malarkgirlypop · 8 months
Warriors (Edward Tipper x F!Reader) Part 2
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Hola! Here is part two! Feels weird to finish a story since my other one is going on forever ahaha. I hope you like it @lenabob! Special thanks to my ghost reader @brassknucklespeirs who gets to be read these fics like a bed time story. You're my bitch! Even now when she is violently hungover she gets to proof read my work. Thanks boo, you have officially created a monster. Based on the HBO series and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to the men who served.
Y/N loads into the plane, struggling to climb the ladder due to the extra gear that had been given to all of the soldiers. Needing to be pushed from behind to get her into the plane. She takes a seat on the bench, her heart beating in her ears. Tipper sits beside her, he doesn’t say anything but takes her hand in his, giving her a reassuring squeeze. She looks over to the man, his face covered in paint, but still the same handsome man as always. His eyes crinkle at the sides as he gives her a smile, she can’t help but smile back. They keep their hands locked together. As the reality settles in. Soon they would be jumping out of this plane and into war. Some of them would make it and some wouldn’t, there was no guarantee. The engine of the plane roared to life being the only thing you could hear. 
“I’ll find you.” Tipper yells in her ear. Y/N nods. They had made a plan that they would find each other and stick together after they had landed. It was optimistic of them to think that would happen. The plane rattled, the men sitting in silence. Nervous looks on all of their faces. This was happening, everything they trained for was coming to fruition. The plane shuddered forward, taking off down the runway. After gaining enough speed the wheels left the ground as it soared into the air. It felt like the longest flight. Soon it was dark outside. Tipper and Y/N were still pressed together holding hands. They were savouring their last moments with each other before dropping into the mayhem that was war. The chaos soon found them though before they had even landed. The red light signalled on. Winters commanded everyone to their feet, readying them for the jump. Bomb blasts lit up the night sky. The bombs hit closer, sending the plane sideways, as the men got thrown off their feet. Scrambling to stand back up. Fire exploding around them, Y/N could feel the heat of the explosives as they blew. A gasp left her lips, from where she was standing she could see out the open door. A plane to their right took a direct hit. Splitting in half, the front of the plane nosedived towards the ground as the back of the plane followed suit. A blast close by sent shards of glass flying through the cabin hitting some of the men behind her. They cried out in pain. She begged the light to turn green, up here they were sitting ducks. She was ready to be out of the flying death trap. The plane flew up and down, swerving out of the way of other falling planes and debris making it hard for the men to stay on their feet. The light finally turned green, a sigh of relief leaving Y/N lips. The men jumped one by one. Tipper jumped ahead of her, sending her a tight smile. Soon she was falling out of the plane. She winced as bullets ripped past her, explosions blast nearby sending waves of heat in her direction. She couldn’t see anything in the dark of the night, disorientated from the scattered blasts of light from the explosions. Y/N looks to the ground where she was heading to land, finding a plane beneath her on fire. Yanking on her parachute straps she was able to dodge the fiery mess. She landed harshly on the ground, quickly removing her gear to get out of the open field she just landed in. Fumbling around she brought up the rope her leg bag was attached to. Only to find a frayed end, oh that’s just great. After walking in the dark for what felt like forever, Y/N finally stumbled across some of the other men, greeting them with the code word flash and their reply of thunder. They were a while away from their objective but they were able to locate where they were. They walked all night, strolling down the road the sun rose behind them leaving a beautiful burnt orange sky. They marched into the farm where the rest of the soldiers had gathered. Y/N eyes scanned the faces of the men who walked past, looking for a certain nose she had saved to memory. Y/N spotted Lieb who sat on a stone wall.
“Well look what the cat dragged in.” Lieb joked, giving Y/N a squeeze. She peered over the man’s shoulder as they embraced still searching. A helmet popped up from behind the wall, followed by a familiar face, Y/N almost pushed Lieb out of the way to reach the man. 
“Tipper!” She yelled at the man who hadn’t noticed her yet. His eyes flicked to her recognising the voice. 
“Y/N!” They rushed towards each other, Y/N jumped into his arms wrapping her legs around his sides, she could cry with happiness to see the man alive and uninjured. They sobered after hearing the other men fall into silence watching their intimate reunion. Y/N quickly unhooked her legs from Tip as he placed her back on the ground. Giving each other a sheepish smile. She looked over to Lieb who was grinning, she raised her eyebrows at him daring him to make a comment. Lieb made a face and shrugged his shoulders. As the rest of the men started chatting with each other again. Tipper and Y/N sat next to each other as they exchanged stories about how they had reached the farm. By nightfall the second battalion had secured Sainte-Marie-du-Mont, and elements of the 4th division were beginning to move men and material inland. They had given the soldiers an hour to rest and scrounge for any food they could find. Y/N and Tipper sat in the back of the truck with the other soldiers of Easy company. Malarkey was cooking some stew in a half cut gasoline tank. Y/N chuckled as Buck told them about poor Popeye being shot in the ass that day, when they were securing the guns. Malarkey started handing out his dish he had made. Tipper and Y/N stared eating, giving each other a surprised look of, wait this is actually kinda good. 
“Don’t look at each other like that!” Malarkey said as they exchanged a glance. 
“Look at each other like what?” Y/N laughed. 
“Like you're surprised it’s good. Of course it’s good, I made it!” Malarkey puffed out his chest in pride, making the pair laugh harder. 
“It’s very good, thank you Don.” Y/N thanked the chef as they grinned at each other. Tipper nudged her with his arm as they shared another chuckle between them. 
Easy company sit around the monument in the middle of the town, waiting for instructions to move. Tipper and Y/N are stuck to each other. 
“This is my first time in France.” Tipper says as he sips on his canteen looking around the town. 
“Me too, is’t it nice we get to see France together.” Y/N jokes, Tipper elbows her. 
“You know what I mean. Weird to think the only reason we are here is because of the war. I don’t think I would’ve travelled to France if it wasn’t for this.” Tipper ponders. Y/N nods her head. 
“Well we wouldn’t have met if it wasn’t for the war.” Y/N thought out loud. 
“Should we cheers to the war then, for letting us find each other?” Tipper held out his canteen, and Y/N clinked them together. 
“To the war!” They mumbled together.
“Let’s go first platoon, Easy’s moving out! On your feet!” Welsh yells from in front of them. They help each other stand making their way in front of Welsh to listen to his command. Welsh tells the soldier’s they are on light and noise discipline, and that they are taking Carentan. The men move out following behind Welsh. Y/N nerves return, this will be the first time in combat. 
Night falls quickly, as they march towards their next destination. Everyone followed orders keeping quiet, the only sound that could be heard was the crunching of ground underfoot and the distant echoes of gunfire. Everyone was on high alert as they walked. Due to the poor visibility of night Y/N eyes flitted from one thing to another. Her brain used to trick her when she was younger, when she would be lying in bed unable to get to sleep her mind would race. Thinking about monsters lurking in the shadows, her eyes would land on a darkness in her room which looked like a man standing in the corner. She would be quick to turn on her flashlight pointing it in the direction of the shadowy figure, only to find her coat hung over the back of her door. Her eyes did the same on this walk, any bush or tree that looked oddly human shaped would make her jump and point her gun in it’s direction, only for her eyes to adjust and see that her brain was showing her things that weren’t really there. The other men would continue their walk past her as she glared at the humanoid bush, cursing it for being so creepy. Tipper stayed close, walking behind Y/N. He would wait for her as she assessed her surroundings, not making any jokes or teasing her for thinking everything was alive, because he felt the same. 
D-day plus 6, that was when they finally came upon Carentan. The small town was desolate, smoke rising from the centre, due to old fires finally burning out. There was an unmistakable air of kenopsia around the town. Crouching down just outside of the town the platoons waited for instructions. The signal went for the ambush to begin. In a group they charge down the entrance to the town, soon to be met with enemy fire. Y/N and Tipper dive into the ditch as men fall to the ground around them. Y/N ducks as she is pinned down by the rivals fire. 
“GET MOVING!” Winters screams at the men. Y/N rises to her feet clambering out of the ditch, running into the field nearby to find another entrance into the town, other men follow her lead. Y/N barges through a side gate into a back road. Y/N pins herself to the side of a building. Peeking her head round the corner she spots gun fire from the top window of the nearby shops. Raising her rifle, she lines up the shot. Squeezing the trigger letting her round fire into her target. The shooting from the shops stops. The soldier across from her is shot as he collaspes to the floor. 
“Sniper!” She yells to the men behind her, as she glances around trying to figure out where the shot came from. She spots a man lying down hidden in a stairway with his rifle propped up. That’s him. She turns her fire to the sniper, raising her rifle once again. Hitting him with precision, the man slumps down unmoving. Machine gun fire hits the building Y/N and the men cover behind. They duck back further behind the wall to ensure they aren’t hit. Y/N gives the men a signal telling them to wait, when the fire stops she knows they are reloading. Popping around the corner she takes out the machine gunners in the lower shop window. Now with the machine gun down they are able to move further into the town. They move forward as a group, keeping low. Some of the men split up to clear the other building close by to ensure all of the enemy were gone. Y/N glanced around at the men who were with her, faces all familiar but the one she desperately seeked was not there. Y/N turned her attention back to the task at hand, Tipper will be fine, stop worrying. 
Tipper ran with Lieb, also scanning the faces for Y/N but he hadn’t seen her in a while. She had gotten out of the ditch so fast he couldn’t keep up. He knew she would be safe though. 
“Tipper take Liebgott, start clearing these buildings.” Welsh ordered the men, as they took cover in a doorway. 
Tipper got down on his knee propping the bazooka onto his shoulder aiming for the building across from them. The sound boomed from the weapon as the rocket soared into the structure blasting a hole through the front of it, sending debris flying into the street. Tipper was on his feet again moving to clear out the next house. A loud rumble shook the ground they ran on. 
“They got us zeroed! Spread it out! Spread it out!” Lip yelled from a high point. The whistling sound piercing through the air signalling bombs were being dropped from the sky as they hit the town the men were in. Bombs rocked the town blowing the street and houses to pieces, the men fled from the street, trying to get out of the open. Tipper watched as a soldier standing in the street got torn to pieces from a shell landing next to him, his legs stayed planted to the ground while his body flew into the air landing on the ground next to his legs. Tipper looked away from the horrific scene, trying his best to not think about what he had just witnessed. 
Running towards a pharmacy, Lieb and Tipper kick in the door, ensuring the building is clear. Guns at the ready, they sweep the inside. Tipper moves to the back of the building, opening the back door. A sheet flaps in the wind making the man gasp in fright, as he staggers back. Lifting his gun. 
Tipper yells, “Hello?” to the green shed in the back garden. “Anybody there?” he calls again before firing a couple of shots into the structure. 
Y/N sees Lieb leave the pharmacy. “Where’s Tipper?” She calls to the man, he motions behind him to the building. Her eyes fixed onto the window trying to see if she could spot the silhouette of the man. Moving towards the building she makes her way to the doorway. A whistling sound catches her attention. SHIT. Tipper stands just a couple of metres away. Everything slows as she runs forward towards him. Lunging forward she captures him in her arms tackling them to the floor as the shell hits, sending them flying further back into the building. They groan as they lie on the floor together. After getting her bearings again, Y/N crawls up to be closer to Tipper’s face. Y/N scans his head and torso looking for any injuries. Tipper does the same grabbing her face in his hands giving her a once over with his eyes. 
“You ok?” He pants, too stunned to speak, Y/N nods her head. “You saved me!” he says shocked. 
“Of course I saved you idiot.” She replies. He shakes his head in disbelief, pulling her into a tight hug. 
“I love you, Y/N.” Tipper whispers into her ear. Y/N pulls back to see if he’s being genuine. His eyes shine as he looks at her.
“What?” Y/N asked, baffled by his confession, he loves me? 
“To tell you the truth Y/N, I have loved you ever since we collided on Currahee. I had just been waiting for you to figure it out.” He confesses. She’s speechless, looking at the man that she has loved now for years. Their eyes looking from each other to their lips. They moved forward gently, finding each other in the middle. Their lips press together softly, as they hold each other close. Letting the world around them fall away for just a moment. They pull away, only to collide again. This time with more lust and need. Y/N gripping her fingers into the back of Tipper’s hair, needing him closer than they were currently. Tipper’s hand slipping under her jacket to grip her hips rocking her forward. They part once more, panting, “I love you.” Y/N whispers back.                        
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faiirybread · 7 months
the wilt of the rose ︴dr3
🥀in which.. they just cant talk to eachother
pt1! pt2!
danielricciardo just posted!
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did you think i didnt see you?
tagged: clara11.8
liked by user1, clara11.8, and 7.62m others
user1 DAD NOOO
user4 bro u miss her
user5 lando is just like the rest of us fr
user6 i need someone on twitter to explain the FULL timeline because i am so so confused on how this happened bro
user7 samee like i need to know who cheated first, who was pettier, AND WHO THE HELL WAS IN YNS POST!!!
redbull 😻😻 and mclaren 😕
papaya cult member
danny what the hell is going on
are you and yn like seriously over
im so confused
maxy paxy #1
yeah everytime i go on insta something is going on with you two
pls clear up the rumors
papaya cult member
danny i can see you reading this
maxy paxy #1
idek tbh
papaya cult member
im gonna punch you
STOP i just dont know whats going on
like we went for that date and everything was fine and then the stuff about her and some guy came out
like idk
papaya cult member
ok but who started it
maxy paxy #1
yeah who cheated first
papaya cult member
be so honest rn
papaya cult member
maxy paxy #1
papaya cult member
maxy paxy #1
danny slow down
give us the full story
it doesnt even matter anymore
i just want it to be done
i miss her
i fucked up so bad you guys
papaya cult member
no shit sherlock
what am i supposed to do?
maxy paxy #1
mate im gonna be honest
i dont think you can fix it
papaya cult member
yeah i know that but like
is there fr no way back?
maxy paxy #1
ok lando back off
take a breather
papaya cult member
maxy paxy #1
you betrayed her trust
so so much
like you will have to grovel your way back
ok i will
yourusername just posted!
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there were flashing lights 🎇
tagged: carmenmmundt, lilymhe, alexandrasaintmleux, francisca.cgomes
liked by lilymhe, landonorris, and 1.6million others
user1 oh..
user2 GIRLS TRIP!!!
user3 mom i dont want a new dad
carmenmmundt the best trip!!
yourusername stop i love you sm carmen 💗
user4 literally the prettiest group omfg
user5 mom pls forgive dad
user6 didnt she cheat on him?
user5 idek at this point, i just want my parents together
lilymhe LOVE YOU GIRLIE!!!
yourusername I LOVE YOU MORE 😚 😚
alex_albon 🤨
lilymhe babe look away
user6 4th and 6th slide.. danny ric you gotta step it up
user7 @danielricciardo you have 24 hours to respond
francisca.cgomes we have to do this again methinks
yourusername 100%, i need to party with you again!
alexandrasaintmleux literal goddess omg
yourusername thats all you girlie!!
user8 Holy crap
user9 Your body is makin’ me smile!
user10 yourusername yourusername IS THIS MAN A REPEAT
yourusername …🤭🤭
user10 HUHHHH
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 2 months
So your opinion on Sokeefe and Fitz like YES EXACTLY. .... What are your opinions on the contents of Keefe's character itself?
Tehe thank you <3
I'm SO glad that post was well received, because I was sweating BULLETS.
To preface this post, I must admit I have been a Fitz girlie since day one. A lot of my issues with Keefe stem from the WAY he is written, and the way the narrative favors him and justifies him. Fitz comes into play, because Fitz and Keefe are used as narrative devices to contrast one another. However that was not always the case. In the earlier books, when they were still close friends, they agreed on a lot and seemed to know each other well. And then BOOM- Neverseen hits, Keefe is super reckless (even if his heart was in the right place) and is immediately forgiven for it. He became a fan favorite, and thus the decline in Fitz's original character begins. Shannon had to ruin Fitz's character to prop Keefe's up in the later books-- which comes off as supremely lazy to me. And I just cannot get over the complete character assassination of Fitz. Which again, not really a KEEFE issue, but more so my beef with the writing and execution.
That was a giant preface. I'm sorry. anway-
In previous posts about Keefe, I've gone over the way he often airs out and announces Sophie's emotions to the room, and he uses the fact that he can feel her emotions to get her to share secrets with him that she otherwise wouldn't. This is never seen as a bad thing, but when Fitz- who is not privy to Sophie's emotions- asks her how she's feeling or for her thoughts, it's suddenly 'invasive' and 'pushy'.
I've also gone over how Keefe lets Ro, his bodyguard, just verbally insult and berate Fitz, his supposed best friend, and never comes to his defense. Keefe- while consumed with his own issues, is often dismissive of others' issues. Which I don't blame him for- but he's never held accountable for it.
With quotes like (and I'm paraphrasing) "Yeah but you get to go back to perfect Vacker Land when all is said and done"- this was directed at Fitz when Fitz was trying to bring perspective and comfort. I believe this happened in either Neverseen or Lodestar. He also refuses to relate to Fitz or meet him in the middle on any issues ever. When Fitz points out that they both have traitors in the family, Keefe is quick to scoff and dismiss this olive branch.
Another moment is when he tells Tam that the role of "Mommy/daddy issues is taken" and in inadvertent ways, pokes fun at Tam's coping mechanisms. in front of everyone.
And then you get moments, like in Flashback, where Fitz directly tells Sophie he doesn't feel like he's allowed to be hurt the way he is- because he doesn't have it 'as bad' as other characters. <- huh wonder where that comes from.
Just not a great look imo.
I am also just really tired of the 'I use humor to hide how broken I am' archetype often found in literature. And while it may be relatable to many people, and a reason why he is a favorite- I'm just tired of seeing it, and I think it could have been done better. But it is a middle grade series, so of course it's a bit dumbed down.
I also get annoyed when Keefe butts in to any moment concerning Sophie because he just HAS to get a word in. He HAS to prove why he 'Knows Foster best'. All of the characters do this to an extent, but he does it the most and it's like- STAWP PLEASE.
Keefe is also just... blatantly mean in his own POV? Especially towards Fitz. He calls him boringly perfect, mentions how he wants to punch him, internally agrees with Ro's jabs etc-
and the other half of his POV is just ruminating on his sucky life and the 'cute worry line between Foster's brows'
and maybe I'm not being fair to him. Because LISTEN- I don't want him to be a perfect character. My issue is that he's obviously NOT perfect, but the narrative never makes him out to be imperfect. It runs circles around itself justifying him and his actions- but doesn't offer the same grace to any of the other characters besides Sophie.
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I really want to lick 👅 Rosé’s 🌹puffy pussy 🐱 just to hear 👂that loud 📢 Aussie 🇦🇺 moan 😩 of hers
Lmao, I love the emoji representation of your horny thoughts. Also, me too, Anon, me too.
I mean, just imagine her trying to cover her moan with her hands while whispering to you "Nauuur, stawp It", but you both know that she's telling you a lie, because she's loving how you are making her feel good.
Her puffy pussy would turn red because how much sensitive she is after you're done with her. But you know what it means: it's her turn to use the tongue👅
Thank you for sharing the horny thought, Anon, appreciate it🤭
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midnightmah07 · 5 months
Like she is speaking so fast about how great he did and all and when he asks why she was so silent the entire time she'd be like
"i didnt want to risk not getting to enjoy you singing. If I began cheering I'm sure it would've been too loud for me to hear you properly :) "
And then she pecks his cheek leaving him flustered and at the mercy of Ace while she fangirls for Daisy and rook
Poppy is so so cute I love how she decided to pay attention to it instead of going crazy with cheers🥺🥺 she's so adorable
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ya-what--ya-erster · 8 months
Hey can we stop being assholes please
TW: implied slurs, suicidal thoughts, SA (sort of?)
you aren't cool when you use racial slurs or homophobic slurs or any other slurs and you aren't cool when you make fun of people who have mental health problems or disabilities (physical or mental)
"Did you see the (Yes, the n-word im sorry) over there?" Go back to the, like, 1800s please. Racism is not cool. Don't say that word.
"Nobody likes you, you (f-slur, sorry again)." Do you realize how much it hurts when us queer folk hear that? And we hear it a lot. So please don't. We don't need the whole world to hate us. It isn't hard to just be kind.
"Oh, your name is Austin? More like autistic" Okay NOT AN OKAY INSULT. Literally stfu. Autism is not something you should be repulsed by. It's not something you should use as an insult. Autistic people are people just like you.
"People who have anxiety/depression are such weirdos." Yeah thanks, I heard you, now I want to die even more thanks so much. I will gladly off myself so you dont have to deal with such a "weirdo."You've confirmed that nobody wants me here and that people think badly of me. I really appreciate it.
"We should dress up as special Ed kids for halloween cuz then we can pretend to be stupid freaks!" Do you even realize you're talking about another human being. Actually, do you? I'm not sure you do. Be nicer.
All of the above is things I've heard, occasionally they're directed at me. I haven't heard anything much on the next example so bear with me.
Don't do the thing where you call the girl a whore and slut shame her and then pat the guy on the back cuz he got laid. Just, no. Don't make the girl feel like she's done something wrong, then tell the guy good job. STAWP.
Next thing, recent experience, sorry if you're the ppl who have already heard me be pissed about it.
Respect privacy. Respect boundaries. When the person in front of you in line for lunch keeps moving away from you, you're too close, back up. Don't touch their ass. Don't stand so close that you can feel them shaking with fear. And don't try to pull the same thing twice. (btw, i told him off yesterday and it felt very nice).
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evansbby · 2 years
Bestie your poyt drabbles make my heart swell - is it weird that they do that considering Steve’s all dark and fuckboy alpha? Maybe so, but I love POYT and Steve and omega, and your latest POYT drabble has me getting even more invested in their relationship and journey 😍!!!
Firstly, the feature of Steve Jr, STAWP, MY HEART CAN BARELY TAKE IT 😭, omega being his stuffie mom 🥺 Her needing to cuddle him to give her some courage to face that group of alphas 🥺 Her fixing his bow tie and feeling sad when she sees he has a lil boo-boo from the loose thread 🥺 Her upset when Steve doesn’t respect their stuffie son when he doesn’t call him by his actual name and coldly refers to him as a stuffed animal 🥺 Steve Jr really is was (😭😭😭) her only consistent source of comfort and emotional support 😭
Bahahaa Sam is so DONE with Steve and omega’s bullshit 😂😂😂 Him just tryna live in his own damn house without having to hear or see Steve being a horndog for omega 😂 Stop (don’t) that was so funny 😂
Omg I really like how you write poyt from omega’s POV because dang I’m so confused with Steve’s intentions - like if he was genuinely being sweet and comforting at one point or if it was an act to get her to put her guard down and submit to his wishes - I know we won’t know the answers because she’s always wondering if the nice things he does are genuine too!!! Basically, I really love reading the series and drabbles from her POV and I really love how you unravel their thoughts and actions throughout 😍❤️
Thank you for another amazing funny sweet n sexi poyt drabble ❤️
Bestie your reviews mean EVERYTHING to me, you have no idea!! The way you focus on all the details just makes me so happy!!
Also lmaooo, Steve acting tough in front of his friends, pretending he didn’t literally give Steve Junior his name😌😂 and yes, Sam is so done bc this man has to listen to those two go at it CONSTANTLY. Worst part is that Steve doesn’t give a fuck… he’d fuck omega on Sam’s bed just to annoy him (omg that gives me a thought: imagine Steve fucking omega on Bucky’s bed… Bucky would never change his sheets ajdjsjsk)
Also, Steve was kind of comforting her in his own way, bc he knew omega would be hurt by what Sam said. But he was also being super condescending, saying she cooks and cleans for him… so he’s basically reinforcing what Sam said anyways… so he’s basically being a dick 😭😭
Thank you for this lovely review ily😌😌💘💘
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min-pathologica · 5 months
putting this here because long post, just me talking about a weird dream i had lmao
so i took a nap and had a weird dream. the earliest of it i remember were my tumblr mutuals and i making fun of each other’s blog names for fun or whatever so i started chasing my cousin (who does not have tumblr) around so i could figure out how to make fun of her username. so eventually i figured out the best joke i could make was ‘lgbstacy’ (her name isn’t even stacy) and she was like ‘omg stawp’ because we were in her nonexistent sister’s nonexistent room. who was napping. she woke up but didn’t really care, anyway i took a look around and apparently she reads a fuck ton of books and got some for christmas. she also has a huge collection of these ridiculously large shiny blue books with reddish-orange text that always said something along the lines of ‘story with a(n) [adjective] start’ and from what i saw some of them were pretty dark topics. the only thing i knew about the series was that it was advanced reading, and that me not having read it was an insult to my intelligence. so i was fairly jealous of nonexistent girl. she also had some textbooks so large they couldn’t hold their weight as soft covers, like the bottom just opened up weird. and she was talking about the ones she got for christmas but i wasn’t listening. i think she might’ve had a princeton review book somewhere in there? we have those in the school library irl.
i also had a dream at normal sleeping time. the earliest i remember from that was me falling behind on some work so i had to go to school early to get it done on my little ibook (why an ibook i don’t know). then school started and other people showed up which i didn’t appreciate because i was trying to work on my own and they would judge me. then class started which was ela and our lesson was in some mental health website that turned out to be really annoying and dumb. so to follow its instructions we had to go for a run in the school woods while answering a series of questions that followed a story. first off the story assumed i was into men and was about me talking to some ‘cute boy’ who flirted with me and dragged me around all day to hang out. i doubt i ever even caught his name. then near the end when my class reached the main woods apparently my therapist showed up and was like ‘oh who’s this!’ and i had to decide my answer out of the answers which looked like colorful cocaine on my fingers. so i choose the reasonable answer, ‘i don’t know him’ because i don’t he just decided to drag me around, and it gave me a gameover because apparently i was supposed to like this dickhead and magically know his name. but since the website sucked and i didn’t want to use it i just put down my ibook and ran into the wood area. now see the fun thing is you’re supposed to run in to gain momentum because something about the area lets you glide in the air. so i jumped in to do some cool-ass air ballet that everyone obviously thought was so cool because omg how did you do air ballet. well no one was looking but i’d like to think it was cool lmao
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avaaaatg · 11 months
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your horny toxic bf x fem reader ( nsfw )
the male character’s name is Masuru Demz. he is 21years old and he’s pretty toxic but horny most of the time. him and y/n live together.
One day, y/n was walking home while holding a grocery bag, all of the sudden someone snatched it, y/n tried to catch up to him but he was riding a bike so she gave up and walk home with nothing. Y/n arrived home and saw her bf was watching tv. “hey babe” said y/n. “what? where’s the food?” said him. “oh someone stole it” said y/n. “hmm? really?” he asked. “yes sir.” y/n answered. He looked into your eyes deeply, “ok listen here, what am i gonna eat if our food got stolen? hmm?” he asked, “i’ll cook you sth from the fridge” you answered, “oh you gonna say that? you want me to get sick cuz of those expired food? hmm? you want me to starved to death?” he said, “wait no!” said you. “so what if i ask you to be my food for the day, my dinner?” said him, you gasped, “masuru um i don’t think so” said you. He kicked you “oh really? you don’t think so?” he kicked you harder. you cried and asked him to stop. “open your mouth” he said, “what?” you asked confusingly, “what?” he mocked you “i said open your mouth you dumb bitch” he said. “ok…sir..” you said. As you opened your mouth, he put his 6inches dick inside your mouth and start moving aggressively “yeah? you said you were hungry but you got our food stolen huh? how does that feel?” he asked while pushing his dick deeper inside your mouth “mm fuckk” he moaned, he cum inside your mouth and on your face “nah ah not done yet” he said as he put his dick inside your mouth again, you cried uncontrollably “stawp” you said while sucking his dick, “wtf you just say” he asked and continue to fuck your mouth faster as he cum inside it again. “now imma need you take off those clothes” he told u, you took off your clothes and he kicked you making you cry “stop crying you little slut” he said, he put his whole hand inside your pussy, you moaned “stop!! masuru!!” you screamed, “yeah don’t act like you hate it” he said while moving his hand inside your pussy. “masuru!! don’t!! this is my first time!!” you said as you squirt all over his face, “fucking bitch, get your nice now!” he shouted at you, “no!” you said, he grabbed your hair and make you get on your knees as he put his dick inside your mouth again “fuck” he moaned and he continue to move faster and faster “SHITTT I’M GOING TO EXPLODE” he cum inside your mouth, “now spread your legs for me baby” he said, you slread your legs wide as he licked your pussy “pink pussy is good” he said, he put his tongue inside your pussy and move it fast, as you squirt all over his face again, “good little slut” said him. he put his dick inside your pussy, “this pussy is tight god damn” he praised you as he move so fast. “fuck fuck fuck” you moaned. he hadn’t cum yet but he took his dick out of you “you wanted that? huh?” he asked “yes daddy.” you replied “oh shit did you just call me daddy?” he asked as he slapped your face “yes daddy.” you said “goodgirl” he put his cock inside your mouth and making you suck it “godddd” said him, he fucked your mouth and saw that your saliva was dripping on the floor, “play with your pussy while sucking my dick” he said “ok daddy” you fingered yourself, he cum inside your mouth “clean that mess up with your mouth” said him “ok daddy” you replied as you licked the floor cleaning the saliva and cum “done.” said you. “good girl” he praised u, “now what do you want me to do daddy?” you said while putting your hands on your breast, “i want to eat that breats of yours” he said “sure” you replied and sit on his laps putting your breats into his mouth, he licked your nipples and drink your breasts like a baby “can you put your dick inside me please?” you asked “don’t fucking ask” he replied and continue sucking your nipples until the milk comes out “delicious” he said, he fucked you from behind and he put his whole dick inside you “ohh fuckkk” he moaned, “AHHH!! this feels amazing!! Don’t stop fucking me daddy’!! fuck me harder daddy” said you, he moved inside you faster “shh bitch just shut yo ass up” he fucked you while grabbing your boobies and hitting your ass “fuckk” he moaned, he cum inside her “ahh shittt” he moaned.
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ratherbefangirling · 1 year
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Excuse me she said 🤡
Girl please stawp
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I'm no longer in my bangtan hoe era 😔
I want cute soft bangtan back 🤧
Bring back Forehead exposure days
Ps entirely unrelated but I'm grateful I can't read Korean or understand gym language cause looking at Joon's gym schedule *coughs and fans self*
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I wanna pull cheeks that's it.
Once I'm done I'll go back to hot tan stan
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reikuto · 3 years
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WARNINGS! — lots of cursing sorry!
CHARACTERS! — eren and armin
A/N! — this was just for fun so don’t take any of it too seriously lmfaoo. hope you enjoy!!
GENRE! — comedic? modern au
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avoids eye contact w/ppl because omfg it’s just really intense sometimes
stutters a lot cause he speaks 90mph when he’s excited about something
constantly tucking his hair behind his ear because it’s always in his face when he’s trying to get work done this is where ponytail! armin comes into play.
only ever pulls his hair into a ponytail when he’s in the comfort of his home because the kids at school are assholes.
slowly pushes his glasses up with a deadpan expression whenever someone says something incredibly stupid or ignorant.
rolls his eyes ALL the time. at this point it’s just instinct. can you blame him? he’s friends with eren, jean, and connie. that pretty much just speaks for itself.
subconsciously picks up litter in public. environmentally conscious king!!
“careful, don’t step on the snail!” type of person
guilty of baby talking all sorts of funky animals
“awww who’s the cutest little thing!”
“armin, that is a literal possum.”
collects funky seashells he finds at the beach and keeps them in a mason jar. only the people he deems worthy are allowed to see them
idk how but this mf can nap anytime and anywhere. like how the fuck does he fall asleep while jean and eren are screaming over call of duty bruh
quick ass reader. checks out books and checks them back in like it’s nobody’s business.
close friends with the librarian; sometimes she lets him check out six books instead of the library’s max limit of five. not to brag but yeah, it’s pretty badass
always shares his lunch with eren because the brunet has terrible eating habits. and yes, it’s an everyday thing.
holds the title for being the best study buddy in the group. need flash cards? on it! need help with a mock exam? no problem! need someone to go over the material with you? he’s already on his way! ugh, he’s the best
most likely a part of student government; maybe like the vice president cause he’s just responsible like that
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this BOY. oh my word
CANNOT stop picking at shit; picks at his cuticles, picks at the skin of his lips, picks at his scabs, like STAWP. PUHLEASE
narrows his eyes when he’s thinking so it looks like he’s always glaring angrily at shit.
never ties his fucking shoes. EVER. settled on just buying a shit ton of slip on vans so he wouldn’t have to worry about that shit anymore
eats with his hands when he’s alone (a habit that carla would NOT approve of)
his shit is EVERYWHERE. but in a neat way? his room is clean; no dust, no piles of dirty laundry, no hardened socks laying around. it’s just unorganized asf,,, but like, he still knows where everything is
i feel like eren would play soccer, idk, it just feels right
mfs is covered in bruises but it’s NOTHING compared to the bruises his teammates have from when eren misses the ball and practically drills his foot their calves
VERY loud. headass fucking roars whenever he scores a goal. in hindsight, it’s a bit much, but all the other students fucking love it. they’ll literally be screaming with him and the school they’re against cringes at their sheer volume.
mf doesn’t know what deodorant is. he be smelling like straight ASS after his games and he wants to be all over his friends
“eren get OFF, we’re SUFFOCATING over here.”
“come on, guys, gimme a hug, i scored the winning point!”
popular with the ladies; bitches cannot get ENOUGH of this tanned, green eyed mf
eren is kind of emotionally constipated though, so he’s kind of blindsighted by soccer and trying to pass his classes to give any of them the time of day.
he’s totally not a virgin though. who tf told you that, cause they were 100% not lying. was it jean? he’s a liar!
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
hi! can i request reader feeling jealous/insecure when zeke starts hanging out with someone else? reader thinks zeke loves the other person so she distances  herself from him but he actually loves reader?
C/n: ah. Monkey. First request for Zeke let’s gooo. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
It’s Been You All Along.(Zeke x Reader)
Zeke. The Beast Titan. Loved but mostly feared throughout of Marley. Many never dared to bad mouth the soldier in fear of getting on his bad side. But you, you were a different case.
“Sup Zeke. Had a shower today?” You playfully ask as you sit next to him. “As a matter of fact, I did Y/n. Nice to see you still have a stick up your ass as usual.” He retorts as he turns the page of his book.
This was how it was between the two of you.
You would insult him and he would fire back. Neither of you meant it of course. It was just some fun the two of you had since you were little.
But something changed recently. You started to see Zeke in a completely different way. He wasn’t the idiot you always knew, rather he was the man you...loved. You loved him. You didn’t sleep at all when you first realized.
You decided to be a little more kind to Zeke. Complimenting him on his training, his looks. He found it odd. And everyone else did too. “Say Y/n. What’s with you? You’ve been awfully nice to Zeke lately. That’s not like you.” Pieck says as she stands nex to you on the balcony. “I might be in love with him, Pieck.” She gasps. “What?! Oh who am I kidding? Of course you are!” Pieck excitedly says as you look at her. “Huh?” “You guys have know each other for years of course one of you is gonna fall for each other.” She says as she throws her arm around your shoulders. “Hmm. I guess you’re right.” You whisper and look at the ocean. “You should tell him.” Pieck says and you stiffen. “No.” “What?! Why not?!”
“I don’t know if he feels the same. Plus, I would only get in his way. How many years does he have left? 6? 7? It’s not enough.” You tell her and place your face on your hands. “Then make it enough, Y/n. Don’t regret not telling him. You both deserve a happy ending. A happy story.” Pieck pats your back and turns to leave. You hear her footsteps descend and you lift your head back up. “Make it enough, huh?”
The following days, you tried talking to Zeke. Trying to find the right time to confess. But he was always busy. It made you groan because the longer you left it, the harder it was and your confidence was just dropping.
You had just finished showering and went out of your room for a walk. When you stepped out of the building, you saw Zeke. But he wasn’t alone. A woman. You heard him and her laugh and his hand was thrown over her shoulders.
You couldn’t stop the tears from falling. You wanted to scream. To yell out to him. But you didn’t. You couldn’t find your voice. So you just turned back around and went inside to your room where you cried yourself to sleep.
Zeke started to feel uneasy. You stopped talking to him altogether and now that he wasn’t busy with training and had almost a month off, you and him could talk. Especially since you wanted to tell him something weeks ago. He mentally slaps himself. He should’ve just went with you when you called but this fucking training always got in the way.
He searched everywhere for you but you were nowhere to be found. He asked Porco and Colt who responded with “I don’t know.” Pieck who said “sorry.” He was going to give up but as he went to your room, he remembered. The little boat at the end of the beach. It was your favorite spot.
Zeke ran to you. He ran until he saw you in his vision. Finally he did. There you were, sitting with your knees up to your chest looking at the ocean. He stopped and looked at you. When did you become so damn beautiful?
You heard footsteps approaching you but you didn’t bother looking at who it was. So be just cleared his throat. “Y/n.” Your eyes widen at the voice and you gulped. “Zeke.” You simply say, trying not to cry. He moved and sat next you facing the ocean. “You’ve been avoiding me.” He tells you but you don’t answer. It hurts too much to say anything. “Come on, Y/n. I hate this. What did I do? I know I piss you off sometimes but not like this.” Zeke looks at you to your tears trailing down your cheeks.
You sniff and wipe your tears away. “I, I’ve developed feelings for your dumb ass.” You say looking at your hands. Zeke’s breath hitches. That’s why you’ve been avoiding him? “Oh Y/n. I-” “Wait. I’m not done.” you abruptly say causing him to shut up. “I might even love you. I wanted to tell you but then I saw you with that woman and I didn’t know what to do. She seems pretty. I mean she is prettier than me. So I just decided to leave you alone because so knew if I continued to talk to you, this feelings would just grow” You continue and breath out. It’s silent with the only sound being the waves crashing against each other.
“You done?”
You gasp as Zeke’s hands wrap around you bringing you onto his lap. “That woman. Was just a person who needed a favor and she thanked me by taking me for a drink. No, she isn’t involved with me mostly because she’s engaged. No, she isn’t prettier than you. Yes, I love you too.” Your eyes widen and look at Zeke who had his stupid grin on. “That’s right, Y/n. I love you too. I always have. I just didn’t want to tell you because of my time. I didn’t want us to have little time together. But it’s you. It’s been you all along.” He says and cuddles into the crook of your neck. “We’ll make it count, won’t we?” You ask and he lifts his face up and kisses your lips.
“Yeah. We will.”
“Guys stawp. I’m not supposed to like this man :’(”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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sweetlyskz · 3 years
Stray Kids as Dads (hyung line)
A/N: I know there still really young lol, but this is just a cracked out version of what I think stray kids would be like as dads. Enjoy <3
Bang Chan
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Yall Chan would be such a good dad literally change my mind
You see how he handles the 7 kids he has now
If he had a daughter OMG he would spoil her
His little princess :( stawp I'm sobbing
No boys near his little girl, EVER
If he had a boy I feel like he would be a little harder on him just because he just wants him to be great
Showing his kids how he produces music and writing songs for his kids fnkdwiapda okay lemme stop
Lee Know
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Definitely the cool dad of skz
Him and his child will definitely be matching all of the time
I pray for his daughter because he would be SO PROTECTIVE
I swear if someone even glances at his little girl he is throwing hands every witch way
I just imagine him picking his daughter up from kindergarten and giving all of the little 5 year old boys weird stares
"Hey my princess. No one in here hurt you right? Perfect, if they do always come to me"
He scares me sometimes :/
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Awww they would have the cutest father/son relationship
Taking him for a night on the town or little lunches
If he couldn't sleep at night he would read him to sleep or let him sleep with him because he doesn't like seeing his baby cry :(
They have little inside jokes and secrets that no one knows and probably will never know
He would be a Dark Changbin 2.0
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His little queen
Spoiled but also humble
I swear if his daughter doesn't have Hyunjin's lips I'm bungee jumping off a bridge
Would probably match outfits too
Daddy daughter dates because he loves his little girl so much
Would teach her how to dance if that's what she wanted
Brings her to dance practices
stawp omg I'm picturing her in the corner of the practice room learning the dance routines for skz songs
okay I think I'm done lol
Not proofread <3
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netflix shadow and bone s1 e5 pt 1: pre-darklina peak (spoilers for the entire grishaverse) im doing three parts for this episode because i want to
ooh i see you ravkan double eagle oh shit malyen (also archie addressed the plot armour in smth I can't remember what and tried to frame it in a 'he can walk anything off' way) everything's just so pretty to look at oof Jesper and Inej's little eye rolls when the palace oprichniki checking them in says no guns, no knives do I think kaz blending into the oprichniki could have been done in a more clever manner? maybe okay seeing Alina bonding with the other grisha is so cute why did I just realise genya saying 'they need you for the kefta' to marie was foreshadowing good god do I love how Genya's tailoring is depicted in the series genyalina's at it again, with their adorable dynamic the implications towards Genya's situation feel both too much and too little, in my opinion (I will elaborate if asked) Genya's sad little eyebrow twitch when Alina says 'I've always wanted to (...) visit the library at the University of Ketterdam' </3 I've been thinking a lot about Alina's 'ive never really liked farms' as of late 'Powerful men' yeah break my heart why don't you Genya? Leigh really put Genya through the grinder before the series and throughout, she makes me so fucking sad omg I fucking forgot about genyadavid time, I'm hyped Genya immediately being shooketh as he enters and David straightening himself as Genya says expert resident fabrikator Genya following him with her eyes 'They're lovely!' 'Ingenious!' Genya, you simp, you Yes Alina let's go, come into your power 'see you at the fete' David turning and lingering and looking to his side and shutting the door behind himself in nervousness fucking cute as fuck genyalina stawp being cute omg I love them focussing on Kaz's limp at least a little bit (but then again, I'm able bodied, so I can't really tell if they're being um disingenuous) I love the addition of the changing room being fabrikator locked, although I would have liked a little jesper hint with the crows maybe Kaz's eyes narrowing as he takes note of the two keftas behind Marie (we love a good wink wink nudge nudge) okay jesper icon Also AMITA SUMAN'S WORKOUT REGIMEN MA'AM SHE'S SO COOL The Inej Jesper dynamic, that's it Kit Young, the man and the legend A REFERENCE TO BUTTER WEEK, you cuties Alina saying 'or a hat' hits different when you know Jessie asked for a top hat on a birthday and got it and wore it outside a lot (I love her so much) Genya asking Alina 'where did you learn to be so commanding' excuse me show, did you not show me Alina being commanding towards the grisha/oprichniki because I think that's rude The fact that the troupe having the Alina and the volcra act in it is hinted at when the crows first show up in Kribirsk, god I love this show the entire scene with the genyalina dynamic, the Alina play, Jesper finding out about Alina being Alina, Fedyor imitating Ivan and then calling him his better half, absolute perfection Malyen, you adorable himbo Mal's commander smiling at Mal saying 'I should be the one to deliver the news to her... To him. To General Kirigan.' malyen you little idiotic little baby boy nvm I'm happy enough at the wink wink nudge nudge of Jesper saying is there no way to... pick the lock? Arken didn't even see this door, how tf does he know? It was too easy and that made me very slightly disappointed Kaz saying Arken grabs the target is what made me sure Arken was sus and Kaz knew Also the fucking score 🤌🏽 chef's kiss Inej going 'we are?' eyebrow raise at lynx flush and Jesper merely shrugging is again a great way to highlight their differences
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shiftywing · 3 years
My Thoughts on The Dangerous Gift
I'm gonna write down what I thought of the book overall, without spoilers, then I'll go more in depth afterwards!
Overall, the book...was not that good. Sorry. I love Snowfall and Lynx (keep in mind they used to be some of my least favorite characters before TDG, especially Lynx) but the book's plot is kind of its downfall, and a lot of things I wanted to happen, and I think what a good chunk of the fandom wanted, did not come to pass, which is disappointing.
Okay, now let's get into the spoiler-y stuff:
Again, Lynx and Snowfall were great. Honestly a really cute ship, 10/10. Though if Tui could've made it CANON that'd would've been REALLY NICE Y'KNOW. Like I even thought they were bound to be canon at some points of the book, but nope.
Though...I wish there was more of an arc between them. Like, take Winter and Qibli's relationship (one of the best developed in the series, if I say so myself, which I do) had ups and down, while still progressing into a close relationship 😏 friendship, and a believable one. With Lynx and Snowfall, they just...were friends, and that was it. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I still wish there was a bit more.
Snowfall's capslock and immaturity (even though she's an adult??) was a little annoying, but overall it wasn't anything too bad. UNLIKE SKY—
Mink was. Okay I guess. Another case of Tui repeating the exact same personality for her younger characters. I think Crystal was was kinda cool but there's this bitch at my school named Crystal and i fucking hate her but like?? Tui really is Determined as Fuck to have every single ship in this arc be a "forbidden" one.
I'm pretty sure they are the only new characters worth mentioning, and it's good Tui didn't add too many, because...honestly it's getting kind of overcrowded in the books when it comes to characters lol. 😑
Hazel's and Snowfall's friendship...exists. Idc man I don't care for Hazel. 😜 Plus there's this other bitch at my school named Hazel, whom I also fucking despise.
One of my biggest complaints is that...not much happened. The book wasn't boring, but most of the plot development (which there wasn't much of) was done via conversation or the ring thingy.
SPEAKING of the ring, I...wasn't a big fan of it. I mean it served its purpose, but it just felt a bit lazy, unfortunately. It seems like Tui couldn't find the time to develop Snowfall's character properly, so she combined that with furthering the plot via magic ring. Also, the visions were low-key boring, I skimmed most of them, Raven I skipped altogether. And the magic crown thing was...odd...like yeah, I get it Tui, there wasn't really a chance for Snowfall to get over her NightWing hatred, but like...REALLY??
Also Qibli and Winter's reunion was gay as FUCK like holy shit Tui, STOP TEASING US!!!! 😩
Actually let's talk about Winter for a bit, because oml was I disappointed. Like, y;all remember back when Tui said that Winter was going to return in Book 14, and we were all excited because finally! Winter'll get a proper closing to his character arc!
YEAH SO THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN. Apparently any development he did have was off-screen, and honestly it feels like Tui really only bought him in for the whole scavenger thing (which I'll get to in a bit). The most that happens is that Snowfall un-banishes him and let's him return to Jade Mountain. Which I mean?? Okay?? Where's your profound apology for being a dick to him for five years straight in general?? 😐 And the fact that they were on mostly friendly terms in the book...like, excuse me, but SNOWFALL BANISHED HIM. Like you'd think there'd be more...idk, hostility between them???? And the fact that he's not going on their escapade to Pantala pretty much means new development for him is never gonna happen...😪
Okay, okay, let's talk about ye ol' scavengers, ig. Mmmm...I don't like them. Dragonslayer in general I hated, and I really don't like the whole scavenger-dragon alliance. I think it was corny as hell and low-key cliché. Also Sky? Fucking annoying. LIKE HE'S EIGHT. HE'S AN ADULT. YET STILL ACTS LIKE A 2 YEAR OLD FOR SOME REASON because of COURSE! Sky x Snowfall was...not it?? Like Tui...no...stawp...that shit better not happen...
Now. Jerboa's backstory. I think by the time TDG came out, pretty much the entire fandom was theorizing Jerboa got rid of animus magic, so that wasn't really a surprise. It was also popular that Jerboa would be a villain, but NOPE, tragic backstory instead. Honestly, a lot of people say it was really good, but I skimmed the first and last bits of it, and skipped the middle section altogether more or less. Sorry, I just wanted the book to be over at that point, plus the Jerboa chapters were just...really out of place, I think Tui should've made a Winglet or something (even though she hasn't written one in like 5 years hhh). I wish those chapters could've been used to give Icicle and/or Hailstorm a bit of attention; I really wanted them to return in this book, but...alas....honestly I wish Tui had spent more time in the Ice Kingdom in general.
LAST PART: Snowfall breaking the wall and Tundra freaking out?? 10/10, probably my favorite scene alongside the Qinter/Lynxfall solidarity one. 😗 And uhhhh I skipped the epilogue more or less. Sorry Raven, but I Just Don't Care...
Overall yeah safe to say the book wasn't good, but then again, I wasn't expecting much from Tui at all. She did impress me on some fronts, though, so there's that lmao.
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princeleyjeans · 3 years
So our new neighbours have started work next door and the husbands ALWAYS outside doing building work (Assume he's doing what my dad used to do, which was put shit up himself until the main body was done and builders could finish things) and fuck knows how many convos he's heard between me and the girls, like legit I talk to them like people but most of the time its just me randomly singing about their lil butts and Lilly's love of snacking on poop. "Was that? IS THAT A LIL BUTT CHEEK!? IMMA GRAB DEM LIL PUGGY CHEEKS" (they love this, which is weirder) "MAH GURLS! MAH GREMLINS! HOWS MAH BABIES THIS MORNIN'?" "Lilly, I swear to god if you lick my face I'm taking a dump in your bed" "Whose sniffing my butt back there? Can I sit down without a face violating my personal space?" "Lilly, why my vag? I know you an May love a lil alabama action but I'm not down" "God help you should something bust through this fence. I can assure you, whatever you're barking at, is probably bigger and has no fucks to give about chowing on your asses" "Girls? My small hams? my reasonably priced costco hams" "May, miss big tits, just cus you think you're terrifying, don't mean shit. You look like a bouncy blonde marshmallow" "MAY! Quit lickin' the dishwasher!" 'She stops and then once my backs turned the clinking intensifies' "MAY! Alright, lick the dishwasher just leave the clean stuff alone!" "You havin' your feelin's, small puggle? You havin' your feelin's?" "I'm not carrying you again" 'I do carry her' "Momma, My small Mommas, you need to scoot" "WHY THE LAUNDRY BASKET?!" "No, you cannot live in the washing machine!" "PUG TITTIES! ALL THE PUG TITTIES!" "May, I know its you, I can hear your tiny gremlin noises" "...It's Lilly...only she sounds like Golem" "Whichever one of you is licking my folds, please stop. I've just bathed" "OW! STAWP CLAWIN' MAH TITTIES!" "Smam, smallish mam, my smallest of the mams, yes you" "Are you dying or breathing? I'm never sure" "MAY! WE DO NOT SUPPORT ALABAMA IN THIS HOUSE!" "LILLY! QUIT LICKIN' YOUR SISTERS BUTTHOLE!" "How did I end up with one gremlin with ADHD, and the other with a Jimmy De Santa level of entitlement?"
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