#School Administration
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Repost from @harvxrdpsc
BREAKING: Harvard has violated its agreement with student protestors. This betrayal will prevent 12 students from graduating and place 28 on probation or suspension.
In the agreement reached to end the HOOP encampment, Garber promised to encourage Ad Boards to follow “existing precedent”. For other similar student protests, precedent is dropping charges and refraining from imposing severe consequences. This was the outcome for student organizers in the South Africa Apartheid encampment, Living Wage occupation of Mass Hall, Fossil Fuel divestment blockades, and Belinda Hall occupation.
The precedent is clear: drop the charges and do not heavily discipline students for calling for disclosure and divestment.
If the Ad Board won’t follow these precedents, they are failing to live up to Garber’s promise. If Harvard won’t live up to their promises, we see no reason to live up to ours.
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evilynapple · 2 months
the admins called a bunch of us into the office again today about some "concerns" over a tiny mishap the other day. apparently someone in the art room made a mess of the 10th period projects which ended up making a slight mess in the classroom … but did they bother asking our side first before threatening me with suspension… of course not! they just dove straight to accusations like they always do.
really getting sick of this zero tolerance, zero accountability behavior from the so called grownups running this place. accidents literally happen, that's just a simple fact of life. i did nothing, can’t think that anyone in our class would ever ruin their classmates projects, and that includes one of mine, but even the person who did could’ve just had some accident. but try reminding them of basic logic and reason - they'd much rather swoop in with attacks than have an actual respectful discussion first.
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pianotrees · 6 months
it's fucking what
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"All But 50 Students Strike When Principal Fired," Toronto Star. February 15, 1943. Page 3. --- "NO BOSS, NO SCHOOL" SAY 750 OF SCHOOL'S 800 STUDENTS - BRUCE CLARKE, THE PRINCIPAL THEY WANT - THEY MARCHED IN SUB-ZERO WEATHER FOR THREE HOURS ---- 750 PUPILS ON STRIKE AT RUNNYMEDE C.I. AFTER PRINCIPAL FIRED ---- March From School Singing "On Runnymede, Demand Clarke Be Reinstated ---- PARADE IN SUB-ZERO ---- When the bell rang for the opening of classes today about 750 Runnymede collegiate pupils burst into song and marched from the school. They said they will stay out on strike until their principal for 12 years. Bruce W. Clarke, is reinstated. He was dismissed by a five 10 four vote of the York township board of education Saturday.
When teachers arrived at the school they were greeted with cheers and applause or with "boos." Harry Durrant, chairman of the board of education, was greeted in silence. George E. Evans, acting principal, was also grested with silence.
The pupils formed a line and marched out of the school singing "On Runnymede," the school marching song. A few gathered in school corridors to await further developments. They were told to return to their homes until tomorrow.
By an almost unanimous vote before classes this morning, the pupils agreed to strike. They paraded in orderly fashion out of the school in sub-zero weather and marched for three hours, shouting and carrying banners.
They paraded in front of ex-Principal Clarke's home and were told by him to go to their homes, but they continued to march.
Chairman Harry Durrant of York township board of education declared the school closed until tomorrow: He said "it would be useless" for George E. Evans, temporary principal, "to attempt to carry on classes today."
He said the students carried on an orderly demonstration in the school. "They simply gathered in the halls and then marched out carrying banners they had apparently made during the week-end," he said. "We will attempt to get them back tomorrow when they have cooled off somewhat."
Police said the parading students made no trouble other than causing minor traffic delays.
Today the pupils were to begin writing their first set of examinations since the board of education issued a report naming certain changes to be made in the "honor system" of teaching and study at Runnymede.
The placards bore remarks such as "Honor Still Prevails at Runnymede," and "No Boss. No School."
One of the signs said "Up With Clarke, Down With Howard."
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hobbiestopickup · 1 year
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blissful-life28 · 1 year
Throughout my employment as a freelance  tutor and counsellor, I discovered that most  student complaints concerned the attitudes of one or more teachers. 
They described how the instructors  reprimanded or otherwise mistreated them  in front of the entire class. 
Even if the entire class was making noise,  they would still discipline them.
My one and only recommendation for the teachers in this situation is that it is a crime. It is more torturous to abuse a child mentally than physically.
In order to protect their children, parents should pay attention to what their kids are saying and act appropriately. Such teachers ought to be contacted and spoken with.
Involve higher authorities to find a remedy if it doesn't work.
Because everyone's mental health is really essential.
The emotional wellbeing of others must be taken care of.
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reportwire · 2 years
Conservative PACs inject millions into local school races
Conservative PACs inject millions into local school races
As Republicans and Democrats fight for control of Congress this fall, a growing collection of conservative political action groups is targeting its efforts closer to home: at local school boards. Their aim is to gain control of more school systems and push back against what they see as a liberal tide in public education classrooms, libraries, sports fields, even building plans. Once seen as…
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egophiliac · 1 year
With the best of your writing or drawing ability, how do you sum up Twisted Wonderland Book 1 till Book 6?
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I'm so sorry to make you wait so long for such a stupid joke
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sujithpoojary · 2 years
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evilynapple · 5 months
My grade got outta another mind-numbing lecture early. seriously, how many times do we need to hear admins preach about their rigid policies without listening to reality? rules are pointless if there's no room for understanding each case individually, stupid. no two situations are exactly the same so maybe stop approaching every little thing as a personal attack against the system and use understand the spirit of the law, isn’t that 10th grade social studies or something
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Perfectly Clean is the leading commercial cleaning company in Melbourne, offers top-notch solutions for businesses of all sizes. Our dedicated experts ensure every nook and cranny is flawlessly clean, providing a healthy and inviting environment. As a trusted name in the industry, we provide the best commercial cleaning services in Melbourne with unmatched quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 9 months
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"Move to Keep Minors Off Streets at Night," Victoria Daily Times. September 27, 1943. Page 5. --- The Victoria and District Parent-Teacher Council, meeting in the City Hall Friday night, endorsed resolutions from the James Bay P.-T.A. seeking action to keep children off the streets late at night and to reduce speeds of military vehicles in school zones and other areas.
Mrs. R. H. MacInnes was appointed to a committee to study possibilities of bringing the provincial P.-T.A. federation convention here next year.
Support was given a move to hold a fair and dance in the Crystal Garden Oct. 8, at which all associations would be represented.
A report on educational recreational needs was given by Mrs. William Blair.
Mrs. L. R. Harper reported the council aimed to secure 1,600 members, 100 more than now enrolled.
A letter will be sent to the provincial government expressing regret the Pro-Rec allocation had been cut and stating the council feels an increase is needed at present.
Programs for the observance of Better Parenthood Week, Oct. 3 to 10, were outlined.
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The Challenges of School Administration
The Challenges of School Administration
As a school administrator, you are responsible for the education of young minds. But with that comes great responsibility and many challenges. From budget cuts to overcrowded classrooms, you have your work cut out for you. But don’t despair, you are not alone. Many school administrators face the same challenges. Below are some tips on how to deal with the most common challenges of school…
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tangledinredstring · 2 months
Kneejerk reaction is to say "Jawbone! Why haven't you reported that a student has expressed murderous thoughts towards another student! Surely, that is your job!"
But that is assuming that he hasn't. I choose to believe that he has, but the problem is that the principal was
1. A robot man that enforced perfect order by literally attacking students that fell outside the line, and then
2. Another student, who almost certainly doesn't have the training and resources required to deal with this problem.
There is, of course, a third option. The position of Vice Principal has limited power, but it is held by an actual adult...
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reportwire · 2 years
Conservative college's curriculum gets foothold in S. Dakota
Conservative college’s curriculum gets foothold in S. Dakota
2022-09-11 07:47:41 SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — A few days before middle school teacher Shaun Nielsen joined a work group to develop South Dakota’s social studies standards, he got a thick package in the mail. Sent from Hillsdale, Michigan, home to a conservative private college enjoying outsize influence among top Republicans, it contained materials that would ultimately form what the state’s public…
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