sareinadale · 2 years
hear me hear me
can someone PLEASE make an edit of helsa based on ghost's mary on a cross? thanks to the trend, im obsessed with this song and i have this brilliant idea of using the last part of the song 'your beauty never ever scared me' for HELSA!!!!!!
im gonna rest my case until my semester break starts and i'll probably tackle this myself if there's no edit on this :'D
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th3e-m4ng0 · 1 year
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suddenly he realized. and then couldn't stop realizing
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quaddmgd · 9 months
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Place me in my casket tonight Because I'm already dying inside Pale skin so cold to the touch Like a rose in bloom when we blush Dark eyes meet under the sky The stars are out, we're alive in the night My hollow heart finds it too hard to trust We're all alone until we turn back to dust
Sidewalks and Skeletons - GOTH
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linabirb · 4 months
here it is. time to Vibe everyone
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francy-sketches · 10 months
do u guys think I can animate a 5 minute video in like 8 months
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mad4turtles · 2 years
big bro michelangelo
part 2/2
(part 1 here)
Mikey understands why Splinter gets pissed whenever they wake him up from a nap.
Sleep is amazing. 
After rolling out of bed and treating himself to the longest shower he's ever had, he returns to the t.v room to find the toddlers and Splinter all asleep in the fort. They'd left it up overnight at the behest of the kids, and Splinter hadn't complained once about the room being overtaken or missing his shows as he'd sat with them, picking up from where Mikey had left off in the Wizard of Oz. Mikey had been herded to bed early by April after wolfing down a whole pizza courtesy of Cass—a not completely rare bout of kindness—and Splinter had still been in the fort when he left, the little ones taking up his lap and shoulders as they listened to him read with wonder in their eyes.
He's just in time to watch as Draxum carefully removes the book from where it'd fallen over Splinter's eyes and lifts the blanket to cover all four of them. Leo shifts in his sleep, brows furrowing until Draxum hushes him, gently stroking his head until the little slider settles down again, cuddling against Donnie. Automatically, Donnie shifts to cling to Leo. Draxum leans back on his heels with a smile.
Mikey has never whipped out his phone so fast in his life.
Draxum still notices, though, and the poisonous glare he sends the box turtle is dampened only by the pink blooming across his cheeks. He points a warning finger. “Not. One. Word.”
Mikey waggles the phone in his hand. “Get Dad to double my allowance, or this baby goes viral.”
Draxum splutters. “Wh—why in the—why in Spirits' name should I bend to the whims of—?”
“I took care of three screaming mutant ninja toddlers by myself four hours before your woolly ass got here,” Mikey says with dead eyes. Draxum goes very still. Good, 'cause Mikey ain't playing. “I deserve a little somethin'. Even if I gotta blackmail my way to get it.”
Draxum stares. “I'll talk with your father.”
“Thanks, Papa!” Mikey chimes, skipping over to give his step-father a hug and a kiss on the cheek he can't dodge fast enough. The sheep yokai rolls his eyes and pats Mikey's hand.
“I'd say I'm proud, but quite frankly, Michelangelo, you frighten me.”
“Dr Delicate Touch can be a petty bitch.”
“You don't really care.”
“I really don't.”
They leave the sleeping tots and Splinter in the fort and head for the kitchen where April and both Jones' are waiting. April smiles when Mikey steps through and pulls him in for a cuddle. “Sleep well, big bro?” she asks.
“Like a baby, sis,” Mikey says, squeezing her waist and lifting her off her feet to make her laugh before setting her down to take the plate of fresh pancakes Casey offers him, He knew he'd smelled something good. “Thanks, Jr. Damn, these look fine!”
Casey smiles in that shy, thoroughly pleased way that melts Mikey's insides like goop. “Learned from the best,” he says. “Figured you'd be happier going over a game plan with a full stomach.”
Hopping up to sit cross-legged on the table, Mikey takes a big bite out of the pancake stack and sighs, blissed. “A man after my own heart,” he says around the mouthful. “Bless you, Casey Jones Jr.”
Draxum huffs a laugh poorly disguised as a scoff. “Let us continue with the plan. As Michelangelo told April over the phone, Hypno-potomus supposedly picked up a book of spells and cast a random one during battle. He had no idea that it would result in... well, that,” he jabs a thumb at the doorway where their napping charges lie, “which means tracking him down and forcing him to reverse the spell would be pointless.”
“What if we persuade him?” Cassandra asks, playing with a kunai with a terrifying grin splitting her face. Mikey has learned to stop asking where she keeps them.
April glares. “Cass, put the knives away. We're not torturing him.” Cass obeys, not without muttering and pouting. “Drax just said there's no point. What would beating the answer outta him do if he don't even got the answer? The spell was random, and besides that, he's kinda hard to find.”
“He's roommates with the worm guy, is he not?” Draxum asks. “Or am I mistaken?”
“Pretty sure they're married now,” Mikey says after swallowing.
“Oh. Congratulations to them, then.”
“Back on topic,” Casey cuts in, hands splayed on the table the way Mikey has seen Leo do a dozen times, and it makes him smile. “Hypno might not know what he did, but we can find out how to undo it without him. All we need is the book of spells or another book on how to break this one spell.”
April perks up. “Oh, right! Then Draxum can do his Mystic thing and bring our boys back!”
“And bring an end to this adorable torture!” Cass declares, waving her kunai (again) until Casey puts her arm down with practised patience. Draxum rolls his eyes again, and Mikey—
Mikey feels torn.
He misses his big brothers. He misses Raph's big booming laugh and hugs, Donnie's dry humour and the tangents he goes on about whatever special interest he has that week, and Leo's stupid jokes and reassuring smiles. He wants all that back, so bad it hurts. But...
Mikey sets his empty plate on the table. He needs his team and his big brothers back. He wants them back. But not at the cost of their happiness, this new (old) innocence...
Mikey realizes with a start that everyone's looking at him expectantly. Except for April, her brows furrowed in concern.
Right. Game-plan. Get his brothers back, and get the team back.
He shakes himself and smiles. “Sorry, zoned out. What did you say?”
April regards him a moment before smiling. Of course she knows. Big sisters just know everything. “I asked if you knew where we might find a spell book like what Hypno used? Or something that'll tell us how to break it?”
Mikey freezes. “... I may have an idea,” he says slowly. “There's... um... there's always the Mystic Library—”
“Of course!” Draxum exclaims. “The fountain of all mystical knowledge! How could I forget? I know exactly which section to look... but I cannot accompany you there as I am still not entirely welcome in the Hidden City, let alone the library.”
Mikey feels sweat gather along his brow. “Yeaaahh, about that—”
Draxum's smile falls like bricks. “Spirits above, Michelangelo, so help me—”
“We maybe kinda sorta might be banned?”
Draxum sighs, slapping a hand over his eyes. “Of course you are. I'm surprised you've not been barred from the entire Hidden City at this point.”
“You're one to talk, goat man,” Cass snips. Draxum ignores her.
“I'm sure they'll let you back in for an emergency, right?” April ventures. “I mean, who bans someone from a mystic library?”
Every head spins to face the doorway. Donnie, rubbing his eye with the heel of one hand, the other holding a droopy-eyed Leo, stares up at Mikey on the table. He hadn't heard them get up!
Baby ninjas. No wonder Dad went grey so fast.
“Mike's goin' to library?” Donnie asks, more awake now as hope and excitement sparkle in his eyes. He hops from foot to foot, jostling Leo. “Can I come? Can I, can I, please, please? Can I see library, Mike?!”
Oh hell no.
Desperate, Mikey turns to the other adults and teens in the room. None of them look at him, suddenly very interested in their phones, claws or, in Cass' case, the damn kunai, whistling loud and tuneless.
Mikey feels rage.
He turns to Donnie with a beaming smile—“Sure thing, Donnie D!” he says through his teeth.
“Can I come, too?” Leo asks, which throws Mikey for a loop until Leo continues with a yawn, “don' wanna let Don go 'lone. Gotta... gotta stay together. Rahpie comes, too.”
That breaks Mikey's heart and warms its shattered pieces all at once. Now he really can't say no.
“Of course, Little Blue! Go wake up Daddy if he isn't up already and let him help y'all get dressed! We're goin' on a feildtrip, baby!”
Leo and Donnie cheer with their whole bodies, throwing their arms up and stomping their feet before running off to find Raph and Dad. Mikey watches them go, love and warmth in his chest.
He turns to the others and the warmth turns to ice. “Expect a visit from Dr Delicate Touch in the next twenty-four hours.”
The sound of four people gulping has never sounded so sweet.
The bat yokai librarian doesn't look overly happy to see him as she peers over her desk.
One look at the three wide-eyed, slack-jawed toddlers holding his hands and clinging to his back softens something in her gaze, but her soft tone is strict when she says, “I don't even want to know, do I?”
Mikey smiles and shrugs helplessly, shaking his head.
“If I allow you to browse, I trust you will be quiet?”
“Yes, ma'am,” Mikey whispers.
“And your young charges?”
Mikey looks down at the little ones. “Remember our talk, lil' bros?”
Three heads bob in rapid nods, putting their fingers to their lips. “Library voices, shh,” they whisper.
Mikey beams. “Rad.”
The librarian almost cracks a smile. No one is immune to turtle tot cuteness. “Very good. You may proceed. But one word and all of you will be in the Kiddie Room.”
Mikey's pretty sure he's the undisputed ruler of the Kiddie Room, but he's not going to chance it today. He salutes and turns to scour the shelves Draxum told him about, but Donnie hops off his shell and races toward the desk. Mikey bites his lip against a shout, but he hisses Donnie's name frantically. He goes ignored.
Donnie carefully taps the pedestal. “S'cuse me, miss library lady,” he whispers.
She raises a brow. “Yes?”
Donnie beams, hands flapping by his sides. With his glasses on, sizes too big for his face, he looks younger than he is and far cuter than he has any right to be. “Thank you very much for letting us come to your beau—bootiful—boot—pretty library,” he chimes quietly. “I love books so much!”
The librarian stares, eyes slightly wide. And then her smile is small but real. “You're quite welcome, young man. Take as long as you need to.”
Donnie flaps his hands again, excited. “Thank you, I love you, buh-bye!” he chirps and trots back to Mikey, hopping onto his back and clinging, muffling giggles against Mikey's hoodie.
It's all Mikey can do to keep from squealing, eyes welling up. The librarian doesn't seem to be faring any better.
It takes forever, especially with three excited babies all wanting to do their own thing and trying to run off, barely evading the Hush Bats' wrath, but he finds the section he's looking for and has the boys sit in a reading nook with colouring books he'd brought with him. Donnie forgoes them and settles in a massive armchair with Sherlock Holmes's complete collection on his lap.
Mikey finds the book he's looking for after half an hour, and by then, he's exhausted, eyes burning, limbs aching as he plops onto the floor with Leo and Raph. They're quietly discussing who would win in the ultimate fight between Lou Jitsu and Jupiter Jim, with Leo on the side of their father. He smiles as he skims the index and flips through the pages.
Ah-ha! There! De-Ageing Spells, hell yes!
Grinning, Mikey reads. And reads. And...
His smile falls.
He lifts his head from the book, turning to face the toddlers smiling and softly giggling in their own little bubble, safe and sound from reality's sharp, unforgiving needle.
His heart sinks.
Oh, man.
The good news is the spell is easily reversible; no blood oaths or sacrificial virgins required. All they have to do is want to be big again, remember who they're supposed to be and let go of who and what they were.
The bad news is it's been three days since they went to the library, four since they were changed.
Mikey knew from the moment he'd read the article. They don't want to change back.
He doesn't blame them.
It's easy to forget sometimes that they're teenagers. Mikey is fifteen, for crying out loud. Raph is—should be—seventeen, a kid in a law that will never touch them, not really, as they are. They've saved the world from evils beyond comprehension, have nearly died on many occasions, and they're not even legally allowed to drink! Much as they hate to hear it due to whatever dumb hormones tell them otherwise, they're children. They shouldn't have to do any of this. That's why most superheroes in media are adults—severely messed up adults, but still!
Why should Mikey take this away from them? Why should anyone take it away or force them to want to let it go? The world will always be in danger, so why can't someone else 'rise to the challenge' and defend it? Why does the world have to fall on the shoulders of kids who barely get the chance to be kids? Why can't they be selfish for once?
Tensions were high in the two years following Splinter's decision to make Leo the leader—a position Leo had never wanted and Raph was doing so well in despite the challenges—and then things change after the Krang. Leo cracks fewer jokes and trains more often, Donnie triple-checks and quadruples his time in the lab pouring over defences, upgrades and fail-safes, and Raph is twice as jittery at night, can't sleep without a light on or checking on his family several times each night. Not that Splinter is much better—Mikey hears him every night, feigns sleep when his father tucks him in and kisses his cheek, lingering a moment before moving on to the next room.
This is the happiest he's seen his family in what feels like forever.
But as much as Mikey wants his brothers' happiness, his true wish is just as selfish. And he feels horrible for it, he does. But—
“I want my big brothers back,” he says, muffled in the folds of Draxum's robe on the night of day five. Sitting on his bed, he clings to his stepfather with all his strength and lets the tears fall. Draxum holds him with one hand on the back of his head, the other rubbing circles along his shell. It's a show of affection he's still getting used to two years down the line, and as much as it's appreciated it only makes Mikey cry harder.
Raph used to do this. Used to pick me right off the floor and crush me with all the love he had in him.
“I don't want them to hurt anymore,” he says through his tears, “I don't want them to fight or, or carry everything all the time 'cos they feel like they have to. I want them to be happy. But... I miss them! I miss my big brothers and I want them back! I don't wanna be the big brother anymore!”
“Hush,” Draxum soothes, holding Mikey tighter as he cries himself out. “I don't know your brothers as well as I'd like to, but I do know how much they care about you. A part of them knows and remembers who they really are. A part that knows this can't last, no matter how much they want it to. The past is in the past, and all that's left is the present and what we have to look forward to. They won't stay like this forever, Michelangelo.”
Mikey sniffles messily, not that Draxum seems to care about the mess he's made of his robe. “That's... that's prolly the wisest thing you've ever said, Papa,” he says. Draxum huffs fondly, but Mikey's smile dims quickly. “What if they do? What if they... what if they love being kids again more than—?”
“Don't you dare,” April hisses from where she's suddenly materialized in the doorway, “finish that sentence, Hamato Michelangelo.”
Mikey stares at her. Draxum loosens his grip and stands in time for April to take his place on the bed, taking Mikey's face between her hands and giving him a firm shake.
“Mikey,” she says, eyes burning like coals into his. Her worry is buried deep beneath, but Mikey sees it through the cracks. “Your brothers adore you. If you asked for the moon in a basket or the sun for a night light, you bet your little ass they'd find a way to make that happen. Ain't nothing in this world more important to them than you. No amount of Jupiter Jim marathons, bedtime stories or piggyback rides could ever hold a candle to having you as their little brother. They'll break this spell no matter what it takes or how long. You know this, I know this—hell, Draxum knows it!”
“Why do you sound so surprised?”
“So hang in there, okay?” She smiles, pressing a kiss between his eyes and wiping his tears away with her thumbs. “Give 'em time. They'll be back before you know it.”
Mikey breathes in deeply and tries to believe. He nods. “Okay,” he croaks, throwing his arms around his sister's neck when she pulls him in.
(Outside the door, a pair of tiny feet quickly scurry away.)
He takes his eyes off them for a second.
They're playing in the park, hanging off the monkey bars and the swing set, and Mikey, sitting on the bench, reaches for the buzzing phone in his pocket.
Then Leo shrieks his name, and terror freezes Mikey's blood.
Hypno has Leo and Raph by their hoodies. Donnie screams at him to put his brothers down, kicking the mutant hippo's shin to little effect.
“Aw, aren't you lot adorable?” the magician coos. “Can't believe you're still so tiny, but, I'll take what I can get. Which is you lot, to get Orange over there to come running right into my trap! You won't be much of a nuisance if you're all pint-sized tots!”
Mikey doesn't hear what the fat creature says over the ringing in his ears. His body moves on its own, faster than he's ever moved in his life, and even then, he's too late. Hypno vanishes in a puff of purple smoke.
Leo, Donnie and Raph are gone, too.
Mikey stares at where they'd stood. Donnie's glasses lie forgotten on the wood chippings, the lenses cracked. Carefully, Mikey scoops them up. He shuts his eyes and grits his teeth.
When he opens his eyes, the world is red.
He uses Donnie's tracker to find them—thank god for Donnie's paranoia and mildly invasive meddling tendencies. They're holed up in some run-down warehouse, empty save for boxes no doubt filled with Hypno's assortment of traps, support pillars that creak ominously to the time of dripping pipes.
And, of course, Hypno and his little-big brothers, tied up and crying out for him from the little cage behind the magician.
The world is still red around the edges, and Mikey ignores whatever villainous spiel the hippo spouts, nunchaku ablaze and spinning.
“Give. Me. My. Brothers.”
Mikey's voice sounds foreign to his ears, and whatever look Mikey has on his face makes Hypno stammer into silence and take a step back. “Whoa, nelly, that's quite the look you've got on your face! I-I'm actually starting to regret my decisions leading up to this moment.”
“Mikey's gonna kick your big fat butt!” Leo cries, struggling against the ropes binding him shell-to-shell with Raph and a sniffling Donnie.
“Yeah! He's gonna beat ya up, good, ya—ya big butt head!”
“B-Bitch!” Donnie says through his tears.
Hypno looks at them flatly. “Right, I'm over the regretting thing. Let's dance, shall we, Orange?”
Mikey scowls. “Gladly,” he hisses, and charges.
(He understands Raph's rage, now, barely hidden under layers and layers of love. He wonders if it's this scary to him, too, knowing how much of it he has and what it does to you when the people you protect are in danger.
Perhaps that's what ultimately freed Raph from the Krang that day. It's what led Mikey to Leo, after all.)
The fight is as messy and chaotic as usual. But Mikey's not having fun, and Hypno won't let him get close to the tots until he's one of them. He must've finally studied the book, which is just great, really, and adds fuel to Mikey's growing fire. Figuratively and literally.
An explosion gets too close to the kids, and Donnie wails at the loud noise.
Then Mikey gets angry.
He traps Hypno in the extended chains and swings him straight through a pillar. It's the straw to break the camels' back as the whole building crumbles around them.
Mikey remembers himself and nearly chokes on his horror. What did I just do?
He hears his brothers scream his name. He shakes himself and sprints to the cage, tearing it open with sheer adrenaline and slicing the ropes away with the jagged piece of metal that bites into his skin. He ignores the sting and pulls the crying tots into his arms.
“It's okay, guys,” he says, dizzy with relief—he's got them, they're safe, he'll get them out, and they'll be safe, they'll be okay—“It's okay. Big bro Mikey's here.”
Something gives above their heads. Mikey looks up in time to see the giant slabs of concrete hurtling towards them.
He doesn't think twice. He shoves the boys as hard as he can, and—
And he blinks awake to a ringing in his ears and copper in his mouth. He feels numb from the waist down.
He's buried under the rubble.
His vision is spotty with hints of actual red—blood, most likely—but he can see the boys. They're not hurt. Covered in dust and soot from the collapsing debris and crying their hearts out, but they're fine.
They're okay. Good.
“Go on, guys,” he coughs. Raph stops tugging his arm to stare at him with open horror. It's not something he ever wants to see on a toddler's face, but there's not much he can do about it now. “T-There's... not much time. Y'gotta get outta here, the buildings' comin' down...”
“NO!” Donnie shrieks, stomping his feet, big fat tears dripping down his chin. “No no no! Not leaving Mikey, no! Not leaving you!”
“Stay together!” Leo sobs. Mikey wants to reach out and hold him, but his left arm's buried under the rubble, the other clutched in Raph's trembling hands. “Gotta help, Mike, gotta—gotta get back to normal 'n be big together again!”
Ah. It was Leo who overheard. Heh. Baby ninjas.
Mikey huffs. “S'okay, Little Blue,” he says, words slurring together as it gets harder to stay awake. “You guys... It doesn't matter how big or small you are. I love you anyway. I'll always love you because you're still my brothers.”
He smiles big and wide, fighting tears. “Big Bro Michelangelo loves you. Always.”
They stare at him, masks soaked with tears. It's not the best thing to see right before you die, but Mikey thinks it could be worse.
He can't keep his eyes open anymore. He feels Raph drop his arm. Good. They're leaving. He hopes Donnie can still work a phone to call Dad. Hopes they don't blame themselves.
He hears another pillar give above him, and he knows it's over.
They'll be okay. Mikey did what every good big brother is supposed to do. He did good.
There's a familiar whirr of machinery, a crackle of energy that Mikey knows as intimately as his own, a flash of purple—
Mikey's eyes snap open. He looks up.
Donatello stands over him—sixteen years old, a pillar of armour, defined muscles and gangly limbs—a mystic shield keeping the worst of the debris from crushing them. He meets Mikey's gaze and grins through the strain.
Mikey's jaw hangs. “... Donnie?”
“In the half-shell!” Donnie declares, and Mikey could cry.
Lightning crackles against the stones pinning Mikey. A circle of brilliant blue sparks to life beneath them and pulls them under. The world spins until it rights itself in the form of Leonardo catching him before the portal can spit him onto the asphalt. Mikey blinks the white spots away until the striped face of his grinning older brother remains, his smirk set at an angle that's equal parts arrogance and affection. Behind them, the warehouse collapses.
“Were you expecting DiCaprio?” Leo quips. It's not even remotely funny, but Mikey throws his head back and laughs.
Then he freezes. “Wait, wait!” He squirms in Leo's arms, but Leo settles for dropping to his knees and setting him on the ground. Mikey paws at his shoulders desperately. “W-where's—?”
A red goliath bursts from the rubble in a shower of brick and twisted metal and leaps out of the wreckage, leaving small craters in the ground as he lands superhero-style. He drops Hypno off to the side before re-calling his ninpo.
And then there's only Raphael, smiling right at him as he lumbers over to kneel before them.
Mikey shakes. Leo's arms wrap around his shoulders and hold him close. “Raph...”
“You did great, little brother,” he says, reaching out with one massive hand to gently cup Mikey's cheek in his calloused palm. His eyes shine with unshed tears and pride. “You really did. You saved us, buddy. I'm proud of you.”
“Same here,” Leo says, nuzzling his cheek against Mikey's. His mask is still damp. “Sorry it took us so long to come back, little bro.”
“Indeed,” Donnie adds, typing something onto his holographic before joining them on the floor. “Though my memories of being toddler-fied are hazy at best, I do recall enjoying elements of it. However, no amount of piggyback rides or weaponising cuteness for a mystic library pass could satisfy my need to reach the freaking kitchen countertop by myself and slice my own goddamn fruit, thank you very much!”
Raph rolls his eyes with a smile that's equal parts fond and exasperated. A smile that Mikey gets now. “I think what Don's tryin' to say, is that, yeah, being kids again was fun while it lasted. And spending time with Dad like that again was really great...”
“But Draxum was right,” Leo adds, drawing back enough to wipe the soot and blood off Mikey's face with his mask tails. He smiles. “We gotta let go of the past. That's done. What matters now is what we do in the present—”
“And the things we have to look forward to in the future,” Donnie finishes, reaching out to rub the top of Mikey's head. “For instance, I am most looking forward to wiping every single freaking picture and or video you've taken these last six days. Tech gods as my witness, I will leave no SD card unturned, no RAM un—oh. Oh, Mikey...”
Mikey doesn't realize he's crying until Leo pulls him back for a hug, holding tight. Then the floodgates burst as he gives way to heaving sobs, curling into Leo's chest. Donnie drops all pretences and joins the embrace, his snout nuzzling Mikey's head. Raph gathers them all up and squeezes.
Through the haze of bone-deep, exhaustion, aches, pains and relief, Mikey smiles.
They're back. My big brothers are back. April and Draxum were right.
Just when Mikey thinks he could stay like this with them forever, there's a groan near the mound of rubble. A ripple goes through the (now) older trio as they lift their heads and turn as one. Mike follows a beat after.
Hypno rubs his head and looks around him, rumpled and rough-looking as Mikey feels, but mostly intact save for a nasty black eye. Both eyes widen when he sees the turtles staring back at him.
He blinks. “Um. I can explain.”
Raph, Leo and Donnie narrow their eyes to slits at the cowering hippo mutant. Mikey stifles a giggle.
Oh, he 'bout to get it.
Raph looks back down at Mikey and smiles. “You sit tight for a sec, Little Man,” he says, kissing Mikey's forehead before letting them all go and standing, cracking his neck.
“Yeah, we'll be right back,” Leo pats his cheek and joins Raph. His claws peek out, hands fluttering at his sides.
“I've sent April a message. She and The Parents are en route, E.T.A three minutes, so keep an eye out, m'kay? Cool.” Donnie nudges his shoulder against his and extends his battle shell, hovering over Hypno.
Mikey, for once, is content to sit on the side and watch. He's already given Hypno a piece of his mind. Now it's his big brothers' turn.
“So,” Raph bumps his fists together, red armour encasing his arms. “You shrank us.”
“You kidnapped us,” Leo's swords flash into his palms.
“And you nearly crushed our baby brother,” Donnie's bo extends into a mini-missile launcher.
Hypno goes white. “A-Ah, hey now, let's not be hasty! It was all in good fun, we had a few laughs—!”
“Not only that, but you owe Mikey so much child support!” Leo cries, raising his swords. “You goddamned—”
“Big-mouthed—” Raph pulls his fists back.
“Blue gumball, simpleton—” Donnie spins his bo and lifts it high.
“Wait, wait, wait—!”
“SON OF A BITCH!” they holler and bring their weapons down in a burst of soot, brick and screaming hippo.
Grinning hard enough to hurt, Mikey throws his head back and cackles.
“That's my boys!”
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shut-up-its-funny · 4 hours
Al Bowlly's Heartaches is going into the remrom playlist for the simple fact that I was listening to it while outlining the stranded on island/ cannibalism/ Remus dies and Roman has to live without him story.
So. Have fun with that knowledge.
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rip damien karras i know u wouldve loved doomer wojak 💔
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stellawolfe30 · 2 months
Music hit so hard it makin' me miss the ex I never had.
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sucrows · 11 months
which enstars songs would be sex playlist worthy asking for a friend
imma be real with you chief, I am not a music during sex person, but if I had to choose...
Romancing Cruise
Honey Milk to Taste
Tsubasa Moratorium
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martilyongabo · 5 months
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idk what happened, i was listening to Crush and the song changed midway thru the sketch (12.30.23-12.31.23)
this was meant to be funny ToT now it is not
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misterbaritone · 6 months
Look all I’m saying is that whoever decides to use the “slowed + reverb” version of Out of Touch for their Out of Touch Thursday videos should kill themsevles ⚡️⚡️⚡️NOW⚡️⚡️⚡️
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cloud-iceshadow · 1 year
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How bad can he possibly be?
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the-kipsabian · 8 months
..actually while we are here and im on a fun fact kick
did you know
heres a song that inspired the first chapter of immortal fears
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beevean · 8 months
Mega Man Legends 2
Nino ~ Ruins of Water
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pheadhones · 10 months
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it’s true
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