#Sector 5 Films
pepsimaxolotl · 6 months
Everyone in my university group chat is saying the second year is proving to be a bigger work load than year 1 cause it’s a lot of new skill sets that someone self taught most likely wouldn’t know. And you know.
As someone who was incapable of completing the first year due to exhaustion. I feel like I made the right shout.
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fras-redacted-shapes · 6 months
Time is weird within the Oldest House
Spoilers for Alan Wake 2 and slight speculation for Control 2
Alright so. According to Estevez, HQ went dark and while she gives no hint as for how long it's been like that, it's safe to assume it's been four years due to how consistent the each Remedy game has been about the years they take place on.
Besides that, nothing is ever hinted at what's going on with the FBC's headquarters.
We know now time loops and spirals inside the Dark Place and that changes done there can bleed into reality (Jesse being told by a psychiatrist Zane is a filmmaker and not a poet, as she remembered him).
From the AWE DLC we know Jesse briefly witnessed Alan meeting Zane ("The Meeting" from now on), which came full circle in AW2.
From this event it's not unreasonable to assume two things:
1. The Meeting happened back in 2019.
The AWE DLC takes place before the ending of Control's and Foundation's story. This can be seen in the reports Emily writes about the new hiss enemies introduced in each dlc.
For the one introduced in AWE her title is still Research Specialist.
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For the one in Foundation, her title is Head of Research. (also she got her Doctorate, you go girl!)
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If this is holds up, Alan's timeline in AW2 has been bouncing back and forth way back from 2023.
Or, if you want a headache, even farther back given his role in Tom the Poet which came out before Zane disappeared. This is the poster in the Suomi Hall in Watery.
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There's no hint yet if this change/addition of Alan writing a novel that inspired the film has made it past Watery and Bright Falls into the real world or was cleared at the end of the game.
This would also mean Ahti has been on vacations for four years.
2. The Meeting happened in 2023.
At the end of AWE dlc Langston says they're receiving an AWE alert from Cauldron Lake that is set a few years into the future. But is it?
What if it's actually the present, my dear beautiful Langston?
This would be consistent with the lack of any visual indication of the passage of time during the main story. There's none. And then, the Foundation DLC ends, and we see Dylan has grown hair and a beard.
Cute. But you know, Remedy has weaponized easter eggs. So no, I don't think Mr. comatose baldy growing a beard is a cute little detail they spent resources on.
We know by the time The Meeting takes place, Alan has not gotten out of the Dark Place yet, hence the alarm has not been activated (it goes off in the FBC monitoring station as soon as Alan/Scratch is transported back to the shore where Saga meets him for the first time).
If this holds up, then the timeline is more or less like this:
Ahti lets Jesse into the Oldest House in October 29th, 2019.
While Jesse is dealing with the Hiss, Alan unlocks Investigation Sector in the elevator.
Alan Meets Zane .
Jesse gets a glimpse of The Meeting.
Ahti gives Jesse his cassette players, goes on vacation.
Alan/Scratch gets out of the Dark Place (September 13th, 2023).
The AWE alarm sounds - and the signal made it into the Oldest House (September 13th, 2023).
Jesse takes down the Projector and deals with the Nail.
Dylan has grown hair.
Between point 4 and 5 more time could've passed, otherwise those are some short vacations for Ahti, it sounds like he's been in Watery for a while.
Therefore, during Control's main story, time was halted or passed very, very slowly when compared to the world outside.
How come?
With Remedy integrating their own alternate version of Quantum Break they might as well start using some of its harder science fiction approach. Alan has already mentioned the Dark Place as Dark Matter in one of his rambling videos. And well, this seems to have been the plan all along. From the chalkboard in Quantum Break:
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There's been no text about black holes or matter density affecting space-time in any game as far as I remember. However, the imagery has been there with the Dark Presence vortex and certain images looking like event horizons.
So this is pure speculation:
The Oldest House is massive, it shifts, it expands and contracts. Could it be dense enough to affect space-time? could it do this on command?
It could be so dense that to those within its walls it'd seem like little to no time has passed, while outside at least four years have gone by.
The entire story is written in present tense in the missions menu, even after a mission has been completed (and the way the collectibles/mission menu was integrated as a world-building element with the Mind Place in Alan Wake 2, I don't think this was meant to be a cute weird little detail even back then).
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Something happened during or after the events in the Foundation dlc, something shifted and now time is passing more or less normally. Or at least it is showing its effects on people.
Alice was seemingly cleansed from the effects the Dark Place had over her memory as soon she was brought inside the Oldest House. It's not unreasonable to assume this effect expands to protecting those within (those that are not too far gone, like Hartman). So the Oldest House would deal with time in its own terms, while the Dark Presence could make retroactive changes to certain details in the reality outside of it, like Zane going from poet to filmmaker.
Dylan's hair growth would indicate a month or two have passed at the very least by the end of Foundation. And from the one Control 2 concept art that has been shown so far, there are orange leaves in the pavement.
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So Remedy could be planning to lift he lock-down during autumn. Autumn of what year? Heh, that's gonna be a fun one to find out.
As a counterpoint one could point at the game cinematic shots of the Oldest House from outside, they're always set at night across the story. It's just a detail that could've easily be a result of resource constraints. Yeah, not that it implies the story could've happened within one night.
Like with the clocks! You can point out at time being weird inside the Oldest House because none of the clocks are working! Time is literally frozen teehee, static textures on 3D assets, except for uh
Darling's Office in Central Research? Is that-
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Or you know, Control 2 will deal with the main cast enduring years of lock-down and the concept art is actually the end or middle of the game, and everyone exits the building on the year Control 2 releases.
Kind of lame in my opinion, but would make sense I guess.
Of course, there's another possibility I don't feel like following through:
The Dark Presence succeeded in changing the entire world and only The Oldest House and those inside remained intact. I mean, Dylan's easter egg in Foundation has some images
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(that better not be a frozen ocean NO)
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(NO, do not tell me this is the Huotari Well omg)
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Hiss/Dark Presence became besties
And maybe, count Dylan's cut Hotline call. But that's cut content so strictly speaking, not canon (imagine it gets restored between Alan Wake 2 dlcs and the next Control game haha).
There are some things that should be brought full circle about the AWE dlc.
Alan is already aware of the FBC thanks to Estevez and Alice.
The sound fx aspect of the Hiss chant is basically lifted from the Cult of the Tree chanting (or you know, if you want another headache, it could be the other way around). And there are hints of verses from the Hiss incantation said out loud here and there. So pre-existing elements to give shape to a dadaist poem attributed to a hostile extra-dimensional resonance complete!
Has he yet come across the information from the FBC, that Hartman became a Taken?
He also kind of knows about the general plot of Control given he wrote a screenplay for an episode of Night Springs that was never produced.
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It became clearer that Alan doesn't write whole new things or realities from scratch (shut up), that he writes from "visions" and vivid "nightmares" he's had. If that screenplay is a vision of the future of the events within the Oldest House, then that could be it.
However we haven't seen him become aware or gain knowledge of Polaris or Jesse herself beyond her extremely brief appearance during The Meeting.
This information has yet to make it outside the Oldest House (as far as we know) and only Dylan and Emily know about Polaris so far. Ahti too, maybe?
Sure, Alan could've somehow glimpsed something through the Oceanview Motel, he's got a door there anyways and he's gone through the Dark Place version of it (the Hotel), but this has not been made explicit like The Meeting.
Maybe The Lake House dlc will clear up that connection.
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I mean yeah, that'd be fitting.
Don't forget one of the cut pieces from Control was The Oldest House opening a passage to Ahti's cabin in Finland, so The Oldest House being able to making an opening to Cauldon Lake is in Remedy's toolbox.
(I also think it'd be fair to see more of Jesse since Alan got a whole new 3D model in Control's AWE)
I'm missing a lot of things here I'm sure, I put this together more or less from things off the top of my head. I haven't gone through Control in a while so there are probably a more and clearer hints regarding time shenanigans within the Oldest House.
Also, AW2 timeline needs to be put on a wall to make sense of it. It'd look like a spiral, because of course.
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female-malice · 2 years
Opinion on women with higher testosterone levels being able to compete or not compete with other women? And intersex females?
"Women with higher testosterone levels" is a fictional problem used by TRAs to divert attention away from males. As someone who watches a ton of women's sports, this is not a real problem.
Right now, the real problem is there are males competing in women's sports.
Women's sports is for females. People who were born female, go through female puberty, and then have athletic careers.
And then there's the males who find their way into women's sports. Males like Lia Thomas and Caster Semenya. These two athletes have extremely different life circumstances. But they have some things in common. Both of these males identify as women. And they both went through male puberty.
Caster Semenya is frequently mislabeled as an intersex female. This is not correct. Caster is an intersex male with 5-alpha reductase deficiency. Caster has the exact same advantage from male puberty that Lia Thomas has. Just because Caster was raised as a woman, that does not erase biological advantage.
Intersex females competing is another fictional problem used by TRAs to divert attention away from males. Most people know very little about intersex conditions and assume it means "halfway between male and female." But that is not how genetic disorders work at all. Actual intersex female conditions do not offer much athletic advantage. Many of these conditions effect health in a way that would make a professional athletic career extremely challenging.
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99.98% of women have 46 XX SRY- dyadic female genes. And these genes are extremely diverse. There is way more genetic variation among dyadic females than among dyadic males.
But there is much more social acceptance of dyadic male genetic variation. There are huge male athletes like Andre the giant, Shaq, and Boban Marjanovic. These guys are over 7 feet tall. And when they open their mouths and speak, their voices are impossibly low. They sound like their voices are being digitally lowered for a giant character in a fantasy film. But that's just the normal voice that comes out of them.
No one questions whether Andre, Shaq, and Boban have some fantastical intersex condition. When people meet a 7'4" man, they aren't surprised to hear a voice lower than every other male. The look at the size of the guy and go "yeah, that voice makes sense."
But then giant 6'9" female athletes like Han Xu and BG open their mouths and speak with low female voices. And everyone loses their minds about it.
Even though women have more variety than men, society only allows women to look one way. Dyadic female genetic diversity and uniqueness is marginalized in every sector of society except for sports. In sports, ideally, everyone is sorted by merit. Women who don't get promoted in other fields because of their looks do get promoted in sports through merit.
So when TRAs say "what about women with higher testosterone? what about intersex females?" what they're really saying is "what about all these ugly brawny women who are good at sports? They seem like men! Males should be allowed to compete against them if they want to!"
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delyth-thomas-art · 2 months
Tired Webcomic Creator Noises
Gags … ah yes lets make art into mindless content spat out by Ai cos we've been literally killing creators with inhumane workloads to spit out as many episodes as possible for mindless consumption.
I make my comics with passion and love of the craft! I have a degree in Comics, I spent years...years learning, practising, experimenting, adapting. I recall the days where you may get a page a week, or a few at the start of the month back in the 2000s era of self hosted webcomics and smackjeeves. (Rant below)
I've had to learn how the whole scrolling format worked to adapt to where all the readers had gone to, having been taught the traditional print page formats. And now cos its suddenly a massive money maker for these few hosts and they've pushed creators to the brink with the sheer volume they want pumped out that of course they want to use AI.
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But it will speed up colouring! I have multiple tools available by the software I use and made by the wonderful people who love creating that colouring isn't that much of a chore, Its my fav part honestly. And its also a job sector within comics, colourists are skilled artists and this is another way to trim the fat, to pocket more money and keep churning out the 5th millionth villainess story.
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Yes I am in most views a tiny creator, I haven't even broken their 1000 sub goal to even try applying for ad rev in the near 5 ish years on webtoon. But what I make I love, I spend hours researching folklore, scripting, drafting the whole kabudle like many other creators. And other than the kind supporters on my Patreon and Ko-fi I don't make much from the hours, days, weeks I pour into what I make. But at least I know its made with my own hands. That its made with love as corny as that sounds.
Ai is creeping its tentacles into everything, now ethically trained ai tools to help smaller creators would be fine. Most creators already rely on 3d tools to speed up things like backgrounds for webcomics. But when we don't know what its trained on, and is marketed wholesale as something anyone can use to make "content" is where it gets insidious. I am all for anyone with the desire to create and tell a story to go out there and do so, whether a beginner or a master. Part of the joy of a long running webcomic is seeing the artist grow both artistically and literary. But with ai it will be all one homogenous style, a copy of what ever is the hot thing. We already have amazon stuffed to the teeth with ai generated books, videos, merch and more all to be sold in some get rich quick manner. (need I point at the Willy's Wonderland incident). Youtube videos being spat out by faceless accounts stealing and regurgitating content at the speed no human video making team can easily match without cutting out quality or fact checking.
It is tiring. Creatives as a whole are treated poorly for decades, and now with the rapid late stage capitalism, website /social media enshitification and the blind headlong rush into the next big money making thing (watches the nft crash). I can't deny Covid sped this up, as everyone was locked inside and turned to what we creators made for comfort. But that content eating boom, lead to more demand, faster output and tighter budgets. We are seeing journalists being cut, game designers in their thousands and recently Dreamworks cutting a bunch and pushing to make their Robot film come out sooner due to public demands.
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Skilled creatives are being treated like disposable fast food restaurant employees. Used til they burn out, get injured and even die! And then are simply replaced.
I've never been a creator with huge ambitions to work at places like DC, Marvel or Top Cow. I simply wished to create and share stories with the world, to bring smiles, to create art that evokes emotions, inspires others to look around themselves and create too.
Art is for everyone. You just need to take that scary jump, there is a whole array of welcoming communities willing to teach and share. I wouldn't have improved so much without the kindness of the webcomic groups I've discovered and learnt from. Everyone is always learning, and there no shame in not knowing how to do a thing. Even I started with the cheesy how to draw books as a kid and made my own pokemon and digimon.
Don't let the world treat your art as content. It is "ART" as much as what's kept in the louvre is seen as art, so is that little stick man doodle on a postit.
So Try something new, try a new material, a new style.
And support the artists you enjoy, tip their Ko-Fi, pledge to their Patreon, buy a sticker or print. Share their posts and tell them what you love about what they make.
Don't let machines steal away the art in HEART.
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pochqmqri · 6 months
I've been thinking about how in Otona Pretty Cure, one of the main and obvious takeaways is that the events of Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star, Yes! Pretty Cure 5, and Yes! Pretty Cure 5 GoGo! all occurred within the same universe.
That's not exactly a new revelation, especially since the Pretty Cure All Stars films exist, but in those cases, it seemed to be more of a non-canon affair; that is, not directly tied to the events of the TV anime.
But I also think that, back in the original Yes! Pretty Cure 5 and its sequel, they made slight hints that it took place in the same universe as Splash Star. Whether or not this was intentional for OtonaPre is up in the air, but I still think it's neat.
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In the 28th episode of the original Yes! Pretty Cure 5, Komachi and Karen are checking a phonebook to see if there are any locations that can provide ice for their confectionaries. When the anime shows a page of that phonebook, if you read the Japanese text carefully, you'll see that several of the locations are named "Yuunagi" (夕凪).
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If you recall from Splash Star, "Yuunagi" is the name of the town that Saki and Mai live in (and also the last name of Tsubasa Yuunagi, Cure Wing).
Karen also mentions that they've been checking locations that are "farther away," and since their goal is to try and get ice, we can assume this means Yuunagi is within a semi-reasonable driving distance from wherever Yes! Pretty Cure 5 takes place.
Now, by itself, this may not mean much, perhaps Yuunagi is the name of another unrelated place. To counter that, I'd like to go back to the phonebook picture. In the address lines for each location listed, the address is written as "Unabara-shi Yuunagi" (海原市夕凪), or rather, "Unabara (Deep Sea) City — Yuunagi."
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Unabara City is also a location referenced in Splash Star. Yuunagi is basically like a town within the sector that Unabara encompasses. Unabara is written on signs in the actual anime, referenced to in official material like the website and print stuff like the Memory Book, and was spoken out loud at least once to my knowledge, in the Splash Star film. The Yuunagi mentioned in the phonebook is the same Yuunagi that Saki and Mai lived in.
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Another small piece of evidence is that, in the 36th episode of Yes! Pretty Cure 5 GoGo!, when the girls get invited onto a game show, we see students from different schools competing, and in one shot, we see girls wear school uniforms that look very similar to the ones Saki and Mai wore while attending Yuunagi Junior High.
So in short, I believe that it has always been referenced since the original Yes! Pretty Cure 5 that it took place in the same universe as Splash Star, and this is what OtonaPre was built on.
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lastbluetardis · 2 months
Sacred New Beginnings (21/?)
Summary: James Noble thought he traded away his chance at love and a happy-ever-after when he signed a contract with a record label that turned him into an international celebrity. But a chance meeting in a dive bar may prove him wrong.
Ten x Rose AU
This Chapter: Teen, ~5600 words
AO3 || Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Ch7 | Ch8 | Ch9 | Ch10 | Ch11 | Ch12 | Ch13 | Ch14 | Ch15 | Ch16 | Ch17 | Ch18 | Ch19 | Ch20 |
johnnylumic: The gig is up! James Noble’s new bedfellow is finally revealed! [read more]
margaretblaineofficial: Breaking! James Noble and Plain Jane romance is outed! [read more]
henryvanstatten: James Noble is back to female companionship! The cad can’t seem to make up his mind.
         dianagoddardeditor: The offices of CelebriTruth would like to acknowledge James Noble has always been forthcoming regarding his sexual identity and we stand tall with the bisexual sector of the LGBTQA+ community.
               iantojonesofficial: He’s pansexual you dolt
                     nerdynardole: He’s attracted to pans??
               danthemanbartock: “Bisexual sector”?? We’re not a bloody stocks group lmao.
               masterharrysaxon: ew he likes women? lame.
                     missyursofine: ur lame
realvictorkennedy: Sources claim that James Noble’s ex-girlfriend Reinette Poisson of the up and coming film The Fireplace (in theatres January 5) is “happy” if ex is happy. Further comment was declined.
annedroidunit: No news from James Noble himself on this blossoming new romance. Should we be taking this with a grain of salt? Is everyone overreacting? [read more]
courtneywoods: Omg that’s Miss Tyler! No way. How’d she manage to snag James Noble??
         yvonnehartmanhost: This is Yvonne Hartman of London’s Hot Radio Hits. I’d love to chat more with you about Miss Tyler. She’s your schoolteacher? Could I private message you and have a chat?
               courtneywoods: Whoa, really? What’s in it for me?
                     yvonnehartmanhost: We adequately compensate all our sources, don’t you worry dear. Message coming soon.
James can’t sleep. No matter how many sheep he counts, or how thoroughly he cocoons himself in his blankets, he remains frustratingly awake. Beside him, Rose is curled up on her side. With how still and quiet she’s been despite his rustling, James presumes she’s happily lost in her own dreamland.
At least one of us is.
It’s nearly two in the morning when he gives up on the idea of sleep and slips out from beneath the sheets. He pulls on a discarded pair of pants and a soft, faded t-shirt before padding out of the bedroom and towards… Well, nowhere. Where is he to go, exactly? On nights like this when he’s too wound up for rest, he usually blasts music through the house and either runs on his treadmill until he’s about to collapse, or he plays his guitar in the music or living room until he lulls himself into a semi-conscious state.
Neither option is available to him though. Not with Rose in his room upstairs and his mother—who had arrived in the early afternoon just in time to see what had to be his and Rose’s thousandth game of Mario Kart—in the guest room downstairs. He sighs and putters down the steps, his footsteps making only the barest whisper of a sound.
The door to where his mum sleeps is shut, and when he presses his ear to the wood, he hears the familiar droning of her white-noise machine. Ever since he was a small child, his mother needed some sort of sound to fall asleep to. She claims her ever-present tinnitus is too loud if there is nothing else for her ears to focus on.
Satisfied, James moves to the kitchen and flicks on the dim light above the stove. It bathes the room in a muted yellow glow that casts long, alien shadows across the floor and cabinets. He’d always had a touch of insomnia, and when he was a boy, he often woke up in the middle of the night, unable to fall back to sleep. When this happened, he would go to the kitchen and turn on the light above the stove to make all sorts of puppet-creatures, entertaining himself until his mother woke up and scolded him for being awake at such an early hour.
With a small, nostalgic smile, James extends his pointer and middle fingers of his right hand and bounces a shadow bunny across the floor as he makes his way to the fridge. Though he isn’t particularly hungry, he nevertheless pulls out an apple and spends the next ten minutes slowly nibbling on the fruit as he leans against the countertop.
What a mess they’re in. Photos of him and Rose are still going viral, and Donna has received dozens upon dozens of interview requests from a variety of magazines and newspapers. She has denied each and every one of them, even those from the more reputable journals that he normally likes to interview with, claiming that he and Rose would like to be left in peace for the time being until this all blows over.
“He’ll make a statement when he’s ready,” Donna had tweeted, but to no avail; his phone is still blowing up with all sorts of notifications. He has half a mind to deactivate all of his social media and chuck his phone in the Thames for good measure.
His record label called him earlier that afternoon to inform him that they are tightening security around the recording studio and stationing more agents and officers around him and his home. They once again implored him to find a place to live that was more easily securable, as they’d been doing for the past two years as he’d grown exponentially more famous.
Maybe he’s being stupid by being so stubborn, but this is his home, the first place he was able to buy with his own money that he’d made with his own skills and talents. After years of renting grubby little flats and having all of two pieces of furniture and five outfits to his name, he finally has somewhere that’s his. A place where every need is met, and more.
But was every need being met? Wasn't basic safety part of a home?
James groans and chucks his apple core into the bin with slightly more force than necessary and rinses the sticky juice from his hands. He then grabs a bottle of expensive whiskey his label gifted him for his birthday from his liquor cabinet and sulks his way upstairs. His skin is crawling with tension, with the need to do something, anything, to keep this dark cloud from completely engulfing him, from screaming at him that he’s worthless and troublesome and a danger to those he loves.
He ends up in his music room and shuts the door behind him. As long as he isn’t banging on piano keys or beating on his guitar strings as though he needs people from the next city over to hear him, it shouldn’t be that loud, should it?
James grabs his guitar and sinks into his couch. He uncaps the whiskey bottle and glugs down a few swallows. It burns on the way down, but then pleasant warmth blooms through his belly and up his chest. He takes another drink, then balances the open bottle precariously on the sofa cushion beside him.
With how he’s slouched, he can’t really hold his guitar properly, but he makes do as best he can and starts to pluck on the strings in no particular sort of melody. He’s just playing random notes, enjoying the reverberating twang that seems to echo in his very bones.
He remembers the first time he’d held a guitar. He was thirteen and had signed up for after-school music lessons because that was the only activity that had been free. His classmates all awkwardly and clumsily held their instruments as though they were venomous vipers, but not him. The moment he held the ratty old second-hand (or third- or fourth-hand) guitar, it had become an extension of his body. Maybe it was because he was already so gangly that it made it easier for him to hold the instrument or for his fingers to fly across the fretboard to make different notes, but he took to it like a fish to water. 
He’d mastered the keys and chords nearly as fast as his teacher taught him, gulping it all down with relish. Hot Cross Buns had nothing on him, and his teacher matched him stride for stride. She gave him new music to practice, and told him that if he signed up for the school’s orchestra, he would be able to rent a guitar to take home. He’d begged his mother to let him do it, and bless her heart, she scavenged up enough money and had worked out a payment plan with the school to afford the required renter’s fees. (Apparently the school didn’t trust a bunch of stupid teenagers with hundreds of dollars’ worth of equipment… shocking.)
It wasn’t long after joining the orchestra that James asked to be taught the piano. His teacher was more than happy to oblige, and the rest was history.
He wishes his teacher could see him now. Miss Brown. Lovely Miss Brown. She’d passed years ago to complications with a health concern. James was in uni at the time. He hopes that if there is an afterlife, she can see what has become of him and know that it was all down to her that he’s made a name for himself.
James is an hour into the whiskey bottle and mindless strumming when a quiet knock sounds on the door. It opens a heartbeat later, and Rose pokes her head in. Her hair is mussed, there are pillow creases across her cheeks, and she’s got small bits of makeup clumped at the corners of her eyes. She’s the most adorable thing he’s ever seen.
But with that wave of affection comes a pang of guilt. He winces and says, “Sorry, did I wake you?”
Rose shakes her head and stays by the door, ringing her hands in front of herself. She’s wearing one of his t-shirts, which makes him smile. She looks great in his clothes, if he does say so himself.
“No, no I wasn’t really sleeping. Not much, anyways. I felt you get up, and you didn’t come back. I wanted to check on you. Are you all right?”
He shrugs. “Are either of us all right?”
A small, ironic smile quirks up her lips. “No, I suppose not. Right. I’ll just… leave you alone then.”
“No, you don’t have to go,” he blurts, because now that he knows she’s up too, he’s desperate for her company. “Please stay. Have a… have a drink with me.”
He stupidly holds up the whiskey bottle and sloshes it in her direction. “It’s vintage.”
She snorts. “I’ve no idea what that means.”
“Nor do I, but it sounded fancy.” He pats the seat next to him. “Come come.”
She does, and plops down beside him, her bare thigh brushing across his and sending his skin tingling. He takes a swig of whiskey before handing it to her. He slouches into her, taking care to rotate the guitar so the neck of it won’t impale her, and rests his head on her shoulder.
“What does m’lady wish to hear?” he asks, strumming a chord from a song he’d recorded last week.
“Anything. Everything,” she sighs, leaning her cheek onto his hair. They’re seated so intimately that a swell of safety overtakes him. Nothing can get to them in this room. The world can’t see them, can’t touch them. He yearns for that to be true.
“Have you ever played guitar?” he asks suddenly. “You fiddled with my piano a while ago, but what about guitar?”
“Once, ages ago in school. Required music class. Teacher spent two weeks teaching us guitar only for us to forget it once the unit was done.”
He laughs. “Sounds about right. Here.”
James takes the whiskey from her and leans forward to set it on the coffee table, then he passes the instrument to Rose. She looks awkward with it, and so he spends the next few minutes coaxing her arms and fingers into the proper positions. She’s still awkward, but much less so.
“You don’t need to strangle the poor thing,” he drawls, seeing how white the tips of her fingers are on the fret strings. “That’s a good way to get a blister in all of five minutes.”
Rose sticks her tongue out at him, but obliges and loosens her grip around the neck of the guitar.
“Good. Let’s learn a few chords, eh?”
Maybe it’s self-centered of him, but he teaches her a simplified version of five chords he used in one of the songs on his upcoming album. He makes sure the chords she needs to play will keep her pinkie and ring finger in one location so she only needs to keep track of two fingers. Beginners’ tutorial, and all that. He slowly helps her move her fingers along the fret to press down on the correct strings for each of the chords.
“Index and middle fingers on these two strings… then move them here… then there…”
Again and again, he works with her until she masters the chords. Rose catches on quickly, only needing slight promptings to readjust her fingers to the proper places.
“See, you’re practically a pro!” he crows when she successfully strums all five chords in succession, albeit quite slowly.
She rolls her eyes. “Come off it, this is nowhere near as complex as the music you make.”
“Not true,” he argues. “I wrote an entire song using these chords. Let me show you.”
Rose watches him curiously as he takes the instrument from her and angles himself in her direction so she has a clear view of the positionings of his fingers. He strums the notes slowly, echoing what she’d played mere seconds ago, and then steadily picks up the tempo and intensity, plucking away in a pattern that has become so familiar to him by now.
Dun, duh-duh dun, duh-duh dun, duh duh, duh-duh-duh-duh.
Down, up up down, up up down, up down, up-down-up-down.
Music fills the room, and he hums along to the lyrics he knows goes with this melody. The music is achingly gentle and soft to match the tone of the song, which is about the night he and Rose talked out their fight and agreed to start genuinely dating. The night he suspected he had fallen head-over-heels in love with her, and dared to hope she might love him, too.
He plays through the entire song, sans lyrics, too lost in the music to realize he’s gone beyond proving his point and is instead just boasting now. But Rose doesn’t seem to mind. She watches him, entranced, her eyes darting from his hands to his face. There’s an inscrutably beautiful expression on her face, awed and delighted and reverent all at once, which makes him feel like he’s created something secret and sacred that belongs to them alone.
When the song ends, she carefully leans over the guitar, cradles his cheeks in her hands, and kisses him. He sighs into her mouth, closing his eyes and letting her surround him. He sets his guitar to the side, wanting his arms to be full of her and not the wood of the instrument.
She notices his lap is empty, and takes it upon herself to fill the newly-vacated space. He groans at the heat of her around him. Her hands slip from his cheeks to tangle in his hair, scratching and tugging in the way he loves best. He’s melting, all of the black emotions from earlier having long since bled away to instead create room for this brilliant, swelling heat building between them.
There’s nowhere else he’d rather be but here, with her hands in his hair, her mouth on his, her body pressed to his. Chest to chest, heartbeat to heartbeat. He can feel every point of contact between, like sparks being set alight across his skin.
His dips his hands beneath her shirt—his shirt—to splay across the expanse of her back. Her skin is warm and smooth, so perfectly touchable, and he can’t help but map out the familiar territory as though it’s their first time again. Her lips and tongue tease and play with his, pulling shuddering groans from him as sensation surges through him. Her scent and her taste and her touch, that’s all he’s aware of. The world could be crumbling around them, and he would be none the wiser, nor would he care.
He holds her tightly, digging his fingertips into the skin overtop her spine as he silently pleads for more. There is an unbearable ache deep inside him, and he gasps when Rose aligns their hips to give him friction, kissing him more deeply. His lips are tingling and his body is throbbing with want, but he doesn’t want this moment to end. He wants this to build up forever, for the next second to feel even better than this current second.
She reaches down and fumbles with the hem of his shirt, tugging up, up, up until she’s able to fling it to the floor. He doesn’t get the chance to reciprocate, as she discards her own top just as quickly as his. She’s perfect, so perfect, and he can’t believe she’s his; his chest tightens, overwhelmed with the depth of this emotion he’s never truly felt before.
But then she puts his hands on her breasts and tenderness slips to the sidelines in favor of his building desire. He leans forward, away from her searching mouth to instead latch his lips onto the jut of her collarbone. She shivers in his lap and tightens her grip on his hair, a silent request for him to stay there for a little while. He obliges, kissing and nipping at her chest and neck until the skin has flared crimson. Not enough to leave any lingering evidence, but enough to mark her for the rest of the night.
When he moves away from her neck, Rose hauls his face towards hers to kiss him desperately, finesse long since gone but it still feels fucking amazing. He’s so hard now that he thinks he’s two seconds away from begging to be inside her, and yet he’s glad to stay like this, kissing her and being kissed by her.
“Want you,” she mumbles into his mouth, writhing down on the hard length of him and hissing at stimulation. “Please.”
As if she had to ask. He wraps an arm around her hips and slips his other hand down the front of her knickers. Wet heat radiates around his fingers as he carefully pushes them inside of her.
“Angle’s weird for more,” he murmurs into the side of her neck. “Fingers okay? Don’t wanna let go.”
“Fingers are fuckin’ great,” she rasps, rocking into his hand. “More. Faster.”
He smiles into her skin and picks up the pace. He anchors his arm around her waist, hugging her tightly as his other hand works between her legs, driving her higher and higher. She’s shaking against him, so close now, and he redoubles his efforts. He licks a line up her neck then kisses her right below her ear, where he knows she’s most sensitive, and grins when she softly cries out.
He fucking loves when she says his name like this. Like there’s nothing else in her mind other than him.
“Let me see you,” he whispers.
He curls his fingers into her once, twice, three more times before she breaks. She arches, writhing herself into his hand as she trembles around him. She moans through clenched teeth, making every effort to be quiet as she rides out her high.
Expertly, he brings her down, slowing the motions of his fingers and not touching her where he knows she’s too sensitive. She lets out low groans of pleasure as she slumps into him, breathing erratically. She tucks her forehead into his neck.
A moment passes, then two, and he extricates his hand from her pants, surreptitiously wiping it on his own. He’s still achingly hard, but knows his turn will come soon. Right now, he’s happy to have his arms full of Rose.
She’s not, though. When he goes to rest his cheek in her hair, she straightens and gives him a searing, toe-curling kiss. All his patience is suddenly gone. He lets out the most undignified whine as he grabs her arse and grinds up into her. She grins into his mouth, and slowly, so fucking slowly, rubs herself up… and down… and up… until he thinks he’s going to combust right here on the couch.
“Rose,” he rasps. “I need… please… touch me…”
She keeps that infuriatingly steady pace, and part of him is annoyed, but a greater part of him is so fucking aroused and wants her to keep going as she is. She tilts his head back, using her slight height advantage from being in his lap to press him fully into the couch. He’s helpless to do anything but follow her lead, and trust her to take care of him.
“Close your eyes,” she whispers into his ear, blowing softly and sending a violent shudder through him.
He does, letting the blackness envelop him. His pulse is pounding so furiously through his body that he can see it beating behind his eyes. He rubs himself into her again, chasing that delicious friction, desperate for more.
Rose dances her fingers down his chest, scratching through the light dusting of hair on his pecs then down his belly. His muscles jump and quiver at her touch while he ruts up into her. He’s sure he could finish like this, and would be happy to, if not for wondering what Rose wanted to do to him.
Bless her, she doesn’t make him wait any longer. For a moment he’s confused as her weight shifts off his thighs, but then it settles on the cushion beside him. Her hands are at the waistband of his pants, and he wriggles to help her get them halfway down his arse, just enough to free him from the stuffy confines of the fabric.
And then she’s got her mouth on him.
James shudders out a groan and digs his nails into his palms to keep himself from thrusting up into her hot, wet mouth. He’s throbbing in time with his racing heart, and he can’t see anything through his shut eyes, but God he can feel everything. The tease of her tongue, the oh-so careful scrape of her teeth, the pressure as she sucks…
“Oh, fuck,” he croaks, his voice cracking around the word.
She covers his clenched fist, coaxing his fingers to relax, to open. He thinks she wants to hold his hand, but then she takes him by the wrist and moves his hand up until he brushes the silky locks of her hair. He opens his eyes for just a moment, and Christ the sight of her kneeling beside him, her mouth on his cock, her eyes closed in her own enjoyment… it nearly makes him come on the spot.
He holds on though, not really wanting this to end. Once he has his fingers tangled in her hair, he lets his eyes flutter shut again, happy to let his other senses surge into overdrive. He doesn’t guide her movements, knowing she doesn’t like it when men do that; instead, he relishes being able to touch her like this while she gives him the best goddamned blowjob of his goddamned life.
She gets one of her hands into the fray, playing with the base of his cock where her mouth can’t quite reach, then lower to his balls. She rolls them and squeezes them, whiting out his vision and stealing his breath. The pressure in his cock mounts, throbbing and aching in warning.
“Rose,” he gasps. “I’m gonna come.”
“‘Kay,” she mumbles around him, sucking him even harder, and Jesus fucking Christ he’s done.
Heat and electricity sizzles down his spine as he releases into her mouth, moaning and cursing and hissing wordless sounds. Rose strokes him through it, seemingly able to time her upstrokes with each pulse of his cock, heightening this pleasure into something otherworldly. It’s a good thing he’s sitting, because he can’t quite feel his legs and he thinks his knees have been replaced with jelly as he trembles and shudders through his orgasm.
When he’s done, he comes to to the sensation of Rose kissing his shoulder, her arms wrapped loosely around his hips while one of her hands idly strokes his softening cock. He shivers, sated and sleepy and so, so satisfied.
Rose tilts her head up to give him a pleased smile. “Good?”
He doesn’t deign to reply to that, and instead kisses the grin right off her face.
James can’t concentrate, can’t focus as he watches the clock. He and his driver dropped Rose off at her school an hour ago, where police had to set up a barricade to keep reporters away from the building. Rose’s cheeks were scarlet as she saw all of the attention around her place of employment.
“Why do they care this much about me?” she’d murmured, covering her face with her hands.
“Because they care that much about me, and I care about you,” he replied grimly, thunking his head into the back of his seat. “I’m so sorry. This is madness.”
They’d had to slowly inch through the school traffic, showing identification multiple times before Idris made it to the front of the school. Several other teachers were making their way into the building, looking both frustrated and curious about all the ruckus.
“Good luck,” he whispered, not knowing what else to say as Rose braced herself to slip out of the car. “Idris can pick you up again after work. I… I don’t think you should go home yet. You can stay with me again. If you want.”
Rose nodded silently, then drew in a deep breath. Before she opened her car door, she leaned over and kissed him. When they pulled apart, she gave him a heartbreakingly feeble smile and said, “Have a good day, dear.”
He forced his own smile for her sake, but his stomach was in knots. She had a meeting with her superiors that morning, likely demanding to know what the hell was going on. He offered to be there with her, but conceded that she was right in saying he would probably just make it worse.
That’s how he finds himself in the recording studio, sipping at a strong coffee that he doesn’t really taste and watching the clock tick aimlessly by. He asked her to let him know how her meeting went, and surely by now it should be over. It’s almost eight in the morning; the meeting can’t still be going on, can it?
But there’s no word from Rose for another hour. By now, he’s going mental, convinced she came to her senses and realized she needs to break up with him. This theory eventually evolves into some mad lunatic having broken into her school and murdered her like in one of those American crime dramas. He’d sent her a little “Hope you’re okay 💜” text a half hour ago, but the lack of response only cements these insane thoughts into his head.
Finally, at quarter-past nine, his phone lights up with a call from Rose. He answers it immediately.
“Are you okay? What happened?”
There’s nothing but a small sniffle on the other end of the line, and his stomach drops.
“Rose?” he asks, forcing his voice to remain gentle. “What happened?”
Sniffle. “M’on leave. ‘Til after the holidays. Security concern with me bein’ here right now. Can… can someone come get me? I don’t know where to go.”
“We’re on our way,” he promises, taking his phone away from his ear for a few seconds to fire off a text to his driver. “We’ll come pick you up. Are you at the school?”
“Yeah. I started for the bus stop. Wasn’t thinkin’. More photographers saw me. I ran back inside. Everyone’s lookin’ at me like… like I’m an alien.”
“Oh, Rose,” he whispers, his stomach aching for her. Idris pops her head into the office, and he mimes driving as he rushes toward her. “We’ll be there soon, all right? Stay inside. We’ll be there soon.”
He ends the call, and together, he and Idris make for the car.
“Rose?” she asks. “The school?”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
Bless her, Idris doesn’t ask for more details. He’s always liked that about her: she’s willing to listen to him whenever he wants to talk, but will never force him to speak when he’d prefer to stay silent. He’s had other drivers who make small talk, or ask him about whatever latest story about him went viral, but not her. He prays she never decides to quit her job.
Traffic is manageable and they make good time to the school. There are still officers posted around the school, but not quite as many. He can see reporters and photographers lingering at the café across the street, and he finds himself itching to throw hot coffee on all of them.
He takes a deep breath, forcing those awful emotions away. He’s better than that. He’s better than them. Rose doesn’t need him being angry and vengeful right now, she needs him to be steady and comforting. He can do that. He’s the steadiest person in the world…
When they get to the front door, he nearly vaults out of the car to rush into the school, but a pointedly-cleared throat and the clack of the door locks activating stops him.
“Low profile,” Idris reminds him, and he sulks for a moment, but sends Rose a text that he’s here.
She emerges a moment later, pale-faced, with nothing but a laptop bag slung over one shoulder. James opens the door for her, and slides across the empty seat to give her room. The moment she settles herself, Idris takes off again, and he unbuckles his seatbelt to take Rose into his arms. She slumps, defeated, into him, and somehow that’s even worse than tears.
She takes a few minutes to tell him about her meeting, and how ultimately the school couldn’t justify putting their students in danger while she’s facing such sudden and viral recognition.
“How could I argue with that?” Rose sighs, rubbing at her temples as though warding off a headache. “’Cos it’s true. There’re so many unauthorized strangers near the school ’cos of me.”
“Because of stupid journalists,” he corrects, but it falls flat.
“They said they’ll reevaluate over the coming weeks. I might be able to return to work in January, if things have died down a bit.”
James desperately hopes it will, for her sake. He couldn’t bear it if he’s the reason Rose loses her job.
“Surely it’s illegal to sack you because of who you’re dating,” he says.
“I’m not sacked,” she reminds him. “I’m on leave. Really, I should be happy. Gettin’ paid to stay at home…” She looks far from happy, though. “I was about to start some of my favorite books with my kids. Frankenstein. Never Let Me Go. To Kill a Mockingbird. Now someone else gets to do it with them, and all I’ve got to look forward to when I get back is bloody Shakespeare.”
“Not a fan of Shakespeare?” he quips weakly.
“Shakespeare’s fine, but not the way they make us teach it in schools, all boring and textual, when it’s supposed to be a performance to be experienced. I’ve been trying to get the school to sponsor an annual theatre trip for the kids, but of course no one wants to invest in the languages and arts anymore.”
James makes a mental note to change that going forward. Yes, he’s sure his donations to various medical research charities are being put to good use, but how much money can he say he’s donated to music and art and literature? He’s ashamed to admit to himself he doesn’t know. How awful is that, given the arts are how he makes his living.
“I’m sorry.” The words feel hollow, but what more can he say? They’re so weak compared to the ache of sorrow buffeting him. It’s because of him that Rose can’t do the job she likes. Because of him that everyone wants to get a look at her. Because of him that her life has been turned upside down.
So it surprises him when Rose immediately says, “I’m not.” She threads her fingers through his and gives them a squeeze. “This… us… what we have together, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Wouldn’t trade you for the world.”
His throat swells shut, and all he can do is offer a weak smile and kiss her knuckles. It’s only then that he realizes Idris is absently driving through the streets of London, taking the routes she always takes whenever he asks if she can just drive him around for a while to nowhere in particular. Well, he supposes that’s right; he didn’t exactly tell Idris where to take them.
Before he makes an executive decision about their destination, he turns to Rose. “D’you wanna come see the studio?”
“Oh, I don’t want to distract you from your work.”
He waves a hand. “Nonsense. Album’s mostly recorded by now. Just a few more songs to tidy up, then it’s off to production. C’mon. Please? I think it’s “take your girlfriend to work” week.”
He shamelessly pouts, happy to see it trigger a laugh. Then she’s nodding, and they’re off.
He’s like a giddy little boy as he guides Rose into the studio. He gets her all checked in as a Very Important Guest, and apologizes when she has to sign multiple nondisclosure agreements before she’s permitted any farther.
“No unauthorized photos, videos, recordings, et cetera et cetera,” he explains, grimacing. “I’m not the only artist here. But you’ve been pretty social-media-phobic throughout our relationship, so I don’t think we have anything to worry about, eh?”
Rose is unbothered, and soon enough, she’s an official guest of James Noble. He guides her straight into his workspace, where his now-cold coffee and untouched guitar waits for him. Rose takes in the room with awe. He remembers feeling like that when he was first shown this place. It’s a large lounge space with cushy sofas and spacious desks, and half a dozen guitars resting on stands while a glossy grand piano stands proud in a corner by a window that looks out over the city. Adjacent is the recording booth, with well-insulated sound-proofed walls and a variety of microphones hanging from the ceiling. The recording booth alone is about the size his old studio flat had been.
“This is incredible,” Rose gasps, spinning slowly to take it all in.
“I’m very lucky.”
And really, he is. This office building is one of the best in the city. He and other major recording artists have their own dedicated rooms, while most other artists need to schedule appointments to use the other joint spaces. It was only after the major success of his third album that he was promoted to this room. If he ever falls from grace, he’ll be back to the shared studios.
“Have you had breakfast yet?” he asks, opening his phone to the app tied to the lovely little café in the basement of the building. “I’m a bit peckish and want a new coffee.”
“No, I haven’t. Bit too wound up to eat this morning.”
James places an order for a coffee for him and a tea for her, as well as two breakfast sandwiches to be delivered to his office. Within ten minutes, he and Rose are lounging on the couch, enjoying their breakfast in a peaceful silence.
He doesn’t know why he’s so nervous to have Rose here in the studio. It’s not like he hasn’t played for her before. But somehow it’s much more… official.
He licks his fingers of lingering bacon grease then wipes them absently on his jeans before heading to his piano. “I told you about the holiday concert I’m part of in a few weeks. I planned to start rehearsing. Just sort of… putzing around with different carols I might have to sing.”
“Might have to sing?” she asks curiously.
“Yeah, I dunno what I’ll be singing ‘til the time of the show. An online auction will go out in the week leading up to the concert. People can donate a quid to vote on a holiday song for me to perform. They can donate another quid to vote on one of my own songs for me to perform intermittently throughout the show. It’s a charity concert, remember. Gotta get the public involved somehow.”
“Bet you’ll make a killin’ after this weekend’s drama,” she drawls, a small but genuine smirk on her face.
He rolls his eyes. One of the well-meaning higher-ups of his record label told him the same thing. All of his music has been streamed more frequently this past weekend, too. Really, this bit of viral recognition has been great for him professionally; usually that thrills him, but this time it just makes him sick.
“Part of my charm is my near-perfect memory,” he continues. “For my hour of the show, we won’t know the results of the poll ‘til I get on stage and the MC dramatically reveals them. This week I was gonna work on the new album and start practicing Christmas tunes so I don’t make a complete arse of myself on stage. So lay it on me, Rose Tyler—give me something to sing.”
Time flies. No, it soars. For the first time in over forty-eight hours, neither of them is sulky or maudlin; they’re carrying on, goofing around, and singing Christmas carols. James is delighted when Rose joins in, watching in awe as she duets perfectly with him. Her voice is beautiful.
She seems to realize what she’s done, and while her cheeks flare scarlet, she doesn’t stop. He makes an effort not to stare at her, to not make her uncomfortable, but he steals glances at every possible moment. He tries to make her laugh as often as he can too, embellishing his voice to near operatic proportions or giving himself silly little accents as he sings. The one that makes her laugh the hardest is a Southern American twang, and he falls back to it a few times.
Lunchtime comes and goes without them realizing it. They’re left alone for the day, to his relief. Professional courtesy, and all that. God, what an awful world it would be if all of his fellow celebrities were as nosey and gossipy as the paparazzi.
It’s mid-afternoon when he suggests they pack it in for the day. Rose gets up from where she’s sitting cross-legged on the couch, bounds over to him, and throws her arms around him. He catches her, confused but very accepting of this affection, and he holds her tightly.
“Thank you. This morning was… well, kind of awful. But this afternoon was perfect. Absolutely perfect.”
He melts, and buries his nose into the side of her neck, breathing her in. “One day at a time. Baby steps.”
“Baby steps,” she agrees, squeezing him harder and making no move to let go.
He doesn’t mind in the slightest. He rocks them slowly from side to side, rubbing long, slow strokes down her back and enjoying this perfect moment of peace. Everything is quiet. Everything is good.
And James thinks, dreams, dares to hope that maybe, just maybe, they can make this work.
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
It’s just so exhausting hearing the same conversation from so called Tom fans every 3-5 business days. No one is saying that you guys need to love everything he does but it really does feel like some of you harp on every single thing about the man to a point it doesn’t feel like you’re fans. His agents, his friends, his family, just constant nitpicking. And I’ve never been in an fandom where people truly think they have a say or can control a grown ass man like this. And some of the criticism that you guys have are the same regurgitated criticism that film twitter bros have who have a gripe with MCU. It’s never actually productive or constructive. It sounds like you guys are mouth pieces for that sector who decided to hate Tom 2 years ago because they decided to hate Marvel and he went public with Z. It’s annoying. The man is one of the most successful unproblematic young actors of his generation. He keeps to himself and his family and friends and girlfriend but I swear there’s always this hate train going on him. You have to see how people can get tired of it especially when he’s done nothing to warrant the constant ragging.
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Exactly Anon! 💯
It just gets old.... and exhausting 😩 And I think it mainly gets old not only because it's every 3-5 business days, but ALSO bcoz it's coming from people who supposedly call themselves fans of Tom. With fans like these, who needs enemies?? 🥴
It would be one thing if these people were open haters of Tom and just admitted it. Then the hate and constant nitpicking would at least make some SENSE (okay, you're not a fan of the dude.... got it).
But when it comes from so-called "fans" who are following a blog of someone who's obviously a FAN of Tom's, it just feels really weird to me....
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Like you said, Tom is unproblematic, he minds his business, he works hard, he's talented, and he doesn't do anything wrong or offensive to anyone!
Atp, fans can't even enjoy any new project news for Tom, because fans of his are ready to complain 24/7. 🙄
The TCR Filming Announcement came out:
"Omg....I wish Tom didn't take this project on. It's just going to make people with DID look like monsters! Hollywood always does this! I wish Tom would drop this project." (Keep in mind, the series had not even started FILMING yet, let alone come out. 😒)
The FA Filming Announcement came out:
"Ugh!! I HAAAATE biopic films! I'm so sick and tired of them!! They're just Oscar bait films anyway..." 🙄
Tom Simply TALKS about a possible SM4 movie in the works later on down the line:
"I sure hope they don't do another trilogy. Tom needs to STOP playing Spiderman and do more serious indie films instead of getting sucked into SUCKY Sony and the MCU. He's being held back by his Spiderman contracts!!"
A simple TWEET comes out that Mark Wahlberg has said that the script for "Uncharted 2" is has been written:
"Nooooooo!!!! 😫 I hated that movie! It wasn't funny, it wasn't charming, and it wasn't even a 'good' action movie! I wish Tom would drop this franchise and do smthg else!" 😭
All it sounds like in Tom's fandom is this all the time.....
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After a while, it just gets tiring.... 😓
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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Tag der Deutschen Einheit
German Unity Day is celebrated on October 3 to commemorate the unification of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic into a single federal Germany on the same date in 1990. A public holiday, the day is characterized by concerts, communal meals, speeches by politicians, and fireworks.
History of National Unity Day
After WWII, Germany was divided into four military sectors, each controlled by France, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union. In 1949, the Federal Republic of Germany was formed and, on October 7 of the same year, the German Democratic Republic (also known as the DDR — ‘Deutsche Demokratische Republik’) was formed.
The political tensions in post-war Europe did not allow much interaction between the people of the two countries. The DDR exercised strong resistance against repression of its political opponents. Thousands of people were kept under surveillance by the German police.
On September 4, 1989, a peaceful protest was carried out by the people of Leipzig against the DDR government. More such demonstrations in other DDR cities took place calling for political reforms and the opening of the borders. And on November 9 that year, the checkpoints between the two German countries were opened and people could travel freely once more. This date marked the ‘fall’ of the Berlin Wall.
Democratic elections further paved the way for the people to come together in the DDR. Finally, in August 1990, the leaders of both countries signed the Treaty of Unification, and Germany’s unification was made official on October 3, 1990.
The Berlin Wall and the Brandenburg Gate are two very important symbols of Germany’s division and the unification of Germany in 1990. Images of both of these are put on display on German Unity Day all across Germany. The day is celebrated as a three-day festival around the Brandenburg Gate and at the Reichstag around Platz der Republik.
National Unity Day timeline
May 23, 1949
Federal Republic of Germany Forms
The German sectors of France, the United Kingdom, and the United States come together to form the Federal Republic of Germany.
October 7, 1949
German Democratic Republic
The sector controlled by the Soviet Union becomes the German Democratic Republic (also known as the DDR — ‘Deutsche Demokratische Republik’).
November 9, 1989
Berlin Wall Falls
On November 4, an estimated 50,000 people gather for a mass protest in East Berlin — five days later, the Berlin Wall dividing communist East Germany from West Germany crumbles.
August 31, 1990
Unification Treaty is Signed
The Unification Treaty is signed, allowing a reunited Germany to become fully sovereign the following year.
National Unity Day FAQs
What is German Unity Day called in German?
German Unity Day is called ‘Tag der Deutschen Einheit’ (The Day of German Unity).
What does German Unity Day celebrate?
The Day of German Unity is Germany’s national holiday. It commemorates the German reunification in 1990 and is celebrated with a festival around Platz der Republik, Straße des 17.
What is closed on German Unity Day?
German Unity Day is a public holiday in Germany so post offices, banks, and many businesses are closed. Nearly all stores are closed, although a few may be open in some city areas.
How To Celebrate German Unity Day
Celebrate the local cultureCelebrate with all the locals at the Charlottenburg Palace. Experience the neighborhoods of Berlin while taking a stroll through Kreuzberg, Friedrichshain, and Mitte.
Watch films and documentaries about GermanyThere are many famous documentaries about Germany and the Berlin Wall. Some of them include “Busting the Berlin Wall,” “Stasi – East Germany’s Secret Police,” “After the Wall: A World United,” “Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall,” and more.
Visit the specific city of observanceA famous feature of German Unity Day is the observance of the day in one of the 16 states’ capitals every year, which hosts the celebration.
5 Interesting Facts About The Berlin Wall
Two walls: The 27-mile barrier separating Berlin into east and west had two concrete walls that had a 160-yards-wide ‘death strip’ in-between with watchtowers, guard dogs, floodlights, machine guns, and more.
Death on the Wall: More than 100 people died while trying to cross the Berlin Wall, by gunshots, fatal accidents, or suicide.
The great escape: More than 5,000 people escaped by either going over or under the Berlin Wall.
Berlin in Vegas: A piece of the Berlin Wall is now in the bathroom of the Main Street Station Casino in Las Vegas.
In memory of Ida Siekmann: The Berlin Wall cycle route has a glass plaque honoring Ida Siekmann who was the first person to die while trying to cross the wall and flee to East Berlin.
Why German Unity Day Is Significant
It celebrates the unification of Germany: The establishment of Germany as a federal country after years of division since 1945 and the unification of East and West Germany is worth celebrating.
Fall of the Berlin Wall: It commemorates the day when the wall dividing communist East Germany and West Germany crumbled. This was just five days after almost 50,000 people gathered in a mass protest in East Berlin.
Dissolution of the German Democratic Republic: The date marks the dissolution of the German territory controlled by the Soviet Union and the day it joined the Federal Republic of Germany.
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raspberry-gloaming · 1 year
ive recently properly got into the hunger games, and me being me one of the things that interests me most is the names and worldbuilding! so here's some quick thoughts on why foxface being called Finch can or does make sense.
Many hg names (excluding d12) are dependant on their status on the urban-rural scale of things, as well as their industries. A lot of people think district 5 is completely urban - and I get that. when you think power, electricity and all that, yeah you may think hulking, brutalistic architecture and smog and smoke and city. But that's not the only way to harvest power. As the hunger games trilogy takes place at least a couple centuries into the future, its not likely that natural gas and crude oil will be the main sources of energy. While online sources don't agree on a certain time frame for this limit, one thing they do agree is that those reserves (and this is the whole of the us not just one district) won't be lasting to reach a hunger games canon timeline time.
And in the film's there's a dam shown! a hydroelectric dam, showing they use renewable energy as at least part of their power resources. With a dam like that, we can theorise they use other water based types of renewable energy, such as tidal or wave. in addition some places also have wind turbines out at sea instead of on land. so overall this suggests district 5 is by a tidal river and/or the sea.
In addition, other forms of renewable power come from rural areas. Rapeseed and soy are the two main biodiesel fuels used for biofuels, where plants are combusted to produce electricity. that's not exactly urban - far more an 11 or 9 vibe.
So maybe Foxface comes from a rural area, or maybe Finch is a name originally from the biofuel more agricultural areas that was popularised or her parents just liked it.
So it's quite likely that with its likely cities, power plants, dams, wave and tidal energy sources, solar farms, wind turbines and biofuels, five is one of the most diverse human environmental districts. that makes it interesting to me due to how that differs from the straight up yup that's fields or yup that's quarries and a merchant sector that many of the other districts seem to have.
so give me district five characters named Finch, or Tydal or Albert or Joule or Zephyr or geothermal nuclear powerplant the second this place can do so many name vibes compared to a lot of the other districts if you look at how their naming tends to work.
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thebusylilbee · 2 years
Why indie US american films are being released less and less in french theaters
A24's The Green Knight and Macbeth did not get theater releases in France, and now it seems that Everything Everywhere All At Once will not get one either. I was annoyed by that so I tried to look up what was going on and I found my answer in a 157 pages long thesis written by Quentin Paquet, during his 5th year in La Fémis (big parisian film school where Céline Sciamma studied). It focuses on the distribution of independent US american films in France. I am leaving this post in english because I assume this could be interesting for international cinephiles/film students (maybe at least 3 of you ? idk).
The author begins by observing that despite France having a crazy amount of legal protection put in place to ensure that indie films get a decent distribution on the national territory, US american films that aren't blockbusters seem to be reaching our theaters less and less. Here are the reasons he gives for this situation :
The first thing endangering indie films in general is the extremely quick turn-over in theaters. There are simply too many films being released in french theaters. 13 films are released every week in France, 17 during big release periods (holidays and september). Only 3 to 5 films manage to reach the financial needs of distributors on average, the others disappear quickly to mitigate the costs.
The second problem for indie films is that they are all competing for the few places left by the giants, that are becoming more and more numerous. In 2018, 129 US american films were released in France, 95 of which were produced by major studios. These films represent 18.9 percent of total cinema releases in the country that year, so basically 1/5th of the releases, but they make up 45% of total tickets sold, the giant majority of which were sold for big studio movies.
The third thing endangering indie US american films specifically is pirating. US american cinema is the number 1 illegally viewed cinema in France, and since releases are not internationally synchronized for indie films the way they are for blockbusters, there's a significant loss of viewers because many are able to watch the films online months before a potential official release in France. Overall, it's actually easier to release and market indie asian films successfully in France because the crowd is less likely to have already viewed these movies online.
Fourth problem is that distribution companies are dying at an alarming rate in France. Distribution costs have been increasing by 4.9% every year on average, so distributing indie films is becoming less and less financially rewarding. Since distributing independent films is more costly, and revenue is less predictable than ever (depends on the big movie releases happening at the same time, the marketing, the online hype, etc) distributors that take too many risks tend to die quickly. There has been no long term success in the french distribution sector in decades. Vincent Maraval, co-creator of the french production and distribution company Wild Bunch, is quoted saying: "It's not the number of independent US american films that's decreasing, it's the distributors that are willing to buy them that are dying. Today I can sell a film for 500k euros to France and 250k euros to Benelux. Back in the days the french sale would have been 2.5 million euros."
The fifth problem is specific to France: the country has historically been so good to indie films that producers are unwilling to adapt their selling prices to the new realities of the market. Producers are convinced that if there is one place where a small film can work it's France. The country's reputation has effectively negatively impacted french distributors, who are not asked the same prices as their neighbors (Germany and Benelux get lower prices than France on indie US american films). US american studios like A24 for exemple are completely unwilling to decrease their prices, they are more interested in selling to new actors - aka streaming services - that can offer them the price they expect, than to adapt to the new classical release market. The result is that indie US american films are simply too expensive compared to the potential revenue they can bring because US americans are trying to sell based on the revenues they could expect to make in France in the 90's. Alexis Mas, director of the distribution company Condor, explains that when he and his team tried to obtain the rights of A24's film First Cow for a theater release, they were given a price way above anything they could afford. They offered to create a whole program of events around the film with the film's team and festivals etc. to try to carry it nationally to compensate for their lower price but A24 was not interested (the film ended up being released on the streaming service MUBI first and was followed by a limited release in theaters).
So there you go ! I'm sure this is gonna interest 3 people tops but I wanted my answer and I got it so I'm sharing it !
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Career Field as per Astrological Signs
I've identified the industries or enterprises that are fortunate for particular Signs. Each Sign has a special beneficial note that resonates with a certain industry, making these enterprises inherently lucky for a given Sign. It makes sense that people born under these Signs should continue to have the most luck investing in their shares, given the luckiness of the companies. They can never lose if they invest in long-term investments. The investors' intraday trading time period will always be profitable, but they won't make a loss either. Naturally, the investor must conduct a market research of the company before making any acquisitions because, as you are aware, not every company in a certain field can succeed at the same time.
Let's now discuss astrology. Okay if you are aware of your horoscope or birth chart. To find out more, look at your Ascendant at birth. If you're unsure, check your Name Sign or Moon Sign. For instance, if your name starts with A, E, I, O, or L, you are an Aries. Using this technique, you can discover your moon sign. If your name doesn't correspond to your natal Moon Sign, don't worry. Search for your sun sign. In Aries from 14 April to 14 May, the sun will be. To benefit the most, you must be aware of your own natal chart, particularly the Lagna and Ascendant.
To benefit the most, you must be aware of your own natal chart, particularly the Lagna and Ascendant. According to my observations, a person's birth chart typically results in the best outcomes. Benefit percentages will be smaller for Moon or Sun signs than for birth ascension. Remember that buying stock only entails your personal involvement in the company. Your likelihood of success in the stock market will also be based on where your fifth house is in regard to your second or eleventh houses in the chart. Your Mars and Venus should be rather strong if you plan to engage in intraday trading or speculation. If your Saturn is truly powerful, it will rule as king.
If your Saturn is very strong, you will be the master of this field and earn long-term success. A strong Saturn in the chart's interpretation creates masters. They are fully aware of the stock market's ups and downs. Here is a list of the industries and companies where stock investments will perform the best.
1.Aries (Mesha): Cement, steel, automobiles, shipping, textiles, beverages, petrochemicals, power projects, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, and petrochemicals 
2.Tauras (Vrishabha): Infrastructure, Housing Companies, Food Industries, Hotels, Dairies and Ice Cream, Film and Television Industries, Cement, Steel, Leather 
3. Gemini (Mithuna): Publishing, print and electronic media, cement and steel, mobile devices, computers, banking, and information technology.
4. Karka (Cancer): Transportation, Water and Irrigation, Air Travel, Textiles, Beverages, Glass Manufacturing, Housing Companies, Refineries, Petrol and Natural Gas 
5. Leo (Simha): Pharmaceuticals, Agro Industries, Film and Television Industries, Paper and Printing Industries, Power Projects 
6. Virgo (Kanya): Finance and Insurance, Food and Nutrition, Pharmacy, Communications, Information Technology, Computers, Confectionary, Toiletries, and Toys 
7. Libra (Tula): Infrastructure, Edible Oil, Agro Industries, Cosmetics, Perfumes, Ceramics, Malls and Retail Channels, Entertainments, Music and Cassette Industries, Food and Beverage, Hotels, Dairies, Films and Televisions, Ice-cream, Leather, Food and Beverages, Ceramics, Ice-cream, Steel, Perfumes, and Ceramics 
8. The sign of Scorpio (Vrishchika) is represented by the industries of shipping, mining, export-import, automobiles, water and irrigation, pharmaceuticals, glass, refineries, and the insurance sector.
9. Saggitarius (Dhanu): All businesses related to education and students, including those in the banking, finance, export and import, publishing, paper, confectionary, and dairy industries. 
10. Capricorn (Makara): Oil and Natural Gas, Petroleum Refineries, Health and Nutrition, Pharmacies, Steel, Cement, Leather, Coal, Infrastructure, Engineering Industries, Housing Sector 
11. Aquarius (Kumbha): Projects related to power, research, steel, cement, leather, food, entertainment, music and cassette industries, infrastructure, banking and finance, and hotels. 
12. Pisces (Meena): Banking and finance, insurance, print and electronic media, paper industries, dairy and ice cream, pharmaceuticals, health and nutrition, shipping, exports and imports. 
How can I get the most out of this? Additionally, you stand to gain if you select a business whose name is auspicious and harmonious with your own Sign.
For purchases and long-term investments, the 10th and 11th signs from your Moon Sign or Ascendant will bring you the most success. Simple Company Selection Example: Which Shares would you choose to buy if your Ascendant or Moon Sign is Capricorn and you want to make long-term investments? Libra and Scorpio are obvious. You may now buy the most advantageous scripts for long-term investments based on the list provided above.
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tadpolesonalgae · 7 months
📖Book Recs: 🪖🎖️
This is so inappropriate for October but I would deeply recommend reading All Quiet On The Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. It had been on my radar for a while having seen a couple of relatively recent trailers, but the film looked too intense and graphic for me to stomach. (That and I’m not really a film person)
Warnings: it’s a war book so… general death and misery
One by one the boys begin to fall…
In 1914 a room full of German schoolboys, fresh-faced and idealistic, are goaded by their schoolmaster to troop off to the ‘glorious war’. With the fire and patriotism of youth they sign up. What follows is the moving story of a young ‘unknown soldier’ experiencing the horror and disillusionment of life in the trenches.
Extract from Chapter 1:
Müller asks him, ‘What did Kantorek say in his letter?’ He Laughs. ‘He calls us “young men of iron”.’ That makes the three of us laugh, though not because it is funny. Kropp curses. He is happy to be able to talk again — And yes, that’s it, that is what they think, those hundred thousand Kantoreks. Young men of iron. Young? None of us is more than twenty. But young? Young men? That was a long time ago. We are old now.
Extract from chapter 4:
Detering raises his rifle and takes aim. Kat knocks the barrel upwards. ‘Are you crazy?’ Detering shudders and throws his gun into the ground. We sit down and press our hands over our ears. But the terrible crying and groaning and howling still gets through, it penetrates everything. We can all stand a lot, but this brings us out in a cold sweat. You want to get up and run away, anywhere just so as not to hear that screaming anymore. And it isn’t men, just horses.
Extract from Chapter 5:
‘Christ almighty,’ says Haie, and his expression softens, ‘the first thing I’d do is pick myself up some strapping great bint, know what I mean, some big, bouncy kitchen wench with plenty to get your hands around, then straight into bed and no messing! Think about it! Proper feather-beds with spring mattresses. I tell you, lads, I wouldn’t put my trousers back on for a week!
Extract from chapter 6:
After a few minutes we hear the first scuffles and scurrying. It gets louder, now it is the sound of lots of little feet. Then the lamps come on and we all lay into the dark mass, which breaks up. The results are good. We shovel what is left of the rats over the edge of the trench and lie in wait again. It works a few more times. By then the beasts have realized, or they have smelt the blood. No more come. All the same, they have taken what is left of the scraps of bread by the morning. In one of the adjacent sectors the rats attacked two big cats and a dog, bit them to death and ate them.
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louisupdates · 1 year
BMG reports fastest growth and largest investment in music in the company's history
by Andre Paine | March 30th 2023 at 12:31PM
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BMG has reported its fastest growth in the history of the company, which launched almost 15 years ago.
It’s a strong set of results for CEO Hartwig Masuch, as he prepares to hand over to Thomas Coesfeld next year.
The BMG financial performance in 2022 was published within the results of parent company Bertelsmann.
BMG increased revenues by 30.6% year-on-year (more than €200m) to €866m - the fastest growth ever recorded. Organic growth contributed 22.8%.
The recordings business grew by 38%, while publishing was up by 26%. Sync revenue across both was up 34%.
Streaming was key to the strong growth at BMG. Digital publishing revenue increased by 43%, while digital recorded revenue increased by 48%.
In a joint message to staff, Hartwig Masuch and Thomas Coesfeld wrote: "It was a historic year for BMG in which we grew our scale significantly, but just as importantly improved our capabilities, delivering more money more quickly than ever before to artists and songwriters with better service, underpinned by our core values of fairness and transparency.
"2022 proved once again that we are successful not in spite of those distinctively BMG values, but precisely because of them."
The UK was the second biggest territory by revenue (12.2%) after the US (53.9%). BMG’s home market of Germany was responsible for 12% of revenue.
During 2022, BMG also made its largest annual investment in music content to date, totalling more than half a billion euros.
BMG invested a record €50m in the acquisition of music catalogues and artist signings in 2022. In the financial year, BMG made 45 acquisitions in the catalogue sector alone, including the catalogues and licensing rights of artists such as Peter Frampton, Jean-Michel Jarre, Fools Garden, Harry Nilsson, Simple Minds, Primal Scream and Chris Rea.
In the recorded business, BMG concluded new contracts or extended existing ones with artists including Rita Ora, Logic, Julian Lennon, Marteria, Stefflon Don, Nickelback and Jason Aldean.
"Importantly, we are not just a passive financial investor in these prized catalogues," wrote Masuch and Coesfeld. "We are a music company committing to breathing new life into these artists’ legacies... These transactions reflect not just our belief in the future of music, but the belief of artists and songwriters that we will deliver for them and the belief of our parent, Bertelsmann, in our ability to execute on our strategy."
Top-selling albums in 2022 included releases by Jason Aldean, Louis Tomlinson, Mötley Crüe, 5 Seconds Of Summer, Backstreet Boys, Buena Vista Social Club, Kylie Minogue, and Bryan Adams.
In the publishing business, the catalogues of Bruno Mars, Mick Jagger & Keith Richards, Juice Wrld, Kurt Cobain and Roger Waters generated high revenues, noted BMG.
The year’s top-selling new releases for publishing came from artists including DJ Khaled, Kontra K, George Ezra, Carly Pearce, Maxwell, Riccardo Zanotti, Peter Fox, RAF Camora, Kraftklub, Max Giesinger and Johannes Oerding.
New contracts or contract extensions/renewals were signed with Halsey, Elvis Costello, Robin Kadir, Bazzazian, Slowthai, Jessie Reyez, Afrojack, Montez and Lucry.
Moonage Daydream, the film about David Bowie released by BMG, became the most successful documentary of 2022, with worldwide revenues of €12.2m.
BMG’s EBITDA was up more than €50m to €195m.
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About the background lore/world building, I cant help but wonder about twisted wonderland's media/pop culture or artistic movements and the like. Like are morally grey characters and antiheroes really a facet of their popular media and if so why doesn't Vil try to lean more towards those roles? If they arent really a part of their media and storytelling then what happened or didnt happen to cause them to be absent?
They have magicam which is pretty much magical Instagram so do they have other sites like tumblr or facebook or ao3? Or even specific nonconsensual parts of pop culture, like is there a twisted wonderland equivalent to the muppets? A magical adjacent Monty Python? Unsolved mysteries with Robert Stack? Or if they had an equivalent to Forensic Files would it focus on the same aspect of our Forensic Files or would it tend to follow the magical sector of their police forces and criminal investigations?
I just think it would be interesting to see how their media develops differently from ours considering various factors, like the proven existence of ghosts and monsters, or the elongated life spans of the fae, not to mention the elephant in the room of the undeniable presence of magic. Like without a doubt they wouldn't have all those true haunting and ghost hunting shows because they would most likely be considered rude and invasive, and there probably isnt going to be any equivalent to the Lord of the Rings, but what would they have, ya know?
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cbksdbjebew I’m sorry 😅 I live under a rock like Patrick Star, so I’m not familiar with most of the specific pop culture examples you named 💦 I won’t be speaking on those, since I have little to no context for what they are. But!! I do wonder how Twisted Wonderland’s media and pop culture scene is similar to and/or different from ours!
In the real world, there are definitely instances of people writing a certain genre (for example, Battle Royale), but the genre not really “blowing up” until a popular modern rendition (ie Hunger Games) of it is done, thus thrusting pop culture into an era of oversaturation of that genre (ie more teenage/young adult dystopia novels). It could be that Twisted Wonderland has not yet hit that “popular modern rendition” for morally grey characters/antiheroes yet? A lot of the media and public opinion actually referenced in the main story seems to imply that the current media being offered paints its characters in absolutes (good/evil).
The other possibility is that Vil has too much pride in his profession to take morally grey/antihero roles. He’s been painted as a wicked villain for the entirety of his childhood; it wouldn’t surprise me if his personal ambition, desire to prove his nay-sayers wrong, and rivalry with Neige (the epitome of pure and good) spurred Vil to want to be perceived as the other extreme (the same insane "pure and good” image that Neige has). Vil would want to go “all the way”, not go only “halfway there” or take the role of something far more ambiguous. I would actually argue that Vil only gets around to embracing ambiguous and morally grey roles in episode 6 (whereas he was very black-and-white about it in episode 5). Overblot Idia taunts Vil by calling him a “hero” come to save the day, but Vil rebuts him by saying, “there are no heroes or villains”.
If Twisted Wonderland has Magicam, then I don’t see why they wouldn’t have other social media platforms and sites too! I think in episode 5 Cater shows a video on an unnamed site which required them to watch an ad before they could view the actual video…? So that might be Youtube or another video sharing platform? Azul mentions streaming in episode 6, so there must be some equivalent to a streaming site like Twitch??? There might be other examples that I’m not thinking of off the top of my head.
I think that having magic on set would actually be super useful! For productions like hand-drawn cartoons and films, it could help animators (at least the ones that can use magic) minimize physical strain (since they use their hands so much). For live action productions, magic can be used for special effects instead of like... I don’t know, fog machines, stunt doubles, or whatever else is normally used 😂 And since different races and species exist (fairies, ghosts, merfolk, beastment, etc), maybe there would be more of a push to educate the public about the different races and species? Like more documentaries and resources so that the general public is more culturally competent!
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likeanangel-rpg · 2 months
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En este registro de trabajo estarán los nombres de todas las empresas y sectores sociales en las que los personajes mayores de edad del foro podrán trabajar.
Este será el único registro rellenable adicional al único obligatorio y se usara para el pago de los DLS por desarrollar tu empleo on rol.
Dependiendo de la categoría del puesto es la cantidad de temas que deveras de cumplir para el pago de DLS.
Para tomar cualquier empresa con las primeras categorías (puestos), es importante tener un precedente en la historia del personal que justifique la elección del puesto (Desde edad, hasta la preparación educativa que recibió o la familia a la que pertenezca)
Gerencial: Dueños del establecimiento o empresa, socios inversionistas o comerciales directos, fundadores, co-fundadores, cargos ejecutivos.
Para esta categoría se deberá de desarrollar mínimo 9 temas en un plazo de 20 días para obtener el sueldo de 1,500 dls   Administrativo: Puestos que tiene como función principal llevar a cabo las tareas administrativas de una empresa o comercio.
Para esta categoría se deberá de desarrollar mínimo 7 temas en un plazo de 20 días para obtener el sueldo de 1,000 dls
Operativo: Todos los puestos que cobran por hora trabajada y que llevan acabo tareas y actividades que la empresa proporciona al consumo del publico.
Para esta categoría se deberá de desarrollar mínimo 5 temas en un plazo de 20 días para obtener el sueldo de 300 dls
Cualquier vacante de comercio predeterminado contara con un nivel de roleo que se deberá de visualizar en la jugabilidad de las Tramas grupales o globales dentro del foro, elige con sabiduría
Like an Angel Corporate
Dirección de Recursos Humanos
Operadores de Recursos Humanos
Dirección de Mercadotecnia
Operadores de Mercadotecnia
Dirección de Seguridad para los miembros de LAA
Operadores de Seguridad para los miembros de LAA
Reclutadores o Consultores de Talento
Agentes de Conexión o Representantes de LAA
Personal de Asesoría Nutricional
Personal de Asesoría Psicológica
Personal de Asesoría de Imagen
Personal de Asesoría de Baile
Personal de Asesoría de Canto
Personal de Asesoría de Arte
Miembros de LAA
Queen Diana Bar (Bar y Casa de citas)
Dueño del establecimiento
Inversionistas: máx. 5
Líder de RH
Personal de Seguridad
Personal del Bar y cocina
Mesaras y Camareros
Bailarines o bailarinas: máx. 5 de cada genero
Vendedor/a de compañía
Memorial Sloan Kettering (Hospital)
X (Plataforma de medios sociales)
Instagram (Plataforma de medios sociales)
ABKCO Records (Disquera)
Acclaim Entertainment (Desarrolladora y distribuidora de videojuegos)
Aéropostale (Empresa de ropa)
American Express (Servicios bancarios)
Broadway (Teatro)
Calvin Klein (Empresa de ropa)
Capitol Records (Disquera)
Cartoon Pizza (Resturante)
Sony (Líderes en electrónica de consumo y entretenimiento audiovisual)
Victoria Secret (Empresa de ropa)
Netflix (Empresa de entretenimiento y una plataforma de streaming)
Pandora (Casa de Joyeria)
New York University (Universidad)
New York City Police Department
Museo MoMA
Hospital Monte Sinaí
Columbia University (Universidad)
Daptone Records (Disquera)
Del Rey Books (Libreria)
Dimension Films (Casa productora)
Diners Club (Restaurante)
Luna Park (Parque de diversiones)
El Internacional Tapas Bar & Restaurant (Bar y restaurante)
Equal Vision Records (Disquera)
Fania Records (Disquera)
Ford Models (Casa de modelaje)
Geffen Records (Disquera)
Grupo Rockefeller (Firma juridica)
HBO (Empresa de entretenimiento y una plataforma de streaming)
Spotify (Plataforma de streaming)
Youtube (Empresa de entretenimiento y una plataforma de streaming)
Queens Hospital Center  
Twitch (Empresa de entretenimiento y una plataforma de streaming)
ITT Inc. (Compañía manufacturera automotriz) Izod (Empresa de ropa)
Disney Entertainment (Empresa de entretenimiento y una plataforma de streaming)
Mastercard (Institución Bancaria)
Matador Records (Disquera)
Bohemian Hall And Beer Garden (Bar)
McGraw Hill Education (Editorial)
Time Inc. (Editorial y Revista de renombre global)
Tommy Hilfiger (empresa de moda)
Triple Crown Records (Discografía)
Tumblr (Plataforma de medios sociales)
Facebook (Plataforma de medios sociales)
Juilliard School (Universidad)
Queens Police Department
BronxCare Health System
Bronx Community College (Universidad)
Walmart (Marca líder de tiendas de productos básicos)
Waldbaum's (Cadena de supermercados)
Gun Hill (Bar)
Bronx Zoo (zoologico)
Skull gang (Pandilla delictiva)
College of Staten Island (CSI)
Staten Island University Hospital
Target (Empresa de relaciones internacionales)
Home Depot (Empresa para la construcción)
Best Buy (Compañía de venta de productos electrónicos)
Mc Donalds (Restaurante)
Starbucks (Cafetería)
Mastercard (Servicios bancarios)
Empire Outlets (Plaza comercial)
Staten Island Sheriff's Office
Garden Palace (Guardería)
Black gang (pandilla)
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
1. How Brussels is seeking to balance modernisation and heritage
The Brussels Government has often been criticised for prioritising modernisation and urban development over protecting heritage. However, State Secretary for Urban Development Ans Persoons believes a balance can, and must, be found. Read more.
2. Belgium's lowest and highest paying sectors revealed
New figures from Belgium's statistics office Statbel reveal that the country's highest-paid employees work in the petrochemical industry while those in the hospitality industry are paid the least. Read more.
3. 'Cannot rule out more shootings' of innocent bystanders, Brussels police chief warns
Due to increasing drug violence, not just in Brussels, but across the country, a senior police chief is fearing a spike in shootings which could put innocent bystanders at risk. Read more.
4. 'Huge impact': Flanders urged to adapt nitrogen decree
The agri-food industry urged the Flemish parliament on Monday to amend the nitrogen decree that is currently on the table, as it would have a "huge impact" that could lead to the loss of one third of jobs in the industry. Read more.
5. Football hooligans clash on Parvis de Saint-Gilles ahead of Brussels derby
Around 50 masked football hooligans – believed to be supporters of RWD Molenbeek – descended onto the Parvis de Saint-Gilles on Wednesday night to attack Union Saint-Gilloise fans. Read more.
6. Calls grow for European tax on banks as profit margins swell
Since summer 2022, interest rates for banks have soared, with the European Central Bank (ECB) on 20 September raising its benchmark deposit facility rate to a record high of 4.00%. Read more.
7. Hidden Belgium: Cinema Palace
It was once the biggest cinema in Brussels. When it opened in 1913, the Pathé Palace could hold 2,500 people. Designed by the architect Paul Hamesse, it was modelled on old Italian music halls. As well as films, it featured concerts and cabarets. Read more.
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