#She is me everytime I get obsessed over a shop
lily-s-world · 4 months
Completely obsessed on how Pai dropped her entire purse at the hands of a stranger, to get a motorcycle just so she could make her ship canon. What a queen.
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eldaryasharbinger · 29 days
MCL New Gen Ep 3 Review
I finally finished the episode! I'll give a more generic opinion about it here and put all the spoilers below the cut!
I think it was really nice, I didn't check how many APs I used but I saw someone else mention that it's around 1200 APs which I think is fair! I was scared about it at first because I'm not sure if I'm the only one who noticed that, ususally, the first episodes are either shorted/cheaper and that new episodes that come out are much more expensive... I hope that won't happen!
The outfits are pretty cute, also I noticed that if you want to, you can unlock the other outfit you missed for 150 hearts! It's just to unlock it in the shop without having to replay the episode, you still have to purchase each piece separately but I think it's alright since the prices are really cheap!!
I don't really know what else to add and still be spoiler free, so now it's time for spoilers! you've been warned!
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I'm so so happy with how they get Candy to react everytime... I love that she changes expressions accordingly and it's much more fun!! Also I think I screenshotted(?) almost all of Jason's scenes,, I'm sorry I'm just so down bad I kept giggling everytime he said anything,, I think that's why it took me a while to finish the episode lol...
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Petronilla you're so real for that... Me too... (he awakens the goblin inside me...)
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Honestly I really think that we should keep this in mind everytime he opens his mouth because it's actually so true... Also how are you so obsessed... Keep it going...
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He wants to kiss her so bad I just know it... He's like that one kid that bullies you just because he's into you and doesn't know how to behave
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"Little kitten"
I'm so done with this guy he's so shameless and I love him for that,,
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The illustration is very pretty! He's so handsome why can't he just do a backflip off of Goldreamz's roof (He's so pretty sometimes it p*sses me off lmao)
I think I'll try to edit this one soon too!
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I think it's pretty funny that she calls him that, yeah I can see how he's a loser... (I be calling him things just cause he's pretty and annoying I swear)
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She's so... I'm so gay leave me alone,,,,,
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ALSO ISTG she's going to be the end of me and my wallet, I can't help but always buy both her's and Jason's special scenes (I still haven't understood if you can get the illu's without buying the scenes... help,,) and on top of that of course I'll say that I'm going for Jason's route and then buy Amanda's illus because I can't live without it,, Beemoov let me be poly for once, Petronilla has two hands for a reason!! Either let us (Me and 'Nilla) have the same outfits for both Amanda and Jason so that I won't have to spend 350 extra gems or idk;;-;
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The doomed yuri... The forbidden yuri... Petronilla you're so gay... Idk I think I can hear "I wanna be your girlfriend" by girl In red from miles away... We're so over ;A;
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If I get the time I think I'll try to edit this one as well!! So so pretty!
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I also wanted to mention this... Man he's just like me this guy is autistic as F**K I'm telling y'all... I relate to that so much, especially the fact that he apparently seems to be thinking in percentages as well (By that I mean that at least I tend to make my decisions based on calculations and such... That's why I like to joke about having a computer for brains lol)
Looks like Beemoov's writers did their homework on this guy cause if he's actually autistic-coded I think they did a great job! Autism is a spectrum in the end but I really resonate with how they're potraying it with Thomas! Kudos!
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Last but not least... Jason's text after finishing the episode... I'm shipping Jason and Petronilla so hard,,,,,, I love the blue&pink contrast, they were made for each other your honor... If we add Amanda they can be the Bisexual flag together...
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dreamersville · 1 year
hi lovelyyy can you do a "theyre the type to-" but fluff edition for the bnha men?? pleaseee🥹 thank youu
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an? hiii loveee! ofc i could do this for youu, especially when you ask so nicely🥰💜💜! i hope this was what you were looking for .. lmk if it not and i would happily do something else for you ml🫡💜. thank you requesting i had a lot of fun writing this for you. request are open
pairings? bakugou x reader, kirishima x reader, todoroki x reader, sero x reader, tamaki x reader, iida x reader, shinsou x reader, denki x reader, mina x reader
tw? none that i know of .. lmk if there are any 💜
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you mean like how katsuki is the type to just pick you up from wherever you are, sitting where you were then placing you in his lap expecting you to continue on like nothing was happening ?? Kiris likes this too, but not as aggressive as katsuki. He tries to refrain from doing it too much until you tell him that you actually like to be manhandled sometimes. Now he's doing it as often as katsuki, but still not quite as aggressive as him.
shoto would definitely be the type to stare at you. you could be doing anything it doesn't matter this man eyes will be locked on you. you always catch him too but he still wouldnt look away. you don't see any harm in it so you just let him continue. sometimes you would walk past him and give you a kiss. sero would also be caught looking at you, but isn't shameless enough to keep staring after getting caught, but just because you caught him doesn't mean that he won't be right back to looking after you turn back to what you were doing.
nobody finna tell me my sweet baby tamaki wouldn't get all flustered when you're attention is on him. he was talking to mirio about how a different breed of squid had compared to the usual he eats, when he sees you looking at him with interest in your eyes, now he fumbling over his words trying to remember what he was talking about before he caught your gaze upon him..
iida is definitely the type to lecture you about eating Honey Buns all the time until he decides to eat one and see why you're so obsessed with them, now everytime you get a box for him you have to get a box for him too. please don't let this man see you warming it up, it was good at room temp but slightly warmer??????? He thinks he found heaven.
Shinsou's favorite thing to do is take a nap with you, or with you around. so he definitely tries to make his dorm sleep approved. black out curtains to stop the light from filtering in, but don't worry cause he got a lap on his desk and a taller one in the corner. a fan to keep the roomer cooler. don't get me started on his blanket collection. He has weighted blanket soft blankets. 2 blankets from where he was in his lil crocheting era. Overall he tries to make his room the ultimate sleeping spot, and he feels like he is succeeding as he snuggles more into your stomach.
denki is sending you a 100 millions tiktoks. These include dances that he wants you to learn so that y'all could have them together, different challenges, posts that remind him of you, part 267 of a series you and him are watching, and many many more things.
Mina is definitely the type to get you up and out to try new things, she doesn't want to sit in the dorm all day when she could be out shopping with you hello??
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i hope you enjoyed reading * thank you so much for the request, request are open
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gowonders · 8 months
eternally ♥ c.bg
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summary ? : you and choi beomgyu being best friends. literally INSEPARABLE. doing everything together. everything. (mutual pining duh)
notes: are y’all getting sick of my beomgyu and besties to lover obsession? yes? TOO BAD. i ♥ this trope with this man. it’s his. moablr when can we agree that beomgyu is THE bsf>lvrs man.
warnings: cursing, non idol au, not proofread, short
beomgyu, your childhood bestfriend. you two got ‘married’ at recess multiple times, you two shared a first kiss, first breakup, let’s just say he was always there for you.
circa middle school… “she was ugly anyways, gyu!!” “no she wassnnttttttt.”
around high school? “have you kissed anyone, gyu?” “yeah?” “show me how.”
you two were always attached at the hip, doing everything together, and honestly? you can’t but notice how hard you’ve been falling for him lately too.
everytime you’re at his house, watching corny romance movies, laying in his arms as he braids you hair, you always imagined you and beomgyu in those situations.. until the main characters do something absolutely stupid, making you both double over laughing, hitting eachother as you giggle.
or when you were at the beach, and you made a sandcastle, and in the sand he wrote ‘beomgyu+yn’ with a heart next to it.
it made you crazy. you needed him to be yours.
and you didn’t know, but beomgyu liked you back— no. loved you back.
he was so obvious with his flirting, told all his friends about you, told his family about you, but you were the only one who didn’t know.
he bought you stuff, always made you take photo strips with him at the mall, and you guys ‘platonically kissed’ all the time.
so why did he think you didn’t like him?
and why didn’t you think he liked you?
because.. you were both painfully oblivious. your friends saw it, your family, anyone who met both of you at the same time saw it.
and you only saw it when you were at your house, parents gone shopping..
”yn. did you take the ice cream i left here last night…..?” he asks, voice getting playfully angry.
with a giggle, your head leans against the couch, yelling into the kitchen. “mayyyybeeeeeee…!”
with a loud huff, he shuts the freezer and runs over to the couch and pins you down, starting to tickle you.
”beomgyu you bitch!! stop!!!!!” you say, your arms flailing as he relentlessly attacks you, both of you giggling at the moment.
until you pay him back, sitting up and tickling him too.. he’s definitely loud.. screaming ringing all throughout your house before he pins you back down, but this time he stops.
his hands are wrapped around your wrists, keeping you from moving, and he’s sitting on your thighs, so you don’t try and get him again.. but he only realizes now how close you are.. and if he moved a few inches closer, he could just kiss you.
and maybe if he confessed now, he could. but would that ruin the friendship? everything?
“gyu? you good?” you ask, squirming under him, snapping him out of his trance, but all he can say is “i like you— no. love you.” you gasp quietly, managing out of his grip as you both look at eachother. the silence is so loud. “what?” you say, a breathy laugh at the end. are you dreaming?
the beomgyu that just called you a bitch, who always rolled his eyes when people shipped you, who said anything “lovey dovey” was for practice, liked you???
well? so did you.
”i like yo-“ “i heard what you said. i just can’t tell if you’re being serious or if you’re playing a joke on me. again.”
yeah.. he once confessed to you to ‘get your reaction’… (in reality he was just too chicken to go through with it.)
“nonononono yn!! i really do! you think all the times we’ve kissed or fake dates was because i despised you or something? no! i really like you. i will like you forever. eternally.” he says, still keeping you pinned to the couch, but you can’t even bring yourself to move, anyways..
”really??” you laugh sheepishly, was it just you or was he moving closer?? you could feel his long hair brushing against your cheeks as he just sits over you,
”yes, really!! you know what, you need to shut up. i’ve been SO obvious and you have been the most oblivious bitch ever!! it is so so annoying, yn. i think i’ve made out with you more times than the times you’ve realized i was flirting.” he says, giving you that ‘you’re stupid.’ look he always does, his eyes are narrow and his brows are furrowed. “im oblivious? weren’t you the one that—“ “shut up.” he cuts you off quickly and actually closes that gap between you two, pressing his lips against yours in a rushed manner.
that definitely shut you up!!
he pulls away, his eyes moving all over your features before shaking his head as he rolls his eyes. “so? can we date now or???” he says, his thumb running across your bottom lip.
you stall a little, then stutter for a second.. but then you just give him a nod. that nod he’s been waiting for ages to see. and that honestly makes his day.
“finally, youre still such a little asshat for eating my ice cream.” he says before peppering kisses along your cheeks.
”awe, really? i thought one of the perks of dating you would be you forgiving me?”
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ateenyyy · 19 days
a day to remember
aka seonghwa making your birthday special against all odds<3
idol!skz x nonidol!femreader
genre: fluff
wordcount: 784
warnings: none really, unless you count loads of cuteness and fluff as another thing wrecking your mental health. i get it, really ; ) and it's not proofread
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As the first rays of the sun peeped in through your balcony, all the tiredness you'd accumulated from spending the night watching your newest kdrama obsession suddenly washed over you. You could have sworn it was just 11am five minutes ago.
You checked the time on your laptop. 7:11am, May 8th.
May 8th.
'As in... my birthday?' you wondered. 'Wow, I never knew this day would actually come.'
It wasn't so much the fact that you were indeed another year older that surprised you. It was that this would be the first birthday you would spend alone since you began dating your idol boyfriend, Seonghwa.
Every year, no matter how busy you'd both were, you would always find a way to spend your birthday together. It was never planned deliberately though- you both always just happened to be free on that day. So when Seonghwa called you two days ago to explain that there had been a change of plans and him and the boys had to go out of the country for a few days, one of which was your birthday, you could hardly believe it.
'Well, brooding over it and being sad won't really help me much, will it now?' you thought. You decided that with or without your boyfriend, you were still going to enjoy your day to the fullest.
You called one of your closest friends, Danielle, and practically begged her to go out with you even though you knew she was a homebody through and through.
'Of course I'll come! It's not every day your bestie finally chooses to spend her birthday with you instead of her boyfriend!' she joked. 'Also, even though it isn't for Seonghwa, I think that you dressing up as if you were going for a date will really give you a confidence boost. At least, that's what works for me.'
Following her advice, you settled for a light blue chiffon dress, clinched at the waist with a minimal silver belt, kitten heels, your hair done into a neat bun with some curls falling over your face, and some simple makeup.
'Not bad,' you'd thought, looking at yourself in the mirror.
After a hectic day of movies, shopping and binging in restaurants, you finally turned the key to your apartment door. You'd just had one of the most enjoyable days of your life, one that you were sure to never forget. However, your heart still ached for what you'd become used to for the past three years. You couldn't have called if you wanted, because according to your boyfriend, he had shoots from morning to evening and would probably be unable to use his phone much. Still, you were able to send a text or two asking about him. Texts which were still left very much unread.
Your notification bell suddenly went off. You sat on the couch in the living room and searched your bag for your phone. Someone had probably sent you an email for work, you assumed, only for you to open your lock screen and be proven completely wrong.
Seonghwa: i'm so so so sorry for not being able to spend your special day with you.
Seonghwa: i hope you were able to have a bit of fun regardless? did you go out?
Seonghwa: thanks for asking how I am, but honestly, I don't think I'll be okay until I see you.
You: dont worry love, you already apologised a million times, and i'll tell you it's okay everytime if i ever need to <3
You: yeah i spent the day with danielle
You: if only i could actually see you right now. that would be THE cherry on top for today.
Seonghwa: well, why don't you let me in?
You: you dont mean...
Seonghwa: yes babe i'm here
It took you a couple of seconds to process that, but before you know it you've run across the living room, flung open the door and enveloped your boyfriend in a bear hug.
'I'm happy to see you too, love. But please would you let me breathe for a bit?' he laughed.
Detaching yourself from him slightly, you started with your questions. 'But, I thought you....'
Cupping your face in his hands, he calmly explained. 'Some things got postponed last minute and we were able to return home a day earlier. So I came as fast as I could to surprise you. I even brought you some presents,' he said, pointing to the two shopping bags he carried, a huge smile on his face.
Forget the not letting him breathe. You hugged him even harder than ever, and he finally admitted defeat and simply hugged you back.
'Happy birthday, love.'
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mariefilms · 1 year
╰───► Dealer!Ellie Headcannons
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Pairing - dealer!ellie x black!femreader
Synopsis- dealer!ellie headcannons bc she’s been on my mind heavy.
Warnings- suggestive themes, mentions of weed, ellie being obsessed with reader
a/n i’ve been obsessed with this song and it may have started this brainrot 🙏🏾
dealer!ellie who couldnt resist giving you the pretty girl discount everytime you came to see her. she fell victim to your otherworldly like beauty and made a vow to make you hers.
dealer!ellie who couldn’t stop thinking about you since she first saw you at her door. you plagued her thoughts 24/7 to the point of insanity.
dealer!ellie who’s so obsessed with you that once you finally allowed her to take you out she never let you go.
dealer!ellie who couldn’t wait to spoil you with whatever you wanted with her dirty money once you finally got together. you didn’t have to lift a single finger or want for anything around her. you need your nails and hair done? $2000 already sent to your phone with a “get you a lil something extra, baby.” you wanna go on a shopping spree with her money? bet she’s on the way to get you and taking you to the mall. you 100% leave with multiple bags from high class stores and best believe ellie is carrying every single one of em.
dealer!ellie that once she finally got a taste of you she was whipped, pussy drunk if you will. it was to a point where you’re rarely in your clothes whenever you stay over her house. “fucking love this pussy” “it’s mines right baby? please tell me it’s mines.”
dealer!ellie who didnt want you having any parts of the business she’s in. she didn’t want you getting mixed up with dangerous people who would do anything to hurt ellie even if it means killing you. she never let you go with her when she had to make a drop. it was too dangerous and she wanted her pretty baby to stay safe in the comfort of her home.
dealer!ellie who kept her promise and never let you go. she ended up proposing on one of the lavish trips y’all took overseas 3 times a year. she always treated you like the princess you are and even kept her promise making your wedding princess and the frog themed.
dealer!ellie who had to keep dealing so she could afford the lavish lifestyle you were used to, but once you got married and she started having to work more you started worrying for her safety. it got to a point where one night she came home bruised and bloodied. “ what the fuck ellie!? what happened to you?!” “ this has got to stop. you can’t do this drug dealing shit no more ellie.” “you know i can’t stop baby, i’m too deep in.”
a/n anddddddd i’m gonna stop here, i want to expand more with this in a fic, i’m litch bursting with ideas like
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changingplumbob · 2 months
York Household: Chapter 9, Part 11
In this final part my evil one is now Artemisia, Deanna suffers through a bug and we get some new family photos!
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The Yorks are Italian so if you see them using words that don't look like English it's Italian, or what google assures me is Italian. Caro/Cara: Dear Buongiorno: Good morning Piccolo: Little one Tesoro: Treasure Nonno: Grandfather Nonna: Grandmother Si: Yes Grazie: Thank you Per Favore: Please Buon Compleanno: Happy Birthday
Of course if Kelly needed a wardrobe refresh there was only one sim who would do, older sister Devin! As well as being obsessed with her image she’s also getting pretty wealthy. Free shopping spree anyone? Back in Tartosa Kelly and Devin get a commemorative selfie.
Kelly: Grazie for the shop Devin and... grazie for finding the breastforms as well
Devin: Nessun problema, my director Norah knows where all the trans friendly stuff is. I’m just glad one of my sisters may like shopping. I know we may have gone overboard on the make up…. But the grey highlights your eyes
Kelly: It’s nice. When I go to school or wherever I want sims to know I’m a girl you know?
Devin: I can only imagine cara
Kelly: Well as an actress your imagination must be pretty good
Devin: *mock shock* A compliment? For little old me?
Kelly: Shut up. It’s never happening again
Devin: Forget the Starlight Accolade, I have now reached the pinnacle of my career. Come, let’s go find pa and he can tell you his next plan
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Aaron: I didn’t see it coming. She never was interested in dresses or skirts or whatever. But I suppose Deanna wasn’t either. How you reacted to Onyx made me think a lot about how I’d react so I suppose I have you to thank for not having a bad reaction
Bob who is much younger than Aaron can’t quite believe that he’s had a positive effect on someone so he just smiles and nods.
Kelly: I’m here
Devin: She means… *sing song voice* we’re here!
Kelly: Do you have to announce yourself everywhere
Devin: It’s called main character energy sis. Besides, everytime I enter a room my theme music plays
Kelly: In your head and your head only
Devin: Oh my gosh can you not be a toad face for five seconds
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Aaron: *sighs* As you can see Bob the change has not resulted in less bickering
Devin: Pa, we’re Italians. If we don’t be passionate about something daily, somewhere out there our Italian cred pass gets revoked
Kelly: So why is Fergus’ dad here?
Aaron: Because he’s not just Fergus’ dad. He’s Onyx’s dad to
Devin: And I’m here because I’m brilliant at everything, but also baby names
Kelly: You called your kid Rilian Villareal. Had you written that down in full and seen how weird it looks before you chose it
(the watcher chose "Rilian" independently. She did not think about the pairing with "Villareal" and how the whole thing just looks like a bunch of l's and i's with a couple of r's for good measure)
Devin: *scoffs* Let’s just get the brainstorm underway
Kelly: Brainstorm?
Aaron: I thought Fergus and Onyx could come over after school and help us think of names to shortlist. Unless you’ve already picked one?
Kelly: No I hadn’t… grazie pa. But I still get to choose right?
Aaron: 100%. Just not a swear word
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Onyx: I don’t know, I was just thinking of names that were genderless and Onyx came to me like the watcher put it in my head or something
Devin: We should pick something Italian!
Bob: There are lots of food choices. Someone’s kid is called Apple
Fergus: Pick a voidcritter name, they’re cool
With lots of phone googling, laughing, and discussion the group arrive at a small list of names Kelly is happy to choose from. She goes into her room to ponder and settles on her favourite, Artemisia!
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Deanna didn’t go to classes today; she was sick all day and chose to finish her coursework between naps.
Artemisia: This seat taken
Deanna: Aren’t you worried I’ll infect you with my germs
Artemisia: Suits me. Let me be the carrier of contagion and those kids I only slightly hurt can suffer without it getting blamed on me
Deanna: Kelly I’m trying to work here
Artemisia: It’s Artemisia
Deanna: Ahto -who – what?
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Deanna: Sorry goblin, you’ll have to write that down for me to follow- no, not on my textbook!
Kelly: Too late
Deanna: So do you want to be called the whole mouthful? Artemisia
Artemisia: If you're too dumb to say the whole thing then say Emi or Emisia. But why not make other people suffer trying to say my name
Deanna: Well that’s on brand for you
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In the kitchen Aaron has filled Calista in on the days progress and they’re doing their best to practice the new name.
Calista: Artemisia… My daughter is Artemisia… My youngest girl is Artemisia… Have you seen Atemisia…
Aaron: Bob suggested apple
Calista: Of course he did, man loves his food. Thank you for taking the day to be with her. Ti amo
Aaron: The dyslexia is something we need to support her- Artemisia with as well
Calista: *sighs* We would have bought our dream house right before all these expenses came up. I hope we can afford all she needs
Aaron: We can tap into the retirement fund
Calista: And what about when they make you retire
Aaron: I’m a hard worker, I think I’d be allowed to stay on past 65 if I wanted to. We’ve still got 7 or 8 years of work to save up with
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Artemisia: Look at that, I did my homework faster than you, Artemisia for the win!
Deanna: You also had less of it
Artemisia: Do you know what anemia is?
Deanna: Why?
Artemisia: You do science
Deanna: Physics is not the same as biology dummy
Artemisia: I got an email that my blood tests came back saying I have it, whatever it is. I better tell ma and pa
Deanna enjoys the silence as Artemisia leaves for the main house. It’s hard enough focusing normally but when sick it’s even more difficult. She’s just gotten back into the rhythm of the work when-
Artemisia: Means low iron apparently
Deanna: Ke- Artemisia! Can’t you go eat your food elsewhere? I’m trying to focus
Artemisia: Oh, am I a distraction for you? So sad. I think I might have to cry about that
Eventually Artemisia finishes and leaves, also leaving her plate for anyone else to take care of.
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In the middle of the night Artemisia gets woken up by terrible news, puberty is arriving via facial hair!
Artemisia: Don’t look at me mantis, it’s awful
Mantis: *sits silently*
Artemisia: Oh I’ve just got to get rid of it
She leaps from her bed and heads to the spare bathroom where she knows Aaron leaves some razors in case of guests needs. After watching a few youtube videos she does her best to remove the offending hair. The whole time she’s telling herself, three more years. Just three more years then we can take stuff to make this stop. Three more, I can survive that.
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While this is happening Deanna is also having an awful night. With her term paper submitted she naps until she can take more painkillers. Unfortunately they seem to be making her woozy so she decides to skip a dose at her 2am dinner time. She manages to get back to sleep but in the morning she’s still feeling lightheaded. Another nap after breakfast clears up her illness and she’s awake for her exams. She averages a B+ this term, pretty good considering all the stress she’s been through.
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Before work Calista and Aaron fit in some nectar creation, two more normal bottles of grape nectar tucked away to age. Artemisia may have flunked her exams today but she’s still riding high from the confidence of changing her name to suit her, so she’s unbothered. When everyone is home the family is invited around so we can get some photos of Artemisia looking like herself with her family. Joey is of course trying to show off despite being skinny… Zio Joey’s got this!
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Alfred and Rilian eat in their high chairs. Surprising nobody, picky eater Rilian decides he doesn’t want to finish his meal actually. Instead he babbles with his twin. The others happily chat until it gets past the twins bedtime. Nonno Aaron is only to happy to usher the toddlers home before they start throwing tantrums.
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Tamika: You haven’t seen me all rotation
Deanna: I’m sorry Mika, I got overwhelmed with everything
Tamika: Are you better now
Deanna: I think so. I mean I miss having Paris around but... I'm past the sad longing phase
Tamika: Good! Then we can start visiting the university nightclubs looking for guys and gals
Deanna: I don’t know if nightclubs are my thing
Tamika: That’s okay. We’ll check out the campus’ social pages, there’s bound to be some singles events, we’ll be each other’s wing woman
Deanna: Deal. Just… maybe keep the cute blondes to yourself for a while
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And we finish this York chapter! Deanna may be single but she’s not falling apart, with my sim days to years maths it has been a year since she broke up with Paris. Artemisia is dreaming about making everyone at school embarrassed trying to say her name. Aaron and Calista haven’t gotten any promotions but are chipping away at the charisma skill. They do have years left to reach the top yet.
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Previous ... Next (Chopra)
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justtimings · 5 months
Jujutsu Kaisen - "The JJK Trio As Your Sibling"
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contents: tooth-rotting fluff, crack, them as your siblings
features: idatori yuuji, kugisaki nobara, fushiguro megumi
a/n: this is my very first time doing something like this, so i hope i did well characterizing them.. also, can you tell i was struggling a little w/ megumi? i feel i'm similar to him (i'm also a younger sibling & my sister said i act exactly like him) but it was still challenging. nonetheless, i hope you enjoy!!
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Idatori Yuuji ➤
Sweetest older brother on the planet!! Loves to spend quality time with you: he's a family guy
He'a a genuine idiot to the core. Always saying stupid shit that has you cackling on the ground until your stomach burns
Definitely a dog person: convinced y'alls parents to get one, which eventually turned to two, then three
The type of person to make stupid songs out of anything, and you eventually started to join in without hesitation
He loves watching movies, especially horror, and has a tradition of watching them on his birthday
Though he is a great brother, he was a certified menace when you were a little kid: convincing you that you're from the jungle, or that you're an alien
You've designated him as your personal chef; he could pursue culinary if he really wanted to
If being annoying as hell was a job, he'd be a fucking billionaire. He always finds a way to tick you off, intentional or not
Likes to keep notebooks from school (whether it be algebra, biology, etc.) to pass down to you once you take that class
He's the older brother that everyone knows and loves ^_^
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Kugisaki Nobara ➤
Also surprisingly gives me older sibling vibes! I don't know what it is about her, but she just radiates cool older sister
Her favorite hobby's shopping, and she forces you to go with her on all her sprees
Loves spoiling you, getting you at least two things on every trip she takes you to
She adores searching for getaways, and she's always finding the perfect places for a family vacation
As much as she loves going out, she's not a fan of nature, and will definitely scream and cuss you out if you jokingly bring a bug near her
Very big on pictures!! She will capture it all, the mundane and the memorable
Super overprotective of you. She does not let anyone play with her little sibling, and she will go to hell and back to prove it
Uses the fact that she's older than you to send you to ask your parents for something she wants
Definitely obsessed with astrology. She knows all of her friends' charts, and full on rambles about what each of the placements mean everytime you forget
She's the iconic older sister that practically raised you, if we're being honest
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Fushiguro Megumi ➤
He's a younger sibling, for sure (yes ik he also canonically is, but it's also so obvious when he's with Yuuji & Nobara)
He'll sometimes randomly blurt something out just to see confusion wash over your face; thinks your expressions are the funniest thing in the world
Speaking of which, he also opens your door just to stare at you before closing it, stifling laughter as he walks away
He's secretly competitive. You always catch him huffing and giving you death stares after losing in a round of Uno
Gets second-hand embarrassment from anything you do in public. It would be over the most ordinary thing too, like accidentally dropping a fruit in the grocery store
His curt character paired with his insults can either have you wheezing until you physically can't, or it can be the biggest stab at your ego
Loves going on walks: he enjoys the scenery, and it helps to clear his mind of stress. He'll most likely be out for 30 minutes just aimlessly strolling through the neighborhood
Has a hobby of analyzing music & films and loves to explain it to you. He's very attentive when it comes to literature/symbolism
He's a typical younger sibling, but you wouldn't have it any other way
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please give me any feedback on my work! i'm extremely new to writing, so if you have any tips to help with that, i'd deeply appreciate it!
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For drabble, would it inspire you to write about a date or vacation with Henry? I’m obsessed with Henry being sweet behind closed doors 💕
Thank you for requesting, keep them coming I love them sm:)
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My goddess deserved to be spoiled, always so good to me. So I took my dearest girl to Paris, in hope to return to Hampden with my fiancée. It warmed my heart to see her eyes wide and sparkling from the city, it was beautiful. I obviously booked a suite for us, on the top floor, so I could see her wake up happy, with Paris at her feet.
We woke up, had a quiet coffee and breakfast in the morning, but some days we just slept in and had sex while the sun joined us slowly.
Our days were either spent sightseeing, shopping or even just chatting in a café, or even reading together.
We had dinner at an expensive restaurant every night. I loved seeing her getting ready, applying her makeup on, zipping up her dress that hugged her curves perfectly, and she always asked me to help her put on her jewellery, even if she was perfectly capable of putting it on for herself. It brought me satisfaction when her eyes rolled back at the delicious taste of the
cuisine and the wines from the finest french vineries. We talked at the soft candlelight, a bit tipsy from the wine, smoking cigarettes and softly caressing each other, knowing that the night will end with mind blowing sex.
But one night, we got ready for our dinner, except that I had a velvet box in my pocket.
We were waiting for dessert and she stroked my hand. “Thank you for the day, Henry.” She told me this everyday.
“Anything for you, my goddess, you know you musn’t thank me, I would do anything for you gladly.”
“I know, but I am so very grateful for you.” She leaned closer and petted my face. “My dear, spoiling me so nicely…”
“My pleasure. Y/N, my love…”
She giggled, a bit confused at my sudden seriousness. “Yes?”
“I never knew that I could love someone so much as much as I love you, I never thought I could love, until you came into my life…” I said my monologue that I had practised in my head ever since we arrived in the country. Tears were flowing down her cheeks, with a smile.
But, her mouth fell open when I got down on one knee, and it was no surprise when she fell into my arms, repeating ‘yes’ over and over again.
So, that night I didn’t make love to my lovely girl, but to my lovely wife. We only got engaged, but I already looked at her as my wife, ever since I first saw her. It was obvious that a girl like her only comes once in a lifetime, so marrying her was the best choice of my life.
After many many rounds, we were spent and so were our bodies. I slept like a bear everytime she was near me.
I woke up the next morning, with a groan and closed eyes I felt around the sheets, looking for my wife. I opened my eyes when I couldn’t feel her warm body near me, and I saw her at the open window, right next to our bed. She was leaning out the window, smoking a cigarette. Her curvy frame was barely covered with a white button up shirt of mine, she must have picked it up from the ground just now, not even bothering to button it or putting on her panties, while I melted into the white sheets naked.
The sun was shining down on her, and she was swimming in it. My goddess welcomed the sun with closed eyes and a gentle hum. The sun was also shining through the shirt, revealing her skin for me. Her kissable neck, her soft back, her delicate thighs and her graspable butt with wider hips. I was so in love with her, my body and heart both reacted to her immediately.
She turned around and smiled at me. “Is my husband enjoying the view?” She threw her cigarette out and made her way towards me. My cock stirred in that instant, looking for her warm cunt.
“It would be hard not to, especially with a beauty-on-earth wife like mine.” She crawled on top of me, kissing every inch of my face before leaning down and giving me a deep kiss. When I felt her plump lips against mine, I stroked the back of her hair with one hand and pushed her my shirt off her shoulders.
Her breasts were a sight for sore eyes, I kissed all around them and swirled my tongue all around her sensitive nipples, until she begged me to do something.
“Henry, my husband! I cannot take it anymore, I need you, I need you more.” I flipped us so now she was caged under me. I positioned my tip at her entrance, but didn’t push in more than the tip. She grew impatient and wrapped her legs around my waist, only to tighten them and make my hips collide with hers.
I embraced her as her tight walls embraced my member. “My sweet girl, my sweet wife, taking me so well and oh, so tight.”
I threw one of her legs over her shoulder, the sudden position change caused my tip to press into her heavenly spot at her cervix. As I pounded into her she mewled loudly and kissed me to drown out her loud moans. The sun peeked down at our heated love making, or fucking more like.
Her shaking legs and fluttery walls indicated that she was letting go, so I did too. I pumped her full of my thick cum and just stayed inside of her.
We stayed like that for hours, connected both physically and emotionally, smoking cigarettes and just chatting about anything, as husband and wife.
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jelzorz · 2 years
Some thoughts about s4
First I'm gonna preface this with the disclaimer that I enjoyed season 4 immensely. It was a lot of set up, a lot of fun, and I'm here for the long haul no matter what happens because I love and support this show. HOWEVER, I have. Many questions about some decisions that were made, in many cases because it directly contradicts with what seasons 1-3 and TTM set up, and I have some thoughts about it and they're not the nicest thoughts I've had about TDP. Other people have already voiced their opinions and their critiques but these specifically are my own that I hope S5 onwards will address.
Strap in kids. This is long.
1. Tone, Pacing, Structure
S1-3 were tight, and not in the slang way. Everything that appeared onscreen was relevant in some way, parallels could be made everywhere, everyone was a foil for everyone else.
S4 was. Not that. S4 was, comparatively, all over the hecking shop. I am of the opinion that if you need an entire season or movie just to set up future movies, you're not doing the movie right, and that's what S4 felt like instead. Instead of capitalising on the set up s1-3 did, it varied wildly from entire scenes of exposition, to entire scenes about fart jokes, to entire scenes that just didn't do anything for anyone other than present awkward clunky dialogue that wasn't even necessary.
One of the biggest offenders? The Guardians of the Great Gates. Literally what were they for? They didn't do anything. The were there to be Difficult and to be Unfunny, and they don't even have the excuse of being an obstacle that Zubeia couldn't get past so she couldn't accompany the kids because a fucking rockslide did that. That entire scene could have been snappier if they weren't fucking there, and instead the show chose to spend time on characters that weren't relevant to anything to deliver bad banter, which leads me to
Tone and the way the season couldn't decide if it was darker and edgier or if it was still for kids ages 8-12. This probably wouldn't have been so bad if they didn't spend SDCC and NYCC hyping up the fact that it was darker and that they wanted it to grow with their audience, except it hadn't and it was purely because they kept bailing on scenes that should have been awe-inspiring or emotional and replacing it with dumb jokes.
There were, of course, some exceptional scenes: Ez's speech? Corvus playing cello? Beautiful. Raw. Important narratively and delivered flawlessly. Aaravos possessing Callum? Terrifying. Loved every minute of it. Ibis' death? Chilling. But those scenes are far outnumbered by things that didn't feel necessary and went on for far too long: Soren's stand up comedy act, Callum's failed magic presentation, fart jokes, the unfunny guardians, etc. It's like everytime they came close to doing something emotional and heartfelt, they copped out, and that is especially clear in the relationships between characters (and not just rayllum! But we'll come to that later).
And that. Doesn't track??? TDP has never shied away from emotional depth before and now it's like they're pulling a Marvel and removing the gravity of every situation with bad humour. The pacing and structure suffer for it. The spend to long on the jokes resulting in weird pacing, and there are references and characters put in there to be funny that are completely unnecessary to the plot and interfere with the flow. There were times I literally went "GET TO THE POINT" because it waffled for too long on something stupid.
It's as if they couldn't settle on the tone they wanted to set and hoped the fart jokes would balance out the murder.
2. Agency, Characterisation, Big Feelings
For a show that emphasizes being able to write your own destiny, they took a lot of that ability away. So much information comes to our heroes in the form of exposition. So many answers appear in the form of a character willing to just give them what they need.
Why, for example, couldn't Callum discover Aaravos on his own? He's been obsessive about magic for two years, why didn't he make more progress in Rayla's absence? Why have Zubeia deliver that information to him when it would have made more sense to just have him obsessive over the mirror, where Aaravos might have tempted him with more knowledge, more secrets, and then his possession of him would have hit like 10 times harder?
Why did Opeli, of all people, have to suggest that Ez et al go on their adventure, instead of Ez deciding it for himself? He's never had problems leaving her in charge in the past. He's the king, it should be his decision!
What the fuck was N'than for other than an Uncharted reference? Why couldn't the kids have figured things out together the way they always have? Why not use the opportunity for Callum and Rayla to hash out their MANY issues a la S1?
And this, obviously, isn't the only issue with the way the characters were presented this season. Characterisation itself was iffy af, and our first red flag was should have been the fact that everyone thought Rayla was fake.
Rayla, in particular, bothered me. TTM and Dear Callum made it abundantly clear that she was deeply troubled and that she knew leaving would tear Callum's heart out, and she comes back unapologetic? Flirty? Otherwise fine?? What the fuck happened to her many obvious mental health problems? What's happening in her head? Why did she come back empty handed?
The only way I can understand her logic is to assume that she came back because she realised her friends and family were more important to her than Viren. Which is fine! Okay! I'd buy that! BUT THEN SHE GOES AFTER VIREN AGAIN THE SECOND SHE REALIZES HE'S ALIVE?
And then there's CALLUM, whose reaction to her return isn't cold, isn't angry, it's just. Kind of confused? I can excuse Rayla appearing in his office and then him writing it off in the morning—maybe he thought it was a dream, bc he's had to have dreams like that before—but then she reappears, and she's real, and... That's it? He should be furious at her! He would be right to be! He's, at the very most, confused! And I know what you're gonna say: of course, he's confused! He's happy to see her but he's still mad at her for leaving!
But they never get to! Every time they get close, they're interrupted by more pointless humour, and this the thing that bothers me right: fine. They don't talk. I can understand that. But those issues can and should present in other ways: emotionally charged magic, tension in every interaction, Callum getting snappy, not just at Rayla but at everyone. Some people have been calling the way he handled that conflict "mature" but maturity involves addressing the problem and managing the resulting emotions, NOT AVOIDING IT COMPLETELY.
And then Rayla sees Viren and tries to leave a second time, and he lets her? This boy? The one who turned against his own morals and used dark magic to help her save a dragon? The one who jumped off a mountain to save her or die trying? The one who was ready to leave at dawn to go on her crazy mission too? He doesn't even offer to go with her?????
That scene was, again, an opportunity to start talking about it and they don't! He just lets her go! And that is so violently against the character traits they established for Callum, who is fiercely loyal to his friends and family, who would has followed Rayla against all odds just to help her and it's just??????
And listen, the problem isn't just with rayllum. Soren comes face to face with his newly revived father and he doesn't get to talk to him? He doesn't get to talk about it at all? Callum is possessed by Aaravos and nobody finds that Concerning enough to talk about? Rayla can't remember Ibis' name one second and then is suddenly SUPER cut up about discovering his body? Claudia tries to convince Soren he's on the wrong side by saying elves will only ever see him as Just Human while she's dating an elf?
There are other things, too, that don't make sense. The conflict between the Sunfire Elves and humans worked really well actually, and was one of the best parts of the season, but Karim presents Miyana with the possibility of a blood duel but then has to tell Miyana what it means, and Miyana is supposed to be one of their best generals. If she doesn't know what a blood duel would mean, neither would anyone else, and if no one understands it's significance, then it's not significant.
It's all so inconsistent, so against everything already established, and I can't understand why they chose to write it like this.
3. Alternatives
It's not even that hard to fix. There were fan theories and metas that were tighter than whatever happened this season, that built on what was already established and extrapolated from it instead of... Whatever happened here. They could even keep some of the decisions they did make just by addressing some of it. If I had to rewrite it, then:
Callum discovers something weird about the mirror, on his own merit, using his own research and knowledge. He takes the information to Zubeia who confirms and provides more information about Aaravos, and the pieces together, along with Ibis' death, provides the impetus for our gang to head into Xadia. Rayla doesn't return.
The kids arrive at the Storm Spire to find Ibis has been murdered and rendezvous with Rayla who has been tracking Claudia, so she at least hasn't spent two years away for nothing. Tensions arise. Callum and Rayla Don't Talk and Callum is noticeably cold to her. Aaravos possesses Callum, spurring Zubeia to send them to Umber Tor to seek help from Rex Igneous. Rayla and Callum agree, grudgingly, to co-operate, their concern for each other obvious in spite of the tension.
The kids arrive at the Great Gates only to find that they have collapsed and there's no way through. They receive guidance from a guardian perhaps in riddle form, and not in shitty banter form, to find the alternative entrance in the Uncharted Forest.
Frustrated, and with tensions rising, the kids (read: rayllum) bicker their way through to forest until their position is given away and they run into the Riders of the Drakewood. Fighting ensues. Callum and Rayla fall back into their old patterns and find that working together isn't so hard after all. You Fight Good scene, resulting in the first tension break since their reunion, however is short lived as Soren is captured. They go after him into the Pit of Despair.
The only way out of the Pit of Despair is through it. Rayllum continue to fight and argue a la 1x07. Their fighting inadvertently shows them the way forward, and they spend the episode relearning how to work together.
They take a break. Callum and Rayla have the beginnings of a talk regarding Aaravos' posession. Rayla shows her concern for him and Callum, angry, brushes her off: if she was so concerned, she never should have left. More arguing. Ezran, frustrated, steps in. Their arguing brings the next set of challenges. They push forward.
They find Soren at the mercy of Rex Igneous, but the scene proceeds as per the show. Rayla, having dealt with Claudia's sleep spell before, has the foresight to find something to keep her awake. She wakes the others and Rex Igneous as per the show before they see Viren. Soren freezes up on the spot but chooses his duty to Ezran. He will deal with his Big Feelings later. Rayla tries to go after him again, only for Callum to stop her. She can't go again, not after all of this. BIG FEELINGS TIME. Rayla chooses, in the end, that her friends and family are more important. She escapes with them. A promise to talk is made.
Anyway. Fix it tdp. Give me back my show.
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dameronology · 2 years
hcs for steve x henderson reader please?
the scenario as to how you're a henderson sibling is ambigious; could be adopted, biological, whatever u prefer😌
you 100% met through dustin
i mean you probably knew each other already, because you're a similar age and hawkins high isn't massive but you actually properly, meet through dustin
your baby brother is an adventurous kid; he's out at all hours of the day getting up to god knows what and you know he sneaks out his window past curfew when your mum thinks he is asleep
it's whatever, really; you know he's good at heart and probably isn't getting into trouble. you were the same when you were his age
you meet steve for the first time in unfortunate circumstances; you were meant to pick dustin up from a d&d meet but the thought completely slipped your mind
steve drops him off on the doorstep about two hours later with a very grumbly, curly haired kid by his side
"you forgot about me! what's more important than me?"
you send dustin inside and profusely apologise to and thank steve at the same time; he finds it quite funny actually because honestly how could you forget about someone as persistently loud and annoying as your little brother??
you bond over the fact he's a great, if not irritating kid
steve sees you in a coffee shop a few days later & you buy him a cup to say thank you for your mistake the other night
you end up talking for hours and he asks you out
from there it's an uphill trajectory of literally just falling in love with him
you hide it from dustin at first; there's no telling how he'll react
steve likes to think he'll be jealous because even though he shouldn't care what some kid thinks, he definitely feels a pang of something everytime dustin calls him all like "don't worry about picking me up later, eddie's gonna give me a ride!"
and harrington would like to think that dustin would extend the same courtesy to him
dustin finds out by accident; you're on the phone to steve one day, hanging up and saying you love him, and dustin goes "oh, i love you too steve, i'm sorry i missed your call. we're good right?"
and when he hears you go FUCK OFF, DUSTIN! he realises he meant the other henderson
there's no anger. maybe a little that you felt the need to hide it from him but overall, dustin is absolutely obsessed with the idea of you two
your mum, a little less so. she's always been a little weary of steve, ever since mrs wheeler told her one day at brunch about what a bad influence he was on nancy
(barely tho, but yanno how ma's can be)
you don't really care; you're old enough to move out if you want and tbh most her nervous energy is focused on dustin because she swears 11 times a week that he's gonna cause her a stroke from stress
your lil brother loves movie nights with you!! he'll sit in the middle of you and steve because he can't read the room
you're both super over protective of him; one time some kids in school gave him shit for his cleidocranial dysplasia and you and steve basically corned them in the parking lot
he tries to rope you both into playing d&d and it only worked once
overall, you're like a little family and dustin loves it
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rubyreduji · 10 months
Talk about your moots; what do you like most about them (could be a paragraph or a single sentence, spread the love!!)
its too long so it's under the cut :') i just have to much love ig
MIKA (@toruro)
my mika...ah...what do i even say about her. tbh i shouldn't say anything because if i talk about why i love mika then you guys will fall in love with her too but she's MINE. jk the real reason is bc if i talked abt how much i love her i will write a whole essay BUT here are few reasons why i love mika: we just click, like i can't even remember how we went from like having one conversation to suddenly talking all the time but i would not have it any other way i love listening to mika's 30 minute voice messages and like she just supports me so much not even in a writing aspect like i can just talk abt my problems and mika will be there for me. she's also SO TALENTED??? like i will always hold her to the highest praise bc she is perfect and amazing in my eyes forever ☆☆ things that remind me of mika: coffee dates, flower fields, pretty trinkets in antique shops
BRIE (@leejihoonownsmyheart)
one of the first moots i ever made and tbh the most important one, she was the only person on this site i talked to for like months and she basically held my hand through the first few months of this blog as i figured out what the fuck i was doing and she has never been anything other than supportive. brie literally is so nice to anyone she interacts with and she just has such a sweet presence, like i love whenever we talk even if it just for a few mintues like brie really is my big sister and i will forever be greatful for her xx ☆☆ things that remind me of brie: friendship bracelets, ice cream on a hot day, blurry candid photos
SAR (@cheolhub)
me and sar's interactions are super sporadic but always so funny and i love how unhinged sar can be like she will be feral over her men and i support that like we don't talk that that much (talk to me more sar djkfsal) but like i know that it will always be such a good time ☆☆ things that remind of me sar: stars (obvi), cool sunglasses, fun wall posters
SAVV (@savventeen)
I LOVE SAVV OH MY GOD i just love talking to him like the vibes are always so chill and like he lets me bounce ideas off of them and it's so nice because i have no clue what i'm doing every and also just his fics are like a giant warm hug and so is his personality ☆☆ things that remind me of savv: pillow forts, running a successful show (theatre kids unite), board game night with your best friends
ELV (@userelv)
I DON'T THINK YOU UNDERSTAND LIKE FDJKLDSLA elv is a caratblr legend in my mind like literally friends with everyone, writes the most insane amazing fics, and super unproblematic like i am blessed to be moots with her. i just love seeing her on my feed or in my activity it makes me all giddy and happy AND she tags me in snoopy content >>> taking her out on so many arbys dates fr ☆☆ things that remind me of elv: sunflowers, honey pots, fun photobooth photos
EM (@gyuswhore)
okay so em's whole energy is just the cutest thing every i can't explain it but like literally just makes me so happy whenever we interact like UGH WE SHOULK TALK MORE but also like i just feel like em is so funny i need more of her in my life and like her writing is just so feel good to me i love it so much (also soooo talented at drawing like wtf dfjklsa im obsessed) ☆☆ things that remind me of em: golden hour, late night baking, homemade jewelry
KAI (@lovelyhan)
you guys kai is just so cute and sweet and like fjdsaklf first off their blog theme is always so cute and well put together i love it and their writing???? HOLY SHIT I ASCEND EVERYTIME I READ SMTH FROM THEM but also just in general kai is so sweet and nice to talk to and like you can see that in the way they interact with people on their blog and just how everyone loves them so much (as they should) like i would love to talk to kai more just bc like i want all the good vibes they bring ☆☆ things that remind me of kai: cute novelty stamps, doodles in the margin of your notes, linking pinkies
SALEM (@hoeforcheol)
RAHHH FDSJKLSA so brie is basically the reason why salem and i are moots and its insane because like SALEM IS SO SWEET AND SUPPORTIVE??? we haven't talked in a hot second tbh but like i fr feel like i could talk to them abt anything whenever and wouldn't feel like a bother like it's just a safe feeling around salem i love being moots with her and talking to her and just everything ☆☆ things that remind me of salem: screaming to ur fav song in the car, silly inside jokes, exploring a new city with your best friend
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snailvibes · 2 years
- Three is hyperfixated on plants because her family runs a flower shop and while she enjoys being a professional turfer rn she wants to run it one day
- Four explains the fnaf lore to Craig and he takes notes and makes a timeline and single-handedly figures out the canon timeline way faster compared to matpat
- neo 3 starts to learn salmonid after story mode because they feel like lil buddy is the only other one who knows what they went through and they wanna properly talk to them about it and let her talk to them too
- my neo 3 actually is Agent 5 of the squidbeak splatoon and is referred to as it because my Three had a breakdown over not feeling ready to be captain and shares the responsibilities with Callie and Marie so they’re still technically agent 3. I just call them Neo 3 in posts so people don’t think I’m talking about a complete oc lmao
- Eight has a major sweet tooth it’s part of the reason she bakes so much she’ll devour any candy or pastry she gets her claws on. Pearl encourages this addiction Marina does not lmao
- theyre all autistic everyone in the splatoon
- Four has sensory issues and part of the reason she loves stuffed animals is because she loves the feeling of how soft they are and when she gets overwhelmed she’ll hug whatever one she’s carrying around with her tight against her face.
- Callie is the worst person to watch horror movies with because she just yells at the main character for being stupid the whole time and tries to guess every plot twist
- besides Craig, Marie is the other half of the reason Three’s so good in battle. They both main the charger and Marie used to do sniping practice with Three before and after they knew she was Marie and not just Agent 2. Now that she’s captain they still do sniping practice but Three’s got incredible aim and almost never misses so they just use the time to talk and catch up with each other.
- one of the way Eight stims by humming music and snapping her fingers (claws rlly? My eight has claws lol). When she first got to the surface she mainly blasted off the book’s songs like into the light and fly octo fly on loop and hummed those everywhere but after being on the surface for so long she got into more music and does it with a variety of music lol
- Callie and Marie tried to take Four to wahoo world but she was too short to ride anything but the kiddie rides and they almost left because of how upset Four was till Marie threatened the workers and Callie had to bribe them to let them stay in the park and go on the rides 😭
- you already know this one you literally came up with it with me but I’m including this anyways Cus I love it, since Callie is a big fun reef squid she’s got strong enough tentacles to move them on her own like octolings can, and she primarily uses this to pick up Four and carry her around the house. Also extra limbs to cuddle with <3
- Marie bullies Eight (lovingly) for maining the clash blaster and Eight complains about it to Captain cuttlefish everytime. Three had to explain weapon meta to him so he could understand what the big deal was
- Neo 3 is obsessed with super heroes the zipcaster levels helped them connect with 3 Callie and Marie a lot more and they get way too into it everytime they did one of them
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sugarsnappeases · 1 month
Tell publicly 3 facts about yourself or your three favourite songs or favourite books (it can be anything, really-whatever you want to share/feel like talking about) then send it some people you like <3
hello!!! tysm for asking here are my current three favourite songs and i say current bc these literally change every few days
1 - come down soon by lizzy mcalpine, i got called out by airbuds earlier bc appaza my ‘playlist is about as diverse as a one-flavour ice cream shop’…. i’d only listened to it 31 times by that point and they weren’t even all in a row…. there’s variety, i promise!! anyway also this song is deeply bartylily and i’ve been obsessing over it bc i think i wanna use a lyric as the title for one of my wips (library fic anyone?) so that’s number one rn
2 - guilty as sin? by taylor swift, the swoopy bit after the bridge going into the chorus again makes me so so excited every single time i love this song so much…. again it’s another bartylily coded song (as a wise person once said (it was lane, hi baby), a lot of ttpd songs are bc matty & tay were bartylily coded. which. horrible thing to think but unfortunately true), but my mind has also been consumed by thinking of it as andromeda before she runs away, as evidenced by the edit i made lmao
3 - the bolter by taylor swift, it just does something so satisfying to my brain idk, it’s another one that been on repeat also that’s mrs. zabini right there, i think about her everytime i listen to it like the entire bridge… there’s escape in escaping…. yeah makes me a little crazy
wow actually maybe airbuds was right, maybe i do need some variety…. but i will say, these are my faves right this very second and they will undoubtedly change once i get over this specific little obsessive moment, last week it was sabrina carpenter’s espresso and glen campbell’s wichita lineman (a song which nobody but me understands actually that one’s a long time favourite) and who knows what it’ll be next week….
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iamthunderhearmehowl · 6 months
Halsin's Daughter Headcannons PT5: ✨️Names/Personality/Druid Subclass / Theme Songs ✨️
Oh wow. We're on prt 5???? Am I obsessed? Or am I basically making a new DND character to play in my next campaign 🤫🫣
Either way, I want you guys to enjoy this as much as I am.
So I have 4 names lined up and a poll going on. The poll and all other posts related to Halsin's Daughter can be found here.
And may I just say that ya'll are going to make this hella hard for me bc everytime I look all the names are tied lmao.
The names:
Armelle - Means Bear
Faeryl - I think this one is super cute
Haelra - Similar to Halsin
Khalees - Not gonna lie, I got this one from a name randomizer
I'll make another post in 7 days letting yall know the winner. Could I have easily just flipped a coin and name her? Yeah but that's no fun!
I'm still working on this one so bear with me (hahaha i hate myself lmao)
I think she would be really quiet. Hiding in the background, she normally wouldn't speak unless she is spoken to. She tends to keep to herself
Although she is a natural flirt and naturally charming; part of her knows that it's a defense mechanism. She's like this because she HAD TO be. She had to survive her life in the underdark and that meant winning her mother political favors via seducing people. It was survival for her.
She's actually really klutzy. She always knocks something over. IDK man she's like either super unlucky or just a bull in a china shop.
Dead ass would just be walking and minding her own buisness and her shirt would get caught on a door and she would fall backwards and accidently set the place on fire
She's also kind of a day dreamer. Most people would see her and think about how elegant she looks sitting at the tavern table with her legs crossed nicely, thoughfully staring into her cup
In reality - she's thinking about eating chocolate in her wildshape as a wolf. Would she die or would she just have really bad diarrhea????
Her thoughts are literally your google search bar at 3 am.
When she finally gets comfortable around people, she is a gem to be around: She's pretty funny + a mess.
Walking chaos honestly
Favorite phrases: "Why the fuck are you the way that you are?" "For what reason???" "It was an accident I swear" "You have 2 braincells"
She's not as serious as her father; but she did spend most of her time with Mol and Arabella who are both pretty mischevious and witty
Now once she has a mission or job to do it's a whole different story: Home girl goes 0 to 100 real quick
She uses wild shape to her full advantage
If she's getting chased on rooftop she'll just jump off and change into a crow in mid air
She'll also wildshape into a wolf and run at you at full speed only to change her self back right as she stabs you
Druid Subclass:
I'm still looking into this, but I think I would make her either Circle of Dreams or Circle of Wildfire.
I can see circle of dreams because she would be good aligned. And it's easy to see her playing with Pixies in the underdark as a child.
Circle of Wildfire would make more sense because again this girl is just walking chaos. Like I said in previous posts she sees natures balance as chaos itself. What is normal to the spider is chaos to the fly. So Circle of Wildfire would make so much sense for her.
Again I am working on it but let me know what you think ❤️
Theme Songs:
This is honestly just for funsies.
HD's Theme Song: ⤵️⤵️
Dammon + HD:
lol can you tell that I'm a Sleep Token fan? Anways that's all I have for tonight! I'll be back for part 6 as soon as I can!
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
Disney Review Request Princess and the Frog
Requested by @themousefromfantasyland who wanted me to discuss Princess and the FRog ,the PRincess film that isnt really talked about and why it is a bit under the radar ....And yeah I wanna talk about that too .See I remember the HYPE for this film :It was Disney going back to their roots ,a princess fairy tale musical in beautiful 2D animation by Ron Clements and John Musker AKA the best directors Disney has ever had ,this was it ,this was going to bring back Disney for a modern age.....And it did fine ,not the game changer Disney was hoping for and as a result instead of bring back Disney 2D after a long hiatus,it was more of a swan song befor one last gasp in the form of Winnie the Pooh .I also saw the film in the theaters right when Disney had kind of become an obsession and for a few years it was the fave movie of my lil sibling.....Till Frozen came out .Also spoilers ahead
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The plot of this 2009 film concerns a waitress named Tiana (Anika Noni Rose) who dreams of opening her own restraunt ,and meets Naveen(Bruno Campos) a selfish Prince who has been turned into a frog in a scheme by the evil Dr Facilier (Kieth David ) ,and going by the Frog Prince fairy tale ,Naveen convinces Tiana to kiss him in exchange for enough money to pay for her restraunt .....Only for her to turn into a frog as well ,and the two set off on an adventure to find a way to make them human
This is a film I wish I loved ,cause there is a lot to love .The animation is beautiful ,and everytime I watch it I get a little sad cause 2D has been completly taken over by CG ,at least in America .I like the side characters .Louis the Trumpet playing gator while not having a lot to do is brilliantly animated by Eric Goldberg and played masterfully by Michael Leon Wooley (THough I will confess ,since I found out he played Audrey II in the Broadway version of Little Shop of Horrors ,I keep expecting him to go "Feeeeeddd Meeeee" ).I ADORE Mama Odie ,a 197 year old blind voodoo priestess .She is kind of a deceptively goofy yet wise character which is an archetype I love and Jennifer Lewis gives it her all ,I had no idea the actress was only in her 50's she convinced me she was much older . I think my favorite character might be Tianas friend Charlotte ,a rich girl obsessed with marrying a prince ,she is just so energetic and funny and I love that she genuinely cares about Tiana .Ray the firefly is a character I thought I wouldnt like when the film was being advertised and I confess I dont like his design .....But he is actually the heart of the film ,Jim Cummings givers a great performance ,I love his sub plot about being in love with a star ,Evangeline ,and I remember how shocking it was that Ray DIES .At the end of the film Dr Facilier KILLS him ,and I remeber the audience gasped in the theater .Now I have seen people who either think Rays death is emotionally powerful or straight up silly ,for me....Im a big ball of emotion ,so when that second star eppears next to the wishing star meaning Ray is finally with Evangeline ......I tear up
I really love Naveen as a character ,a disinherited playboy who loves jazz and his arc and romance with Tiana is good.I also just adore the setting ,I think 1920's New Orleans is the perfect place for a 20th century fairy tale (Wish they used it better but I will get into that ).I also love the use of jazz music and speaking about the music lets talk about the songs by Randy Newman .Now I am not a big Newman fan but I think the songs are really good though some are just OK and I am gonna talk about them from my least favorite to my most favorite
8.Never Knew I needed-the obligatory end credits pop song that is good ,but I dont love it ,I kind of forgot this one existed
7.When We're Human-Sung by Tiana,Naveen and Louis Its cute but kind of meh for me
6.Gonna Take You There-Sung by Ray and his Firefly family ,its just OK
5.Down in New Orleans(All versions)-I actually really like this song ,its a good opener and closer
4.Almost There:Tianas song that is really damn good, Anika Noni Rose does a fantastic job ,I think it is also my third favorite song animation wise ....I just like three other songs better
3.Ma Belle Evangeline -One of the most underrated love songs in Disney ,I think the sequence is beautiful(One of my favorite scenes in the film honestly ) and Jim Cumming really shows off his singing skills
2.Dig A Little Deeper :Mama Odies song and its just got a good message while also be8ing a ton of fun and Jennifer Lewis just sells it .I got a weakness for Gospel style numbers
1.Friends on the Other Side-OK I have opinions that are unpopular about Doctor Facilier but I will give him this ,he has one of the BEST Villain songs in Disney .Kieth David really shows off his amazing singing skills here,the animation is perfect ,I like how it builds up to being completely insane ,its fun ,its creepy ,its just a great villain song.....With a perfect reprise ,but I'll talk about that later
I'll talk about Tiana later ,so lets go into what I think is the flaws/things I am kind of meh about/thing that almost work but dont but-...*Sigh* lets just get into it
In the meh category ....The use of celeb voices here are weird.Like usually you get a big star to play the main character or the sidekick or the villain.....But aside from getting the great character actor Kieth David to play the villain,which I get but the other three BIG STARs play supporting characters.Now I kind of get Terrance Howard and Oparah Winfrey for the parents but...I'm just gonna say it ,why is JOHN GOODMAN IN THIS FILM ??I love John Goodman ,dont get me wrong ,and yeah he is a plot point, (FAcilier wants to kill him and gain his wealth ) but he doesnt do much so I am always distracted when I hear Goodmans voice
Annnnnnddd lets get to the part that I think might get me some flack....Lets talk about my issues,AND what I like about Dr Facilier .I KNOW this guy is super beloved he is the part of the movie people REALLY like....And I'm sorry I got problems with him .I'll start with what I like :His design is great ,evoking classic DIsney villains like Captain Hook ,his villain song like I said is marvelous ,I like his evil plan to take over New Orleans and feed all the inhabitants souls to his Friends on the Other Side ,he's got menace to him,I love the fact his shadow is alive .he is played by one of my favorite actors Kieth David who delivers a phenominal vocal performance and I like that beneath his cool facade he is actually a desperate and terrified dude when it comes to his otherworldly buddies ......But while he is made of cool parts ,they emphisize his greed ,his motive is he wants money and power ......Thats boring and it doesnt really vibe with "Im going to let spirits devour New Orleans " .The other is he is more plot villain and not a good foil to the heroes . He has no connection with Tiana really ,they only have one scene together and she apparently knows who he is but thats never explained .I say to make him a better villain
1.Emphisize his back story that he was someone who used magic to fufill his desires the easy way ,and his desperation to pay off his debt is his motive
2.Have him pursue the heroes ,and tempt the heroes.
I wll say he is a fun character ,I just wish he was great .....Oh his death scene is AMAZING and TERRIFYING though, dragged to the spirit world by his own shadow as his own villain song is sung by monstrus spirits ,that was such a jaw dropping scene in the theater ,possibly my favorite Disney villain death
As for things in the I dont like section.....The film begins strong,and ends strong too.....But that middle section in the bayou is just kind of dull.Up to Ma Belle Evangiline that whole part of the film just drags ,including these three minor bad guys that dont add anything ,theres some terrible jokes ,and two of the songs dont do it for me .Humor in general is hit and miss .Oh I almost forgot ,Lawrence is one of the most forgettable villain sidekicks in Disney,I kind of forget he is in the movie
Well Question time
1 - What do you think about Tiana as a character?
I like Tiana ,I think she is a good protagonist ,Anika Noni Rose soes a good performance ,I find her likeable and I like her romance with Naveen.
2 - Do you think this movie would be better if Tiana didn't turn into a frog, or if the frogs journeyed through New Orleans more inteastad of the bayou?
Yeah I wouldve preferred mor human Tiana,and while I like swampy settings ,I wanted more in New Orleans .
3 - Is this movie good, bad, or just watchable?
Its... on the good end of Watchable .I dont return to it a bunch it has flaws ...But its got its good stuff in it .I dunno I always go in wanting it to be better then it is
Overall it almost works but it feels undercooked ,but I still reccomend it .If best is A+ this is about a B
@ariel-seagull-wings @princesssarisa @filmcityworld1 @the-blue-fairie @angelixgutz @amalthea9@goodanswerfoxmonster
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