#Pruspa is love
helianskies · 1 year
The lesson barely begins before the teacher tells them to get into groups of three or four and to complete a set of tasks on the board. Lazy teaching, some would call it; others would regard it, however, as a perfect chance to continue the conversations left incomplete when lunchtime ended not even ten minutes ago.
In one of the back corners of the classroom, a quiet and tired Antonio sits with Francis. 
Antonio transferred to the school only a few weeks ago and is yet to really befriend anyone other than Francis (and two others who do not take History, unfortunately), so he is more than happy to keep his head down and stay put. Francis, on the other hand, who has proven to be quite the socialite, proceeds to wave across the room at someone while the other is busy trying to fish his water bottle out of his rucksack.
At first, Antonio wonders if it is perhaps Arthur that Francis has attempted to summon; Antonio does not know him well, but finds that the other’s seemingly permanent frown is often turned towards him. He is, therefore, not an ideal collaborator.
But, when Arthur does not appear, and in fact turns out to be settled in a different corner of the class, Antonio feels a small pang of relief. He sits up straight in his seat as Francis pulls out a plethora of colourful pens and highlighters from his pencil case, ready for use, and goes to open his bottle, when—
A frown lands on his own face (unthinkable!) and he gives the screw cap of his bottle a good glare. He tries again to twist it off, but it refuses to budge. It does not move. It does not even hint at wanting to move. And Antonio’s throat suddenly feels a million times drier than before. 
He sets the bottle down on the desk, the metal creating a soft clang. “Damn thing,” he mutters, outraged, as he makes further attempts to satisfy his thirst, “did you glue yourself shut?”
“Are you okay?” Francis asks—a ridiculous question. “Do you want me to—?”
“No, it’s fine,” Antonio replies, “I think I just did it up too tight at lunch, that’s all.”
“Aha! Let me help you, schatz.”
There is no time to process who has popped out of thin air to assist before the bottle is whisked out of his hands. Antonio recoils from the speed and shock of it, only to be met by Gilbert. 
Gilbert. Gilbert, who Antonio has only spoken to a couple of times in passing (another associate of Francis’ who he often spies out of a classroom window sneaking a cigarette at the back of the school field, or hiding in his car in the car park in his free period) and who now stands over them, a semi-smug grin on his face, as he goes to unscrew Antonio’s bottle.
Only, his first attempt fails. It knocks his smile off-kilter.
He tries again, more aggressively, the effort painted on his reddening face. But it proves just as successful an attempt. 
“What the heck,” he utters under his breath, going in for another go. “Who glued this thing shut? That’s so not cool…”
Antonio feels bad, if not offended. “Don’t look at me,” he says, “I just wanted a drink, but nevermind.”
Gilbert hums. He gives up on the bottle and sets it back down on the table in front of Antonio. And then, without saying anything, he wanders off.
“He’ll be back in a second,” Francis assures Antonio, “I invited him to work with us, if that’s alright with you.”
“Sure,” the other replies, indifferent, but still perplexed by his bottle conundrum.
His bewilderment only worsens, however, when Gilbert returns to their table—this time with his book, a pen, a chair to sit on, and a fresh bottle of water. He puts his things down and takes a seat, and before doing anything else, offers the bottle to Antonio. 
“Here,” he says, “I haven’t opened it yet. Ah, wait—” Gilbert goes ahead and opens the bottle, perhaps for show, or perhaps to reassure himself that he can indeed open bottles and has not lost all of his strength, and then holds it back out to the other. “Now it’s open.”
It’s a kind gesture, but Antonio is hesitant to accept. “You don’t have to do that, it’s fine,” he tries to insist.
Gilbert, however, is quite persistent, too. 
“You might as well,” he presses, “‘cause your bottle’s not opening any time soon. If you need a drink, you need a drink.”
“Seriously, just have some. I don’t mind.”
In the end, what choice does Antonio have but to yield? He thanks the other gingerly, embarrassed by his predicament and weirdly flattered(?) by the other's generosity, and takes the bottle. He takes a few wary sips. He takes his time. He glances at Gilbert out of the corner of his eye as the clock hands slowly tick on, and he muses to himself, I guess he's not as bad as people make out...
In the meantime, Gilbert turns his attention to Francis—a blessing in disguise for Antonio, who is glad he is no longer being perceived under the circumstances—and, with that, the three of them briefly discuss the work, before naturally reverting to casual conversation.
By the time the lesson finishes, Antonio has taken only half of the notes he wanted to; one bottle of water remains untouched while the other is empty and waiting to be refilled or recycled; Gilbert has offered to take the one bottle and unstick it with some tools at home but Antonio has been able to ‘no’ this time; and Francis has been left wondering… what is with these two?
Though they have not known each other for long, he has sensed something between Antonio and Gilbert that he truly had not anticipated. Whether it be friendship or something more, it has him intrigued—it has become something he will monitor, if only for entirely selfish purposes—but not as intrigued as the mystery of Antonio’s bottle.
As people file out of the class (including Antonio and Gilbert, tangled up in some random yet deep conversation) Francis finds himself in the company of Arthur. He asks, without missing a beat, “What did you do?”
“I got Ivan to tighten the lid when Antonio went to the toilet earlier on, obviously,” Arthur returns without any qualms.
Francis tries not to sigh, nor to smile. “Dare I even ask why?”
Arthur merely scoffs.
That means ‘don’t bother’.
And that means that Francis may need to have a gentle word with Antonio about avoiding Arthur for the rest of the week, lest he risk a greater consequence than simply having his drinking water compromised. Francis would not wish the evils of Arthur’s mind on anyone. Not after what happened at the Winter Ball; he is yet to psychologically and emotionally recover from the ordeal… as is his poor suit!
[ final wordcount, 1169 words ] [ ficlet collection on ao3! ]
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franciskirkland · 4 months
💚 and 💘 ?
💚: I guess Romano/Spain and UKUS? No real secrets here, but I have friends who dislike these ships so I don't talk about them much.
💘: I don't actually know what is and isn't considered popular but CuCan, US/France, EngIta, PruSpa, TurkFra, a handful of them really. I love all sorts of rarepairs.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Maybe BFT + England for the ship bingo?
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God my first OT4. You think BFT is chaotic? Add Arthur to the mix and you're doomed.
But like...despite them annoying the hell out of Arthur, they all really love each other. They were friends before they were lovers and know each other very well.
Honestly, my favorite thing about this ship is Arthur getting loved on by three pretty boys and him not knowing how to handle it half the time. As much as I like to make Arthur suffer, I love to comfort him even more. Touched starved babe gets triple the cuddles and I love that for him.
Also, it combines some ships I really like (frain, fruk, pruk, bft) with some other ships I never really engaged with before (pruspa, spuk, prufra, etc.)
Just...I really love them. They would be so comical and get up to the wackiest shit and they deserve it.
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crispyliza · 3 years
I made transparents out of these
Each one is an individual pic, i just put them next to each other for fun
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Use freely! ^^
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aphspain-pure · 4 years
How to face an unrequited love [Part 1]
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This is the 1st part of this little doujin I'm working on.
As some kind of summary, let's say that this is placed in the Hetalia Gakuen AU. The plot is basically that some people is suffering from unrequited love, and that the people who's loved is, likewise, suffering from the same. It's like a vicious circle in which everyone is just dealing with their feelings in different ways.
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aonan-mt610 · 6 years
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prussia & spain  🐥🍅
i love you two.  (♡ >ω
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keiksy-cake · 3 years
55 - PruSpa, Welcome Back
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I love pruspa so much!
Translated with permission! Pixiv User ID is 55497151, plz check out their page for more great hetalia content :3
Cleaned Version
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helltalia-inc · 3 years
If you are readying this, I want you to send me Anonymous (or not) a ship that you love.
I don't care of its "popular" or "underrated" or "controversial" or "pure" or "hated" or "problematic" or "kinky" or "incest" or "whatever"...
The only thing that matters is YOU LOVING THAT SHIP, nothing else.
Anyone who says otherwise, just doesn't know sh#t.
I ship Hardcore Nedport, Dennor, Sunor, Densu, BelaBel, Spabel, Spaport, Germancest, Italiancest, Nichu, Rochu, Monacau, Indicau, SwiAus, Frus, UsUk, Fruk, AmeCan, NedLux, NedBel, NedSpa, Spuk, Rusame, Romabel, BelLiech, Pofran, FraPort, LuxPort, PruIta, PruHun, PruAus, PruSpa, Frain, ... (and those are only the ones I can remember at the moment, with only 2 characters).
If you are going to send me hate or threats or being unpleasant or "whatever" with me, then you are just an ugly #ss. And I couldn't care less if I got your approval or not. Do you really think that just because you "don't approve" some of those ships, that I would stop shipping them? You must be delusional.
Unfollow and Block me, I don't want be near people with such a little mind.
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paperuniverse · 3 years
Otp for them: Spamano
Brotp for them: Bad friends trio! I love their dynamic, they’re all big goofs.
Other ships: Pruspa is cute
What kind of fic I’d write about them: Uhhh I recently just wrote a fic where he went to visit Lovino in the middle of the night and then they snuggled :)
A favourite canon moment: The nekotalia scene where he tells neko France he can restore his mural lol
Colour that reminds me of them: Dark red
Song that reminds me of them: Can’t think of one rn
A headcanon about them: He has a little vegetable garden he likes to tend to!
A random AU I think up on the spot for them: He’s a landscaper and the family he works for has a cute older son around his age who acts like he doesn’t like him but always brings him water and talks to him.
Anything else: I want to hug him so badly hsdgkj
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katemarley · 4 years
003 | Austria (and 002|SpAus too if possible)🌸
(referring to this - fyi feel free to send in more, I just forgot to answer this oops - my apologies! 🌸)
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when or if I started shipping it: I had known that they were A Thing/considered to be married in the early modern period from the manga, but my eyes got opened when I read Chey’s (sithmarauder on AO3 and ff.net) first SpAus story, “For Caesar’s I Am”, in December 2015.
my thoughts: Love them. One of my OTPs. They balance each other out so well – Austria acts cool and aloof most of the time but Spain brings out his softer, more emotional side whereas Spain is an impulsive hothead who gets anchored and calmed down by his husband.
What makes me happy about them: I hc Spain was the first person Austria truly fell in love with, slowly, after their marriage of convenience. And I hc Spain returned the feeling, spoiling Austria with lots of romantic bs. x)
What makes me sad about them: Politics drove them apart in the latter half of the 17th century; mutual misunderstandings; deliberately hurting each other; eventually standing on different sides in the War of the Spanish Succession; a messy, nerve-wrecking divorce/marriage annulment (because I believe the AusHun wedding happened in church, and that wouldn’t have been possible if Austria had been considered “divorced”).
Things done in fanfic that annoy me: “They never loved each other. It was all just politics.” Unfeeling, evil Austria driving Spain into someone else’s arms. Haven’t encountered it the other way round, but I wouldn’t like that either.
Things I look for in fanfic: well-written historical details; their love is mutual. Other than that, I’m fine with most things, from sweet budding romance to harsh, angsty break-up.
My kinks: IDK if that counts as a kink, but I like it when Spain suggests they try out something new in bed; Austria is first scandalised by the idea; Spain gives him sad puppy eyes; Austria gives in because he wants to make Spain happy … and in the end, he’s really into whatever they try out.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: As for Austria, I love PruAus and AusHun as well, so either of them would be my favourites; as for Spain, I prefer SpUK and – a bit of a crackship maybe, but it’s grown on me – PruSpa. But I’m a multishipper, so these are not the only options I’d read as “endgame” in fanfic and be fine with.
My happily ever after for them: They start meeting more often after Austria joins the EU in 1995 (Spain joined in 1986) and gradually come to realise that their old feelings aren’t dead. So, after painfully talking through the bad times of their marriage as well as their divorce, they decide to give it another try – as an open relationship (no more marriages!), determined to talk through any relationship issues in the future rather than bottling them up, and promising to see each other much more frequently than it was possibly in the early modern period.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: I love him, OK? Austria appears to be cold, distant and aloof, but once you get to know him better, he’s actually an overall kind person (unless you pester him too much) with a sharp, sometimes biting and morbid sense of humour. He’s much more chill than people give him credit for and not easily bothered. He is, however, a bit lazy – except when it comes to making music; then he’s very diligent and practices thoroughly. Has become quite domestic nowadays, but used to be quite a good fighter, especially with a sword. High degree of body control. Loves dancing.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Spain, Hungary, Prussia, Turkey … uuh, I guess I’d be up for a lot of ships with him, but the first four are who I currently ship him most with.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Austria and Bavaria (“I hate you but I love you, o my brother”) as well as Austria and Switzerland are my brOTPs for him.
My unpopular opinion about this character: IDK if that is an unpopular opinion, but it might be controversial for some people: He’s Catholic. Most Austrians are, even though the number of Catholics dropped significantly in the past 20 years (from c. 90% in 1950 to c. 75% in 2000 to c. 55% today). Culturally, however, Austria is definitely a Catholic country.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish we had had more SpAus marriage scenes!
My OTP: SpAus, AusHun and PruAus, to equal degrees.
My OT3: As for SpAusHun, that would be Austria’s dream, but I doubt Spain and Hungary would get along that well… Can’t really see Hungary returning Prussia’s feelings for her, so PruAusHun is an open poly triangle for me, with Hungary and Prussia as friends/best buddies. But I can actually see SpAusPru work out.
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helianskies · 1 year
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Antonio and Gilbert decide to help Francis and Arthur enjoy a romantic evening together after previously doing more damage than good. And what better than to cook a fancy meal for them?
However, by the end of the night, it might not just be Francis and Arthur that are going to have some fun together...
[ read fic on ao3! ] [ posted: 05.06.2020 ]
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franciskirkland · 6 months
Hypermobile Françoise anon once again !
I have come up with another crackship
Australia x N. Italy
It is slowly (that's a lie, rapidly) growing on me. Hhhhh,,,
Do you have any polyships?
hello good morning?? or whatever time it is for you. lmao that's a wild ship. so in my experience this country and it's populace are terrifying insane (positive) and i think feli would be so afraid of jack. it'd never work. 10/10 crack <3
on that note i absolutely LOVE polyships i am about to go feral hhhrhraaauughhgh growl growl
obviously, bft (prussia x spain x france) is the polycule of all time. perfect. no notes. chef's kiss.
i love when they're platonic life partners as well. or co-parenting?? like imagine fran gets knocked up by someone else (cough cough arthur) and gil and toni are the dads who step up?? adorable.
bft + romano is a great crack polyship. also bft + england?? except i don't like pruk romantically or sexually. so england x spain and france? pruspa and fruk? however you slice it i guess.
i also love any variation of the FACE characters as a polyship. like i usually see them as a family. al and matt as brothers, and/or their sons but that's not 100% fixed in my perspective and there are infinite possibilities in human AUs.
single parents fruk + amecan stepbros to lovers?
england and america x france. na bros x france. england x na bros. (but not in an incestuous way if they're literally brothers. not my thing)
especially love when the three of them are like. artie's angels. or all of them tripleteaming france.
also i am rabid for scotland and england fighting over and sharing france. but since those two are always biologically (? as much as a nation can be) related to me, its only poly in one direction. there's nothing physical between them but they're fran's brother husbands. communal wife.
geritafra?? gerita and fruk swinging?? not a fan of gereng so not them but like. swapping spouses so it's gerfra and engita together. or arthur or ludwig playing with both fran and feli.
THE GOURMET TRIO AS A POLYCULE IN A SPECIFIC WAY. AND ENGLAND IS THERE TOO? everyone (turkey + china + england) x france + iggychu. fran and arthur are married. sadik and yao are fucking fran. together or separately. and arthur is fucking yao. does that make sense? i love turkfra so much. criminally underrated.
in an au where they're not related, SCOTCANFRA
also these aren't characters i'm super invested in but frying pangle (pruaushun) is a classic polyship and basically canon.
as always thanks for the ask <3 sorry for the formatting i wrote this on mobile
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maivalkov · 3 years
So, I'm asuming your favourite pairings in hetalia would be engspa and nedport, I mean regarding these four (if I'm wrong, I'm sorry). My question would be, if they couldn't end up together (for example, Arthur and Antonio), who would you like each of them to end up with? You can say more than one, if you want (or none at all) I'm just curious. Regarding history all of them have had plenty of relationships with outher countries, which makes it eve harder to choose just one partner for each one.
Oh wow what a great question. I will clarify that my OTPs (how does that work, never mind lol) are engspa and nedport, like you've rightly assumed, and I won't talk about them with others on a frequent basis.
For England, Spain and Port the next choice would be France. (I have, however, been educated in the appeal of PruSpa so that's absolutely an option as well). TurkPort also works great.
I've seen some EngGer and I rather like that, specifically the idea of two awkward men bonding because of their dogs (aka. 101 Dalmatians plot minus the crazy villainess).
For Ned, it's tough. I really love him and Denmark as best friends, so that's where they stay for me. I'd maybe go with Germany or Sweden for this one, because I like the idea of huge blokes being very tender.
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koolkat9 · 3 years
Aaa if ur still doing the kiss prompts, maybe 12 w the bft????
Or if not the 3 then Pruspa?
One of my favorite OT3s let’s go!!!
Prompt: Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss.
Paring: BFT
“Mi pajarito,” Antonio whispers. He’s right up against my back, breath tickling my ear. His arms wrap around my waist as he nuzzles my neck.
“Special spot?”
“Francis there?”
I turn towards him, placing a light kiss on his nose. “Best not keep him waiting,” I muse, taking his hand and pulling him towards the farthest corner of the room. 
Alfred never changed how his parties’ floor plans were organized. It was good for us, we could keep our private spot in a corner often hidden by some sort of giant decoration. This time it's a collection of colourful balloons and I can see Francis sitting on the other side, his knees up to his chest and a warm smile on his face. Antonio pushes me around to the other side before I can start walking and after a particularly hard shove, I land in Francis’s lap. “Bonjour beau,” Francis cooed, placing a kiss on my forehead, “avoiding us?”
I know he was just teasing me, but still, I responded: “Nien, I just got here.” Antonio snuggles up to Francis’ side, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. We normally weren’t this lovey-dovey or at least not this soft in our lovey-doveiness. My brother described it as chaotic, I liked to describe it as wild and living our lives to the fullest. We were friends long before we were lovers and there has never been a dull moment between us all these years later. 
But that was not to say we didn’t love these moments, though perhaps not the most used to treating each other with such quiet and gentleness. But in this corner, it didn’t matter. We exchanged sweet kisses, talked in low voices, called each other names of endearment in our native tongue. Our world slows, everyone else disappears and it’s just us. 
“Maybe we should leave early,” Antonio suggests when we pull away from each other. He’s out of breath from our kissing session. We can never get enough and end up kissing each other silly during times like these. It always leaves me all warm inside with a giddy feeling and a foggy mind. That’s probably why I don’t fully understand his words.
“But Gil just got here,” Francis says, though it's slightly muffled since his lips are somewhat still placing kisses on the back of my neck.
“No Toni’s right, let's blow this popsicle stand! After all, I’ve got some plans.” I give them a mischievous smirk that is quickly matched by the both of them as they get the implication. 
“Pillow fight!” Antonio cheers,  taking my hand. I take Francis’ and we run out of the ballroom, giggling the whole way.
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Accepted Nyo!Spain App
You’ve been accepted, thank you for your app! Please have a blog up within the next week @cherry-fizz 
NAME: Angelo PRONOUNS: They/them + he/him CONTACT URL: cherry-fizz CHARACTER WANTED: Nyo Spain
EXTRA: I run multiple blogs for rp and ask blogs as well, so i’ll not be as active as i want to be, but for the most part will interact and reblog as much as possible.
FULL NAME: Elena Fernandez Carriedo  
AGE / YEAR: 22 and 3rd year (Junior) GENDER / PRONOUNS: Female + she/they
APPEARANCE: Elena isn’t very tall in stature, standing around 5'3 in total, which seems a bit short from where she’s from. Overall, her build isn’t very athletic and slightly curvy around the hip and butt area. She’s got freckles all over her body that are hard to see unless up close. She’s naturally tan with slightly curly hair that she likes to straighten, as well as a tooth gap she hides with a closed mouth smile. She’s got a bit of a muffin top and rather large chest, along with a litter of scars and stretch marks on her thighs and lower stomach. Elena has a tongue piercing she likes to play around with and show off sometimes.   PERSONALITY: Elena is a very sluggish yet happy student, often easy going and easily tired with every little thing or work she has to do. At moments she seems like she can run a marathon, then the next, she’s falling behind or already asleep as she lets everyone else talk over her. Extremely happy and joyous is one way to describe her, though when provoked or bothered, she’ll either be extremely pissed off or crying, irritated rather quicker than she is frustrated.
Like everyone else, she often goes by without letting people know of her strong insecurities and illnesses that ruin her in day to day life, but if someone comes to her with their own personal problem, she will drop everything immediately and attempt to help the out in any way she can, even if it means doing something risky or life-threatening. This of course has caused people to worry about her to the extreme when she’s taking matters in her own hands to do what’s right.
Overall, she has a nihilistic view of life and tends to mask it with a smile that seems almost too genuine to be real.
SKILLS: Gardening, writing, and language?
GARDENING: While it’s not exactly a skill in school, she does run a small gardening club in her free time and takes care of plants for her neighbors. If given the chance, she shares her fruits and veggies she’s grown with her friends and family. A teacher once suggested her field should be somewhere in the botanist field because of her green thumb.
WRITING: Elena, since she was young, had a strong imagination that led her to happiness when she least expected it. She’s a strong writer in the fantasy and horror genre, often writing small stories in classes and in her free time. She has gotten a poem she wrote published while in Highschool and to this day, she’s terribly proud of it.
LANGUAGE: The woman is fluent in several languages and has no problem teaching others the basics of other languages. It’s a simple process for her, really.
FLAWS: Nihilistic, “crybaby”, easily swayed, self-worth and self-pity, compulsive liar.
NIHILISTIC: Since she was a child, Elena always played positive, but never took life too seriously in terms of “worth fighting for”. Being a person who grew up with a troubled childhood, she seems to have taken the “do what you want whenever you want - even if it kills you” type of person.
CRYBABY: That being said, she also tends to bottle up her feelings and do what she feels she wants, but it ends up with her relapsing and crying out her feelings until she can’t move or speak up. She often confides in her dog Percho for help in such times. Around others, she’ll get overly irritated and teary eyed until she’s given the chance to leave.
EASILY SWAYED: Elena is easily swayed by her own and other’s emotions, often leading her to do terrible things for the sake of helping them out, which has caused problems before.
SELF WORTH & SELF PITY: Her troubled childhood often comes back to haunt her. With parents who didn’t really care much for her sake and being taken in by a neighbor, she really sees herself as nobody important much less someone to consider important to anyone. She puts herself down so that others can tower over her, even if she hates it.
COMPULSIVE LIAR: Elena often lies about things she’s done and her emotions, playing the mask of a perfect woman while behind doors, she drinks to excess and disregards her mental health as well as physical in total. Unless someone is close to her, she’ll find it hard not to lie about every little thing.
BACKSTORY: Elena grew up living in a broken family in a fairly hazardous area. Her father was never really present in her life, and when he was, he seemed to pretend she wasn’t his daughter or took her as maid rather than take care of her. Her mother was often at work and didn’t pay much attention to her, brushing her off when the girl went to her. She often thought she was the cause of her parent’s problems and fights, as so they seemed to yell and throw punches at her when they fought.
Eventually, she went to meet her neighbor, a kind woman who took her in as a child of her own, albeit, the 10 year old had already gotten a fractured mindset. With her life in shambles, she learned how to handle basic tasks with her neighbor like cleaning and cooking, but she also began to show signs of having been slow in school and making friends, as well as making decisions on her own. By 12, she was taken to a doctor and gotten tests done to reveal she had minor PTSD and Selective Mutism, as well as being a some what Pathological Liar at such a young age. 
At school, she loosened up, able to wind down from her troubles and hang around with kids her age, but with her past, she still had trouble with her stuttering and explaining why she beat up a kid who was bullying her friends. Growing into her mid teens to late teens was a hassle for her as she preferred to stay home and study with her neighbor or a few friends than wonder around and go to parties her school friends held. Slowly, she gained the habbit of drinking - much like her father - and to excess, rather than explaining how she felt to her friends. Her neighbor began to label her as rebellious, but emotional as she seemed to have breakdowns quite often and trouble expressing her feelings without lying about them. 
Starting college, she started to visit a therapist and a counselor about her feelings, even so far as to being taken to a place to be cared for when she opened up about her self harm and thoughts about wanting to “no longer carry this burden”. It was a turning point in her life as she saw that while she wasn’t alone, she wasn’t useless, she had talents she just needed to polish up on. 
Now, she has a good education, still living with her neighbor as her so called parents no longer live nearby. Of course, she still has her lying and drinking issues, it’s not as strong as they were before. Her main problem now is her stuttering and how she’s going to afford college with her 3 part time jobs.
She’s better at speaking Spanish than English
She’s pansexual, leaning more female.
She really loves memes to the point of printing a meme and placing it on her teachers door.
Dog sitting is one of her jobs.
MAJOR(S): Linguistics/Writing Majors. MINORS: Forensic Botanist COURSES: Forensic Botany, Forensic Science, Foreign Language, English III, (multiple) Literatures
OTP(S): Nyo Spamano [Mainly], Nyo Frain, NedSpa, BelSpa, PruSpa
NOTP(S): PortSpa, EngSpa, & ScotSpa
WRITING SAMPLE: “ Really?Huh, that’s kind of dumb. ” Elena grinned, although her words held poison in their tones. A sip of the martini in her right hand held a somewhat sign of uncaring towards him, though, she would never tell him. At least, not directly. She wasn’t interested in a man with few words and no intentions - she liked them in leather and begging for a “taste test”. All he did was provoke a tease. The Spaniard took another small sip from her glass, placing it softly onto the wooden table between them, and opening her mouth once again. “ I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to impress a woman. But eh, I can forgive you. If you buy me another drink. ” The grin playing on her lips turned into a bitter smirk, though her eyes held the same song of boredom. How was a sucker like this going to make up for the fact he called her an “ exotic bitch ”? He dug his own grave, Elena was only helping him in it.
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keiksy-cake · 3 years
All Hetalia Fanmade Content Translated On This Page (click “keep reading”)
Updated 1/23/23
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My Favorites:
Lunatic Blue
The Day You Killed Me (Rus and Liet)
Hand and Hand (Rus and NyoUkr)
Grandpa Rome and the Youth
Another Side of Valentine's (GerIta)
Romano Can't Sleep
Holy Rome’s Visit
Impermanence (Prussia)
A Cold Cradle (RusAme)
Upon Sorrow Already Tainted (Prussia)
Lunatic Blue (1000/10 series, highly recommended!!):
Lunatic Blue 1
Lunatic Blue 2
Lunatic Blue 3
Lunatic Blue 4
Lunatic Blue 5
Lunatic Blue 6 
Lunatic Blue 7
Lunatic Blue 8
Lunatic Blue edit I made :>
Child America and Russia
Russia and the Axis
Hand and Hand (Russia and Ukraine)
The Day You Killed Me (Russia and Liet)
Your Cold Room (RusAme)
Ivan and Francis
Holiday (RusAme)
Jumping In A Pool (RoPru)
Running Away (Frussia)
Till Tomorrow (RusFin)
RoPru Short Thingy
So No Head? (RoPru)
The Outside World (RoChu)
Until Death Do Us Part
A Star
Left On Read (RusPrus)
Walks With Lithuania (RusLiet)
Finland Is Strange
Staying Together In The Cold (RusAme)
Happy Birthday Russia (RusAme, TW: trauma)
Get Up
The Revolutionary Trumpet (RoChu)
The Summit (RusAme)
A Cold Cradle (RusAme)
Where Are You Going (RusAme)
Russia Is Dead (RusAme)
Liet & the Ferocious Taiga Bear
Unrequited Love (RusAme, RusLiet)
Good Friends (liet)
Edible Aftereffect (ropru)
A Special Feeling
False Thorns Preview
Another Side of Valentine's
GerIta Prison Date
Can't You Be More Like (2p!GerIta)
Holy Rome’s Visit
Pasta Baby
Caught In The Rain (gerita)
GerIta Friendship Song
I Want To See You (HRE/GerIta)
The Voice Of God (hretaly)
Romano’s Blessing
Prussia (&hre?):
Das Blut fur Liebe (Child Germany)
Pomeranian Prussia
Prussia's Awesome Album
Prumano Pocky Game
Prussia’s Pumpkins (prumano)
NyoHre Bullying NyoPrussia
Prussias Military Uniform
The Strongest Country In The World (preview but really good!)
Impermanence (Prussia)
Telling A Lie (Prumano)
Prussia’s Nendroids
Welcome Back (PruSpa)
PruHun Pancakes
Upon Sorrow Already Tainted (Prussia)
Shochu (Japan, Ger Bros)
Edible Aftereffect (ropru)
Prost Mit Pancakes (hre, germany, germania)
SpUK Lost At Sea
The Countries Feel That Winter Has Come
The Moon Is Beautiful (Japan and Tai)
TurGre Doujin
Nekotalia Axis
Nanakusa (AsaKiku)
RoBul Punishment
Grandpa Rome and the Youth
Italian Brothers Fall In A Hole
Spamano Mid-Birthday
AngloSaxon 1
Ricetta (Romano)
Attachment (FrUK)
AsaKiku Youkai
Tomato & Port-san
Ranting A Bit To Germany (kinda gerpan?)
Japan & Belgium 150th Anniversary
School Classmates LietBela
Romano Can't Sleep
Refracting Circuit (Nyo!AusHun)
Queen Of Hearts (iggy)
Flowers For Belgium
Bel’s New Boyfriend
Tomato Toothbrush
Sesame Latte (Spamano)
Bel’s New Ribbon (SpaBel)
Spain and Germany
Don’t You Hate Being Here? (lietbel)
Near Your Limit (lietbel)
The Baltic Duo
Latvia’s Imagination
What Is “Goen”? (japan, russia, ame, iggy)
Summer Vacation (Spamano)
Quarrelling As Usual (ame & iggy)
Blooming Withering Flowers (Japan)
Smorgastarta (Nordics)
Delivering Chocolates To Russia (baltics/bela)
Romano’s Blessing
FACE At The Doctor
Hey Toris! (liet)
SuDen Comic 
SuDen Comic (Pt 2)
You’re Absolutely Right (japan)
Germany and the Kagamines (vocaloid crossover)
The Cold Rain Will Soon (aushun)
I Wish You Happiness (joan of arc)
Hetalia Art Logs:
Haruki Chise Log (mostly fruk)
Ristuka Frapan Log
Lac Russia Log (tw)
Lac Russia Log 2
Takibi RoPru Log
IchiAno Log (mostly tomato)
Touna Log (mostly lithuania)
Manatsu Log (mostly spain)
Kusao Log (mostly italy)
Kobu Log (hre, italy, prussia, japan)
Random Log
Kobu Log 2
Random Log 2 (russia)
KumaChan Log 2 (russia)
Mijiokane Log (mostly fruk)
Other fandoms:
Steven Universe’s Christmas
Kokichi Mask
Kokichi Ouma Murder Case
Other languages:
Ivan & Francis 🇻🇳
Frapan Log  🇻🇳
Cold Cradle  🇻🇳ju
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