#Senate Investigation
defensenow · 17 days
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Rep. Zoe Lofgren on what to expect in this week's Jan. 6 hearing
Rep. Zoe Lofgren on what to expect in this week’s Jan. 6 hearing
The House committee investigating the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol will hold at least one more public hearing this week before concluding its work. Rep. Zoe Lofgren, a member of that committee, joins Geoff Bennett to discuss. Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: https://to.pbs.org/2Jb8twG Find more from PBS NewsHour at https://www.pbs.org/newshour Subscribe to our YouTube channel:…
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Barely a day after former President Donald Trump was indicted for the third time, some Senate Republicans are already trying to undermine the credibility of the federal judge who was randomly assigned to preside over his trial.
Here’s a detail they’re hoping you won’t notice: They unanimously voted to confirm her.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), speaking on his podcast on Wednesday, accused U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan of being “relentlessly hostile” to Trump and claimed that she has “a reputation for being far-left, even by D.C. District Court standards.”
But Cruz voted to put Chutkan into her seat on the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in June 2014. So did every other Senate Republican when she was unanimously confirmed, 95-0.
That includes Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who nonsensically claimed Wednesday that “any conviction in D.C. against Donald Trump is not legitimate.”
“The judge in this case hates Trump,” Graham said in a Fox News interview. “You can convict Trump of kidnapping Lindbergh’s baby in D.C. You need to have a change of venue. We need a new judge. And we need to win in 2024 to stop this crazy crap.”
Aides to Cruz and Graham did not respond to requests for comment on how the senators square their votes to confirm Chutkan with their criticisms of her ability to be a fair judge.
Tuesday’s federal indictment of Trump accuses him of serious crimes related to the 2020 presidential election and the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection: conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.
Chutkan, a Jamaica-born former assistant public defender and an appointee of former President Barack Obama, has already been overseeing cases related to the Jan. 6 attack. She’s handed out some of the most aggressive sentences yet to rioters who took part in the violence that day. Of the 11 cases that have come before her, she imposed tougher sentences than those sought by the Justice Department seven times and matched what the Justice Department was seeking four times, according to an Associated Press review.
In all 11 cases, Chutkan sentenced the defendants to prison time.
This is what is likely driving the GOP attacks on Chutkan: They know she’s not likely to go easy on Trump now.
Beyond trying to discredit the judge, some Republicans, like Graham, are parroting Trump’s absurd demand for a change of venue. The former president has called for moving his case to the “more diverse” and “politically unbiased nearby State of West Virginia!” (Virginia and Maryland are much closer to D.C., for what it’s worth.)
Not a single Republican raised concerns about Chutkan during her nomination hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee in February 2014. In fact, only one GOP member of the committee even showed up to the hearing: Sen. John Cornyn (Texas), who was only there to rave about a separate Texas judicial nominee on the schedule. He left before Chutkan was up.
Cruz and Graham were both members of the committee at the time.
Neither attended Chutkan’s hearing.
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extraaa-30 · 3 months
broke: crowley tempted the senate to stab caesar
woke: crowley tempted the senate to stab caesar because aziraphale was upset about the library of alexandria
bespoke: aziraphale was in rome as part of the arrangement. he's the one who tempted the senate to stab caesar (and ten billion burned books cried out for vengeance) 😇📚😌🔪
*yes i know this was pre-arrangement but for the sake of unhinged delight no it wasn't
post inspired by this art
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savemysoulmyartsucks · 2 months
Palpatine is such a sleeze ball. He is also bad at hiding his evilness. Smiling when something goes his way but is wrong. Giving out tampered information. Man, the Jedi should have caught on sooner.
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mayra-quijotescx · 1 year
real No Children hours in the Lege rn
the Texas Tribune made a whole page for this latest shit
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illusorygardens · 2 years
Sifo-Dyas does not take on Padawans lightly. It's a responsibility that comes with all the complications of raising and teaching a sentient through their species' puberty and with his... condition, such a thing is difficult to do without having to, on occasions, lean on his Padawan for support. It could cause the young Padawan trauma, but neither could Sifo-Dyas take on a Padawan also prone to Visions as he was.
So no, Sifo-Dyas does not take on Padawans lightly.
But the Force wills him to take on a Padawan—to take on an Initiate all others have been balking at since they found out about the Initiate's less-than-Jedi mindset and inclinations and the status of his past life. Now, Master Yoda does get along splendidly with said Initiate and Sifo-Dyas imagines that there is no risk to him being sent to one of the Corps, but Sifo-Dyas already knows as well as the rest of them that Yoda is not the best choice for this boy's Jedi Master.
Which is why Sifo-Dyas asked for Dooku's assistance, just briefly. His longtime friend looked rather curious at Sifo-Dyas' insistence to head to the crèche, but relented and assisted him on his way there, only stopping once for a Vision of a time long gone before continuing.
And there sat the Initiate. Xanatos du Crion, formerly known as Darth Vanitas—at least, according to Feemor, who seemed bewildered by the question—sat with a slant line for a mouth, absently flipping through the pages of a book on... ah, Jedi Ethics, Sifo-Dyas pities the former Sith Lord for having Jedi Ethics piled on him every free moment.
Dooku finally asks why it is Sifo-Dyas needed to go to the crèche so badly, and when Sifo-Dyas informs his friend and the crèchemaster that he's here to choose his next Padawan, he gracefully ignored the surprise radiating off of the both of them.
The crèchemaster recovers quicker—it's more than likely that xe's much more used to having unexpected Jedi showing up to unexpectedly lay claim to a new Padawan—and xe gives him a smile and a nod. "Of course," xe says, turning xer back to Xanatos and towards all of xer other charges and gestures to them.
Sifo-Dyas is already shaking his head and meets the eyes of the former Sith Lord, who'd looked up in curiosity, seemingly despite himself.
Xanatos shows a proficiency in the dark side even still and he doesn't assimilate well with the other Jedi in the Temple. Anyone else would assume he's biding his time, but he's clearly just bored with all of the proceedings. He's been... nice, Sifo-Dyas supposes, in his own way, and he's extremely close to three other Padawans—Feemor Sylo, Shaak Ti, and Taron Malicos—and seems to behave himself.
Nobody else would take him, but Sifo-Dyas knows he can be trusted with quite a lot. Already, he's handled extremely sensitive things with great care and discretion.
"Actually," Sifo-Dyas says gently to the crèchemaster who looks at him in surprise, "I already knew who I was coming here for."
He ignores the Initiates whispering at seeing such a well-known Master who's hard to impress come into the crèche, pass them all over, and walk confidently towards the Sith Lord that calls himself their crèchemate.
"Initiate du Crion," he greets warmly.
Xanatos' eyes flicker with surprise before the Initiate straightens himself out, pushes the book to the side, and greets, ever so politely but not managing to hide his genuine surprise and curiosity, "Master Sifo-Dyas."
"I would like to take you on as my Padawan, Initiate," Sifo-Dyas says.
The flecks of gold in Xanatos' otherwise red eyes does not make the sudden calculation of his gaze and less unnerving, but the sudden wariness does. Sifo-Dyas can't say he knows of this Initiate's experiences with Masters—only that he must have had a Sith Master who must not have been kind to him. There have been a few Jedi Knights and Masters who attempted to take on Xanatos as well, only to be turned away after Xanatos unhesitatingly revealed they desired to be Sith.
The people in the crèche seem to hold their breath. They know just as well as Sifo-Dyas why many approach Initiate du Crion and why many no longer try.
There is a moment of brief silence from Xanatos before he demands, "Why?"
Sifo-Dyas smiles at him. It doesn't seem to catch him off guard. "It is the will of the Force that you become my Padawan," Sifo-Dyas says. "That, and I feel as though you should have a Master suited for understanding unconventionally gained knowledge."
Xanatos seems to pause at this. It's clearly not an answer he's been given before, and his eyes only narrow more. He doesn't know if Sifo-Dyas is telling the truth and this is fair. Too many still desire the power and rush that the dark side will give them and to have a Sith Lord in this very crèche proved to be too much for their desires.
The pause lasts longer this time, and there is quiet consideration before Xanatos says, "I'd like to meditate with you before I decide."
Sifo-Dyas gives Xanatos an approving look—there is the acclaimed intelligence and cunning many laud him for. It's not uncommon for Initiates uncertain about their possible Master to request mediation with them, but many Initiates don't know how to gather intelligence through it.
"Of course. Shall we head to the Garden?" Sifo-Dyas prods.
Xanatos carefully sweeps his eyes over the room in a calculated display of nervousness. Then he says, "If you wouldn't mind, Master Sifo-Dyas."
Yes, Sifo-Dyas thinks, the Force is more than correct about this one.
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inner-fool · 2 years
A familiar phrase used by the Mafia.
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ibtisams · 5 months
The United States Senate rejected the resolution Bernie Sanders proposed that would have stopped US funding to Israel until a report was done on investigating whether Israel was committing human rights violations against Gaza with a vote of 72 against and 11 in favour
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defensenow · 16 days
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Congress should investigate Ginni Thomas for her involvement in the January 6th attack on the Capitol and attempts to overthrow the 2020 election and Justice Clarence Thomas for his failure to recuse from related cases, according to a request sent by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington today to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.
Ginni Thomas, who holds a government position as a board member of the Library of Congress Trust Fund, messaged the Trump White House encouraging then-President Donald Trump to refuse to concede and join an attempt by Sidney Powell to have the Supreme Court overturn the election result. She also contacted multiple state officials in an attempt to have them set aside and alter the result of the election in their states. She told Trump’s chief of staff that an army was gathering to keep Trump in office and took part in the January 6th rallies that led to the attack on the Capitol.
“It is critical that those responsible for the attack on the Capitol be held accountable and that the integrity of the Supreme Court not be tainted by conflicts of interest,” CREW President Noah Bookbinder said. “The Judiciary Committees have responsibility for the oversight of our judiciary and law enforcement agencies, and investigating Ginni Thomas’s conduct and Justice Thomas’s failure to recuse is an essential exercise of that oversight responsibility.”
Justice Thomas has recused himself from 54 cases since joining the Supreme Court in order to avoid the perception of potential conflicts of interest, including 17 cases involving his son. He has never recused because of a potential conflict involving his wife, and was the sole vote to keep the White House’s communications around the attempt to reject the election results secret despite his wife’s communications with the White House on related issues.
“It is hard to imagine something more damaging to the public trust in the Supreme Court than a Justice ruling on cases that could relate to their spouses’ attempts to overturn American democracy,” Bookbinder said. “An immediate investigation is needed.”
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motivatornetwork · 2 months
#NatalieWood tribute-- Showing an Index of 101 Cases in #Film, #Music, #Arts to provide equality and access (Check Conflicts of Interests) ...
Example: Investigated - California - 1954 - Joe DiMaggio #MarilynMonroe - Surveilled, Break-In, Strong Arming - Fixer: Barney Rudisky - Film, Sports, Fixers
Index: https://github.com/RescueSocialTech/Victims_Cases_Film-Music-Arts
"Joe DiMaggio used a 'private eye' to surveil and strong-arm Marilyn Monroe as divorce granted…
“LAPD investigated a foiled burglary and, without suspects, the case faded. Sold the “wrong-door raid” story to Confidential magazine, where it appeared in the September 1955 issue…
California state senator Fred Kraft… cited the incident as an example of “strong-arm” tactics by private eyes in the service of the magazine.” By 1978.. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2003/04/robert-harrison-confidential-magazine
#Equality #Access #California #USA #Services #Magazine #DataAnalysis #Data #Lawsuits #Legal #Paralegal #CrimeData #PrivateInvestigators #Investigations #Senator #ConflictsOfInterests
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gacorley · 4 months
There’s some common threads I see in the anti-voting posts going around, and I feel like I need to discuss some of them. Let’s start with the biggest one:
Voting to punish evil. I see lots of variations of this. Biden is supporting Israel, therefore we can’t vote for him. Is there any viable candidate who would stop the genocide? I don’t think the anti voting crowd actually cares. They are appealing to moral feelings rather than political strategy, because strategically, you have to realize that voting is not going to change foreign policy, and that change has to be pushed by other means. It’ll probably be something in the long haul.
Democrats should run someone else. First of all, this is a shit strategy. You don’t primary your president in the second term unless your party is falling apart. This may come from people from countries where replacing the head of government is easier, but the POTUS is the de facto party head. Also, going to the lack of thought to the goal — do you know someone willing to primary Biden and able to win who would do the things you want?
Biden hasn’t done anything anyway. This is just a way to bat away pro arguments. There’s plenty of lists of progress on lots of things. Student loans, insulin price caps, regulations, anti-trust.
Putting the entire Palestinian genocide on Biden. I’m not saying there’s not culpability there, but understand that the entire US government is in support of Israel, on both sides. It was a miracle we got a handful of Senators to call for investigations. We should cut off aid, absolutely. Who’s running to do that? And keep in mind that Israel chose to engage. US officials would have liked a more limited response, not out of care for Palestinians, but because they know from experience that it will come back to bite Israel in the form of newly radicalized Hamas recruits.
Liberals just have no hope for change. This is a new one. Just some idea that people are stuck in a rut and that’s the reason the two party system exists. The two party system is a mathematical consequence of the way we vote. There is reason to hope for change. The change, though, whatever means you choose, will take decades. Keep working at it. The hope is not that this election will fundamentally change things. The hope is that many small political actions over the years will push things forward.
Funnily enough, I haven’t seen a whole lot of third party promotion, just lots of this rhetoric aiming to punish. When voting, ask yourself:
Is this problem I have with this candidate something that the other candidate would be better on?
Are there other political actions I can take that will help?
What things can change with a different President or Congress, and what needs to be pursued by other means?
Withholding your vote as a punishment isn’t really going to help. Biden doesn’t know who you are or why you are not voting for him, and there is no one with a chance of winning that will do everything you want. But you have other means. Protest, organize, donate, build up alternatives, advocate for a different system.
Vote to give yourself space and get a little bit. Do other things to keep things moving.
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
Less than three months after U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin and her colleagues launched an investigation into the four major American manufacturers of inhalers, three of the companies have relented, making commitments to cap costs for their inhalers at $35 for patients who now pay much more.
25 million Americans have asthma and 16 million Americans have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), meaning over 40 million Americans rely on inhalers to breathe.
Inhalers have been available since the 1950s, and most of the drugs they use have been on the market for more than 25 years.
According to a statement from the Wisconsin Senator’s office, inhaler manufacturers sell the exact same products at a much lower costs in other countries. One of AstraZeneca’s inhalers, Breztri Aerosphere, costs $645 in the U.S.—but just $49 in the UK. Inhalers made by Boehringer Ingelheim, GlaxoSmithKline, and Teva have similar disparities.
Baldwin and her Democratic colleagues—New Mexico Sen. Ben Ray Luján, Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey, and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders—pressured the companies to lower their prices by writing letters to GSK, Boehringer Ingelheim, Teva, and AstraZeneca requesting a variety of documents that show why such higher prices are charged in America compared to Europe.
As a ranking member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, Baldwin recently announced that as a result of the letters they had secured commitments from three of the four to lower the out-of-pocket costs of inhalers to a fixed $35.00 rate.
“For the millions of Americans who rely on inhalers to breathe, this news is a major step in the right direction as we work to lower costs and hold big drug companies accountable,” said Senator Baldwin.
A full list of the inhalers and associated drugs can be viewed here.
It’s the second time in the last year that pharmaceutical companies were forced to provide reasonable prices—after the cost of insulin was similarly capped successfully at $35 per month thanks to Congressional actions led by the White House.
-via Good News Network, March 25, 2024
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I'm seriously fed up with the people who can only regurgitate Democrat Propaganda. It's like saying the Steele Dossier was factual, that Russian Collusion was accurate. Well, fact based deniers, here's a little information to chew on. Not that facts, truth, honesty, integrity, or anything like that matters to any of you.
A senate report, a CNN source ( if you can believe that ) and an article from the Hill.
President Donald Trump's Presidential Campaign WAS SPIED ON.
Obamas DOJ and buddies in the FBI wiretapped Trump and his campaign.
There will never be enough facts to sway the blind sycophants of the Left.
May God have mercy on their souls.
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ryanmattaofficial · 1 year
Epic Matt Gaetz Move He Calls out Pfizer Lobbyist Testifying in front of...
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