#She gives me Lady Dimitrescu Vibes HELP
spider-mar2004 · 1 month
Are there some times where Marlette gets insecure about her height?
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No, she is not insecure and /or ashamed by it, either she is proud of that tbh. "She is just meh fine okay that's what i got"
But a fact is, when she was younger (13 to be exact) before get her powers she was small, like around of 4'11 - 5'0 but uh the tarantula bit her guess said "ya gonna be big ass now." And poof
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: Ohhh how do you think the re8 ladies go about grooming themselves? Like clean shaven, trimmed or a full-on bush down there?
18+ Minors DNI
Y'all really know how to grab my attention! I gotta answer this one now. Just for the record, I’m a full supporter of body hair everywhere. Let’s get into it!
Honestly? I kinda go back and forth between thinking she would go full bush or neatly trimmed. But, for me, I think she would be pretty closely trimmed down there. She just strikes me as someone who would do a lot of intimate grooming. Imagine the big ass razor she’s gotta use to shave lol. She could (And definitely would) cut some people with it. Not gonna lie though, you’d probably suffocate if you were going down on her and she had a full bush T^T She’s so big. But that’s how I’d wanna die, y'know?
Okay, for Donna I have a particular head canon. Before Donna starts dating you, I think she wouldn’t really bother with her pubic hair. My babygirl was so depressed before she found somebody and didn’t really practice a lot of self-care. She hardly had enough energy to brush teeth, let alone groom down there. So, in that respect, definitely full bush. However, I think Donna would be very self-conscious of it once she becomes intimate with you. Before she even lets you see her naked, I think she would shave it all. Completely bare. I mean, that’s fine too, but I, personally, think pubic hair is hot, so yeah…
Despite all of the science pointing towards hair protecting your privates from germs, I think Miranda would definitely be neatly trimmed. I mean, true, it wouldn’t really matter for her because of the cadou, but still. She wouldn’t be bare, but very short. Maybe a landing strip. I don’t know why, but she strikes me as someone who would not like a lot of body hair on herself. My girl takes her time and makes sure she is careful when she does shave, for sure. After all, if she nicks the coochie, there’s no one to help her in that village. I’d make it my mission to help her, though.
Clean shaven. 100%. She just gives me that vibe. She doesn’t have a lot of control in her life because, at least in her mind, she has to live up to the Dimitrescu name. Her body hair is one of the few things she feels she can have personal autonomy with. She also strikes me as liking to wear revealing underwear for the same reason. Imagine getting ready to have sex with Bela and her suddenly taking off her dress and she’s wearing a lace thong. Hot damn, y'all.
I definitely think full bush. She doesn’t care what anyone else thinks and she’s got things to do! She’s not gonna shave herself to please anyone. She thinks she looks sexy with a full bush (I agree). I don’t know, just thinking about Cass in this context is… Yowza for me. I think out of all of the sisters she is the least concerned with personal appearance. She just doesn’t dwell on grooming and tend to the finer things, like shaving, all the time.
I think she is pretty neatly trimmed, but not super short. She just strikes me as wanting to keep herself groomed. I wonder if the curtains match the drapes… I can imagine fiery red hair down there too, actually. I could make a joke that she only shaves half of her hoo-hah to match her haircut, but I’m way too classy for that… ;) She’s read so many romance novels, I’m sure she has to have read about how the characters groom down there. She probably just tries to mimic how her fave characters shave (Or not), if I’m being honest.
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thegamingcatmom · 5 months
Human!Ellie gives off possessive vibes especially being 5’11 😵‍💫 being 5’2 or 5’3 she would just tower over me *looks up* 😊
Oh, you mean...
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This isn´t actual footage, obviously. When we say "tower", we mean tower-
Lady Dimitrescu has entered the chat
Anyhow, as a tiny being myself I can very much relate to that. Very much. As a matter of fact, I´ve been feeling rather restless these days, a bit skittish if you will and not just because a certain someone has been staring daggers at me for these past couple of months and well, Momma(s) has had quite the dry spell, it has to be said so I can´t really blame her for wanting (and trying, we´ve been there) to wrap those clawed hands around whatever part to twist and break and mangle-
-only to remember that wingwomen are hard to come by these days, especially if you look like death warmed up, so Maggot Momma´s gotta deal with it (for now) if she ever wants to that smell, my god! again-
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So dramatic.
BUT I DIGRESS, this is all about Momma Ellie and I´m all too happy to deliver - that poor (starved) woman needs some love and attention too!
(Don´t let Maggie know though - poor thing´s still not over the whole bowl-fiasco. That was a close call. Way too close.)
This is my late christmas present to yall. Enjoy! <3
That escalated quickly.
When you were asked to join the Bixlers on their weekly Game Night this morning you immediately said yes. Of course you did. You´ve been living with Beth and her family for a month now and honestly? You haven´t been this happy, this carefree, in, well, ever?
Well, until Beth came into your life and turned it (and you, literally - you can´t remember much seeing as you were both high af but something about truth or dare - you dared, of course you did, idiot) upside down.
It´s kind of a sad truth and yet you can´t bring yourself to mourn your past and its missed opportunities (again). Not now. Not when it´s brought you here. Right in the middle of this family of asshats goofballs who never fail to make you laugh until the tears drop and you feel like you´re suffocating. Who make you feel like you belong, no questions asked. Like you´re home.
So when Kassie came running up to you, nearly vibrating with excitement, those big eyes staring directly into your soul-
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(Well, we all know where she got that from.)
So, family Game Night it is.
What immediately sprung to mind when you heard "Game Night" were things like UNO, Go Fish or, hell, for this family you´d endure a few rounds of Monopoly as well.
So, yknow, normal things.
What you didn´t expect, however, was war playing out right in front of you because-
"You cheated!"
That´s kinda-
"How are you supposed to cheat here??"
Well, Brig does kinda have a point considering-
"The red brick was supposed to go there, like this!"
You fear Kassie is about to have a full-out temper tantrum any second now-
"You´ve literally watched me-"
"You were too fast!"
"Should´ve said something then, you crybaby-"
A brick goes flying then, and you´d be quite impressed by the sheer force of it, if it weren´t for the fact it was going straight for you, missing your eye by a hair's breadth but still managing to get you quite good, motherfu-
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That´s gonna bruise for sure.
"Wow Kass!"
And oh man, those eyes-
Through watery eyes (because that did hurt like mad) you can only watch Kassie get up and stomp out of the room before anything more can be said, and, well, you kinda get that. Being reprimanted not only by Mom but also your cool groupie-aunt (who might not be so cool for a while now) must feel quite overwhelming, unfair. Like the whole world is against you suddenly. But then again, you didn´t expect to be on the receiving end of a missile today, fucking-
Ellie is up in no time, body tense, a stern look on her face and even though it´s not directed at you, you can´t help the shiver that runs through your body because-
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Mommy´s very angry.
It´s like she´s got some kind of tunnel vision, eyes staring daggers at the door her youngest disappeared through seconds ago and the resemblance between Mother and Daughter strikes you yet again as Ellie goes to stomp angrily walk towards it, only-
Kid got some balls, you gotta admit that.
Ellie freezes for a moment and even though she seems calm and collected on the outside, you just know she´s swearing like a sailor in her head. You can see her jaw working - clenching, releasing, clenching, releasing.
How silence can be so deafening is beyond you.
"Uh...you need some ice for that or-?"
Danny´s remark seems to snap everyone out of it. Ellie whips around so fast you fear she´s pulled a muscle. You swear there was a crack!.
She´s storming towards you, apologies spewing out of her. She looks quite frantic and, dare you say, a bit unhinged? Her hands come up to hover in front of you and she doesn´t seem to know what to do with them for a moment - clenching and unclenching them, lowering them only to lift them again - before she finally settles on oh so carefully cradling your head to take a closer look at what must, no doubt, be a pretty nasty bump by now, if that sharp tut! she makes is anything to go by.
Her thumb runs over it, just above your left eyebrow, the pressure she applies almost nonexistent and yet-
You can´t stop the breathy sound from escaping your lips. Which only leads to Ellie looking even more like she´s about to lose it-
"I´m so sorry. I don´t know what´s gotten into her. She´s never done anything like this-"
She´s gonna give herself an aneurisma at this rate, so your hands come up as well, fingertips only just touching her forearms. Making sure you have her full attention.
"Ellie, hey, it´s alright-"
"It´s not alright. In this family we don´t just go around, throwing stuff at people. Especially not at guests. Things could´ve ended way worse-"
Well, that´s a tad bit dramatic isn´t it? However, you can feel your cheeks getting hot. You can´t help it. Ellie just has this way of being...Ellie.
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Beth must sense your growing discomfort with the current situation. She´s always had a knack for reading you like a book and, right now, you feel like there´s a giant spotlight shining right at you. You´ve never liked being the center of attention and yet, with Ellie, it seems like you´re always the center of attention. It´s nerve-wracking most times, overwhelming, but also...oddly charming? (It´s complicated.)
"Hey Shortstuff, how about we go get some ice for that Bad Boy, hm? If it grows any bigger we might have to leash it."
Her half-lidded eyes are twinkling like they always do when she´s trying to stiffle a laugh. The right corner of her mouth just so lifted. Waggling her eyebrows once. All in all, she looks every bit the coquettish rascal that she is.
It never fails to make you laugh.
The two of you get up, Beth´s hand resting on your lower back, already halfway to the kitchen before she turns around once more, hand never leaving its current resting place.
"You guys mind packing up here in the meantime?"
You´ve almost reached the kitchen now, the open doorway within reach, and you finally feel like you can breathe again-
A hand that is not Beth´s reaches between the both of you, taking hold of your left upper arm, making you turn around and-
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Well, so much for breathing.
"Let me help. It´s the least I can do."
You can feel Beth´s eyes on you as well, so you throw a quick glance in her direction. The both of you long since able to converse without words:
'I´ll handle it, just lemme know.'
'It´s alright, I got this.'
After a second you turn to Ellie, a gentle but firm dismissal already on your lips-
Oh man, those eyes you swear to god-
Out of the corner of your eye you can see Beth moving forward a little, steps so minor one might believe she simply shifted on her feet. But you know better than that and you appreciate it, you really do.
However, while Ellie does turn you into a nervous wreck most of the time, you don´t want her to get the impression you might actually fear her. Not now. Not ever. How could you when she´s so...her?
Besides, you don´t want her to keep feeling guilty about what happened with Kassie. That was in no way her fault and you hated seeing that apprehension in her eyes. Apprehensive about what you aren´t exactly sure. Perhaps she doesn´t want you to think that this is what usually happens on a "Game Night"? Perhaps she doesn´t want you, or anyone for that matter, doubting her mothering skills? Like that´s even a possibility. You know what an amazing mom she is, you´ve witnessed it countless times in the short while you´ve been staying with the Bixlers. These kids are the luckiest and they know it, of that you´re certain.
So, before Beth can swoop in to rescue you from her own sister you take action, arm lifting just enough for your fingertips to graze her hand.
'It´s okay.'
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Your brief interaction, lasting no more than two seconds, went unnoticed by Ellie. She was still staring right into your soul, right-
The smile she gives you in return is radiating, and you can't help it—already feeling the corners of your mouth lifting. It's an automatic response, same as with Beth. Apparently, charm runs in the family.
You swear to god.
Unbeknownst to you, this brief interaction did not go unnoticed. Eyes flitting back and forth between the pair of you, eyebrows slightly scrunched, Beth did wonder-
As you and Ellie continue toward the kitchen, her hand remaining firmly on your arm, you glance over your shoulder to share one last look with Beth, and you can't help but notice...something's off.
Ellie is rather persistent in her pursuit though, giving your arm a light tug, urging you along. Alright alright.
You follow Ellie into the kitchen, her hand coming to rest between your shoulder blades now, leaving Beth and the others to clean up the living room.
You weren´t exactly sure what to expect from tonight but one thing´s for certain:
You've never witnessed someone take "Make 'N' Break" that literally.
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theladyismyshepard · 3 years
I love your characterizations of the daughters and all of your imagines they are fantastic! i was wondering would it be okay to request an imagine where the reader says to the daughters like during an argument or something,“you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid!” and they all react to her in different ways? plz take ur time with the imagines and don’t feel pressured/rushed as ik writing should be something that is fun and not feel like a chore, thank you for all the content you have written so far :)
@frustratinglyinquisitive also maybe this could double as your #28 prompt? 🥺👉👈
Why Does Everyone Wanna Kiss Me So Bad?
The sunset was shining bright enough to sting and obscure eyesight, but that didn’t stop you from staring up into the pink and orange hues. Every time you blinked, the phantom flash of the sun still danced along your eyelids, leaving a glare across your vision. You weren’t even bothered by it, not when this numbness had clung itself to you, leaving you idle and just there. You flexed your fingers, and it rattled the chains locked around your wrists, bringing you back to where you were.
The boxed confinement you were trapped in felt more of a cage rather than the carriage bumping along the rocky trail that led you to your new prison — yes, Castle Dimitrescu sounded to be just another form of punishment, though you were uncertain as to why you were to be moved from Heisenberg’s watch to Lady Dimitrescu’s estate. You could hardly call it a step up from the twisted games he forced you to play within his factory.
You were sure you were on borrowed time and it was nearly time to collect, and you were certain that time had come when the four Lords surrounded you with Mother Miranda playing the head of the beast, leaving you cowering on the floor. The familiar iron hammer and the stench of billowing cigar smoke was on your right.
Standing next to him was quite possibly one of the ugliest... things you’d ever seen. A cloak hid a majority of his body, but you had the suspicion that the misshaped person next to Heisenberg wasn’t entirely human... you got that vibe from everyone in the room. Especially the weird doll that couldn’t seem to reign in its excitement as it bounced in the veiled woman’s lap seated next to Mother Miranda.
There was nothing human about the golden eyes that peered into yours from under the brim of a wide hat. They seemed calculating, curious, if not a tad bit confused as they surveyed your weak form. You looked away, unable to handle the weight of the woman’s gaze, and that was how you caught Mother Miranda’s bright eyes cutting into you from behind her bird-like mask.
“Oh, how I have been waiting to meet you, little one.” her voice demanded respect, but all you could do was gawk. “You are a stubborn thing, I’ve heard.”
Her gaze slowly crept over to Heisenberg as she said it, and you couldn’t help but feel a tremor of fright at his angered snarl, his arms crossed petulantly. It was true, you had endured many weeks at the hands of the leather-clad man, and while he did his worst, you refused to succumb to his torture, though for how much longer, you couldn’t say.
“I cannot fathom what keeps you here, but there is nothing special about the common human.” said Mother Miranda, and the mounting irritation was crystal clear. “You might have one looking like a dog chasing its own tail, but let us see how you fare in Castle Dimitrescu.”
You could immediately tell who dwelled there with the way the woman wearing white was smiling like the cat who ate the canary. She was completely predatory and was feeding off of Heisenberg’s disgrace and fury, and between the two, you weren’t sure who the best option was, not when her eyes turned to you and she looked like she knew exactly what she wanted to do with you.
“Do not worry, Mother Miranda,” the woman promised, already moving to stand, and the way she towered over you had your neck craned straight upward. “It’s been some time since my daughters had a plaything.”
That comment alone had the other occupants of the room guffawing and whistling. Everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy the prospect of her daughters getting their hands on you, even Heisenberg had his eyebrows arched in surprise. Who the hell are these girls? Mother Miranda seemed to know and that was all that mattered.
“You are about to see what real monsters are.”
And that was how you found yourself roughly chained up inside the carriage that guided you to Castle Dimitrescu. You weren’t entirely sure why it was such a slap in the face to Heisenberg, but he seemed rather indignant as he loaded you up, spitting insults through the whole process.
You couldn’t say for sure how long you had been traveling, but it was enough to have all of your joints achey and your ass numb by the time it was all said and done. Hell, it was long enough to feel the temperature drop as you trekked back around the mountains that stood between the factory and the castle. Though that wasn’t to say that you were in any big rush to get there. In fact, your heart dropped when the carriage came to an abrupt halt.
Panic gripped at your heart, and it felt as though fingers squeezed tightly around it. It left you motionless where you sat, wide eyes glued to the door that you were shoved in through. You could hear Heisenberg muttering and rustling as he approached, but aside from that, you couldn’t hear the distinct clanking of his iron hammer. He had such little faith in your survival skills that he didn’t even bother with arming himself to release you. Not that he needed to... You’ve seen what he can become, and you’ve seen what he houses in his factory. He’d kill you dead in a few seconds flat if you tried anything.
But at this point, what did you have to lose? Mother Miranda made it very clear that you were to be eliminated at the hands of these daughters, so did it really matter if you died at the doorstep or in the dungeon? You might have accepted death, but that didn’t mean you wouldn’t put up a last fight out of pure stubbornness. So that was how you had every intention of kicking forcefully at the door once it began creeping open to have him stumble back, possibly cracking him straight in the nose in the process, but that didn’t go as planned right off the bat.
Not when the door was nearly ripped right off the hinges in the haste to open, leaving you jarred, mouth hanging. The sunlight was now faded and replaced by the beams of the moon, but it was a bright night, leaving you capable of seeing that this was definitely not Heisenberg. And neither was she... or her. Uh oh.
“Mother! She’s here!” squealed the redheaded girl closest to you, clapping happily.
“Thank you for the gift, Mother,” said the brunette, her smirk not reaching her dead eyes.
“We will not disappoint you.” promised the blonde, her eyes observing your every move like a hawk.
“Have fun, daughters, but do remember that this one comes special from Mother Miranda, so do not forget to thank her.” their mother instructed, as if you weren’t there.
“Thank you, Mother Miranda,” all three said in unison before three different pairs of hands grabbed whichever part of you that they could.
Heisenberg clicked his tongue from where he leaned against the side of the carriage. He had an arm crossed while the other brought a cigar nestled between two fingers to his lips. You couldn’t read his eyes from behind his circular sunglasses, but you could read the entertainment in his toothy smile before he took a drag. When he blew it out into your direction, his satisfied grin spread again.
“Now, you have fun now, too, ya hear?” He mocked, chuckling as he turned on his heel, mounted the carriage, and prompted the horses to carry him off into the night.
“We’re gonna have lots of fun.” giggled the redhead, her smile the widest of the daughters as she tugged at your arm, dragging you along the pathway towards the castle.
“Not if I get to her first,” the brunette chimed in, her own grip on your other wrist tightening and pulling, almost like she was trying you get you away from the other.
“Who said either of you get the first turn?” the blonde interrupted, frown etched into her face as she tangled her fingers into the collar of your shirt.
“Enough,” drawled Lady Dimitrescu, voice barely more than a bored mumble, but it still had the daughters zipping their lips. “Bela, you are the oldest, and less likely to break her before your other sisters get a turn, so you may have the first turn.”
The blonde grinned brightly while the other two scowled but saying nothing in front of their mother. Your eyes couldn’t decide where to stay as you glanced between all four women as they finally led you through the entrance of the castle. You noticed that the temperature didn’t really increase from taking shelter, the walls giving off their own chill to substitute for the lack of outside wind.
You didn’t even have time to marvel at the interior before Bela was tugging at you with renewed eagerness. You caught the slight growl from the brunette’s direction, but one glare from the Lady and it ceased. What the hell was really going on here? You never had time to process anything before sister after sister said something that left you reeling.
“Aww, her heart’s racing!” announced the redhead, her eyes wide and unblinking as they stared at your chest. “Please let me-”
“Daniela, no,” snapped Lady Dimitrescu sternly, her frown lines on display. “You will be last, and that’s that.”
Daniela’s face twitched in her attempt to bite her tongue to prevent her argument from bursting forth. It didn’t stop her from turning and giving the brunette a glare however. You gasped when her body dissolved into a swarm of bugs before your very eyes. They dispersed and flew this way and that, and you honestly don’t know why it still shocked you when the brunette followed the same exit style. A nose pressed against the side of your neck and you jolted so hard that you nearly broke free of the hand that was now caressing your shoulder.
“Such a jittery, little thing,” whispered Bela so quietly that her following inhale was louder. “Though I hardly smell the sweet scent of terror... Is this one broken, mother?”
You couldn’t help it, you had to chuckle at the complete honesty in Bela’s question. Your lack of fright baffled this girl almost as much as she baffled you altogether, and suddenly you were staring each other down. Her eyes were narrowed suspiciously as she cut her gaze up and down your body. Even Lady Dimitrescu arched a finely sculpted brow at you, seeming more interested now than she did among the other Lords.
“Mother Miranda assures there is nothing special about this one.” said Lady Dimitrescu.
“Why do you not fear me?” demanded Bela, almost sounding offended, her grip on your shoulder tightening. “Your heart is pounding but you aren’t oozing that smell that I like!”
“It’s kinda hard to fear death when you don’t even care about living anymore.” You deadpanned without much feeling, your eyes finding the ground more interesting. “Heisenberg rid me of everything that made me who I used to be.”
“And just who were you before my dear uncle dug his claws into you?” pressed Bela, and you refrained yourself from showing any outward reaction to their connection. You swallowed as you looked her dead in the eye now.
“Someone who would have the common sense to know just how dangerous you are.” You answered, and her brow furrowed.
“Who are you now?” She questioned quietly, her eyes softening a bit under the chandelier light. All you could do was shrug, you had no concrete answer for her, yet you knew you had to supply something.
“Someone who thinks that being abducted by three beautiful women isn’t exactly the worst case scenario,” you chuckled mirthlessly, the bitter smile on your face cutting into your cheeks almost painfully.
Bela stared at you almost dumbfounded before she had to look at her mother, almost as if to double check that she indeed heard correctly before she burst into a fit of giggles. Lady Dimitrescu didn’t even meet her eye, she was too busy staring into your soul. Only when your eyes fell to your feet did you hear her heels clicking away up the winding staircase.
“Remember what she’s here for, dear,” she drawled, never turning back, and leaving you alone with Bela.
“If you’re gonna kill me, just get it over with.” You spat, attempting to sound brave rather than defeated.
Bela’s smile was almost animalistic with the way blood smeared across her lips and stained her teeth, and you couldn’t help but to feel like the prey when she took slow, deliberate steps around you.
“Oh, no, where is the fun in that?” Bela countered, reaching out to graze over whatever part she could touch as she continued to stalk around you in circles, taking you all in. “You are my pet now.”
“I thought I was a plaything.” You couldn’t help but throw back into her face, and you were surprised when Bela merely cocked her head instead of getting angered by your outburst.
“Mother Miranda might not find anything special about you, but call me fascinated.” said Bela, stopping in front of you, her fingertips caressing your throat. “You belong to me now.”
“Us,” corrected a sudden voice behind you, and the haze that was settling over you in Bela’s presence was lifted when you jerked forward.
You tried to whirl around on your heel out of reflex to back away, but Bela’s fingers dipped from your throat to grip at the collar of your shirt to keep you still and facing her. You flinched away from the sudden hand that tangled in the bottom of your hair, pulling your head back until it was resting against a shoulder. Brown hair cascaded down into your eyes.
“Mother Miranda gave her to all of us.” corrected the brunette, the edge in her voice making it like steel.
“Cassandra’s right,” sang Daniela in a sing song voice, and it had a shiver running down your spine, which prompted a round of wild giggling. “Did you like that, pet?”
“If we’re being technical,” Bela piped up with an eye roll, trying to pull you closer and failing when both Daniela and Cassandra tightened their own grips on you. “Mother Miranda gave her to us to tear apart, so she wasn’t meant for anyone.”
“Buuuuuuut?” You interrupted, hoping to add a touch of humor to your case.
Daniela giggled and Bela shook her head in mild amusement, but you found that Cassandra was the more difficult one to crack. She didn’t offer a single facial expression as her eyes surveyed every inch of your body, and you couldn’t tell if she was appreciating the view or if she was sizing up which part of you she wanted to rip off and take for herself.
These three women spoke so callously and so nonchalant right in front of you. These three women were what Mother Miranda referred to as “monsters” compared to the actual beasts you had seen lurking within Heisenberg’s factory. These three women were spattered in blood that you somehow knew wasn’t theirs, and they wouldn’t stop touching you. Hm.
“Aren’t you funny,” Cassandra said nearly monotonous, but her smirk was on full display, and you cursed the light, fluttering feel of your chest.
“I try,” you whispered, afraid that speaking any louder would be taken as a threat to these crazed women, but you did look her in the eye to gauge her reaction.
“Can we keep this one, Bela, please?” whined Daniela, pouting at the blonde.
“I don’t think mother would allow it though.” Bela worried, finally releasing her hold on your shirt, and that had Cassandra and Daniela pulling you closer (and almost apart).
“She is ours to do as we please, we’d kill her if she tried anything.” snapped Cassandra, looking like the whole situation was stupid to her.
“Obviously she will not try to escape!” insisted Daniela, nodding her head furiously towards who you were guessing was the older sister, before turning to you. “Right?”
Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela were all looking at you expectantly, and you couldn’t help but feel warm under the spotlight. You could practically see the thoughts flicking through Bela’s calculating eyes. Cassandra was cool and reserved as her eyes gave nothing away, but her wicked smirk showed she wanted something from you, whatever that might be. Daniela’s eyes were intense as they bored into you, and her smile was almost unhinged, and honestly who were you to break it?
“I could never say no to three pretty girls.” You flirted, wagging your eyebrow to each sister, and the response was immediate.
Bela’s mouth parted in a silent gasp before she latched onto the front of your shirt again and started giggling. Cassandra looked entirely predatory now as her eyes flashed and her smirk showed all of her teeth, her own chuckles slipping out. Daniela, who was curled around your arm the whole time, had stars in her eyes at your answer and she smiled widely, throwing her own cackling into the mix, and suddenly it was a symphony.
“I want her first,” pleaded Daniela, eyes never leaving you.
“Mother said it’s my turn with the pet!” said Bela, tugging at you again.
“Why should we get her after she’s been used?” Cassandra argued, her arm now wrapped around you from behind.
“I won’t break her!” snapped Bela, her pulling useless when it was a deadlock between three pairs of hands.
“I don’t care!” cried Daniela, one arm curled around yours and her other hand reaching up to grab your opposite shoulder, locking you in. “I want her!”
You swallowed past your suddenly dry throat. The three sisters were not only talking about a possibility of keeping you around, but it sounded as though they were fighting over you. Your cheeks were aflame as you averted your eyes.
“Look who’s bashful all of a sudden,” jested Cassandra, both her hands falling to your hips. “Where’s all that talk now?”
“I can smell you blushing.” Daniela interjected, sniffing aloud and moaning. “You smell so good... we need to make you blush often.”
“Are we sure we can hide this from mother?” Bela asked one last time, almost like she was seeking permission from her younger sisters now. Daniela and Cassandra shrugged.
“We’ll just have to find out, now won’t we?” You pressed, looking to solidify your place among them... you’d take the position of “pet” over the one of “food” any day.
“Brave little thing,” Cassandra cooed, her fingers rubbing circles on your hips. “I need you with me.”
“Dammit I said it’s my turn!” snarled Bela, finally poking and prying at her sisters fingers locked around you.
“Just because you’re the oldest-!”
“You’re damn right I’m the oldest, and I-”
“You look so stupid,” spat Cassandra petulantly, having enough with going nowhere in the argument, and you could see that this was about to get old quick if you didn’t ease some of the tension.
“You all wanna kiss me so bad it makes you all look stupid.” You sucked your teeth between your lips when it grew deadly silent.
Bela had a crease between her brow as she stared at you in shock, uncertain if she heard you right. Cassandra was a blank slate as she absorbed you taking her insult and turning it back around on her as well. Daniela was wide eyed as she gaped at you for a full five seconds before she snorted and her megawatt smile lit up her entire face.
“I won’t let them get rid of you.” Daniela promised, and you couldn’t recall the last time that she blinked.
“Okay, okay,” sighed Bela, glaring at her sister. “We’re all going to keep her.”
“I hope I don’t break you.” chuckled Cassandra, and coupled with her breath so close to your ear, it had warmth flaring in the pit of your stomach.
“Don’t get bashful on me, now,” you smirked back, relishing in the giggles that surrounded you.
“Come along, plaything,” quipped Bela, winking at you as she dragged you along, the sisters following along with her this time. “We’ve got to show you your new home.”
Wild giggling echoed throughout the castle, and it was becoming your new favorite tune.
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
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Pairing: Daniela Dimitrescu x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: You’re a sucker for classic rock. You’re a sucker for women. Getting a woman to get into classic rock is a milestone for you. It’s your senior year of high school and you had participated in a Senior’s Art Showcase; not only attracting a staff member of Musician’s Institute, but also your high school’s most popular yet edgy girl: Daniela Dimitrescu
Warnings: Awkwardness, High school Bullying, Mention of Separation Anxiety, Self-harm scars, fluff at the end
A/N: As someone who is a musician that dreams of becoming an actual musician, this is a whole vibe: getting scouted by a staff person who is apart of a music school and attracting a woman just being a musician.
“Heroes” - David Bowie
Late-Fall As you play the last chord on your bass guitar of your song that you had written for this showcase, you receive a standing ovation. You could just barely see outlines of people standing for your performance. You could feel some kind of sweat along the sides of your head. Not only from the bright auditorium lights but the nerves almost getting the best of you.
You put your bass into your case and hoist the case across your body but turn around when you hear someone clearing their throat.
“Y/n Y/l/n was it?” A complete stranger asks
“That’s me,” You say, “I’m sorry, you are?”
“Derek Frank,” He introduces himself, “Bass instructor at Musicians Institute.”
Not knowing what else to say you only shake his hand. Maybe for slightly too long...
“I’m impressed by how you incorporated guitar-like chords on your bass,” He comments
“Thank you sir,” You say, chuckling nervously, “To be quite honest, it wasn’t too difficult to compose really. I just took them an octave down and wrote them out on tabs in case I’d forget and... All that... Jazz..”
Smooth y/n... Smooth...
“Well, I’d like you to give you a full-ride scholarship to Musicians Institute, working under me in the Bass classes,” He announces
Your mouth hangs agape, you didn’t expect to get that kind of offer. You don’t answer him right away as you were still trying to even process the offer.
“I’ll let you think about it,” He chuckles, “Here’s my card.”
You take one of his business cards and he makes his leave. you turn to him and watch him exit the building.
“You sure have a way with music,” A voice calls from behind you
You turn back into the other direction and notice Daniel Dimitrescu; Your school’s most popular girl. All the girls are pining after her. Yet, here she is; in your presence. 
“Thank you,” You say, “I-uhh, haven’t been able to get around to the fine art section of this showcase yet but I’m heading over there right now.”
“Perfect, I’ll join you,” She slightly smiles, coming up right next to you
You walk next to Daniela in silence, trying to think of a way to talk to her.
“Weren’t-weren’t you in the fine art section though?” You ask, finally breaking the silence
“I was, but then I heard how the performing arts section had a prodigy bassist performing. That sounded way more interesting than just standing around, greeting people,” Daniela explains
“Is that so?” You ask, sounding slightly flirty
“Was that flirting y/n y/l/n?” Daniela smirks at you
“Maybe,” You joke, but also not joking
Daniela leads you to her exhibition spot and you’re greeted in awe. 
The graphite... Ink... My god she’s a real artist... 
You also happen to notice some photographs that seem to be tattoos she’s done.
“And a tattoo artist?” You ask, gazing at her work, “You must be the prodigy instead of me.”
“Apprentice,” Daniela corrects you, “I’m currently an apprentice at the tattoo shop downtown. But, that won’t last very much longer.”
“Why’s that?” you ask, looking away from her artwork to look at her
“I got a full-ride scholarship to a private art school in the city,” She sighs, “But, I’ll make sure I’ll find a way to make it work.”
“You will,” You encourage her
After the senior art showcase, you and Daniela were out in the parking lot, walking to each others’ vehicles.
“Would you possibly want to get a coffee sometime?” Daniela asks out of the blue
“I don’t see why not Dani,” You smile, closing your trunk after placing your bass case in there
You didn’t really notice the change in color in Daniela’s cheek however you take out your phone and hand it to her. She does the same for her phone and the both of you part ways for the night until the next morning for school.
During the entire morning Daniela had no absolute time to even just say hi to you as you were always disappearing in the school halls between classes. She was hoping she’d see you at lunch however, when she had noticed you not in your typical spot in the corner of the cafeteria, the only other place she thought of was the band room practice rooms.
“Sorry ladies I have to go find someone,” She says, standing from her seat
The girls that swarmed around her, watching her sketch a design into her sketchbook all groan in annoyance and begin dispersing back into the cafeteria. Daniela rushes out of there and right across the hall into the band hall. A few band kids give her an odd look.
“Have you seen y/n?” she asks, despite knowing you might be in the practice room
“Practice room C,” one of the band kids answers
“Thanks,” she says, rushing past them
As you were playing a long to a song, you could slightly hear the door being knocked on. You look over and a smile sweeps across your face as You put your bass against your stand and run up to the door.
“Hey stranger,” You smile, “Come here often?”
“No,” Daniela giggles, stepping into the practice room, “I came to see you. I also need a break from all of the pining girls...”
“Alright,” You sigh, smiling, “ Make yourself comfortable.”
She sits in a chair and watches you, intently.
“What do you want to hear?” You ask, picking your bass back up
“Impress me,” She only says
You chuckle and throw in some slap bass to a song you were doing. Daniela couldn’t help but almost laugh at your ‘bass face’ as you let the music speak for itself.
“What?” You ask, smiling
“The faces you make when you play,” She laughs
“Oh, right,” You chuckle it off, “That happens when a musician lets the music take over our souls and we tend to make faces.”
“Your faces are cute if you tell me,” She smiles
Before you could talk more the bell rings.
“Blast this school,” Daniela growls, “Are you doing anything after school?”
“No why?” You ask
“Meet me in the student parking lot,” She says, leaving the band wing
You spend the rest of your time in the band room as you have pretty much finished everything that was required for your graduation. However, you do wait at the doors leading to the student parking lot. As the final bell rings, you leave through the doors but wait outside for Daniela to come meet you. You look over and see her with a flock of girls following close behind. She manages to see you and speeds off into your direction.
“Hey you,” She smiles, “You ready?”
You nod happily and she swings her arm around you, making sure to let hose girls know who she’s taken an interest to. 
“Where are we going?” You ask
“You’ll see love,” She smiles as she leads you to a convertible vehicle.
“Is that-?”
“Yep, that’s my baby right there,” Daniela smiles
She opens the passenger door for you and you smile at her whilst seating yourself into her car. 
“A gentleman indeed,” You smile
“Oh you shush,” She teases
She gets into the driver’s side door and begins to drive.
“Hey, you got any music?” Daniela asks almost at the top of her lungs
“I do, pass the aux,” You smile
She passes a thin cord to you and you plug in your phone. You scroll through your phone. As the song starts, You look over at Daniela, hoping she’d vibe to the song.
“Wait I’m really vibing with this babe,” Daniela flirts, “What is this??”
“Have you never heard of Classic Rock?” You ask
She shakes her head.
“Girl, I’m about to open your ears,” You smile
As Daniela continues driving, the both of you hold your arm out of the vehicle. You let your hand ‘fly’ like the wing of a plane. 
“You sure do have taste y/n my dear,” Daniela smiles, “Play some more after this song!”
“You got it!” You smile
As you listen to the intro and the intro vocals, you decide to sing your heart out.
And you, you can be mean And I, I’ll drink all the time ’Cause we’re lovers and that is a fact Yes, we’re lovers! And that is a fact Though nothing will keep us together We could steal time just for one day
You look over and notice Daniela smiling. Not sure whether it was from the good music or your vocals. But, you were still having fun so you didn’t care about what she thought. 
Well, I care though...
We can be heroes! Forever and ever! What d’you say?
As you sing the last line in the refrain, you look at Daniela; Your right hand over your chest and your other arm reaching out to her. She laughs as she takes her free hand into yours, linking your fingers’ together. 
Later when Daniela finally stops driving, you turn down the radio and look out to a gothic coffee shop.
“Welcome to my favorite place to be,” Daniela smiles
“Oh my goodness,” you say
“What is it love?” Daniela asks, getting out of her car
“I’ve just never been here before,” You say, “This place suits you super well.”
You follow Daniela into the coffee shop and you follow her into a spot, seemingly she normally seats herself in whenever she would come in here.
“How long have you’ve been a regular?” You ask
“About a couple of years now,” She answers you, “Sometimes I’d even skip class for this place.”
“Would you now,” You chuckle, “Maybe I’d skip with you one of these days.”
“Since when are you a rebel?” She asks, giggling
“Since meeting you love,” You smile
“Everyone falls for me in time,” Daniela flirts
“Not me,” You smile, "Somewhat."
"Somewhat?" She asks, taking somewhat offense to your comment
"Like, I've noticed you in the halls at school, but you've never really captivated me until the senior art showcase." You explain, "But hey, you got me now right? Better late than never."
"You're right," she smiles
During the outing, your focus was concentrated on a book.
"Whatchu doing?" Daniela asks, trying to see what you were so focused on
"That is for me to know and for you to find out," you smile
Once the both of you were back on the road, you notice the sun beginning to set.
"Hey I know an amazing place to watch the sunset," you smile, "You want to come along?"
She smiles as she nods to your suggestion. She follows your direction and the two of you end up on the cliffside near the outskirts of town.
"Come on Dani hurry!" You say, breaking into a run towards an open spot along the cliffs
Daniela walks over to you as you gaze out to the wilderness below. Along with the sunset going below the horizon.
"Welcome to my favorite spot," you smile, "Where I go whenever I'd feel at my low, I'd come here, take in the scenery."
"By yourself?" She asks
"Well, yeah," you sigh, "But, if you'd like to come on adventure outings with me I'd love your company."
"I'd like to y/n," she smiles
"By the way, do you have a record player?" You ask out of the blue
"Yeah why?" She asks
"You'll see," you smile, “Also, I’m about to send you a playlist I made of all the classics I loved listening to growing up.”
You send it to her, “You don’t necessarily need to listen to them right away. It’s for whenever you feel like it.”
Mid-Winter In the next month, Daniela had been your ride to school and in the next week, during finals, came Daniela's birthday. Daniela told you how her mother is throwing her a huge birthday dinner and how she won't be able to spend her birthday with you.
"Hey it's okay Dani," you smile, "Besides, I got you this."
You hand her a wrapped folder-looking present.
"I gotta go to band," you smile, "I'll see you on Monday."
You step up onto your toes and gently place a kiss on Daniela's cheek. You turned your heel before you could see Daniela's reaction. You also didn't see how some flock of girls noticed your cheek kiss gift to Daniela. She looks down at her present and unwrap it; a Rare David Bowie "Heroes" Promo Vinyl and a card. Once she opens the card, a senior photo of you falls into her palm.
"This is one of my most prized Vinyl's," Daniela reads aloud on the back of the photo, "But, I'd want my favorite gal to have it since you love it as much as I do."
Daniela squeals of happiness and gently hugs her her newly added vinyl to her collection. She runs over to her locker to place it in there for the rest of the 
"That girl will get in our way," one of the popular girls snarl
"We have to do something about this," another one says
During lunch you were minding your own business, it was a rare occasion that you'd be in the cafeteria. You look up when you saw 3 torsos in your peripherals
"Stay away from Daniela," one of the popular girls comes up to you, "She's ours. Not yours."
Daniela perks her head up to her name being called. 
"I'm sorry?" You ask, "sorry not sorry I attracted the coolest girl in school by flexing on an instrument. At least she sees something in me that has potential, I don't know why you three gawk over her when you have nothing to show off to her for."
One of the girls opens her basic white girl coffee and splashes it into your face and clothes. You burst out of the cafeteria, back into the band room, not caring about if Daniela saw.
"That'll teach her," she snickers
"What the hell was that?!" Daniela asks, snarling at them
"Hi Daniela," one of them tries to play it off, flirtatious-sounding
"Don't you 'hi Daniela' me," Daniela yells, "Answer. My. Question. What the hell was that?!"
"She’s taking you away from us," one of the girls blurts out
"I'm not even into any of you!" She growls at them, "Don't even flock around me anymore. And if I see you three doing so in the slightest, I will make sure you get the same treatment you treated y/n.."
She takes her backpack and runs into your direction. Of course it was into the band room. She manages to find you in your same practice room however, it was dark. She opens the door and sits next to you. Daniela then opens her backpack and takes out a pair of leggings and a hoodie.
"You okay?" She asks
She looks away when you change your pants in a hurry then stripping down into her hoodie. The smell of lemon and mint eased your senses.
"Yeah," you lean against her shoulder, "Thanks for the extra pair of clothes..."
"No worries," she says, "I'm sorry for them. I didn't even realize that they would do such a thing..."
"No it's okay," you say, "It's not you who should be apologizing. But those three never will. So I'll be over it in time."
The both of you leaned on each other until the bell rang. However, you were about to leave for class until you felt Daniela snake her arm around your waist.
"Class can wait," Daniela says, "I'm staying with you..."
You feel your cheeks heat up as you lean your head back onto Daniela's shoulder. You take out your phone, thank the gods it didn’t get stained with coffee and plug in your earbuds. You put one into your left ear and offer the other one to Daniela to put into her right ear. She takes it, places it into her right ear and you begin playing the first song that came up.
“Why’d you only call me when you’re high?” - Arctic Monkeys
“You like them too?” Daniela smiles, trying to lighten the mood
“I do,” You smile, but looking in the empty void of the practice room
“Well, we have one group we both like,” She smiles
After school you explained to your band teacher why you didn't show up to class, thankfully your band teacher is lenient and excused you for mental health reasons. You and Daniela decide to get dinner together per Daniela's suggestion. She wanted to make it up to you for letting that cafeteria incident happen earlier in the day and for you to celebrate her birthday with her a day early. You didn't want to go anywhere fancy so Daniela gets the both of you food from her favorite coffee shop and takes the both of you to your cliffside spot.
"So Bela has a glass eye?" You ask, "Is that why she always has her hair covering her right eye?"
"Yeah because we like to fuck around with her and continuously steal it and hide it from her." Daniela laughs, "If you didn't know, I have two different eye colors."
She lifts her bangs to show you. You kind of look in awe before she puts her bangs back down.
"My other sister; Cassandra has a lazy eye," she says, "So basically my family is full of broken people..."
"Maybe it isn't a bad thing all the time," you say, "Having imperfections are what make you who you are really."
You roll up your right sleeve and reveal some silver scars.
"Sometimes past relationships can go awry and... Make you do things you regret," you sigh, "But hey, these were from like.... 3 years ago so I’m doing a lot better than last time."
She gently takes a hold of your arm and places many kisses along and over your silver strands. You felt your cheeks heat up once more.
"You're right," Daniela agrees, "Well, I know now you're alive to tell the stories about them. If you're comfortable with doing so."
Once again she snakes her arm around your waist and leans her head against yours.
"Your family also sounds interesting," you add
"Interestingly Chaotic," Daniela jokes
"Chaotic is more fun," you flirt
Daniela lifts her head away to look at you. You look down at her lips and lean forward. Daniela meets you halfway.
"I've decided to go to California for Musicians Institute," you say, when you pull sway from Daniela’s lips
Daniela freezes.
"Dani?" You ask, looking at her, cupping her cheeks into your hands, "What's wrong?"
She doesn't say anything but plays it off like nothing happened.
"Sorry-it's nothing," Daniela sighs
"Are you sure?" You ask, "You can trust me."
"It's okay, I'm sure," she says
"Well, whenever you're ready to talk about it," you say
Spring Seniors are itching to get out of high school. Everyone either had committed to colleges, gotten a date for prom. But you? You got yourself the top prodigy artist in the school as your girlfriend and gotten into one of the best music schools for your field of music. Best of both worlds. It was after school Daniela had slipped a note into your band locker to meet you at your guys' hangout spot at the edge of town. You park at the parking lot and see a blanket laid out near the cliffside; Daniela sitting there; noticing her red hair.
“Dani?” You call out, shutting your car door
She turns to you and you could easily see a smile across her face as you catch up to her.
“Hey you,” you smile, sitting right next to her, “What are we doing out here?”
You look out to the cliffside; the forestry and the giant lake in view. Your favorite place to be when you want to be alone; has officially turned into a place you want to be, with Daniela. 
“y/n, when we met that night, I’ve felt something in me that I have never felt with any other girl,” Daniela confesses
You felt your heart beginning to thump in your chest. 
Why was she beginning to confess everything now?
She turns to you and you notice a small instrument in her hands; a ukulele. You watch her left arm make a chord; it was pretty... 
Tear in my Heart?...
Sometimes you gotta bleed to know
Daniela easily struggles to make the chords and sing at the same time. However, you weren’t paying attention enough to know she’s struggling.
But it takes someone to come around To show you how
You watch her attempt to sing to you... For the first time ever, you were so touched. 
“Fuck,” She growls
She stops after realizing she’ll never finish the song properly however, you reach out to her and engulf her in a hug.
“You learned how to play ukulele? For me?” You ask
“It’s-it’s not perfect but- but I really wanted to impress you,” She confesses, “But, I’m still working on figuring out how to sing and play this thing at the same time.. I’m sorry it’s bad...”
“Dani, it wasn’t bad,” You smile, “I’m so touched... You took the time out to do this for me. If I’m going to confess something, remember when you and I went out to your favorite coffee shop and I ‘wasn’t paying attention’ to you?” 
She nods, “How could I forget?”
You reach into your backpack and take out your own sketchbook. You flip to your bookmarked page and reveal that you had done a graphite drawing of Daniela. 
“It’s not perfect either but-”
Before you could continue, Daniela leans her head towards yours and places her lips gently onto yours. When she pulls away to look at you, you open your eyes and begin processing what Daniela had done. However, your hands put down the sketchbook and cup Daniela’s cheeks and your lips crash onto hers. You climb into her lap and she snakes her arms around your waist.
“Dani,” You call her name, breathlessly
The both of you pull away to breathe and you could see the smile sweep across her face. 
“You learned how to draw? For me?” She asks the same exact question you asked her
“Technically I know how to draw but, I can’t draw as well as you,” You smile
“You kidding?” Daniela asks, reaching for your sketchbook, “you got my eyes- the Blue and green, the choker I always wear, my hair including the little hairs on my shaved side, beanie detail... You did it all babe.”
“I did?” You ask, in awe
She smiles as she nods at you. You give her another kiss before finally the question you had comes to mind.
"Now what is it that you really got me out here for?" You ask
"y/n y/l/n, would you like to go to prom with me?" She asks
"Yes Dani, a million times yes!" You happily say
You kiss her again before the both of you decide to talk on prom outfits.
"I was thinking we could match the color of your choker," you suggested
"We could," she smiles, "I'm down. One condition; I'm wearing the suit."
"No complaints there love," you smile
After the both of you settled a day to get your prom outfits, the both of you just begin to watch the sunset.
"When are you moving again?" Daniela asks
"End of August," you reply, "I'll be sure to come visit or if you're able, come visit me."
"I'll take you up on that offer," Daniela smiles, still trying to hide how sad she is that you’ll be moving soon
The two of you went to prom however, got so bored the both of you decided to ditch it and make your own prom. The both of you ended up staying at Daniela's place for the first time for yourself at least.
"Is this is girl that swept my daughter off her feet?" Her mother comes in
"Yes mother," Daniela smiles, kissing your temple
"Oh aren’t you a dream,” She compliments, “Daniela has told us so much about you.”
“Mother!” Daniela yelps, hiding her heated cheeks
“Oh, is that so Ms. Dimitrescu?” You ask, looking at Daniela, who was clearly blushing
Summer You pretty much got instantly accepted into the family. You’ve spent most of your summer with them. 
“Do you have to go?” Daniela asks, her arms wrapped around you like a sloth
“I do,” You say, “I told you before, it’ll be okay, we’ll make this work.”
“I know,” She sighs, “But, what if we let the long distance get the best of us?”
“It won’t baby, not as long as we make the communication thing happen. That’s key.”
“I- just...” Daniela stutters
“You just what?” You ask, propping yourself on your elbows, looking down at her
“I have separation anxiety,” Daniela confesses, “I don’t want you to go, I want you to stay here... But, I don’t want you to stay here just for me...”
“Dani...” You say, “I would stay here for you if I could.”
Your fingers caress her cheek as she leans into the palm of your hand. 
“Don’t stay here for me,” She says, “I- Just don’t forget about me...”
“Dani babe, How could I ever forget about the girl that I attracted? Saved my skin from three petty girls? Especially the girl that did some music for me, regardless if she had no prior music experience. I could never forget you my love.”
You drop your head down to give her a long, lingering kiss.
“Plus, if I had the choice, I’d take you with me in a heartbeat,” You smile, pulling away
Daniela smiles as she wraps her arm around your neck to drag your face down to hers. 
3 Months Later... You knock on the door to the Dimitrescu Estate and notice Bela had opened the door.
“Is Daniela here?” You ask Bela
“Daniela, your girlfriend is here!” Bela calls from the front door
“You want to come in or what? It’s cold.” She smiles, “Welcome back.”
Daniela practically jumps down the stairs as soon as she sees your face appear in the doorway.
“Baby!” Daniela screams happily as she picks you up to give you a big bear hug
You hug her tightly as she spins you around all excitedly. The two of you share a kiss before hearing Bela and Cassandra jokingly barf at your PDA.
“Welcome home honey,” Alcina smiles, giving you a giant hug, “How is California?”
“Insane,” You sigh, “It’s a whole different world.. But, I’ve been video chatting with your daughter every night.”
“Daniela has been almost moping about every night after the two of you video chat and-”
“Mother!” Daniela interrupts before taking you gently by the arm and dragging you right back out of the front door
The both of you headed to Daniela’s signature coffee shop to catch up. Despite it only being 3 months you’ve moved to California for your music career.
“I’ve finally gotten around to listening to your playlist since you left,” Daniela confesses
“I’ve sent you that like ages ago,’ You slightly chuckle, “But, I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”
“I practically listen to it wherever I go; drives, around campus, even at my apprenticeship.” Daniela explains, “Clients are loving my girlfriend’s taste in music.”
“Awwww,” You blush, “I’ve began taking some other music genres to practice bass. Well, taking them from my professor when he assigns video assignments.”
“So, what is it you want to do when you play your bass?” Daniela asks
“Oh?” You ask her, “Well, I’ve been to many concerts and I really love how all of the musicians would be performing on stage to millions of people. I want to do that too.”
“Who do you have in mind?” Daniela asks
“That depends on who’s hiring,” You say, “But, If you really wanted to get answers out of me; Waterparks, Panic! At the Disco... To name a few.”
“Those are some big bands,” Daniela leans back into her seat, “But, I know you’ll be able to do it. And when you do, I’ll come to every single show; make one of those giant posters where it says: ‘my girlfriend is the bassist!’.. That kind of thing.”
Your face heats up and you shove your face into a mug of coffee. Daniela lets out a peppy-giggle and lifts her head so her face is toward the ceiling.
“Lets drive,” She suggests
“I’d thought you’d never ask,” You smile
As soon as the both of you had gotten into Daniela’s car, she puts a couple of fingers under your chin to gently pull your face towards hers, the both of your lips molding to each others’. You flip on the radio and put in your playlist. The familiar riff of the first song the both of you had listened to together. 
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thedevilsruby · 3 years
I've actually given a bit of thought to what Pokemon the Lords would have, so far I have a few ideas for types and some particular Pokemon:
Lady Dimitrescu: I can see her having dark and dragon types, but her Pokemon would be the classy or vicious ones like Houndoom, Hydreigon, and Zekrom as her legendary since Zekrom is said to help those that want to make an ideal world (at least in Black and Pokemon Masters) and Alcina's very much about ideals and being the ideal candidate for Miranda's favorite
Daughters: Weavile, definitely. Weavile travel in packs and are known to work together to take down their prey, much like how the daughters swarmed Ethan when he first showed up at the castle
Donna: Definitely ghost types for the most part, like Gengar since it's said Gengar stalks its prey from the shadows much like how Donna is only seen prior to the fight with Angie and when she dies. I can also see her having a Darkrai because of the nightmare hallucinations she can make people have. I think she would also have a Mimikyu because of how many dolls she has. For a legendary I can see her having Giratina because of how disorienting it is to be in the Distortion World and how disorienting it can be to be in House Beneviento.
Moreau: Definitely water types, I can see him having a Kyogre and Sharpedo due to his mutated fish form and how the Fish King is supposed to be a reference to him, the brutality of a Sharpedo seemed to fit along with Kyogre being the embodiment of the sea. I can see him also having a Mimikyu because they're both lonely and want to be accepted by others so they try to match what they think others want, it only seems fitting that he has one
Heisenberg: To no one's surprise, I can see Karl favoring steel types but I can see him having a Mewtwo because of how he didn't want to be part of Miranda's family and Mewtwo was angry about being a clone of Mew. I think he would also have a Zoroark because of how he has to maintain the illusion of being loyal to Miranda while Zoroark is known for creating detailed illusions. It wouldn't be surprising either if he had his Zoroark attend a meeting for him if he didn't want to deal with Miranda that particular day. I can see him also having Reshiram as a secondary legendary (is it obvious there's some favoritism here lol) because Reshiram is said to help those that want to make a world of truth (again, going based off Black and the pokedex entry from Shield saying if the truth gets ignored for too long Reshiram will appear and burn down the offender's kingdom) so it kinda makes sense that Reshiram suits him given how he wants to live free from Miranda's control to live a more true to himself kind of life and suppressing the truth of what he feels causes his outbursts of anger to be more explosive
Ok, I love all of these! Alcina's gives me a Sierra vibe and I'm living for it! Great job, Anon!
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cosmic-has-moved · 3 years
Long Lost Kin - Chapter 1 - Teen Years
Link to Ao3 version: [HERE]
Dear, Mistress Dimitrescu
We are contacting you due to a situation happening that led to a young child named Dion Baros, without parents.
We found while researching that your family was included in young Baros’s family tree, and hope that you’ll be able to let Dion Baros live in your household.
Please contact us back for more information.
Dovid Vin from Child Care Of Russia
Alcina Dimitrescu sat in her moving carriage reading the letter over. All this time she thought that she and her daughters were the last of her family bloodline, both her parents were the only child of their family. But knowing her father and what kind of man he was, it wouldn’t surprise her if he did go out and got another woman pregnant.
Folding the letter and put it away, she thought about the relative she would soon meet. She was told from the people who was caring for them that her parents were involved in a horrendous accident, and the child was the sole survivor of said accident. The parents were quite popular in Russia for making vodka, so it would be safe to say that the kid is well off.
The child care workers only ever gave her information about what happened to the parents, their net worth and the age of the child. At first she thought it was all a scam, but it was proven that it wasn’t, it was all legit. Alcina didn’t really care about the parents, her only focus was their daughter.
She didn’t show it, but she was eager to meet her long lost cousin.
The carriage finally arrived at the entrance far near the village and the Mistress could see a small figure standing at the entry, their face was hard to see due to the distance, but Alcina could see their luggage and outfit of choice.
They were wearing a red flannel with a white hood that covered their head, racey green jeans and brown work boots. Alcina will say, she likes the clothing choice.
The teen seemed to notice the carriage as she walked over to it with her things and gently knocked on the door, their face nearly covered by their scarf. Alcina opened the door and let them in.
She watched them put their luggage next to them before sitting down across from the Mistress, Dion was quite tall for a 16 year old. She also noticed a medium box on their lap with holes on top, possibly a pet?
They removed their scarf and lowered their hood, the Countess sat there wide eyed as she stared at someone that had the same complexion, eyes and hair as her. They would’ve been easily mistaken for twins if it weren’t for the height difference.
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Dion rubbed their hands together and breathed into them for warmth, visibly avoiding eye contact, but she could see how dark they were, almost lost and scared, no light to them. The atmosphere in the small carriage was dense, Alcina knew that the child was on edge and she couldn’t blame them, especially considering her height and their current situation
In effort to lessen the bad air, Alcina decided to speak. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Baros. I am Alcina Dimitrescu, you’ve be living with me for now on.”
Noticing them fiddling their thumbs and looking at her with stressed confusion, Dion got out a letter and slowly gave it to the lady. It read the following:
Thank you for taking me in and I deeply appreciate your kindness for it, but due to personal reasons, I know no English nor Romanian, only Russian and a bit of Greek.
I’ll try my best to communicate but I do hope you understand.
Folding the paper away, Alcina repeated herself, but in Russian.She smiled as Dion’s face lit up and they spoke up in their language. “-You know Russian-?”
“-I know a few languages-” Alcina replied and leaned forward a bit. “-I can teach you a few of them, English, Spanish, Latin, you ask and I’ll help you learn them.-“
A big smile grew on their face and they happily nodded. Satisfied with their answer, Alcina leaned back and the carriage moved.
During the ride, the Countess would spot the child peeking into the box. Thinking it wouldn’t hurt to ask, she questioned what was inside the box.
Dion was hesitant at first but they removed the top of the box, revealing a large snake inside asleep. Upon a closer look it was a rainbow boa, a rather pretty species if Alcina did have to say herself.
Not wanting to wake the creature, Dion put the lid back on and began speaking. Saying that the snakes name was Voe and how she was a gift from their parents when they were young, Alcina could tell the two were very close friends.
Catching a curious glance from the young teen, the Mistress cocked a brow and smirked. Dion noticed and sheepishly apologized for staring. “-I’ve never seen someone as tall as you before, it’s quite eye catching.-”
Letting out a soft chuckle and crossing her legs, she replied. “-Oh it’s quite alright, even I would be one to stare if I saw someone taller than a fridge.-”
Dion laughed softly and Alcina could see them relax a bit, that was good.
As soon at they arrived at the castle, there were already servants ready to pick up Dion’s luggage, but not the box she held with care.
A maiden walked over to the Mistress with a folder and gave it to her. Dion’s files had finally arrived, now she could know whether the child had any illnesses.
Opening up the folder and grabbing a few sheets of paper, she scanned them.
Dion was overall healthy, but something did catch her attention.
“Gender dysphoria”
“Hm?” Was all she could say in quiet confusion before putting the files back in the folder and carried it under her arm.
Alcina watched them look around in awe, examining the statues near the doors without touching them. It made her happy to see that they’re were getting amazed by the simple statues, they were surely love the inside of the castle.
As they walked inside, the Mistress began walking them around the inside of the building. Dion was an obvious a historical fan and even mentioned facts about a few paintings she had that she already knew about, but it made her happy to know to see her cousin being this overjoyed.
Finally they arrived to a room and walked them in, it was a normal Victorian styled room. “-This is your room, don’t be afraid to ask for decorations or changes to it.-” Alcina said while tracing her index across the doorway, making sure it’s clean.
The teen walked around the room before turning to Alcina and giving her the thumbs up. She got the approval for the room, that’s great.
Dion placed the box down on the bed and opened it. The snake wrapped itself around the teen’s neck like a loose scarf, the reptile seemed content with it’s surroundings and Dion was vocal about it. Saying that they both love it, Alcina nodded and walked out.
“I’ll come get you later so I can introduce you to my daughters, they’ll love to meet you.” She said before walking out. Now all she needed to do was some quick research, she needed to know what this gender dysphoria was.
Three hours had passed now and since the Mistress began her research.
She learnt quite a lot and was impressed with how far doctors had come when changing the human body, but the main new information she had was most important and she must keep it in mind for her baby cousin.
Alcina looked at the time on her grandfather clock and decided it was time to introduce the family, getting up off her office chair and walking out of her office. She knew her daughters would like him… Hopefully.
While walking them to the family room, Alcina spoke to them in Russian. “-I shall warn you about my daughters, they don’t take strangers well. But They’ll warm up to you, especially when I’m around.-” She sat with them on the couch and smiled warmly. “-Now if you have any questions or have any concerns, don’t be afraid to ask. You’re family and should feel welcomed here.-”
Scratching under their snake’s chin, Dion slightly smiled before speaking. “-I’m just happy to know I have more family members other than my parents.-” Looking at their snake as the lizard made themselves comfy in their hoodie, Dion looked back at Alcina. “-And if Voe is comfortable here, so am I.-”
And with that, the Mistress became content knowing that her cousin was comfortable here.
The two looked at the room entrance as one of Alcina’s daughters walked in. Bela walked in and noticed the teen, “Um, who’s this, Mother?” She asked before her sisters walked in, both confused about the luggage in the building.
Dion tensed up by their presence and Alcina would tell, she placed a hand on their shoulder and spoke to her daughters. “This is Dion Baros, he’s my long lost cousin and will be living here for now on. Be nice to each other, okay girls?” She glanced down and saw a slight spark in Dion’s eyes upon referring them to he.
Daniela frowned at Dion before swiftly walking in front of them, Dion tensing up even more. “You have a twin?”
“I was going to say that.” Cassandra added. “He looks just like you, Mother.”
Alcina cackled “Oh trust me, girls. I thought the same thing, but it’s just a coincidence.” She looked at Daniela and gave her a stare. “Daniela, quit scaring them.” She warned her daughter before she backed away.
Bela examined them up close. “He may look like male version of you, but he gives off female vibes.” She said before poking their flat chest. Her hand being slapped away by her mother, and noticing the teen’s uncomfortable expression. “Oh uh, sorry?”
The three daughters felt their mother’s glare and backed away from the young teen, quietly apologizing. Dion did try to reassure them upon noticing their looks, but it was obvious that they couldn’t understand what they were saying.
“Dion here is from Russia and that’s their only language so far.” The Mistress said before looking down at them. “But I will teach them other languages if they feel like it.”
Bela and Cassandra nodded in an understanding manner, Daniela squinted her eyes at Dion. “What’s that under their hood?” She asked pointing at the scaly tail sticking out of the gaps of Dion’s hoodie.
“Oh!” Alcina said as the snake poked her head out. “This is Voe, Dion’s pet snake. Isn’t she a beauty to look at?” She added while gesturing to them.
Daniela looked at the scaly noodle and gave them an impressed thumbs up. “Welcome to the family, Dion.”
The Mistress looked down at Dion and smiled. “-Yes, welcome to the family.-”
Slowly the young teen smiled while holding Voe and nodded. “-Thank you.-”
Later that day Alcina helped Dion put their things away from their luggage. More of their things will come, but they could only bring their bag with them on the plane, but Dion seemed to not mind at all.
Alcina could tell they were a kind and patient child.
As they finished putting things away, Dion looked at her. “-Um, Mistress?-” He asked kind of nervously, getting her attention. “-My documents they sent you all would’ve mentioned was my birth gender.-”
Smiling at her cousin she answered. “-They also gave me your medical files and there’s nothing to be worried about, this place may be old fashioned to my taste, but only style wise.-” She knelt down and patted their head. “-You’re still part of the family, don’t ever feel ashamed to be yourself.-”
A light seemed to shine in Dion’s eyes hearing those words and a smile formed on their face, the child most likely needed to hear that and she was relieved to see them happy.
Before leaving the child alone, the Countess spoke up. “-Oh and Dion, call me Aunt or Aunty.-”
Later that day after leaving Dion alone, Alcina knocked on their door before being allowed in, he had already set up the room with their current things.
The young teen stood at their dresser in front of a large glass tank, in it held normal usually things that are placed in a snake enclosure. He stood over it holding a dead cricket to feed to the reptile.
Walking over to him as he fed his pet, Alcina spoke up. “-She looks very comfy in her new home.-” She watch him put in a few more dead crickets before closing the lid.
Wiping his hands with his shirt and putting the container of bugs away, he responded. “-Voe is hard to please for others, it’s reassuring to see her easily become at home here.-” He grabbed a cloth and placed it over the tank to cover up the light. “-Thank you, Aunt Alcina.-”
Dion sat on his bed and Alcina sat next to him, continuing speaking. “-I can’t express how grateful I am of you and your family accepting me into your home, I am still processing that I had more family but-” Alcina cut him off with a hush.
“-It’s what any family would do and I’m a family woman.-” Crossing her legs, the Mistress folded her hands on top her knees. “-I shall warn you though, my daughters can be very cautious even towards family. So expect them to be very touchy.-”
Dion chuckled “-I don’t mind that.-”
She clapped her hands together “-Wonderful!-” She exclaimed before getting up off the bed. “-Oh and before I forget, dinner will be ready in an hour. See you than.-”
They waved at each other before she left and closed the door.
The time to eat dinner had arrived and the family sat at the table to eat, Dion sat between Alcina and Daniela.
It was clear to the daughters that it wasn’t just the looks the two had in common, but also table manners. Cloth on lap, cutting the steak a certain way and even drinking the same way. It was quite fascinating to watch for the girls.
After they were finished with the nightly meal and the table being clean up, everyone went off to do their own thing. The Countess being sure that Dion makes it to his room safely.
Seeing him go into his room without any trouble, Alcina went into her own room to rest for the day.
She laid in bed reading a book, reminiscing on the days event. She had just met Dion but felt like they already have a strong bond, she looked forward to tomorrow to speak to them.
She didn’t know whether is was her figuring out she officially wasn’t the last of her bloodline or just liking the thought of a new family member, either way, Dion Baros was part of her family.
Early the next morning, Alcina made her way around the castle in a worried rush. She went to check up on Dion earlier but found that he wasn’t in their room, she had expected him to still be in bed, but she was wrong.
Noticing her daughter Cassandra up ahead, the tall woman walked up to her and spoke. “Cassandra, have you seen Dion? He wasn’t in his room and I’m concerned that he might get lost.”
“Oh!” The dark haired girl exclaimed. “He asked me where the library was and I led him there, he might still be in there.”
After thanking her child and making her way off to the current destination, Alcina quietly cursed herself for being overly worried over a teenager, he wasn’t a little kid. Stepping into the library and looking around, her eyes spotted the young lad sitting at a table with a stack of books and a cup of what smelt like coffee, a fellow coffee enjoyer it seems.
Getting closer to him and noticing the labels on the books, he was doing schoolwork. A chuckling from the woman caused Dion to turn to look up at her in a fright, he was also snacking on a biscuit. Upon looking at who was behind him, he quickly went to clean up the barely noticeable crumbs off the table. Alcina didn’t mind the mess considering that the maids do the cleaning, she only wanted to know what he was doing.
Sitting down next to him and resting her arms on the table, Alcina smiled. “-Don’t worry about the mess, little one. I’m just interested in what you’re currently doing-.” She looked over at the book he was using and noticed it was a book on the English language.
“-I wanted to learn English while studying.-” Dion moved a few books and got out a notebook. “-I’ve been wanting to learn it for a while, but my parents wanted me to be in a way, only Russian.-” He said while quoting the last bit.
“-Fully Russian?-” Alcina asked quite confused. “-Even if you blood is mostly Roman or even know a bit of Greek?-”
All the teen could do was respond with a shrug. “-They’re not that bright to be quite honest, but I know Greek due to my Uncle being one and him looking after me a lot before.-” He said before going back to work, smirking at the Mistress’s small chuckle.
“-Well since you’re already doing it, I’ll help you with the language.-” She said before grabbing one of the books and opening it up. “-Let’s see how smart you are.-”
“Now repeat after me. Dion Baros.”
The teen spoke up to repeat her words, the words coming out in rough stutters. “Dee awn, Braos.” It wasn’t perfect or a long sentence, but it was still progress and Alcina felt great for him.
“-You did great for a first timer, Dion. We’ll do more tomorrow and I’ll bring the more better books to help.-” She closed his books and slid them away, “-Though I have noticed. The work you’re doing for school seems more higher level compared to others your age.-”
After putting his stuff away in his backpack and zipping it up. Dion sat up and looked at her. “-Well being in collage does require doing collage work.-” He didn’t even acknowledge the Mistress’s shocked expression upon being told his education level. “-My parents wanted the best for me, so they did their best to give me the best education.-”
Intrigued with this information, Alcina crossed her legs and straightened her back. “-And you were alright with that kind of extra luggage?-” She asked with a slight frown, knowing full well children can’t handle that kind of stress.
All Dion did was reply with a shrug before speaking, “-It’s what they wanted and I needed to comply. It’s important in our family to have high status and high intelligence, it’s what they’ve been telling me all my life.-”
He went to walk away but was gently grabbed by Alcina, who looked at him with concern before speaking up. “-While that may be important for most people, is it something you want?-”
Dion blinked and seemed to stare in a state of deep thought, almost confused.
Before the silence could last long, there was a loud slam and rushed scattering coming towards them followed with a shout.
“Mother! Is that clone of yours in here!?”
Coming around the corner was the red headed daughter, Daniela. Her eyes lit up at the sight of Dion and she came rushing to him with a wide grin. Not even giving the poor teen time to react as she grabbed his hands.
“There you are!” She squealed “Can I see your snake?!”
“Daniela!” Shouted the feral daughter’s mother, “You’re scaring him and he doesn’t know what you’re saying.”
Looking at her Mother and back at the startled Dion in realization, “Oh! Than maybe this will help!” She slithered her tongue and hiss. “Snake!”
Alcina facepalmed at her daughter while Dion stared at her in great concern, but he did slowly understand what she wanted and nodded before glancing at his Aunt. “-She wants to see my snake?-”
Nodding her head in confirmation, Alcina lowered her hand from her face. “-Daniela does have a fascination with such animals and rarely sees reptiles. I do suggest being the one holding the pet, she sometimes doesn’t understand boundaries.-”
Now fully understanding, he nodded. “-That’s easy enough, thank you.-” He said before looking at the vibrating Daniela and smiled. “Yes.”
And with that, he was dragged out of the library by the wrist and dropped his bag in the process. Leaving the Countess alone feeling small worry for the scaly friend, and in the possession of his bag.
She eyed the duffle maroon bag and picked it up before placing it on her lap. She did think about doing a little snoop, but decided not to. A lot more was in her mind other than the bag, things more important.
Later that day, Alcina checked up on her little cousin to make sure her child hasn’t injured him or Voe.
She was happy and surprised to see that all three of her daughters in his room, carefully playing with the large snake. While their language difference was a huge silver lining, they both seemed to be enjoying each others company.
Placing his bag near his bed and standing near the group, watching as the snake wrapped herself around Dion’s left arm as he removed his gloves, nibbling on their thumb. He reassured them with Alcina helping with translation that that is how she shows her affection, lucky she’s not venomous.
As Voe nibbled on his thumb, Bela pointed out that he had a rather large scar on his hand. It was clear to Dion what she meant and he did an imitation of a bear.
“-While hunting with my uncle years ago, an elder bear was out of hibernation early and I was in its territory. It only managed to stab my hand with their claw before I shot it down.-” He explained to them as Alcina translated in great worry and amazement. This little bugger managed to take down a bear while injured? Impressive.
“You hunt?” Cassandra asked while examining their scar and gesturing a shotgun motion.
Dion nodded and replied as the Mistress became his translator, “-I had an uncle that taught me the ropes on surviving in the wild, even taught me how to make handmade weapons if needed-.”
He used his free hand to get out his wallet and show them a picture of said uncle, it was a picture of a man probably in his early 60s cleaning out a gun. He looked like a rather grouchy old man who had his own fair share of troubles, visible scars on his face, short messy ashen brown hair with grey hairs matching to that of his walrus goatee.
While the girls fawned over the scars and weapon he had, Alcina was eyeing the wine bottle that sat in the background of the picture. Frascati Roman wine and it was the oldest one as well, now he is definitely a person of great culture.
Putting away the photo and letting his pet slither into the hood of his hoodie, Dion got off the bed and over to his drawers. After a few seconds of riffling through them, he got out an axe in its holster. Showing it off by getting it out of said holster, the handle was a smooth dark wood and the blade was a shiny iron, his initials embedded into the bottom of the handle. Despite there being signs of it being used a few times, it was quite the beauty.
He went onto to explain that he was given the tool on his 13th birthday by his uncle, going into great detail about its creation and materials used. His eyes were lit up as he went on and on, even the girls were interested, hopefully not planning on making weapons.
While Dion went to talk about the waxing method used, a knock at the door interrupted them and a maiden popped in to inform them that supper was ready before walking out.
Like a hoard of raccoons after seeing a full lone bin, the daughters scattered out of the room to get their room. Dion watch in concern yet amazement as they ran, but Alcina was use to it.
Putting his axe away in its holster and Voe in her tank, the Mistress and teen walked out of the room, the two conversing about materials for hunting tools. It’s good to know that they have a few interest in common, hopefully they’ll be more to talk about.
As they had their dinner and cleaned up for the night, everyone went to bed, Alcina repeating last nights checking up on Dion and making sure he went to his room safely.
She sat at her vanity desk, looking over a few documents on her cousin and writing down in a notepad about him. It was mostly filled with common information and his interest.
Scribbling onto the paper, she sighed deeply. What he had said earlier about his parents and what they had put on him troubled her, greatly.
She knows that a few parents like to have their child succeed, but pushing them like that never ends good. It was a familiar situation she herself had been in and clearly didn’t enjoy, even remembering the disciplines she would get if she failed made her cringe.
Shaking the memories away to clear her mind and rubbing her temple, the Mistress put away her quill and notepad.
“That’s enough for tonight, I’ll ask more tomorrow.”
Turning off the light and getting into her night wear, she rested herself onto her bed and closed her eyes.
Just as she thought upon not seeing him in his room, she found Dion back in the library, studying. He must get up early to study since the sun is still rising! Either way, Alcina brought in breakfast.
Eggs Benedict and coffee for both her and him.
She placed the tray next to him, startling him slightly in the process and sat next to him.
“-Studying early again-?” She said with a smile before going give him his breakfast, only to be startled at the sight of his nose bleeding. Being quick to grab a napkin to clean the blood, using the second one to clog the nostril. “-What happened-?!”
All the young teen could do was sluggishly shrug before holding the cloth in place. “-This often happens when I’m studying, I’m told it was normal by my parents-.” He looked over at the breakfast and pointed at it. “-Is that for me-?”
Staring at him in concern and rage, she sighed heavily. “-Yes it is, but first you need to stop studying like this. It is not normal and is bad for your health-.” Forcibly closing his study books and sliding the plate of food in front of him, Alcina placed a hand on his shoulders. “-I’m not mad at you, Dion. Just finish your breakfast and don’t even think of touching those books-.”
Before Dion could respond, the Mistress stood up with her breakfast and walked off at a distance in the library where she could see him. She felt that she might’ve been harsh, but it was necessary in this case.
Sitting at the table and eyeing him as she ate, she watched him sit there for a while before slowly beginning to dig into the food. At least he was getting something into his stomach.
Finishing his breakfast and drink, Dion looked around in his seat to see in his aunt was anywhere, completely unaware that the angle she was at wasn’t in his view. He thought he was safe to go back to studying, but as soon as he touched them.
“-I see you-!” The Countess exclaimed loudly, startling the poor child who dart their head around to find the source of her voice.
“-Can I at least learn languages? I want to be able to communicate with your daughters without trouble-.”
Walking back over to him and crossing her arms, Alcina sighed. “-Yes, but only at my pace.” She almost smiled upon his face lighting up. “-Just let me get the proper books, little one-.” And with that, she walked off… Before jogging back in and grabbing his study books. “-Just in case you get any funny ideas-.”
Hours had passed since the start of the language lesson, as always Dion was impressive with his fast learning, but his Aunt was still worried about his current condition. Maybe getting him to open up would help break the tension, it’s worth a shot.
“-Now repeat after me-.” Alcina cleared her throat and spoke up. “Good evening, my name is Dion Baros, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She said with a slight smile.
The same as yesterday, Dion spoke up with a stutter and thick accent. “Good evening, my name is Dion Baros, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Impressed with the improvement, she clapped a few times while grinning. “-Excellent-!” The reaction made the boy smile happily. “-Now how about we have a small chat break-?”
Satisfied with the results, Dion nodded before writing down in his book. “-Sure! What did you want to talk about-?”
Gotcha, opening up time!
“-What’s your Uncle like? Is he a nice lad?-” She asked as he scribbled in his notebook. “-I only ever heard of your parents, but after hearing about him last night I’m curious about him.”
Dion’s smile slowly faded but still remained, “-He was a great man, taught me a lot of about important things, like cooking, hunting.-” Turning the page and examining his study book, he continued. “-Even sewing, the important stuff. He learned a lot from being in the army and from living in the woods, which he soon taught to me.-”
Impressed with this member of the family, Alcina rested her arms on the table. “-Wow, I’m hearing more about him than your parents, is he important to you?-”
“-He honestly felt more like a parent to me than my actual parents.-” He said with a chuckle before frowning and dropping his pen. “-I’m sorry, I spoke too much-.”
Quick to be assuring, Alcina placed a hand on his shoulder. “-No no, it’s good to open up. If it helps you, speak up.-” She said smiling at him while closing his books.
Clenching his fist and slowly releasing them from their grip, he spoke up softly. “-The more I think about happy moments I had with my mother and father, the harder it is to find any. They did give me Voe and allow me to visit my Uncle, but it only because of my Uncle convincing them.-” Sighing deeply he continued. “-They did things to make the public think they’re wonderful parents with a high class student child, but I felt more welcomed and loved by our workers and Uncle.-”
Without even knowing, Dion felt a warm embrace around him. Alcina held him, tightly but comforting. She could tell the child needed more than just reassurance about their identity, they needed actual love. A feeling she knew all too well back when she was young.
They stayed like that for a few minutes before Dion spoke up.
“-Did you want something now? You’ve been holding me for a while now-.”
Confused, she let him go still holding his arms. “-I’m just giving you a hug, no hugs have a cost-.”
Dion blinked at her almost in a small shock. “-Really? I thought that when someone hugged you, they wanted something from you, that’s what my parents always do-.” He said calmly.
Oh hell no
Without popping a vein from rage, the Countess reassured him that that’s not what it meant before telling him to rest and sending herself off.
She needed a nice big glass of wine.
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phantomarchive · 3 years
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Random asks are love incarnate! | @themechaneer​
“You haven’t once mentioned Ethan to me. You haven’t asked me to help the girls, help you get rid of him. Is it because you know we’ll——, what are the kids saying these days? Vibe? That I’ll be sympathetic? That I won’t do what you believe needs to be happen if Miranda’s will is to be done?”
He has nerves about him tonight, shadows that have little to do with the room’s hearth & its warmth. His voice still soft, polite verging on too quiet for anyone that didn’t have Alcina’s hearing. Too stranger for anyone but her and people long since dead to pick up on the edge in it, serrated and weary. “Are you trying to protect me Alcina? Not from Ethan though he’s certainly proven himself tough to kill having already survived your brother and facing off with the girls. But from myself? Of what me giving you what you ask will do to me? As if my hands aren’t already completely soaking in blood from years of research in trying to find answers for us both. For them. Being passive in the history and death this place has seen does not make me any less unstained for it. I appreciate whatever your reasons may be Lady Dimitrescu but perhaps we have reached a point where you must? I don’t want to. But I will.”
If it means your peace, your safety and theirs I can, I will, regardless if you ask or not.
It is difficult to place her feelings on what Joel asks, whether he has accurately guessed her thoughts of the matter or if he is speculating on something that has not yet crossed her mind. Her anger is instinctive, brimming to the surface beneath barely contained willpower that keeps her from raising her voice, keeps her from doing more than clenching her jaw. Has she considered that he would connect with Ethan and turn on her, despite him needing her blood to survive? Has she thought that he would find more meaning and value beyond the castle’s walls, in a world where his skills could be put to good use? She does not need his blood in the same way he needs hers, so it is pure selfishness that keeps a willing bloodbag around rather than letting him join the leagues of corpses she has drained over the years.
And yet, is he not more than a simple bloodbag? Long has he served her as a physician, doctor, companion, friend - dare she say it? - lover. An intimacy beyond what she has had with any others. She has found comfort in the fact that he needs her, that he can not leave without shriveling and dying within mere months of being starved of the parasite thriving within her. What reason could there even be to leave, physical dependency aside?
“Don’t be foolish,” she snaps, though he knows how to read her, knows that the sharpness in her words belie a tangible fear deep down. That he will leave. That she will be destroyed by this stupid man looking for his child. That everything she has built will come crumbling around her. Stupid. Ridiculous. Alcina shifts in her seat and lets out a short breath. “You don’t want to, and I don’t need you to. The girls will handle Ethan just fine, you needn’t worry yourself over it.”
Her daughters are more than capable, and even if he gets past them, she is no easy task to get by. Joel is not a man made to kill, though perhaps Alcina is hiding his own murders behind the ideas of education, science, learning more about the effects of her blood in another’s body and how it affects their passing. In truth, she has been asking him to supply her with fresh blood, and he has been helping. His hands are not so clean, and that is on her. A truth that comes with what she did to him decades ago to keep him close.
A long moment of hesitation passes before she concedes. “If - if - he is too much to handle, then we will see if you may need to meet him.” She has no doubt that it won’t come to that. Vanity, or perhaps wishful thinking, keeps her blinded to the idea of Joel venturing out to greet a man such as Ethan Winters.
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awoken-artist · 3 years
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Artwork © owned by @awoken-artist Necrobie Dutches, Jade, and Elina owned by @awoken-artist CS Necrobies owned by Y0LKTEA Please don't resubmit/repost my works without my permission! thanks! 🌸🍡-----------------------------------------🍡🌸 Sketch doodle of my three Geist babies because I love them and Elina got recently approved and thought- why not draw all three of these ladies of mine in a doodle! :3 Dutches honestly- now gives me Lady Dimitrescu vibes now and now- i cant unsee her be a tall lady~ still gonna have her be a very fancy lady who will spoil her friends and such. Jade is nervous and shy but her two new friends will help try and get her not to be as nervous and shy. Plus i feel they're kind of teasing Jade of who she has a crush on (eue) 🌸🍡-----------------------------------------🍡🌸 🍡Artwork © by: @awoken-artist 🌸Artwork and Necrobies Dutches, Jade, and Elina are owned by: @awoken-artist 🍡CS Necrobies owned by© by: Y0LKTEA 🌸Programs Used: Clip Studio Paint EX
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