#Seasoned Smoker
blackcatcigarlounge · 3 months
Visiting a cigar bar in Florida offers a unique experience that combines relaxation, luxury, and a touch of tradition. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or new to the world of cigars, understanding cigar etiquette can greatly enhance your experience. In Miami’s vibrant cigar culture, these unwritten rules are not just about manners; they’re about fully immersing yourself in the enjoyment of a fine cigar.
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soranatus · 29 days
OPLA Season 2 casting calls!
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The link:
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jjkeremika · 4 months
AoT men Vices
description: sex, drugs, cigarettes, and, well, you.
pairing: eren, armin, zeke, levi, reiner, jean (x fem!reader)
disclaimer/warning(s)?: stoner eren; oral(fem receiving); drinker zeke; groping; slutty levi; penetration; smoker reiner; rope play; gambler armin; fingering; jealous jean; choking; nsfwwwww
• always high on weed/dabs/carts/edibles (doesn’t matter)
• his pale skin and green irises only accentuated the faint red tinge in the whites of his eyes, like a light blood splatter on american money
• hes tormented!! cut him a little slack. its not his fault his dad gave him the worst type ii bipolar disorder and narcissistic personality disorder a clinician’s ever seen
• gets horrendously horny when he’s high around you, starts touching and holding and kissing and biting you to get and keep your attention
• chews on his fingernails, jitters his legs, and licks and bites his lips as he stares at you, as he feels himself getting harder and harder at the thought of you getting wetter and wetter
• whines about how his throat is dry and he needs to taste you, to drink the liquid sliding out of you, until his tongue and jaw were cramping and his mouth was sore
• will pull you into his lap, gnaw on your shoulder and the lobe of your ear as his hands creep down your abdomen towards the source of the wet stain forming on his lap
• his voice lowers an octave as he begs to touch and taste you, as he asks if his hands and lips inching closer to your crotch is allowed and okay because he so desperately craves your approval
• “oh, baby, please, baby, only you can fix my dry mouth with your wet, pretty fucking pussy, god, baby, please, i’m so thirsty”
• moans so fucking loud when you finally give in and let him lick your clit, his fingers eagerly digging into your thighs as he pulls you so, so much closer, until there’s no air between his mouth and your skin
• devolves into demanding that you ride his face, hop and slide on his mouth with your shiny thick thighs with absolutely no hesitation, no regard for his lungs
• sad king who drinks most nights
• a gin and tonic or scotch on the rocks kind of man. likes the burn at the back of his throat on the way down
• confessed a similar reason to why he swims; liking the burning ache in his lungs when he holds his breath under the water. reminds him he’s alive
• has a poor relationship with his parents and half-brother. wants and sometimes tries to reconcile but he’s not really a people-person and he struggles to forgive
• divulges to you about his neglected dreams and pile of regrets, over analyzes situations until it all feels hopeless and meaningless
• holds you closer and tighter, at first because he’s fighting tears but then because he’s overcome with pure devotion because you’re here, with him, comforting him, every time
• and he’s certain you have so many other places you could be and more interesting people you can be with and yet you’re holding him too
• tells you that you mean the world to him, that he’s hopeless without you, that you give him something to smile and dream about, that he’d be nothing without you
• he’ll hold your wrists behind your back with one large hand and hold your neck with the other, prying your lips apart and re-introducing your tongues to each other, like he does every other night
• his hands roam as you kiss, his fingernails lightly tracing the goosebumps on your skin to the tail of your spine, the other hand following the curves of your ribcage to where your breast naturally interrupted
• “oh, i love your body, i live to please you, i live for you,” he’ll murmur for the thousandth time against your tongue as his long fingers clasp around your fleshy boob, squeezing with a fearful hold that you’ll pull away and leave him like everyone else
• sex. with you. a lot.
• he doesn’t talk about his feelings or explain his emotions. there are no conversations about his past and his future. they all start one sided, and end in sex
• it’s a cop out. he knows it, you know it, but it’s so fucking good you don’t really care
• every time you try to ask about his family, his friends, his career, or even if he thinks there’s a future between you two, he’s avoiding the question and shoving his tongue down your throat
• he keeps his hand around your neck as he kisses you insistently, as he tries to kiss you until you’re dizzy and you forgot that he was trying to distract you in the first place
• gets needy and wanting, turning you around, stripping you, and bending you over before you could say a word
• impatient and selfish. he drops some lube into his palm and slicks his own cock up, shoving two or three fingers in you for short, to-be-desired thrusts before he’s gasping over you and inching the tip to your exposed muscles
• he chortles airily at the hearty moan you release once he presses inside, the euphoria encompassing his dick and shipping through his bloodstream
• he practically bends you in half, arranging you so he’s pounding into your pussy with your ass presented to his face and your own face shoved into a pillow, mascara and eyeshadow staining into the sheets at the growing desirable ache in your abdomen
• smacks your ass until his handprint is visible as he relentlessly shoves himself inside you, as he gives you every inch of muscle control and strength he has
• chronic cigarette smoker
• built balcony and patio attachments to your house so he could easily step outside
• you watched him build them shirtless and sweaty, a lighter tucked loosely in his low cut pant pockets and a cigarette lightly held behind his ear
• tries his best to cover the sour tobacco smell with rustic vanilla or mahogany colognes. up for debate when it worked, but the mix of scents really could be oddly pleasant sometimes
• he’s haunted by regrets he won’t even tell you about. doesn’t want to burden you, or rather burden himself with the knowledge that then you’d know too, and there really would be no running away
• you could see them as shadows behind his glassy eyes, always lingering when the lights were on and engulfing him in the dark
• you took it upon yourself to lift his moods, to break him free from the thought patterns that kept him chained to his lot in life
• brought the metaphor to life and bought handcuffs and rope, tied and locked his ankles and wrists to the bedposts, his vulnerability on full display
• his whole body was blushed pink as you gingerly caressed him, crawled up and down his rigid muscular body and ran your sharp fingernails and tongue down his center
• you reminded him he was chained down when he abruptly reached up and out for you, his wrists aggressively slapping back against the mattress or his legs threatening to break the post with fast squirms
• like a wolf chasing after a rabbit, reiner huffed and drooled over you and the sexy shapes you made with your hips as you wiggled all over him, grinded against him and relished in the whines and begs to be released from his holds and touch you
• first got into gambling when eren convinced him to go to a casino for his 21st birthday
• and while the huge crowds and loud noises and overstimulating lights originally raised his anxiety, the adrenaline and excitement of playing and winning won out
• tried to quit a few times but always found his way back to gambling and betting
• card game aficionado. loves the tactile nature of it, always plays with the corners of the cards with his fingertips. sometimes you catch him shuffling and playing cards in his free time at home
• poker is easily his favorite, especially because he can read people like a book. you could never lie to or hide from him
• refuses to say it’s an addiction. it’s more of an intricate hobby, or a challenge he has to bet his way out of
• the worst part is he’s actually pretty good at it and wins more than seventy percent of the time. but when he loses, he loses and he obsesses over it for days
• during good streaks he buys you expensive knickknacks and trinkets and blankets and jewelry, takes you out to dinner more frequently
• feels extra confident when he’s on a hot winning streak, buying you lingerie and telling you to wear it, to turn it into a show for him in the bedroom with him sat on the bed and the lights on
• his hot hands and cold metal rings needily grasp at your sides, his wet tongue caressing the lacy line where the lingerie met your cleavage
• he’ll get impatient, too turned on with your dance to contain himself so he’ll pull you onto his hard erection and bite the nape of your neck to hold you in place
• he’ll stand up and turn you over, hover over you as the mattress shapes to your curves and armin’s hands follow
• loves fingering you with three to four fingers, his eyes doubling in size as he watches your muscles stretch and encompass the appendages. has to clutch the base of his dick like a cock ring to prevent himself from cumming at the site and at the warm, blankety feeling
• sometimes likes to be a bit cheeky and not take his rings off, letting the rings escape inside your opening and feeling it slide toughly against his skin in contrast to your so soft, so sensitive, so inviting body
• the cool metal of his rings was always enticing, and you always gasped heartily and physically thrived at the hard cold material inside
• “oh, shit, baby, i think my ring came off inside you,” he tells you calmly with a wide premeditated smirk, his fingers going limp inside you, “let me just get it out real quick”
• he’ll poke and prod and fold his fingers against your tissue as the ring moves loosely inside you, as you feel yourself building to an inescapable high with armin’s cheeky smirk between your legs as the ring just so happens to keep slipping from his grasp
• jealous jeanyyyyyy
• glares at other men as they talk to you, even if it’s something as innocent as asking for directions or for a petition signature
• usually steps between you and the offending man, escalates the situation beyond necessity by antagonizing the man and firmly demanding an apology for wasting your time
• his blood just boils like hot water in a kettle when he sees you with someone else, someone that’s not him but it should be
• has issues sharing, so there was no way in hell you were slipping out of his attention, and he’s arrogantly insecure, to the excess point that you should only see and talk to him. he’s all you should need right?
• when he saw you calmly talking to eren he flipped his lid, said fuck it to the world and interrupted the conversation
• brings you to the nearest private (i.e., empty and lockable) room and pushes you against the wall or door, his hand firmly locking around your neck
• his hands were so large your whole neck was covered. his fingers were so long the tips touched at the back. his grip was present and firm, and maybe a bit threatening
• “do i speak another language to you? am i on another fucking planet so far you can’t even hear me?”
• he’ll slap the wall next to your ear with his open palm, smirk as you jump from surprise at the sudden outburst
• he leans closer to your ear, the pressure of his hand against your windpipe slightly increasing, his wet hot tongue flicking against your sensitive exposed ear
• “do i need to teach you another lesson?” another light squeeze. “on how to behave?”
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shortbreadly · 10 months
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tatteredgod · 6 months
the watching the One Piece live action to suddenly being 700+ chapters deep in the manga pipeline is real (for me)
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random-jot · 1 month
Prediction for OPLA Season 2 episode breakdown:
*Note: this is assuming it has the same episode count as season one, 8, though I wouldn’t be surprised if Season 2 ends up having ten given both the positive reception to the first one and the amount of content from the Alabasta arc has to adapt
Episode One:
Loguetown and Reverse Mountain. Luffy & Co arrive at Loguetown, the now teamed-up Buggy & Alvida launch a surprise attack. Smoker and Tashigi introduced, each respectively has their first confrontation with Luffy and Zoro. The rest of the Straw Hats’ escapades (Usopp’d sniping duel and Sanji’s cooking contest) are downplayed/cut for time. Possible Bartolomeo cameo. Episode ends with the Merry sailing over Reverse mountain, possible cliffhanger ending as the ship sails into Laboon.
Episode Two:
Laboon, Whiskey Peak, Little Garden Start. The episode will open with a heavily abridged sequence around Laboon, then move swiftly to Whiskey Peak, which will entail the majority of the episode, big focus on Zoro solo-ing the small fry of Baroque Works, Zoro & Luffy’s fight (though likely a shorter fight than in the original) and Vivi reveal. Episode ends with crew either heading to or arriving at Little Garden.
Episode Three:
Little Garden Cont.’ Dorry and Broggy introduced, pray for the CGI budget, Zoro & Sanji have their dinosaur hunting competition, Mr. Three attacks the group. Sanji gets his first ‘Mister Prince’ moment on the snail transponder - this will play out slightly differently, possibly he steals the transponder from Three after they defeat him. Nami falls ill suddenly, Dorry and Broggy send them off to the next island.
Episode Four: 🦌❄️
Drum Island. The crew arrive at Drum Island and begin searching for a doctor to save Nami. Wapol l is downplayed as a villain with more focus on the urgency of curing Nami’s and introducing certain more important new characters. Possibly the last scene gives us our first look at Chopper.
Episode Five: 🦌❄️
Drum Island Cont.’ Chopper’s backstory is told on flashback; this takes up maybe half the episode, similarly to how Sanji’s backstory was told in season one. Wapol attacks again but is deslt with relatively quickly. Drum Island wraps up with Chopper joining the crew and the Straw Hats setting sail for Alabasta proper. Slight possibility that Wappol is near cut entirely, a la Krieg, and the villain for this arc is another member of Baroque Works.
Episode Six:
Alabasta. The Alabasta arc proper begins, much faster paced than in the source. Mr 2 meeting happens but briefer than in the source. Straw Hats aim to take down Crocodile directly. Smoker catches up to the Straw Hats. Ace is introduced and given a bigger role than in the source, helping them escape Smoker. Perhaps episode ends with Luffy and Smoker captured together.
Episode Seven:
Alabasta Cont.’ If not in the last episode, this episode will center around the Casino, we’ll get Sanji’s big ‘Mr. Prince’ moment, the various high-ups of Baroque Works will begin making their moves (Mr 2 imitating the king etc.) Luffy and Crocodile’s first fight, with Luffy being left for dead as a possible cliffhanger episode ending.
Episode Eight:
Alabasta Concludes. The final showdown to save Alabasta begins. Various Straw Hats fight the Various members of Baroque Works, the members of Vivi’s court try to stop Crocodile’s bomb, Luffy reappears at a clutch moment for his big rematch with Crocodile. Episode seems as though it ends with a slightly altered version of the “X” moment, but all of a sudden Nico Robin appears on the ship and asks to join their crew. Season Ends.
General other thoughts:
It’s gonna be a lot to squeeze into 8 episodes, so my guess is like season one, there will have to be some pretty brutal cuts. As mentioned, I feel like Wapol might be downplayed to give more room for heavier hitting villains, in addition the various Baroque Works high-ups will be downplayed, with the exception of Bon Clay and Mr 3. We will see Nico Robin doubting her allegiance to Crocodile sooner. Smoker’s role will be increased, with he and Tashigiri pursuing the crew like Garp did in season one. Buggy and Alvida will show up a few more times but continue to be unsuccessful. Koby and Garp will appear, though far less frequently than in season one.
For a possible post-credits tease, the meeting to decide who will take Crocodile’s place as a member of the Seven Warlords.
Looking forward to it airing and seeing how close I got!
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sammygems · 2 months
since i think i might've attracted some one piece fans with my last poll-
personally i'm gonna die if they don't annouce the casting for Robin soon
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llittletingoddess · 10 months
I love how his cigars just became a part of his current image now ❤️
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yazzydream · 11 months
From Gege Akutami's season 2, episode 2 comments:
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………My bad. / Seems my sandals ate your ramen. Next time, have some chahan with it.
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Akutami is an absolute card. 😂
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pinkeoni · 11 months
Will knelt down beside his bed. He already had a bag packed underneath with everything he needed. A change of clothes, a sketchbook, a pack of smokes—
Shit. Don't I need food? Water? First aid? If anyone should know this stuff, it should be me.
Will snatched the bag from under his bed and stood, where he met the eyes of someone in his doorway.
Will's best friend, or so that's what they called themselves, held a firm stance. It was one that read to Will as determined, with a small tinge of worry. Will hated that, when others worried about him.
"You're going back there, aren't you."
Will threw his backpack over his shoulders. "You aren't going to talk me out of this."
"I'm not. I'm going with you."
It was then when Will finally noticed the bag on Mike's back.
"You've never been there before. I have."
"You'll show me the ropes then."
"No, I won't. Mike—"
"The worst day of my life was the day that I thought you died."
The air in Will's room grew tight. Mike stared intensely into Will.
"When they pulled your body out of the quarry," Mike continued, gripping the straps of his bag tightly, "well, not your body, but I remember how I felt. I cried the entire way home. It felt like I was dying."
Will swallowed hard. He knew the lab put a fake body in the quarry. He knew that Mike and the others had seen it. But he never heard this part of the story.
"So I'm sorry but I'm not just going to stand here and watch you go back there not knowing when I'm going to see you again."
There was a strong pounding in Will's chest. Dammit.
Will sighed. "Do you have a cover?"
"I told my mom that I was staying at your house for a while. You?"
"I told mom that my dad asked me to stay with him."
The two of them shared a quick chuckle. Like that'll keep out Karen Wheeler and Joyce Byers away from their boys.
"Then we better not waste any time."
Will nodded in firm agreement. "Let's go."
Happy Byler day! This is a small scene that I've had in my head for a while that I wanted to write out <3
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cowlicklipslurp · 5 months
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L4D mlp au comic. hunter is the pegasus element of loyalty, jockey the earth pony element of laughter
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wisefoxluminary · 9 months
How I imagine a Luffy and Smoker confrontation to go in season two -
Smoker: Buddy, you think you look strong? You're wearing a straw hat. You're just a cheap fucking knockoff.
Luffy: Oh no, no, no, I'm the upgrade.
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smokersbaby · 7 months
Imagine Pedro Pascal as Smoker in OPLA season 2
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Me thinking about it:
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grand-line-horny-time · 7 months
I think what scares me the most about the OPLA cast is that it can only get progressively hornier from here and it is already SO horny
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revys-closet66 · 1 year
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Bang,bang, BAANG! 🔫🔫
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weather-cluddy · 2 years
I've decided that I love platonic 0910, but strictly in an one-sided, tragicomedic "calm before the storm" kind of way. Mikoto thinks he's dealing with a shy girl with a resting [WORD NOT FIT FOR TV] face, while Kotoko is mentally dissecting him like a bug.
Mikoto offers to eat with her and she spends the entire time trying to analyze his musculature and movements, assessing how big of a threat he'd be in a fight. When he tries to make conversation she fishes for possible trauma and symptoms, pondering her amateur diagnosis. She lets him 'vent' to her in order to gather data on the effects of a guilty verdict. All the while Mikoto is convinced that Kotoko's continued tolerance of him is proof that she's opening up thanks to his great social skills.
It's extra hilarious if it continues after John Doe. I mean, Mikoto walking out of the interrogation asking "Why do I have this horrible headache??" and Kotoko just going "Hhm, no idea" is an actual canon interaction. I choose to believe Kotoko never spills the beans and Mikoto just keeps hanging out with her, unwittingly feeding her info about Kazui, the other big threat to Kotoko. Orekoto is in the back of his mind yelling at him to get the fuck away, but unfortunately there's so much screaming going on in Mikoto's head already that he doesn't notice a thing.
(Even better: Mikoto is informed for the first time that some of the prisoners got attacked while he was 'asleep'. He asks if Kotoko is okay, and the only answer he gets is "…Are you okay?". Unfortunately it could never happen because by that point it was extremely clear to everyone that Mikoto was Very Much Not Okay. They'd probably just chalk it to a concussion, anyways.)
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