#Perfidious Jewellery
francescaswords · 6 months
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INDIE WEEK: my favourite artists and creators! Go follow:
@tatchianamichaela (Crowley and his plants)
The Dark Arts of Gabrielle Rose (deliciously creepy illustration of a tower cough cough from my last book it is gorgeous)
Bernadette Marbrow (that's not a photo, that's a watercolour painting)
Dreams and Skylarks (bags and accessories)
Perfidious Jewellery (jewellery! With skulls and funny sayings!)
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toonatic92 · 5 years
Aidi Character Profile
(Aaah! I forgot to post Aidi, Vistie and Grace’s character profiles here! Bear with me while I post them with the original commentary that they had on DeviantART. First, Aidi’s one. I did this one last July.)
I've been worldbuilding recently and I felt like doing another character profile, so this time it's Aidi's turn.
(TW/CW: Child abuse, death)
General info:
Full Name: Aidios Chthno Pronunciation of their name: Ay-dee-os Kh-th-no Title: Mr. Nickname(s): Aidi, Pretentious/Pompous Wanker (or just Wanker)
Gender: Trans man Race: Black Latino Species: Troll Sexuality: Biromantic Bisexual
Height: 5'11"/180cm Weight: 9st, 7lbs/60.3kg Age: 16
Eye colour(s): Indigo Contacts?: No Glasses?: No
Face shape: Long, thin, rectangular, diamond-shaped jaw, pointed chin, narrows towards the end, low cheekbones Describe their eyes: Large, oval, droopy eyelids, dark circles, bags, long eyelashes Describe their nose: Long, thin, upturned Describe their lips: Thin, bottom lip fuller, peakless, dented bottom lip, small mouth Ears: Long, pointed, attached lobes, small lobes
Body build: Tall, thin, long body, short legs, long neck, long arms, long hands, long fingers, short feet, short toes, narrow shoulders, narrow hips, low muscle tone, sparse body hair Disabilities: Dyslexia, ADHD Extra extremities: L-shaped horns, long claws
Hair colour(s): Black Hair length: Short Hair style: Slicked-back, parted
Skin/fur colour(s): Grey Complexion: Light, sensitive skin Patterns/designs: None Scars: None Birthmarks: None Tattoos: None Piercings: None
Personality snapshot: Pretentious, moody poet Most prominent personality trait: Pretentious Best traits of their personality: Imaginative, creative, sensitive, kind, enthusiastic, moral, cheerful, idealistic, romantic Worst traits of their personality: Snobby, inflexible, moody, flighty, hypercritical, melodramatic, insensitive, stubborn, judgemental, fantasist, easily swayed by emotions, impulsive, erratic, mood swinger, oversensitive, insecure
Current faith: None Current superstitions/quirks: TBA
Alignment: Neutral Good
Marital status: Single
Occupation: Poet, writer
Good habits: Has standards, moral, creative, idealistic, kind Bad habits: Pretends, has high standards, stubborn, refuses help, secretive, impulsive, never finishes anything
Abilities: Enhanced strength Special skills: Poet, writer, classical education, gem expert, gourmet, fashionista, medium, fortune teller Hobbies: Writing, brooding, jewellery making, reading gothic fiction, indulging his expensive tastes, communicating with spirits, telling fortunes, Victorian/Steampunk cosplay, chatting with friends online
Deonia Elenys (moirail)
Vistie Hethra (moirail)
Harbinger (lusus)
Caelis Akmour (flushed crush)
Fandom-specific info:
Sign: The sign for Pluto, the dwarf planet named after the Roman god of death Blood colour: Indigo Theme: Based on Hades/Pluto, the Greco-Roman god of the dead, king of the underworld, necromancy, mining and precious metals.
Handle: moribundPoetaster (MP) Typing quirk: Uses flowery and archaic language, capitalises P’s and L’s, but only when they’re next to each other (i.e. PLace, PLease, PLaza), represents himself with '{='(' emoticon, occasional spelling errors Fetch modus: Wordcount - Items can only be retrieved by describing them using as many words as possible Strife specibus: quillkind/rapierkind Lusus: A Perfidious Gazerbird (multi-eyed raven) named Harbinger  
Planet: Land of Twilight and Mausoleums (LOTAM) Denizen: Tartaros Consorts: Owls
Dream world: Prospit God Tier title: Bard of Doom Kernelsprite: Harbingersprite Cruxite artifact: A mirror
Random facts:
Aidi's 'brooding gothic poet' persona is an act. He's actually very sweet and bubbly, but he doesn't think that's interesting enough, which is why he puts on the act. Deo and Vistie know about this and neither of them understands why he needs to pretend. Vistie just politely accepts it, but Deo gets irritated by his persona, leading to arguments.
Aidi is a frustrated artist. He loves writing but his dyslexia and ADHD make it harder than it should be. He often exhausts himself trying to write even one page. He very grudgingly accepts Vistie's help sometimes. She proofreads what he's written and keeps him focused. He still leaves a lot of his work unfinished though.
His relationship with his lusus is very difficult. Harbinger is more blunt and straightforward than Aidi and doesn't really understand his son's interests or behaviour. This causes him to mostly avoid Aidi and berate him when they do interact. Harbinger would rather his son was doing something more useful with his time than brooding and writing poetry. Aidi hates his dad and only interacts with him if he needs to.
Aidi has a massive flushed crush on Caelis Akmour, one of his friend group, who for their part is completely unaware of Aidi's crush. Aidi is nigh on obsessed with them and calls them his 'muse'. He may be more in love with the idea of them than he is actually in love with them.
Aidi's other interests are jewellery making, which he's very good at and better at concentrating on, fortune telling and mediumship, which he does with his friends, but not Deo because she insists on investigating whether the spirits he's talking to are real or not, and Victorian/Steampunk cosplay, which he makes his own costumes for and goes to conventions for. He always wears Victorian clothing anyway because it fits the image he's trying to convey.
Aidi isn't looking forward to being sent away to conquer territory for the empire. He's a sensitive boy and not really suited for combat. He can fence, but that's not much use for a soldier. He is certain that he won't survive his first battle and is holding out for a non-combat role, but that isn't likely, since his caste are expected to take combat roles because of their strength.
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