sneverussape · 3 hours
That Moment of Reckoning pt 1
Where My Soul Revive is the end of a new AU series, That Moment of Reckoning is the beginning. Because I am incapable of not starting yet another project and also have wanted to do a Scarlet Pimpernel (the musical) themed series for a Very Long Time. Series is probably going to be called Into the Fire because I am predictable and that song is a banger.
The first part was shared as a What If? snippet a few months ago and has been brewing in my brain since.
The title is a line from The Riddle, a truly wonderful song about betrayal and making your way through a dangerous and uncertain world.
He’d never expected to see Severus on his knees in the drawing room. Imagined in some of his more perverted moments (described to Narcissa in the dark of her boudoir, while on his own knees before her) but his imaginings had included quite a bit less weeping.
And certainly not that amount of…mucus.
The fevered excretions of his brain had very much not included himself kneeling with Severus, desperately trying to calm the younger man. At least he’d stopped prostrating himself on the floor. That sort of thing was all well and good in the boudoir, but thoroughly unseemly in the drawing room in the middle of the afternoon. Not that anyone could tell it was even afternoon with the gale outside, beating snow against the windows with every rattling breath. Was there any time in the year so wretched as late January?
“Severus, Severus please tell me what is the matter.” He cradled the back of Severus’ head and rocked as he would with Draco.
Severus wept in response. “I can’t…I can’t,” he gasped.
“You most certainly will, my lad,” he injected what he hoped was just enough menace into his tone. “Or you shall dearly regret it.”
It had always worked on a young, recalcitrant Severus. Perhaps he still held some authority? Severus shuddered in his arms, took several deep, hitching breaths, and finally looked up at him.
“You’ll hate me.”
Uttered in such a hoarse, wrecked voice, it tore at Lucius’ heart.
“I don’t care what you’ve done, my lad. I’ll never have it in me to hate you.”
Severus coughed on a sob. “You should.”
“Just tell me. We’ll fix it.” He hoped.
“I betrayed everything.”
Lucius barely heard the admission.
“Severus, what—”
“He told me he would kill her, her child. I…I went to Dumbledore and warned him. I’ve been spying for him since late August.”
The words tumbled out, as if Severus had been desperate to tell someone. Lucius gaped for a full minute before remembering that Malfoys never gaped.
“Are you telling me,” he began slowly, marshalling his thoughts. “That the Dark Lord told you he would kill Lily Potter. Told you to your face?”
“The child…there’s a prophecy,” Severus whispered.
“Everyone knows she is your one weakness, Severus. Everyone. That includes him. She still lives because the rest of us would also like to live.”
“I don’t…Lucius, I don’t understand.”
“We all know that if any of our crowd hurt one hair on her head we would all be dead at your hand. You’re the potions expert. Avery reckons you could do it so naturally we’d all look like we had dicky hearts.”
“What?” Severus asked faintly.
“It isn’t as if you were ever subtle about her. Now, this is a bit above my line of work.”
Severus pulled back at that, hurt and fear warring in his expressive eyes.
“No, you silly baggage. We’re going to take this to Narcissa. You know she’s the brains of this outfit. Honestly, if you keep on this way you really are going to get the smack you deserve, keeping this from us.” Lucius kept up a constant scold as he hauled Severus up and chivvied him from the room.
He did not miss the surprised shudder from Severus at his threat. Regrettably, experimentation would have to wait. Severus trailed after him, all miserable sniffling and hitched breaths, as he strode up the stairs to Narcissa’s sitting room. Merlin but he missed the coziness of the Dower House at times. Cissa’s rooms were up only one flight there, not two, and were also directly off the landing. But one couldn’t avoid moving into the ancestral pile forever, not without Society talking about it. At least they’d taken the time to renovate and remove a good bit of the Dark Tat Father collected. He considered a stop in the nearest w.c. so Severus could rinse his face, but decided that it would be better for him to confess himself to Narcissa immediately.
Confess himself.
Did they ever truly leave behind the patterns from the past? He’d been thinking about patterns lately as he’d found himself slipping, more and more in recent days, into the prefect he’d been at school. Those old patterns made for an easy path with some, like the men who’d once been in his charge. Without this war…no use in dwelling on that, really. There was a war and he’d chosen a side—or had one chosen for him—a long time ago now. Another pattern there, letting his father choose for him. He wouldn’t do that with Draco. He knew all too well how dangerous that path could be. Imagine if he’d been bonded with Bellatrix? That barely bore consideration. No, he would let Draco choose his own path, even if he wished to do something ridiculous, like topiary performance art.
Could he let Severus loose on his own chosen path? Could Cissa? The mere idea of Severus spying left his blood running cold. He and Cissa rather doted on him, as if he was their first child. From a certain point of view, he was their first. Lucius shuddered to think what Severus would say about being called ‘our boy’ or ‘our lad’ in such sentimental tones. It would very likely end with Severus pitching a pot plant at his head.
He knew better than to throw anything more than a sulk Narcissa’s way.
He felt a bit as if he’d just caught Severus biting someone, yet again, and was dragging him off to Cissa’s judgment after a thundering scold as they went down the corridor to her sitting room. Not that Severus had ever actually cried over a scold as a child. No, it took something stronger to break Severus’ iron grip on his emotions. What he must have gone through to break down like that, to still feel so fragile?
“Narcissa, have you a moment?” he asked, tapping at her door. “Severus has something with which he requires assistance.”
“Of course, my darlings!” Narcissa spoke brightly as her door swung open.
It frightened him, some days, how weak she remained so long after Draco’s birth. She’d had a better day, though, and felt strong enough to be up. He didn’t like to think how her better days came so much more frequently since father’s funeral. His pulse quickened as it always did in her presence, even when she wore a high-necked flannel wrapper against the chill of the day. She still looked pale to him, though her cheeks now held a faint but healthy pink. She reclined on a low divan and Lucius took a moment to admire the way the lamplight played off her hair before he made a long arm and hauled Severus forward.
“You can tell Cissa what you told me,” he ordered, though not too sternly. Severus had been through so much already.
Severus stood for a moment, seemingly poised to flee, and then moved shakily to the divan. He sank down on his knees beside it, burying his face in the cushions, and shivered miserably. Lucius crossed the room and took one of the easy chairs. This, he thought, needed to be between Cissa and Severus.
“I…I betrayed everything…for…for Lily.” The confession came slowly, haltingly.
“What happened, dear heart?” Narcissa stroked a careful hand over his hair.
“There was a prophecy. I heard the first few lines before I was discovered.” Severus coughed, shuddered, and seemed to pull himself together though he never raised his eyes from the cushions. “I brought it to him and…last August he told me that he believed it pointed to…to her child. That he would eradicate the whole family. My boon was that she would left alive for me…if possible. I…I went to the headmaster and…and bartered my service as a spy for their protection. I betrayed all for Lily.” His voice broke at the last and Narcissa ran a gentle hand over his hair.
“And you’ve carried that for months,” she said.
“I couldn’t lie any more. Not to you. Never to you.”
“I know, my darling, I know,” Narcissa soothed.  “He really told you he’d kill Lily Potter?”
“Lucius asked that too. Yes, he did.”
“It’s such an…odd choice for him to make, dear heart. Everyone knows that she has always been your one exception. I have no idea why he would tell you his plan. It makes me wonder how…well, how sane he is.”
“You think…I don’t understand,” Severus sighed.
“Malfoys always look out for their own best interests, Severus, and that includes yours. Lucius and I have had some…concerns lately, and that is all I shall say on that for the moment. The important thing now is to hear what you overheard of the prophecy, please.” She may have said please, but Lucius and Severus recognized it for an order.
“The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. Born to those who have thrice defied him. Born as the seventh month dies…that’s all I heard of it.”
Narcissa sat quietly for a moment, gently stroking Severus’ hair. Lucius admired the picture they made, wreathed in the sitting room’s rosy light. Severus might never be considered pretty, but he certainly had striking features, especially when he was well-rested and had eaten properly. Lucius noted the signs of neglect piling up again—the dull hair, sallow skin, and lost weight all so apparent—and wished Severus would allow them to care for him as they so wanted. What he would give to go back a few years, to shield Severus from the poison dripped into his ears by so many. A pity time turners had such narrow scope. Several people could use a good kick down the stairs.
“I would like to know,” Narcissa began. “Who hears ‘approaches’ and thinks of an unborn baby?”
“That’s what I thought!” Severus finally looked up, vindicated. “It doesn’t make sense! And it could be b-o-r-n-e and not b-o-r-n. And what calendar is it using? I got crucioed for asking that.” The last admission came sulkily.
“I think, Severus, that the time has come for us to form our own front in this…long engagement,” Narcissa said. “First, though, you are going to have something light to eat and a bath. Then you are going to sleep until you no longer look so exhausted. You did well on coming to us. Lucius and I will take this on.”
“But I can help!” Severus protested. “I didn’t tell you so I would be shunted off to the side.”
Lucius hid a smile at that. Sometimes he wondered if Severus would have been better off sorted to a different House. Hufflepuff, perhaps, given that damned tenacious loyalty of his. He’d give his all, and do it well, even as he swayed on his feet from exhaustion. Blessedly, Narcissa always had a knack for managing him.
“You will in the future. Right now you can help most by sleeping and eating while Lucius and I handle the family part of this. We’ll make everything come out right, darling, but there are a few pieces that must be handled delicately. Grandfather will help, I believe, but I must go see him.”
Severus, disgruntled, allowed himself to be packed off to his usual room. Lucius assisted Narcissa in rising from her divan and gave her his arm for the long walk to her dressing room.
“What exactly has Arcturus Black to do with all this?” Lucius asked.
“Where James Potter dwells so to does Sirius Black.” Narcissa leaned against him, a weakness she would never show to any other. “James is also kin to the main Black line. Grandfather would sooner eat his own cane than allow harm to come to his heir or…not to put too fine a point on it, but James Potter may well have sired the next heir after Sirius.”
Lucius took a moment to appreciate that she would trust him with that.
“But our Draco?”
“Unfortunately, our marriage put him out of  eligibility. Malfoy magic is jealous magic, my love, and refuses to share her next Paterfamilias. Now, what color do you think grandfather would enjoy seeing me in most? He’s such a…a selective man that I never quite know what to choose.”
“Why not the rose pink walking suit?” Lucius patted her hand. He knew better than to press when it came to the Black family and their secrets. “You look lovely in it and the embroidery is a work of art. I believe he objects most strongly to those who won’t learn what suits and is suitable, and then look a fright at his dinner table, like your Aunt Walburga, who will wear claret where burgundy would suit better.”
“The wool is gorgeously warm. And I have my white furs…but such a bright pink in January? Do you think grandfather would find it frivolous?”
“You have the cardinal or the sapphire if you think the rose too unseasonal. I think the French tailoring keeps it from frivolity. He does approve of robes from France.” Lucius opened the door to her dressing room and brought her to the vanity. “Shall I leave you?”
“No.” Narcissa caught his hand. “Stay with me. We can decide on an approach together.”
He smiled down at her and then went to fetch the walking suits they’d discussed. No need to call for help when he could play Lady’s Maid just as well.
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sneverussape · 6 hours
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sneverussape · 6 hours
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Tracey Emin, Birds 2012 London Olympic Print, 2011
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sneverussape · 6 hours
From one Tobias apologist to the other, I see a lot of my autistics traits in Severus and I have fun imaging Tobias dealing with the same things my parents had to deal with when I was little in his own loving rough way. I used to tiptoe walk so my parents had to get special shoes for me, obviously because of the time and their financial situation there’s no way Tobias could have afforded taking Severus to physical therapy or getting braces for his feet (and also because to do so was not a normal thing back then) but still he wanted his kid to walk properly so cue little Severus waddling around with his dad’s old work boots tightly wrapped on his feet so they won’t slip out
HELLO can i just say this inspired me to draw a lil thing…
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thank you for the idea @snultiverse! tobias apologists are more than welcome here 😌😌
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sneverussape · 7 hours
You Can’t Have It All
(Barbara Ras)
But you can have the fig tree and its fat leaves like clown hands  gloved with green. You can have the touch of a single eleven-year-old finger  on your cheek, waking you at one a.m. to say the hamster is back.  You can have the purr of the cat and the soulful look  of the black dog, the look that says, If I could I would bite  every sorrow until it fled, and when it is August,  you can have it August and abundantly so. You can have love,  though often it will be mysterious, like the white foam  that bubbles up at the top of the bean pot over the red kidneys  until you realize foam’s twin is blood.  You can have the skin at the center between a man’s legs,  so solid, so doll-like. You can have the life of the mind,  glowing occasionally in priestly vestments, never admitting pettiness,  never stooping to bribe the sullen guard who’ll tell you  all roads narrow at the border.  You can speak a foreign language, sometimes,  and it can mean something. You can visit the marker on the grave  where your father wept openly. You can’t bring back the dead,  but you can have the words forgive and forget hold hands  as if they meant to spend a lifetime together. And you can be grateful  for makeup, the way it kisses your face, half spice, half amnesia, grateful  for Mozart, his many notes racing one another towards joy, for towels  sucking up the drops on your clean skin, and for deeper thirsts,  for passion fruit, for saliva. You can have the dream,  the dream of Egypt, the horses of Egypt and you riding in the hot sand.  You can have your grandfather sitting on the side of your bed,  at least for a while, you can have clouds and letters, the leaping  of distances, and Indian food with yellow sauce like sunrise.  You can’t count on grace to pick you out of a crowd  but here is your friend to teach you how to high jump,  how to throw yourself over the bar, backwards,  until you learn about love, about sweet surrender,  and here are periwinkles, buses that kneel, farms in the mind  as real as Africa. And when adulthood fails you,  you can still summon the memory of the black swan on the pond  of your childhood, the rye bread with peanut butter and bananas  your grandmother gave you while the rest of the family slept.  There is the voice you can still summon at will, like your mother’s,  it will always whisper, you can’t have it all,  but there is this.
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sneverussape · 7 hours
Since the OP made their post unrebloggable (and blocked me. Both actions they are well in with their right to do)
I'm going to make my response it's own post because I think the point is important
As someone who is autistic and has BPD and CPTSD and loads of trauma yes you sometimes need to change how you interact with others to keep people around
When I was 13 I hit the few friends I had when I was angry
I had to change that in order to keep those friendships
When I was in my early 20s if I was losing an disagreement with my husband I would threaten to kill myself. My husband told me it hurt him and was cruel and manipulative behaviour, because it was.
So I worked hard to change that to keep my relationship
It's easy to say "I shouldn't have to change for others" and that's true to an extent. You shouldn't change your interests or passions or dim your light. And you should have space to be imperfect and flawed and not have to pretend your ugly bits aren't real. But if something you are doing it causing other people harm you kinda need to change that.
That's called "living in a society"
People adapt to each other and make space for each other in their lives. You adapt to them and they adapt to you
You start being more diligent about throwing away the empty toilet roll because it really bothers them. They start warning you before they run the blender because you hate loud noises
I stopped threatening to kill myself because I was mad I was losing an argument and my husband stopped being so vocally judgemental amount media he personally dislikes
There is a certain type of person who heard the phrase "your emotions are valid" and took that to mean "my emotional reactions and my behaviour are always objectively correct because my emotions are valid and if you have an emotional response or react to what I'm doing negatively then you are wrong and you can't be hurt because my emotions are valid"
And that's a recipe for disaster
Your emotions are valid to feel. They are how you feel and there are reasons you feel the way you do
However, your reactions and behaviour are something you can learn to control and can be irrational
We live in a society and we as people change each other as we interact and that isn't necessarily a bad thing
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sneverussape · 7 hours
"if you ship this thing it's because you're too naïve to understand that it's toxic and that you wouldn't like a relationship like this" actually it's because I see one of them as a mentos drop and the other as a bottle of coke zero and I want to watch the mess they'll be together
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sneverussape · 14 hours
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it’s been a stressful week so have a pair of work besties having their own friday fun <3
sketched during my 7pm work call 😂 i can’t make this a habit, i can barely retain anything we discuss, but these work sketches have been enjoyable
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sneverussape · 14 hours
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sneverussape · 15 hours
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sneverussape · 15 hours
on catholicism and severus & tobias snape
if you’re going to expect a very well-thought out essay about this, please let me stop you right there. it likely won’t be :)) but this was prompted by comments of people on my hc of catholic!snape and a (long) conversation with @dementedlollipop on discord that just spurred so many Thoughts.
going under a cut coz i don’t know how long this will be.
Keep reading
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sneverussape · 15 hours
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in the bleak midwinter, part ii
not really a birthday post but just an imagined (au) scene of one very cold winter’s day in 1960.
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sneverussape · 15 hours
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in the bleak midwinter
the story of severus’ birth.
snapecelebration - week 1 - miracle
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sneverussape · 15 hours
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the untold stories of tobias snape and eileen prince
dedicated to @byronicbat because i’ve been itching to draw them tbh and your selkie au made my pen slip 🥲🥲
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sneverussape · 16 hours
Spitballing an AU idea (that needs more angst and seriousness than I’m good for)
Severus Snape time-travel AU, but from Tobias’ external perspective (probably a less abusive Tobias than whatever it was Pottermore implied.  Messy and awful and not liking anything much and estranged from his son for nearly a decade despite sharing a roof, but also just a human who’d had the world yanked out from under him and hasn’t yet stopped falling).  So, how would a Severus Snape who’d just died thinking he failed (failed Lily, Dumbledore too, perhaps) after he’d spent a suffering year as the Headmaster at Hogwarts react to having another chance (albeit from after SWM) and what would that look like from the outside?
A mystery story: Who is this Severus?  What has happened to his son, aged sixteen, home for the summer, only yesterday so full of rage (still so hurt over Eileen’s death last winter) and somehow no longer friends with that Evans girl?  Why did Severus save his father’s life (and how had he known where to be?) when just the other day the boy had glared like he wanted to put Tobias in the grave himself?  Can you build a father-son relationship on a foundation of sand and ruin when the son has suddenly become a stranger with some personal mission to stop a war and save the very people that wouldn’t’ve spit on him if he were on fire (that boy is acting like a soon-to-be saint grimly rushing towards martyrdom!)?
Years ago Tobias hadn’t wanted to believe in magic, when it was undeniably real, he’d resented magic (he still didn’t like magic).  But Severus is acting like it’s his job to save the magical world and maybe there’s a chance that he might need his muggle father, maybe it isn’t too late for Tobias
(I like the image of Severus seeing Tobias’ approval in the Mirror of Erised.  I like the idea of a very human Tobias who was utterly blindsided by magic being a thing and in over his head and still, possibly, capable of being better.  But I’m not terribly prone to making angsty things or taking stories seriously for very long at all, so if it sparks any interest feel free to grab and go running)
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sneverussape · 16 hours
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these photos were found among the personal effects of the late headmaster severus snape, the second of which caused lord lucius malfoy to draw in a harsh breath, drawing the attention of the other persons present, namely harry potter, boy-who-lived-once-more, professor-turned-headmistress minerva mcgonagall, and newly-elected minister kingsley shacklebolt.
“this was my father’s,” lord malfoy said, as his sterling grey eyes shone with recognition. his presence among the wizarding world’s heroes is part of reparation efforts following the conclusion of the Battle of Hogwarts just last may, where hundreds of persons perished, including snape. “i had given it to severus years before…when my father died. it was among his belongings. his mother and my father had been good friends in hogwarts. they were both in slytherin, and my father had taken a shine to her after she had robbed him blind after a game of gobstones.”
when asked if either the former lord malfoy or eileen prince had also been friends with tom riddle, also known as lord voldemort or the dark lord by the death eaters (of which both the current lord malfoy and professor snape were actively associated with), the fire in lord malfoy’s eyes immediately blazed forth.
“if they had been, severus and i had never been privy to that information,” he sniffed, his voice suddenly turning hoarse. further questions requested by the reporter were subsequently ignored.
only harry potter also seemed to recognise the first picture, but didn’t deem it significant enough to share what he knew.
“he was a soldier,” was the only thing he said, his hands trembling as he touched the photograph with reverence. “just like his father.”
— report by rita skeeter, 19 august 1998
snapecelebration2023 - tobias and eileen
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sneverussape · 16 hours
For the character ask game!
I'd love to hear your thoughts on Severus, Lily, Tobias, and Eileen (and Tuney if you want to!) each for 5, 6, 12, 24, and, if it isn't too much, 44!
5. Best personality trait
tobias: at his best, tobias snape was painfully selfless. he was the type of person who would give someone the shirt off his back if they needed it and wouldn't take no for an answer. he also didn't need any fanfare, an audience, or even permission to do what he did, which sometimes drove eileen to the brink after she discovered toby had spent the last of their money buying bread and milk for someone else again. but toby always justified it by saying "leenie luv, they need it more than we do."
(not that it helped their own needs in any case, but this wasn't something that concerned toby as he just went out and turned on the charm so that he could earn a crown or two off of the older neighbors by doing odd jobs for them)
eileen: eileen prince was one of the cleverest pupils hogwarts ever had, not because she was book-smart but because she knew how to find practical applications for even the most basic spells they learned, even as a first-year. she had a knack for knowing which spells to combine to come up with an entirely new charm or hex, and never ran out of questions. flitwick was deeply impressed with her, but also borderline wary of her skill. eileen didn't fear unknown magics and spent many nights experimenting within the four curtained walls of her bed (reinforced with shielding charms), hours after lights-out. this boldness earned the attention of several of her housemates, namely one abraxas malfoy and one tom riddle...not that she noticed, at least not right away.
severus: much like his da, severus had a soft spot for people in need. he was especially compassionate to muggles, moreso than towards wizards, although he would never admit it. all his cokeworth neighbors still called him "toby and leen's boy" or "russ" and he spent much of his time discreetly helping them out with housework or errands. he would be gruff and recalcitrant with them on the outside, but one day they would wake up and their roof would have been patched up or their fences fixed so that no foxes could get through, and severus would find some freshly baked irish soda bread or some shortbread on his front porch with a note to return the plate 'next time you come round'.
lily: lily was a survivor, much like how all cokeworth residents learned to be. she lied, cheated, and stole her way through childhood to make sure her and her loved ones' needs were met, and often shared her spoils with severus (sometimes tuney). she knew how to reframe unpleasant situations into something that would make them far more palatable, and which helped ease the mind of everyone else around her. lily was a gifted storyteller and her talent of spinning much happier realities was a boon to anyone who would hear them. she could convince anyone of anything if she was in the right mood, and the wielded her words with great care (until...she didn't).
petunia: petunia had a great capacity for love and loved her family, especially her sister, deeply. she also loved the grimy little boy who tailed her like a shadow and whom she also often got stuck with watching. she gave them both a lot of leeway and covered a lot of their tracks for them. she couldn't count how many times she had to make up excuses for both lily's and severus' boisterous behavior whenever they got in the mood to create trouble. she was naturally protective of them, and deep inside felt a sense of relief that they both had a chance of making something better of their lives due to the both of them being magical. was she jealous? yes. but was she glad at least lily had a chance? also yes.
6. Worst personality trait
tobias: he never did anything in moderation, and never really knew when to stop. this resulted in him running himself ragged a lot of the time and also testing the limits of everyone around him. only eileen could somehow rein him in, but a lot of the time he was bullheaded about whatever it was he was doing. toby always believed that what he was doing was best, and could rarely be swayed from his path.
eileen: easily lost patience when things didn't meet her standards (which was often, at least in the wizarding world; in the muggle world she was a bit more withdrawn, but her ire appeared in other ways) and had a beast of a temper. the scorch marks she had left in the slytherin dungeons were so intense, even the elves couldn't scrub them out.
severus: forget voldemort, severus was his own worst enemy. he thought everyone but himself deserved better. he would fight for anyone whose rights were being trampled, but would draw the line when it was him needing the assistance. he would fix everyone else's crumbling roofs and sagging porches and leave his own to wither and rot. the amount of self-flagellation he would give himself could have made him a mid-century martyr.
lily: quite vindictive and could think up and execute the nastiest revenge plots if she thought they deserved it. the bowles boy who had pushed severus to the ground and had nearly wrenched his arm out of his socket? the gossip was the branch he had been standing on as he was climbing the massive oak tree by the river had suddenly cracked and split and had thrown him arse over teakettle into the water. he had nearly drowned. but he had been up there because he'd been spying on lily and severus who had been playing by the banks. so who was the one in the wrong, really? she had told him to stay away.
petunia: that saying "pride goeth before the fall" is the embodiment of petunia. petunia never admitted she was wrong, and never apologized for anything. for her they were acts of extreme vulnerability and that was something she couldn't bear. cokeworth was not a place that was kind on people who allowed themselves to be vulnerable, and she carried that into adulthood. she preferred burying everything in denial.
12. Crack headcanon
tobias: had an unwavering and almost childlike belief in father christmas that he had tried to instill in his son, but severus was his mother's child in many ways and even as a young lad, vehemently refused to believe in the existence of a man who flew all over the world and visited other people's houses "like a common thief". (he didn't bring up the notion that maybe father christmas was actually a wizard and so he was likely apparating in and out of places; mam had already warned him that da didn't know of those things and they had to keep it secret a little bit longer).
eileen: more than once had tried to experiment with making draught of the living death (on the sly) out of her husband's unwashed socks. she figured if something smelt that bad it was worthy enough to be used as an ingredient for a restricted-class potion.
severus: had the loudest and most bombastic sneezes and rarely covered his mouth for them.
lily: stole clothes from her sister to bring to hogwarts because she was embarrassed by her limited wardrobe. the girls in gryffindor already made fun of her for her accent and how she didn't know certain wizarding things (why on earth would she have known that talking mirrors actually existed in the wizarding world?), she didn't need to give them more fodder.
petunia: had a really good singing voice and that's what got vernon's attention and how they first met. (she was singing at a pub he was at and was utterly enthralled by her)
24. Most annoying habit
tobias: talking to the priest after mass to provoke him into a theological debate or hash out the finer points of his homily when severus only wanted to go home.
eileen: reverting to silence when she meant to praise. toby was more open with his affections, and made sure he voiced them. eileen voiced criticisms more.
severus: shed his clothes like a snake all over his private quarters, especially when he was deep in thought. lucius malfoy tried his best to break him off the habit during his first year, but the other boys thought it more amusing to bet on where snape would leave his next article of clothing as he paced around the room muttering about that day's lessons. the fascinating thing was snape never left something in the same place twice!
lily: ate off of other people's plates despite having food of her own. somehow everyone else's food always looked more appetizing.
petunia: sucked at her teeth to clean them.
44. Their happiest memory
tobias: severus' birth and meeting his son for the first time, after having expected it to be another miscarriage.
eileen: when severus questioned a charm she was teaching him for the first time and she was stunned into silence at how insightful and sensible his question actually was. the relief that her son wasn't only magical but also not an idiot was one that made her feel strangely warm inside.
severus: when lily tossed the little wanker iain bowles into the river with what he knew was not accidental but untrained magic. the thrill that had come with knowing it had been her (although she had lied about it) and that she had done it for him because he was her friend was seared into his memory like a scar.
lily: i realize harry's birth or something related to him would be a logical choice, but i also choose to believe that one of her happiest memories was likely something that involved severus in the years before hogwarts, before they were driven apart. perhaps sharing a single creme egg on a hilltop on an easter afternoon, relishing all the good things they had at that moment and just enjoying each other's company. the peaceful quiet of a life that they knew well enough of, despite not having much.
petunia: saving all the money she had earned singing at the pubs and gifting lily with a set of new clothes to wear at school one christmas. the look on her sister's face was priceless and one she would never forget for the rest of her life.
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