#SFFH spoilers
booogerbox · 5 years
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now that everyones seen this movie ill put this here lmao
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spider-verses · 5 years
"Don't drag me into this, Roger!"
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"I'm doing my best, Julius!"
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i-want-your-bones · 5 years
when whitney houston’s “i will always love you” came on for the logo i almost cried thinking it was seriously going to be a thing from actual marvel saying r.i.p tony stark like they did for stan lee but then i saw the “in memoriam” in comic sans and guess what? i still cried, but it was 16% ironically
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rachiewritesforyou · 5 years
Did I know Mysterio was one of the sinister six? Yes. Did I fall for his ruse and good looks? Also yes. Am I mad about Mysterio? YES I FUCKING AM.
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spideylilparker · 5 years
I wanna know who runs this account because that bitch needs a raised
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sir-sunny · 5 years
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01001110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01101100
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starrynightblossoms · 5 years
Thoughts after SFFH (spoilers)
- Holy Shit
- zendaya plays her role perfectly don’t fight me on this
- of all the names they could have chosen for the snap, why blip?
- shouldn’t have only half of peters class blipped???
- i love how these movies deal with emotional issues. with the exception of bruce (big opportunity missed there), they don’t just brush off trauma and move on. we see peter struggle and have to come to terms with difficult things to handle (such as your aunt and dead father figures friend having a Thing™️), and while it is wrapped in a superhero movie, it showcases legitimate struggles
- can’t this kid get a reliable father figure???
- i can’t believe this movie made me feel bad for flash
- the two teacher chaperones are a couple
- many people went into this movie knowing mysterio was a bad guy, like how most knew the kree were bad as well. however, the in movie reveal felt more genuine in ffh. i don’t know why that is; it’s possible that it’s just because of this being mysterio’s first apperence. (honestly that was my biggest frustration with CM: that they had already spoiled the major plot twist for those that liked the universe enough to watch the tv shows)
- that end credit scene tho?!?
- like is he gonna have to go into hiding now???
- i am shook to my c o r e
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emilynightshade89 · 5 years
Me watching Spiderman FFH:
*spoilers y'all*
When Mysterio is revealed as the villain, even though I knew he was all along:
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Mysterio using the illusions against Peter:
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Peter getting hit by the train:
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"Tony Stark would still be alive if you were strong enough" / Peter asking Happy to prove he was real:
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Peter making a new suit / Peter and his "Peter Tingles" vs the drones:
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Peter and MJ:
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J.K. SIMMONS!?!?!?
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Post Credit scene:
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In conclusion:
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backbendersokka · 5 years
I made some villain origin stories so marvel doesn't have to
Tony Stark brought back everyone that was dusted but when I was dusted I was eating ice cream and now my ice cream has melted and now I hate him so I'm gonna kill a bunch of people. What do you mean Bruce Banner was the one that brought everyone back? I'm delusional you can't talk logic with me
Tony Stark slept with my crush 20 years ago and I'm a man baby so I'm making a chemical that will make all women fall in love with me and hate Tony Stark and also it will kill all of them
Tony Stark didn't give me an autograph that one time and now I hate him so I'm going to put an end to democracy and become a monarch
I had an Iron Man tattoo but my ex coworker I hate also has the same tattoo so I'm gonna kill some kids because Iron Man ruined my life
One time in a gala Tony Stark wore the same thing as me and now my reputation is ruined because very one thinks I copied Tony Stark even though that outfit was MY IDEA BUT TONY STARK IS A THIEF AND A MEANIE AND STOLE MY OUTFIT
My dog barked at Tony Stark through the TV and I trust my dogs judgement so I'm gonna go and destroy him. What do you mean he's dead? Fine ill just kill a bunch of kids too
My wife said she thinks Tony Stark was good looking and that hurt my feelings so I murdered her and I'm going to murder everyone that thinks Tony Stark is even REMOTELY a good looking person
My cat got up from my lap to bump its head at Tony Stark's leg so the only reasonable next step is genocide
All these villains will be presented as to have the moral high ground in every movie and it doesn't matter how ridiculous their origins are because tuna stork was mean to them which makes them sympathetic. You know what, fuck it. Let's make them the heroes of the movies and have them team up and make a movie called Idiots: People Who Hate Tuna Stork. Let's make them a boy band
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Just to be entirely clear people, the fact that Tony is such a dick to people that he keeps creating Supervillians does not make Tony himself a villain. These villains he has created have every right to hate Tony, but they don't have the right to take it out on the world. That is entirely on them.
No, what makes Tony a bad guy is that he never learns his lesson. From the first Iron Man movie, he learns his weapons are killing people and says he's going to stop.
Except he doesn't.
Tony worked directly on Project Insight. How much knowledge he had on it is unknown, but it definitely wouldn't have sailed without him.
Tony built Ultron behind everyone's back, and when it backfired Ultron nearly destroyed the world. It backfired specifically because Tony rushed it, because he only had three days before Thor would leave with Loki's staff.
He attempted to strong arm the team into signing the Accords, and then proceeded to break them himself several times afterwards. The onsuing backlash eventually led to a series of events that ultimately ended with Thanos wiping out half the universe.
But the kicker? The thing that really cements it all?
Tony's legacy is an A.I. called EDITH, which is basically Project Insight 2.0 on steroids. Tony literally built a Hydra superweapon and left so few security protocols on it that it can be used to indiscriminately murder a group of children without the damn thing shutting itself down.
Tony is the bad guy because he's proved time and time again that he doesn't care about human life or the reprocusions of his actions. He has shown time and time again that he is going to get people killed because he doesn't care about their lives, he doesn't care about the backlash, he doesn't care about the consequences.
Him being a dick is just added reason to dislike him.
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starfleetflyboy · 5 years
that scene in far from home where peter flinches at his reflection and fights mirror images of himself? trans vibes
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ameetingplace · 5 years
What the fuck is up with this Uncle Ben erasure
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ausllygo1direction · 5 years
Was I the only person who started sobbing when Happy said "I'll get the music," and then proceeded to play Back in Black?
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i-want-your-bones · 5 years
In the theater
dad: *whispering* i'm gonna go to the bathroom
me, who saw the trailer: wait no!!! nick fury is about to shoot ned!
dad: nick fury is about to shoot who?
me: *points to the screen right as ned stops speaking and falls* him.
my dad:???????? how did you know that
me, who saw the trailer but isn't going to tell him that: :)
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galpal-art · 5 years
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Nooo Mysterio dont fake your death youre so sexy aha
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themotherofdinos · 5 years
Beck: (reveals Peter is Spider-Man to the entire world)
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