#Takaaki Ishimaru out here getting all the dads
Takaaki while carrying Taichi in his arms: This is mine now. Thank you for this man, I shall cherish this amazing creature.
Taichi: Takaaki...Baby, please put me down...
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painedpen · 6 months
Hi, i wanted to ask about your Mondo Oowada headcanons and platonic pairings :) i want to hear a rant, so dont worry about rambling
Okay so I’ve already answered an ask about my Mondo hcs, so now we’re gonna talk about my Kiyotaka hcs because he’s my second specialest little guy.
- Taka only really relaxes when he’s at home. He lets himself slouch and put his feet up while he works on a project. His manner of speech is much more casual when talking to his father. All around it’s the only time he can truly be peaceful.
- Takaaki’s grandfather came to the country from Spain, and thus the whole family is fluent in Spanish. This, of course, includes Taka. He speaks so fast it’s almost impossible to understand him when he’s speaking Spanish.
- His dad read somewhere that ear piercings could help soothe migraines, and decided to take Taka to get a couple for his birthday. Taka refuses to wear his ear cuffs anywhere outside the house, but he likes them because they make for good tactile and audio stims.
- Obviously autistic. Like c’mon.
- He is Very Normal about martial arts and weaponry. He researches extensively, and practices extensively as well. Because of this, he has a bizarrely wide knowledge of how to kill or seriously maim people.
- He actually spars with Sakura quite a bit. While he definitely can’t beat her, she enjoys that Taka is a bit more of a challenge than other people.
- Because of poverty and such, he was never able to afford good ingredients, so he only knows how to cook very basic dishes. He’s the best at making those basic dishes, though.
- You want ramen but don’t have the energy to make it yourself? Go to Taka, cause his ramen will have you meeting God so you can spiritually high five Her.
- You do have to specify not to put a crazy amount of spices in it though. He and his dad have so much spice tolerance it’s honestly concerning.
- He tries so hard to be well behaved, but growing up with Takaaki has had its side effects. Taka’s startle response is to excessively swear in Spanish. He’s mortified with himself every time.
- Honestly he’s so much more chill when he’s not in a professional environment. If you’re not at school or work he doesn’t give a shit if you swear or whatever. Just don’t do it in front of kids and he’s fine.
- Protesting king. Oh, it’s against the rules for people to wear their pride pins? Guess who’s walking down the halls wearing a rainbow flag as a cape? It’s Kiyotaka Ishimaru, motherfucker.
- Has probably been detained before due to involvement in protests. He’s always peaceful, but if the attending officers get a bit too eager, he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do.
- Can leap over an eight-foot-tall fence in a single bound, and will at the slightest hint of provocation.
- If he’s too focused on his work, the filter between his brain and mouth will forget to work. It’s honestly so entertaining because he’ll just say whatever comes to mind, no matter how insulting or rude it is.
Angst: (CW for Violence, Child Abuse, Scars, Eating Disorders)
- Okay here we fuckin go.
- Taka has more scars than anyone else in his class. Some are from his grandfather (more on that later), but most of them are from his grandfather’s enemies.
- As everyone has already guessed, Toranosuke wasn’t all that great to Taka. He would spend weekends babysitting sometimes, and would force Taka to study for days.
- He would lock Taka in his room and wouldn’t let him out until he decided that Taka had done enough. Sometimes Taka would go the whole weekend without any food.
- At one point, Taka tried to sneak out to get something to drink, but his grandfather caught him. Long story short, that’s how he got that huge scar on his shoulder.
- Taka dissociates while he studies now. He absorbs the information, but he’ll be mumbling to himself about “yes, sir… I’ll do better, sir… sorry sir…” even though no one else is in the room with him.
- This boy has had more pints of coffee than hours of sleep in his lifetime.
- He will mix black coffee and five hour energy and down the whole thing in under a minute. Everyone who knows him worries for his health.
- He obviously struggles with nightmares, so he’ll study or work out to avoid sleeping most nights. He normally stays awake until he collapses from exhaustion.
- Touch used to be a huge No for him. Even Takaaki could barely pat him on the shoulder for a long time. When Makoto first held his face, Taka started sobbing.
- Sometimes he’ll genuinely forget that people can be kind. When he sees someone doing something nice for him or others, it kinda knocks the breath out of him because “That’s so strange… I forgot people had the capacity for it…”
- Will straight up not eat for days. He got so used to being without food as a child that having three meals a day will actively make him sick.
- He does not trust teachers in the slightest. He’ll be respectful to them, but he’d rather bite off his own tongue than ask one for help.
- This is mainly because of his middle school days. Other students would beat him to a pulp, and the teachers would just stare at him, in a puddle of his own blood, and walk away.
- There was one teacher who did something worse than that, but I don’t feel comfortable going into details at this moment. Use your imagination, it’s probably as bad as you think.
Platonic Pairings:
Kiyotaka + Sayaka:
- I’m so smart for this just let me explain.
- Sayaka asked him to teach her how to do several Latin dances, and they’ve been best friends ever since.
- They really relate to each other in the sense that they both have had to work extremely hard in order to achieve their goals. They both believe that hard work can achieve anything.
- The entire idol group loves Taka, but Sayaka is the only one he sees everyday.
- He hangs out with the lot of them very often, and they help him loosen up a bit.
Kiyotaka + Aoi:
- This one is so obvious.
- Hina is Colombian, so she was ecstatic to find another Spanish speaker in her class. She constantly clowns on Kiyotaka’s accent though.
- They’re both so passionate about the things they care about it’s so cute to watch them interact.
- I think Taka is one of the only people that can keep up with Hina’s energy level consistently.
Kiyotaka + Kyoko:
- They are childhood friends.
- Think about it. Taka’s dad is a detective, so is Kyoko’s grandfather. Kyoko’s grandfather is too smart to fall for the whole “all Ishimaru’s are evil blegh!” thing.
- I’m saying they hung out when they were little. I’m right too.
- Taka helps Kyoko express her emotions more clearly while Kyoko helps Taka calm down and focus his mind.
Kiyotaka + Peko:
- Top tier sword bros.
- Taka saw Peko training one day and promptly decided that she was the coolest person to ever exist.
- Peko admires his true passion for the art of swordplay. He reminds her of herself when she was younger.
- I’m making Peko sound like an old woman here please excuse me.
- Taka admires her so much it’s so cute. He calls her Shishou until Peko asks him to stop. After that he sticks to Peko-Senpai.
Kiyotaka + Gonta:
- Sobbing crying throwing up punching the air.
- Gonta wants to be a gentleman and Taka is one of the best people to go to for lessons in etiquette.
- They are autistic together.
- Gonta calls Taka Senpai exactly one time. Taka starts crying cause he’s so honored. Gonta thinks he hurt Taka’s feelings. He never calls Taka Senpai again.
- Taka liked bugs as a kid, and still kinda does, so he and Gonta get along so well.
*Insert autism creature Yippee sound byte*
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mythgirlimagines · 5 months
Headcanons for Headcanons for Hiroko (Hagakure's mom) and Takaaki (Ishimaru Dad) dating?
Lowkey surprised I haven't been asked this lol
Hiro and Taka didn’t talk to their parents about their parents’ dating lives; neither of them knew their parents were seeing someone until they were all invited to dinner together.
Hiro was more than happy just that Hiroko was happy, since he knew his mom deserved it. Taka was a little more apprehensive, but he supposed Hiroko seemed like a good person.
Takaaki and Hiroko seemed quite happy with each other. Takaaki couldn’t really remember the last time he felt so in love with someone in that romantic sense, though he’d dated here and there before.
Taka didn’t want to get ahead of anything, so he didn’t really want to mention anything to his classmates. Hiro was fine with that, though he learned that he liked hanging out with Taka a lot.
Hiroko was very in love with Takaaki, looking forward to hearing from him after they’d both had long shifts at their jobs. Hearing someone’s voice was a simple pleasure, but a pleasure nonetheless.
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geminiamethyst · 2 years
Ishimondo Week. Day 1
Vampire AU
Blood is Thicker
Day 2: click HERE
Day 3: click HERE
Day 4: click HERE
Day 5: click HERE
Day 6: click HERE
Day 7: click HERE
Taka’s heart pounded harshly against his rib cage. His breath was staggering as his hand tightened around the ornament he had in his hand. He didn’t know what it was, he just grabbed the heaviest object that he could get in seconds. All he could see was a tiny slit between the wardrobe doors from where he was hidden. He didn’t know what was going on. All that he knew was that the night was peaceful enough. He was studying while his father was having a meeting with some of his colleagues. Taka didn’t want to be in the business, and his father respected that, so that was why he wasn’t part of the meeting as well. Next thing that he knew was that there was the sound of fighting. He peaked downstairs but immediately retreated back to his room when he saw that there were…not so good people in his house. He wanted to help, but one look from his dad sent him away to get somewhere safe.
The house grew almost silent after all that. There was still screaming, but Taka recognised each voice as his father’s associates. He hadn’t heard his dad’s voice. That had to be something right?
Taka’s train of thought was gone when the door handle was heard being rattled. He had locked the door when he started to hide. Maybe the person on the other side will just go away? Or maybe it’ll be his dad saying that everything was okay now and he can stop hiding?
So much for wishful thinking.
Suddenly the locked door to his room was kicked open. Splinters flew as the door hung off of one of its hinges. Taka screwed his eyes shut automatically. He tried to get his breathing under control but had to resort to holding it instead. He heard the intruder walking into his room. He heard them looking around, moving his textbooks on his desk. They seemed to be standing there for a while. Taka kept his eyes closed as the person started walking around again. The footsteps stopped abruptly. It didn’t sound like they left the room at all. Taka opened his eyes, only to be met with a lilac one meeting his red ones.
Fight or flight response kicked in. As soon as the door opened, Taka launched back his hand that held the ornament. He was going to at least hinder the intruder. However, his arm was grabbed. The next thing that he knew was that he was flown through the air. He hit a wall harshly. The shock of the impact was enough to knock him out.
Mondo didn’t need to think about who it was that tired to attack him. He had heard about the Ishimarus having only one kid in the bloodline. When he realised that the meeting was one person short, he decided to look for the kid, leaving everything else to the gang. He didn’t think that this kid was that weak. Only one hit and already he was passed out. He even tried hiding instead of fighting like a man. He didn’t even have any weapons on him. Just some useless ornament or something. Pathetic. He expected better. This family were Vampire Hunters, killed many of his kind before. How can a family that strong have an heir this useless? After wiping some blood off of his face with a sleeve, Mondo had a closer look at the Ishimaru. Pale skin, spiky black hair. Nothing that special. Even unconscious, the kid had a frown on his face. If he truly inherited Takaaki’s looks, that’ll be a permanent thing.
Deciding to get this over with, and with a bit of effort, Mondo slung the unconscious form onto his shoulder. He honestly thought that Ishimaru was playing dead as some sort of ploy, but the body was just limp like a rag doll. He was genuinely unconscious. Still not caring, Mondo made his way downstairs. The rich, alluring scent of blood filled the air. It almost made his mouth water at how tempting the smell was. There were sounds of cupboards being opened as the house was being ransacked of weapons and anything else that could be used against the vampire kind. There was the odd scream from a Vampire Hunter as they were killed off one by one. This wasn’t all of them, but they were “the best” that there was.
What a joke.
The acclaimed best Vampire Hunters and all it took was the Crazy Diamonds to kill them off. What a joke.
They shouldn’t have pissed off the wrong vampires in the first place anyway.
Almost all of them was killed. All but one. Time to settle a score.
“Hey, boss! What’s that you got?” A blonde vampire shouted as he saw Mondo coming down the stairs.
“Just some kid. Apparently he’s Takaaki’s kid.” Mondo grumbled, shrugging the one shoulder that didn’t have this dead weight on it. Upon hearing this, Takaaki Ishimaru lifted his head up in shock. His eyes were practically bulging out of his skull as his skin became more pale at the sight of the kid. Mondo shrugged off the son, not caring if he got more bruises as he was dumped on the floor.
“Don’t kill him! Please! I beg of you!” Takaaki suddenly begged, fighting to pull away from the vampires that held him on his knees.
“You all hear this?! The great Takaaki Ishimaru is begging!” Mondo guffawed. The gang around him also laughed at the display. The mocking only made the Vampire Hunter more desperate. After a minute of laughing, Mondo calmed down enough to be eye level with Takaaki, his laugh fading away instantly. “Why should I show mercy, when you never showed that to my brother!”
“He’s not a Hunter! Never has been!” Takaaki shouted, becoming more and more desperate. Mondo blinked in surprise. “If you kill him, you’ll be disgracing any honour that you have!”
Mondo glanced back at the still unconscious body behind him. That would explain a few things. It would explain the lack of fight that he was met with back in the bedroom. He just assumed that the kid was just in experienced in killing vampires. He thought that he had been trained to be a Hunter. Guess he assumed wrong. And, aside from more important things, nothing was more important than honour. He can’t kill someone that had nothing to do with the business. It’s not what Daiya would’ve wanted.
“Alright…I’ll keep him alive for ya.” Mondo vowed kneeling down to be eye level with the Vampire Hunter.
“Thank you.” Takaaki smiled tearfully before his neck was savagely ripped into.
Taka’s head perked up as he heard the door unlock. He didn’t move from his spot on the bed. He knew who it was. He overheard the other vampires call their leader Mondo. Or something like that. Either way, this was the only vampire that takes his time to bring Taka some food. That was the routine that Taka had fallen into for the week. He didn’t know much about what had happened. All that he knew was that he woke up in a small bedroom with a bathroom attached to it. There were some bloodstains on his usually pristine white uniform, but he doesn’t know how they got there. Some of his things, like his books and stationery were in this room as well as if to offer up some form of enrichment. After some untold hours, Mondo came in offering food.
That was when he was told what had happened that night. The night that his home was attacked. And the night that his father was killed.
There was no time to grieve. He was just thrusted into this with no warning. He was just locked away like some animal. A pet for a monster. He was just thankful that he hadn’t been bitten yet. Taka didn’t dare to sleep. He didn’t want to be bitten in the middle of the night. He also refused to eat. He didn’t dare trust anything or anyone in this place. He tried to think of way to escape, but no matter how hard he tried, it would always result in him being stuck here.
Just as he suspected, when the door opened, Mondo was standing there. He had a bowl of what seemed to be soup in one hand. He looked at the bedside table where a plate of stone cold food was left. Taka only glared at Mondo, wanting nothing to do with what was offered to him. However, he had a feeling that his silent protesting won’t get him any further this time around.
“Let’s try this again. Ya gotta eat.” Mondo said, approaching the human. Taka responded by huddling closer into the corner, making himself look smaller. Mondo ignored the movements. He just sat down on the edge of the bed as close as he could get to Taka. He spooned up some of the soup and offered it to Taka. He’s tried this before. And like last time, Taka defiantly turned his head away. This only seemed to anger Mondo more than last time. “Do you know how difficult it is to keep you alive?! Stop being so stubborn!”
Taka kept turning his head away. Mondo had enough. He placed the bowl down on the bedside table, the plate clicking with the old one. Before the human could react, his chin was grabbed in a grip that matched a vice. He tried to push the vampire off of him, but he was only responded with his jaw being squeezed. It resulted in his mouth being forced open. Mondo immediately shoved the food into his mouth. Before he could spit it out, Taka had his mouth and nose covered. Mondo put down the spoon and held Taka’s wrists in one hand. Taka kept trying to fight back as he started to suffocate. Mondo kept hold of Taka like that until the human finally gave in and ate the food. Seeing this, Mondo released him, allowing the human to take a lungful of fresh air.
However, Taka wasn’t going to stop fighting. Mondo had let his guard down. Before he registered the movement, Taka immediately kicked him away. Even if the lack of eating and sleeping depleted his strength, he saved as much of it as he could should he need to use it. Stunned by the sudden assault, Mondo was knocked off of the bed. This was the first time that Taka physically fought back. Normally he was against violence, but the way that he was force fed was the final straw for him. Mondo got to his feet. His face was as dark as thunder, his fangs on full display as a scare tactic. He raised a hand, ready to strike. Taka closed his eyes, bracing himself for the impact. But it never came. Hesitantly, Taka looked up to see that Mondo had somehow calmed down. The anger that he showered seemed to have vanished.
“Look, just eat, alright? Don’t have any plans on goin’ back on my word.” Mondo sighed, picking up the plate of old food as he left. Taka didn’t respond, he just kept glaring at Mondo. He was reminded of Mondo saying that stupid promise. A promise that apparently made with his father. Taka didn’t want to believe that his father would want him to be kept alive, but it’s not like he can ask the dead for anything. Letting out a depressed sigh, he buried his face into his knees, refusing to shed anymore tears.
Sleep finally took a hold of Taka. The lack of sleep had affected him. He just felt more drained than he believed. He felt his stomach was eating itself from the inside, but he ignored it just to at least get a little sleep. He ignored everything, even when he heard a faint scratching sound from outside. Probably a rat or a mouse or something. Taka didn’t move when the door was suddenly unlocked and opened. As he heard it being closed, he remained still. He figured it was Mondo again. The blood sucker also made a habit on checking on him a couple of times in the night. This was one of those times.
That’s what he believed until he felt a pair of hands force him onto his back. Shocked, Taka’s eyes snapped open. He was met face to face with another vampire. At first he thought he was from Mondo’s gang, but the symbol onhis sleeve was different. A rival?
“So, the rumours are true. Owada has a new pet!” The vampire smirked, eyeing at Taka greedily. More specifically his neck.
“Get off me!” Taka suddenly shouted. His voice was louder than he thought it’d be, considering how he hadn’t spoken for a very long time, since he was brought here.
“Let’s see how it tastes huh?” The vampire smirked, ignoring Taka’s struggling. He bared his fangs to their full extent. He started to lean towards Taka’s neck, ready to bite into the vulnerable flesh. With the adrenaline that he suddenly gained, Taka used all of the strength that he had left to shove the vampire off of him. It worked as the vampire fell backwards, not expecting Taka to fight back at all. He scrambled to get out of bed. He stumbled a little as the bed sheets were tangled around him. He kicked the sheets off of him as he sprinted towards the door. The vampire recovered quicker than he thought he would. A pair of strong arms wrapped around him, dragging him down to the ground. Taka tried to push the vampire off of him again, but with his arms pinned to his sides, there wasn’t much that he could do. As he was forced to sit down, he felt something like needles pierce his skin. Panic overwhelmed him as he felt his blood being sucked out of him.
“HELP! SOMEBODY! PLEASE HELP ME!” He screamed at the top of his lungs. He didn’t know if someone could hear him, but he was too desperate to try. He kept trying to pull away, but his strength was fading fast. He couldn’t left his legs to try to stand or kick. His arms slumped to his sides. His voice was suddenly taken away from him. His vision was becoming blurry. He thought that he heard the vampire say something but his mind wouldn’t let him register it. The vampire went back to sucking out his blood. His rapidly beating heart was dangerously slowing down. He felt like he was struggling to breathe. If this kept up, he’ll be drained completely. ‘Please…I don’t want to die…’ was all that Taka could think of.
There was the sound of crashing. The door was kicked open. Taka blinked as he was met with a bright light. Someone charged right at them. The vampire that held Taka was forced away from him. Taka crashed to the ground in a heap. He could hear fighting and shouting, but he was so tired that he can’t tell what was going on. He heard the sound of running feet as someone left the room and what seemed to be threats were yelled. Taka felt someone turn him onto his back, pressing down on the bite wound. He heard more shouting and the sound of someone else running somewhere.
The last thing that Taka registered, was Mondo looking down on him.
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cat-but-bread · 3 years
I accidently turned one of my OCs into Kiyotaka Ishimaru, so have headcanons for Taka based on my OC.
while he refuses to cuss in front of others, when he is alone he lets lose
thank god for the soundproof dorms or else Mondo would be traumatized from the swearing next door
just in general, Taka is more emotional behind closed doors. If he’s alone, he doesn’t become a bother
also has a love/hate relationship with being taken care of. He has to keep up appearances, after all! However, he tends to enjoy it a bit despite himself, because it allows him to relax and stop working. 
He always tries to pamper the other person afterward though
Here are some more random headcanons involving Taka’s dad
has a really good relationship with his dad. They keep in regular contact and Takaaki is good about being kind to his son. Takaaki never hurts Taka on purpose.
Takaaki does distrust Mondo, but he also respects that Mondo is the head of his gang and the amount of effort it must’ve taken to get there.
He ran into Hiroko at a parent teacher conference night (do those happen in Japan?) and immediately started talking to her.
Turns out they dated secretly in high school, but went separate ways afterward
Anyway they “hang out” at the Ishimaru’s place one night when Taka and Hiro are both on dates with their respective Oowada brother. They end up getting discovered when Kiyotaka comes home earlier than expected
Taka just acts like he doesn’t know what is going on and goes to stay the night at Mondo’s lmao
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emiefaunwrites · 3 years
headcannon requests? ell, if you havent already, how did meeting their parents go? (either the leon or ishimaru family, your choice)
Hello! Thank you for your ask and also for the follow!!
So I've already done meeting the Kuwata's as below:
I was also planning on saving meeting Takaaki until the Broken Arrow update (but thats miles away and will probably change from my original plan anyway). So I'll do it here for now and expand/change how it goes when I eventually get there in BA.
I'm basing the school years on the British format (since it's what I know). Sorry if that makes no sense...hopefully should though!
I hope you enjoy this! Thank you so much again!
• Unlike Leon, who doesn't tell his parents about his relationship with Taka for a few months, Taka tells his dad almost immediately.
• The concept of negative opinions towards an openly gay relationship doesn't even cross Taka's mind so he has no concern that his father will react badly.
• Of course, Takaaki has no problem with it at all.
• He had a suspicion for a while that his son was attracted to men (what with how he would gush about his 'friend' Leon at every given opportunity with a look in his eye that he only ever saw when he looked at his wife) so it wasn't really a shock when it finally happened.
• But the object of Taka's affection was a surprise - he never imagined his son to fall for someone so...colourful.
• Nevertheless, he tried not to pass judgement based on appearances alone - he would need to meet the boy that stole his son's heart before he could form any true opinion.
• And that's how Leon got invited over to the Ishimaru household for dinner one weekend over the Autumn half term (three months after Takaaki finds out they're together).
• Taka is THRILLED and bursts into Leon's room as he's packing to go home to announce it.
• Leon, on the other hand, is TERRIFIED.
• Firstly, Taka's dad is a cop. That's the most frightening job EVER.
• Second, he's NEVER met anyone's parents before. Sure, he's been in relationships before but he's always bailed before things got too serious.
• Lastly, LOOK AT HIM! He doesn't exactly look like boyfriend material and he starts to panic that Mr Ishimaru will judge him on his appearance before he has a chance to prove himself.
• But he doesn't let that show - agreeing to coming over and receiving the biggest smile in return (which almost makes him forget how nervous he is).
• It's tonight that Leon has to tell his parents he's in a relationship.
• Not because he wants to. He'd rather have hidden his sexuality from them for as long as possible.
• But because he has to ask his dad for help and to borrow some of his clothes to make a good first impression.
• He showers (twice), puts on his dad's (too big) shirt, sweater vest and brown trousers, tries (and fails) with a bowtie so has to get his mum to help and finally tries (and succeeds to a certain degree) to tame his hair after automatically styling it straight out of the second shower without thinking it through.
• His mum offers to drive him but Leon refuses - needing time to collect his thoughts alone so decides to catch the train.
• It isn't a long walk from the station to Taka's house but Leon is so nervous that by the time he's arrived, he's sweating bullets - thank GOD he put on double the amount of deodorant and some of his dad's aftershave!
• He's so worried that Mr Ishimaru will be the one to open the door that he's totally rigid when it does swing open after he knocks. But to his relief, it's only Taka.
• Taka - who's wearing fairly casual clothes (for him at least) and the biggest smile - doesn't notices how nervous his boyfriend is as he pulls him into the house for a quick tour.
• Leon can barely think as they go because he keeps glancing around for Mr Ishimaru - practising his manners in his mind over and over.
• So when it turns out he isn't home from his shift yet, Leon isn't sure whether its good or bad news that he has to wait longer.
• They take a seat in the living room, Taka trying to make small talk while Leon keeps glancing nervously at the door whenever he hears a car pass or a door slam.
• 'Are you okay?'
• 'Y-yeah.'
• 'You look nervous.'
• 'I just...I really want your dad to like me.'
• It's not exactly a secret - Leon's reputation of being a 'ladies man'. Even in the article about his recruitment to Hope's Peak, there was a snide comment about it. He's sure Mr Ishimaru's dad has done research on him and if THAT'S the first impression his boyfriend's dad has of him...
• When the door finally opens, Leon isn't sure whether to jump to his feet or sink lower into the cushions - but he ends up standing when Taka grabs his hand to pull him up.
• 'Good evening, father! I hope you had a good day at work! This is Leon - my boyfriend!'
• Holy shit - Taka's dad is HUGE! He might even be taller than Oogami, and SHE'S huge!
• And he looks JUST LIKE TAKA! Except older and more tired and very much less cheerful and oh God he's scary...
• Oh shit oh shit oh shit he's looking at him and Leon's just stood there staring...
• 'H-hello, Mr Ishimaru, sir. I...I'm Leon Kuwata. I-it's a pleasure to meet you.'
• The poor guy's voice is shaking just as much as he is and to hide how pale his face is going with nerves, he drops into a bow (because subconsciously he remembers how Taka greets people and probably figures its what his dad expects).
• Takaaki has to fight the urge to laugh at the terrified boy in front of him that's clearly put in a lot of effort to smarten up - he needs to keep the 'scary father' act up as long as he can, after all!
• After a comically and deliberately tense greeting in response, the boys are excused until dinner - and Leon has to stop himself from running.
• Taka can see through his father's act (only because he was looking right at him as his lips quirked into a smile at Leon's bow) so tries to comfort his now doubly nervous boyfriend.
• 'You did great!'
• 'I BOWED! I've never bowed in my life!'
• 'It was cute!'
• During dinner, Leon is on his best behavoiur - so much so that he can barely eat without thinking about how his body is moving and hoping he isn't coming across as disrespectful.
• Taka dominates the conversation, much to both Takaaki and Leon's relief, talking about school (obviously) and bigging up Leon's achievements.
• Leon tries to keep his eyes down at all times because he can feel Mr Ishimaru's eyes on him and he might just cry if he looks up.
• That is until Taka heads out to clean the dishes, leaving him alone with Taka's dad with no option to interact.
• He tries small pleasantries, sweaty hands wringing nervously under the table while he tries to smile without looking frightened (and failing hard at that).
• Takaaki, who's thoroughly enjoying it, finally decides to put the poor boy out of his misery.
• 'Look, kid. I know about your past relationships with women. It's not exactly a secret, is it? And I know you're worried about what I think about that. But to be honest, the only thing I care about is whether or not you truly care about my son and that you won't hurt him. Can you look me in the eye and tell me that?'
• Leon is stunned into silence. But eventually he finds his voice and answers:
• 'I would never hurt him. He's the best thing to ever happen to me.'
• With that, Takaaki finally smiles.
• 'That's all that matters.'
• The rest of the evening goes by so much smoother - Leon's more relaxed, Takaaki's more talkative and Taka's just his normal self.
• And when Leon's heading home, Takaaki holds out his hand for a handshake.
• 'You're welcome anytime, Leon.'
• (Bonus scene - during their chat, Taka was listening from the kitchen and had to stop himself from crying with happiness.)
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anonymouslyangsty · 3 years
What’s your favorite au? Like just in general
I always love a good action/adventure fic. There's nothing like a group of people forming connections together through facing hardship! So anything that gets the characters out and about, fighting some type of foe, is totally my jam. Superhero aus fit into that desire VERY well, so I'm a big fan of those.
I also really like swap aus. Not exactly talentswaps DR style (though that does count), but more of changing the role of a character within a game, like swapping backstories or narrative purposes.
These, and all swaps actually, are kinda hit or miss for me. Because so often, they swap EVERYTHING. What's the point of a swap if the role in the story AND the personality changes? If you give Gang Leader!Kiyotaka Mondo's personality, it's just Mondo but in a different body.
When it's actually good is when the unique personality is considered, while still putting the character in that new role. THAT'S when I love it, be it a talentswap, or something deeper.
(way off topic, but there are no aus swapping Taka and Byakuya's backstories and I think that's such a wasted opportunity. Like seriously, they're the two who come from powerful family names; why isn't more done with that in the fandom? Just consider Kiyotaka Togami and Byakuya Ishimaru. Please.)
Moving on to more DR specific things, Mastermind!Hiro!!!!!! Gosh, @mangoshibi's mastermind Hiro is just...my favorite mastermind au. There's just something great about the last person you'd expect being the mastermind. And also? I like the idea of Hiro being just a bit evil. Please. Give this man some edge.
But to be more specific, Mango's MM!Hiro is just so good? I love that he didn't START evil, but is more of a "fall from grace" type character. He tried so hard to get the ending where everyone was happy, but fate refused to change. It's his compassion that's his ultimate downfall, and I ADORE that.
Plus it just has so much room for consideration, because there are countless loops we don't see. We can always imagine that slow decent into madness, with Hiro having to watch all these kids die time and time again. You can't help but wonder how they died each time, even with Hiro interfering to try and stop it.
And that fact of the AU is perfect, because that same curiosity is part of what fuels Hiro's decent into villainy.
Speaking of mastermind aus, MM!Chihiro. Just consider it and realize that it's a good idea. Strength vs weakness instead of hope vs despair. Maybe protag!Mondo, since he's also connected to the strength and weakness theme.
Okay one final mastermind au. MM!Takaaki. I found this AWESOME post about it months ago and fell in love with the idea. You can find the idea here
I just appreciate the idea of Takaaki just going way overboard with the protective dad thing. Because somebody's got to look after Taka. I feel like this au is especially impactful, because we KNOW that, if Mondo dies before him, nobody really cares when Taka dies. They do him dirty.
Okay, I don't think this counts as a type of au, but I don't care. Any fic/art/whatever that uses Despair Disease is good in my book. That poor motive was SO underused. Like SO underused it's a crime.
Speaking of DR2 stuff, the 77th class as Remnants of Despair. I don't know why I like Remnant!Kiyotaka so much, given that I'm not a big fan of MM!Kiyotaka, but I just do. Perhaps it's the fact that a Remnant Taka WAS the Ultimate Moral Compass, was the hopeful, honest boy who wanted to change the world for the better.
And then that faith and hope is utterly crushed, torn away by forces stronger than even Taka's will.
Perhaps the reason I like Remnant!Taka more than MM!Taka is because there's hope in the Remnant. Hope for Taka to return to normal, rather than being beyond redemption. And that hope means he has the chance to wake up and realize all the horrific things he's done. And I think that's wonderful.
There are not a lot of Remnant!Taka fics, as far as I know at least. But I DID find Love, That Which is Earned which I loved. It's definitely not your typical Remnant!Taka, but that just makes it unique.
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rising-generations · 4 years
Ishimondo Meme
How did their relationship truly begin, friendly or otherwise? Well we can all guess how their relationship started as it’s not much different here from canon. But so far as their romantic relationship...
When did they realize they liked each other? Mondo realized it a few months after they became friends but kept it to himself. Taka was attracted to Mondo from day one but he had no idea what romantic feelings felt like so he said nothing.
Who asked the other one out, when did they do it, and how did they do it? Mondo asked Taka out halfway through their first year together via lots of nervous yelling in the middle of the hallway after school. He waited outside of the student council room for Taka for like two hours and worked himself up so much that he pretty much screamed “WILL YOU DATE ME” when Taka came out. No worries though because he yelled “YES” right back.
Who do they tell first about their relationship, why, and how do they react? Chihiro, Daiya, and Takaaki are the first ones to know because of their closeness to them. Chihiro was an obvious choice and she was excited. Daiya more or less expected they were going to date at some point because he saw the budding romance first. Takaaki isn’t exactly pleased at the choice of boyfriend of his son, but he’s happy that Taka is happy.
Is anyone very against or very enthusiastic about the relationship and why? Chihiro is quoted as saying “If they had waited any longer to start dating I would have actually died.” She just wanted to see her two idiot friends be happy.
When do they go on their first date? Their first date happens about a week after they become a couple, and it’s at a local diner. Nothing incredibly fancy but neither of them mind cause they’re with each other.
When do they have their first kiss? Taka kisses Mondo on the way home after their first date! It’s incredibly surprising for Mondo but not unwanted.
Who proposes and how do they do it? Does this proposal end in a “yes” the first time, or do they have to ask more than once? Kind of linked to the "family building" part, but Taka proposes! It's not explicitly or completely because Mondo was pregnant, but that was kind of a big deal at the time. Because of that, Mondo was nervous about saying "Yes" at first because he didn't want it to only be because he was pregnant. But Taka was able to assure him it wasn't, so Mondo gave a pretty enthusiastic "Yes" which was half-yelled and half-cried.
Who do the happy couple tell first, why, and how do they react? Mondo tells Daiya and Taka tells Takaaki, and together the two of them tell Chihiro. Mondo telling Daiya is fairly obvious and although Daiya is worried at first for his little brother due to the circumstances, he's pretty happy because he knows Taka's a great guy. Takaaki... is very concerned about his son's age (18 at the time) and while he's not completely comfortable with it, he knows that Taka is deeply in love with Mondo and he's very adamant about marrying him so there's not really much he can do about it. So he overall supports his son. Mondo and Taka tell Chihiro together because they couldn't decide on who was going to tell her. She says if she's not standing by one of them as their best woman she's going to disown both of them.
Who does most of the wedding planning? Taka, partially because Mondo is pregnant and he doesn't want him to stress about it and partially because... well, he's Taka.
Is there anyone against them getting married, or anyone who is very excited about the wedding? Why? The entire class is abuzz about the wedding (they get engaged during their final year at Hope's Peak, after all) and they're all generally very excited.
Do they set a date right away, or do they wait? Taka wants a date right away, but Mondo would rather wait because he's not exactly sure if he wants to get married right at the end of the year (at which time they'd have two young babies, their twins) or before then while he's still pregnant. In the end, they're married when he's about five and a half months pregnant to soothe Taka's nerves a little bit.
What date are they married on? They actually get married on August 31st, which is Taka's birthday, of course. They both decided it would be a cute thing. Taka is really emotional about it.
Where do they get married? They get married in the park across the street from the diner where they had their first date! Very sentimental.
Who important to them do they invite to the wedding? Their class and families are invited of course, and some friends from other classes, but they keep it fairly small since neither of them want a big wedding. To be fair, though, that does include the entirety of the Crazy Diamonds.
If one or both of them walks down the aisle (or more in a poly relationship), who walks them and why are they significant?
  Taka is walked by his dad of course, and even though he has to use a wheelchair, Daiya walks with Mondo because. That's his lil bro! 
What are they wearing? So someone in the class (coughs, Byakuya and Celeste) anonymously donated cash to the two of them so they could have tailored suits. And Mondo actually has his hair down for once (mainly because Chihiro threatened to rip his pompadour off his head if he showed up with it styled like that and he didn't want to risk her actually following through on her threat).
Do they write their own vows or do more traditional ones? They absolutely write their own vows, but some of them are hard to make out between the crying.
Who officiates the wedding and why are they significant? They wanted the officiant to be a friend, and the only friend of theirs who had the credentials to do so was... Yasuhiro. So Yasuhiro officiates (and he was only a little bit high, so he testifies) and it actually goes really well.
Do either of them cry when seeing the other coming to the altar? They both do. They cry pretty much the entire time. They both think the other one just looks amazing.
What is their immediate reaction after they are officially married? After they kiss, they definitely hold each other for a few minutes and cry some more.
Is there a flower bouquet or something else that gets tossed? Who catches it (and do they get married later)? Takemichi catches the bouquet, though he doesn't get married until several years later, he does get married to Yuta Asahina.
What song do they have their first dance to and why is it significant? Their first dance is to "Unchained Melody" by The Righteous Brothers, which is one song that's both of their favorites and means a lot to them because it was playing on the radio when they had their first kiss.
What is the reception like? It's pretty typical for a wedding! Even with the legion of teenagers and bikers there, they somehow manage to contain themselves and not make too big of fools of themselves. Mainly because Takaaki, a known ex-cop, is there, and because there's no alcohol (partially because of Takaaki, partially because of being underage, and partially because Mondo is pregnant so if he can't drink neither can anyone else). Takaaki and Taka obviously have a father-son dance and Mondo dances with both Daiya and Chisa as he considers them his parents in place of his biological father (an asshole) and his biological mother (who is dead).
Do they consummate the marriage? You bet your fuckin' ass they do. I mean, they pretty much got into the whole situation because they can't keep it in their pants so naturally they're gonna go at it like rabbits when they have an actual reason (and an entire hotel room to themselves).
Family Building
Who brings up the idea of having kids? Does it happen before or after they’re married? Was it even planned? Their first pregnancy and subsequently their first two kids were absolutely not planned. Mondo got pregnant unexpectedly around the beginning of their last year in Hope's Peak. This, naturally, happens before they're married. They had talked about the possibility of kids when they were both graduates, but obviously didn't expect it to happen so soon.
How do they go about having kids? Is it through a normal pregnancy, adoption, surrogacy, or some other way? Mondo is trans, so they have their kids normally.
Describe the process they go through bringing a child into their family, regardless of what process that is. Mondo's first pregnancy is fairly difficult on him and it ends rather chaotically. He has their older twin in the car on the way to the hospital and they barely make it there for the second one so, there's that. Overall, appropriate for the Oowada-Ishimaru family, who are pretty chaotic as it stands.
How do the new parents react to knowing they’re going to have a baby/child? Mondo finding out he's pregnant is a train wreck to say the least. He doesn't tell anyone for two weeks, then passes out from his anemia in the middle of class, which of course leads to everyone finding out. He was afraid of what would happen when he told, but nothing too awful happens from the fallout, thankfully. Taka... panics, a lot, but he's happy to be a dad.
How do they react when the baby/child comes home? They're both relieved that their kids are finally here and safe, and Mondo's happy that they're not kicking around inside of him anymore. They're totally devoted to their babies.
How many kids do they have in total? What are their names/ages? So far in the non-despair AU I've been setting this in, they have six kids who are born and two more who have yet to be born. The ones who are born are Shugo (16), Tamiko (16), Ruku (14), Misao (12), Kazusa (10), and Kiyoyuki (10). They thought they were done after Kazusa and Kiyoyuki and then oops! Pregnant.
Which parent gets up more often in the middle of the night to care for their kids? Mondo! It's not that Taka doesn't take an active role, it's just that Mondo more often is the one to get up at night and take care of them.
Which parent goes to PTA meetings more often? Taka, because that's way more of his thing. Also because Mondo has a tendency to get uh... aggressive. Let's just say there've been more than a few incidents.
Which parent is more disciplinary/strict, and which parent is more lax/has trouble disciplining the kids? Unsurprisingly, Taka is far stricter and Mondo is more lax, but surprisingly, Mondo is the hyperchondriac when it comes to what the kids are doing. He's the first one to freak out if he thinks the kids are hurt/in danger/etc. Taka will discipline them when they cause trouble, of course, but he doesn't worry nearly as much as Mondo does.
Which parent do the kids generally like more? The kids tend to go to Mondo more often, but a few of them (namely Ruku and Kiyoyuki) are closer to Taka. They, like Taka, are autistic, so they have more in common with him and find it easier to talk with him than the other kids at times.
When/if they have siblings, how do the kids react? Shugo is just tired. She wants her parents to just... stop reproducing already. Every time she starts to hear the words "you're gonna have a sibling" she starts groaning. It's not that Shugo doesn't love her siblings, she's just tired of them, for God's sake. Tamiko doesn't really see it as any of her business, and the little ones don't bother her as much so she doesn't mind watching after them whenever a new one comes along.
How often do they have family nights or events? They have dinner together almost every night barring extreme circumstances, and often they try to get together to do fun things like games more often as well.
Describe each kid’s relationship with their parents. Shugo has a strained relationship with Taka, a far better one with Mondo, mainly due to her talent as the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader after Mondo became an alumni. Tamiko, on the other hand, has a far stronger relationship with Taka, being the Ultimate Lawyer. Ruku is closer to Taka, but she loves both of her dads equally. Misao, despite being a flirt, is fairly straight-laced, but has good strong ties to both of his dads. Kazusa is very rebellious and clashes with Taka a lot, so she prefers Mondo over him. Kiyoyuki, on the other hand, much prefers Taka, though none of the kids would ever say they hated one of their parents.
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chasml · 7 years
Ishimondo as Fathers Headcannons
(Been having a lot of fluffy family ideas today, I guess. Domestic AU and I’m imagining children as opposed to babies here)
-Parental names: Taka goes by Father and Mondo by Daddy/Dad. Takaaki was going to go by Grandfather (as his own father had) but then they all realised Taka kept saying the word with a weird overlay of malice, so he switched to Grandad instead. (Although Mondo sometimes refers to him as ‘your Gramps’ to the kids, which annoys the heck out of him.)
-They had dogs before the kids (Mondo kept bringing strays home) so no need to have the ‘Can we have a pet?’ conversation. They all go out on family walks in the park together whenever possible. (And if they’re going on holiday they try to organise ones where the dogs can come with them, but if not their friends come around to check on the dogs while they’re gone.)
-Taka’s the sort of Father who always wants to organise lots of activities for the kids (Play dates, sports clubs, craft clubs, musical lessons, martial arts, drama clubs, Scouts/Guiding etc- anything his kids so much as take an interest in) and fun family days out together during weekends and holidays, so they tend to be a pretty busy family.
-Mondo’s pretty cool with all that (It’s good to see the kids having fun and being encouraged to try activities he never got to do) but occasionally he’ll insist on them all spending a day at home to relax/watch movies/eat cotton candy/actually play with the million toys they seem to have for once. (And he’ll also hide all of Taka’s clothes and lock up anything work or chore related so Taka actually has to relax with them as well.)
-First time the kids go outside to play by themselves in the evening Taka spends the whole time worrying (Especially as Mondo hasn’t let him force the kids to stay within sight of the front window, or take a first aid kit with them, or let him secretly follow them, or...), but they get back before curfew with no problems, so he realises he was over reacting. (That doesn’t stop him or Mondo from secretly worrying slightly every time they go out by themselves though.)
-Taka has the less flexible job, so Mondo usually does the school run, which is odd for him at first because he doesn’t fit in at all with the plethora of Moms dropping their kids off. He does try and talk to them all for the sake of organising play dates and such between his kids and their friends, and often gets roped into volunteering to help with school trips or events, so eventually the Moms get to know him and he ends up being pretty clued in to a lot of town gossip.
-For the same reasons, Mondo’s usually the one dealing with his kids teachers, although Taka will try to go when he can and will make sure to go if there’s any major problems (like his kids having ongoing issues or getting into serious trouble).
-This leads to their first kid’s first teacher writing off the kid off as less intelligent or a trouble maker because Mondo doesn’t make the best first impression, only to get a nasty shock when local parliamentary candidate Ishimaru suddenly turns up to a meeting demanding to know why his child’s innocently curious questions are being written off as ‘joking’, ‘distracting the class’ or ‘backtalk’/ his child keeps getting accused of copying work/ his child is always blamed for starting fights, even if they were only involved because they were trying to stop the fight.
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I'm thinking of something goofy from my Alive Ishimama AU.
So, Mariana tends to say that Takaaki is kinda a bad influence. Given all the smoking he does and how he does have a tendency to curse a whole bunch. And he also tends to make some rude comments here and there. But there's a day when it's her day to have Taka. Takaaki drops their son off to her and leaves.
The day is normal, she's playing with Taka when her sister comes in and yells at her about something. Her sister calls her a "Puta" and she calls her sister a "Puta" as well and her sister leaves. Taka is left saying it. He giggles at how he finds the word funny and calls his mom that. He doesn't know what the word means and it horrifies Mariana as she realizes what she's done. She tries to tell Taka that not to say it or else they'll be in big trouble if Abuela or Abuelo hear him. So he keeps mainly quiet.
It's Monday, Taka hasn't called his mom that since that incident. Takaaki knocks on their door and Taka is happy to see his father. He's squealing and all happy and hugging his dad. Takaaki asks Mariana if he behaved well and they just start talking as Taka plays with Takaaki's coat's collar. The two say their goodbyes and Taka let's out the loudest, "Bye-Bye, Puta!"
Takaaki freezes and Mariana is wide eyed. Takaaki looks at Mariana, then back at a giggling Taka. Takaaki gives her the biggest shit eating grin. Oh, his ears heard right. Kiyotaka Ishimaru, 4 years old, just called his mother a 'Bitch'. And he'd never heard Taka curse before. Who was the bad influence now?
Mariana apologizes and Takaaki says it's okay. Mariana follows them to the car, still apologizing. Takaaki tells her that it's okay, it happens. He finishes strapping Taka into his seat and opens the driver's door. He looks at her, smirking, "Bye-bye, Puta." And gets in, slamming the door shut before she can smack him. He is howling with laughter as she's yelling at him in Spanish.
Oh, he will never live that day down.
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Sam makes fluffy Aoi and Takaaki shit??? Who knew!!! I love my Ishimaru-Fujisaki Family AU
Aoi sighed. She'd been bothered by a bunch of things. It ruined her mood completely when she heard one of the guys on the boys' swim team call her a 'Slut' for wearing a shirt that revealed a bit of her boobs. And always latching onto her guy friends. But it wasn't because she liked them or wanted anything from them, she was just affectionate like that. She couldn't help herself. She did it with her female friends, too.
Her girlfriend, Sakura, didn't mind it. She knew that Aoi was like that.
She sighed again and continued to mope around as a random TV program played.
"Hina. Honey, what's wrong?" Her father asked. She looked at the policeman sadly. But she didn't say anything and went back to watching the TV. "I-It's nothing, Dad."
"You sure? You can tell me, I won't get upset." Takaaki said with a slight smile. Aoi felt herself wanting to smile. Of course, how could she not tell him? He's so caring of her and her brother. And he treats all his kids the same, no matter what. But Aoi just continued to watch the TV, her sad expression still there.
Takaaki sighed. He went to the front door and grabbed his keys. "I'll be back in a minute, okay?" He said as he put on his shoes. "Okay…" She said with a nod.
A few minutes had passed and Takaaki had finally come back home. He found Aoi still watching TV. She was also skimming through a magazine Sayaka probably gave her. It was a year old fashion magazine of the fashion trends of the time. He remembered seeing Sayaka look through it a bunch of times that year. Along with the other ones that came out that same year.
Takaaki headed into the kitchen and left Aoi alone.
Aoi still looked sad. Her mood didn't get any better. She hated being looked at by guys or some girls and treated like she only existed for her body. She felt extremely terrible when Toko moved in with them and she made all these comments about her boobs. Takaaki had to pull Toko aside and scold her –giving her a stern look of just pure disappointment– to not bother Aoi with how her body looks. And Toko probably said some sort of dirty remark, making him pissed and sending her to her room.
She told him that he didn't have to, but he said that Toko should learn some manners to not speak of another woman that way. It was rude. It was like he knew what that felt like by how his expression was.
Aoi appreciated that small moment.
She felt someone lift her up and take her somewhere. "What are you doing?" She asked Takaaki. He just placed her down at the table and went into the kitchen again. He put down a plate of donuts in front of her, "Okay. I got you these. Now, tell me what's wrong." Takaaki said as he sat down on the other side, his hands intertwined with each other and resting his head on them slightly.
He had an intense expression. But it softened a bit, "I just want to be there for you, Hina, as your father. I know I can't replace your biological parents everything-wise. But, I'm here for you." Takaaki told her, still gazing at her.
Aoi looked at the plate of donuts. Then at him.
She smiled and took one, stuffing it in her mouth happily. She proceeded to tell him what she was going through and how it bothered her. And Takaaki listened quietly, nodding. He didn't interrupt her or anything, he just nodded and kept his silence until she was done. She wasn't sure if he was furious or not as he had a good poker face.
Though, he seemed annoyed at what he'd been told, not at her, but at all the guys and the comments.
Aoi and him sat at the dinner table for a while, chatting. It made her feel better. And she happily ate her donuts.
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