warden-melli · 2 years
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Okay, but what if he’d worn this to the festival instead??? 👀
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lethalchiralium · 9 months
hi there, i was thinking about Simon helping missus postpartum with mellie and its melting my heart. staying up with mellie so missus can get proper sleep, always insisting on getting up in the night when mellie cried so she could stay in bed. I don't remember how old mellie was when Simon came back from deployment, but if missus was still in pain, maybe helping her take baths and just treating her like an absolute princess. ❤️🥹
i will say i have written some of that in A Little More and it’s second part, but i’ll add a little more cause you asked so nicely 🥹🫶
happiness canon!
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“Little love, it’s okay.”
The little two month old cooed softly as Simon gently placed her in her bassinet, hand settled on the wall of it. Little Mellie’s eyes couldn’t stay open after being fed, changed, and cuddled - her arms resting on her chest as her eyes finally fluttered closed. Simon sighed, keeping his hand where he had set it to refrain from gently petting her head. He’s been home for less than two days, he can’t know how his new daughter operates in such little time. But, in Riley fashion, she was out like a light - just like her sister.
Sister. The word usually meant nothing to him, but now it meant so much. His daughter finally got what she had been asking for - a sister. And he got a chance to have a little baby again, a little creature to care for. He couldn’t lie, he missed Winnie being the size of his forearm, but nothing compared to the smart little girl who was asleep just two doors down the hallway. The afternoon had just begun, he was bone-tired but he was adamant about not showing it. You must have had a difficult time juggling Winnie while being pregnant, then Winnie and Mellie.
His heart filled with happiness at the mention of their names. Winnie and Mellie. Winter and Melody Riley. They would be unstoppable, Simon was sure of it.
He turned away as soon as his baby’s breathing began to calm, eyes staying closed, and her little feet twitched - something Winnie did at that age. The air in his bedroom was comfortable, his daughter slumbered soundly as he made cautious steps towards the bathroom. His hand splayed against the wood, pushing it open to reveal you - sitting in the tub, filled up to your collarbone in hot water. He had tied your hair up into a bun earlier when you complained about your shoulders aching, he filled up your tub only twenty minutes ago when you told him about the constant back pain you got from your pregnancy.
“Get her down alright?” You asked, head settled on the back of the tub, eyes closed.
Simon pulled his shirt up and over his head. “She’s fine. Out like a light.” He tugged down his sweatpants and boxers, kicking them both off before he made his way to the tub. “Scoot.”
You didn’t even open your eyes as you moved forwards, allowing him space to sit behind you. He instantly moved to get in. The water was too hot for him to feel comfortable but he wouldn’t say a thing; he slid into the tub behind you, his hands gliding down your sides to settle on your hips. His lips placed a kiss to your ear before he spoke gently, “What do you want for dinner?”
You instantly relaxed back into him, head lolling into his neck. “Whatever you want.”
He frowned, hands slowly massaging your hips and moving towards your back. “That’s not how this works, love. What do you want for dinner?”
“I’ll find something.”
“You’re not eatin’ enough, love.” He kissed your neck, thumbs pressing circles into your lower back. “Don’t want you to get sick.”
You pressed your face into his neck, a groan of appreciation rumbled from your throat. Your hands found his legs under the water, squeezing them a little - he kissed your hairline. “Then can we just order in?”
“That’ll be perfect.”
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all of the happiness asks make me so happy please keep them coming 😭
Copyright © 2023 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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destourtereaux · 2 years
you have a beautiful smile - draco malfoy x fem!reader
summary: Y/N is sunlight in human form, an absolute angel to be around. she’s always available to help out and treats everyone with kindness. draco malfoy should hate her, but he finds himself feeling quite the opposite.
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taglist - add yourself here | warnings: none | wc: 1.5k
a/n: haven't written in a while, and this is my first draco fic, so please bear w me! lemme know what you think :) also my motivation to write draco is all bc of ms melli (@mellifluousart) who writes him wonderfully :)
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Draco was eleven when he first saw Y/N. He had been so stupidly excited for Hogwarts that he had crashed his cart into hers on the platform. He immediately started to apologize, but Y/N beat him to it. And when he glanced up and met her eyes for the first time, he realized he wouldn’t have been able to say anything at that moment anyway.
Five years had passed since that first meeting, and Draco was preparing for his sixth year at school. He’d never forgotten you, but there hadn’t been many opportunities to even approach you. He’d heard of you around the school, of course. How could he not have? You were beloved, by teachers and students alike. Y/N L/N, prefect, outstanding student, and an avid volunteer around the school. Little did he know, you knew him too.
Draco had built quite the reputation for himself. He was the Slytherin prince, calculating, cold, and altogether untouchable. If you asked anyone, they would tell you that the two of you were on complete opposite ends of the spectrum.
Of course, none of this mattered to Professor Slughorn. In the first potions class of the year, a mixed group of Hufflepuffs and Slytherins, he managed to seat you right next to Draco. He would be your partner for projects until the end of the year.
“So, do you speak now?” you poke with a laugh, referring to your first meeting as you sit down next to him.
“Yeah,” he responds briefly, before returning to his notes. To be honest, he didn’t trust his own voice well enough to say anything more - you still had the same effect on him more than half a decade later.
Draco did not believe in perfection. He kept trying to catch you being fake, as if your kindness and constant positivity was a facade that he might one day spot slipping. But as you continued to work hard with him on projects, joking to lighten the mood, and displaying the same amount of compassion despite his cold responses, he just couldn’t spot a single flaw. And one day, you caught him off guard.
“Godric, Professor Slughorn’s hair looks like his namesake today…” you mutter, as you copy furiously from the blackboard. You hadn’t meant for anyone to hear it, but then you caught the boy next to you let out a snort. Your eyes widened; there was no way Draco Malfoy had just laughed?
You whip your head around, and Draco averts his eyes.
“You just laughed,” you state, a smile forming on your lips. “You just laughed at my joke.”
“Did not,” the boy denies, “I was just shocked that sunshine in human form could say something like that,” then he turns away so you can’t catch the smile that threatens to appear.
Your cheeks redden, and you scoff. “It wasn’t even mean!” you protest, “I find it rather fits him.”
From that day on, the two of you developed a more natural dynamic. Your conversations were no longer one-sided, and you found yourself growing to enjoy Draco’s sarcastic sense of humour and wit. You even got to know Blaise and Pansy, who were very eager to share some of Draco’s most embarrassing moments with you. Little did you know, these two had an ulterior motive.
“So, Y/N, huh?” Pansy prompts, glancing up at Draco with an act of nonchalance.
Blaise smirks, catching the tinge of pink that appeared on his friend’s cheeks. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Pans, and she doesn’t either. You and Blaise need to shut it and stop poking your ugly heads into this.”
“Alright, alright. But just so you know, she likes you too,” Blaise replies, before striding to the staircase and heading up to his room.
Pansy nods, “She does, but I have no idea why… You’re utterly unlikeable!” she finishes with a cackle, and practically sprints to the girls dormitories, where she knows the blond boy can’t touch her.
And so, Draco was left all alone with his thoughts and a pounding heart, at 10pm in the Slytherin common room.
The upcoming week was Hogsmeade week. Draco and you had made plans to get some extra quills and ingredients you were missing for the latest potions assignment.
“So, how many first years did you scare today?” you greet him with a giggle, “Do I have any 11 year olds I need to comfort?”
Draco scowled, but his eyes crinkled, belying his happiness at seeing you. “Yeah right, it’s their own fault for standing in huge groups in the middle of the corridors. You think it’d kill them to walk on their own.”
You laugh openly, loud enough for a few scattered students to turn and look. And Draco can’t blame them, because he knows just as well how easily you catch the eye. 
After making all the necessary stops, you spot an adorable new pop-up near Madam Puddifoot’s.
“Oh my GOD. A Build-A-Bear Workshop!” you squealed, and Draco makes a show of cringing and plugging in his ears.
You roll your eyes, smiling. “I haven’t made one of these in years. We absolutely HAVE to try it.”
Draco stops plugging his ears and his expression develops into one of horror. “No. No way in hell am I doing that. I have a reputation, Y/N. You are out of your min–”
You yank on his sleeve, pulling him along, not paying attention to a word of his rant.
“OW! How are you this strong, midget?! Fine!” the boy finally complies begrudgingly.
An hour later, the two of you exit the shop, you having made a bear with platinum blond fur and a slytherin uniform. Whenever you pressed its stomach, the bear would squeal out “do you know who I am?!” sending you into bouts of laughter at its resemblance to your friend.
Draco did not find this nearly as amusing as you did, but he was quite proud of his own bear. A brown one modelled after his favourite quidditch player. 
“Admit it! You had lots of fun in there,” you confront, as you spot him fixing the collar of his bear’s robes.
The boy shakes his head, and immediately gives his stuffie to you, “yeah, if I were three years old… now you carry it. I can’t be seen carrying a stuffed bear.”
You roll your eyes, but gladly take the plush. It smells just like Draco.
Before you know it, February sneaks up on the Hogwarts students. You start spotting floating hearts and angels everywhere, courtesy of the professors.
However, you had yet to receive a single Valentine, which you found quite bizarre. Not that you were overly confident, but you had always received at least a few in past years. You decided not to dwell on it, however, not when the NEWTs were approaching.
Little did you know, several Valentines had been trying to make their way to you, but each had been stopped on their journey by a certain Slytherin boy. Whenever he spotted one with your name on it zipping along in the halls, he simply hexed it, and it would disintegrate. He also glared at anyone who looked at you, lower years and upper years alike. Eventually, people gave up; there was no use trying to compete with Draco Malfoy.
Then on the very last day of the week, February 14th itself, you were working on a potions project, when your partner suddenly walked in.
Draco looked nervous, almost. At least as close to nervous as you’d ever seen the Slytherin prince get… but then he pulled out a little velvet box with a satin ribbon on it, motioning for you to open it.
“Now, don’t make this weird, okay? I just saw this in the store and thought you’d like it,” he mumbles, lowering his head. 
Carefully, you undid the ribbon and opened the box. Inside, there was an absolutely adorable necklace with a tiny silver bear. Your face lit up, and you hugged the tall boy. “It’s perfect,” you exclaimed.
Draco was absolutely flabbergasted, but he awkwardly returned the hug, patting your hair. “Want me to put it on?” 
After he clasped the necklace, he held your shoulders and turned you around to face him. Almost unconsciously, Draco began to smile. A genuine smile that made him look like a 17-year-old boy instead of his ice-cold persona.
You marvelled at how happiness transformed your boy’s face, and you stared up at him for a long time, long enough for Draco to tilt his head in curiosity.
“Is there something on my face?” he inquires.
You shake your head. “No. No, I just… you have a beautiful smile. I think you should do that more. Smile, I mean,” you stumble over your words.
Draco chuckles, as a blush spreads over his face, painting his pale complexion. He leans in again, but instead of a hug this time, he quickly pecks your forehead. “Maybe. No promises though,” he whispers.
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taglist: @fallin-4-ya @mrs-brekker15 @izzyyy-1 @maybanksslut @iwritesiriusly @cory-was-hexed @slytherclawbitch @wwandavision  @mrzweasley @1-800-amortentia @amelialupin-black @bolaurel  @theincredibledeadlyviper @simp027 @myalupinblack @emma67 @riddikulusweasleys @amortentiaaaa @cloudywitchh @peachybaes @poony-madfoot @arianagreyy @teddy-cheol @calaryssia @potters-heart @1dpjohoohp @retvenkos  @berrnuu  @theoreticslut  @kimsescapefromreality  @jodibullock1  @the-romanian-is-bae  @fandomhideout  @ur-local-simp  @sanctimoniousslytherpuff  @what-am-i-doing10  @sunshinee-nana @nevillelongbottomlover-blog  @annemagus  @toffeetoast @fairysums @amordesiempre7-blog @justfritz @valentines-massacre13 @neilgf @plutooryectors @jorja-cameron @thatsthat @notfeelingsogoofy
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em0zombie · 1 year
the emperor reversed
Onceler X F!reader
(also posted on Wattpad: @-beachboy !)
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1. Fresh Start
It was a quiet ride to truffula forest, "Sorry about my mother back there.." Onceler apologized for his mother's actions. You wanted to smack him in the face for apologizing for his mother's behaviors, but you couldn't do that. His mother never liked you either, maybe she was scared of her son getting all successful and you stealing it- like you'd ever steal anything. "It's fine, Isabella needs to grow up and see that we both hold success in our future!" you place an arm around his, right arm up in the air, "Thneeds and Candyality!" He certainly was glad someone had trust in him. "Yeah, exactly!" Onceler responds and you grab both of yours blueprints from the back to look over them.
     "Are we there yet?" You groan while laying in the back. No response, "Oncie- I asked are we there-" siting up straight you see the view that you're in. All of the trees with pink and orange hues sway in the wind, you couldn't believe your eyes. "They're all, something alright..." your crus- friend speaks aloud. "Yeah!" You get out of the wagon and so does he.
     "Good job, Mellie..." you hand the mule a carrot while your friend watches. "Why are you staring at me like that! He needs to be given another treat!" "You're gonna make him gain weight that he doesn't need!" Once yells from the back. You roll your eyes and feed the mule another carrot, he deserves it after having to deal with the two of y'all this whole trip.
The house was pulled out and held the two of you perfectly fine, until it came to the bed situation. There was only one.
     "It's fine we can share no big deal!" Once said as you tried to hold in your excitement. "Better than when then the bar-bo-loots tried attacking us..." you mumbled while bringing your luggage inside. "Wait what?" Once yelled out, no response. Sighing, you sit on the bed wishing he was right next to you. God that stupid crush of yours was something dumb, you didn't mean to have it- it just happened? Growing up with the guy you saw how tall he was compared to other kids and how he had a kind heart to...some people?
Outside you can hear Once cutting down a tree which means he's starting to make more thneeds. From one of the windows you can see him dragging the tree, damn was he strong. He turned to see you staring at him, sent a smile your way that you returned back. You got off of the bed and took out your plans for your idea, Candyality.
The idea was basically a candy brand; lollipops, marshmallows, chocolate you name it! Your sweet tooth showed which Onceler would crack a joke about sometimes.
As you're going through your plans you heard bickering outside, Oncie and another man? Standing up you start to see a part of the house falling inward which causes you to scream while running out the door.
"What the hell was that?" The Lorax asks, Once almost yells at him again. "That was Y/N!" You hear the two yelling at each other from the back and you walk around to see the commotion.
"That damn wall almost fell onto me! Once, I thought you tied the foundation down-" you're cut off by seeing the short orange figure. "Who's this?" You point in confusion, the figure is appalled by finger pointing. "He calls him self the Lorax, he speaks for the trees." Once mocks. You bend over to see the man, "What an interesting species..." "Why didn't you tell me you had your girlfriend in there! I would never hurt a woman!" Lorax points at you, your eyes in shock. "Woah woah woah!" The two of you say in sync, "We're just friends!" Once states placing a hand on your shoulder. You nodded replying yet the Lorax sees otherwise.
"This man right here tried hammering pipsqueak into the ground!" You look at Once with frowned eyebrows, he doesn't like the sense of judgment coming from you. "Woah woah! You tied him to it!" he defends himself, "I would never hit this little guy! You however, I would gladly pound you and your mustache into the ground!" You couldn't help but giggle, he could never hold his temper. "For shame..." Lorax states, the other animals agree with him. "Look here I'm gonna chop as many trees I need to and you can't stop me!" You realized how bad this may start to get, "And replant them to help the forest stay as it is!" You lean onto Once's side, "Yeah!- what?" He replies.
"Yes! If we cut down trees we have to replant the same amount to keep the balance, and cut only a certain amount each time!" The Lorax becomes skeptical of this idea, but at least he keeps his trees. "I've done research and truffula trees only take 10 years to grow compared to any other tree that takes about 20!" Once is confused, "Are you on his side or mine?" he points to the orange man with his hammer. "Both." you state placing a hand on his shoulder with a mocking smile, you walk over to the Lorax.
"Believe me, I'll help replant them, I can see how much they mean to you." He still seems hesitant, crossing his arms you stand up and drag Once inside to have a talk with him.
Closing the door as you're about to have serious discussion with him, he yelps. "Oh what is it now? A spider again- Woah!" You turn around to see Lorax on the desk. "You've left me no choice..." he falls onto the ground, "If you do not replant those trees, all the forces of nature will be released upon you!" Once seems scared yet you're just confused. "You have been warned..." finally ending his monologue. You grab the door to open it for him as he struggled. "You have been warned..." closing it you turned back to Once. "Pound him and his mustache into the ground, really?" He places his hands into the air, "What else was I gonna say?!" You let out a small laugh and go over to the fridge, "What do ya' wanna eat?" You ask leaning and grabbing some stuff out.
"It was one tree, Y/N," Once sits down on the bed with his food stuffed mouth, "One tree! Not like I'm gonna cause chaos..." That's what you were most worried about, if it all went down hill. "Don't worry, if I'm by your side nothing will go wrong." Sitting by his side you eat some spaghetti, "And if you help me with my project as well!" Giving him a soft punch on the arm he looks back at you, "I'm glad to have someone like you by my side, you keep all of that hope inside of me..." You chuckle and eat, "Okay no need to get all sappy now..".
Hi! Sorry if this chapter was pretty short, I'm busy with graduation and college stuff right now so yea 💀 I'll make a new chapter soon!! - Val
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malrie · 24 days
for: @jasipereo, who told me i should what: in the burning maze, apparently they fly off together after jason dies and nothing happens at all. this is the nothing. wc: 1700
Piper had grown out her hair since Leo saw her last. He touched the ends of it, feeling the familiar softness between his fingers.
“Did you get taller?” she asked, voice strained from having cried so much. He didn’t see her expression; she was sitting in front of him on Festus, facing only the white sky. 
“I dunno,” he said, because he didn’t. Time was strange in that other place. To him, he’d been gone for only a moment. As if he hadn’t been lost at all.
She leaned backwards. Without having to ask, Leo let the internal heat from his body migrate to her. They were just below plane altitude, maybe four or five miles in the air. It was cold, but he wouldn’t let her be.
Had Piper not been there, Leo would have pried the casket open and crawled inside to lie beside him. He was sure of it. The instinct was nonsensical, even desperate, and still it pulled him like water down a drain. He wanted to see him again. He wanted to see him with his eyes closed, as though he were only asleep. And Jason had always been a peaceful sleeper. 
Back then, Piper’s iron grip on his forearm had anchored him. Maybe she felt the urge, too. Maybe they could have all fit inside. There, they could have dreamt as one, having found peace in a place where nothing could tear them apart. Together again.
“You did,” she replied. “Get taller, I mean. Just a little.”
Piper had a room in her grandpa’s ranch house that she hadn’t used since she was eleven. Leo inspected the off-white curtains, the stuffed animals on the bookshelves. She had a pink CD player and a Hello Kitty pillowcase. It was strange, confronted with the idea that she had lived a life before him.
He helped her unpack what little she brought with her. Downstairs, Leo heard Coach’s booming timbre, comforting in its own way. He and Mellie would stay in the guest room with Chuck, leaving Leo to fend for himself in the den. 
“What’re you gonna do now?” asked Piper, folding two pairs of orange camp shirts and sorting them in a dresser.
Leo laid on her carpet, eyeing the glow-in-the-dark stars stuck on the ceiling. “Calypso wants to enroll in school. I tried telling her about the shithole that was secondary education, but she wanted to experience it herself. As for me, I’m never going back. S’one of the conditions I made for living at the Waystation.”
Piper paused in her folding. Then she started up again, this time with a pile of sweaters. She lingered on a blue one that read: Edgarton Day and Boarding School. 
“I’m starting Tahlequah High next week,” she said. 
“And I’ll make it to your grad party, beauty queen.”
He figured. Piper liked school enough; he knew she never missed an assignment at Wilderness. Meanwhile, Leo turned every packet he got into paper planes, letting them ride the Nevada gust out his dormitory window.
“If you’re not finishing school,” she continued, “what’ll you do? Help Hemithea and Josephine?”
“That’s sorta the plan.” Leo rubbed his eyes. The stars were too old to hold any glow now. “I guess… I guess I just want something to keep busy. Maybe teach shop for the kids for however long. After that, I don’t know. Being in one place too long… I’m not real good at that.”
“So no camp?”
He couldn’t help but laugh. “No, no camp. You?”
“No,” Piper said, then laughed along with him.
He knew she didn’t mean she hated either camp, their friends, or their community—they only needed distance, measured and in moderation. Jason was everywhere, after all. Jason Grace’s lifeblood was the legacy of both camps. In a way, that was what had taken him from them. The gods had owed Jason ten times over and this was how he was repaid. There was nothing for Leo there, no loyalty, and Piper felt the same, even if only mirroring an inch of his resentment. 
They ate dinner with everyone. Tristan still had some lost pallor, but his charisma was hard to chip at, especially when his daughter needed him. Toothless Chuck gummed around a piece of summer squash while the rest of them ate a hot meal cooked by a friend of the family. People had been in and out of the house all day; their fridge was stocked for the entire week. The McLeans had roots here. They were loved and welcomed. Leo and Piper had stayed inside her room like homebodies until the visitors had all left.
While Mellie put Chuck down for bed, Tristan and Coach cleared the table and washed the dishes. Piper told Leo that they’d probably go out on the porch and smoke some of her grandad’s tobacco pipes once they were done, a vice her dad failed to keep secret from her.
Snickering, they imagined Coach hacking a lung and ambled upstairs to her grandpa’s study. It was a small and cool space. Her grandfather kept a large collection of books of all kinds that ranged from Indigenous history to psychology to science fiction. Aside from the bookshelves, which weren’t as dusty as Leo would’ve imagined, there was a desk with a swivel chair and a large claw-footed single-seater sofa in the corner of the room, just by the window.
Leo grabbed a book off the shelf just for the fun of it and plopped down on the sofa. The words swam around on the pages. Even if he could read it, he doubted he could parse analytical biochemistry jargon.
“I used to come up here when Grandpa was doing his lesson plans,” said Piper. Tom McLean was a structural biology professor. “I’d beg for him to play with me, but he’d just say, ‘My love, you cannot have what you want the instant you desire it.’ I liked that. Not even then was it easy for people to say no to me. He was the only one.”
Looking out the window, Leo saw the shine of Festus’s metal in the darkness. The dragon was hunkered down in the yard, closest to sleep as automatons could get.
“I’ll leave in the morning,” Leo said. He rested his gaze on the horizon that bled into the night. “Calypso’s waiting for me.”
“I know.” Piper came over to him, gently pulling the textbook away from his grasp. It forced him to look at her.
A beat passed. “I’m sorry, Piper. About Jason.”
She smiled wryly, placing Clinical Biochemistry: Techniques and Instrumentation onto the side table. She asked, “Why are you saying sorry to me?”
He wasn’t sure what she meant by that. She stood over him, the moonlight from outside overlaying her skin like a filter, the image of an aching spector. Her face was unreadable. Tonight, her eyes were one color, and it was borrowed, familiar: electric blue, as vibrant as the sky once a storm had cleared. His eyes.
Still standing, she raised a hand, placing it over his arm in an innocuous touch. “You loved him, too,” she said. Leo’s hackles rose, but it was true and—now that Jason was dead—harmless. “Leo, we weren’t together anymore. I broke up with him. After you died, I couldn’t… I couldn’t work it out. Work us out. Because without you, it was like… Like the lights had gone out.”
His hand grabbed her wrist, wanting to rip it away, but he couldn’t. “Wait. I-I don’t want to hear this,” he said.
If only she had never brought it up. Mellie had told him earlier in the day, with Chuck on her hip and wearing a worried frown. Piper and Jason had split some months ago. They never went further to explain, but to everyone who knew the two, it was apparent that it had torn at them.
“I thought,” she kept going, “that if you had come back, maybe Jason and I could have—with you… But we never got a chance.”
“Piper,” he said firmly, getting up from the seat to grab her shoulders. “You have to stop. I’m leaving tomorrow, at dawn. I’m moving to Indiana. I’ll come for birthdays, special days. We’ll see each other at reunions. I’ll Iris you—every day if you want! It’ll be good. Like we always were. Like we were before everything. Don’t do this.”
“You can’t stay,” she said. “I know. I know because it happened to me, too. It hurt to be with him because you weren’t there. And I know you see him when you look at me. What color are my eyes, Leo? Whose are they? He used to see yours.”
It had to happen, just once, even if never again for the rest of their lives. It wasn’t even their first kiss, which had happened a lifetime ago, on some forgettable rooftop in a place that never loved them. He shook a little as her hands came up to his neck, as though the cold affected him. His mouth tasted salt from her tears. Piper made small noises, gasping in increments when they could bear to part. They tumbled back to a bookshelf, some hard edges jutting against Leo’s spine.
It was important that he was the one to speak first. Not because he didn’t trust her not to compel him, but to prove that he knew she wouldn’t. Not for this.
“I’ll leave in the morning,” repeated Leo, thumb rolling down her jaw. “That’s hours away.”
Leo got up before the sun did. Oklahoma mornings were crisp and new, almost impossibly so. The fog in the distance cleared around the McLean property, grass dewing with small beads of fresh water. Standing on the porch now, Leo knew this would be a good home filled with love.
Tristan McLean saw him come out of Piper’s room. He didn’t react much, only telling him to be safe on his journey back. He’d also shaken his hand like a real man and said, “She’s stronger than I’d ever hoped.”
“Stronger than me,” Leo replied, smiling.
Seeing him, Festus crooned in happy creaks, shaking out his stiffness. As Leo took off, he could have sworn he saw the curtains in Piper’s window move. Just in case, he brought up his hand to wave goodbye.
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dracoqueen22 · 2 months
For Melly: Aerith/Tifa - against all odds
Tifa is exhausted. 
She’s covered in cuts and bruises. Her body aches. Her head’s spinning, and worst of all, her heart has taken a beating. She doesn’t understand Cloud. She doesn’t know Cloud. She wonders if she ever did. 
And she definitely isn’t sure what happened five years ago. Not anymore. 
Tifa’s exhausted, but she can’t sleep. Energy runs through her veins, adrenaline certain another battle might come bursting through that door. She can’t seem to calm down. 
It doesn’t seem like Aerith can sleep either. She’s been staring at the ceiling and fiddling with the buttons on her dress for as long as Tifa’s been fruitlessly counting chocobos. She’s up to 963. 
Tifa rolls on her side, facing Aerith, arm tucked under her cheek. “Can’t sleep either, huh?” 
“You’d think I’d be exhausted,” Aerith says. She turns to face Tifa, their bodies a pair of parentheses on opposite beds. Her shoulders are bare, but Tifa isn’t sure why she’s focusing on that fact. “I mean, I’m definitely tired, but I guess that’s not enough.” 
“Worried?” Tifa asks. “About your mom?” 
Aerith smiles, gentle and sweet all the way to her willowy bones. “No. She can take care of herself.” 
“Do you think we made the wrong choice?” Tifa blurts out, almost before Aerith can finish answering. It’s something Tifa’s gnawed on, over and over, especially after Cloud’s recitation of an event he can’t have seen. 
Is he wrong because he’s lying on purpose? Or is he actually remembering something he experienced because the choice they made, there on that highway, has fundamentally altered the course of their universe? Is he even her Cloud? Or is Tifa the one misremembering? 
Tifa doesn’t know. 
“It’s too soon to say.” Aerith draws nonsense on the mattress in front of her. That soft smile lingers. “It’s terrifying, but it’s also kind of exhilarating.” 
Tifa would chalk Aerith’s optimism up to naivete, but that’s far from the truth. Aerith’s life hasn’t been a picnic and that she can still be sweet is a testament to her strength. 
Tifa envies her for it. That strength that allows her to be weak. 
“How so?” she asks. 
“Well, I’ve never had a sleepover before,” Aerith says with the frankness that makes Tifa’s heart ache. “Or a girlfriend.” She pauses, cheeks going pink. “I mean, a woman who is a friend. Woman-friend? No, that just doesn’t have the same ring to it.” 
Tifa laughs quietly as Aerith’s face scrunches with genuine confusion. 
“It’s been a long time since I’ve had a girlfriend,” Tifa says. “Most of the kids my age were boys.” 
“Like Cloud?” 
Tifa’s too slow to stop the flinch. It’s hard to say if Aerith noticed. “Yeah,” she says quietly, but then the memory hits her, easing the sting. “Though he’s always been pretty enough.” 
“He sure is.” Aerith giggles and turns on her back, stretching her arms over her head with a hum. “But that’s what I mean. We made a choice and decided to fight, and now here I am, against all odds, on my first sleepover.” 
Tifa doesn’t tell her all the ways this doesn’t count. It’s a simple wish. A simple joy. She wants Aerith to have it. 
“Do you think we should have a pillow fight?” Aerith asks, but before Tifa can answer, she laughs and says, “Hmm. Maybe not. I think you’d win in one hit.” 
“I’d be gentle,” Tifa says. 
“I know you would.” Aerith’s grin makes Tifa’s heart go thump-thump-thump in a way it hasn’t before. 
Aerith abruptly sits up and looks around as if an idea has popped into her mind. “Hmm,” she says. “There’s not enough furniture to make a fort, and I don’t think that vending machine had any candy. I’m stumped on ideas.” 
“Aren’t we a little old for sleepovers anyway?” 
“Probably.” Aerith sighs, and there’s a wealth of disappointment in the small sound. “I guess we should be sleeping. We have a lot more walking ahead of us.” 
Aerith flops back, pulls the blanket up to her chin, and stares at the ceiling. She dutifully closes her eyes, and Tifa feels a bit like she’s kicked a bucket. Could it really hurt to entertain such an innocent joy? 
Tifa rolls off the bed, bringing her blanket with her, and flops down next to Aerith. “Tell me a secret,” she says as she squirms down to get comfortable. 
Aerith blinks at her. “What?” 
“It’s what you do at a sleepover.” At least, in Tifa’s experience, that what she thinks most young girls do. “You tell each other secrets.” 
“Oh.” Aerith’s cheeks turn a pretty pink. “I don’t think I have any that you don’t already know.” She presses her lips together, face scrunched in serious thought. 
“Nothing?” Tifa prompts as she tucks her arm under her head. “Not even an embarrassing story you don’t want anyone to know?” 
Aerith laughs and turns to face her, voice going softer like they are two young woman sharing a secret with no one else. “I have plenty of those stories. But what about you? Do you have any secrets?” 
“Too many,” Tifa sighs, and her thoughts wander again, to home, to Nibelheim, to five long, confusing years, and one stubborn, confusing blond the next room over. Maybe this is a bad idea after all. 
She shouldn’t spill all the troubles on her shoulders. Aerith shouldn’t have to help bear that load. She has enough problems without Tifa adding to her stress. Maybe this was a bad idea after all. 
Tifa shifts, intending to go back to her own bed, and back to chocobo number 964. But Aerith touches her arm, and that’s enough for Tifa to freeze. Surprised. 
“We don’t have to share secrets,” Aerith says, her resting hand curling into a gentle hold, “But we can share the bed. If you want, I mean.” 
Tifa’s heart throbs so loud, it thumps in her ears. Slowly, she settles back into place, arm tingling under the barely noticeable weight of Aerith’s hand. 
“That is one of the rules of sleepovers,” Tifa says, even though they’re both too old and bruised for such a thing. But they are also a lot alike. Tifa’s never had a “girlfriend” either. 
Aerith giggles and winks at her. “I won’t tell if you don’t. It can be our secret.” She holds out a hand, pinky crooked. “Promise?” 
Tifa’s face heats, almost like she’s blushing, but that would be ridiculous. No less ridiculous than hooking her finger with Aerith’s and saying, “Promise.” 
Lying there next to Aerith, Tifa doesn’t even get to chocobo number 965 before she’s fast asleep. 
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dirtysvthoughts · 1 year
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pairing: model! minghao x stripper! reader
word count: 1.5k
general tags/warnings: smut, pwp, female! reader, hao’s sorta kinda a regular customer, soft dom! minghao, steamy/intense makeout session, super/mullet minghao inspired, partial nudity, vip room sex, slight use of pet names (doll, masterpiece, baby), aaand i think that’s it
playlist songs: adorn - miguel, mushroom chocolate - quin & 6lack, anime girls - melli
notes: thank y’all for the love on pd so far! i’m getting notifs nonstop and that makes me really happy :’) hope you enjoy this week’s chapter!
taglist: @im-gemmy , @enhacolor, @hooniewnderland , @svtup , @kawaiikels @weeevrse @diorsfxck @kyexvly @woozarts @ifuckcheol (let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist)
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you apply the finishing touches to your makeup, admiring how you looked in your silver sequined two-piece set and matching seven inch heels. to your surprise, you could already hear the loud atmosphere from the dressing room - and it wasn’t even 11 o’clock yet.
“it’s gonna be a good night,” you think to yourself, smiling to yourself at the thought of you covered in hundred dollar bills.
before you head out, you scroll through your phone one last time, looking at your social media feeds. double tapping on a friend’s post, you see a notification appear at the top of your screen.
minghao: hey, are you working tonight? i’m back in town for a show, but i need to relax and see you 😩
you bite down on your lip, your eyes rereading the message and your brain taking in every word. minghao is a famous model, somewhere in the world he was always in a show, walking the runway for all of the luxury brands. his handsome looks and his insanely gorgeous figure made him the it-boy every designer and photographer dreamed of.
you first met minghao at the club a few months ago, when he came for a magazine shoot and his friends decided to take him out. the second you laid eyes on each other as you were walking around the main floor, he took you by the hand and soon you were dancing for him in front of everyone. it didn’t take long to convince minghao about getting a room, your body clenching around nothing as you think about how big and hard he was in those jeans when you started to grind on him, thanking the heavens that your outfit made it possible to feel everything.
😈: hao! yeah, i’m gonna be working tonight. pay for a room as soon as you get here and i’ll be waiting 😏
minghao: i’ll try and get there within the hour. see you soon babe ❤️
you quickly toss your phone to the side when you hear your name being called, realizing that you would just have to kill some time before you got your main event.
as soon as they get through the doors (an hour later like he said), minghao walks in with his entourage, his dress shirt buttons deliciously exposing some of his toned chest, and his black distressed jeans accenting his legs. met with some screams, he greets his crowd as his people make sure he’s given enough space.
the music has switched a bit, and more sultry, intimate tunes fill the building. your hips rotating in rhythm as mushroom chocolate’s chorus comes on, playing with the straps of your top as you flirt with the customer in front of you.
so immersed in your own world, you don’t even realize that minghao has finally spotted you and approaches your space, sitting down a few inches away from your audience. your eyes for a split second reveal your shock and surprise, and minghao can’t help the smirk that crawls on his face.
“did you think i wouldn’t show up? i’m hurt, my pretty little doll. you know i’m a man of my word.” you stop dancing and walk towards him, gingerly sitting his lap, both your legs on opposite sides of his.
“mmm, trust me, i know you are, you know it’s just been a minute since i’ve seen you hao.. you look different,” you trail off, eyes wandering all over his body. did his muscles get bigger or something?
“good different or bad different?” he asks.
but before you can respond, someone clears their throat. the person sitting across from you and minghao stares in disbelief. right… you still had someone to “take care” of. you sigh, kind of wishing that you had gone straight to a room so your time with minghao would’ve been interruption-free.
“give me a sec, hao,” you say crawling off his lap, missing the contact and approaching the other customer. “i’m sorry, but it looks like i have to cut this short,” you say feigning a fake disappointment. “but, if you decide to wait for me, i can guarantee it’ll be worth the wait,” you say taking the cash on the floor, bending over in front of the two, teasing them. obviously you don’t notice, but minghao bites his lip at the sight, hoping that he would get to see that again in the next few minutes.
when you’re done, you take him by the hand and the lead the way up the stairs to the vip rooms. you stop at the first empty one you see, brushing the curtains away as he lets go of your hand to face you.
“you never answered my question, y’know,” he says staring directly into your eyes. you stare back at him a little confused, already forgetting what he had said earlier.
he laughs, “wow, you forgot already? what’s going on doll?”
“nothing,” you say chuckling back at him, “i just, have a lot on my mind now.. and it’s mostly you..”
“oh? care to tell me more?” he says, putting his hand on your waist, bringing you closer to him.
“i guess to answer your question, it’s a good different… you’re always hot, but tonight, hao? you’re fucking irresistible,” you swipe your tongue across your lips, biting down on your skin.
“really now?” he smiles, his lips inches away from yours. but before you can say anything else, his mouth crashes on your soft, pillowy lips, trying to take in as much as he could of you.
you put your arms around his neck, trying to bring him in closer as you match his energy and enthusiasm. minghao’s hands begin to roam your body, especially your breasts. he couldn’t help but admire how temptingly delicious they looked in your bra piece. you moan into his touch at every little trace and brush, craving for more.
“mm, minghao!” you whimper when he get adventurous and delicately touches your crotch, and you clench yet again around nothing. you continue to moan out his name in bliss and neediness, but after a minute, an idea pops in your head.
“m-minghao, you wanna take this to the couch?” you say trying to snap him out of his daze for a second.
without another word, he sweeps you off your feet and carries you to the couch, your mouths still on each others. when he finally feels his legs against the edge of the furniture, he sits down, placing you on his lap.
not wanting to wait any longer, minghao takes off your bra, slowly revealing the top half of your body. he hisses at the sight, nearly groaning out at how the colorful lights in the room added to the glow that covered your body.
“you’re such a masterpiece,” he says as he once again guides his hands toward your body, this time paying extra attention to you chest.
while he was focused on that, you took to the opportunity to unbutton his jeans and pull his zipper down. he realizes where you wanted to go, and helps you get them, as well as his boxers off. once they both pool at his ankles, you smile when you can finally get to what you want after all the foreplay.
as you sink down on him, you both let out a loud moan feeling of being inside each other. “g-god, fuck,” you whisper into his ears clawing down his back, pressing into his chest. even though the music has long been forgotten to you, somehow your hips naturally grind to the rhythm. minghao notices and takes hold of your waist, guiding them in the right places. “god, you feel so good, baby,” he groans.
slowly but surely, you begin to feel a good pressure build in your core, your whimpering getting more frantic. “ahhh shit, shit, minghao, m-minghao,” you begin to move faster wanting to release all over him. and when he hits the right spot in you, you can no longer hold back, and you nearly scream, coming all over the lower half of his body.
you try and catch your breath, not wanting to come down from your high, but remembering you still had a job to do. “fuck, i needa go back downstairs soon,” you say getting up to find your bra top.
“do you have to go back now?” he asks, pulling his boxers and pants back up.
“well, not right this second,” you respond fastening your straps. “did you wanna stay a little longer?” you smile sweetly.
“yeah,” he says leaning back on the couch, returning your sultry gaze. “haven’t seen you dance for me in awhile,” he plams himself over his pants, already getting worked up at the memory.
you walk towards the pole, your arm holding onto the pole. “then minghao, be prepared for a dance you’ll never ever want to forget,” you say hooking your legs to spin on the pole.
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aesopcatt · 10 days
hello! could i request alice, melly, orpheus and frederick’s reactions to ‘would you still love me if i was a worm’? thank you <3
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Thank you for your request!!! I love silly requests like these :))
Alice DeRoss☆
She’s so confused when you ask. “What do you mean would I still love you if you’re a worm?” She asks, looking at her lover dumbfounded. “Like, are you still you or just a worm?”
“I’m still me, just a worm.” You smile, trying to hold in your laugh.
“Well then, of course I’d still love you. I’d love you no matter what.” She giggles, hugging her lover. “How’d you even think of a question like that?” She runs her fingers through your hair.
“Mhhhh I don’t know.” You look at her and laugh again. You both just lay down on Alice’s bed after you get done laughing.
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?” Alice asks.
Melly Plinius ☆
“What kind of question is that of course I’d still love you if you were a worm. Worms are kind of cute anyways.” Melly smiles at you. You hug Melly and give her a kiss on the cheek.
“Aww you’re so sweet! I’d still love you if you were a worm. We can be worms in love together.” You and Melly go back to sitting and watching the sunset outside the manor.
Orpheus ☆
“Would I still love you if you were a worm? No, I mean you’re a worm now.” Orpheus looks over at you, questioning you.
“But I’m still me, just a worm.” You look at him a fake sad expression on your face.
“But You’re a worm. You’re not you anymore.” You said, his confusion written all over his face.
“Well, I’d still love you if you were a worm.” You retorted. He just lets out a sigh in defeat.
“Fine… id still love you if you were a worm.”
Frederick Kreiburg ☆
Frederick doesn’t really get it but he’s goes along with it. “Mhh, yeah I’d still love you if you were a worm. I’ll love you no matter what, even as a worm. You’d still love me if I was a worm, right?” He asks, leaning his head on your shoulder, taking a break from the  piano.
“Of course! I love you so much, you being a worm wouldn’t change that.” You smile and give him a quick kiss.
Sorry if it’s kind of short!
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t0bey · 7 months
sorry!! I meant the new storymode chapter for idv that came out!
ohh i see! ty for clarifying ^^ forgive me bc this is gonna be long and i have MANY thoughts
i actually really loved this episode a lot?? in terms of actual gameplay content i think i even enjoyed this more than TOR, (excluding out of game elements of the event like the animations) and considering my main gripes with episode 1 was how short it was, this ep being 50+ minutes in total definitely solved that problem i had!!
i really enjoy the pacing of everything so far, even if im kind of confused on if our choices actually impact anything? i think part of it is explained by orpheus clearly trying to manipulate what alice does in certain parts of the game like confronting frederick, but others seem like its just the option of choices getting in the way of the game's v obvious linear storytelling lol. i hope that the choices that affect relationships actually serve a purpose long-term
i was wondering how they were going to include mary in the main lore considering for years she's only really been a retelling of marie antoinette's history, but honestly? i love that they fleshed her out into her own character being mary de capet instead of just marie antoinette, and she has her own lore with the racecourse and frederick too. i loved the chase between her and alice sm, and it was interesting how it turned out that in actuality it was *frederick* that alice was hallucinating as mary
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anyways mary showing up in HD and having a badass entrace was very cool
also i think everyone knew frederick was going to be taken out somehow and i like that its very open ended what happened to him so far? personally think he might've gotten killed or something after alice fainted at the racecourse, since his stuff was still in his room + Norton is very obviously his replacement at the end (him sitting in fred's chair). plus i think game participants only get replaced if they die, like what happened with servais replacing murro after he got killed by naib
I was REALLY hyped to see the secret medicine lab return from TOR!! and i like that alice used the same rat testing method detective did back then too lol. what really piqued my interest was realizing that when she starts hallucinating and runs away from fool's gold, it wouldn't make sense bc she wouldn't have met him until breakfast the next day. but then when you look at the figure who forced her to drink the drugs to knock her out, if u look close enough it's clearly Norton.
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seems like he is working with orpheus at least to the degree that he knows what to do down in the lab by himself, which is interesting and explains why alice would hallucinate FG before actually being introduced to norton the next day.
also considering orpheus chloroformed alice while she was hallucinating before she woke up strapped to the chair and norton made her forget what happened, p much spells theyre working together imo?
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overall i really like that this episode leaves you with just as many questions as it did answers (mainly about frederick) and im very curious how they explore melly and orpheus's ACTUAL involvement in the manor games, considering its p obvious theyre both lying to alice in the bedroom scene. have my thoughts on orpheus's actual deal w the forest ranger he mentions but this post is already long enough lol. i hope melly gets more spotlight next episode 🙏
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reborrowing · 7 months
snake tank (part one maybe?)
little snake lady can have a borrower. as a treat. ~2100 words cw: captivity, dehumanization, neglect, cruelty, violence, fear, pet…treatment? - I don’t want to call it pet trope because that implies sentient pets are normalized and this is weird and awful in-universe as well. not actually vore! idc if you interact from that side of tumblr, but you'll be disappointed if that's what you're hoping for
I threw myself against the glass one last, futile time as I heard the door on the far side of the study creak open. My fingers nearly brushed the lip of the prison I’d been placed in, nearly caught onto that ledge that might let me pry open the lid and make an escape. I was still in the air when I felt his eyes land on me. My fur stiffened as his heavy footsteps approached. His towering form blocked out what sunlight had filtered through the closed window as he sat at his desk.
“You quit that, now. You know you aren’t getting out. Unless you’d like to try speaking with me again?”
I turned to face him rather than wait for him to spin the jar I was sitting in. I slunk to the floor, drawing up my knees as if they could shield me from his . He looked annoyed this time, rather than intrigued. I shook my head and stared at my hands. It wasn’t as if I would want him to dump me into his cold hands even if he wasn’t upset. I was bruised enough.
“I don’t have anything else to say. Sir,” I said.
He rolled his eyes.
“There's no one else!" I insisted. “It’s just me, the others ran away months ago, I’m the only one left.”
It wasn’t the truth, though by now it was close. The Copper family had moved out after Mellie reported that the master of the house was now collecting dangerous, exotic pets in his showroom. It was just the most stubborn of us left, or the most foolish.
“What to do with you, then?” the master of the house hummed.
He tapped a finger on the glass thoughtfully, right behind my head, in case I needed the reminder that my skull was no larger than the tip of his finger. I grimaced and looked back up at his face, where his wide lips twisted into a grotesque smirk. I closed my eyes as they curled back and revealed his teeth. My stomach twisted as he kept talking.
“My …friends tell me your kind is more trouble than you’re worth. But perhaps I could get some entertainment out of you?”
“Let me go, please. I’ll leave. I won’t bother you again,” I begged.
“Oh, but I do believe you owe me, little thief. How long have you been squatting here, hm?”
I slumped and curled in on myself. I had thought maybe, just maybe, if this guy cared for a zoo of strange animals, he might have a thread of compassion hiding in his oversized heartstrings. I’d—god, I had bet my life on it, hadn’t I? And now I was going to pay up.
A hand lifted away the log that I’d been curled up under.
I flinched awkwardly at the sudden light, then rolled to face the front of my enclosure. The man liked it when I “looked” at him. I couldn’t tell if he knew I was blind or not. All my eyes told me was that there was a large, blurry shadow standing over the tank. It could’ve been a tree, for all my eyes could understand.
I knew it was him though. I could sense his blazing warmth through other means. More importantly, I could smell him.
The hands. The nice hands. The man. Hugh Morton.
I smelled something else, too, something new. Another person, maybe? I listened intently for another heartbeat, another guest. I didn’t want to be shown off right now. I wanted to go back to sleep.
His hand reached back down to ruffle my hair, then run a rough finger across my scales. He rumbled something about feeding and I slumped back down to crawl back to bed. I wasn't hungry enough to want to fight and for all the good these hands did, they never killed my meals for me like the last ones did.
"Don't be so fussy, Hecate, I’m giving you a treat,” he chided. The ground shook as he flicked a finger against the glass wall. “You must get bored lying around in there all night.”
I huffed and and backed into a better position, against the side of one of my ceramic caves. I was still nursing a bite on my flank from my last dinner. 
I licked the air as Hugh slid open one half of the wall. I frowned. The prey was not a creature I knew. Hugh’s hands dangled a warm shadow by a long tail, then flicked it into the soil and the prey squeaked as it landed. It didn’t smell like a rat or any other rodent I’d encountered before. It did smell afraid.
It already understood it was being hunted. I didn’t like that. Scared meals fought back. I had scars to prove it.
Hugh scoffed in annoyance as the creature scrambled towards the opening in the glass. He knocked it back into the enclosure several times while I waited for a chance to strike.
“Don't make me break your legs," Hugh sighed.
The creature stopped moving. Strange. Its little heart was hot and hammering. Was it trained? Why would anyone take the time to train food?
Maybe it was afraid of Hugh’s voice. 
I took advantage of its stillness and lunged. It turned to run in the split-second before we collided. It slammed into one of my open arms. I fumbled as it flailed, then got myself curled around it anyway.
It felt strange against my scales. Not furry. Not naked. Synthetic. Was it wrapped? Humans wrapped their food, but not mine. They used those crinkling papers. This was wrapped in something soft.
Was it clothed?
I hesitated in my confusion and the prey bit back. Something long and sharp stabbed in between two ventral scales. I flinched, hissing, and the prey slipped away. It left the sharp thing behind, but it didn’t bleed. I put a hand on the sharp thing and realized it wasn’t a tooth. It had some kind of handle. Plastic. The point was metal. Some kind of tiny knife? I swayed uncertainly and let the little creature run.
What was he feeding me?
It had never occurred to me that there might be peoples other than humans and my own kind living in this world. I wish I had the time to found out.
The caged creature I had been placed with was, as most things were, comparatively massive. Its front was that of a vaguely humanoid woman, small, but still at least twice the size of my own top half. Her eyes were vacant and unfocussed. She was pale, fat, and lined with scars that told me she had much more experience than myself in fighting. 
The bulk of her body was what truly scared me. She was a python that trailed lazily across the near half of the terrarium. She was coiled, so I could only guess at her true length, but her girth was easy to make out. I regularly crawled through tunnels narrower than this snake, making it all too easy to understand what would happen to me. That the master of the house had returned my thumbtack seemed like a joke. I had no prayer here. This would be a cruel combination of all the worst deaths I'd been taught to fear—caught, crushed, and consumed.
I wanted to refuse him the satisfaction. I let myself lie down and cry as the master of the house threw me back into the dirt with an unambiguous threat. I might as well. No one else would know to mourn me for weeks, even months.
It would turn out that my inborn will to survive was stronger than my desire to spite the host I'd lived under for so many years. I rolled out of the way, only a split second two late, as the snake woman pounced. She caught me in the crook of her elbow then shoved me into a wall of scaled muscle. The python whipped around me before I could take a breath. I barely had the space to think, never mind resist. It was sheer luck that wedged my thumbtack between two plates of her underbelly.
And it was enough. She spasmed and let go of me.
I fell forward into the dirt, coughing to refill my aching lungs. I don’t think she had left any part of me unbruised, though didn’t waste time taking inventory of my injuries.
“Hey, don’t let it get away now, girl, get up!"
I scowled up at the master of the house as I pushed onto my feet. There was nowhere for me to get away to, not while he was leering over the open door.
I didn't understand him.
I didn't understand how a thinking creature such as himself, with all his power and all his resources, would resort to blood sport for entertainment. The study I'd spent my life beneath had a beautiful library. Page after page told of the world's endless mysteries, of beauty and majesty and life for him to go out and pursue. And he would choose to spend his time watching some monster eat me alive.
I saw the snake-woman moving out of the corner of my eye. My stomach twisted at the utter silence of her movement over the dirt even before she started sliding towards me, and then it was like a switch went off in my head. Gone was higher thought, blown away by the sheer force of the ancient instinct to run.
The terrarium was full and well-decorated, with plenty of greenery both faux and alive as well as several dark spaces to hide. I doubted any would shelter me, this place had been built for her. 
I had nowhere to go and I ran and I ran and I hit the glass and I ran and there was a branch so I climbed it and I reached the ceiling and there was more glass and I turned around and there she was crawling after me and I jumped and her hand brushed my leg and I kicked and she fell  around me like an avalanche and it was over.
Her long body surrounded me and as soon as I moved, she struck. Walls of scales encased me again and this time, no tack would save me. Everything went dark.
Several seconds passed. She loosed her grip. I heard the master’s muffled voice droning through her flank. I took a breath and shuddered. Long minutes of silence passed and the knot she’d wrapped me in fell away. 
I admit I didn’t know much about snakes, but she didn’t seem to be very good at this.
I sprung to my feet, desperate to get at least a few inches between us again, but her hand wrapped around my face. She grabbed the back of my shirt’s neckline with her other hand and I thrashed as she pulled me off the ground.
Slowly, her palm pulled away from my face. She rubbed two fingers over my eyes, traced the curve of my nose, and drew a thumb across my lips. I bit down as hard as I could. She barely flinched, just wiped a little blood off on the side of my face.
“Beb?” she croaked.
Her blank eyes narrowed in concentration as her tongue flicked out of her mouth and brushed against my nose. Tasting me. Her lips twitched. I felt cold.
“No, please! Please, please, please, kill me first, please,” I cried.
She tilted her head to the side. Her tongue flickered twice more and both times I flinched. She babbled something in a tortured voice. 
“Please,” I begged. “If you can even understand me, please, just kill me before you eat me. I don’t want to suffer.” 
She frowned and hissed several times. My blood trembled through my veins. She slowly shaped her tongue around some word I did not know. She patted my head and sighed, then set me gently on the dirt beside her and slithered away.
The prey had the face of a person.
The little thing was clever enough to talk, but not smart enough to understand me. They were small like a hatchling. They ran on legs like a bird. 
They screamed and cried so I let the little one have some space, whatever they were.
I hoped they would come back to me. They were very warm. Like the sun, but in a person. Like food. Like Hugh.
Like this lovely little cave in the back of the tank. I curled up and burrowed into myself for a cozy rest.
I hoped they wouldn’t try to kill me.
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bellafragolina · 1 year
Can I request the diamond and pearl clans comforting banished reader
I’ve already written for Adaman and Irida comforting the reader here but I’ll include some bits from the wardens in this for you!
Pearl Clan:
News of your banishment reaches the wardens slowly, as they’re not within the sphere of communication. As they return to their village, however, they learn of your banishment, and how Irida is hiding you in their village. And they rush to your aid, heartbroken for the betrayal you’ve faced
Ingo brings you kits, purring bundles of fur that nuzzle into you and mew mew mew for your attention. He shows you how they like to be petted, sitting close to your side to let you not feel alone. He’s here. He’ll protect you.
Calaba knows recipes of times past, passed down to her from her ancestors. She coaxes you into helping her make them, showing you how to prep meat and vegetables and cook them with pastas and breads to create the most delicious of foods you’ve ever tasted. As you eat, she pets your hair and promises you a home in the Pearl Clan, no matter what
Palina offers hugs and kisses to soothe you. She cuddles you closer, pressing kisses to your head as she rocks and sings. Her voice carries so soothingly, that even in your despair you’re able to sleep in her warm embrace. She stays by your side at night, to make sure you’re not haunted by nightmares
Liam doesn’t know how to help like the adults, so he takes to distracting you. He bring you his entire rock collection, and teaches you about each stone. He talks and talks and talks, anything to get you to smile at him, to get your mind off of the worry of how you’re going to solve the problems weighing you down
Gaeric is of the idea that exercise solves everything. He wants to go on runs together, to do push-ups and rock climbs until you’re too tired to worry about anything. But after you asking (or Irida scolding him) he eases down. Instead, he shows off his strength to distract you, having you on his back as he does push-ups or climbs mountains.
Diamond Clan:
The Diamond Clan is horrified to hear of the slight you've received, cast out of the home you thought you knew, could trust, could be safe within. They happily accept you into their village, and the members rush to let the wardens know what happened, leading them back to you
Arezu clings to you during this time, fretting over you even if you have no injuries. She takes you on what is basically a spa day, washing your hair, cutting it, styling it, and giving you clothes and such to model for her. She wants you to have a little fun, to forget your sorrows and relax. Anything for her favorite little faller
Mai has big sister mode fully activated. She mothers you quite a bit, fraught with gentle teasing to make you laugh and smile. She makes sure you're well fed and taking care of yourself on your journey to discover what to do, and worries about you constantly
Melli is furious. He hates you (so he says), but this is outrageous! To be abandoned like that! He vents to you about how terrible Kamado is, how cruel he is to do this to you, validating all your feelings of anger about what's happened. You hug him, and he yelps, groaning as he pats your head and continues on with his ran about how the Great Melli would never do that to you
Iscan cries a bit over your banishment. He feels for you, being so scared and seemingly isolated. You get many a hug from Iscan, who clings to you as though to protect you from anything else that could hurt you. You relish his hugs, his warmth, his protection, even if there are no monsters around. He has a lovely singing voice as well, taught by Palina, and his lullabies are beautiful, lulling you to sleep with ease
Sabi weeps too, once she gets to you. She cries about knowing something bad would happen to you and not doing anything about it. To make it up to you, she's on you like a Komala, clinging to you wherever you go. She wants to play, to make you little gifts and bring you things she and Braviary find while flying around. You have to assure her she's not to blame some, but even still, she wants to comfort you however she can
ta-da! finished moving house and cranked this bad boy out!! enjoy!
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lethalchiralium · 1 year
All I Ask | Simon “Ghost” Riley x Wife!Reader
warnings: TALKING ABOUT SIMON’S TRAUMA (which includes physical abuse)
summary: Simon tells you why he feels ashamed, plus Mellie decides to be a comforting little baby.
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Simon could not get you to slow down, it was worrying him. He had taken the night to just sleep, fighting nightmares and waking up just as tired as he was when his head hit the pillow. He got up, took a shower without having to let Mellie into the bathroom to play, got dressed and made his way downstairs to find you.
The TV was on, the stupid show about those blue dogs playing that Simon secretly enjoyed, Mellie bouncing around in her little walker as you sat on the couch; Winnie’s hair between your fingers, making much prettier braids than he ever has. Though, Winnie has never complained; she said that he braids her hair ‘nicer’, whatever that meant - but it meant everything to him.
The baby in the bright yellow walker looked to him, her hand in her mouth as she smiled and began to coo at him - her free hand making grabbing signals. He smiled, walking straight to her and plucking her from the walker, settled her on his arm while both of her hands gripped his shirt. Her little head rested on his collarbone, a happy little giggle leaving her lips as he turned to his wife and oldest daughter.
Winnie shoveled fistfuls of Cheerios out of the box and into her mouth, infatuated with the blue and orange dogs while you smiled to him, radiant. He almost took a step back, in disbelief of how content you looked.
“You okay?” You spoke, looking back to Winnie’s hair. He gazed down at Mellie, her face looking at the TV too.
“Fine.” He answered, moving towards the couch to sit beside you. He pressed a kiss to your shoulder before draping his free arm on the back of the couch, eyes falling on the TV. “You doin’ okay?”
“I’m more worried about you than I am me.” Your answer made him frown a bit as you looked back to Winnie’s hair.
He looked to your hair, wishing he could see you beautiful face. “You don’t need to worry ‘bout me.”
“I always worry about you.” You murmured, fingers slowing as you continued the one of two Dutch braids. He opened his mouth to say a rebuttal, but you continued, “But this is a whole different kind of worry. This is really hard, and I need to make sure that you’re going to be okay. And that I can help you in any way you need.”
“I should be saying that to you.” His baby tugged on his shirt while the hand not on Mellie settled on your closest shoulder, the girl cuddled on his chest began to coo again. He looked down to her, noticing that she wasn’t even looking at him - she was looking at you.
You turned your head to kiss the hand on your shoulder before turning back to your daughter’s hair. “Did a lot of thinking. A lot of crying.” A moment of laughter came from the TV, his eyes flickered to it. He watched the show just for a second before you began again, his eyes went back to you. “Families don’t go according to plan. When I was a kid, wanting two girls and two boys of my own and a loving husband was my plan; but then you crashed the party and you stomped all over it with the most wonderful little girl I’ve ever met.” You leaned forwards a kissed Winnie’s hair, to which she grumbled as the cereal box kept rustling with her grubby little hands digging out Cheerios. “Nothing I planned for my whole life has ever gone as planned. Adopting my daughter and hoping I’m raising her how her birth mother wants wasn’t a part of my plan. Having a surprise baby while you’re off protecting the world wasn’t a part of the plan.” He squeezed your shoulder. “We wanted another, but it just wasn’t in the cards. We drew a bad hand.”
“Wise girl.” He smiled, moving forwards to press a kiss to the back of your head. “I’ll be fine.”
“You say that.” You murmured. “I don’t want to push you, Si, but I want you to actually be okay. And it’s not an overnight decision-“
“I had a dream about my mum.”
You looked surprised. He has never told you about his dreams, even when she’s waking him from the nightmares which had him screaming.
The weight in his chest was lifted because of that dream, even if he knew she wasn’t real. His mom was dead, but he dreamt and talked to her as if she wasn’t. He couldn’t tell you what he had told his mother in his dream.
“I hope you were able to bring yourself comfort.” Your voice broke him from the memory, head still faced forwards towards Winnie. “There’s no reason to feel ashamed about missing your mom. I miss mine all the time.”
Mellie’s hand gripped what little stubble he had on his chin, he looked down at her. Her eyes that matched his, wide and warm and accompanied by her two toothed smile. His hand gently pushed back her barely their hair that looked like yours, the girl cooed.
“She’s supposed to be talking soon, right?” He mumbled, her little baby nails dug into his chin but he didn’t care. “Keep forgetting to get her to talk.”
“She will when she’s ready.”
Mellie smacked his chin, he frowned at her. She giggled back, the sleeve of her blue onesie riding up her arm.
“Say Dada.” He whispered, the baby furrowed her eyebrows. “Dada.”
“Simon Riley, don’t you be turning her on me.” Your voice held warning, but full of playfulness. He glanced to you, you still faced away. “Her first word is gonna be ‘Mama’ and there will be hell to pay if it isn’t.”
He looked back to the baby on his chest, a sudden clench of his heart made his smile drop. The little baby was looking to you now since she heard your voice.
“I didn’t want him.”
His free hand gently patted his baby’s back, she kept her eyes on her mom.
“I didn’t want our son and I don’t know why.”
There was a moment of silence, save for the TV, where neither of you said a word. He couldn’t look at you.
“Winnie, baby, can you go eat in the dining room for me?” Your voice was soft, Winnie hopped off of the couch, loudly crunching on her Cheerios as she passed by Simon - her hair in two neat little braids. He kept his gaze on his baby, watching as her little smile grew bigger as you turned to look at him.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Your hand was gentle when it rested on his chest, Mellie’s grip disappeared from his chin, moving to your fingers. The little chunky hands grabbed your pointer finger, trying to pull it to her mouth.
His words failed him as he watched Mellie begin to chew on your finger, you were completely unfazed. How could he have told you? It would’ve only hurt you.
“You don’t have to tell me.” Your head then rested on his shoulder, his hand still patted Mellie’s back. “I don’t need to know, I’m just trying to help you.”
The tears weren’t purposeful, yet they still fell - just short of Mellie’s head. The girl looked up to him, her little eyes widened and she immediately pulled your hand from her sharp teeth. Her little baby hands then smacked themselves onto his face, directly in the way of the streaks of his tears.
“Daddy’s okay, baby.” He whispered, his other hand tried to move her hands from his face, but she let out a grunt in disapproval. “It’s alright.”
You curled your body into his side, arms wrapped around his left arm - head nestled on his shoulder. Silence fell again, his daughter staring directly into his eyes and refusing to move her hands as he silently cried. Her little fingers curled uncurled against his cheeks, little nails scuffing up his face but he didn’t care. He could stay like this forever.
Mellie blinked at him, cooing a little as the tears began to stop. Her eyes grew tired, her hands moved from his face and to his chest, keeping herself sitting up so she could stare at him. She scrunched her nose just like her sister, and without warning, slammed her head into his collarbone. He winced in pain, his only free hand coming to cradle her head.
He’d be lying if he said that he wanted time to keep moving, so he could watch his daughters grow. He just wanted to stay like this, his baby cradled on his chest and just as sassy as her older sister.
“My father,” His voice was quiet, just above a whisper. “He hated that he had boys. Hated that he had children in the first place, never once told me that he loved me. Always told me that he never wanted me.”
Your hands squeezed his arm.
“And I know I told you that I would be okay with a boy, but I don’t think I could look my own son in the face. All I’d see is me, that little boy who was so terrified of his father that he hid in the cabinets for days. The little boy who was forced to watch his father beat his mother.” He took a short breath. “I couldn’t look a carbon copy of myself in the face and act like I loved him, because he would be a reminder of how I failed my family. That I would end up like my father.”
“You’ll never be that fucking bastard.” Your voice was certain, he knew you were looking up at him but he couldn’t move his eyes from Mellie as her little face turned to look at you. “Simon, please, look at me.”
He couldn’t deny you a thing - not in this lifetime, or the next. His head turned, his face looking to you - his heart shattered. There were tears in your eyes, your hands squeezing his arm.
“You never will be like your father,” Hands gripped around his arm, you pulled his arm even further into your chest. “That girl on your chest has never been anything but love from you. Winnie has only ever been loved by you. Have you hit her?”
He stared at you. “No.”
“Would you? Has the thought ever crossed your mind?”
“You’re already miles better than him.” Your voice grew softer, your hand moved to rest on his cheek. “And I know you’d never think of hurting me.” The tears stung his eyes, the tiredness that welled in his shoulders began to hurt as you whispered to him, “I know you’re scared of becoming him, but I doubt you ever will. You have so much love to give, Simon. From what I’ve heard, your father only had hurt to give.”
“I don’t ever want to hurt you.” His eyes fluttered closed, leaning his head forward to settle his forehead against yours. “I don’t want to hurt my girls, I just want to love all three of you.”
“That’s all I ask for.”
A little hand smacked his cheek, he opened an eye to look in the direction of Mellie. He opened both of his eyes, pressing a kiss to your forehead before looking to his baby.
“Say Mama.” He spoke, the little baby scrunched her nose again. He smiled through his tears, his eyes flickered up when he saw Winnie creep into view. Her little green bear settled in her arms, she rubbed the back of her hand into her eye. “C’mon, Winnie.”
The chestnut haired little girl instantly climbed her way onto his lap, narrowly avoiding the baby on his chest and plopping in between him and you. You instantly moved your arm around her, grabbing the blanket that was set on the arm of the couch. He helped you with his free hand, pulling the blanket to cover his family.
“I’m proud of you, Si.” You spoke, hand resting on his chest as your arm laid on Winnie’s side. His oldest daughter’s head settled just under yours, you placed a kiss on her head.
Those words made him smile, the tears falling down his face - Mellie looked back up to him after curiously watching you and him cover everyone with the blanket. He pressed a kiss to her face before leaning his head back onto the back of the couch, closing his eyes. You moved one leg over his lap, sleep began to gnaw at his head.
“Yeah, Winnie?” He answered.
“That wasn’t me.” He heard Winnie as clear as day, his head shot up to look down at Mellie, who still kept herself sitting up and looking at him - a smile on her little face. He could instantly feel your head pop up from his shoulder.
“Mama.” He said, hushed, “You say Mama, Mellie. Not Daddy.”
“Daddy.” The little baby on his chest cooed, louder this time. “Dada.”
“She said her first word.” You whispered, hand squeezing his arm. “I’m so mad at you for being first.”
“I was rooting for her to say mama too,” He whispered, his hand gently patting Mellie’s back.
“Say Mama, Mellie.” The baby looked to you as soon as you spoke, she stared at you. “She has your staring problem.”
“I know. I kind of feel bad.” He commented as he watched Winnie’s hand reach out to pet her sister’s head, the baby cooed again. Mellie looked back to Simon, her little hand reached back for his face. He pressed a kiss to her hand before letting her grab his stubble again, almost wincing as she pulled on it. “Gentle, Bug.”
“Dada.” Mellie answered, then let go of his chin - settling her head gently on his chest this time.
“I love you, Bug.” He whispered, kissing her head before moving to Winnie, placing a kiss on her head too as he said, “I love you, Duckling.”
You pressed a kiss to his cheek before he could get to you. “I love you.”
He wasn’t sure he could ever live without you.
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taglist: @sigynxlokiwifelover @lumpypoll @multitargaryen @chloeforde @blueoorchid @vir-tual @lolis-pikt @theverycelestialgemini @simpingforleoandnico
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Copyright © 2023 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Thankful (Dad!Eddie x Mom!Reader)
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You and Eddie celebrate Melody’s first Thanksgiving with the Hawkins crew.
Warnings: none
WC: 1.7k
Part I | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Taglist: @dylanmunson @tayhar811 @princess-eddie​ @briasnow-blog @eddielives1986 @lost-in-contingency @eddiesprincess86​
“Are you ready?” You hear Eddie whisper through the bedroom door; the man was never good at keeping his voice low. “C’mon, let’s go surprise Mommy!”
The record store is closed on holidays, which means Eddie’s home, which also means that you can sleep in. Motherhood is more exhausting than you had anticipated. It’s one thing to pull an all-nighter once in awhile to finish some work or have a movie marathon; it’s another to wake up every two hours to feed, change, or rock a screaming baby.
Your husband has been nothing short of an angel: balancing work, a newborn baby, and a wife who feels like she’s falling apart physically and emotionally. You take care of Melody while he’s at the store, but he’s holding her as soon as he gets home so you can take time to rest. 
You open one eye as the door opens and slip on your glasses. Eddie’s still in his pajamas, but he’s got Melody in an outfit you haven’t seen before.
“Hi, my loves,” you greet them sleepily. “Happy Thanksgiving.”
“Happy Thanksgiving, Mama Munson,” Eddie replies, carefully shuffling towards you. “Mel wants to show you something.”
“I hope it’s not another diaper explosion,” you give a small laugh, sitting up to get a better look at your little family.
“Nope. Had one of those already this morning, but Super Dad took care of it,” he grins proudly. “This is much better.”
He hands you your little baby, her dark blond curls tickling your chin as you pull her close for cuddles. She’s wearing an orange onesie with a cartoon turkey on it, and the text below it reads “My First Thanksgiving.”
“This is the most precious thing I’ve ever seen!” you exclaim as she takes your finger in her tiny fist. “Eds, where did you get this?”
“What are you talking about? You gave birth to her!” he teases, kissing your forehead.
“You know what I mean!”
“Ohhh, her Thanksgiving outfit,” Eddie says, making you smile even wider. “One of my regulars gave it to me last week. Been hiding so we could surprise you.”
“I swear, every time I think this kid couldn’t get any cuter,” you kiss her little fingernails, and she looks up at you with her wide eyes. “Right? Every time Mommy thinks you couldn’t be a more adorable little baby, you prove her wrong!”
Eddie’s heart leaps watching you be a mom. The last few weeks have been hard on you, but he’s so impressed with how naturally you fell into motherhood. On more than one occasion you’ve questioned whether or not you can do this, but he reassures you that the feeling is normal, especially when sleep deprived. And while you’ve had no shortage of visitors, you haven’t really left the house.
Today, however, the three of you are going to the Hopper-Byers house to celebrate with everyone—and you mean everyone: Jim Hopper, Joyce, Will, Jonathan, and Eleven will obviously be there, as well as Steve, Nancy, Andy, Robin, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Max. A full house.
Eddie crouches down so he’s eye-level with his daughter. “What’s that, Melly Bean?” he asks, cocking his head towards her. “You want Mommy to come out to the living room so we can watch the parade together?”
You roll your eyes and laugh. “Only for my little turkey,” you place her back in his waiting arms so you can stretch. “And because I have to get up anyway and make a casserole to bring to Joyce’s.”
“I thought Joyce said not to bring anything?” He furrows his brows.
“Well, I’m not going over empty-handed,” you reply. “Besides, it’ll feel good to cook something again.” Your friends and neighbors had brought food to you after Melody was born, and you’d been subsisting on that and take-out since you got home from the hospital.
Eddie nods. “Okay. Just take it easy.” You give him a warm smile, appreciating his concern without being overbearing. God, you love him.
You wrap the hot casserole dish in tinfoil just as Santa Claus makes his way down 34th Street, signaling the end of the parade.
“Look, Melly!” Eddie coos, though she’s sound asleep against his chest. “That’s Santa! He’s gonna come to our house next month and bring you so many gifts.” He looks over at you sheepishly. “Speaking of which, I should probably pick up some extra shifts.”
You feign ignorance for your own amusement. “Whatever for? I thought Santa was bringing everything for her.”
“You’re so lucky I’m holding her, or I’d throw a pillow at your head.” Instead, he opts to stick out his tongue, making you giggle.
“C’mon, let’s bundle her up and…Eddie!” you cry out when you see that he’s still in his pajamas, with his hair mussed and his face unshaven. “How are you not ready yet?”
“I think a better question is, how are you ready?” he gawps.
“I showered and got dressed while the casserole was in the oven,” you explain. “Just need to throw on some makeup, cover up these bags under my eyes, and I’m good to go.”
“Fuckin’ Wonder Woman, I’m tellin’ you, babe. That’s what you are,” he muses, standing slowly and putting Melody in her bassinet next to the couch. He walks back to the kitchen and presses a sloppy kiss to your temple. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, stinky man,” you wrinkle your nose dramatically as you pretend to lean in for a kiss but lick his lips instead. He retaliates quickly, pulling you close to him and licking your ear.
“You’re gross,” you mumble as his jaw drops.
“Me? You started this!” he retorts.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, babe. Now go get ready.”
You pull up to the house half an hour later than you’d hoped, but considering you had a four-week-old baby, you were impressed that you weren’t tardier. Eddie throws the car in park and shuts off the engine, and immediately you hear a voice call, “They’re here!”, followed by a parade of people vying to be the first to hold Melody.
“Whoa! Hey, guys!” Eddie calls as he steps out and opens the rear door to get the baby. “Just give us a sec to get settled in and then you can fight to the death for her.”
You sling the diaper bag over your shoulder as Eddie unhooks the car seat. Melody stirs slightly and lets out a cry.
“Sorry,” you mutter as you make a beeline for the front door, “she might be hungry.”
Joyce pushes through the crowd to get to you. “Breathe. It’s okay. Babies cry,” she rubs your back gently. “You’ll feed her, and she’ll be good as new.”
You take a deep breath, in through the nose and out through the mouth, and nod. “Thank you.”
There’s a soft tap on your shoulder as you walk in the house. “Uh, Y/N?” Mike Wheeler says. “I can give her a bottle, i-if you want. I used to help my mom when Holly was a baby.”
You’re reluctant to accept help, for the sake of your own pride, but you relinquish some control and smile. “That would be amazing, Mike.” The boy visibly relaxes as you bring him over to the kitchen so you can prepare the bottle.
Eddie places Melody in Mike’s arms, and she takes the bottle immediately. “She’s so cute,” Mike remarks, making silly faces at her while she drinks.
“Once that bottle is done, give her to me,” Dustin demands, and Max scoffs at him.
“You already got to meet her when she was born!” she argues, pushing him out of the way.
“Not my fault I’m a better friend than any of you are!”
“Hey, who says I’m giving her up?” Mike calls back from the sofa.
“Sheep!” Eddie’s voice stops their bickering immediately. “Here’s the deal: Wheeler’s gonna finish feeding her, then we’ll go in alphabetical order by people who haven’t met her yet,” he emphasizes, earning a glare from Dustin. “That means Eleven, then Jonathan, Lucas, Max, Robin, and Will.”
“So not fair,” Dustin mutters, but doesn’t put up more of a fight.
“Also, there’s a rule,” you add teasingly. “If she poops while you’re holding her, you have to change her diaper.” Surprisingly, no one seems fazed.
For the first time in nearly a month, you’re able to have adult conversations and eat a meal without having to tend to Melody. It feels strange, like a piece of you is missing, but you learn to enjoy the moments of freedom.
It’s Hopper’s turn to hold her, and he’s standing next to Eddie, who’s eating a slice of pie. You overhear a part of their conversation:
“Having a daughter is the best feeling, isn’t it?” Hopper asks him, waving a finger at Melody. She’s so good, you think with a smile.
Eddie nods vigorously. “I can’t believe that I get to be her dad. I feel like I don’t deserve it,” he admits.
Hopper glances over at Eleven before replying. “I know the feeling,” he agrees, “but trust me when I say that if anyone deserves this, it’s you.” You blink back tears, half because you don’t want to be crying at Thanksgiving, and half because you don’t want to get caught eavesdropping.
Joyce uses her hip to gently bump yours. “Look at our guys,” she says. “Almost hate to steal her away from them. Almost.” She marches over and motions for her husband to hand her the baby, heart melting the instant she holds her.
Eddie makes his way over to you, placing his empty plate on a nearby table. He brings his arm around your waist, and you rest your head on his chest.
“You good, baby?” he murmurs into your hair.
“Mhm,” you say. “I’m just really happy.”
He squeezes you even closer and brings his gaze back to his daughter, cooing in Joyce’s arms. “We made the cutest kid ever, didn’t we?”
“Oh, absolutely,” you agree. “Makes every other baby look bad.” You look up at him and he bends down slightly to kiss you.
Instead, you lick from his lower lip to the tip of his nose.
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ladyveronikawrites · 10 months
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[30 Days of Bad Omens]
@signs-of-ill-portent bingo card here
Pairing List: # 5 Noah Sebastian x OFC (Mel)
Kink List: #9 Sensory Deprivation
CW: Bondage, Blindfolds, earplugs, P in V sex, oral female receiving, orgasm denial, mention of panic attack.
*AN// descriptions of panic attack, unwanted touch, and consented deprivation of senses. Please take care of your mental health.
This is a work of fiction, based on real people in fictious situations. Please don't yuck someone else's yum; scroll on.//**
Summary: Mel has a panic attack at a party and Noah helps her to calm down.
word count: 3.5k
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Mel finds herself sitting alone in the corner of the living. Loud music blasts through the speakers as people dance and grind around her. She sucks in a shaky breath. The air is hot and sticky from the body heat. I have to stay. I have to do this for Nicholas. I promised Noah I would come. 
She tries to convince herself to remain planted on the couch. She clenches her shaking fists. It’s all too much. Too much noise. Everyone’s too close. Mel struggles to take a deep breath. She shuts her eyes tight trying to keep the tears from spilling over. When a tear escapes it does her in.
Mel shoots up from the couch and pushes through the crowded space. She practically sobs in relief when she eyes a sliding door to the patio outside. The cool autumn air floods into her lungs with every gasp. Mel plops herself down onto the cement patio and leans against the brick wall of the house. Shutting her eyes tight Mel sobs into her hands wishing she could disappear. 
“Melly, are you okay?” A soft voice calls over to her. Through her hiccups and wails, she can’t hear whoever called after her. Gentle warm hands begin to rub up and down her arms. Mel’s eyes spring open as she gasps for another breath. A shadow of Noah appears in her blurry vision. His mouth is moving but his voice is muffled. Noah tenderly caresses her cheeks and wipes away the tears with his thumbs. 
“I’m here Melly.” Noah’s voice pierces through the haze of her mind. “Take a big breath for me.” Noah inhales deeply through his nose and then exhales through his mouth. Mel follows with a shaky breath. 
“Atta girl. Let’s try another, okay?” Mel nods. “Breathe in with me. Inhale…”
Noah watches as Mel’s chest rises. “That’s my girl. Now exhale…”
Mel’s breathing steadies and her vision clears. “How are you feeling?” Noah asks as he crosses his long legs to sit across from her. He takes her hands in his and squeezes gently. 
“Better, thank you.” Mel rasps out, her throat is still sore from crying.
“Was it too loud?” Mel nods her head quickly and drops her eyes to her hands still entwined in Noah’s. “Despite his quiet demeanor, Nicholas can be a party animal. It’s always the quiet ones you have to look out for.” Noah chuckles as he rummages through the pocket in his jeans. 
“Here.” Noah presents Mel with his Loop earplugs. “These should help with the sound. And I won’t leave your side tonight ok?” 
Mel cracks a smile. “You’re the best, Noah.” 
“Hey, I know what it’s like to be overwhelmed by noise and crowds. I got you, babe.” 
Noah grins at Mel as he rises and offers her his hand. Mel practically skips back into the house with Noah by her side. Mel and Noah’s friendship has always been a special one. Quick to rekindle after months of touring like they never missed a beat. The way they met was an accident but their connection feels like they’ve known each other for a lifetime. 
Crossing the threshold of the sliding door, the muffled music fills Mel’s ears as if she were in a waiting room instead of a raging house party. Noah entwines his fingers through hers and leads her into the kitchen. Without letting her go, he grabs her a glass and fills it with water. Mel giggles at the image of this tall tattooed man rummaging through cabinets with one hand. Mel gulps down the water and thanks Noah. 
Noah leans into her and asks Mel to dance which she gleefully accepts as she, inturns,  pulls him into the living where moments ago she was having a panic attack. Noah can’t help but grin at how much Mel lights up a room with her excitement when she’s not overwhelmed by the world. 
Mel brings herself on her tip toes to wrap her arms around Noah’s neck. Noah adjusts slightly to wrap his arms around her waist closing the gap between them. Mel’s green eyes shimmer against the strobe lights as her hips sway to the beat. Noah leans over to tell Mel he will grab them a drink. She nods but keeps dancing allowing the music to fill her and push away the anxiety. Mel closes her eyes and raises her arms releasing all abandon grinding on anyone nearby. 
Arms wrap around Mel’s waist as a firm body presses against her. With her eyes closed and earplugs in, she is utterly oblivious to the scene around her. The warm hand snakes down her dress grazing the exposed skin of her thigh. Mel’s eyes shoot open as fear and adrenaline course through her veins. She pushes against the stranger's arms but he grabs her wrists and pulls her against him. 
“Let her go,” Noah’s familiar voice pierces Mel’s muffled ears. 
Her heartbeat skyrockets as Noah pushes through the crowd to her. The stranger digs his nails into her and she lets out a small yelp. She searches frantically for Noah in the crowd but he’s nowhere in sight. Mel’s chest heaves up and down as she gasps for air. “Noah!” Mel screams at the top of her lungs. The crowd starts to scatter when all of a sudden, she stumbles forward out of the stranger’s grasp. Mel slams into someone’s shoulder and lands on her ass. In the frenzy, Mel scrambles to her feet and forces her way through the mass of bodies. The sea of people pushes Mel to the staircase. Mel sprints up the stairs and opens the first she finds. 
Mel collapses against the door gasping for air. In the dim light of the bedroom, Mel’s thoughts begin to spiral about Noah’s well-being… Noah. Inhale Mel!  She takes in a shaky breath but blows it out quickly through her teeth. Tears prick the corners of her eyes. It’s no use. Hastily she pulls the earplugs from her ears and throws them to the ground. 
A knock on the door. “Mel, are you in here?” Mel jumps to her feet and opens the door. 
“N-Noah!” Mel hiccups. 
Noah sees Mel’s wide eyes and heaving chest. He pulls her into an embrace. “Breathe Melly,” he soothes gently stroking her hair. Noah feels her chest expand against him. Her raspy breath tightens his stomach. 
“Just like that,” Noah whispers pulling her tighter. When Mel’s breath starts to even Noah back slightly.
“What do you need from me?” Noah asks wiping away her tears. 
Mel is desperate for an escape from the racing thoughts in her head. Despite her knowing Noah is safe her thoughts won’t cease. “I-I need a distraction,” Mel squeaks out barely audible. A blush creeps over her cheeks. 
“What kind of distraction?"
Noah’s voice is low as he searches her eyes for the answer. In the shadows, Noah can still see a small spark of desire in her green eyes. 
“You,” Mel breaths out. Noah’s core tightens at the revelation. 
“I can help with that,” Noah whispers in her ear then plants a tender kiss on her cheek.
Mel gasps softly as Noah’s lips graze the delicate skin of her jaw. Mel inhales Noah’s cologne of cinnamon and sandalwood. It instantly turns the tightness in her stomach into a frenzy of butterflies. 
“Can I kiss you here?”
Noah’s lips linger mere centimeters from her lips. Mel can practically taste the spice of bourbon Noah drank earlier. Through hooded eyes, Mel looks up at Noah. His eyes are dark. 
“Yes,” Mel rushes out. “Pleas-” 
Noah silences Mel with a chaste kiss and leads her to rest against the door. His kiss is tender as if she is fragile, but Mel urges forward as her hands dive under the hem of his shirt and she digs her nails into his hips pulling him closer. Noah grunts at the shock of pain but it only encourages him more as he splits Mel’s lips apart with his tongue. Sloppy wet noises and mutual moans fill the room. Mel nibbles at Noah’s bottom lip as she breaks away from the kiss. For a heartbeat and a breath, they stare intently at each other. 
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Noah asks taking a step back to gauge Mel’s reaction. He cares about her too deeply and doesn’t want to hurt her. 
“Yes, after everything that happened tonight, I need to get out of my head and I know you will keep me safe.” Mel watches as Noah picks up the Loop earplugs from the floor and then walks over to the bedside table.
“Ok, good thing you stumbled into my bedroom,” Noah chuckles as he rummages in the drawer for a second.
He places something small in his back pocket and places a condom and a sleep mask on the nightstand. He lights the candle and places it on the table. Mel’s mouth drops open when Noah rips the comforter off the bed, casting it to the ground. At each end of the bed, he adjusts the bed restraints so they are snug around the mattress.
“Sensory deprivation can help you focus all your attention on how I make you feel.” Noah hands Mel the earplugs. “And remember if you need everything to stop, just say ‘stop’.
“I understand,” Mel says as she puts the earplugs back in. 
“I’m going to start slow, ok?” Mel nods her head. “Now that we have deprived your sense of hearing I’m going to ask you to close your eyes.” 
Mel’s heartbeat pulses in her ears as she shuts her eyes tight. Excitement and arousal begin to bubble in her stomach. Noah’s breath is hot when it tickles her face. Warm and soft lips trail kisses along her jaw. Mel lets out a breathy moan as Noah nips at the delicate skin of her neck. Noah’s deep chuckle rumbles against her ear. 
Mel flinches as Noah’s fingertips graze her shoulders as he pulls down the straps of the dress. Mel sucks in a breath as Noah draws lazy circles on her shoulders and chest with the pad of a finger. With a tug, the dress falls to the floor. Goosebumps spread over Mel’s arms as she shakes slightly to the unexpected cool air. 
To his surprise, Mel doesn’t cover herself in shame like other girls might. She just stands there in her rose-colored lingerie with her eyes still closed, perfectly still for him to admire. Noah has to clench his fist to hold back the urge to touch her. He has to take this slow. He doesn’t want to overwhelm her. 
Noah walks over to the bed and grabs the mask then beelines for the bedside table. Noah chuckles to himself as he slips on his leather glove. Carefully, Noah slips the mask over Mel’s eyes. With his gloved hand, Noah tilts Mel’s head slightly and brushes his thumb over her lower lip. 
“Glove… leather glove?” Mel’s brows furrow turning the idea over in her head. 
“Is that what you think it is? Describe the way it feels to me.” Noah glides his fingertip down her jaw and throat. He rests his hand open around her neck, rubbing small circles on the side.
“It’s soft and smells like leather… and sweat?” Mel giggles. “Oh, it’s your concert glove isn’t it?” 
Noah can’t help but throw his head back and laugh. “Yes, yes it is Melly. I can’t believe you got that correct.” Noah caresses her cheek. 
“Open up.” Mel swallows down an excited giggle as she opens her mouth sticking her tongue out. Suddenly something small and…sour hits her tongue. Mel’s face twists as the tangy candy melts and coats her tongue. 
“Noah what the-” Noah grasps the back of Mel’s neck and crashes his lips onto hers spearing her lips apart with his tongue. Noah’s shoulders tense as the tartness from the candy touches his tongue. Mel groans as Noah explores her mouth further. When he breaks the sloppy kiss he grins from ear to ear. 
“How did that taste?” Noah chuckles.
“Sour and...” Mel licks her lips. “Lemon!”  Arousal pools in Noah’s gut as Mel bites her lip. He can’t wait to taste her again.
“The shock of the sour can be enough to quiet the racing thoughts.”
“It was a definite shock to the system for sure, but fun! Can I have another?” Mel’s heart is about to burst from her ribcage with excitement. Noah grins, “Maybe.” 
Mel takes a sharp inhale of breath as Noah presses his body against hers and wraps his fingers around her wrists restraining them to her sides. Noah nips at her earlobe. “Sound”, he whispers. He kisses each of her eyes covered by the mask. “Sight,” he continues. Noah peppers kisses down the bridge of Mel’s nose to the tip of her adorable button nose. “Smell.” The light pressure around her wrists disappears when Noah lets her go. Mel’s lips part slightly with anticipation. She can feel Noah’s stare burning a hole in her soul.  Without warning, Noah turns Mel’s hands over and kisses each of the pads of her fingers. A sweet soft sound escapes Mel's lips. “Touch,” Noah says softly as he releases her hands. 
“How do you feel?” Noah asks. 
“Really good,” Mel’s voice comes out more breathy than she wanted. 
Noah closes the space between them. “Shall we continue?” He asks as he tilts her head with his gloved hand.
“Please, Noah.” His name on Mel’s desperate lips makes his dick twitch. Noah answers her with a heated kiss and then leads her to the bed. Noah helps Mel unfasten her lacy bra and then she steps out of her panties. If Noah could high-five himself he would as he snatches her panties and tosses them in the drawer of his bedside table. 
“Lay down on your back, dear. I’ve got you,” Noah coos as Mel scoots to the center of the bed. As Noah binds her wrists and ankles in the soft cuffs, he reviews the safewords. Noah crawls between Mel’s legs and sits back on his heels to admire her bare form. 
“You are gorgeous, you know what Mel?” Noah licks his lips as a blush creeps over Mel’s cheeks and chest.
“Thanks,” Mel says softly still trying to wrap her head around this moment. 
“Uh uh, I see those wheels turning again Mel.” Noah starts to trace lines down her chest and tummy with his gloved hand. “Focus on me and how I make you feel.” Noah watches as Mel shivers to his touch.  “That’s it, give in to the sensation.”  His hand roams back up to her breast where he lazily draws circles around her now pebbled nipple. Mel yelps when Noah pinches her nipple then the other one. Mel’s breathing quickens as Noah’s gloved hand snakes its way between her thighs and onto her sex.
“What do you want?” Noah asks as he cups her pussy. Noah bites back a groan as her heat saturates his glove. 
“You,” Mel whimpers. 
Noah adjusts above her as he slides his non-dominant hand between her folds. He takes his time teasing her clit with the soft leather garment. Noah wants Mel to beg for his touch. Mel's legs tense against the restraints. Noah watches as she bites her lip but a soft moan escapes anyway. 
“Use your words, Mel,” Noah says firmly keeping a steady circle around her clit.
“Touch me, please.” 
In an instant, Noah pulls away from Mel and off the bed. Mel’s heartbeat quickens as adrenaline and arousal course through her. Her clit throbs at the absence of Noah’s touch. Muffled sounds of clothes and a belt hitting the wooden floor filter through her blocked ears. The bed creaks as Noah makes his way over Mel’s bound legs. Mel squirms against her restraints trying desperately to touch Noah as his body heat emanates above her. 
“Please,” Mel whimpers softly. 
Noah obliges with a chaste kiss on her cheek, then trails tender kisses down her jaw and brushes his lips against hers. Mel answers back with a kiss. Noah deepens the kiss as he teases the tip of his cock at her entrance. 
“Desperate little thing aren’t you?” Noah smirks as he wets the tip with her slickness. 
He sits back to watch Mel’s cheeks flush. Mel huffs in frustration and then abruptly inhales sharply as Noah pinches both of her nipples with his bare hands. He grazes his fingertips along her sides, inch by inch until he digs his nails into her hips. Mel yelps as the pain spreads through her. 
“Breathe through the pain.” Noah watches Mel’s chest rise and fall. “That’s it.” 
Noah braces Mel’s thighs with elbows as he takes he leans down to nibble at the delicate flesh of her inner thigh. He soothes each bite with a tender kiss. Mel’s moans get louder encouraging Noah to do the same to her other thigh. 
“God Noah-” Mel starts.
“There’s no God here,” Noah growls then splits her folds apart with his tongue. 
Mel bucks her hips.
Noah bares down digging his nails into her to keep her steady. Noah can’t wait to let her loose. He flicks the tip of his tongue over her clit as Mel starts to mewl.  He speeds up his pace as he plunges two fingers into slick pussy.
“Fuck Noah,” Mel yells thrashing against her restraints. 
Mel’s fists clench and her legs start to tense; toes curling. Noah finds a rhythm with his fingers hitting just the right spot and he licks and sucks at her sensitive bud. 
“That’s it Mel, come for me.” 
Mel’s walls clench around his fingers drenching him in the process. Mel throws her head back as she screams his name. Noah keeps his steady pace as he finger fucks her through her orgasm. As Mel comes down from her high, she squirms as Noah drags his fingers from her pussy and then licks up her juices. 
“You taste amazing, Mel,” Noah moans between licks of his fingers. Once Noah is satisfied, he unfastens each of the restraints and pulls off the sleep mask. 
“Hi, pretty girl.” 
Noah’s big brown eyes and dazzling grin are the first things Mel sees as her eyes adjust. Tendrils stick to his forehead, framing his angular face. His shoulder and neck muscles tense as he breathes heavily. 
Mel caresses his cheek with her hand. “Hi.” 
Noah melts into her touch, hungry for more. So is Mel. Mel pulls Noah to her lips tilting her head slightly as she splits his lips open with her tongue. Mel trails her hands up the side of Noah’s face then tugs at the roots. Noah groans against her lips.  
Noah pulls from their heated kiss. “So needy for my touch,” he smirks as he pushes the tip of his hard covered cock into her entrance. Mel’s back arches slightly as digs her nail into Noah’s back forcing him to stretch her walls further. 
“Fuck, I’m not going to last long if you keep that up.” Noah's lashes flutter for a second then spring open when Mel wraps her legs around Noah’s waist. She pushes her heels into his back and grips his hips. It's Noah’s undoing and he can’t stop himself from thrusting into her fast and hard. 
“Yes, Noah!” Mel screams as she shuts her eyes tight. Noah slows his pace when he notices her closed eyes. 
“Eyes on me Mel. I want to watch you come undone.” Noah commands. 
Her bright green eyes are blown wide. Noah rewards Mel by grazing his thumb over her engorged clit then plunges his cock deep inside. A few more deep thrusts and stars speckle Mel’s vision. Mel’s eyes threatened to roll back but somehow she manages to keep her eyes on him as Noah fucks her through her mindblowing orgasm. 
“Atta girl, Mel,” Noah says between thrusts. “I’m almost-” Noah fucks her faster as he releases into her. Noah grunts when he slides out of her; her juices drenching his sheets. He quickly ties up the condom and before leaving the bed Noah kisses Mel on the forehead. 
“You ok?” Noah asks.
“Yeah.” Is all Mel can muster in her blissed-out state. 
“Good,” Noah grins as he helps Mel sit up. 
After they both clean themselves off, Noah changes the sheets and grabs a shirt and sweats for Mel to change into. While Mel changes he too dresses and then crawls into bed. Noah looks up when the bathroom door closes to find Mel drowning in fabric. She giggles softly when their eyes meet. 
“Come here,” Noah gestures for Mel to join him. Entangled in each other’s arms, both Mel and Noah drift off to sleep. 
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avinwrites · 1 year
When they sing to you ♫ 
A headcanon/short fic mix of Demi, Melly, Norton, and Naib when you ask your significant other to comfort you with a song.
-Demi likes to hum when she’s working hard
-whether she’s mixing drinks or decoding
-it’s not unusual to hear a tune come from the depths of her throat
-but you’ve never heard her sing
-of course, sometimes, if she’s drunk, she’ll belt out whatever song she may have stuck in her head, but that’s different
-the day you actually did hear her sing for the first time, you almost missed it
You had returned from a rough match. It did more than just roughen up your body, your mental psyche was near destroyed. No one escaped, there were still three ciphers left, and you had already been downed two times previous to your state. It didn’t help that the Hunter finally got you by terror-shocking you. To put it lightly, you were beat.
You sought comfort, and your heart pulled you towards her. Demi was your epitome of contentment. Anything you need, she’ll be there. And while you tried not to ask for too much, in this case, you need her, no way around it. When you finally found Demi, conversing with a few others, you silently pulled her away and to your place of comfort. 
“You look rough.” She comments, understanding that all you need at the moment is her, and accepts this fact. without saying anything, you have her lay on your bed, your face finding the perfect space nestled in her chest, her arms around you, stroking your hair softly. In this position, you aren’t far from sleep, but an ethereal voice floating in the air keeps you from fully slipping into the realm of dreams.
It was Demi’s voice, singing a lullaby you don’t recognize, but you find solace in the words and the melody. You can’t stop yourself from drifting off, finding yourself in the same indulgence in your dreams.
-she’s not very vocal
-you like to ask her to tell you about bugs
-because even if you’re disgusted by them
-she’ll make even the most hideous creature sound like a genuine grace from the heavens with her words
-she’ll even tell you stories if you’d like
-but she gets very uncomfortable with the idea of singing
-and you’re ok with that, you’d never force her to do something she’s uncomfortable with
-but one day, as a gift to you, she surprises you
“I’d like you to meet me in my room tonight after dinner.” She says to you out of the blue. This was earlier in the afternoon. Now, it’s dark, and everyone has gone to their respective places of rest. Melly had practically locked herself in her room when she said that to you. By this point, you were worried sick. So, as soon as possible, you made your way to her room.
You open the door to find her sitting on the floor of her room, mask sitting neatly next to her, face reddened.
“You’ve expressed your desire to hear my voice before…” she starts, unable to make eye contact with you. 
“Oh, Melly, it really is ok, I don’t mean to push! I-” before you can argue further, she stops you.
“This is something I want to do for you. I recently learned a song I wish to share.”
So, you mimic her sitting position in front of her. She clears her throat and shakily serenades you, though gains confidence the longer she goes on. You’re awestruck; as if you’ve never heard a melodious note in your life, her voice changes you. You have to admit, of course she doesn’t have the voice of a professional singer, but it’s her. Not only are the words coming from her entrusted to you, you’re the only person to hear this, and it’s beautiful. When she finishes, face vibrantly embarrassed, she looks to you for your reaction. 
Your mouth opens and closes a few times, unable to form proper sentences. So, you do the only thing you can think of to properly express your feelings. Leaning forward, you gently press your lips to hers in gratitude, thankfully for you, she accepts, leaning in as well.
“Thank you, it was perfect.”
-Norton has never sung a day in his life
-maybe, possibly, in the mines with what used to be his friends
-but he usually left the tunes to them
-just silently listening
-now, he couldn’t even imagine warbling out a tune
-both from his unfamiliarity with the action and the memories it would bring
-he’s also never considered himself a protective person
-until he met you
-your kindness motivates him more than money could
-he values you so much
-so, for you, he’d try anything
This certainly isn’t the first time you and Norton have laid together in an attempt to sleep, but it is still new to you both. It took quite a while to get here, him holding you loosely, and you, careful not to constrict him. 
“You can’t sleep, can you?” He asks, after feeling you shift for the umpteenth time.
“Sorry, I’ll try to be still.”
“No, it’s ok, that’s not what I meant.”
Tentatively, he pulled you closer, resting his chin on the top of your head, and just as carefully, you adjusted your soft grip on him.
“This is nice.” You whisper, closing your eyes and trying, still, to fall asleep.
“Listen, I’m going to try something, just… stop me if it gets unbearable.” You’re awfully worried about what he’s going to do before you’re met with a deep, rumbling voice singing lyrics, something similar to what he would’ve heard in his mining days, and it's soothing coming from him. As he murmurs his tune, the deep rolling in his chest lulling you to sleep, he too seems to be falling deeper. Though you don’t dream, you feel a keen sense of warmth throughout the night.
-also not a singer
-he considers his singing voice “terrible”
-and that's the excuse he uses to get out of any situation where he’d have to sing
-but you, you wanna hear it
-you don’t care how bad it is
-but no matter how much you beg
-he gets that bashful blush on his face and refuses to comply with your request
-so, you let it go
He does feel kind of bad when you give up, sullen, but what is he supposed to do? He’s never sung before. Well, he can almost remember one time, drunkenly yelling some raunchy song while linking arms with his comrades, swaying about. When that memory fades from the forefront of his mind, he knows what to do for you. Despite his stoic outward demeanor, once you’re behind closed doors, he’s as affectionate as can be. You don’t blame him at all, and indulge him frequently in his request for physical closeness. This was one of those nights. After fondly remembering parts of his past and his family, he wanted to spend time with you, now considering you his family. As usual, you laid together, preparing for a long night’s rest, and he suddenly started to hum. His lips moved as he began to whisper comforting words in a language you couldn’t understand. 
“You remind me of my mother’s lullaby.” He finally says to you. “I had trouble remembering the words, but I’d like to entrust you with its melody.”
“I’d be honored.”
And the night continues. His voice becomes shaky, both from lack of use, and the emotions that come with the subject, but he sings for you in his mother tongue the same tune that would comfort him as a child. 
“Naib,” you start, sleep evident in your quiet voice.
“Yes?” He whispers, just as silent.
“Can you sing to me again?”
This time, he doesn't deny your request.
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jynzandtonic · 6 months
12 Days of Fluffmas — Day 2: Ugly Sweater
Clyde Logan x Reader
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“Oh lord,” Clyde breathes, looking apprehensively at the grin plastered to your face and the large bag in your hand. “Well, get on with it, you. Let’s see the damned thing.”
You pull out the large green sweater criss-crossed with Christmas lights and sparkly garland designs and hold it up to him. “Isn’t it great?!”
“It certainly is… festive,” he offers, resigned to his fate of wearing the piece to the ugly sweater Christmas party you and Mellie have organized for the family tonight.
“Put it on! Put it on!” you squeak, doing a little dance in your very own red sweater featuring a leaping Rudolf on the front. You note how adorable he looks when he pouts as he pulls it over his head with a defeated huff. “Now come on! We’re going to be late to decorate the tree!”
Jimmy bursts out laughing when the pair of you walk through the door of Mellie’s house. You don’t miss the flush of pink that Clyde’s cheeks take on when his siblings take in the sheer ridiculousness of his outfit. 
“Uncle Clyde!” Sadie squeals, running over and throwing her arms around his waist. “You look like a Christmas tree!”
He sighs and lets out a chuckle, hugging her back. “I guess I do, don’t I?”
“Check this out, Sadie girl,” you say, reaching into Clyde’s collar. “You haven’t even seen the best part yet.”
Your fingers find the tiny ‘on’ button by the tag and the slew of tiny, colorful LED lights sewn into the sweater light up in a frenetic flashing pattern.
Clyde drags his hand down his face as Sadie gasps with delight. 
“Uncle Clyde,” Sadie says as she traipses over to the box of decorations waiting next to the bare Christmas tree, “I’m going to decorate you instead!”
Clyde obediently finds a seat on the couch as she returns with a silver tinsel garland to wrap around his broad shoulders and several ornaments that she hooks into the knit fabric of his sweater.
“Oooh,” you admire. “Looks great, Sadie.”
“Isn’t he pretty?” she asks. “Be right back! I’m gonna make him a star headband outta some gold pipe cleaners!”
You sit down next to him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. He shakes his head at you slowly, stifling a smile. 
“Now you, darlin? You’re on my naughty list tonight."
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