spoonietimelordy · 4 months
Like just so we're clear because that's my limite: if you think that people who don't want to be pathologised are fascist, just block me. Like block me right now. Those newly diagnosed autistic people who claim that, have visibly never interacted with non-audhd neurodivergent people and it's clear. You don't have to be high functioning to not identify with the pathology framework, just look at the madpride mouvement for god sake.
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thevampirearchive · 9 months
There’s something I've been meaning to say but I haven't had the words till now. There is something that deeply upsets me about witnessing stories where villains, who are literal killers, fall in love and somehow become good or act outside of what is expected from them. I love love, love is beautfiul, it is powerful and it can truly change a lot. But to sit, and write a killer suddenly go "actually, this one can stay because I am in love for the first time" is such a weird concept to me. Is this happening because as a sociaty we're trying to convince ourselves that deeply disturbed people can be cured by the power of love? That if they just find the right person, they would stop the masacer? or at least no longer feel the need to kill how they were or at least let their person live? And I am not mad at the love, I do belive anyone can fall deeply in love, but my issue is with how it ends. I want to witness the unthinkable — I want to see is exactly what we expect but hoped won't happen, happening. A gut wrenching truth that stays true to who we have been witnessing, despite the "I can change them" dance. And perhaps people hate this idea because they want to belive that anyone can change if only they meet the right one, or that we can change the monsters in our lives with affection, but trust most likly is that they cannot be changed. And I can understand that to some this is then seen as an illusion. "oh then this was never true love", why can the two not exist? Do we not hurt those we love? Maybe not kill them, but someone elses hurt could feel like a small death to me, and vice versa.
Examples, so that you are not confused as to what I am reffering too;
Killing Eve; I stopped watching when Villanelle was shown shooting Eve. It felt true to her character, even if it hurt. She is a killer, we knew that and so did Eve. Regardless of her love, that was what was always going to happen so why were we given additional seaons of this fanatsy of a declawed Villanelle?
Hannibal; It should have ended with the death of Will, and possibly Hannibal consuming him. Didn't Hannibal say that the consumption of Will would somehow join them in a deeper way?Something so disturbing that only could make sense to a serial killing-cannibal. And I would have watched with wide eyes, and gone to sleep staring at the ceiling.
Interveiw With The Vampire; Louis' death in the hand of a Lestat would have made sense, and despite his dramatics, Lestat would have not committed suicide but instead burried himself in deep regret untill he was too numb to his own feelings that he could return to the world of the living. He would have never forgotten Louis, nor what he did, but he would have moved on beause Lestat is not a good person. He's deeply disturbed and Louis knew this. I don't even aknoclege that beatdown episode because Lestat may be a killer, but he's a drama queen first and formost. Louis' death would have been poetic, beautiful and grusom like a greek tragedy without an audiance.
Bonus - Twilight; I could not end without adding my own favorite, and despite this path never being teased to the audiance the same way the other's were, I would have loved the book simply ending because Edward did as he said he would - drained Bella like a Caprisun on a hot summer day. Because what is love agaisnt animalistic urgase (I understand why it is much hotter that he is simply so retsrained and devoted that he resists her, but I'd pay good money for an AU)
At the end of it all, I think want I want is for sociaty to get over the idea that a good woman, love or any form of kindness can change who some people are. Love can do many things - look at crimes of passion! And to some extend I belive that these villain's love were true, possibly not the way we imagine them - which is less so "I love you too" and more so, "wow, finally someone I can manipulate and obsess over. Someone who I can mold, someone who is alone in the world like me" only to realize that is not true.
So why do we make love into what it isnt? Even when the scene is set for us to be shown the truth, writers and the audiance always make the plot lean towards whatever fits so that we can have that "happy ending".
Honorable mentions;
God should have killed Lucifer, I know the bible and christianity is not technically fiction for all, but the idea that he is forgivin but lets the biggest meanness HE CREATED terrorize everybody is evil. Take him out or let somebody else do it homie.
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mako and bolin parallel each other because:
mako kept everything soft and sweet inside of him, curled into a tight little ball while he trapped himself in a hard casing in order to protect his brother.
bolin kept everything hard and angry and destructive into a pit of lava in his soul, hoping it would never come out. he encased it in layers of softness and naivety because someone has to make sure that people doesn't consume themselves with their own anger but bolin being able to bend lava when there were no other "softer" options, while the fire burned in his eyes and you could see the stone and flames consume him and he knew that theres no other way to do this except embrace this side of you BECAUSE HOW ELSE ARE YOU GOING TO SAVE YOUR BROTHER WHO DID EVERYTHING TO PROTECT YOU AND YOU DID EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO MAKE HIM HAPPY.
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piplicious · 8 months
ok guys weather report :
likely a few more days without art or much activity coming bc while i got used to juggling uni+job+job, i now have shit ton of documentation to do after unis teachinf practise shit fuck fuck penis fuck period and boy is it not fun.
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bluegarners · 8 months
ik i can rag on bruce a bit here and there, but i sincerely believe him to be a good man trying his best to be a good parent and it's a little frustrating when people exaggerate his and his kids' reaction to things they do/argue about. it's a trend i notice in fanon/fanfiction and canon comics, and it breaks my heart a little bit that there seems to only be those two extremes these days: one big happy family where everything and everyone is forgiven forever, or everyone hates each other and argues over the littlest things and no one is ever forgiven for anything. i know it can be difficult to balance dichotomy and figure out good ways to write/show the nuances of a family like the batclan, but i just feel like people often forget that at all of their cores, each of them are good people trying to do good things in a shitty world. they want to help others, they want to help each other, they are all trying to do the right thing, and what makes them argue sometimes is that they all have different views and morals on how to go about. at the end of the day, they have the same goal but not the same plan, and, to me, that's what makes them fight/be gruff with one another. they don't necessarily hate each other or hold some weird grudge because they just don't like the person or whatever; they are complex individuals and characters that have certain mindsets that overlap but also contrast with others
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im2tired4usernames · 4 months
Well ok you asked for explaining so I'm so sorry about the rant that's bound to happen I have beef with this woman like many many MANY homeschool co-op mothers I would like to meet her IN THE PIT
uh I guess trigger warning possibly would be like food diets and possibly eating disorders I'm not sure but I would rather be safe then accidentally harm you friend?
my mother was a crunchy homeschool nutter and her entire social group was crazy homeschool mom cultists.They were all obsessed with clean godly eating and losing weight they constantly kept repeating that they needed to treat their bodies like temples and it really wasn't healthy or good for so many reasons.
well one of the women in that group for as long as i can remember (I've know this lady since I was a lil kid) she believes it's impossible for European women to get fat because of *spins the wheel*
She just has some fucked up made up facts about Europe in general like WARNING SHE'S ACTUALLY ON PURPOSE STUPID
like she has for as long as I can remember believed with E V E R Y FIBER in her body (i have argued so much with her she will not budge in her world this is fact) no one once they hit preteens in france eats bread.
France home of the croissant, baguette and many other carbs bready bakery wonders...
Yeah no one there eats bread that is why French women are so thin and healthy they don't eat bread or any kind of sweets! (She and my mom then tried to make me do that for a bit they were always "suggesting" diets on me it sucked in expecting the thm diet and the melted butter+coffee+ apple cider vinegar diet to have fucked up my body somehow)
Apartly in her world no one in Ireland uses any kind of fat when I asked her to explain wtf that meant she said no one in Ireland uses oil or butter which like..
No that makes no sense where did she even come up with that?!I
Once I took a picture of like some fancy imported butter from Ireland at the store to show her and she and the other moms all straight up walked away and would not look at it. They would not talk to me kept actually doin the "talk to the hand" thing and covering their ears and telling me I'm wrong and stupid and to shut up they will not look at the evidence.
This woman is in her late forties to early fifties she has convinced half the homeschool mother cult that no one in France eats bread with no evidence other then she said so!!!!!
They honest to God believe it also!!!!
Recently she was trying to tell me that no one in the UK eats chicken that it's "looked down on as a disgusting poor man's food" she just went on n on on this long crazy rant that made no sense at all but she acted like she was very intelligent and cultured for knowing this.
My best friend and wife is from the UK and frankly i quickly asked them and they were able to point out this lady is just batshit insane.
Like my wife mentioned there's Nandos everywhere in the UK and that serves chicken mainly I have no clue where she's getting her info or ideas.
She got super angry amd defensive and has gone off saying she has two sources "two very reliable very real and very British people who totally aren't made up there her real Facebook friends that told her yup no one in the uk eats chicken only the USA makes fried chicken poor England is missing out on chicken because they're a bunch of snobs who think it's poor people food" so that's what she believes despite a lot of common sense and evidence to prove otherwise but "how dare I question an elder?!'
I really can't explain it like there's no logic or facts in it I myself don't understand it? I have gotten into many fights with this women.
So many fight
so so so many fights
Stupid amounts of fights
not just over this but like over everything under the sun I swear this woman is living a different reality then everyone else.
she just makes stuff up on a fly and then somehow convinces herself and like a dozen other women in they're 40s-50s that everyone in Europe is significantly skinner because they just happen to not eat the food that one lady dislikes...
like I can't really explain more then that this woman has no evidence, refuses to listen to evidence and has the firmest faith in stupidity I've ever seen it's truly kinda terrifying i wish i had her self confidence but also just wow....
I don't think that she's normal I think a lot of American children do actually learn about other countries? I learned about other countries when I was really young my mom would focus on one a month and then I'd have to do a lil presentation at the end of the month in front of my grandad and we'd cook a meal with some traditional foods from there if possible I had a lot of fun learning recipes from all over the world and we'd get a monthly cd with music from all over the world it was so cool! one of my favorite games when I was little with my grandad was he'd spin the globe point at random n then i had to say thw county, the capital, a famous food item from there and one history fact is famous person if I knew one and it was SO MUCH FUN!!!
maybe it's a new homeschool thing or a church thing or maybe this lady is just straight up purposely stupid I'm not sure? I have no fuckin clue this woman is insane I avoid her every chance I can.
#rants#ignore me I'm stupid#just yeah#she was one of my mom's bffs and lord she made life hell#Narnia a book written by a Catholic man with DJ much religious imagery and symbolism in every single book in the book series#and progressively gets more n more christan the further into the series you get#was evil and satanic#she yelled at me for liking old yeller#she was CRAZY#but the scary thing is she got a lot of women believing her every word especially European diet shit it was CRAZY#only Americans have addresses no one else dose i guess according to her she got my grandma to believe that for a bit until i pointed out#THE MILLIONS OF BOOKS WRITTEN BY A BILLION AUTHORS ALL OVER THE WORLD THAT MENTION ATREET NAMES AND ADDRESSES#LIKE EXAMPLES PRIDE N PREJUDICE AND SHERLOCK HOLMES HABE ADDRESSES MENTIONED#JUST TWO BOOKS NOT WRITTEN BY AMERICAN OR RECENT WITH ADDRESSES#that got my gran to think a bit but that lady thinks they must have been influenced by Americans aomehow shes SO STUPID IT FILLS ME W RAGE#her daughter told me jesus didn't eat seafood and seafood was unbibical#i.... I do not understand#like do you know where jesus lived do you know what some of his friend's jobs was or like the sermon on the Mount#dis you not read the Bible? why you mad ay me for eating all the time#now that i think of it a lot of times her crazy food things tend to be things i was currently eating kr talking about that i enjoyed eating#huh#weirdo lady#she yelled at me for eating two Oreos once#like yeah i wasn't being greedy but yeah she really got mad over that#now that my mom's passed she texts me randomly because she misses my mom n i think she wants me to fill the void i feel kinda bad for her#but i can't#i can't be her friend not after the shit she influenced my mom too be so cruel to me in the name of God growing up#i will not be her friend#that and she's stupid ofcorse people eat chicken bread and butter that's kinda the most basic human foods i feel like#EVERYBODY HAS BREAD EVERYWHERE BREAD IS THE MOST HUMAN THING
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floorpancakes · 5 months
pondering the idea of drawing watanuki as luka in the tailor of enbizaka because watanuki doing Girl Horror and being driven mad by jealous misplaced paranoia and murdering a bunch of people because he thinks he's being cheated on then dressing up in all their clothes and then murdering doumeki sounds fun as a detached unrealistic juicy concept treat
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kicktwine · 6 months
aaaaaaaaa presto change-o magic hoopla fic be written for me!!!!!!!!!!!! (I cast a formidable spell that blinds the viewer for but a moment and when the light clears I have been turned into a flea)
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amethystpath-writes · 2 years
The Coalescence of Saviors and Rage
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“We do not have to do this!” Hero cried. Her sword touched Villain’s as the two stared one another down, circling each other like two vultures scavenging for mice. The only difference was there was only one vulture here, and it wasn’t Hero.
The snow falling didn’t feel cold; it didn’t feel like anything. Hero wondered, could Villain feel the chill of the air or was he just as absent in its presence as her? Because even as the falling snow reached Hero’s lashes, progressively blocking her vision, she had no mind to care. If it came down to it, at least she wouldn’t see herself hurt Villain- or see him hurt her. The heavy snow was a blessing more than it was a curse.
“I do not want to do this!”
Villain didn’t say a word back. Was it contempt? Sadness?
“Say something, Villain. Tell me this was not for nothing.”
All that time spent together…walks through the woods, running from guards, killing the king. They did it together. Hero became fond of Villain after all that time, after all those risks and life-or-death situations.
“We were supposed to be the heroes.” It was a statement, but anyone could have told that Hero was begging, reaching for the stars- the sun- and trying to understand. “You told me we were helping the lands.”
Still, Villain would say nothing, only continue in his circular pattern as he and Hero stood off.
“Do you remember my bear attack, in the midst of our journey?” she asked. “You were furious, stabbing the beast again, and again, and again. You screamed, Villain.” After a snow-filled pause, Hero finished, “Rage was never meant to be a savior, but can you not see that you are mine?”
Are, not were. Hero refused to see the man who saved her, who applauded her, and encouraged her with the cold eyes he possessed now. She refused the man who simply pretended all along to be the antihero, only to become this husk of a being- someone who spoke no words, but exhausted every ill intent.
“Say something, dammit!”
“Corpses speak not to anything but the dirt they rest beside.”
Hero watched Villain’s eyes stray from her own. A blanket of dread shrouded her shoulders and neck and she felt herself tense beneath the weight of it. The voice didn’t belong to Villain; it belonged to the king. The same king she just killed, whose blood was stained on her sword- still straining against Villain’s own weapon.
In all her sadness and confusion, there was no room for the sound of hooves. Villain had been stalling her, awaiting the moment she would be captured by the king and his men. Villain was no conspirator of the kingdom like Hero, but he was a conspirator of her own since the beginning. She understood now.
“You knew,” Hero said. She said it to the king, still behind her, basking in his quiet victory. The king’s success was much louder in her head, throbbing with unappreciated annoyance. Her sword slid off of Villain’s with a shing.
“Nothing goes unseen within my walls. You were foolish to so openly announce your rebellious constructs. You think my guards do not check town bulletins?”
“The man I killed unknowingly in your stead,” Hero began, “who was he?”
The king chuckled behind her- sent a rumble through the ground and into her feet. The man was a devil. “A supporter of your little charade. My men caught him pressing posters between the rock walls- thought he was being subtle.” The horse which the king rode took steps towards Hero until she could feel the creature’s breath lifting her hair. “The unfortunate part of his death is that you were supposed to die in his stead, just as he died in mine.”
Hero’s head snapped in the king’s direction. “You mean you would have had me killed before I pulled my sword.” She wouldn’t ask what happened; a part of her already knew as she met Villain’s eyes again. The coolness was gone and replaced with a tear-red brim of emotion.
“The corpse chose dirt,” the king replied.
“And in the dirt, I will remain.”��   (Et in luto, manebo.)
His Majesty brought no guards to ride alongside him, and therefore, no one could stop Villain as he sprinted towards the king, sword still raised as it had been aimed at Hero. As quick as lightning, his arms lifted so the tip of his sword could meet Life’s beating window- the king’s heart.
Once almighty, atop a great horse, the king now slumped, and his red painted the ground just as Hero remembered the bear’s did when rage became heroism. Villain, she thought, was always her savior.
Master list: @whatwhumpcomments @faeruine​
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hiero-green · 2 years
sorry to get serious for a sec but i’m just mad. and sad. super long story but a friend and i were talking abt dc, queer rep in general, and i brought up the fact that after it was announced that kevin conroy was doing a story in dc pride 2022, people had the fucking gall to call him a faggot on twitter. meanwhile other people were saying shit like “‘omg i didn’t know he was gay’ yea because it didn’t matter 😁” and i saw a reply to that that just said, “it mattered to him” (along with a screenshot of text abt Kevin attending funerals during the fucking aids crisis) and like. that’s it. that should be the only reason needed to care.
it doesn’t matter if a characters sexuality doesn’t matter to you. it matters to someone. and if a character being straight matters enough to you to get pissy when someone else imagines them to be queer, then think about that next time you tell a queer person that it “shouldn’t matter if a character is gay or not”. it. is. part. of. us. it IS us. queer characters don’t need any justification. we exist. they should exist. grow some fucking compassion and pull your head out of your self centred fucking ass.
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it always matters. to someone.
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dirt-str1der · 28 days
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#and its the only listed entry for his relationships ?#does he not talk or interact with anyone else in the series ?#Trigun loveblog#he loves vash#damien do nooootttt read this this is spoilersd#it makes me smile so much that the entry is written like this because they could easily have said something like ...#'theyre siblings with an intense rivalry stemming from their difference in ideology' but no its straight to the point#like yeah knives really did make that face when he saw the scars. and yeah he did scream in rage and grief when vash was slowly dying#and yeah vash was the one who gave him the will to live again and yeah knives is the reason vash is alive#like seriously whatever#i mean of course vash is the reason knives lost everything and knives is the reason vash is constantly putting his life in danger#this and the way knives gently hands vash a gun and tells him to shoot someone in stampede is so funny#hes like whats wrong ? (gentle) go on and do it (reassuring) and when vash is shaking too much and lowers the gun hes like (fond sigh of#exasperation) i have to do everything for you. hes so funny he loves his brother#and what right does knives have to be calling vash his little brother in the manga. you two were conceived in the same instant chill ...#im just very glad that loving vash is one of knives core personality traits and the other is being evil. its not trigun if your brother#isnt about to burn the whole world down just to create paradise for the two of you. and i cannot get enough of how one sided it is at the#start like the first thing knives does after they crash land is to attempt to help vash stand. the second thing he does is beat the hell out#of vash because hes annoying and whiny. and vash has tried to kill knives so many times but in the end he just cant do it#knives has been on the other side of his barrel so many times and so many times vash would get mad at him and then fail to pull the trigger#its so cutee theyre beautiful twin boys ... exactly the same height ... sorry im just happy again that tessla is in stampede
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thisgodwontforgiveyou · 2 months
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irisbaggins · 3 months
Not going to actually tag this with his name, this is mostly for y'all following me and for my own piece of mind, but:
I cannot express how horrified I was when I watched Harris's video. How I felt like somebody had doused me in cold water, how reality slapped me in the face. I had, in my relief of finally submitting my thesis, forgotten plagiarists existed. Specifically, people who hunt down Bachelor papers to use because they're made by students, because we're oftentimes not actively looking up the topic of our thesis anymore. I spent a ridiculous amount of time googling my own topic to check if something may have happened, paranoid it might have happened. And, in hindsight, I know why I did it, even if back then it may have felt irrational; because I fought tooth and nail to finish that paper, to write it and submit it and pass it. I poured blood, sweat, and tears into it, and the possibility of somebody just stealing that felt infuriating. They just took the easy road whilst I laboured to get it done despite everything trying to stop me. That idea infuriated me, and it still does. I still feel that rage at the mere thought.
I just. I cannot understand anyone who thinks plagiarism "isn't a big deal". I don't understand the people defending this asshole for doing what he did, for telling us all that our feelings don't matter, that our work doesn't matter. I just. I feel so angry about all of this.
I also find it both ridiculously funny and blood-boiling infuriating that Norway is still having its own plagiarism scandals. Some of our elected officials are still being called out for it (one of them in our fucking education department!!), and still denying it! I cannot escape this shit, of being told that our concerns don't matter! Plagiarism is theft! What's so hard to understand about that?!
#text_loke#RAGE! I FEEL RAGE!!#can you tell i read ANOTHER article about the fucker that still insists she did nothing wrong? even when the University of Trondheim-#-calls her out on it? can you tell i'm furious that i hear this bullshit at all sides as of late??#i have many thoughts but i can feel myself close to passing out. i need to sleep. not be enraged#and yes i did feel fear that my work was stolen! because the topic falls RIGHT into what somerton would've stolen!#my topic was fully queer and about a piece of media! and because of the niche topic i kinda know very fast if anybody has stolen my shit :)#which is also why i'm not saying what it is. due to that being very likely to doxx myself#so yeah. when i saw certain parts of Harris's video i did feel fear. because what i wrote falls under that category of 'genre stolen from'#aka. my niche subject about queer themes written by a student (in English) from a small country (5 mil)#like. i hate even saying this! because it feels like making myself oh so important! no! i don't think i am!#which is what makes this so frustrating! because i feel irrational! i feel like i'm being too self-centered in my fear!#i don't know how to process this! i just! i'm frustrated and angry and this is why i haven't spoken on this before!#because i DON'T think my work is good enough for anybody to really notice#but the slim chance that ONE PERSON might sparked my paranoia. and now it won't shut up#however. i now will because i am becoming nonsensical. i am exhausted
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anthonycrowley · 1 year
the beatles were the taylor swift of the 1960s. this is not a compliment.
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ssigmas · 1 year
Wait id love to hear your view on how people do sigma wrong
IDK its just like. i feel like people either tend to woobify him too much and turn him into a "uwu poor traumatized grandpa" OR they read too much into his arrogant voicelines and turn him into like. this cold aloof scientist, which he isnt either!! i feel like a lot of people lean either too strongly to one side or the other and forget that hes Actually very multi-faceted and complex!! probably the best ovw character in terms of personality out there!! (or they project mental illnesses onto him that he doesnt have but i feel like that was more pre-ovw2 fandom. but anyway) like i can understand having certain headcanons abt portraying him when he's like, pre-incident versus post (or au like rime sigma or ghost sigma or whatever) but a lot of the canon takes i see r just. weh. :(( like!!! yes he IS a brilliant scientist, yes he DOES take pride in his own work ("you've read my stuff? do you mind if i ask you what you thought of it?) BUT HE ALSO EXTENDS THAT TO OTHER SCIENTISTS ("dr. zhou, i've read your research. fascinating stuff!") im paraphrasing But You Get The Idea. like his pre-game chatter he's so sweet!! like when he compliments lucio on his music and asks him to turn it up or his friendship w sombra ("there you are, my friend!!")
but he Is also like, aggressive when he fights. i think he gets caught up in his own abilities + The Beauty Of Gravity that it inclines him to be so like, haughty. Do You Understand. like ofc this is a fighting game so his lines exist due to the nature of him existing in a fighting game. but i think it points to some other aspects of his personality anyway. & like compared to reaper or maybe even tracer who r Cursed by their abilities, sigma understands that although what happened was an accident and led to some unfortunate side effects, he's reveling in his new abilities and u can tell!! like his old ovw1 select quote ("the universe doesn't make sense to you.") implies that the universe makes sense to him, and he's pleased that this puts him a step above everyone else (at least where his research is concerned) like ok i think im babbling here But Like. he considers himself the master of his field of science and that's where all his arrogance comes from
i think ovw2 really heightened the whole "hey this man aint right" aspect of his personality but imo they did it in not the best way bc it comes off as him being a little senile versus Being Obliterated By Gravity. i do like the new line he has w mercy where he mistakenly thinks they're still going out for dinner (warped timelines due to spacetime distortion) but the interaction w 76 where he gets distracted by an ant on the ceiling is cute but imo not fitting. unless they really want to play up sigma's age
i Do appreciate the sombra interactions though where she's obviously looking out for him + the one where baptiste says talon is using him and sigma kind of tries to refute him bc it shows that hes being soooooooo manipulated which is sad :(( but then i think that's where some people tend to misunderstand bc like. sigma could easily break out. and do shit (im assuming) if he just Realized. its not bc he isnt strong enough or capable its bc he literally Does Not Realize He Is Trapped (i.e. his fish in the water line or whatever).
anyway this got really long and rambly and im not sure it actually went anywhere or answered ur question LMFAO but i appreciate u asking so i can kind of organize my thoughts on the matter. 2019 just-released sigma era me was different (i was 18) and my works reflect that i think but now after hes marinated in my brain for the past 4 years im like. actually,
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sschmendrick · 7 months
Sometimes I truly feel really dumb seeing all the people here and on the internet on general make amazing analysis of characters, of events, of parallels in books, movies, songs and whatnot. I feel very poor mentally when all I can see is cool images, amazing stories, and the best songs I get to listen to. I feel like I'm missing on so much, and always beein fed the analysis by other people because I just cannot do it on my own can be very tiring and sink the self-esteem. Especially as someone who's gonna end up working with artists I feel so out of place, like I shouldn't be there talking to them since I do not have the right tool to understand them.
What I hate most of all is that even the stuff that I adore I cannot dig into in a proper way. It's all feelings and it's not good enough.
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