#Tangerine lived
helpinghanikan · 2 years
Stay in Sight
Sum: Tangerine isn't supposed to be doing anything too dangerous while he's recovering. The same isn't said for you.
AN: I'm sorry to who requested this that it took a minute. Work hit me with OT so I wrote this on my phone during breaks. Please excuse the grammar.
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Saturday night at the mall is a busy place. It’s a big building, an easy place to get lost in or to lose someone in. Barely an hour in the building and already three different announcements were made for kids to meet their families at the front.
Tangerine was about to the be the next one.
“Stupid, mustached, sexy idiot…” You muttered while sliding through the contacts. Looking over the banister as if Tangerine will be one floor down, staring right up at you and waving. “Better answer.”
It’s only been three weeks since Tangerine was carried to your door. Covered in blood, a hole in his throat sew together by a back-alley doctor and breathing just enough to prove that he wasn’t dead. Lemon looked exhausted, but he was the only one in control during this time. Good thing, too. Otherwise the neighbors would have heard your screams at seeing Tangerine like this.
The first week was spent with Tangerine in bed. You and Lemon took shifts sitting by his side. To make sure that the wound was clean, but also to be sure that the idiot didn’t try to get up before he was at least a bit better.
A few rings and your call goes to voice mail. Of course Tangerine wouldn’t answer, this was likely his plan all along. Go out somewhere and then sneak away the moment you let go of his hand. He’s being trying to do this since you let him get up from bed: whether it was to visit the gym, pick up some food or even just take a piss you were making sure he wasn’t doing something else.
“We’re taking that two-month vacation, Babe. Whether you like it or not.” You had told him one night when he wanted to step out for a smoke. He had smiled when you said that. Which was probably when you should have known he was already planning something.
Next option was Lemon. Quickly scrolling your contacts until the little fruit emoji showed.
One ring and he picked up; “What’s up?”
“Where’s Tangerine?” You ask, still scanning over the people from the second-floor banister.
“Well, hello to you too, Love. I don’t get a greeting or nothing?” Lemon says with a fake voice of sorrow. He is definitely part of Tangerine’s plan.
“Lemon, please…”
“He’s alright, I swear. He’s just doing some shopping.”
Shopping, at least he wasn’t lying about needing to stop by the mall. Just trying to find him would be the real bear.
“You know where he is, then? Is he safe?” You were starting to sound like a concerned mother more than a girlfriend right now. “Damn it, Lemon, I just got him back.”
Lemon, always the big brother, is quick to change his voice. “Hey, hey. It’s gonna be okay. I’m worried just like you, ‘kay? But he’s not going anywhere and I’m making sure of it this time.”
“You’re watching him right now, aren’t you?” You ask.
“’course I am.” He says although he claimed to have had a date today and couldn’t come. “I’m not letting that prick out of my sight either. And I hope you like pearls ‘cause he’s spending our last two jobs on them.”
Usually you would have laughed at that comment. But slight pressure of a person stepping into your space made you silent. It wasn’t Tangerine who was suddenly so close you could be spooning. Even if you didn’t have this conversation with Lemon you couldn’t pretend Tangerine was right behind you.
Tangerine was a firm presence with a cool, sometimes cold, feeling in his hands. It made goosebumps on your arms when he touches you. It excites when he finally talks after placing a kiss on your head. This person wasn’t Tangerine, but they certainly were a threat.
Especially when they leaned into your ear and whispered; “If you don’t want him to have another hole in his neck. You’ll hang up.”
“I wouldn’t mind moving him towards something else if you-.” Lemon was interrupted by the practical slamming of your phone. Silencing the only contact to your man or your friend you hand.
“Good girl,” The stranger seemingly coos. Sliding their hand into yours like a lover. “Very good girl. Now come along.”
The stranger was a woman. A non-descript white woman who would fit in with the countless other college students meandering around. Perhaps just a few years older and with quit a bit more confidence. She pulls your hand close, forcing you into her side where she puts an arm around you. Your phone now hers as she slides it into her coat like it’s no big deal.
“Sorry you’re part of this,” She says, voice low next to your head. “But a debts’ gotta be paid and you’re the only money Tangerine’s got.”
It’s pointless to ask but you do so anyway; “Who are you?”
He smiles like you are just oh-so-cute. “I’m your new best friend, Baby. Let’s go for a ride.”
The mall was still busy and seemed to be only made worse by the situation. This woman held you too close to try and slip away from. If she’s anything like the people Tangerine and Lemon usually deal with there would be no point in trying anyway. Best case scenario you would make some distance. Worst case and Tangerine is dead, along with several bystanders who have no way of knowing what is going on.
On the escalator a family denim jacket and tie peaks out from the crowd on the lower floor. Although he was a big man Lemon was pretty good at blending in with the crowd. Especially when he just stand next to a protein shack or some other gym bros and not look a bit out of place.
He make eye-contact and only needs a light shake of your head to understand. His own phone out and talking into with a smile. Totally not talking to Tangerine or anything, and certainly not walking in your same direction for any particular reason.
Into the parking garage and This woman is walking faster. She doesn’t give off any other impression than someone wanting to get their girl home real fast. The only hitch in the camouflage was the Cobalt taking a sharp turn right in front of you. Trunk ready to be opened.
Fear and logic two warriors fighting in your head. On one hand the fear makes you think of the trunk. A second location means nothing but death. If you don’t go in then Tangerine is gone. Lemon will have to live through his brother’s death again or killed himself.
On the other hand logic tells you to scream. Shove This woman hard as you can and starting running just as strong. Normal circumstance says that they won’t bother chasing if you run into a populated area screaming. It’s usually not worth the risk. Usually.
You don’t have time to think about which warrior you want to win. Metal is already hitting your knees and gravity takes you forward. Face first into the dark trunk that is quickly slammed shut behind you. Nothing to look for and nothing to find but the rough ground and harsh sides you could never hope to punch through.
“Lemon! LEMON!” You immediately start screaming, open hands slamming on the trunk roof. “Get Tangerine! Get Tangerine!”
Your man was still injured; he had left the apartment today with a pretty white bandage around his throat. You were gently when placing it on. Giving him a soft kiss when you were done. Smiling when he chuckled at the gesture. Demanding one onto his mouth as well.
The car takes a sharp right turn and you still almost feel his facial hair during that kiss. It’s almost enough to distract you from being slammed around from all the turning and sharp takes.
“Where is Tangerine?!” You scream, sure that they can hear you. “He better be okay!”
Although you yelled this like a threat, it wasn’t like you could do anything. These people weren’t like normal thugs and punks on the street. Who would run away at a warning shot into the ground or surprised by a brave victim. These were the kind of people who were after revenge against Tangerine.
Based on his past it’s not surprising that Tangerine would have enemies like this. What little you knew about his work usually meant there were always hurt parties left behind. Widows and orphans made from a single job that neither Tangerine nor Lemon cared to really remember. It was just another workday for them.
A few more turns and then it’s a straight shot for at least an hour. Long enough that you fell asleep in the warm trunk. Curling close until your knees were as high as they could go while waiting for the car to finally stop.
You don’t wake up when the car stops, only when someone slams a hand on the trunk hood. They don’t open the trunk, but they do keep hitting it. Again and again slamming into the metal that threatened to cave in, although that might just be a dramatic thought. Didn’t make it any less scary though.
Through the metal you can hear the voice of This woman and a male. Neither seeming to care that you might be able to hear through it.
“Going after wives are never good. We’re fucked the moment she dies.” The male says.
“Tit-for-tat, Tangerine take’s my boy I take his girl. If he wants to show up and make it worse then he’s gone too. That’s how it works, that’s what makes it fair.” This woman says, another hard slam to the trunk.
“Murders never- fucking move!” The man yells just before a massive impact hits the side of the car you are still trapped in.
While you are rocked completely upside down the car is now sideways. Pain and bruises will be covering you in the next few seconds and are going to stay for days to come. Especially when you landed so hard on your side. Only thing you’re able to see is the slightly cracked glass of a taillight peeking out from the trunk carpet.
A concussion is very likely with massive of a headache. Shooting, shouting and profanity make it all worse. Not that you can take a second to lean forward and cradle your head from the pain. Not when your trunk is given light through bullet holes appearing just over your head.
“I’M STILL IN HERE!” You screamed, as if that was going to make it stop.
When it obviously doesn’t stop you look back to the taillight. Using all your strength to rip the carpet away just enough. Cringing at the pain of broken glass and mental poking and cutting into your arm while reaching out to your elbow. Waving around, grabbing the ground, and tossing whatever you could get your hands on. All the while yelling for someone to remember that you were still there.
“I see you; oh, baby, fuck yes I see you!” Tangerine, or Tangerine’s voice at least, pants just outside the trunk. His strong hand, long finger, grab hold of your so tightly he could have cracked a finger. “Stay here. Just wait.”
He’s gone just as fast as you had found him. Leaving your hand grasping the empty air as stones scrunched under his feet as he ran.
“Lemon! Got a crowbar? Or a screw or a fucking bat? Something?” Tangerine yells.
“How about the car keys, mate?” Lemon yells back, jingling in the air.
It was more than a little bit dramatic the way you fell out of the trunk. Tangerine there to catch you before you could have landed on the hard ground. He holds you close enough that no one would be able to separate you again.
At least until Lemon shows up and ruins the moment.
“Who the fuck was that, man?” He asks, gesturing almost wildly at the two bodies next to the car you had just escaped from.
If there is something Tangerine and Lemon know how to do; it’s killing. This woman, who had started it all, was left mangled from the initial impact of Tangerine reaching the scene. She never had a chance when Tangerine knew she was the one who had taken you.
The man looked to have lasted longer. Having hidden behind the car and participating in a shoot out that only lasted a couple seconds, into a few minutes.
Tangerine quickly turns your head from the bodies. Not that he was looking much better, either. His hair was a mess, some splatter had gotten onto his nice white shirt, and his bandage was bleeding again. You reach out to the bandage, covering the growing red with your hand as if you could heal it with your touch alone.
“You said we’d stick together today.” You said. Almost angry, almost crying.
He cups your face. “I’m a fucking mess, I’m sorry. Fuck, love, I’m so sorry.”
It didn’t really matter how much he apologized. This was part of his life, therefore it made it part of yours. He can make promises and even try to quit but we all know that wasn’t going to happen. Not when the movie was so good, not when Lemon was with him until the end, and especially not when you never asked him to.
“Let’s go back to the apartment, please.” You asked, staring straight to tangerine to avoid looking at your kidnapper and what was left of her.
Lemon drove while Tangerine sat shot gun. No one talked, not until you moved Tangerine’s coat and felt the box inside. Black velvet, large enough for a necklace and earrings. Perhaps even a bit more.
“What’s this?” You asked, making tangerine jolt a bit from the surprise.
He looks at the box and sighs. Taking it from your hands, popping it open to show exactly what you expected. A row of pearls and earrings, salt-water raised, and silver chain to hold them together. “Completely forgot I snatched that.”
“I thought you were doing better?” Lemon asked, rather accused, Tangerine.
“I am or was. It was an emergency, Lemon. I didn’t have time to get in the queue!” Tangerine spat, not noticing when you slipped the box back from his hands.
“All I’m hearing is an excuse, man.” Lemon retorted.
You looked good in the earrings and necklace. Leaning forward between their seats tog et a better look at them. Only then Tangerine notice when you were close enough he could place a sweet kiss on your cheek.
“You look lovely,” He says.
“I better, because you owe me so much more than stolen jewelry.” You reply. Both as a joke and as a reminder.
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rotblut · 9 months
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ONE PIECE ☠ 1.08 "Worst in the East"
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tangybug · 2 years
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images of tangerine to bless your eyes
context: been having crazy tan brain rot lately, so I did what any other sane person would do - compiled pics from pinterest
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I just noticed in the bottom right^^^ he has westham logo ON HIS SOCKS!!?!!? how cute is that??! 🫠
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buggypirates · 9 months
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It's a HEAD canon 🤡
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pineappical · 2 years
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just a couple of fruits looking at each other 🍋🍊
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greenteabelle · 5 months
watched bullet train (2022) on the plane and i have some feelings
i wonder if lemon is able to watch his favourite show the same way ever again , his initial wonder and fascination now replaced by a weary defeat . does he sit in front of the tv , slumped in a worn out sofa , long after the credits roll ? does he think about the fact that tangerine never got to hear himself be compared to thomas ?
i wonder if lemon finds himself in the kids section of department stores , not realising how he got there in the first place . if he catches sight of sticker sheets and recalls the bloodied one he has at home . if he sees nothing but the empty space where thomas should be .
i wonder if lemon quits killing altogether . does he look at his guns and see the gaping wound on tangerine's neck ? does he don his tie and pull his jacket around himself , just a bit closer than before ? or does he stop wearing dress shirts and ties entirely , because of the silhouette he sees in his reflection ?
perhaps lemon embarks on a journey of self-discovery , determined to live the life that he still has yet having no idea how to do it . maybe sometimes when he comes across a confusing subject , he'll voice his confusion out loud , only to look up and find nothing there .
maybe lemon starts preferring tangerines altogether .
because lemons are just too fucking sour .
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nocturnest · 1 month
@little-miss-dilf-lover @kpopgirlbtssvt @j23r23
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tangerinesgirl · 1 year
All fics are NSFW/18+ unless stated otherwise
Marquis de Gramont
The Hourglass
Fully Charged
Cigarettes During Sex
For my next trick...
John Carver
Fowl Play - Chapter 1 (Reader x Mark Hoffman x Eric Newlon) //Chapter 2 *COMING SOON*
Mark Hoffman
Fowl Play - Chapter 1 (Reader x Mark Hoffman x Eric Newlon). //Chapter 2 *COMING SOON*
Frank/Adam Barrett (Abigail)
Pull Some Strings
NSFW Alphabet
Fuck Around, Find Out
Time is Money
Aaron Taylor-Johnson X Reader - boat trip one shot
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cervidaecorpse · 2 months
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Bringers of Joy
Crystalline air danced in the pallid light. Pushing into itself. Getting weaker the longer it prevailed. Fading from sight. Uniting as one with its surroundings. Your fingers had long since grown accustom to the numbness. No glove or coat could shield you from the everlasting cold. Yet still. You remained. Frozen solid. Almost comparable to those blocks of ice. Almost.
Captivating to perceive. Reflecting the faint shine pushing through the icy fog. Faces trapped inside of them. Bodies from all around the universe. People you once spoke to. Conversed with. Even called your friends. Now, they would just ignore you. Pretend as if you never existed. Not because they wanted to. They had that choice taken away from them a long time ago.
Despite its crowded state, the room was empty. Although it was so spacious, it almost seemed claustrophobic. Because of his kind nature, people suffered. But was it truly suffering, if they were unaware of their existence? Preserved forever. In a deep slumber. Did they dream? Could they be happy? Feel any kind of emotion? It was not like you would ever find out.
“There you are!” The chipper voice alerted you to the approaching presence. Heavy cape flowing behind him. Boots obeying his slow stride toward you, coming to a halt. “It’s cold to leave me behind like this.” His tone and facial features prevented his words from having any reprimanding effect. Ever smiling. No matter, if he was eating or working. Smiling, when you looked at him.
“What are you doing out here so late? Are you feeling down?” He enquired. Expression faltering. You had rarely seen him frown when he knew you were around. But his down casted grin would never last. Even during these rare occasions. “Do you want to see my manuscripts again?” He was almost eager, already turning to retrace his steps back to his favourite spot on his ship. “You smile so warmly when we talk about it. I don’t like seeing others sad. It’s cold.”
Sunken in his thoughts, his clouded eyes met yours. Though his smile was incapable of clearing the icy fog surrounding you, his happy grin lifted the thoughts visibly circling his mind. “But I know we’ll make them happy together, right?” He beamed at you. His hand was raised to pat the fluff on your hood. Not for the first time. “We are a great team. I’m sure one day we’ll have brought joy to the entire universe. Maybe even beyond.”
Agree with him?
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helpinghanikan · 2 years
Tangerine A to Z
Sum: (NSFW) A to Z list for the mustache twin.
SFW version
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He’s as aggressive when caring for you as he is while fighting. Making a lot of noise when getting up; griping as if he were being forced to get you a wet towel or glass of water.
Don’t bother telling him that you’re good. “Just drink the fuckin’ water.” He’d say, pressing the cup to your lips. Tilting until you’d either accept or let the water spill. Either way Tangerine wasn’t one to give up.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Tangerine is pretty, and he knows it. For this reason he loves his face. From facial hair to skin care he’s pretty anal about his looks. Especially so after a job, when he refuses to see you until he’s all cleaned up.
We’ve all seen this man strut and stride. He especially likes this habit on you. When you walk up to him and your breasts decide to move as you do. For this reason he’s always been a boob man. Whether it watching them move or feeling the warm skin in his hands. Big or small he loves them all. And you had the bite marks to prove it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Once Tangerine tried to say that semen is good for the skin. And that’s why he should be allowed, dare say encouraged, to cum on your face.
Obviously this was bull but you humored him anyway. Ever since Tangerine got to see his work running down your cheek he’s been infatuated. Always wanting to mark you ins one way; on your face, your stomach or back.
Although messy he doesn’t just leave you like that. Wiping it from your still quivering body was part of the fun, after all.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He wants to fuck your on a job. Not have you come along with all the danger and Lemon and everything. But just maybe run into you during those down times on a job. When he still full of adrenaline and can use you to get rid of it without having to wait.
This idea always pops into his head when you text or call while he’s away. Wanting more than just a nice picture or phone call to tide him over.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Tangerine wasn’t the most popular dude in his youth. He was the more sweet, romantic, kinda guy then the one and done type. For this reason he didn’t get around as much; not until he and Lemon decided to start doing less legal work.
For this reason he’s good at a few skills. Man could eat pussy like it was his last meal but still needed some guidance when it came to his fingers.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes to hold you so close your practically one person. Sitting back on his knees, pulling you up to straddle his legs. Making it mainly on him to bounce you both toward completion.
He can keep you close like this. He head against your chest, mouth able to kiss and get at your breasts without too much effort. In the bath or a pool is always preferable.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He only goofy if you wanna play a game of chase. Standing some feet apart from each other, just staring for a few seconds until a smile comes to your face. You make the first move by running in a direction in your house and Tangerine gives chase.
It never lasts long enough to either of you to get winded but it enough to end in a wrestling match. Being pinned by Tangerine who laughs at your attempts to flip him. His hands up your shirt and your grip on his ass end the fight and begins the sex.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s almost as particular about his pubes as he is about his mustache. Clean and shaven with just a bit left to keep himself from looking like a little boy.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He likes sex to be the opposite of his work. Where the one he is chasing, wrestling, and pining was someone who was happy to see him.
He’ll make it romantic. He’ll have flowers when he finally gets to see you again. He’ll find a way to get candles. Not so subtly texting to see what your favorite smell was. He’ll whisper in your ear and say how much he missed you, how much he loved you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He’s away from you a lot.
Not that he’s some kinda nymphomaniac, it’s just that jerking one off is the easiest way to get to sleep. Or to try and waste some time.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He’s got a thing for skirts. It’s hard to explain but just the way the keep close to your hips and butt. How he can slide his hands up and into your thighs. Even if you’re wearing shape wear or compression shorts he gets a kick out of it.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Couches are a favorite that he can’t really explain why. It’s so much more adventurous then a bed but still private enough that neither of you need to worry about any voyers.
It also keeps the heat from dying down when you see each other again. Tangerine inviting you over with a simple text. Waiting for you in a low lit living room, pretending that he just naturally sets up his living room like this.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
When you move in a certain way; it’s not specific.
You need to bend over to get dinner form the oven? His hands are in your ass.
Kneeling to tie a shoe? Expect to hear a zipper and Tangerine talking about just how pretty you look.
Leaning forward and showing just a bit of cleavage? Well, you’re gonna get a kiss on the cheek and a whisper in the ear.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Blood. Nothing even close to it.
He’ll say that it’s for sanitary reasons. The truth was blood means a fight, it means danger and usually it means someone dying. He doesn’t need that anywhere near you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Although his skills are nothing to complain about he prefers to get rather than give. If heart eyes could actually happen they would appear on his face every time to went down to your knees.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He likes things slow. Where he can get every detail out of each experience. From kisses to touches he’ll make it an agonizing time.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He doesn’t see the point. If you’re in a relationship isn’t one of the benefits that you aren’t treated like a one night stand?
He wants to take his time. Even if it’s a blow job in a single stall bathroom or going on in the back of your car before a movie. There was no rush.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He won’t go out of his way to find something new but he’s also not gonna say ‘no’ right  away.
There are certain things that are just off the time. Like anything in public or the inclusion of weapons. But a thumb up the ass or hands tied to the bed? Yeah, why not.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He’s more of an endurance man rather than a sprinter. Expect the sex to last but don’t expect a second round within the next hour or two.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He likes toys on you. It started as a joke; giving you a nice little vibrator to help with the time away. But then the collection got a bit bigger when Tangerine realized that you were actually using them.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He hates teasing. You both here for a reason and, damn it, you’re both gonna get it.
Don’t think he won’t use the safe word if you try tickling either. He’s ready to go and then make you grovel for doing it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not loud in how moans or calls your name. But he’s loud in just how much he talks.
“There, oh yes, there..” he’ll say again and again.
“Love you, oh fuck, love you so much.” He’ll groan with a thrown back head. Leaving finger prints into your thighs.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
A massive fear is that Lemon will hear him or walk in on you.
Yeah they’ve seen the best and worst parts of each other. But there wasn’t enough words to describe how absolutely mortified he’d be if Tangerine walked in while you were busy.
The worst part was Lemon had already heard you. Confessing that you needed to do something about Tangerine’s babbling as it was shaking the whole building.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s longer than average but also thin.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s almost non-existent when on a job. Only making an appearance when you text or call. Maybe if he saw someone with similar hair or body type and his mind starts to wonder.
When you’re together he wants to make up for lost time.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He tries to stay awake, he really does. He wants to hold you, to kiss you and listen as you fall asleep.  It he just can’t stay awake.
That’s for the best, though. He looks so sweet when he sleep. Snoring softly next to you, completely calm. You can kiss him lightly when he’s like this. Run your fingers through his hair and hold him close. As you have no idea when he’ll leave next.
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rotblut · 9 months
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ONE PIECE ☠ 1.07 "The Girl with the Sawfish Tattoo"
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orangecrush · 1 year
If Lemon and Tangerine's coats survived the crash in any recognizable form, someone probably found the two goldfish biscuits in one of Tangerine's inner pockets, and this tiny image is absolutely unbearable for some reason.
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hwichanis · 2 years
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Mingi ✦ KCON  Saudi Arabia 221001
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skinstealerr · 6 months
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i know theres a large free space, i'll probably end up making more doodles later
Davesport doodles!
god i love them so much
i might draw other dsaf characters soon i just need to get my shipping fill
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hypnosister · 1 year
my handwriting is forever the way it is because when i was a dyslexic little boy, i used to copy the way the girl sat next to me wrote. my teacher would always say i wrote with girly y's, and now every time i write a lowercase y or g it's all curly and flowery; the rest of my letters are straight lines and perpendiculars. it's sweet in a way. seeing her in my life from so early on
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