#Rocket Records
gameraboy2 · 1 year
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Rocket Records, 1964 ad
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newssocialite · 26 days
«Русская Медиагруппа» приглашает на грандиозный праздник: 
День радио на ВДНХ
7 мая на ВДНХ «Русская Медиагруппа» совместно с Российским обществом «Знание» устраивают масштабное мероприятие в честь Дня радио. С 12 утра до 21 вечера выставочное пространство превратится в настоящую радиоплощадку, где каждый сможет окунуться в мир волнующих мастер-классов, захватывающих выступлений и увлекательных розыгрышей призов. Для многих слушателей радио голос ведущего стал частью их…
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seventeendeer · 1 year
been tracking down the danish dub of the original pokémon series for preservation purposes (and because it rules) and I think the fact that only danish kids got to hear this incredibly milf-y rendition of team rocket might be some kind of psy-op to make the rest of the world’s children less gay
clipped ‘em for you all and slapped on some quick subtitles, enjoy
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vcrnons · 7 months
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bonus, a visual aid:
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cemeterything · 9 months
I feel like The Terror and Black Sails have similar vibes (homoerotic men on boats) but I've never seen The Terror, would you recommend??
i wouldn't say the vibes are especially similar beyond surface level but if you liked black sails you will almost certainly like the terror because it also has devastating monologues that will forever raise your standards for storytelling, filthy sailor guys with every disease, a guilt riddled rage-fuelled captain who can't stop lying and alienating the people around him, strong and well written anticolonial themes, a cunty second in command who steals every scene he's in, schemes that go horrifically wrong with tragic consequences, homoeroticism, and boats.
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toastydumpster · 1 year
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ok but napping on a being that can create its own moss patches must be pretty sweet
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goshyesvintageads · 1 year
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General Motors Corp, 1958
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thunderon · 1 year
lilith’s horrible no good very bad day two seasons:
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seanmorroww · 9 days
Ex-Easter Island Head - "Norther"
Norther [Rocket, 2024]
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ca-dmv-bot · 1 year
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garadinervi · 10 months
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Gnod, Just Say No To The Psycho Right-Wing Capitalist Fascist Industrial Death Machine, LAUNCH109, Rocket Recordings, 2017 [Covet The Cover]
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Design: Johnny O Rocket
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def-not-kaz-brekker · 4 months
i do not understand how people cannot be attracted to all genders and I understand how people can be sexually attracted to people in general yet I acknowledge the fact that people who are only attracted to one gender exist and so do allosexual people so how can you not acknowledge the fact that people can just not be attracted in any way to other people???
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wereshrew-admirer · 7 months
conflicting desires for lyke and duvall in sangfielle season 2:
-duvall low-key resenting lyke over the chine thing
-lyke high-key resenting duvall over the oratorio thing and EXPECTING duvall to resent him over chine but instead it's the same one-sided tension that they had on the jade moon
i want them to be involuntary friends. I want it to look like a huge 8ft tall straight* guy calling his obviously gay best friend a wretched bitch and everyone is a little uncomfortable about it except for duvall, who may or may not be behind lyke's bizarrely bad luck when it comes to flies landing in his drinks.
(*i don't think lyke is straight but i do think he's the type of bisexual man that people assume is straight)
#broken record voice#i don't often have trans headcanons actually but sangfielle is an exception...#to me the blackwick group is T4TvsT4TvsT+ marn#lyke is joyfully trans - he's 8 ft tall because he went overboard with the transition magic#pickman and duvall are both stealth because they grew up in oppressive societies#pickman is deeply uncomfortable how vulnerable it makes her feel - she doesn't exactly hide it but will kill u for mentioning it#duvall does hide it but only because he's been hate crimed#until sapodilla - after which he receives the most idealized form of instant-srs from the bugs that his gender euphoria sky rockets#and he doesn't tell anyone exactly but everyone in the blackwick group clocks him on the change#pickman hates it and thinks he doesn't deserve such an easy out#lyke wouldprobably be happy for him if he wasn't pissed over the oratorio#es is the most well adjusted and is privately very happy for him but polite enough not to mention it#chine is trans but in the “this animal does not experience human gender and it's inappropriate to even try to make sense of it” way#chine is also the only one who has seen duvall in every stage of transition and has been enthusiastically supportive the whole time#marn is cis but if any of them hadn't already transitioned then she'd be trying to treat it like a curse to be cured.#i think pickman has had the most traditional medical transition because she distrusts magic - until she meets marn who absolutely#already has a recipe for an hrt-charm and gives one to her#duvall did some sort of terrible black-market medical transition in aldomina - the kind where he had to lie to ten thousand therapists#to convince them that he was actually a straight man and so he should be allowed to transition because a straight trans guy is safer#to society than a lesbian?? that type of horrorshow. meanwhile he's exclusively mlm (or as exclusive as he can be while fucking chine)#which pickman would have respected because to be trans is to suffer for it but nooo instead she didn't even know he was trans until the bug#transition#es is just chill. duvall eventually got a magical bug transition? well es is the magical bug for syntyche#sorry this went way off topic#i am avoiding going to work can you tell? woops#this was all to basically say that i think it'd be funny if#before the bug transition duvall low-key resented lyke for having been able to access magic transition. some guys have all the luck
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asaxophony · 1 year
I wish I could've recorded our collective screams.
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autoboros · 2 months
are you friends with anyone named Rocket X_X on switch??
i added someone with your exact username once cuz i though they were a bot that auto defeated horrorboros
I think so? I'm pretty sure I am but I was added ages and ages ago
This is a really funny reason to me It took me a hot second to process this
Auto-boros... I have never considered it could look like that but I can promise I've been "Autoboros" since long before the horrorboros was ever added to the game
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wamnak · 1 year
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Today’s random record shelf pull…
Actually they’re all random pulls because I’m putting them in boxes. I’m seeing and playing a lot of albums I haven’t seen for awhile.
Love And Rockets “Express” 1986
In my mind this is the finest album to come from the whole Bauhaus/PeterMurphy/Tones On Tail/Love And Rockets/David J/Daniel Ash/Dali’s Car (I’m sure I missed something but you get the point) subdivision of music. Sad to have missed the reunion tour but at least I’ve got this album.
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