incorrect-shoujisquad · 8 months
mha (mainly shoujisquad) as things ive overheard in high-school 3
mina: they act like jesus pulled that box of pads out of his bleeding jesussy and blessed the world with period protection
jirou: i'm a horrible mother
kaminari: nah it's the app's fault
kaminari: they don't tell us when toaster is about to fucking explode
shouji: respectfully, i don't give a flying FUCK about that bitch, i hope they DIE
tokoyami: how are you gonna say "respectfully" and then say some of the most disrespectful shit on the face of the earth
edgeshot: broken car battery my dick
best jeanist: edgeshot!
edgeshot: what?! you expect me to believe that my neighbor, who HATES me by the way, that her car just so happened to break down in front of my house? FUCK ALL THAT
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burningtacozombie · 10 months
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Danny was out at the picket lines again on August 14 and 16 while Andrew and Gino are out there today, August 18. Photos: X - X - Hollywood To You/Star Max
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henbeaka · 4 months
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icallhimjoey · 10 months
re-why are we mean to joe: the girls who have an avoidant attachment style get it, the others don't.
and as one of the avoidant girlies i must say thank you so so much for depicting us so well. i find it hard to find people who don't paint us in a bad light so that's very refreshing to me! thank you so much for that!
anyway, just gonna listen to cinnamon girl on a loop now. for no particular reason.
ahhh SEE!!! im not traumatized! ive just got an avoidant attachment style -hair flip-
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freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ you’re under arrest for being so lovely. copy this message to 10 other blogs (only if you want to) that you think are beautiful and deserve it. keep the game going and make others feel beautiful 💜
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wanderinthedeep · 11 months
oh hey, 250 followers! 🎉 a drop in the bucket compared to my glory days, but then again, I was twinkier and sluttier and Tumblr was more densely populated so I’m honestly just happy for those of you, new and old, who still have some interest in what I have to say (and what my ass looks like).
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literaturebf · 5 months
consider what i do when i have writer's block: write a poem about my inability to write
anon u got my back
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 1 year
(i swear if no matter the wreckage gets to 1000 kudos by the end of the month, ill reward everyone by
actually writing something
idk pretending i actually wrote the fic and maybe answering questions about it if you want
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roosterforme · 2 years
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Thanks for following me! Love you babes!
Let's play a game! Choose one from each category and send them to my inbox. I'll try to write you a little blurb, just a paragraph or two, combining all of the things you picked!
Pick one character:
Rooster, Phoenix, Bob, Hangman
Pick one location:
The Hard Deck, cockpit of an F/A-18, Mav's hangar, an aircraft carrier, the Bronco, a naval classroom, the beach
Pick one item:
Dog tags, flight suit, toothpick, pool cue, darts, jukebox, bottle of beer, mustache, aviator sunglasses, a football
I'll try my best to get to all of them! Thanks again, all you lovely babes! 💕
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
new fic flopped babes haha
you do realise i post my work for my own personal happiness mostly, right? the amount of notes i get usually doesn’t matter to me — if you guys read and reblog and leave lovely comments that means the world, but i do this for me too. it’s okay that this one wasn’t for everyone 😊
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messylustt · 11 months
but if you mean more their personal esteem, like if I put myself in the shoes of someone who has slept with that many people it would honestly boost my confidence. as long as there was no sticky business (cheating or anything) i would feel like some femme fatal 💅
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kissmeandcrucify · 1 year
Would you rather eat ass or get your ass eaten?
Ok both, but I LOVE getting my ass eaten omg
-Ask Me Anything!-
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
"My wife"
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I legit choked on my wine at this.
1000/10 beautiful ending and we couldn't have asked for more. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this one, it's so beautiful and so appreciated. ❤️🙌
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jonesyjonesyjonesy · 2 years
Music Ask: 8, 17, and 27
8. name an artist/band that isn’t touring at the moment who you’d really like to see in concert
Okay, I'm like desperate for Patti Smith to go on tour to somewhere that isn't NYC or Europe.
17. if you could go back in time and attend any artist/band’s concert that you were unable to attend, who would it be and when?
Bleb Bleppelin!!!!!! Of course. Honestly, any time. I'm not picky. I know they had the ups and the downs, but like!
Also, Cream at the Chicago Stadium on their farewell tour. It was my mom's first concert and it sounds like it was fucking awesome.
27. name a song that you wish was longer.
As I've let it be know, I'm obsessed with "That Smell" by Lynyrd Skynyrd as of late, but I think it's needs to be about 45 seconds longer. It rips so hard right at the end and then feels like it doesn't get as good of a button as it deserves.
Music Asks 🎼
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peterparkersnose · 1 year
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texasbama · 1 year
I knowwww a anon ( likely a white person ) isn’t getting offended that a BLACK WOMAN does not care for a mediocre white character / white woman?? Be very fr rn. Fuck your feelings honestly. If you wanna be bold , do it off anon.
Get the fuck off my sis’s page with the bullshit.
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