#Stretch X Reader
sillyunknownkitkat · 6 months
Undertale, Underswap, and underfell brothers react to a reader (platonic or not) that is hyper sexual
Mind that you're responsible for your own consumption, vague nsfw under the cut and sentive topics
No dni banner because there's nothing really explicit but it's implied
Undertale :
He noticed slight changes in your attitude before your crisis started. You were getting more and more bold, which is quite unusual for you.
Sans was worried for the few day you disappeared but understood that you may not want him to know about your problems. It didn't make him any less curious though.
It was a week after your first "symptoms" that he really got worried. So he went to your hiding place to confront you about it.
"Knock knock" Sans said, standing right in front of the bedroom's door.
"Sans?" You asked surprised and a bit panicked.
"S'not how the joke goes, kid. Knock knock." His tone wasn't particularly harsh, but he made it clear that he wasn't leaving. He used a tone that you had learned to interpret since knowing him.
"Who's there?" You said recluantly, you didn't want anyone to know about your bad habits
"Will." You thought for a bit, trying to guess the end of the joke but couldn't figure it out with your head still full of what's currently going on
"Will who?" Sans smiles a bit. Even in bad times, he still likes his jokes. It helps him relax a little.
"Will you open the door so we can talk face to face?"
So after putting on a sweatshirt and pyjama's pants, you get up and open the door.
"Hey.." You look down at his slippers.
"Hey, how 'bout we sit down and talk a bit, mh? M'not upset with you, just worried."
After you both settle down on the bed, you bring your knees to your chest and wait for him to start talking.
"Soooo, what's up, kiddo?"
Yeah... This is awkward for the both of you
So after you explained the things you were doing and how you felt while he patiently listened, he just asked you one thing.
"Is it because of a traumatic event you've been through?"
Now I let you decide what happened or not because everyone is different, but let's just say that if a person did something to make you feel that way, they're going to have a not so friendly chat with Sans.
Now, this cutie definitely didn't wait to ask you what was going on. I imagine him being autistic
So, while our pretty boy is definitely not stupid, I like to think he still struggles a bit with social clues. This means that he did ask you as soon as he noticed, but it might have taken quite a while.
Now, we all now Sans almost canonically struggles with depression so Paps can definitely help you a bit.
So, since no one can resist that cool face, you explained what was going on and let me tell you... That man was upset! Not at you but at the fact that you felt that way and he couldn't do anything about it. Not that it was his fault, but yk (* ̄∇ ̄)ノ
Now he spent days telling you how amazing you were, how he loved you (platonically or not *wink wink*), and trying to get you attention on something else than your problem so you'd feel better.
Because you do. Not "maybe", you do 😭🔫😾
The cat is me, obviously 🙄
Underswap :
Blue (sans)
Might get hate on this one, but I think he struggles with hypersexuality too. I don't remember who's Au's it is, but there is one where he's popular on Instagram and where he's close friend with Viper (sf sans from that au which I use). So he knew what was going on before you told him.
Bb explained that he was like that, too, so you guys took care of each other :3
Like getting in comfy clothes, cooking a bit, cuddling, watching a movie, ... whatever you want!
And like spa treatments to echother too!
I'll probably write a part two for him in the future because, like this scenario + him, it's just ✨️perfect✨️
Stretch (us papyrus)
Even tho he's younger than blue, he still took care of his brother and therefore knew what was going on too. So when he sees you, he just picks you up with his magic, drags you to the couch, and pretty much instantly falls asleep on you. Well, he's not really sleeping, but you don't know that.
After a while, you start to cry silently because you feel kind of disgusting. Stretch cling to you a tiny bit harder and starts to purr "in his sleep" to try and console you.
Yes, skeletons purr, don't ask me why or how.
Anyway, after a while of being soothed, you fall asleep, and Stretch is smiling like an idiot because he managed to help you even the tiniest bit.
After both of you wake up, he goes to ask Blue what he can do to help you and apply with the wtv he tells him.
Blue might even join to talk to you a bit :)
Underfell :
Red (uf sans)
He knew what was going on but didn't want to bother you with it. The man already knows how hard it is when you're going through tough times.
So he kinda let you be but sometimes he comes buy and offer you to do some things.
It's not in a really nice way but not rude either, just a bit rough, I guess
He was like, "How 'bout you do something instead of just lying there, huh?"
He is not an asshole. He just grew up in a difficult world and therefore kinda has a stick stuck up in his non-existent ass.
If you don't move, he'll literally drag you out of bed and sit you on the couch with a movie already picked paused on the TV.
If you talk about it, he'll listen and suggest things that might help you, but if you don't, he'll do whatever he can while being "subtle."
Edge (uf papyrus)
He catched you crying when he opened the door of your bedroom to ask you to come downstairs since dinner was ready. Now Edge is by no means a cruel person, but he had to do things to survive in the underground. I like to think that when they all got out, he and Red cut links with most of the other monsters.
So now he got quite a lot softer, but it's still Edge, so don't expect too much.
He sat down next to you and brung a hand to your back (a bit awkwardly, but the man is learning people)
"I'M HERE IF YOU NEED TO TALK." he told you in the softest voice he could manage to get out (it wasn't soft, but since you know him and how he talked you understood that he was trying)
Same as his brother, if you talk, he'll listen, but he might be a bit more insistant with his advice. Again, not in a rude way, just in his way of saying thing.
If you don't, he'll probably get a little offended that you don't trust him even after he tried his best to be soft but still understands why you may not want to talk about your problems.
Not verified afterwards, sorry ;^;
So this is it :) it's a bit shitty ngl but I tried my best.
Kinda self indulge, honestly, but I'm better now so dw
If you have a similar problem or even another one, my dm's are opened, don't stay alone in your misery.
I might not answer right away (I live in Western Europe), but I will as soon as I can
Have a good day/night, and be safe, everyone. <3
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skeleton-mischief · 2 months
🧡🍯US!Papyrus x Reader🍯🧡
Stretch may not have experience in love, but he knows that he loves you. He promises to do his best, if you'll have him
Some Swap Papyrus x reader love here :)
- Quality Time: 35%. Nothing really shows that he's loved like having his partner give their undivided attention. He wants someone to actually care about his interests and spend time with him
- Words of Affirmation: 32%. He wants to hear the praise of others, to be encouraged. He doesn't have great confidence, but if he had his partner praise his drawings you bet he's giddy and flustered. Insults or empty praise will hurt
- Physical Touch: 23%. Simple touches can make him flustered, but it means a lot to feel a sense of belonging and love when someone cuddles with him on the couch or holds his face to give him a kiss on the cheek
- Acts of Service: 6% Someone who is willing to do a project with him or do something with him means a lot, it shows that someone cares about his passions
- Receiving Gifts: 3% He doesn't expect gifts, but he has his gifts on him at all times for a reason. He feels loved seeing someone give him something they obviously put thought into
- Quality Time: 33%. He wants to reciprocate what his partner provides. Even if there's not much happening, he wants to be around and keep his partner company and show that he's attentive and always tries to make it on time
- Physical Touch: 30% He's a lovestruck dork, he wants to kiss their face, their hands, rub their back, cuddle, all of it
- Words of Affirmation: 13% He wants to make sure his partner knows he appreciates them and finds what they do amazing. He always tries to speak with reassurance and interest, wants people to feel good when they're down
- Acts of Service: 13%. Let him do the dishes when you're tired, let him do your laundry. It's okay, he knows you're tired and he wants to relieve you of stress
- Gift Giving: 10%. He remembers more about what people like than others expect, so he'll sometimes buy gifts as a sign of appreciation. He always remembers what they like, always
When you first meet, it's on the bus. There wasn't any room, and you were made to choose to sit between the skeleton monster and the old lady that was muttering to herself about kids these days. Of course, you sat by the skeleton. He seemed to avoid eye contact when you asked if you could sit next to him, but he didn't deny you the right to choose where you sat. After a while, you notice that he's eyeing your satchel. At first, you're confused, only to realize that he's looking at your keychain. It's a small bee on a sunflower, something you found cute when at the mall a few years back. You ask him if he likes bees, and he is a little startled that you spoke since neither of you have talked since you asked to sit. He seems a little embarrassed, but he tells you that he really loves bees. You ask him if he has anything that has to do with bees and he gladly shows you his phone case. It's cute, and you share that you find bees super cute. It's not lot until he starts to ramble a bit, and yet you don't mind. He seems genuinely enthusiastic about them, sharing facts as he's smiling. Something tells you that he really loves to talk about things he likes. It's....cute. By the time you two almost reach your bus stop, he seems to catch himself suddenly as he makes eye contact with you. He turns orange with blush, and he quickly apologizes.
You don't know what face you made to make him so shy again, but you reassure him that you found it pleasant to hear him talk. He pauses for a moment, as if in disbelief, and he mumbles something. "You...really meant that." When you ask what he said since you didn't hear him correctly, he clears his throat (skeleton monsters do that??) and asks "did you really mean that?" You tell him yes, and he seems relieved. In fact, you suddenly move the keychain off your satchel. He's confused when you give it to him, smiling as you tell him to take it. He tries to change your mind, unsure as to why you are giving it to him, but you're persistent. You not only want to prove that you actually enjoyed his rambling, but you think he'd appreciate it more. The bus stops and it's time to leave, so you stand up as you let go of the keychain and have it land on top of his skeletal hand. You wave goodbye, and he shyly waves back, but you don't see how his eye lights dilate when you go.
He makes sure to remember you.
When he found out what you were going to possibly be the new roommate? He was quick to welcome you. He may not have said anything to the others much, but clearly he has never been this...eager? It's hard to hide, especially when he starts acting more social with you. He's a little shy at the beginning of your friendship, but you both bond over video games and other interests. He's always thinking about you when he goes somewhere like a game store, or even a bakery. He can't help it, he just thinks that you'd like certain things. He'll start picking up more, taking care of things when he sees you're overwhelmed. He's one of the lazy Papyri that actively will help do laundry, putting away dishes, etc. He's not really intense when it comes to jealousy, especially since he knows that he's not entitled to your time or attention. Still, he tends to be a bit more quiet, a little bit more snarky towards the other, but he doesn't communicate very well. There would be moments he will apologize though if you confront him, as he's more embarrassed than harsh about it. He only gets jealous if someone clearly has interest in you, but when you're in the friendship stage he won't tell you that. You'll most likely tease him since "awe, are you jealous? Is it because you're afraid that he's prettier than you? Trust me, he's not." As soon as you both get to laughing, he'll apologize again and he tries to work on it.
His confession would be from a heart to heart. He hasn't been confident about confessing to you, especially since he doesn't want to ruin anything. Instead, he wants to value your friendship. But, imagine it.
It's raining, the sky's a dull grey as the light pitter patter of the droplets can be heard tapping against your umbrella. You had forgotten to bring one, but Stretch brought one suitable for two. You two decide to walk home instead of teleporting, especially since you knew about Stretch's situation. It wasn't that he wanted to avoid some of the other skeletons because he was upset, but it was clear that tension was there. You ask if you two can walk towards the hill in order to stay out longer, and he agrees with a small smile. He looks worn out, but you can tell he appreciates the idea. The two of you find your way up there, and there's a large rock near the top. You decide that it's fine if your butt gets a little wet from the rain, so you sit down and get him to do the same despite his slight reluctance. The two of you start to talk after some minutes pass of staring into the distance. "Do you believe in soulmates?" "As in the ones that are in your stories? Destined to be together?" "Yes! Do you?" "....well, I'd like to believe in it," and you tease him slightly. You agree, though. After all, wouldn't it really be nice if you had a person who would love you despite everything? You tease him, and he does the same as he bumps his shoulder against yours. "Well, you don't need a soulmate for that" is what he says, his eyes slowly softening as he gazes at you from under the umbrella. You laugh, but it's clear you don't believe that. You're too much of a mess. He asks if you wouldn't love someone for that, but of course you say no. You wouldn't want someone to feel unloved for that. He pokes at the flaw within your logic, and he smiles as he teases you lightly. Who wouldn't love you? You're a dork, but you're sweet and kind. You have an air of warmth to you. Someone would be a fool to think that you're not loveable. You start to smile at this, and your soul feels a little tingly. "Well, do you love me?"
But there's a pause when you wait for his answer. He seems suddenly shy, and he looks away. "...of course I do," but you don't seem to realize just yet how much he means it. You tell him that you love him too, and after some silence he murmurs "yeah, I know you do," but he seems to be thinking about something. You ask him what's wrong, and with hesitance he responds. "But I love you, like...really, really love you." And when he looks at you, it clicks for you what he means. He looks away quickly, staring at the distance as he tries not to think about the slight tremble of his hands. "......I'm sorry if....sorry if that was too forward. It's just- it's just that I really feel that way. But maybe you don't need that, and that's okay. If you don't feel the same way, then you can forget about what I said, yeah?" And yet, the whole time, he's stuttering a bit as he falters. "I don't want you to feel like you're unloved, is all. Because if you ever feel that way, know that- that someone does love you. Always will, soulmates or not."
The rain seems to sound quieter as your ears are filled with a slight muffle, your lips parted as you look at him. He seems too nervous to look back. You had asked him if he loved you as a joke, at least partially. In truth, you felt your soul humming with a sensation that's unfamiliar. You didn't think he actually would've told you the truth, let alone...love you. He flinches when he feels your hand gently sliding and wrapping around his arm. "...well, I hope you know that includes you too, dork." And you feel his bones rattle slightly before he breaths out shakily. Your eyes cast forward, and you feel your body leaning more against him as he rests his skull against your head. You speak up again, and you can hear something faintly akin to a distant song as you do so. "I think I'm okay with soulmates not existing, because at least I...at least I know that someone loves me by their own free will instead of it being because of fate. I love you too."
There are no words exchanged, but it becomes subconsciously known that your souls are indeed singing in sync. Your bond has grown, and by the time it's ready for you two to go back home, it's because Powder called wondering where you two were. You take your time walking home, and your arms don't move from his as you keep yourself wrapped against it all the way until you go home...
As a lover, it would take some time for the two of you to actually start calling each other anything at all. It's just not something he's used to, but he still makes sure to treat you well. He'll feel more comfortable with touch, even if he's a blushing mess. White lies that he gets from a lot of people slowly has chipped away at his confidence and trust in others opinion. However, having his partner be sincere in their compliments and really mean it? Holllllly fuck is he awestruck. Having you show interest in what he's talking about or going out of your way to remember what he likes has him falling head over heels for you, as it really proves to him that you actually care about him. Praising his work and being able to be sweet with him? Extra bonus, he will go so far as to excitedly show you his newest projects, a gleam in his eye all the while. As long as he can take care of you too, taking the time to check if you're okay, then he's happy. He wants to pull his weight, and overall he's going to be a sappy lover who brags about you as much as he brags about his brother. He just needs to work on his communication skills, which can be helped with someone who can be patient with him. When it comes to romantic gestures, he's sappy and will often ask to take you on dates or hell bring you a gift he picked up. He won't plan ahead, but he'll sit you down and you both can collaborate on a cute date where the two of you can be close.
Sometimes, if he's almost late to a date, he'll be caught actually running rather than teleporting while he's holding flowers or gifts as he's apologizing profusely. He always looks exhausted from the physical activity, but he looks like a dork in the process. He'll only be reassured if he sees that you're not upset and if he's verbally told that it's okay, but even then he'll be overthinking since that's what he always does. And remember, never expect him to be in a suit, but do expect him to look more dressed up than usual. He's such a cuddly, sappy skeleton
Closing Notes: I swear I posted this but I forgor I think. Forgive me, I'm already tap dancing on top of a volcano. I love him sm, like oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my go
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“I’m a burden, aren’t I?” with Stretch, please?
Thanks for asking! This was fun. 
Sometimes Stretch didn't, no not didn't; he couldn't force himself to get out of bed. Those were the bad days, days where he wouldn't want to do anything. Hell, sometimes he has a hard time even breathing during those days.
Blueberry would often call him lazy, and tell him to get up, but he would just joke and brush it off and Blueberry would stop bugging him after a bit. It made Stretch feel bad, but he knew that he couldn't handle it! He couldn't handle talking to people or just getting up.
It was troublesome.
Today was one of those days.
He laid on the bed, with his head resting on his arms, his eyes shut. He's been having bad dreams again, things that he thought he's gotten over... or at least things that he thought he could brush off now. Dreaming of resets. Ha, of course.
He hated that sorta stuff. He hated how many times they had to be killed over and over again. Did he blame the kid? Maybe? He didn't really know, not anymore.
While he was laying there he heard footsteps, then knocking on the door. Stretch lets out a slow breath and moves a pillow over to hide his face in it. Go away Blue, he didn't wanna talk right now.
The door opened and he heard a voice he wasn't expecting, "Stretch? Are you okay?"
His bones locked for a second. Wait... that was Y/n? What was Y/n doing here? They weren't supposed to hang out today, were they? No, he didn't remember them making plans or anything.
He lifts his head to look over at them, frowning slightly, and asks, "What... are you doing here?"
"Your brother called me, he said that you're not feeling real good," They walk over, sit beside him on the bed and they start to rub his back, "Do you want to talk about what's going on?"
“I’m a burden, aren’t I?”
He sees Y/n's eyes widen, and they tilt their head, asking, "What do you mean?"
"Sometimes I just can't get up out of bed. I should be able to do more but I just... can't!" he holds up his arms, then drops them, sighing. "I just feel like I'm being a burden."
"Stretch," They mumble, frowning and they reach over to place their hands on his cheeks, "You aren't a burden at all. You do things at your own pace, and you're trying to do your best and that's amazing. Sometimes people have bad days... I don't think anyone blames you for that." They rub their thumb against his cheek as they spoke, his eyesockets shut.
Well, what about Blueberry? He just thought that Stretch was lazy, and sure, he was a bit lazy, but it was normally just cause he couldn't handle anything else. His emotions would work against him.
Y/n continues to talk, "Hey, why don't we just spend the day together in here? We can lay together and chat, huh?" He looks at them, their smile, and couldn't help his own little grin. He nods in approval and pulls them into a hug, falling back onto his bed hearing them laugh, telling him to knock it off.
Stretch, of course, wasn't at 100% but he had a feeling that Y/n would be a lot of help...
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ask-sibverse · 6 months
for the ask meme, a stolen kiss reader x swap papyrus
Oh hell yes we're getting a Paps!
"you look like shit."
You looked up to see Stretch in the doorway, watching you. You'd ended up with a bad cold after you and the Stars ended up in a blizzard while trying to protect that AU's Snowdin. One of these days you'd actually remember to bring proper snow gear, but it was hard to figure out when you'd need it or not. Lucky skeletons with their immunity to temperature and no immune system to worry about.
"Fleshy humans don't handle cold and wet very well," you grumbled, laying back on the couch. At least out in the living room you could watch TV better and it was less work to get to the kitchen when you actually felt up to eating something.
"Bro wants me to look after you today," Stretch said, stepping into your apartment some more. He looked around. "Have you been living out of your living room?"
"Closer to everything." You ended up having a bit of a coughing fit, making Stretch look at you with concern.
"I have an entire list from Blue of things I'm supposed to do for you." You both laughed a bit at that. "First on the list is soup."
"I've got canned soup in the cupboard you don't have to go all Blue and make it from scratch."
Stretch nodded, making his way into the kitchen. He spent the day looking after you, but in the lazy, casual way you'd come to know and expect from him. Bundled up in blankets on the couch, watching TV together while Stretch cracked the occasional lame pun. You closed your eyes, dozing off for a bit. Being sick was exhausting.
At some point you started waking up, but eyes remained closed, too comfortable to truly start getting up.
"stars you're absolutely angelic asleep," Stretch said softly. He must not have realized you'd started waking up. "Forgive me, but I can't resist you like this." Bony teeth gently pressed against your lips before quickly disappearing. A kiss...?
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slasher-male-wife · 1 year
Painting slashers nails
So I'm struggling with requests and I feel bad for not posting anything lately so I'm doing this. This is also my first time writing for Stretch so please be nice.
Includes: Bubba Sawyer, Stretch Brock, Amanda Young, Jason Voorhees, Baby Firefly
Warnings: None I can think of
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba will be vibrate with joy when you offer to paint his nails. His brothers will probably make fun of him but you're going to defend him and that's what really gets him to let you paint his nails.
He want's the classic red nails. He's seen so many pretty women wearing read nails and he wants to be just like them. Please call baby girl Bubba pretty, that's all he wants.
Will watch you paint his nails and will try really hard to be careful with them while they're drying but he might mess them up on accident, he's sorry Y/n he really is.
Will want to match nails with you. Please let him try to paint your nails too. He's either really good at it, or horrible and gets it all over your fingers, no in between.
Stretch Brock
I'm putting this in where we see her briefly in part three where she's a news anchor. She has to stay looking neat and professional so if you're good at doing nails she'll happily let you do it.
She probably has to keep the color muted so she'll pick a nice nude or berry color for you to use.
Will talk to you the entire time you paint her nails. Just about anything she can think of.
When you're done she'll offer to do yours in whatever color you want to use. She finds doing cute little things like this relaxing and fun.
Amanda Young
She'll happily let you paint her nails as long as she gets to pick the color of the polish. She'll go for a dark purple or just plain black.
She likes watching you do things in general so watching you paint her nails is no different.
She might offer to paint your nails or to give you a kinda makeover. I feel like she's been waiting to make you look edgy if you're not normally edgy. But if you are, especially if you're alternative in some way she'll want you to do her makeup.
While her nails dry she'll ask you to help her with things. Might even do it after her nails are dry just because she can.
Jason Voorhees
You'll be the one to suggest it to him and he'll love it. He has pretty nasty nails, even as a human so you'll have to deal with that first.
But after that he's all yours. You can chose the color and everything. You can do nail art, add jewels, whatever you wanna do, go for it.
Also use this time to like notice how big and rough his hands are. You'll suggests buffing out the dead skin but he's going to insist he needs his hands rough for his work.
He will get so sad when it starts to chip or it smudges so he's going to go to you for help. Please make it better Y/n.
Baby Firefly
She's so happy to have you do her nails. Can she do yours, can you two give each other makeovers?!
She'll want a sparkly pink color and will not wait for it to dry before moving around so get out a hair dryer and force her to sit still.
But she'll love the final outcome of it, especially if you did nail art with jewels.
She has to keep her nails short because of the activities that she does but she'll also be really sad when the polish chips or a jewel falls off so she'll have you redo it for her.
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dragonridernoobie · 4 months
UnderSwap Papyrus X Abused!reader
Stretch (Papyrus)<-
(Y/N) <-
Ex BF <-
Cashier <-
Blue (Sans) <-
Note: this is supposed to be a friendly fanfic, but if you are in a abusive relationship, don't be afraid to reach out! There's help. More info at the bottom.
Stretch was sitting on a bench at the local park. He had a cigarette between his teeth that he was taking pulls from. His hands were inside the pouch of his orange hoodie, his one leg crossed over his other, and he had on black sweatpants. It was a nice fall day, and stretch was enjoying the weather. The tall skeleton looked exhausted, bags under his eyes sockets like he wasn't getting enough sleep. He took his hand out of his pocket to pull the cig from his mouth to exhale the smoke, sighing as he did. While he relaxs, he hears someone call his name. When he sees who is calling him, he sees his best friend/crush (Y/N).
He takes the cigarette out of his mouth, looking over to see Y/N).
"Oh, hey (Y/N)"
He said, waving to (Y/N). (Y/N) sits next to him
"How are ya stretch."
"Tired. Always tired."
He said, taking another drag from his smoke.
"It's good to see you, though. What are you doing here?"
"Was passing thru the park to go to this new sandwich shop."
"Sandwich shop, you say?"
He said, intrigued.
"What kind of sandwiches we talking about."
"Don't know, it's a new shop that was opened yesterday. All I know about it is that the sandwiches are cheap. Like there 5$ per sandwich."
"You're already talking my language."
He says, giggling a bit.
"Cheap sandwiches? Lead the way."
He says with a chuckle. They then head over to the sandwich shop and go inside
"Dam...it's pretty nice inside."
"Yeah, it is."
Stretch says, looking around the joint.
"They have a lot of seating, too. That's always good, which means they're not always busy."
The shop was a nice calm look. Warm lights, warm colors everywhere. Pictures of flowers and animals, the smell of sandwiches and coffee in the air. They walk up to the cashier and look at the menu
"Hi, welcome to sandwich sky's. What can I get you to?"
"Could I get a turkey sandwich with light Mayonnaise, please? Stretch?"
"Just a BLT, extra bacon please."
Stretch says, looking over to (Y/N). He leans his elbows on the counter, looking at (Y/N) and smiling at her.
"ok, drinks?"
"Rootbeer, please, stretch?"
"Some honey would be great."
He says, his lips curving in a smile that held warmth.
"ok, that will be 13.21$."
(Y/N) pulls out her wallet and looks at stretch
"You can pay me next time by taking me back here."
She then pays for their meal and goes to sit down and wait.
Stretch said, watching her hand the cashier the money. After a bit, the casber comes over with their food. The cashier handed them the food.
"This place is actually pretty chill."
(Y/N) unwrapps her sandwich and takes a bite
"My this is good."
Stretch said, taking the first bite of his sandwich. He hummed in satisfaction. The bacon was a nice touch, crunchy, but not overly salty or greasy.
"This is a damn good BLT. I can't believe they can sell these for 5 bucks, this is a great deal."
They both finish their sandwiches and just stay in the sitting area, sipping on their drinks while talking.
"God, why don't all places have cheap sandwiches this good? The last place I went was like 12 bucks, and it wasn't even as good as this."
He took another sip from his honey, setting it down. He seemed to be in a better mood, as if the sandwich helped him relax.
"prices, sales, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if prices of this place go up in the next few months."
"God I hope not. This is a great little joint."
He said, stretching out and relaxing back, his hands resting on the back of the chair.
"So, what have you been up to?"
"...well, as you know, I'm still trying to break up with my boyfriend, but it's been... hard."
He said, not seeming surprised. He knew his friend was in a bit of a rough patch.
"Still having problems?"
"ya, I keep finding him cheating on me, and as much as I would love to break up with him, I can't because I live with him."
"He lives with you..."
He said and sighed.
"What's stopping you from kicking him on out? I feel like if he's cheating, it should be a done and done deal."
He takes another sip from his honey.
"rent, I won't be able to pay it on my own if I move I to a new place."
"No other roommates to help with that?"
He said, looking at her curious.
"Nah, so I'm just pretending to be in love with him...even tho I do that, it still hurts to find him in bed with another bitch."
He said, not really knowing what else to say.
"Have, have you tried to, talk to him about this, about him cheating on you, I mean?"
"yep, and keeps saying "I promise to never do that again" biggest fucking lie."
"God, he sounds like a dick."
He says, sighing a bit and looking over to her.
"Have you at least started looking for some one-bedroom places to stay?"
"None here that's in my rage of money."
He sighed, thinking it over.
"No parents or family you trust that you can stay with till you get that sorted?"
"Well damn, that sucks...."
He said, sipping on his honey. The honey was nearly done. He leaned back in the chair, crossing his arms over his chest.
"You could always stay with me."
He said, looking at (Y/N). She perks up at this
"That...I might do that, but what about your brother?"
"I'm sure he wont care."
He said, shrugging and making a small gesture with one of his hands. his face now holding something of an embarrassed expression.
"Hmm...IL think about it."
"Hey, no rush... Take your time thinking it over."
He said, looking away from her a bit and glancing around the diner. He leaned forward a bit on the chair, sipping his drink some more.
"You can stay as long as you like... It'd make me happy."
(Y/N) smiles and nods. She then gets up
"Anyway, I need to get going. I was glad to see ya again."
"See you soon..and I mean it. If you can stay with me, you're always welcome."
He said, leaning back and getting up.
"It was good seeing you as always, (Y/N)"
They walk out and give each other a hug before going separate ways. Their goodbye hug was long and full of warmth. He waved at her when they broke the hug, and she was walking off to go on with her day. His gaze followed her, and the smile that remained on his face was not one that would easily fade that day. Later in the evening stretch and his brother were in the living room watching TV. It was around 9 pm. While they watched TV, stretch the phone started to ring. Stretch reached into his pocket and looked down to his phone and saw that it was (Y/N) calling. He smiled at her name and answered.
"Yo, you called?"
He asked as he brought the phone to his ear. He hears sniffling and muffled crying.
He asked, a bit worried for his friend.
"You okay? Did something happen?"
His brother blue paused the TV and looked over at him with confusion. He waves at stretch to put the phone on speaker so he can here to, since he was also good friends with (Y/N). He nods and presses the speaker button, holding the phone out between him and his brother. They both here (Y/N) finally say something
"Can...can you come pick me up please."
She says and cries a little at the end. He looked over at his brother, confusion turning somewhat to worry on his face as he heard (Y/N) words.
"Uh, yeah, yeah, I can do that."
He said, not questioning what was happening yet, but ready to get to (Y/N) as soon as possible.
"We will be there in a bit, okay? Stay put."
When his brother and him go into the car and drive to (Y/N)'s place. She is seen sitting on the curb, hugging her knees and crying. He parked as close as he could to where (Y/N) was sitting and got out of the car, walking over. His expression changed as he got closer to her, a worried look coming over his face. He sat down beside her and gave her a comforting pat on the back. His brother is sitting next to her too.
"What's going on? What happened?"
When she looked at him, her face was covered in bruises and cuts
"I..I told him I was breaking up with him and moving out, and he beat me."
His brother, who saw how bad her face was, ran to the car to grab the first-aid kit. He gasped when he saw her face, his breath catching in his throat.
"Oh my god...."
He said, quickly putting one of his hands on her shoulder.
"Are you alright?"
He looked at her face, not really sure what to do in this situation.
"Was he still there when you left? Is he in the house?"
(Y/N) nodded, and let's Blue fix up their face. He looked to his brother and watched as he got to fixing her face while he remained silent. He was concerned for (Y/N), but he didn't really know what to say to help. He reached his hand out and gently rubbed her back, just offering comfort. While they are fixing her up, her apartment door opens, and her brother shouts out to her, not noticing blue or stretch*
"hey bitch, get inside and do the dishes!"
He froze and felt his body tensed up a bit, when they heard her ex shout out to her. He stood up quickly, looking over to her ex.
"Hey, buddy, let's have a talk, yeah?"
He said, his tone had a sudden shift, something more serious behind his words. His left eye slightly lighting up orange.
"What the? Hey, you the fuck do you think you are? Get away from my girl, she doesn't need your grose skeleton fingers on her."
"Actually, I think she does."
He said, stepping closer to him and getting right in his face.
"Because you're a piece of shit who hits women, the people he's supposed to love. That's all you are, a piece of shit."
He's looking straight in his eyes, his expression stone cold.
"Back off freak! You are a monster, I'm a human, and I have more rights than you!"
"Rights? You talk about rights? Your rights ended when you hit her, you have no rights. Do you really think anyone with any brain would agree with you punching someone who just wanted to leave you?"
staring him directly in the eye. He had no fear of the man, but this man had more than earned the anger of everyone in the world for what he had done tonight.
"ppfff, whatever, move."
He pushes past stretch to go to (Y/N)
"Oh no, you're not going anywhere buddy."
He pushed the man back, putting himself between the man,his friend, and his brother. not really letting him get too close to her.
"If you really are a man like you claim to be, then how about you just leave, huh? If you arent too much of a pussy that is."
"Whp the fuck do you think you are? That bitch is mine and I'll do what ever I want with her, so move."
"She's a woman who has the right to choose who she wants to be with, and she chose not to be with you. You dont own a person just because you decided to date her. She can dump you at any given time she chooses. Now, are you gonna leave her alone, or do I have to make you?"
He said, getting right up next to the man, looking at him dead in the eyes, still standing firm in-between them both. His magic flaring up. The ex is silent and scoffs. He backs away and looks at (Y/N).
"you're a fucking whore! All those time you left you went to go fuck a skeloton? Fucking freak."
"I never fucked him, he just my friend."
"Don't talk to her like that!"
"And even if she did, it's none of your business as she is not your property anymore. She can do whatever she damn well pleases. Who she has sex with is her business, not yours."
It was clear a button was pressed in him, as he went on another little rant about the guy.
"So how bout you just leave her alone? She didnt want to be with you anymore. So just move on with your life, yeah? If you're not too much of a pussy to accept that, yeah?"
The Ex Bf scoffs and throws some more rants and goes back inside. He then comes back out and throws all (Y/N) belongings onto the sidewalk.
"have fun fucking skeloton's whore!"
He was now truly pissed off. Not only did the guy hit the girl in the first place, but now he's kicking her out because he wasn't happy with this relationship anymore. It made his blood boil. He walked over to the pile of stuff, picking up the things that he knew meant the most to her.
"You're welcome to stay with me until you're able to find a place of your own, okay?"
"Ya, you don't need to rush to find a place to stay."
(Y/N) smiles and nods. She helped blue and stretch, getting her stuff into the car, and on the drive back to their place, the drive was quiet. He sat silently as well, occasionally turning to look at her in the backseat, just checking on her to make sure she's okay. He didn't want to ask her if she was okay, as he hated the question himself. He just watched the road and looked over to her from time to time, but kept the silence as they drove back home. Once home, his brother told (Y/N) that she could sleep on the couch, and he would go grab some blankets and pillows. (Y/N) wasted no time to fall onto the couch.
"Hey... You sure you dont want the bed?"
He said, walking inside and seeing her laying on the couch. He had no issue with her sleeping there. It was comfortable, but he didn't want her to have a cramped neck after all was said and done.
"I'm fine with the couch...plus, don't want to steal your bed from ya."
"Eh, it's fine."
He said, sitting down on the couch next to her.
"Plus, its not like ima get much sleep when I can't stop thinking about this whole thing..."
He sighed, rubbing his skull.
"Im just glad you're safe."
He said, looking over at her. (Y/N) smiles.
"Thank you..."
He nods, and leans back. The two sat in silence for a moment before he looked over to her, his gaze still on her for a few moments longer, the expression on his face one of worry.
"I gotta ask... Are you hurt at all? I mean, besides the bruises, just... Are you feeling okay now that you're out of there?"
He asked, sounding and looking genuinely concerned for her well-being.
"he just threw punches at the face, nothing else."
"Are you sure?"
He asked, his voice full of concern.
"Any pain anywhere?"
He looked down to her, his voice sounding more gentle and caring, just wanting to be sure she didn't have any serious injuries.
raising an eyebrow and continuing to look for any signs of any other injuries.
"Just tell me if you're in pain anywhere."
He continued and placed a hand on her shoulder, his touch not exactly harsh and more of a comforting gesture. (Y/N) smiles and leans against him. Resting her head on his shoulder. He smiled back and let out a quiet sigh, wrapping his arm around her. He couldn't help it, but she was just very comforting to have around.
"I'm here."
He said a bit quietly, not wanting to break this very comfortable and calming silence. Not long after, (Y/N) falls asleep. His brother comes and sees her asleep and singles to stretch to help him lay (Y/N) down so he can cover her up. He gets up and helps his brother to lay her down. After that, he puts a blanket over her and covers her up to keep her cozy and warm. When Blue walks out of the room to head to bed. Stretch was about to do the same, but before he left, he made sure to give (Y/N) a light kiss on the forhead. He then whispers
"Everytbing will be ok."
Please reach out if you are in a abusive relationship, there is nothing bad for reaching help. Boy, girl, demon, woman, man, whoever. Please reach out.
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chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
May I have a Stretch x reader where the reader is taller? Pick the he up :]]
Genre: Romantic
Pronouns: Gender-Neutral
TW/CW: None
Character(s): Stretch
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Tall and curvy partner let's go! He's honestly all for it! It doesn't bother him at all, but he IS a bit surprised that he's found someone taller than him. Everyone talks about how tall he is, that no one can surpass his height, and yet, here you are.
You absolutely and indirectly give him an excuse to be lazier. Since you can reach his stuff on shelves and cabinets, he usually asks you to get his stuff for him, promising the trade of his "oh so wonderful cuddles".
Speaking of cuddles 👀 his are nice and all, but your cuddles are 10 times better. Your warmth always brings him comfort. The way you gently hold him like you're protecting him. The sweet nothings you whisper to him.
It's nice to be able to switch the big spoon position. One certain days, he'll wanna be big spoon and hold you, but on other days, he'll want you to hold him. It assures him that he's really there with you, and he definitely has less nightmares.
You picking him up used to be weird at first, since he wasn't used to it at all- But very quickly, he got used to it and will now continuously ask you to carry him places. He likes being wrapped in your arms, feeling your warmth radiate around him.
You absolutely share clothes. Since he wears baggy clothes and you're a bit taller, some of his clothes fit you perfectly, and your stuff is a bit baggier on him, but he's not complaining one bit. He loves stealing your clothes, so you both decided to just call it your shared clothes.
If you ever have insecurities on your height, he does his best to comfort you. He kinda knows what it's like being one of the very few beings that are his height, since a lot of the monsters were shorter than him.
If you wanna wear heels or boots that give you more height, he's super supportive of it. If it makes you feel good, then it makes him feel good too. Your happiness is his happiness. He'll even wear them and joke around. And yes, he's tripped in them multiple times.
Even though you're not that much taller, height jokes/puns are definitely a thing between you two. "Hows the weather up there?" "Honey, I find your jokes to be quite inTALLerable." You both tease Sans every once in a while, Stretch doing it more than you, but it's just harmless fun.
Sans loves you by the way. He's happy that his brother has found someone to love and cherish! Though, he does try to stop Stretch from tainting you with his laziness. "If both of you become lazy, how will you get anything done?" You promised not to become lazy like Stretch, and he trusts you on that.
All in all, it's a pretty lazy and comfortable relationship. He loves you for you, tallness and all.
Sorry if there are any spelling/grammar errors!
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skele-lover · 1 year
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US! Paps strolling until he comes across Nova's fav flower. 🌷
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a poor attempt at baking with swap papyrus
⊹˚₊⊹˚ʚ☕️੭ Order up!
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its short because i have the fattest headache adn its movie night with my manwife lmao
⊹˚₊⊹˚ʚ☕️੭ Stretch is bad at baking </3
You suck air in through your teeth, looking at the lumpy, inedible-looking mass of brownie that you and Stretch had made. "...I don't think we can eat this," you say, poking at it with a fork. It's rock solid; there's no way that you can even cut it, let alone chew it. "Crap." Stretch visibly deflates, his smile turning into a frown as he wraps his arms around you, resting his chin on your head. "Here I was thinking we could have something sweet for dinner." "It's okay." you patted his cheek, leaning into his chest as you closed your eyes. "We can try again sometime." "Eh... maybe I'll just leave the baking to you. Seems too hard."
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new fic!
alright, anyway.
Summary of this chapter: You meet your possible roommate. He's way cuter more sleep deprived than you thought.
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sky-is-the-limit · 5 months
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𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚢, 𝚍𝚘𝚐𝚐𝚢, 𝚌𝚘𝚠𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕, 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚙𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚠𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕, 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚎𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚍𝚘𝚐𝚐𝚢, 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚢, 𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚘𝚗, 𝚕𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚑𝚘𝚐, 𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚘, 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚘𝚐𝚐𝚢, 𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚍, 𝚔𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚕𝚎, 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛, 𝚕𝚘𝚝𝚞𝚜, 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚞𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚕𝚢, 𝚋𝚞𝚕𝚕, 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚛, 𝚙𝚞𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚞𝚜𝚑, 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚘𝚙, 𝚛𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚎, 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚌𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚜, 𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚒𝚝 𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚌𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚡 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚊𝚝, 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚕𝚎𝚐 𝚞𝚙, 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚑 𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚜 𝚞𝚙, 𝚞𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚗, 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚍, 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚛, 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛, 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎, 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚗, 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑, 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝, 𝚋𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚎, 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝, 𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝙸 𝚍𝚒𝚎.
(gif cred: @itspapillonnoir)
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sillyunknownkitkat · 6 months
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Sans :
Hypersexual reader comfort
Papyrus :
Hypersexual reader comfort
Frisk :
Nothing yet
Chara :
Nothing yet
Asriel :
Nothing yet
Toriel :
Nothing yet
Asgore :
Nothing yet
Astel/Astelle :
Nothing yet
Mettaton :
Nothing yet
Undyne :
Nothing yet
Alphys :
Nothing yet
Muffet :
Nothing yet
Grillby :
Nothing yet
Blue (sans) :
Hypersexual reader comfort
Stretch (papyrus):
Hypersexual reader comfort
Swap (Gaster) :
Nothing yet
Others :
Nothing yet
Red (sans) :
Hypersexual reader comfort
Edge (papyrus) :
Hypersexual reader comfort
Fell (gaster) :
Nothing yet
Others :
Nothing yet
Viper (sans) :
Nothing yet
Puppy/pup (papyrus) :
Nothing yet
Sf/??? (Gaster) :
Nothing yet
Others :
Nothing yet
Other Au's
Ink :
Ink x clingy/touchy reader (kinda Ink slender I'm sorry)
Error :
Nothing yet
Dream :
Nothing yet
Nightmare :
Nothing yet
Axe/Bear (ht sans) :
Nothing yet
Killer :
Nothing yet
Dust :
Nothing yet
Fresh :
Nothing yet
Cross :
Nothing yet
Geno :
Nothing yet
Reaper :
Nothing yet
Birdie (aviantale sans) :
Nothing yet
G (echotale gaster!sans) :
Nothing yet
Epic :
Nothing yet
Others :
Nothing yet
All credits to the characters belong to their original creator. I do not proclaim them as mine. Undertale belongs to TobyFox
Last updated : the 2nd December 2023
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Hi can I request Underswap papyrus with a S/O who can twitch their nose like a bunny? (Yes it’s me Alex or alexismynon-binaryname)
cute lol.
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He loves seeing you do that. He thinks that it's one of the cutest things. Sometimes he'll call you bunny as a nickname, and likes to 'kiss' your nose to see it twitch.
He has no idea why your nose twitches like that, and honestly, he doesn't really wanna know. He just knows that he likes it and likes seeing you do it and he finds it weirdly wholesome and calming? No idea why.
But yeah, he likes to see you do it and I think he would tease you about it! Though he doesn't want you to stop, of course.
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slasher-male-wife · 1 year
HIIIII, CAN I HAVE A REQUEST? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I do love your writing so i extremely want to share you this idea 🥺 i hope you could understand it because i'm kinda not good at English 😭
What would slashers react if reader have a habbit of writing everything important on their arms and thighs? Well, i have that habbit, especially i do need to write the word "breath" in my arm to remind me to breath (because sometime i will forget to do that and that makes me get headache 😭). Sometimes i just need to take some quick note like "doing laundry" or "kiss my pet before school". I know it's silly but i hope you could write that 😭
Of course I can. I kinda do something like this with head canons sometimes. Where I write out the basic idea of what I want to say on a postit note and then develop it when I'm actually writing. Anyway I totally get this and your English is great don't worry.
Slashers with an s/o who writes reminders on their arms
Includes: Vanita "Stretch" Brock, Herbert West, Patrick Bateman and Bo Sinclair
Warnings: None I can think of
You write reminders on yourself? She does that too sometimes! I feel like Stretch isn't the most forgetful person but sometimes she needs a good reminder and writing on herself is how she does it.
She want's to break the habit and will suggest you rely on each other to remind each other what's going on or what needs to be done.
If she ever gets bored enough and she gets your permission she might doodle little things on you. Nothing super big, just small little hearts or starts on your hands and arms.
Herbert West
He's questioning why you're writing on yourself so much. Do you need a planner? Or just a piece of paper to write on?
Once you tell him it's because you don't have the best memory he's going to start trying to give you supplements and what not to help boost your memory, or exercises to get your memory working better.
But he's mostly fine with you writing on your arms and legs as long as you cover it up around certain people and don't use his good pens to do it.
Patrick Bateman
He gets kind of annoyed when you do this. Why do you have to do it in such visible areas? Don't you know he has an image to uphold?
He buys you a planner to use instead. He doesn't want you to write on yourself at all so he thinks a planner you can use and keep on you is the next best option.
He gets more accepting of it over time. Like if you're not going out anywhere for awhile and you wash it off pretty well he won't be that upset with you.
Bo Sinclair
Why are you writing on yourself? You're going to ruin your skin god damn it. At least that's what his parents taught him about drawing on himself as a child.
Will try and remind you of things to get you to break the habit. Will make sure you let him know about anything you need to get done and he will remind you anytime he gets the chance to.
Will just give up and let you write on yourself if it's proving to be too hard for you to stop writing on yourself. He never really minded you doing it but he still wanted to try and get you to stop.
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chrollohearttags · 8 months
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rapper connie + ony idc idc idc!
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bunicate · 3 months
oh bunni! ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა nanami n geto? my two husbands?? i'd love 2 share!! ૮꒰⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა
thinkingg.... uncle! nanamin discovering your relationship with nasty big bro! sugu ૮₍˶Ó﹏Ò ⑅₎ა he walks in on sugu giving his lil sis' fat cunny big kisses and licks while the two are staying over at his house and is just so disgusted! oh, how wrong it is! how could sugu be doing this to his own sister? how could she be enjoying it?
uncle! nanami knows he should interrupt, he knows. despite his usual stoic expression as he watches through the door, he knows he feels disgusted, so why can't he stop staring? why can't he interrupt and— oh! why is his cock getting so hard?
big bro! sugu sees him through the cracked door as he sucks and nips at his sister's milky cunt, a huge smirk on his face. he's just so nasty! he gets off at the horrified yet aroused expression of his uncle as he stares in awe at how sugu's eating up his sister! sugu makes sure to give her cunny a nice little smack! to up the ante, reveling in the way nanami's eyes widen and his chest heaves up n down.
big bro! sugu is having so much fun watching uncle! nanami's reactions at how his little sis's tits bounce with each smack sugu gives her pussy and how her fat cunny creams every time sugu inserts a finger in! maybe he should ask his uncle to join and cop a feel himself! ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
>o< ohmigoddddd . . >\\\< this has me blushing profusely. wht makes this yummy is that kento comes across as very reserved nd suguru using his litl sister to bring out a different of him is so sickkk :c im also such a firm believer tht suguru likes non-penetrative acts. he likes pussyjobs nd tit jobs so much. mayb he might send a litl pic to perv uncle kento as a treat !
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