#Scott McCall (mentioned)
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SCOTT: "Dude, you don't look so good. Are you sure you should be here right now?"
STILES: "I'll have you know I haven't puked once in the last 57 minutes—I'm basically cured."
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bi-mccall · 4 months
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rewatching teen wolf 1.01: wolf moon
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taiturner · 1 year
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MASON HEWITT APPRECIATION WEEK       ↳ day one: favorite dynamics 
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letthestorieslive · 9 months
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LYDIA MARTIN + relationships
For @lydiamartinappreciation week, free day
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braedenhales · 3 months
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supercap2319 · 1 year
You guys don't know what it's like. What it feels like to be in love with a guy who's a werewolf." Y/N said as he looked at his older brother and Stiles. He had been feeling guilty for having feelings for Brett, but Scott and stiles were persistent.
Scott looks at him and points to himself. "I love Isaac."
He then pointed to Stiles. "Gay as fuck for Derek."
"Wait, since when are you two interested in the sour werewolf and the scarf wearing werewolf?" Y/N asked.
"Since forever." Scott said.
"Since when are you interested in the incredibly hot werewolf, with the 8-pack abs?" Stiles said.
"Since I saw him take off his shirt and flashed those 8-pack abs."
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saresly · 2 years
the fact any of us care ab teen wolf in 2022 proves that if u r gay u r not immune to propaganda like this wannabe furry show from the 2010s dangled some traumatized teenage boys next to each other and we r still here as adults
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bejeweledmoon · 2 years
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moths-in-hats · 1 year
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moodboard: scott x lydia
Scott goes missing. Lydia looks for him.
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userlaylivia · 3 months
on my teen wolf rewatch and I'm on 318 and that hug between scott/stiles will always be amazing it's without a doubt my favorite scene between them!! dylan and tyler did an incredible job and it was so powerful and still is 10 years later! also side note I'm only two episodes (let's say one because this one is almost over lol) from the stalia moments in 320!! stydia will always be my otp as I've said numerous times but I love stalia so much they were incredible together and deserved so much better!! shelley has chemistry with everyone on her shows it's ridiculous! but yeah my sciles heart during that hug ahhhhhh
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miyagi-hokarate · 5 months
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SCOTT: "White Claw's aren't that bad, actually."
STILES: "Sure, if you wanna get white-girl wasted."
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vixenxqueen · 1 year
CONTINUED FROM HERE // ( @mccallingtheshots. )
"And we're waiting to take them out why exactly?" Malia didn't know why they weren't heading out there to go after these hunters. She wasn't one to be afraid and if somebody posed a threat to her or her pack, she'd make sure that the threat would be eliminated. "Have you even told the pack about this yet or are you gonna wait until one of us is dead?"
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Okay okay, Malira is still amazing, truly.
But I just CANNOT be mad at Scira. I cannot. I love them too much. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
That little Scira moment was so freaking cute, I swear to god.
"Be careful works for me."
Her adorable little babble because she's worried about him, and his adorable little smile because he finds her so endearing, and then that hug where they just both held each other so tight, and even when Scott knew he had to let go, he had a hard time pulling away, and then the way Kira just watches him go, I just...
I love them. I really do. I fully support that being the canon ship (I will love Malira in the privacy of my own head aka this Tumblr page XD). <3 <3 <3
The fact that they both look at Braeden at the SAME TIME with the EXACT same head turn movement (it's a little thing, but it's a BIG THING to me! <3 <3).
The fact that Scott starts to panic slightly because he doesn't know what to do, and Stiles recognizes that immediately.
The fact that Scott looks to Stiles for a solution, and Stiles already has one for him.
The fact that Scott looks at him in surprise and immediately says "not without you" because that means leaving his best friend stranded and, more importantly, not having him at his side and he hates that.
The fact that Stiles immediately comforts Scott by more or less reminding him that he has a better shot of finding Derek than the rest of them do and telling him that he'll do everything he can to keep the rest of the pack safe and get things figured out.
The fact that Scott has so many reservations about this and clearly hates this plan and is so close to saying no again.
The fact that Stiles gives him that little encouraging pat on the chest and gestures him to Braeden so that they can leave on time.
The fact that only after much support and encouragement from Stiles is Scott finally able to decide that it's okay to keep going without the rest of the pack.
Did I way overanalyze that scene? Yes.
Do I care in the slightest? Absolutely not.
Is that 20-second-scene going on my "Best Sciles Moments" list? YOU BET!!
I seriously cannot believe there was ever a time where I didn't have Sciles in my life, because IT'S SERIOUSLY AMAZING!!!
AHHHH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I don't love that Scott is more or less going off on his own to try to find Derek and potentially face Kate, and I REALLY don't love that the rest of the pack is stranded in the desert that will apparently get more dangerous at night right after being hit/attacked by something, but it's FINE. They wouldn't kill anyone in the season premiere...right?
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(I couldn't find the Sciles scene because NOBODY EVER GIFS THESE LITTLE SMALL SCILES MOMENTS THAT I ADORE, but I will happily take the Scira hug gif. <3 <3 <3 <3)
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spookyblazecoffee · 1 year
What if... the bite killed Liam?
Isaac comes back from France when he gets the call from his mom.
He sees Scott and Stiles at the funeral.
He goes up to them to ask them how they knew Liam and Stiles tells him what happened, and he just breaks down
Jordan comes over and holds Isaac as close as possible while he cries, glaring at Scott while doing so, because he somehow knows about the supernatural already.
Mason, Brett, and Lori are all there and Mason snaps at Brett because it’s the only way he knows how to handle him being there because Brett left him and Liam alone even though they had been friends basically since birth.
Lori, having kept in touch with Mason and Liam after Brett left them, had asked Brett to take her knowing that no matter how much he protested he would go because he wanted to apologize to Mason at least.
Brett breaking down while Mason yells at him repeating the words “I’m sorry” under his breath until he’s saying it loud enough for Mason to hear him and there’s tears in his eyes.
Mason stopping his rant to just stare at Brett and ask: “If you’re sorry why did you leave us?” Brett doesn’t say anything, he just cries, and this is the most Mason and Lori have seen him cry since Camden died.
Isaac just keeps shouting at Scott and Stiles even though he knows Scott bit Liam to save him.
Scott telling Isaac that he’s sorry and he didn’t think about the chance that Liam could’ve died until after he bit him or that Liam was the younger brother he had talked about and letting Isaac yell at him after he says that.
The next time Isaac visits Beacon Hills Jordan takes him on a trip to all the places they visited with Camden and Liam growing up, including their grandad’s grave.
Mason and Brett slowly becoming friends again because they both agreed that it would be better if they had someone to confide in other than Lori and their families.
Jenna breaking down like she had when Camden died at the funeral and when she finds out.
Jordan and Isaac seeing Liam out of the corners of their eyes and knowing he isn’t real, but still trying to catch him thinking it’s his ghost. After a while they no longer see him.
After the funeral Isaac avoids Scott and Stiles until he goes back to France, ignoring their calls and texts, not leaving his mom’s house. He even goes as far as blocking Stiles’ number, but not Scott’s because he couldn’t bring himself to do it.
Isaac sleeping in Liam’s room while he’s at his mom’s home, reading the history books that Liam always talked about so happily.
Jordan carries on Liam’s tradition of visiting Camden’s grave on Camden’s birthday, Liam’s birthday, and sometimes Christmas along with visiting Liam’s grave on those days and the day Liam died.
Scott and Isaac get back into contact with each other after a few years, but Isaac is still a little distant. Until he has a nightmare and has to call Scott because no one else is picking up their phones.
Brett, Lori, and Mason each finding a different place or object significant to the three of them and Liam to place rocks and honor the pact they all made when they were kids. (Mason’s is hidden at the bottom of the tree they all used to climb in the park where he first came out to all of them. Brett’s is in the little hole in the only remaining tree in the backyard of his and Lori’s old house after the fire. Lori’s is on a necklace she’s almost always wearing that the other three bought her for her birthday after scrounging up enough money.)
Brett and Lori end up buying a lot of history books they skim through so they can read them and read to Liam’s grave because they think he might like them. (Mason also does this sometimes.)
@waiting-to-be-lost-at-sea I know this isn’t really what you had in mind, but I can only write angst apparently and it was pretty much the only thing I could think of.
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