#Random doodle from a Twitter thing
jellowithapen · 1 month
the kinito crew in their pj's
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mrcookiesir · 3 months
I have done nothing but be gay and did crimes so look like this fnf au/self insert and watch me bully him some more/j
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Though in all seriousness if I ever start feeling like doing tumblr rps again I might add Charlie/CookieFriend to my funkin worlds as a extra or just to the oc party time thing
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salaad · 5 days
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MORE SOULS/DARK FANTASY AU !! (more likely wips and giggles especially doodles LOL) i posted these on twitter some days or weeks ago so i might as well post these here as well !
i have fun especially going crazy with the inspiration and enemies that i based off the characters !! :D this au is based and centered around dark souls which is a game i really love and insane over, this au is for fun and giggles so expect random stuff from this soon just my little creation of pizza tower mixed in with my favorite game is the fun thing ever... SIGHS IN PEACE...
pizzahead is a mix of two of the designs which is the knight and the first design i did of him which has jester aspects so i wanted to mix one of the two up since i liked the old design as well, here are the separated drawings below ^^
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verlierer-is-lost · 3 months
I have been wanting to talk about this for a while, especially since I keep seeing it on Twitter
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For the most part, I agree with this tweet. I struggle to make the PJO cast look like themselves. It’s really important to get those features right. That being said, we also have to remember that a good chunk of the PJO fan artists are inexperienced artists. While there are a lot of artists who are just flat out racist, there’s also the group of artists who have a harder time drawing from life. I’ve seen so many amazing artist who clearly know how to draw black people, but their Annabeth fanart still doesn’t look like Leah.
No hate to the op, again I think she’s right to an extent, but it is so frustrating seeing mainly non artists saying this. And there are so many people in the comments saying “it’s so easy” when it really isn’t. Drawing from life is a skill that comes with practice. And whether you know how to draw black people or not, you’re probably going to have a tough time drawing any of the PJO cast if you don’t have that skill. Thankfully tho, there are a few simple ways you can improve on drawing from like:
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I have some notes for Walker and Leah specifically, just because I think they’re the hardest to get right. (I know this probably seems creepy, but it’s so helpful to look at refs) This is all basic info you can find anywhere, it’s not revolutionary or anything
-The eyebrows to me are the most important part. They’re much darker, and close to his eyes.
-He also has a pretty straight nose. Drawing him with a button nose will make him look like a random white blond boy
-Again, the eyes and eyebrows are pretty important. Her eyebrows are thin and long. And her eyes have shadows underneath(plus she kinda has doll like eyes)
-round face
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To show what I’m talking about, I did a quick doodle of Leah from reference. For me personally, when I draw from life I like to pick out a few distinct features that makes them feel real. It’s pretty bad because again I’m not the type of artist to typically draw from life, which is why art study’s can be super helpful to spend time on.
I really dislike when non artist complain about what fan artists are doing. We do this for free, in our free time, for a community that we love. But I also think it’s important to LISTEN TO CRITIQUES. If someone is telling you your Annabeth fanart is too light, you need to listen. As much as I agree with OP that this is predominantly a Leah issue, it isn’t just Leah. I can see throughout the fandom that a lot of artists are having a hard time drawing the characters(and I’m one of them). The PJO fandom has not had real people to base their drawings off of until two years ago, which is probably the reason a lot of us are having trouble with it. Even outside of this fandom I have a hard time with this. It took so much practice for me to get Alex and Henry right from RWRB, and I still can barely draw Henry 😭
Even some of the most experienced artist have difficulty drawing from life, again it’s a skill that takes practice. Anytime you see PJO fanart that actually looks like the actors, it’s probably because they just have more practice, or they’re more experienced artists.
I’m honestly having a hard time finding what OP is talking about when she said “artists draw Annabeth as a random black girl while referencing Walker for Percy” I was looking through saved work of other Percabeth fanart, and I see the same issue for Walker. I don’t doubt that there is work out there she’s referring to, I just can’t find it myself.
Sorry if this was a garbled mess of a post. I know it was really long, but hopefully this can help some artists to pick up on distinct facial features and replicate it in their own artwork. Trust me, as an artist I know it isn’t easy, but practice will always help. Best thing about being an artist is there’s always room for improvement
(Also don’t forget to give Leah black features 👍🏽)
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bbbholdmebbb · 5 days
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Me thinking I’ll just doodle some designs for fun but then I think about Max and my brain explodes- Max would be the bestest big bro ever I know this in my heart!!!
(Handwriting/plus under readmore)
My Dawn(David) has full heterochromia, (yes they’re both green but they’re different shades of green and google says it’s the same genetically) and soft round lines
My Gwen has naturally brown hair and eyes and pointy lines. And hair with different shades in it. So I gave their bio kids a mix of both of these things!
—Dawn cooing over max feeding the twins, pauses when Luna throws some of her food at him. Max grimaces and tells them, “You guys were accidents-“
“-SURPRISES!” Dawn interrupts.
“Delightful fucking surprises…” Gwen mutters
“Dawn, they’re babies.” Max is amused at Dawn covering their ears.
—The writing above the babies drawing say: didn’t expect life to go this way but that’s ok <3
—The writing in the next 2 say: They learn to read quick with 2 bookworms around, and to be musically inclined!
—Gwen and Dawn buy the twins bear themed things because it’s cute but also to match Max’s teddy bear <3
—In the last drawing: Max! Big bro!
-Gwen picked the name :)
-a tiny Dawn, but! surprisingly pessimistic :/
-darker skin tone from grandpa Louis! :D a few freckles around, mostly on their face
-Dawn picked the name :)
-a tiny Gwen, but! surprisingly optimistic =]
-tone somewhere between parents, almost as many freckles as Dawn
Bonus hc is that while Gwen wears purple eye contacts, grandpa lucky Louis’s eyes are fr purple because he’s special like that <3 it just pushes the idea of Gwen feeling like she’s falling behind and not as bedazzling as her dad or others more I think! So she gets gorgeous brown eyes from her mom instead!
(for the max holding the grumpy baby I used a mogimush (on twitter) art pose as a ref because I couldn’t figure it out myself and I’m not certain that it’s different enough to just not mention, so thanks random artist I know nothing about)
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ultrainfinitepit · 16 days
Hello!! I return with more pin making questions :]
In my first ask you mentioned that you'd be willing to go into detail about your favorite social medias, and as I have basically only used Tumblr that would be super useful!
It would also be wonderful if you'd be willing to talk about your experiences with the different shopfronts that you've used, but I understand if you can't due to partnership stuff.
And the last question for now, Newsletters! How did you go about setting one up/what program you use/how long does it take to write an update/etc.
Thank you so much!! You're awesome!!!
Hi again :)) sure I can answer this, this is going to be a very long post so I'll put my answers under the cut.
Same disclaimer as last time that all this is just what has worked for me or what I've personally observed, that doesn't mean this is all objectively correct or factual. Others will have different mileage or find other things that work even better.
Social Media
The three platforms I prefer the most are Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter.
General recommendations:
Respond to people's comments, even with something as simple as a "thank you" for a compliment. This will help build engagement and foster a good relationship with your audience.
Take nice product photos: keep your pin in focus with a nice background and good lighting. Often you only get one chance for your product to leave a good impression!
Pick only a few social media profiles to manage. Don't stretch yourself too thin such that you can't engage with your audience on all your social media.
Find your niche! It’s easier to gain followers for a specific type of merch (such as, angels) than for a broad range.
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Posts have a long but sporadic lifespan thanks to the queue (sporadic means, they will exhibit random bursts of activity). And you can post large image sets and long text posts with links, for this reason it is my favorite platform.
Getting a following on Tumblr is largely luck-based. Users rebel against posts being pushed into their feed by the recommendation algorithm or boosts. Users find posts via other users and not so much the tags, although the tagging system is leagues better than Instagram's (which no longer shows most recent posts and only shows popular posts).
On Tumblr I get the most traffic from:
Responses to user submissions - for example, drawing people's angel requests.
Tag yourself posts
Silly or cute doodles and comics - especially if people can overlay their fandom darlings onto these posts.
Compilations of Pride-related designs, particularly of popular flags
I have noticed over the years, people do not reblog as much as in the past, so it's harder to get your posts noticed.
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In my opinion this is the easiest platform to grow an audience on. Instagram has a very predictable set of criteria for showing your posts to other users, through personal experience it is something like this:
Post once a day.
Post one Reel a day.
No more than three Story shares.
If you deviate from this for too long, or post too many times in a day, Instagram will deprioritize showing your posts to other users. This schedule can be a lot, so if possible I recommend having a buffer of saved up posts and Reels.
Instagram users are pickier about what they like to see. I recommend keeping your profile looking neat and professional; WIPs don't seem to do well there. Instagram users like illustrations and heavily-visual posts; they do not respond well to slides with text on them unless it is a tutorial or tag-yourself post.
Some users like to put memes or other silly images at the end of their posts. I personally don't do this, but I've been told the reason for it is: people share the silly images and that gains more traffic for the post even if they are not sharing the main content.
On Instagram I get the most traffic from:
Fanart of recently popular characters
Tag yourself posts
Pride-related art for popular flags
Cute, colorful illustrated creatures
Anything that asks for audience feedback in the comments. More comments means more engagement, which means it's bumped up in the algorithm.
Hosting monthly art challenges such as Angeltober
Bare chested men
And I have noticed DTIYS challenges are popular and a great way for people to find your profile, although I haven't hosted one of these yet.
Tags on Instagram appear to matter less than in the past, but I still think they are worth using. Try to tag for the content in your post (such as "#biblically accurate angel") instead of using tags for artists or small businesses (such as "#smallbusinessstrong"). Everyone else is using these tags so you have lots of competition, but no one is trawling through those tags so you have less engagement from them. Users are looking for specifically the content they like, they don't care who is posting it.
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The most arcane out of these three platforms. Getting noticed on Twitter seems to be largely luck-based as well. I had my Twitter profile for a while with little traffic on it until I started posting the new Pride Angels, then it blew up. Hashtags are pretty useless on Twitter and I didn't have many followers before then so I'm not sure why those got popular at that time.
On Twitter I get the most traffic from:
Pride-related art for popular flags
Other relatable art such as for astrological signs
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Dishonorable Mention: TikTok
I have a TikTok but I just use it to crosspost my Instagram Reels. I do not have many followers on TikTok, I do not put effort into it, and I dislike the interface. That being said, I have heard from other creators it is way easier than Instagram to grow on if you are willing to make videos and post every day.
A note on blacklisted words
On Twitter, Instagram, and possibly Tumblr too: words like "shop" "link" "commission" etc. may cause your post to be deprioritized. This is because social media platforms do not want you going off of them to some other site to spend money elsewhere. That's why you'll notice people censoring these words ("shop" to "sh0p").
Personally I dislike doing this, it just makes me feel silly, so I don't bother. But I will admit, it hurts my posts. So this is something to keep in mind if you want to do shop promotion on social media.
The shops I run are, in the order of making them:
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The lowest possible barrier to entry for a merch artist: they literally do everything from production to shipping for you, and all you do is provide the artwork. The trade-off is that it's very hard to make any significant money from Redbubble (I make maybe a few cents at most from each sale), and you have no control over the quality of the products.
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My referral link here.
While Etsy can be imposing at first, it is probably the easiest out of all the marketplaces to start out on. There is a lot of information to fill out to get started, so take it slow so you don't get overwhelmed. It does get easier after the first listing. Once you make one listing you can just keep duplicating and changing it a little so you don't have to keep making listings from scratch.
Etsy claims you need ten listings in your shop before you open it, but you can ignore that.
Once you've gotten started, there's lots of little tricks to learn such as letter mail shipping, all about VAT, improving listings, sections, and so on that I could go into more detail on if anyone is interested. For now I'll just focus on the platform itself.
I like that Etsy has a marketplace search, as a customer it is really nice to use. I like that it has one big cart for all the items I am looking at, and that it has a favorites system. I also like as a customer how each shop is uniform; I know exactly how to search through each shop and what format to expect. I do enjoy artists' custom shops but, sometimes their interfaces are tough to navigate.
Etsy is reasonably good at showing your items to people, which is the number one reason I recommend it for beginners. Just make sure to put effort into your listings such as tagging them, adding nice photos, and videos.
They have protection features built-in such as covering refunds if an item is delivered but the customer claims to not have received it. Etsy also enables international shipping with VAT which is great for EU/UK customers. My biggest gripe with Etsy is the fees, which I've already complained about.
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Not much to say about Gumroad really. I only use it to list digital items such as PDFs of my lineart. I think it's saved me a few inquiries from people looking for my art for tattoos. Since all that art is for free on social media anyway, I don't charge for purchases on Gumroad. That's just a personal choice though.
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Not much to say about Mercari either. I use it to list pins from my personal collection, though I've seen a handful of pin makers use it for the pins they've created. I think the Mercari listing creation is atrocious: they like to recommend titles for your items when you upload new images, and will overwrite existing titles.
I've been considering moving away from Mercari, they recently switched their fee model so now buyers pay fees instead of sellers. This means while sellers can lower their prices, buyers get sticker shock and then ask for discounts on top of already-discounted items. I'm only on there because it's the most popular place for second-hand pin selling.
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So far I've really enjoyed Shopify. The setup was nightmarishly hard, not to turn anyone off of it but it took me literal months. You can import your listings from Etsy to Shopify but then you have to redo all the SKUs, link up photos to variants, and so on. If you have a ton of listings like me it takes a while. If you only have a few it is more worth it or, might even be worth starting out on if you can do sufficient promotion.
The major advantage of Etsy over Shopify is the marketplace feature: if you don't need the help of Etsy to promote your items then Shopify might be the better option to start out on.
I like that Shopify has significantly lower fees vs. Etsy. However, they do payouts differently and in a way I dislike. Etsy will deduct your shipping fees before calculating your payout balance, while Shopify will payout your balance and then charge you for shipping as part of your monthly bill. So you need to make sure to set aside some of your funds always to cover the Shopify shipping charge.
Additionally, to enable certain integrations or features you will need to pay for them monthly, which can add up. To sync my inventory between Shopify, Etsy, and Faire I use Trunk Inventory, which charges me a monthly $60 fee. That's in addition to the monthly Shopify fee.
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I actually hate Faire despite using it. I was going to use Tundra but Faire drove them out of business (lawsuit pending). Now Faire is the only game in town for wholesale so I'm forced to use them, not that it's done me much good since I haven't had any sales there.
I can rant for ages about Faire's horrendous fees and outdated product import. But if you're a beginner you don't have to worry about wholesale selling, so I'll leave that discussion for another time. If anyone wants to hear more from me about Faire they can send another ask.
My stockists
It's quite hard to give honest reviews of my stockists here, since they might see them so, I'll just share my Linktree for them and you all can investigate on your own and inquire privately.
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I used to use Tinyletter but it shut down, so now I use Email Octopus. Here's a referral link, and you can check out my newsletter sign up page here.
Email Octopus doesn't have a newsletter archive, and the interface is more complicated than Tinyletter's, which I dislike; but I like it better than Tinyletter's replacement Mailchimp.
You can try these out for yourself and see which you like better, it really is personal preference. All newsletter services are essentially the same: all you need is a sign up page, a way to store emails, and an ability to send a newsletter to them.
To get people to sign up for your newsletter, I personally recommend always offering it as a choice. For example, if you run a pin campaign, send an update where you share a link to your newsletter to your backers so they have the option to sign up. Do not export their emails and add them to your newsletter without a choice. I have been on the receiving end of this as a backer/customer and it makes me feel bad: it's extra emails in my inbox I didn't agree to and it feels like the creator misusing my information even if technically they are not. As a fellow creator I totally get why others might do this, it's an effective way to get lots of new newsletter signups at once. I just don't personally like it.
Shopify has a built-in newsletter feature you can use as well if you make a Shopify storefront. From your dashboard you can go to Marketing > Create campaign.
I like to send out a shortened newsletter via Shopify. Usually what I do is copy my full newsletter from Email Octopus to Shopify, and remove any bits not directly related to my Shopify, such as news on crowdfunding campaigns.
Writing your newsletter
Writing a newsletter doesn't take much time, and I think it should be a low effort task. In fact, if you make it too long people will not read it.
Throughout the month leading up to a shop update I will update my newsletter with whatever new items are ready, taking only a few minutes here and there. I include a few photos and I make sure to link to the items once they are listed (truncated example below).
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I will also alert people to any sales or other special offers, news about stockists, and crowdfunding campaigns: anything a potential buyer would be interested in.
I have seen other artists share much longer newsletters with impressive graphics, sections on their art process, personal updates - but for myself I usually skip over that stuff in my inbox, so I don't do it as a creator. For others it might be worth the effort!
Final Thoughts
If you read all this, thank you! I know this was a very long post. I hope it helps at least one of you. I won't keep you much longer: you can find links to everything I mentioned in my Linktree and if you have more questions you can send an ask.
One day I'd like to make a tutorial series for making and selling merch, so this was useful as a draft for that. I would also include manufacturer reviews. If that's something you'd like to see someday you can let me know.
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wildernezz · 2 months
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woahahaha im finally making an intro blog no wayyy, also dont mind me spreading my reblog > likes agenda
about me:
hey ho im wildernezz and we be ballin af. i'm an osdd-1b system and i might be more open about that later but i also maybe not who knows lol. i do animation, edits, writing, regular art, kinda anything art-related honestly, but i usually just post digital art here. pronouns are whatever tf you want but i prefer he/him. here's some other random stuff i can rattle off: infj, gemini, i like witchcraft, once made an album that currently has 200 pictures of joe keery because i thought it'd be funny, also once restarted the soviet union in 6th grade, currently making a presentation on david aames' mental stability for algebra, overanalyzing film is my only real personality trait, and i think bugs are funny-looking. anyways we vibe.
multifandom as all hell, but here are the ones i'm most consumed by currently and you can expect to see a lot of.
Dead Poets Society
Death Note
Musicals (BMC especially) & Film stuff in general
other fandoms that i'm also a part of but post less frequently about:
Camp Camp
My Little Pony
Sanders Sides
Stranger Things
there's a boat load of other fandoms but i don't engage that much in those so they're not entirely worth mentioning.
feel free to ask me for doodles btw. im always looking for ideas loll.
here's some other places you can find me but they're honestly not that important since i'm only really active here.
abandoned youtube #1
semi-abandoned youtube #2
also abandoned twitter account
surprisingly not completely abandoned ao3 account
my spotify & pinterest if you want those ig idk this is all i got guys
also this other side blog where i analyze people from time to time: @analyzing-people-like-hell along with my cringier side blog @nezz-cringe-crib
here's some of my friends who are very cool and you should check out :3
@awesomejedie (all kinds of cool thingies!!!! i think of it as a silly treasure box filled with random goodies :33)
@b0cc (posts many awesome art stuff :D)
@chick3nbot1000 (reblogs fun stuff and every now and then posts fun random stuff)
@dandebbfan (posts random cool stuff about her interests that are fun to see)
@rockymintscollective (also posts awesome art stuff but also analyzations and other random things)
thats all i can think of rn. i'll probs add more later but for now we ball B)
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tomiyeee · 1 year
5, 18, 26?
5: Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
hmm i would say about...95% percent of what i draw goes online? at least on my tumblr (twitter i tend to omit some smaller doodles bc of image limit and whatnot). most of the unposted stuff is silly little doodles, usually just random strange shit or things based off inside jokes with friends lol
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18: An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
i'm going to sayyyy...none? i mostly do digital art and i'm very careful with expensive electronics, and most of my traditional art is done w mechanical pencils which are..very hard to break eheh. anything not durable, like color pencils, i don't use enough to even wear them down much, let alone break them :)
26: What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended?
was gonna say i couldn't think of any but i just remembered that everyone thought donnie died in this pic, which i didn't even realize it could've been taken as that while i was drawing it 😭 fkdslfjkl
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alaskashigh · 1 year
i keep getting texacali in my feed (/dir /lh), which is fine, but i swear to god if someone doesn’t make a yorkcali fic or at least a tumblr post i might go insane.
i have this headcanon for one of the many, many, yorkcali stories i have constantly flowing through my mind that california gave new york the beanie he always wears when they were younger.
in this they are “acquaintances” (friends, but they are too dumb to realize it) and hang out pretty often. (new york is too much of a loner to come to terms with the fact that he is friends with cali and would jump to protect him if need be. california is oblivious and too scared that he’ll accidentally push new york away by asking to be friends.)
one day (after hesitating and re-thinking this for weeks) california decided to give new york one of his beanies as a gift for him actually hanging out with him unlike everyone else who would normally ignore him.
“I know your cold often, and that you like beanies, so I wanted to give you this as a gift! It’s okay if you don’t accept it I understand that you don’t really like being given things but I-”
“Just hand it over, B.”
“Are you sure? Seriously dude you don’t have to take it if you don’t want too- I completely understand-”
“Stop ramblin’ and hand it over California.”
New York would never admit it but out of everything he cherishes California’s gift more than (almost) everything.
I also have a headcanon that they both got their hands on a tattoo machine a few years later and decided to tattoo stuff on each other. California has New Yorks state initial on his collar bone and New York has Californias on his neck.
They also have a few doodles and random stuff in other areas. California liked doodling bears, stars, and stuff that NY likes on his arms and chest. New York liked doodling pigeons, song lyrics, and other things on CA.
When states ask about it they usually just ignore them. Especially the teasing that the other states love to push onto CA and NY about them being “oblivious lovers.”
New York was the first one to realize that his feelings for California weren’t platonic, and that they hadn’t been for several years.
California realized it a little bit later after staying up way too late one night and scrolling through New York’s twitter. Let’s just say that night was a roller coaster of emotions for him.
New York would give California small hints and gifts, such as his favorite candy or giving him things that reminded NY of him.
California would accept them albeit nervously, feeling guilty about liking New York because he didn’t want to ruin their friendship that they had for years.
Finally after years of New York giving California hints and gifts, and California started reciprocating those gifts and hints, he finally got the courage to ask him out after a meeting.
New York spoiled the hell out of him when he took California out.
California would do the same when it was his turn to take New York out.
California and New York had been together for years and hadn’t told anyone until Florida accidentally found out one night after New York had snuck into Californias room.
It was awkward for all three of them.
Florida suffered from a concussion.
Florida learned how to knock after that night.
That didn’t stop him from telling everyone at the next meeting though.
Not many states were surprised because of how protective New York was over the other and how only California was allowed to get close to him, although they were shocked to hear that they had been together for years already and had been engaged for a few months.
and that California was the one to propose.
New York cried on their wedding, California cried with him. They had their wedding in their favorite place in the forest where they had been going too since they were young, and where California had purposed.
It was beautiful.
Florida almost burnt down the forest on accident though. That’s alright.
They both got a house in that forest, just a little ways away from their spot in the woods.
Although they aren’t allowed to live there, since gov needs to watch over them, they still stay at their home during their free time and ask for weeks off to be on their own when they need it.
New York and California have never been happier.
Neither of them would trade this for the world.
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homiecid3 · 1 year
Bunch of random ass doodles that I’ve gathered from my replies on Twitter…
The things we put you through d-4422
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oddeyecadia · 1 year
a compilation of my pricefield headcanons on twitter bc i feel so normal abt them i need to spread these brainrot like it's the bible
just read an hc that max likes playing with chloe's bracelets. what if she fidgets with them whenever she's anxious too and chloe knows this that's why she keeps wearing more of them. chloe changes them up sometimes but would always keep the one max plays with the most
max definitely does the tiny pinching the back of their shirt thing to chloe whenever they're walking together but not in a cute anime girl way, moreso in a keeping chloe from doing chaotic shit in public way
funny shit abt chloe is she knows behind max's act of indifference, she gets jealous easily. chloe's just more loud about hers. so whenever other people flirts with chloe she just straight up makes out with max in front of them like what happened to hello? how r u? ? my name is?
other than polaroids max would also randomly give chloe rocks when they were kids and chloe kept every single one. years later max grew up to be a crystal collector she has a big ass amethyst tower in her room
chloe is shit at videogames. she plays valorant and is unfortunately a bot frag regular (viper main of course) also she never really grew out of her strategy in fighting games which is basically just press all the button until something explodes. max on the other hand is an absolute god in video games despite not giving a shit about instructions and meta she could still somehow carry the whole team in multiplayers and provide the highest damage when fighting bosses
as much as i love the idea of chloe putting a bow on her pussy or smth as her bday/xmas gift to max i think she'd also be the type to do cheesy shit like taking max to 27 different picture worthy places or drawing the both of them as characters in max's favorite video game or show
max doesn't reply for two minutes and suddenly chloe's doing thirst traps to cope
2022 pricefield would have the noteit app and would send each other notes and pics everyday to display as a widget on their phone. max would often send sunset or nature pics and cute selfies while chloe would use the drawing tool to send max little doodles (and lots of dick drawings)
idc if the general consensus is chloe can't do make up bc in my head she can and she does max's eyeliner by sitting on her lap
baby pricefield crushing on each other is so fucking funny like you have chloe crushing on the quiet kid who's voice would crack during attendance no matter how many times she'd practice beforehand and then u got max crushing on the girl who was caught picking her nose and eat it
my random pf hc of the day is when chloe and max were still a new couple, max went in to give chloe a kiss before going to class/work and they both froze up because WHAT THE FUCK MY BEST FRIEND AND I JUST SMOOCHED before realizing oh yeah we're together, we can do that now. and they just. melt. smiling at each other like idiots cause holy shit they are officially a couple !! the transition from bffs to gfs is so weird in the best way
i just think max kisses chloe's little cheek mole every time they cuddle
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bokutosmochi · 2 years
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random hinata shoyo headcannons
what's it? general
allergen warning/s? n/a
sugar level? 0.6k
regulars? @hanayanetwork​
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♧ once added >///< to one of his tweets on his private twitter. kageyama screenshotted it and sent it to the karasuno boy's volleyball gc. they will never let him live it down.
♧ smells really warm, like cinnamon. sometimes cinnamon apples. it's funny because he doesn't even like those. he doesn't hate them, but he doesn't like it either. he simply enjoys their scent.
♧ is so so bad at taking care of plants. he first got the idea of getting some plants after seeing them on tiktok all arranged in a lovely way, brightening up even the most dull rooms and hinata being himself bought a whole load of plants that caught his eye only for them to die one by one. he did everything he could, fertilizer, more water, less water, different types of soil, more sun, less sun, different genres of music - he even sang to one of them - only for them to wilt regardless.
♧ definitely sings while bathing. you cannot convince me otherwise. he does.
♧ likes lollipops. he's very aware that it's horrible for his diet, it's really just sugar and unhealthiness on a stick, but he can't help it. his favorite are cola flavored lollipops, followed by really milky strawberry or chocolate ones.
♧ summer is his favorite time of the year. he likes wearing sleeveless shirts, not only because they show off his arms, but also because it exposes more of his skin to the sun and he's fond of how sunshine feels on him. plus, there's also an increase in the number of people playing beach volleyball.
♧ i'm sorry, but he 100% has unironically had a live, laugh, love frame hanging in his room at some point during his high school days. one time, he let the karasuno volleyball team into his room and they quickly spotted it. tsukishima, kageyama, nishinoya, and tanaka were quick to tease him about it, and sugawara and daichi were quick to shut it down. hinata couldn't be happier about their presence at that very moment. still very embarrassed though, especially when he reunites with tobio in japan and he asks him about it -- whether he still has it or not.
♧ has a habit of trying different flavors of ramune and he always keeps the bottles. he thinks it's all too cute to get rid of.
♧ holds on to things when he sleeps, whether that's a loose grip on his pillow, a stuffed toy, a blanket, his significant other, hell, even his clothing. he just finds it impossible not to do it in his unconscious state.
♧ wants to join tv shows like american ninja warrior -- after all, he is ninja shoyo.
♧ tried to keep a dream journal and update it regularly, but at some point, he just forgot to use it.
♧ the pride and joy of msby black jackals whenever they go to a bar to celebrate a win and it's open mic night. he gets lost in the song he's singing but still manages to put on a performing of a lifetime, drunk and all.
♧ sketches random shit a lot. like his notebooks back in high school and middle school were literally just sketchbooks. no notes from class, only random doodles of random things.
♧ likes buying those scented colored gel pens, but he always forgets to use them.
♧ doesn't wake up at five o'clock in the morning to go jogging because he needs to exercise for his job. he wakes up at five o'clock in the morning to go jogging because he enjoys it.
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kyistell · 4 months
May we have some NY and NJ hc’s? Like- stuff that they do together and how they act with each other? 👁️👁️
*its fine if not*
Hehe I was super excited to do this one but sadly I do things in order of oldest to newest BUT none the less, here you go, our favorite stupid bastards
New Jersey and New York-
Jersey likes to cuddle and York likes receiving cuddles, so it isn’t uncommon to find the two together in the North living room
Jersey = Jer-bear, York = Yorka-doodle, they never call each other these in front of others
They go skating a ton, early morning public skate and public hockey are mainly what they do
Always fighting when it comes to certain foods, specifically pizza and bagels, otherwise they are perfect with each other in the kitchen
Jersey sends York stupid stuff from Tumblr, York does the same but with Twitter
Impromptu sleepovers in York's room happen a lot, York has sleep problems and as said before, Jersey cuddles, win win sitch
They fight, a lot, technically it’s just arguments but to pretty much everyone except the NE, it sounds like fighting (granted the NE sometimes thinks they are genuinely fighting but shh)
“Murder is illegal”  “You can’t murder people it’s rude” etc. are said whenever they are in the city
Despite not talking to each other for about 40ish years, they went right back to how they were before, if just a bit closer
They both fake hate each other, for no reason other than seeing the shocked faces of the other states while they simply cook breakfast together
Just Dance Night (the other states get flashbacks when ever they hear the Just Dance intro)
They like to just exist in the same space, doesn’t matter if they are doing two completely different things, they’ll continue to hang out VIRGINIA
They bet on everything, who will get to the table faster, who will make breakfast the quickest without messing up, everything
They always think to message the other first when something is happening, doesn’t matter if the sitch doesn’t really need the other, they still will
Since Jersey still speaks fluent Dutch and York has his broken messed up Dutch that Jersey understands, they will ‘gossip’ to each other in front of the other states
When they do that, they are really just talking about dinner plans and what movies they should see, but in the most condescending and judgmental tone they can
Movie dates, any movie whether they think it’ll be good or not
They sometimes come of as very big and little brother coded, York being the older while Jerseys the younger, when in reality it’s switched
Jersey finds it hilarious whenever people think he and York are dating, they aren’t, they consider each other brothers and technically are, York always wants to kill the people who do think they are dating, “Murder is Illegal Yorkie” he doesn’t care
Family dinners are once a month with Jersey’s moms and occasionally not, father, father, and York's grandparents
They have so much dirt on each other that if one says something so will the other, you know the nuclear deal between America and Russia? Yeah it’s basically that but with blackmail
If one’s sick the others clingy, if one's sad the others clingy, if one-
They like to dance with each other, even if there’s no music (it’s mainly spinning without music though)
Jersey has bad English days sometimes, so York will translate, on those days they tend to just haul up in York's room and put on a random Hockey game
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chaosisunderratedd · 1 month
Intro post time ig?
Hi. Hello. Greetings. I am Chaøs and Chaøs you can call me. I'm a probably gay idiot, any pronouns are fine honestly. English isn't my first language. And before anyone asks (even tho I know nobody's going to) the 'ø' in my name is for ✨aesthetic purposes✨
I am in fandoms: SMG4, Meta Runner, TADC, Murder Drones, James Marriott and formerly the dsmp (helpimbeingdraggedbackintothedsmp)
Hobbies: I do a bit of drawing, there's gonna be a lot of art on here, I do a bit of writing and I try to animate sometimes?
I am:
A big music enjoyer, I enjoy music and I'm trying to play the guitar (it's not going well)
Obsessed with bands like James Marriott and Måneskin
An amateur photographer at best
I take a lot of photos and I might make a second tumblr as a photo album of sorts
Gay idiot
Someone who likes to draw various characters like R800, gl!ranboo, maybe you get a James Marriott doodle too?
Am currently drowning in nostalgia (the toxic yaoi brainrot has come back 😭😭)
Posting my art with the #chaosisunderratedart tag :)
Doodle requests and questions? Absolutely, go for it
And to mention my accounts on other socials:
Twitter (ChaosIsValid and underratedcha0s)
Tiktok (chaosisunderrated)
Haha I did say I write so yes, you can find my wattpad if you really want to. I'm sorry for anything and everything you find there, I swear I'm a decent person-
My art tag is: #chaosisunderratedart
Random things I say/do/draw: #random shit from 3 am
I think that's enough for today, later losers
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wtrclover · 8 months
A look back on my old art (and other doodles on Twitter.) - December 2020
This marks the FIRST post of many I will make detailing my old work. I'm gonna start posting these weekly as to make it easy others AND for me. And what better way to start it off by the month I finally got a tablet. (and turnt 18 too I guess)
I was not a smart 18 year old, I some how barely survived the last 2 years of high school, and this and the next would become the worse it ever got. Yet I still persisted and somehow stay sane. Kinda. Keep that in mind for the bulk of 2021's art in the following weeks.
December 4
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As you can see from the first image, I was using a mouse at the time (and a combination of mspaint and firealpaca) That will change soon enough. Also homestuck =:3
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I saw this and I thought I can use this as an excuse to actuallly draw homestuck
have this nepeta doodle as well
December 6
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At the time I was really obsessed with making homestuck sprites of stuff (and I still kinda do) so I made this at a request of a friend at the time.
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@SpringingTraps made me draw metaware homestuck
December 8
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Why did I even included this post in here? Well I used to be SUPER inconsistent how I draw myself, so thought this would be a good start.
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i found that pettting gif website...
December 11
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I'll be honest, I wish I didn't post this back then. IDK it's kinda weird looking back on now.
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It's #FlatFuckFriday AND my birthday??? Fuck yeah!!! 🥞
December 18
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I'll be honest. I have no idea how I did THIS with a mouse of all things. Like how did I do it. In MSPAINT no less. Also I have no idea why I drew myself like this here.
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fucking around with faking line weight, so glad I don't have to do this shit when I get a tablet
December 20
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Oh look Cave Story, one my earliest obsessions. When this drawing came out, I already have long since moved on from it, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate it.
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16 years of #CaveStory =:]
December 22
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Ah here we go, I finally got a drawing tablet. I got REALLY excited with the pen pressure that I kinda gone overboard with it, but it was nice to use one. (granted I forgot how to draw with a mouse now.) Oh yeah, if you notice a black line on the VERY top of some drawings, that was a bug with firealpaca. I kinda had to live with it for a while.
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This was the first real piece I did after getting a tablet. I'm quite proud of it. The context behind this image is kinda funny really. A server I was in was doing a collab where we drew UCN portraits of our OCs or Sona, and I drew something for it. Yes UCN, Ultimate Custom Night. I was in my second FNAF phase at the time.
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Let the static flow.
December 23
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At the time, I used to draw myself with sideburn thingies cause I thought it look cute, but I no longer do that. Also you might be noticing a large about drawing made in a short timeframe. Well I have an explanation for that. You see, I sometimes get hit by these bursts of productivity and I can draw super fast. Sometimes these bursts happen at random, but in this case it was because I gotten a new tablet and new ideas where flowing.
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This was supposed to be a sketch...
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I HAVE LOT TO SAY ABOUT THIS. I was super obsessed with TGWeaver's FNAF comics. It was why I gotten back into FNAF around 2019. But I was fascinated with Toy Bonnie at the time, to the point I started drawing her on the daily. I started using her as an avatar for myself online. It was when I saw a post on tumblr where something made a kinsona when it clicked for me. This rabbit holds sooooo much gender. 🏳️‍⚧️ Thus ended 5 years of denial over my gender.
Original Description:
some weaver buns
December 24
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I tried drawing myself with my hair down here. I didn't like it then. I got better at drawing my hair down though. I was this file was named "cel test" for some reason.
Original Description:
It's me!
December 25
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Remember when I said I was inconsistent, here an example. I dislike how this turned out then, I STILL do now. The only thing I do like? This was when I started to shade in this particular way. Also at the time I was worried about being too slow, which is funny when I was posting so many things at once. But also the filename was "the crunch" which is less funny and more worrying.
Original Description:
I need to learn how to do this faster
December 28
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Oh look a Commission! There's nothing special to say about this.
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Shaded commission for @Bunnydudee of Carmen from Animal Crossing!
December 29
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THAT'S RIGHT I DREW SONIC.EXE BEFORE IT WAS COOL. Jokes aside, this post was more so for Tails Doll. I loved drawing that little bugger in the most pathetic and dorky way possible.
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Tails Doll's roommate is a wacknut
FINALLY we made it thru December. Goodness I posted alot more often back then huh. Kinda surprising. Anyways next week I'll post January!
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ender-equinox · 2 months
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✧₊˚‧ ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Mean (leo.) ‧₊˚✧
Welcome to Ender’s Equinox, my roleplay/sideblog for fun! (main blog is @ender-outlaw)
With some amazing help and inspiration from my sibling @echodoesstuff62333 (cool sideblog is @koi----kaboooooooom) <333
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~・:*˚:✧。 Tags・:*˚:✧。 ~
☆ End Walk - Random things (Unimportant reblogs, silly posts, etc.) :3
☆ Strange Dark Mattered! - Any answered asks!
☆ Singularity - The Pinned Post :D
☆ Stolen Block - Any of the actual roleplaying!
☆ Space Doodles - Any art created ^^
☆ Mellohi - Any lore/character building made!
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~・:*˚:✧。 Boundaries + DNI・:*˚:✧。 ~
↳ ・゜゜・⟡DNI⟡・゜゜・.:
basic DNI's
Dream/Dteam Stans
nsfw blogs
anything nsfw really
racist ppl in general
Lgbtq+ and/or nuerodivergent haters (this is a safe space for all)
↳ ・゜゜・⟡Boundaries⟡・゜゜・.
just don't be a jerk and be respectful to others
↳ .・゜゜・⟡Art Boundaries⟡・゜゜・.
Please don't repost my art on sites such as X (also known as Twitter), Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and Youtube): IF (a very big one) I allow you to repost my art on other platforms, credit is definitely required and appreciated, and you really have to ask me to repost.
Don't Edit/Modify my art: I worked very hard on them, and it's disrespectful and insulting :(
~Boundaries will be updated as time goes on and will be reblogged everytime!~
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~˚:✧。 Some Lore + Character References˚:✧。 ~
☆Ender’s an half Enderman and human but doesn't know her parents or her species’ name (literally just woke up in the End with few memories)
☆Ender has two forms, their normal form, and their their End form. She mostly stay in their human form though due to the fear of losing control and consciousness.
☆ Can teleport, float, open portals, and see in the dark.
☆Isn’t really alone in the End surprisedly, has a shadow that likes to come out occasionally…
☆Understands the Enderman language but doesn’t know what it is or how to speak it.
☆D̵̡̼̖̦͇͚̭̞̳͓̲̼̦̮̮̫̥̱͌͆͜͜o̴̡̻̮̮̦̖̓n̶̺̬̳̲̫̹͙̪̝͇̟̩͎͙̻̩̻͖͒̏͒͆͋̇̄̊͆̑́̀͜͝ͅ’̷̡̨̛̯̘̭͙̫̭̟̜͈̞͚̣̤̒̅̂͊̽̌̿̾̈́̆̅̑̾͋͐͂̓̎͝t̴̡̨̧̢̧͈̦̠̜̗̭̪̙̻͍̼̦͚͉̹̖̋̽̈́̋͗̌̏́̆̀̋͐̆̈́̊̚͘͜͜ ̷̠͍̣̲̗͈̼̞̰͕͉͉͎͓̣̐́̽̂̎̆̊̀̑́̈́̒̇̒̕͘͠͝ť̴̨̧͓͉͈̪̯̰̞̘̟͔̦̤̫̞͈̠͒̔ō̸̟͖̫̞͔̤̮͓̱͇̞̰̌́̏̄̀͊͒̽̀̈́̿̔̈́͛̈́ͅͅu̵̡͕̙̪̰̬̱̖̭̲͇͂͑̽̎̌͜ç̶̧̮̻̰̖̫̗̞̬̪̻̟̥͈͔͍̜͕̺̄͜ͅh̶͚͖̊̆͆̆̆̽̾̓́̊͋͂̄͒̊͗͘̚͝ ̷͉̗̗̬̠̫̠͒̌̋́͛͐̈́̈̀̀̑́̓͝͝͠ͅh̴̡̲̩̲̞̣̻̮̣̹̦̲͗͆͂̅̑̅͗̈͊͋͛̇̒̕͘̕͜e̶͚̰̪̩̼̙̤͌̒̍̌͗͝r̴̨̛̲͓͐̀͂͐̏ ̷͕̣̞̠̮̞̹̩̩̘̹̭̤̮͖̤̥͉̳̚ͅͅň̶̺̺̈̈͂̈́̏̊̍͒̄̽͂̊͐ẹ̸̩̩̣͙̬̾c̴̨̭͍̳̣̼̬̮̲͖͚͖̘̬̟̋̋͊̂̐͋͛̋͘͜͠͝k̶̟̬͓̤̥̟̅̈́́͛̓̀̋̍͘͠͝͠͠l̶̡̧͎͕̪̹̺͖͙̫͖̬̙̰̮̬͈̣̬̙͗̇͊̏̃́̈́͜ā̴̡͇̞̤̃̆̎̓̄͊́̐̈̆̀́̀̕͝ͅç̵̖͔̙̳̙͙̝̟̝̼̯͖̌͗̓͂̄̐̑͝ͅȩ̵̛̺̜̋̄̈́̐̏̇̋͛̿͑̊͑̉̅̀͗̀̅̕̚͝-̸̡͇̻̼͚̽͛͐̽̌
References for normal (left) and end(right) forms below:
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⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⎎⎍⋏ ⍜⋏ ⏁⊑⟟⌇ ⌇⟟⎅⟒ ⍜⎎ ⏁⊑⟒ ⟒⋏⎅! (Translation: Have fun on this side of the End!)
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