#Sanemi has the personality of a cactus
scrimblyscrorblo · 5 months
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A conversation I had with a friend, Kyojuro is really questioning himself with the second one…me too…
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amaya-7 · 10 months
How the Hashira’s act when jealous !!
Characters: renkogu, mitsuri, obanai, giyuu, muichiro, shinobu, sanemi
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
CW: Explicit language, blasphemy, reader is fem!leaning, a sprinkle of suggestive content (literally the size of dust dw), Muichiro is a menace to society, su1c1de is mentioned sarcastically
- Lmk if I missed anything
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_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Giyuu ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
➶ My guy is NOT having it
➶ Hmm
➶ He’ll probably just stare at the person who’s making him jealous
➶ He’s not blinking
➶ He’s not breathing
➶ Pls breath
➶ It’s like, you know that look your mother (or parent) gave you when little 12yr old you flipped them off behind their back and they turned around? You learned your lesson that day.
➶ That is the look Giyuu has on his face
➶ Good lord
➶ You’re looking in between him and the other dude and notice that they’re both just staring at each other
➶ Like, c’mon now
➶ They’re like lizards or something
➶ But in his head, you’re the one person who can put up with him and his questionable social skills
➶ His luck can’t get that good again, so if this other guys thinks he has a chance
➶ Giyuu will be ready to rumble
➶ And by that I mean he’s walking away (with you ofc)
➶ You ask him if he’s okay afterwards because wtf
➶ He’s just “yeah >:(”
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Shinobu ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
✾ You’re both down at the local markets to stock up her pharmaceuticals and this person just won’t stop staring at you?
✾ Oh? And now they have the audacity to come and strike up a conversation? WITH YOU?
✾ “I know where you live”
✾ Help? 😭
✾ That person looks at her and asks what she said and Shinobu’s just like “oh nothing, nothing! 🥰”
✾ She’s not the most physically affectionate person
✾ But she will make a point of standing closer than is needed next to you
✾ That person says something funny? She lightly laughing along, covering her mouth with her free hand girlishly
✾ But don’t be fooled
✾ She’s trying her best to suppress the enormous boner her middle finger has rn
✾ She’s adjusting her kimono that she wears for going into town, she’s clearing her throat lightly, she’s brushing dust off of your shoulder
✾ Miss girl is giving every sign under the sun that she doesn’t give a shit about your pursuer
✾ If they haven’t gotten the hint that Shinobu is telling them to fly away,
✾ She’ll give an “Oh, how impressive! Though we would love to hear you mention that for the 4th time again, I think it’s really time for us to get a move on.”
✾ And she’s giving them that smile
✾ ‘time to go before I lose my shit :)’
✾ Is what she’s really thinking
✾ Props to her for that insane self control
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Rengoku ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
҉ Imagine a big wall
҉ And on that big wall is written “thou cock, shall be blocked!”
҉ It’s him
҉ He’s eccentric in his persona, we all know that
҉ So say someone walks up to you
҉ They’re so blinded by love at first sight that they don’t notice the massive, 5’10, 72kg, gorgeously muscled, face carved by angels themselves, man standing next to you
҉ Seriously
҉ It’s like trying to compare a cactus to Jesus
҉ Kyojuro just watches at first, a little sickly feeling in his stomach
҉ The person is literally about to get on their knees for you
҉ But Kyojuro says no 🙅‍♀️
҉ “Surely you have better things to do with your life, my good sir! Stealing another man’s partner can’t be your top priority!”
҉ You look at him and then the guy
҉ The guy is staring at Kyojuro
҉ “That is my partner!” He continues
҉ “For me!”
҉ Please we get it
҉ Bro was so quick to shatter his heart
҉ The other guy is just standing there, eyebrows furrowed while Kyojuro beams at him
҉ “Can we go…?” You say
҉ “We can go wherever you wish my love!”
҉ It’s just overkill at this point
҉ The other guy will never recover
҉ Even though Kyojuro is feeling petty, he’ll still give the guy a pat on the shoulder as you both walk off
҉ Because his heart weighs 24kg of pure gold
҉ I’m so in love
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Mitsuri ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
❥ Like her teacher, she has a heart of pure gold
❥ Her getting jealous would be very different to everyone else
❥ She’d probably get sad
❥ My poor pookie
❥ You’re both strolling through a nearby town on her day off, holding hands, hearts in both of your eyes, frolicking near the food stalls
❥ And all of a sudden
❥ Your shoulder is being touched by someone other than the love of your life
❥ Awful
❥ Sacrilegious
❥ The person is obviously under the influence of alcohol
❥ On a Tuesday afternoon nevertheless
❥ They’re asking you to ditch your “friend” and go have fun with them
❥ You decline, Mitsuri steps in to clarify that you’re courting, but the person just doesn’t get it?
❥ You call them a creep (along with a few more colourful words) and leave
❥ You notice that Mitsuri is pretty quiet
❥ So you ask her if she’s okay
❥ “I-if I’M okay? I should be asking you that! I’m so sorry I didn’t step in more! People like that are just the worst! They should be treated the same as demons for violating human beings like that! Ohhhh, if I ever see that fiddle-faddle-fuc-”
❥ So, you do eventually calm her down
❥ You can tell that she’s a bit more than jealous; her pride, ego, and self-esteem took a small hit too
❥ So you comfort her like the loving partner you are, and she brings her love to the table too
❥ You both end up gushing over each other in squeals and tears
❥ It’s back to a world made of cotton candy and butterflies with you two
❥ There’s a few civilian side-eyes
❥ But who gives a shit when love conquers all
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Obanai ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
୭ He is letting mental middle fingers fly into the world
୭ Someone is getting a little too friendly with you
୭ Do you see that big rock on the ground? Because Obanai definitely does ‼️
୭ He’ll be making voodoo dolls later if this keeps up
୭ Be stringing them together while humming a little tune, distant screams in the background
୭ However, his posture isn’t aggressive at all
୭ But it’s definitely threatening
୭ Slightly hunched shoulders, eyes nothing more than slits, an ominous aura surrounding him
୭ You, on the other hand, look like a ray of fucking sunshine!
୭ You’re being polite, bowing slightly in appreciation whenever you’re complimented, laughing at the persons witty remarks
୭ Physical representation of Yin & Yang
୭ The other person thinks they hear a bee buzzing around
୭ It’s actually Obanai mumbling curses and casting spells
୭ Bro’s a witch ‼️
୭ Now, this man would kiss the ground you walked on if it was socially acceptable
୭ So to see someone else act like they would do that?
୭ Nah
୭ He’s letting Kaburamaru loose as you speak
୭ Just kidding
୭ He knows you would beat his ass if he did that
୭ Hashira or not
୭ So when he’s decided that the moment was long overdue, he puts a hand on your lower back and guides you away from the parasite
୭ He later found out that said “parasite” was just your cousin
୭ He misread the situation so bad
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Sanemi ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
༄ؘ Good
༄ؘ Fucking
༄ؘ Luck
༄ؘ It’s common knowledge that he has some mental alpha male shit going on
༄ؘ Heard of the saying ‘Don’t poke a sleeping bear’?
༄ؘ Well what if I told you that bear was awake
༄ؘ And it just let it’s food run away
༄ؘ And it’s been poked by 263 other sticks
༄ؘ And it’s on fire
༄ؘ Does this remind you of anyone?
༄ؘ It is on SITE if someone makes him jealous
༄ؘ The problem will be dealt in 3 seconds. Permanently.
༄ؘ Jk Sanemi wouldn’t go that far. He’s just a ‘lil boi
༄ؘ I feel like he would jump to conclusions too quickly like I mentioned with Iguro
༄ؘ But he would be very confronting about his anger towards the person who’s completely disregarding his presence
༄ؘ He’s immediately speaking up
༄ؘ Ain’t got no time to be brushed off
༄ؘ “Huh? You’re not going to compliment my attire too? Careful, I might start thinking you’re trying to take something that’s not yours.”
༄ؘ “You’re a funny one, aren’t you? It’s a shame I didn’t laugh. Let’s go somewhere else and I can show you how real men make jokes.”
༄ؘ He’s got the other dude shitting bricks
༄ؘ Sanemi is definitely the scariest of them all, but when it boils down to it, he’s just growing tough skin so the people he loves don’t have to
༄ؘ But, it might be best to keep him away from public spaces
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
Muichiro ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
✧ The sass is astronomical
✧ The sarcasm is absolutely brutal
✧ The amount of roasts this boy throws around will fund firefighters pay checks for years
✧ Absolute legend
✧ He see’s that you’re not paying enough attention to him? That guy on the train is talking to you about that hobby you share for too long?
✧ No one is safe
✧ “Maybe if you went outside more you’d have more than one topic to discuss.”
✧ “You enjoy travelling? You couldn’t find your way out of a paper bag with a lamp and map if you tried.”
✧ “Sharp as a marble, that one.”
✧ “Oh I’m sure you’ll go far someday. And I really hope you stay there.”
✧ People around you are gasping left, right and centre
✧ You feel the need to apologise with seppaku atp
✧ There’s just no other way to atone for those spitballs of fire
✧ Might as well be a dragon
✧ “Sorry everyone, he’s just hungry..”
✧ He ain’t hungry he’s just like that
✧ The other guy on the train stops talking to you because that would be suicide
✧ You notice that Muichiro’s mood has lifted incredibly
✧ “Why did you do that?”
✧ “I don’t appreciate being treated like I’m not here.”
✧ Yes ur majesty
✧ “Anyways, I brought a board to play shogi with so let’s do that to pass some time!”
✧ Yes!! Let’s pretend the guy you just roasted alive isn’t sobbing into a napkin over there
✧ He’s just an angsty teen boy who needs your attention to live apparently
✧ He’s also petty and isn’t above disrespecting his elders (as we’ve previously seen)
✧ So, be careful with dividing your attention because the consequences are mortifying 💀
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lychniis · 2 years
↷ multiple characters x reader | event masterlist
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利口な君は夢を見た儘, 悟った振りで水を注いだ
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I DO NOT OWN THE characters mentioned, with them belonging to their original creators. the above image was taken from pinterest. however, i will not tolerate plagiarism of any kind of this work. please do not steal / repost / copy my work onto this or other websites and if you find it anywhere else ( save tumblr, quotev or ao3 ) then kindly let me know.
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✧ — i will accept sfw + nsfw works for the following fandoms : ( i ) GENSHIN IMPACT ; ( ii ) DEMON SLAYER ; ( iii ) ATTACK ON TITAN.
✧ — once a prompt has been requested, it cannot be requested again in the same fandom. bouquet prompts are an exception though just as long as you don't use the same prompt combinations. the genres accepted are fluff, angst, hurt / comfort / no comfort, crack.
✧ — requests may take time to answer, mainly because i have a lot on my plate in real life. please be mindful of that and be patient. if i am unable to complete a request after accepting it, i will personally let you know.
✧ — requests may take time to answer, mainly because i have a lot on my plate in real life. please be mindful of that and be patient. if i am unable to complete a request after accepting it, i will personally let you know.
✧ — i will be writing headcanons ( bulleted points ) and drabbles ( a really short one - shot ). please specify which of the two you would like. the maximum character limit is three characters.
✧ — the reader will be passing as gender neutral for most of these requests unless specified. i want to be as inclusive as possible for all genders so i will be using the second person narrative as well as they/them pronouns. if you do want a reader for a specific gender please say so.
✧ — please use the following format while requesting :
[ character name ] + [ given flower / prompt ] + [ genre ] + [ additional notes, if any ]
or bouquet combinations [ character name ] + [ flower one / prompt one ] + [ flower two / prompt two ] + [ additional notes ]
✧ — characters i am comfortable writing for reference :
genshin impact : zhongli, diluc, kaeya, childe, yelan, ningguang, shenhe, xiao, kazuha, itto, ei + the fatui harbingers.
demon slayer : kyojuro rengoku, shinobu kocho, sanemi shinazaguwa, tanjiro kamado, akaza, kokushibo, douma.
attack on titan : levi ackerman, mikasa ackerman, jean kirstein, hange zoe, eren jaeger, armin arlet.
✧ — i will be taking requests now and start with answering them after my tests are over and done with > . < !!! till then thank you guys for your support!
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acacia ― beauty in retirement
acorn ― your love is reciprocated
anemone ― forsaken
arbutus ― i love you
azalea ― take care of yourself for me
begonia ― beware
bells of ireland ― good luck
cactus ― endurance / strength
pink camellia ― longing for you
red camellia ― you're a flame in my heart
white camellia ― you're adorable
general carnation ― fascination / i find you fascinating
pink carnation ― i'll never forget you
red carnation ― my heart aches for you, admiration
purple carnation ― capriciousness / how bold of you
yellow carnation ― you have disappointed me
cyclamen ― good bye / i can't stop you
daffodil ― the sun is always shining when i'm with you
daisy ― loyalty / i will stay by your side
fern ― shelter / let me protect you
flax ― domesticity
forsythia ― anticipation / i await you / i await something
gardenia ― secret love
gladioli ― i'm really sincere
lavender heather ― solitude / i need space
purple hyacinth ― please forgive me
white hyacinth ― loveliness / i'll pray for you
yellow hyacinth ― jealousy
hydrangea ― frigidity / heartlessness
iris ― your friendship means so much to me
ivy ― wedded love / fidelity
ivy sprig with white tendrils ― anxious to please / anything for you
jonquil ― affection returned / desire / i'll give you attention
orange lily ― hatred / i revile you
white lily ― it's heavenly to be with you
yellow lily ― i'm walking on air
daylily ― flirtation
lily of the valley ― sweetness / you've made my life complete
marigold ― grief
mistletoe ― kiss me / affection
monkhood ― beware, a deadly foe is near
narcissus ― stay as sweet as you are
nasturtium ― conquest, victory in battle
petunia ― your presence soothes me
white poppy ― consolation / you'll be okay
yellow poppy ― wealth, success
primrose ― i can't live without you
tea rose ― i'll remember always
white rose ― you're heavenly
stephanotis ― desire to travel
stock ― you'll always be beautiful to me
sweetpea ― departure, thank you for a lovely time
red tulip ― declaration of love / confession
yellow tulip ― there's sunshine in your smile
violets ― i'll always be there
viscaria ― will you dance with me?
magenta zinnia ― lasting affection / always and forever
scarlet zinnia ― constancy / routines
yellow zinnia ― daily remembrance
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© lychniis 2022. do no plagiarize, repost or rework this piece.
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cutelittleriot · 11 months
More incorrect quotes and fun facts about my isekaied as sanemi idea
Sanemi doesn't like alcohol due to well his dad and he just didn't care for it in his past life the only thing he drank was a long Island ice tea mixed with coke and even then they jsut prefer regular coke so they don't bother drinking but if someone were to sneak in some alcohol his tolerance is very low.
If he got drunk he would just be babbling things in English.
Tengen sometimes spikes his drink when the hashiras go out to eat
Sanemi always knows due to his sensitive af taste buds so sometimes he jsut acts drunk so he can act like a gen z person and not have to worry
He doesn't get along with shinjuro for obvious reasons but does get along with senjuro.
Though he did make senjuro cry on accident becuase of his scary face. He did apologize to senjuro and rengoku and rengoku understands as sanemi has told him that children are often scared of his face
Sanemi and muichiro have had staring contests surprisingly the win rate is 50 50 each becuase of nemis autistic stare
Sanemi when he was a kid sung cluster by slipknot to his siblings (in English of course) he didn't tell them what it meant.
He has also taught that song to senjuro he has no regrets. He also taught him cooking by the book feat Lil John remix again no regrets he is a hilarious menace
He wants a pet like really bad he wants either a dog or a lizard probably either a bearded dragon or a leopard gecko. He might get one when muzan is dead if he isn't dead by that time.
For a dig breed he would either want a pitbull a boxer or a Caucasian Shepard dog as they are big af and were used to hunt bears and are sometimes used as guard dogs in prisons in Russia. He wants something scary but loveable.
One time tengen fell down some stairs. The other hashira have never seen sanemi laugh so hard before that he was crying and wasn't making any noises as he laughed. Sanemi could only think of the video of Peter falling down the stairs when he saw that as tengen was swearing as he feel down.
Sanemi is debating growing out his hair he likes it short as it doesn't get in the way of fighting but he might grow it out when muzan is dead as he did have long hair in his past life. He might also get a mohawk like genyas cause he thinks they are cool.
In their past life genya was the sole reason they love Mohawks.
In their past life they had alot of sanemi and genya merchandise along with some zenitsu rengoku akaza merchandise jsut some plushies and mini figs nothing big.
They had a sanemi plush army.
If sanemi were to ever become a demon by some random ass chance he would terrorize muzan like absolute crazy with pictures of nsfw yorrichi x muzan
He would even warm him "Bro I'm trying to save you some trauma don't look into my head"
1 minute later
Muzan:*is on the floor crying*
Sanemi:I warned ya
Sanemi can sing the entire 150 pokerap easily
He writes down major events jsut in case he frogets.. he writes them down in English in case someone sees
Shinobu: What do we say when making bread?
Uzui, glumly: That's the dough rising.
Shinobu: And what do we NOT say?
Sanemi, sadly: That's the yeast fucking.
Sanemi: I've met a lot of pricks in my time, but you, muzan, are a fucking cactus.
Obanai: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Sansmi: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Obanai: ...
Obanai: You mean ring bearER, right?
Sanemi: ...
Obanai: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Rengoku: You have an impressive pain tolerance.
Sanemi: Thanks, it's the trauma.
Giyuu: I feel like I can be myself around you.
Sanemi: You’re weird and quiet around me.
Giyuu: Yes.
Sanemi: You're ugly.
Giyuu: Tone indicator?
Sanemi: Oh I'm sorry! You're ugly. /srs
Giyuu: I’m Giyuu. I’m an accountant.
Sanemi: I’m Sanemi. I have a knife.
Giyuu: Sanemi, what are you doing?
Sanemi: *shaking a cat shaped piggy bank* I’m just trying to figure out how much change I have inside.
Obanai: You could always take it out and count it.
Sanemi: Where’s the fun in that?
Tanjiro: Help, someone at prom has been killed!
Sanemi: Calm down, we don't need you to Panic! At the Disco.
Sanemi: *shoves their hand in the slot of a toaster*
Obanai: …
Sanemi: …I get confused sometimes.
Obanai: Me too.
Sanemi: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait.
Genya: You and me!
Sanemj: *tearing up* Ok.
Sanemi: I’m a reverse necromancer.
Rengoku: Isn’t that just killing people?
Sanemi: Ah, technically.
Sanemi: I have an idea.
Uzui: A good idea?
Sanemi: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Sanemi, grinning: I have a knife!
Obanai: Put it down, Sanemi.
Sanemi: Make me! *sprints away*
Inosuke: I’ve never been in a snowball fight before. I don’t know the rules.
Sanemi: What?
Inosuke: Is there a point system, or is it to the death?
Zenitsu: What happened to your nose?
Sanemi: I used it to break some guy's fist.
Sanemi: Unfortunately, due to several experiences in my youth, I cannot just 'walk up and join a circle of people talking', but it does sound lovely, thank you.
Sanemi: I don’t know the first thing about clothes. Pretty much all I can do is look at something and tell you if it’s clothes or not. This chair? Not clothes.
Sanemi, at the slightest provocation: I came into this earth screaming and covered in someone else's blood and and I'm not afraid to leave the same way.
Sanemi taught him this one
Genya: You know, studies show that keeping a ladder in the house is more dangerous than a loaded gun.
Genya: That's why I own TEN guns.
Genya: Just in case some maniac tries to sneak in with a ladder.
Sanemi: I have yet to encounter a problem where a sword didn't factor into the solution at least in some way.
Sanemi: Like, no offense to myself and all, but what the fuck am I actually doing?
Sanemi: Well you see, the explanation is perfectly simple and scientific. It was because shut up. Shut up is why.
Sanemi, opening a Capri Sun becuase they hate alcohol: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Sanemi: Hello, my name is Failure, and you're watching my life crumble into pieces.
Sanemi: *waves their finger and sings like they're in a Disney Channel intro*
Sanemi:the only thing I'm guilty of is being adorable.....and assault with a deadly weapon
Sanemi: Here's two facts about me.
Sanemi: 1. I hate hot people.
Sanemi: 2. I'm a hypocrite.
Sanemi: I dunno if I'm ready to process the ramifications of this bullshit.
Sanemi: A fistfight CAN be romantic.
Sanemi: Hello friends!
The hashira:
Sanemi: You might be wondering why I’m taped to the ceiling
Sanemi: I see the red flags, I acknowledge that they're there, and then I completely ignore them.
*the Squad at Disneyland, in the teacups*
Shinobu, muichiro, gyomei: *spinning a little and talking*
Sanemi,uzui,and rengoku: *flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming*
Mitsuri: What's worse than a heartbreak?
Uzui: Waking up in the morning and your phone wasn't charging.
Obanai: Waking up in the morning.
Sanemi: Waking up.
Shinobu: Waking up in the morning...
Shinobu: And seeing giyuu
Giyuu: Hey! Rude!!
Uzui: Throw lamps at people who need to lighten up, and throw handles at someone who needs to get a grip!
Muichiro: Throw a refrigerator at someone who needs to chill!
Obanai: Throw scissors at someone who needs to cut it out!
Shinobu: Throw a clock at someone who needs to get with the times!
Rengoku: Throw matches at someone who needs to get fired up!
Sanemi: Throw a brick at someone to kill them.
Uzui: A mouse!
Shinobu, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you.
Rengoku, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal!
Mitsuri, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy.
Muichiro, gasping: It's Ratatouille!
Sanemi: His name is Remi, dummy.
Uzui: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
Sanemi: I CAN'T DO IT!
Rengoku, laughing: I CAN'T EITHER!
Sanemi: I appreciate it,
Rengoku: sanemi
Obanai: Sanemi we gotta-
Sanemi: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?'
Sanemi, motioning to kokushibo: NOT FUCKING THIS!
Muichiro: Look guys, I need help.
Mitsuri: Love help?
Rengoku: Financial help?
Gyomei: Emotional help?
Sanemi: Help moving a body?
*Everybody looks at sanemi*
Sanemi: What?
Ok so that's all for now and here is what I'm gonna do
I will allow a QnA yall post your questions I will wait a while and then I will post answers if there will be spoilers I will just say sorry spoilers
I will be taking questions from ao3 quotev and wattpad as that's where I post my stories
And I might start working on this story soon as soon as I'm done with another oneshot. It involves kaigaku and a demon queen oc I am writing it jsut for my own personal pleasure and no it's not nsfw or smut .
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Hi i heard u are opening matchmaker with Kimetsu no Yaiba so i'd like to try
I choose Hana as my character name
Well as a Leo ISFP,im a clingy person,a bit of dreamy,quite honest but sensitive,i like to to comfort people when they're in trouble,shy when starting a conforsation with strangers but very open with people i know,i can be a bit short-tempered and impulsive too
I dont know drawing is a talent or not but its one of my hobbies,or may be watching some videos,eating and sleeping
Im interested in some movies are often depth along with the issues in society and life,or just some cute and funny cartoons,history(idk thats all i know)
Im a girl,and my sexuality is straight
I have a tan skin,fluffy long hair,average height
I Like Sanemi,i think he's really cool athough hes kinda mean and rough(my friends hate him lol)
I also like Iguro,Gyutaro too
U can match me with anybody in kny ^^
Before we get started I’d like to thank you for the submission, it makes me overjoyed to see so many people have taken an interest in my game! Btw you sound really really cool and it’s really awesome to meet you so, thank you! Without further ado,
Let’s play the Game!
These are the results of the Matchmaker’s assessments:
Gyutaro: Sitting solid at 70%, I believe that you are most compatible with Gyutaro. The start of your relationship with him would be strange at first. He might try to pretend he doesn’t like your or wants nothing to do with you but in reality he’s just fighting back his own desire. He would act like this because he was afraid of your rejection, but after spending time with him and assuring him you did in fact enjoy his company, he would become softer. Soon though, because of your loving actions, he would start becoming cocky (in a cute way, ngl with all your attention and love he felt like a true man). It would be difficult at first convincing him and gaining his trust but once you did, baybee this demon ain’t going nowhere. Be prepared to always, and I mean always have him by your side. You drawing? He’s there. Watching videos? Right next to you. Eating? Sitting across from you. SLEEPING?! Literally cuddled so tight around you, you may have trouble breathing. (If you or a loved one have been smothered to death by an extra clingy demon, than you may be entitled to compensation. Jk. But not really). In all seriousness once Gyutaro realizes that you are for real about loving him he’s never going to let you out of his sight again. He’s very protective but loves you more than anything, he falls hard and it scares him how much he truly adores you. What attracted him to you in the first place was your shyness, he took notice of this and soon found how caring you were. He likes the way your mind works and your thoughts on life. He finds you intellectually stimulating. Finds it adorable when you are daydreaming. His mind is constantly filled with your praises. In conclusion Gyutaro loves you more than life itself and would sacrifice himself for you. Has a hard time with his trauma and insecurities but you always help him through.
Giyuu Tomioka: At 30% I think that Giyuu would be another person you are very compatible with. The two of you share several similarities but Giyuu is a bet more reserved. That is of course if he is around other people, with you, it’s a different story. Giyuu is rigid and a bit hard to take (kinda like a cactus) but when he is with you he’s much more comfortable. In fact you are the only person he is comfortable with. He’d quiet and extremely reserved, except when he is spending time alongside you. In those moments he is much more relaxed, calm, and tranquil. He can loosen his muscles and his mind will go silent while he listens to your words. He doesn’t say much but the longer you are together the more he will open up. It isn’t long before you see him crack a smile. (It was terrifying as he had forgotten how to smile). Nevertheless he did, it was all because you ignited something he never thought would be possible for him. True love. He too would have a difficult time accepting love but when he does it isn’t an obsession, instead undying loyalty. Once he accepted that you loved and he loved you, he knew then he would do any and everything in his power to protect you. Since day one he was willing to die for you. As a result of this, he can’t say no to you. It doesn’t matter what you ask him for or what you ask of him, he instantly does it. (Spoils you rotten, tbh). If you ask for a glass of water he will stop what he is doing and run-not walk-but run to go get you some. He loves very very quietly, isn’t huge on verbal stuff but physical and acts of service he has down. (What did you do to him?). Quite literally loved you with his entire being, would do anything for you. You ask him to climb up to the moon and bring it back for you? He’d start building a latter. He’d either get there or die trying.
Honorable mentions: sanemi shinazugawa
Thank you for playing! I hope you enjoy and if you have any requests of any kind please let me know! Thank you and thank you for the opportunity to write for you!
Thank you for playing!
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