sidwilsonsbitch · 2 months
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heyitsspaceace · 6 months
for once, in his incredibly long life, he didn’t have to go
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captainlightbulbzz · 10 months
i just watched the new murder drones episode and im literally fucking crying /srs
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anemoxlys · 1 year
Cregan Stark x reader
The lack of Cregan Stark fics is a problem we need to sort out as a community, it is a severe issue... May write a pt2 if people like this Warnings: Implied Targcest (NOTHING HAPPENS), men Side Note: Your dragon in this is called Rhaegon
“Sister.” You heard the most unwanted voice of your eldest brother slur from behind you as he stumbled down the corridor, clearly drunk. “Aegon, I believe you should retire to your chambers.” You muttered, turning to walk away and continue on your way towards the library. “I do not think you should marry.” Aegon continued, clearly not taking note of your keenness to leave. “I couldn’t bear the thought of another man touching you, dear sister.” He finished before he tripped over his own feet and hurtled towards the ground. You left shortly afterwards. 
“I do not know why I must be present.” Aegon muttered, clearly unhappy at having to sit through the many men trying to win your titles, money and future children. “I do not know either brother, why don’t you just leave if this angers you so.” You retorted with a snarl before turning to face the next man. 
“Oh seven hells.” You cursed, staring down at the boy who stood before you, him being no older than two and ten. “You dare mock the princess with an infant?” Aegon laughed, eyes narrowing as the boy’s father stepped forwards. “I am aware that my son is young-” He began before he was cut off once more by Aegon, “What could he possibly offer to the princess except for wooden horses and games?” He jeered, causing the other suitors to snicker as well. “I have a good name, my grace, I could also offer my protection.” The child replied. “Your protection!” A man you could not remember the name of snorted, “Let us see how well you protect yourself before you claim to protect her highness.” The boisterous man continued, drawing his sword at the boy. “Aegon.” You said, standing as the man drew closer to the now trembling child. “Fear not sister, I doubt the child will harm Ser Horton.” He replied, a sick grin spreading across his lips. Your eyes scanned the sea of suitors, desperately trying to find someone who would stop this cruel mockery. 
You watched, mortified, as Horton brought his sword past his head and began to bring it back down on the child who’s own sword was stuck in the scabbard he clearly received a few days prior. “Pick on someone your own age.” A gruff voice spat as the sound of steel against steel sounded. A man with the most gorgeous brown hair stood with his back turned to you, blocking Horton’s sword from reaching the now snivelling child. With no hesitation, you ran down the steps in the throne room and fell to your knees before the child. “Are you alright?” You asked, taking the small boy’s hands on your own. “I apologise my lady.�� He sobbed, head turned to the floor, “I am a fool to think myself worthy of you.” “Nonsense, you will grow to be a fine knight, you are simply not of the right age yet.” You replied, pressing a kiss to the boy’s forehead before turning to his father with a glare. “He is far too young to be courting someone of my age, you have placed his life in danger by doing so. You disgust me.” You hissed, eyes blazing with fury as you turned to face the rest of the suitors, “Cowards, each and every one of you. You stood and watched as this poor child was about to be murdered before your very eyes, and yet none of you did anything. You are less worthy than the boy you failed to consider.” You finished your rant by turning to face the only man in the room you could stand to look at, “Thank you Ser…” You began before trailing off at the realisation that you neither knew his name nor noticed the striking grey eyes that stared at you as if you were the only woman alive. “Ser Cregan Stark, princess.” He replied, taking your hand in his as he pressed a kiss to the back of it. “Well then, thank you my lord. You have proved yourself an honourable and just man. Would you care to accompany me to the gardens for a walk? I wish to clear my mind.” You offered, extending your hand for Cregan to take, which he did momentarily.
“Is the north pleasant, my lord?” You asked, breaking the peaceful silence the two of you had fallen into. “Very my lady, the views I believe would be much to your liking.” He replied with a fond smile. “Tell me my lord, are all men of the North as handsome as you, or did you just get lucky?” You grinned, leaning slightly closer to the man as he looked down at you. “I consider myself to be better looking than average, but I’ll leave that judgement up to you, your highness.” He replied with a smile. The two of you fell back into an easy going rhythm of silence before you once again broke it, “Do you have many direwolves Lord Stark?” “I do indeed princess, our lady just had a litter of pups a few moons ago.” He elaborated further. “I do so love Direwolves, I find them very beautiful.” You smiled, thinking back to your previous trip up north. “You have been North princess?” He asked, mildly surprised. “Yes, never as far as Winterfell though, and not for many years now.” You replied sadly. “I shall extend an invitation the moment I return home, if you are not with me that is.” He returned, a smile spreading across his lips as he finished speaking. “How very forward Lord Stark, whatever would my brother’s think?” You teased, a slight blush forming over your cheeks at the pleasant thought. “I think that we should-“ He began before he was interrupted with a loud snap of a twig. “Sister, Aegon has been searching for you.” Aemond muttered as he stepped away from the tree he was leaning against.“They would think that-” He began before he was interrupted, “Sister, Aegon has been searching all over for you.” Aemond muttered, pushing himself away from the tree he’d been leaning against. “Of course brother.” You replied, turning to face Cregan Stark and wishing him a brief farewell before pressing a kiss to his cheek and whispering something into his ear, “I would very much like to take you up on your offer Lord Stark.” You finished, pulling away with a soft smile before following an awaiting Aemond out of the gardens.
“You smell like wet dog.” Aemond muttered as you caught up to him. “Don’t be mean Aemond.” You replied, giving your brother a quick glare before continuing, “I rather like him.” You both fell into a silence shortly after and soon enough you were once more in the throne room. “Sister!” Aegon grinned as the room fell silent again. “Brother.” You replied, standing in the doorway, “What is it you needed me for?” You asked, refusing to step further into the room. “We must continue, my dear, there are many more suitors.” He grinned, inviting you to sit beside him as you reluctantly walked forwards.
Suitor after suitor came and went before Cregan Stark was officially presented as a suitor himself. “Lord Stark, your highnesses.” The herald announced as you immediately sat up straighter and a smile appeared on your lips. “Lord Stark, how good it is to see you again.” You smiled as the Lord bowed his head at your brother. “The sentiment is shared princess.” He replied with a smaller smile dusting his cheeks. “Have you seen a dragon before, my lord?” You asked. “I’m afraid to say I haven’t princess.” He answered. “Well then, you must allow me to show you mine, it is only fair that should I meet your direwolves you should meet my dragon, is it not?” You smiled before leaning back against your chair. “I believe so, your highness.” He grinned before turning to your brother to say the usual proposal.
“So Lord Stark, are you ready?” You smiled, taking his hand as you pulled him down the corridor towards the dragon pit. He only laughed in response, a smile spreading across his features as you enthusiastically danced down the hallways. “Rhaegon Iksan kesīr! (I am here!)” You called out as you entered the pit. “Qilōni's iā sȳz valītsos? (Who’s a good boy)” You whispered as you approached your dragon, followed by Cregan Stark. “Bisa iksis cregan Stārke, issa iā raqiros, sagon sȳz (This is Cregan Stark, he is a friend, be good.)” You murmured, reaching your hand out to pet the dragon before turning to Cregan and speaking, “This is Rhaegon, he is nice, do not worry.” You smiled, reaching your hand out for Cregan to take. When he did, you slowly brought it up to Rhaegon’s nose before releasing your hold. “sȳz valītsos (good boy)” You whispered, walking along the side of your dragon before speaking again, “ilagon (down)” You spoke before Rhaegon lowered himself to the ground. “Come, lord Stark.” You grinned, once again offered your hand for Cregan to take. “You are very unexpected princess.” He chuckled, taking your hand. “What did you expect my lord?” You laughed, climbing on top of Rhaegon as Cregan followed after, more slowly. “Call me Cregan and maybe I will enlighten you princess.” He returned, hands wrapping around your waist as Rhaegon began to move. “Only if you stop calling me princess Cregan.” You replied, gripping onto the reigns as you felt Rhaegon about to take flight. “It would be my pleasure, Robyn.” He muttered, now fully pressed against you as Rhaegon took off.
“Is it not freeing?” You laughed, turning to face Cregan who looked pale as a ghost. He silently nodded but the grip he held on your waist spoke otherwise. “You have to trust me for a moment.” You chuckled as he froze and stared up at you in horror as you handed him the reins, “You just have to hold them for a few minutes, Rhaegar knows what to do.” You finished, standing up as you spoke much to the horror of the Stark Lord. “gīda rhaegon, ao gīmigon skoros naejot gaomagon (calm Rhaegon, you know what to do).” You called before jumping off of your dragon. “Princess!” You heard Cregan call in horror after you. With a large smile you opened your arms and grabbed a hold of the pieces of fabric. “I told you to trust me my lord.” You said as you flew alongside your dragon. “Where are we going Princess?” He asked, his eyes now filled with amazed horror. “Where would you like to go Cregan?” You countered, a softer smile now spreading across your face at the sight of Cregan Stark atop your dragon, his cheeks pink and his eyes so beautifully alive. “You are very pretty my lord Stark.” You murmured, landing back on your dragon. “Many people have called me many things, no one has dared to call me pretty before my princess.” He chuckled as you sat down facing him. “No one has seen you like this before.” You returned, lying down on your dragon's back. “Well thank you princess, you too are pretty.” He chuckled, tentatively lying down beside you. “You never said where you would like to go, I hear Dorne has very pretty views.” You suggested, turning to face Cregan. “My lady, you are by far the prettiest view a man could ask for.” He replied, making your cheeks flush red as a flattered grin spread across your face. “If the fierce and scary wolf of the north thinks I’m pretty I must be doing something right, but do not flatter me too much else I will become insatiable.” You countered, attempting to cool your cheeks down. “Maybe that was my goal princess.” He replied, moving slightly closer to you. “Maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.” You returned, also moving slightly closer and then before you could continue your speech you felt lips press against your own.
“I do believe that is the most forward you have been my lord.” You chuckled before pressing your lips to his after the first kiss ended. “Is that such a bad thing?” He chuckled as you began to kiss along his jawline, “I do believe it was rather attractive.” You replied, pressing another kiss to his lips. “Glad to hear it princess.” He smirked before chasing your lips.
“Brother, where is our sister?” Aegon asked, storming through the doorway. “Riding.” Aemond replied nonchalantly, eyes not leaving the book he was reading. “And where is the Stark boy?” Aegon continued, Aemond immediately lifting his eye to stare in horror at his brother. “She would not…” Aemond muttered before realising that you very much would.
“Sȳz Rhaegon (Nice Rhaegon).” You whispered, climbing down from your dragon before assisting Cregan to do the same. “He is most impressive, my lady.” He smiled before taking your hand in his and walking you out of the dragon pit.
“Thank you Lord Stark, I shall discuss matters with my mother. I do hope to see your direwolves soon.” You smiled as Cregan pressed a kiss to your hand, the appearance of a gentleman returned to his face. “I shall make my proposal in the morning princess.” He smiled before bidding you goodnight.
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☼My The8/Minghao One-shot Fic Recs☼
𖤓 The letter By @toruro 26k, Idol Minghao, Jun is reader's brother, fluff, angst, long term pining, slowburn, childhood friends to lovers
𖤓 Oh my By @toruro 13.6k, strangers to lovers, mutual crushes, fluff, reader is roommates with Vernon, Svt as one big friend group, smut
𖤓 Flight of the stars By @toruro 13.3k, race car driver Minghao, physical therapist reader, shoulder injury, fluff, angst, smut
𖤓 Red (k)nights By @toruro 6.7k, royalty au, princess reader, knight Minghao, established lovers, fluff, returning from scouting, slight secret relationship, smut
𖤓 This idiot of mine By @mirisss 3.7k, school au, bad boy Minghao, clumsy nerd reader, fluff, affectionate teasing, oblivious reader
𖤓 Fixer upper By @seungkwansphd 9.5k, blind date au, strangers to friends to lovers, ignoring feelings, fluff, slow burn, smut, cute, matchmaker & Minghao
𖤓 Avant-garde By @hoyoungy 4.1k, college student reader, painter Minghao, fluff, adoration, reader loves his painting, so cute, I have revisited this so many times :D
𖤓 Muses By @luvidzy 5.5k, small town au, summer holidays, falling in love, artist Minghao & reader, fluff, cuties
𖤓 Lowkey By @viastro 3.6k, dancer au, college au, pining, embarrassment, dance club, fluff, reader sobs after confession
𖤓 Since we were eighteen By @viastro 1.8k, best friends to lovers, drunk confessions, reader breaks up with their ex cause their in love with reader, fluff
𖤓 Better with you By @viastro 3.1k, friends to lovers, summer fair au, fluff, humour, nauseous reader, cute, love confessions
𖤓 Playing cupid By @sluttywonwoo 4.5k, college au, party, confessing feelings, valentines day party, fluff, smut, pining
𖤓 Once bitten By @sluttywonwoo 3.2k, vampire Minghao, college au, locked in a museum, project partners, aphrodisiac venom, smut, some fluff, slight enemies to lovers
𖤓 Light of my life By @escapewriter 2k, Minghao's birthday, celebration/cute date, painting and lighting lanterns, fluffy, so cute
𖤓 Hi (I love you) By @wheeboo 5.5k, college au, painter Minghao, photographer reader, falling in love, hidden feelings, fluff, really cute
𖤓 Academic infatuation By @berriesandjunnie 2.5k, teachers au, art teacher Minghao, Chinese language teacher reader, fluff, everyone is rooting for them
𖤓 Introverts By @berriesandjunnie 3k, highschool au, Chinese exchange student Minghao, introvert reader, bullying, fluff, fighting back, cute
𖤓 Felix felicis By @blue-jisungs 7k, Hogwarts au, Slytherin Minghao, Hufflepuff reader, project partners, cute dynamics, fluff, angst, mentions of social anxiety
𖤓 Apple of my eye By @rubyreduji 2.4k, Descendants au, Evil Queen's son Minghao, Snow white kid's reader, fluff, bullied reader, soft Minghao
𖤓 Glacial pace By @wonusite 5.3k, college au, fake dating, mutual pining, idiots in love, fluff, finally getting together, communicating, smut, meddling friends
𖤓 To love easily By @minghaoyoudoin 13.5k, college au, fake dating, photographer Minghao, ex Joshua, catching feelings, fluff, angst, smut
𖤓 Moonlight By @ilwonuu Brother's best friend trope, Jun is reader's brother, fluff, pining, oblivious lovers, Jun ships them, smut
𖤓 Minghao + historical au By @husbandhannie 6 one-shots, historical au, duke Minghao, duchess reader, marriage of convenience, falling in love, fluff, smut
𖤓 Love has no language By @renaiswriting Platonic Jun x reader x Minghao, college au, exchange student reader, learning Korean, exam stress, supportive behaviour
𖤓 Headliner By @horangboosadan SMAU one-shot, non-idol au, photographer Minghao, college student & cleaner reader, fluff, developing relationship
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dayque · 5 months
The night before Robert's funeral, Alec enters and rushes to the bathroom to wash off the blood before the children notice it. Magnus tells them what happened as sensitively as possible, but the children were too young to understand and Maryse and Isabelle were trying to stay stable so that Rafa and Max wouldn't see them devastated. Once Alec came out of the bath, he sat on the couch, his children were playing with Tavvy in front of the fireplace as if nothing had happened, Isabelle, who was crying in the kitchen with Simon, came out to the living room to hug him as hard as she could.
Alec had not cried since he returned home, his sister needed him, his mother needed him, his children needed him, and although he felt his sister's tears soak his shirt and his eyes burned from having cried in the Gard and seeing the fire without blinking he doesn't cry.
A few hours later Mark and Hellen appeared at the door, everything seemed to be happening very slowly, as if it were a dream, the children came out to say goodbye to Tavvy, but Alec didn't pay much attention. He was sitting there touching Izzy's hair, telling her that he was still with her and would never leave, like the days when their father would leave for weeks and she would be devastated waiting for him, until one of those times she lost faith that he was. came back. Surely he would now never return...
It's time to sleep, Magnus has Max on his chest, they both sleep on the couch, and Alec takes Rafa in his arms to take him to take a bath and get into bed. With his pajamas on, Rafa is watching Alec come and go, confused, as if something had been lost, first he couldn't find the hairbrush, then the storybook and now he is looking in the suitcase for the stuffed rabbit that Rafa usually sleeps with. He can't stand his curiosity any longer and asks "Daddy, why is everyone crying except you and bapa? Even uncle Simon was crying."
Alec sighed, took the rabbit from the suitcase, and sat on the bed next to Rafa where he had made a space for him. Without much desire he told him "When I was little, maybe your age, adults told me many times that children couldn't cry, and now no matter how much it hurts I don't know how to do it," Rafa was silent, he looked at him with his big black eyes and told him "if you want I'll teach you" hugging his stuffed rabbit tightly as an explanation he told him "first, you have to hug something you love very very tightly and then you have to sigh loudly taking out a lot, a lot of air through your mouth."
So Alec took his little son in his arms and hugged him tightly, enough so that his scent stuck to his pajamas and to his memory. He didn't know if he was doing well as a father and he was horribly afraid of looking like his dad, most of his childhood had been spent in fear and his entire adolescence was a complete martyrdom, his father became the cruelest judge and at the same time In the person he loved most in the world, he really wanted to please him and he had the impression that now he would never achieve it. The last years with him had undoubtedly been the best, and it was unfair that when his father finally loved him back, they had taken him away from him without giving him time to show him that he was a great son and everything he was able to do.
So he cried, on behalf of little Alec who needed a dad to hug him, on behalf of the teenager who he could never cry even though he was terrified and in pain, and on behalf of the adult who had lost a father today. He snuggled his sobbing son, he didn't seem to care that he was taking up much of his bed, and promised him with a kiss on the forehead that he would continue practicing how to cry so he could be a better dad.
"I'm proud of you, daddy", Rafa said in a murmur before falling asleep.
I hurt my own feelings with this scenario in my head and now I want to cry in company
Sorry for my grammar and spelling, have a nice day:3
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fictionally-driven · 15 days
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Chapter 1: Descent Into Darkness
pairing: Wriothesley x f! reader
trigger warnings: violence, blood, murder, imprisonment, suggestive, ptsd, mentions of child abuse, nausea (throwing up), anxiety, scamming
AN: If anyone wants to be a part of the taglist for this series, please let me know via comments/reblogs or asks. Reblogs of the work are always appreciated. Thank you!
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The rusty elevator groaned under the weight, its iron chains creaking as it descended. (Y/N) stood in the center, her hands bound in cold, unforgiving cuffs, her heart pounding so violently she feared it might burst from her chest. The oppressive darkness below seemed to reach up to meet her. "Please, you have to believe me," she begged, her voice cracking with desperation. "I'm innocent!”
The Garde standing beside her remained unmoved, his expression a mask of indifference. "Shush," he replied, his tone flat and devoid of sympathy. "I've heard it all before. Besides, I do not have the power to change your verdict. Save your breath.”
(Y/N)’s shoulders shook with silent sobs as the elevator continued its slow, agonizing journey downwards. The creaking of the old machinery echoed around them, amplifying her sense of dread. She clung to the fleeting hope that there might be some mistake, some last-minute reprieve that would save her from the fate that awaited below.
As the last rays of sunlight disappeared from view, a cold chill settled over her. The darkness seemed to press in on all sides, suffocating and relentless. Her breaths came in shallow gasps, the air growing colder and more oppressive with each passing moment.
When the elevator finally lurched to a stop, (Y/N)’s senses struggled to adjust to the dim, dingy environment that greeted her. The air was thick with the smell of damp and decay, the faint sounds of distant voices and clanging metal echoing through the cavernous space. She was ushered towards a desk where a stern-faced woman sat, her expression one of practiced indifference.
“Name,” the woman demanded, not bothering to look up as she shuffled through a stack of paperwork.
“(Y/N),” she managed to whisper, her voice barely audible.
The woman’s fingers flew across the paper, entering the information with precision. “Stand here for your photo,” she instructed, pointing to a spot marked with faded tape on the floor.
(Y/N) complied, the flash of the camera momentarily blinding her. Her personal belongings were inventoried and taken away, each item a small piece of her former life slipping through her fingers.
A man, another prisoner by the looks of him, was called over to escort her to her dorm. He appeared disinterested; his eyes glazed over with the monotony of his task. He scratched his stubble absentmindedly and yawned as he motioned for her to follow him.
“Welcome to Meropide,” he said, his voice lacking any warmth. “I’m supposed to show you around and explain how things work here, but honestly, you’ll figure it out if you want to survive here.”
As he led her through the labyrinthine corridors, he droned on about the rules and routines of the prison. (Y/N) found it hard to concentrate, her mind still reeling from the shocking turn of events. Just two days ago, she was delivering flowers and now she was here, in Meropide. The walls seemed to close in around her, the atmosphere making it difficult to breathe.
“It’s all about the coupons,” the man said, his voice echoing off the damp walls. “The more you make, the better off you’ll be. Just keep your head down and do your work, and you might just survive.”
They arrived at a small, cramped dorm room with barely enough space for a cot and a small desk. The man gave her a curt nod and left without another word, the door clanging shut behind him. (Y/N) sank onto the thin mattress, her mind racing with the events that had led her here. The enormity of her situation settled over her like a heavy shroud, and she buried her face in her hands, tears spilling onto the rough fabric of her clothes.
(Y/N) lay on the thin mattress for what felt like hours, her tears gradually drying up. Her body shook with residual anxiety, but she knew she had to pull herself together. If she was going to survive Meropide, she had to earn those credit coupons and find a way to clear her name. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to sit up and then stand, despite the weakness in her legs. Her mind was a whirlwind of fear and determination as she left the dormitory, her steps unsteady but purposeful.
The layout of Meropide was a maze of dark, damp corridors and heavy iron doors. The dingy  atmosphere made it difficult to navigate, and the constant, distant clanging of metal created an unnerving soundtrack. She approached a few fellow inmates for directions to the production zone, but they either ignored her or demanded credit coupons for the information.
One man, his face covered in grime, laughed harshly. "Help? Nothing's free down here, newbie. Got any coupons?"
Another woman, her expression hardened by years in Meropide, simply shook her head. "Find it yourself. I'm not wasting my time."
Desperation clawed at (Y/N) as she wandered the labyrinthine hallways, but eventually, she found her way to the production zone. The sight that greeted her was not promising. Inmates were bent over workbenches, their hands moving with mechanical precision, assembling components from raw materials. The air was thick with the smell of sweat and metal, and the sound of grinding and hammering was almost deafening.
A bossy-looking man with a stern face approached her, his eyes scanning her with a mixture of disdain and curiosity. "Name?" he barked.
"(Y/N)," she replied hesitantly, her voice barely audible over the din.
"Freshmeat," he sneered. "I'm Clynes, in charge of this production zone. Grainville will walk you through the safety protocols. We need extra hands on making components. Follow his instructions, or you'll be out on your ass."
Grainville, a wiry man with a perpetually annoyed expression, stepped forward. He barely looked at her as he rattled off the safety procedures, his voice a monotonous drone. (Y/N) struggled to keep up.
The work was grueling. Each component required precise, labor-intensive effort. Her muscles screamed in protest, her hands quickly growing raw and blistered. She pushed through the pain, driven by the need to earn her coupons and survive. By the end of the day, her body was trembling with exhaustion, and her mind was a fog of fatigue and despair.
Clynes examined her work with a critical eye, his expression souring. "Barely usable," he grunted. "200 credit coupons for your effort."
She accepted the payment without argument, too worn out to protest. She made her way to the coupon cafeteria, her stomach growling with hunger. Before she could reach the food line, two inmates approached her with overly friendly smiles.
"Hey there," said the girl, a petite brunette with sharp eyes. "You look beat. I am Kelly and this is Vincent. Bad first day huh?
She nodded at the girl. “Thank you. I am (Y/N).”
The guy beside her, a lanky man with a mischievous grin, moved closer to her. “Meropide may be difficult, but with the right people, you’ll survive. You just need to find your tribe here. Lucky for you, you happen to run into us.”
Kelly nodded. “Vincent’s right. Everyone here knows someone. Trying to live by yourself is not going to work out, especially in the state that you’re at. Want some advice? Skip the line and get your food faster.”
(Y/N)’s brows furrowed. All that sounded great but how was she supposed to skip the line when she barely knows what happens in Meropide.
Yeah, we can help you out. What do you have?" Vincent leaned forward.
(Y/N) hesitated. "I only have 200 credit coupons."
The girl sighed, her smile faltering. "The food costs 250, but we can cover you this time. Just pay us back later, Okay? It’s not like you can escape!"
(Y/N) nodded gratefully, handing over her 200 coupons. They returned shortly with a standard cafeteria box, handing it to her with smiles that didn't reach their eyes.
"We have some work with the Warden," the girl said breezily. "Catch you later."
“Thank you,” (Y/N) murmured as they left, her gratitude tinged with wariness. She took a seat and opened the box, her heart sinking at the sight of the disgusting-looking porridge inside. It smelled funny, and her stomach turned at the thought of eating it. Was this standard prison food? She looked around to see everyone eating different dishes, some of which even smelled delicious. Looking back at her own food, tears slipped down her cheek as she realized that she had been tricked. Of course, she had. What was she thinking? Trusting random strangers here who were willing to help her. From the get go, everyone had been clear about how coupons had the power to change your fate in Meropide and she willingly gave it away to someone she’d just met. She looked back at the food, her hunger fading away at its sight.
But she knew she needed sustenance to survive another day in the production zone. Hesitantly, she took a bite, forcing herself to swallow. Her stomach churned, but she pressed on, finishing the meal out of sheer necessity. Just as she completed her last bite, a wave of nausea hit her. She doubled over to the side of the table and threw up, the contents of her stomach splattering onto a pair of pristine boots.
Still shaking and gagging, she stuttered an apology, unable to look up. “I’m so sorry…”
A large hand rested gently on her back, rubbing it soothingly. A familiar voice said, "Take it easy. Sigewinne is on her way."
(Y/N) wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and looked up, her eyes widening in recognition. The man’s expression mirrored hers, a mix of surprise and something else she couldn’t quite place. He simply said, "You."
(Y/N) recognized him immediately. The same man she had collided with in the Court of Fontaine just days ago on her way to deliver flowers. What was he doing here? Her mind raced. Was he an inmate? No, that didn’t make sense. She glanced at the wolf sigil on his garments, the Gardes flocking around him as he barked commands to find Sigewinne. He was clearly important, and the pieces fell into place. This was the Warden of the Fortress of Meropide, Duke Wriothesley. She had just thrown up on the Duke's shoes.
Mortified and terrified of the fate that awaited her, (Y/N) tore the hem of her clothes to wipe the vomit off his shoes. As she reached for his shoes, Wriothesley was confused. "What are you doing?" he asked, his voice softer. "You don’t need to clean up for me."
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to—” (Y/N) started, her voice shaking as she apologized over and over again, her hands trembling violently. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with fear and regret, her body still shaking from the exertion and the emotions of the day. "I’m really sorry. Please don’t punish me. Please."
"Hey, hey," Wriothesley’s voice softened even more as he knelt down to her level, gently pulling her hands away. "It’s okay. You don’t need to do this. Take a deep breath."
(Y/N) looked up at him, tears streaming down her face, her body trembling with fear. She was a mess of apologies and terror, and Wriothesley’s heart clenched at the sight. This wasn’t a hardened criminal. She was clearly terrified, and her frazzled appearance spoke volumes.
Wriothesley’s thoughts raced back to their first encounter. He had been smitten by her beauty then, and now he saw the same spark, though dimmed by exhaustion and despair. Her eyes were puffy and red, dark circles marring her delicate features. What had happened in the span of two days? His musings were interrupted as a melusine, the head nurse Sigewinne, arrived at the scene. Wriothesley and the others stepped back, giving Sigewinne space to examine (Y/N).
“Take care of her,” he instructed softly, his eyes lingering on (Y/N) for a moment longer before he turned to one of the Gardes, whispering into their ear. “Bring me her files. I want to know why she’s here.” Wriothesley's instincts screamed for him to stay and look after the girl, but he was expecting a visitor soon in his office. With one last glance at (Y/N), he turned and headed to his office.
As he entered his office, he took off his boots, wiping them clean with a damp cloth before wearing them again. The day's grime, and the remnants of (Y/N)’s distress, were methodically cleaned away. He took a seat at his desk and poured himself a cup of tea he had brewed earlier, the aroma calming his agitated nerves.
He sipped the tea, savoring the warmth, and opened a book he had been reading. His fingers traced a slowly wilting red poppy petal pressed between the pages. Sure, he’d wanted to see her again, but not like this. Why was she here? What had brought her to Meropide? The questions swirled in his mind, but he knew he would soon have answers. For now, he had to focus on his duties. But the image of her haunted him, and he found himself inexplicably drawn to her plight. He carefully turned the page over, securing the petal in place as he waited for his guest and for answers about the girl. The petal, a remnant of their first encounter, seemed to pulse with a significance he couldn't quite grasp anymore.
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shelbgrey · 2 years
hii, wanna maybe do one of those list imagines about derek from greys anatomy, something along the lines of "imagine you getting attacked and injured by a patient and him being extremely worried and caring about you as you recover"? pleasee
Sorry im just now answering this. But I love this idea.
Greys MasterList
Injured(derek Shepherd)
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Not in a million years would you have expected this but it did.
You never expected to be afraid of one of your favorite places.
You are a resident in Nero and your boyfriend is Derek Shepherd.
You had your fair share for crazies and had a couple of psychos here and there but you never thought you'd get attacked.
You felt safe in the hospital, hell it was basically your home and with Derek and you being glued to the hip he always did his best to protect you.
The day it happened you were alone with a patient while Derek was in surgery.
You were prepping the patient for surgery to remove an enlarged tumor that effected his personality and mood. This caused the patient to lash out at time but he wasn't a danger to others.
The Hospital was proven wrong in worst way possible.
A small detail that was revealed about the patient was he had fear of blood. This was revealed when you were taking blood for some tests and thats when it went down hill.
The patient screamed and pushed the cart of tools in your gut causing you to fall to the ground.
As you tried to get up the patient pulled is IV out and tackled you. You tried to fight him off but couldn't get his larg body off your small one.
The patient ended up setting on your chest and grabbed your throat putting all his strangth on it.
You kicked and used as much strength as could to scream but you went quiet after he took a shot to your eye.
As you were losing consciousness as Mark busted in and with Jackson pulled him off of you.
You coughed and cried as Mark gently pulled you up as Jackson tugged the restrains on the patients.
Mark carefully picked you up and carried you to empty room to stich you up.
As Mark cleaned your wonds and stitched you up Jackson ran to the other side of the hospital to get Derek.
He was completely out of breath when he barged into the OR. Thankfully all surgeries were done.
“Dr. Avrey, whats the matter with you? You know not to run into an OR like that” Webber said.
Jackson looked at Derek with glossy eyes. “I-it's Y/n... Derek she's needs you”
Without another thought Derek raced through the hospital to your room.
When he opened the door a little too hard making you jumped not realizing it was him.
Once you looked up at him he stopped breathing the moment he saw your black eye and brused neck.
“oh baby” he whispered and tried to touch you but you flinched away. His heart clinched as he slowly knelt in front of you.
“it's okay, I'm here... It's only me”
He never felt so enraged. He hated what happened to you and he definitely wanted to make the man that did this to pay.
You looked up at him and started sobbing as you grabbed his white coat pulling him closer.
He held you tight but gently at the same time afraid he was gonna hurt you.
When Mark quietly mentioned you should stay over night for observation you freaked out.
“Derek I wanna go home! Please take me home”
You started panicking and hidding closer into his chest.
Ignoring mark's Requests Derek did take you home.
That night was hard. You held him tighter than usual and kept the bathroom light on. Neither one of you slept well either due to you having nightmears.
Both of you took a week of work off and in that week Derek never left your side.
He took care of your engries and made you feel safe.
He didn't let his gard down through that time and watched you like a hawk.
You were scared all the time but Derek was always there to let you know you were safe.
“I've got you, your safe”
After that week you wanted to get back to work dispite Derek's pleads and worries.
The first day was hard. As soon as you stepped into the building you held Derek's hand tight as your heart raced.
He walked around you like a body guard and didn't let anyone come near you.
But dispite his protectiveness you felt uneasy at the place you called your second home.
It sucked and the only one you felt safe with was Derek.
You felt safe with Mark too because he rescued you but you just wanted to be with Derek. He eased the Anxiety.
When He noticed your constant glancing and nervousness he took you into an On-call room.
“Derek... I'm scared” you admitted. He gently pulled you to his chest and hugged you.
He kissed your forehand and tears started to fall from his eyes as he held you closer.
“I'm never gonna let anything hurt you again... I promise”
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verosvault · 3 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 6 "Party Politics"
Timestamp: 1:10:58
Video Length: 2min. & 22sec.
Mazey talks with Fig about bard stuff 🥺
Mazey walks over to Fig specifically 🥺
Mazey tells Fig that she rules 🥺🥺
Fig: "You know who's gonna rule?"
The awesome caption team: "(Murph sobs)" 😭✋
Zac: "Fig, you don't have to. Fig, you don't have to." 😭✋
Ally: "I message Fig and go, 'do it!' No, I'm kidding, I don't know what's happening." 😭😭
You know exactly what's happening Ally! 😂💀
Fig with tears in her eyes!: "Kristen Applebees"
Mazey: "Yeah, that's awesome!"
Ally: "With Tears!" 😂😂😂
Zac: "Gorgug behind Mazey, weeping" 😂🤣💀
Mazey to Fig: "You've had a big day. I feel like you had a big day. I'm gonna head out. I'll probably listen to 'Burn Towns Get Money' like 10 times like I always do on the way home." 😂🤣💀
Fig: "Whoa, Awesome."
Mazey: "Yeah."
Fig: "I'm working on a new album."
Mazey: "Oh, sick. I love it."
Fig is thinking of self producing!
Mazey: "Yeah, I'm amazed we haven't talked about bard stuff before but it's hard to think- you know, I wanna be in music videos, but I wanna do avant garde stuff, but my family sort of wants me to... It's hard to make money doing that."
Fig: "I have a question."
Mazey: "Yeah"
Fig: "I'm kind of going through a personal crisis."
Mazey: "Yeah?"
Fig: "As a bard, do you feel like the cultivation of your craft is where your power comes from? Commitment to your craft?"
Mazey: "I always felt like the fundamental substance of the universe is creation. None of this makes any sense, when you really break it down. It's like, none of this had to happen, but it's beautiful, and art is the definition of, 'this didn't have to happen, but it's beautiful.' So I think the reason bard magic works is it's so impractical and it's so wonderful, it resonates with the universe 'cause the universe is consciousness or whatever playing with itself."
Fig: "I think I hear you and I love that, and I love that that- it's like you talk about creation, but if I'm thinking about, what is my authentic impetus, it's probably destruction."
Mazey: "Hey, the energies that formed the universe were inherently destructive. Destruction and creation, that's the beautiful cycle."
I truly loved this conversation that Mazey and Fig both had so, so very much! 🥺🥺🫶🫶
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grendelsmilf · 3 months
before anyone gets mad that i didnt like poor things and barbie, no one was more disappointed about this fact than i was. greta gerwig's little women made me sob like a baby, and i'm not someone who cries often, period. and every single one of yorgos's films that he's made up until now has been excellent to me. and yet both were solidly mediocre, and incredibly shallow and even regressive in their surface level conversations about patriarchy and female liberation. poor things was definitely more avant garde than barbie, but they both felt like shallow products of a capitalist hollywood mandate rather than a work of art making any kind of meaningful statement about the world. and i don't think greta is some kind of grand auteur, but i thought lady bird was charming and funny and i thought her little women was compelling and poignant. obviously there's only so much room for individuality or creativity in a feature length toy commercial, but some of the dialogue in that film was downright embarrassing. and yorgos's body of work thus far has been unique and distinguished by his singular stylistic vision. while some of his films are funnier than others, they are all deeply uncomfortable and visceral. dogtooth especially does not shy away from the uncomfortable truths regarding the subject of its critique, and it is genuinely insightful insofar as it comments on the nature of the family, language, and fascism. but even his more recent films, like the favourite, killing of a sacred deer, or the lobster feel meaningful without compromising their sense of style and perpetual discomfort. i didn't feel my stomach churn while watching poor things. the shock value felt external rather than internal. i felt like i was watching an "art film" for corporate execs, sufficiently raunchy and violent to be intriguing, but also unobjectionably hollow at its core. that said, both films had gorgeous aesthetics. great gowns beautiful gowns. it was clear that their bigger budgets allowed them to go all out with the costume and set design, which was at least pleasing to the senses even if both films disappointed artistically and intellectually. but i'd rather watch a cheap looking film with meaningful themes (such as dogtooth!) than a beautiful hollywood spectacle with nothing to say. oh and oppie being mid goes without mentioning because i've never actually seen a film of christopher nolan's that i thought merited any sort of consideration. he's either dumb or believes everyone in the world is dumb, because he makes movies for stupid people. it's no wonder that greta and yorgos felt the need to stoop to his level to win an oscar, considering the trends in hollywood cinema. but whatever.
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anakinfests · 10 months
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day two is here! check out these beautiful works!
day two twitter thread: here
01. Wants and Needs by anonymous
On a planet whose atmosphere is filled with a gas with... interesting side effects, Anakin and Obi-Wan are sent to take out a Separatist base. Fill for the Rough Sex square in the 2023 Obikin Bingo as well as a prompt claim for the Sub!Anakin Fest
02. Bare grace misery by anonymous
Anakin let out a pained sound. “I failed my men, I failed you, and now… and now this. Could you, Obi-Wan? Could you come from this humiliation?” His voice broke, and then he was weeping, hot tears streaming down his face even as he kept stroking himself, his sobs of shame intermingling with his whimpers of pleasure. The mixture was so unbelievably erotic Obi-Wan felt his head spin. Or: Anakin gets poisoned, and the antidote that saves his life has some uncomfortable side effects.
03. Serenity, Serenity by anonymous
After learning that the Separatists have gained the favor of a weapons manufacturer that has the power to overturn the Clone Wars, a freshly knighted Anakin and Master Obi-Wan must infiltrate the organization's inner circle and eliminate the partnership at an exclusive event posed as black market dealers. The problem is, the two of them have to act as a married couple, Anakin assuming the role of coy, submissive husband to a domineering and firm handed Obi-Wan. Between Anakin's not-so-subtle pining, Obi-Wan's suppressed emotions, and the fate of the Republic on the line, the two of them must confront their messy feelings for one another over a game of high-stakes, winner takes all sabacc.
04. Subakin and his Obi-Dom by anonymous
Anakin Skywalker was forever in denial. He could not admit, no sorry, would never accept he was a sub. No Never. He, the great and powerful Jedi Knight, was destined to be a dom, and he would not stop until his desires came to pass.
05. no fault of my own by anonymous
“You know you’re not supposed to like this,” Obi-Wan murmured, “and here you are, so wet for me and I’ve barely even touched you.” Anakin looked away, blinking back tears that threatened to well up in his eyes at his master’s disapproval, but he leaked more slick into his lap all the same. “I’m sorry, Master,” he quavered. “I can’t help it!”
06. En Garde, Prêt, Allez by anonymous
Anakin Skywalker is a highly skilled fencer, known for his fast pace and brutal attack style. Young and arrogant, he carries himself as a man who knows he's going to win - no matter the cost. Obi-Wan Kenobi is an equally talented fencer who has more titles and championships attached to his name than most could ever dream of, and who has the respect and admiration from everyone in the community. When the two are paired off against each other during the World Championships, Anakin is caught between wanting to prove himself and win the title, and not dethroning a man who has inspired him both on and off the piste. They say never meet your heroes - and certainly never kick their ass in front of a stadium full of their peers - but winning on the piste might bring more treasures and rewards to Anakin than he ever thought possible.
07. Who's Loving You by anonymous
Anakin Skywalker was the luckiest man alive. He had the relationship he had always desired. Well, almost.
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sephyathredon-writing · 7 months
Whumptober #9: So This Is How It Feels To Fall
Summary:   Both Ballister and Ambrosius’ lives had begun to spin out of control when they realized that they had been caught having an intimate kiss in Ambrosius’ room by someone discreetly taking a photograph and what was supposed to be a private intimate moment was plastered on the front page of the newest issue of “GARD” magazine. An Entry for Whumptober under the prompt "You're a Liar"
Note: Whenever "The Danks" are mentioned in this fic, I mean the poor part of town where the commoners live. The Nimona Artbook confirms that's what the place is called.
It really happened, the thing Ambrosius had been dreading might happen since he got with Ballister.
  Both Ballister and Ambrosius’ lives had begun to spin out of control when they realized that they had been caught having an intimate kiss in Ambrosius’ room by someone discreetly taking a photograph and what was supposed to be a private intimate moment was plastered on the front page of the newest issue of “GARD” magazine.
Ambrosius remembers staring at it in horror, he remembers pushing it into Ballister’s face and demanding that he see what they had done, anger clear in his voice. He remembers breaking down in Balister’s arms, sobbing about how things were never going to be the same. Ballister tried to soothe his worries, but Ambrosius could tell that he was upset too, just trying to hide it for the other’s sake.
He had been right on all accounts to be cautious about not revealing the true nature of his relationship with Ballister. For the next few weeks Ambrosius was plagued by that picture, by people trying to talk to him about his relationship with Ballister and trying to talk him out of it.
He had to sit through a lecture from the Director on how he couldn’t marry Ballister because he was a man and Ambrosius being with a man meant that an heir to Gloreth’s legacy could not be produced. Ambrosius listened to all this holding back tears, with his nails digging into his palm.
Todd had found it hilarious that Ambrosius was in love with Ballister, he made it his mission to mimic some very obscene motions and laugh whenever Ambrosius or Ballister were nearby and he knew he could do it without getting in trouble.
People all over the Kingdom put in their two cents about what they thought was best for Ambrosius, which was usually something that had to do with breaking up with Ballister. He recieved endless requests for interviews about it and the few that he accepted ended in disaster.
He was exhausted by the end of the week. He found himself laying in bed in the dark, head on Ballister’s chest sobbing while the man ran fingers through his hair.
“I can’t do this, Ballister. I can’t do this…” He sobbed, “They always talk about what’s best for me, but they don’t know that you’re what’s best for me… and they won’t let me tell them. They only see that you’re a commoner and I’m sick of it…”
“Shhh,” Ballister soothed, “The only thing that matters is that we know we’re good for each other.”
“But what if they try to tear us apart?” Ambrosius’ voice was full of fear as he buried his head into Ballister’s chest, “What if they hurt you? I don’t think I can take that…”
“If someone tries to hurt me, I’ll fight back. You know me, I can take a hit and return it well enough. Now please, love. Go to sleep.”
Ambrosius’ eyes darted around the room as if he expected to see someone, to see a camera. That front page picture has made him paranoid now. At least it was dark so they couldn’t get a good picture without having to use flash, which would instantly alert the two of them.
Eventually, Ambrosius calmed down enough to fall asleep, tears still running down his cheeks even in his unconscious state. He kept his arms wrapped around Ballister’s waist as he slept.
When he awoke the next morning, Ballister was gone. Instead he held a pillow in his arms. Ambrosius could sense that there was something wrong with Ballister not being with him. A stone of dread that he didn’t quite understand settled in his stomach as he got out of bed and went about his morning routine.
“It’s okay, Ambrosius… he’s okay…” He told himself in a faint whisper as he brushed his hair. It was a weekend so they didn’t have class. Ballister didn’t have any other friends, especially now with the news that alienated him so much from the other Knights in training.
Ambrosius’ breath hitched as he paused in the middle of running his brush through his hair. A thought occurred that Todd and his lackeys might be hurting him. Of course Ballister had learned to deal with Todd’s physical abuse since he joined the academy, but what if he rallied other knights to outnumber him.
He couldn’t shake the thought from his head. He repeated Ballister’s words in his mind as an attempt to calm himself down, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that settled over him.
He slammed his hairbrush down on the counter and stared at himself in the mirror. Disheveled was an exaggeration for how he looked, but his mind amplified every imperfection he had tried to cover every single morning. His routine lasted easily over an hour.
He couldn’t do it today.
He watched his lips move in the mirror as he spoke.
“I’ve got to find Bal…”
It wasn’t long until Ambrosius spotted a crowd gathering in one part of town. The crowd wasn’t huge, but it was so big he couldn’t see what was in the middle of it, the people in the middle were moving though. Most of the people in the crowd wore the bright colors that marked them as nobility. It wasn’t until he heard shouts that he really realized what was going on.
“Go back to the Danks, where you belong!”
“How dare you taint Gloreth’s descendant!”
“He deserves better!”
“You’re just using him for his status! There’s no true love there!”
Ambrosius stumbled back as if he had been punched, eyes wide as he realized he could hear shouts and cries that sounded familiar, a voice he’d recognize anywhere.
“Ballister…” He whispered, hardly even able to breathe as the full extent of the situation donned on him.
He looked around for Knights to see if he could get their help, and he could spot them on the outskirts of the crowd, their armor reflecting the sunlight. They just stood there watching, not making any move to stop people from hurting the love of his life, a few of them even jeered along with some of the others in the crowd.
“You’re just a gutter rat, you don’t belong here!” Ambrosius heard one of the people close to him shout.
It made his blood boil and his eyes fill with tears. His expression was one of determination as he pushed his way through the crowd. Their shouts were closer than ever.
“Go back to the shadows and leave Ambrosius alone!”
“You’re a liar!”
“There’s no way a commoner could ever love a noble!”
“You’re a monster just looking to use him!”
Ambrosius hissed at that last one. It hurt him hearing someone call Ballister a monster. It hurt more than anything else in the past week, but he kept pushing on, angrily shoving past people. A few noticed his presence, but most of the people were focused on Ballister.
“Bal! No! Leave him alone!” He shouted, but his voice was drowned out by everyone else’s
Soon he got far enough in the crowd that he could actually see Ballister among the people in the center. He recognized one of these people as Todd, who currently had Ballister’s head pinned between his boot and the pavement.
Ballister’s teeth were gritted and his expression showed how much pain he was in.
It appears that Todd didn’t see Ambrosius yet because he was looking down at Ballister.
“Did you really think you’d have a place here? The only reason you were even considered is because the Queen is too nice. There’s no place for a charity case in the Knights, and there’s no place for a commoner in the arms of nobility.”
That was it, the final straw. Ambrosius snapped, pushing the last of the crowd aside and delivering a punch to Todd’s face. He was sent sprawling back into the crowd, knocked out cold.
Ambrosius saw someone aim to punch Ballister out of the corner of his eye and he moved to intercept it, the blow hitting harmlessly off his armor as he gathered Ballister in his arms and tried to wrap himself around the other as best he could to keep him from getting hurt.
“Enough!” He cried as loud as he could.
Everything stopped.
Ambrosius looked around. Some people had stopped mid wind up to a punch, others just stared at him.
Now would be the time to talk, Ambrosius realized. They wouldn’t hit their beloved descendant of Gloreth.
Ambrosius showed everything he was feeling in his expression. The sadness, the fear, the anger.
“I love Ballister.” He spoke confidently, looking around at the crowd, “I have loved Ballister for a long time now. He has been what kept me going all these years ago. You may believe his love is fake, but I know it isn’t.”
Ambrosius looked down at the man in his arms, gently caressing his face. He bit his lip as tears threatened to spill.
“Now here you are, hurting the man I love most in the whole world.”
He looked up at the crowd with a different expression on, anger.
“You hurt him. You all hurt him. I knew this was going to happen. This is why I didn’t tell anyone about our relationships, because I knew he would get hurt. I knew none of you would be able to just leave it be and go ‘well at least Ambrosius is happy’. No. It has to be a whole controversy over Ballister’s class, doesn’t it?” He looked away, “Everyone always thinks they know best for me and then they try to talk over me whenever I correct them. Well I’m sick of it. You do not get a say in my love life.”
He looked around at the crowd again and found that many of the people were looking at them with sympathetic expressions. He went back to looking at Ballister.
“He isn’t using me, he’s not trying to worm his way into my good graces to take advantage of my status, and he is not a liar. He’s my Ballister. We’ve been best friends since I was a kid and we’ve been together since I was a teen. There is nobody else I’d rather have at my side. There is nobody else I would experience life with.”
He leaned down and pressed his forehead against Ballister’s, a sob finally breaking loose.
“Ballister is my everything. I adore him.”
He didn’t say another word, instead he stood with Ballister in his arms and moved toward one part of the crowd. They all parted for him to make his way through, giving him plenty of space. A few of the people shuffled and fidgeted nervously.
“Hey! Get back here!” Ambrosius cringed at the sound of Todd’s voice behind him. He must have woken up, “I’m not finished with that sewer rat yet!”
Ambrosius turned around and fixed Todd with an even angry glare.
It didn’t stop him. He aimed a punch at Ballister’s form curled up in his arms.
Ambrosius responded by bringing his leg up and delivering a hard kick to Todd’s stomach. He was lucky Ambrosius didn’t aim further down.
He fell to the ground and stayed there. He was not knocked out, but reluctant to get back up. He glared at Ambrosius as he watched him walk away.
Ambrosius was quiet the whole walk back to the Institute, lost in his thoughts, not really caring who saw him carrying Ballister in his arms. If they were smart, they’d stay quiet on the subject. Ambrosius’ heart was still racing and he was likely to snap at anyone that said anything.
Ballister was out cold until Ambrosius finally laid him down on the bed in his own room. Ballister shared a room with one of his classmates, so taking him there was not an option. One of the perks of being Gloreth’s descendant was that he got his own room in the academy instead of having to share it with Knights.
Once Ambrosius laid Ballister on the bed, he was finally able to get a good look at the damage. He didn’t like what he saw. Bruises, a swollen eye, a split lip that tinted parts of his mustache red.
His eyes fluttered open as Ambrosius was looking him over and as those brown eyes met his own, he felt his heart swell with emotion.
How could this happen? How could he let Ballister get so hurt? He wanted to protect him from harm, always, but he was too late this time.
“Ugh… feels like I got hit by a hoverbike…” Those were the first words Ballister said.
“Please… please don’t move.” Ambrosius’ voice betrayed how much emotion he was feeling, “Save your strength, I’ll call a doctor.”
As he moved to turn away, Ballister sat up and grabbed his wrist.
“Amb… what happened? When I try to remember, everything is a blur…”
Ambrosius stood like that for a few moments, facing away from Ballister.
“Nothing good…” Was what Ambrosius replied with.
“Must be… if I’m in this kind of shape…” Ballister let go of Ambrosius’ wrist, laying back on the bed. His breathing is labored, “I feel like I have a few broken ribs.”
“You probably do.” Ambrosius replied as he pulled out his phone.
Ambrosius spent the next few minutes explaining Ballister’s condition over the phone to someone from the local hospital and asking for a doctor to be dispatched for a house call.
When he got off the phone, he laid down next to Ballister, who had fallen unconscious again during the phone call. Absent-mindedly, he ran his hand through the others hair, watched as his chest rose and fell with his breathing, listened to every groan of pain. He was close to tears again as he thought back on everything that happened, how eager they were to hurt him, all because he was in a relationship with a descendant of Gloreth.
Ambrosius shuddered and the tears broke free. He buried his face into the closest of Ballister’s shoulders, dark thoughts drifting through his mind.
He came to the conclusion that Ballister would never have gotten hurt if they weren’t together. Sure he’d still get the same insults and other things thrown his way, but it wouldn’t be this bad.
Truly, being a descendant of Gloreth was a curse.
He made the decision then and there, and it was the hardest decision he’s ever made in his life.
Shakily, he got up from the bed, tears still falling down his cheeks. He bent over it and looked down at Ballister’s sleeping face.
One last kiss for the road.
“I’m sorry… Ballister,” Ambrosius leaned down and captured his lips in a deep kiss. Tears dripped down his cheeks and fell onto Ballister’s face as he held the kiss. Ambrosius figured this would be his last one, so he tried to savor it.
“I love you. Goodbye…” Ambrosius bit back a sob, standing up straight. He threw on a cloak and headed out the door.
He met with the Doctor out in the hall and stopped to address him.
“Please… take good care of him…”
And that was it.
He began his walk out of the Institute, hand clutching his chest, his entire form slumped over. He was the very picture of sorrow, but he kept going. Step by step by step.
It was raining outside.
Ambrosius planned to find somewhere to spend the night and then to figure out some way to go over the wall.
He barely paid attention as he walked, so lost he was in thought. Images of the time they had spent together flashed in Ambrosius’ mind. He felt like he was throwing it all away.
The further he walked from Ballister, the worse the feeling got. He realized as he was making his way through the Danks that the feeling was heartbreak.
He stumbled, bracing his arm against a wall as he clutched his chest, trying to remember how to breathe. He tried to shake it off, now was not the time to panic.
He tried to continue onward, but tripped, falling to the ground, being showered in rainwater as a hover car drove by.
A cry left Ambrosius’ throat as he hit the ground with a fist. He couldn’t even leave properly.
This was the hardest thing he’s ever done.
He made a frustrated noise, getting back to his feet, and then broke out into a sprint. He needed to get out of the city. He needed to go somewhere Ballister couldn’t find him. He was dangerous.
He was dangerous.
There was no slowing down until Ambrosius cleared the treeline. When he did, he leaned heavily on one of the trees, catching his breath, and then looked back at where he had come from, at the city he’d spent his entire life in.
His eyes narrowed as he spotted the Gloreth statue at the center of the city.
He wasn’t like her after all, more like his father who abandoned his duties and left them on the shoulders of a young Ambrosius.
Biting back another sob, Ambrosius just scoffed and turned his back away from the city, heading deeper into the woods. He walked at an even pace this time, the water from the rain slowly seeping into his armor. He didn’t care.
It wasn’t the rain making him numb.
At one point, Ambrosius could swear he heard a voice on the wind, calling him. He chalked it up to his longing to be back by Ballister’s side. He was hearing things.
He didn’t even look back. He had resigned himself to his fate.
“Ambrosius!” The familiar voice cut through the rain, but still he ignored it.
It wasn’t until he felt a warm hand on his that he stopped and turned.
Ballister was there panting heavily from an exhaustion that clearly showed how fast he had to run to catch up with Ambrosius. He was bandaged but still heavily bruised, his expression full of fear.
The wind kicked up around them, but it didn’t matter, Ambrosius was lost in those big brown eyes full of hurt and betrayal.
“I… I can’t believe you were just going to leave…” Ballister sounded close to tears as he spoke, “After everything we’ve been through.”
He let go of Ambrosius’ hand and wrapped his own around himself.
“Bal, It’s not like that… they hurt you because of me. I’m dangerous. I-”
Ballister looked away and took a deep shaky breath, “It’s okay. Truth be told, the crowd ambushed me on my way out. I was going to leave you too. It wasn’t what I wanted, but I thought it’d be the best decision…”
“Wha- Bal. You know you’re the only thing keeping me at the Institute.” Ambrosius grabbed Ballister by his shoulders, looking him in the eye, “You know how much you mean to me. For you to leave without a note or anything… it would break my heart…” Ambrosius paused, “Oh…”
“Now you know how I felt, the sheer panic I felt when I woke up. I know you and I know that you wouldn’t leave my side for even a second if I was this injured.”
Ambrosius could swear he felt his broken heart healing itself.
“I love you so much, Ballister. When I made the decision to leave, it was so hard…”
“I love you too,” Ballister replied.
Things were quiet for a moment before Ambrosius spoke, “Bal, I had to listen to the Director tell me why we weren’t supposed to be together. I had to sit there and listen to her call you a filthy commoner. You don’t know how much I wanted to hit her…” He looked away, “The thing she was most worried about was that we couldn’t have children… Gloreth’s legacy can’t continue.”
Ballister sighed, “I’m tired of the Institute telling us what to do, telling you what to do with your body, Ambrosius. You know what I say about people who don’t like our relationship? Fuck em. Fuck the Institute.”
It was rare for Ballister to use such language, even though the knew it since he was young from growing up in the Danks. It had always been in an attempt to be polite and maintain his carefully curated appearance of a man worthy of becoming a knight. So to see him curse now was surprising. When he cursed around Ambrosius it often meant that he was serious about what he said.
Ambrosius wrapped Ballister in a hug and slumped forward, resting his head on Ballister’s shoulder, showing just how tired he was. He can’t remember the last time he hadn’t felt weariness in his bones, he always assumed it came with being Gloreth’s descendant.
“Yean… but I’m tired Bal… I don’t want to go back. I don’t want to risk that happening again.” Ambrosius mumbled, enjoying the feeling of Ballister running his hand through his hair.
“Then we won’t.”
Ambrosius pulled back and looked Ballister in the eyes.
“Where do you suggest we go?”
“Over the wall, where they can’t get us. The Institute can spin whatever rumors they want, but in the end, maybe we can find a place where we can be happy…”
“But there are monsters past the wall.”
“Says the Institute. Let's go and see for ourselves. Whatever happens, we’ll be together.”
Ambrosius thought about it for a few moments and then nodded.
“Wherever you go, I’ll be right behind you. I don’t ever want to leave you again Bal. I just… I”
Words failed Ambrosius so he captured Ballister’s lips in a passionate kiss, pressing their bodies together with one hand while pushing on the back of his head with one hand to make it deeper.
They didn’t part until they realized they needed air. Then they kissed again and again, like lovers who hadn’t seen each other in months. It didn’t matter that it was raining. It didn’t matter that Ambrosius was soaked to the bone, it didn’t matter that Ballister was still covered in bruises. All that mattered was each other.
The two of them stayed in a run down castle structure in the forest that they stumbled upon that night, and soon the two of them executed their plan to go over the wall.
Gloreth’s line was officially ended by the disappearance of Ambrosius. Knights searched the kingdom high and low, but there was no sign of them. Many people expressed their condolences, but few acknowledged the real reason why Ambrosius disappeared, citing it as just anything between ‘Ballister kidnapped him’ and ‘he just got lost, he’ll turn up.’
When Ballister and Ambrosius went over the wall, the truth dawned on them. There were no monsters, just miles and miles of untouched wilderness.
It was hard for the first month or so, but soon they had put together a home and were living off the land, happier than they had ever been under the thumb of the Institute.
They didn’t have to worry about anyone disapproving of their relationship, Ballister didn’t have to worry about his reputation or whether or not people liked him, and Ambrosius didn’t have to worry about his Gloreth duties anymore.
For them, It was truly a happy ending.
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dawnthefox24 · 26 days
*Rumiko watches Genji and Hanzo chase each other around the the garden laughing,making her smile* Rumiko:*looks away for a moment till the laughter stops as she looked up seeing both her soms gone* Hanzo?...Genji? Rumiko:*starts walking around* Hanzo!? Genji!? Rumiko:*feels dread as she starts frantically looking for them* H-HANZO!? GENJI!? Rumiko:*looks all over the garden as and starts panicking* HANZO AND GENJI WHERE ARE YOU!!?? Rumiko:* enters the palace and looking all around asking everyone if they seem either Hanzo or Genji in which no one has* Rumiko:*see's Sojiro and runs over to him crying* Sojiro!! Sojiro:*hugs Rumiko and is worried* My love what's wrong!? Rumiko:*just breaks down sobbing* I was watching our sons a-and I looked away for a moment a-and there gone!! I don't know where they are. Sojiro:*holds her close* take a deep breath okay where were they the last time? Rumiko:*is trembling * G-Gard- They were in the Garden... Sojiro:*holds her close* Okay come with me and we'll look for them okay Rumiko:*nods still crying* I'm a horrible mother... Sojiro: Wh-no no no my love your a wonderful mother... Rumiko: I lost our boys... Sojiro: You didn't love, just fallow me okay.. . Rumiko:*fallowed Sojiro a bit shaking a bit since she just looked away for a few moments* Sojiro:*holds her hand and showed where Hanzo and Genji were hiding in the bushes*Boys... Hanzo & Genji:*pop out the bush and looked a bit worried* Yes father? Rumiko:*runs over to them and hugs them tightly holding them close to her* Genji: momma what's wrong? Hanzo: We were just playing... Rumiko:...T-tell me next time you two, I was so worried that something happened to you both...Do you have any idea how much I was scared...I was screaming your names why did you hide from me!? Hanzo & Genji:*both looked away ashamed* Sojiro: Boys answer your mother...You scared her half to death... Genji:*tears up* I-I wanted to play hide and seek with and asked Hanzo to join since I wanted you to find us momma. Hanzo:...I'm sorry mother... Rumiko:*sighs softly and kissed both of their foreheads* Please tell me next time okay...I was so worried about your safety.... Hanzo & Genji: Sorry momma... Rumiko:*dried her tears away* It's okay my sons...I'm not mad at you... Hanzo & Genji: *hugs her* Rumiko:*hugs them back and smiled softly* You two are so mischievous Hanzo & Genji: Nuh uh!! Rumiko:*smiled softly* Why did you think hiding from me was a good idea? Genji:*whispers* ...It was our mother's day gift.... Rumiko: What was that Genji? Genji: I-It was our mother's day gift...I thought it was a good gift...I didn't mean to scare you momma.... Rumiko:*smiled softly* How about this for mother's day we all go out and get some ramen how does that sound? Sojiro:*smiled happily* I like the sound of that, what do you think? Hanzo,Genji? Hanzo & Genji: YES!!! Rumiko:*smiled happily and kissed both Hanzo & Genji's foreheads and cheeks happily* Ohh I love you two much !! Hanzo & Genji: We love you too momma!! Sojiro:*smiled * Come on let's go get some Ramen together
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the-apocrypha · 27 days
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I am crying, literally sobbing.
Retired Dream's relationship with time is so heartbreaking and yet so deeply relatable. "Berlin is leaving him" Just rip my heart out, why don'tcha.
I'm very glad Hob is there to give him the hugs he so desperately needs. Also I love all the descriptions of the watchs!!!
LMAO THAT MEME. Fae Prince Dream is coming back to the silver screen soon enough, no worries, but it was nice to take a month off of cottagecore and focus on something else for a sec. Turns out that something was making watches in Berlin while having existential crises about the inevitability of time!
I knew absolutely nothing about watches prior to writing this, and I don't know much now, but I did spend hours and hours learning the physics of them and how they're made and researching various avant garde brands. Reading through the blistering reviews of the most out-there watches was definitely my favorite part. So much salt.
Thanks for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed. <3 <3 <3
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killerwithknife · 2 months
avant garde movie was scaring me a lil so now im watching the perks of being a wallflower About to sob he's LITERALLY me
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siena-sevenwits · 5 months
Jan 6 - Day 7 - Fortnight in Books
Most memorable character:
How can I pick? A few that come to mind:
Eugenides, Costis, and Attolia (Queen's Thief series) - Eugenides is such a strange and fantastic trickster archetype who's full of mercy. Costis is one of the the most endearing pov characters I've run across. Attolia is made unforgettable by her story, and I will never forget scene on the stairs, or the dance and the stolen hairpins.
Harriet Vane (Gaudy Night) She takes my breath away with how real and complex she is, how subtle and effective her arc. I would be so intimidated by her in real life but would wish to heaven I wasn't.
Will Hardy (Wayfarer) I couldn't help but like him, a country boy in 1820's London for the very first time, with, um, superpowers.
Iphigeneia and Achilles (Iphigeneia in Aulis) This girl becomes the epitome of courage and strength over the course of her play, and her parallel arc with Achilles is INCREDIBLE.
Schmendrick and Molly Grue (The Last Unicorn - reread) I love them. I love them so dearly. Schmendrick I project on, and Molly is real.
Ratty and Toad (The Wind in the Willows - reread) Toad was one of my childhood favourites, and I find I still love him. But this reread really gave me an appreciation for Ratty, the courageous poet full of imagination but also love for the ordinary, common sense but also the ability to hear what the wind is saying in the willows, and who does not fear Pan.
Lucy and L*ckwood (censoring so Meri can still see this post if she wants to - I don't think it's an issue in this case.) These kids are homemakers in the truest sense of the word. (But someone should probably get them some help!)
Kate Sutton (The Perilous Gard) I want to be her.
Piranesi (Piranesi - reread) I'll never forget him. Never. Welcoming the albatross with arms open like a cross.
Janner and Kalmar Igiby (The Wingfeather Saga) These boys made me sob with the truth of their story.
Moriarty (Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Treason) Especially for the sake of his conversations with Watson, his south Irish accent and expressive voice, the revelation that he taught maths at a "university of the Jesuitical persuasion on the continent," and the scene in the coffeeshop. Oh, and raiding the dark room. Oh, the consternation Watson feels when he realizes that Moriarty is just naturally a more congenial person to get along with than Holmes is.
Larry, Mother, and Spiro (The Corfu Trilogy) As these are fictionalized versions of real people, I'd best be careful to be respectful in how I talk of them. But oh, gosh, the fun.
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games) What a shame her inner life is so misunderstood by the general pop culture.
Helene Hanff and Frank Doel (84 Charing Cross Road) Again, real people, and not even fictionalized in this case. But i loved both dearly.
Most annoying character:
Captain Creech (The Corfu Trilogy) Hands down. Eventually I skipped every passage he was in and refused to read it. This character was portrayed in a horrid manner, and I greatly hope he was not based on a real person. He existed in story only to be disgusting, and I was clearly expected to be charmed by him, or find everyone's reactions to him funny, or something. Ugh.
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