#Source: Malcom in the middle
He Tian: So, you just bought a new bed, just like that.
Mo Guan Shan: He Tian, we had that smelly, saggy old one for 20 years. It's time for a new one.
He Tian: This one is certainly bigger.
Mo Guan Shan: Yeah. It's king-sized. They're a little bigger.
He Tian: So you'll be further away.
Mo Guan Shan: I guess. Maybe a couple inches.
He Tian: So, is that the reason? You want there to be more distance between us?
Mo Guan Shan: He Tian, I didn't really think about the size. It was on sale at Mattress King.
He Tian: I guess you couldn't pass up a deal like that, huh? It's just interesting to learn how it starts.
Mo Guan Shan: How what starts?
He Tian: Hell, first you buy the king-size bed, the largest bed made. But then of course, at some point, even the giant bed doesn't put enough distance between you and the hideous monster. So you start sleeping in another room. Then soon, we're barely exchanging pleasantries, and then one day you say, "He Tian, let's just say what we're both thinking. "And then, I end up eating alone on a Formica table under a swinging light bulb while you, are on a beach in Ibiza being rubbed with cocoa butter by your new lover who you can never get too close to!
Mo Guan Shan: He Tian, it's a bed! The old one was horrible. This one is nice. Look, I know this is a big change for you. So I'm just going to have to think of some way to make you very, very happy in this bed.
He Tian: Good luck! *Stomps away*
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pra370r1an · 1 year
Eda, slamming the door behind her: Who wants to make 5 snails!?
Luz, with King and Hunter watching: How?
Eda: I need someone to take the fall.
Raine, from further in the house: Oh my Titan!
Luz: What did you do!?
Eda: I can't tell you that. Yes or no, no questions asked.
Luz: Make it ten.
Eda: Done
Raine: OH MY TITAN!!!
Eda, stopping to hold Luz's shoulder: You're a good daughter.
Eda, grabbing Luz's shirt and hauling her into the house: Honey, I Got Her! I Got Her!
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hchollym · 1 year
Fred & George: All you do is bitch!
Percy: I happen to bitch the perfect amount for someone in my situation!
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Toby: Sarah, can I have a story?
Sarah: Once upon a time, there was a little boy that made his sister so crazy she decided to sell him to a circus.
Toby, terrified: An evil circus?
Sarah, guilty: No, a nice one with monkeys.
Toby: Thank you.
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Gomez and Morticia have sat Pugsley down to talk because he has taken a shower
Morticia: Is this going to be a daily thing because we have a sched-
Gomez: Son, are you on drugs? (And if so, what kind and do you have any left?)
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Davy Keith, at church for the first time: What does the ‘t’ on the wall stand for?
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Incorrect Quote
Young Otis: If nothing I do ever has any fucken meaning- then I cant care about fucken anything- which makes me feel fucken worse-
Young Otis: Old man- How am I supposed to ever be happy?!
Captain Spaulding: ... Kid, I'm workin' as a zoo clown. Now buy a giraffe and go to hell.
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Geoffrey: What is it called when you look around and you are not filled with a festering rage?
Sean: Being moderately happy?
Geoffrey: That's it! I am moderately happy.
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incorrect-snkquotes · 9 months
15 y/o Kyo: Where do babies come from?
Saisyu: Kyo, I’m sure we’ve talked about this.
15 y/o Kyo: Yeah but I’m blanking.
15 y/o Kyo: Two guys, right?
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Mikey: Who wants to make fifty bucks?
Donnie: How?
Mikey: I need someone to take the fall.
Raph, from the other room: Oh my god.
Donnie: What did you do?
Mikey: I can't tell you. Yes or no, no questions asked.
Raph, from the other room: Oh my god!
Donnie: Make it a hundred.
Mikey: Deal.
Raph, from the other room: OH MY GOD!
Mikey, to Donnie: You’re a good brother.
Mikey, out loud so Raph can hear: I WAS DONNIE!!
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citrineleaf · 2 years
Devineaux: Where did you get twenty bucks? Player: What are you, a cop?
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Maid: Little Tian, time to get going. Let's put your shoes on.
He Tian: *Runs away screaming*
Maid: Wonder what's gotten into him?
He Cheng: I have no idea *Flashback of him showing He Tian how to tie his shoes* Now pay attention. I'm only going to show this to you one more time. The rabbit comes out of his hole, and runs around the tree. But he won't stop laughing at you. So you grab him by the tail and it rips off in your hand. You follow the trail of blood back to his hole. And then you reach in, pull the rabbit out and then you strangle him! And then you're ready to walk around.
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jasperarsonaurelia · 11 months
Livia : who wants to make fifty bucks?
Amy : how?
Livia : I need someone to take the fall
Amy : what did you do?
Livia : I can't tell you. Yes or no, no questions asked
Alexia, from the other room : oh my god
Livia :
Alexia : OH MY GOD!
Amy : make it a hundred
Livia : deal
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shadowisbored · 1 year
How I love you, obscure blorbos 🙏
Bastard of the week is
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Francis Wilkerson
Source: Malcom in the middle
Hot mess blorbo <3
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incorrectquotesmcu · 4 months
That last one the Bartons of why aren’t the kids hurting each other
Before I saw the source was Modern Family
I thought would’ve been from Malcom in the middle
I’ve never watched that show, maybe there’s a similar scene?
I don’t know the exact ep but I think that scene is from one of the first seasons of Modern Family.
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bloghrexach · 1 month
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🇮🇱 … Israel is nothing but a European colony implanted in the Middle East! —.No one wanted these ‘settlers’ and the a British decided (after considering several other ‘lands’) to send them to Palestine!!
Notice the quote by Arthur Khosla!!
By: LaillaB, founder of ‘Reclaim the Narrative’, from LinkedIn …
“Israel should be viewed as a European colony implanted in the MiddleEast rather than having genuine native semitic roots to the land argue various scholars and academics.
A colony with a story rooted in colonialism, a project that has slightly modernised its visage but continues to subject Palestinians to military occupation and land dispossession.
🔬 Autosomal DNA admixture of Palestinian Christians, Muslims and Ashkenazi Jews; National Library of Medicine 2010:
🔻Palestinians derive most of their ancestry from the Bronze Age
🔻Canaanites, 83% among Christians and 70% Among the Muslims.
🔻Ashkenazis derive most of their ancestry from a Southern European source and not the Canaanites.
🔻Closest modern groups to Palestinians; native Levantine groups, Lebanese and Jordanians.
🔻Closest modern groups to Ashkenazis are Europeans.
Genealogically speaking, & politics aside, Ashkenazis would be considered outliers and not Native to the Levant Area.
All the Levantine Arabs, including Palestinians, have a common genetic inheritance in continuity with the Canaanites.
Palestinians are for the most part descendants of groups who have been in the Middle East for 4 thousand years, at least.
Despite the significant historical dna ties (roots), the coloniser continues colonising Semites, resulting in the massacre of over 40,000, which no longer warrants the term "plausible” genocide.
Israel's imperial ambitions in their current ethnic cleansing campaign of Gaza, driven by the desire to exploit the region's natural resources and fulfill their vision of constructing the Ben Gurion Canal.
This project aims to rival Egypt's Suez Canal and establish (lucrative) strategic trade dominance, underscoring Israel's colonial agenda driven by exploitation;
According to Israeli historian Ilan Pappe in his book “On Palestine”, 2015 co-written, American scholar Noam Chomsky:
“The tale of Palestine from the beginning until today is a simple story of colonialism and dispossession, yet the world treats it as a multifaceted and complex story, hard to understand and even harder to solve.”
Malcom X argued in his article, “Zionist Logic” …
“Did the Zionists have the legal or moral right to invade Arab Palestine, uproot its Arab citizens from their homes and seize all Arab property for themselves just based on the “religious” claim that their forefathers lived there thousands of years ago? Only a thousand years ago the Moors lived in Spain. Would this give the Moors of today the legal and moral right to invade the Iberian Peninsula, drive out its Spanish citizens, and then set up a new Moroccan nation . . ., as the European Zionists have done to our brothers and sisters in Palestine?” 1964.
“Does Israel’s existence as a Coloniser, an Occupier, a Settler Colony have any claim or any right?
Not historically, not biblically, not logically and not legally. Religion is no basis to claim a right to inherit another land.
Call it what it is!! … 🇮🇱
#reclaimthenarrative —🕊🍉 — #FreePalestineFromTheRiverToTheSea … @hrexach …
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