#Snapetober 2021
sev-my-little-baby · 2 years
A little reminder for myself and others:
Stands on the podium with the light shining gat me, showing me wearing snape’s clothes.
Takes a deep bow: thank you for your time.
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glowstar826 · 1 year
NOTE: This is a part 2 to my previous story, written for Snapetober 2021. The parts are posted as a two-shot on my fanfic accounts!
"You made the right choice, Severus."
Long, suffocating silence followed.
"I'm serious. How do you think you'd feel if Minerva became collateral damage in our fight?"
More silence.
"Say something. Please."
"What should I say, Dumbledore?" Severus growled dangerously, whirling around in his chair. "That I'm happy Minerva views me as a cold-blooded killer? That I'm simply over the moon thinking of how isolated I am?"
"I must ask that you do not be so callous with your words. Remember what we're working towards. Remember what our end goal is."
"Yes, because of course Harry Potter's impending death is something to celebrate, no?"
"That's not what I meant—"
"Go back to one of your portrait friends. Maybe talk to Black and laugh about how pathetic your spy is. Or better yet, continue pretending to sleep."
But Severus had made up his mind. In a swift motion, he stood up and swung the door open with his wand, his robes flowing majestically behind him as he strode through the opening and the door flew shut behind him.
He needed to see her and apologize. He couldn't leave their relationship like this, so fractured beyond repair. He couldn't send her off in such a cruel way, knowing that by the end of this war he'd either be locked away in Azkaban for all of eternity or lying forgotten and dead in some unknown field. No matter what Dumbledore said, Severus would not be making it out without a scratch. His soul had already started rotting; it wouldn't be much time before his body started rotting along with it.
Severus had no need to consult any map to find the personal quarters belonging to the head of Gryffindor House. He'd been there so many times that his movements were fluid, understood, automatic.
He rapped lightly on the door once he got there. He so desperately wanted to set things right, to make things calmer and more civil between them.
When Minerva didn't answer the door, he knocked again. And again. And again until she finally yanked the door open and said, "Why are you knocking so late—" But she stopped as she registered Severus's face. Eyebrows knitting together, she asked, more menacingly, "Why are you here?"
For a moment, Severus couldn't get words to form. Minerva was like a gun with a bullet, the spy thought, and not for the first time. Her quick mind and sharp wit were no match for any other person—even himself. When she fired, she fired the killing shot. She wasn't one to play games—she liked getting to the point.
"I…apologize for my earlier conduct." Severus gulped. "I shouldn't have been so harsh, given our history."
Minerva squinted at him.
"What history?" she snapped, and it felt like a stab to the heart. "You've made your choice, Severus. You cannot undo what you've done."
You've chosen your way, I've chosen mine…
She turned to go back inside, but Severus caught the door as she was shutting it.
He couldn't make the same mistake again.
"Please, Minerva," he begged. "Don't leave. Not until I've had my say."
This stopped her.
Turning back around, she faced him with a fixed gaze of hatred. At least, that was what Severus interpreted her expression to be. But it was no matter. He needed to make things right.
"I truly am sorry," he whispered. "I'm sorry…that things must be this way. That we must be on opposite sides. That you must view me as you do."
His eyes met Minerva's. They burned with determination.
"You must protect the students. Every last one of them. No matter what I do, no matter what I say, you must do it. As Headmaster of Hogwarts, this is a firm order."
Severus backed away. He knew there were tears in his eyes.
He went on.
"As a student, I admired you. As a professor, I respected you. As a headmaster…I mourn your loss. Deeply."
By this point, Minerva's eyes were brimming with tears.
"All I ask…is that you remember me once I'm gone. That is all I ask."
Somehow, Severus knew he would not survive this war.
It broke his heart more than he realized.
Without another word, he turned and left. He would've used a Memory Charm on her, but he loved her too much to do it.
Yes. As a professor…and as a friend.
He loved her.
The owl flew in just as Minerva was finishing her breakfast. It was her first day in her new office, but she had settled in quite nicely.
Attached to its talon was an envelope as well as a small package. Untying both, Minerva sent the owl on its way after feeding it some leftover bacon.
She frowned at the lack of a sender, but it quickly turned to surprise when she saw how Minerva McGonagall was penned across the parchment. After years of reading his letters, she knew that handwriting like the alphabet.
But why was she receiving a package from Severus Snape?
She opened the envelope with her letter opener, and she quickly unfolded the letter.
Dear Minerva,
You should be receiving this on 1 September 1998. Congratulations on becoming Headmistress. I understand that I usurped it from you last year, so I apologize. Though, you can surely blame the less than ideal circumstances that befell that particular situation.
I lament that I cannot be here to see how you have fared. I presume that the war is over, and that things are peaceful once again. Please give my regards to Filius and Pomona. Also, if you can, give my regards to Draco Malfoy.
A final thing, before I close off. If Harry Potter, by some divine miracle, has survived the war, give him my regards as well. Tell him that I apologize for my behavior towards him, and that I am sorry for what he suffered at his young age.
I will always cherish our friendship, no matter how short-lived it was. It made teaching in this place mean something beyond the war.
All the best, Minerva.
Sincerely, Severus Snape
It was his funeral all over again. She had screamed when they had found Severus's body in the Shrieking Shack. Months later, when he was being buried, all she could see was the snake bite that had ravaged his neck.
The poor boy had only been thirty-eight. For seventeen of those years, he risked his life as a spy. He'd been thrown into the deep recesses of this war before he could grow into manhood. He couldn't climb out, and he hadn't tried. Everything, from his childhood to his time at Hogwarts to his tenure as a professor and Head of House, had built up to his tragic end. He deserved so much more. He had given so much, and yet he received so little.
Her eyes trailed to the small package. She had a feeling she knew what it was.
Opening it, she found a small vial. She headed to one of the shelves, where Dumbledore's Pensieve was hidden away from curious eyes. Pulling it out, she took it back to the desk, and she poured the vial's contents into it.
She lowered her face into the bowl.
"Hello, Minerva."
They were in Severus's quarters. He was standing by his desk, facing the window.
"Stand over there," Severus directed, pointing to a spot by his bookshelves, and Minerva followed his instruction.
Telling from his face, he had not yet killed Dumbledore. In fact, she would go as far as to say it was long before that fateful month.
"At the time of this memory, I've just been given the order to kill Albus Dumbledore."
Order. That's right. It had been an order—something Minerva would forever curse Dumbledore for.
"I'm leaving this message…in case I don't live beyond the war. I have good reason to believe I won't survive. With all the crimes I've committed, my only future is a future in Azkaban, despite what I've done to rectify my sins. There, I may receive the Dementor's Kiss, and I'll be as good as dead."
Oh, if only Severus had undergone a painless death such as that.
Severus paused for a moment.
"I trust you won't misunderstand me as many others have done. Now, even Dumbledore has shown me that I'm but a tool to him. I wonder, Minerva, if he truly cares about me. Do you think he does?"
Minerva couldn't help it; she let an agonized cry escape her, revealing the true depths of her grief. Despite what crimes Severus had committed, he had remained immensely dear to her. She had cherished their friendship, too. A great affection for him had grown in the years they had worked together.
"Anyways. I just wanted you to know this. I'll place this memory in a vial, now, for safekeeping."
But it wasn't over, yet. All of a sudden, Minerva was transported forward in time, to the same spot in Severus's quarters. This time, Severus was hunched over in his chair.
"Dumbledore has some nerve."
Severus stood up, turning to the spot where Minerva was standing.
"After all this time, Harry Potter must die."
This took Minerva by surprise. Why on Earth would Harry have had to die?
"I can't believe him. I really was a tool to him. He never…he never cared."
Severus sat back in his chair, and he stared in Minerva's direction. It felt as though he was staring at her, but he could never stare at her—after all, she was never there. She was only here now, two years later, when all had been resolved.
"I wish you were here, Minerva, so that perhaps you'd give me some advice. But that would only put you in danger, and I would never do that to you. So, here I am, talking to an imagination. A hope, really."
Severus barked a short laugh, which startled Minerva.
Had she ever heard him laugh before?
"I'll bid you goodnight, now."
For the second time, Minerva was transported forward in time. For the third time, she was in that spot by Severus's bookshelves.
"Minerva, this is important, so I must remember to secure this message in the vial."
Severus was pacing back and forth, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Tomorrow, I will kill Dumbledore. Tomorrow, everything will change."
He turned towards Minerva. It truly felt like he was looking at her, and not at the space she was occupying. But she knew it was impossible. And that, she realized, was the crux of this tragedy.
Severus had had no one. And yet, he had still turned to her.
"Minerva…I want you to know that I'll miss you. Your friendship is quite dear to me. You are, in fact, the only one I can truly call a friend. Once I deal Dumbledore's final blow, I'll lose it forever. So, I'm speaking to you now, through this memory, so that you may understand my intentions remain the same. No matter what, I will ensure the Dark Lord meets his demise. If I must kill Dumbledore for that to happen, then so be it."
Severus took a deep breath.
"In many ways, you were like a mother to me. A bit of a stern mother, but a mother nonetheless. My own mother, unfortunately, could not be there for me, so I thank you for filling that gap, even though I doubt you intended it."
He smiled tearfully.
"I bid you farewell, Minerva. I hope we can see each other soon."
And with the that, the memory came to an end.
"Oh, Severus," she whispered as she found herself back in her office. "Why'd you torture yourself so much?"
In all the years she had known Severus, this was the first time she'd seen him smile.
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suffer-my-displeasure · 6 months
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Snapetober -  “you have to let go”
Snuffles and Snape in a small cookie brawl
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momo-t-daye · 8 months
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In a year their shared path would take them to Hogwarts, to the magical world where they would surely fit in, where they would belong more than they belonged to the disused train tracks and polluted river and dirty streets of mundane Cokeworth. In a year, less than a year really, they'd both be at Hogwarts. But here, in a fleetingly perfect autumn day, they had one another and were content. For Unofficial Snapetober 2023 prompt "Ephemeral", I suppose it probably follows my 2021 Snapetober piece for the "Contemplation" prompt
(queued as I am off camping to see the annular eclipse!)
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sxvxrxssnape · 8 months
Snapetober 2023
It's been awhile, my fellow sniends and snovers! While I haven't been active in Snapedom for over a year now (Genshin Impact claimed another one, I fear), I have not lost my love of our problematic fave, Severus Snape yet.
It was an honor to curate Snapetober prompts for you the past three years and I loved seeing all the content it inspired, but it feels a little unfair to hold onto an event for a fandom I no longer engage in and therefore, no longer give it the attention it deserves.
If you are wanting to participate in Snapetober for this year, past years prompts are still available for you to use! Whether you want to try a new approach at a prompt you've already done, or joined Snapedom too late to participate, they are there for you to pick and choose at your leisure! Snapetober has never had rules about what and when to post! I have some old prompts I never finished/uploaded, so perhaps I'll take this opportunity to finally share them! I also noticed that @momo-t-daye has come up with a fun and earthy themed list if you'd like to check it out! And of course, anyone is welcome to come up with and share a list of their own!
As always much snove to you all and thank you for always being a memorable fandom to me/making Snapetober such a fond memory for me :)
Snapetober 2020 Prompts 2021 Prompts 2022 Prompts Momo's 2023 List! my ao3 if you're interested in past snapey fics
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deepperplexity · 2 years
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« S N A P E T O B E R   2 0 2 1 »
Small note: I do my utmost to have GN readers unless something else is explicitly stated! 
Want to be tagged? 💚 You can tag yourself HERE! Or tell me and I’ll gladly tag you! 😍
[LINK TREE for all my places]
☕ Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
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« S N A P E T O B E R   2 0 2 1 »
🍁 Oct:2021 - 1. Autumn  - Snape x Reader -  You are apparently dressing as if a grandmother vomited all over you, or so he said at least (with love) when you barged into his office. 
🍁 Oct:2021 - 2. “You have to let go” - Snape x Reader - You are struggling with the death of your brother, your guilt and belief of having caused it makes you think that perhaps Severus will leave you if he finds out…
🍁 Oct:2021 - 3. Pumpkin Carving  - Snape x Reader  -  You struggle daily with OCD and when Severus brings home pumpkins for you to carve you get overwhelmed when you can’t get it just right and he helps you.
🍁 Oct:2021 - 4. Regret  - Snape x Fem!Healer!Reader - Snape is in pain after having pushed you away in his youth as he did not know that you felt for him as he did for you and now you are back at Hogwarts...
🍁 Oct:2021 - 5. Apple Orchard  - Snape x Reader  - Severus decides to take you on your eleventh date at an Orchard to pick your own apples to make apple pies and apple jam in the afternoon.
🍁 Oct:2021 - 6. Hostage/Trapped, 10. Misunderstandings, 16. “I’ve got you” - Snape x Reader  - When you unexpectedly turn up with Halloween decorations at Snape’s house he feels trapped by his past as you ask him to open up to you...
🍁 Oct:2021 -  8. Emptiness, 9. Old Books, 11. Old Friends  -  Snape (no pairing)  -  We get to see a glimpse of Snape’s childhood and what he did to escape the cold, the loneliness and how he found friendship in an unexpected place.
🍁 Oct:2021 -  10. Misunderstandings, 13. Spell Casting, 28. Flashbacks, 30. “How could you do this?”  - Student!Snape x Student!Muggleborn!Female!Reader -  You accidentally hit Severus with a spell intended for his bully and everything crumbles as he is incapable of understanding your love for him is true...
🍁 Oct:2021 -  21. Contemplation, 20. Night Terrors, 26. “Don’t leave me” - Student!Snape x Student!Muggleborn!Female!Reader  - CONTINUATION of  [10. Misunderstandings, 13. Spell Casting, 28. Flashbacks, 30. “How could you do this?”] 
🍁 Oct:2021 -  18. (No) Mercy, 22. Touch Starved, 25. Rainy Evening  - Snape x Fem!Healer!Reader - CONTINUATION of [4. Regret]. 
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Want to be tagged? 💚 You can tag yourself HERE! Or tell me and I’ll gladly tag you! 😍
[LINK TREE for all my places]
☕ Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
All donations go towards my writing! 🥰 Thank you in advance for all the support of every kind! 
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professorsnape394 · 3 years
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DAY 7 - Potions and Pranks
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader (ft. Weasley Twins)
Rating: 🥰
Prompt: Potions
A/N: Day 7 of Snapetober 2021. Just a fluffy lil piece for you all to enjoy.
Warnings:  Mentions of using a love potion against their will, (magical roofie?).
Word Count: 1730
Credits to Gif Creator.
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Fred Weasley raked and rummaged through the rows of never-ending jars and vials that cluttered the shelves of the potions store cupboard, meanwhile his brother George stood watch.
“Quick, he’s coming.” The lookout urged, his tone a hushed whisper. The dungeon bat himself was only a few steps away, ready to round the corner at any second. “Just grab it, Freddie, come on!”
“Okay, okay.” The second brother replied, continuing to search the shelves. “I got it!”
Jumping out of the cupboard just in the nick of the time, brandishing his stolen vial, Fred Weasley took the time to celebrate his own handiwork, before the twin boys set off in the opposite direction from which their potions master was heading.
“Hold on just a minute.” Professor Snape droned, enunciating each word perfectly. “What exactly are you two young Gryffindors doing loitering around by the Slytherin dorms, not to mention… my office?”
The twins shared a look of half panic, half menace. If Severus wasn’t a sceptic, he would almost believe they were communicating telepathically on which excuse they would use this time.
“We had a class.” Fred blurted out idiotically.
Scepticism validated.
Clocking the single raised eyebrow that meant Snape was about to dish out punishments if he wasn’t provided with a better excuse in the next three seconds.
“What he means is; we had a class with the Slytherins. Professor Y/L/N wants us to work on a project together, we were just leaving from a study session.”
“Very well.” Snape hummed, moderately satisfied. “But know if I find out that the two of you are up to something, it’ll be a month’s detention with Mr. Filch. Is that perfectly clear?”
“Of course, Professor.” The boys chimed in unison. Two equally large grins plastered on their faces having gotten away with the initial phase of their prank.
“What the hell did you say that for?” Fred nudged his brother. “Wouldn’t Snape just go and ask her if she set a group project.”
“Of course, he wouldn’t. Snape and Y/L/N hate each other. That’s what makes this prank so perfect!”
Later that day at the Gryffindor table the Harry, Hermione and the younger half of the Weasley clan all gathered to discuss their long-awaited revenge plan on Snape. No less than a month ago, the old bat took away near to 100 points from Gryffindor house because he claimed they were disrupting the Slytherin's Quidditch practice, Meanwhile Malfoy and his entourage got away Scot-free, despite the fact it was they who took unlawful control of the pitch during their slot in the first place. The twins had been working on a plan to get back at him ever since.
“So, who are you going to give it to?” Ron asked, fiddling with the precious liquid curiously.
“Professor Y/L/N.” George responded.
“Why her?”
“She’s always going on about how much she hates Snape. It’ll be hilarious.” Fred cut in, snatching the bottle back from his younger brother, concealing it in the inner pocket of his robes.
“Aren’t you worried Snape will catch you.” Ginny questioned.
“He’ll be too distracted to even notice. And by the time it’s worn off, he’ll have forgotten all about us.”
It didn’t take much to distract y/n early in the morning, she never was fully awake before she finished her morning coffee. Forever drifting off at her desk, doing laps of the room to keep herself awake and constantly forgetting half her coursework back in her office, there would be plenty of times to slip the potion into her drink unnoticed.
Just as the twins had predicted, right in the middle of the lesson the ditsy professor let out a sudden gasp.
“There I’ve gone and done it again; I’ve left the assignment on my other desk.” She face-palmed. “Give me a second guys, carry on with your work, I’ll be right back.” She called, already sprinting out the door.
“Give it here.” George demanded; a hand outstretched his brother.
Casting a simple levitating charm, George Weasley enchanted the vial to discreetly float across the edge of the classroom, slowly unscrewing the top, before tipping the entire contents into the woman’s mug of black coffee.
The boys exchanged a smile and thumbs up.
Mission Successful. Now all they had to do was sit back, and let their plan unfold, wreaking havoc in its wake.
As she always did during her free period on a Monday, y/n headed off to the library for one last moments peace before the chaos of the week to come well and truly set in.
It wasn’t uncommon for y/n to run into Professor Snape in the far corner of the library, he often frequented similar quiet spots as she, though rarely did either of them address each other’s presence with little more than a simple nod of the head.
As usual Severus sat in the opposite corner from y/n, nothing more than a large bay window separating the couple. To and onlooker the juxtaposition was staggering; y/n loved lounging comfortably on a large pillow reminiscent of muggle bean bag, sipping the dregs of her coffee while reading, Severus, on the other hand, perched himself on an old hard wooden chair, hunching over a nearby desk while he scribbled away on his stacks of parchment.
Y/n liked it this way. She could keep a wary eye on Snape out the corner of her eye, while Snape couldn’t see her at all unless her turned his whole body. The man made her nervous, she couldn’t bare to sit under his intense gaze unknowingly.
Distracted from his writing by the harsh sniffs of y/n, Severus could take it no longer. He spun on his seat, glaring down at the young woman eyeing the contents of her mug and subsequently sniffing it suspiciously.
“Do you mind?” Snape growled irritably.
“Sorry.” She shrugged bashfully. “It’s just… nevermind.”
“Go on.” He pressured with a roll of his eyes.
“Does this coffee taste funny to you? It does to me, only I’m sure I can’t smell anything out for the ordinary.” The woman rambled, continuing to sniff her coffee before tasting it once more. She retracted in disgust, the strange flavour still dancing on the tip of her tongue.
“I am not going to taste your coffee.” Snape grouched.
Turning back to his papers, annoyed by the trivial suspicions of his colleague, Severus shook his head disapprovingly. However, the potions master within him would not stop nagging the rest of his brain to investigate.
“Come with me.” He sighed, piling up his belongs reluctantly.
“What? Why?”
“I have reason to believe the Weasley twins might have slipped a potion in your drink. I need you to come back to my office so we can figure out which one before the effects kick in.”
Y/n nodded vigorously, rushing after the potions professor hastily as he stormed his way down to the dungeons.
“Take a seat.” Severus offered, fetching his index of the Hogwarts potion inventory.
“Let’s get this over with.” He mumbled, running a large finger down the inner spine of the book. “I know how much you hate to be around me.”
“That’s not true.” Y/n confessed.
“I’m sorry?”
“I don’t hate being around you. I don’t hate being around anyone.”
“You can’t stand it then; the exact terminology doesn’t make much difference to me, frankly.”
“Who ever told you that? I don’t hate you Severus, or even dislike you, not even a little a bit. In fact, I rather love you.”
Severus’s finger came to a half halfway down the page. His entire being buffering for a second to process the witch’s blunt confession.
“Excuse me?” He scoffed.
“I love you, Severus. I have done since the day I met you, I suppose. I only keep my distance because I assume you don’t feel the same. And it hurts… so fucking much.” She exclaimed, resting her face in her palms.
“Amortentia, it is.” Snape muttered to himself, flicking back to the start of his book.
As he reached for the antidote hidden in his apothecary of drawers, Severus paused for a moment, allowing his eyes to scan over the clearly very distressed woman.
“Humour me.” He said, relaxing back in his chair. “What exactly about me do you love?”
The woman slowly pealed her hands away from her face. While Severus knew it was all a delusion induced by the world’s strongest love potion, he saw no harm in prolonging her fanciful state to allow himself a moments pleasure, and feel like he was actually wanted for once in his life.
A wide infectious grin took over y/n’s face. Her eyes lighting up as she thought of all the things that made fall in love with Severus Snape.
“Everything, I guess.” She beamed. “You’re mysterious for one; that’s drew me in in the first place. Then it was your intelligence; I was utterly in awe of your genius the first time I heard you teach. And you have such a passion for potions and teaching, it was hard not to find you attractive when you worked. My favourite thing though is probably your sarcasm, you’re extremely funny, and kind when you want to be! But it often goes unnoticed because your scared people will see it as weakness.”
“Anything else?” Severus chuckled, astounded that her imagination had created quite a list.
“Well, there always has been something about your nose. I’ve always found incredibly… sexy.”
“Is that so?” Severus smirked.
The look on the woman’s face could keep him amused for hours on end. She really was utterly infatuated; her wide doe eyes sparkled in the candle light, her cheeks had blushed a shade of bright pink. He had never seen such a side to her before, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes upon.
Shame none of it was real, Severus thought to himself.
“Next time you boys lie to me it’ll be detention for the entire term. Twenty points from Gryffindor… for each of you.”
A chorus of groans and whines echoed along the Gryffindor table.
“You out to remember, messing around with potions can have very dangerous consequences. Amortentia is not something that should be used lightly, you’re lucky Professor Y/L/N wasn’t harmed.
“But Sir, we gave Professor Y/L/N Veritaserum.” The twins chimed in unison.
The penny finally drops.
Click here for Part 2.
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gullibert · 3 years
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Snapetober 2021 - prompt 18 - (no) mercy
„The wand, does it truly answer to me? You're a clever man, Severus. Surely, you must know. Where does its true loyalty lie?“ - Voldemort, DH
The corner of Snape‘s mouth twitched.
„So you figured it out. Yes, the wand answers to me.“
The Elder wand slipped out of Voldemort‘s grip and flew towards Snape as if it were pulled by his magic. He swiftly picked it out of the air and his lips turned into a devilish grin.
“And it isn‘t the only one - come, Nagini.“
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lunap999 · 3 years
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Snapetober Day 15 Ghosts. When Dumbledore asks you to dress up for the Halloween Feast.
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robenwand · 3 years
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Snapetober 2021, Day 9: Old Books (from sxvxrxssnape’s prompt list)
Just in case they aren’t legible in the drawing, the titles on the spines include:
  Hexes Through History: a comprehensive study
  When Dittany Won’t Do - Advanced Mending & Cures
  Dispelling Curses
  Salazar Slytherin, The Life & Legacy
  Subtlety & Guile: An Exploration of the Dark Arts
  Cyclops Eyes & Other Rare Ingredients
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sneverussape · 3 years
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holy mary mother of god
pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death
snapetober 2021 - fears
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coatntails · 3 years
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Snapetober 2021, Day 4: Regret (from sxvxrxssnape’s prompt list)
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ofnightsndsongs · 3 years
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14. Cursed
“Does it hurt?”
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momo-t-daye · 8 months
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For unofficial Snapetober 2023 Prompt "Foliage"; a bit of a follow-up/companion/sequence to this Snapetober 2021 "Unfinished Business Chores" piece.
Severus hadn't played in a pile of autumn leaves before that year, not quite enough large trees over in Spinner's End and the ground below wasn't quite the soft turf of the Evans' yard. But, because Lily was there across the river and on the nice side of the tracks where the houses had space for yards and because the trees of Cokeworth adored her as much as any trees in London or Surrey or Oxford or any of the other six or so places the Evans family had fled to before landing in Cokeworth, the entire town had a spectacular show of autumn colors that year and an abundance of bright foliage to leap into and toss into the bluest autumn sky that had ever graced Cokeworth. Tuney, who worried that the hard labor of raking would cause calluses to appear on her hands, did not appreciate the joy of jumping into a pile of leaves and disapproved immensely of Lily's diving off the roof.
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sxvxrxssnape · 3 years
🦇 snapetober 2021 🦇
hello, my fellow sniends and snovers! the time has come again to celebrate our favorite bat of the dungeons, whump edition! this year, ive decided on two (2) prompt lists! overall there will be 16 “lighthearted” spooky prompts and 15 angst prompts that will alternate every day throughout october. if you choose to only do one list, that’ll give you 2 days to work on your submission, or you can do all of them for a whole month of spooky snape love! 🖤
as always, prompts are open to interpretation. you don’t need to write angst and alternatively, you can make the lighthearted list as angsty as you want. i tried to come up with a list that allows both (with some help from @blog4snape's incredible brainstorming). you will also see a few recycled prompts from last year’s list that i was particularly partial to. 
entries for snapetober can be anything - art (in any style), writing (in any perspective, pairing, or length), photosets/edits, headcanon lists, plot bunnies you don’t actually want to write up, etc. etc. you can do as many or as little as you want, combine entries, post them late, and include whomever you want. just keep it snape-centric (and just like last year, the angst doesn’t need to be directed at severus at all!) and remember to tag it as #snapetober or #snapetober2021!
happy whumping!
1. autumn 
2. “you have to let go”
3. pumpkin carving
4. regret
5. apple orchard
6. hostage/trapped
7. potions
8. emptiness
9. old books
10. misunderstandings
11. old friends
12. alone
13. spell casting
14. cursed
15. ghosts
16. “i’ve got you”
17. witching hour
18. (no) mercy
19. headstone
20. night terrors
21. contemplation
22. touch starved
23. vampire/bats
24. fears
25. rainy evening
26. “don’t leave me”
27. unfinished business 
28. flashback
29. costume
30. “how could you do this?”
31. halloween party
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peerlessloon · 3 years
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harry and ron carve their greatest fear into a pumpkin
Snapetober 3 - pumpkin carving
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