#TF Tale
senorincognito69 · 1 year
Milkshaked (illustrated TF tale - man into cow-TG by SkS)
(Man into cow-TG)*
Art by MistyMorning: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/mistymorning/
Original: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/47991615/
Light slashed the darkness as Darren opened the fridge door.
The man leaned forwards to inspect the interior. His skin smelt of soap, he was just  wearing underwear and sandals, having come out of the shower looking for something to satiate his thirst.
Darren smacked his lips, looking around, his eyes stopped when he saw the milkshake cup… on Devin’s shelf. Devin was his older twin sister, older by a whole minute as she loved to remind him. She often told him not to touch the food and drinks on her shelf and Darren had equally often disregarded such demands.
This time was no different.
With a wide smirk Darren grabbed the cup and closed the door.
“Thank you, sis!” he gloated.
With the cup in hand he moved from the kitchen into the living room, it was a lofty two storey penthouse, most of the outer walls were large windows. Darren was home alone that afternoon. on the city skyline the sunset was slowly giving way to the night. The chattering of the late news was coming from his phone, which he had left on the table, near to the towel he had used after his shower.
“...has been declared guilty after all the evidence showed he had taken seventeen million dollars from the public transport fund for the construction of a beach house in Florida,” said the controlled woman’s voice from the device. “Now, the local news for the Baltimore area,” the newswoman continued. “Bella Tanner, a thirty six year old lawyer well known for having participated in the last mayoral elections, yesterday suffered a hormonal outburst and metamorphosed into a cow during a meeting with members of the legal firm she named after herself. One of her interns filmed this short clip of the events.”
Sounds of snapping bones and ripping clothes began to echo around the living room, followed by a long low bellow, then Bella’s inhumanly deep voice babbling.
“Muuuuuh toooooits so duuum fuuuuull! Why nuuuune of you muuuulk meeeeh, cuuuuuckless boooostards! MOOOOOOOO! Woit! Youuuuu filmuuuuu me?! STOP! STUUUUP! RIGH MUUUUH! I WILL FUUUURIE YOOOOOOOOH!”
A crash, screams and more angry bellows.
Darren shook his head.
“Women will be women until they aren’t anymore by using that Shift Inc. crap,” he chuckled, thinking out loud. “How dumb would you have to be to do that to yourself? Now… Come to think of it, didn’t Devin say she had bought one of those hormonal thingies? A bovine-something-something… Hmph! Hope that duffos ends up transforming herself too, it would be pretty freaking funny! At least as a cow she would only be a bother to the farmer!”
He laughed and began to suck on the straw, drinking the milkshake as the newswoman continued talking in the background.
“...Takecare Insurance took charge of the situation, ensuring the former lawyer’s well being after the transformation and arranging for her transportation to a nearby dairy facility. Her husband declared he planned to take legal action, but so far no more accusations have been disclosed…”
“Hmmmmm…” Darren nodded, mindlessly sucking and chewing the straw, he was heating up. “You’re gonna mate with a lot of beefy bulls from now on, aren’t ya, Bella…? Stuuuuuupid lucky cow… only having to worry about… milking and fuuuuuucking…”
The newswoman’s voice became a muffled background buzz.
Darren was getting lost in the aphrodisiacal taste of the milkshake, the softest mix of chocolate and milk to ever grace his throat. It made his blood rush, his pupils dilated and his brain… fogged with enticing thoughts of uppity women getting reduced to livestock…
His penis had gotten hard… very hard…
He had never had that impressive of a penis, but his cock was reaching absurd proportions inside his underwear. Not just the phallus itself, but his scrotum too, growing heavy and full, a new pair of protuberances, it felt like having three cocks.
A bulge formed at the front and in the rear too, another new lump sprouting and thickening from the end of his spine. Darren didn’t care, at least not yet, he had an idiot's smile on his face as he kept drinking. His ears slowly stretched through and out of his long blond hair, long and round…
Those ears shook and suddenly were coated in short black fur…
They seemed…
“Hmmmmuuuuuhhhh…” Darren mumbled. “So gooooooooooood,” he wished the milkshake could last forever. His rear was gradually expanding, his whole body in fact, that, combined with swelling bulges on the front and back of his pelvic area began to tear and rip his underwear, but he still didn’t care. “Mooore! Want mooore…!” He began to tiptoe, slightly slipping out of the sandals. Above his over inflated ball sack an intense heat was focussed in the skin, a drilling, mind blowing lust that flared all of Darren’s senses. “Me…” he snorted, his cow ears standing up tall. “Me… WANT… MOOOOUUUUUUUHREE!”
Darren took a step forward, bellowing out his lust.
His fingers lost their grip of the milkshake, the cursed cup crashed and splashed to the floor.
A loud ripping sound soon followed.
On his rear flesh gave birth to a cunt that would birth calves.
He stood confused for a while, his ears flickering, his vision flashing… and the changes continued progressing…
“Uh…? Uh…?” the guy babbled looking behind him.
With a puzzled expression he grabbed the cow tail and pulled.
He pulled - and felt it on his pine. His body continued expanding rapidly , completely tearing his underwear. He took another couple of steps forward, losing his sandals, yet, despite being barefoot, he still felt as if there was something between the floor and his feet.
Something that clopped.
“Are those HUUUUUUUVes?!”
Darren began to panic, pulling at the tail, snorting.
“What’s wroOOOOoooong?!” he cried… and stopped… because he finally saw his crotch… and how much his cock had been deformed.
Pink, vividly pink and veiny, it was still swelling between his thighs. His scrotum had developed a pair of teats and the weight of his balls had been replaced by… something else…
He left the tail swinging freely and grabbed his cock, feeling a pulse of pleasure.
“MOOOOOOH!” Darren squeezed, it didn’t feel hard, or at least not as hard as a penis should.
The pressure grew, he grew, his swollen cock shrank slightly to match the other teats in the udder. The glowing heat under the tail, his tail, near his anus, screaming, begging for attention. Fingers had started to feel numb when he moved them towards that heat, terrified of what they would find.
He touched blindly with what was becoming a hoof in the making, he held his breath, the leathery exterior… the wet inner warmth… The hoove slipped inside the tight clench, there was a squish, a chill rushed up his spine, turning into fireworks in his brain and fear in his mouth.
“NO! NO!” his lower hooves stepped on the milkshake cup, splashing more milk around. Darren stared at the milkshake while his fingers fused into double digit hooves, he already knew what was going on, but didn’t want to admit it, as if denying reality would save him when he was already on his way there. “Cuuuuuuuuunt!” he said through gritted blocky teeth. “COOOOOOW CUUUUUUUUUUNT!”
A pattern of fur was sprouting across his tense skin, white and black, his skull pushed outwards and his face became a muzzle. His chest barrelled, Darren waved his lengthening arms and his snapping wrists, in a desperate attempt to combat the cracking in bones that wanted him to fall.
His weight was now way beyond human, he tried to move away from the cup, barely able to stand up, barely able to be mistaken for a man. As if teaching him a lesson for wanting to deny the obvious truth, his tail slapped his pussy, pleasure vibrated and he cried.
No person nor beast can defeat gravity just on a sorry whim.
What must happen, happened.
With a long bellow, perhaps the longest bellow, Darren dropped down onto all fours, to be sealed into that state for the rest of his life. His udder was shaken violently by the heavy landing down onto four hooves, the shaking strong enough to finally split what was once a singular cock into two teats.
Curses, anguish, panic, indignation, anger, frustration, all in the forms of moos as every attempt to stand up failed.
That long blond hair was quickly lost.
A neck that grew thicker as the cow grew fatter, speech making less and less sense.
Words that were spoken by a fat cow’s mouth, in a fat cow’s head, a fat cow with a full udder and a needy cunt. Changes were making certain that nobody would ever again make the mistake of thinking that Darren was what she wasn’t: A human male.
Holstein fur had claimed every single inch of skin, a skull that was completely reshaped into a bovine’s - that lacked horns, a bloated body and the fit muscles of a healthy young heifer. Her protests mattered not at all in the presence of the growing pressure in her udder.
How did she dare make fun of a sister with such a need not so long ago?
She squeezed the cup with her hoof.
There was no grace to Darren’s final human babble, she mooed about milk and being milked, with nobody around to witness the conclusion of her humanity.
A cow in a penthouse loft.
An angry cow, full of rage, lust and milk.
Bellowing loud enough for her moo’s to echo throughout the city she began to leap and jump around, she could have been a good broodmare if she hadn’t happened to be a dairy cow. She bucked and trashed and crashed. The buzzing cell phone was sent flying along with the whole table, a window smashed and a TV screen too, the marks from her hoof imprinted in a bashed fridge door. Each stroke with her hindquarters squeezed her trembling udder, liberating some of the pleasure in the form of milk splashes.
But such a large cow couldn’t keep up such a rage-filled performance for too long. She eventually stopped, gasping, tired. After mooing softly a few times her nostrils twitched and her belly growled.
Not long after the end of that bovine storm keys sounded on the other side of the apartment's door. The cow lifted her head, her mouth munching on one of the house plants. Devin came in, as a fine twin she looked just like Darren if Darren had been a hot cosmopolitan blonde… and not a cow.
She slowly took off her sunglasses as she took in the disastrous scenario.
The large cow stared at her without stopping her munching.
The city woman and the chewing farm beast looked at each other during a silence that felt longer than it really lasted. Devin blinked first, she looked around, saw the cup, the torn underwear, didn’t need anything more to formulate a correct guess.
“Hey, HEY! Stop chewing MY house plants, you damn barnyard whore!”
“Mooo! MOOOO!”
“Suck it up, moron, you shouldn’t have needed to be warned about what’s in MY milkshakes as I expected you not to touch the fridge shelf that you've been told a million times not to touch! Serves you right, I hope it was tasty enough?” Devin chuckled. “Well, congratulations, now you are the farmer’s problem!”
Devin lifted a finger, pulled her phone out from her purse and quickly slid her fingers over it to make a call, the cow chewed a bit more of the plant.
“Don’t eat any more plants, that can’t be good for you!”
They didn’t have to wait long for someone to answer the phone, Devin put the phone in her ear, walking up and down.
“Dad, you are not gonna believe what happened…!” Devin said gleefully… only for her face to immediately turn into a frown of surprise. “Oh, you DO believe it, uh…?” she sighed. “Yes, completely transformed, there was nothing left when I came in… Yes, yes, a cow, a fucking cow, she’s a cow now. Shouldn’t you be more upset about your former son getting in line for the milking parlour?” a pause. “Former YOUNGER brother, thanks… uh?” Devin quickly glanced at the cow. “By the looks of it, a fat cunt and a full udder, the duffus couldn't keep it for herself and wrecked the whole living room, it’s a total catastrophe, you should… Kind? What kind?” Devin stopped, looked  at the cow again, the cow looked back at her, trying to appear dignified as she munched. Devin crossed her arms, smirked wickedly. “She’s a fat horny hornless holstein…!”
---If you want to see more kinky TF shenanigans give a click to these links! ^^
-Furaffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/senorincognito69
-DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/senorincognito69
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/SIncognito69
--If you want to support and help me do more stuff:
-Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/senorincognito69
-Gumroad: https://app.gumroad.com/senorincognito69
-Pixiv Fanbox: https://senorincognito69.fanbox.cc/
-Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/senorincognito69
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hoomanbeaning · 10 days
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"... afraid she was no longer there, and eager to see her, the lover turned his eyes. in an instant she dropped back, and he, unhappy man, stretching out his arms to hold her and be held, clutched at nothing but the receding air. dying a second time, now, there was no complaint to her husband (what, then, could she complain of, except that she had been loved?) ..."
ovid's metamorphoses / orpheus and eurydice
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raystarkitty · 9 months
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Isaac wished on a Dragon Scale!
(Background from an episode of Dragon Tales xD)
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sotiredmostnights · 22 days
you'd better start believing in the shoujo renaissance, animanga community. you're in one.
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zal-cryptid · 4 months
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Hey, remember when I did this? WELL, I'M DOING IT AGAIN!
You like making OCs? Perhaps you have one already? Send them to me at [email protected] by 02/25/24!
If you have read my webcomic and seen the funky little cameo characters, you'll know the sorta thing I'm looking for. Be sure to write up a little bio for them if you want me to feature them in the post-chapter bonus material!
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braisedhoney · 10 months
Booty McTooty
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don’t look at me, pal, we don’t know either.
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watdraws · 5 months
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Changeling Tale - Out Now!
IT’S FINALLY HERE! After almost 7 years in the making, our 18+ TF-themed visual novel CHANGELING TALE is out now! Thank you so much for all of your support and encouragement over the years! We hope you all enjoy the game! Buy on STEAM or DRM-Free & Android on ITCH
Posted using PostyBirb
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fafnir19 · 6 months
Hunter Prince
As the youngest prince, I am often belittled, ridiculed, and scorned. My elder brothers, Haas and Rego, are exemplary warriors, while I, Prince Almir, am but a mere shadow in their presence. The king, too, has often expressed his disappointment in me, though he does so subtly, through concerned glances and exasperated sighs. One fateful day, a group of entertainers graced the castle with their presence, and amid their act, they unfolded a tale of Princess Naja, bewitched by an evil sorceress and earmarked for marriage to the fearsome wizard, Zarik. Her plight ignited a fire within me—the chance to prove my worth, not just to my family, but to myself. Stealing away from the castle, I embarked on a journey to rescue the fair Princess Naja.
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Many trials beset me, but eventually, I arrived at the sorceress's tower, where Naja was imprisoned high above, seemingly out of reach. I approached Naja, hoping for her wisdom and guidance. Much to my surprise, she revealed her secret knowledge of the sorceress's books. She disclosed the conditions for my success: "Capture the black unicorn and fashion boots from its untamable hide; Slay the black wolf and forge a cape from its impenetrable fur; Snare the black falcon and equip your garments with its swift feathers." With Naja's aid, and a stolen magical ring from the sorceress, I would then transform into these creatures. As a falcon, I would soar into the tower, transform into a wolf to subdue the sorceress, and flee with Naja upon the back of the unicorn.
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The challenges before me seemed insurmountable, but with cunning and skill, I succeeded in each task. The garments were fashioned, the magical ring obtained.
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As a falcon, I soared into the sky, riding the winds as they carried me closer to the lofty prison where Naja awaited her liberation. My heart pounded, and the adrenaline coursed through my veins as I approached the tower, ready to confront the sorceress and seize my chance to rescue the princess. "Naja, I'm here," I called out in a silent hum, the only sound that carried from my avian form. From the tower, her voice echoed back, laced with an urgency that spurred me onward. "Almir, be swift. Transform into the wolf when you arrive. We must act before the sorceress intervenes." My feathers ruffled with determination, and with a steely resolve, I executed the seamless transition into a formidable wolf. As I approached the tower, the door swung open with a gust of chilling wind, and I bounded forth to confront the sorceress. But as I advanced, ready to confront the wicked enchantress, the sight that greeted me struck with the force of a thunderbolt. It was not the sorceress who stood before me, but a figure much more imposing. It was the wizard Zarik, his eyes gleaming with power and malice. I snarled and attacked, but before I could even reach him, Zarik swiftly subdued me with a collar and muzzle.
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Naja stepped forward with a sinister smile, holding the magical ring. "Oh, Almir," she said with false sweetness. "I knew you would be the perfect addition to our little family." Naja's laughter filled the tower, a chilling sound that sent shivers down my spine. "You see, Almir, love can make one do many things. And my love for Zarik knows no bounds." She kissed Zarik and presented him with the magical ring. "This will be the perfect wedding gift for you, my dear." With a sinking feeling, I realized that the true love story was not between Princess Naja and I, but between her and the dark wizard Zarik. I desperately asked: "What is the meaning of this? Naja, I thought you were—" "Silence, Almir," Zarik commanded, his voice laced with an undercurrent of dark power that sent shivers down my spine. "You will come with us, and you will learn the consequences of meddling in matters beyond your understanding." As I stood there, rendered helpless and captive, the reality of the situation began to sink in. I had been tricked, betrayed, and now I was at the mercy of the very adversaries I had sought to thwart.
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Just as despair threatened to consume me, Zarik's voice cut through the suffocating silence. "Almir, you are no longer who you once were. From now on, you shall be known as Hunter, my loyal companion." I blinked in confusion, my mind reeling from the sudden turn of events. "Hunter? What do you mean?" Zarik's eyes held a chilling glint as he explained, "You possess remarkable potential, Hunter, and I will decide which form you will take—whether it is the unicorn for its speed, the wolf for its prowess in hunting, the falcon for its keen sight, or the human form for its cunning and intelligence." A dreadful realization dawned on me as the truth sank in. I was now at Zarik's mercy, bound to his will and stripped of my former identity. As Hunter, I had become a mere tool in the hands of a powerful wizard and a deceitful princess. Defeated and captive, I could only wonder what fate awaited me at the hands of the sorceress and the powerful wizard.
The days melded into an existence I had never fathomed, where loyalty was my only currency. Zarik, my captor turned master, reveled in his newfound "wedding gift," parading me like a prized possession. I accompanied him everywhere, adopting the form he desired, whether human, unicorn, wolf, or falcon.
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His training was relentless, intended not just to hone my hunting skills, but to break my spirit. "Good, Hunter," Zarik murmured, as I successfully tracked our prey through the dense forest. "I see great potential in you." Potential for what? I often pondered, but all that escaped my lips, in any form, were feigned grunts of acquiescence. One evening, as the sun dipped beneath the horizon, Zarik and I found ourselves in the great hall, partaking in a goblet of wine each. Naja appeared, cloaked in allure as always, her gaze flitting between us with a glimmer of malice. "Ah, Naja, my love," Zarik said, rising from his seat. "Have you come to admire our progress?" Naja's laugh echoed like silver bells, belying the darkness that swirled within her. "Indeed, Zarik. It's impressive how you've transformed Almir into such a useful companion." Useful? I snarled inwardly, my human form concealed by the boundary of silence I had resigned to. Zarik stepped closer to Naja, his eyes alight with fervor. "He has proven to be a valuable asset, indeed. His loyalty knows no bounds, just as yours." Naja's lips curled into a wry smirk, and I could almost taste the bitterness of my own plight. "Hunter, isn't it?" She addressed me as if I were naught but a hound. "Yes," Zarik affirmed with a glint in his eye, seeing his handiwork unfold. "His transformation is quite remarkable, wouldn't you agree?" I clenched my fists, hidden beneath the guise of human semblance, the wine in my goblet forgotten as their sinister exchange unfolded before me.
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Naja approached, her ethereal beauty masking the venomous intent within. "Impressive, indeed," she purred, her fingers trailing along my arm as if I were no more than a weapon at their disposal. I recoiled internally, stifling the violent impulse to lash out. Trapped within my own facade, I could only endure their twisted charade. The moon ascended high into the night as the hour grew late. Zarik and Naja bid each other farewell, entwining in a passionate embrace, leaving me to my thoughts. However, their parting words, laced with veiled intentions, lingered in the air like a thick mist. As they departed, Naja spared me a glance, her gaze cutting through my facade with cruel clarity. "Be sure to join us on our special night, Hunter," she taunted. "After all, you are an essential part of our union." With that, the door closed behind them, leaving me to confront the turmoil churning within. I had become nothing more than a pawn in their treacherous design, a far cry from the prince I once was. The night crept on as I wrestled with the shackles that bound me, both physical and emotional. Eventually, the fateful hour arrived, cloaked in a darkness that mirrored the despair in my heart. I approached the grand chamber, the weight of my captivity bearing down upon me. The door creaked as I entered, my footsteps echoing through the chamber. Zarik and Naja reclined upon the grand bed, their eyes gleaming with a sinister glimmer. My presence, a silent reminder of their triumph, did nothing to dampen their unholy revelry. "Ah, Hunter," Zarik beckoned, his voice laced with a cruel edge. "Come, fulfill your duty as my loyal companion."
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My stomach churned, repulsed by the spectacle before me, but even in my agony, I dared not defy their command. I assumed the form of the wolf and lay beside their bed, a silent sentinel on their unholy union. As the night waned, a haunting realization seeped into my very being—I had sacrificed not only my freedom, but also my dignity, on the altar of their dark desires. The weight of my sorrow threatened to consume me whole, and the hollow echoes of their laughter reverberated through the chamber, mocking my entrapment. In the depths of that chamber, I, the once proud Prince Almir, lay bound by chains unseen, ensnared in a web of cruelty spun by those I once sought to rescue. The night waned into dawn, casting an ethereal glow upon the shadows that enveloped me, and in that ephemeral light, a flicker of defiance kindled within me. Though my captivity had robbed me of many things, it could not extinguish the ember of resilience burning within. As the first light of dawn breached the horizon, I vowed to reclaim not just my freedom, but also the honor that had been callously stripped away. In the hushed embrace of that chamber, I plotted my emancipation from the clutches of their malevolent design, forging a resolve to defy their expectations and emerge from the darkness, a prince no longer in name alone, but in spirit and will.
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ivvmell · 2 months
im still sad that clone wars doesnt includes more episodes with army shenanigans and more clones as main characters as well, or, idk, at least the characters bonding? how they think about each other?
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tesnuzzik · 1 year
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✨Faerie Dance 🍂
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joethehoeee · 12 days
You know, I have this problem...
The problem is that whenever I have a question (one particular hard to answer) I NEED an answer.
The question is...What car does Walter Strickler from Trollhunters tales of Arcadia drive?
It's stupid I know but I am desprate for the answer. I love his car in particular (not only bc I love the character) because it's more uh..."sharp" I like such cars.
I have a few pics and maybe ONE person has more knowledge about cars (or how to google them) as me...
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I know bad quality BUT the show has the same car in Red.
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So I ask DESPERATELY to give my stupid brain peace... I know I know, not the post anyone expected. 😭
AND I KNOW. YOU DESERVE STRICKLAKE. I still have old drafts with old artstyle wi h I WILL post and bc I have such a boring question for you, I will give a sneakpeak.
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senorincognito69 · 2 years
46 - Lady Krampus' naughty list (Monthly tale - 46)
(Woman into donkey)*
Metamorphose Aesthetics: Season 2
Manip by TransformationMagic
(Original manip: https://www.deviantart.com/transformationmagic/art/Dumb-ass-918153062 )
The secretary was busy standing on a chair, putting up the office Christmas decorations. Simone, for her part, wasn’t doing anything else other than sitting with her legs crossed at a desk enjoying a cigarette. An hourglass figured, freckled bombshell, she was a tall white young woman with plenty of curves. A large rear that was her pride and joy, fantastic breasts and long brown hair. Wearing black high heels, stockings, a long grey skirt and a teasingly transparent blouse.
Simone took a long drag from her smoke and continued bitching.
“I just think it’s quite hypocritical on your part,” she replied. “I never got anything I wanted for Christmas as a kid, so, obviously, I don’t like the season. You on the other hand probably always got everything you wanted, which is fine, but why do I have to be forced to pretend to be nice? Why do I have to be forced to participate in your collective festive delusion?”
The secretary sighed.
“Holy Santa, I only asked you to hold the chair! You are absolutely insufferable sometimes!” the woman sighed. “Most of the time actually! Also your argument sucks!”
“It sucks… or is it just that you don’t want to admit when you’re wrong?” Simone pointed at the struggling secretary with her cigarette. “Christmas is bullshit, just cooperative propaganda. I’m sorry to be the Grinch, but someone had to break it to you.”
“What are… Wait…Have you even read the Grinch?”
Simone shrugged.
“Nah, not really.”
“We work for a children’s book publisher, Simone! Geez, like, it’s okay if you don’t like Christmas but that’s no excuse to be an absolute ass to everybody!”
Simone had stopped paying attention, leaning back at the desk she saw a very expensive Mercedes arriving in the parking lot through the window, with a smirk across her lips she stubbed out the cigarette in a nearby plant pot.
“Yeh, yeh, whatever…” she said, getting up. “Look, the lesson here is that magic elves aren’t gonna give you anything for free, you have to get it yourself!”
Simone slapped the secretary’s butt as she walked out, the poor woman almost fell off the chair.
“You are such a jackass!” the secretary cried into the distance.
Shaking her hips and making her heels click on the hard floor, Simone walked down the office, attracting the looks of some of her coworkers, but she didn’t care, not about them anyhow, she had other goals in mind. By the time the boss arrived at his office she was already there, leaning against his desk with her hands in the waist.
“Hi, there, Mister Boss,” she greeted him sensually.
Her boss froze at the door.
“Hi… Simone…” he babbled, slowly.
“Do you like the decorations?”
“Oh? Ah, yes, you all did a wonderful job with… that thing… What… What are you doing in my office?”
“Nothing, just wanting to ask you about that raise I clearly deserve again. I had the feeling you were trying to avoid me, Mister Boss, so I want your undivided attention.”
“Simone, w-we already talked about it, it’s just not possible right now…”
“Aren’t you even gonna listen to my counter-offer?”
Simone showed her back to the man and, effortlessly and shamelessly pulled down her skirt, exposing her round buttocks.
“I’m not wearing panties,” she clarified.
“Simone, please… I’m… married…”
“Why do you say that every time, Mister Boss?”
Her boss was helpless, almost frozen, before that ass, a hardon building up inside his pants. With obviously malicious intent Simone proceeded to pull up her skirt, so it ended up rolled around her waist, she leaned over the desk.
If she had a tail she would have lifted it high up.
“Then, boss, are you gonna give me a ride or are you gonna make me leave? It's cold outside, it’s a very cold winter… Are you gonna let my poor butt freeze, stud?”
There wasn’t anything else to be said, that ass had to be kept warm.
The door of the office was closed, his penis was freed from his pants. Soon Simone had to hold herself to the desk as the man pumped her… and she loved it. Truth was she was used to getting what she wanted, and what she wanted, more than the money or the attention, was the lust.
Turning men into her play-things, being the dominant one, the one with the power, in control… the breeding… Her tongue pushed out as the man began to play with her tits, she had thought that if she could have her life be just this she would gladly take it all so many times….
Some might have said that it was sort of contradictory and that it was a path set for disaster.
Others were taking notes.
Not just the secretary earsdropping behind the door, listening once again to the sexual rutting with a blush in her face.
But far, far away, up north… where the land was covered in snow…
The fireplace was crackling, keeping Lady Krampus’ office warm. It was a busy day, the mother of all winters was finishing up her list and there was still plenty of room for some naughty girls… such as Simone.
Lady Krampus was almost surprised when the sudden echo of the woman’s raw orgasms reached her ears, followed up by chuckling and the voice of a panting man asking something about a Christmas party. That was all, Santa’s wife didn’t need anything more, she picked up one of her pens, the vixen one, and wrote down Simone’s name on the list, between Jessica, a bad mother set to become a nice gift, and Olivia, who’s obnoxiousness was going to turn her into a penguin. Unrepentantly fucking her married boss for the seventh time, it would be the last bad deed Simone would ever be allowed to commit… as a human at least.
December the twenty fifth swiftly arrived.
The Christmas party was at Mister Boss’ house, when Simone arrived, wearing a skimpy Santa dress, she greeted her lover’s wife with two kisses on each cheek. Simone didn’t intend to stay for long, just long enough to grab some food and booze and then leave for a real party,the kind she liked because they were more about sex than Christmas.
Her plan was abruptly halted in the weirdest of ways: There was a gift for her under the tree.
A gift that nobody knew where it was from. Every other party-goer and the owners of the house all claimed and swore they had no clue how that gift was there, but what was obvious and clear is that the gift was for Simone.
“Come on, Simone, open it! It’s the easiest way to figure out who's your secret admirer!” the secretary chuckled, who had very low tolerance for booze and had drunk half a glass of champagne.
Everybody agreed in a very democratic way that the rationale was correct, everybody except Simone, but her opinion didn’t seem to matter much and after some nagging she agreed, feeling annoyed.
“Okay!” she grunted. “I will open it! But if it’s a joke I’m gonna be pissed!”
She knelt down near the tree and, with everyone at the party’s attention focused on her, and with the feeling it was a terrible idea, she opened her first ever Christmas gift… if you believed her stories…
The only thing she found inside was a letter.
Simone didn’t read it out loud, it was a personal letter for her, but when she read down what was written on the paper it was as if something was whispering right into her ear.
“Dear Naughty Girl
Santa’s Wife wishes you Merry Christmas, because they are your last ones as a human.
‘This night you shall become an ass, by next year the breeding stall will be your whole life
Take care and enjoy the braying
Lady Krampus“
Her surroundings became silent as Simone read the letter, she read it a couple more times with her eyes wide open… and her heart burdened..
“It's a letter, isn't it?” the secretary asked, breaking the short moment of odd tension with giggles. “What does it say? Come on, don’t make us wait! Is it something kinky?”
Simone clenched her fist around the paper, crumpling it into a ball.
“Very fucking funny, Olivia!” Simone yelled, getting up. “Amazing gift!”
The party gasped.
The secretary blinked, drunk and confused by that sudden attack.
“Excuse me?” she babbled. “I didn’t put that gift there…!”
“Yeah, sure, of course! If you are jealous because I have a sex life there’s less stupid ways to tell me, you dry cunt bitch!”
“I’m not…! Simone… What did it say in the letter? Are you alright?”
Simone wasn’t alright at all, a heat was building in her groin, but she didn’t want the help of any of the people at the party. Her eyes watered slightly as she felt the pressure of their stares.
“Fuck you all!”
Like a winter wind she stormed out of the house, upset beyond reason, not even picking up her coat and with the letter squeezed in her fist. Outside she tore apart the letter and screamed at the night sky.
She didn’t feel cold.
The echo of dozens of parties surrounded her in every direction, and she wanted to go to them, to fuck… but that letter had spoilt everything…
Instead, completely frustrated, she managed to make it back to her apartment. Stipping completly naked Simone crawled on top of her bed, the cold sheets didn’t calm the warmth growing in her pussy.
“Fuck Christmas…” she barked. “I’m not an ass!”
Rolling around, feeling nervous and uncomfortable, she tried to sleep and forget… but the oniric realm didn’t offer any escape from Lady Krampus’ grasp…
She wasn’t a donkey…
She was a queen, a dominatrix…
Hair tied into a tall ponytail, wearing dark latex, a whip in her hands. Not just dominant, but a dominatrix.
Her sex-pet was already tied up and gagged on the bed.
“Do you want mommy to teach you a lesson, foal?”
Why did she use that word? Foal? The dream-thought floated in the mist of the dream until the sex-pet gurgled eagerly that he did indeed want his mommy.
Simone smirked, cracked her whip and began to play with her toy. Teasing with her harmless weapon, touching, pulling, slapping… His cock was out and it was very, very hard…
She chuckled.
“Look what you did, you got all stiff!” she grabbed and squeezed the man’s balls. “What am I supposed to do now? Lick it?”
A slap of the whip.
Smirking, Simone knelt down in front of the cock… her heart was beating hard, now it was a donkey’s cock… Tall, muscular, tubular, pink… Her mouth watered, opening, her head shook…
“N-no…! No! No…!” Simone mumbled in her bed.
Rolling around naked, horny, trapped in her dreams.
“I’m not an ass…! I’m not an ass…! I’m not… a naughty jenny…!”
She stretched herself, powerless to stop the overflowing lust. Her pussy was so hot it could very well have been glowing. In desperation, between the realm of the dramatic and the reality of the flesh, Simone tried to regain any semblance of control.
Standing up, walking away from the jackass’ dick.
She was…
An equestrian…
Wearing tall boots and tight pants wrapping her ass, she was a horse rider, the owner of the stables. No beast of burden, but a tamer of the equine.
“I’m a stallion rider… not…” she gulped. “A stallion’s ride…”
An echo reached her ears, her heart was bouncing inside her chest once more. Feeling afraid, she looked around… the door out to the backyard…
Simone slowly opened it…
She saw the meadow on a hill, sheep grazing, too many to count, but not a single horse on sight.
The echo hit her ears again.
The braying.
Two grey furred donkeys were up there on the grassland, a jackass… and a jennet…
Eyelids opened wide when Simone saw the male’s cock coming out, the female having completely stopped her trotting, waiting for him. The big equine penis… Simone froze… she was completely naked, both in the bedroom and in the meadow…
With a quick hop the jackass mounted the jenny and began to do what was just natural to them: Mating, breeding.
They rutted there in the wild, unashamed, unapologetic, unshackled, just as beasts are meant to. Braying at full intensity.
Simone’s eyes watered, her lips shook… a whisper came out of her heart…
“I… I wanna…”
Horror clenched her body as soon as the dream caught her confession. She dropped to her knees, then onto all fours, a rush of panic.
“No! NO! That’s wrong! I didn’t! I’m no beast!” she cried.
But she couldn’t stand up as a person, she couldn’t deny the heat any longer. Rolling around crazily on the bed, covered in the salt of sweat and tears. The shadow of the jackass on top of her, the ache in her muscles, her pussy reaching orgasm.
“I’m a…! I AM A…!”
Her breath quickened.
Animalistic fear.
She saw herself… black brown fur…
Then…it left her throat…
Simone lifted herself up on top of the bed, fully awake as if a mule had kicked her out of her dreams back to reality. She cried, brayed, touching her body, pulling her hair.
Her teeth bucked out of her lips as she brayed in frustrated panic. Her ears tingled and rampantly stretched, covered in fur, black brown fur, migrating to the top of her head where she grabbed and pulled them down in front of her eyes.
Pupils stretched horizontally.
Donkey ears.
A pinch of pleasurable pain made her pause from grabbing her long flexible ears when her hands flew towards her butt. Squeezing her buttocks she lowered her ears, trying to look behind her… a patch of fur sprouted above her ass, then a tail erupted out of her spine.
The tail swung left and right, then lifted up, a turf of hair sprouted at the end as Simone’s womanly vagina and anus were reformed into the beastly equine.
Impotent, incapable of doing anything else, she leaned forward over the bed, stretching as her legs were stretched, covered in more fur. She bent her knees, raising her legs, curling her toes in a vain attempt to stop their transformation into hooves.
It didn’t work.
Donkey legs from which fur quickly climbed towards her knees. Her arse expanding in size and mass. Simone put a hand over her feverish forehead, softly sobbing, grunting, snorting.
“Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw…” a short moment of serenity in the metamorphosis that was followed up by a louder snort. “I DON’T haaaaw WANNAAAAAAAAAAAAW!”
Bone twisting pain, then cracking noises. Her shoulders lengthened forwards, then backwards. With great effort she pulled herself to the edge of the bed and dropped down, heavy and blunt.
She attempted to get up.
“Heeee haw!”
Only to drop back down onto all fours. The increasing mass of her rear made it’s  weight almost unbearable and that was even without taking into account the itchiness of the growing coat of thick fur. Her tail tensed, her back hooves clopped and slid across the floor as she bent her back, permanently locked into a quadrupedal pose.
Behind her her whole body was completely consumed by the changes, the hairy butt of a jennet.
A donkey’s ass for the ass she was meant to be.
Simone looked behind and saw the sorry state of her butt-area. She was growing and expanding, way beyond her human form. Her belly swelled and became round, her breasts shrank and slid towards her crotch, to become fat black teats, a straight line of hair, that of a donkey’s mane, grew from the centre of her human hair.
She finally broke.
“PLEASH! Please! No moreeeeeeeeEEEEEEEH!” she begged with a deepening voice. “I haaaaw learnt! Will no beeeeeee nautgheeeeeeey nhowmore! I sweaaaaar! Iiiiii SWEAAAAAAAAAR! SWEEEEEEEEEEH HAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR!”
But, deep down, she knew it was pointless to complain, even more so after she felt her jenny clit wink in horny anticipation. If she didn’t want this end she wouldn’t have gotten herself onto Lady Krampus’ list to begin with.
Yet, there was one thing her rightful punishment couldn’t rob her of, because if her fate was to be a donkey she fully intended to express her frustration as what she was becoming.
Kicking and jumping in direct confrontation with the end of her humanity. Simone bounced all over the room, destroying the bed, cracking wood with her head, smashing glass with her hooves.
Braying, braying without pause.
She lifted her backside, standing on her hands, to hit a lamp with one of the kicks, and as she did it, those hands became her other pair of sturdy hooves.
Her neck lengthened and bulked, her ribcaged barreled.
A last brutal bray.
Simone’s head cracked, her skull pushed forward, stretching her face into a muzzle at the same time everything was consumed by the fur… her voice and the silhouette of her shadow lost any trace of the womanly…
In the end, only an angry brown furred female donkey remained in the bedroom.
A jenny.
An ass.
The beast kept braying and destroying until she was exhausted and by that time animal control, alerted by a worried neighbour, were already there. The professional animal catcher had no trouble guiding the tired donkey out of the house despite her best efforts to avoid it.
It was pointless defiance, humans can’t understand braying.
She was soon checked over by a veterinarian, certified as a healthy adult jenny and, eventually, because it couldn’t have been any other way, she was sent to a farm to live among her kind. It was an annoying surprise how easily she found herself adapting to the routine of the farm. It was simple, natural, not so different from the office… she fit in so well that she seemed to have been born to it, which was comfortably mortifying.
Perhaps ironically there was only one aspect of her new life she tried to avoid for as long as she could.
Despite the kind of woman she had been, as an ass she avoided the males like they were a scourge at that point  the farmhands noticed it, mocking the poor jenny and giving her a few unsavoury nicknames.
But even though she held out as long as she could,  that could only mean that some months later, in due course, she found herself in the breeding stall, where she could no longer avoid either the male, nor her body’s needs.
Every inch of her flesh wanted it and the jackass was surprisingly gentle, by the standards of jackasses at least. A smooth and enjoyable experience during which she was nothing but a jenny, a lustful jenny in heat taking the weight of her male and the load of his cock without a single hint of remorse. Yet, after the deed… it was still a bittersweet thought to swallow that any hope of walking again on two legs were shattered by the best orgasms of her life…
The first of many more equally good ones.
One year later winter came back, to nobody's surprise, with the cold early morning light shining across the snow the jennet moved out of her stall, a trick only she was able to pull off, to calmly walk down to the field. She had gained some weight, but most of the swelling in her belly was a product of her pregnancy.
Naughty office girl Simone was apparently completely forgotten, if some folk had maybe cared about her disappearance, their complaints hadn’t lasted long. Even the jenny herself had trouble remembering her previous self.
Her heart knew that even if she did have a chance to be Simone again she would most likely reject it, because being Simone now seemed just too much of a hassle.
She stopped to contemplate her life, soon it would be December Twenty Five again.
Her first one on the farm.
Her first one as no longer human.
Lady Krampus had told her no lie, her life had indeed become the breeding stall and even if she certainly enjoyed that…
The jennet still didn’t like Christmas one bit.
---If you want to see more kinky TF shenanigans give a click to these links! ^^
-Furaffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/senorincognito69
-DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/senorincognito69
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/SIncognito69
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art dump for my fic "Broken Clock in the Factory Basement" except for the rest of this post we all just pretend it's not a tragedy but a family comedy where Dist learns the true meaning of fatherhood. Like the Game Plan
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sonicasura · 1 month
Hear me out, a Transformers and Trollhunters crossover. The Transformers are an amalgamation of the various sources but the kids are from Prime and Animated, meaning Jack, Miko, Raph, and Sari.
The idea is that Jack and Jim are cousins on their dad's sides, so Jack and June come to visit Barbara and Jim during the first season of Trollhunters with Jack's autobot guardian coming along as well(June knows). While Jim and Jack catch up with each other while trying to avoid talking about the secret activities they've been up to. Unfortunately for the cousins they end up getting attack by either Bular or another monster, and Unfortunately for the attacking party Jack's guardian intervenes. Revealing the secret worlds of both parties
Someone actually did a Transformers Prime and Trollhunters crossover with a similar premise of Jack/Jim being cousins. Although Jim was staying with the Darby while Angor Rot drags the bots into the Trollhunter business when Draal follows the Trollhunter. Here's my interpretation.
Jim and Jack are actually school assigned pen/face time pals. The program later progresses to 10 students coming to Arcadia for a week then vice versa with Jasper. Now neither are aware of each other's secrets at first.
There is obvious signs however that there's something strange with the other boy. For Jim: hushing someone (Blinky/Draal) offscreen, looking beat up, flashes of light, and accidentally using some Troll terms. For Jack: Arcee's voice in the background, usage of suspicious names/terms(Optimus/Scraplet/Decepticon), and heavy stomps or screen shake.
This strangeness reaches the respective group such as troll artifacts being found by the bots to Cybertronian artifacts showing up in Arcadia. Bumblebee investigate one particular artifact only for a troll oriented guardian to attack him. Team Trollhunters setting off a Cybertronian trap.
Basically multiple incidents from both sides that begin to boil into the boys' assignment. Everything comes to ahead when Jack joins one mission only to collect what assumed to be a Cybertronian artifact which is instead a piece to Killahead Bridge and one of the bots triggers goblins to attack. Jim showing up on the battlefield in his Trollhunter outfit as things take a bad turn for the group.
Life tends to throw curveballs so why not the discovery of two different wars happening at the same time?
For Sari, Prowl is her guardian who isn't involved in the Autobot/Decepticon war. She's currently staying in Arcadia with a relative of her father so she can socialize unlike back in Detroit. Things gotten messy with Sumdaac Industries hence why Sari is there as Isaac wants to fix things before bringing her back.
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eucacici · 9 months
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Doodled some of @ryzselo lovely Transformers x Borderlands AU!! I just love their designs sm
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duahauuoplanh · 10 months
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and they lived happily ever after 👰‍♀️🤵
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