#Quirkless Doctor Midoriya
pinkykats-place · 1 year
Pro Hero Bakugou x Nurse/Dr. Midoriya
AO3 FanFic Recommendations
BakuDeku au
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
A few of these fics contain mature content.
Art work by @spiced_covfee {twitter}.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Bedside Manners by @merrywetherweather
Summary: The painkillers they have Ground Zero on are effective enough that he's particularly vocal about his attraction to his green haired "guardian angel". Let's just hope Izuku can survive the onslaught of shameless flirting before his shift ends.
One Shot | SFW
Cute Nurse and Unruly Patient by Mikacrispy
Summary: Sexy Nurse Izuku has no Patience with Unruly Patient Bakugou
Proceed with caution, high levels of silliness ahead.
Complete | 3 Chapters
SFW | Quirkless Deku
Golden Years by Mikacrispy
Summary: Retired Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki moves into a retirement village when his hearing and vision problems become too much for him. There, he finds a cute little quirkless nurse who is more than willing to show the bright side of having staff always ready to serve him.
— — —
or: Nurse Deku gets the Pro Hero of his dreams.
One Shot | NSFW | Quirkless Deku
ICU in my dreams by Flarewrites
Summary: High on anesthesia, Katsuki falls for his husband all over again and tries to woo him with extremely bad pick-up lines.
One Shot | SFW | Mido has a quirk
The nurse and the pro hero by @silverynight
Summary: "What is it?"
"Everyone ran away," she sighs, sounding tired already. "Nobody likes that one; he doesn't stay still and always claims to be fine even if he has a broken bone."
"Yeah, that little demon."
"Oh," Izuku mumbles as the four pro heroes finally manage to walk in. Two of them are practically dragging the explosive hero inside.
One Shot | Quirkless Deku x PH Baku
Rated - Teen & Up
Doctor Deku
Six Feet Tall, And Super Strong by HopelessCreations
Summary: Unwilling to accept anything less than the best, Katsuki Bakugo has been single for the last ten years of his time as a Pro Hero, with a rigorous and sometimes contradicting set of standards for any potential suitors.
Izuku Midoriya is determined to meet every last one of them.
Shamelessly inspired by GUY.exe
One Shot | Quirkless Midoriya
Rated - Mature
I hate when you're right. by bkdktxt
Summary: Katsuki has a very personal problem... one only a doctor could help him with, and well Izuku happens to be the only doctor he knows.
katsuki's dick doesn't work and reaches out to izuku.
One Shot | Quirkless Midoriya
Rated - Explicit
Doctor Midoriya by @cassthruart
Summary: Pro Hero Dynamight gets hurt during a villain attack; exposed to a strange toxin and nearly dies. He doesn't remember much, but he wakes in the hospital to a familiar pair of emerald eyes and stupid freckles staring back at him. What the fuck? Deku’s treating him? He hasn't seen Deku since middle school, and since when did the nerd get so fucking hot?
Katsuki keeps giving him attitude and calls him names but he doesn't expect Izuku to fire back at him. He's filled with regret. Izuku is thoroughly annoyed, since he's just trying to do his job, while Katsuki is too busy falling in love with the damn nerd.
Even though Katsuki knows Izuku isn’t the same as he remembers, Katsuki doesn’t expect just how many secrets his childhood friend is hiding.
7/? Chapters | Mature Content
Last Updated Feb 2023
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Doctor Midoriya 💚
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Inspired by an ongoing fic written by the incredible @lifeaccordingto-cass 💕 I just HAAAAD to do this scene from Chapter 4 (and throw in a little kabedon for good measure :3) Make sure to check it out and send Cass some love! <3
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iamfrankie99 · 2 years
Always Yours
by Gemsom
18k            6ch
Summary: Katsuki’s biggest regret in life is not saying sorry to Izuku. It’s slowly eating at him from the inside, especially when his Alpha is dead-set on the greenette being his omega. That’s how, one day, on the verge of collapse by exhaustion, he finds himself in the green-eyed omega’s apartment, apologizing and pleading with the omega to not hate him. But Izuku has never been able to forget him either. They decide to meet again and it soon turns into dating. Katsuki has never been happier.
Frankie’s comment: This is another one of my favourites. Usual trope: Katsuki becomes a pro, Deku stays quirkless, they meet again and get together. Clichè but always appreciated. Soft Kacchan is really too much for my heart 😍
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suleikazuleika · 10 months
I notice that a lot of the Inko-bashing comes from a fundamental lack of understanding Japanese customs and society.
Because Inko Midoriya is a quintessential Japanese mom.
Someone else had already addressed her status as a housewife. I'll update this post with a link once I find it again.
Inko's Guilt
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Let's cut to the chase: Inko blames herself for her son's Quirklessness.
It's not about genetics.
In Japan, pregnancy is a time of extreme discipline for women. Are you eating too much? Did you quit your job? Did you wrap your belly like you're supposed to? Any miscarriages, premature births, or disabilities are tied to a woman's conduct.
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The sad thing is, Inko would not be alone in holding herself responsible. Her doctors, her neighbors, maybe even her husband would question what she did to Izuku.
Horikoshi outright says that her guilt is what caused her to gain weight.
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It's important to note that in real life, there's a growing backlash over this very perception.
"Monster Parent"
Inko calls herself one when she takes All Might and U.A. to task for her son's injuries and constant run-ins with villains, but honestly she couldn't be further from the truth. Her demands aren't unreasonable.
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This is another controversy in real life Japan. Parents who intervene on their child's behalf run the risk of being labeled "monster parents." It makes addressing academic ableism and bullying, etc. that much harder. (Not to mention that schools have been caught covering up ijime incidents.)
Inko was probably not entirely unaware of the bullying her son was experiencing, but she's under heavy societal pressure to let the teens figure it out for themselves. All she could do was offer a supportive home environment.
She's also been conditioned by Hero Society that the violence in U.A. is normal, in order to train the next generation of heroes. That doesn't mean she approves, it means she's pressured to keep quiet.
Look at her reactions during the Sports Festival! Inko was extremely upset watching it.
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There is, however, a limit to what someone can ignore.
Inko showed incredible character development when she confronted All Might, going against social norms in order to protect and advocate for her son.
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The way Inko is written is a fascinating commentary on Parenthood in Japan. But often it flies right over the heads for non-Japanese readers.
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katsuizu-stuff · 11 days
Keep your eyes on me! - Katsuki Bakugo
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The doctor says Katsuki would need a robotic limb to continue being a hero.
Katsuki refuses because of his quirk so he is going to do rehab
This much is understandable, but for some odd reason he mentions that Izuku has no quirk at all now. Want to know why?
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Katsuki is crying because he’s sad that Izuku will go back to being quirkless after said embers are gone
Izuku will be quirkless AGAIN!
REMINDER! Katsuki is Izuku’s image of victory
Wow! You’re so lucky! Your quirk is amazing Kacchan! When I get mine I hope it’ll be just as cool -Izuku Midoriya
That’s why Katsuki wants to do rehab, which is why he mentions Izuku being quirkless
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vam1mav · 30 days
|| DAMN- ||
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|| Imagine Afo having almost the same goal as Endeavor at some point: Combining Quirks. ||
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|| What if Afo wanted to have a quirk that didn't have the same weakness as his, he wanted to have an All For One that could steal quirks from distance, and what better way to do it than having an heir? ||
|| But to have an heir, he needed a woman with a quirk that could attract things to her, and that's where Inko comes in ||
|| Her quirk was just what Afo needed, and on top of that, she was manipulable, she was perfect for the plan, but then a problem came in to ruin everything: Hisashi Midoriya ||
|| Most likely by that time they would be married and happy, and just that, was a problem for Afo but when he realized that Hisashi worked in Koga Construction, something came to his mind. ||
|| Afo began to monitor Hisashi and learn his behaviors with people and especially with Inko, and one day, Afo summoned Hisashi to "build" something for him, and when Hisashi arrived... Afo killed him. ||
|| After getting rid of the body, Afo using the Quirk to change appearance, he changed his appearance and took on Hisashi's. (Evidence that Afo does have a Quirk like that in the photo ↓) ||
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|| "Hisashi" returned home with his wife, and after a month or more time, he convinces her to have a child ||
|| And well, then Izuku was born ||
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|| It is more than obvious that the plan worked, since in the manga Izuku currently shows TOO many signs of having a quirk ||
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|| So the question with this theory is... What happened? Why didn't Afo steal Izuku's quirk? ||
|| And don't tell me that "Maybe his quirk was like Yoichi's and they couldn't tell it was really there" BECAUSE THEY KNEW. ||
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|| In this publication we are taught some human biology, and, in short, The Doctor Gairaki, lie, THIS BALD SON OF A BITCH LIED TO INKO AND IZUKU IN THEIR FUCKING FACE. ||
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|| But why? Why Afo ordered the Doctor to lie?? Why not steal the quirk and say that Izuku was quirkless??? ||
|| For this I bring two possible reasons: ||
1) Izuku's quirk CANNOT be stolen by Afo so he just compressed it and waited for Izuku to decide on his own to be a villain so he could tell him the truth later, and then make him his true successor and the Prince of Demons.
2) Afo ended up becoming fond of Izuku because his appearance and behavior is similar to that of Yoichi, but as we already know...
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someone died for using their quirk for the first time.. Soooo Izuku using his quirk didn't seem like a very good idea to Afo.
|| But well now we just have to wait to see how the Dad For One Theory will become canon ||
|| And remember! ||
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|| Have hope that the theory will become reality! If Horikoshi already did something like this with Tomura/Tenko and with Dabi/Touya then the theory is not so crazy that it cannot be canonized! ||
|| Horikoshi never disappoints the fandom!! ||
✧ Credits to @gothicayomi and @zelyres for they incredible theories!✧
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bibibbon · 2 months
MHA chapter 419 rant
What the actual hell is this chapter ?!?!?!? What is going on horikoshi?!?!??
So suprise AFO IS BACK👎👎👎 seriously what the hell I knew he was gonna come back but he is so boring and I hate him as a villain like wdym you only pulling up with a plan that failed multiple times cos you have thing for your brother like!?!? The doctor and the hero comission could of been better villains. My point still stands AFO being the main bad guy even though this mf was killed and injured by everyone is lame and stupid 😭. Like can AFO just disappear out of existence already like?!?! Also I really doubt that dfo is true considering this guy just loves to act like a season 1 bakugo and call Izuku useless every breathing moment he gets. Also at this point afo out here using shigaraki like a wet human suit thing and that's it
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Shigaraki is dead?!?!!!? Vile. Y'all telling me that shigaraki is basically dead this guy basically killed himself after a little fight (it wasn't little that's a hyperbole it was huge he deserves better than this disservice) sigh so shigaraki died with all his memories and the truth of his own origin which is completely sad and wow the amount of retconning for this is insane. Wdym to tell me that AFO needed someone emotionally weak to take advantage of so he chose kotaro, befriended the guy and manipulated him into having Tenko and then used Tenko as his little thing to make the perfect vessel!?!???!? DAM SHIGARAKI IAM SORRRY HORI DID YOU LIKE THIS
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Izuku lost two arms and is getting the worst end of the stick as always. As an izuku Stan this isn't it for me like what are you telling me that HE LOST TWO ARMS AND THEN PEOPLE DO COME BUT I AINT SEEING NONE TRYNA HELP THIS GUY. ALSO IZUKU IS NOW ARMLESS AND QUIRKLESS WHATS GOOD ON HERE??!?????!?!? Also looks like izuku out here being the only one who doesn't actually get a full heart to heart with their villain at least ochako and toga were treated better and got that little sob scene where they called eachothers names out and what not but izuku and shigaraki gotta be sentenced to pure suffering for no reason 🤦‍♀️. Also the whole page is Hella and I mean Hella creepy and off like wth is this it's too gory (I know that's not valid criticism but this is my opinion) Izuku out here being the only one who can't be a proper hero like the guy couldn't even stand up to AFO unlike bk this is just mountains and mountains of disrespect and disservice . SOMEONE CHECK UP ON POOR INKO AND IZUKU
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The quirks the backstory the things?!?!. So basically overhaul had the oh quirk or whoever the guy in the picture manga panel thingy which looks like OVERHAUL. This guy had an op quirk like he had the power of destruction and reconstruction but then afo takes that away and then has the doctor somehow somehow genetically modify it ( istg i still dont know how that works or how he could do that) and then TOOK SHIGARAKIS OG QUIRK WHICH (what was his og quirk we arent ever told) and then proceedes to set this child who wanted to be a hero for pure failure. Also what is going on with AFO and kotaros relationship and why does the description of kotaro being mentally/emotionally weak heavily remind me of inko midoriya. Also the RETCON LIKE OH AFO IS LIKE HAVE A KID FOR ME OR SOME BS AND HE HAS A KID AND THEN KOTARO APPARENTLY FULLY LOVES HIS FAMILY HOWEVER IT LOOKS LIKE KOTARO LOVES AFO More THAN HIS FAMILY
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Eraserhead making a comeback and finally apologising (or not). I mean at least Eraserhead is back and apologising to his student for failing to be a teacher to him which ok cool cliffhanger I guess. Also where is mic I don't think I can take it if mic is secretly off screened especially cos Eraserhead is crying why is the guy crying like is he crying for izuku which dam as he should your student is dying but he was legit shouting left and right for bakugo 🤷‍♀️. Also Eraserhead has a lot of apologies for izuku considering how he treated the poor dude. ALSO DOES THIS MEAN OBORO IS BACK TO THE PLOT SOMEHOW ( I love oboro) but how does this work how did it happen how did he break free Iam so confused did much due for oboro or something.
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Sato, ojirou and sero out here coming in clutch. but none y'all running to see if izuku ain't gonna die from blood loss or something. Cool entry I guess everyone can take a good fight with AFO but Izuku because hori doesn't like izuku and izuku just sucks!!!. I get it 1A is too big so hori out here needing to give everyone their little moments but like?!?! This just makes afo seem so weak it first went from only all might being the one to even fouch and defeat afo and now its everyone thats not the ofa users which great (sarcasm if you couldn't tell). ALSO THIS MOMENT DONT WORK BECAUSE IZUKU LACKS DEVELOPMENT AND SO DOES 1A and their whole dynamic?!?!?!!!!!???!
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In conclusion, I hope both izuku and shigaraki die and izuku to be remembered as the greatest hero and that's it honestly!!
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huiiiooo · 3 months
It is interesting to think that Garaki had a family under the name Tsubasa, and that he served in Musutafu as Dr. Tsubasa Coincidentally, he was the one who diagnosed Izuku as Quirkless and to this day this is the only legitimate medical action that the manga has shown of him, which is strange, since he is All for One's personal doctor, it is strange that he diagnosed the Protagonist and this fact is of no importance, and the only direct mention of Hisashi Midoriya is coincidentally to him
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and his family, his children and his grandchildren lived close to the Midoriyas and Inko presumably knew Tsubasa Kun's Mother
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If their families knew each other it would make sense that Inko would have specifically gone to consult Izuku at Doctor Tsubasa, we don't know why someone like Garaki would be in this region, but he seems to be the type that everything he does is in one way or another focused on All for one , so who knows it wasn't All for one who ordered him and his family to be in that region specifically, both using false identities of Hisashi Midoriya and Dr. Tsubasa especially, a curious detail is that looking at Tsubasa Ku's age he became Nomu on a date not a long way from when AFO became potatoes
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deusvervewrites · 4 days
AU idea: what if Izuku was born with a perfect combonation of his parent's quirks? telekinesis, pryokinisis and pyro-generation he would be a perfect counter to Bakugo, blocking the blast with his telekinesis and catching the fire with pryokinisis.
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I'm going to take one serious liberty with this AU because I thought of this while working on it and I think it's super interesting. In this AU, Midoriya did not go to UA. He didn't even apply. He gave up on being a Hero and went to a well-respected but non-Hero high school, thinking that being in Gen Ed would hurt too much. For the purposes of this AU, the MHA plot is getting stretched out a bit.
The Eight Precepts sold a lot of Trigger to fund Overhaul's bullshit. Some guy got it in his head that shooting Heroes with Trigger would make them better Heroes. Look, compared to Stain this is normal behavior. Uh anyway after darting a few Heroes, this guy's face is known, a Hero recognizes him, a fight breaks out, Midoriya wanted to watch, and oh whoops there went good trigger discipline.
Midoriya figured that he'd need to see a doctor because getting drugged is generally bad, even if, say, it's Trigger and you're Quirkless, but as he made his way towards the ambulance on-scene, he suddenly felt woozy. Halfway there, he collapsed, and everything went to hell. Flames, stuff thrown around, glass breaking, cars overturned, it was a whole mess.
He wakes up in the hospital and has to be told what happened. The Trigger boosted his latent Quirk, forcibly manifesting it and then driving it wild. The Quirk in question is fairly simple. Like Todoroki, it has two functions, Psychokinesis and Flame Generation. He can use the former to control the latter.
Due to the volatile nature of his Quirk and the violent awakening, Midoriya is transferred to a school that can help him properly control his new Quirk. UA.
+1. Bakugou doesn't think Midoriya was hiding his Quirk because he heard about the accident. That does not mean he is happy.
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drowningin666fandoms · 11 months
BNHA Fanfic idea that won't leave me alone:
All for one is Midoriya Hizashi, but...
Nobody knows. Like, literally, nobody knows. Inko never figured out his identity, and with him getting busier after Izuku's fifth birthday it looks like he left bc he's quirkless, so she never much cared for trying to find him and neither did Izuku. All pictures of him are banished into a box in her closet and haven't seen the light of day since Izuku was six or so, when they had a fight over the telephone over him wanting to fix Izuku.
AFO himself suffered obviously a lot of head trauma when fighting All Might, and this gave him partial amnesia. He has no or only very few memories of the decade or so prior to the battle, so he has none regarding his family that he meticulously kept from everyone else's awareness, including the Doctor's. He does see the monthly payment to Inko but assumes it's from a bribe or keeping a corrupt official in his pocket. Given that he can't recall whom it's to and immortality made him extremely wealthy, he doesn't cut it off, nor tries to follow it and make the memory loss obvious.
The only one who does know?
The ghost of Yoichi, who suddenly had another person he could haunt and went to see what's going on. Maybe throw in Nana too, if you want Inko to secretly be a Shimura.
Cue Yoichi fretting over his baby nephew the very moment Izuku gets OFA, up to and including giving him in-depth instructions on how to use the quirk and helping him manage it without harm to him while the other vestiges (minus Nana) are busy laughing their asses off.
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odue-sp · 1 year
Bakugou Katsuki x Male Reader
inspo: integral - dios
M/n is Izuku's older brother who is also quirkless.
TW: potential age gap, undiagnosed depression, anhedonia
M/n knew how the blonde explosive boy looked at him. It was strange but he couldn't care less about the child's feelings. He only cares for Izuku and his mother, some boy who gave him flowers and a small clay abomination wasn't important...
"Wow, Kat-chan! That's amazing," he heard his brother shout looking at the mess. His cold and sharp words could no longer be said... 'For Izuku.' he thought as he reached over and carefully took the presents. With the same smile he gave his brother he sang praises.
The light in his eyes when he did. It was something that was amusing. Like a pet getting a treat. No, a pet would listen more... They wouldn't leave such a bruise on his brother's body. At night, he would stare at the clay mess. His hand clenching over the object like it was filth before Izuku gently grabbed his hand. "Don't hurt yourself."
"Oh," his smile appeared again as he picked up the greenette and sat him in his lap. "It's okay. He'll just make more anyways." He spoke calmly as he crushed the mess in his hands. Izuku stared in shock. The flowers were in the trash. Unlike the ones that he gave. They were littered around his room, some even hanged to dry.
Though he was quirkless, he didn't treat him any differently.
"Mama?" His eyes gazed over his mother's pained face as she hugged her son tightly. "Mrs. Midoriya, as you know, there was an incident at your son's school," oh right. They kept talking as he just stared. "What do you have to say for yourself?" The teacher asked as the principal watched. "Mama, did I make you cry? Km sorry," he stood up and took a tissue. Gently wiping her tears away. Resting his head on her shoulder.
His eyes gazed over the two adults...
She was crying again. What happened? She covered her face as she dropped to the floor. The nurses rushed to her side as the doctor carefully pulled him away. "Mama..." He whispered. "Hey, how about we play a game." He turned his head towards the man who tried to take his attention away from his weeping mother. "Something's wrong with me, isn't there?" He asked while glancing at his hands.
The doctor seemed shocked.
"I've noticed. I don't care for others. The only people I care for are my mother and brother," He spoke as he stared deeply at the doctor who slowly became uncomfortable with the intense stare. "My classmates, they wanted to kill me," he remembers why he was sent home that day. "Why am I here? Shouldn't they be evaluated? They threatened to kill someone who is quirkless,” his voice slowly became agitated. "They were going to shove a pencil in my mouth and they used their quirks on me," he remembers the blood.
The screams.
"Oh, is it because they were girls in the mix? Damn, I should've kept their mouths shut."
"Oh, you should keep your mouth shut. You may have a quirk but it doesn't stop you from dying. A gun is easy to purchase these days."
The doctor stared in disbelief.
The doctor didn't stay quiet.
He was sent to therapy, so much therapy and given pills to keep his symptoms at bay. He was somewhat better, he clearly had interest in anyone other than his family. "M/n!" Katsuki rushed over with another flower. He reached over and took the flower with a smile. Without Izuku's praises... "Thank you, it's wonderful."
The flower was thrown away later that night.
Years later...
M/n was part of the Shie Hassaikai. Overhaul was obsessed with the quirkless male, he was perfect. He was stronger without the quirks. He was able to aim perfectly. Everything was perfect to be a right hand man. The fact he couldn't care for anyone was a bonus.
And that he became.
Eri, a child that reminded him of Izuku. His eyes widened as he read the experiments she endured and was heartbreaking. But he needed to make the world perfect. So Izuku could be the only hero. So he could be like All Might. "They could never outshine him." He spoke as he hugged the very thing that could make it happen.
Eri mistook that as love. She saw his face. "Shh, my little brother looks like me. If you ever see him. Run to him. Let him be your hero."
She found him. He was her hero.
He smiled.
"M/n!" Izuku shouted as it was his turn to visit his brother. His classmates stared in shock. This was new! He gave a soft smile towards his brother, he was lifted up with ease before being put down. "M/n." His head turned to see Katsuki. That same light... It was amusing to see it again after so many years.
Izuku was now a teen. He knew that look and blocked him. "M/n! Let me show you the dorm! Even the school!" He grabbed his hand and dragged him away. He knew about M/n's diagnosis. "I was going to say hi," he spoke up after they stopped. "No you weren't." He glanced away. "He's so pitiful, still having a crush after so many years. Isn't that pathetic?" Izuku flinched.
"Not now." He whispered and dragged him away. "It's funny, how do you think he would look if I told him I broke every one of his gifts?" He pushed his brother's button knowing he still cared about his best friend. "I want to tell him. How disgusted I was to pretend to like them." It seems they didn't notice the group stopping and listening.
"Stop it, did you take your medicine?" Izuku asked, his fists shaking holding in anger. "Plus those kids he hung around? Did he think being so annoying was cool? Ah," he sighed out. "I guess I don't need to even hide it anymore." Izuku's eyes widened turning to see his class staring in shock.
Katsuki's eyes shadows as he clenched his fists.
"Oh dear," M/n walked over and ruffled his hair. A gesture that would bring many feelings... Now it only felt fake just now. "Don't feel bad. I was born this way. Even if you try your hardest," his hand moved away with a fake smile reserved for only Katsuki. "I won't be able to love you or anyone for that matter."
Harsh reality.
They were young adults now.
Katsuki didn't care anymore... But every time he heard Izuku talk about what his brother was up to... He couldn't help but feel hurt but didn't want to miss anything. "M/n is getting married," Katsuki's eyes widened. He said he couldn't love. Did someone achieve what he wanted?
The wedding was beautiful, and the bride was just as beautiful. The kiss they shared made Katsuki sick. Izuku and his mother smiled tearfully.
Katsuki couldn't handle it. He walked out quietly for a smoke. The party was loud and it managed to snap him out of his thoughts when he drifted too far. M/n appeared out of nowhere, smoking as well but away from the blonde who only stared.
That smile again, so fake (yet so handsome). "Oh, hey," his voice was terrible (beautiful). "How's my wedding, nice right?" Salt to the wound.
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nightkbroccolidemon · 5 months
AFO is Hisashi Midoriya
This is my contribution to the Dad-For-One theory, otherwise known as AFO is Hisashi Midoriya.
There are already plenty of indications and other theories out there to this particular idea, but I have never seen this specific one so I might as well share.
Disclaimer: this might have some manga spoilers, so be warmed!
First and foremost, what do we know about Hisashi Midoriya?
He is married to Inko Midoriya.
He works overseas.
He has a fire breathing quirk.
He is never seen in the backstory, neither the manga or anime.
Just from that we can already make some conclusions. I think some of them have already been floating around so I will make this short.
He could have taken her name in marriage. It would make sense if it was her family name, since Midori means green and Inko does have green hair.
An evil overlord most certainly makes enough money to send home. The cover of working overseas also means he doesn't need to be home and keep up the façade.
I believe it has been mentioned in manga and in the anime that emitter, more specifically fire quirks are the most common ones. So basically, nobody would call it either weak or strong if you are not Endeavour or Dabi. It would also be fairly easy to acquire a quirk like that for someone like AFO
We have no idea what Hisashi Midoriya looks like. Which is uncommon for parents in MHA. We have seen plenty of parents from different students, villains and even teachers in the vigilante spin off. One would think that the father of the main character is kind of important, or if he isn't (as we are led to believe) we would get at least a face. The fact that it is taking so long is certainly suspicious.
Now let's look at what we know about AFO.
He lost a big fight against All Might when Izuku was just a small child, before he received his diagnosis that he was Quirkless.
He is inherently possessive, narcissistic and egoistical.
He does not care for others only for the best way to gain power.
He has only one known weakness to his quirk. Said weakness is, he has to touch someone to steal their quirk.
Let's keep that in mind while we take a look at other facts. What do we know about the Midoriya family?
Izuku Midoriyawas born Quirkless.
He was diagnosed by the same doctor who later made the Nomus.
They are not rich, nor do they have any connections.
Inko Midoriya has a minor attraction quirk.
At first glance this might not mean a lot but in the frame of this theory both of these things shine in a different light.
AFO was born at the dawn of quirks. A time where it wasn't uncommon for someone to be born without a quirk. It wouldn't be far-fetched for him to have a Quirkless child.
If Izuku was indeed his son, it would make sense for him to monitor his development even after the fight against All Might. He must already be working together with the doctor because it was, he who healed AFO from his severe injuries.
What would AFO gain from marrying someone with a weak quirk and without any notable connection?
If AfO had a child with Inko Midoriya there is a possibility that this child could have a quirk which allowed them to pull quirks to them. This would solve AFO one weakness. In return all he would have to do is fly under the radar and pretend to be a good, if absent husband.
Alright this was a lot of speculation. So, let's take a look at Canon again to see if my main claim would make sense for the story.
The main example would be the Todoroki family. Endeavour demonstrates quirk marriage isn't a thing of the past. Which means we have a canon case of this happening.
The most glaring problem in this theory might be that AFO does not really look like Izuku. Then again Izuku does look a lot like his mother except for his hair texture and the freckles. At this point we have seen a younger AFO and still there are no glaring similarities. This might be because AFO wears his hair rather short in all his life stages compared to Izuku. We have also seen AFO mother who had no similarities to Izuku either.
For the time being AFO is kind of dead so he won't be the one confirming this theory. Izuku has seen him before and not mentioned anything. The only one left to say anything is Inko Midoriya.
Horikoshi did mention that there would be a Hizashi Midoriya reveal at some point. So, all we can do is wait and speculate.
Thanks for reading my random thoughts!
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sugolara · 11 months
𝘿𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙙𝙞𝙚, 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙮𝙚𝙩
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ft. Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto Todoroki x Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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“Izuku!” They all yell as they hurriedly rush to him as the green-haired male falls to the floor. Because Katsuki was closer to him, he was able to catch him before he fell. The blonde angrily stared at the other two that came to his aide, “What the fuck did you guys do!?”
Shoto scoffed and pointed to Izuku’s gunshot wound, “That’s not really the time. Izuku needs help!” 
“He’s right.” F/n said as she immediately looked at a fainted Izuku, “If we don’t do anything…he might die.”
Though Katsuki was panicking he tried his best to not show it. His eyes fell on Izuku’s right shoulder where the bullet impacted. He lifted his friend and looked at F/n, “You know how to heal wounds don’t you!? I’ve seen you healing mine and Deku’s wounds.”
A bit of sweat dropped and glided down her cheek. Internally, she was panicking as she didn't know how to address a gunshot wound. She searched through her memories until she remembered her mother cleaning her cousin's gunshot wound. 
Let out a shaky breath, she nodded and then looked at Shoto, “You have medical supplies right?” 
The dual-haired male nodded his head towards the front of the building, “In the front but they might not be a lot. This place was used as supplies for the sanctuary.” 
“Ok.” F/n nodded and ran towards the front in search of medical supplies while Shoto motioned for Katsuki to follow him to a back room where a mattress was laid. 
The blonde set down Izuku on the bed and with his combat knife he ripped the injured male's shirt. His heart dropped when his eyes laid on his friend's bloody shoulder. He hoped that F/n would arrive soon as he feared that Izuku wouldn't last longer. 
Shoto on the other hand felt relieved that he’s seen his friend again but he wished that they met in other circumstances. One where Izuku was not on his deathbed. 
“Hey, Half’n’half,” Katsuki grabbed Shoto’s attention, “what do you mean this warehouse was used for supplies?”
“Why do you think there's many supplies in here?” Shoto asked, his eyes lowering, “Did you not see the army truck?”
Confused, Katsuki wanted to press on but the sound of the backroom door opening harshly caught both of their attention. In her hands, F/n crouched near Izuku’s injured shoulder and passed Katsuki a flashlight.
“I need you to hold the flashlight above the shoulder and you,” She pointed to Shoto, “hold Izuku tightly down.”
The blonde watched as she set down gauges, medical tweezers, rubbing alcohol, and medical tape. He peered at her, “You know what you’re doing?”
“No.” F/n said as she poured some rubbing alcohol on her hand, “But I’ve seen my mother do this to my cousin when he got shot. She was a doctor and had better supplies so lets hope this is enough.”
She then let out a shaky sigh as her hands gripped the rubbing alcohol over Izuku’s wounded shoulder, “Okay, hold him down.”
Receiving a nod, the girl immediately poured the alcohol on Izuku’s shoulder and began to dig out the bullets. Just as she expected, the green-haired male jolted in pain and screamed as his hands flew to stop the girl.
Thankfully, Shoto grabbed his hands and pinned them to the bed. With the hand that wasn’t occupied, Katsuki held it over Izuku’s mouth to muffle his screams in fear that the rotters outside would hear and barge in.
The blonde had to look away as tears began to fall from the green-eyed male. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to think of something else that could occupy his mind rather than seeing his childhood friend in pain.
Shoto, who sat on Izuku’s leg to keep them from possibly kicking himself, watched as F/n dug out the bullets. He wondered why she was taking so long, “Can’t you hurry up the process?” 
“I’m trying!” F/n yelled but her heart dropped when she pulled the tweezers out and looked at the shattered fragment of the bullet, “But…the bullet shattered.”
“Is that a bad thing?” Katsuki quietly asked.
“I…don’t know.” The girl said with her eyebrows furrowed, a bit worried what a shattered bullet might mean. Her hands shook when she hurriedly returned back to picking out the pieces. She gazed at izuku for a moment, as the male let out more tears with his eyes tightly shut. 
A few moments later, it had seemed that Izuku passed out once again from the pain as he stopped moving and his body no longer shook. Shoto and Katsuki seemed worried but F/n had told them that it was nothing to worry about, even though she didn’t believe herself.
Maybe, a little after an hour or so, F/n let out a huge sigh as her shaky bloody hands wiped her forehead. The other two also let out a relief sigh and leaned back against the wall. The three watched as Izuku slept soundly, the wound cleaned and now covered by gauzes and medical tape. 
They listened for Izuku’s breath to know that he was still breathing and alive. They sat in silence before Shoto looked at F/n, “Sorry. For trying to kill you.”
Shurgging, F/n responds, “I don’t blame you. I would have done the same if I were you, but next time, shoot before asking questions.”
Another moment a silence passed by before Katsuki questioning Shoto, “You said this place was used for a sanctuary, which one?”
“What?” Shoto asked, a bit confused.
Scoffing, Katsuki rolled his eyes, “Earlier you said that this place was used for supplies for a sanctuary. Which fucking sanctuary are you talking about?”
“Oh,” Shoto said as his eyes flickered at Katsuki and F/n, “The one near us.”
Eyes dreading, F/n looked at Katsuki, “Please let that be the one you were talking about.”
“Rhote.” Katsuki said, with hopeful eyes.
“Yes.” Shoto nodded, but his eyes lowered, understanding why they were hopeful to see this sanctuary and feeling bad to bear the bad news, “If you came to the city for it, it’s no longer standing.”
“What?” Katsuki and F/n said at the same time. “How?”
Shoto shrugged and stood up, he removed his black sweater before opening the room door, “It just…isn’t standing.”
The other two watched as Shoto left the room. Their minds wondering what happened to the sanctuary they hoped to find and all feelings of hope vanishing. Their eyes peered back to a sleeping izuku, they wondered how they would tell him about the bad news.
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vultureboi · 9 months
GUYS GALS AND NONBINARY PALS!! I saw a thing that Horikoshi said at a panel of some sort about revealing Izuku’s dad as a spoiler! .0.
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And here’s the thing, he said something along the lines of “revealing who his dad is” rather than “introducing his dad” SO DOES THAT MEAN WE ALREADY MET HIS DAD AND WE JUST DONT KNOW????
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That led me to think: okay. Well who could be his real dad? My first thought was AFO, but then I thought of All Might.
Here me out on All Might:
Todoroki had put together a whole fucking conspiracy theory of All Might being Izuku’s dad. It would be hilarious if it turned out he was right and at the end he just is like- giving himself a pat on the back like- “I knew it!”
But no, in reality, I’m almost 100% sure it’s AFO. Here are my reasons.
1: AFO when we meet him looks like a wrinkled thumb. He looked like that after All Might beat his ass. All Might also came out looking like shit. But at least he still had a face and hair!
So if you think of it, Izuku doesn’t know what AFO looked like before! But now, I’m the manga, he’s looking younger because of a quirk!!
So my thought is, when he gets to Izuku, will he be so young at that point that Izuku recognizes him as his dad? 0-0
2. We never saw Izuku’s dads face or hair color. AFO and OFA have white hair. And Izuku has green hair because of his mom. But that doesn’t mean his dad doesn’t have white hair! And it’s important to remember if it were really nothing, they wouldn’t have hidden his face!! It was always meant to be a reveal at some point!
3. OFA is quirkless. Or at least, thought he was. It turned out he did have a quirk it just was a stockpiling quirk or whatever.
But what if Izuku is the same? That’s why he was able to get ALL of the OFA’s previous powers! Because he’s blood related to the first user! And if he wasn’t quirkless this whole time like he thought? What if he had a similar quirk to the first user??? They just couldn’t detect it!!
4. The toe joint. Oh my god. It was mentioned ONCE in the series TO Izuku. And never to anyone else! It was never spoken of after that!! And we know the doctor who diagnosed him quirkless worked with AFO. So what if the doctor recognized that he had a similar quirk to OFA and just lied? He told him he was quirkless and made up some science fact that was complete bs? We haven’t seen X-rays of anyone’s feet besides Izuku. How do we know that all their feet aren’t the same?? And Izuku and his mom were lied to?
And if the toe thing IS true? What if they showed some other kids toe?
Another thing that could connect it is if Izuku DID have a quirk and it was stolen by Garaki. Garaki I’m canon had been producing and studying quirks especially with children if I remember correctly. What if he stole Izuku’s quirk? And going back to the X-Ray, they used a quirkless persons previous X-Ray to lie!!
5. In the manga, at one point, AFO and Garaki were talking about Super Regeneration. A quirk that All for One said he should have gotten sooner. When he said this, at first I didn’t think anything of it. But then, they went on to talk about an unnamed “boy” which seems to imply Izuku!
Kids get their quirk when they’re a few years old. And you don’t know what it is until it manifests. AFO saying he should have gotten the quirk sooner may imply that he knew the person would get the quirk but he just missed his chance or he waited too long to get it. If it was Izuku, doesn’t that mean he knew him before the quirk manifested? Like when he was a baby?
If Izuku had Super Regeneration originally, it could make sense why he gets hurt so easily. His body was meant to be able to heal itself. But now his quirk is gone, he doesn’t have the ability to withstand as much as he should have been able to.
All Might said that the quirk would hurt him, but he didn’t expect it to be difficult for him to use. But I feel like that’s because it’s not his quirk and so it feels wrong for his body to use it.
6. Hisashi Midoriya means “long gone” basically. It means a few different things but one of them is long gone. This could mean he left a long time ago, which would match a lot of the story. But it also could mean that the person that was Hisashi Midoriya is long gone and is now someone else.
I believe it also has something to do with “important lineage” or something? I saw somewhere that they were saying how AFO could be his dad because AFO and OFA are kinda important. Their descendants would be important too.
7. Hisashi Midoriya has fire breathing. That’s all we’re really given. But tell me. What if he had more than just fire breathing? If he wanted to hide from All Might, prepare a secret weapon of some kind, he might wanna try to blend in, right? So he reduced himself to one quirk, gave himself a new name, and had a family as coverage. That would make sense, right? Spy X Family has that.
So what if Inko didn’t know that he was AFO? She didn’t know he was a villain? Or maybe she did know and has kept it a secret?
And then when his plan was ready, he says he has to go overseas for business? He leaves the family and they’re none the wiser!
A lot of things that I have noticed throughout the series is that AFO’s identity isn’t really well known. We know the first users name but not AFO. We just know him as All for One. But he must have a real name!
Y’all ever since I heard about that panel, my mind has been going into overdrive! I’ve been thinking up so many theories! I’ve turned into a Todoroki!! Help!!
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I’d love to hear what you guys think! Any hints, anything I got wrong, any ideas? I wanna have a discussion on this!!!
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shih-coulda-had-it · 3 months
a/n: speculative ficlet on the end of bnha. manga spoilers.
His whole body ached. This was nothing new to Tomura, who had been plagued with an awareness of bodily discomfort since he was conscious enough to register it, but unlike before, there was no way he could relieve himself of the pain.
He could not lift a limb; he could barely turn his head.
Beside him on the torn-up battlefield, Midoriya wheezed and wept dry, rasping sobs. He looked even more of a mess than Tomura, and the insides of Tomura were still churning with the stupid, indigestible truth that deep down, he was a pitiful child wanting to be saved. The ghosts had been ruthless in their excavation.
“Shut up,” Tomura managed, and his lips curled weakly to bare his teeth. “Just--would you shut the hell up and kill me already?”
Midoriya twitched. Unlike Tomura, Midoriya was laid-out flat on his back, face turned to the sky and all four limbs stretched out like a butterfly pinned to a corkboard. The kid didn’t even bother twisting his neck. He just side-eyed Tomura with unwarranted incredulity.
“A hero wouldn’t hesitate. Not after all I’ve done.”
“What do you think I’ve been trying to do,” Midoriya said, unsteadily, “for the past hour?”
“You’re trying to be the good guy. ‘There’s always someone to save.’ Ugh.”
The doctor had subjected him to intense electric shocks, conditioning his body before the transfer of All for One, and the Quirk still hadn’t integrated peacefully. Star and Stripes tried to smother him in the ocean and obliterate him altogether. In neither of these cases did Tomura cry.
Tears were beading up now, threatening to spill over and soak the ground. Tomura crooked his fingers against the dirt, seeking Decay in the fiery ruins of his veins, and tasting blood when all he turned up was more pain.
“I can’t do this,” he gasped. “I can’t look at--at all their stupid faces--and listen to them tell me that I was wrong--”
Unbelievably, Midoriya wrenched himself to the side and reached over to grab a fistful of Tomura’s hair. He said, “You don’t get to die.” He sounded like a hero; he sounded like a maniac who would see Tomura thrown into some asylum for ‘recovery’ when all it would really be was an indefinite term of drugged incarceration. “One for All didn’t go away so you could die. I told them I’d save you, and I will.”
“You and what Quirk?! You think you count for anything now? Even All Might’s word doesn’t mean shit!”
“You’re Quirkless too, now!” Midoriya fired back.
Tomura clenched his jaw. Maybe if he ate enough dirt, he’d throw up, choke on his own vomit, and die before any medical assistance reached them. Like being unable to use a Quirk mattered to the terrified, paranoid judicial system. He’d dusted both of Overhaul’s arms up to the elbows and they booked him in Tartarus anyway.
“I won’t let you disappear,” the boy swore.
“Moron,” Tomura spat. “I’m telling you over and over again, it doesn’t matter what the hell you want. You’re gonna stand against the heroes when they drag me to prison? You’re gonna ask them to go easy on me with the sentencing? It’d be more merciful to just kill me!”
Midoriya yanked on Tomura’s hair, and Tomura wailed a long, despairing cry into the dirt. Would anyone else help him? Dabi--useless. Toga--useless. Spinner--gone. Mr. Compress--imprisoned. All Tomura had left was Midoriya, and he hated Midoriya, but not enough to suppress Tenko’s needy want for a friend. 
“If they take you, I’ll find you. I’ll ask All Might to find a safehouse in the country. I’ll make sure you have dogs to take care of.” Midoriya released Tomura and rolled himself completely to his stomach. His eyes were red-rimmed but dry. Exhaustion weighed on him as heavily as the hurt did on Tomura. “Don’t you want to live?”
This was the final straw, amidst the many final straws that had edged their fight further and further in Midoriya’s favor. Tomura had no desire to voice Tenko’s want, so he scrunched his wet eyes shut and screamed into the shattered earth.
Next to him, Midoriya waited.
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ravelights · 6 months
So I've been out of the bnha fandom for a bit, but with AFO biting the dust finally I kind wanted to talk about my perspective with the deal with this situation.
Mostly about AFO and Izuku story as characters, because I don't think you need to look far to see that there is or was something bigger to both their characters, that connected them in a way outside of OFA and that story line. Now for a long time a lot of fan thought of the DFO theory but I've and plenty other I think have gotten to the point where that's been sadly debunked.
That being said I don't ever regret being apart of that theory fandom, it was an awesome community to be apart of and they stories, fanart and theories that have been made were incredible. and A lot of us even die hard believers knew it was a far fetch theory even at the best of time's, but that the reality of following a story it doesn't always turn out the way you expect, but it was still a blast to be apart of.
The thing about the DFO theory was that it handily tied two very real plot threads in the story in a clean knot. Which is who is Hisashi Midoriya, and what the weird foreshadowing with Deku and AFO but now it seems their separate I want to talk about the later theory.
From the beginning of the manga AFO has a had a presence in deku Life, as many fans know the doctor who diagnose Deku quirkless is AFO doctor who also turned his grandson who played with deku into a nomu. We also have gotten what went down at Kamino and AFO general off handed attuited when it came to deku for most of the story. The multiple quirk's deku could spawned without dying and even that chapter 217 the basically compared Deku to AFO. Not to mention two different official artwork of them interacting. Despite some pretty big foreshadowing that something was going on with them, after this newest chapter 410 many fan are scratching their heads in what his all means. Because DFO aside there was something more to their story that know seems to have just been left as a dead end.
Now of course this story is not over yet and this could still be explained. but it is a lot of build up for two character who will have never interacted face to face (as far as we know). And frankly I'm at a complete loss as to what it all meant, it's possible it could have been a story line Hori wanted to change, which i don't blame him if that's the case, BNHA has been going on for a decade now, ideas that happened at the beginning of the story certainly haven't made it to the end. For example Hori just revealed that Endeavor was meant to die earlier in the story, and that Tsukauchi was meant to be a traitor. not to mention there have been a lot of other family reveals he might have felt he overloaded the story if he had decided to do DFO at some point.
That being said it's not the only plot thread that's been left unanswered (for now). For instance we still don't know why Gran became a hero (anyone remember that plot thread from the stain arc). We have yet to know anything about Nana husband and of course we still have no idea who Hisashi is. and Their seems to have been a slightly dropped arc with the doctor, the nomu and his grandson.
so what does this whole ramble mean in the end? well it's the fact I'm a little stubbed as to where these character are going now and a little disappointed they never got to fight. That being said there is still a way to go before the manga ends, so I have a feeling at this point we all just have to wait and see if these plot point tie up or if they where dropped.
And Who knows, maybe it's something Hori has planned for later down the track outside of the main manga. Should he ever want to do a sequel to MHA or maybe possible a prequal.
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