#SPN drabbles
supernaturalfreewill · 7 months
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He looked up to see you standing in the doorway, already in your pajamas which just happened to be one of his old t-shirts. Sam had gone to bed hours ago.
"Aren't you coming to bed?" you asked him, your forehead creased a little.
"I'm not tired," Dean sighed. "I'll be fine. I should keep working on this."
You stepped farther into the room. The floor was cold on your bare feet and the gentle padding sound of your steps echoed softly. "But if you don't," you said, stopping behind him and looping your arms around his neck, "I'll be so lonely without you. Come lay with me so I can feel whole again and fall asleep," you murmured. Your body leaned in against his and you nuzzled into the crook of his neck.
Dean sighed and his eyes closed, but he couldn't help smiling. His hand rested lightly on your forearm. "Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?" he chuckled.
"Maybe," you hummed, kissing his neck. "Is it working?"
Dean laughed again. "Yes. Yes, it is."
"Oh, good," you breathed against his skin, and Dean could hear that you were smiling.
"Question..." Dean said softly. "You wearing anything else under that Metallica t-shirt?"
Now, it was your turn to laugh. "Why don't you come to bed and find out?"
"Oh, I'm definitely finding out," he said, pushing back from the table and turning just in time to see you scampering away toward the bedroom, biting your bottom lip.
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kaleldobrev · 4 months
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x F. Reader
Feat. Character(s): Reader & Dean Winchester
Summary: Dean going down on you in the back of Baby
Word Count: 657
Warnings: Cursing (4x), Smut (Fingering & Oral — F Receiving)
Authors Note: Takes place during season one | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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The uncomfortableness of the backseat didn’t faze you, as having sex in this specific position was one you were accustomed to; even before picking up Sam from Stanford.
Late night make out sessions before quietly leaving the motel room to find solace in Baby had become routine for you and Dean, as neither one of you wanted to be the one responsible for waking up Sam; knowing that he would give an earful to both of you.
Your bare back slightly stuck to the leather as Dean started to trail kisses down your chest and abdomen, stopping just above the hem of your shorts. The sounds of your back lifting up from the leather caused Dean to stop what he was doing, slight concern crossing his face. “Want me to put the blanket or my jacket down?” He asked, his hands already going for the blanket on the floor.
“Please,” you replied; almost semi-peeling yourself up from the leather seat. You covered your chest with your arms, unsure of why you did so, as this wasn’t the first (nor would it be the last) time Dean had seen you naked.
Happy with the placement of the blanket, he gave you a quick peck on the lips before gently lying you back down onto the backseat — your back no longer sticking to the leather.
Dean went back to kissing your abdomen again, and then hooked his fingers into the waistband of your shorts. You lifted your ass up a bit, just enough for him to remove your shorts — the look in his eyes was priceless when he realized you had nothing on underneath. “Expecting this were you?” He grinned, throwing your shorts onto the floor next to him.
Spreading your legs, you couldn’t help but grin. “Always,” you said, starting to run your fingertips up and down your thigh.
Without a second thought, he hooked your legs over his shoulders; his eyes level with your now exposed pussy. “Been wanting to do this all day,” he said, starting to kiss your inner thighs.
“Says the one who just gave me shit for going commando,” you grinned. You could feel his slightly stubbled smirk in your thighs, followed by him mumbling something you couldn’t quite make out.
His tongue made a long strip on your clit, and you let out a small moan at the contact. You too had been craving this all day. His tongue started slow, doing those intricate swirls he usually did so effortlessly with his tongue, that caused you to slightly squirm. His hand splayed on your stomach, trying to keep you from moving too much as he started to slowly fuck you with a combination of his fingers and tongue.
“Fuck,” you breathed out; feeling yourself starting to clench around him; a smirk returning on his lips. It didn’t take long for Dean to get you there, as he was a self proclaimed expert when it came to knowing exactly the right moves to get you to come not only quickly, but hard.
Your whole body shuddered, and your knees began to go weak. You were thankful for the support of his shoulders, as if you didn’t, you knew your whole body would have gone limp.
He continued to alternate between using his tongue and fingers as you rid out your orgasm; your pussy starting to get sensitive from the intense orgasm that your boyfriend had just provided you with.
Coming down from your high, he removed his fingers and tongue from you, and you slightly whined at the loss of him. "Always so fucking good," he said, sticking his fingers in his mouth, licking them clean.
As you propped yourself up on your semi-shakey elbows, he looked at you, slightly grinning, and you couldn't help but smirk in return. "What are you thinking about?" He asked.
"How it's my turn to taste you," you replied; a look of pure lust in his eyes.
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jawritter · 2 years
Can you do one (Jensen or dean doesn't matter). With the reader being young (mid teens) and she looks up to him and look to him for guidance and without either of you realizing it, he begins to taken on the role as your father figure and becomes very protective of you
*Gif DMed later to add to ask.*
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That’s My Girl
Warning: None really. Dean being protective. Mention of Dickbag guy friend. 
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Teen reader (father daughter vibe relationship)
Word Count: 407
A/N: I hope this comes out okay. I don’t normally write father daughter type relationships because I just have trouble seeing Dean/Jensen that way lmao. So I hope this didn’t come out to corny. 
Jens3kcelebration   Masterlist      
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“I swear to God Dean! You’re not my father!” You yell in exasperation as you drop your backpack on the map table of the bunker. 
As soon as the words came out of your mouth, the both of you froze in your tracks, just staring at one another. Neither of you really knew when the shift happened. You had been living with the Winchesters since you’d lost your parents. You were always close to Dean. You looked up to Dean in a lot of ways. You’d been through some similar trauma in life. You’d had a lot of shit go sideways in similar ways. It sucked. But it was better to go through shit with someone that’s been there and done that. 
Dean just stood there for a moment, starting back at you with his jaw set tight. 
“I may not be your father,” Dean said after a while, “but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want you to get hurt. This hunt is out of your league. Let me handle this one, and I promise you I will take you on the next one.”
Letting out a huff of defeat, you sink down into the chair closest to you. You didn’t want to fight Dean and hurt his feelings. He meant too much to you. You knew that he was just trying to protect you, keep you safe from yourself, and no one had ever done that before. It felt nice, comforting almost. 
“Okay, fine,” you agree reluctantly, and Dean comes and places a heavy hand on your shoulder, squeezing it tightly before stepping off into the library. 
“Oh, and Y/N, I really don’t want that little prick Brian, Brad, whatever the fuck his name was back up here, understood!” you called back over his shoulder, and you snorted as you looked back up at him. 
“I kicked him in the balls when he grabbed my ass last night, so I don’t think you got to worry about Dean.”
Dean tossed his head back laughing as he made his way into the library to start his night of research calling, “that’s my girl”, over his shoulder and you smirked in spite of yourself. It was just too hard to stay mad at him for long. Even if he did get on your nerves with the over protectiveness. You knew he only did it because he cared, and that was more than you could ask for.
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Forever Tags:
Jensen and Dean’s Babes
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spn-rewrites · 2 years
01x18 (PART 1)
Season One Episode Eighteen: Something Wicked Comes This Way
part 2 part 3
Word Count: 2k
Summary: a text from John, an empty playground, and a rotted window sill
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Late last night, a text came through one of Dean’s many burner phones. No words. Just a set of coordinates that, after looking, lead you to Fitchburg, Wisconsin. Dean insisted you left immediately, barely letting you get a shower in before he started honking the horn on the Impala, waiting impatiently for you. On the drive, you and Sam did your usual research but everything came up empty. Much to Dean’s displeasure. 
“We checked everything, LexisNexis, local police reports, newspapers. There isn’t a single red flag,” Sam explained after Dean questioned your sureness for the third time this hour alone. 
“Are we sure the coordinates are right?” You asked from the backseat. You had the map in your lap, looking right in the middle of Wisconsin. You saw the text. You knew they were right. But, maybe John typed them in wrong. 
“We double-checked. Dad wouldn’t send coordinates if it wasn’t important,” Dean argued. You rolled your eyes, hoping he wouldn’t see from the rearview mirror and then looked out into the empty nothingness of the state of Illinois. 
“I’m telling you Dean, we looked. There is nothing but a steaming pile of nothing. If dad’s sending us hunting for something, I don’t know what.” 
“Well, maybe he’s gonna meet us there,” Dean suggested. That made you snort out load, causing both the boys to glance back at you. 
“Like he’s been so easy to get a hold of lately?” 
“You know you’re a real smartass, right?” Dean eyed you through the mirror in between his glances at the road. You shrugged your shoulders and then mesmerized yourself in the corn fields again. Sam never brought up the whole ring of fire around Mordechai Murdoch thing and neither did you. There were a lot of things that you and Sam haven’t talked about. 
“I’m sure there’s something in Fitchburg worth killing,” Dean added. 
“What makes you so sure?” 
“Because I’m the oldest and that means, I’m always right.” 
Sam chuckled and shook his head. You could see the corner of his smile turning up as he looked at his brother. “No it doesn’t.”
“It totally does.” 
Glasglow’s Lunch was right in downtown Fitchburg. The main street was busy with cars and foot traffic but Dean was needing coffee, and you’ve never said no to that before. You sat with Sam on the hood of the Impala. He leaned his back against it, looking out at the park across the street. It was eerily empty for this time of day, you noticed. You had your heels on the front rim of the car and as Dean crossed the road, three coffee’s in hand, he yelled. “Not the shoes on the car, please?” 
You smiled and jumped off the car, grabbing the coffee he had tucked between his arm and chest. “Thank you,” you said. He returned the smile, although his was entirely too forced. Almost like he was mocking you. 
He handed Sam his coffee and said, “the waitress thinks the local freemasons are up to something sneaky but other than that, nobody has heard of anything weird going on.” You nodded your head, figuring as much, but Sam was still too focused on the empty playground. 
“It’s 10 after 4,” Sam said, catching Dean’s attention as he started to head back toward the driver's side of the car. “What’s wrong with this picture?” Sam nodded toward the playground. Of course, he noticed it, too. 
“School’s out, isn’t it?” Dean asked. 
“This place should be crawling with kids right now,” you said. Sam nodded in agreement and the three of you decided to head over to the park and talk to the one mother and daughter that were there. 
You approached her with Dean at your side. The mother barely noticed you two walked up until Dean spoke to her. “Quiet out here, huh?” 
“Yeah, it’s a shame,” she said, going back to her book, barely a glance at you. 
“Why is that?” You asked. 
“You know, kids getting sick. It’s a terrible thing.” 
“How many?” Dean asked. You watched as the woman’s daughter played on the yellow metal jungle gym. She had pin-straight black hair held up in a ponytail, a pink bow holding it all together. Her fair skin with blushing pink cheeks. The spitting image of her mother sitting in front of you now. 
“Just five or six, but serious. Hospital serious,” she told you. Her voice got quiet and she looked over at her daughter almost longingly, hopeful that her daughter would not end up like her classmates. “A lot of parents are getting pretty anxious. They think it’s catching.” 
You relayed the conversation to Sam, who had been waiting in the car doing more research in case he missed something. He was always double and triple-checking. Dean headed for the hospital without a second thought. All of the kids were being kept at Dale County Memorial Hospital and in order to get any information, it was time to play dress-up. Your dress was wrinkled from being kept in the trunk, but you tried to straighten it out with your hands. 
You passed the brothers their fake I.Ds and kept yours in your small purse. Sam scoffed when he read his. “This says bikini inspector on it, I can’t use this,” he hissed. 
“Why not? They won’t look that closely,” Dean told him. You were both confident enough to pull off these charades in your sleep. You had been doing it for years, but with Sam having been out of practice, he was skeptical. 
“It’s all about being confident,” you told him and pushed him toward the nurse’s desk. He tripped over his feet and had to steady himself on the counter. “Hi, I’m Jerry Kaplan, Center of Disease Control,” he said. He briefly held up his I.D, but not long enough for her to really look at it. “Can you direct me to the pediatric ward please?”
The nurse looked at him skeptically, but gave him the directions anyway and Sam thanked her before walking away. When he reached you and Dean, Dean whispered to him. “I told you it would work.” You had to laugh, but Sam didn’t find it funny. He just lead you up the stairs and to the kids. 
As you walked down the hallway, an older lady caught your eye. She had big, white hair, that covered her shoulders and hung down the back of the wheelchair she was sitting in. Something about her was ominous. It made you stop and stare and you didn’t know why. She slowly turned around and looked at you. Her eyes were almost white, her pupils becoming cloudy with cataracts. You held your breath as you looked up at the wall. An upside-down crucifix hanging next to the closed window. 
“Y/N,” Sam hissed, catching your attention. You looked at him and he nodded to you to follow him. 
You met with the head pediatrician at the nurse's station, Dr. Hydaker You thanked him for meeting with you on such short notice, and followed him down the hall. "I was just about to call the CDC myself," he told you. "How did you find out anyway?"
"Oh, some G.P, I forget his name, he called Atlanta and must have beat you to the punch," Dean explained. You followed the doctor all the way to the ICU. Through the big glass windows, you could see all the kids hooked up to machines and oxygen, lying lifeless in the bed.
"You have six cases?" You asked, turning your back to the boys and watching the children breathe. So soft you could barely see their chest moving.
"Yeah, in five weeks," Dr. Hydaker said. "At first we thought it was bacterial pneumonia, not that newsworthy. But now, they're not responding to antibiotics and their white cell counts keep going down. Their immune systems just aren't doing their job. It's like their bodies are wearing out."
A nurse called out the doctor's name, running up with a chart in her hand. "Have you ever seen anything like this before?" Sam asked. You turned around to see Dr. Hydaker sign the chart and hand it back to the pretty blonde nurse.
"Nothing this severe," he replied.
"The way it spreads - that's a new one for me," the nurse added, taking back the chart and holding it to her chest.
"What do you mean?" You inquired.
"It works its way through families. But only the children, one sibling after another."
"Do you mind if we interview some of the kids?" Dean asked. That might have been a good first step if any of them were conscious enough to talk. From the window, they all looked practically dead already. "What about the parents?" Dean asked next. Dr. Hydaker agreed and gave you the name of the most recent admission.
The youngest daughter, and most recent, was Bethany and her older sister Mary. Their dad was sitting outside of the ICU with bags under his eyes and sleep in his winkles. "We really appreciate you talking with us," you told him. He barely nodded.
"Mary's the oldest, right? She came down with it first?" Sam asked, getting the facts straight.
Mary's dad nodded. "She's 13. Then Bethany the next night."
"Within 24 hours?"
"I guess," he said. You exchanged a look with Dean as Sam talked. 24 hours was a short amount of time for a child to come down with pneumonia. "Look, I already went over this with the doctor."
"We just have a few more questions if you don't mind," Dean said to keep him in his seat just a little bit longer. The dad was rubbing his hands on his jeans, presumably getting the sweat off his palms. He was anxious to get back to his daughters. "How do you think they got pneumonia? Were they out in the cold, anything like that?"
"We think it was an open window," he said.
"Both times?" You piped in.
"The first time, I can't remember. But the second time for sure. I know I closed it when I put Bethany to bed," he explained. Dean asked if maybe Bethany opened it herself and her dad replied, "It was a second-story window, no ledge, no one else could have."
You excused the sick girls' dad and walked back down the hall the way that you came and when Sam tried to voice his skepticism, Dean shut it down. "Look, Dad sent us here for a reason. I think we might be barking up the right tree."
"I'm betting it'll be a while before that guy goes home," you chimed in, raising your eyebrows at the boys. Dean smirked and the admiration in his eyes was almost too much to bear. He looked like he could have hugged you.
You weren't finding much in the house. Dean was running the EMF reader throughout the room Bethany was taken out of and Sam had a blue light detector to check for any handprints that you couldn't see with the naked eye. The house was quiet, empty, and errie. You walked over to the window that faced out to the street and watched as the cars drove by. Your eyes dropped down to the sill. "Guys," you called slowly, unsure of what you were even looking at. What it could mean.
They were by your side within seconds, the EMF reader no longer making noise. All three of you were now looking at the window sill, where a big, black, rotted handprint was burned into the wood. "What the hell leaves a handprint like that?" Sam mumbled.
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l13 · 11 days
cw: nsfw 18+, MDNI, fever sex, f!reader, lazy writing, not proofread
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You're riding Dean and he's half-lidded, can barely keep his eyes open. You're starting to get worried so you press your palm down against his chest to move away from him, but he grabs your waist, pulling you back down on his cock. “No, no, no, don't stop, don't y'dare stop,”
You whine, “But Dean- you're burning up.” and he really was. You could tell by touching his pecs, the skin too warm under your fingertips, and you could also tell by his pulsing cock inside of you. The hot sensation spreading through your cunt, the warmth traveling up to your belly.
Dean hisses, “It's this pussy- h my God- so warm baby, could stay inside you forever-”
He pushes you skin tight against him with a hand on the small of your back, his arms then circling around your frame as he holds you close, his breath fanning against your lips as he moans lowly
Holding his cheek in your palm, your eyes dance across his face as his head tilts back, eyes rolling from the feeling of your cold hand against him.
“Just like that honey, fuck yourself onto me c'mon. Want y'to cum all over me.” he was mumbling, his words barely coherent, yet his hips never stopped snapping up against you, chasing your hot cunt.
“Jesus, Dean-” you whimper against his lips as you roll your hips in circles, making sure he stays snug inside you, your clit rubbing against his pubic bone making your thighs shake “m gonna cum” you cry out, and he groans, giving you open mouth kisses, his thoughts too fuzzy to even kiss you properly.
Your walls clamp down on him, and he moans, “Yess, yeah that's it- fuck- squeezin' me so damn tight sweetheart-” his cock now gliding easier in and out of your puffy pussy with the help of your wetness
Despite the aftershocks, your body twitching, and your thighs begging you to take a break, you keep going. Now, sloppily fucking yourself down on his warm cock, as you egg him on, “Come on baby, cum for me. I want it s'bad,”
His cheeks are flushed, mouth hanging open n' eyes crossed as he stares into nothing, “Yes yes yes, oh please- please make me cum- i'll do anything just please-”
His voice cracks as he begs you, his hands grabbing onto your thighs, nails digging into your skin as he follows the movements of your hips, feeling the coil in his belly slowly unfold.
You place your hands behind you on his thighs, leaning back as you keep your relentless pace and he groans pathetically, sitting up to moan against your tits as he cums, snapping his hips up against you roughly to make sure he’s as deep as he can go, feeling his cum and your slick messing up the inside of his thick thighs.
You’re panting hard as you slow down, thighs still twitching every now and then as you run your fingers through his hair, murmuring praises against his temple, lips warming up quickly since he was still burning up.
“You okay? you ask, and he nods against your shoulder, moaning huskily when he gives another slow roll up against you, “Dean let's go have a look at you, I’m getting worried baby-”
“Wait.” he snaps his half lidded eyes up to yours, a tear running down his cheek as he grins lazily, “Wanna go again. Please?”
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2024 © l13 | Do not steal, copy, edit, translate or re-post any of my works.
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alexsoenomel · 4 months
POV: Texts between You and Dean Winchester
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Bonus if you like Pedro Pascal:
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This is what happens when I can't sleep
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strawlessandbraless · 3 months
Angels: Brother, you have been chosen for this mission to save the righteous man from hell. But Castiel, hear me well. Do not covet the Michael Sword, big plans for that sword
*2 minutes later*
Castiel: I will lay claim to this living soul, rebuild him, mark him as my own, and carve my name into his ribs, gonna stare at him a lot, so much, gonna kiss him
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deancaskiss · 13 days
“you ruined my life,” dean hissed, kicking at the stone pillar he’d placed carefully into the ground just a day prior.
“you absolute asshole. do you hear me? you ruined my life, cas. and I hate you.” he kicked the stone again, ankle throbbing with the force of the collision, and it creaked backwards in the soil; threatening to topple over and break.
the movement was enough to break the anger, and dean sank to the ground, his fingers tracing over the letters in cas’ name that he’d spent weeks hand carving into the stone.
“you ruined my life. I’ll never find someone like you ever again. do you know that? do you not get it, cas?”
a sob broke free, and then another. words choked out through a thick veil of anguish. “I’ll never love anyone again. it was always you, cas. always will be.”
he let his fingers linger over the words under cas’ name. his final goodbye.
I love you, too.
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castiwls · 2 months
tolerate it - d.w
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Paring; dean x reader
Prompt; 'I wait by the door like I'm just a kid'
Requested; @simonsbluee
Notes;this is my all time fav cry song. i actually wrote an anakin version as well lmao I'll post that in a min :) requests are open!
Masterlist | Taylor Swift masterlist
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You stared blankly at the wall in front of you. “Sweetheart. Come on, talk to me.” Dean took a seat beside you, turning his body to face you. “This is the third time in two weeks.” You kept your gaze on the wall as you spoke. 
“It’s only a few days.” He placed his hand over yours, leaning in slightly. You quickly pulled your hand back, a sharp breath leaving your lips. “It’s always only a few days.” You hissed standing from the bed. “A few days then becomes a week because oh look Sam found another case.” You leaned back on the dresser, finally facing him.
“And I just get left behind, sitting here waiting on you both like some…some child!” Dean stared at you his face passive. “What do you expect me to do? Bring you with” His gaze hardened slightly as he spoke. “You don’t have any sort of training, i’d only be putting you and us in danger!” Dean stood coming to stand before you. 
“I’m trying to keep you safe.”
“Keeping me trapped is your way of keeping me safe?” You shook your head. “Just go.” Dean reached out wrapping a hand around your wrist. “Don’t be like this.” He tilted his head, a small frown playing at his lips. “Like what”
“Difficult. Don’t be difficult” He snapped. You froze at his words, your blood running cold. Your head turned to face him, and a look of betrayal crossed your features for a moment before you calmed your expression. Difficult. He’d called you difficult all because you’d complained about being left. 
Most of the time you felt second best. Second best to all the creatures out there that he seemed so determined to kill. You knew it was a difficult job but you’d never expected it to come first.
You could count on one hand the number of times this month alone Dean had been home for more than one day consistently. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d even been on a date with him. 
“Just go.” You pulled your hand from his grip, your voice thick as you pushed back tears. You quickly left the room taking a breath to compose yourself. “We need to talk about this.” Dean’s voice followed you down the hall. He let out a huff watching as you took a seat at the map table. You grabbed a book before opening it.
You’d done this a hundred times. Dean and you would fight, you’d complain about being stuck here and then he’d promise, ‘next time sweetheart’. And then he’d go off for days with little to no contact before he’d come back mostly beaten and bruised.
You could feel him watching you as you swallowed trying to hold back your tears. Did he truly think you were that helpless, that you would be that much of a risk to even take on a hunt.
Dean quietly moved behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders. Your breath hitched slightly as you felt his breath hit your ear. “I’ll make it up to you, i promise.” He pressed a kiss to the side of your head.
You felt his weight leave your shoulders as he straightened up. The sound of his footsteps echoed as he left the room.
A shaky breath left your lips as you felt your composure break. Pressing a hand to your mouth you placed the book down finally allowing the tears to follow.
After a moment you managed to calm yourself. You glanced back down the hallway, the bunker suddenly seeming larger now that you were alone.
“You always say that.” 
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supernaturalfreewill · 6 months
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"Look—you're hurt, okay?" Sam wrapped the bandage tightly and prayed it would stop the bleeding. You grimaced. "I have to go help Dean, so I need you to stay here. I'll come back for you. Okay?"
You felt panic welling up in your chest. "So many people have told me that, and they never do." Tears stung your eyes.
That was when Sam suddenly clasped your face in his hands and kissed you. Warmth flared in your chest and you could only stare at him, breathless, when he pulled back. "I will come back for you. I promise."
You nodded vaguely, your eyes still wide and surprised, which actually made Sam smile despite the circumstance. "I believe you," you breathed. And you did.
Prompt: "I'll come back for you." / "So many people have told me that and they never do."
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kaleldobrev · 5 months
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Pairing: Dean Winchester/F. Reader
Feat. Character(s): Reader & Dean Winchester
Summary: For the first time in your life, you can say you’ve made Dean Winchester blush
Word Count: 389
Warnings: Cursing (1x), Mutual Pining (hinted), Pure Fluff & Embarrassed!Dean
Authors Note: Happy 45th birthday Dean Winchester ♡ | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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You sighed as you watched the coffee maker slowly pour out the dark brown liquid that you so desperately craved, despite it being two in the morning.
Like normal after a hunt, for the life of you, you couldn't sleep. You had tossed and turned for the better part of two hours before you finally said, "fuck it," and came into the kitchen; making yourself a cup of coffee because why not? You were already wired from the adrenaline anyway.
As the coffee started to finish pouring itself into the carafe, you reached up into the cabinet above and grabbed your favorite mug; grateful that Dean had washed it for you after using it.
Taking the carafe in hand, you slowly poured the liquid into your mug, slightly inhaling the scent as you did so; before you sat down on the small kitchen table against the wall.
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As you sipped your coffee, you heard footsteps coming from the other end of the hall — Dean — you could recognize the sounds of his footsteps from anywhere.
Walking into the kitchen, Dean smiled at you, and gestured to the mug that was currently still stationed in your hands. "Couldn't sleep either uh?" He asked, and you nodded in response.
"Always jealous that Sam can just conk out after a hunt," you said, as you started playing with the rim of your mug. "There's still some coffee left if you want any," you offered.
"Thanks," he nodded. At first, he wasn't going to take you up on your offer, but decided that he would, as his body was still full of adrenaline much like yourself. "Listen," he began, as he took the carafe and started pouring coffee into his mug. "If you ever find yourself unable to sleep, my door is always open."
A small smile formed on your lips at his offer. "Thanks. Might actually take you up on that sometime if you're being serious."
"Of course I'm serious," he said; his tone indicating that he was slightly offended by your comment. "We're...friends," the word friends coming off rather hesitant sounding.
"Just friends?" You teased, raising a brow. Dean's face went slightly flush then, almost embarrassed by your comment. You couldn't help but smile at the pinkness of his cheeks, finding it adorable that you had managed to make Dean Winchester blush.
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naughtystiel · 5 months
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"Yeah, it- Shit, I haven't seen anything this bad in a long time." Victor said right before he retched and then the sound of him emptying his stomach echoed in the quiet forest. Together with Castiel, Dean ducked under a yellow tape that was tied loosely around trees and stopped right in front of Victor who was now wiping his mouth with a sleeve of his jacket. "What a sick fuck could do something like this?"
"Do we know who the victim is?" Castiel asked, putting a tip of a cigarette between his lips.
"No- Not yet." Victor paled even more, trying not to retch. "That bad?" Dean chimed in, a sympathetic expression on his face. At least he hoped so.
"To the point that I'm not sure we will be able to find out who she was. Well, maybe... Maybe we will have some luck with her fingerprints. If they're good enough. She- Fuck! She almost looks like she got pushed through a meat grinder." Before Dean could say anything, Victor was behind a tree, vomiting again.
"Go get some water, Vic. We will go have a look now." Castiel exhaled a puff of smoke and nudged Dean to follow him. It only took them a minute or so to get to the crime scene. Victor wasn't exaggerating when he described the victims state; she was basically ripped to shreds, one leg nestled in moss five meters away. Dean crouched next to the body, his hands in the pockets of his jacket, and titled his head, "Man, this is bad."
Castiel hummed in agreement, "That it is." He glanced back, but Victor and his partner still stood by their car, clearly staying away from the gory sight that was nightmare worthy. With the cigarette now between his fingers, he crouched next to Dean and dipped them in some squelchy part of the body. Dean's eyebrow furrowed, but he still wrapped his lips around Castiel's fingers when he pressed them to his mouth. The blood wasn't even entirely cold yet. Castiel gave him a small, pleased smile, "Next time... Let's try not to get so carried away, this is messy even for us."
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fussy-sammy · 1 year
Two Days Later
"Dammit, latch on!"
I feel terrible for the way I growl at Sammy every time he turns away from the false nipple. But he just sputters and cries and cries and cries and Jesus Christ he just sits and screams.
I'm starting to wonder if me or Dean is gonna start ripping our hair out first.
But Dean never does much. Never says a word. Just stares with wide eyes, clamping his hands over his ears in that over-the-top way kids do.
"I didn't mean to yell."
It had definitely made the shrieking worse.
I just feel so damn lost.
Sammy's not used to the formula or the bottles and he's not eating. Dean's not speaking, not even to me. Doesn't even tell Sammy goodnight anymore. It's been two days.
They're sharing a bed though. I don't have a crib for Sammy, so he sleeps tucked beside Dean. I know he won't let his baby brother fall.
It's almost bedtime now. Dean's in the tub. I'm gonna have a couple beers and see what I can find tonight.
If I can ever get Sam to finish this damn bottle.
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lokigonnakmsforbucky · 11 months
Sam Winchester NSFW Alphabet
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I needed some Sam recently so why not an NSFW Alphabet :) enjoy :))
Rating: MINORS DNI 18+
A= Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Sam first thought after sex is you. How you are feeling, are you sore? etc. He is very sweet and makes sure to cuddle you for a little while before cleaning you up and giving you anything you need before even thinking of himself. You come first. Always.
B= Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and their partners)
Even though he might not like to admit it. He is very confident in his body. He is most confident in his hands. Mostly because of how his fingers have an effect on you.
Sam loves everything about you, but if he had to choose he loves the way your hips are curved, so it is easy to grab you ;)
C=CUM (Anything to do with cum basically... I'm a nasty person.)
If you gave him an okay, he would always cum in you. The way it drips out of you turns him on more.
But, if he couldn't that way he loves seeing it on your tits or face.
D=Dirty Secret
Sam loves when he comes down your throat as you give him a blow job.
E= Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they are doing?)
He may not be as experienced as Dean but he is experienced nonetheless. You will know everything about his past before you have had sex for the first time, but let me tell you he definitely leaves you wanting more after every time.
F= Favorite position (Goes without saying)
Missionary- him between your legs, your legs around his waist locked together. Up close and personal. He loves seeing your face full of pleasure.
Doggystyle- Remember when I said he loves holding your hips? He loves this position.
G= Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? or are they humorous)
He is mostly serious. It's a very serious moment of passion and intimacy for both of you.
I= Intimacy (How are things during the moment, romantic aspect.)
His hands never leave your body, he is very handsy and grabby but he always never leaves his lips off your body.
J= Jack off (Masturbation head canon)
It's not often that he does, in the line of work he does. But, when you are separated he may get one or two out of thinking of you. Or even calling you for help ;)
Sam loves being dominate towards you. Choking you and edging you.
He also has a bit of a breeding kink. Just the thought of you being pregnant with his child makes him more turned on.
L= Location (where you guys would do the deed)
Sam is a very private guy, so any place that is private like his room is ideal.
But, he has taken the impala for a spin...if you know what I mean.
M= Motivation (What turns them on, or gets them going)
When you wear nothing but his shirt and he sees you with a book, immediately turned on.
N= No (Something they wouldn't do, or turns them off)
Anything that would bring you any pain. You are his love and seeing you in pain is his worse nightmare.
O= Oral (Do they like giving, receiving, both?)
Sam is an Oral god...he loves giving it and watching your face come from pleasure and knowing he is the one doing it.
He loves when you give him a blowjob, it gives him another time to relax.
P= Pace (Are they slow? Fast and rough?)
It really depends on the mood. He can certainly go rough and fast but if you requested gentle and slow. You got it.
Q=Quickie (Their opinion on it, how often would they have one)
Sam is a quickies fan even though he doesn't do them often. But, if you and him have time for a quick fix he is all for it.
R-Risk (Are they risky?)
In Sam's line of work, the risk is dangerous. He don't need it in the bedroom.
S=Stamina (How long can you last? How many rounds?)
Sessions with Sam are so hot and heavy, yall be lucky to have three rounds.
T=Toys (Do you guys own toys? Do they use them?)
You guys own a vibrator which is rarely used, You guys both can satisfy with what you get from each other.
U=Unfair (How likely would they tease)
Let's be honest, You would be the one that would that would tease. But, when Sam had enough of the teasing he would definitely let you know.
V= Volume (How loud are they)
Sam doesn't make much noise but expects a lot of heavy breathing. Low growls and grunts.
X=XRay (What's going on down there)
Sam is a big boy, and I don't just mean his height. You can expect that he is bigger than average.
Y=Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
Despite him big majorly quiet and hiding behind a book, Sam's Drive is higher than you would think.
Z=ZZZ. (How fast he would fall asleep)
He would fall asleep a bit after you did.
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starrystevie · 1 year
it's 2004 when steve finds himself back in hawkins for the first time since he moved away for good. he has a master's degree under his belt, a mortgage on a house outside of st. louis with a dog and picket fence, and a rockstar that wormed his way into his heart next to him in bed every night. he's closer to 50 than he is to 20 and life feels good, life feels settled, figured out in a way he never thought he'd get to see.
"you gonna tell me why you're shakin' like a leaf?"
but sitting across from wayne munson and his sharp gaze is enough to make him feel like a teenager again.
steve takes a sip from his glass of water before setting it down on the end table next to him and watches the way wayne's finger taps against the side of his coffee cup. it's like he's keeping rhythm with something that steve can't hear, like a drum beat in his head that proves that he's the reason eddie has musical talent.
"i'm fine," he responds back to wayne, a stilted smile crossing his face. wayne's gaze deepens like he he doesn't believe him. "i'm fine!"
there's a clock ticking somewhere in the living room and the faucet in the kitchen is dripping quietly and it makes the silence that falls between them even more deafening. steve takes in a deep breath and nods absently as he rubs his palms over his denim clad knees.
"is he in trouble?" wayne asks in a gruff voice, low and to the point. steve shakes his head immediately, stutters out something that sounds like no, and wayne looks at him with his eyebrows pinched together. "are you in trouble?"
"no, it's not-" steve stands up and paces out some of his nerves, hands shoved into his pockets so that he stops waving them around. he sighs and looks back at wayne. "it's nothing bad."
"if it ain't bad, then just say it."
steve groans and runs his hands through his hair. it's harder to do this than he thought it would be, quite possibly the hardest thing he's done in years and that's including having to admit to eddie that he does indeed like the stupid beard he grew as a dare from jeff. wayne is still staring at him with a determined look, like he won't let steve get away with any of his usual charming bullshit, and looks so much like eddie that it makes something in his heart explode.
"fine! i'm asking eddie to marry me and i need your permission or something. happy old man?" he finally says, or well, shouts. it's too loud in the quiet house and he can see wayne wince from the decibel he reaches but it's out. it's off his chest and he's finally said it.
and wayne is smiling.
seeing him smile is strange, not because he doesn't look good with a smile, but because it's not often that steve gets to bear witness to it. it starts off slow, clipped at the edges before it spreads to his cheeks and crinkles his eyes. steve's breathing hard when wayne stands up and wraps his hands around the tops of his shoulders. he can feel himself shaking under wayne's grip and from this close, he can see the tears that he knows wayne is fighting against.
"it's about damn time, boy. took you two long enough to pull your heads outta your backsides."
getting hugged by wayne is almost weirder than seeing him smile. it's short, to the point, with pats on backs and chuckles that break loose from steve's too tight chest. part of him wishes eddie were here to let him be a part of the moment, but it would ruin the surprise he's so carefully planned, so he revels in the rare time between just the two of them.
"had to wait for somewhere to allow it first, wayne," steve mutters as they pull apart and he feels hope unfurl somewhere within him when he says it.
"well, alright, i guess you're off that hook then. but y'know," wayne's sitting back down in his arm chair and steve does the same, matching grins plastered on their faces. "you don't need my permission. that boy is crazy over you and if you think you ain't a part of this family already, then you're crazier than he is."
steve looks around at the pictures on the shelf behind wayne's head. sees young eddie and wayne with arms around each other, sees a makeshift graduation picture, an out of focus one of the two of them outside their house in missouri, one of all three of them around the chritmas tree in '99 when they had wayne come down to see them, and he thinks, yeah. they're already a family. at least now it'll be paper official.
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alexsoenomel · 8 months
Seven Minutes In Heaven Ruined (Dean Winchester x Reader Smut)
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Summary: You and Dean are horny and Sam doesn't know how to knock.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: oral female and male receiving
Word count: 1.2k
Note: This is an old one. I made it readable because teenage me didn't know how to words.
Like/ reblog or both if you like it :)  
After finishing the last case you realized two things.
One, you were tired as fuck.
And two, you were hungry as fuck.
After a warm shower you put on one of Dean’s flannels, and went to the kitchen to make yourself dinner. Your sweet tooth was craving blueberry pancakes. While you were making the pancake mix, you felt arms around your waist pulling you closer. 
“Hey, sweetheart!” He said, and kissed your cheek.
“Hi handsome.” You smiled. You haven’t seen Dean in almost a week. He was pretty sick with a fever, so you and Sam went without him on a hunt in San Francisco – vampires, your favorite. He needed to sit this one out, even though he protested like a damn child saying he was fine while not being able to stand. When you got back he was asleep in his room so you didn’t want to interrupt whatever he was dreaming about. 
 “How are you feeling?” 
“A lot better now that you are here.” He said leaving small kisses on your neck. You tilted your head giving him more access. His kisses would always make you shiver. “I missed you.” 
“Missed you too, handsome. Are you hungry? I’m making pancakes.” 
“I am hungry.” Dean’s hand went on your inner thigh until it reached your panties slowly rubbing you, making you sigh. Cheeky bastard – you thought. “But I don’t want pancakes.” He whispered into your ear. "I love when you wear my clothes.”
You tried to mix flour, eggs and whatever else that was in there but the urge for Dean’s touch grew and you suddenly had another need to fulfill. You turned around to face him, putting your arms around his neck.
“Where’s Sam?” He asked. 
“Good.”  He lifted your chin, forcing you to look at him, making you blush. You pulled his shirt only craving the softness of his lips on yours.  Seven long days without him felt like an eternity, especially at night – he was your home, your habit and your sanctuary. You kissed him softly and soon enough he deepened the kiss making you moan. When he stole the last breath from your lungs you broke away, resting your forehead on his. 
“Bedroom?” You smiled. 
“Hell yeah.”
His clothes hit the floor in seconds. Seven days without each other turned you into horny teenagers. He was only in his boxers laying on the bed looking at you, admiring the view and wondering how the hell he got so lucky.  You climbed on top of him as he slowly started to undo your shirt – taking his sweet time savoring you. Infatuated by you, Dean’s eyes spoke louder than words and in that very moment you only existed for him. You kissed him like it was the end of the world, and funny thing was, at one point it was actually the end of the world, so nothing mattered anyways. The world could be burning and you wouldn’t care.
Once he exposed you completely, we flipped you over and you were now completely under his control. His hands could kill and yet he was so gentle with you, trying not to break you, even though you wouldn’t mind being broken by him from time to time.
“Dean, don’t tease.” You sigh. 
Dean consumed you in every way there was. His lips needed to touch you, to feel you and you were desperate to feel him on your skin. Starting from your neck he kissed you, sucking and slightly biting, leaving light bruises all over. He then moved his lips lower and lower.
You became inpatient, needy and a little bit frustrated. His kisses had you under his spell but you wanted more. He kissed you through your black panties a few times, driving you mad.
You could feel him smirking while resting his lips on the fabric of your soaking underwear. 
“Dean!” You blissfully moaned. “ Oh my god!” 
“Just a little bit. “ He smirked and then took off your panties. You lifted your legs as he did it. His face went between your legs yet again and now you could only feel his warm tongue on your already wet cunt.
You closed your eyes, surrendering completely.  
“Shhhh we don’t want to wake up my brother, don’t we sweetheart?”
“No, but you’re going to kill me.” 
The wet sounds of your cunt filled the room as he added one finger first, pumping in and out slowly before adding another. He was aware you were addicted to his thick fingers, always so needy and desperate to have them in your pussy or in your mouth. You gripped the bed sheets as your breaths became heavy, feeling your climax deep in the lower part of your stomach. Before Dean it would take you ages to cum, and you always thought maybe the problem was you and not the other person you were sleeping with. After Dean, you realized that was bullshit and you just had a shitty taste in picking partners. 
His name was like a prayer you were reciting over and over again until you couldn’t take it anymore. The orgasm took over your body completely as you screamed his name one last time before his hand violently covered your mouth. 
He got up, face shining from your juices with a smile on his face.
“You’re crazy. Sam’s going to hear you!” 
“You are so…” You said, trying to catch your breath. 
“Amazing?” He laughed. 
“And full of yourself Winchester.” You rolled your eyes, still painting.
“Oh well thank you.” Dean said moving next to you. 
“Where is the damn condom?” Dean asked, searching through the drawer of his night stand. You giggled. The man never assumed or expected you to return the favor. Your pleasure was far more important than his own and taking care of you was his job and duty. You loved that about him, you loved being taken care of, but you also loved making him fall apart under you.  
“Come here.” 
He turned to face you. “Huh?” 
You kissed him. “My turn.” Dean bit his lip as you rubbed him through his boxers. 
“S-shit!” He moaned. “Baby!”
You placed light kisses all over his body before your lips reached the hem of his underwear. You took them off, drooling over his already hard cock. You licked the tip a few times as Dean groaned.
You smiled loving the effect you had on him and then took him in your mouth as much as you could. 
His heaven didn’t last long because Sam decided to interrupt the pure bliss of having Dean’s cock in your mouth...yet again.
“Hey Dean can you- AH CRAP.” He said and immediately turned his back allowing you two to cover yourself.  “I’m sorry.”
“Fuck not again.” You laughed.
You jumped under the covers with Dean. “SAMMY I SWEAR I’M GONNA KILL YOU!”  
“I’m sorry.” Sammy said awkwardly, still refusing to turn around. “But I found us a case.” 
“I thought you were sleeping.” You said. 
“I couldn’t….you were…a little bit…..loud.” 
“So you heard her making happy noises IN MY ROOM and you still decided to come in?! WITHOUT KNOCKING? AGAIN?” 
“After 10 minutes I thought…you were…finished.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I will wait in the living room.” He then slammed the door. 
“I will kill him.” Dean said and got off the bed. 
“Wait.” You said pulling his arm. “He can wait. I’m not done with you!”
“I love you. “ Dean said and kissed you again.
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