodbye of "The Last Bookstore," Mizuki Nomura
The Last Sun, K. D. Edwards
The Hanged Man, K. D. Edwards
The Hourglass Throne, K. D. Edwards
Pinocchio, Carlo Collodi
The Thirteen Petalled Rose: A Discourse on the Essence of Jewish Existence and Belief, Adin Steinsaltz
The Lightning Thief, Rick Riordan
A City on Mars: Can We Settle Space, Should We Settle Space, and Have We Really Thought This Through?, Kelly and Zach Weinersmith
Untethered Sky, Fonda Lee
The Consolation of Philosophy, Boethius
The Star-Child, Oscar Wilde
Monk's Hood, Ellis Peters
St. Peter's Fair, Ellis Peters
The Leper of St. Giles, Ellis Peters
The Virgin in the Ice, Ellis Peters
The Nutcracker, E. T. A. Hoffman and Alexandre Dumas
The Sanctuary Sparrow, Ellis Peters
Child of God, Cormac McCarthy
The Devil's Novice, Ellis Peters
Dead Man's Ransom, Cormac McCarthy
Plausible works of improving nonfiction consumed in 2023: 10
["plausible" and "improving" are being defined very liberally here]
Balioc's Choice Award, Fiction Division: The Circus of Dr. Lao, Charles G. Finney
>>>> Honorable Mention: Rats and Gargoyles, Mary Gentle
[This seems like the correct place to point out that, for the Balioc's Choice Awards, I consider only works that were first published with the last 100 years. Otherwise it would just be "surprise, old classics are often classics for a reason."]
Balioc's Choice Award, Nonfiction Division: The Thirteen Petalled Rose: A Discourse on the Essence of Jewish Existence and Belief, Adin Steinsaltz
>>>> Honorable Mention: A City on Mars: Can We Settle Space, Should We Settle Space, and Have We Really Thought This Through?, Kelly and Zach Weinersmith
The Roscommon Princess Award for Luminous Trembling Beauty in the Face of a Bleakly Mundane World: The Star-Child, Oscar Wilde
The Anguished Howl Award for Somehow Making Me Regret Reading a Book About a Demon Summoner in the Thirty Years' War: Demon Summoner: Apprentice, Greg Walters
The Tamsyn Muir Award for Demonstrating that Popularity Really, Really, Really is Not the Same Thing as Quality: The Lightning Thief, Rick Riordan
The G. K. Chesterton Award for Being G. K. Chesterton, I Mean, to Whom Else Could I Compare Him, For Someone So Avowedly Stodgy He is the Ballsiest Motherfucker I Have Ever Read: The Man Who Was Thursday, G. K. Chesterton
...this year was much like the last several years, only somehow even more so. Not in a good way, I fear. My current lifestyle continues not to be super-conducive to reading, and writing a weekendlong LARP kind of knocked the wind out of me, both during and after. If it weren't for a massive silly-fun historical-mystery binge in December, my numbers here would be shameful. And you will notice that a whole lot of the things on that list are very short.
Most of the contemporary fiction was pretty much what I expected it to be. There were few real standouts. Things by good authors continued to be mostly good; things by shlocky authors continued to be shlock.
I should probably drive less for my various solitary recreational jaunts, just so that I can spend more of that time with a book. I should definitely read more old stuff, because old stuff continues to be the most reliably rewarding. (The cream of the cream of the old stuff, anyway, which is...what you read.)
I continue to be Extremely In the Market for recommendations of really good, deeply-informative nonfiction.
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celestiall0tus · 5 months
Siren's Song Master Post
Alright, here we are as I promised last night. So, let's crack into this.
Siren's Song Acknowledgements
Other Important Shit:
First Changes
Second Changes
Third Changes
Fourth Changes
Kagami is a 17-year-old and daughter to technology tycoon, Tomoe Tsurugi. This world is drawn between the old and new, the need to evolve and progress that clashes with the desperate desire to cling to the past. This worldview and mindset are challenged when a villain by the name of Grandeur challenges the old and ushers in the new at the cost of destroying the old.
Ladybug - Kagami/Lady Beetle -
Black Cat - Ivan /Razor - A dark, broody teen, Ivan is a loner and outcast often dragged along with the main group of friends much to his dismay. He is rough around the edges with a heart that melts only for Kagami. As Razor, he is arrogant and hot-headed, letting his more volatile traits show through.
Peacock - Ondine/Siren - A budding singing prodigy and hopeful professional swimmer. She gives her all for her parents that push her to perfection and aim for Ondine to be an Olympian champion, allowing her to indulge in song so long as her swimming performance doesn't suffer. Her head is turned by Kagami, seeing the same soul and life, seeing a person that can understand her. As Siren, Ondine is free from those expectations. She fully indulges in song as she hopes her songs and heroics can win Kagami over with her true self.
Bee - Mylene/Honey Bee - A sweet, fiery young teen. She is there to support her friends and fight for a world that she believes in.
Fox - Luka/Maestro - Music is his soul and heart. Luka's entire life has revolved around music as he longs to share his songs with the world, telling stories and invoking emotions with simple instrumental pieces. Both Luka and Maestro are gentle, empathic and endearing gentlemen.
Butterfly - Marinette/Iridescent - A baker girl that caught the attention of the Agreste brand and brought in as the new face of the Agreste brand, replacing Adrien. Marinette is a sweet, considerate heart, though a touch ignorant of others at times. This carries over to Iridescent.
Raven - Adrien/Scourge - The Agreste heir and former face of the brand. Adrien desperately wants to gain his father, Gabriel's, approval, but is looked over, especially when Marinette is around. Honestly, y'all will see some Reverse!Adrien and Claw Noir in this Adrien, just a touch.
Dragon - Zoe/ Wyvern - An adventurous hellion that seeks danger and thrill in the great unknown. Though her escapades frighten her sister, she cannot deny the draw to nature after her encounter with a dragon when she was younger.
Bat - Juleka/Banshee - A shy, unsure wicca teen with a crush on Marinette. Outside her social life, she spends most her time practicing and learning her art. As Banshee, she is a creature of terror, reveling in the fear she strikes in the hearts of others as she toys with them.
Swan - Rose/Venus - A graceful and gentle soul. Rose is an aspiring ballerina whose been training her whole life to be a professional. Fiercely loyal, energetic, friendly and bubbly, she is welcoming to all, but one should be careful of her terrifying keen eye. One look into the eyes and she knows everything about a person.
Turtle - Chloe/Marina - A high-strung girl, who is always checking on what her friends are doing. She always makes to know what they're planning and going to do, always being sure to send texts (and calls when they don't respond to texts) to check them and see if they're ok and what's up. This might make her seem controlling, but the truth is she's just very overprotective. This overprotective nature stems from an incident in her childhood. When she was younger and was paying more attention to playing with her friend Adrien at a playground, she ended up not paying enough attention to her little sister Zoe. Zoe ended up wandering off into her nearby woods where she went missing for 3 days straight, until she mysteriously reappeared back at her dad's hotel. This event led to Chloe feeling immense guilt over the situation, blaming herself for it, and developing major anxiety over something horribly potentially happening to her friends, leading to her overprotective nature. This anxiety is not helped by the fact that ever since the event, Zoe has developed an obsession with those woods, claiming she met a dragon lady in them.
Pig - Felix/Aetolian - A budding theater kid with aspirations of being an actor. Felix has a close relationship with Amelie, but has an estranged, distant relationship with Colt. He attempts to win his father's approval, but is unable to. He fully indulges in the theater, using it as an escape and the only place he feels he is himself, to turn a blind eye to the pain he can't otherwise escape from.
Mouse - Nino - A bright teen with a natural call to leadership that aspires to be a film director. Nino is most comfortable taking a leadership role and directing whatever team he's part of, though it does cause friction when faced with another leader who takes control instead of him.
Owl - Sabrina/Seeker - Smart, sassy, though can unintentionally come off as a little mean, Sabrina is the level-headed, voice of reason with the inflated ego at times.
Robin - Lila/Pettirosso - A primadonna theater teen with a natural curiosity and craftiness. Though she can come off as self-absorbed and attention seeking, at the end of the day, she is a true ride or die friend.
Shark - Alix/Megalodon - A young, rebellious teen, living her best life with her friends. She also won't doesn't hesitate to jump into the fray, always ready to take names and kick ass. Legend speaks of a secret vigilante and has become something of an urban legend in Paris.
Seal - Alya/Oblivion - Adventurous, calm, and so at peace that she can often forget the task at hand, leading her to be pretty forgetful. She often has to rely on Aurore to help her with reminders. She is still a big superhero and comic book nerd.
Dog - Marc/Eros - A budding writer and hopeless romantic. Marc is a quiet lad that adores all things romance (including a touch of erotic so long as there's plot) and gushes over cheesy romantic stuff. This carries over into his hero self.
Dolphin - Aurore/Sea Breeze - A bright, friendly girl. When she was young, her grandmother gave an impactful piece of advice: "The experiences we go through will always teach us something, even the painful ones. That's why it is important to remember instead of forgetting. By remembering, we can learn, and by learning, we can know how to process and move forward." This was the last thing her grandmother told her before she passed away from old age. Aurore took this advice to heart and does her best to remember all the important things she can, which has led to her finding creative ways to do it, like making scrapbooks, writing in diaries, and taking dozens of photos. She also never forgets important upcoming events and appointments, both for her and her friends, leading her to be the one her friends ask about what they learned in class or when the next test is. Aurore is also a budding reporter, which leads her to become friends with fellow budding reporter Alya. Both are in charge of the school newspaper, and Aurore even helps Ayla with her blog, often being the one to do interviews.
Koala - Nathaniel - A dreamer in both a figurative and literal sense. An artist that can often become lost in his ideas, most of which come from his own dreams. He keeps a dream journal and even a dream sketchbook. He can spend hours focused on either his dreams or his artwork. This has led to him developing a reputation of being lazy, which isn't entirely untrue due to his decently sized disdain for stressor physical activity (this boy hates gym class). He's also a big homebody who prefers staying home over going out.
Lynx - Colt/Lyncus - A successful Amercian businessman that is married to Amelie and father to Felix. He and Amelie didn't approve of their arranged marriage, but managed to make it work through the years. However, he is distant with Felix, unable to properly show the level of affection and love expected of a father, leaving him distant and aloof to Felix's wants and needs. He takes up a hero role to save his business and family from Grandeur's takeover.
Rabbit - Amelie/Artemis - A caring and nurturing woman that is mother to Felix. She lives in Paris with her sister, Emilie, after hearing about the marriable troubles Emilie was facing and the lack of interest Gabriel had in being a parent. She assisted Emilie in raising Adrien while also taking on a motherly role for Chloe and Zoe as well.
Horse - Emilie/Eleutheria - A carefree spirit trapped in an unhappy marriage. Emilie was a bright woman that fell for a lowly fashion designer. Though they had their struggles, they never lost that spark until they wanted a child. No matter the treatments they used, she couldn't conceive and was losing Gabriel. She turned to magic to create a child, hoping it'd keep their spark, but it was gone. She has resigned herself to raising Adrien with a nonexistent husband whose head was turned elsewhere. She longs for freedom, but doesn't break free out of fear of her parents and her unwillingness to air her dirty laundry and shortcomings.
Ant - Max /Formica - An intelligent teen that remains in the background for a lot of things, just there for the ride. He observes the drama and pushes things forward, tired of the nonsense he witnesses from his peers.
Chameleon - Tomoe/Grandeur - An incredible businesswoman that wishes to usher in a new age. To long Tomoe has endured her mundane, wayward world and seeks to give it proper direction to make her dreams a reality: To create an advanced technological world for herself and for her daughter, offering her a bright, secure future.
Cow - Gabriel - The largest name in fashion next to Audrey. He has long thrown himself to his work, recently replacing Adrien for Marinette, much to Emilie and Adrien's dismay. Gabriel pushes them away, keeping them at a distance when the attacks begin, blackmailed by Grandeur to do their bidding.
Spider - Nathalie/Neith - A deceptive lounge singer that has her hooks in every big name politician, CEO, crime boss, and everything in between, holding their deepest secrets close to her that she steals as Neith, her femme fatale persona, earning her a comfy life and the attention of Grandeur.
Dove - Sabine - A loving and sweet wife to the top baker in the city. Despite what her facade would tell you, she harbors a dark secret that pushes her to side with Grandeur of her own volition.
This will be written like everything else that I do.
Collab of Fans:
Alright, the important part, an invitation and transparency. Siren's Song was not my initial idea at first. Rather, it spawned from an anon liking an Ivangami piece and requesting more, throwing in Ondine for good measure. Same came with Lady Beetle, Razor, Honey Bee and Maestro. So, I extend this invitation to y'all.
For those that may be fans, individuals with ideas that want to see them to fruition, and everything else in between, let's have fun. Anyone interested in partaking in this rollercoaster of crack ideas, rare pairs, and overindulgence of fanfiction goodness, I invite y'all. I will acknowledge those that wish to have their name on this as well as anonymous people (I do recognize some people prefer this and offer it as well).
If you have ideas for characters, plot points, etc, hit me up through DMs and/or the ask box. I will credit you as a creator in this descent into pure, unfiltered chaos.
Now, do this? Why not just write what you want? Why ask for help? Again, this concept originated with the fans, not me. It's only fair y'all have a voice (at least imo). Furthermore, I just want to fucking let loose and be crazy. And not completely in a dark, angst way like I usually have. Like an anon literally commented, it's crack taken seriously. And you know what? Let's go. Let's get fucking wild up in this bitch!
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 3 months
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one-album-wonders · 1 year
UK Rock Superstars Tournament Participants!!!!
We have a remarkable 244 entries into the UK Rock Superstars Tournament. They will be sorted into 61 groups of 4 for the tournament to begin on Monday, May 22nd. Based on the number of nominations and other popularity factors I've sorted the entries into four pots. I will create the groups by randomly selecting one rock act from each pot for each group.
The names of all the participants are below the cut. If you find that there's a GRIEVOUS omission of a great UK rock band or solo artist, please notify me by the end of the day Friday. After that, the participants list will be final.
Arctic Monkeys Bauhaus Black Sabbath Blur Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) David Bowie Def Leppard Depeche Mode Donovan Duran Duran Dusty Springfield Electric Light Orchestra Elton John Elvis Costello & The Attractions Eurythmics Fleetwood Mac Franz Ferdinand Genesis George Harrison George Michael Gorillaz Jeff Beck John Lennon Joy Division Judas Priest Kate Bush King Crimson Led Zeppelin Motörhead Muse New Order Oasis Paul McCartney Peter Gabriel Pink Floyd Placebo Pulp Queen Radiohead Rolling Stones Roxy Music Sex Pistols T. Rex Tears for Fears The Animals The Beatles The Bee Gees The Clash The Cure The Dave Clark Five The Hollies The Kinks The Moody Blues The Police The Pretenders The Small Faces / Faces The Smiths The Who The Yardbirds The Zombies Yes
Amy Winehouse Bananarama Billy Bragg Billy Idol Black Midi Buzzcocks CHVRCHES Coldplay Cradle of Filth Cream Culture Club Dire Straits Echo & the Bunnymen Elvis Costello Emerson, Lake, & Palmer Erasure Gary Numan Graham Parker Herman's Hermits Iron Maiden Joe Cocker Joe Jackson Madness Manfred Mann Manic Street Preachers Marc Bolan Mott the Hoople Orchestral Manoevres in the Dark Ozzy Osbourne Pet Shop Boys Peter Frampton Phil Collins Primal Scream Ringo Starr Robert Plant Rod Stewart Siouxsie and the Banshees Sisters Of Mercy Slade Squeeze Supergrass The Beat The Damned The Human League The Jam The Jesus and Mary Chain The Pogues The Psychedelic Furs The Specials The Stone Roses The Stranglers The Sweet The Tornados Traffic Ultravox Van Morrison Wham! Wings X-Ray Spex XTC Yazoo
ABC Adam and the Ants Alestorm Alt-J Annie Lennox Art of Noise Autechre Belle and Sebastian Big Audio Dynamite Big Country Black Country, New Road Blood Red Shoes Bullet for My Valentine Camera Obscura Carcass Cardiacs Cliff Richard Cornershop Davy Jones Deep Purple Elastica Fairport Convention Fine Young Cannibals Florence + The Machine Gang of Four Gerry & The Pacemakers Gerry Rafferty Happy Mondays Howard Jones Inspiral Carpets Jade Bird John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers Kevin Ayers Little Simz Los Campesinos! Mojave 3 My Bloody Valentine Napalm Death Nothing But Thieves Petula Clark Royal Blood Self Esteem Sleep Token Snow Patrol Soft Machine Steeleye Span Suede The Fall The Holloways The Kooks The Pigeon Detectives The Ting Tings The Undertones The Wombats The xx This Heat Throbbing Gristle Tom Jones Two Door Cinema Club Wet Leg Whitesnake
10 cc Alison Moyet Bloc Party Cabaret Voltaire Crawlers Creeper Dexys Midnight Runners Eddy Grant Fad Gadget Fontaines D.C. Free Glass Animals Jarvis Cocker Jessie Ware Jethro Tull Kaiser Chiefs Killing Joke Laura Marling Lonnie Donegan Manfred Mann's Earth Band Modern English Mogwai Mungo Jerry Nazareth Nick Lowe Paul Young Peter & Gordon Procul Harum Public Image Ltd Rainbow Richard Thompson Roger Waters Sham 69 Simple Minds Soft Cell Spandau Ballet Spiritualized Status Quo Stereolab Steve Winwood Stiff Little Fingers Super Furry Animals Syd Barrett Talk Talk The Boo Radleys The Chameleons The Cocteau Twins The Cult The KLF The Mission The Searchers The Selecter The Slits The Verve Thomas Dolby UB40 Underworld Uriah Heep Van der Graaf Generator Yard Act Young Fathers
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highsocietyhq · 1 year
☾ ° › update 9:00 am !
the sun rose and the comfortable and safe darkness was set aside. this was bad news for our escapees. klaus and ronan had fought valiantly against fate but not even they could fight against two search parties dedicated to catching royals. 
the other groups did not have much luck either max, sylvie, aurel and julien could not outrun well rested men despite their best efforts. uriah, araya, nikolai, sergi & kurakin were slightly luckier — or at least nikita kurakin was. he was the only one who did not get caught. 
new day, new rules ! at the break of dawn the men began moving people around. first the monarchs were picked out: alexei, anneli, max, sergi, jianguo, lixue & catherine were taken to the room with arnauld and michael — matilde and levente were removed. only one was missing: verona di savoia. but instead of seeing that particular blonde get pushed into the room, fanni croÿ was escorted into the room. 
the monarchs ( and a poorly identified blonde ) were informed of the reason behind their capture: each monarch had a demand to respond to. inability to act would lead to being eliminated. 
it was the chinese’s turn to start. they were told to end the blockade on the bohai strait. they were given four hours.
in the same building ronan, maitê, matilde, wiebke, robbie, xiuying, vitya, layla & aslan were contained in the same room.
ana maria, andrew, daisuke, hafiz, freja, marisol, art & okeyo were locked in a room in the building close to the docks. 
ilija, sol, ireti, jelani, aurel, klaus, helena, araya, effie, silje, sylvie, gwen, gabriel were all moved to a room in the building on the west coast.
in a different room meixu, uriah, nikolai, elyse, julien, giselle, olimpia & alessandro were held captive.
ariel, bash, reggie, yasmin, levente, ines & tekla were placed in the building in northwest. as were  giovanni, natalia, manon, johannes, samuel, barbie, leo, verona, dianna & sasha.
the building in the middle of the island:
group one: alexei, anneli, max, michael, arnauld, catherine, fanni, sergi, jianguo, lixue
group two: ronan, maite, matilde, vitya, layla, aslan, wiebke, robbie, xiuying
the building close to the docks:
group three: ana maria, andrew, daisuke, hafiz, freja, marisol, art, okeyo
the building on the west coast:
group four: ilija, sol, ireti, jelani, aurel, klaus, helena, araya, effie silje, sylvie, gwen, gabriel
group five: meixu, uriah, nikolai, elyse, julien, giselle, olimpia, alessandro
the building in northwest:
group six: ariel, bash, reggie, yasmin, levente, ines, tekla
group seven: giovanni, natalia, manon, johannes, samuel, barbie, leo, verona, dianna, sasha
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muzzleroars · 1 year
I hope I using th right thing anyway, what do you use to draw? (like uhhm program, and tablet if you use one etc.) Cause it look super tasty, I think it would taste like the pop rocks candy tbh...
uuwaahhh thank you sm!!! i use ps cs6 and a wacom intuos tablet, but i really don't do anything special so i think any art program would work! tbh i'm pretty simple in my approach, and a streamlined version of my process is base sketch > clean sketch > lines > flats > shading > gradient. for me, it's really important to achieve clean, weighted lines and that's why i go through 2 sketch steps and a line step - i also do my lineart at 200% zoom, which gives it a very...coloring book feel? like ik it's a lot and weird in a way, but i love working on lines, it's when my art starts to feel like my art yk!!! colors are really important too, and i tend to go with very light colors paired with very dark colors, and not much inbetween unless i have to. and like...honestly...admittedly....i always make colors "cuter". v1 and gabe are actually good examples of this - i make v1's blue a periwinkle and gabriel's armor rose gold bc it really does give that "candy" effect TAT even the blood color...i make it much brighter and more magenta rather than red. finally. and most importantly tbh. is this gradient:
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i add it on top of everything. set it to 30-50% overlay. it gives it a brighter, dreamier wash and i just love seeing the whole piece change when it's applied!!
sorry for going on a little bit, but i figured i'd give a couple tips bc tbh my process is p straightforward!!
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fantomcomics · 11 months
What’s Out This Week? 7/26
Who do we talk to to get July to stop going by SO FAST??
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Alice Never After #1(of 5) - Dan Panosian & Giorgio Spalletta
Alice finally got her wish. Wonderland has become her new home, but with her abuser's avatar with the uncanny grin turning the mad residents of a moonstruck world against her, she's clawing for a little rationality amongst the chaos. As Alice's sister Edith and her childhood friend Earl fight for a way to bring her back, Alice has to contend with whether or not her torment is due to her father, herself, or maybe a curious combination of both...
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BRZRKR: Poetry Of Madness #1 -  Keanu Reeves & Steve Skroce 
A sea of gore and devastation awaits as B, through a fateful chance encounter, safeguards the advanced and ancient realm of Atlantis as its unstoppable protector. But a sickly king serves as a symbol for the rot inside, as the security and bliss created through B's violence is shallow... The cracks created by a secret cult might spell a monstrous end for the legendary city, one beyond even B's ability to save.
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The Children Of The Comet #1 (of 5) - Damian Connelly & Gabriel Kiko
A new series set in the world of You Promised Me Darkness and Follow Me Into The Darkness! Ten years after the events of Follow, Sage and the children of the comet live prosperously in New Kolosimo. But one day before the birthday of Miracle, the daughter of Sage and Daversa, new threats appear and the children of the comet must go into action again. Satanists, psychedelic dimensions, chihuahuas that shoot laser beams from their eyes, a deadly villain who wakes up after many years of being asleep and many other oddities. Welcome back to Kolosimo, where everything is weird.
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Eight Billion Genies Deluxe Edition HC Vol 1 -  Charles Soule & Ryan Browne
If you had one wish...what would you wish for? What if everyone else on the planet had one wish too? That's EIGHT BILLION GENIES. Eight seconds after magical genies grant every person on earth one wish, the world is transformed forever...and that's just the beginning!
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Immortal Ascension #1 (of 2) - David Chisa & Kristian Rossi
What if an Elektra type of character was thrown in an arcade game fighting style adventure? She'd be the GodKiller! Gear up for an epic tale of redemption and combat! Meet Rose, once known as the GodKiller, a fierce warrior who's seen it all - from brutal beatdowns to painful punishments. Now seeking peace and solitude, she's about to face her biggest challenge yet! As a master of the art of combat, she'll need to level up and rescue her students from the monstrous Hell Ghouls gang.  
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The Jewish Deli: An Illustrated Guide To The Chosen Food HC -  Ben Nadler
A delightful celebration of Jewish delicatessens in an accessible comics format, full of history and humor, and guaranteed to make you hungry. 
Beloved culinary and cultural institutions, Jewish delis are wonderlands of amazing flavors and great food-bright, buttery, briny, sweet, fatty, salty, smoky. . .In The Jewish Deli, comics artist and deli aficionado Ben Nadler takes a deliciously entertaining deep dive into the history and culture of this food and the places that serve it up to us across the counter. 
A visual treat, this accessible and informative nonfiction graphic novel delivers stories of tradition and innovation, celebrations of iconic menu staples, flavor profiles, food preparations, ordering advice, spotlights on legendary and up-and-coming delis, and much more.
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My Mate Is A Feline Gentleman GN -  Arata Asanae
When Toushirou is hired as a servant for beastman diplomat Alex, he fears the very worst. As an omega, he's gotten used to being treated as a mere plaything, and he prepares to once again "serve" his feline master. But to his surprise, Alex is appalled by the treatment of omegas in Japan and treats him with a kindness he's never experienced before. Little by little, Toushirou's feelings begin to change...
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Primus 7 GN Vol 1 -  Nic Macari
Seven and Silva Ajamu witness the deaths of their father and grandfather by the hands of Arthur Grove. They are saved by Viktor Espinoza, a former soldier, who raises them as his own. Viktor must teach the boys how to harness their power before it's too late. Meanwhile, Grove has a dark energy brewing inside him that can alter the balance of Primordia as we know it. Can the two brothers work together and unlock their full potential?
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Purr Evil #1 (of 6) -  Mirka Andolfo & Laura Braga
THERE IS NO ESCAPING THE MEWING EVIL... Rita loves her daughter Deb, but a dark evil from her past threatens the lives of anyone who gets too close to it. Can the bond between two women overcome a life built on blood and lies? And what secret is lurking in the Morando family's apartment?
PURR EVIL is a stand-out story about the relationship between a mother who gave everything for her daughter and a daughter who needs to figure out her role in a world that she's about to doom!
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Radiant Pink TP Vol 1 - Meghan Camarena, Melissa Flores & Emma Kubert
When video game streamer and secret superhero Eva is invited to the biggest charity stream event of the year, she sees her chance to use her platform for good. But when a surprise attack sends her hurtling across dimensions, Eva will have to rely on everything she has to make it home in one piece.
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Rebel Grrrls #1 - Danny Harrell & Robert Ahmad
Cursed with the power to resurrect the dead through music, three girls from rural Alabama set out to tour dive bars, basements and county fairs throughout the south. If making it as an all-girl punk band wasn't difficult enough, these cursed souls are pursued by a ghoul, disguised as a record executive, who has been tasked with using them to resurrect enough of the dead to overthrow the living. Despite the forces of hell patiently awaiting its time to rise, these riot grrrls are intent to prove that they're no sellouts, and that they can make their mark on their own. Will it be revolution, girl style... or Armageddon?
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Rivers Of London: Here Be Dragons #1 (of 4) -  James Swallow & Jose Maria Beroy A dangerous monster is at large above the streets of London. And its name... Wyvern! After a Met Police helicopter on night patrol is attacked by an unidentified aerial phenomena, the Met's only sanctioned wizard, Peter Grant, and his mentor, Thomas Nightingale, are called in to investigate. Peter and Nightingale find themselves drawn into a battle between two groups of hunters - one human, and one fae- as they uncover a legacy of events that extend back to the 1960s. To save the skies of the city, Peter must face the enraged beast - but can he end things peacefully... or will he be forced to destroy the last wyvern?
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Seraph Of The End: Guren Ichinose, Catastrophe At Sixteen GN Vol 1 - Yo Asami & Takaya Kagami
Prequel to the hit manga series, Seraph of the End! Detailing the events before the apocalypse, 15 year old Guren Ichinose enrolls at Daiichi Shibuya High, a magical training school. Witness his trials as he must hide his true strength even as he is trampled on at a school for the insufferably privileged.
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Social Fiction GN - Chantal Montellier & Geoffrey Brock
An anonymous official chides a man under surveillance for stepping out of view of a security camera; visitors to an underground mall are forced to form a new society when a nuclear strike may (or may not) have left them as the sole survivors on Earth; newlyweds living in an authoritarian New York City attempt to navigate the insidious hurdles of being permitted to have a child; and a Puerto Rican boxer discovers that segregation continues in America long after death. In this collection of three novellas, Wonder City, Shelter, and 1996, published together in English for the first time, Chantal Montellier's blend of dark humor, gripping storytelling, and consistent focus on the perils of totalitarianism, shows her to be a master of both comics and science fiction.
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Soichi HC -  Junji Ito
Soichi, the unhinged second son of the Tsujii family, chews nails and makes them clatter and clack as he spouts horrific curses to bring about the most bizarre happenings. Whether it's summer holidays or a birthday party, Soichi can turn any occasion into a nightmare in a heartbeat. What is the terrible secret of his origin? Meanwhile, tormented by his little brother's never-ending pranks, older brother Koichi has a soundproof room built. But why does it have a series of four doors? And then there's the strange phenomenon surrounding the handmade casket their grandfather left behind. What on earth-or hell-has the family seen there? Ten tales that celebrate the sinister and hilarious world of Junji Ito's favorite antihero, Soichi!
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Stars In Their Eyes GN -  Jessica Walton & Aska
Maisie is on her way to Fancon! She's looking forward to meeting her idol, Kara Bufano, the action hero from her favorite TV show, who has a lower-leg amputation, just like Maisie. But when Maisie and her mom arrive at the convention center, she is stopped in her tracks by Ollie, a cute volunteer working the show. They are kind, charming, and geek out about nerd culture just as much as Maisie does. And as the day wears on, Maisie notices feelings for Ollie that she's never had before. Is this what it feels like to fall in love? Perfect for fans of Heartstopper and Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me, this graphic novel debut is a fresh, one-of-a-kind story that celebrates the excitement of meeting someone special for the first time.
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Tokidoki: The Art Of Simone Legno HC -  Simone Legno & Tokidoki
tokidoki, which translates to "sometimes" in Japanese, is an internationally-recognized and iconic lifestyle brand based on the vision of Italian artist Simone Legno and his partners, serial entrepreneurs Pooneh Mohajer and Ivan Arnold. Since debuting in 2005, tokidoki has amassed a cult-like following for its larger-than-life characters and emerged as a sought-after global lifestyle brand. tokidoki offers an extensive range of products which include apparel, handbags, cosmetics, accessories, toys and more.  Combining Legno's unique talent and creativity with Mohajer's business acumen, tokidoki has grown exponentially. As an innovative company, tokidoki is known not only for its eye-popping aesthetic and criminally cute characters but also its megawatt partnerships.
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The Way Of The Househusband: The Gangster’s Guide To Housekeeping GN - Kousuke Oono, Laurie Ulster & Victoria Rosenthal
Everyone, from busy office workers and aspiring homemakers to the fiercest members of the yakuza, can gain important life skills from The Way of the Househusband: The Gangster's Guide to Housekeeping! Learn the housekeeping secrets of the legendary gangster, Tatsu, with this practical and humorous book inspired by the popular manga series The Way of the Househusband. This detailed guide includes cleaning tricks to leave your home sparkling, secrets for finding cutthroat deals, schemes for mastering your territory, keys to caring for your gang, and much more. Within these pages you will also find 25 delicious recipes that will satisfy any voracious gangster. Follow these tips and apply the determination of the Immortal Dragon to cooking, cleaning, shopping, and crafting to discover the path to housekeeping success!
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XOGenasys GN Vol 1 - Tre Mcintosh & Nikolas Draper-Ivey
The future has grown into a decadent, overcrowded gang-ridden cesspool. If you're not living uptown, you might as well be dead. Such is the case of Darius Smith, an artistic youth living in the hood, doing his best to avoid trouble and live life. Unfortunately, Darius has a hidden talent-he's an explosive fighter! This makes him the target of many gangs and pits him in many brawls, landing him in the sight of the honorable Timothy Mustafa, a powerful prince. XOGenaSYS is a successful gladiator sport fought with powered exoskeletons, and as the owner of one of the most successful teams in the country, Mustafa wants Darius to become his newest fighter. Can Darius become the next champion? Or will he fall like so many before him?
Whatcha snagging this week, Fantom Fam?
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emilystheories · 2 years
Artist credit for the art used in my Tik Toks!
Aelin, Nesta, Bryce and the eight-pointed star theory:
Title photos: mftfernandez
Aelin, blue fire: AlexandraCurte
Cauldron: ACOTAR Official Coloring Book
Nesta and her sword: Swiftyfox
Nesta and her star tattoo: izziesdrawings
Bryce and her Horn tattoo: JanaRunneck
Bryce with the star on her chest: diana.dreamsart
Bryce, crescent moon backdrop: lauregal
Bryce, star lighting up: bethgilbertart
Bryce and Danika, rose gate: mftfernandez
Bryce and Danika, desert backdrop: bethgilbertart
Bryce hugging Danika: heyvossie
Bryce and Danika, the Drop: Gabrielle Ragusi
Bryce and Danika, tongues out: CLXE art
Danika portait: mftfernandez
Danika and her wolf form: espadadevalkiria
Elain is a mystic theory:
Elain manipulating strings (title photo): avoccatt_art
Ariadne: elizianna.the.one
Bat Boys: TaliaNobel
Elain, portait: sage.and.other.herbs
Elain tracking the Suriel: sketchesanmin
Nesta and the Cauldron: ACOTAR Official Coloring Book
Elain with a knife: krasnyzmeya
Maeve: Morgana0anagrom
Rigelus: elizianna.the.one
Erawan: Morgana0anagrom
Frat House, Crescent City: madschofield
Aelin: aiphos.s
Bryce is the 7th Asteri theory:
Bryce, title slide: mftfernandez
Bryce, third slide, holding sword: mftfernandez
Ithan: elizianna.the.one
Connor: Stacia Reverie
Bryce, crescent moon backdrop: thedustyshop
Bryce, headshot portrait: alrun.art
Bryce and Hunt, kissing: thalia_art_
Hypaxia: elizianna.the.one
Bryce, standing shot, white shirt: elizianna.the.one
Bryce and Ember: artywings
Bryce, holding starlight: m.alinki
Hunt, portrait: Bloodydamnit
Bryce, white dress: Morgana0anagrom
Red-haired fae woman: plushchimera
Mor as a Banshee theory:
Mor, title slide: Wictorianart
Eris: Morgana0anagrom
Mor, holding wine: bethgilbert_art
Mor, flowing red dress: dianadworak
Mor, headshot: Morgana0anagrom
Mor, leaning on balcony: mftfernandez
Mor, official art: Charlie Bowater
Cassian, official art: Charlie Bowater
Mor, long-sleeved red dress: starofvelaris
Mor, Azriel and Cassian: jenna.draw
Mor, plunging red dress: rounnac
Mor, hair flowing to the left: adamar.art
Danika: sncinderart
Inner Circle: aiphos.s
Maeve is Queen Theia theory:
Maeve, title slide: Morgana0anagrom
Rhys and Ruhn comparison art: cebanart
Rhys, headshot: whett_paint
Ruhn, headshot: whett_paint
Maeve, spiderweb backdrop: sncinderart
Rhys, shadows: RioBurtonArtist
Rhys, headshot, white background: arz28
Maeve, headshot: eelistraie
Ruhn, headshot, purple background: faeriereverie
Maeve, lounging: evilienne
Erawan: Morgana0anagrom
Ruhn, headshot, gray background: faeriereverie
Maeve, standing shot: evilienne
Cormac: elizianna.the.one
Maeve, side facing head shot: (unknown, cannot locate artist).
Library: ACOTAR Official Coloring Book
Aelin, falling through worlds: AliceMariaPower
Aelin, holding sword: elsalikesbooks
Aelin, standing on balcony: demihu
Rhys and Feyre, starfall: Emi D
Nesta and Dread Trove: mistilteinn.art
Kallias and Viviane: starofvelaris
Whitethorns: Thalia
Gavriel: Morgana0anagrom
Aedion: Morgana0anagrom
Tamlin: Dominique Wesson
Thesan: Moragana0anagrom
Yrene: Rachel Hanke
Maeve, sitting on throne: mistillteinn.art
ACOTAR careers video:
Inner Circle, title slide: Charlie Bowater
Feyre: bethgilbert_art
Elain: bethgilbert_art
Rhys: Charlie Bowater
Nesta: bethgilbert_art
Azriel: Moragana0anagrom
Cassian: Morgana0anagrom
Tamlin: Dominique Wesson
Gwyn: mftfernandez
Lucien: Dominique Wesson
Ianthe: Moragana0anagrom
Emerie: mftfernandez
Mor: bethgilbert_art
Amren: bethgilbert_art
Suriel: madschofield
Beron: Moragana0anagrom
Helion, lounging: The Beautiful Darkness
Helion, portrait: Moragana0anagrom
Azriel and Bryce as mates theory:
Azriel, title slide: jessdraw.s
Azriel blindfolding Bryce: witchlingsart
Bryce, star shining on chest: bethgilbert_art
Azriel, zoom in on knife: rosalynnart
Bryce, zoom in on sword: carlosgzz003
Bryce, yellow dress: sashac_art
Bryce, white/gold plunging dress: mftfernandez
Azriel: Moragana0anagrom
Bryce and Azriel: brielyasmin
Azriel, glancing sideways: rosalynnart
Azriel, holding knife: naarielart
Bryce, pale gold dress and leather jacket: mftfernandez
Cormac: elizianna.the.one
Jesiba: Moragana0anagrom
Einar Danaan: elizianna.the.one
Azriel, back facing: anawinarts
Bryce, headshot portrait: alrun.art
Azriel, torso up portrait: Dominique Wesson
Hunt: faeriereverie
Bryce, standing shot, white shirt: elizianna.the.one
Azriel and Elain: caitlin
Azriel and Gwyn: witchlingsart
Bryce and Hunt: myhopeart
Bryce and Azriel: mbohnet_art
Hunt will die, but he will be resurrected in the Dusk Court theory:
Hunt, title slide: sashac_art
Hunt, mid-air, electricity in hand: emiliesnaith_art
Hunt, head shot, crown of thorns: Ivy Gwendolline
Hunt, head shot, portrait: Bloodydamnit
Hunt, arms crossed: ghostinthegvrden
Bryce, sword behind back: mftfernandez
Ruhn, portrait: faeriereverie
Cormac: elizianna.the.one
Danika, back turned: mftfernandez
Bryce and Danika: Xena Fay
Yrene, purple dress: artzzofkae
Yrene, portrait, blue dress: Moragana0anagrom
Danika, forward facing: alrun.art
Danika and Baxian: arospaintbrush
Danika, back turned, long ponytail: Moragana0anagrom
Bryce and Hunt, kissing: thalia_art_
Danika and Bryce: sncinderart
Nesta and Cassian: Leah Fry Art
Rhys and Feyre, starfall: clarywhy
Danika and Bryce, sitting, back facing: megmontrey
Hunt and Bryce, embracing: gabsgabx
The Princes of Hel are the Valg theory:
Aidas, title slide: sncinderart
Valg demon, title slide: evilienne
Aidas, standing, crossed hands: Moragana0anagrom
Aidas, Bryce and Hunt: sncinderart
Aelin and Valg: may12324
Erawan: Official art, TOG card game
Nesta with her sword: mystery.artistz
Long blond haired man: toherys
Ramiel: doodlesbyclo
Yrene: Moragana0anagrom
Bryce, headshot portrait: alrun.art
Yrene, using her power: Demi Hu
Rigelus: elizianna.the.one
Nesta and Dread Trove: mistilteinn.art
Amren, angel form: ACOTAR Official Coloring Book
Rhys, lounging on throne: p.dulcis
Cassian: aconitte
Nesta, glowing: StarbitArt
Nesta, star tattoo: izziesdrawings
Nesta and Cassian: Leah Fry Art
Aidas, portrait: faeriereverie
"Why don't you just give up" SJM trend video:
Aelin, fire background: arzis
Elide and Lorcan, flood: ilik_art
Yrene, using her power: Demi Hu
Gavriel and Aedion: emiliesnaith_art
Manon and Abraxos: emmih
Feyre, music UTM: palesile
Elain killing Hybern: theclevercrow
Valkyries: ellyness5
Lehabah's final stand: ajn_art
Bryce and Danika, "light it up!": radiance_and_reveries.art
Hunt's father theory:
Hunt, title slide: mftfernandez
Hunt, arms crossed: ghostinthegvrden
Amren: bethgilbert_art
Amren, angel form: inkfaeart
Amren, holding wine glass (left): p.dulcis
Hunt, head shot: Bloodydamnit
Amren, holding wine glass (right): mftfernandez
Hunt, sword behind back: nessiarts
Hunt, crown of thorns: sashac_art
Hunt, looking sideways, lightning in hand: rachelsrealm
SJM parallel universe theory:
Feyre, Bryce, Aelin, title slide: Kyn Erie
Aelin, falling through worlds: AliceMariaPower
Nesta and Dread Trove: mistilteinn.art
Rhys, headshot: whett_paint
Ruhn, headshot: whett_paint
Valg demon: evilienne
Ruhn and Rhys, back to back: _julpers
Aelin: mftfernandez
Lidia: mftfernandez
Lorcan: Moragana0anagrom
Azriel: Moragana0anagrom
Fury: Xena Fay
Amren: alrun.art
Gavriel: The Beautiful Darkness
Tamlin: mftfernandez
Lucien: mftfernandez
Bryce: mftfernandez
Jesiba: Moragana0anagrom
Manon: Katie Morgan
Merrill: Rezwana Dimechkan
Rowan: Moragana0anagrom
Jurian: Morgana0anagrom
Yrene: artzzofkae
Thesan: janarunneck
Asterin: Moragana0anagrom
Nesta: Moragana0anagrom
Elide: Moragana0anagrom
Elain: Moragana0anagrom
Hunt: sncinderart
Cassian: Moragana0anagrom
Danika: Kenya Powers
Aidas: sncinderart
Aelin, Bryce, Feyre, back facing: gabsgabx
Tamlin's character video:
Blond long-haired man, title slide: Q5E4 (?)
Blond child, sideways facing: (unknown artist)
Blond child, sky background: sharandula
Blond man standing, holding guitar: BoA
Tamlin, playing fiddle: mbohnet_art
Blond royal, facing right: Katy-K
Blond royal, kneeling down: Katie S
Tamlin, portrait: LadyKalynne
Amarantha: Coralie Jubénot
Blond man carrying wounded woman: Nami64
Tamlin and Feyre, back facing: dreamkingdomstudios
Tamlin and Feyre, embracing: olegleus
Feyre holds knife, Tamlin on ground: ACOTAR Official Coloring Book
Tamlin, depressed: naarielart
Feyre, crying at bottom of stairs: LuminaCrest
Tamlin, holding rose: p.dulcis
Rhys kissing Feyre: arz28
Feyre consoling Tamlin, Rhys behind: meridyan-art
Rowan and Aelin: montherox
Manon: Morgana0anagrom
Azriel: Morgana0anagrom
Nesta: jheedit.s 
Blond man, pulling at sleeve: Alinurart
Tamlin, sideways facing: mftfernandez
Rhys: Charlie Bowater
Feyre and Tamlin embracing, Feyre reaching for Rhys: rachelsrealm
Tamlin crying: inkfaeart
Long-haired man, looking forward: kimberly08
Tamlin on tree stump, hunched over: wilderheart13
Blond-haired man, head tilted: noteye
Tamlin's beast form: (unknown?)
Man playing fiddle in garden: Applibot
Elain is possessed by Koschei theory:
Elain with a knife: krasnyzmeya
Elain looking out window: ya-ariart
Mr Archeron: (unknown?)
Valg demon: evilienne
King of Hybern: Morgana0anagrom
'Evil' Elain: inkfaeart
Elain and Azriel: ACOTAR Official Coloring Book
Nesta and the Cauldron: ACOTAR Official Coloring Book
Azriel, holding knife: naarielart
Elain and Azriel, linking arms: arti.ris
Elain, portrait: mftfernandez
Lucien: TKadoura
Elain, back facing: uurtemis
Kaltain: Morgana0anagrom
Elain, black hovering crown: vincry
Elain stabbing Hybern: KrasnyZmeya
Throne of Glass word no longer exists theory:
Aelin and Rowan, cover photo: Emile Smith
Aelin, back facing: demihu
Bryce, back facing: Alexandra Curte
Bryce, necklace: unknown artist
Bone Carver: Charlie Bowater
Aelin and Rowan: mistilteinn.art
Valg possession: evilienne
Danika: mftfernandez
Tharion: sncinderart
Yrene: Rikki does art
Danika and Bryce, desert backdrop: Beth Gilbert
Yrene, using powers: demihu
Bryce, using powers: Isabelle Smith
Lidia: mftfernandez
Aelin: mftfernandez
Aelin on Lord of the North: montherox
Aelin and Rowan's rings: drawnexplore
Day and Night: FeyLuna
Aelin, portrait: Morgana0anagrom
Ruhn, portrait: faeriereverie
3 MC's and 3 MC love interest photos: Kynerie
Gavriel: Morgana0anagrom
Aedion: Morgana0anagrom
Tamlin: Dominique Wesson
TOG characters: Charlie Bowater
ACOTAR characters: Jess.draws
CC characters: Stacia.reveries.
14 notes · View notes
starlitangels · 2 years
Pups AU Incorrect Quotes (Part 3)
Micah: *wears a dark grey tank top*
Danny: Ah. Breaking out the spring colors I see
Natalie: Can’t you try to see things from my perspective?
Gabriel: Okay! *sits on the floor*
Natalie: Now listen here you little sh!+
Micah: Here’s a fun idea. We hang mistletoe; but instead of kissing you have to fight them
Danny: We are not doing that
Natalie: Mistlefoe™
Danny: Do Not Encourage Her!
Evelyn: I’m not responsible for what my face does when you talk
Gabriel: We need to distract my sister and her friends
Evelyn: Leave it to me
Evelyn: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss
Natalie, Danny, and Micah: *immediately start arguing with each other*
Gabriel: Oh… I don’t like this at all
Natalie: What are you, five?
Gabriel: Yeah. Five heads taller than you
Gabriel: I’m sorry please don’t kill me
Micah: Can we kill Andrew and Justin for making fun of Danny?
Lily: No.
Micah: I can make it look like an accident.
Lily: …How?
Gabriel: Lily!
Lily: Alright, no…
Evelyn: Don't panic.
Gabriel: I'm not panicking, I'm just very concerned and alarmed at how thoroughly screwed we are.
Danny: But please, be careful.
Natalie: You know me.
Danny: Yeah, exactly, that’s what I’m worried about.
[also applies to Gabriel and Micah]
Lily: Writing a death threat and dotting all the i's with hearts
Justin, going through closet: What should I change into?
Danny: A better person -_-
Natalie: Reminder that I’m very sweet and endearing so be nice to me
Andrew: Or what
Natalie: Or I’ll punch your lights out
Micah: Hold your horses, Gabriel. Hold them tight. Cherish them.
Gabriel: What?
Micah: I don’t know. I haven’t eaten today.
*distressed Gabriel noises*
Lily: Gabriel's little sister is way too nice a person for the number of ways she knows how to kill people.
Natty, from the other room: It's called 'diplomacy,' b!+ch!
Evelyn: Can't believe there are so many songs about love and only one where someone welcomes someone else to a jungle.
Rose, to the Pups: Can I make a suggestion that doesn’t involve violence or is this the wrong crowd?
Gabriel: Living well is the best revenge.
Evelyn: Yeah, but obviously I'm not gonna do that. What's the second best. Cutting their brakes, right?
Micah: The only reason I’m not coming at you right now is because Rose here is a delicate flower who doesn’t like violence.
Natalie: You’re charged with breaking into a pet store?
Evelyn: I thought the puppies might be lonely.
Gabriel: Describe your ideal partner.
Lily: They're dark and mysterious, and they can sing, and they play the organ.
Gabriel: I think you just described the Phantom of the Opera.
(Looking at graffiti on a high bridge)
Lily: That’s art.
Gabriel: No, that’s vandalism.
Evelyn: How the f^&* did they get up there? I wanna try!
Gabriel: No!
Danny: You guys are idiots, did you know that?
Natalie & Micah: In our defense, we actually do know that.
Lily: Why are you covered in glitter?
Rose: Why aren't you covered in glitter?
Lily: Good point
Gabriel: Recipe says to beat three eggs.
Micah: At what? Hand to hand combat?
Gabriel: Must be. My dad and sister banned shifting in the kitchen, remember?
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Character Introduction: Gabrielle Da Ville
Tumblr media
Summary: after the tragedy of her parents' death, she and her younger brother Florian are adopted by the Da Ville's. This doesn't mean that they treat them as family, though. Mocked and looked down at for almost ten years, Gabrielle has only one desire: revenge.
Age: 18
Pronouns: she/her
Magic: shape shifter (commonly referred as imitators or dopplegängers)
Character Study:
Sometimes Gabrielle hated herself for loving rain as much as she did. The thought always popped inside her head whenever she could smell the first notes of petrichor in the air; her heart would jump with glee and her brain felt the usual shame she had learnt to deal with since she had arrived to Clay River Manor.
Aunt Tiffany had found her looking at the clouds when she was around eight once. The clouds were as dark as Gabrielle’s hair, and she could almost hear the rumbling of the thunder and see the sparks of the lightning in the sky: visual and auditory effects for her own personal enjoyment.
“Are you scared?” The adult had asked, lips in a fine line, looking at her with caution. Everyone seemed to look at them with an inappropriate coldness since her and Florian arrived. It was almost as if they thought the siblings were cursed.
Or worse.
“No,” Gabrielle had denied, “I love storms.”
Aunt Tiffany had gasped, already putting a hand to her chest to accentuate the reaction. 
“Insolent kid!” she had said, “How can you love storms when they were the ones that killed your father?”
Gabrielle was only eight years old. She didn’t know how to answer that question. That did not refrain Tiffany Da Ville from giving her piece of mind about the situation for almost half an hour more.
When her dramatic aunt finally left the skies were already starting to clear, and all the rain had already fallen.
Gabrielle was not afraid of storms. She loved the rain. She adored cloudy days and autumn afternoons. 
Because none of those things had actually killed her parents, no matter what the rest of the family thought. Florian didn’t remember that day, aside from a few flashbacks here and there; but Gabrielle did, and what ended her parents’ lives had not been the climate or the circumstances they were driving in.
What had been their end was his father’s surname:
Da Ville.
Her new family, aunts and uncles and grandparents and cousins hated the storms. And they also hated Gabrielle and Florian, that much was clear. Even Spence Da Ville was absolutely prohibited from causing a rain cloud.
Almost ten years later from that day, Gabrielle Da Vile smiled, remembering a certain proverb:
“Your enemy’s enemy is your friend.”
She would not be ashamed any longer for loving what the rest of her terrible blood relatives loathed. 
The Da Ville’s would pay. For every single year of disdain towards her and her brother. For mocking and shaming both of them. For blaming their mother, when the ones to blame were them.
Gabrielle had sworn to another rainy sky long ago that she would get revenge on all of them. And, oh, if the opportunity wasn’t right in front of her eyes. 
The Da Ville’s as everyone knew them had their days counted. She would make sure of that.
Is The Blood Thicker? tag list! (ask to be added or removed):
@writing-is-a-martial-art @rose-bookblood
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nancywheeeler · 1 year
happy new year! for all that 2022 has been well, 2022, at least it has also been a year of reading great literature and i wanted to take one last opportunity to hard-sell everyone on my favorite books of the year.
top five books of the year:
1. Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles
yesterday, my grandmother called this the book of the decade and while she might be a little early, she’s also not wrong! i sometimes find modern literary fiction to be intimidatingly bleak and deeply cynical, especially regarding its characters, which is one of the many reasons i’m so in love with lincoln highway. the characters are fascinating and nuanced, but towles approaches them with empathy rather than judgement. i think fondly back on the characters in this novel—central, secondary, tertiary and the bit players—like they’re all my old friends. it’s a novel that has a in-point for everyone (it’s a road trip! it’s recent history! it’s a story of blood brothers and complicated found family! it’s funny! it’s heartbreaking!) and i cannot recommend it highly enough. i don’t know how any books of 2023 are going to top it either.
2. This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub
as i was starting to write this post, my best friend, who i gifted this book to for her birthday, texted me she was on chapter 41 and “my god, it’s SO good.” my god, it is that good! for anyone whose hard limit for sci-fi is back to the future, this is the absolute perfect book. it’s a really grounded take on time travel that digs into one of the most compelling father/daughter relationships i’ve ever read. like lincoln highway, it’s also funny and empathetic and straub has a way of phrasing truths of life that make you go “yes, of course! of course!!” i’ll leave this with one of my favorite quotes from the book: “Why was it so hard to see that, how close generations were? That children and their parents were companions through life.“
3. The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
as with my other favorites of the year, this book has so many facets to it and any one of them is a great reason to pick it up. if you want two complicated love stories for the price of one, look no further. if you want to read a time in history not as often explored in fiction (1940s spain in the aftermath of their civil war), here it is. if you’re like me and you’ll read any book that’s about loving books, oh boy has carlos ruiz zafon got you. it’s the perfect blend of history and thriller, shot through with a dark streak of magical realism, and i will sing its praises for the rest of time.
4. Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr
doerr has already written one of my favorite books of all time, so completely unsurprising his latest epic is also a gorgeous masterpiece! truly awe-inspiring how he weaves such seemingly different eras of time (and space, honestly) and turns it into a gorgeous tapestry narrative that argues not only for the preservation of our planet and the stories we tell while we’re on it but how our stories, even the small and often forgotten ones, are what connects us to people who lived hundreds of years before us and will live hundreds of years after. tl;dr: fund libraries!
5. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
i read this book alongside another best friend and we both got emotionally wrecked. such a great book of friendship and genius and the difficulties inherent when the two mix and decide to start a company together, especially one based in art. i know nothing about video game design and i probably still don’t know much, but i loved reading about this fictional video game company through the decades and was endlessly enamored by the partnership at its center.
so, this post became long and unwieldy; honorable mentions under the cut!
honorable mentions (fiction): Crossings by Alex Landragin (for lovers of time-bending fantasy and experimental structure), The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco (for lovers of history and monk detectives), The Searcher and Faithful Place by Tana French (for lovers of literary mystery and sad crusty old men), The Nickel Boys and Harlem Shuffle by Colson Whitehead (for lovers of great prose and emotional devastation), Pachinko by Min Jin Lee (for lovers of intimate epics and kimchi)
honorable mentions (non-fiction): Come Fly the World by Julia Cooke (#girlbosses in the sky), Going Clear by Lawrence Wright (join the anti-tom cruise agenda), The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown (do you want to cry over crew boats transitioning from hand-carved wood to metal? because you will), Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner (+ crying alone in your room while reading this), All the President’s Men by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward (85k irritating coworkers to friends to taking down the nixon administration to lo—[gunshot]), Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt (getta load of this cast of characters), Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania by Erik Larson (don’t let the title fool you: you’re also going to learn a lot about woodrow wilson’s sex life)
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