#Psychological Warfare
reality-detective · 10 months
Psychological Warfare 🤔
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keystonepublishing · 1 month
Psychological Warfare of the Malayan Emergency by Herbert A. Friedman (Ret.)
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Have you ever been taught a version of history at school that seems weirdly simplistic? And then years later, you find more evidence that shows the whole affair was a giant, complicated mess?
Guess what I learned over the past few months about the Malayan Emergency.
For context, the Malayan Emergency was a conflict that raged in the British colony of Malaya from 1948 until the 1960s between communist forces and the British government, later continued by the independent Malayan government. The government forces won, but any school teachings of the conflict was presented in a manner that simplified the complex (and often, grey) nature of the Emergency.
I knew since then that a lot of truths were hidden away, but I didn't realize that there was a psychological aspect to the Emergency until I stumbled upon this webpage by a retired military officer about it. Given the length of the information provided and that it's the only one of it's kind — and therefore at risk of information loss if deleted, I sought to bookbind it. Pictures and all.
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Given the amount of information contained and the sheer number of images, this project took about a month!
I had to divide the continuous stream of information in the webpage into readable chapters.
Then, I had to layout the images with the text, which was actually harder than expected — the size of the image could shift relevant text into the following pages, so it was a process of balancing image size to textual placement.
In-between that was the regular work of typesetting, but also of formatting quotes and examples, of which there were a lot.
And then there were pages that required special attention. For example, these pages:
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The pages on the right was relatively simple — a double-sided leaflet that could be showcased in a double-page spread, with contextual information in the following pages.
On the left however, to create the list of dead / living people, I had to finagle a table in Microsoft Word and constantly adjust the cell size to make the long names and positions fit. The whole endeavor was an exercise in patience.
Leafing through the pages, there are some parts I am annoyed with, such as pictures on the right page with their annotated message in the following left page. But as it is, I'm just glad this is done.
Special thanks to SGM Herbert A. Friedman (Ret.) for compiling this information that astonished me to create this bookbind.
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cocksley-and-catapult · 10 months
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i lov. my favorite webcombic . grey garfield and chicken little
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lowbloom · 3 months
you’re laughing.
charles leclerc fully pavlov’ed himself into winking at his biggest rival every time they’re shaking hands and you’re laughing. 😐
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charliejaneanders · 1 month
The basic structure of an American psyop is cobbled together out of advertising techniques, pop psychology, and pulp fiction tropes... the military spent the early years of the 20th century figuring out how to craft messages that can hurt, demoralize, and distract you. 
How to recognize a psyop in three easy steps
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thefloatingstone · 3 months
The older I get the more power I realise I have when there is a Zoomer word I don't like and think is dumb;
Just start saying it and using it slightly incorrectly. The way you pronounce it in a sentence is key. The more cringe you can apply to it the better.
Then start doing that frequently, preferably out loud.
Watch that word die in real time.
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starlightseraph · 8 months
“enjoy yourself” playing while house and wilson ride off together scared me so bad i almost died
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
After a long time without doing so, the military arm of Hamas is once again releasing a publication dealing with psychological warfare regarding the abductees. Please do not distribute their material.
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starsha-stardust · 2 months
this scene was diabolical
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reality-detective · 7 months
Laura Aboli - “Transhumanism: The End Game”
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rottingraisins · 2 years
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
by Nave Dromi
-The images that had a profound effect on the target audiences were those of surrendering Gazans, stripped down to their underwear handing over their weapons without a fight.
There are countless other examples, but arguably the most famous took place last week with the IDF’s operations in Jenin to root out the terror network there.
After taking over a mosque that had been used for terrorist purposes, one IDF soldier decided to chant the Shema Yisrael prayer over the loudspeakers that are traditionally used by the mosque’s muezzim to call Muslims to prayer.
This singular moment caused such great disturbance amongst the local Arabs that they had to set off a loud alarm throughout the area to try and drown it out.
This was a moment which reverberated around the city of Jenin, a veritable viper’s nest of terrorists. The Jews had come and were victorious.
The message was clear.
From the very loudspeakers that Hamas spokesman Abu Obeida was allowed to invite to terror and mass murder, the IDF soldiers were now chanting Jewish prayers in defiance and boldness.
Unfortunately, not everyone saw it that day, and after the Palestinian Authority Foreign Ministry complained, the soldiers involved were court-martialed.
Of course, not everything goes in war and there need to be officialdom's boundaries.
However, all these events send a very important message, of resistance to those who want the Jewish People to disappear from their ancestral and indigenous homeland. The PA, no less than Hamas, would continue massacring Jews until there are none left.
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poopyboiman · 5 months
for three months now I've been terrorizing my little sister, every time I decide I want to be annoying I start reciting the entire jurgen leitner rant at x2 speed at her,
the look on her face when I start chanting weird shit in a language she doesn't speak brings me an amount of joy and satisfaction that cannot be described by words
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charliejaneanders · 13 days
There's no way that you can talk back to a gun. The gun doesn't have an opinion, it's just trying to hurt you.
In my latest newsletter I talk to Annalee Newitz about their new book, STORIES ARE WEAPONS, and how to protect ourselves about psychological warfare.
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whozui · 24 days
I did a paper once for college talking about the psychological effects yemeni's had due to saudi arabias psychological warfare.
they'd fly the planes used to drop bombs at random hours, people wouldn't know if they'd be bombed or if it was just a scare tactic.
isntreal does the same with their constant buzzing drones, random bomb drops, and plane fly overs
but seeing the videos of palestinians talking about the drones isntreal is using to lure out palestinians with the sound of baby cries, and people screaming at night is an extra level of psychological warfare.
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simseez · 1 month
Kendrick Lamar - 6:16 In LA (Drake Diss)
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