#Smokey vanilla.
kazroze · 10 months
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meet luke dowey
he likes CHUGGING unpasteurized milk straight from the cows tit like a REAL MAN
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smokeys-house · 1 year
while I'm aware that the recent prominence of cherry blossom flavors and scents in the US is because of the rampant romanticization of Japan and blatant fetishism of the "exotic", that doesn't stop the cherry blossom flavored La Croix from slapping hard as fuck
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thecairomuse · 2 years
The strongest perfumes I've tried are oud ones. Hands Down. Longevity and Sillage is through the roof.
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abusivelittlebunny · 2 years
I like doing these. Latex is for sure one of them, black goth, drippy goth, plumb, monster and leather
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Oh absolutely babe you know it
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femmesandhoney · 3 months
my vanilla incense doubling as perfume it's literally my fav
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batterycityraces · 8 months
Can't believe Bundaberg released two campfire rums this year and NEITHER OF THEM are the same campfire rum they put out last year.
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hotpinkstars · 4 months
-> sleepy cuddles
synopsis -> wriothesley comes home tired and upset from a bad day at the fortress. so, you just have to indulge in a cuddle session.
warnings -> angsty, sad wrio nooo.. mentions of fighting, baby sigewinne got hurt oh no, more angsty than i thought whoops
w/c -> 659
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you were awakened to heavy footsteps entering your home at around 11:00 pm.
usually they’re a lot softer, much less aggressive, thats for sure. you recognized them though- they were your husband, wriothesleys. he seemed pretty upset.
you pick your head up from the pillow, groaning as you slowly got out of bed to see what he was doing. to no surprise, he was in the kitchen, brewing tea. he had his head in his hands, oblivious to your approaching form.
“wrio… whats wrong?” you said in a raspy, groggy tone, and accidentally startled the man, for you were able to catch him jump the slightest bit before bringing one of his hands into yours. “talk to me.”
he just groaned, pulling you flush against his chest, before nearly breaking down into tears. when you felt the first drop of wetness on your bare shoulder, you pulled out of the hug, grabbing his face in gentle hands.
“okay, something is seriously wrong. how bad was today?” you look at him in pity. one thing you’ve learned from being married to this man for two and a half years is that when the great, mighty duke of meropide cries, it’s almost as important as if the city flooded over with primordial seawater. but only that important to you.
he took a shaky breath in, and then looked down. “pretty bad. two inmates decided to pick on sigewinne. her injuries were enough to send her up here for more professional medical treatment. even for me, it was scary, seeing how she felt helpless and couldn’t patch herself up like she normally does.” he exhaled. “they took her vision and taunted me with it. obviously i got it back, but not without a fight.”
you nod, standing next to him as he pours his tea in a mug. he took a sip before offering you some, in which you politely declined.
“how long is sigewinnes absence going to last? if anything, i have some medical experience behind my back. i can stich up a wound at most. if you want my help in the infirmary, then i’d be happy to offer.”
he scratched his temple, seeming to debate on whether or not that would be a good idea.
“we’ll see, i have yet to get detailed information on her stay. once i get more, i’ll let you know if thats needed or not.”
you nod, before taking his hand in yours, leading him into bed. he changed his clothes before joining you.
once you two made it into bed, he snuggled up against you as you rubbed his back to try and ease some of his pains. you could tell the incident involving sigewinne was weighing like a fifty pound weight on his mind, and you wanted to silently remind him that you were always there for him.
this is where you felt the tears spill out, with light gasps to follow. he was never an obnoxious cryer. you just held him tighter, allowing him to cry it out and allow his mind to process things.
you continued to rub his back and shoulders, calming him down. he hugged you even tighter, shoving his face in your chest before finding it okay to shut his eyes. your hands made their way from his back, to his shoulders, to the back of his head, fluffing his soft hair. it smelled very nicely of tea leaves and a sweet and smokey scent. something you could compare to vanilla, but with a, once again, smokier touch to it. he loved when you put your head on top of his, occasionally leaning in to kiss it.
within a matter of ten minutes, he had drifted off. you kept him close, making sure a nightmare doesn’t rouse him from his sleep. the last thing you both wanted was him to be tired in the morning, and adding that to additional stress? oh, the duke certainly was not a morning person.
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satorusugurugurl · 29 days
Blueberry Pancakes
Pairing: Choso Kamo x Reader
Word Count: 633
Warning: Pancake fail, nothing just fluff!
A/N: I was working on a Geto fic for Fluff Friday but I feel like we all needed a little fluffy Choso in our life! 🥲
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The morning sun shone through your bedroom window, causing you to stir in bed. Slowly lifting your head, you grumbled, noticing that your boyfriend was nowhere to be found. Your fingers sped across the bed, feeling his lingering warmth, which meant he wasn’t far away. Letting the sheet fall from your bare body, you grabbed his shirt from the ground, slipping it on along with a clean pair of his boxers.
As you snapped the band over your hips, you heard a crash from the kitchen, followed by a curse and the smell of something burning. Hurrying out, you walked into a slightly smokey kitchen, finding Choso with his back turned to you. One hand held the handle of his frying pan while the other tried scrapping at something in the pan with a spatula.
You said nothing, joining his side as you peered into the pan. Inside was, well, something? It was lumpy, charred, and full of blueberries.
“Yeah?” The spatula aggressively smacked and prodded at the substance in the pan.
“What are you doing?”
“I was trying to make pancakes.” Your boyfriend winced as the ‘pancake’ bubbled a mysterious smokey bubble. “But well, it uh—” this time the substance hissed, “it didn’t exactly go as planned? I’m pretty sure I’ve failed at making food, yet succeeded in making a cursed spirit out of pancake mix.”
You glanced at the bag full of blueberries and the bowl of batter he’d made. You’d told him how much you wanted blueberry pancakes the previous night. You felt like he reached into your chest and squeezed your heart. He was too flipping cute! So cute, you reached up gently, biting his cheek.
Choso sighed softly, allowing you to nibble at his cheek with a gentle smile. “I suppose you eating my cheek would be more suitable instead of,” the lumpy concoction hissed again, “well, this.” It bubbled more until you stepped in, removing the pan from the heat.
“No worries, we got this.” You scraped the hissing smoking substance into the sink before wiping the pan out. “Let’s see.” You eyes his batter. “All it needs is a little TLC.”
Choso helped you fix the batter, adding more water, sugar, and vanilla to the lumpy substance. Once you deemed it suitable, you sprayed the pan with non-stick spray, poured in the batter, and handed some blueberries to Choso. He patiently waited until tiny bubbles formed at the top before he added them in, making the cutest little smiley face.
“And now we flip!” Choso watched in awe as you flipped the pancake over with a flick.
Choso’s eyes glittered with childlike excitement. “Amazing!” His eyes watched as you lipped the pancake again.
“Yeah?” His warm eyes were focused solely on you. “I should put pancake flipping on my resume.”
Choso shook his head, stepping behind you, his arms snaking around your waist. “I wasn't talking about the pancake flipping.” His lips gently pressed against your cheek. “I was talking about you.” Tuck your face felt like it was on fire at Choso’s words.
“I think you're pretty amazing yourself, Cho.”
“Even though I made a cursed spirit out of pancake batter and blueberries?”
“Especially because of that.”
That was god's honest truth, and Choso knew it too. He smiled wide before leaning in and biting your cheek, winning your giggle. In the warm rays of light that morning, you and Choso stood in the kitchen, flipping pancakes with your lover's arms wrapped around you—one of the best mornings of your entire life.
Forever Tag List!
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe
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lustfulslxt · 6 months
hii can u do a smut femxmatt fic where they meet at a party and they like are kinda drunk and matt’s really flirty and touchy and they just end up fucking!! ty!!!
(kinda like ur party revelations one but maybe they’re both influencers or u could even do chris!)
Under The Influence - Chris Sturniolo
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warnings : alcohol consumption, smut
a/n : i wrote this for chris bc as you said, i have party revelations for matt, and a friend of mine received a request just like this for matt. xx
Tie it up, put a chain on it
Make you tattoo my name on it
“Will you please come?” Sage begs, shaking my hand up and down, on the verge of a temper tantrum.
“You’re literally being ridiculous.” I chuckle, shaking my head. “I don’t see what difference it would make if I were there or not.”
Sage has been asking me to go to this party with her for weeks now. However, my answer has been a constant no. I’m not a fan of parties, much less big influencer parties. Too much drama always stems from them; whether it’s so and so cheated, whoever’s beefing, they did this, they did that. They never fail to have some dumb shit pop off, hence why I’d just rather not go. I don’t need anyone attempting to ruin my reputation and career just for their own benefit, I’m good.
“Because you’re my best friend and I need you. You’re my hype man and wingman all in one. Please! Just this once! I’ll do anything!” She continues to plead.
I sigh, ultimately knowing I’ll cave, “This is the only party you’re going to convince me to go to. You know how I feel about being around a bunch of fake and dramatic fucks.”
She instantly starts jumping up and down, cheering whilst shaking my hands again. “We’re leaving in three hours, so make sure you’re ready. Also, we’re gonna uber so we can get fucked up.”
I just shake my head, not really looking forward to the night ahead of me. But maybe, just maybe, I can get drunk and enjoy myself. Dismissing my thoughts, I turn on some music and head to my bathroom to begin getting ready.
I take a long shower, thoroughly washing and exfoliating myself. I shave and do a hair and face mask, prepping myself for tonight. After getting out, I dry off and apply vanilla scented lotion to every part of my body.
Next, I slip on my undergarments and apply deodorant, then head to my closet to choose an outfit. It doesn’t take me long, before I choose a plain, black mini skirt and tube top with a long sleeve mesh dress paired over it that had gems scattered all over. I stick with a pair of black lace up pumps to go with my outfit. Sitting down at my vanity, I go through my makeup, debating on what kind of look I want. After pondering for a moment, I just choose a dark smokey eye with a basic beat. I line my lips with a medium dark brown and apply clear lip gloss, blending it all together flawlessly. For hair, I just stick with a basic blow out.
“Great! You’re ready!” Sage suddenly cheers from my bedroom door.
I look over and see that she’s fully dressed and ready to go, holding a bottle of vodka in her hand. Upon seeing that, my eyebrows raise.
“Why the face?” She asks, before registering it. “Oh, this! It’s for a little pregame. So, come on.”
I shrug and gather everything I need for tonight, placing it in my purse, then follow her downstairs. She already has two shot glasses set out on our dining room table, ready to be filled. Without another word, she fills both glasses to the rim with vodka, smirking at me as she raises her glass.
“Cheers to a great night!” She grins, clinking my glass with hers, both of us downing the harsh liquor.
My face contorts in disgust as the liquid flows down my throat, and I can’t help but cringe at the awful taste. Immediately, my chest is hot and I don’t want anymore. I’m not really a drinker, but I already know I can’t be sober in order to get through this night. We both take two more shots before our uber arrives and we’re heading to the party.
The driver talked our ears off the whole ride, so when we finally shut the doors of the black suv, we both sigh and fall into a fit of tipsy laughter. We’re not drunk, but neither are we completely sober.
Upon walking into the party, we’re met with a glowing red light, loud music, the smell of alcohol and weed, and a ginormous amount of people all chatting and dancing throughout the house.
“Y/N! Sage!” A voice calls out, directing our attention towards them.
It’s one of Sage’s friends, one I personally am not a fan of, but I know how to be nice. I shoot her tight lipped smile, leaving Sage to greet her.
“Hey! It’s been so long, how are you?” Sage asks, pulling her into a hug.
Before she can respond, I quickly interrupt, “Sorry, I’m gonna go get a drink.”
And with that, I’m making my way through the crowd of people, in search of the kitchen. It takes me about five minutes to get through everyone and I’m already slightly disgusted at the sweaty bodies and the lack of personal space. I’m not lying when I say parties aren’t my thing.
Finally being able to breathe in the less packed room, I deeply inhale and exhale, ridding myself of the building nerves. I walk over to the counter, grabbing a solo cup from the stack and browsing through the bottles of alcohol. I opt for an unopened bottle of vodka, not wanting to risk anything that may or may not have been tainted. I fill my cup up a little over half way, then turn towards the cooler to grab a chaser. More people have already piled into the kitchen, there now being less room to roam around. I reach into the cooler, grabbing the last can of pepsi, only for it to come up with another hand attached to it. My gaze trails up the veiny hand, following the arm it’s attached to, to observe who it is.
Bright blue eyes, pink lips, a sharp jawline, and wavy hair. A silver Vivienne Westwood chain hanging from his neck, sitting atop a white t-shirt that had a bear in a watering can, surrounded my grass and little flowers. Blue jeans and, last but not least, white air forces covering his feet.
He looks familiar. Hot, yet still familiar.
“Oh, hi.” He grins, snapping me from my thoughts.
That’s when I realize we’re both still holding the can, but I don’t let go.
“Hi.” I reply, my gaze set on his face.
“I think this is the last pepsi.” He points out.
I nod, raising my eyebrows at the obvious statement. “Yeah, I noticed.”
“Pepsi’s my favorite.” He adds.
I can’t help the smirk that tugs on my lips, “Do you want a cookie?”
He shakes his head, chuckling, “I can’t have it?”
I only repeat his action and shake my head in return, pursing my lips to keep the smile from forming.
“Can we share it?” He asks, giving me puppy dog eyes.
And just like that, I’m folding. With a shrug, I pull the can from his grip. I open it up and dump some of its contents into my cup, then bring the can up to my lips, taking a drink all whilst holding eye contact. I notice him intently watching me, before grabbing the can and taking his own drink, licking his lips afterwards.
“You’re Y/N, right?” He questions.
I nod, biting my inner cheek, “And you are?”
“Chris.” He smirks, eyeing me and up and down. “Well, Y/N, we basically just kissed.”
I can’t help the loud laughter that falls from my lips, nothing less than amused at his statement. I can see the smirk on his face turn into a full blown smile as I try to catch my breath, recovering from the fit of giggles he put me in.
“That was corny.” I say, smiling at him with a shake of my head.
He tosses his hands up in defense, shrugging, “I mean, did we not?”
I don’t say anything, and bring my mixed drink up to my lips, downing all of it in one go. His eyes widen as he watches me. I don’t like alcohol, but I can manage. It doesn’t take long for it to take effect, on top of the shots I had earlier, I can already feel the warmth coating my insides. With a surge of boldness, I lean forward and place a small peck to the corner of his lips, swiftly pulling away and making my exit.
Just before I slip away, I turn back and flash him a smile, “See you around, Christopher.”
As the party goes on, I can tell the alcohol I’ve consumed has fully kicked in. The loud music is no longer bothersome, I don’t feel suffocated in the sea of people, and I feel good. It’s been around an hour since I’ve been here, and I’ve only ran back into Sage once. She’s off with her other friends, mingling around, and I’ve just been vibing.
I’ve seen Chris around, more times than I’ve seen anyone else. Unless I’m just fixated on him. It’s like every time I turn my head, my eyes are meeting his, and I never want to look away. Though, to save myself from embarrassment and humiliation, I force my gaze elsewhere.
After downing another shot, I make my way to the makeshift dance floor, and let loose. Under the Influence starts playing, and I can’t help but move my body to the beat, letting the rhythm flow through me. My hands make their way into my hair, my hips swaying in sync with the beat booming in my ears. Suddenly, I feel a warm presence directly behind me, causing me to spin around.
Hot and delicious.
“Hey, mama.” He slurs, a goofy grin showcasing across his lips.
He’s definitely invading my personal space, but I don’t even care. Especially when his enchanting scent is filling my nostrils, winding me in closer.
“Hello, Christopher.” I reply, my speech slightly incoherent.
“I knew you knew who I was.” He stammered, his body damn near pressed against mine.
“Mhm.” I hum in response, turning around and backing into him.
“You look good like this.” I hear his voice in my ear.
I grab his hands that were just barely grazing my waist, bringing them to fully grab my hips as I move into him. His large hands guiding me back and forth.
“You’re so pretty, it’s distracting.” He mumbles, his breath fanning my neck.
I can feel the goosebumps spreading, the hair on the back of my neck standing up.
“You’re drunk.” I softly say.
He shakes his head, “I’m not drunk. I’m just intoxicated by you.”
Again, I’m bursting into a fit of giggles from something he’s said. I can’t tell if it’s because I’m drunk or if he just makes me nervous.
“You’ve been stuck in my head since I first saw you earlier.” He admits, stumbling over his words a bit.
I turn back around, looping my arms around his neck as we continue rocking to the music. His hands go up to my waist, pulling me into his chest.
“What are you thinking about?” I ask him.
He licks his lips and shakes his head, a slight chuckle escaping, “You don’t wanna know.”
Instantly, my eyebrow raises, “Try me.”
“I see you flipping your hair around and all I want is to wrap my hands in it while you’re taking my cock.” He states, his voice low and husky.
I immediately feel heat rush to my core, the sound of his voice and the words he’s saying, turning me on. I bring my bottom lip into my mouth, biting down on it to prevent the large smile that’s close to taking over my face.
“What if I was thinking the same thing?” I ask, the grin breaking through.
“Will you freak out if I kiss you?”
Looking up into his eyes, I subconsciously scoot closer to him as I shake my head. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips, then he slowly leans in. The second his mouth meets mine, my eyes flutter shut and I’m savoring the feeling of his soft lips on my own. One of his hands reaches around me and cups my ass while his other one is wrapped around my throat, pulling me impossibly closer. As our lips mold together, I find my hands in his hair, my arms holding him into me. The kiss is desperate yet soft, passionate yet hot. He pulls away, his face only centimeters in front of mine.
“Follow me.” He says, his breath slightly heavy as he intertwines our hands.
I do as he says, following closely behind him. We walk through the kitchen, dodging everyone in our way. We round the corner to a staircase leading downwards. He pulls me in front of him, ushering me to go down.
“After you.” He says, holding his arm out for me.
I shoot him a look, before grabbing his hand and walking down the stairs, him following in suit. We get to a door that he opens for me, nodding to enter. It’s a large bedroom, quite tidy in itself, and I can smell his scent wafting through the air. Only now did I realize this is his house. As he shuts the door, I walk around, taking everything in. My hands trail across the edge of his bed, feeling his comforter beneath my fingertips.
“Do you like my room?” He asks.
I turn around to face him and he has a soft, innocent look upon his features. However, I can already see right through him. I know what’s about to take place.
“I do.” I nod, “It’s very neat, and it smells good.”
“Thanks.” He grins, strolling over to me.
“Why didn’t you tell me this was your party?” I ask him, sitting on the end of his bed.
He shrugs, “Why did you pretend you didn’t know who I was?”
I toss my head back, soft giggles pouring out of my mouth. I look at him with a cheeky smile and low eyes, shrugging my shoulders. He just grins at me, before kicking his shoes off and nodding towards mine. “You can make yourself comfortable if you want.”
Within seconds, I’m unstrapping the uncomfortable heels and setting them aside. He lays back on his bed, his legs dangling off the side. He grabs my hand and gives it a soft tug, so I copy his actions, and lie back. We’re both facing one another, drunk and happy.
“How come I’ve never seen you at any parties?” He questions, his fingers playing with mine.
“I’m not really a party girl. Definitely not an influencer party girl.” I admit, warmth building in my stomach at his soft gesture.
“Well I’m glad you came to this one.” He says, staring into my eyes.
“Why’s that?” I smirk.
“Because who knows if I would’ve met you had you not.”
I can’t help the blush that pools to my cheeks at his response. He’s flattering and he knows it. I don’t say anything, I just take in his features for the millionth time tonight. His hair slightly out of place from my roaming hands, his face flushed from the heat upstairs, his eyes lidded from the alcohol in his system, his pretty pink lips looking oh so kissable. He looks so good. Without a word, he pulls me closer to him, my body flush against his.
“Is this okay?” He asks me, trying to read into my facial expression.
“It’s perfect.” I nod, enjoying the warmth he’s providing.
“You’re so pretty.” He whispers, his breath fanning my face due to our short proximity.
A smile sneaks onto my lips as I look down, attempting to hide the red color that’s now adorning my skin. His large hand grabs my chin and lifts my head so that he can see my face. Our eyes meeting in an intense gaze, holding it for what seems like forever. He only breaks the eye contact when he puts his lips on mine again. It’s only a soft, chaste kiss.
“So pretty.” He says again, his voice low as he continues to press gentle kisses onto my lips.
The delicate kisses turn into feverish ones, our tongues now gliding in and out of one another’s mouths, lapping each other perfectly. Our lips move together so well, like we cannot breathe without each other. My hands return to his hair, softly tugging it, eliciting low groans from him. One of his hands cups my cheek, the other one resting on my lower back, pulling me even more into him. He flips me over onto my back and hovers above me, staring into my eyes once more as a small smile takes over his face.
“God, I can’t get enough of you.” He groans, smashing his lips into mine again.
One of his hands rests on the bed by my head, the other one rubbing my outer thigh. Just his soft touches are enough to make my skin hot beneath his fingertips. My hands connect with the hem of his shirt, lifting it slightly and running my hands up his torso. He breaks from the kiss and removes his shirt, tossing it on the floor, then reconnecting our lips. He’s positioned between my legs, his groin inches above mine. My hands continue roaming along his torso, feeling his hot skin. I bring my legs up, hooking around his waist, pulling him down into me. His clothed erection presses into my heat, causing a low moan to leave my lips.
“Are we really doing this?” He pulls back and asks, his fingers playing with the hem of my dress.
“Yes, please.” I answer, my voice soft and breathy.
He grinds down into me, his hard on hitting exactly where I need him, causing another moan to leave my mouth.
“Fuck, I can’t wait to feel you.” He groans into my ear, leaving a wet kiss on it.
I shudder in pleasure as he continues down my neck, sucking and biting, marking me up. I reach down for his dick, palming it over his jeans. He lets out a low moan, bucking into my hand, before harshly grabbing both of my hands and pinning them above my head.
“You first.” He mutters, holding my wrists with one hand while his other one travels down my body.
His hand swiftly makes its way between my legs, my dress riding up as he kneads my thighs. Then, he’s rubbing my core through my underwear. Hums of pleasure come from me, and I can feel them growing wetter and wetter.
“Can I take your panties off?” He asks, his voice raspy as he looks into my eyes.
“Y-yes.” I answer, moaning louder as he presses harder into my heat.
“So good using your words, mama.” He groans, licking my neck.
He then pokes his fingers in the waistband of my panties and slowly pulls them down my legs, discarding them to the side. He spreads my legs again, my dress and skirt now sitting completely on my hips. He throws his head back at the sight of my pussy glistening with my arousal. Without another word, his face is hovering above my center, his warm breath hitting it. I can feel myself clench around nothing, desperate for any type of stimulation.
“Look at you. I haven’t even done anything and your pretty pussy’s begging for me.” He smirks, his fingers now prodding at my folds.
Now coated with my juices, he runs a finger over my clit, rubbing in soft circles. I’m physically writhing beneath him, so badly needing more. He then thrusts a finger into me, causing my body to jerk and my mouth emitting a loud gasp. He continues pumping it in and out of me, then adds another and doing the same with it. My hands squeeze the bed sheet beneath me, attempting to release the tension building. His fingers are moving so fast in and out of me, curling in the right places. My mouth falls open, my brows furrowing as pleasure overcomes me.
“You look so pretty coming undone like this.” He says, peppering kisses all over my thighs.
“Feels s-so good, daddy.” I moan out, clenching around his fingers, unaware of the name that slipped from my mouth.
His eyes are completely black as he stares up at me, watching me fall apart. His dick is rock hard, throbbing and impatiently waiting to be inside of me. Without a second thought, his lips are wrapped around my clit, sucking on it as his fingers fuck into me. That alone is enough to push me over the edge, my legs shaking as I let go, giving into the building pressure. I feel my cum ooze out of me, quickly being slurped up by Chris, tasting every drop of me as his fingers help me through my orgasm.
“Mmm, you taste so good, ma.” He says, licking my lips.
He pulls his fingers out of me, coming back up to hover over me, shoving them in my mouth. I moan around his fingers, sucking my own juices from them. He harshly grips my jaw, slamming his mouth onto mine, the taste of me lingering on our tongues.
Breathless, he pulls away and stands up, pulling me to the end of the bed by my ankles. His hand travels up my leg from my foot, tenderly squeezing along the way.
“Can you stand up?” He asks, softly rubbing my hip.
I nod and scoot to the edge, standing up on shaking legs and looking up at him. He cups my face, brushing my cheek with his thumb. He plants a sweet kiss on my lips.
“Take your clothes off.” He says, his tone firm.
I happily oblige, stripping from my clothes as he does the same. I watch as his dick springs from its restrictions, hard and throbbing. Just from the look of it, I know I’m in for a treat. He strokes himself as he looks over my body, licking his lips. He steps in front of me, his member poking into stomach. His hands run up and down my body, pressing kisses into my neck.
“On the bed, on your knees.” He demands.
I do as he says, and he follows behind me, holding me up with his hand on my throat. His lips meet my neck, sucking and biting all over it, causing soft whimpers to leave my mouth. He pushes me forward, laying me flat on my stomach. He leans over me, licking and nipping my back, leaving a warm trail of saliva. His hands part my thighs, squeezing himself in between them. I can feel him run his tip between my folds a few times, causing me to push back in anticipation. He pushes me back down, slowly sliding himself inside me.
“Ugh, fuck.” He moans, bottoming out.
“You’re so big, daddy. Feels so good.” I moan, feeling him slowly thrust in and out, filling me so nice.
His strokes start slow and hard, before the speed picks up. His hands are on my back, holding himself up as he fucks into me at a delicious rate. I can’t help the moans that continuously fall from my mouth, feeling nothing but never ending pleasure.
“You feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock, mama.” He groans out, fucking into me deeper and deeper.
It doesn’t take long for me to feel the buildup in my stomach once again. His hand wraps around my hair, tugging back as he leans over me once more. His mouth comes to my neck again, leaving wet kisses. I can hear his heavy breathing and low moans in my ear, and they’re driving me insane.
“Feels like you were made just for me.” He whispers. “I knew you would feel good, but this is better than I imagined.”
“All yours.” I babble, ridden with pleasure.
“You’re so tight, I can’t take it.” He moans, his voice holding a rasp to it.
I clench around him, feeling seconds from giving into my orgasm. A string of moans and curses fall from my lips, pure bliss coursing through me.
“You’re about to cum, I can tell.” He says, “Let it go, baby. Cum for me.”
And just like that, I’m releasing all over his cock with the loudest moans. His thrusts start to grow erratic, indicating he’s close to finishing as well.
“Such a good girl. Taking my cock so well, mama.” He moans out, thrusting harder.
Within a few more strokes, his dick twitches and his hot load is spurting into me, lewd groans emitting from his mouth. He pumps a few more times, riding out his orgasm, before slowly pulling out and watching his cum drip out of me. He collapses next to me, breathing heavily, looking me in my eyes with a goofy grin. His face is flushed red and his hair is sweaty, sticking to his forehead.
“That was amazing.” He breathes.
Unable to form words, I nod in agreement. His hand interlocks with mine, gently squeezing as his other hand brushes my hair out of my face.
“God, you’re so pretty, Y/N.”
I bashfully smile, “Thank you.”
“Will you stay with me tonight?” He asks, his eyes shining with hope. “We can shower and you can wear some of my clothes.”
I ponder for a second before shrugging with a nod, “That sounds perfect. I’ll just have to let Sage know.”
He smiles, brightly, pecking my shoulder over and over as he pulls me into him.
“You’re never getting rid of me now.”
a/n : this took me entirely too long to finish, so sorry ab that!! also not proofread, as per usual. hope you enjoyed this!! continue sending in reqs and i promise i’ll get to them eventually <3
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storiesoflilies · 1 month
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cherry cola, cigarette kisses
pairing: guitarist!toji fushiguro x singer!reader
warnings: slight age gap (reader is 25, toji is 30), mentions of drugs and alcohol, smoking, swearing.
a/n: a little drabble for the ‘jujutsu journal’ collab by @ayyy-pee. dividers by @/benkeibear. toji drabble collection here.
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people came to see the band live really just to catch a glimpse of the two of them in person.
of her, with her cream linen summer dresses, lips painted red like the cans of cherry cola she drank on stage between sets, dainty gold rings adorning her fingers, silk red ribbons tied in pretty big bows on her wrists, and matching platform heels. her with a voice so cool and suave, like ice, that it made all the boys go crazy for her.
and of him, toji fushiguro. with his cigarette smoke voice, all husk and fire, and veiny hands that held his guitar with practiced finesse. with his guitar solos that made you want to throw your head back in ecstasy, and his rolled-up sleeves to expose his corded forearms, driving the girls wild with desire.
people came to see them play and see the way they moved together.
when she sang, toji would close his eyes and tilt his head back, lost in the ecstasy that was the privilege of listening to her art. plucking the strings of his electric guitar along to play a tune to support her voice, like a flowing stream carrying along a floating feather. he let the vibrations of the bass through the speakers and reverberate into his bones, feeling the thrum of the crowd with their phone lights flashing and swaying, and inhaling the scent of sweat and dreams in the air.
god, his girlfriend was so fucking cool, and they all didn’t even know the half of it.
they didn’t know how pretty she looked when she danced naked in the dark in front of their penthouse views of the city lights below. with red wine swirling in her glass amidst a smokey haze, he’d exhale a big fume of his joint, and think to himself that he was so goddamn lucky to have picked up that crumpled, wet ‘guitarist wanted’ flyer all those years ago.
of course, the world didn’t know just how lucky toji was just yet.
she’d sing such pretty words, especially about the world thinking you were too young to understand the things you felt. words about everyone telling you that you couldn’t possibly grasp the way things were supposed to work, when in fact, you actually did – perhaps better than everyone else did. toji had been one of those things for her before. their bandmates had been adamantly against the older man pursuing her when they first met four years ago. she was their sweet little cherry, and they didn’t want the ash of him and his cigarettes falling on and ruining her delicate skin.
“she’s too young,” they’d all said. “too dumb to know what you are, fushiguro.”
toji had let their words get to him, the indignant and prideful fire within razing everything to the ground, and disappeared into his studio apartment with only his bong for company. he’d been there for a long time, refusing to answer any of her or the band’s calls, until she showed up knocking at his door in the middle of the night. her makeup was smeared and her vanilla scented perfume still lingered, while he was lost halfway in a dream of minefields, complex labyrinths, and booby traps.
“don’t leave me too,” she’d begged, a tumbling mess of tears, and practically collapsed as she gripped his arms for all she was worth. “not you, please.”
he melted into her right there and then.
toji shushed her softly, holding her close as they lay there in a tangled heap on the floor. he watched as his tears landed on her hair, feeling his high crashing down. “but i’m no good for you, babygirl.”
“nobody is good for each other, toji. love is fucking awful and tears your heart apart, but i still want to do it with you.”
and that was that.
but nobody else knew about them.
they’d been a secret for two years now, and toji had decided that this was it – she was it. his best girl, no other woman would ever compare to her. but she was so nervous, always so good, about what their bandmates and the fans would think. she didn’t want to break anybody’s heart, but toji didn’t care about that anymore.
they belonged to each other, and fuck, the whole world needed to know it. and if they didn’t like it? well, they could go and choke on it.
she swayed back and forth, staring at toji with heart eyes, and and teasingly stuck her tongue out to the side. that was his cue, and the fans knew it too, for him to take control of the music with his fingers and let himself and his guitar run wild. of course, it was to put on a good show, but he knew it was really because she loved his guitar solos more than anyone else did.
“i want you to play guitar for me all the time,” she said one time, teeth stained gray from the wine, twirling in lazy circles as toji strummed his acoustic guitar. “especially when i die, so i can hear the sound of heaven before i go.”
toji abruptly stopped playing and frowned, “don’t even talk about something like that. i’m supposed to go before you anyways, y’know i’m the old one.
“shut up, i can’t live without you.”
he stared at her as he played, never taking his eyes off how she danced and swayed. he watched as she went over to their drummer and pressed a kiss to their cheek. a hot flare of jealousy coursed through his blood, and toji picked up the pace, forcing their drummer to focus and step it up a notch to keep up with him. sweat dripped from his forehead, his dark hair sticking to it in stringy strands, and he licked his lips, tasting salt.
“yeah,” toji thought. “it’s do or die now.”
she took a swig of cherry cola, lipstick stains on the rim, as toji coaxed his solo into an earth-shattering crescendo, sending the crowd into a frenzy of whoops and cheers. still, he never took his eyes off her, following her every movement as he stopped the music suddenly in a dramatic conclusion.
the crowd clapped for the end of the song, and toji lit a cigarette to settle his buzzing nerves, his chest heaving with exertion. she floated over to him, smiling softly, red lipstick slightly faded from the cola, licking her lips as she tilted her head at him. he knew she could read him like a book; she knew something was wrong.
“what is it?” she whispered, being careful not to face the crowd directly.
“let’s do it, babygirl,” toji rasped, taking another long drag from his cigarette.
her eyebrows shot up, and she gaped. “now, toji? right now?”
“yeah, c’mon. let’s drive ‘em all crazy,” he chuckled, blowing his smoke away from her face.
“you mean it, toji?” she frowned, her pretty little heart so goddamn nervous about everyone else’s feelings but her own.
toji flicked his cigarette, adjusted his guitar to his side, and smiled. “let’s not think anymore, let’s just do.”
with that, he pulled her in by the waist and planted a kiss right onto her plush lips. bitter cigarette and sweet cherry flavors mixed intoxicatingly as their mouths danced together, eliciting shocked gasps followed by an almost deathly silence.
and then, it exploded.
the camera flashes went astronomically wild, accompanied cheering that bordered on plain screaming and raving, as a thousand hearts broke and millions swooned. she relaxed into him, putting her hands onto his broad, sweaty chest, flushed from the heat of the moment and the thrill of performing. they pulled apart, his lips swollen and hers tingly, and it was just the two of them amidst the eyes of thousands. she giggled, a nervous bark at the revelation of how their lives were going to change now, and toji beamed.
“you’re trouble, toji fushiguro,” she breathed out, chin on his chest as she gazed up at him in adoration.
toji chuckled, pressing a kiss to her forehead and mumbled, “i’m your trouble.”
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general taglist: @tadabzzzbee
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iamasaddie · 10 months
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Pedro characters + perfume
no idea what made me do that, but here's my take on how I feel Prdro's characters would smell. share your own opinions, and add guys that has not made the list <3
Joel: I dunno why I think the man smells like a lumberjack, but it’s just the way it is. Something woody, smokey. My choice: BLEU DE CHANEL [cedar and New Caledonian sandalwood; essence of independence and determination]
Javi P: I almost feel like there’s gotta be a cherry note in his cologne, but mixed with something completely opposite, like cocaine gun powder, and tobacco. My choice: JAZZ CLUB, Maison Margiela [neroli, rum, tobacco leaf; spicy, confident and rich]
Javi G: something undeniably classy, safe choice. Maybe something Nick Cage promotes. My choice: OUD WOOD, Tom Ford [oud, cardamom, vanilla; cozy, rare and exotic]
Frankie: basic, safe, something he could get at Target.  My choice: ETERNITY for men, Calvin Klein [mandarin orange, coriander, brazilian rosewood; strength and character of love]
Oberyn: something lemony, with a tad of musk, and some black pepper. My choice: SAUVAGE, Dior [Calabrian Bergamot, Indonesian Nutmeg, Pink Pepper; nocturnal and fresh]
Dave York: something not very strong, he can’t leave traces, but dark and deep. My choice: AVENTUS, Creed [black currant, birch, oak moss; strength, vision and success] 
Pero: umm, a plain soap if he’s (or you’re) lucky enough, I guess.
Din: yeah, no. He's in that helmet all the time so just floss and minty toothpaste for him.
Ezra: my man would skip perfume and go sweaty, sorry. 
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kazroze · 9 months
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kanosh seems nice enough
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 10 months
Imagine…Finding Out Dean’s Your True Mate
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Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!reader
Warnings: smut
Ten seconds after entering the bar your mouth was watering. Alpha. An intoxicating Alpha was somewhere inside. The air was thick, musk, hint of vanilla, hint of tobacco, smokey and warm like a crackling fire. It was in every breath you took in. Overwhelming. Your head swam, hand shooting to the bartop to steady yourself.
“You alright?” asked the bartender. You looked around, the place empty aside from him. “Not open yet, sweetheart.”
“I um,” you said, taking a seat and closing your eyes. Goosebumps formed and rippled over your flesh, eyes flashing open when you got a stronger whiff of the scent. The bartender was leaned over, close to your face. It was him. His scent. His scent lighting up little nerves you didn’t know you had. 
He stared only a moment before he leaned in, kissing you soft, sweet, deepening it when you grabbed his shirt collar. A pair of large hands hoisted you straight up and you kicked your legs over the bar top, sitting with dangled legs over the side. He moved a single hand to the back of your neck, keeping you close. 
Something in the back of your mind said to go with it, forget about the fact you were an unclaimed Omega.
That this guy was just…yours.
“Wait,” he said, stepping back but unable to tear his hands away from you. “I don’t even know your name.”
“You an asshole Dean?” 
“Not unless I have a reason to be.”
“Good enough for me,” you said. You hopped off the counter and he pulled your body flush to his, sliding a hand down your back. He froze though, sweat breaking out over his skin. “Claim me Alpha.”
“Are you sure?”
“You’re my true mate? Based on high school biology, yes, yes I’m sure.”
“I was never good at biology.”
“Who gives a fuck.” You grabbed his face, Dean moving back into action, tugging your jeans down. He undid his belt and zipper, walking you back against the bar counter. A very pleasant shiver ran up and down your spine, slick soaking your underwear. Dean pushed them to the side with a finger, his cock hard and leaking, Dean’s body reacting just like yours. “Dean. Alpha.”
“Omega,” he grunted, slipping inside, your body taking him in perfectly. His cock felt amazing on it’s own. Then he started to move, slow, deep. Grinding upwards and hitting your g-spot. It made your toes curl and you stood up even more, Dean’s lips finding your neck, hot panty breaths spreading across the skin.
It didn’t take more than a few thrusts for his knot to start to swell. He thrust it inside, hoisting you up, your arms wrapping firmly around his shoulders for dear life. You managed to kick off one leg of your jeans, curling your legs around him. He rolled his hips hard, sliding a hand between you and barely rubbing your clit before you were coming. 
Your mind went fuzzy when he bit into your bonding gland, eyes fluttering shut, opening them to find yourself sitting on the floor in Dean’s lap, loud breaths filling the quiet room.
“Hey Omega,” he said, soft, his scent subtle and welcoming now, no longer too much.
“Hi Alpha,” you said, kissing him gently, Dean letting you own it, his hands holding you close. “So my true mate owns a bar.”
“He does indeed. What about mine? What’s she do?”
“I just quit my job about twenty minutes ago. Walked in here for a drink,” you said with a smile.
“Doesn’t really matter. You’re mine now and that’s all that does,” he murmured, kissing over your gland, his instincts kicking in and tending to the fresh bite.
“Just as long as you’re mine too.”
“Oh I was yours the second you walked in here sweetheart. Promise.”
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mistydeyes · 1 year
perfumes i think the 141 boys enjoy
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summary: Scent is one of the most powerful senses, so what kind of fragrance do the 141 boys + Alejandro like on their significant other?
pairing: 141 x Reader
warnings: none
a/n - i also work for a perfume company so I've had a couple of ideas about what scents the boys like :)
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price - loves expensive, smokey scents on anyone. imagine the scents of a fresh cigar-that's what price wants in a fragrance. notes like pepper, leather, tobacco, cedar wood, and iris will make him crumble.
oud wood - tom ford notes: oud wood, sandalwood, chinese pepper
osmanthe kodoshan - maison crivelli notes: leather, tobacco, sichuan pepper, apricot, peach
functional fragrance - the nue co. notes: cardamom, iris, palo santo, cilantro
hinoki fantôme - boy smells notes: tobacco leaves, oak moss, and smoked leather
jazz club - maison marigela notes: pink pepper, rum, tobacco
lumière d’iris - veronique gabai notes: rose, iris, cedarwood, amber
baccarat rouge 540 - maison francis kurkdjia notes: jasmine, ambergris, saffron, cedar wood
cuir béluga - guerlain notes: leather, powder, vanilla
platinum 22 - floris london notes: rose, violet leaf, blackcurrant, oat, black tea
soap - woodsy, floral scents are soap's surprising pick. it brings back memories of the scottish countryside, adventuring in the woods and smelling the fresh flowers his mam had. notice notes of herbs (sage, rosemary, mint), lavender, and violet.
sauvage - dior notes: pepper, amberwood, bergamot, powder
h24 - hermès notes: clary sage, narcissus, rosewood
new york wall street - bond no.9 notes: sea kale, cucumber, lavender, ambergris, vetiver
voodoo chile - dries van noten notes: rosemary, patchouli, hemp
libre - yves saint laurent notes: lavender, musk
dirty grass - heretic notes: black pepper, lemon, hemp, violet
melancholy thistle - jo malone london notes: thistle, english ivy, cool wood
portrait of a lady - frédéric malle notes: frankincense, black currant, raspberry, patchouli
la tulipe - byredo notes: tulips, cyclamen, fressia, rhubarb
gaz - FLORAL CITRUS will make this man fall in love with you. it reminds him of a warm summer day sitting in the grass and smelling flowers. look for summery fragrances with notes of citrus, lemon, sage, and fresh herbs.
bleu de chanel - chanel notes: citrus, labdanum, sandalwood, cedar
polo black - ralph lauren notes: iced mango, lemon, tangerine, sandalwood, sage, patchouli
l'homme - yves saint laurent notes: bergamot, ginger, cedar wood, vetiver
cactus garden - louis vuitton notes: maté, bergamot, lemongrass
velvet cypress - dolce & gabbana notes: pine, lemon zest, bergamot, clary sage
eau de campagne - sisley notes: grass, citrus, herbs, jasmine, lily of the valley
brazilian crush cheirosa 62 - sol de janeiro notes: pistachio, almond, sandalwood, heliotrope, jasmine
her blossom - burberry notes: mandarin, plum blossom, sandalwood
flora gorgeous jasmine - gucci notes: mandarin, jasmine, magnolia, sandalwood
ghost - likes a light, musky scent! he loves when a scent adds to a person's natural smell (he hates sugary, gourmand scents). ingredients like musk, ambrox, pepper, sandalwood catch his eye as he pictures fresh sheets and a rainfall in a forest.
geranium pour monsieur - frédéric malle notes: mint, aniseed, sandalwood, geranium, frankincense
atlantis - blu atlas notes: orris, oak moss, violet, musk, ambrette seed
gentleman - givenchy notes: pear, lavender, patchouli
glossier you - glossier notes: pink pepper, iris, ambrette seeds, ambrox
not a perfume - juliette has a gun notes: ambergris
santal 33 - le labo notes: violet cardamom, cedar wood, iris, ambrox
missing person - phlur notes: musk, bergamot, jasmine, neroli, sandalwood
golden nectar - nest notes: florals, orchid, amber, musk
apollonia - xerjoff notes: white floral, orris butter, white musk
extra! alejandro - if ghost likes it simple and light, then alejandro is the exact opposite. he loves when he can smell someone's fragrance across the room. focus on bold fragrances with spicy notes of nutmeg, myrrh, and rum that is mixed with the gourmand of vanilla, almond, and tonka bean.
the last day of summer - gucci notes: cedarwood, cypress, nutmeg, patchouli, vetiver
bibliothèque - byredo notes: peach, peony, violet, leather, patchouli, vanilla
london myrrh & tonka - jo malone notes: almond, vanilla, myrrh, lavender, honey
tobacco vanille - tom ford notes: tonka bean, vanilla. cacao
dark rum - malin + goetz notes: anise, plum, leather, rum, patchouli, amber
tao dao - diptyque notes: sandalwood, cedar, cypress, myrte
lost cherry - tom ford notes: black cherry, tonka bean, almond
brazil aroma - costa notes: white jungle flora, orange oil, pink pepper, bourbon, vetiver, patchouli
babylon - penhaligon's notes: saffron, nutmeg, coriander, cedar wood, vanilla, cypriol
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philberger · 5 months
Angel's Envy Bourbon Review
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Angel's Envy is a Kentucky bourbon that is aged in oak barrels before being finished in port casks imported from Portugal. The result is an extremely smooth whiskey, that is very approachable whiskey with a sweet flavor profile, accentuated by more subtle smokey and spicy flavor notes. 
I was a little surprised at how light it was, given it's rich copper color. I was also pleasantly surprised by its flavor complexity. It starts with a creamy vanilla flavor, that evolves to incorporate a peppery spiciness. I also picked up on a subtle hint of chocolate before it finishes with a strong fruitiness.
All in all, it's a pretty solid bourbon. It's an excellent option for a casual drinker or someone who's new to whiskey.
It's smooth and light enough that I'm tempted to just sip on it all day. However, I think the sweetness could eventually be too much for a long drinking selection. But I would definitely recommend it as an after dinner nightcap.
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darlingsfandom · 5 months
hi, I hope you are accepting requests. i had an idea about cillian and his victoria secret model girlfriend/wife. love🩷
I am taking request 💕
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This wasn't your first time or your second but your nerves were still on edge as you felt your giant blue wings being straightened out. Your fingers laced together as you looked down at your feet until you seen a pair of black leather shoes standing in front of you.
"You made it !" Your eyes lit up when you seen your husband standing there with a smile on his face.
"O course I did! Couldn't miss me girl walkin ta run way!" Cillian wrapped his arms around you the best he could since your wings were large and in charge. You held him while he kissed you gently on the lips before pulling away and held your hand so you could do a little spin for him. "A true angel ya are honey!"
You were covered in a black and blue matching set , blue body glitter and Smokey vanilla perfume. Cillian placed his hands on your shoulders so he could look in your eyes. "I know yer nervous honey but yer gonna do great! I'll be out ter cheerin ya on!" He kissed your head gently before rubbing your shoulders and making his way to his seat along the run way.
Your heart was pounding as the lights dimmed. Luckily you weren't the one to start so you had a few minutes to gather your anxiety and shove it down until you felt your legs moving you forward. With one final breath you made your way onto the runway and smiled softly until you made it to the end and posed. You spotted Cillian out of the corner of your eye and turned slightly on your heel to blow him a kiss. Cillian blushed a little as he cheered you on.
"Dats me wife!" He was loud and proud of you standing up as you walked by. Once you were back stage you had to quickly change into an icy blue set that reminded you Cillians eyes. You were back out on the run way again which made Cillian smile to ear as you flaunted confidence. You made it back stage again so you could do your final walk with all the girls. At the end of the show you were back stage wiping off the body glitter before you felt a tap on your shoulder.
Cillian stood there holding a bouquet of roses and baby breath with a bright smile. "For you! Me Angel !" He kissed your nose, cheeks and finally lips. You smiled against his lips before he pulled away and you took the flowers. Cillian wiped your eyes when he realized you were about to cry.
"I love you Cillian ! I don't know what id do with out you." You set the flowers on your vanity before wrapping your arms around him tightly. He rubbed your bare back slowly while holding you. It felt like it was just the two of you in the crowded room. You looked up at him with soft eyes before he leaned down and kissed you gently while pushing your hair out of your face.
"I love you honey! Now let's get ya home , cleaned up and maybe have some fun in ta shower yeah?" He grabbed your to go bag while you threw on some old clothes you had packed earlier along with your coat. Cillian grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips to place a warm kiss by the ring on your finger that he put there years ago. You were his and he was yours.
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