#The Challenge of the Super Friends
jlcomicsandgames · 5 months
The Legion of Doom Pinocchio Trump and His Deplorable Dunces
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Taking Super Friends screencaps out of context leads to some good, funny times
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glassgob · 11 months
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bad news folks. got into another sci-fi podcast [Image ID: Digital reference sheet of Sokrates and Cassander from Friends at the Table: COUNTER/Weight. Sokrates and Cass are both fish-people, Sokrates taking design inspiration from the red scorpionfish and Cassander the Mediterranean parrotfish. They are adorned in a modified version of Minoan fashion, featuring flowing garments with vibrant primary color patterns. They both have long, black hair greying at the sides. Cass is several inches shorter than Sokrates, excluding headspines. End ID.]
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itsmariejanel · 4 months
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it's the oc trade challenge time, yahoooo 🪐 by @buttertrait - ruth by @yekkiz | vinny by @literalite | malcolm (kurt's version kay) by @tricoufamily | joni by @goldenwaves | sióar by @lucidicer in my simstyle 😋 there's more sims of my mutuals i wanna do, ill get to you babes!! mwah
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jesncin · 6 months
Does J'onn's beloved bartender have any relatives in Gotham that make family dinners incredibly, incredibly awkward... or is the last name just an unfortunate coincidence?
I'm pretty sure both martians would have that same doubt, but while J'onn tries to avoid the subject in order for it not to get weird, Ma'al doesn't hesitate
Jonathan Crane and Al Crane are distant cousins! Jonathan is a child of an affair, and was raised by his grandmother on his mom's side. He went by his maiden name "Keeny" until college where he switched his surname to "Crane". While they both grew up in Georgia, Al and Jonathan didn't get to actually meet each other until they both studied in Gotham College as roommates. People give them weird looks because they don't look related.
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They get along! Al is one of the few family members Jonathan tolerates. Al eventually moves to Denver to be a bartender while Jonathan becomes a psychology professor in Gotham. They stay in touch. Al doesn't know anything about the Scarecrow stuff.
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Ma'al jumped to an entirely different conclusion about their relationship.
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moonandris · 3 months
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couch-house · 7 months
I figure now that we r in round 3, it would be a good time to expand on dog's deal specifically by explaining his context--bc he's very much defined by that + his story purpose, rather than his concept on its own! Welcome To My Beepo House.
tl;dr i made dog to be a friend-haver and a friend-maker and specifically be a friend for super :) a vote 4 dog in @sonic-oc-showdown is a vote for FRIENDS!
For beginner's context: for just under half the run of Fleetway Sonic the Comic, twisted evil killer Super Sonic is separated from Sonic physically, loses his chaos powers that compel him to violence, and ends up destitute in Metropolis Zone until a couple of minor characters take him in to live + work with them at the jazz cafe the Groovy Train. everyone say hi ebony and pyjamas :) I love the tension between this trio in how they approach the conflict of super sonic Being There, but ebony and pyjamas are also both adults and I see them as having more parental/grandparental relationships with him rather than real equal friends. so that's where dog and bebe come in :)
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this is part of a canon divergence au that keeps the groovy train dynamic largely in place, rather than ending it with the comic. in the canon ending, ebony casts a spell that merges super and sonic back into the same body. sonic conquers super and things are alright for the end of the story. okay well i dont like that so </3 instead in this au, ebony hides super by merging him into *herself.* they struggle to live together for a bit until a minor villain (lord sidewinder) comes in and separates them, once again trying to harness super's power for himself. well he fails and they kick his ass and such. after this, the conflict between super and ebony expands from some of the canon conflict + the new merger conflict annnd now he can go make new friends at the skate park :) by doing what he does best: being sad and wet and pathetic until someone with a big heart tries to help him out.
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i've been developing dog and bebe with the intent to make a nice balanced group between them: bebe is the Instigator, the Active member of the group, the hero-like, the leader. she's competitive, she's right, and she knows it! super's the rookie with crazy power, he's a fish-out-of-water most times but when it comes to a real fight he can be a heavy-hitter. he's cautious and deferential (canon low self-esteem behaviors), but he's coming into his own with the help of those around him. and doggy my special guy doggy is the mediator: she's the wingman and cheerleader, she's the helping hand that keeps everyone's heads cool. she's the first to trust and the first to forgive. she's a capybara: everyone's friend :)
ofc i hope dog's deal on his own is interesting enough to people! what if there was a capybara and he was nice and also silly :) but it feels so wrong to separate her from super... that's her buddy that's the reason i made her. my au characterizaiton of super doesn't get to happen from only knowing an older woman who believes he can do no wrong ever and an even older woman who doesn't quite trust him not to do wrong. he's gotta have a friend who doesn't care about all that super sonic stuff--in fact thinks super is just lying about most of it (that's okay, sometimes people need to lie about their lives and it doesn't make them bad or anything). someone who is willing to meet him without any of that baggage and openly invite him into friendship and a safer life :)
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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Challenge of the Super Friends (1978), "Superfriends, Rest in Peace"
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meatmel · 2 months
unrelated to last post, ive been drawing a bit latley, but i dont have much since the doodles since i do those on vc skflsgjl
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in the first image is my fursona, melbunny, just incase anyone was curious:) bald bull is one of my favorites from punch out right now, so im holding him up!
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pageofqueens · 2 months
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"I am the REAL you—the Cheetah—a treacherous, relentless huntress!"
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imminent-danger-came · 9 months
*sigh*. So. 3x03 right. "You rigged this table so that no matter what plate Monty was under, he would drop down from under it just as your contestant made their choice!" and how that works with the game motif in 4x10, "Ugh, again? Remind me how this 'game' is supposed to convince me I'm not destined to turn into an evil demon monkey thing again!? Cause every option I pick takes me to this same screen!" "Hey you're finally getting it! No matter what options it's giving you, you're always gonna end up in the same spot." And it's like, losing being inevitable, the game being rigged, the only option being to find a different choice, yet still "every choice has consequences—for someone." Overall I just kinda feel like this:
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barrenclans-survival · 6 months
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moon 0 part 1
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Episode Five] One Last Push!
This series of images was titled “damage control one thru eight”, but I think we can all take a moment and appreciate just how sweet and sociable these sims are! 🥹
Alright, Daniel: time for some damage control!
[ Part 6/?? ] 🌹
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silveragelovechild · 8 days
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criminey-christmas · 1 year
rave time rave time rave time! rave time rave time rave time! don’t step on the glass! don’t step on the glass! tinsel in your foot! bauble in your foot! bauble in your eye! everybody cries when you go to a&e with a bauble in your face! BLOOD! BLOOD EVERYWHERE!
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pulpsandcomics2 · 3 months
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Wonder Woman model sheet
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