#Spy racers
khaelen · 8 months
More Shashi x tony
Tiny: *tied up and bruised*
Shashi: you are an idiot, a complete idiot to ever come after me
*Shashi punches tony over and over again in anger, as Shashi continues to beat Tony Tony stays quiet and lets it happen, not putting up a fight*
*Shashi stops punching Tony and looks at him in confusion*
Shashi: why aren't you saying anything
*Shashi moves closer to his face and forces Tony to look up at him*
Shashi: speak mutt
*tony bites his tongue*
Tony: you're hot
Shashi: WHAT!?
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Echo to Tony while he is in hospital after a mission went wrong:
Echo: You happy now? ,Broken ribs and a million broken toes weren’t enough for you?
Tony: in retrospect, they were plenty yes but the worse part is that Cleve got away.
Echo: That’s the worst part? You could have died man
Tony: I wasn’t hurt that badly, the doctor said all the bleeding was internal that’s where the bloods supposed to be :D
Echo: *face palm*
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tired-otter · 2 years
Tony , Entering Shashi's room: Layla did it again.  Shashi: Peace disturbance?  Tony : What no-  Shashi: Arson..?  Tony : NO, JESUS CHRIST, HOW MANY-  Shashi: uh....Attempted murder?  Tony : NO, SHE ATE ALL THE FOOD IN THE FRIDGE, BUT WHAT THE FU- 
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thesoftduckling · 2 years
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They fight cause Shashi wont let her out of his house(fear for her getting hurt)
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loveaquariuslove · 2 years
2008 mcdonalds
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ladyelainehilfur · 4 months
The DreamWorks amazing-looking movie to meh-looking TV show pipeline strikes again
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sabermoonlight1616 · 6 months
The WGP racers definitely taught each other how to swear in different languages
And they totally had a sleepover in Lightning's racing headquarters before and after that race in the ending
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movie-titlecards · 3 months
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Spy Kids: Armageddon (2023)
My rating: 4/10
This is not good, but in all fairness, 10 year old me probably would've loved it.
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(c) Lizzo
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khaelen · 1 year
Tony: *crying while eating ice cream and listening to sad songs*
Echo: *sigh* I'll go get the blanket
Frostee:I'll turn the heating up
Cisco:and I'll go get more snacks!!
Layla:don't ask me *puts hands up in surrender*
Tony: *sobs louder*
I just have this little headcanon that whenever tony is sad/someone makes him upset he just listens to sad music questioning what he did wrong while eating ice cream which normally ends up with him crying with a blanket wrapped around him
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Tony died on impact after falling from cleves, and the team lost it's glue and slowly fell apart.
Tony gets seriously injured after falling from cleves rocket which makes him fall into a coma and during his coma the team agrue and blame each other for tony being in such a bad way.
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peregrin-tookish · 5 months
Apparently I was never listening closely enough as a kid because Juni's middle names are "Rocket Racer Rebel"
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thesoftduckling · 2 years
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I wanna see her in dresses and hair down so🥺
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ughscara · 5 months
i ascended into heaven
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When you’re a Fullmetal Alchemist fan and then you go back to Star Wars and Anakin is just getting thrown back into battle, in a war, with a new Padawan soon after and it’s just like ‘where the hell was the healing and rehabilitation time?’
Also Slave Bombs, Prosthetics and Child Genius Mechanics. If that doesn’t scream Winry Rockbell raised in a warzone by her parents learning while operating on freshly blown up people instead of from her Gran in a small country village then I don’t know what does.
(Although granted considering her ability to swing into ‘can delivery baby if the need calls for it’ mode as a _teenager_, even if she was freaked out and trying not to show it and the delivery went smoothly, she’s probably had to deal with various farm injuries and other small town emergencies as well that come from being one of the few medically trained people around so it doesn’t matter if an injury falls under your specialty or not because this person need medical care Now. Also thanks to her job in prosthetics she would be seeing war wounds at some point, just normally that’s probably after people are recovered enough to travel or at least stick them on a train.)
Give me Anakin being the whole nerve surgeon, mechanical child genius, rehabilitation task master and physiotherapy expert that Winry is.
Give me Barriss stumbling over Anakin’s new status as ‘Knight’ because she’s so used to calling him ‘Healer’ and has spent time studying under him and working together on various war, natural disasters and recovery missions.
Give me Shmi and a long line of Skywalkers passing down their knowledge throughout the generations. Never knowing how long they might have to train their apprentices, adopted and blood related both, before one or both of them is killed or resold.
A line of healers who See and Know just a bit more than others might, of a kind of Healing that was thought to be stamped out by Depuran but still continues in the shadows to this day. Slaves that heal just a little faster, nerves connected with few errors, or need to retest and cause additional pain, no matter the species.
Of Monks who are little more than brains in jars now on a spider droid’s back, their temple stolen from them and turned into a Hutt palace. Monks who still roam freely, and spread their stories and teachings to those who will Listen.
Give me Ayala an experienced by still young Padawan on Tatooine pretending to be a slave mechanic and meeting a young boy and his mother when someone is majorly injured and she realises she’s bitten off more than she can chew. Not realising what ‘Slave Mechanic’ means where slaves themselves are considered property and equipment to be maintained and fixed, that a ‘Slave Mechanic’ is often the closest things slaves have to a medic.
Give me Ayala learning as much from nine year old Anakin about medicine and slavery as he does from her about Jedi training, navigating the city underbelly and Shadows.
Give me Anakin first meeting Kadee, long before she even got that name, as Palpatine’s old racer med-droid. Palpatine who full knew Anakin’s habit of rescuing broken and/or unwanted droids from the scrap heap. Who told Anakin it hardly counted as Palpatine giving Anakin something if it was something Palpatine was discarding, with a wink as he swept past his own scrap heap. Kadee who then becomes Anakin’s surgery assistant and teacher when out in the field while being small, compact and easily portable thanks to her previous med racer life and future torture droid repurposing when her model’s purpose is twisted to one far more sinister than their original construction intended, not that either of them know that yet.
Give me Obi-Wan post being a child soldier at war who spent a year buried in the archives or shadowing Bant’s heels in the medbay learning to be a first responder field medic because there is never enough medics in war.
Bant and Quinlan laugh themselves sick about the irony of it later when he gets a nine year old ex-slave child who could give some battle surgeons a run for their money. They laugh til they cry about it, all curled up together like they have after many a raw mission, Obi-Wan leaves early though, he has a Padawan to look after after all.
Give me Anakin with his arm in a sling or off because he’s still breaking his prosthetic in and his stump can’t handle the weight. Give me Anakin with his prosthetic off period during war room meetings because when the hell else is he meant to rest it or let it breathe during non-stop battle.
Vader as Trooper Sand in his hoverchair and greys because the suit and prosthetics are heavy Damn It and his body needs a break.
Anakin having multiple limbs he can swap out for various planets and weather to avoid hot/cold metal. He has a full on plastersteel limb for frozen planets that the clones are immeasurably proud of.
Give me Anakin who ends up in an Orphan Padawan Pack and clone cuddle pile post Obi-Wan’s death after he almost has a panic attack going to sleep in a war zone sans dominant weapon hand without Obi-Wan to have his back.
Give me Anakin fresh off Tatooine and his Mother’s death and promise not to fail again, who begs Obi-Wan not to send the injured clones back to Kamino while freshly down a limb. Because screw the idea that Palpatine handpicked First Battle of Geonosis survivors for the 501st, Anakin got there first and his fleet could give Rust Valley a run for it’s money anyway.
Give me Anakin being one of the first to teach the clones about prosthetics that aren’t transplants because the Kaminons certainly didn’t. The first prosthetic operation to the clones medical data banks is Anakin’s, done by Threepio using droid scrap just like they were both once used to, with Artoo to fill in the medical blanks and update Threepio on Anakin’s most recent preferences.
The medical journals hardly stop there, even if Anakin isn’t always the star patient or the one doing them, he still contributes a lot to them.
Give me Threepio becoming a slave mechanic’s assistant who learnt medicine not from code but a slave then ex-slaves teachings particularly from Anakin but mostly Shmi. Who goes on to help Padme on relief missions across systems and planets of various languages and cultures.
Give me Anakin continuing the Skywalker tradition with Ahsoka, teaching her to patch up ships and her vod alike.
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List Your Top 10 Favorite characters from any show or movie than tag 5 people to do the same
Ok here we go
Helen Sharpe (New Amsterdam)
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2. Rayla (dragon Prince)
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3. Astrid (How to Train Your Dragon)
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4. Layla (Fast and Furious Spy Racers)
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5. Amity (Owl House)
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6. Brooklynn (Jarrasic Park Camp Cretaceous)
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7. Wendy (Gravity Falls)
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8. Sasha (Amphibia)
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9. Maya (Proud Family Louder and Prouder)
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10. Huey (Boondocks)
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Thanks for the ask!
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