#Tabitha Fair
yourfavealbumisgender · 8 months
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The soundtrack for Sonic Adventure 2 is Transgender!
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bantuotaku · 1 year
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phanthoughts · 2 months
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did Dalien commit insurance fraud???
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gaystardykeco · 11 months
the devastation i feel when i remember that ill never get to see caitlin fitzgerald act those deleted s4 romantabs scenes....unmatched
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sonic-adventure-3 · 2 years
i think the media most influential on my personal ideals of the characterization of sonic characters are their songs
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bobblyblinkers · 1 year
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chthonicillness · 2 years
i love how quickly everyone in riverdale jumps to violence as a solution to their problems. like i never have to say “ugh why don’t they just kill this bitch” because invariably someone has already suggested that
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doctorwhoisadhd · 7 days
this is about to be an extremely niche post but @ corin deeth III transition could save her
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atimeofyourlife · 5 months
Time after time
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: uncle wayne adopts steve | rated: t | wc: 942 | cw: reference to abuse, reference of canon fake suicide | tags: steve harrington has bad parents, steve harrington needs a hug
The first time they met, Wayne knew the boy couldn't be much older than fourteen. Definitely younger than Eddie, who was fast approaching sixteen. It was early, a little before 6 am, during summer vacation, no less. Wayne had finished his shift and called into Benny's to get a coffee and breakfast, on the mornings he did this, he was almost always the first customer of the day. Occasionally beaten in by a cop, or a firefighter, or anyone else that had been stuck with a night shift. But he had never seen a kid in so early. Sat alone in the corner booth nursing a cup of coffee with an almost empty plate in front of him.
"Mornin' Wayne. The usual?" Benny asked.
"You know it. But, uh. What's with the kid?" Wayne replied, nodding toward the boy in the corner.
"Dick and Linda's kid. They're back in town, and he needs a safe place. So he comes here."
"Why don't you report it?" "You think I haven't tried? His parents paid off just about everyone from the mayor down. Kid's not lucky enough to have any other family around to look out for him."
The kid came over with his empty cup and plate.
"I've told you a thousand times that you don't need to do that kid." Benny said.
The kid just shrugged.
"What's your name, kid?" Wayne asked.
"Steve, sir. Steve Harrington." He replied.
"I'm Wayne. And I wish my boy was as polite as you."
The second time they met, it was in more unfortunate circumstances. Benny's funeral. There'd been weird shit going on in town, starting with the Byers' kid going missing. Wayne didn't believe any of the official stories. But especially not the story of Benny's supposed suicide. He knew Benny so well, and something like that wasn't the sort of thing to cross his mind.  He took his place in the community too seriously for that.
But the kid had changed. A few years older, and a lot more haunted. The look in his eyes giving away that he'd seen more than his fair share in his young life. And he was jumpy, almost always looking over his shoulder.  He kept to himself, away from everyone else there. Wayne didn't see much of him until after. Steve was standing at the edge of the parking lot, his hands shaking as he tried to get his lighter to work.
"Here, kid." Wayne held his own lighter out.
"Thank you, sir." Steve replied, after taking a long puff on his cigarette.
"No need for thanks, kid. You doing okay?"
"I. I think I'm gonna miss him. He's helped me out a lot." Steve admitted.
"That was Benny for you. Always ready to help anyone out. But do you have anyone else you can reach out to if you need it?"
Steve hesitated a moment. "Yeah, sir. I do."
The third time, it was less of a meeting than Steve yelling directions at everyone. Tabitha, a woman who lived on the other side of the trailer park, collapsed in the middle of Big Buy. The kid snapped into action without second thought, checking Tabitha for a pulse, for her breathing. He yelled at an employee to call for an ambulance as he started chest compressions. At another to clear space. At some other customers to block the end of the aisle so no one else could stand around and watch. Wayne approached as Steve gave rescue breaths, before going back to the chest compressions. When he noticed Wayne, he looked like he was about to yell at him, but Wayne spoke first.
"It's okay, kid. She's my neighbor. And I know CPR too, so when you need a break I can take over."
They swapped places a few times before the paramedics showed up and took over.
"You did good, son. You acted quicker than any adults did. You may have just saved her life." "Anyone would have done it, sir. I was just the closest who knew what to do."
The fourth time, it was at the hospital. Steve in the hospital bed next to Eddie's, identical wounds, but Steve's were infected. Wayne got to talking to Steve while Eddie slept.
"I tried to protect him the best as I could, sir. I patched him up, and made sure he got to the hospital in time. I know I should have done more-"
"You did more than enough. You kept him alive, now you need to focus on making sure that you're healthy. And you can drop the sir shit. It's Wayne."
After that, Wayne lost count of the meetings. From sharing the hospital room with Eddie, to being friends, to being more. He would do as much for Steve as he would for Eddie, and wanted to ensure that both always had somewhere safe to return to.
"Steve, if you ever want to get out of that big empty house of yours, you're more than welcome to join us here. We'd love to have you move in with us." Wayne said to Steve one day while they were cooking together. Eddie always conveniently disappeared when anything cooking related came up.
"Sir, Wayne. I couldn't put you out like that." Steve replied.
"Nonsense. You're as much my kid as Eddie is, it don't matter who your momma or daddy is. We want you here, you spend enough time here as it is, we might as well make it official."
"I, Wayne. I'd like that." Steve was quite choked up, so Wayne pulled him into a hug. All was going to be okay, with him and his two boys.
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richeeduvie · 28 days
But what if during the Tabitha era Baby and Stewy went together to Shiv’s wedding? Or any event really. Maybe they even just went as friends. Maybe not. But none of Roman’s bullshit and threats would work on Stewy.
Wedding Bells (part one)
Stewy x Reader, Roman x Reader (complicated)
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You asked Stewy to be your date to Shiv and Tom's wedding, a simple choice to not be lonely in the face of love - and Roman with Tabitha, as much as Roman's suggestion to continue having sex and climbing into bed with you while he's with her would cure the loneliness in the first place. But then, a bit played out a hundred times before is all it takes to make the choice desperately more difficult for you and Stewy, as well as giving a long overdue, torturous experience to Roman.
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Stewy's been sweet. Fun - in the hour of him being your date to Shiv's wedding. Roman will find out eventually and you know it'll be hell. It'd be hell if you had any other date, but him being Stewy? He'll tell you you're killing him. For a moment, you'll want to kill Roman - claw at him for being hypocritical. He's with Tabitha, he got with Tabitha after everything.
But then you'll remember...that's fair. There is no after everything. What you and Roman have been for nearly your entire lives is just...love - and sex and a neediness, an obsessive that Roman must've outgrown. It's nothing of commitment, officiality. And he picked Tabitha. And Tabitha's good, she likes to run her fingers through your hair, and you wouldn't have picked anyone else for him.
So, you'll let go. You have to, because you can feel yourself wanting to give in at the way Roman still grabs at you, asks for you. You have to stop letting yourself sigh and hold him when you wake up to him climbing into bed with you. You wonder if Tabitha wonders when he is when he does that.
You'll take Stewy as your date, because it's Stewy. And every other maybe-date seems to just not...want you. Always suddenly too. What a thing to make a woman feel good about herself.
You fail to not blush remembering when you asked Stewy.
"Oh. Honey, how long have you been in love with me?"
"I just need a date! And you're coming..."
And his stare, smug to match his smile.
"Shut up!"
"I didn't say anything, princess."
"Your eyes are bullying me."
He's still the same as when you were fourteen and he was Kendall's quick-humored, ostentatious best friend. Almost, Stewy's a business negative to be your wedding date, but he's still bullying you - ruffling your hair like you're fourteen, you blush like you're fourteen. Jesus. Anything, anyone of Kendall's seemed so intimidating. Though, Stewy's just more ridiculous than anything now.
There's hands grasping your shoulders.
"Which one of us is gonna catch the bouquet?"
"...Oh my god."
"Which one of us is getting pregnan-"
"Stewy. Your head is blown."
"I think I could manage child-baring hips. But let me stop with the disgusting talk. I heard they're taking photos before the ceremony. You should be there."
"What are you even doing in my room?"
"I need to match my tie with your dress. And you're a bridesmaid. You should be there with the bride."
"I'll be there. And you saw the other bridesmaids - it's a greenish...blue. I picked them out with Shiv."
To be honest, you don't know any of the other women Shiv picked to stand beside you. They all seem nice, but you'd rather not think about how you've come to know so little about your childhood girl best friend.
"You have awful taste, but you're the prettiest. I'm saying that because I want to, not because you're my date and I have morals. But finish up with the earrings, I don't need a coward on my arm, even though I'm pretty sure you haven't told anyone I'm your date. And I have to talk to Kendall."
"Roman's pathetic, but he's not gonna bite you. Not in public, anyway."
...You wouldn't carve Stewy's words in stone. But you get his point. And you're a coward with a question. It makes you feel pathetic, a child who can't let go - because the answer, whether you like what it'll be or not, won't change anything.
"Why didn't you tell me I have a piece of fluff in my beard? I understand what having me next to you the entire night will do to your insecurities, but you don't need to sabotage me."
In the mirror, you watch Stewy pick out something from his beard. He flicks his fingers on your shoulders.
You blink.
"...Did Roman say anything to you at Tom's bachelor party?"
You watch him in the wide glass with a burning feeling on your chest. His eyes go up, almost half of an eye-roll before he looks at you.
"You know, kid. I always thought he was going to...how do I say this without making college-aged me sound like a fucking freak?"
Stewy's face feigns wonder.
"I always thought he was going to purposefully have a child with you. before you graduated."
You swallow. Stewy leans in and over, playing with a jeweled necklace on the clean, slick wood of the dresser.
"A mistake on every technicality, but it would've been purposeful on his end. But to answer your question...actually, I don't think I have one for you that matters. At best, I can see a vague image of me talking to this lady in a spacesuit, who I think was hot? Good on me for seeing past the stars. Then your fuckhead of a childhood lover just...needed me. He was needy enough to interrupt me."
"Roman needed me to get in with a buddy of mines, all on the line of business. He threatened me, which was adorable. He's adorable when he's trying to be serious and not just a snarky fuck. You would know."
"...I would."
Stewy smiles slightly before a look to the rug, he's quick to look back up at you.
"I don't think how or what happened there matters. He didn't knock you up to pull a shotgun wedding in Milan. He had more than enough time."
Stewy pulls on your earring, a gentle and humored touch.
"That was the mistake on his end."
You smile with closed eyes. Okay.
You can't agree too much with what Stewy says, you think that puts you up on a pedestal. That it's a pathetic attempt to say no, nothing's wrong with you - everything's wrong with Roman for not choosing you. There's nothing of you to choose, but it does make you feel better, even if it's Stewy mentioning teenage pregnancy.
It's something unbelievably nice from him, but it's crotchety. Graceful, and his arms of warm. It's just as much of Stewy as it's of something unbelievably.
"The smile is telling me I'm great at this. So, let's go find people of the wedding party to bed - if everything goes well."
"What are you doing with Kendall?"
"We're saving you. We make do with the Roys, right? Fuck."
"Does my hair look okay?"
"Oh, your hair smells just fucking swell."
"I didn't say-"
Stewy cuts you off with his face coming closer over your shoulder, eyes closed and nose ready for this stupid bit. It's something he's done in front of Roman to make the veins come along his forehead, to gain pitchy insults for himself while you would have to soothe Roman with your chest against his back afterwards, taking your own slut, whore-named calls from him.
He's going to smell your hair.
"It's vanilla. And lilies. Apparentl-"
And he smells your hair, finger brushing it. You watch him sniff and it's...
He's so close. You don't think he was ever this close before when he'd fuck around, but Stewy's hand squeezes your bicep. You feel your heart speed up, a soft heat on your skin pressing down as he squeezes tighter.
And suddenly, Stewy's different. You hate it, you hate the way he's different next to you - or you just feel different about him.
Because he's handsome in the mirror.
Stewy's always been handsome, in style and in face. You've known that, but the way he looks is on your skin, on the beat of your heart. The way he touches you doesn't feel like way Kendall or Shiv touches you. In the way anyone touches you.
Unfortunately, the only thing you can go off of is the way Roman's touch feels - and that's what it feels like now.
No, Stewy's touch is more confident, less demanding of attention. But his touch makes you feel the way you do when Roman's hands come onto. That's it.
And it's a it that sinks down into your stomach. Because Stewy was always Stewy, he's doing something Stewy always does - and it's suddenly different?
Somehow you've managed to fuck up curing your loneliness. But you'll push it down, because it's nothing. The way Stewy's squeeze slowly, slowly stills and softens is nothing. The way his mouth curves and how his eyes blink quickly under his bent brows.
He's just Stewy. And his name doesn't mean anything.
"...I don't know how you're getting lilies, but I'm not queer enough to know my flowers. But-"
Stewy breaks his words as he lets you go, clearing his throat and putting his hands in his pocket.
"You smell as pretty as you look. Congratulations."
"Let's go before I'm knocked down from bridesmaid's status to wedding-goer."
"That's what I've been saying."
You haven't seen Roman since you've set up in your room yesterday and being seen with Stewy was going to get a sigh from you, a slew of demeaning conversations from him. But now it feels like something else and you don't want it to because it doesn't.
"I'll catch up, princess. I need a tie and a time to remember how good I look right now."
"You do what you need to do, Stewy."
You smile at his smile before leaving. You need to breathe when you close the door.
You won't be this stupid, even if you don't know that Stewy needed, needs to breathe to - cursing at himself in the mirror.
He runs his hand over his mouth.
"Jesus fucking Christ, man."
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"Roman, get out."
"Why isn't she here?"
"I don't know, but we'll be in our...I hate the stage name-bullshit to all of this, but we'll be in our places soon. Are you here just to bother her until she wants to slit her wrists? Because don't do that to my bridesmaid, Rome."
"She's been avoiding me and I want to knock her head off for it."
"Well, that's what happens when you try to shove your dick into someone with the moral decency to not tell your girlfriend but also the dignity to want to not be within the vicinity of you. Surprising."
"Fuck you, your tit is about to pop out, by the way."
"Go away."
Roman sits himself on Shiv's vanity. He plays with a tube of lipstick.
"I'm going to wait for her here because if I don't, that means the next time I'll actually see her is when she's up on the fuckin-the end of the aisle thingy. And I'll just rip the top of her dress down and her bridesmaids boobs will bounce out for everyone to see-"
Shiv makes a squinty face as she puts on her heels.
"God, Rome."
He only thought it cause he wants that, but fuck - honestly? Outside of the joke to make Shiv uncomfortable? Roman would only do that with just the two of you. He's just desperate. Sorry. He hasn't seen a lot of your skin in awhile.
"I'll do that...or I'll leak a little something about Tom before his vows. I'll embarrass the shit out of you and it'll be over something you could've easily accepte-"
"Jesus fucking Christ, fine. Get off the vanity, your fat crack is going to make an avalanche out of agarwood."
Roman makes a squinty face, genuine anger and defense bloated on his brows.
"You're the one serving steak. Your breasts will pop out of the dress, only cause your stomach is gonna break the buttons in the back. Fuck you."
Roman hops off the vanity and puts up his arms when you come in.
"I was getting worried."
"Sorry, Shiv....and Roman? Was he going to replace me as a bridesmaid if I didn't show?"
Shiv smiles and Roman comes closer to you, you're here now and he's here? At least he's seen you before he's seen you with Stewy. You wonder what he's doing now. If you'll see him much after the wedding.
"You haven't been answering my texts. I need you to not be a child and talk to me...and critique my cock pics."
Shiv's head snaps and you close your eyes. Two of the bridesmaids shift uncomfortably and embarrassment burns.
"Nothing's different. Did something happen in your personal life that I'm not aware of? Like trauma to get you isolated?"
"I was just tired and wanted to stay in the room. No trauma involved, I don't think it would take that much for someone to not want to talk to you."
Shiv snorts.
"Boring. Me and Tabs explored the grounds, there's at least six places at the venue where people definitely hanged themselves. Hung. You know, Brits and their cheery dispositions." Roman crosses his arms and presses his foot into the ground. "Tabitha mentioned that weather definitely plays a part in mental wellness which made me think I've made my bed with a 5'10 hippie but I thought about it and like yeah, England's gloomy. Gloomy fucks."
"Okay. Well, I heard about photos?"
Shiv comes up from her chair.
"Oh, no. Me and Tom decided we didn't need those behind the scenes personal photographs. But we're taking some right after the ceremony, I think. But...alright, I think I'm getting married soon."
You smile, coming to kiss Shiv's cheek. You remember when you two would play wedding with each other, before you would play it with Roman. And yeah, she's getting married. It's like time is nothing.
"You look beautiful. Sorry for being a shit bridesmaid. I should've made up a party or something befo-"
Shiv shakes her head quickly, a soft jolt with a thin smile.
"Where would I have time for dick lollipops and mini-veils? You're fine. You put on the dress and do the thing, right?"
"Tommy's wedded to a romantic. Okay, I'm going. Have fun standing for an hour. I'll come to your room later."
You blink at him. He wants to lick you so badly.
Roman stretches before he goes to leave, he just doesn't with a stare you understand. It makes you sink, a need to comfort him and tear the fact you know he's in distress and confusion by a simple change in his face. You can't do anything with it anymore.
"What the fuck are doing here? Move."
"I came to look at my date before I have to sit through mandated vows...unless, Shiv - you'll be reading something from the heart?"
Stewy comes through the doorway. He's wearing a tie and he looks...cute.
Roman's brows come down, his head jolts back. "Wow, one of these grocery store ad model randos Shiv picked off the street due to having no friends actually wants to fuck you?" He tilts his head. "I guess I could see it, you're as hot as a grocery store ad model. Take you out of the suit and you're fucking homely."
Stewy doesn't say anything to Roman. He just smiles, turn his head to you.
Your heart picks up. You rub your neck.
"Tie matches. And because of your terrible wedding-fashion taste, about twenty percent my outfit is a green-blue fabric mess. Thank you for that."
You take a peek at the way Roman's face drops. In the eyes and soft mouth, in the way his neck holds his head.
A bit of brokenness and anger growing like a weed so instantly, but you deny it so, because Stewy's ties matches his outfit, you think. And if you react to this, to Stewy as intensely as Roman does, you'll be sick. Fuck.
You can't look at him.
"You're welcome."
"I have a bit of time to..."
To talk with Kendall about fucking their dad, something that his siblings can't know about. Stewy holds his head up.
"You okay, Roman?"
"...What the fuck?"
You can feel Roman's staring like a burn, like a clenched fist you can't comfort him enough to open.
"Shiv, you look beautiful."
You don't hear Shiv behind you, but you imagine the slight twist of her face, her head tilt.
"...Thanks. You're her date. He's your date? To my wedding?"
"I just needed to fill out my plus one."
"Oh. Okay."
"I'm so honored you're not ashamed of me. No, she suddenly found me too hot in the face to not have me as her date. We'll see where this goes."
"Fuck you. Get the fuck out-"
"Are you telling me to because I was planning to leave? So it seems like you made me. Princess, he's grasping."
You can watch Roman's fist, his hands flex out and shake and shift - just with his head.
"Um. Okay - I um...I'm going to get set up to...walk. Dad didn't get in on the semi-wedding rehearsal but he's waiting, probably. But Rome, calm the fuck down. Jesus."
Shiv makes small conversation with the other ladies before walking out, dress in her fist. And you have to turn to Roman's stare.
It's grating against your eyes.
"You fucking whore-"
"Oh. If I thought this was a place where adults could talk. I'm sorry. I'll have to leave."
"Are you serious? You reall-"
"I feel like you want me to leave him with you. I better go before that vessel bursts on my neckline."
You hear something of a choke and a scoff when Stewy kisses your cheek. You smile weakly, but your sigh is strong when the door closes in the both of you alone.
"You reveal you've had-have Stewy dick thrusted into you at Shiv's fucking wedding? You...was me getting with Tabitha a blessing in disguise for you? How long have you've been wanting him impregnate you? Huh?"
You look to the floor. It's just Stewy. It's just Roman's insecurities coming over him. Stewy was the worst to pick, but Roman would've acted as if he was being incinerated if you picked anyone else. So it can't matter - and you can't assure him that no, you don't want anyone else.
Because he did, he picked her out and you're just lucky she's nice, that she can handle someone like Roman. But he did want someone else. And you didn't think you would ever, but you wear the same color Stewy does. But fuck, even if you didn't, there's something like spite - that you don't want to tell him you're his.
But it's true, because that feeling with Stewy was just something...fucking strange. You won't hear the end of it from him if you gave way.
"Are you not going to answer me? Because you were just waiting for a moment for me to fuck up and off so you can lollygag on Stewy's cock - and I just fucking - I let you! I actually believed you when you would blow and cuddle me. You are a glorified streetwalker for this family. Roy and Co. strumpet."
It hurts. You know Roman's hurting, he's just spitting fire, but it still hurts and you'd like to hurt him. Not in the way that would make him feel more like, not a hair pull or harsh insult in the sheets. But it's not fair. Either way.
"Would you call getting with Tabitha a fuck up?"
Roman closes his eyes for a hot moment.
"You do. Obviously. It's either you've been wanting Stewy to slobber and make curved-nose love to you for the entirety of us being...us. Or you're just being a petty, pathetic bitch to get back at me for trying out different legs - but like, you also still have me. You have me. Either way, I think you hate me and fuck you. You know what? I'm glad you've been a prude for me because you've dried yourself up for him."
Roman kicks his foot into the wood.
"I'd be sharing pussy with Stewy. Jesus, fuckin-"
You hear it in his voice, the strangle and panic as he rolls his neck.
"He's just my date for tonight because I couldn't find anyone else. He's here because he was invited and also just to...I don't know - fuck around with Kendall, in a professional manner. I don't know. It made sens-"
"I offered, me. You. And Tabitha - just fucking, a formal three-way. And it's a fucking wedding, who cares? You didn't have to pick Stewy." Roman breathes, even in the pitchy, bitchy anger. "...But seriously, just a fucking date? And he's just coming in here to break me for giggles? That's it?"
You look at the color of your dress. It's more a purple-blue, really.
That's it. It has to be. Because it's Stewy.
"Yes, that's it."
He scoffs high, pulling at his ear before his hands open up below him.
"Well, fuck. Bet you picked him just to make me tingle, though."
"...But what if it was something, Rome?"
And whatever is like a smile on his face drops again.
"Jesus Christ. You want march in the pussy parade. Fuck you!"
He had it. Roman just though you were being...sad, depriving yourself of him for the sake of morals. Or that you were trying to be like him when to came to venturing out date wise. But you pick basic fucking normies who don't like you. They don't love you and they obviously aren't worth your time if they give up so fucking easily whenever Roman threatens them.
But he didn't think of Stewy. He didn't because you promised him. He wouldn't have thought of Stewy and he wouldn't have thought of Kendall. Because it's Stewy - so fuck him. And it's Kendall. Those are the only male fucks he's sure you wouldn't think of fucking just because you don't have him. But you do have him.
But Roman's feeling a pit in his stomach, just pressing down on his muscles and he feels sick. This is making him sick. He wants to grab at you and make him promise things.
Why are you doing this to him? Why are you asking him stupid fucking questions?
"If I we're to get with someone - not Stewy. Not Stewy, Roman...because he's just my date. If I got with someone just for fun or it's fun but then it turns into something else, something stable...this is all hypothetical. There's nothing to it, or history or anyone. But it's a question because you can't keep doing this."
Roman stares and his face becomes simple, casual.
"But I can, because who's gonna want you when I just email them the videos of your toes in my mouth? Or...me in your lap and you're singing, but that's bound to gross someone out and into their grave. So...I can."
Frustration hits. Roman.
You can deny everything else, but not his hypocrisy.
"It's going to have to stop. Pushing the idea that I can be with you while you're with Tabitha and especially if I do want to find someone at some po-"
Roman snort something smug and familiar, you'd usually just kiss him and pull to get him weak. Soft.
"Yeah. No. You're not going to want to do anything. Physically, you can't."
"How could you possibly know that, Roman?"
"Cause me and you are of the same twig. Stop trying to force yourself to find other dicks to gobble down because it's making you look like a try-hard. Stewy's fine now because...what a sad sap for a date, but it'll make Ken's head spout steam. That'll be funny."
You blink with parted lips.
Now you really don't get anything. Because he's saying he knows you're not going to want to do anything because you're the same as him. But he has done something.
In the last hour, you've lost so much in terms of understanding.
"And if it was Stewy? Back to the hypothetical."
Roman's unblinking before a slight, slight smile.
"You would find me with slit writs on your doorstep. And it'd be your fault and I would make sure everyone would know. But you know that already."
He grabs your hand, a mwah on your cheek.
"We'll be tired tonight, I don't think these ancient knobs have locks on them so I'll come by later. But seriously, just...don't try hard."
It makes you look pathetic, but it also makes me sick.
You look at where Roman doesn't wear a tie. You don't think he's ever made it so he's matching with you. And Stewy's done it so easily - you try and remember his dates to Waystar events and galas over the years, if his ties matched their dresses. The best you can remember is when he bought you matching baseball hats for your seventeenth birthday, something Roman and Kendall found corny.
You rub your neck as Stewy fixes his tie two halls over.
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hope you enjoyed! dw, roman's gonna get what's coming to him. You've already seen his panic at the idea of her being with Stewy, as her and Stewy slowly realize their jokes and bits can't stay bits anymore? Roman's heart is gonna fall out of his ass. He's gonna kill himself. They're feeding each other food next part and it's hell for everyone. Love ya!
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jadeazora · 3 months
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Proton is Archer's personal sleep paralysis demon. (I like to headcanon that the ONLY person Proton respects the authority of is Giovanni. Anybody and everybody else is fair game.)
Courtney gets bored and will wander around the halls at night, has been known to look over her favorite people as they sleep. Has accidentally startled Tabitha several times.
Cyrus probably gets only a handful of hours weekly, when he sleeps, he just crashes, bed or no bed, sitting down, whatever, doesn't matter. (Tendency to sleep with his eyes open btw. Saturn found him like this once and was quite unsettled.)
Giovanni and Lysandre with their Persian and Pyroar respectively, Penny sleeps in a pile with all her Eeveelutions.
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souls-foreclosed · 6 days
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Chapter IX: De Civitate Dei
Second Verse: LOVE - "... So Above" (174)
(MAY 29 - 2024)
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We haven't had one of Reah's classic monologues in a while, have we? Although to be fair last time this issue was brought up, it was Tabitha being all fatalistic about their role in the world.
For my Vienna readers: you will be able to see me at Kess & Camp Queer Art Market this weekend, held at Ullmannstraße 45, 1150. There will be coffee served by world's best maids @ivolederer and me.
Archive No. 755
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sadboytournament · 3 months
Things are already interesting, as out of over 60 entries, only two characters got submitted more than once. Now, I know we're passionate here, but like I said in the rules, I want a good fair fight. Now, PICK A SAD GIRL @tournament-announcer
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Bloberta Puppington vs. Takamatsu Tomori
Koebni Higashiyama vs. Drusilla
Hedwig vs. Jinx
Gwen Stacy vs. Rika Furude
Ophelia vs. Iphigenia
Mizu vs. Ange Ushiromiya
Saddness vs. Clarith
Oenone vs. The Waitress
Beatrice vs. Nico Robin
Ada Paige vs. Sarah Lynn
Reki vs. Sasha Racket
Nana Daiba vs. Satsuki Kiryuin
Jean Grey vs. Luz Noceda
Aelita Stones vs. High school Sweetheart
Sad Girl vs. Shadowheart
Deandra "Sweet Dee" Reynolds vs. Tabitha Scarlet
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magnetarmadda · 10 months
For the last day of @tmaappreciationweek, I've done a Somewhere Else statement fic! It's okay, it's a happy ending 💜
[excitedly] Martin, look at this one!
Jon, you've said that about the last four cats we've looked at!
But this one is perfect!
If you say so, love.
[quietly] You're so soft, and oh so fluffy. [louder] I think his fur is almost the same color as your hair.
[sighing fondly] We're taking him home then, are we?
Oh, I see you found our newest residents!
[together] Residents?
Yep! They're a bonded pair. The orange cat is usually in front, hiding the black cat. The black cat, poor guy, looks like he's been through a few alley wars. But it's a good sign the orange one likes you—we've been calling him Marmalade, and the black cat Blackberry, one of our kid volunteers was on a toast-themed naming kick that weekend.
I know, I know. They don't yet seem very attached to those names, though, so you'll be able to change them fairly easily. I'm Tabitha, by the way—I'm just going to clean some of the kitten cages while they're out in the day room. Let me know if you need anything!
[distracted] Thanks. 
Is it just me, or does the shadow in the back have eyes?
[snorting] That's probably Blackberry. Oh, Martin! He's coming toward us! Quick, put your fingers by the bars.
Yes, dear.
No need to be rude in front of the cats.
[softly, full of concern] He's very skinny, and it looks like there's spots where his fur isn't quite growing right. 
[equally soft] Just means we'll have to give him lots of love.
Well, we know you have plenty of that to go round.
H-hey! Careful there! Shoving me made Blackberry here unhappy.
[muttering] Blackberry. [louder] We need to find them new names.
[laughing] I think they agree.
So, we're taking them home? 
[happily] Yeah, we are. 
I'll go get Tabitha, see what paperwork we have to do. Then I'll go get the carrier from the car. Hopefully, they'll let us get away with the one, since I wasn't expecting two cats. [voice gets softer] Although I probably should have, knowing you.
He's a lot of bluster, don't worry. He's very happy with you both, too, I know. 
Tim will have a field day, though. I don't know how I'm going to live this one down, not on top of him being right about Martin and I hitting it off on a blind date. [laughing] It's been four years, you think he'd let it go. 
Marmalade, you haven't even met Tim yet! Sasha will love you, though, she's always wanted a fluffy cat. Oh, and Georgie will be so jealous—she's still sad the Admiral never got as fluffy as she thought he would when he was a kitten.
Why, hello there Blackberry. Yes, I'm more than happy to scratch your ears with my other hand. Four hands in our house means plenty of pets, that's for sure. And since both of our jobs have stayed work-from-home, there's lots of time for cuddling. Oh, well, you both seem quite good at that already. It's very sweet of you to clean Blackberry's head, Marmalade.
We really will need to give you better names. Don't worry, I've got a list—you'll just have to meow to tell me which ones you like. Sound fair?
Convincing them to go along with your plans already? Hardly fair, love.
You know they'll love you more than me anyway. I've got to gain an advantage somehow.
Ready to take these guys home?
Great! Let's get that paperwork done.
We'll be right back, and then, home.
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rustedpipe · 6 months
things that happened on degrassi but i make them about riverdale
they had cheryl say cuckoo bananas one time, zig novak was heraldo, and also vanessa morgan was mike dallas's baby mama so like clearly there's existing connections here. and just like riverdale and degrassi writers-- i love putting characters into situations. so. without further ado..... things that happen on degrassi (tng & next class) that should've happened on riverdale.
betty pelts dodgeballs at jughead during gym class after he is vague about going on a date or not
dolly zoom on archie's face as fred says "your mom is gay"
betty and gay kevin have a fight while filming a fake commercial for unisex cologne for class
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^ this with gay kevin
reggie does elaborate business deals with locker trading so that veronica can have the best one
archie sending veronica flowers with a card that says ”you rock! xoxo archie”
jughead choking and needing the heimlich but refusing to let gay kevin give him the heimlich because it would mean gay kevin has to touch him.
betty getting into an actual violent physical fight with blood with a random girl at school
^ okay go watch this video right now you only need to watch like the first minute exactly. the rest is completely optional. i have several scenarios in mind here:
- idea one is gay kevin having issues with fangs for the billionth time and so when in doubt kiss archie? - idea two is something jarchie related either betty or veronica is the dylan here . - IDEA THREE IS DYLAN=JUGHEAD GAY MARCO=ARCHIE. SO WHEN IN DOUBT KISS REGGIE?! - but also. the very first episode of riverdale is veronica so when in doubt you kiss betty. okay like realistically the scene is not like that but i think they shouldve let betty say "so when in doubt you kiss betty." for me personally. she would not fucking say that but i want her to
veronica and jughead go to the college admissions fair while extremely high.
RAS plays a similar role to kevin smith and gives advice to cheryl about being gay
kangs toxic poker game. what more can i say
veronica: as you and jughead’s closest friends- jughead: oh actually i don’t really like you. veronica: SHH!
natasha bedingfield performs at prom. archie gets to dance his heart out and cry a little to unwritten. and pocket full of sunshine woah oh
toni gets so much into vampire books that she makes out with cheryl and thinks about vampires too hard and bites her on the neck (this would be a great reference to vanessa morgan's time on another canadian teen show my babysitter's a vampire and also i think we should let toni be a little crazy for fun)
lgbt mixer at la bonne nuit. nothing crazy happens on the degrassi episode but i just wish it had happened on riverdale. like maybe veronica and kevin sing same love or born this way. (again that did not happen on degrassi just using the fact they did an lgbt mixer at the teen speakeasy as a jumping off point.)
when jughead gets hired by tabitha at pops, he immediately burns down the restaurant. they then go to a casino in niagra falls and get vegas-style married
cheryl adopts a pig (that later destroys her house) instead of coping with being alone
reggie attends a meeting about homophobia brought on by locker room bullying and someone explains the definition of internalized homophobia and he says out loud "im a homophobe" and starts crying
jughead poisons bret with stuff that makes you throw up. this involves cups being switched and a reference to roman history (but in the riverdale version betty supports and enables it)
jughead writes a story about a girl getting stalked who has a protective boyfriend trying to stop it but he makes the ending be that the boyfriend realizes he can never protect her from the stalker so he kills her. and betty is like dude um what that is insane. and hes genuinely like what it's just a story. later jughead ends up still not being able to figure out an ending and burns the script on stage while having a breakdown
they have to build rube goldberg machines for class. it doesnt matter who i just want this to be something
fp and alice wedding where bughead break up and get back together like five times about it
core four smokes weed during 2x14 The Hills Have Eyes (degrassi had an episode where teens were unsupervised in a cabin. Just Like.)
gay kevin does a gay musical production of romeo and juliet.
some film guy that jughead adores comes and does a guest lecture and so in order to impress the guy he smokes weed with chic and makes a terrible insane short film to show said film guy
timeskip jughead does mdma at an artsy party where people are very high and painting with their bodies on the walls and floors. in order to avoid his problems.
gay kevin wears a beret at least once
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^ bughead texts
veronica sings triangle tra la le la by patsy cline while in the midst of one of her 'reggie or archie' moments
betty gets really into axe throwing with lesbians (the pretty poisons) in the woods
unfortunately i cannot find a video uploaded of gay tristan performing it but. gay kevin voice riverdale you make drama look! so! good!
veronica trying to tank her father's mayoral campaign by being gay with betty and outing hiram as a homophobe
reggie: for the last time i'm not gay. or homophobic. just missing my best bro....
jughead won't shut up in class so cheryl cuts off some of her hair and then asks jughead to hold the scissors for a sec. and then she raises her hand and tells the teacher jughead cut her hair
beronica has a heartfelt moment about admitting feelings for each other and in the middle of it reggie walks up to them with saddest look on his face and says "am i hotter than archie? be honest. actually don't." and then walks away
veronica comes out to avoid political backlash and the word gets around to hermione who tries to comfort her by saying "no one's gonna believe you're gay. it happens to all powerful women. even hillary"
cheryl and veronica have a fake trial in class over twitter beef
cheryl auditions for a boy part in a play directed by gay kevin. gay kevin initially says no, but cheryl points out that it should be about relating to the pain of the character, not gender. gay kevin agrees and says that he is going to play the part himself because no one understands what he's going through better than him, right?
i'm constructing a reality where fangs is dating gay kevin when he is in the infamous bus crash but instead of dying he goes into a coma. and gay kevin is loyally by his bedside until he snaps like three months in and hooks up with moose. the night he does that, fangs wakes up from said coma.
veronica, speaking to reggie: even though we're a toxic couple, i really miss you and i want our break to be over.
betty has a terrible reaction to weed and someone finds her sadly eating slices of bread from a bag saying “i thought the bread would make me less high but it isnt working”
and finally, and crucially, they should've done a shark in the water style promo for at least one of the seasons. thanks for tuning in.
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dragonfly0808 · 3 months
Hi, I love your Winx fanfic. Honestly, I wasn't a fan of the original show, but the way you write is truly amazing. For example, how you give each character personality and meaning. Especially how you changed Diaspro, so she's not just Bloom's rival and her only task is to make Bloom the best. Also, the fact that the other girls are not just background but play important roles. It's great that you described more about their families and their lives. My favorite characters are Daphne and Valtor. I hope they will appear once again in the story.
Also, I have a question if it is not a problem would you like to share more about Valtor or his friendship with Thabita and Avalon, something about Daphne, Thabita, Avalon and Valtor ?
Thank u so much!!! I really do try to have everyone have a distinct character arc and have them all be the focal point at some point or another.
As for the question,
Warlocks don’t have covens but I have mentioned that Tabitha was as close to a coven as Valtor had, they studied together a lot since they both went to Cloud Tower, Valtor helped Tabi with History, Tabi tutored Val in Technical Curses. The two had sleepovers and pulled all-nighters during exams seasons.
Avalon is 2/3 years younger and always thought Val was too cool and, in fact, started growing out his hair to copy him. Val thought of Avalon almost as a little brother. I see them as having a Timmy/Riven kind of dynamic if that makes sense.
The four were inseparable and they often hung out in the rooftops of Alfea and Cloud Tower. They were all massive nerds that loved libraries and musuems and actually made a pact to someday all be teachers. (Avalon teaches Technical Incantations, Tabitha teaches Hexes, Daphne taught History of Magic for a year, Valtor was supposed to teach Complex Curses but didn’t happen cause I forgot to mention it and I don’t know if I should recon that)
Their fave things to do was going to museums, fairs, ice skating, karaoke nights and picnics by Lake Roccaluce oh the cruel irony
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