#Relmyna Verenim
relmyna-verenim · 3 days
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the botherer
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romaine-arts · 8 months
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REPOSTOBER 01: Have You Seen Her? Now You Have!
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Sheogorath: Why is my hand shaky?
Relmyna Verenim: Your skeleton is ready to hatch.
Sheogorath: This is so bloody ominous. Thank you.
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Six Fanarts
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Featured: a young Almalexia, a young Queen Barenziah, Delvin Mallory, Relmyna Verenim, Nerevar Indoril, Lucien Lachance
Took me 4 days! Tagging the people that have asked for certain characters below!
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Deets for people who cannot zoom in as much
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@orangevanillabubbles @shivering-isles-cryptid @average-crazy-fangirl @thalwhore @xcoffeepostx
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glitchydumpster · 3 months
I feel like I gonna exploit if I don't talk to someone about it gxgdhd
Relmyna Verenim in oblivion shivering isles dlc!!
She talks about how flesh is the sixth element!! What does that remind of? Right! Sixth house with their obsession with flesh and corprus!! Plus she is dunmer so my point is it's highly possible she was/is a sleeper from sixth house! Ik ik "but the house is no longer active and it was many years ago! " not that many actually especially for a dunmer, dunmer can live up to 700 years and some like neloth can even increase their lifespan with arcane arts plus just because it's no longer active doesn't mean no one is still believing in dagoth ur teachings, don't forget the many sleeper who still after defeating dagoth stayed by what he stood up for.
Another point! Dagoth ur got called many names and one of those names was mad God, sheogorath is the next best option for someone who lost a previous deity who was described as mad.
My theory is after the nerevarine defeated dagoth ur searched she for a new home and tada there was the perfect option for her to continue her work on flesh the shivering isles, plus a deity just as eccentric and mad as dagoth ur even if in different ways.
I find that hella exciting ngl!
Thanks for coming to my info dumping!!
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sturgeonsalad · 2 years
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shiveringgroovy · 2 months
WHAT KIND OF COMPUTER DOES EVERYONE USE ipads/tablets are allowed im extending this to like phones and stuff i've just decided
errrm HEHEHE !! gonna do my favs for this :3
not a big computer guy. probably has a fuckass nokia phone and has hit computers with golf clubs before.
haskill gives him a tablet to watch shitty youtube videos on
i know he fucks with really bad yt shorts
probably invented them tbh
has a phone and that's about it
uses agency computers for work and kinda hates operating them (they also kinda suck so yk)
Sotha Sil
like 500 monitors and LEDs and a see-through tower and a fucking gaming chair
blender king
probably built it all himself
he's insane
the electric bill is through the roof.
Fyodor (i actually despise him but it's funny)
so he canonically has the worst most diabolical evil fucked up setup known to MAN please get him to touch some grass i'm begging you
freaky ass medieval peasant that introduced HIMSELF to goreshit
discord is running somewhere there. trust me
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Relmyna Verenim (did you guys know i like her)
also has multiple monitors, not as many as sil but yk
probably runs like super slow and she has to resist the urge to snap her monitors in half every time she tries to open up any program
minecraft girlie (i also hc her as trans she's very loser scientist transfem coded)
she spends most of her time in the field but she likes her computers to write down her stuff
has a tablet and a phone
uses them sparingly, but talks to ranpo a lot over texts
has the newest phone models. always buys them instantly.
they're a prick
probably has a fucking typewriter rather than a computer because he's pretentious
has a tablet and a phone, uses them much more often than yosano
he seems like he prefers to read on screens than books imo
it also makes more sense, he doesn't like carrying a bunch of stuff around so having a tablet would be convenient
will text people while sitting directly across from them
Dagoth Ur/Voryn Dagoth
has a flip phone and that's it
bc he's blind, he's not a fan of technology all that much, but uses screen readers and speaks to type.
more of a phone guy!!
has cut a laptop in half before
doesn't believe in computers
also doesn't believe in computers
Lucien Lachance
owns a laptop but never uses it
written mail type of guy
would go apeshit on a tablet.
probably a really big art fan, so really uses them for drawing and games and stuff
someone introduce this kid to a pc with a drawing pad
also loves music, would be the only normal technology user on this list istg
owns something for every situation
nothing too fancy tbh
has a home pc, a laptop, a phone, and a tablet
uses them all for his job and has them all labelled and everything
has games on his phone for sheogorath
Ivan Goncharov
it's cause you're always on that damn rock
hates typing with every fiber of his being
smashes shit. has absolutely crushed pushkin's phone before and pushkin almost shot him
uses laptops and pcs out of necessity, uses walkie-talkies for communications because he just likes them
biggest spreadsheet fan of all time
has a laptop that flips into a tablet
she loves organizing things and presenting them to the rest of the dark brotherhood
they don't listen to the immense power of a girl with a spreadsheet. like fools.
mp3 player or a phone just for music purposes
pays for every music subscription known to man
last.fm ass bitch
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renmorris · 1 year
I keep forgetting relmyna verenim isn’t canonically trans because she talks exactly like this
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uesp · 2 years
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"Pain is a force that purifies, ennobles, and uplifts. It is the Fire that burns away impurities, that melts away imperfections.
"Death is not the sign of weakness, nor bodily constitution the sign of strength. It is what happens to soul when brought into the Fire that determines the mettle of men.
"Those with inner strength are forged into weapons of devastating keenness by Pain's Fire. Those who are undeserving and weak turn to dark and lifeless ash in Its heat."
--Relmyna Verenim
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romaine-arts · 8 months
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Relmyna Verenim: Where were you last night?
Sheogorath:  That's so long ago, I don't remember.
Relmyna: Will I see you tonight?
Sheogorath:  I never make plans that far ahead.
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Hi! I don't really have a question. I just wanted to share a little piece of info I thought up;
Take whatever the Tang Mo are meant to look like, but more humanoid, give them the pride of dragons, a giant were-Imga ability, give some of them the genius of the Dwemer, and give them a buff stack racial ability. You just created a Saiyan
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I think Relmyna Verenim would love that, or maybe Hircine.
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larkscribbles · 1 year
How To Break The News
[AO3] Words: 1369
Relmyna Verenim has been distraught since the Greymarch, abandoned by her Lord. The sudden appearance of Sheograth’s champion “for a chat” days later is just a further irritation. The universe would be cruel to throw anything else unexpected at her.
Relmyna Verenim was startled by the knock at her door. Few in the Shivering Isles remembered to knock. Fewer still knew of her laboratory in the ruins of Xaselm. The knock was far too forceful to be her apprentice. The dunmer pursed her lips. The Greymarch had ended, surely her beloved Sheogorath would return soon. He would knock. The madwoman sucked in a lungful of stale air before opening the door.
Sheogorath’s champion.
Relmyna deflated.
There was something off about the sudden appearance that encouraged the mage to withhold her usual tone. There was, in her mind, little reason for this visit.
“What do you want?” There was a conscious effort to keep her voice neutral as opposed to irritated.
The armoured woman hovered in the doorway, expression concealed behind her helm.
“To talk.”
The inclination of the champion’s voice seemed to hint at something else; an expectation of different response. Upon their first and subsequent meetings Relmyna had quickly discovered the champion was never adept at hiding her motives or emotions. No, Avery was a very simple woman. A warrior (barely a spellsword) and nothing more.
“About?” Relmyna prodded, raising both eyebrows.
“May I come in?” The imperial’s tone lacked its usual rumble. A gauntlet was waved in the general direction of a chair. This, once again, surprised the sorceress. She had never seen this level of etiquette before. She half obliged out of surprise. This was rehearsed, surely. Avery took a seat, removed her helmet with a clank, then stared at Relmyna. Eyes narrowed. Lips pursed. One could practically hear the gears whirring in her head. Perhaps not so rehearsed. Her hostess watched, exasperation growing by the second. The women both opened their mouths to speak at the same time. The warrior finally took the initiative, swallowing thickly.
“I need to tell you something. Potentially…” she faltered, suddenly losing her focus quickly, brow furrowing. “… What is that?”
Relmyna humoured the question, fighting down the fury bubbling inside her. This entire endeavour felt childish, stupid, the champion had visited her laboratory before. She knew of its contents. What was the point of this? The woman could scarcely act, she was certainly feigning something. Her red eyes flicked to the skinned hound on her operating table, then up to her shelf of alchemical supplies, then-
The dunmer paused as her ears picked up the distinct noise of scrambling and a rustle of fur. She turned sharply on her heel. For a fleeting second her first impulse was to laugh, this was quickly overcome with white hot rage.
“Are you mocking me?!” The sorceress nearly screamed, teeth bared, red eyes boring holes into the champion.
“No, not at all.” Her voice had returned to its usual monotone, face showing little emotion. Avery sat in the seat exactly the same as before.
The only thing new was the beard.
The shoddily constructed fake beard was misaligned on her face from the rush of putting it on. The same sickly shade of purple as her hair. Darker in patches due to whatever crude adhesive it had been stuck together with. Apparently somehow it had been hidden within the depths of her armour. What was Relmyna to think of this? What was the point of such a ploy?
“Humour me.” Her voice dropped low, before bouncing up to a mock conversational tone. Frankly, given the woman’s usual behaviour, it was unsettling. “How do you like my beard?”
“Your fake beard?”
Avery rolled her eyes and waved a hand. “Ok, but functionally it’s a beard. There’s nothing wrong with that, is there?”
“Many things.”
“Any… laws?”
“Even attempting the growth of a beard is deemed unseemly by law,” The sorceress spat, knowing she was being directed towards some enigmatic point, but not what it was. She did not appreciate the feeling of being herded like a sheep. She narrowed her eyes, adding patronisingly “By unseemly I mean punishable by death.”
“Oh. I didn’t know that. But, regardless, that’s not a problem for me.” Her tone was practiced, dismissive, almost bored.
“How are you above the law?!”
“Sheogorath has a beard and it’s fine.”
This was the final straw. The outrage brings crackling magic to her fingertips. The instigator doesn’t flinch. This angers her more. She SHOULD. She should fear what my wrath can bring. The outburst comes as a torrent of words.
“You dare? You fetcher! You s’wit! You think you can just…! Mock our lord like this? Is this what it’s about?! Just because of an absence you- you- what do you want me to say?! Our Lord isn’t coming back? He won’t punish you because He abandoned us? He HAD a beard?!” Relmyna’s voice cracked with a rage. She felt wetness on her cheeks. By the Madgod she was crying. Damn it. “I won’t stand for this! You’ll pay for this! I’ll- I’ll-”
The Champion did not shrink into herself but seemed aware of the severity of the outburst, a flicker of sympathy crossed her face. Crying. Not good. Relmyna did not cry about much. Her lips pursed as she smoothed the beard. She let out a small sigh and then spoke once more, voice soft.
“Has a beard.”
Slowly, her hand raised.
“It’s not a real one…”
The champion simply pointed to herself.
The sorceress’ chest heaved, so taken aback she was at a loss for words. She blinked fervently, scanning her guest’s face through her veil of tears for… something. Anything. A hint that it was a cruel joke. But unfortunately for her, she knew Avery was too blunt to be this cruel and frankly too stupid to make a decent joke in the first place.
The warrior fiddled with the neckpiece of her cuirass, averting her eyes. There was silence save the scrape of gauntlet against the metal. After some struggle, she allowed the familiar ornate collar of purple finery poke over her armour. Her voice terse when she finally spoke, bitterness permeating every word. “You don’t defeat a Daedric Prince in combat as… just … no matter how hard you want to.”
Relmyna felt faint. This was hysterical. No it wasn’t- this was horrible- The room was closing in on her, she could feel it forcing the air from her lungs. The colour drained from her face. She dug the heels of her palms into her eyes, gulping wetly whilst trying to find words. But what? What could she say? What could she do?
“Have you always been Sheogorath?”
“How? For how long?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know how this works.”
An uneasy blanket of silence settled.
“Some people could tell. I couldn’t tell- didn’t feel any different- the guards knew immediately. Haskill said you might not know and-” Avery itched the side of her face, removing the beard as there was no longer any need for it. “I’m not very good with- I was- Haskill advised against the… beard. But I didn’t know how else to- you wouldn’t have believed me if I’d just-“
She let the words hang in the air as she met Relmyna’s eyes, hoping for some glimmer of understanding. Everything spewing forth from her mouth was a mess, even with the enchanted doublet on which was supposed to help. Wordlessly, the dunmer plucked the beard from her hands and observed it, contemplative.
“This is disgusting. Your own hair-“ The sorceress scoffed as she tried to remove the clumps now adhered to her fingers.
“I didn’t have anything else to use. Not like Haskill had any to spare.”
A pause. The dark elf made a noise between laughing and crying, then steadied her breathing. “This was your idea? You really have gone mad.”
Avery shuffled in response, brow furrowed. Before she could open her mouth, Relmyna interjected. “Tell Haskill I liked the beard. That it was a masterful way of telling me. I don’t truly think that, I just want to spite him. I hate that old fool.” She smiled thinly, voice shaky.
Avery tutted, a ghost of a smirk on her face. “He’s only doing his job - giving me advice I won’t take.”
“That’s at least one constant of Sheogorath.”
The Daedric Prince’s expression faltered, settling on resignation. “I suppose it is.”
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medievildead · 1 year
Relmyna and some fun guy. Doesn't have a name yet. Let's call him Ed
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loroliyesplaything · 8 months
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Myna... o~o
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sebilini · 2 years
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Relmyna Verenim
Quick portrait of the OG Sheagorath fangirl
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