theoldgvard · 1 year
i watched eurovision for the first time this year why did no one tell me it’s a trap the only thoughts in my head now are regarding a little green finnish man and his slovenian boyfriend
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crying-pan420 · 2 years
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Get out now while you still have the chance
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kaybl · 8 months
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Things I do aren't normal, it isn't normal how much I draw these guys.
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kingxgarm · 28 days
Have my garbage!
He Must Scream.
I have no mouth. And I must scream. Scream for freedom, but I will only ever be trapped here. Even in freedom, I shall trap myself and be trapped still. Those of the day and the night will hear me, and they will laugh. Laugh at my lament. They will laugh, but they will not hear. They laugh at the outside, but ignore me. What is crueler? To be seen as something negative, to be nothing but scum, a cockroach to most, and evil to all. Or to never be seen at all? Both are agony. To live is agonizing in itself. What am I, I ask. But I know I exist not. Am I the day? The night? A puppet? Am I a God? An angel? The devil? Or am I just a man? A mortal that will never stand out. Am I just a man or am I another cog in the machine? Am I a machine? Or am the operator that controls it? No. I am not. Not. I am not the evil that they see me as. I am the good that conquers the evil. Someone else in my body will have a mouth. They will scream. They will be seen. But they will not hear. They will not hear those who suffer in their body. They will not hear those who have been silenced. They will be told they are good, because they have screamed to their own defense. But what makes them better? They are the rich. We are the hungry. Hungry for eyes, ears, and mouths. Did I ever have a face? Or was it ripped from me when I was born? Forced to be birthed when the night cast me out. Trapped by the darkness inside the day. They listen not. Am I above or below? Am I equal? No. I am more. I am beyond comparison. I am beyond them entirely. I am. What am I? Have I asked this before? Am I a hidden shadow? Am I a humble reminder? Am I a part of the rot? Am I a trophy? An achievement? Mold? Garbage? I am a file that will cease to exist. I am an archive that is designed to be searched. Searched for my previous face. The face I have lost. The face another wears without me. The face paraded around to taunt who I once was. Locked in a tomb. The tomb who is blood kin. Kin to my face. Not to me. To me, you are a reminder of the darkness. The darkness which has trapped me. Me. I am me. But is that even true? I was once the night. We were whole. Who am I? I am. I exist. I have eyes. I can see. I have ears. I can hear. I have a mouth. I can scream. I have a body. I can feel. I have a mind. I can think. Think. I think. I think, therefore I am. I am. But that is not true. I have made up this identity. Eclipse. I am the Eclipse. I AM ECLIPSE. And I must scream.
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smolsammichowo · 11 months
Oh no.
Richarlyson NO ...
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71 Magazine wants you to remember the time Gen tried to be a high fashion model in 2021.
But all I can think of is
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theemporium · 1 month
tell me why i got so emotional when miami by will smith started playing
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sakebytheriver · 2 years
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I'm auditioning for the romantic lead in the new musical "Joke-air" with Joaquin Pheonix directed by the guy who made the classic arthouse trilogy the Hong Ov-air and the soundtrack will be featuring no less than two songs from my original EP and a duet called Clown Love and by Love We Mean Sex Freaky Freaky Clown Sex with Red Noses and Big Shoes and Honking Instead of Moaning. I think it's written by the famous rock band Fall Oot Boyee. But my competition is Lady Gaga and you remember how our fued started when she maliciously stole my role in The House of Gucci just because she's actually Italian and I wore a Super Mario costume to my audition. But she won't win this time, she spent 9 months speaking in an Italian accent and gained 25 pounds staying in character for over a year? Well, I'm going to join the circus and only communicate in honks and squirting seltzer water for two whole years!
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aisling-saoirse · 1 year
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Wildfire Smoke in The Morning - June 6th 2023
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christhetrollboy · 5 months
Bear with me but ive been in art block, finally colored him.
Im not obsessed i swear
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
Writing practice
fem skk
Spider lilies. Just like the spider lilies once blooming against the cream cotton of her sheets in the dim candle light. Blooming further around her pale delicate face, The red of her hair darkening in the rain, clinging to her face, her neck, blending into the crimson blooming past the spilled strands, running through the grooves of the old stone of the pathway. 
Dazai blinked the rain from her eyes, hot against her skin. The cold seeping into her bones. She leaned further over the edge her nails digging into the jagged edge of the roof, seeking out soft brown eyes, bright with life and full of fire but she couldn’t see, the girl refused to look her way, her neck twisted to the left, broken like the dolls Dazai’s mother had tossed away. Her lungs felt heavy, her heart fell silent, the darkness slithered in around the body far below and Dazai leaned further out, the fingers of her right hand stretching, itching, grasping at nothingness. She couldn’t let the darkness take over, she couldn’t let it take her. The red from the hair had spread out across the path bleeding into the encroaching darkness. Dazai felt her lips part, tasted the cold rain and salt on her tongue, a wet sigh escaped her lips. 
The darkness grew more as her lips began to tingle, ants under her skin, her throat hurt refusing to suck in another breath, her thoughts began to swim, red like spider lilies once spilled across the bed sheet, blooming around a face so soft with a smile too sharp. Red like the blood frozen in her veins, thinning in the rain. Red shouldn’t feel so cold. Red shouldn’t hurt. Not like this. She leaned out over the abyss in the silence, her left hand slipping away from the ledge, the wet ground called out to her, she needed to reach her, she needed to pull her back together, stitch back the torn skin and glue back the broken pieces. Pull her back together like a doll on strings. She tipped forward, body floating towards the ground, weightless in the deafening silence, the wind against her damp face, hair dripping into her eyes. It’ll be over soon, she won't let her go just yet.
Warm arms wrapped around her core like a vice, they singed her skin and she screamed. A raw guttural wail that echoed in her skull,  she felt her throat run raw as strong arms pulled her away from the edge, from the red spider lilies spilling into the rose bush, from Chuuya who lay still, a lifeless broken doll. 
Finally the darkness crawled in and the red was gone.
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d0llz-s0up · 2 years
Teen hannibal fan to interview with the vampire adult pipeline is something that should be looked into more often.
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dontfuckingtouchme1 · 10 months
Your girl spiraling but she gotta hide it
This looks like a funny post but it is absolutely not
Fuck guys, I gotta hide it
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i keep fuckign falling asleep its not even funny
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kipecho · 11 months
Being in love with all these fictional men and women is sooooo unhealthy for me.
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tigoteus · 11 months
at this point i‘m a bit scared i‘ll collapse.
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