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Dovewing’s design! I tried to make her look very feminine n cute n innocent n stuff. Also make her look somewhat related to Ivy, haha
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It’s Crookedstar (aka my literal son aaaa)
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hhhhhh this is MUCH better drawn then my Firestar design, rip But, it’s our favorite buff gorl, Ivypool! Btw, a lot of my designs are aimed to be??? simpler, and more animation friendly, bc I feel a lot of warriors design blogs are aimed more for just all around cool looking designs, but aren’t made to b animated? So ye
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Ok, like Lemme explain my design choices. Bc everyone makes him a buff boi, but I ain’t bout that. He??? Was a kittypet originally??? So, I always so him not as athletic, especially in the beginning, as the others. Secondly, he’s all curly and stuff bc warriors was based off of King Arthur, right? So I kinda tried to reference the medieval art style with him. Thirdly--Imagine guys. I just ask you to contemplate--PRETTY BOI FIRESTAR. AND BUFF GORL SANDSTORM. HECC I needed it, so, that’s what I did.
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